Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
J 1 II"I.JBIIJMHLII | L III. 1 1 < S r 1 0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 11. 188(5 ( THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. THURSDAY MORN" ING , FEB. 11. 01-FIOE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. EtllVMdl > < y carrier In any pnrt ot the city nt 1w only ccnls i > cr week. II. W.Tn.TO.v , - Manager. THIKPJIONISI : IH'MNr.fs OFFICE , No. 43. NlfillT HllITOII. No. 23. MINOR MI3NTION , 1'nnts to order , from $5 up , nt Keller's. Tlio Imperial club 1ms nnothcr of its cnjoiablo parlies this evening. A fi-yciir-oltl child of Theodora Brown , prosiiiont of the Fit > l National back of OrNwnlil , yet hold of homo carbolic acid last Stindiiy , driiikinc sonio of it. llio llllln one dird from tlio uHccLs and was buried yesterday. Three vagrant * and two drunks fur nished business for the police court yes terday. One of tlio drunks claimed that ho went to I ho police .station to keep from Di'lii/rarreslutl / , and tlio police locked him til ) . He was lined just the same , nothing bi'liiR thrown oft" for his thus Raving tlio olllcers the trouble of hunting him up. II. ( J. Addis , who was formerly general agent for the 1'orkiiiH windmill , lias sev ered bin connection with that mill , and after having taken a like position with the Eureka windmill , has sold the west ern territory to SlmgartVaito & \Veis , who now handle the Eureka. Mr. Addis has made arrangements by which he will travel for the linn and look particularly after the windmill business. Joseph Knight , who was arrested Tues day night on tlio charge of insulting a little girl named Hanson , was discharged yesterday , no witness appearing against him. He hits lived here for two or three years , and has been employed as coach man for dillercnt parlies. He denies that lie htiiil anything out of the way to the girl , and the dismissal of the case corrob orates this .statement. Although the coasting carnival has necessarily been postponed , it has not been wholly abandoned , and the committee do not live as those without hope. Word has been received from surrounding towns and cities , that arrangements are being made to send big delegations here , and the committee have every assurance that such a carnival would bo a great success. As soon as the weather proves favorable the announcement will be made of the time and place. The funeral of the late L. W. Wcirich was held yesterday afternoon and was largely attended , there being a goodly number of veterans among the fi lends. Ho was laid at rest beside ins two brothers , both of whomlike , hiniself , gave themselves to their country in its time of need. One. Sam , belonged to the Second Iowa infantry , Chris to the Fourth Iowa , and the one now placed be side them was a member of the First Colorado cavalry. Three brothers , tak ing all t'ie sons in the family , now fill soldiers graves. Deputy United States Marshal JJority brought to this city Tuesday night Otis und i'earl Groom , brother and sister , who live at Creston. They are charged with tampering with tlio mails. It is claimed that n brother living in Missouri Valley wrote a letter to his wife at Creston , with whom ho is not living on account of some domestic trouble. This letter was taken from the postoilicc , read and de stroyed. The accused gave bonds for their appearance at tlio next term of court and returned home. For first class Missouri wood call on Ulcason , at his coal ofliee , 20 Pearl street. Missouri Y nl Icy Items. MISSOUIU VAI.IIY : , Iowa , Feb. 9. On Monday evening occurred the tenth an nual masquerade ball given by the Social Hour club at tlio town hull. The attend ance was quite large , Doth by maskers and spectators. The music was furnished by the Northwestern band. The cos tumes were furnished by a lady from Council Ulufls. They were very hand- bome , and several extra fine. It was the event of the season and a grand succccss. Quito a number were present from Coun cil lilnil's and Omaha. At the present time all the saloons are closed , wiiich has been brought about by a war among themselves. Whether they will bo permanently closed or not is a conundrum , and it will probably not be solved until after our spring election , which occurs in March. Ilnrrv Stonesifcr has sold his stock of tobacco and retircdfrom | the cigar manu facturing business. The Jay Sims combination stay two evenings this week , Thursday and Fri day. They are the same troupe that played at. tlio opening ot the Dnnlap opera house. LUDLOW. ! ! 00,000 briok for sale. C. Straub , Coun cil lilnIVs , Iowa. rribtito to Hancock. On the announcement of the death ol General W. S. llancoek in the house at DCS Moines , Colonel Keatley of this citj moved an adjournment as follows : Mr. Sneaker : As one who served In the Army of the Potoiatie , and who serml uiulei Major Ucnojiil Hancock , 1 realize with the protoimilpst poiMiimt Kiiet Hie fact of the Mid den dentil of that gallant and heroin boUlier. No sadder Intelligence has ever tlullled the electric wires than that sad announcement. Ills Kiaiul and chlvahle clnuacterasa soldlei of the union army Is wiltten In Impcrl.ilmlilc clinrurtorH In Hie lilMoiy of this reat and } .Tanil republic. Ills tamu and iinmo nio the property ol a Kieat , mntciilchstmd lien temib- He , to be Iruasined liy them as one of Inch most precious Jewels. Tl w Intelligence ot the death of the cieat ami heiolu soldier will make tlio nation sad and soirowful ; and It Is meet and proper tlwt this house do now ad journ , as a tribute to the memory of one whose iicat services have boon matchlftss , patriotic and suiieib ; and , theietoic , I move that It do now adjourn , and that Mich ml jniunmcnt be tuUmi by a lining vote. Money to loan by Forest Smith. 1'ci'Honal II. S. Clayton , of Macedonia , is in the city.F. . F. L. Davis , of Missouri Valley , was It : the city yeatorday. C.J. Ulauohard leaves to-night for St Paul , with T. W. Tyler , a fr7end fron Chicago. J. L. Colioon , general agent Dwelling House Insurance company , left last even ing for Nebraska on business. T. E. Casady , son of Judge J. P. Cas ady , of this eity , has been elected preai dent of the Iowa Oratorical assoeiatlor for the ( mmilnj ; year. This is a compll luent indeed for the young man , who i ; attending 1'uvfcon'h college. James \V. Wallace ami Fred Spoonei nre preparing logo into the banking bus iness at ( Jreoley Center , Neb. , about tin lirst of March , liolh tire young mot well known hero , and having the conli donee ami respect of all. Mr. Wallae * has been with the Savings bank and Mr Spooner with the Citizens' bank , am Jmvo thus gained needed experience. nroadwcll Free ToDay. . The bond of S. A. liroadu'ell has beet prepared and tiled in the sum Cof $ 1,000 and ho will doubtless bo released fron the penitentiary pending his appeal t ( the supreme court. The bond is Mgiuu by W. II. Willsoy , A. M. Jones , vf. F llilliard , J. L. Whiting , C. M. Oilmore ilolin T. Coflnmu , W. S. Crom and A. L King , those parties hclns residents o Harrison comity. Thtj boudsmuu qualify | n the sujxi gf U,500. ALL ABOUT THE BLUFFS , The Council to Investigate the Charitable Police. BROADWELL TO BE RELEASED. The Com I ni ; Court Hoport of llio Cliarltr llnll Skipped Without tlio Mplit of the Moon Points and Personals. Aldcrmunlo Wisdom. A special meeting of the council was lad yesterday afternoon , at which Aid * Mynsler presided in the absence of the nayor. Aid. ( Jeisc , who is still 111 , was .ho only other absentee. The sewer ditch rmestion was con sidered. That enterprise has got into such a tangle that it puzzles tlio alder- iiumio brains terribly , l-urthcr action was taken yesterday , but whether it will' ' end to clear up the muddle remains to bo seen. The resolution passed January 12 ordering the extension of the sewer ditch was reconsidered and rescinded. Then all bids for doing the work of ex tending were rejected. The street super visor was then Instructed to make a survey ot the ditch , note obstructions and other facts , so a.s to make an intelligible * report to the sewer committee as to the condition of the ditch and what ought , to be done , It was apparent from the action of tlio council yesterday that It is ( lie intention to ignore Mr. V iucent's claim to having a contract for doinc the work , and that the city will , under its own supervisor and with its own force of men , open a temporary waterway or out let for the ditch. Mr. Vincent , who seems determined to maintain his claim , expressed a willing ness , in case of litigation , to have the inatter submitted to either of the three judges , Loofbourosv , Connor , or Ayles- worth. It was decided to grant relief to the four liremen who were injured in tlio Main street lire , the amount to be $ ' , " ) caeh. The firemen lost their clothing and personal elVeels , besides having suf fered otherwise. In view of the reports about misconduct on the part of the members of hose company No. ! , the council granted their request for an in vestigation. T'ho witnesses are to bo ex amined this evening. The statements made in regard to the peculiar manner in which some of the police force helped themselves to some of the clothing and provisions contributed for the poor was also the cause of an other demand for an investigation. The council decided to inquire into the matter in secret session , as committee of the whole , this evening. The clerk was instiuetcd to advise the mayor that his presence to-night was do- siablc , that lie mitrht lihlon to the testi mony , he being the head of police. The council then adjourned until to night. Best coal and wood in the city at Glca- son's , iiC Pearl street. The Chanty Ball. The following is the financial showing made by the committee having in charge the money realized from the charity ball : Tickets Issued to the committee , 523 at 53.50 51,007.50 Tickets Issued to the committee , 1".0 , atSl.OO 1HO.OO Total. . . . Sl.443.fiO Amount received on sale of tickets. , S 870.0. ) iiekcts fold and tmeollectcd 20.50 Tickets Kvon ! for donations 10.CO Tickets retained to treasurer unsold , Ifrlnt Si.50 ! -110.03 Tickets ictunicclto treasurer unsold. ISlat § 1.00 121.00 Total S1.4W.50 1'occlved from clonk loom S 8.00 Received t mm supper 40.5.5 ' Cash donated 77,13 ! Total S IW.IO Cash icccived from sale of tickets. . . 870.00 Cash donated , supper and cloak room 125.70 Total 51,001.70 Jan. 25,18SO , received of F. M. ( ' . ( wit ? 'J47.'JO Jan. 2S , received ol A. 51. Jackson. . . 4.50 Feh. 4 , received of It. A. L 25.00 Feb. 0 , received of Officer 25.00 Total ? 1,001..D From Jan. 25 to Feb. 0 , amount paid out . " S 009.10 Balance1 on hand 2.GC Total SlitJOl.70 Two hundred families have been helped up to this time. J.L. FOUJIAN. Treasurer. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans. J. W. &E. L. Squire , 101 I'earl street , Council Bluffs. The Coming Court. The February term of the circuit court opens next Tuesday. The term at Avocn opens a mouth later. The bar docket just out for the term hero shows 30. ' cases. Among them are a number ol saloon cases , in which it is sought to bo cure injunctions against nearly evcrj saloon in the city. The city is interested in a largo number of cases also , it beiiif pluintifi' in two and defendant in thirty Many of thcco are concerning right ol way , condemnation , etc. , but they ar enough to command the time of the eitj attorney pretty closely to protcot the city's interests. The divorce cases nlse loom up numerically , there being twenty of thcso. The petit jury as drawn consists of the following : George West , sr. , Itockford L. P. Jaeobson , Nonvalkj II. A. Hough Crescent ; John Hoi/faster. Minden ; Hugli Dowling , Neola ; J. li. Mathews , Wash , ington ; Milton Parker , Hardin ; James A Summers , Silver Creek ; Charley Duich lor , Keg Creek ; K. G. Davis , ( Jarnor ; J D. Frohardt , Lewis ; John Short , Kane W. E. Latighory , Uoomor ; William Duel ! Garner ; Thomas Leonard , Ha/.el Dell w.c < John i Spethman , Kane ; George Kane ; W. L. liiggs , Kano. SUlppcd Without tlio Moonlight. A few months ago there arrived in tin city a young couple claiming to be fron Now York. They g-avo the names ot Mr and Mrs , J , A. Laselle , He secured cm ployment in the People's btoro , while sin opened up dressmaking parlors and ad vcrtiscd as the fashionable nvpdiste of tin west , Mine , Lascllo , late of New Yorl City , They wore both rather stylish business acting sort of folks , and it wai thought that they were doing a flourish ing business. About a week ago Mr LiM : < Ho was relieved from Ids duties ii the store , and on Tuesday last they soh their furniture to a second hand dcalei audsomotimoTuesday night dUappearci from the eity. Where they went is un known , but the sign. "Mmo. Lasello Modiste , " now swings in the breczo ii front of apartments which are placardci as for rent. Several creditors look ii doubt upon sundry small bills upon thoit books which have not been balanced these bills being for groceries , meat , etc Saw Through n Glusa Darkly. ( jcorgo Chriss , a colored man , was arrested yesterday , on the charge o ; Mealing a microscope from the ollico o Dr. Rico on Pearl street. Ho called i the ofllce Tuesday night to get some med icine , tuul us lie di.-anpeireil. ; t.Uv micro scope went too. The police found him In Belle Clover's house , where ho has been employed. As the officers entered the room he had the microscope examining it , having taken. U apart. Ho was at once locked up for n future hearing , Ho claims that it was a incro accident , that he was playing with the microscope while the doctor was putting ui > the medicine , and some way It got into his pocket , and ho did not find that he had It until after ho got homo. The microscope Is valued nt about $3. Called to the 1'Tont. We , voters of the Second ward , present the name of our fellow citizen , John E. Ahles , as candidate for alderman loan independent republican ward caucus , standing outside of rings , n heavy tax payer , with extensive knowledge gath ered abroad , in city matters , sewerage , and with ample time to devote to the city's interests , lie would undoubtedly represent all classes with equal honesty , intelligence and economy. M. GAU.AOHAX , TIIKO. BIIAY , GIOHOK.ONIS : | : , AHTIIUUirr , M. Duot.icti , W. II. KNII : HCK , JOHN SHOUT , THANK WII.UAM [ . A Distinguished Tragedienne. Miss Lilian Olcott last week played to 0110 of the largest week's business known in the history of the Tabor grand opera house , Denver. She was pronounced by the cattle kings a most beautiful woman. In speaking of her the Hartford Courant says : Miss Olcott as Galatea was a success at the theatre last night. Although the house was not overcrowded , the audjenco was very enthusiastic and called Miss Olcott before the curtain after every act. Her Galatea is the best performance that has been witnessed hero for some time and the young and charming tragedienne is certainly ucslincd to success. THE WHITE HOUSE OCCUPANT. A Newspaper Corrcspimlciit'H Funey Sketch. Washington Correspondence Cincinnati Enquirer : President Clovcladn's success in the white houi-'o is a heavier typo of self- love , without even the superficial refine ment of Arthur , with the flavor of beer , and its shape stamped umm him , and an idea that roughness becomes the magis trate. Wo seem to see the Bow street olliccr , as in the times of Henry Fielding , sitting on the bench , magnificent among his tipstaves , fetching un a great echo from the recesses of his stomach , and appalling the small boys whom he is to sentence. The attempt is being made to inipoio upon the United States , as this individual imposed upon the prisoners in the county jail of liutlalo , by clearing his throat , looking around in a sovereign mannerand intim idating the innocent and the guilty. It is fortunate that there has been a school teacher in tlus family who has .seen boys of that sort in her classes , and slmliud long to know what could be made of them. You can not make a great reform er where there has been no personal dis cipline. "Wackford Squecrs" kept a "Dothebovs Hall" in the top of York shire , and his only text-book was brim stone. The school was kept in tolerable awe , though now and then one of the sub ordinate teachers would thrash the pro prietor. Over thft door the sign of re form \VAS conspicuous. Every boy who came in thorn was to bo reformed , while the head of the school was to continue the half-quarried pudding-stone it hail always been. Postoilicc Changes in Nebraska and Iowa during the week ending February 0 , 1880 , furnished by Win. Van Vlcok , of the postofllce depart ment : KKIIIUSKA. Established Buchanan , Lincoln coun ty , Butler Buchanan , postmaster ; Delay , Lincoln county , John Delay ; Gundy , Logan county , Stephen II. Chuppoll ; Heun , Colfax county , William Iletin ; Irvinq , Keith county , David A. Lawler ; Loomis , Phelps county , John \V. Jack son ; Murcngo , Hall county , El'isha A. Drake ; Ono , Wheeler county , Porter E Vandormarker ; Kcdington , Cheyenne county , Eugene E. Van Olinda. Name Changed Morton. Gage county , to Lanham , Alexander S. Tuys , post master. Discontinued Stoughton , lied Willow county. Postmasters Appointed Bancroft , Cuming county , J. E. L. Carey ; Fort Calhoun , Washington county , George Ncale ; Garrison , Butler county , Peter Graham ; Shell Creek , Colfax county , Potter Saltier ; Wisnor , Cuming county , Nathan Salsbury. IOWA , Name Changed Clark , Clay county , to Everly. Discontinued Whitney villc , Cass conn- Postmasters appointed Bancroft , Chickusaw county , C. 11. Dillenbeek ; Burgess , Clinton county , Miss Mary Mar tin ; Bassctt , Kosstttli county , Frank J. Byrne ; Clcarlield , Taylor county , II. E. Waring ; Cleveland , Lucas county , D. N. Telfer ; Cottonvillo , Jackson county Bernard Keillor ; Durham , Marion coun ty , C. II. Durham ; Harvard , \ \ nyne coun ty , I ) . M. Thomas ; Lcando , Van Duron county , John A. Willis ; Liberty Centre , Warren county , J. G. Proctor ; Pioneer , Humboldt eountyThomas O. llulo ; Pocahontas - hontas , Pocahontos county , J. F. liar- Ian ; Polk , Polk county , Charles C. Crab- tree ; Pronliso City , Wayne county , T. F. Anthony ; St. Olof , Clayton county , Ed ] ward Uovnolds ; Senoy , Plymouth conn ty , Thomas J. llcevcs ; 'Tower Hill , Dela ware county , Hebeeca Beattv. An Unlucky Poker Flayer's DOR. Chicago Herald : There was a little game of draw in tlio smoking car. Ono of the players evidently had mihcrablo luck , for he was always cursing it. Finally his pile of chips disappeared with an untimely bluft" in n jack-pot , and he retired from the game. " ( iiicssl'll and wake " go up my dog" he said , as he went away , "and plav with him. You fellows have broke mo.1' Presently ho returned 10 look at the game which had undone him. At his ncels was a very tall , long , loan , hungry- looking , short-tailed cur , with a cast- down appearance anil a sot of scraggy teeth. Soon one of the players accident ally kicked the dog , and there was a growl , a showing of molars , and an admonishing elevation of the stumpy caudal appendage. "Bo quiet , there. Flush I Lie down , Flush ! " exclaimed the looker-on , "How did you overcome to name that dog Flush ? " queried a man with his hat down ever his eyes und a big stack of chins before him. "That dog ? How did I come to name him Flush ? Oh. just a little notion of mine. You see' , boys , ho is &o infernal hungry and cadaverous that it's only bout once in n year 1 can fill him.though . his keep costs mo a right smart sum of money. He's the cusscdcst dog you ever saw to brag and growl and bhow his teeth and make believe he's a lighter , but if another dog stands up to him ho lays down quicker an1 meeker than any pup in the business. And besides , lio's a reg ular bob-tail , yon know. Be quiet , Flush ! " Sunset COX'H Successor. Wasainyton Correspondeaco Chicago News : Tim Campbell , who succeeded "Sunset" Cox us the ropreientativo of the Sixth New York District , is one of the r-haractors of the house. Campbell is a veritable rougli diamond. Ho is really a very bright and witty fellow , With ull the ; coutemnt of u New York ward politician for social and politicnl conventionalities. It Jvas Campbell who recently called upon ( Vol. I.amont , and , at the conclusion of the interview , ilcsir- Ing to know if the president was access- bio , Jerked his tlaiindj in the lalter's direction , and coollyi inrjuircd if "his nlubs" was in. riifsMs Campbell's that term in the house , When Mr. Carlisle was making upi the committees. Campbell requested , Hint ho bo assigned to a place on the naval committee. "But you know nothing about naval affairs , " said the speaker. "The d 1 1 don'tl" responded Camp * bell , irreverently. "Didn't Isorvofour years In the Albany legislature on the committee on yards ahtldocks ? What d'yo take mo forf'nnd ho flounced out of the room in a great rage. ' Campbell is said to bo jealous of the growing popularity of Congressman Lawler , whom ho has been heard on sev eral occasions to characterize as "that still' from Chicago , " He hopes during the course of the session to draw "our Frank" into a debate on the silver ques tion , during the progress of which , to Mill further quote Mr. Campbell , ho pro poses to "wipe up the floor with him. " If such an event should occur between thcso two statesmen it will'havo the ef fect of crowding the galleries to suffoca tion. The Snow for the Creditor. Chicago Herald : "Hathor u slrango thing occurred the other day , " Mild a jewelry drummer , as he lighted a match tin his pantaloons : "I went to a town out in Iowa to settle up our account with a firm there that had been running behind on their payments. The firm , composed of two lirothors , was one of the largest in the town , and I had no fear of trouble , lint when I arrived there I found that they had dissolved partnership and closed business. " "Didn't lose anything , did you ? " "Lose anything ? Should say wo did. Ono brother took all the stock and skipped cast , and the other took all the cash and lit out for the west. What show has a poor creditor grot coming in on the shank end of such aulssolution of copart- nership as that ? " FIIANK NIKLY : , Prcst. ( Ico.W.llAinux , b'oc. ( Incorporated , 1881. ) EttTJITABLE MUTUAL Life and Endowment Association OF WATERLOO , IOWA. WESTERN DEFT. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. orncn IN ur.xo's BUILDING. Itoonis Xos. 12 and 13. $2,500 iii cnse of Death. $1,000 Endowment at the end of ten years. Average cost for ycnvof assessment , first throe yours f organization , 15 to ao years , ? (5.G71.1 ( ; tc fiij j ears , $10. Circular and Information bu application. WM. , . BAND ALL , SuporJntcpdont ot Ajunclc3. O Vri iti VIIMI. 'i DOHAHH Op HOUSE , 2 NIGHTS % Monday and Tuesday , FEBRUARY 15 AKD 16. ENGAGEMENT OF THE DISTINGUISHED TRAGEDIENNE MISS LILIAN OLCOTT Supported by her own talented company In PYGMALION AND GALATEA , by the popular author , W. B. GILBERT , author of "Pinafore , " the "Mikado , " etc. TUESDAY EVENING' presenting tlio ever popllar New York Success PRICES : $1.00 , 7Cc , 50 and 25e. Reserved Seats on sale at Ilushnell's Drug Store NO1QCE ! TO THE PUBLIC AND OLD PATRONS. Ihavo bought what is known ns the COUNCIL-BLUFFS OMNIBUS.IJACJGAGE AND TRANSFER LINES. And will Klvo my personal attention to calls a private residences for passengers and baggage lor nil trains , Including dummy trains. Ollico at Paclo Hou u. Telephone 149. Thankful for past luvors , I am robpoctfully yours , H. BEOBOFT. Successor to J. Itogerg. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices In Statss and Federal Court * . Hooms 7 and 8 , Sauiart BJoc.k. UNION TICKET OFFICE J , I , De BEYOISE , Agent. No. C07 Broadway , Council Illufrs. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following Is the time of arrival and departure of trains by central standard time , at tlio local depots. Trains leave transfer ilopot ton minutes earlier and arrive ten minutes later : " " ' " CIIIOAIIO * * oiiTuvf , ii .AlmiTlt 9SJA. : M Jilail and Kxprees 0:601si. : . 12:401 : % M Accommodation tMi : ) > . M. OitOl'.M Express : < ttA.M. GIUUAnO & KOCK IHUND. 0aiA.M : . . , .Mullnii'l UxprchS GftOi : > .M. 7:15 : A. M Accommodation 6:45 : p. M. fliMl-.M K.\jirees U:05A. : M. CHICAGO. MILWAUKr.i : & ST. I'AUI * H'JO ; A. M Mall and Kxprcds ( lMi : > . M. fliWr.M Uxpiesa. . . , 0:05A.M. : CHICAGO. iiuin.i.NiiroN & oui.vcr. 0:404.M : Mall and Kxyrtss 0.rXp. : ) Kxprcssi : u5 WA1UHII , HT. 1.OIIIB k I'AntlC. 2:15 : r. u.Ixcul8t.I.oiilrt Evjiress Ixjcat UiOO I'.M.TriuififorBt. Louis Kx. 'rriuiBler.3JO : : r. M KANSAS CUV. ST. JOB & COUNCIL 1ILUFFH 10:10 : A. M . . . .iiulluud Express n Oi'.M. V-Mv.u Exprcsu 6:2oA.M. : siou.x cm1 4 PACIFIC. 7:15 : A. M . . .Sioux City Mall Ri30 I' . M. utfOl'.M fit. Paul Kxpress 8i3 : A.u. UNION VAOiFIO. 10:35AM : , . , Denver KxprosB..D45l' ; . M. 3:13 : p. M..Lincoln Pass..Om. & It. V:0 : : ! > i * . M. 7:601' : . u Overland lixprobd B ; 15A.M. DUMUT T1IA1NBTO OMAHA. Leave Council Illuffg 7sU5 HU8 : U:30 : 10:30 : 11:80 : u. m. ; l:30-S:30-y:30-4:30 : : : 5:15-0:30- : : 11:45 : p. m. Sundays 7:05 : U:3 : 11 : ; n. in ; 2aoa5:20flioll:45 : : ; : : : : p.m. Louvo Omiihn -fl:35 7:35-B:50-iO:00-n:00 : : a. nu ioa-SOU- : : 00 1:00 : 5 :00 : : 6 : % lltll ) p. in. Sundays 'Ji5 : W-11:03 : a. : : ; : : " MERGrEN HOTEL , Main St. , Council muffs. Near the C. , n. &Q.0. ; , M. & St , P. . ami C. , J { . I. it P. railway rtopots. Street cars pass the iloor. Everything new ami Jirst class. Opened Dec. lst.ijnLMKHfiE Proprietor and Manager. P.T. JJAVNE. A. 8. 1IA7CL.TOM 1' & Co . T.Mayne , Real Estate Exchange No. 103 Pearl Street .Council Illutra , Iowa. Dealers In lowu , Kansas and Nebraska Lauds LOTS IN COUNCIL ULUFFS AND OMAHA A SPKL'JAL'1 % . . mV 'i jfiiMifi i' " ; iTi : - . ! - * , . i. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING KCOT7SE3 OF1 COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEERE , WKLLS & CO. , Wtiotosnlo Agricultural Implements , Buggies , _ _ Cnrrlngo9 , Ktc , Kto. Council HlulTs , Town. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Shelters , Stalk Cutters , Disc Harrows , Socdors , Corn 1'lnnlors , Toed Cut ters , itc. : Fnciory , Hock Falls , UK N'o . IMl , mi , K > 0i , 153J Main St. , Council muffs. DAY l lf JHlTvDLKY irCO.r Mawirrsnnl.lob'jorfl of Agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Buggies , . ami nil Kin Is of rixrm Mno'i'nory. ' HUU to 1113 South Minn Srot ( , Council lilting , lown. AXK r. O. d I.K WON , T. II. nount.vs OEO.R WHIOIIT l're3..Trcas.Vl'resAM in. 8co.&Councll Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturers of Axle , 1'lek , Slodtro nntl Stnnll Handles , of every description. CAItl'UTS. COUNCIL HLU1TS CARPET CO. , Curtains Window Shades Carpets , , , Oil Cloms. ttirtuin 7itiiire3 , Ujil'.oljtsry Goods , lUc. No , 405 Itroalway Council Uluirs , lowu. URIAHS , TOHACCO , 77'C. I'EREGOY & MOORE , Wholesale Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nos. S3 Main and 27 I'ciirl Sis. , Council fllullg , lown SNIDER & LEAMAN , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants No. 14 I'earl St. , Council nUUTs. CRACKERS. McCLUUG CUACKER CO. , Manufacturer ! ) or Tine ' Biscuits Cakes Crac'iers , and , Council lilnffa , linen. CROCKERY. MAUKEK & CRAIG , Importers Jobbers of Croc'ieryGlassware , Lamps , Fruit JniB , Cutlery , Stoneware , liar Cloods , fancy Goods , lite. Council muffs , Iowa. nttUUGlSTS. HARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Oils. Paints Glass Druggists , . , , Druggists' Sundries , No. 22 Main St. , and No. 21 Pearl St , Council Hliiirg. DRY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notion" , Ktc. No . 112 and lit Main St. , Nos. 113 and 115 I'earl St , Council lllulls , Iowa. FRUITS. WIHT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionary & Fancy Groceries. anocEitiKs. GRONEWEG & SCI1OENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 and 121 , Main St. , Council Illuffs , Iowa. L. KIUSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Llcjnor Donlors. No. 410 Ilroad- wny , Council Ulntls. HARDWARE. P. C. DE VOL , Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Refrigerators , etc. Nos. 694 Ilroadway , and 10 Main strest , Council Ulntfr. HARNESS , ETC. BECKMAN & CO. , Mnnu'nctnrora ot and Wholesale Dealers In Leather Harness Etc. , , Saddlery , . No. K.'i Main St. , Council UluOfr , Iowa. HATS , CArS. ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves , Nos. 312 and 314 Urondway , Council UlufTs. HEAVY KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron Steel Nails Hardware , , , Heavy , And Wood Slock , Council IllulTB , Town. HIDES AND WOOL. J ) . 11. McDANELI ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , Pelts , ( JrL'nso nntl Furs. Council lllulTH , Iowa. " Oll.S. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO , , Wholesale- Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gasoline E3TO , , E3TO. 6. Theodore , Aijont , Council Hindu. Towa. , ETC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And Hrldtfo Matciinl SnocliiIllns.WholcsKlo Lum- her 01 nil . oilk-o Xo. i : j Mnln Bt. , CouuGi ! iiiwYti. IDWII. AXD LIQUORS. JOHN KINDER , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent JorHl. ( Jottliarci's Kerb Hitters. No. 1U Main HI. , Council Illulls. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , si. , CiiuHctl Hlufft. A.C.HUIIMIAM , Proi. UW , Tm.r.EVf , VlMJ-I'rcs. JAMES N. Uitow.vCashier. Council Bluffs National Bank 102 MAIN STREET , Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital , . , . 360,000 Stockholders Represent 1,000,000 Do a Kcnornl bunking business. Accountu of uankd , bankers , merchant * , niiui- ulacturcrijuiul Individuals lucclrud on hivoru- bio terms. Doiuebtlo unit foreign 'exchange. The very best ofuttcntlan glvou to nil bu I ni-es committed to ounuru. Z.T. LJNDSEY&CO. . . . , RUBBER RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING , AND FE3L.T . BOOTS. STOCKS : And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write for Prices. Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St. Ofllce 412 Broadway , Ooianoil ZBliaffs , - lo-weu W. IP. klnl nlnl orrnrjl nnl aUtstwtj ! : r iirtnii ) ! . Frxra ? on Little Olttut trucks the best in the woild. 808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special advertisements , such as LostFound , To Loan FoS.ilo , To Kent , Wants , Hoarding , etc. , Trill bo Inserted In this column at Iliolow rate of TEN CENTS PEIl LINK for the UrBttnsortton and FIVE CENTS PEIl LINE for each subsequent Insertion. Leave advorttsj mcntsat our ollico , No. U Pearl street , near Broadway , Council IlIulTs. WANTS. To loan lit 0 percent Interest on country or city property , if taken ilurlni ; tlio next thrun weeks. OJull & lny , Council lliutrs. WANTED Sinn with family wants steady situation to tend moat market ; SO years experience In stock buvliitfand mnat business. llrHt-clnsu inferences , llox lOj.'i Itod Onk , Iowa ; FO11SA"IK Property on corner Pearl street and SIMU avenue. Co'incll llluirs , ronshtlnjf ot two story , Iron-roofed lirijk hnlldlu * ; a Irnmo liouee of six rooms ; ull on lot DO.vllK. For terms apply to A. II. McClui-jr , on premises. FOH SALE Sealed bids will bo rocelvoJ by j W. Hodofor up to February S ) , ISSG , on oluhty feet front , tuo story brick block , Nos. " ' , 24,2(1 ( and 28 Pearl street , between lirondn uy and First avenue. SWAN & WALICKIl , No. 38 .Main street , ( under CltUoii's Hank ) , real estate an i nior- cliHiidlse CYc'iaHKO brokers. Our books are full ol special Imrunlnd , but It is Impossible to pub lish n reliable ! lli-t , 1 rom the fart of BO many dally chanties. What wo ask Is : If you want to sell ortrado anything in our line , write us mid wo will send you a iillo of bar/iilns to select from. Lands Improved or inilmprove.l , oily or town property , stocks of ( foodj of any kind In uny place , II such yon have or such you wuut let us hear from you. Swan & Walker , Council llluirs dfl OH Made In 31 days by n lady aont of tiio p 1 \ ) "Kquimbln.1' Wo want lx more llvo agents , male or lemalc. Apply In person or by letter to Win. Itandall , Hupl. of agencies , Coun cil lllulls , Iowa. FOH SALE At u bnnraln if sola BOOH. FARM ( , 0i ( miles southwort of Omaliii. 0 room houseexcellent wc-II and cistern , " barn ? , one for eight horses , one lor 20 cows ; hen , tool nndwiiironhoiibcs ; IOT acres In timothy : Di.OJJ lorcbt trees , cotton uooj.hlacl ; walnut , ash and maple ; good orchard , npplos , uhrrrloi , plums , grapes and email fruits. Never fiilllnit stock water. It. I * . OiTiCUtt , 5W Uroiiilivuy , Council Hlullc , Iowa. THE GREGORY INCANDESCENT GAS LAMP The public uro Inlormed Hint n palrul has been allowed to Oi-o. II. ( Irosoiy on hN hn- proved RKS lamps anil manufactured hv us. Mr. 0. A Williams It our nutliorl/od nj-ont for Coun cil llluirs mul Omaha. The public are cautioned not to buy any of tlirso trim lamps u.\eopt tlnmiRli Mr. Williams , as all iilhor-iallLMul lor Hiluiuo InlrlnBumonts upon our 1 imp. ( ! . II. HiHTl's i ; . , JlanufactiircrH unit .Sold \ \ ostein Ajjouts , No. t'3 ' Dciirbon mr ott'lilcngo. LAMPSaJttfCROCKERY -AT- BEDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. ! > ; .Main Street. Council Uluirs. In. 1 BOS. OFFICER. W. 11. M. I'USBr OPriCER , & PUSEY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. E. R. Oadwell , Real Estate , Probate AND DIVOROE LAWYER. Mo , 504 Broadway , _ J _ Council Blnffs B , BI E , M. D. riMPPPQ or other tumors removed wlchout tflflUEiUD | tii < liiilfo or drairlni , ' of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES of U kluu a ipoclallr. Over thirty years' pract.oal o.\iorleii33. | Ko. II I'initJ htroct , Cuunill Ululli N TllBi. Justice of the Peace. Office Oyer Aracrbau Eii > rpf3 Oowpany. REMOVED. T wish to respectfully c.ill the attention of my patrons and the public In Kononil , to my remo val trom the old stand No * . 7 undtt , Main St. , to my now und commodious quarters , No. 226 Broadway , Wlipi o I will bo pleased to too my many fi lends. With a largo , now and complete lusortmcnt of nil the very LATEST Fabrics in Spring STILES And hehiff located In lariro quartcis I nm hotter than over buloro prcpnioil to to torvo tlio pub- lie. llospoctnilly , J. M , SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 220 Broad way , Council Bluffs. "ESSEX HOUSE , CoilNKa UllVAJfT AND VlNB StS. Opposite City liulldlngs , Council Illuffs. Warm rooms and good board atieatonabln rales. Northwestern Hotel. Newly titled and fnrnlslicd. Opn. Broadway Dummy Depot. 61.50 per < lay. S.VMUKL TATU , Prop. L. II. BKIIS11AW. Manager. ONLY HOTEL _ Iu Council niuffahnvin ? Fire Esoetp © And all modern Improvements , call buile , flr alarm bolls , etc. , Is the CRESTON HOUSE I Koa. J.'lj , U17 nud S1K , ilHlo Strcot , MAX ilOHN , Proprietor. Chicago Lumber Co. Wholesale and Itutull Lumber , Lutli , SlilnirlM , Sash , Doors and IlllnJ ? . Sola agcntH for tlio celebrated Marljlelii-ud Conccnlraii.-d While ' ' Mum. S. P. M iCCux.Mii.1 , M ToU'iihono No. " 8. No. 710 Main biro vt , Council IllulTs. RUSSELL&Oo tlnnufaetuieraor all il/osof AUTOMATIC ENGINES Especially r cgii ! > ed for I MILLS , GKA1N KLKVATO1W , AND KLrX'TlUU LIGHTS , Tubular nud Locomotive Uuih rs. Now Mussilloa Tim-show , Curoy ami Woodbury Iloiv Powers STATIONAltr , SKID , Portable and Traclion Enyiii'1. ? , SAW MILLS , KTC. Factory Mas.sHlou , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council blulft. BEND ITOR 1880 ANNUAL. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT AND IIKAI.UII IN HAIR GOODS No. 337 Broadway , Oounal BluUa. liitato buu lrv ami sul'l ' ,