Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Sl.S.VR1.fiOtftck ; rnbblls , per doSn.OO I.OO :
nmllnnl < lticK , SAftl ; tcnl ducks. Sl.'iV l.fiO ;
jnlxca ducks , 81.a.V ,1.50snmll ; rabbits. 7.-c@
$1.00jKccsc , 3.00C' ? .M ) .
nil kinds. 80-lb. palls JKT lb. . 10' c ; do lo pail
olp , ixr Hi. lOe ; nswrfcd 6-lb. pails per crate ,
n palli. Si.75. : .lellles all kliidi , llrst crade ,
so-ll ) . palls , per Ib. , be ; assorted , lirst prade ,
Wb pails , j > or erate , 0 pall , per doz. , Si.ra ;
tin , Mb palls , per case , a doz , S3.2S : do. ttiinlv
Jcrs , wr ca c. a doz. . ? l.40. .r lly. all kinds ,
second crndo , 80-lb. palls , per lb. fx * . Mlneo
Jleat , host grade , } { bbl. per lb. , 7c ; do , 18 ,
IW and OS Ib paIN , per alb. , 7'jfc : do. Mb
irnlU , per crntc , i ) pall , S3.7. * > . Apple butler ,
extra line , , ' bbl. , tier lb. , 7c ; do 40-lb palls ,
per lb. . 7 } < ; do. 5-lb pails , per crate. H palls
82.75. reach and plum butter , 40-10 palls , per
lb. , t > te _ ; iicacb , plum and quince butter , as
sorted , flb. . palls , per ctate , 0 jialH , S'f.7 , " > ;
calsnp per cn e , 'J uoz. Dint bottles. S. .00 ;
liorso nullsli , ] > int bottles , per do8 l.fx ) .
1'ios FKKT , litirn , KTC Pics' foct
pe r M bbl. , S4.75 : do. # bbl. ,
$ 2.40 ; do. per kit , Sl.OO. Lambs' toncucs , per
bbl. , S3.W ) ; do. iwr kit , 52.7.1 ; do. quart
s 1'cc.ins , laixo willslied , lie ; pecans ,
medium , ( V ; KnirlMivaliiul.i , Mo : almonds ,
Tnriiitfonn , i0c ! ; do , 1/mimieiioc , 17c ; Urazlis ,
lac , lllberts lie' peanut * , hand picked , fancy
Virginia. 7cdo : roa'tcd Vc
COMII HINIV ( : Calll'ornui 2 ib franii ! 00 Ids ,
In ea o per lb. , 15c ; 10 lb. frames , Nebraska.
l o.
o.Cinnit Mlclilirnn reflned , per bbl. , SO.M ;
do. halfbbl. . 54.K ? ( ) .
it Wliltnwlni1 , lOc ; elder , 12j-
COCOA.M'IS At SJ. ( Crfl.50.
Kios , UATr.s , KTC. Layer HRS , Bnnil
8-lb boxes , ix-r Ib , in.U7c ; Piunelles , 25-lb
boxes , per lb , ll'c. Dates , fancy Kard , 12-lb
boxes , per lb , lie ; do , fancy Persian , 50 lb
boxes , per lb , lie ,
J.KMONS r'nucy Jlesslna and Palermo , per
box. M5.IK ) : dc. eholco. Medina and Palermo ,
per box , 3Ui'Jdo. : per n box lot. 84.00.
OiAN ! < us : rholce Los Anu'eles , per bov ,
S'J. < 5 : do , n-bnx lots , per box.S'J.OO ; do , 10-box
lots , S' .Wfnn ; vUhursldc , saw ) ; do , 5-box
lots , ? : i.-r > ; do. 10-liox lots , Sl.OO.
CitANiir.isiiir.s CapoUod cranberries , per
bbl , -VtvO : ( 'ate Cud do , fi-bbl lots , per
bbl. . < ? S.Oi ) : Hell and Cherry do , per bbl , S5.75 ;
Ui'll nnd Cberrydo , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. tf.W.
.KH Not niiicli stock Is movlnir. Il
linois uenllons , tier bbl. , 83.40 : do , S-bbl lots ,
SU/iV do , 10-Ib lots , S'J.OO : Illinois \Vlllow
TwlRS , Hen Davis. ete , S2.75 ; do , ft-libl lots ,
f2.Wdo. ) ; 10 bbl lots , S'.SS ; fancy Mlclilran
htock , S3.00.71.1.- . .
UiiAi'Ks jualaca per bbl. S7.00.
llANANAB Areoiilliij ; lo Hi/.o , per bunch ,
PIIOVISIOXS. Hniu , 10itlO' < rc. brealifast
bacon , K' kcselearsldo bacon , 7cdry ; salted
Blde.s , Oc : sbouldeis. susnr cnicd , rJ c ; mess
pork per bb ! . . Slil.oo : lard. 40 lb. cans , per Ib.
< - > i@7e : 10. 5 and a lb 7J@Sc ; dried beef
bams. l-o.
1'OTA'Kins Nonoaro comlnc , and prices
are nominal atrMWOOc torcholcestock.
Vr.or.TAiii.KS Oalltoinla e.ibbise : ; , "c per
lb ; California celery. Si60 per do.ler.sey :
sweet potatoes , 4e peril ) ; parMilps , S2.00pur _ _
biisb ; Mlclilenn rutabaga , S'iO imrbbl. < ' "i
ONIONS Salt Lake stoclc , 5:1.00 : per bbl. ;
red WetherMield , , ] ) er bbl.
ItUANt Hand nicked navy. S1.75@2.00 ;
liaiid-pieked niedinm , $ l.fi0 l.T.'i : coed clean
countrv. S1.35fiil.r.O : Inferior. 75c(5tl.OO.
( tiiAix Tlio followlnc are tlio nruvaniiiR
prices paid for WBROII loads on the streets
and'at tbo mills to-day : Corn , SBc ! ; oats. ' 'y@
2.c\\lieat ; , No. 2 , ( )0a ; rye.45ig > 3c. Elevator
pi Ices for car lots : Corn , 31 > < @ 51-Kc : :
oats,2Ufc ; wheat , OlraiWc ; rye , 44j c ; barley ,
1'i.ouu and JIII.I.STUKFB " v inter Wheat
J-'liHi ; best quality patent at S3.00Cga.iO. :
.Second quality S'i.rjQ@n.oo.
SpihiK Whcat-Bobt quality patent at S2.50
Duckwbcat Flour In banels , S".7.j ; icady
raised 31b packases , 84.00 ; 0 lb packages ,
Uran 55c per cwt.
Chopped Feed Per 100 lbs.70c.
Com Meal White , bOc ; yellow , 7Sc per cwt.
Screening No. 1 , 75c per cwt ; No. a , 60e.
Jloininy Cl.fiO per cwt.
Sliorts-OOc per cwt.
( irabaiu $1.7(5 ( per ewt.
1 lav Hales. SO.OOio/7 / 00 uer ton.
" "Tinia-iluotntl or to-day arc : N. Y.
F- V ta. , I. . * * . . 1IL , LolfiptM RP *
bel-tt8' ( boc'
counts He , , . . - ' '
: , ; extra r Cc , ;
slaiidards , liOc ; mediums. S5n. !
Ji'ints AND JKINS I'nccs on furs and
skins arc steady. AUnk , cadi , 10@30c ;
niuskrat , winter. 2@r c ; do. kits , 2c : Otter ,
$2.50SC.OO ( ; skunk , Miort btriped. lfi < airxj : do.
broailT striped , 10@in ; badger. 1M@JO : ilao-
coun , No. f large , 40@ftO ; do. No. a , SJOfSiH ) ;
, .
deerskin : . drv winter , ! 5lSc per lb ; do. fall
nnd summer -Wi-So
JIJIIKX-UK-IMI butchers , C ® Kc ; preen
cured , 7M@ c ? dry flint. W@l"e : dry
salt. ! i@iuc ; damaped hides two-tidids puce.
Tallow le. Giease , piimo white , 4c. bbcoi )
l > elts-2ir < ? 75c.
Hlauifbtersolo leather , JJ8ii'e ( : ; prime oak sole
, - ,
; toppliJKS and liniiiES , SO.OWoilO.OO
COAL Anthracite uratc , S8.50 : pg , 88.50 ;
ranee , 88.75 ; chestnut , 83.75 ; Iowa. Sa.-VJ ;
Walnut block , S3.75 : Illinois , 85.00 ; Mis-
sourl SUKI
HEAVY ilAiinwAiiK Iron , rates , 83.r5 ;
plow ptoel , spnclal cast , 4c ; crucible steel , flc ;
cast tools do. Iii@l8c ; waaon { .pokes , per bet.
Sl.75rail.00 ; hubs , uer set. , tcllocs , sawed
dry , 81.40 , tongues , each , 75c , axles , each , 73c ;
( square nuts , per n > . , 7@Uc ; collchaln per lb.
G@l2c ; maleable , Sc ; iron wedges , Oc : crow
bars , 0 ; harrow troth , 4c ; spring steel , 7 ( 3c ;
Uurdcn'B horsi ! . : > ; Uurden'8 mule
shoes , 85.M3. Harhi'd Who .11 car lots , 84.00
per 100 libs. lion Nails-Hates , 10 to CO , 53.00.
Khot-81.50 ; buckshot , S1.H5 ; ( Jilcntal
powder , kcfts S .MK < i4.03 ; do , half kegs , 82.00 ;
ilo , quarter kccs. 81.50 ; blastlnt : , Kc s , ga.85 ;
liiho.pcrl00li'et.f , > 0fl. Lead Jtar.Sl.05.
DIIY I'AINTH Whlto lead. Be ; l < rcnun zinc ,
l'-'cI'arls : wliltlntc.SXc ; whltinRBilderslie ;'l , lUo : lampblack , ( iurinantnwii.
Hc ! ; lampblack , ordinary , lOo : Piussian blue.
65c. . nntramttrine , IKc : Vandyke , brown , tie
umber , burnt , 4c ; nmber , raw , 4c ; Bienna ,
burnt. 4c : sienna raw. 4o : Pailsereen. ceuu-
Ine , y5e ; raris ureen , common , COc : ciitome
trciMi , N. Y.-JOe ; chrome crecn , K , liic ; vermillion -
million , Knillsli. In oil asst ino ; raw and
burnt nmlutr 1 lb cans , luc ; raw and Diirnt
Vienna , lOc : vandvko Drown , l c ; rcunrd
lampblack , l-e ; roach black and Ivory blu-li
fc lOc ; drop black , lOc ; 1'iussian blue.lOc : id-
iramarliio blue , lifo ; chrome creen , L. , M &
l,10o ; blind and wiutter LTCOH , Jj. . Al. it I > .
Ific ; Vans moon , be ; Indian red , 15c ; Vene
tian red , Vie : Tiihcan red , SUc ! ; American ver-
inlllion , li. A1) ) . , "Oc ; yellow ociiru. 'Joi. : . .M
A- . ( ) . J ) . , itto ; coldnn ochre , lOc : patent dryer
be : pinlnlin : roloiv. llcht oak dark oak , wal
nut chestnut and asli Hx * .
I'AINTH IN On , White U'ad , Omaha. P. P
75o : vrnnllllon. Ami'ilcan. lc ; Indian , red pinlc. 14 ; Venetian , ml. Cookhon's
2Wo ; Vonctlan iwl , American , lje > ; ivd lead
7 > ? c ; chroma yellow ecnuino'IKJ ; cliioino
vollow , K , I''e : oi-niu rochollu ; 'o : ochre ,
I'luncli , iJWo ; oclnv , Anieilcan , So ; AMnter'a
inliH'ral , tt > < ct l-i-hlirli brown.u ! ; Kpaiiisn
brown. u > iu ; I'liniHt's inlneiiil Uc
OILS liocai Don , per c tiion. llo : 1501 Head
light , per callon. lie ; 17. ) = headlight , port
ion , l o ; I5o ( ) water while. Ho : lln.ecd hard
per gallon , 44u ; llnsccil , hoiletl. per gallon ,
47o : lard , winter htr'd , p > 'r znllon , 5'o : iJo.
l , 41M ; No. U , 4'ie ' ; ca.storXXX , per cation ,
81.55 : No. a. S1.44hwiMt ! , per nillnn , Sl.OO ;
Micrm. \ \ . li. , tier uilinn. Sl.iw * lishv. . U.
per irallon.CiJe ; ncnlsroot extra , per gallon ,
TOO.No. 1 , OSo ; Inbrlcathr- . zero , porjiallon ,
M > . glimmer , LV : tnlden machine , Js'o. 1 , per
callon , 80o ; No. a , avj ; swrm , slcnal , per mil-
ion , TSo : tin ppiitlup , per gallon , 5'o ; naptha.
per irallon. 7io.
v AiiNisHKS Uarrels , per rallon : Kuril
tun * , extra. 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81.00 ;
coach , extra 81.40 ; coach , No. 1. * MOJ
Damar , extra. S1.75JaDan ; , 70o ; asplialtum ,
P W , 85e ; Bhellao ? 3.&o ; hara oh tinlsli ,
Dm as AND CIIIUIPAI.S : Acid , caibollc ,
tiOj ; acid , taitaiic , KJo ; baUam cop.dba , per
lb. , fiOc , , an atnis , per lb. , 1'Ai ; calomel.
IH.T lb. , V.'c ; t'liichonldia , per o40a ; chloro ,
lorm , per lb. , 75e : Uoveis powdei * . per lb. ,
Sl.ti5 ; epsom Kilts , per lu. , HJe ; glycerine ,
pun1 , per lb. . SJo ; load update , per lb. , 20c ;
oil , ca tor , No , I per Kill. , Sl.CO ; oil , castor ,
No. a per gal. , 81.4) ) ; oil. olive , per ical. , 51.40 ;
oil. origanum , 50o ; opium $3.t)0 ) ; quinine , P.
& W. , anil It. & S. . IH.T lit. . . b5e ; iiotasbiuin ,
Iodide , per lb. , 8H.OO ; sallrln , iwroz. , 40o ;
biilplmto morphine , per oz. , S3.VO ; &ulphur ,
per lh."lo ; htrychnlne. per oz. . Si.50 ,
fan HITS Cologne spirits , 188 proof , 51.12 ;
do 10) proof 81.18 ; spirits , t-ccoml Quality
101 proof. 81.13 ; do. 1M proof , 81.11. Alco
hol. 1SS proof , fcilO per winu gallon. Itedls-
tilled whiskies , S1.1XW41.M ; gn | blended ,
Rl.0i3.oa ; Kentucky bonnbons , S'4.0Xff ( < 5.0U ;
Kentucky and Peniibvlvania rj-vs. 52.OOSo.50 ;
( Joldcn Slieaf Iwtirbon and rye whlsKios , I
Sl.rxxa.l.w. Jlrandlcs-lmportcd , S5.OOtS8.fiO ;
domestic. SJ.aVrtfl.oo. Hlns Inniortwl , S4.60
( rfO.00 : domcstfo , 8l.aVrti.OO. : Hums 1m
jmrtpd , S4.50Ws.oo : NewKnKlandSI.75)2.00 , ) ; .
domestic , 5l.'iV3.oo. Champagnes Imported -
ported , percale. 5-M.OX 3I.OO ; American , per i
cnsc ,
SSIOKED FISH Halibut , now. Tcj now
scaled herrings , -c ; mackerel l'2c ; salmon ,
lie ! ! smoked stnrueon. Ific.
_ _ IIF.ItlllNGS. _ _ _
" '
rinn. l'sH'f 'ls C'riUils I'fs'Kii
. ( ,
| _ _ „ 1W ) w fo < Q ,5 , 1S 10
Munn's S'tNo.l I/bT 00 4 003 f 2 W 1 707lf2 : fi5
I/iro ( llh'cxl Fnneyn , ( M : i M3 y l o l no 7r,61 50
1/80 K'dSh'ro KcyiC 003 503 2.i 1 70 1 W,75jip 0
Domestic Holland licrrln3 ,
Kegs. COc ; Jtusslati saiillncs , 4. > c ; Ancho-
vlos In glass , Oio Utill brann. per ao/ . ,
5'i.OO ; Anclinvlrs In kt'gs. H Ole Bull brand ,
! ? 4.00 ; spiced llainlnirc hcrrlnss , skins nnd
heads oil. uur pall. Sl.OO.
CoDFiqn e\v lurito bank cod , 4c ;
sc.-xkliiR , Goorecs cbunks , 6 ! c ; clover leaf ,
Ucorpcs stilus , fi c ; 1 lb rolls , a lb bows ,
fc : pralrlo ilowrr , 'Jib brlck.Co ; wild rose , 'J
lb brick , r c.
Holland borrlne , now , j-or ke ? , Tfic ; now
lonj ; snlit stocklisb , lOc , new short siHt
slocklish , Oifc. _
Grocers List.
Svuut Stnndartl C 2c ! , bbls ; Standard ,
doicallon ki'KS , Sl.lO ; New Orleans : bf ? 40o
lier pallon ; JInplu Synni , K barrel. 1' it Cf.
htili'tly pure , TOc per gallon ; 1 ( rnllon cans ,
SSWi per doz : } < f gallon cans , SW5 per doz ;
quart cans S3.00
Uitir.i ) FHUITS > fo. 1 Quarter ap
evaporated , boxes , bjijl'o ' : blackberries ,
boxes , u c lfc ; peaches : Kastein , i"4 ( i. > ' < , c ;
peaches , evaporated , 15 } < @i7c ; Salt "Lake ,
new , t@SKc : raspberries , new. 2laf } > c ; cm-
rants , new. i } ctu ; wanes , new , -4'5e.
COFFKES Ordinary prtiaes. H1 , c : lair , 10 ®
lO e ; prime , llJs l'-'e ; choice , iajf ( l3J.fc ;
fancy crrnu and yellow. WMClo ! ) ; old cov
oinmentJava , 'JO@UOo ; Interior Java. 10) ) 3
20c ; Mocha , 22@-ilc : Ailnicklo's roasted ,
l Wc ; lol.augblln'a XXXX roasted , WVo ;
Ditwoith's 13c : Hod Cross. 13j.fc ;
Uilwoitli's .Mid MpLauKhlin's XXXX aio
sold GOc per case oil above prices in 3-caso
t5tioAit9-l'owdercd,7J < ccut ; loaf.7J < cEi-an- ;
ulated , 7' c : conteetloners' A. 7c : Stan-
dai-d extra C. ( i c : extia C. OKc ; medium
yellow. O P ; XPW Orleans. 5 .0 } < c.
i'ioKiES Jledium In barrels. SJ.'O ; do In
balf barrels. S..T. ; small in barrels , S7. 0 ; do
in half barrels , S4. 5 ; gherkins in barrels , .
S 0 : do in half barrels , S4.7/i. /
SoArs Kirk's Savon imperial. S..rfl ;
Kirk's satinet , SU5 : ; Kirk's standard. E.'l TO ;
Kirk's White Unsslan , 84.35 ; Kirk'd Wliito
Cap. S0.50 : Dome. S4.-A
UANNKi ) ( ioons Oysters , htanaard per
case. SH.tO : strawberries , 'J-lb. , percase. S2. < > ;
inspberne.s ) . , per case , S'J. : ; California
, , .v , , _ - -
whortleberries , per c.ise.- . - .
2-a > . . sa. o TJ-K.
per case , ; green gages , , fn *
case , 52. M ) ; pine apples , 2-tt. , per case , 33.2oa
s Per caddie , 35c ; round , per case
45c ; square cases , Sl.TO ; Obhkosli cases , ( jr. ,
61.20 : mnli ! sutinrc. Sl.'J" .
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , S1.55 ; Asbton.
In sacks , S3.3.V ) sacks , Ashton , OOc' bbls
dalrv. sa.COfiW.T.'i
SI > ICKH ( Iround Uiack pepper , boxes , 15
© --'c ; allspice , 13@lCc : cinnamon 18@5c ;
cloves , I50i25e ; ginger , 1525c ; mustiuil , 15 ®
Il rt
ihoico , 35@ 5c ; Japans , fair , Ho ittc ;
S5@45c : choice. 55& 75c ; Tea bust. ir c ;
Tea tjlUTni.s. Iba
1'i.irn TOHACCO Ullmax , 440 per Ib ; llorso-
shoe , 4.'c : Star , 4.'c : Spearheail , 40c ; ( ! olil
Jtoll , 4Cc ; I'lper Heidslck. COe : Punch. iWe ;
\auneFrltz , 4lc : Silver Taj , 40c ; .IT.I , JXlc.
lloris blsal. yi Inch and larger , 83 c ; Incli ,
W/c ; Jtflnch. u/Sc. /
CANDY AIIxed.'JK12o : stlcfc O' Cille.
SODA In lb papers , S3.'J3 a case ; salsoda
kei ; per lb , S2.2. > .
VINIOAU CIDER in@18c ; wliito wine , 15
( afiuc ,
CUAOKEIIS dnrncan's soila , butter and
Elcnlc , 5Kc : creams , S c ; ginger snaps , Sj-fc ;
itv soda. 7Kc ,
OANui.ns Boxes. 401b. Os ll } c' Ss , lU e ;
boxes , 401) ) , 10 oz , 03 , Hiic ; ball box , 20li > ,
STAIIOH AiacaraRloss , 1 In , ( ijoc ; Niagara
ploss , : i lb , Co ; Niiuoira closs , Olb , 7o ; Niagani
Dry Goods.
PJHXTS Slcol Klvcr , 4/o ' ; American , .0) ) :
Arnold's. Ce ; Cochcco , Ce : Manchester , Co ;
Lyrcrm , 5e : ( ; iouf.ster ( ! , ric ; Dniinell Jac-
nuanl. Oc : Diinncll , fiJi'o ; Windsor. Oc ; 1'u-
cllic1 , fie ; Jlarniony. 4V.fc ; Anchor .Shlrtinirs ,
iy ilerdmack \ Bhlitlngs , 4 > oj Ucrwiok ,
COTTONS. Knrmprs' elmlce ,
OJ/p ; Cabot. C c ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Ve ;
Hill H . % c ; Lonsdale , , 8c } ( ; Uain-
sutta. I0 > fc.
COIISKT JEAXS Kcnrsarge , 7c ; Armory ,
7e ; reuiiereii , 7 'cj inamn Orchard , OMo ;
NaiimUeiiL' . 7e.
liiiowx COTTON hawrenco LL , cc ; Sliuw-
unit ill. , Co : Heaver Uarn hU 5c ; Atlantic
Jjh , fxj ; Indian Head , 7e ; wniiclnisset djfe :
Crown XXX. c : Clifton CCO , G&j
Uuca C. 4 > fc : Atlnntio 1 . sue.
l-' : liiiowK Coi'TO.vs IVpncrcll K , Oi/c ;
I'cppcrell O. 0'jc. Atlas , O cjbtatuo o Lib-
fitv. Cc : haranao K , OHc.
DKNIMS Heaver Cieelc AA. Ho ; Heaver
nml brown , 7J4c ,
) uciUnblRiichert-8oz..MaKnolla ( ) , 10'de ' ;
10 01. Magnolia , I'-'o ; So/ . West 1'olnt , lU u
10 01. Wu4 1'olnt Witfn.
Dl'uoK ( colored ) Hoston 0 oz. brown and
drab , WUe : llobton ( J H brown and drab , 'Ja ;
Hoston XX brown and drab lOc : Boston
XXX mown iinii drab , llj o ; Boston U i' blttu ,
HKoViuren Tricot loe.
AinosHcnc ACA 13Kc ; Tliorn
dko OOO , 7Jfe : Tliouidtkolaney , 0)ie ; jtorlc
Tork fancy , WKo : Miflbury ,
IVarl Hlvcr , HKo ; Hamilton. 12c : bwilt
Itlvcr , OJfo ; bhetuokPt a. bUe ; .Shetuaket SS
9Kc : Jlontiuik AA , I2o ; Montauk 1UJ , io < o {
OinveaAOA. 18 n
( ii.NoiiAMS-Kentrow. 0 ( 10 > { c ; Amoskea
dress. Do ; Amoskea ? . Etajilp , 7 > ic ; 1 van ho
> < e ; Wniasntto. t > } ie ; Nubian , bjfe ; War
wick. 8J 'u : Wblttundon. Oc : Bates , dress Be ;
Bates , staple , ujfc ; itancloluli btaple , ,0 > fo
Lansdowne. 7e : ( ilouco tur , 74c. }
OjiBViois Amoskea , checks , OXc : Amos
J a& , stiipes , Wfo ; Slater , stripes , be : Kdln-
burg , 'JKc : Whutendon , btrlnes. 8c : Glen-
rose , Oe ; Otis , checks , U c ; Oils , stripes. Oc ,
Jtoyal 6e : Amoskeai ; , nunpcd , 10i e : Ln-
ray. book fold , 12o ; Oberon , book fold , HKc :
Kndurance , book fold 1'Ax
Dry unibor.
I I '
12 f t H ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 21 ft
2x4. . , . 15.00,15.00,15.00 , , 16.00 17.U ) 18.00 19.00
2xt. . . 14.5'J 11.60 14.59 15.DU lli.W U > . , ' < ] M.M
2x8. . . 15.00'15.00 15.03 10JX ) lt.W ) 1S.UJ IO.C/0 /
2x10. . 15JX ) 15.00 15.00 18.0017.00 20.00 3U.M
15.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 17.00 1'J.OO 20.00
15.W,15.0J.15.C0.10.W.17.W 18.00 19.UO
Clcnr , .V Inch Tcltow"rino
Clear -V Inch Norway
2d Com. , ; Y Inch ,
1st and 2d Clear , Itf Incn.s. 2s
IstnndSd Clear , Ij < and2lnch , s2s. . . . 5000
Rd Clear , ! # Inch. s2s 4800
Sd Clear , 1'fand'i Inch. 8 2s 4800
H Select. I * . IJtf and 3 incli. s. 2s .TO 00
1st and 2d Clear , 1 men , s. Us MOO
Ed olrar , 1 Inch , s 2s 4450
A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s 4000
It Select. 1 inch. s. 2s 2950
No. Iboanls 12,14ft and 10.03
No.2boards , 12,14ft and 10.75
No.Sboards 12,14 ft and 13.75
No. 4boards , 12,14 ft and 14.25
No. 1 , 4 A0 Inch , 12atid510.fiO 14teet , rough. .
No. l , 40 Inch , 10foot 14.50 , louch
No. 2 , 4 fcO Inch , 12and 12.60 14 foot , rough. .
No. U , 4&0lnoh. 10 feet 10.M ) , lough
1-OI'I.AIt MJMI1KI ! .
Clear Poplar bo\ InK K Ins , 2s..10.03
" " Jtln , panel stk wide , s 2s. 27.(0
' " dorrnentcd Cellini ' : , X2U.OO
AStnnt1nid S2.CO
5 Inch , clear , 51.60 ; 0 Inch , clear l.oo
Xo. 1 l.U )
Lath 2.20
1st Com. , Winch White Pine SSO.OO
2dCom. , ft Inch White Pine 23.50
1st Com. Olnch. white pine $3000
2 < lCom.O inch , white pine .It DO
3d Com. 0 Inch , wliito plno 2900
1) . Cinch , white pine CO 00
Com 4 and 0 inch yellow plno 17.50
Star4 ami 0 Inch > ellow pine Sl.OO
1st and 2d clear yellow plno 4-0 inch. . . 2:1.50 :
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch ! S17.00
No. u , Plain , Sand 10 Inch 15.00
No. 1 , 0. 17.50
While Cedar , Olnch , halves 9 11
" " 5' " " andSlnq'rs 9
" " 4 " round 11
Tennessee red cedar , split 14-
A13 inch , l s 12,14 anil Ul lect 840 00
JJ " " " ' "
41 00
O " " " " " " 30 00
I ) " " " " " " . ' ' ' ! i 00
No. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 13,14 mid'l'o ft ! . Vt 50
No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 1850
No.'J " " " 12,14 and 10 ft. . 1550
i.iMI : , T.TC.
Qulncy white llmo ( best ) , 85c ; cement.
AkionS1.75 , ; plaster , S2.30 ; hair , per bushel
30c ; sash , GO jior cent oil 1M ; doow , blinds ,
niouldinirs , 60 jier cent oil' 1IM , ; tanedl'elt , per
ewt. . 81.75 : straw board. 81.00.
Oiaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Theonlr rend lo take for Dos Molnos , Mar-
EhalltownCedar Kuplds , Clinton. Dixie. Clilcniro ,
Milwaukee nnd all DolntH cast. To the pcnnloof
Nebraska , Colonulo , Wyomlnsr , Ulah , Idaho
Novada.OreRon , Washington and California It
offers superior advantngcB not posslblo by any
other line
AinoiiK a row of tlio numerous points ot suno-
rlorlty cnjovcd by the pairons ot this road bo-
twccn Omaha and Clilciigo , uro its two trainsu
day of U.Y COACHKS wlilch are the llnest that
huiiian ail and Ingenuity can create. ItsPAL-
ACU SI.EKP1NO CAHS , which are modrls of
comfort and olwaneo. Itb PAULOK UHAW1NU
HOOM CAIt.S.uiisuriin si > a by any , and its wide
ly celebrated PALATIAL DIN1NO CAHS , tlio
equal of which cannot bo found clsowluiro.
Al Council llhiirs iho trains of the Union Pacific
ficIty. . connect In Union Depot with those of the
Chicago A ; Northwestern Hy. InChleiuro tlio
trains of this line make close connection with
those of all oaMcrn linos.
For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis. Cmcln
the llcket nscnt for lickols via tlio
If you wish the best accommodations. AH ticket
cuts sell tickets via this lino. _ . , ,
General Alanasfcr. noa-1 > uss- *
llr reason of lUcentrM position and close relation to
nil principal lines IC.ixt And Wet , at Initial anil Itr-
inliinl polnti. conjtltuti's the ninnt Important ml < t
rontlnonlnl link In that fj item of through tlatipnor.
tntlon wlilch Invllm anil raollltntri travel and Irsfflo
tii'twcoii clllci of the Atlantic anil Pacific Coasts. It
I * auo the favorltu nnil lipst route to and from iiulnti
LaHt. Nnrthentt nd Bouthe Ht. and rorictpondlnff
points Went , Nurthwcut nnd Sontlinett.
The Great Rock Island Route
nuartntres Its patronn Dint rttitf ot pcrtonal tictl-
rltr airorded I IT a rollil , thoroiiKhly ImllnitcJ road-
boJ. smooth trackB ofimtlnnou rircl rail , ( ubslin-
tlally built culverli nnd lirldKcn , l olllnit stock al near
prrfrcllon as Inimnn klll inn mak It , the intoly
apnllanrai or pntent lUirpr ) , | > liil fni nn and air brakes ,
nnd that omctlnif ilUrlplInorliicli L-ovfins Ihf lirnc-
tlcal cipriatloniif nil Hi trains. Oilier ( perliiltlci o (
hlfl route me Transfers lit nil lonnrcllni ; jiointH in
union liepotK , and the unsurpassed comfoitfc and
luxuries of tu TasxenRiEqulunent. | .
i. T ! " > /F" ' . ? ? . ? " ! , .T1"1"1 l 'tw * n CTiltnpo and
I'eorji. Council inulTi ) . Kaiitav OUr.l nMnnoitli and
Atchlson are eomposril of well vrntllMrit , ( Inoly nu.
JiolHereil Day Conrhen. MaKiilllcwit rullman I'alaca
Klorpersof the Inlest urilfcn. and mmptiloiiB Dliilnir
Cam , In which eUborately reeked mralsaio Irltuiely
eaten. lIctMeenChlonpo and KantAHC'ltvanil Alchlsbn
ur. alto tun the Ctli > l > ratt > d KcillnlnK Chair fart.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
If the direct and favorite line bctwnn Chlcairoanil
nlnneapnlUanilSt. I'aul.wherr ionneriloniiiir mad
In Union Iii-pou for all polnu In tlio Triillorles and
Iirlllsli 1'iorlnt-ea. Otcr this mute rait Kiprera
Trains re rim lo thu vMfrlnif rlacn , suminir le-
Borti. plcturuiquu lornliilix nnd Ininllnir and lUhlne
grounds or Iowa and It la nlro iho mutt
iloirablo route to the rlihnhrut Slclda nnd paitoral
lands or Inlorlor li.ikott
htlll another DllU-Cf LINK. Tla Frnoca anil Kan-
kakrp , | m been opiuvd k , twten cimmnittl , Inillnn-
npolls and I tfayptlr. ni.d Cuiinrll Illuffii , Knn. CltT.
Mlniif npniu anil Ht. rani and Inlermedl.lte points.
lor delalleil mrormallim ie Maps and Kvlileri. well as lli Lets , at nil prlnUpnl 'llckft
OlMi-i's In ( he L'nittU btutui uud C'anadai or ty ad-
IVes'l & Otn'l M'c'r , ( If n'l TM i Tan. Ae't.
England , France & Germany.
The elounichlpsol ihls \ \ oknoun \ \ line uro
lilllll ol Iron , In watrr-llfflil cninp.irinients , nnd
me turnlshnl wlili every lO'iuIMin lo ninko the
imjsnjfo liolh ufo anil iiKU'euhln. They c-iury
thu I'nltoil Mittris nnd riirnii | < iin nvi'Kiiiul ' In MO
Now Vnrlc Thnrsdayi ) nnd Salurtlnys for 1'lv.
innuili. ( LONUONJ.C'I.Ulioug.U'AlUs itnU 11AM'
UciurnhiK , IhoKtcnniorBlonvo Iluiiibm-K on
Wodnesiinya niul HiinJayH , viu. lluvic , tuLIng
) iih-ciiC'i'H : ( at Sonlhuiniilon uiul l.oiulon.
I'll at cabin f5) , fUJ ami f75 ; SU-eraro | t23.
Itullroiul tickets fioni I'lyuiouth to Ilrlslol , Cur-
ilill , l.oiulon , or to uny place In Iho Boulh of
Kng-lnntl , I'lIKi : . titeoniKU from Kuropo only
f.'j. Scnil for "Tourist ( iiizrttp. "
Ooiuirul I'uASengur Ak'L'iite ,
Cl llioiulwny , Now Yorlc.
Saunders Street Market
Frrih.Sttlt nnd Smoked Mcnts , Sausuirc , Poul
try , fie. 1010 EaunUeru btruct , Toft's I'lucu ,
Tolephouu liUl.
.qaNDMUIUO "qnd 'HXIWB ' 8 'H IMJP
puv 4i'J ' a ) M1 UOIIUVK ' [ 'il'iailp q | | iu uoi puf ido >
oa v uovwiipu | puv duivii JuoJ pudg
u < iAiugi | uio < Ki'
Billiard Tables *
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
And Saloon , Offlct ! nnd Dank Fixtures. Market
nnd Huron Sis. , Chicago , 111 OniAlm office , WJ
Book Bjnding , Etc.
Printers , Book Binders ,
Anil Illnnk Hook 'Mnnuracturors. ' Nos. 108 nml
108 South 14thStrot. Omaha , Nob. _
_ Bridges Steam Pile Driving. _
Unifliieors nnd C'ontractors.
Roof Trusses Steam Pile
Bridges , , Driving
Iron Combination nnd HOMO Trues llrldcc ? ,
Plllnff nnd Onk Timber , llilh St. , nour Karnfttn.
Telephone No. 734
Cigars and Tobacco.
" * "
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Guns nml Ammunition. Sl" > to 223 South 11th
Street , IftM to 1024 Parniim Strcci , Omaha , Nob.
WKST & FlllTSCHEll ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholes ale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos. No3.
_ 10S mid 110 N. 1 1th Street , Omalm , Neb. _
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works ,
John Eponotcr , Proprietor. Mnnufnrturcr of
Galvanized Iron and Cornice. l l DodKO and 101
nnd 105 North 10th Street , Omaha , Neb.
M nnufncturorsof Ornamental
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Finals , Etc. , 310 S. 12th St. Workdono
in nny part of the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPnCHT , Proprietor.
Galvanl/cd Iron Cornice" , Klc. Spechl'ilm-
proved Patent Mptollto Skylight 608 nnd D10S.
h'th St. , Omaha , Neb. _
Doors , Sash , Etc ,
Doors , Snsh nnd Illlmls. AKo nil kinds of
tinning. Scroll and Stair \\orlt ot oxery do-
MnniirncturciMind Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stnlr Unlls n specially Telephone No. KJ
_ 15th nud Mnroy Sis. , Omalm , Neb.
Electrical Supplies ,
L. W. WOLKE & CO. , Electrlclniigp
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnronlc niock , Omaha. Hnr lar Alarms. Hells ,
Mi o Alarm" , Klcctrlu Mattln ? , Speaking Tuboj ,
Gold , Silver nud Nickel I'latliij. , Etc. _
Iron ard Nails.
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Fire Nnlls n Sif [ ; lalty. Omaha , Neb.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery , Casrlnpi , Strnm Eintlnco , Hollers ,
Architectural Iron Work , Iron llrld es. Mining
nnd Mill Machinery. Ullice nnd works , Union
Pacillc It. It. ITlh nnd 18lh Streets.
Foundry Works.
Cor. Hth and Jackson Sts. , prciiared to do nil
Mmls of Iron and lira's Castings ; also , O , 0.
llamilster'H ItocMnv Grate Dars inanut'iieturod
Mattresses ,
OmaliaSafo Works ,
, { " of Fljpnnd
, ooia , " Jail Avorl" . Pbnttcrs and Wire
Work. Cor. Hth und Juekson St8. , uul l ; Np _ ;
P. J. QUEAUn ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Ofllco nnd Factory , near Powder
Omaha Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
1315 and 131" Hartley Btroot , Omaha , Nub. Bolo
Agents In Nebraska for Jones' Celebrated Split
Bhult Sulkies.
Established l&VH.
The Leading Carriaga Factory ,
KCOand 1411 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob.
White Lead.
Corrodcrs and Grinders of
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Omaha , Neb. Levl Carter. Pree. ; C. W. Mead ,
Vice Prcs. : II , W. Vines , Sec. nnd'i'reas.
The Millard ,
B , Bhenrs , J.K. Markcl.Thop. Swoha , rroprletori
OmuUa , .Nebraska.
Arcade Hotel ,
_ _ -y , Proprietor.
j215 nnd 1217 DoiiKliiH St. , Omaha , Neb.
The patiomiKc of commercial niim rcfepuclfui'.y
solicited. They will llnd ibis the beet f2udr.y
° lanters HOQSB ,
c. r. . FKUHIB , 1'itoi'itinTon.
lintcg , ii.iio per day. Btrwt earn I nun II. I1 ,
depot , within one Mock of IIOUM. ' . Come.1
" - - jctu btrcets , Uiiiuhu , Nob.
The Cozzens ,
P. Iluinser 4' ' Co. , Proprietors.
Ilatcu f2.U ) ) > ir day , no dark looms. Onmha ,
Neb. Also j rupj-ietors of 1'alaco Holrl , Bunla
Canfleld House ,
Cor. Nimh and rnrmun Ste. The best f2 per
day hotel In Onnilia. llcmodolod , rcliiniitlKi. . ' ,
rcilcci irtilcd ; ono block 1 rom ai my headquarters ,
oppoeitu Union I'uclllp lieiulnnnrUTs ; Btroct cars
piihSlhodoor. ( Ji-orKO C'anllcld & Co. , | ir < iirlt | > -
lorf. AlbO Unl6n irtock Vuids Hotel , tSoulh
Hotel da Gees ,
1 * . 00f > 3 , Proprietor.
European Plan. The only centrally located f3
a day bouse. Th.eo doom from lloyd'ii Ojicra
House und one-half block from tlio I'oetolllce
Hiidtho Court House. UX1 1010 , 1012 Furwua
Bt.Oio < ihaNub.
E. M. mrusH ,
Mattress Company ,
Manufaclurln ilallrenses , Iluddlntr , Feather
1'lllow s , Cola , iic. ; 120U and I20S Douglas Hlrcct ,
Oiuiiha. Neb.
Overalls ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Panic , Shins , Etc. , 1102 and 1104 Doughti
tjtrcct , Ouiulm , Neb.
RESTORED. Itouirdy
Monhnnrl 1're _ . A11cUra of j-outh.
( ul iini > nUenco caunlinf
Pretu turo Ucc r , Nffi
, , vui * i"-uijix l Jbl > u. tried In % aUio ery known rcniedy
hi dUcoi ( red a simple > lf : arcvtltlcU lie will kcuS
i 11P.1to : lil * fellow. utTfrcrn. Ad.lrt-m
i. U. HKEVL3. ii CbzUxn 'tree ! . Xew York Cllr.
Agricultural Implements ,
Dealers In Agricultural Implements ,
Ofllco , Corner Cth find Pntlflo Sis , Onmha , Nolk
" "
pAut.ur , oitr.NDOHFr & MARTIN ,
Who1c r.o ; Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
and IhigRlrs , Omaha Neb.
Clll'KC1IILlj ' PAKKKIl ,
Wholesale Denier In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carriages and lluctRlcs. .Knc Ft. , bet. Dili and
lOlh , Omaha , Ncbi
loots and Shoes ,
_ _
% * " ' " * '
'V. V. MOl'SR k CO. .
Jobbers of Boots aud Shoes ,
Hit Farnani Plrcct , Omalm , Nrb. Manufactory ,
Summer Street , llostotu
Carpets , .
S. A. OllCIIAItb ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Matting , Curtain Goods. Klc. . H23 Karnam
Stioet , Omaha , Nob.
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone ,
fnico,213S. ) Hth fit. , Omnhn , Nub. Vnrils , Bill
mid Di''enportSliocts.
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Host varieties. Onico.SKlP. 13th St. Telephone
No. 141C ! , Omaha , Nob.
NnnitASKA co. ,
Shippers of Coal aud Coke ,
S14 P. 13th St. . Onmha , Neb.
OKO. (3 , TdWI.E , 1'rOEldont.
Cno. I'ATrr.liPON. Sue. and Troas.
J.H. Hm.iiEHT , r.A. ,
Pi-oprlrlor. iluiioiter.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Onicc , ' . ' 17 S. lllth Street. Telephone 43. _
GKO. V. I.AiiAOll , 1're . C. 1' . GOODMAN , V. Prcs.
J. A. SUNDr.iit.ANli See. nnd T
Omaha Coa ; , Coke and Limo Company ,
Jobbers of hard and < oft coal , 200 B. Uth St. ,
Omaha , Nob. _
Uard and Soft Coal.
Ejclusivo dealers In llouldor Colorndo Cold. 217
toulh Mill Hicut.
Coffee and Spites ,
Omaha Cofieo and Spice Mills.
Tea * , CoflVes , Splcci. linking I'ovrdcr. Fluvorlnsr
K\ti-iiclH , Laundry llinii. Ink , cle. 1414-10 Har-
ney Street , Oninlia , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
jmANCIj & co. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
3121 Farnnin St.Oinnlm. Apples Our own paek-
inT ( I'lalt&l'o.'s Tliier Ilrand OyBtcrs , Huttcr ,
, Unmo , Poultry , 1'otaloes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , 1'rorNlons. 1'rnlts , 1'lonr and Feed , 103
P. 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments solicited.
Itctiirns made promptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Clicepo , Sausages , Fruits , IHitchcrs'TooU nnd
Supplies , lain Jones St. , Omaha , Neb.
w. n. IUDDCIX ,
General Commission Mercliaut.
SPECIALTIES nicco , Huttrr. Kjrpp , Poultry
nnd ( Same. 113 a 14th. , ( ) maha , Kcb. Tclo-
phone jfo. m)5. _ _ * _
Commission and Jobbing ,
flutter , Kgps nml 1'rodnco. A lull line or Btono-
wnro. Coiislt'iilncnts solicited. 1411 Doduo St. ,
General coniiuB ? S
Jluttcr , r.gKf , Cheese and Country I'iuili : ?
rrully , W. ) S. l th St. , Omaha , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Ilcfrlgerator nnd Packing Houeo,14tli & Leaven-
worth St. , on II. P. H. li. Track , Omaha , Neb.
Established 1870.
General Commission ,
JUS. 14th St. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties Iluttor
ETOS,4'oultry and Onino.
Commission Merchants ,
Vrulti , Pmiluco und Provision * , Omalm , Neb
Cjmmission Msrchant ,
nnd wholesale dcnlcr in country produce , fruits ,
butter , < iffi | etc. Goods on consl noiont a
B.icclnlty. U : ! . ) I ) . ich St. , Onmhn , Nob.
KlHStllllHArN & SONS ,
( Snccossois to A. P. Soliack. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. ! 'I3 South 13th Street. Omnlm , Noli.
" TllOXELl. it WlfiL'fA"Mi ;
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Fruits. Flour. Apples , Stoniiwari' , Cldor.Vlnrifar ,
( irass Heeds. IJuttcr and I'.KK * , 313 und 3 ! Soutli
] 3lh fctrcut , Omaha , Nobraakn.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , lluttiT , Onine. Fruits , Kto. 2W8. 14th
St. , Onmhti , Nobraska.
A , 1' . JIBTHGK ,
Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits ,
JlentH , Lard , Jolhi's , Huttor , lr ! : R , Cheese , litu.
No. : W5 a , U'th St. , Omaha , Nob.
" "
General Commission Merchants ,
I4CCDodt'o Struct , Omaha , Neb , Consignments
315 IL'tli Street , Omalm. Nub. Specialties : IluL-
ter. VITKH , and Clilcuons ,
Dry Uoous ,
" "
j , j. IIHOWN & co. ,
% 'holesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
lo J Douglas Street , Omalm , Nob.
J < . OINSI1EIIO & CO. ,
Wholeeato Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notlpus ,
tinene , IJICCH , Eml > roldcry nnd Whlto O'oods ,
1WU Douglas , Omalm , Nob. _
Engines ,
& ca ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary nnd portnblo onclnos , boilers
ehcct iron uork , vunoue , niiricultunil impo-
inentB , jiuinps etc. U1U-1&15 LonvonwortliH' .
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow.
lilt Juckbon Btioct , Omaha , Neb.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Eaddlory and Shoo Findings , Illdob , Wool , Purfl ,
I'elte , Gjcasc , Tallow , Etc. , Omutm NcU
Flour , Etc.
V.'if. PltESTON.
1 ' ' '
Wholesale Flour ,
(08 , r.10 nnd C12 Picrco Street Omuhn , NtU
titwxo TZSCHUCK , Jn. .
Afront for J. C. Hoitinnyr fcCo. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flonr
lly Holler nml Hmijr.ulnn Process. Warehouse ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ 1213 Jones Street. Oinalui , Neb.
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Manufacturers of W. \S'cleans & Co. > Quick
linking Iluekwheat Hour and proprietors Oniahn
City Mills , cor. Sth nml Kariium Streols , Omnli.v
Fish , Ltc ,
Successors to Ickcn Blcmfson .t Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Foretell VMi , Nos. PUOI3 Jonei
< > . Struct nnd U. I * . Track , Omnlm. Nob. _ / ,
Furniturcp Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Furnltan ,
_ rarnam Street , Omaha , Neb. _ _ _
Groceries ,
_ _
" " " "
At.I.Ktf 111103. ,
Y/holesalo / Grocers ,
HlOnml 1112 Douglas Street , Omaha , N'ch. _
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco ntul Smokers' Articles , 1217 Howard SL
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spices , Cltfnrs nml Tolmccos , 1,117 nml 1310 I > iMi f
las Sttecl , Omaha , Nob. _
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th niul I'anmm Streets , Omaha , NoU.
1'AXTON , UAliTiAOHKU & ( X ) . ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 70S , 707 , TO ! ) mid 711 S. 10th St. , Oinnhu , Nob.
" " "
vr. J. nuoATCit ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Springs , Wnpon Slock , Hardwood Lumber , etc.
KM and 1211 llnrnoy strcci. Otnnlm , Nob. _
KDNEY & GinnON ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
Anil Cnrrlnio Wood Slock. Heavy Ilnrdivnro ,
Klc. 1217 iiuU 1'Jl'J hcavcuwortli Street , Onuiliu ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools nml lltifTnlo Scnlcs. H05 Dons-
Ins Street , Omaha , Noli.
r.Ki : , ruir.n & co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Etc. Agents for Ilowo Scales and
Miami I'owder ( "o.Ointilin Neb.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Monties , Cirntcs , llriiss poods' . 11521 and 1323 Fur-
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. 10th mid Hartley
Streets , Omaha , Neb.
" " ' mw
wji.'nnuuiNa & co. , rmcAGcT
Manufacturer of tlio
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. M. Lorlmor. ( Icnornl Apont ,
Oiiinh.i. TdoimonoUli ) .
Iron Pipe , Etc.
, . ,
„ - "
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbers In lion I'lpo Iron V ttlnps. Iron iintl
llriisa Roods. Kiurlncors' Supplies. Htn nml
DodKO Street ? , Oimilm , Nob.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Elcam , Waler , Hulhvuy nnd JliUInt ? Supplies , Ktc ,
_ 020 , 923 nml tt.M Fiiriiiini St. Oiiuilni " , Nob. _
CHUKCHI ! , ! , PUMP CO. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stonm and Wutor Supplies. Headquarters fo-
muSt i'Cv ! * t0 > > s Uoods. 1111 l''ariiam Street ,
Omului , Neb.
Wholesale Jewelers.
llcnlcro In SHvorwnro , Diamonds , Wntcha *
Clocks , Jeweler : , ' Tools anil Material ) , Etc. , 101
and Ml , 15th Street , Cor. Dodge , Omitlm , Neb. j
livestock ,
i _ _
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Yardage Clmrscd.
Close lo U. 1' . Hridso. Special accommodation
nnd n peed market for hofrs. 1 ! . C. Cooper , Mau *
ngcr. OIliLO , South Sth Street.
ji. nmtrcn & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
( loo. llurlcc. Manager.
Union Stock Yards , S. Oimilut. Tolo > Iiono 583
\r. F. IUIGWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Oll'.co K\clian o Iliilldimr. Union Stock Yards ,
_ * t-onlh Omaha , Nob. TcleplionoNo.flOJ.
Live Stock Commission ,
Hnlon Stock Yards Chicago , III. , and Omnli.i ,
Kcli. Frank CliltlL'iidcii.MaiinKiirOiualia Itrnacli.
Telephone No. UK ) . K-itabllbUed IbUJ.
W. L. I ATJUCK i CO. ,
Live Slock Commission Merchants ,
. ' .ddrt-ss all coimminlcHlloiis to us at Union Stock
"aiilH , South Oinalui. Advances made on stock.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
. Limited. .Tohu 1' . Jloyil , Snpcrlntcmlonl.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Fui | munis of any nnd nlll.lndsor Rtoukbullult
, cd. Union Strck Yards , Oinalui , Neb.
Lumber , Etc.
' *
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
BnBh , Jeers ) , Klc. Yardi-Cor. 7th ami Douglns ,
Cor. UilimiU
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MouldliiKH , Stair Work and Inlorlor Hard Wood
Flnbli. Jiittopcnud. N. K. for. Bill and leaven-
worth Streets , Omului , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
6H 3. 14th Street , Omiilm , Nul ) . V. Colpoi/cr ,
C. N. HIKT %
Lumber ,
13lh and Cullfornln Street ; , Omalm , Nob.
1'UED W , GItAY ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc.
, , , . , Etc.
Cor. Cth and Douglas Struetij , Omaha , NcU
Wholesale Dealer in Lumbar , .
Omuhn , Nebraska.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wat'on Stock , Fancy Woods , Dildgo Timber *
&c. , B. W , Cor , Uth und Douglas , Onmhii , A'ei. !
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding ,
> lito. Boutb WtU BtroetjCilttia ,
Nebraska Lumber Co ,
Paid In Ciipitid Block. $300,000.
- u.moDUfuclurerB and wholesale deal.
en. Mills at Merrill , Wis. Wholesale and retail
Uletributiug- , Omaha , Nob. ! > 11 b. 'Jtb iH.
Dealer * In All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale.
1Mb SI trot and i a on I'no 11 Track , Omnlm
Yfholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
lOlli nmll7j nlStreets , Omalm , Nebraska.
J. A. WAKUnr.M ) ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shinglas , .
IliilMliiKVapcr . Pn. h , loor-t , llllnds , Miuil |
Inirs , I'lcVrts , l'o ! > t , l.lmc , r : stcr. llnf ,
Cement. Nlntn nna Joncf , Uamlnt > 'ol > .
Millinery ,
.Vnr.tint.iKit ; ,
Importers nud Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1211 llarncy Street , Omaha , .Voh. 1
Musical Instruments.
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Stolmrny Platioo. Weber , Decker. Holno ? ami
ItiliTKs I'mmn , Paeknnl Oifi\ns ( , chase Orir.ins.
101 nml IKI nth Mrect.
Notions , Etc ,
J. U 11UANDIU9 k SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Goods Notion * , drills' KurnMiltiif ( looilfl.
lloodi 1 rout Now Voik. Trmlo r\lca ilnily. 631'
anil fios Poiitli intli St. . Uainlia.
Agoiits for ! ' . A. Whitney Cnirluiio Co.'s
Cliildrcn's Carriages ,
ami .Jewell's Cvlotnnted neirluprnlori. Send
for prleo HslB. 14IA I'avnain st , Uniiilin.
J. t. Robinson Notion Company , * . _
t \ ami 4Ci ( S. 10th PI.Omaha , Nob. -x
Wliolcsalu Dealers In Notions ami dents'I'ui >
Oils , Etc.
Wholcsalo Dealers in Oils ,
Caroline , Mien A.\lu GIIMIOO , Klc. A. H. Hlghopi
Manager , Omaha , Nob. ,
Pork Packing. j
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omaha , Nebraska ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onico , Union Mai-hot , 1517 Dmlfro Street. Packing
IIOIIFU , U. 1' . It. K. Track , Omalm , Nou. Tolo-
| iliono No. 157.
Safes and LOCKS. '
p. n'ovint * co. \
Agents for Hall's ' Safofi Lock Co.s' i
Fire and Ilurglnr Proof SnlcsTlmo Looks , Vaults j
and Jail work. 1020 1'arnnm Mreet , Omaha , Neb i
Seeds ,
Wholcsalo and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Agricultural. Vcfrctablo , Ktc. Odd Follows1 Hall ,
N.V. . Cor. Hth nnd Doduo St . , Oinnlia , Nob.
Drugs , Etc. i
11. T. CIiARKi : lHUu
Wholesale Druggists ,
Jobbers ofValnts , Oils , Wlr.di.w Glais Klc. , Illl
llaiuey Pttcct , Omaha , Nob. '
THE ( ) OlMAN IRI'i ( CO
Wholesale Druggist' , ,
And Dealer In I'nlnls , Oik nnd Window GlaaV i
Onmha , Nob. , i * '
= , - _ = j
Wines and Liquors. " J > \
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
1202 nnd KOI Douglas St. , Onialin , Noli. Fao-
toiies Nos. i and illii , iid Dlst. N. Y. / .1
Bncccssor to MuifAMAiit & DUNCAN , Importer *
and AVholetalo DcnlPM In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
211 and 210 S. Hth St. , Omalm , Nob.
Jt. 11. GHOTTE ,
Wines and Liquors.
Apent .Jrjs. ficlilltz liroivlnir Co. 7193L
Wlioiesale V/ines / , Liquors aud Cigars.
l'.Sl Uoiidlas Slroot , Omaha , Neb.
ILEU & CO. ,
Distillers aud Importers of Wines
And l.tqiiorn. Bolo manufacturer. * of Kcnnoily'i
Kabt India Hitlers. IllHarney Street , Omaua ,
Nob. _ _ _ _
I * P. LARSON & CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Y/hiskies /
And Cigars , and Orncral ARonls for the Phdlp
Hosts' Colobialcd Milwaukee Door , Omaha , Neb
Harness , Etc ,
Mannfaclnrcr8.nml Jobbora ot
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf Goods , lllanki'tn and Itobcs. 1121 Karnaiu
SI i cot Oiniiha. Nob.
* * 4\l At
Agciu for the Manufacturora nnd linportora ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
J.umpn , Chlmnoyp , KlcOlllco , ill" Routli 131U
_ Hlri-el , Omaha , Noli. ,
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Pau i
- -
The Short"liiiie
and Best Route
From Omaha to the East.
Clili'ajco , MlnniMipiilN. Milwaukee ,
HI. Paul , CedaiKapid , Darcnporr ,
Clinton. Diihnriiiu , Ilockford ,
Hock Island , l rcepiirt , .laiictfillu ,
KlKln , Madison , l.n Crotto ,
Uclolt , Wlnoiiu
AuJ all other InipoiUun polnl ] { utt , Norlhoiut
Ticket olllco at HOI Karmini slieel.dn Pax Ion
Hotrll , and at Union Paclllu Hi-pot.
PiillinanHluepiMNiind thu Finest Dinln.i ? Cars
In the World uro i mi on llmuiialn lines of the
L'HiiMnn.Mii.wAiiKKii.vSr PAUL IUII.WAY , u d
nvcr.v allenllon IK paid to iiasdvnuerx by roiu teens
ons employes of Urn company.
It , Mii.uu : , General MaiiDKer.
J. R'j'i'CKKii , Asalnant Geiuinil Mnnajor.
, A. V. II. IMiii'hNTKii , Gciural 1'aswnirer unl
Ticket Aeeiit.
( ir.o. i : . HUAFFOIID , Abbl-iiant Goiv uill'
or und Ticket Afent.
and Jail Work.
1020 Ifarmun Street , Onmlm , Nob.
R. E. Monre , Lincoln , '
jlarket Price Paid ,
Tlio Original uiiil Only Ueuulne.
fi r n1 l ir , Reliable. llr rt of wcrtklrw ImlutlcBi.
udiiMDMbk u LADIES.A > L imr uruxcut i r
fblcliotrr' * EnBlUI > iii < i UU u njilnt .
( iump.u ui tt i > % nleuUr * < n Irtttr bj rcturu lahlt *
NAME PAPER. l > lcl > trr ( Lrmlfnl f * . ,
Jaiil Jcd ! . .M t-u rc , rktU4a. , I'ju
Void bj llr ZKl t > crrn > rbrr'- * " ' ' " < 'bl lit
" ' I'lllt. t k ctkM.
uglUU" l'cunjrwl > < >