THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FJRTDAY. FEBRUARY 12 , 1886. t 3 J fc llj Oft t ( of i : ! Jcj M ii fit 111 til ci Scl \ cl ci ct tlP tlr < liI I t 1 ! > I i ! I THE DAILY BEE. COUNClfBLUFFS. Fill DAY MORNING , FEB. 12. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. J ) < ll\md l > y earlier In nnyyartof tliocltyat Munly cents ] > cr weik. II. \ \ . Tn.iox , . . . Manager. TKMi'HONr.9 : IlffiNr sOtniK , No. 4.1. NtniiT I'tiiTOn , Xo. 2.1. M1XOK MKXTION. Pants to order , from $5 tip , nt Heller's. Dr. Klllf , wlio lives on ( irnlinm nventic , Is rciortcI ) ns Imvinc been fjnitc badly linrt Itf : i fall on an icy sidewalk. Permission to enter wedlock was yester day Riven In A. Messerstiiilli , of Quick , nnd Miss Kninia Finnk , of llonuy Creek. William Malonuy lias received a num ber of elegant nnd useful jtlfts sxs n re minder of Mt liirtlidny. Ho loses no Mentis as the jears go uy. .Justice Si'luiiv. j-esterday was called iion ) ) to tic the matrimonial noose uniting Air. August Hoyficn and Miss Ennmi Uicr- wirth , botli of tliia city. A very unjoyablo entertainment is m'omisca to-niglit by the Uloancrs at the Hrondwny church , The entertainment will consist of music nnd Mippcr. All are Invited. Last evening the Congrcgationnlisls had a pleasant Hoeial at tin : residence of J. U. llarkne'.s , tlio company being en tertained by Mrs. Ilarkin'.ss , Bites Phillips and Mrs. H. W. Tilton. Oao of the rural admirers of Shcrill * Keel has presented him with tlio largest corncob plpo ever grown in Pottawatta- mio county. It holds three ounces of smoking tobacco , ami when the slierill' really gets down to business , it looks like the big Chicago lire. The Globe it now publishing n daily list of the bills introduced by Colonel Ki'iitluy in tlio legislature. It looks a treed 'deal like the publication of the transfers of real estate. The .score is running high , hut it remains to be Keen how many will become laws. A solicitor is working the city for a peculiar association , it being not a life insurance scheme , but a dram insurance. Tlio association is to pay $100 on the death of : i member , for funeral expense- ! . The fees are only nominal , and tlio'mem- bers are given the assurance that they have their funeral expenses provided for. A very comforting thought. Cliarlcs Lowson , arrested for stealing a Match , was yesterday discharged. Low- son claimed that the owner of the watch , Blr. Hicks of Glenwood , was full and gave him the watch to keep until he should get sober. He wore the watch onenly nnd intended to return it to Hicks , but was arrested before he had an opportunity of doing so. It. C. Taylor , who was arrested and sent to the penitentiary for entering Kiel's hotel hOinu time .since at night anil stealing n trunk , was yesterday arrested in Kate Herbert's palace by Ollicers Buswick and O'Brien ' as a general crook and i-neak thief. He entered n general It'iok fiyainst being arrested without a warrant , but when pressed concluded to ftubmit quietly. Tlio ladies of St. Paul's church are pre paring to give a series of entertainments In tlie .store building lately vacated by Homy Eibeman , on Broadway. The opening ono will bo Tuesday evening. There will be refreshments and a nightly change of programme. The ladies are working to their utmost to help along the new church building enterprise , and if the men of that church were equally as zealous there wotild be little difliculty in securing the needed funds for completing it , and having it free from all debt. There scorns little being done about tiie proposed improvement com pany. That move was in the right direction , and should not be allowed to stop until made a success , as it surely can bo. No enterprise has been started in this city for years , which gave assurance of doing so much for the up building of the city , and every one who has any business or owns any property here should take some share in it. If the men of larger capital do not feel dis posed to take hold energetically , and sub scribe liberally , then the men of less means fchoulil join in more heartily' and not wait for others. If Council Blulls will not do anything for itself , it cannot expect others to come hero and do much for the city. A fellow _ was arrested some time ago for stealing some wheat and lumber from the Wabasli railway. Tlio stolen stufl wits Cstored in the hallway of the city jail , to be introduced as evidence , it is supposed , when the case should coinu to trial. Blest of the lumber has disap peared , for kindling wood , or fixing up the pound , or .something of that sort , and the barrel of wheat is being rapidly re duced. The Nonpaioil man has been boarding oft" that wheat for weeks , taking n handtul every time he passes the place. At this rate it will not uo long before there will not be enough left to even make out a ease of petty larccney , much less the "rand larcenoy as charged. There is talk of having the Nonpareil man tried for being accessory after the fact , or for conspiracy for getting the follow clear. This would bo cruel , to del - l > rive him of his means of sustenance. lie would have to .stand in with the police force , then , in the distribution of the charity goods. A Kkatlng Carnival. Arrangements are being made for a skating carnival at the ice rink on Itroail- way on Satin day evening , A special invitation is given Omaha skaters to uo present. Wring your skates. 800,000 brink for sale. C. Straub , Coun cil llhtus , Iowa. E. J. Potter , foreman of the Union ele vator , has gone to Now York on a visit to bis parents , haying received news of the illness of his mother whom ho hue not seen for about ten years , llev. 1) . 1) . I'ropor who has been state missionary for the llaptist association , has tendered his resignation and it has been accepted to take ollect Blay 1 , Ho has done excellent work , and numerous other llelds of work will doubtless bo opened to him. D , J , Mullen has retired from the em ploy of W. H. Croft. For first class Missouri wood call on ( ileason , at his coal ollice , 2U Pearl street , Miss l liuii Olcott , Said to be ono of the most beautiful women on the American stage , will ap pear nt Dohany's opera house on the evenings of February 15 and 10 , present ing Pygma loan and ( ialntea. Our best people attended Miss Olcott's performance at the Academy this week. She is a lady of fine personal appearance nnd dignilied bearing nnd is altogether n fitrong actress , She is young , and her career on the stage hasljecn brief , but she is perfectly at home in her dillicult roles and reads her lines like an artist. She surrounds herself with line actors of reputation , and all her plays \ycn\ ele gantly costumed. Nortolk Virginian , BIcxico is said to possess only about 100 factories of all kinds , owing to the punoity of water and the high cost of incl. These fuctoiics employ ubout l.'I.OOO hands , and those devoted to weaving con tain 0,000 looms and 230,000 spindles. The largest cotton mill is at Querotaro , em- ploU 1,400 hands , and manufactures the cjutlr by all Indians. ' State and Oily Oflisials Hero Placed on the Rack , QUEER CONTEST OVER NOTES. How Mind Doctors Clmrgc Tor Absent Treatments More AVork Tor the I'oor All tlio News About f the Hlnffc. A Silent Investigation. Two of the commit tec to investigate the institution for the deaf and dumb , Henresentativcs H\nck : and Tealc , were in the city jcstordny. Senator Dnrrott had not arrived. The two members who were hero seemed disposed to have the proceedings secret , for the present at least , and this will probably bo the de cision reached. It is understood that there are a number ot nllldavlts In the hands of the committee , and those mak ing them will have an opportunity to ap pear before the committee anil present their grievances or charges more in de tail , and be questioned .so far as neces sary to get at the facts. They will also bo allowed to produce such corroborative proofs as they may have to support their statements. The superintendent , and others who may in anv way be concerned , will have a chance to explain any circum stances which may look damaging , nnd thus all concerned will have a free chance for a full hearing , hut the public at largo will probably be expected to await the re sult of the report , with little to satisfy their curiosity in the meantime. It is to be hoped that , the investigation will bo thorough , so that there can bo no chance for grumbling after the result is reached. The evening Herald , which has so zealously cheered on the attacks upon the institution , now declares that "Super intendent Hammond has no right to ev- amine letters written by his pupils. As wo said in the beginning , the charge that ho has done so is really the most im- poitant of any preferred against him , because it goes to the root ot the whole dilllcuUy. " If this is true , then there seems little to investigate. It is understood by all that Superintendent Hammond does not deny that ho cMunjnes the mail of his pupils , and that ho .justifies this by the fact that it is the practice in all such institutions ; that the institution stands in the relation of guardian to these pupils , and that for other reasons which must be apparent on a moment's reflection , such oversight h necessary for the good of all concerned. If all these rumors which have been sent broadcast , and all the grave charges hinted at. amount * to nothing more than what the Herald says , then there is little to do , the superintendent not denying this fact. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans. J.Vr. . .VE. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street , Council Blulls. Queer Contest in Court. t''i'n t'in ' suerior court. The pai ties are residents of Wal nut , the plaintiff , Jerry Willis , seeking to enforce tlio payment of two notes , amounting to $400 and purporting to bo signed by Hans Koll , a wealthy farmer. The defendant claims that the notes were obtained fraudulently. The history of the case is about as follows : Two years ago last summer Hans Koll gave a dance at his farm house , which by general invitation his neighbors and a largo number of people Irom the sur rounding country attended. Among the refreshments served were liberal quanti ties of beer. During the progress of the dance , when all were more or less under the influence of the beer , a quarrel arose , which ended in a light. Mr. Koll pro tected his dignity as a host and his house with considerable vigor , but in tlio row was seriously injured in the head. The other parties , who \ycro also considerably injured considered Far mer Koll the aggressor and lodged a complaint against him before a justice in Walnut. Constable McGimscy was sent out to execute the warrant , and found Koll in a bad condition and induced him to come to town for medical attend ance rather than as a prisoner. When he got to the village he was surrounded by a number of participants in tlio ball who'in- duccd him to settle the matter by giving two notes. Those notes were afterward sold to the plaintifl' in the present suit , Jerry Willis , for $400. Now comes Mr. Koll and swears that he was not conscious at the time the notes were executed and did not know what ho was doing when he signed them. Willis , as an innocent pur chaser , brings suit to recover. The case brings a largo number of wit nesses from Walnut , among whom are Dr. Hanna , who testifies that Koll was irre sponsible when he executed the notes , Constable McGimsoy , Peter Koll , Henry Hngge , Charles Voss and Charles Kricli- son. son.Mynstcr & Limit are attorneys for the plaintill' , nnd Jacob Sims represents the defendant. _ Best coal and wood in the city at Glea- son's , -0 Pearl street. Settling by Skipping Out. The sudden departure of Mr. J. A. La- scllo and Mine. Lascllc , as announced in yesterday's Bun , proved quite a surprise to many of the merchants who found. still unbalanced on their ledgers sundry small amounts charged against them. The skipping couple had rooms over Cook & Laudorwasser's store on IJroad way , and yesterday there were so many anxious creditors stringing into tlio .store inquiring for some elue to the where abouts of the missing ones that patience was exhausted , there being nothing to reply mil tlio stereotyped "don't know. " It was reported that they had gone to Omaha , it seeming that they must have gone on the midnight .lummy across the river , as that was tlio only train on which they could have made their departure. Some thought they had perhaps settled there under some ether distinguished name , but there was nothing learned to support any of tlienu theories. It is not thought that they could have got away with any great sum of money. On the last evening they were seen here the Madame went into a millinery store and got a fine bonnet on credit , Shoo bills , grocery bills , meat bills , etc. , came pouring in , and several of the bars of the city are said to have the young man's name upon their books , Blons. LaSelle is a young man who impresses ono witli the idea that ho thinks ; there is nothing quite good enough for him and his , and liisfino appearance and mnokarUtouraoy , caused many to give him credit who would have refused It to worthier men with less style nnd clothes. "Absent Treatment. " "I'll ' toll yon a good thing whinh these mind doctors have hit upon , " remarked ono of the old school doctors. They charge for absent treatments. " "Absent treatments , what aio they ? " "Why , you know the , mind doctor can s\t \ down in her ollico or at homo and treat a patient by bringing some mental power to Jieur on them some way , at least that is what they say. There is a lady , whopi I heard of the other day. She was called on by the mind doctor , who gave her u treatment. Aftersitting there by her for a while the doctor rose to leave. The ludy.handed. . her $3 for the treatment , when the mlml doctor spoke up nnd says , 'K\euse me , but since I saw you last Iliad a little time and gave yon three different treatments. They are a dollar each. That makes ? : > in all. ' The patient paid it. When I heard of it I Just made up my mind that if one doctor could charge for absent treatments another could. The next time anybody calls mo up in the night by telephone ! nm just going to roll back into bed and charge them lor an absent treatment. Up spoke then a brisk litllo Hotel clerk ! "I have heard of the e absent treat ments before , and 1 tell you how 1 got oven with one of the mind doctors. My sister was treated by ono of them and had to pay for absent treatments , about $0 , so I was bound to got even. Ono day a mind doctor came to the hotel for dinner. After dinner she handed mo fifty cents , but I told her there was a mistake. Her bill Was $0.50. She looked surprised and demanded to know how that could bo. I then told her that there was $0 charged for absent meals. She looked rather queer , and rather than have any fuss about it I let her settle for the dinner and leave the other account standing. Work I'or the I'oor. The Woman's Christian association will re-open an industrial school on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock , in the vacant house owned by Blr. E. L. Shugart , just west of his residence , tlio it o of which is kindly donated by him for this purpose. This school is for the benelit of tlio chil dren of the poor In our citv , nnd girls from 8 years old and upward are Invited to join. Hero will be taught plain sowing of all kinds , mending , cutting and making of garments which , when completed , will become the property of those who make them , the material being 'donated. The school will bo under the direction of Blrs. Mattie Gnylard. with Mrs. C. 11. Allen for secretary. Hoth of these ladies have experience in this work , and will bo further assisted by older ladies of tlio association. To teach industry is the best way of helping the poor , many of whom are wefully ig norant of the various arts of housewifery and many more are on natural principles opposed to working unless absolutely ne cessary. Wholesale charity , such as the kindhearted people of this city have in dulged in so extensively this winter , puts a premium on pauperism and largely in creases the number of paupers. 'Experi ence and observation both tcaeli that the only way to do permanent good is to give them work and teach them to do it well. well.We We who have comfortable homes , got ten through our industry and economy , both of which elements of character are greatly lacking among tlio very jioor , have not rested for the cold of winter nor the heat of summer as so many of those do whose necessities we are daily relieving ; we may give and give again till nothing is left and still the problem is unsolved , the burden lias in creased on our hands. The ladies of the W.C. A. hope by the co-operation of others of the city to make this a per manent institution , anil that its proportions tions and usefujness may increase and bo the basis of an industrial work , such as is carried on so largely in some of the eastern cities. cities.Bins. Bins. P. J. AIoNTQOArnnr , Secretary W. C. A. Bloney to loan by Forest Smith. Ingredients or Oleomargarine. Philadelphia Record : The dairymen are gradually bringing their contention against the makers of oleomargarine up on tenable ground , whore they may ex pect the support of both the legislative nnd judicial authority. Exhaustive chemical investigations tend to show that while it may be possible to make oleomargarine which would not bean im- healthful food , as a niatter of fact no such oleomargarine is made. Indigesti ble , insoluble , and oven putrcscent sub stances are employed in the patent pro cess of manufacture , among which may be enumerated sugar of lead , bi-sulpliatc of lime , saltpeter , borax , bo- racic acid , salicylic acid , ben- coic acid , orris root , cotton-seed oil , vegetable oils , bitarie acid , bicarbonate of soda , nitrate of potassia , glycerine , capeylic acid , cuparie acid , alum , capcic aoicl , sulphate of soda , cows' udders , commercial sulphuric acid , farinaceous flour , butyric ether , caustic potash , carbonic acid , sulphuric acid , castor oil , curcumino , chalk , slippery elm bark , caul , oil of sesame , oil 01 sun flower seeds , olive oil , turnip seed oil , broma ehloralum , chlorate of potash , niter , oil of sweet almonds , oil of peanuts , peroxide of manganese , stomach of pigs , sheep or calf , nitrate of soda , bcnnie oil , gastric juice , mustard seed oil , nitric acid , dry blood , albumen , sugar , butyric acid , bicarbonate of potash , chloride ot sodium , caustic soda , corn starch and various coloring matters. These things are well enough in their way , but not to spread on one's bread. If oleomargarine , as has heretofore been stoutly maintained , were a wholesome substitute for butter , the attempt to pro hibit its manufaeliiro would bo an Inva sion of private right without justifica tion. Hut the proof of its deleterious quality ami the diflieulty in preventing its sale as butter , in consequence of the elose imitation of tlio spurious to the gen uine article , warrant legeslative restric tion both as to the homo and export trade. Both butter-makers and butter- eaters are entitled to protection against counterfeit butter. If chemical analysis throws oleomargorino out of the list of proper foods , there is no longer a war rant for nermitling its sale for the only use which it subserves. Books Bound in Human SkiiiN. Pull Mall Ga/ette : Following the example - ample of Blr. Joseph Xiychusdprf , who lately bound two El/.evir editions in human skin , another London binder has executed , an order to incase a copy of Hans Holbein's "Dance of Death" in the same ghastly integument , certainly a very appropriate covering for this work. These are not the only instances , however - over , in which tlio casing of "human form divine" has been utilized. In the library at Mexborough house , near Moth- ley. Yorkshire , there were formerly two books , Sir John Cheek's "Hurt ot Scdi- lion" and Braithwaito's "Arcadian Prin cess , " both bound in the prepared skin of Blary Bateman , "tho Yorkshire witch , " who was executed early in tlio beginning of this century for murder : but these were among those which disappeared during the cataloguing of the library for rale , when one of the former earls of Blexborongh was in difliculties , Yet another instance. When the writer was last in Pans he was shown a small book by a dealer , who solemnly avowed it wus bound in a portion of the skin of the no torious Lotivet do Couvray , and which lie valued at lOOOf. , and for authentication of which ho produced a long pedigree , Tlio Homo Billiard Table. February Outing : The billiard table in the home needs no advocate , for few homes of pretensions are without ono at this day ; but billiards as n gam < fitc > il * in the homo sadly needs Vrte "support of many champions > . * ' The game ot \ ' \ ards iifit is played at the present day is perhaps not so well adapted to the hopio as the old English game of a score ot j'ears ago. Particu larly has it fallen into disuse as a lady's game. This ought not to bo so , for of all royal g.unes , of all games requiring tlio combination of a correct eye , a steady hand , a think ing head , billiards possesses the greatest fascination for tlioso who pursue it far ciiougli to acquire a moderate de gree of skill , aim insight into its possi bilities. As an in-door game it has no superior. ' 1 ho c\ercio which it cive , while not in the least \iok-nt , is auim'r- able in its character and scope , for a great range of nuuclus is brought into play. , It is altogether probable though I throw this out as fr < ) m ono entirely un versed in the intricacies of the subject that modern methods of fashionable female dre s preclude that freedom of movement which would enable n woman to play the ganio without constant use of a bridge , but does this necessarily con demn the game for women ? Just as there arc now tennis cos tumes , nnd pedestrian costume * , and tricycle costumes , for ladies , why do they not adopt a billiard costume , and assume their proper place in the home billiard room ? Of course there are exceptions to all rules , and , just as 1 have seen women who were fine liflo shots and good swim mers , and excellent bowlers , so have 1 , once in a great while , seen a woman who could hold her own with lie ' husband at nn after-dinner game of billiards , nnd my experience in such cases has been 1 tell it for those who are afraid of making guys of themselves that I have never seen n cue handled as charmingly and have never seen the graceful curves of the female form appear to such striking advantage as in such games. Young women , learn tliegame of bill iards , and learn it well ! It will repay you a thousand times for your trouble by its charm ; and who knows but that some day the skill which yon acquire will keep a restless husband from his elub when fireside and music will have failed. ? "Boc/.e , " money nnd butter were among the answers of the congregation of New York newsboys to a clergyman who asked them : "What is the most powerful thing on earth ? " KIIANK Niii.v : , 1'icst. UUII.N , Sec. . ( Incoiiorateil | , 1881. ) EQUITABLE MUTUAL Life and Endowment Association OF WATERLOO , IOWA. WESTERN DEPT. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. oi'Ticn IN nnxo's npiuHxa. Itooms Xo < ; . 12 nuJ 13. $2500 ! in case of Death. $1,000 Endowment nt the end of ten yenrs. Average cost for year of assessment , first three years of organization , 15 to BO years , $0.071.1 ; to 50 years , $10. Ciiculnr anil Inlonimtlon on application. WM. RANDALL , Sup"ilnteiiilcnt or Agencies. 9 IntttWutil 2 NIGHTS 2 Monday aicl Tuesday , * FEBHUARY 15 AND 16. EiNGAGEMENT OV TUB DI3T1NGUIS11CD TlUOBDIlJNNC MISS LILIAN OLCOTT Supported by her own talented company in PYGMALION AND aALATUA. by the popular author , W. S. GIMIEUT , author or "Pinafore , " the "Mikado , " etc. TUESDAY EVENING presenting the over poptlar Ne ' York Success PRICES : Sl.OO , We , CO and 2'e. Kcscrvctd Seats on sale at llushncll's nnip Store OTI TO THE PDBLIC AND OLD PATRONS. Ihavo bought what is known as the COUNCILBLUFFSOMXJBUSBAGJAGE ( AND TRANSFER LINES. And will fflvo my personal attention to calls a rivate residences for pas onpreis and baggugro or all trains , including dummy tiiilns. Olllco at Pacle House. Telephone H' ' ) . Thank ! ul tor pa t fa\or3 , I am lespectfully yours , H. BEOBOFT. Successor to J. UOKCIS. Kiel Sale Stables ! CO Horses and Mules kept constantly on hand , for sale nt retail or in car loads. Ordois promptly tilled by eontiact on shoit notice. SCHI.UTEH & IlOIiV , Pi oprlotors. Fl able Corner I'll th Avenue and 1'ouith St. , Council Uluirs , Iowa. llONTlCllTlFFICE J , L. De BEYOISE , Agont. No. COT Ilroadwar. Council Dlufft. Railway Time Ta1)le. COUNCIL I1LUPF& The followinir Is the tlmo of arilral ami departuiool tiulns by central Ktandaid tlmo , at the local depots. Trains loaro transfer depot ten minutes earlier und arrive ten minutes later : DW > AIIT-CIUOAaO " ' " ft NOUTMWUSTKUN/ 0:20 : A. M . Mull und KipivtH. , . , . ,0:501' : , M. l":40l' : . M . AeeommodHtlon . 4:50 p. M. 0Wr. : M . Kxpiess . BBA.M. : ( CIIIOAGO & HOCK 1FHNI ) . a:23A.M : . . .Mull and Ilxpichg . 0:50pM. : 7:15 A. M . Accommodation . 5:45 : P.M. 0 : Ur.M . Kxpretn . 005.v.u. ; ClllCAQO. M1MY.UIKEU t ST. 1'AUL 0:20 : A. M . Mall and Kiincte . 0Mr. : M. 0tiOJ'.M : . K-Jycess . 9:05A.M. : citiCAGO. uimuNOi'pN ( f gui.NCV. UMOA.M . Mall and Kxtu ess . oMe. 0:50 : r. M . ExpiC ! * ! ? . o05 ; WAIIASII , 81' . MIUJHft 1-ACIHO. Si15r. M.fxical St.J.onU Kipieaa Local . UiOOl'.M.Tiaiibterbt. Ixtuls ux.Tiunefer.'JiiIO r. a KANSAS CITV. ST. JOii i. cour.cir , iii.Un.-i 10:10 : A. M . . . .Mall and Kxpress. . , , /Hi' / ) : ) . M. HIOUX CITY & , PACIIIC. 7:15A.M : . . .Sioux City Mall , , . 8:30p.M. : ( ir,0r. : Ji . St. I'aul Uiprosg . 8"jA.u. : UN10NVACJFIC. 10:3TiA.M : . Dninnr Exprefs , . . .5:1' : P.M. J:1U : p. M. . . Lincoln Pusi. , Oui. & it. V. .2:05 : i % M. 7:50i-.u : . Overland Ilxlpress . 8:15 A.M. DUMMY TIIAtNSTU OM\1IA. Lcavo Council 131uffa'-7Uj-8OB-U:30-10 ' : : V- 11:1)0 : ) a. m. ; Il6-2:30-3i30-4:30 : : 5J5-n:10- : : 11:15 : p. m. Sundays-7OJ : 9:3J : 11SO- ; . m ; -iiO-B:1. : ; : : : > & - < iito-il:45 : : p.m. Leave Omaha -4 > : ; tt7i58:5riOiOO : : : UW : ( n. m : 1:00 : 8:00- : 00 : OJ 5 :00i : 6:05 : H:10ip. : in. Sundays tl:35 : 6Q'-UI ; a. in.i3Q3-3OJ'-5.03-aOj-ll10 : ; ; p.m Main St. , Council Hlufi's. Near tlio C. , U. & ( J. ; 0. , M. & St. P. , and O. , It. I , A p. railway depots. Street cars passthe door. Ku'iythlng new and llrst class. Opened Dec. 1st. 1st.PHIL MEIIOEX , Proprietor and Manager. P.T. MAV.NE. A. B. f.2' . Mayiie * Co , Real Estate Eicbange No. 103 Pearl Sued , Council IllulTa , loira. Dealers in Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska LumU LOTS IN COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ' . „ OMAHA A WHOLESALE AND JOBBING ISO'CrSES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. DKEKE. WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Buggies , Cmrli\KO , Klo , iic. : Council IllnlTs , lown. KEYSTON E M ANUl' ACTUHINU CO Corn Stiellers , Stalk Gutters , Dlsollnrrowfi , Seniors , Torn Plnnlcr" , Vcc-l Cut ters , Vuctory , Hock Tails , Ill < < . Nos. l.'iOl , mi , JMJ. 1507 Mnln St. , Council Uliiffg. 1)AV1I > TWAILKY" & CO. , Mnnut'rs nu'l Jobbcis of Agricultural Iraplemcnts Vagons , Buggies , a. niul nil Mnl nf Turin Mno'ilnpry. 1100 U > 1110 Soutli Miiln Stro.'t , Council Ululls , lown. AXI : V. O. Ui.KvinNi T. It. IlnuntAS CH'o.l' . WIIHIIIT I'lcsATreiis. V..l're < < .AMiui. : SocACoimcil Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturer * of Axle , I'lek , Slciljro nnd Smnll lliuulles , of o\cry description. CAHVKTS. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. , Curtains Window Shades Carpets , , , Oil Cloths. Cuttnln rixtnres , IJpholntoiy Oooils , Ktc. No. 405 lirnivluny Council llluirs , lown. CM Aits , TOiiAcco , ETC. PEUEHOY & MOORE , Wliolesnlo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nos. "SMulii uml t7 ! 1'enrl ' Sts. , Council UlulTg , lown COMMISSION. SNYDEK & LEAMAN , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants No. Ul'cail St. , CotincllHlutTs. CRAOKKRS. McOLUHG CRACKER CO. , Mannlacturcrs of Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Cakes , Gunnel ! lililffs , Joir < . CltOCKKIir. MAUKEK & CRAIG , Importers Jobbers of Crockery , Glassware Lamps , 1'rnlt Jiiis , Cntloiy , Stimeuiue , Ilur Ooods , Fancy Good ? , r.te. Council llluirs , lown. D1WGG1STS. I1A11LE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Oils. Paints Glass Druggists , . , , Druggists' Sundilcs , Kts. No. ! Mnlti St. , niul No. SI I'CHil St. , Council Hlutls. DRY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , S2l ! J firs of Dry Goods , Notions , Htc. No' . 112 und 114 Main St. , Nos. no nnd 115 1'cnrl St. , Council Dliills , lown. FIWITS. WJRT & DUQUETTE , Wholcsnlo Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. GROCEHIK& GRONEWEG & SC11OENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 110 nnd 121 , Main St. , Council UluITs , lowu. L. KIRSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Ilrond- way. Council Illuirg. HARDWARE. P. C. 1)K VOL , Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , llcfiiecrutorb. etc. Nos. Mt Hioadwny , and 10 Mulct ftioet , Council Illuir . HARNESS , ETC. BECKMAN & CO. , JInnu'ncturcrs of nnd Wholesale Dealers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. E5 Miiln St. , Council niuils , lown. JIATS , CAPS , ETC. METCALP BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. U12 niul iI4 ) Ilrondwny , Council IllulTe. J1KAW HARDWARE. KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron Steel Nails Hardware , , , Heavy , And Wood Stock , Council Hhilla , lown. 1IWKS AND WOOL. 1) . II. McDANELl ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , TallowWool , I'elta.Oiensonnd I'tiiB. Council llliill'e , Iowa. - _ COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , WholeMilo Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gasoline ETC ? . , E3TO. 8. Thi'Odoic , Aijent , Council Ulutre. Iowa. LUMHKlt , I'lUNd , ETC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And liiklgn Mutoilal Speclnlllns.Wliole-aloIaiw bcr 01 all Kinds. ( Jllluo No. 130 Main Ht. , Council Illullti , lowu. WINKS AND LlQUOItti. JOHN L1NDER , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors , Afc'fiu Jor St. ( lottbard's Herb Hitters. No. 1J Mnln tit , , Council ilium. SCHNEIDER & BECK , ' Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , No COO Main St. , Council I A.C.liuiiMUu , Pros. L.W. Tui LEYS , Vlco-I'res. JAUBB N , HROW.N , Cashier. National Bank 103 MAIN STREET , Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 250,000 Stockholders Represent. . . . . 1,000,000 Do a general banking business. Ai'Count-B ot banks , bankers , iiicrclimits , limn- ufuclurerti und Individuals received on fnvoiu- ble terms. DamrMla und lorci n cxulmuge , The > eiybcbt of intention Driven to all. busl net's ( omtm'tK'J to owi'tare. Z.T. LINDSEYdCO. . . . , RUBBER BOOTS , SHOES AND ARCTICS , RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING , AND BOOTS. STOOS : And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write for Prices. Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St. Office 412 Broadway , 00-u.rLOil BI-U.J.TS , - nrlakbullllriji ot an ? kHl rxttil or mirol inl sitlstvstlon sr'1 ' xraut331. Frame lioasoi onlilttlcGlaut trucks the best lu the worH SOS Eighth Avenue imtl Eiglith Street , Coiincil Bluffs. NOTICES NOTICE.-Spocial iidvcrt3cm ! .u . : , SUh as Lost.Found , To Loan Fo- Sale , To Hont , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted in this column nt tholow rate ot TEN CENTS PEll LINE for the flrBtinsortlon and FIVE CENl'3 PlHt LINE for each subsequent insertion. Lcavo advcrtl o mentsat our olllco , No. 1J I'ourl street , near Broadway , Council UlutTs. WANTS. FOlCSAIjK 1'ropeity on corner Pcail slreot and Sixth ucnuo , Council lllull'rt , tonsl llii of to btory , iioii-roolccl bi ick building ; a 1 riiinu hoiiFuol t-iv loonm ; nil on lot'JO.\lii. ' : i'or terms apply to A. II. McClurtr , on premlfecs. FOIl SALE-Scaled bids will tioiocultol byj \V. Itodofor up to Febiiliiry ' . ' 0 , 18 < D , on eighty feet front , two story bilck block , Nos. , " 4.2U and "S Pcuil street , between liioadwuy and First avenue. SWAX & WAI.ICIMt , No. iW Main btroet , ( under Citizen's IHnk ) , real citato ana mer- clniiHli-o exchange brokera. Uur books are lull of special biu-guiuM , but It Is linpo&slblo to pub lish a reliable list f i om the laet of so mnny dally changes. What wo ask ia : If you want to boll or trade anything In. our line , wrlto us and wo will send you a pile of Imrnalun to select from. Lands improved or unimproved , city or town pioporty , stocks of goods of any Kind In any place , if such you have or such you want let in hoar from > ou. Swan & Walker , Council lllutfa < jje | ) ( \ Made in 31 days bv u lady ttfent of the P 1.J "Equitable.1" We want six more Iho ajrents , male or female Apply in person or by letter to Win. Kandall , Supt , of nirunulcs , Coun cil UlulfH , Iowa. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AKM FOR BALK At.IV bnwnln if Bold soon , 10U acres , O'J ' miles souflincst of Umiiha. ( i room house , excellent well and cistern , 2 barns. ono for eight horses ono lor 20 cowo ; hen , tool and WHKOU houses ; 100 acres in timothy : ei.OOO loicst trees , cottonwool ] , black walnut , ash and maple ; good orchard , apples , cherries , plums , irrupus and small fiults. Never fallinff stock water. It. 1' . OFFICKII , WO IJroadway , Council j 1 owa. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE GREGORY INCANDESCENT GiS LAMP The public are informed that a patent has I/CIMI allowed to Oeo. II. Gregory on Ills im- mou'il fjas lamps and inaiiiitactiirtd In us. Mr. C. A Williams Is our nutlioil/od agent for Connell - ell llhillH Mini Uniahu. The public are cautioned not to buy any ol these ( rat lumps e.xeept jhiou h Mr. WIlllaniH , as all others o feioJ lor Kile m u Inttlimements upon our lamp. G. II. Hunus &Co. . Slflnutiicturcisuim Solo \ \ > > lciri Agents , No. 1 Deiubon street , Chicago. CROCBRY -AT- BEDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. 2' } Main Street. Council HluffH. la. . OFFICER. W. II. 51. PU8ET OFFICER & FUS3SY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. EMnbli&hcd Iff. ' , . ATTORNEY AT LAW OOXJITOIXj I'ractloos In Htato anil Federal Courts. Hnoms 7 anil S , Snuu'ai t E. BToadwell , Real Estate , Probate AND DIVOHOE LAWYER. Ho. 604 Broadway , : Council Bluffs B. KIE , M. D. riKPPRQ or other turn > ra icmovedflchout tAHuEinD the knife or dtxwlu ; , ' of hlooJ. CHRONIC DISEASES r " * O\cr thiily jeiirs' pi act < : .d o < iioi-iuiuj. Ko. i : IViul Suctt , COIIIK II Ululti -.s F.iu . Justice of the Peace. Office Over American Express Company. REMOVED. Twlsh to respectfully Mil tno ni , miu " * - pntions uiul the public In Renoinl , to my lotftff' vnlfiom the old Miinil Nos. 7 mull ) , Mnln St. . to ray now nnd commodious quarters , No. 226 Broadway , Whoio I Mill ho please. ! to see my innny tilonda. "Itliiimiwj , now uml coniplelo lusoruncnt of UTESTFabricsinSpringSmES - And belnff located In lurffo qimi tois I nm hotter thun over before prepared to to servo the pub- lie. Respectfully , J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 280 BroadwayCouncil Bluflb. ESSEX HOUSE , COUNEU BRYANT AND VixnSrs. Opposite City nulldlngB , Council lllutfs. Worm rooms and good board at icasonablo rates. Northwestern Hotel. Newly fitted and fin ntahpd. Opp. Uroadway Uunimy Depot. Sl.fiO jier duy. SAMUEL TATU , I'rop. L. 11.15ERSI1AW , Manager. ONLY HOTEL In Council muffs having Fire Hlsoetp ) © And all modern improrouiouU , call bells , lira ulium lioJlf , etc. , Isllio CRESTQN HOUSE ! NOB.M , -17 and ' 'la , Mnln Street , MAX JIOHN , Proprietor. Chicago Lumber Co. . Wholesale and Kctiill Lumber , I/itb , rthln loj gueh , Dooia and Illlndd. Bole agcntf I'or the * celcbiated Miiihlehcud Conecnt rated Wlilto J.lino. B. 1' . 31 ACCO.VNLU. , Teleihone No. Htf. No. 710 MaliiHtioet , Coiincl ) lllulfs. RTJSSELL&CO MDuiifiiclurcruof all el/csof UTOM TIC ENGINES Dcbiirncd for BULLS , OHA1N KLKVATOHS , AND ELKCTHKJ I < HJHTS ! , Tulnilpr and Locomotive Uoilon. New fassillo'ij TJircrfhci's , Carey and Woodbury Powers. STATION AllV , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SA\V \ BULLS , KTC , Factory Massillon , 0. Uianch IJouso CJO Pearl St. , Council Uluf . BEND FOR 1880 ANNUAL. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT AMI mUl.KIl IS HAIR GOODS No. US ? Ilroudwny , Council BlutTe. JUtal Katatu bougltt : ui < l bold.