Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1886, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA. DAILY.BEE , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 11 , 1886. JJHE ? DAILY BEE. OMAITA'OFFICK.No.OM AND 010 FAnN'AM St NEW YOHKOFFICEItoou es.Tninu.sE DUIMUNO ; f OFFICE , No , 613 rouitiuESTii ST. ruWI liP < l every mornlntrexc"pt Sunday. The only Monday morning jmpor published In the etnto. TnriMg nv MAit , : Ono Ycnr fl0.noTnrpn Months J3.M ElxMontlis M/oiOnoMonth. / . . . . . . . . l.W Titfi WEEKLY TIF.E , Published Kvory Wcdnusuny. TP.IIM.O , POSTPAID : Ono Vcnr , with premium $2.00 Ono Vcnr , wlllioiit piomltun , 1.25 HlxMonthB , ttlllintit premium 75 Ono Month , on trlnl 10 comiEsroxnr.Ncn : All rnmmunlontloii4 rolnllni ? In news nnd ndl. ( orlnl tnnttoM ohuuld bo nddrcsjctl to tlio Hut- XOH Of "UK Her. HU81NRSS J.F.TTF.nS : All bnilnoM totter * nnd rotnltlnncoi should bo nrtdi-wsod to Tin ; I IKK I'um.isniNn COMPANY , ( ) HA | > 'A. Drnfln. checks nml pnstolflco orders to bo vnado pnynblo to tlio order of the company. IHE BEE rUBllSHIHGlipm , PBOPRIEIORS , E , ItOSKWATUK. Motion. 1'itOM what Mr. Spaiks says , II looks us if Mr. Gardner had como to stay. Tin : telephone flhriokors have discov ered that tlio administration doesn' worth a cent. paving will bo done In Omaha this year , but not any too much. Let the good work go on. TUB Herald's dynamite does not afl'ect Surveyor General Gardner any moro than a Fourth of July torpedo. BAM JONIS is about to insuo the great est cllbrt of his life. Ho opens his cam paign against sin IH Chicago next week. CoxmtnssMAK HOI.MAN is an invotorntn tobacco chowor. And ho doesn't object to taking chew from another man's pouoh. Par.siDKNT CLEVELAND is not in favor of abolishing Mr. Gardner with his little oflleo. It begins to look as if lr. ) Miller must go. i DKNVEK is making an ell'ort to bccomo a corn market. Wo hope she will suc ceed. Nebraska will supply her with till the corn she wants. Tun Hcrnld still talks of quo wnrrnnto. Bo far as Mr. Ucchol Is concerned , what the Herald chiefly wants in tlio way of writs is to "havo 'is carcass. " A MAN whoso breath sets lire to paper Is on exhibition in a Philadelphia dime museum. There is nolhingstrango about that when it is known that the man comes from Kentucky. A BALTIMOIIE man has invented a flying machine. This may bo a useful invention , but so far a great many men have been enabled to lly as far as Canada without a ilyiug machine. Si'KAKiNQ of Kansas City the Lincoln Journal says , "it is the best city in the country or its papers are the worst liars in the world. " The latter half of tlio proposition is eminently correct. IP the city council should permit the saloon-keepers to keep open twenty-four hours in the day , seven days in the week , BOine of them would appeal to the coun cil to have the days lengthened to thirty- six hours. THE Denver News in an alleged inter view with "a gentleman from Boston , " credits the Bostonian with saying : "Hill done very well for us for a time , but as BOOH as ho got into politics wo com menced to lose money.11 The interview is fictitious. No Boston bean-eating gentleman would ever say "done" for "did. " COXGUESSMAK NANKIN , of Wisconsin , has been dead for several weeks , and wo have not yet seen any itemized statement of tlio expense of his funoial. Wo would like to compare it with some statements published last year , to see whether there lias been any retrenchment in congres sional funerals. OMAHA has several Hour depots , but what she needs most in that line is Hour- ing mills. There is no good reason why flouring mills should not succeed in Omaha. It is nbout time to stop export ing grain simply to haveit returned tons in the shape of Hour at an advanced price , caused by tlio double transportation and the handling by several different parties. This is a matter that should bo considered l > y the board of trado. GKNKIIAI , HANCOCK'S death has called out universal expressing of rnuw | , ft 1 , ] geglton of the country. The "dead PO\- \ dlor is honored not alone for his valor , mil for the possession of many of the most valued traits of the best citizenship , Kindly to his subordinates , respectful tc his superiors , just in his judgments he lulderl popularity to respect and personal esteem to admiration of hia professional abilities. Thi ) old second corps will fee ! in his a personal bereavement. Tin : labor troubles In London still con tinue. Now meetings of the unemployed are called for Saturday and crowds throng the streets and obstruct travel The cable dispatches represent the city as thoroughly terrorized , and estimate the damage already done to property at ovoi half a million dollars. Conservatives Cil liberals are caucusing over the sltna n and will unite in appealing to the gcviu'innont to aid in relieving the great distress which js generally admitted tc be thu cause of tlio outbreaks of the present week. Probably Lord Salisbury does not regret his loss of power just at present , when homo rule in Knglaud is t question more pressing than coercion it Ireland. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TUB report of Air. Charles F. Peck , o : the How York State linroau of Laboi Statistics , upon the condition of working women In the great metropolis is attract ing much comment from the pi-ess , Mr Peek devoted a great cloal of attention U % investigating the condition of the sowlnj. girls whom ho represents to bo in a nios deplorable condition. The manufaottir on give out the bulk of thulr work to tin contractors who in turn let it out to tin "sweaters.11 The ' 'sweaters" pay $1.Q ( a do/cn for making trousnrs and 15 cunt each for vests. The average wagvs of tin sewing women are fifty cents a day , pti of-which they have to pay rent , fnol am light and living expenses. Here is in plrntion for u rival to Hood's "Song o lie' Shift. " . ' The Alton Ijnndtord Question. The Iowa legislature will be afforded an opportunity to debate the same aspect of alien landlordism which was raised in the senate at the last session of congress by Senator Van Wyck. Lnrgc tracts of land In the northwestern part of the state are held by English companies whoso managers reside abroad and collect their rents through resident agents. Repre sentative Itobb has Introduced n bill designed to prevent non-resident aliens from acquiring title hereafter to real estate in Iowa and also to torminnlo all such ownership as may bo in ox- istcnco at the time of the passage of the act. Mr. Hobo's bill allows the alien landlords throe years in which to dispose of their property and provides that at the end of that period it shall betaken taken by the Plato at an appraised val uation. At the same lime , any foreign owner of land can retain his property by becoming a citizen. This is a very drastic remedy for a growing evil. During the past ton ycata millions of acres of land have been ac quired in the west by foreign capitalists and speculators. Some of the heaviest landlord noblemen of England own miles of fertile territory in Texas , Colorado and Wyoming. There is scarcely a state in the west where non resident aliens are not the owners of hirgo numbers of farms. The Chicago Tribune , in approving Mr. Hobb's bill , says : "It is , in most particulars , well adapted to secure its object , but it maybe bo questioned whether liu has not inuilo a dangerous exception in allowing resi dent aliens to hold title to real estate. Nearly all the alien landlords are repre sented in this country by agents who reside here , although they rarely bccomo naturalized citi zens. What would there bo to prevent - vent the non-resident aliens transfer ring their holdings to the resident agents , and thus prolonging the rule of alien landlordism in a slightly changed form ? The mere fact of residence does not change an alien's allegiance , and it is not clear why it should give him special rights in a foreign country. In regard to the public domain it has not been pro posed to make any distinction between resident and non-resident aliens , but to reserve the lands , as Mr. Ulaino said in his letter of acceptance , for those 'who are citizens or waiting to bccomo such.1 Why should not the same rule bo applied inside the stalest" Coercion in Ireland. . Mr. Barry O'Brien , in his recently pub lished work culled "Fifty Years of Conces sions to Ireland , " gives an interesting re view of the course of legislation in regard to that country which has been furnished by Westminster Hall since the opening of the present century. So much is said nowadays about the liberal treatment which various English parliaments have attempted to give Ireland , and which she has refused , and tlip argument is so often used by her enemies that coercion lias been rendered necessary be cause concessions failed , that Mr. O'Brien's little work comes at the nick of timeto , answer such assertions by presenting the facts. And first lot the list of coercion acts speak for themselves. In 1800-1 there was an insurrection act and an act for suspension of habeas cor pus , which wore continued through 1803-4. In 1807-8-9 there was another insurrection act and a proclamation of martial law. In 1313-15-10 and ' 17 , another dose of the same medicine. In 1822-3-4 , insurrection act. In ISaVG-T-S-O , an act for suppres sion of the Cathollo association led by O'Connell thcn agitating for Catholic emancipation. In 1831-3 , an act prohib iting the possession of arms. In 183-4 ! ) , a plain coercion aot , which extended into the following year. In 1843-4-5 , posses sion of arms again prohibited. In 1847 , a crime and outrage act. In 18-18-0 , tilings wore very lively ; there being - ing an ant suspending habeas corpus , a crime and outrage act , anil a removal of aliens act. From l&W to 1835 there was a continuous crime and outrage act. In 1850-7 , pcaco preservation act , and from 1853 to 1803 , another of the same sort. From I860 to 1809 , a habeas corpus suspension act. In 1870 to 1871 , a peace preservation act. From 1873 to 1880 , a peace preservation act , an actforprotec- tion of life and property. In 1881-2 , a coercion act , and in 1883-5 , a crimes act. In all , from 1801 to 1885 , there wore twen ty-four coercion acts of ono kind and an other. It is interesting to place against this record the concession acts of which the lory and whig speakers and writers boast so loudly. There wore four , and four only. The Catholic emancipa tion act , the tithes commutation act , the church disestablishment not and the land aot of 1831. Each and all of these measures wcro passed under liberal aus pices and three of them owe their exist ence to Mr , Gladstone's personal efforts. In the face * of such a record what won der in it that concession Is said to have failed in Ireland and what idiocy to talk about the success of coercion , Tlio Work Begins. The now pavingdistricts created by the council ul its last meeting cover a good deal of territory , where pavements are urgently demanded by Iho property own ers anil greatly needed by the general public. The extension of the Farnam street pavement to Twenty-eighth * troet , of that on Thirteenth to Martha , and of Saunders street from Cnmlng , are cases in point. There is a general desire , too , for the paving of Sherman avenue to the fair grounds , which can bo partly mot under the ordinance. Those , with the extensions of the1 pavements on Iho cross streets In the business portion of Omaha , and of Davenport street from Sixteenth street , west toTwenty-sccond.compriso the bulk of the paving immediately required by the necessities of the pity. For the city's share of the expenses of this work the 150,000 of paving bonds voted lost fall will bo available. The wisdom of our poophi in providing the funds months in advance is seen in tlio fact that paving operation ? can bo begun as soon as spring fairly opens. There will bo ample time for tho. selection of materials , for the necessary advertisements and the tiling of bonds. If the vole o/ / bonds had been delayed until thu spring elec tion a considerable part of the paving Reason would , have passed before work could haye begun. Under the new arrangement property ownci's will have a wide choice of mate rials and a more certain knowledge of what they will be called 'upon to pay as their proportiQiiato share of the paving tux. The bids offered for city paving cover nil the most approved paving ma terials now in use in the largest cities of this country and Europe. Omaha has not , up to the present time , made many experiments in paving. She lias restrict ed her choice to two materials only. I'roperty owners will now bo permitted to select from five with a further choice in the matter of foundations , each with a time guarantee of durability. Public improvements have in five years changed Omaha from n straggling city of mire and rut into a metropolis which boasts of being Iho best paved and sow- cred city of its size in the wost. Every dollar invested has been returned four fold in enhanced value of real estate , In creased population , and a growing com mercial importance. Tlio march.of pro gress must not bo permitted to lag. The growth of the state calls for increased efforts on the part of our citizens to keep Omaha at the head of the procession , AVhnt It Munnn. The packing-house democracy scorn lo bo unfortunate in choosing their factional issues. Having locked horns with the opposing faction on the Gardner case , they now find their clamorous demands for tiio removal of the surveyor-general and the abolition of his olltco in conlllct with the judgment of the administration , Their argument that the olllco has out lived its usefulness Is met by facts and figures showing that there yet remains a largo amount of work to bo done in Nebraska unless the frauds and swindles of the old surveying ring are to stand. In the face of the strong arguments for a thorough revision of Nebraska surveys which Com missioner Sparks presents , backed as they are by the affidavits of responsible citizens of this stale , further work lor the abolition of the olllco now held by Mr. Gardner will place Dr. Miller and his gang in a very unenviable position. Every surveyor and conlractor who di vided the profits of the outrageous swindles , which wcro hatched in Iho oflice of the Nebraska surveyor general's olllco Irom the time of Boss Cunningham down , is convinced that the' office should bo closed at once. To Oo so would bo to hide forever the evidences of jobbery and corruption , which a full investiga tion of the surveying contracts and a comparison of Hold notes with the coun try surveyed , will disclose , The cry'that Gardner must go , would moan very litllo to citizens of Nebraska outside of the pat ronage grabbers if it did not cover at tlio same time the demand that the evidences of corrupt jobbery in the surveyor gener al's olllco should bo swept away nt the same timo. This is the milk in tlio Plattsmoulh cocoanut. TIIIUE : is a lull in the agitation in con gress over the silver question and tlio eastern papers seem to have at last dis covered that tinkering with the coinage is not popular among the representatives of the people at the national capital. There is a strong probability which is Hearing certain assurances that no change at all will bo made in existing laws at Iho present session. It is amusing to note the changed attitude which the eastern prophets of ruin are assuming under tlio. circumstances. Even the bankers are reluctantly admitting that the continu ance of the coinage lor a few years longer will not seriously affect the propel ty of the country and such single standard advocates as the Evening Post are calling attention to tlio vast in ternal resources of the country which en able it to thrive oven when its affairs are conducted loosely. On many accounts it is unfortunate that congress has not been able to deal with the silver question by adopting a policy midway between that of the banking syndicate of Wall street anil the men who urge an unrestricted coinage of the silver dollar regardless of its bullion value. The interests of bime tallism would be subserved by either a temporary suspension of the coinage or an increase in weight of the dollar as nt present sent from the mint. But the crusade of the eastern capitalists , the avowed object of which was to break down the double standard , has delayed action which other wise might have been takmi at the pres ent session. The note of alarm was sounded , which scorns to have united all the interests opposed to demonetization of silver partial or entire. The result 13 that aside from a few senators and con gressmen who wish to appear in the pages of the Jlccord , congress prefers not to take up the subject in general debate until it IB forced on their attention. And then whatever bills are reported are likely to go by the board. _ THE Washington editor of tin ) .Nmv York Herald expresses the opinion that there is no democratic party at the national capital. The party is disinte grated and demoralized. Neither Mr. Handiill nor Mr. Carlisle has power to unite the fragments upon any line of policy. So far as the administration is ronccrnod , it stands alone on the silver question , with little or no support for its tariff policy , and without force enough to make the executive recommendations on any other subject felt In the halls ot congress. This is a sad state of affairs. Tlio party of reform Rooms to have all the necessary qualifications except re formers. Dnuaaisra cannot bo too careful if they wish to avoid paying for mistakes , Even though a druggist may not himself make a mistake ho is frequently hold re sponsible for the errors of others. A case in point occurred in Montreal re cently. A man sued a druggist for dam ages from having been deprived of work for several weeks in consequence of taking - ing a poison sold him by mistake. The error was caused by tlio wholesaler , who had labelled the package wrongly before soiling It to the druggist. The court held , however , that the druggist should have verilicd the contents of the package - ago , and gave a judgment for $200 and costs , MoitJios' hunting is now tlio popular ofllcial sport In Utah The amusement seems to bo all on ono side , however. Several heroes of a half a dozen mar riages have been Ignomlnlously dragged from the friendly cover of ash barrels and hoisted from private cellars to answer for their ofl'enso.i against the anti-polygamy law. If the present rate of arrests and convictions keeps up , the government will have no reason to complain of the adequacy of the present law or ot the ac tivity of those who are enforcing it , TIJE opening ot spring whTwitness the beginning of tlio heaviest public improve- monts which Omaha lias ever taken in hand. Four miles of pilvhfg have already been ordered , and ilioro than 200,000 yards of grading. Tlf)3 ) Cleans plenty of work for common labor , vyhllo the build ing boom which is preparing to develop ilsolf will furnish employment for all our skilled mechanics. t limes nro anticipated in the near future among the manufacturing cities of Now England , They have been kept pretty busy since last fall , and with the approach of spring iho demand for their products is steadily increasing. So encouraging is the outlook that the owners of nearly all the colton mills of New Bedford , Concord , Manchester and Lowell have posted notices of a general advance of 10 per cent In wngos from the 1st of next month. Tun Chicago Jvcws informs us that "Maj. A. 0. Story is to give a public exhibition of his phonetic spelling in Washington next Saturday evening. " Wo thought Col. Joseph Mcdlll had a patent-right monopoly on phonetics. It looks very much as If Maj. Story is In fringing upon the invention of the Tri bune philosopher. IN Chicago white gamblers are let off With a line of one dollar , while colored gamblers are assessed Ilvo dollars. This is an outrageous discrimination a brace- game on the part on the part of Iho dealer in justice-shop justice. THE P1ULI ) OF 1M > USTRV. The bnishninkcrs are organizing all over country. In St. Paul , Minn. , all trades nro In a bet ter than average condition for this time of year. Tlio "moscrlbcd classes" in the Knights of Labor aio ruin-sellers , speculators , lawyers and politicians. Foreign iron and steelmakers are meeting with a heavier demand for pig Iron and un- wronsht steel. Three or four new motors have been intro duced on Hie maiket , to bo operated by water , compressed air and gas. The Farmers' Alliance and the Knights nro preparing to put up a SGO.OOO ilouring mill In Tarrant comity , Tex. An English paper says Uiat the combina tion of tin-plate makers was broken up be- cnusc of the Improvements now in progress in America. The most powerful district of the Knights of Labor is No. SO in Massachusetts , with 201 assemblies anil 20,000 members. The Hocking Valley miners have estab lished nine hours as a day's work , and have succeeded in csttibllshlrfe wages. The protest against thp passage of Mr. liaw- ley's copyright bill at Washington was signed by over 20.COD inumbers nnd 1200 unions and labor organizations of various kinds. Last yrar 3,037 new buildings were erected In Ihooklyn , costing 20di)0.000 ) , Fifty per cent of the new buildings \Vero built In the Imuiedliilo vicinity of t\io \ elevated railroads. In several Now England towns woikmon are demanding an advance of wages. Week ly payments are being rnatlo'by ' a great many manufacturers. ' The leading spirits are endeavoring to in culcate abstinence , or at lorffct temperance as to intoxicating drinks ; by. nmktnjr It im possible for workingmcu who drink to become - como members. j i , A labor correspondent , writcs : "If 200.000 cigar-makers in New Yorkjcity will take 81 each out of their whlslcy and beer money every week , they can set llfty factories at work In a year , with a capital ot'S'JO.OOO each. " A new silk mill is to bo erected near Pat- crson , N. J. , to employ 200 hands. The de mand for domestic silk Is rapidly grow ing. The manufacturers are busily devis ing new machinery to produce better re sults. Tlio Buffalo organized laborers have In duced the common council to compel tlio natural gas company to increase the rate of wages liom SI to § 1.50 per day. and employ only men who have been in the city ono year. Over 300,000 persons are engaged In lacc- inaklng In Franco. In ( lermany this Indus try has not prospered as well. In England the Industry has gone down In some quar ters and has prospered In others. The Chem nitz manufacturers in Franco refuse to ad mit English and American visitors to their mills. The Saxon embroidery Industry Is so bad that manufacturers nro offering to sell their machines. All ! There ! Among our Chinese brethren wo notice Ah Tom , Ah Sing , All Chong , but no Ah There. Is ho dead ? So Soon. Kiiiisas Cllii Times. The Hon. Benjamin Butler agnln poses as ho friend of Iho laboring ma n , and It Is only February , 1680. t Tlio Sunny South Ilcrsolf Again. ATacoH Tclfi/rup/i. / Now doth the quail rustle the tall sedge and the bull-fro ; ; pipe his rottmlulay in the bog , for the backbone of winter Is broken and tlio hyacinth Is here. No Need for Sympathy to go to Waste. _ There are eleven states of the American Union nt present entitled to sympathy. They have legislatures in session. Too Much Mileage. Kew Oilram 1'lcayunc , Ilobcrt I. Downing says that his dramatic company traveled 12,009 miles during Us twenty weeks' season. It played for the railroads and did not nmko It pay , Bismarck Goln < ; a Mttlo too Far , St. Louli Jtcimbllwn , The German parliament let Bismarck have -is way with the fair land of Poland , but stopped him short when ho undertook to ralbo the tax on whlslcty' They don't wan't him to mcddlo with thel private schnapps , Tlio I'rdl'osHlojml Juror , Kama * Cllui Journal Omaha papers are agitating the subject of professional jurors. It U a subject which will bi-nrasltatlng not only | n Omaha , but in Kansas City , where the piofcsslonal juror nuisance has at times bteome alarming , Nebraska 11 Thriving State. Clevelantl rea < lir. The Nebraska authorises Ijave managed to got a good iloal of valuable Information for n very little money. The lietdostof taking the iccont state census wa4 loss than 55,003 , nnd the returns nro certalnl/iof a gratifying char acter , According to thu'libillntlons ' , made by SniwrintendiMit Lane , oneof thoatate census bureau , the population has Increased 203,213 , since 1830 , which Is a gain of M per cent. The number of residences has Increased 70 percent , farms 53 per cent and the average slo of farms from 87 acres to IOJ acres. The acreage under cultivation has doubled , and the value of farms Is now $253,000 ,000agalnst SiaVKW.OOO In 18SO. In the matter of Ilvo stock the returns show that the number of hoi'bes , mules , and milch cows has douoloil , nnd that ot swlno has ncarlv In creased to the same extent. Tlio total value of live stock was 833,000,033 In 1 ute ; now it Is 583,000,000 , an increase of 550,000,000. The census hhows no Increase In the wheat crop , but other crops have gained all the way from 03 to 500 per cent Jt Is gratifying to find that Nebraska Is giving attention to the In- cieaso of her manufactures , tlio tables show ing that her manufactured products are now valued nt § 43,000K ( , nsalnst only $13,000,000 In ISSd. Nebraska Is a thriving stale , for the census makes It clear thr.t In alt material polnl-s the growth In facilities nnd wealth has outslrlppoii the growth ot population , Will DoTe Tell. Anthony Mordiead In February Centum. 'TIs easy to bo brave . When the world Is on our side ; AMicn nothing Is to fear , Fearless to Hide. " 'Tin cany to hope When nil goes M ell ; When the oky Is clear , Fine weather to foretell. Hut to hope when all's despaired. Ami bo brave when we are scared That's another thing , my dear , And tt111 do to tell STATI3 AN1 > Nebraska A bank has been organized nt O'Con nor , Grceley county. Anlolopu county spent 5,250 on the poor of Hie county hut year. Material for the railroad bridge over the IMatto is arriving at I'remont. William Dlxon , ICnya 1'alia county , is ? 2..OpO ahead by the death of a rich relative. Nebraska City is to become n volunteer branch of the Omaha signal service , and will bo treated to a cola wave ling. The bii"iness men of Chndron calculaio on outlining sn.OOO prospectors for Wyoming and the Hills next summer. Three sportive youths of Seward paid $15 and-costs into court for the fun of pasting W. W. Woodward with decayed eggs. During the year 1895 Lyons shipped 085 cars of her productions : uil ( imported ' ' ! ) ! ) . Oakland claims lo have received and shipped a ( hint more. Jcsso Ilaj'es is convinced that coal in paying quantities lies buried in the blnli's at Nebraska Citv , and has gone to work with a shovel to Unit it. The Cathedral Chapter of the Episco pal dlocoso of Nebraska lias begun suit against the College and Divinity school in Nebraska City to foreclose a mortgage for § 2,833. Mrs. Gcorgo Myors is the fire heroine of Noligh , During the Into blaze she pumped water for tlio bucket brigade till the well ran dry , and fro/o her feet in the operation. A new race of bald heads is gathering wealth and strength in Grand Island. Tlio plumbers there nro threatened with pates prematurely polished , endeavoring to put in six hours on half hour jobs. Hiram Craig , of Ulysses , has received a back pension of $500 for partioinaling in the late "scrap" with Jeff Davis. Ai drew Lamb , of tlio same town , also took a hand in the same fracas , and was re warded with $310 lust week. A story comes from Ouster county that an Omaha doctor , while visiting there , amputated the hip joint of n 10-year-old child and replaced it wilh a similar joint from the body of n child recently dead. Tlio child is said to bo recovering Tlio Citizens' State bank of Yoric , with a capital of $50,000 , was organi/.od last week. The olliccrs are : J. M. liarncs , president ; D. E. Sedgowick , vice-presi dent , and W. A. Sharrar. cashier. The directors are J. W. Barnes , J. F. IMcCanaughy , E. P. Warner and C. A. McCloud. A Butler county farmer named Warner has a calf nlllicled with hydrophobia , but , singular to relate , the animal's cussedness - ness runs lo its hind heels. It can dis tance a Kentucky girl in beauty and acil- ity of expression. The kicking calf is given the freedom of the entire pasture. The Rev. Selby of Frontier mourns the lo s of $1ROO. In an effort to reform J. Hobcrt Williams , tlio David City swind ler , tlio Rev. Solliy bucked him with his note , which Williams cashed before his Might for Canada. A half hour's com- mnnion vitli a profitno layman would bo comforting to the minister's troubled soul. soul.Tho The celebrated story of Father Martin , "The Conflict , Love and Money. " con tinues unabated. It lias reached into the thousand chapters , and will probably bo concluded some time in the coming ccn- tury unless the author is nipped m tlio heart of his labors. Several or the prom inent heroes have been killed otr , but now ones sprlnc up with each dip of the pen. pen.All All the property , both real and per sonal , of the West Point Butter and association , was sold Saturday at receiver's sale. The property consists of about U.OOO acres of land , $100,000 worth of buildings , 1,000 head of cattle and 75 horses , worth at n small estimate $250- 000. The total of the sale was sfGU.OGO , thoMiddloton National bank , of Middle- ton , N. Y. , being the purchaser. Iowa Items , A $12,000 high school is to bo built at Independence. A stock company will build a $25,000 , hotel nt Clear Luko. A Methodist mush and milk social was one of tlio late freaks of Paiillina society. Missouri Valley Is about to become a city of tlio second rank and will illumin ate with electric lights. Asa Johnson , a farmer living near Knoxvillo. during Iho year 1885 made a nrolil of $8,780.05 out of stock raised on liis farm. Sioux City is pushing plans for a direct railroad to DCS Aloines. A mass meeting was hold Monday night and committees were appointed to further tlio project. Cass county is to Imvb a poor farm. The board of supervisors of that county have purchased ICO acres of land for that , which is situated about half way Curposo Atlantio and Lewis. J.ast , Saturday evening the marshal of Oskaloosa and a posse of men raided the tiger don on the south side of Iho square , captured 1,059 poker chips , eighty-nine packs of cards , three poker and ono faro iablo'iuid gamblers lo match , Dakota , A largo brick hotel } < = tc bo limit at Piorco. The now Methodist church at Rapid City was dedicated hist Sunday. Liltlo baby Bates , of Yankton , being nbout to move with her parents , linlshcii her prayer the night before starting with "good bye , ( iod , wo are going to Huron to-morrow. " There is a movement on foot among the owners of fast liorsos in Sioux Falls to arrange for a series of races the coming season. There are some fifteen trotting nnd running horses now In that city and vicinity , and it is proposed lo have a race every week. | F. M. Spear , of Colman , applied for a pension about four months ago and has already received it. Ho employed no pension agent or attorney to prosecute his case , but attended to it personally nnd got it through wilh the above remarkable - markablo speed , The Farmers' alliance , organized at Jamestown , Saturday , withl 00 members , adopted n resolution , elected oflieers anil declared against further encroachments of railroads , chronic oftlco.icokors and hostile and special legislation. They want the United States to taku charge of all railroads. Steps were also taken to organize a mutual hail insurance coin- Wyoming Hay is worth $10 a ton in Cheyenne. A three foot vein of gold ore has bcon uncovered in the Scininoo district. The slookmon of Cheyenne propose to start an annual stock show in that city. Experts claim that the best coal in the territory underlie thu town of Evauston. The recent fire in Sun Dunce destroyed $2hOOO worth of property , insured for $14,000. . James Talbol of Choyonrio , offers five acres of land in the city to the first rail road built from there to connect with the B. & M. line in Colorado. The bonus Is worth $5,000. Arrangements Inivo bcon made to Ir-.y ninety miles of plpo lo convey oil from the Shoshouo oil basin to Point of Hocks , on tlio Union Pacific road , lleilmug works will also bo put up this summer at the abovu named station. The atlcmpt of the AI my pcoplo to coerce members of the legislature into vutliyr relief to distressed minors failed utterly. Tim boycotting of two members served to stillon the backs of others , and the resurrection of the resolution is in definitely postponed. A memorial has been Introduced Inlo tlio legislature praying congress lo enact moro stringent measures for confining the Indians on their reservations and preventing the depredation : * of roving bands of savages , from which the settlers are unable to protect themselves. The hanging of William Booth for the crime of murder in Iho flrsl degree , which will take place nt Bull'nlo , .Johnson coun ty , March 5 , will r.uvku the fifth legal ov- edition in Wyoming. Booth's predeces sors worn Boyer , hung in Cheyenne in 1871 ; Toussaint Kcnsler , in Cheyenne , in November , 1871 ; Leroy Donovan , nt Haw- llns , In March , 183-1 , and Charles Cook , at Laramie City , in September , 1881. Dlontnna. The town of Utitto is worth § 11,000 in clean cash in thu treasury. The bullion shipments from Butte for the past week amounted to $ ! )0W4. ) , ! W. A. Clark of Butlo recently sold a third interest in three mines for ! friO,000. , A gang of twenty-two toughs wcro escorted out of Bulto by the police last week. Helena proposes lo secure rail connec tion with Bntlo next summer oven if she goc. down into her own pockets for the cash. Clara Clinton , a fortune teller , wants $15,000 from the city of Butte for tripping her hip out of joint with a broken side walk. The PacHlo Const. A Greek paper is to be shortly started in Los Angeles. Fish Commissioner Gary , of Nevada , lias just hatched a double-headed trout. The new seaside resort on the San Diego peninsula has been named Coro- uuihv Beach. One good result of the late slorm in the interior is that gophers have been drowned out in Innumerable numbers. Wnlla Walla is to have a $00.000 poni- tentiarv , a bill having passed the Wash ington Territory legislature t'othut oilcct. Donner lake is literally covered with ducks and gecsc. Good bags are being brought in by some of the local sports men. The proprietors of the long talked of reduction works in Portland have con cluded to build works of moderate ca pacity , the cost not to exceed $30,000. There are from 1,500 to 2,000 Indian children in Nevada who ought to bo edu cated , and it is proposed to erect tv gov ernment school for this purpose at Carson. A big gold mine has been found live miles from Tucson , in the cement beds to thu east. Tim rock , pulverized , has given $2.fiO in gold by washing a lot of twenty- live pounds. According to _ tlio laws of Arizona no license is required for marriage , but the person performing the ceremony is re quired to lile a certificate of the same within three months niter the ceremony is performed. The Ijliicolii Journal , tlio Alliance , nml tlio Pnoo o ( * I/ami. "When the Farmers' Alliance meets in this city , as it will fioon , the Journal beirn that It will lay aside the icgular order of business tonrtopt the following : ncsnlvcil. That the value of Nebraska soil la increasing ovorv day , and thnt , In viuw of the great lioule of immigration Jiko'y to roll ncross our eastern bolder early In the spring : Itcwolrctf , That the price of Nebraska laml Is hereby put up 5 per cent , anil not anxious to sell at that. That Is nbout nil Iho.Iouriinl en res to par- tlculaily insist upon , but If liiotlicr litnrowH likes this suggestion well enough to say fo we may put in a few more. " The above is clipped from the Lincoln Journal of Feb. 3. With ils usual inacn racy the Journal states the place of the meeting of the alliance to bo at Lincoln. The meeting Is to bo hold at Hastings , as a trilling adjustment of its spectacles would have shown the Journal. The niophitio exhalations from Iho "jobbing" department of the Journal , specially su pervised by friend II y , render Lincoln peculiarly insalubrious lo men who re side in the guileless atmosphere of the country. Besides the oltixons of Lincoln have not showered cuvilitos upon the alliance on the occasions of its meetings there , so overwhelmingly as to make it yearn for repetitions. Wo go there during legislative sessions to watch "ways that are dark and tricks that aro" not altogether vain , as far as scooping tlio money of tax-payers is concerned. But for hospitality and kind greetings from the pcoplo wo go to Hustings. As to the price of land , if there is any point at all in the suggestion of tlio Jour nal it lies in the intended inference that as the price of land Is advancing In Ne braska , her farmers must bo correspond ingly prosperous. Thapoitloal economy of Iho Journal is as fallacious nsilsnowH items arc inaccu rate. As a question of fact , the farmers ot this slate have never been worse pinched than tluiy tire at present , unless it was during the temporary calamity of the locuM.-yiaguo. JJnof cattle have hot boon M ) low as now during n generation ; corn and wheat are selling below cost of production. The few hogs the cholera lias left us arc jelling at prices that leave no margin for profit , while taxes , thanks to the fat contracts and other lobs which our Mophlstopholiitn friend before al luded to has such fatal facility in setting up , are higher than over before , But conceding , for the sake of argu ment , that lauds are advancing , what does It prove ? Lands may bo high-priced /or two masons first , high prices of products ; second , from security of lands relative to these who need them for use , A.'i the first reason does not exist hero the Koeond Is operative. This scarcity Js aggravated by the increased domain ! resulting from the depression of labor In othw avocations , and its turning to agriculture a * n dernier resource. This scarcity of land in the great wofrt , which Is so apparent , has bcon caused by the absorption of the agricultural lands , by the great railroad corporations , They became speculators in land , after absorbing an area equal to several empires. The patron company of the Journal oflleo , the B. &M. , ad vanced tlio prlco of its lands tlirco times in ono summer , as I am credibly in formed. Under the management of the rallroad-ropiibllcan-Kcndull-Dawcs-thlev- Jug-outfit at the state capilol , the agricul tural school lauds of the state wcro dealt out iu enormous blocks to syndicates of of speculators , and Ihe leases now cost the actual settler moro thnn the till * In fee ought to cot him. . Nowoudor the prici of lands is advancing , nnd no won der those who are fortunate enough to own n little spot of God's green earth are not nniloiia lo sell , How about the poor devils who have no land and nro out of work and out of money , but with families callinc for bread ? If the Journal would look nbout It would learn that , while the price is advancing tlio number of tenant farmers is also alarmingly on the Increase and rents are also advancing. The .Jour nal will probably call Ihcso facts signs of prosperity. True political economy will teach the Journal that high-priced land Is not de sirable for the working farmer , Land Is a tool. It simply allbrds an opportunity for labor. Tlio capital required to procure this tool the bolter for the farm er. The Journal might qnllo as well congratulate the farmer upon an ad vance in the prieo of plows as of lands. Its Ideas are not traceable to any true knowledge of political economy , but simply to Its nympathics wilh speculators and land ( hiuvcs , What Is Important to the man who labors on land is that ho should bo pro tected In the fruits of his labor. The price of land Is of no consequence to him , It is only necessary to say to him , "Whatever your labor produced on this land shall ho yours. " Thn system at present In vogue , the principle of "what the trallle will bear , " and the system which Is I'vqry day creating and increas ing an Irredeemable public debt by credit railroad building and stock watering , says to him right the opposite of this. It robs him of the fruits of his labor ; it makes it.s nice calculations of how much ho will stand and continue to produce ; it exacts the last dollar ho can pay and not starve. The Journal Is sponsor for Ihiq , system. To the extent of approving , U is responsible for it. When it washes Its own hands and lakes a stand on the wide of the people , it may bo permitted lo make suggestions to the state alliance. J. Uuititows. KII.I.KY , Feb. 8 , 1880. OETflNG TO T1112 FJtOXT. RurncU , Madison County , Ijooklnpj For tlio Coming Iloom. BUUNKTT , Neb. , Feb. 8. [ Correspond ence of the UEI : . ] Little has over boon said in newspapers of the sprightly lown of UurnoU. The town is located in Mad- ifcon county , on the Klkliorn & Missouri Valley railroad , pud about twenty-live miles west of Norfolk. It is surrounded by a very fertile and prosperous stretch of valley land , being in ono of the richest sections of the famous Klkliorn valley. The population now numbers nearly live hundred , and consists principally of thrifty and wideawake Americans ; and Iho community , in fact , is decidedly American. There are few towns along Iho line of the Klkliorn road that have the assurance of a moro permanent and substantial growth than has Burnett. Among its most energetic business men tiio BEE man would mention : A. M. Uurnham , the present post master and manager of a largo general merchandise stock , also a grain and live slock business. J. II. Kierstead , general merchandise ; Thos. K. Hanson , general stock ; A. Ward , drugs ; C. A. Wyekofr , hardware : Gco. Kicrstead , groceries ; Linkhartoi Momminger , bankers ; T. J , Holt , grain arid stock ; The Chippewa Lumber Co. ; Goo.F. Peak & Co. , lumber , coal and brick ; II. S. Drown , hardware ; Win. Young ; harness , etc. ; A. K. and J. Sheldon , newspaper and job ollico , pro prietors of ' 'The 13hide ; " OscarISeebo , blacksmith ; D. W. Whitney , hardware and furniture ; L. W. Miller & Son , agri cultural implements , S. D. Williamson , carpenter and builder. Mr. John F. Nowhall , formerly of Omaha , is just opening up a very neat and thoroughly equipped drug store. Mr. Harvey Davis is at present master of ceremonies at the "Davis Honso , " where si man may find good accommoda tions. The "City Hotel,1'kept byJ.H. Johnson , has a good patronage and seems to merit it. I'UllLIO HUILDINGS. A now and commodious school house is nearly completed , which will provide ample facilities for the education of the children. The Christian church is a handsome new building which Is certainly u credit to the town , and lasting evidence of the energy and devotion ot the pcoplo who have built it. There are many other important fea tures of the town that , if spaeo and thno permitted , should bo mentioned. All of the most prominent organizations , both religious and secular , are well repre sented. The Woman's Relief corps and La dies' Mission Sowing society nru in good working order , anil are accomplishing an important work. A Good Templars' lodge was organized last summer , and has qnilo a respectable membership. Harvey 1'osl. G. A. U. , was organized in March , 188 ! ) , wilh thirteen members , and has now a membership of forty- eight. Tlio Sons of Veterans are also organ ized with a membership of twenty. The coming spring will witness many important improvements in the town , and before the snow comes iijruln next fall , linrnctt will , in all probability , have gained a hundred or two In population. The farmers and stockmen in the stir- rounding territory are of the most thrifty nnd industrious class and the natural growth , brought about by supply and de mand from the farming community , will assuredly bring liurnott to the front The daily or weekly Bui ; is hero , as It is every whore all ever the broad western prairie , ono of the rociuisiti'S in nearly every household and Is looked for as eagerly as the hungry pilgrim liKlons for tlio announcement that "dinner is now ready in tlio dining car. " i O Oh I If I < n\v \ had her complexion Nviiy. it is oaSlVobtsk' : ; ! . Ur. ' rnu'g ! Powder. _ The pcoplo of Ottawa , Knn. , issued ro- ccnlly a circular uml scattered it in all localities within fifty miles of that town 'I to th effect that all'tranps coming thorn ' will bn given ten days on the rock pile. They have not been troubled with tramps to any extent since then. CATARRl milK Orrnt Jlnlsnmlo Die- J- dilution of wiluli- llfucl , Aiunrlunii J'liui , Ciui- mln Ur , MiulsnlJ. Clover Illopsouif , oto. , culled H\N- KoiiD'rt KADHMI , C'lmn , for tlio Imineillato idle ! and pcrmnnonl euro of every 1 nnu'ol Cnlurili , fium n Blmplo Cold In tlio IIouil to 1/jss of Knicll , Tustu uml IIouihiK , Cmitfh nml Cu- tarrnlinl Consumption. Ooiupluto tirittmoiit , ' ' luot ono bottle JtuUlcul Cure , ono box L'RtairhniHolvont , and ono Improved InhHlor , In onu rmckUKC , ninjr nmv Ijo Una fort I. oo. .Ask for MANIOIID'R lUuicui , CVHK , Complete Inhaler with Treatment , $1 , "The onljr absolute spcclllo no know or. " I Moil. Til 11 ( " 4. "Tlio lidst wo liuvo found In a Ufa- tliueol BiillcrhiK , " ( Hiiv. Dr. Wiirglru , Jlostoii. "Attor H longetiUKfflo with culurrli tb * IlaJIcul Cure has tonqucied. " [ Her. B. W , Monroe , I/owlhlmrich. I' . "I have not found a cugotlmt It did not relieve ut ouco. " LAndrow Lee , Muu cUcfter.Muss. I'oltcrDruuniiaOheiulcul Co.lto tou , "I MYSELF MUST GIVEUP. I can- iot Ixuir iliH ji.ilii , ! ucuo uuoror , und 1 : rj < Iiioj ino uny " UucUuulie w < ak > ios4 , Utarluu pains , Boiuiuiu , I/uueiitm , Udeklne couth , . - ) uml c'lii't.1 | > uliB ! ouroU by that now , 01 luiiuil tind oliuout uu tldoto to J > ulti mid Intluiiiiitlon tli.itViicuiiA ANTI-I'AIS Pru XKH. IJbpoclully ( uluiitod to Indlosby reforlnv lt ilnllciilo odor uml uontlo medicinal cjualltl4 drutrirlMd , 2ioj five for ( L Jlullcxl fro . PoltM Drug ttiiJ Cliujolcul Co. Jlostou iliue.