Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Suspected Assassin of Tanner Slovens
In Jail at Valentino.
BUxto Supreme Court 1'rooccil IIIRS
Kxcter's Canning Fnotory l ros-
pccts IlnstliiKsntidller Water
works Slnlo News.
ATrlsonor for Murder.
Neb. , F.eo. 10. [ Special. ]
Henry Paulson , who Is supposed to bo the
man who foully murdered Henry Stevens last
week , nt Ids residence fifteen miles cast of
here1 , was captilrcdltwodaysacoon the Middle
2 < onp , nnd ho and his car s reached hero
Into Inst night. Paulson pleads not guilty ,
but his actions have wrought a strong chain
of circumstantial evidence against him.
When Stevens wns shot , Sheriff Connelly
nnd Deputy Sheriff Little visited the scene
of the murder and Investigated it. At first
no clue to the murderer wns toiuiil , as Stov
OUR wns nut supposed to have nn enemy in
the world , but by patient Inquiry It wns dis
covered thnt Stevens' stepson Imd a qunrrel
with ono Henry Puulsoii , n neighbor , several
nniiths bafore. Tlio night of the tragedy ,
after Stevens had heard the furious bnrkliiR
of Ids dogs , ho lit Ids lantern and started
towards his stable. When near tlio stvblotho
lantern was shot fro in his hand , and imnicdl-
nlcly afln"vri'tS V,0 , Was shot through tlio
bSt'ly , which caused almost Instant death.
Ills stepson , wlie had remained In the house ,
licarliiK the shooting ami Ids father's cry ,
rushed to his assistance and drained his
father-back Into the house , being shot nt by
tlio nmulcrcr two or three times whllo so do-
The sheriff easily discovered where the
murderer vested himself beside the stable ,
nnd there having been n llcht fall of snow
they easily discovered and measured his
tracks , nnd after having leurncd of the old
quarrel they Immediately visited Paulson's
bouse , wheio everything gave evidence of n
him led departure , and the tracks around the
house wcro the sumo measurement us those
nrouml Stevens' stable * . Vaulsnn bad evl
lionlly selected his best horse and lied , leav
ing three horses and cloven head of steel
with no one to look after or t.iko care o
them. The sheriff placed a mnii In charge o
the abandoned stock nnd Immediately ilcpu
tlfced two o Paulson's nolghbors , who Itnov
their man well , to follow with all speed am
cmlcnvor to capture him , which they sue
cecdliiB in doing on the Middle Loup , snun
100 mill's southeast of here , i'hcso goutlcmei
deserve much credit for tholr pluck nnd en
cr y In running their man down.
The prisoner wns heading for Gram
Island , where ho has relatives and friends
JPnulsoa is the murderer the crime Is nl
the more revolting , because o the apparcn
Irlcndshli ) between the two men , m tlio da ;
previous to the murder Stevens had nsslstci
Paulson In piling wood nnd had also been a
Paulson's house , where ho borrowed n sack o
Hour. Some of the extremists intimate tha
Judge Lynch should takoa hand , but there 1
jio danger of this , as the county , and mor
particularly this vicinity , is determined thn
law and order shall take Its course.
The _ Stnto Supreme Court.
LINCOLN" , Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Special. ] Th
state siiprciuo'court met pursuant to adjourn
mcnt , Tuesday , February 0 , and admitted th
following named gentlemen to practice : 11
H , Hopowell , Ilobert N. Ucccliam , C. C. Me
Nlsh , John Lothrop , and Itobcrt B. Daley.
State ex rel Attorney General vs IJun
Time for committee to report extended.
State ox rel Lincoln vs Babcock ( two cases ]
Time to answer February 10.1880. .
The following causes wcro continued : Wic
VR Kuhn ; Dodge vs Omaha & Southwcstcr :
Kail road company.
The following causes were arguoel nnd sul
mlttccl : Trnphagoo vs Sheldon ; Gould v
Longhram ; Turner vsSlonx City & Pacili
Itailroad company ; Roberts vs Taylor.
Cole vs Cole. Time to servo briefs an
abstracts extended to March 7,18SO. ,
State ox rel Armor vs Logan. Peromptor ;
writ allowed.
Parker vs Kulm mo stig dim res. Su :
Court met pursuant to adjourn uioiiI
Wednesday , February 10.
Svnclna vs Groset. Dismissed.
AVebstcr vs Wray. Kehcnrlne ordered.
'The following causes were argued and sul
mlttcd : Wright vs Chicago , Burlington .
Qulncy Railroad company ; 3foyor vs YVIlkle
Woodworth vs Hammond ; Doll vsllollei
beck ; State ox rel Lucas vs Thlele.
Court adjourned to Thursday , February 11
at 8 : CO o'clock.
The following decisions have been ron
dercd :
Henry Hroadwatcr vs Samuel Jncoby. Ei
ror from Lancaster county. Judgment a
tinned. Opinion by Hccse , J.
1 When a transcript of a Justice docke
shows that the parties wcro present at th
trial , nnd that tlio same was tried , both parlh
being sworn nnd examined as witnesses , 11 :
fnct that the defendant wns called as n wl
ness for plaintiff will not deprive thodcfciu
nut of the right of appeal to the district cour
S Wh'jro an answer to n petition c onsls
of n general denial , the defendant may Intn
ducu such testimony ns will tend to dispiw
the testimony given by the plaintiff in sii ]
port of bis petition. For such purpose 11
other nlle'gntlons In the answer are nccossar ;
3-Tlio personal propertylwhlch any woma
in this Mule may own ut the lime ot her ma
rlagc , and the rents , issues , profits , or pn
ce'eds there-el' and real !
, any , pornoim t
mixed properly , which fcliall come to her I
descent , devise , or the gift of any person , c :
cept her Husband , or which she slmll p.cquli
bypnrclmsoor ntl'.evvrlse , will remain hi
eoa ! TiNtl separate property , nohvlthstaiidln
lier murflngo , tuul will not bo subject to 11
disposal of the husband , but the wlfo inn
sell and convoy such property and enter In
any comrnct ) with icfurcnco to the yarn
as a married man may do with reference 1
his property. She may disposeof her pc
fwnal properly , and It sold In good fallli , 11
title and right to possssslon will pass to tl
purchaser without any reference tonnyrlgh
of the husband.
William Uoiigcncamp vs Walter JM. Srch
ct al. Appeal from Lancaster county. Jud
iiienit atllrmeel , Opinion by Koese , J ,
In cases tried to a court without the lute
volition of n Jury , thu linding on mic.itlons <
fnct Is entitled to the same respect In the H
promo court on appeal ns would bo ne-cordi
to the verdict of a jury under llko clrcui
stances , nnd will not be Interfered with u
less clearly wrong.
J , K , Vniulerlop et ill vs Louis P. Derby
nl. Error Irom Lancaster county. JudKiuei
afllrmcdt Opinion by Iteeso , J ,
1 The provisions of section 8 , chapter 5
of the compiled statutes of lSiby which
Is provided , that upon an objection , prole
or remonstrance being filed against the Iss
nncc of a license to sell intoxicating liquor
the county board , city council or village tru
tecs shall appoint n day for hearing thu cap
is mandatory , and the board , council or tru
tees have no authority to Issue a license wit
out appointing time for hearing n remo
Btranco tiled and Investigating the same.
C Where a petition Is tiled asking n boai
having Issue- license to sell ma
bpirituous and vinous liquors , and a remo
f truni'6 Is tiled In opposition thereto , In will
it is charged that during the year last pa
the petitioner had violated certain provisio
of chapter 60 of tlio compiled statutes of 15 !
the board has no Tight to Issue thu llceus
but must appoint a tiiua for hcailug the i
monstrance , If the allegations are sufficiently
specific ,
! * The village clerk. Is the clerk of the
board of village tnistecs. A remonstrance
filed In the ofllce of such clerk Is "filed in the
oHlco where the application Is made , " and Is
4 Where nn application Ininndo to n board
for license to sell Intoxicating Illinois , nnd
notice thereof duly given , remonstrances and
objections to the Issunnco of the license maybe
bo filed at any time before the llcenso Is
granted , The time for the filing of remon
strances is not limited to within two weeks
niter the filing of the application for the
John Wclr vs the Htirllngton & Missouri
lilver Uillrond company , In Nebraska. Krror
from Lancaster county. Judgment ailirmcd.
opinion by Hccse , J.
1 Where objection Is made to the ruling of
n trial , court In giving or refusing to give In
structions to the jury hearing the cause , the
instruction given or rotiiMul must be pointed
out In the motion for a now tilnl In some
way , cither by number or other means of
Identifying the same.
2 A judgment of the district court will
not be reversed unless the errors allotted and
complained of appear upon the record affirm
J.T. McKlustcrvs N. F. Hitchcock & J.
F. Townscnd. Krror from Johnson county.
Judgment reversed nnd remanded. Opinion
by ItccM ! , J.
1 An account stated in hn agreement be
tween persons who have had previous trans
actions , fixing Iho amount duo In respect to
such transactions. As distinguished from a
mere admission or acknowledgement , It IB n
' . " calisS ot action. It Is not neon tract
ipon a new consideration , and docs not
rcatc nn estoppel , but establishes a prlmn
ado the accuracy of the Hems charged with-
ut further proof.
2 In an action upon an nccount stated ,
vhcro the answer denies the allegations ol
ho petition and alleges affirmatively that an
iccount existed between plaintiffs and do
'cndant ; that plaintiffs wcro defendant's
jankers , nnd that they , with Intent to do
ruud plaintiff , concealed from him the real
condition of the nccount , and fulled te
credit him with deposits made by him , am'
barged him with Hems with which ho was 1101
chargable , and that the allegations of fraiie !
contained In the answer wcro sufficient ii
irovcn to vitiate the account stated If one ex
stcd ; and that the question ot such fraudu
lent concealment should bo submitted to tin
| ury with other Issues In the case.
The Canning Factory TV HI Como.
EXKTKK , Neb. , Feb. n-fSpcclal.J-Ou
people are determined not to give up the can
nlng factory without at least one moro effort
Our last special to the Bii : : on that subjcc
brought in a number of propositions fron
various points for "patent medicine fncto
rics , " creameries , cnm < Ing factories , etc. ,
proving that a S3,000 ? bonus need not eo beg
g for parties to accept. The one whlcl
nict with the most approval was from th
manager of a canning factory , who siibmll
ted a proposition to the effect that If $2,00
was deposited In the bank ho would put in :
factory with u guarantee of 100,003 cans th
first year , 200,000 cans the second year , will
a proviso that if at any time ho would rais
the capacity to 600,000 cans per annum b
would receive n deed to the proi
erty. At the meeting Monday nigh
the secretary was instructed to wir
the gentleman that there is no rcasoi :
able doubt but what his proposal will bo nc
cepted , except in some minor details , and re
quest him to come Thursday prepared to stu
over to the meeting Friday to complete th
business anel interview the farming con
munlty on raising the raw material. It
prices : , etc.
Prlvnto Telephone Enterprise.
NKIIIIASKA. CITY , Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Special.
Cotton , Duff & Co. , the largest dealers i
grain in this city , having elevators all ulon
the line of the B. & M. , between hero nn
Palmyra , contemplate putting up a telephon
wire between this city and Palmyra thi
spring nnd extending It to Lincoln som
time later If this enterprise pays. It will ur
dou.btedly , as much of thestock of the prcscn
Nebraska City Telephone company Is n
present at their command , and as that con
pany's charter expires this sprinf they mos
likely look towards making a consolidntio :
of the whole line under a now charter. Till
will give much satisfaction to our cU/.cn !
who have over been clamorous for outsld
Pure Water Will Plow.
HASTINGS , Mcb. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tel <
cram.J The city council , which has been i
session two days examining plans and spec
ficatlons for the waterworks , decided las
night to adopt the plans and spcelficatlon
submitted by A. A. lUchardson , nn cnglnce
from Lincoln , for a well nnd pipe syslcn
stand pipe nnd machinery , nnd the plan
submitted by the Burkcnblno Englneorln
company ot Philadelphia for engine nn
boiler houses nnd stack. The whole cost c
the system will ho SSl.OOO. Everybody I
happy nt the prospect of having ono of th
best systems of waterworks west ot Chlcagi
The mayor and council are complimented o
nil sides for their untiring efforts to secui
the best for the least money.
Fire at Norfolk.
NOIIFOLK. Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Special. ] t
flro this morning destroyed.tho livery barn e
(5. A.Brownwith six buggiesalso ; the stabl
nnd other outbuildings of the THIenbor
hotel. The latter was only saved by th
heroic efforts of the firemen. Brown's loss
52,000 ; no insurance ; Tillonberg's loss I
about 53,000 ; Insured. A strong wind wn
blowing , but as everything was covered will
sleet , greater disaster wan avoided.
lied ITibbous Kvorywlicro.
NnmiASKA CmNeb. . , Feb. 10. fSpe <
ml.J A great tompornnco revival Is no <
going on in our city under the nusplcos of tli
Women's Christian Temperanc.0 union. II :
Montague Is the speaker , who Is ably asslste
by Professor A. B. Hucklns. Over 1,600 re
ribbons can now bo seen on our streets , som
of our best men having them , In fact tli
town Is being painted red , anet saloon etoc
Is falling fast.
Local Brevities.
Marrlngo licenses wore issued in th
county court yqstorday to Louis Kyfortl
nyed 150 , and Minnie ( Irioso. ajjed 27 , an
John Kooso , aged 31. and Augusta Join
son , aged 10 , all of Omuha.
District lodge of G , T. will bo orgai
Izcd in Saumlers street Presbyteda
church parlors , Thursdaj' , February l :
at 1080 ; a. in , , ur Miss A. M. Summon
( J. W. G. T , , of Nebraska. All Goo
Templars are coreially and earnestly h
vitc.1 ,
The many admirers of Buffalo 111
( lion W. F. Cody ) will have an opporti
nity of seeing him in the "Prairie wuif
at Boy's opera house to-nlgn
The performance given by himself an
company is an attractive and novel oni
and will no doubt will bo greeted by
crowded house. The sale ot seats is noi
open at the box olllco.
Miss Cheney arrived in the city las the Windsor , ha1
ing come all the way from Uollovilli
Kan. , to enter treatment herd umU
Madiuno Dutlot , tlio French doctress.wli
so in o months since paraded the stree
hero. Miss Cheney's disgust was yroi
when she learned that she was half
your too Into ,
Theodore Roosevelt prefers to rowbc
of the west to the Indian , lln.--iv- , '
don't go so fur as to think thn '
good fiidinns-nr the deud.lii'li. .
believe nine out of every tun ; uv , '
shouldn't like to inquire too olosdy ml
the case of the tenth. .
Brief Resume of the Business of the State
Supreme Tribunal ,
Illegal Idquor Sellers Before tlio liar
of Justice A Shocp Cnso AVlth
Homo leaning In It Goiiernl
News Notes.
tun nsp/s LINCOLN nunr.AU,1
The state siiiromo court began busi
ness yesterday by dismissing the cause
of Svuclna vs Grosot , and ordering a re
hearing in Webster va Wray. The fol
lowing wcro argued and submitted :
\Vright vs Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy
railway ; Moye > r vs Wllkio ; Woodworth
vs Hammond ; Uoll vs Hollcnbcck , anel
stale ox rel Lucas vs Thiolo ,
Opinions wcro handed down as follows -
lows :
Molvinster vs Hitchcock ; error from
Johnson county ; reversed and remanded ,
John Weir vs Burlington & Missouri
Hivcr railway , error from Lancaster
county ; nuirmod.
Vandcrllp ct al vs Deirby ot al ; er
ror from Lancaster county ; ailirmcd.
Broadwator vs Jncobyj error , from
Liunoustcr county ; uflinncd.
lloggcncamp vs Knloy el al ; appeal
Ironi Lancaster county ; ailirmcd.
In the last named action tlio court
iclel that where causes were tried with
out the intervention of a jury , findings on
incstlons of fuels are entitled to the same
respect in the supreme court on appeal
as tlio verdict of a jury would bo , and are
not to be interfered with unless clearly
Yor honor , 1 never sold a drop of
liquor to any one , " drawled a cadaverous ,
shock-headed rustic in the United States
court yesterday , on being examined by
Assistant Attorney Burtlett , on the charge
of selling liquor to Indians. "But , " he
continued , " 1 have given it away occa
sionally. " The appearance and manner
of the man upset the dignity of the court ,
and there was a smile on tlio rustic's face
as lie instriiolcel the clerk lo 'enter a line
of $1 and costs against tlio prisoner , who ,
by the way , sails under the name of
Aloses Scott , und claims Kulo as his homo.
Attorney Bartlett had a number of
other cases to present to the court , among
them being that of 11. G. Nelson , of Hub-
ron , Tliaycr eounty.who was lined $2"i and
costs for soiling intoxicating drinks in
the guise of bitters. James Vim Liew , of
Uulo. was assessed if 1 anel costs for sell
ing liquor to Indians , anel William
Barada , an old offender , is awaiting
On motion of Hon. J. M. Woolworth ,
solicitor for G. W. Fish , Judge Dundy
yesterday discharged the receiver in the
case ot 1-isli vs Nebraska City Barb Wire
company , and gave Fish leave to file a
supcrsedeus bond in the sum of $5.000.
Fish , who is the inventor of a machine
for making barb wire , organized a com
pany at Nebraska City and planted ono
of his machines there , under -in agree
ment that if it did uot work well they
could drop it. The factory was run a
short time , when , claiming tlio machine
was n failure , the principal stockholders
begun proceedings lo dissolve the com
pany anel had the property put in the
hands of a receiver. This , lish contend
ed , was a job to freeze him out of his
share of the stock , amounting to $10,500.
Ho brought a suit inihe ; United States
court aim was beaten. Now he has re
tained Mr. Woolworth , who has liuel the
case reopened , and will probably carry it
to the supreme court.
After thirty minutes deliberation the
jury in tlio Kennedy vs Cadnuin case , re-
rurncd a verdict for the plumtift for the
full amount claimed. The action inmanj
respects , was an interesting one. it being
ns one attorney expressed it , a sheep ease
with a Lamb on ono and a Burr nnd a
Lamb-crtson on the other. Two years
ago , a man named Coil'man bought from
Cadman , Iho defendant , 800sheep , giving
him a mortgage on part of the purchase
money. Afterward Coffmnn bqughl
from Kennedy COO sheep , giving him : i
lirst mortgage on the COO , and a second
mortgage on the 300. When Kennedy tried
to collect his mortgage ho was mot by the
statement that all of the 000 shoe ] ]
had died from "grub in the head , " and
that the 300 survivors were tlio ones on
which Cadman held the first'mortgage
which had been foreclosed and the sheet :
brought in by Cadman. Kennedy ; re-
plovined them , and then brought suit tc
determine ownership. It was shown on
the trial that Kennedy had sent moncj
to pay off the Cadman mortgage , and the
jury found that ho was entitled to hold
the sheep , and also to recover from Cad
man j 197.22 , the value of the wool clip
ped from them last year. Mr. Lambert-
son , who tried the case for Kennedy ,
made several good hits in his argument ,
In answer to the assertion that the sheoj :
died from "grub in the head. " ho said il
was moro likely "want of grub in the
stomach , " and that the disease was nc
more contagious than "snukos in the
boots , " in the human race , Coffnmn , the
cause of all the litigation , will bo tried
sliorlly on a charge of disposing oi
mortgaged property ,
Dick O'Neill , the Tenth street jeweler ,
has a curiosity in the shape of an an
cient-looking gold watch which has to be
wound with a huge key , and strikes like
a clock. O'Neill says the time-pcico it
100 years old , and is worth $000.
At 70 : ! ! yesterday morning a frame
dwelling near Twenty-first and O streets ,
owned by Mrs. Hardin , nnd occupied bj
(1. M. Harris , the harbor , caught lire
from a defective Hue , The building and
furniture were damaged to the extent oi
$000 , Harris losing $ i'50 worth of house
hold ollccts , on which ho had no insur-
unco ,
The Poska-Amdurska row will nol
down. I < ast week Amdurskii recovered
$ tuOQfrQp'i , Poska for malicious prosecu
tion , growing out of roska'ri effort tfi
collect a 11910 of $80 from AmdursKu bj
criminal process. Saturday , after a
pitched battle with Marshal HasUugs ,
Posku compromised tlio cnso by payin
$8,000 , in cash. Yesterday he commenced
tin notion in Justice Coenruno's court to
recover from Amdurska the face va.ltiu e !
the note which is the omuu of u'fl the
trouble. Amdurska elnlms ho is exempt
from civil service while attending court
and hence Posku's second cll'ort at col
lection will probably fail ,
Kidc'r , alias Younger , arrested hen
Monthly on suspicion ot having brokci
jail nt David City , was discharged yostcr
day , the Butler county authorities liuvhif ]
notified Sheriff Meliek Unit llicre was nc
charge against him.
Huimun Lowy , the real plaintiA'in the
celebrated case of Cole vs Miller , involv
ing title to the Loyal L , Smith stock o :
goods in Omulm , has arrived bore te
watch the trial ,
L. II. Kent , Adams ; Thomas Pri"o
Bennett ; K. E. Post , Waco ; Geo. II
Savage , Omaha : C. S. Montgomery
Omaha ; N. J , Parker , Raymond ; Jos
Teahon and K. C , Bartlett , Omaha ; II. C
Hall , David City. J. II. Ager , Nortl
Loup ; J. V. Cousaul , Win. 0. Smiley
Geo. W Brandon , Milfoord : M. 1) . Polk
Piattsmoulh ; Geo. S. Smith , Omaha
Win , Cullahan : E. M./Bavtlelt. Oraaha
J. K Doty , David CUy.
V. McNish. ot Vlsnor , and W. I
Harrison , Grand Island , are quartered a
the Millurd ,
Tlio Brown Investigating Commlttoo
Propose n IfnlL Kxtunlnntion.
lUs MOINKS , Iowa , fob. 10. [ SKCiixl Tclo-
gram.J Much Interest Is being taken In the
coming IJrown Infastfipitlon , as some of the
members et the Investigating committee nro
Intending to make * it very thorough , what
ever the result. It Is probable Hint the In
vestigation will IKS throe fold , considering
first , did Drown conduct his odlco properly ;
second , did ho qualify as the law
requires when he1 prcwented his bond for
approval last spring ; third , was his reinstate
ment by Governor Lirrabeo lawful. This
covers ( ho whole field bt inquiry , including
the extortionate Insurance fees which It Is
alleged Drown permitted to bo charged. It
1ms not been decided yet whether the investi
gation will bo conducted with closed doors.
Senator Glass , chairman ot the committee ,
said to-ilny that some inumbers of the com
mitted were disposed to follow congressional
precedent and Rlvo out no report of the pro
ceedings till the work was finished. Hut
this will bo decided next Monday when the
lirst session of the investigation committee
will ocelli.
T huro has bcon somn comment that Brown
several days ago drew his warrant and was
clvcn buck pay to the amount of over S'i,000
for the time ho was out of ofllce. It Is said
that If Ids removal were legal then ho was
not entitled to his salary , und It his suspen
sion was legal then the actliiR auditor should
bo paid , but there is no fund for paying two
auditor ! ) . This question will also bo Investi
gated by Iho committee.
A niRnmlst Captured.
DKS MOINKS , lewa , Fob. 10. [ Special
Telegram. ] ShorllT Painter returned from
Cincinnati to-day , bringing E.V. . Itappullo ,
who Is wauled hero on Iho charge of bigamy.
Ho was married In this city Inst November to
Miss .Icnuio Spencer , and shortly aflcr rev-
moved to Chicago. A few days ago her
brother came to this city and swore out a
warrant for Kappcllo's arro3telaiinlng to have
discovered that he had a former wife living
In Hamilton ( Out. ) , with whom ho had lived
for several years in Chicago before marrying
Miss Spencer. On this information requlsl
lion papers wcro Issued , and Itappcllo was
found In Cincinnati and brought here. Ho
is a traveling man for a Chicago house.
An Appeal Tor" Norfolk as Iho 1'laco
Tor tlio McirtliiB of the Veterans.
To the Editor of Iho BEU : As an
Omaha citi/.en and a member of tlio
Grand Army of the Republic I desire to
say a worel in reference to tlio stale
soldiers' reunion , which in my opinion
should not be held south of tlio Platte
river this year , but which in justice to
the thousands of veterans in the northwestern -
western part or the stale , should go to
the most accessible point in that region ,
which is generally conceded to bo Nor
folk. The veterans in the great empire
west of that enterprising city have been
too far distant from the towns where the
reunions have been hold in the past , and
who , on accountof the great expense
that would bo incurred in going so far ,
generally remained on their humble
homesteads , whjlo .those in tlio soutli
Platte country and ulong the great river
of sanel were enabled to enjoy the in
estimable privileges of these grout state
gatherings. Lincoln , Beatrice , Hastings.
Grand Island , Central City anil
Fremont have till be'cSn honored with sol-
eliers' reunions , but the upper three-
fourths of Nebraska has never had a
reunion mooting of state proportions.
The South Platle towns should now step
back ami not nslc < for another reunion
until the north anil the great northwest
has been nccornmoMateel with ono. I
notice that an effort as being made in cer
tain quarters to concentrate upon Lincoln
as the place for the reunion this year , but
why this is done is not quito plain , unless
it is by agreement on the wart of the rail
roads to try ami pull it"to tluit point.
Now , if this is true , tlio condition of
things is truly deplorable as the Grand
Army organization is ono of the very
lust things on earth that should be at
tempted to be controlled by the rail
roads. Let the railroads keep their hands
off the Grand Army , and allow the soldier
boys to manage their reunion
matters in their own way , which
we understand lias not been the
case in the past , and , as a consequence ,
northwestern Nebraska bus not hud a
fair show , and it is feared , will nol this
year if tlio railroads can dictate the loca
tion. Norfolk is a railroad center of the
Northwestern and Union Pacitic roads.
It has a road Irora there to the west us
far as the Black Hills ; north to Creighton ,
northeast to Sioux City and northern
Iowa , cast to the Missouri river and cen
tral Iowa , and south to Columbus , con
necting there with the Union Pacific main
line ahel thoB & M. to Lincoln and south
ern Nebraska. It can bo reached from
Omaha by four routes , namely , via Blair ,
Emerson Junction , Fremont or Colum
bus. There is no more desirable town in
tlio state for the reunion , nnd I think
with many hero , as well as with many in
tlio South Platte country , that it should
go to Norfolk. The people there have
raised tlio requisite sum asked by the re
union manugerri. They want it , are
willing to _ shoulder the responsibility of
entertaining it , and , being 'backoel by
the great soldier element of that
vast section , there is no reason in the
world why it should not go there. Its
eiti/.cns , and tlio veterans in that part of
the Stale are making a light for it alone.
The Notluve.stcrn folks , not yoi used to
the wnv of doing things in a railroad
way in Nebraska , stand with their hands
in their pockets , refusing to lend a help
ing hand , while the Union Pacific is still
as a mouse so far as Norfolk is con
By pulling the reunion at Norfolk this
year , it will bo infused through and
through with now fresh blood and old
time enthusiasm who have never
before attended a reunion , which will
lend additional interest and eliurm to the
camp llros and sham battles. By locating
the reunion at Norfolk , and electing
General Thayer commander , the grand
encampment which moats at Keel Cloud
on the 17th inst , will hiivo done work that
will give gencral'satlsfaction throughout
the state. , . . . _ N.
Among the prominent state people in
tlio city last night wore George A. Lower.
Nebraska City ; N , L. ( Jro\v \ , K rney ; II !
KutinSCi : . Nortlli BoijCj H. P. Foster.
Lincoln ; Thcffnig & % $ $ , WHbor ; Edward
Low's ' , Ashhmdi aild lleiivy WHcox ,
Alma. - >
1IPMK UBMI3DV la war
mFAV01HT4S tq , contain n elnglo pur
tk-lo of ininx-nry or imy Injurious tub
Blllliru , llllC Is I'ttJIUI.V VKOKT.UII.K.
. .
If your llvur Is 6ut > ot' order. Iliou your
whole Bj-Blt-m U ilwmitreil. The blontl U
Impure , the lu-ofttli puouslvo , you liavo
liuiuliiulio , foul limglilil , dUpli-iteil anil
ncirvous. To pruvi'iit ft moro s-urlous con
dition , tnko ut once Blmmons
IIVPR HKGUJ.ATOH. If you le'iul n soJontnn
UUUU life or buffer with KIIINKV AITKOTIONS ,
nvum stimumts and lake Simmons Liver ltt iu-
lutor. Sure to rullovo.
If you hiivo eaten miytlilnj ? Imnl ofdl-
Kcetlon , or loel luiuvy ultor muiiU or
6louik'bS | ut night , tuku u doeo mid you
will fool relieved and &luop pleasantly.
If you uro u mUorublo eulfuror with
NKSS , eoek relief ut ouco In Simmon *
I.Ivor Hofrulutor. It does not require
continual doalng , and costs but u trillu.
It will curu you.
If you wake up In the morning with u
bitter , bad tusto in your mouth ,
TiKP Simmons I.lver Jlegrulutor. It corrects
inivij the llillous Btoinucli , Bweott-ns tin
Ilroatli , und Cleanses tlio l-'uiTOd Ton iio. Ciui ,
1 > HEN often need some ml'uCtUlnirtlo tmdTonk
to avert approachinglehnoss. . Himmons IJvci
Kuvulator will rtiliovo Coliu , Ileiuliiclio , Hici
Btomncb , Indirection , Dysentery , und tlio com
pluluts Ineideut to eUildliood.
Strny Leaves Onthorcd from the lit-
porters' Note Hook ,
Charlie Sloano is a notable character
in his way. Ho is a Chinaman , uncon
verted ami heathenish as when hn lirst
opened his liltlo almond oycs to the light
of the oriental sun. Hut ho is a clover
lollow and altogether quite clvili/.eeL Ho
speaks English readily and employs this
acquirement to value in his position as
Chinese interpreter for the Union Pacific.
He tours the western country , but always
registers from Omaha. Several western
papers have made the statement that he
lias a white wife here and upon this
point a reporter went to Interview him
at Sing Leo's laundry on liarnoy street ,
where Charles abides while in town. The-
shrewd Interpreter was playing domlnos
after his own lloylo with a part1 of fel
low-countrymen when the reporter
culled , but ho good-naturedly stopped the
deal to talk awhile. Ho laughed when
his alleged white wife was mentioned ,
and branded tlio story as a slanderous
fabrication. The talk drifted along over
various topics of a trilling nature , and
tlio reporter attempted to steer Mr.
Sloano into .an expression of opinion on
llio persecutions of tlio coolies on the
coast , but the wily Celestial declared that
bo was out of politics and diplomathv <
and did not euro to touch on such sub
Said a gentleman yesterday , "I sco by
the BEE that tlic pawnbrokers propose to
ask the city council for protection against
the Invasion of the police. They claim
that the coppers are a little "too fresh"
in searching their establishments every
time a pair of pants or an overcoat is
stolen , and complain that in case a
stolen article is found in their shops the
goods are taken and they nro loft so
much out of pocket. These throe ball
gents put on a long face and allege that
in this wise they are heavy losers. This
is a pretty how-d'ye-do. I know , from
personal experience , that pawnbrokers
are , as as a rule , keepers of fences. Of
course there are some respectable
and honest men nmong them but for
hock-shoppers , as a class , to demand pro
tection from the police is a cheeky piece
of business. It is simply asking the city
authorities to assist tlio thieves in linding
a safe nlueo for tlio disposal of their
stolen property and at the same time to
build up a big business for these same
pawnbrokers. To say that the keeper of
a pawnshop docs not know whether an
article brought to him is stolen , is simp
ly absurd. r\Tot long ago I had an over
coat stolen and i traced it to a pawnshop
and found that the keeper had made a
loan on it for tiOc. That coat was worth
at least $8 or $10. The man know it was
stolen when ho bought it , because when
the garment was demanded , ho said thut
he would produce it in the course of an
hour a , ? he bud to send to another place
and get it. That "pluco" was simply
a depository for stolen articles where
they were left until tlio search huri bcon
finished. Some throe or four years ago
I had a $03 overcoat stolen and a pawn
broker bought it from the thief for the
liberal sum of $2 , Ho certainly knew
that it was stolen and that's the way with
the most of them. Their presumption in
asking "protection from tlio police" is
nothing short of biiblime cheek.
A mistake was probably made yester
day in the article hcadeel "Augean Sta
bles" wherein it was stated that the feed
ing stables to be built near Omaha by
unknown parties would be the largest in
tlio west. This can hardly bo true as the
promised capacity will be only for li.OO ! )
head of live stock while the great stables
al Gilmorc already have 0,700 stalls. The
new institution will bo nevertheless a.
great one and will bo as much a pride to
uoth the city and the state.
"I notice in the big advertirenient for
Patterson Park in the 13uK , " said the sub
jcct of an interview , "that Mr. Patterson
has rung in the administration in
tlio names of his streets. Ho evi
dently intends tlio locality for the resi
dence of democrats. Ho ought to go
ahead now and make anew addition and
give tlio streets republican titles , or if lie
was looking for celebrities to name his
thoroughfares , ho might have made selec
tions at home These would do very well :
IJoyd avenue , Miller alloy , boulevard
Jim Cummings , Bechel lane , Behm
street , Goodman street , Grand Jury
street , and so on through the list now so
prominently before the local public. It
would have been much better and would
otl'onil nobody. "
"This cold wave will rob the Wabash
corner people ot a good deal of picas *
" remarked well-known man-about-
lire , a - - -
town yesterday. "Why ? Hecauso it will
freeze tlio slush on the streets and the la
dies will not have cause to raise their
dresses when tripping across the pave
ments. By the way , have you over no
ticed tlio ilill'ercnco there is in tlio ladies
raising their dresses ? There goes quo
now. and you see she lifts her skirts
barely from the walk. You may
bo sure she lias a poorly-
formed ankle and don't ' care
to show it. But look hero there's an
ankle as is an ankle , " and the enthusi
astic talker rubbed his bunds as lie
glanced in tlio direction of a young lady
who had lifted her robes so as to reveal a
small strip of stocking above her high
boot top. "I toil you , that girl knows
she ) is formed well up to her knees , and
she don't cure who iinds it out. But she
never passes the bounds of decency , and
is carotul to only raise her skirts to such
a height. Some people say its u Miamo
for a woman to expose her lower limbs ,
but I toll you the best of 'em do it if they
have the right shape. "
Defective Flues ,
To the Editor of the HUB : Many of
tlio lires which result in tlio purtinl or
complete destruction of buildings origin
ate in defective Hues. Tie | origin of said
lires are accounted for as follows : The
chimney commences below the coiling ,
extending upwitril through Iho rpof. The
stovepipe ; on tors the chimney below the
Culling. " Immediately above the ceiling
is the tloor , leaving between the ceiling
ami Iloor a space oi about eight inches ,
Abpvo the Iloor and below the ceiling thu
chimney is plastered , which absolutely
nrovonts sparks from getting Juio the
rooms. "cV.CS ! ! ( > > -es originate fiom
sparks getting into the rofuu whore the
chimney is so covered , IJetwecn tllO
said Iloor and ceiling the chimney
is not plastered , and In course of
time tlio mortar works out from between
the bricks , leaving an opening , and with
a condition of the weather requiring a
brisk lire sparks come through said open
ing between the brioka , drop down on
the coiling and , cither kindling ut once
or lying for hours gradually charring ,
until finally the building is in llamcs ;
verdict , from some unknown cause. Kor
tlio good of ifiy fellows I hereby suggest
the following , which if followed will en
tirely prevent lires originating as above
described. Either , first , plaster the out
side of the suid chimney between the floor
and ceiling , or , it that cannot be done ,
from No. 18 sheet iron fit it closely to
the Hue on the inside of the chimney ,
bent sloped and fitted , and so ns to ex
tend above the upper biirfaco of the Iloor
and below the lower surface of the ceil
ing. The foregoing care-fully executed
and followed , wo shall have fewer ( ires
from defective Hues , Kntlre brick bloe-ks
may bo saved from the d > v > trnctivo ele
ment if the foregoing preeuution istsuro-
fully observed. W. II. HAJIMO.NIJ.
Nob. , Feb. 8,1830 , ; '
Which Oattsod the Oonfossion of a Thlofand
Puzzled a Dotectivo.
AStrnnco Story of the Pennsylvania
Oil ItGRton An Occurniico
llnfil to Account l < 'or , .
Siiico the organization of the society
for Psychical Hcsonroh , in London , Eng
land , and similar associations in America ,
more attention is being paid lluin in
many years to occurrences which were
formerly classed ns mere coincidences
unworthy of inoro than a passing notice.
'Thoughtful people * are trying to explain
upon soicntflio theories which but a few
years ago wcro dismissed with tlio re
mark thul they were "vory singular , " or
tliat they wore "tlioso things winch no
one cnn account for. " The phenomena of
thought trnnsferonco which have re
sulted from numerous carefully conducted
experiments have done moro , nelhap ? . to
arouse interest in mutters of this sort than
nnj * other known cause. This thought ,
snys the St. Louis Republican , was sug
gested by n conversation whioh occurred
J'uosdav in the olllco of Mr. Thomas Fur
long. Air. Furlong rolnlcd the following
incident , which has at least ono peculiar
"It was in 1870,1 , think , " said h < \ "tVml
hn event occurred which wn ° , ono of tlio
Hrst things that made ino think tlntt per
haps I would make a detective , and yet ,
ns you will see , t was entitled to no
credit in the transaction , for it was a
mere 'scratch.1 1 had lust boon 'up-
pointed chief of police ot Oil City , Pa.
1 am not quito certain about the vear ,
but it was somewhere between 1808 ami
1870. There was u farm known as the
Hlood farm , ' situated on the bank of Oil
crook , about live miles from Oil City ,
and it was ono of the finest ami most
productive farms in the oil country be
tween 1804 and 1808. It had a number of
line producing wells , and was well
known all over that section of tlio coun
try. A company from Ohio had a lease
of several of the producing wells and
was drilling now wells in 180S. A young
man named Harncs , who lived somowlioro
near Columbus , O , where the com-
panj- was formed , was employed by the
superintendent of'tho lease ami the
charge of all the men on the lease , per
haps twenty-live or thirty all told. At
that time in the oil country boarding
houses were scarce , owing to tlio largo
number of men at work there , and as a
natural result n great many were com
pelled to 'shanty/ That is , three , four ,
or live would build u shanty and sleep
and do nil their cooking in it ; keep bach
elors' hall , as it wero. Barnes had a
shanty that himself and three or four of
tlio men had built , and his room-mato
was a young man named Jones , who was
born and raised in the same neighbor
hood in Ohio that Barnes was. lie was
also an employe on tlio lease , and Barnes
had a great deal of confidence in him.
"Barnes was getting a good salary , and
in fact all the men were ; nonegotlingless
than $4 n day. Wages Wcroliigh and tlio
men lived cheaply and saved a good deal.
Uarncs had bought a farm in Ohio , for
which ho was paying in sunn-annual in
stallments , lie saved his money and at
the end of six months sent it to Ohio.
Ono of the installments was about duo ;
ho bad the money ready to send , and
kept it in liis trunk in tlio shanty. Ono
day ho went to the trunk to got a liltlo
money for something , when he discov
ered that he hail been robbed. The trunk
was an ordinary cheap allair and under
neath the till lie had laid his pocket-book.
The pocket-book was there , but the con
tents were gono.
"As soon as Barnes found that he had
noon robbed he immediately' hitched up
his horse , drove down to Oil City , and
reported the CUSP to mo. His room-mute ,
Jones , who had become very much inter
ested in the case , was with him. lie had
won his confidence completely , and they
were great friends. Burnos described
the room in which the trunk wusMtualod ,
told mo who had access _ to the building ,
etc. After hearing his statement I know
very little moro about the matter than I
did before. I , being very busy at the
time , hadn't ' time to go up to the farm ,
but I asked him to drive back , put
the trunk in His buggy , and bring it
to me. as I wanted to sou it' And here is
the singular part of it. 1 didn't know
what I wanted to sec the trunk for , and
had no reusoij for asking to men it. The
idea came to me all of a sudden and with
out my giving itany thought. After they
had gone I wondered what good it was
going to do for mo to see that trunk , and
why 1 had told Bumps to bring It to me.
"He drove back , however , and when
he returned ho hud tlui trunk , and Jones
was still with him. They brought it into
my oilic'o , set it on Ilio iloor , nnd opened
it. 1 stood up in front of it and went to
take out tlio tray and I saw that ono of
the loops was gone. Jt was ono of
those cheap trunks , anil the loops
or handles that were on the tray to
lift it out by wire put In with common
tacks. The loop on the right hand Hide
was there , but the left hand was gone. 1
called Barnes attention to the fact , and
ho said botli loons wcro on the last time
lie wont to the trunk befqre the money
was stolon. I looked at the place where
the left loop hud been and saw that in
nulling it oil' the head of onu of the
laekH had come oil' , leaving a Hharp
point just whore the ball of iv man's '
thumb hud passed. On looking closer I
saw the print of a thumb on the paper
lining of the tray that it had been cut
by tlui sharp end of the tack , making a
long out clear across the bull of tlio
thumb. I also saw that theru were
streaks of soot or coal dust on the thumb
point , and 1 said to Barnes :
. The man who pulled the handle oil'
was evidently a tool'drossor.1
"You know a tool-dresser pets his
hands like those of soniu blacksmiths.
Ho is constantly working with heavy
drills , gets his hands hot , plunges thorn
into cold water , ad | ) the sklu''of the in
side of the Jiuguvs iol. calloused nnd full
of tloep creases. 'I Iioo creases fill up
\yith soot , coal-dust , and dirt , and it is
hard to got out. CoiiisOiiioiitly | when the
thumb or linger is pressed on ; i elea'ri
surface it will leave a h\ark \ lliul anyone
CUD tell who knows anything about
mechanics. A tool-drosoov , therefore ,
was reully u marked num. 1 looked
again at tlio thumb-print and suw that
there was about us much soot and w . \ 'u
it us there wu-j biped . 3 J raised my
head , Jones , h-'i walked around the
trunk , and 1 caught a of ( lie
thumb of his Ion bund ; 1 suw in an in-
utanl that ho hud a out aero ? * the left
" 'Yes,11 sfthl. 'a tool'drcsnor lifted that
tray out , ' : fnd , tftklrt2 up Jones' left
hand , 1 said , 'and hero's ' the sufil'i *
" 1 put his thumb against the print nnd
found that It corresponded exactly.
Jones wns as white as a sheet and seemed
us if he was going to sink into his boots )
" 'Yes , 1 took the money,1 lie said , and
ho went buck to the farm and showed
where ho hud concealed it , Barnes got
buck every dollar of it and refused to
prosecute Jonus.
" 'Furlong , ' he said , 'I'm sorry 1
brought that mutter to you. I'd rather
lost the money any day than to have
found out thai Jones stole it. I hud ( ho
most perfect cnnlidonco in him , and I
never had anything bhake my faith in
human nature ns tnis has done '
"One of the city ollleiuls was in my
ofllco at the time the trunk was opened
and ho told mrt afterward that when 1
discovered the thumb print on ( he tray
lie noticed thul Jones turned pule nnd
scorned uneasy and nervous. Ho thought
it was u grout pii'co of detective work and
it created considerable talk in tlu'i locality
for a time , blit , te > 'tol ) you the ti'uth , 1
was uot entitled to. .any credit for it.
Something told mo to send for that trunk ,
but why I did H I never could loll ; if I
hadn't done so I norer would have foumt
out who took that mono ) * . No , I don'I
liollovp in spiritualism or nnyllilug of
the kind , but I never could account for
that occurrence. "
A lloHlilcnt of Slinridnn County Telia
or Its 1'rojtross.
J , V. Glover , for many years a resident
of Surpy county and at ono time post
master at Louisville , was in the city yes
terday visiting friends. Mr , Glover is
now residing in Sheridan county , this
state , where ho removed about two years
ago on account of his health.
In speaking about that section of the
country to a HBK reporter last night Mr.
Glover grew enthusiastic , declaring It to
bo ono of the finest in thu land. Sheridan
county is In the northwestern part of tlio
state , lying next to Dakota , and its me
tropolis is the thriving town of Gordon.
It will bo two years the coming spring
since the llrst settler entered the county ,
which now has n population of 9,800.
Mr. Glover \yas among the llrst on the
ground , securing a farm about live miles
from what is now the town of Gordon.
There wore then two houses and six tents
in the valley , but during tlio sunmuT
pthor settlers arrived , a in'.tnnor of build'
ings Wcro put up , urnl the population in
creased rapidly.
Last year Mr. Glover raised the only
crop of wheat in the yallov , for which ho
received $1.55 per bushel. This will ho
used in the spring for seed and largo
quantities will bo planted , lie has now
100 acres of lalnl improved and will put
ncurly all of it to wheat.
In regard to other crops Mr. Glover
wns eonlldont that they will bo success
fully grown , except , porhups. corn. Last
year the corn crop was a failure on ac
count of extremely wet weather In Aug
ust. As a rule , however , tlio cllmulo is
dry , and during the winter no snow has
fallen. This bus loft the grass un
covered , and horses and cattle have
been kent fat without being
fed n pound of hay or grain. When lie
loft homo two weeks ago Mr. Glover guvo
orders to his men to begin plowintriii a
week , us the frost is all out of the
The town of Gordon has now 400 popu
lation. It is on the railroad , anil lait
year there were live surveying parties in
that vicinity for now roads. The elilll-
cully was encountered , however , of se
curing an outlet north into Dakota , ns the
roads could not bo built through the
Sioux reservation. A bill is now pending
in conirress to secure the right of way
through the reservation , and it it passes
Mr. Glover is confident that the B. & M.
will build through Gordon.
Two Qrnml Masquerades Ijast liven
ing I'rovo Successful.
Met/ and Turner halls were both
crowded to their utmost capacity last
night on the occasion of tlio grand mask
ball of Thurston hose company. The
allair was a great success in every par
ticular , as none couid doubt who gazed
upon the scene. There were many
brilliant and varied costumes to
bo Been , and with merry music ,
joyous laughter and light feet
tlio hours were gaily whlled away.
The dancing alternated between the two
halls , witli ten minute intermissions
which were tilled up in an enjoyable
manner by those resting from the di/.z.y
whirl. At midnight the unmasking took
place ; and the ( lancing continued with
unabated enj03111 nut until a Into hour
this morning. Financially the boys
reaped : i rich harvest , and they arc to bo
congratulated on the sociul success of tlio
grand affair. The gentlemen to whom
Is duo a large share of tlio credit of tlio
cnjoynbloness of the evening , acted on
the following committees : Master of
Coots , Put Ford ; Iloor managers , J. J.
Galligun , Martin Hamgo , II. B. Kennedy ,
Ed Lender ; IV. I . Lane , F. S. Malcorii ,
Win. Webb , John Curry , A. J. Herold , J.
C. Pcntzel , W J. Coots , Geo. Biako.
The masquerade of the Union Pacific
band at Light Guard and Metropolitan
halls was also highly successful , both
financially and socially. The music was.
excellent , the costumes brilliant , and the
dancing program me finely arranged and
delightfully carried out.
Mrs. 15. E. Gordon and Mrs. M. G.
Bohunnun , of Lincoln , arrived in the city
lust evening and are guests at the Mil-
Mr. Fred Edgorton , the sable gentle
man who last summer officiated in the
capacity of assistant jailor at the cen
tral police station , returned last evening
from an extended and rather exciting
trip to Colorado. As ho entered the sta
tion last night with a broad grin on his
face , ho ejaculated , "Hero I is again , "
and was aU'eelionately irreoteil by the po
licemen assembled. He tells some re-
murkiiblo stories of his experiences on
his passage from Pueblo to Omaha.
Tlio Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age !
mvjm mujti * * Brft
i Jfuvelo cosivr | , 1'u'iii In
the Iiviul , irlili a dull ociisiiltiiii In ilio
bricU purr , I'nln unr'fr tlio thnulder-
lilnilc , Fullness lifter eullni : , willi iidlt-
lucllnntlon to exurllon of liuclr ormlml ,
Irrllnlillllyofluiniior. J.owei'lrlla , wllli
iifoullniMiriJiiviiiKiicclectvil uomiicliity ,
Weai Inruo , Dlzv.liivpVt ITIntoi-liifr | nt ' '
Kourt , Dots l > ( ifoio tlio eyoa , HcuUucliO
over ilio vlcht eye , llcstliHisnosi ! , with
tUTuI ih'imois , Hlulilyculoreil llriueinoil
TOTX'S IMLT.B are especially mlixploil
to Biicli cases , ono ilngn < nrcct CTiuii a
clmnnoJlooHiii\8toasi' ' jllnioeuorer. ' "
They Iiy " tt".o / ) iiietltean < l cau e the
toil. t. < on l''lr ii , tiiui the emi'in l
oHirt.iiml liyllu'lrl'oiilc. Action on
tliolM eUlvoOrtalJ,1t | > 'l"rHlii < > lgnro
NSSlAS mmm'0 * " ' * * * ' "lrrliy NI..W.V.
JU'jiovatul Hie bgily , itiakoj liealtliy lleili ,
Ft-ciuj'tlifU3 | the , ivpuirn tliovtistesof
Via system with pure lihod and Imrd muscle ;
cones the IIUI-VOIIH nvt > tuiii , Invigorates Urn
trniti , mil jniuaitu ' > vigor of nmnliood.
$1. HeM bv flmKKiV * . . .
.14 Murr'ny ( „ Wow Vork.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . . . . . . $200,000
Suphuililny 1 , 1888 . 25,000
H. W.VATKS , President.
A. U. TOU/.AI.IN , Vice President.
W. II. H. iluaiins , Cashier.
W. V. MouJB , JOHNS. Cou.iss ,
II. W. YATI , LEWIS S. Itiir.u ,
Co , iili mul 1'nrnai'n Structa.
General lluuklmr Uusluoi ) Traui.iUo-1.