Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    -rr "yTt * rf wn < * ! T-V . T <
. . . 11. 1886.
noos. I
J. K. lloyd . 417
O. II. llamnionil&Co . Mi I
Hliwley & IV. . . . . . . . . W7
Harris ifclllslicr . . . i5-1
Note All sales of stock In tlito market arc ;
inadn i > cr cwt. live weight unless otherwise
Ptatwl. Dead hoas FCII nt IB ixjr lit , for nil
liti. "Sklns"orlio.s'vclKriinzlc'5s than .
, no value. i'r jiiniitsowa ro I
Wednesday K\cnlni ; . Feb. 10 ,
. General Markets.
KoosTho maiket U stcaily nt 10217e.
Very few fresh CKKS ro coining in mill
lliiied or pickled stoc sells very slowly.
JUTTIII : Tlioro Is no special nlmnco to
note ; butter of nil giades Is slow , riioico
grades of table hutter me mioted at 1&C'USci
lair to Rood , lixai'-'c : Infeilor.ic c.
CIIKKSI : Fancy full cream Cheddars. Oc
tober make , lie ; Hats lic ! ; jouni ; America.
I''c ; fiist quality Swiss cheese , ICc ; MICOIUI
quality , UKiiUc ; brick cheese , iCc ; Lliuburficr ,
I'on.TUY riilckens nro In better demand
nnd am quoted nt vte. ! ) Turkeys , geese nnd
ducks uio nil ( | Uoled nt V10c. ( < / .
( ( AMI : Deer , nntclupe , pinlrio chick
ens nnd quail woo out of beuoii on January
1 , nndso very few _ nro cqiiilnu In. 1'ralrlo
mixed ducks , S1.2VA1.5' ' ) ; small rabbits. 7&cjS (
81.00 ; geese' . S3.00ft | .fiO.
I'liKHKUvr.n , Jiu.i.iKB. ITC. : Pieservos.
nil kinds , 20-lb. palls per lb. . lo ; c ; do lu pail
otp , per lb. lOci assorted 5-lb. pails per cr.ite ,
0 palls , $ .76. .lelllcs , all kinds , first gindc ,
20-lb. palls.'per lb. , He ; assorted , first grade ,
5-lb palis , ] ier cmte , Oiialls , JMT doz. , SJ.50 ;
do , 1-lb pails , per case , 'J do82.20 ; do , tutult-
It-is , per case. lido/ . . 51.40. Jelly , nil kinds ,
.second grade , 00-ib. palls , per lb. be. Allnco
ileat , best giade , % bbl. per lb. , 7c ; do , IS ,
US and OSIb palls , peraib. , 7Kc : do. 5-lb
palls per i-r.ite , n jiallf , Sy.7.1. Apple butter ,
t'Stin Hue , ' .fob ! . , per H > . , 7c ; do 40-lb pails ,
ner lb. . 7U ; do. 5-lb iiallc. per crate , ( l pnils
B'J.75. reach and plum butter , -lO-io pnlls , per
lb. , ! H < c ; pencil , plum nnd quince butter , ns-
sorted , 5-lb. iiails , iwr ciatc , n iiallM , sf.7 : , " ( ;
catsup per case , 'Jdo/ . pint bottles. S5.00 ;
S7.W ; BO mil bbl , S0.50 ; 15 ral bbl. S 1.00.
Nt'TH I'ecans. largo polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium , S c ; English walnuts , We ; almonds ,
TnnnQoim , SOc ; do , l.anguenoc , 17o ; Brazils ,
I''c , lllberls. lie ; peanuts. Imnd picked , fancy
Vligiuhi. 7cdo roasted I'e. '
COMII HONKY CnlltorninS lb frame 00 Ibs ,
In case per lb. , 15e ; 10 lb. frames , .Nebraska.
IKc.Cinr.K Michigan refined , per bbl. , 50.50 ;
do. hall bbl. . S4.00.
VINIUIAU White wine. lOc ; cider , WKc.
Nnw I''IOH ' , UATUS , ETC. Layer I gs. B and
a-lb boxes , tier lb , lfia > 17c ; PiuiipJUw. 2.V b
boxes , per lb , llc. Dates , fancy * ard , 1'Jb
boxes , per lb. He ; do , fancy Persian , 60-lb
boxes , per lb , lie.
hi.MONs I'niicy 3Icsslna and Palermo , per
box , : 55.00 : do. choice Medina and Palermo ,
per box' , 31.5'J : do. per 5 box lot , 84.00.
OIIANCIKS Uholco Los Angeles , per box ,
JW.70 : do , 5-box lots , per boxM.CO ; do , 10-box
lots , S'-.r.Oiaucy ; Klvcrsldc , S.50 ! ! ; do , 5-box
lots , S.V.30 ; do. 10-box lots , S3.00.
UiiANiiKitnius Cnpe Cod cranbenles , per
bbl , W.0 : Capo foil do , 5-bbl lots. i > er
bbl. S8.W : Hell nnd Cherry do , per bbl , S5.75 ;
13cll nnd Cherry do , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. S5.50.
Ai'i'i.ns Xotmuch stock is inovlui : . Il
linois ccnitous , per bbl. , S2.40 : do , 5-bbl pH
S'J.'i'i ; do. 10-Ib lots , S'J.OO : IlllnoiB Willow
Twigs , Hen Davis , etc , S2.75 ; do , 5-bbl lots ,
S2.W ) ; do , lObbl lots , S'J.SS ; fancy Michlcan
block , sa.OOfKl.W. , ! '
GIIAITS JUnlaca per bbl. 57.00.
UAJJAXAB Avoiding to bize , per bunch ,
PnovisioNS. Hani , 10 ( 10.Kc. breakfast
bacon , t@ 'c ; clear side bacon , 7cury ; salteu
hams. IVJc. , . .
1'oTA-rons None arc comlnir , aim prices
are nominal ot5 > ro00c ! forchoicostock.
VKOKTAHI.KS California cabbage , So per
Ih ; Caliloruia celery , S'.50 per do , ? : .lerhey
sweet potatoes , 4c per lb ; parsnips , § 2.00 per
bush ; Michigan rutabaga , S2.50 per bbl. f = = = >
ONIONS Salt Lake stocic , Sli.OO per bbl. ;
red Wctlierslield , Vi50 per bbl.
Hr.AN.s-Hand uicked navy. S1.75@2.00 ;
liana-picked medium. Sl.501.75 : Mod clean
country. SlAvaUM : inferior. 7oc ( < U.OO.
GILAIS The following are the provaiiniB
prices for car lots : 'Corn , 2
ontsai c ; wlicat , OKaosc ; rye , 44) ) ic ; barley ,
48c.Ji.oun and MIU.STUFFS Winter Wheat-
Firm ; bebt quality patent at S3.00@3.30.
Scconil minllty-S2.00@3.00. . . . .
Spiing Wlieat Best quality patent at S2.50
iiuc'kwhcnt Flour In barrels , S5.75 ; ready
raised a lb packages , S4.00 ; 0 lb packages ,
SKUK ) .
5 per cwt
, 3. 50c.
Hominy S1.50 per cwt
. 3llorls COcpercwt ,
Grahnni SI. 75 per c\vt.
Hnv-Uales. 88.00(37 ( oo per ton.
O YST KHBQuotatl or to-day arc i : N. \ .
counts : , 4.rKextra ; selects , 40c ; selects , 35c ;
fitandards , liOc ; mediums. 25c.
Funs ANIJ rficiNH I'nces on furs ana
Bklns are steady. Mink , each , 10@30c ;
muskrat. winter. 2@5c ; do. kits , 2c : Otter ,
82.60ffiO.00 ; skunk , shoit striped , ' " ; do.
broad fit riiied , 10M15 ; badger , 'i5@50 ; rtae-
coon , NoJ large. 40@50 ; do. No. UrJ0@W ;
do. .No. , 10 irx5 : wolf , praiile. MKgTfxj ;
do. ountain . s.003.00 ; wildcat , 15@40bca. ;
ver , Sl.50Gi2.50 per Ib ; fox , each , 81.40@1.50 :
deerskin : , drv winter , 15lSc per lb ; do. fall
nnd biimmcr iiOfdviao illn
Hiiis-Ureeu : Imtchors , (5@ ( > jc ; preen
cured , 7 } < iSe ; dry flint , 12 We : dry
salt , ! h21Uc ; damaged hides two-thirds pilce.
Tallow 4c. Orcabc , piimewUlto , 4c. bhecD
Pelts 25ft70c.
LEATHER-NO. 1 1'lttsburg liarness J. C. b.
* Sons. 80c ; No. 1 Plttsburg , K. & S. Sto ;
Cincinnati , 85c ; No. 1 lace leather , COo ; prime
blauL'literRole leather. $ * A o : prime oak solo
lenther ,
. . .o-
* * * * v " ' ; v * | " " * ' * * - " - ! - - -
roc v boot leg , SOQifiJo : Morocco IP.
28tMKo ; toppdiKs and linings , s-o.otoio.OO
per do/
,55 ,
to. ;
dry KT
.squixro nuts , per .
D@Koi maleable , So ; Tron wedges , be ; crow
bars , 0 ; harrow teeth , 4u ; sprliig steo , 7@8o ;
Jlurden'slioiso bhoes Sl.o ; llurden'H mule
thoi'H , 83.25. Uaibed Wlro-'n car lots , 84.00
per 100 tts. Jrou Nails-Hates , 10 to rx ) , ga.oo.
Simt-Sl.50 ; buekohot , Sl.M ; Oilental
? S
. 'ii.
1 0 : inmiiuinuh , uiuiiiuty , w , iupi7i > . " 'ii.ti
65c , , untrnmaiine , l o : randyke , brown , bo
umber , burnt , * o ; umber , row , 4o ; sienna ,
burnt. 4e ; Fienna raw. 4n : Paris ercen. trenu-
ine , 2'xs : I'ans green , common , eec : clirome
crei-n , N. Y. ' 'Oc ; chr'mo ' giccn , K , 12o ; vermillion -
million , fngllhli. In oil n-st lac ; raw and
burnt timber lib cans , loot raw nnd mirnt
Flcnna , lOe : vandvko Drown , lac ; retin d
lampblack , r.'c ; coach black nnd ivory bin i K
JOc ; drop black , ICc ; Prussian blue. 4Uo : ul-
tramarliiebluc , isc ; chroma crecn , ! < . , M &
D.l o ; blind and shutter irrwn , 1. . . .M. & D. I
If * ; Pans gii-en , iho ; Indian red , 15c ; Vene
tian red , tie : Tuscan led , 'iic ; American vermillion -
million , U .t H. , 2tc ) ; yellow octire. tte : jj. 1M'
fc 0 , D. , Ibc ; golden ochre , ICc : patent dryer
S < ' : pralnlinr colors , liulit oak dark oak , w l-
uut , chestnut andasli Ihc.
J'AINTS is On. White lead , Omaha. P. P
, 'oU
I no
ic ;
75c : vcimillion. Ameiieau. ISc ; Indian , red
'Ucroso ; pink. Mo : Vfiietinn. red Cookaon s
CWc : Venetian red , American , llfo ; red Kail
7Kc ; cliromo yellow Kcuulne , 'Jtic ; chroma
velloxv , K , VJc : ochre roehellu re ; o'chrn ,
' - - ' ' - - " " - Inter's
SpinUii ;
. . . . , percii eail
ilglt. wr callou. lie ; J7a liiuulli ; , perg.u-
lon. i o ; IWsvaterwhlte , He : liiiiiveit lur.t
IK.T inlliMiI4i ! . ; llnseiul- boiled , pel cation ,
" winter ujapuitallou , 5-c ; o.
1 , xi c ; No. ' - ' . 4rc castor XXX , per pnllon ,
81 l..V , : No. 8 , 81.44 : sweet , per eallon , Si.OO ;
eperin < , \ \ . M. . ncr ( til un. S1.GU * fish \v. H.
per > gallonr.r > c ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon ,
70c , No. l , G8c ; lubricating , zero , i > er gallon.
.N' . summer , l&c : colden machine. No. l , txir
callon. 30c ; No. 2 , S5c ; sperm , signal , per eal10
Ion 75c : turpentine , per gallon. 5 cj naptha ,
per gallon. 7'c.
Ar.NtapKs Barrels , per trallon : Furn
two. oxtm. ; furniture , - No. 1 , 81oo ;
coACh , exfrft ci.-wt coach , No. 1. 81.20 ;
Uamar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan. 70c ; asphaltum ,
extra , 85c ; slicllac 83.fX ) : hara ou nnlsti ,
DlifOS AND CitrMlCAt.o Achl , carbolic ,
S0 ; acid , tartarld-Wc ; balsam copalha , per
ID. , ) c , bark , sassafras , pcrlb. , 12c ; calomel *
pcrlb. , 7Scclnchoiildia ; , peroz. , 40c { chloro ,
form , per lb. , 75c ; ] ) o\en powder ? , per lb. ,
51.2.1 ; cpsom s-alK per lb. , SJ e ; glycerine , ,
pure , per Hi. , 2-Jc ; lead acetate , per lb. , 20c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 per gal. , 51.00 ; oil , castor ,
No. 2 per gal. , SI. 4) ) ; oil. olive , per pal. , 81.40 ;
oil , origanum , Me ) ; opium S3.00 ; quinine , 1' .
& WM and it. As & , i > cr oz. . We ; potassium ,
Iodide , per lb. . 83.00 ; Fallcin. pnroz.,400 ;
sulphate nioiiihlne , per oz. , 8'V-O ' ; .sulphur ,
pci lb.Sic ; strychnine , per oSl.&O. .
brunts Cologne spirits , 1S8 proof , 51.12 ;
do 101 proot 81.18 ; spliits. second Quality
101 proof. $1.13 ; do , IsS proof , 81.11. Alco
hol. 1S8 proof , V.2.10 per wine gallon. . Hi-dis
tilled whiskies , Sl.00ftl.50 ; gin blenited ,
Sl.WXji'iOO : Kentucky bourbons , 82.00 ( < 7fi.OO ;
Kentucky and I'eiinsylvatiia ryes. 82.OOCa.fl.rx ) ;
Colden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
81.50dJ3.00. Jlrandlcs Imported , S5.00 < 38.50 ;
domestic. 81.30(33.00. ( ( llus-Impnrtcd , $1.50
© 1.00 ; domestic , 81.aV(43.00. ( Hums 1m
ported , SJ.MX88.00 ; Now Knglaml , 81.75 2.00 ;
domestic , Ssl.'J.'xyw.oo. Champagnes Im
ported , per case , si3.00@3l.00 ; American , per
case , S10.OOQ1C.00
SMOKED FISH Halibut , new. PC ; now
scaled herrings , SJc ; mackeiel liic ; balmoii ,
r.'c : Miiolted itttrgcon. Uic.
NEW nsn. ill's llrf IJ'ls Q'r llhls I'l ? Ufa
200 , 100 W i 50 10 .15 12 10
MACKiiui. : : .
_ _ „ domestic Holland herrings ,
kegs , 50c ; Jlusslan sardines , 45c ; Ancho
vies In glass , Ole Bull braua. per Uo * . ,
S3.00 ; Anchovies in kegs , X Ole Bull brand ,
84.00 ; spiced Hamburg herrings , skina and
heads oil , per pall , SI.OO.
CODFISH .New larco bank cod , 4c ;
sea king , Georges chunks , OKc ; clover leaf ,
Georges strip . Hc : 1 lb rolls , 3 lb boxes ,
re : prairie flower , 2 lb brick.Oc ; wild rose , a
lb brick , 5c.
Holland hcrrlnir , new , rer keg , 75c ; new
long split stockllsh , lOo , new short split
stockflsn , OKe.
Grocers Lilnt.
Svnnr Standard O 23c , bbls ; Standard ,
do 4-pallwi keas , S1.10 ; Kew Oilcans 3S(540o (
per gallon ; Maple Syruu , % ban-el. P it G.
htrictly pure , 70c j > er gallon ; 1 gallon cans ,
St.i ) per doz : } gallon cans , 85.M per do/ ;
quart wins 53.00
UHIED FBUITS No. 1 puaner apples , 4 > { c ;
evaporated. _ _ boxes , t 8 ® . ; blackbeiTles ,
peaches ,
nowt@i. , . _ , . - - . . _
rants , new.7jr ( < ibe : prunes , new.- > { , @ 5c.
faiicV erfipn and "vellow."WMftilMKc ; ou
eminent Java. 20a > 20c ; inte ) r Java ,
20c : locha , 23@24c : Arbucklo's roasted ,
Vltfa' ilehaughlln'a XXXX roasted ,
Dilworth's 13c : ited Gross. < V4 .
l > ilwoith'8 tind McLaughlin's XXXX are
sold 50c per case oil above prices In 3-caso
ots.&uiiAiisl'owdercd,7 iCccutloaf.7cgran- ; ;
nlated , 7' < c : contectloners > ' A. 7c : Stan
dard extra C , C c ; extra C. 6c ; medium
yellow.OVo ; NewOilcaiK. 5 % ( < 0i c.
I'IOKLES Medium in barrels. S ' : 0 ; do In
half barrels..7 ; small in barrels , S7. 0 ; do
in half barrels , S4. 5 ; gherkins in barrels ,
8. 0 : do in half barrels. 84.75.
SOAI-B Kirk's Savon imperial , S-.r3 ;
Kirk's satinet , 83.15 ; Kirk's standard. f330 k ;
Kirk's White Uusslau , 84.35 ; Kirk's White
Cap. 80.50 ; Dome. 84/ii.
UANNUD Uoons Oysters , stanaard per
case. 83.f.0 : strawberries , iJ-tt. , per case. 83.80 ;
raspbeines , S5-tt. , per case , 82. : ; Calltornla
pears , per case , 85.CO ; apricots , per case ,
S4.K ( ) ; peaches , per case , $4.75 ; white cher
ries , per case , 80.00 ; plums , per case , 84.00 ;
whortleberries , per case. 82.40 ; egg plums ,
a-a. . per case , 82 , 0 ; green gages , B-tt. per ;
case , 83/X ) ; pine apples , S-ft. , per case , 83.203
C5.50. .
MATCHES Per caddie , S5c ; round , per case
45c : simaro cases , 81.70 ; Obhkosh cases , { jr. ,
gl.'JO : mnlH suuaio. S1.-J.5.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 81.55 ; Ashton.
in sacks. SS.H5 ; sacks , Ashton , tttobbls < \
dalrv. 5fi(50a ( ( .75
Si'iCE8iound Uiack pepper , boxes , 13
® i-'c ; allspice , 12 < @lCc : cinnamon 18 c ;
cloves , 15i5c ; ginger , 15@25c ; mustan
TEAS Gunpowder , fair , . " 0@37 ; good ,
550 choice C0ft75c ( ; good Imperial , 4C - , ,
choice , 00@70c ; ; Youngilyson. gpod,30t/ ! > ;
choice , 50@70c : Oolong , good , 8540c ; Oo
long , choice , 40afiOcKngllshHrcakfast { : , good ,
< 3
c ;
c ;
" " " " " . Sisal , " 'incliaiul lafsof , 8o ; Inch ! l i
BODA In lb papers , sa.tii a case ; salsoda
j per lb ' 5 ° 25
v INKOA'H GIBER I3@18cj white wino , 15
CIIACKKHS barneau's soda , butter nnd
picnic , S c : cieams , b > e ; ginger snaps , 8J Jo ;
OANiu.ns Hoxcs , 401b. Os HJ o ; 8s , ilj o ;
boxes , 401b , 18 oz , w , ll > < cj hail box , U0n > ,
KINK CUT Hard to Beat , 70o ; Charm of the
West , tXc ) ; Fountain , 70e ; Golden Thread ,
C7c ; Favorite , OOe : Huds , OOc ; Uocky Moun
tain , We ; Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c : North Star ,
? 0c : Good Jjiick , We ; Our Bent , fwj e.
bTAiicii Magara gloss , 1 Jb.flUo ; Niagara
irloss , 3 lb , Oo ; Niagara cl(15Si ( ° " , 7c ; Ni.igaw
corn , 1 Ib.Ujj'c ; Kingstofil's corn , 1 lb , He ;
Kingstord's gloss , 1 lb , Kc ; Klngsfora s gloss
0 iu , Ko ; Klngsford's pure , a lb 0foKings. \ .
iivilfij Kultr . An
Dry Uuocls.
PKINTS Steel lUvrlU'c ; Auiorlrnn , 6X :
Arnold's , Co ; Cocliuco , Co : ilaucho ter , fia ;
J < yriun , 5c : Uloucester , 6 c ; Duiuiell Jao-
quaid , Cc ; IunneJI , 5 c ; Wiiulsor. 6c ; J'i
eliic , Gflj'Harmony. 4lc } ; Anchor Shlitins ,
ul7kej - Menimack Shlitings , 4 > fo ; Berwluk ,
COTTONS. Fanners' choice ,
( /c ; Cabot. ( 6j c ; Hope , 7o : Ulll 4-4 ,
Hill K. ,65/c , ; Lonsdnle , 8j ; Fruit , SJ4'c ;
sutta. 10 , . . .
UOHSIT : J KAXS Kearsarge , 7c ; Armory ,
7c ; I'etipeien , 7 cj luaiau Orchard , C > t'o ;
BJIOWN CoTTOx--l.Miwr.jnce IJj , 5c : Hhaw-
imit LCo \ : Bca\er Dam 1 < U , 6c ; Atlantio
1 < U So ; Inillan Head , 7c : waticliusset OJio :
down XXX. ? fc ; Cliftou CCO , 0 > Jo
Utiai 0. We : Atlantic 1' , 5j c ,
FI.SK Hitow.N corroxs I'ei'Perell R , 6 ! < c ;
I'eiipprell 0.6 4c. Atlas , O c ; titatuo ol Llr
crtv , tte : Saranao It ,
iiNi is-leaver ( t reel : AA. lie ; Bcavor
irk ,
ana brown , 7kc-
JUCK-biibleacUeU ( ) Soz. Alacnolla ,
10 oz. M agnolla , I'-'o ' ; boz. Wes > t Point ,
lot Wct J'oliU I'i o.
( culoied ) Boatou U o . brown aud
drab , 13Vc ; Boston O II brown nnd drab , Oo ;
Boston XX brown and drab lOc : Huston
U *
10 , v , Fork fanc3'"i2i4c : Mlflburyi'l2l"
Pearl ( lllvcr , HKc ; Hamilton.ISc ; Swift '
i ituCrWe { , ; Mhctuckct , } < c ; Shetuokct SS '
9e : Momnuk AA. We ; Jfontauk BB , ! 0 , < < c ; ;
Omega ACA , I3' < o ,
. UixoitAMS iZentrew. iHaloUc ; AmosKc.i
dresOc : Amoskeas. staple , T C ! Ivanlio
O'icVamsutta. ; . bj c ; Nubian , s c ; war
wick. SH'c : Whlttcndon. PC : Bates , dress Sc ;
Bates , staple , tiKn ; lianilohili staple ,
. Lansiiowne. 7c : Gloucester , "He.
' K :
rose , < V ; Otis , cliecks , "Kc ; Oils , stripes , . .v ,
i itoyal CJ/c : Amoskeag , napped , 10c ! : Lu-
, ray , book fold , 12c ; Obcron , book fold , HXo ;
Endurance , book fold 12c ,
lrr umber.
12 ft 14 ft 10 It 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 2 ft
2x1 iyoo ir > .oo ir > .oa iooo ! n.oo i.oo 10.00
2.XO 14.53 H.50 H.BO 15.M 1 < U,0 1H.50 2,1.50
Z.xS is.w in.oj ir.uo iiuio 17.00 u.oo 10.00
16.03'15.00 ' 15.00 10.00 IT.tll ) SO.Ol ) 20.60
115.1)0,15.00 ) 15.00 10.CH ) 17.UO ID.IK ) 20.00
. | l5.0U'l5.00 ' J5.00,10.00117.00,19.00,19.00 ,
! Clear , | { Inch Yellow Hue . SS..OO
I Clear. ? | Inch Xorway . . . 1-1.00
, 2d Com.Vf Inch , Norway . 13-00
1st nnd 2d Clear , \f } Incli.s. 2s . S500U
1st ami 2d Clear , 1' and U inch , s'J3. . . . 5000
3d Clear , Itf Inch , sUs . 4800
3d Clear , l' ' $ niidB Incli.s 2s . 4800
U Select. 1W , IK and a inch. s.2s . Srtoo
1st niul sd Clear , 1 men , s. 8s . . . . MOO
i Pdelear. < 1 Inch , s2s . 44. > 0
A Select , liuch , s 2s . 4000
B Select. 1 inch. s. 23 . 2950
No. Iboards , 12,14 ft and 10.03
No.Sboards , IS , 14 U mil 10.75
No. Sboanls , 13,14 ft ind 13.73
No. 4boards , 13,14ft and 14.23
No. 1 , 4 A0 Inch , 13anil10.5011feet , rough. .
No. l , 4iVsO Inch , lOfeet 14.50 , nmsh
No. 3 , 4&6 inch , 13and 13,50 H lent , rough. .
No. 2 , 4 & 0 inch. 10 feet 10.50 , i ough
pori.Aii iu.Minit. :
Clear Poplar box bds , H Ins , 3s $ | i0.01
" Kin , panel stk wide , s 2s. 3r.lO
" Corruzatcd Celling , % . . . 2U.OO
* AStandanl S2.CO
5 Inch , clear , 81.50 ; 0 Inch , clear 1.00
No. I - . 1.10
Lath 3.20
1st Com.inch White Pine 830.00
2d Com. , yi inch White Pine 23.50
1st Com. Olnch. white pine 83000
SdCom.O Inch , white pine 3400
3d Com. 0 inch white pine 20 00
1) . Olnch , white pine 2000
Com 4 and Clinch yellow pine 17.50
Star 4 and 0 Inch yellow pine 21.00
1st nnd 2d clear yellow pine 4-0 Inch. . . 33.50
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 ineli 517.00
No. 3 , Plain , 8 and 10 Ineli 15.00
No. 1,0. G 17.50
White Cedar , Oinch , halves S 11
" " 5Vf " " aud 8 in q'rs
" " 4' " round 11
Tennesseered cedar , split 14Ji
A13 Inch , 1 s W , 14 and 1(1 ( leet 840 00
JJ 'i ' " 41 00
13 ii u ii ii 80 00
D " " " " " " 2300
No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 s. 13,14 and 10 ft. . 17 50
No. 1 " " " 10 18 and 20 ft. . 1850
No. 3 " " " 12 , 14 and 10 It. . 1550
i.iMI : , RTC.
Quincy white lime ( best ) , S5c ; cement ,
Akron , S1.75 ; plaster , § 2.30 ; hair , per bushel
30 ; sash , 60 per cent oil list ; door * , blinds ,
motildiiiKS , 50 per cent off list ; tanedfelt , per
/ \vf t 7.i ? ctinxv hn.iril. Sl.fiO.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only road to take DCS Molnes , Mar-
shulltown , Cedar llailils , Clinton , Dixie. Cbloago ,
Milwaukee nnd all points east. To the people of
Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho
NcvadaOrcRon , Wiishln ton anil California It
oilers superior advantages not possible by any
other line
Ainonsr a few or the numerous points or suno-
riorlty enjoyed by the patrons or tlila roadbo-
twoon Omalm and Clilcmro , are Its two trains n
day of DAY COACHES which are the finest that
hurnun art nnd Injfenulty ran create. ItaPAIx
YACE SLEEPING CAIIS , wblcli nro models of
comfort and ologanco. its PAIU.OH DUAWING
11OOM CAHS , iinsurnassod by any , and Its wide Jo
ly celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAUS , tun
vquiil of which cannot bo found elsewhere.
At Council lllulfs the trains of the Union Paci-
flo Ily. connect in Union Depot with those of the
ChlcuKO & Northwestern Ry. In ChlctiffO tlio
Ttrains of thla line make close connection with
those of all eastern linos.
i For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cmcln
natl. Nlnirarn Falls. Huffalo , I'Utsburjr. Toronto
Montrcnl , Ilo&ton , New York. Philadelphia , llal-
tlmore.Washington ami all polnls In tbo east , ask
the ticket agent for tickets via the
' If you wish the best accommodations. All ticket
PBonts sell tickets via this lino. . - ,
M. HUOHITT. _ ItS. HAIll ,
General MnnascrGoD > Puss < AK ° nt <
UT reujon of Iti central petition and oloie rfUtlon to
Jl principal lines Eant and Vfttt , nt InltUl nd tir-
nliml iiolnu. ronstitutri tlio niovt Imtiortnnt inld
rontlnt-ntnl link In tliut ( Tftrm of thruueh trunipnr-
titlonvhlch Invltet anil rudlUatri trat eland traffla
t > etw cniltli of tbo Atlantic and Farlflr CooiU. It
I * nlto too fatorllo and licit route to and from polnti
tkt , Nnrilico t and Southmtt , and com-ijioiiUllnf
| ) uiuti Wekt , h'oitnweat and fiouthrrest *
The Croat Rock Island Roul
Guarinteea Id iiatronn that sengf of pereonal cectv
rltr affordeil by a rolld , thorouulilr ImlUHtil road-
The Put Kiprosi Trnlni between Chlcapo anil
Peorlu , Council Iliuirn , KQIIM C'lly.I'arfuwnilli &i nd
nro also lun thu CoUbrottJ Ki-cllnlDgCb lr Can.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
Ii ( be direct and favorite line bttween Chicago anil
ulnneapolliandBt. raul.fhure connertloni afo mada
In Unluu Uepoti for nil polnu la the Territories and
llrilisu 1'roTlncei. Urer thin rout * Fabt Kxpreia
Train * me run to the watering placei. rummer re-
corta , plctnreique loralltlef , ana kuntlntr and flihtnv
L-rouruliof Iowa and Jllnnooto. H U alee the niort
decliable route to the ikb. wheat U ld and uaitoral
lauitsof Interior Dakota.
btill another WIU.CT I.INB , Tla Seneca and Kap-
kakre , hai been opened bttneen rinilnnatl , Indian-
anullsand Lafavetle. and Council lllnffil. KanraaCJtr ,
illnneapniu and Bt. 1'aul and Intel mediate pointi.
For detailed Jnforuiailon nee &fap arid Kolderf.
obtainable , at well as tickets , at all principal Ticket
OiUu't lu tun United SUtcn and Canada : or br ad-
R , R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN ,
I'r 't & ' ' '
Qen'l M'e'r , Oen'l
California and 33d St. , $700,00
Lot 80x150
3 , S. Yau JJoureii. 100 S. 14th.
Billiard Tables.
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
Ami Saloon , Ofllco ami llnnh Fixture ? . Market
ami , Huron Sis. , Chicago , 111. Umnba odlec.&JJ
s. 10th St.
Book'Binding , Etc.
' " '
'nEKSPlllNTlNO CO. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
Andjilnnkllodk Mnnnfncturers. No . 108 nna
_ _ 108 South llh ( Stts t. Onmbn , Neb. _ _ _ _ _
Bridges Steam Pile Driving ,
UAYMONl ) & CAMPItm , ! . ,
Knglnecrs nml ContinctnrK.
Bridges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination mid How * Tnis HildKcs ,
PIllnR mid Oak Timber. 15th St. , near rnrnnin.
Telephone No. 734
1 ' ' " "
- !
Cigars and Tobacco ,
MAX MEYEll & CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Guns mid Ammunition. 215 to S3) ) South 11th
Street , 1020 to 1024 Furnam Street , Omulm , Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In U-nf Tobaccos. Nos.
JOS and 110 N. 14th Street , Omaha , Neb.
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works ,
John Kpcnotor , Proprietor. Maniifnr.tnror of
Oulviinl7cd Iron and Cornlco. 021 Doilt and 191
and 103 North 10th Sttcot , Omaha , Nob.
Mnnufaoturoraot Omnmontnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Finals Etc. , 1110 S. Kill St. Workdono
In any pint of the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECIIT , Proprietor.
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Etc. Ppcolil's Im.
provpil Patent Mctnll'o Skjlight. 50H mid 5108.
12th St. , Omnha , Nob.
Doors , Sash , Etc ,
The Glte'CKyTlsnliig Mill.
Peers , Fash nnd llllnds. Also all kinds of
turning. Scroll und Stair work of every de
Mnmifacturcr nnd Denier In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stnlr Until n specialty. Telephone No. 93
15th mid Moray St . , Omnlin , Neb. _
Electrical Supplies.
" " ' "
L. W."WOLKB"'CO. , Eleetrlelans.
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnsonlo Block , Oniaba. llurglar Alarms , Hells ,
Fho Alarms , Klcctrlo Mnttlnv , SnenUlne Tubes ,
Gold , Silver und Nickel Plntlng , Etc.
Iron'ar d Nails ,
Cut .Nails and Spikes ,
Flro Nails n SK ; inlty. Omnbn , Nob.
Omaha Iron Works Company
! , . . .
Machinery , Castlinr5 , Steam EnBlnes , Boilers ,
Aichltecturallron Work , Iron Bridges , Mining
and Mill Machinery. OIIlco and works , Union
Pucillo It. H. 17th und 18th Streets.
WE'AHNE & uuo. ,
Foundry Works.
Cor. 14th and Jackson Sts. , prepared to do all
kinds of Iron and Brass Castings ; nlto , O , C.
Uunnlstor'HllookinirGiiito Burs manufactured
Mattresses. _
' E. 'jr. IIUISB ,
Mattress Company ,
MnnufBCturlng Mnttreiscs , Bedding , Feather
J'lllowB , Cots , Etc. 1200 und 1203 Douglas Street ,
Omulm. Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Shirts , Etc. , 1102 nnd 1104 Douglas
Street , Omaha , Nob.
Safes ,
Omafa Safe Works ,
JJnnufncturcr of Flro nnd Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vault Doors , Jail Work. Shutters and Wlro
Work. Cor. 14th und Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Soap ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Office and Factory , , near Powder Magazine ,
Oi nuilm Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
' Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
1315 and 1317 Harnoy street , Omaha. Nob. Bole
Agents In Nebraska lor Jones' Celebrated Split
Bbai t Sulkies.
Established 18 "A
The Leading Carriaga Factor/ ,
1409and lilt Dodeo Street , Omaha , Nob.
Corroilcrs and Grinders of
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
m.Neb. Iovi Cutter. 1'rcf. ; C. W. ]
ice 1'ros. : H. W. Yutea , Boc. und Trcu
The HUlurd ,
S. Shears , J.K. MarkclThos. , Swobc , Proprietors
Omuha , Jfebruska ,
Arcade Hotel ,
James Casey , Proprietor.
j215 and li'17 Uougliia Bt. , Omaha , Neb.
The iialronajro of commercial inon rebpoctfur.y
Holldtcd. They will Hud this the- best $ S n day
houea wttt ut Clileat'O.
1 " '
* ' , l
? lanters House ,
Rotes , S1.W per day. Btn-ct cars froni U , P.
depot , within one block of bouse. Cornc :
18th btruets , Omubu , Nob.
The Cozzens ,
P. Ilumsoy * Co. , Proprietors.
Hates * U.CO per rdaj' , { io dark rooms. Oraaha ,
Neb. Also proprietor of Palace Hotel , Santa
I'o , Now Moilco.
Canfl ld House ,
Cor.Nlmh and Farnam Sts. The best $3 per
day hotel in Omubu. ItoiuoUoleU. jcJurnlslioJ ,
rcdccoi ated ; onp block Irom army Jieadquurtors ,
opposltu Union J'aclllo heudquariorsi btroot cai-3
puss the door. Qoorifo Canllcld & ( i ) . , priiprlo.
tors. Also Union Block Yards Hotel , South
Hotel de Coos ,
P. GOOS , Proprietor ,
European Plan. The only ccntiiilly located $3
nduyhoubo. Th.eo doors from IJoyd's Opera
House and ono-bulf block from tlio PostolUco
mid the Court House. 1510 , 15U ! ITarnain
PI KBCPtToBtr omelhliig wondetfullo i'runluiru.
6 od jour u.ui. iiuj Jdrcn on l Ul { . ! tor iipipl
COM midltou will U drligbleil. iUnllon tbUi \ \ led
i H. s. SMITH , Pub. , Omaha , Neb.
Agricultural Implements.
Dealers In Agricultural Implements ,
Ofllco , Corner Cth find PncIRo St , Omnhn ,
Wholec.o ( ; Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnd Buggies , Onmlia Nob.
Wholesnlo Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carriages ami lliurRlos. .If nw St. , bet. PIb ami
10th , Omaha , Neb. _ _
Boots and Shoes.
W. V. JIOl'SK tt CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Sloes ,
jm Farmun Street , Omalm , Nob. Manufactory ,
Summer Street , Boston.
Carpels. _
S. A. OUCIIAUI ) , '
Wliolesalo Carpets , Oil dolts ,
Mattings , Curtain ( looils. Ktc. . 1133 Fftrnam
Street , Omaha , Neb.
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
. - .
Coal , Coke , Limo and Stone.
Offlec , 213 S. Hth Ft. , Omaha , Neb. Yards , Otli
anil Uttvonport Streets. _ _ _ _
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Best varieties. Onco,213P. ! IHth PU Tclcphono
No. 14 2 , Omnha , Nob.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
S14 S. 13th St. , Omnhn. Neb.
GKO. C , TOWI.B , President.
N , Sec , und 'i'reiis.
3 , II. HtJi.iiKHT. V > A. ll. .cit ,
Proprietor. _ Munngor.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OHlcc , 'J17 S. Wth Street. Telephone 43.
GEO. K LAtiAnn , Prc3. C. F. GOODMANV. Proa
J. A. SUNOK.m\xi ) Sec. and Treus.
Omaha Coai , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobber's ofhard nnd iort _ roal,200S. lath St. ,
Oninha , Neb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive dealers In Boulder Colorado Conl.SIT
fcotith 14th street.
Coffee and Spices.
" "
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
TenCoirccs , Siilces , Baklnp 1'owdcr. Fliivorlnir
Extracts , Laundry lllun. Ink , etc. HU-10 Huf
ney Strcet. Omolin , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
" " '
'BRANCH & co. ,
Wholesale Frnits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Farnam St. , Omaha. Applcs-Our own | .aclc.
liiff-l'lntt & Co.'s Tiger llratul Oysters , lluttor ,
Eggs , Game , Poultry , rotntocs.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Provisions , Fruits , Flour and reed , 105
B. llth St. , Omnhn , Neb. Consignments solicited.
Kcturns made promptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Cheese , Fnusngni. Fruits , Butchers' Tools nnd
Supplies. 1215Jonc-3 St. , Omaha. Nob.
General Commission Merchant.
SPECiAi-TiES-Checfe , Buitnr , Eggs , Poultry
nnd ( latno , 112 S. 14th. , ( Jmahn , Neb. aclo-
jphono NoaB5. _ _
D. A. liUHLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Cutter , Eggs and Produce. A full line of Stone-
wuro. Conelgnmonts solicited. 1411 Dodge fat. ,
Omaha , „ _ „
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , KKK ? , Chcoso and Country Produce gen
erally , 3UU S. 12th St. , Omaha , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Bcfrlijcrntor and 1'aoklnp House,14th & Leaven-
worth St. , on U. P. U. 11. Track , Omaha , Neb.
Established 1870.
General Commission ,
MIS. 14th St.Omaha , Nob. Specialties Butter
EgrgH , Poultry and ( lame.
PEYCKE nnos7.
Commission Merchants ,
Vrults , I > rduco : and Provisions , Omulm , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
and wholesale dcaltr In country produce , fruits ,
butter , cee , 'to. Goods un Liinslgmuent a
specialty. : e.-J N. 10th tt. , Oiimlin , Neb.
KIllSClHlltArN & EONS ,
( Successors to A. P. Schack. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. ! ! 13 South 12lh Street. Omaha , Neb.
TltOXEl.T ,
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Fruits. Flour. A pplce , fitpnownin , CiloryiK-trnr | , ) ,
SniMBocirs. HintCl * and I'.inrjj.fijjraniriijseoutn
13th . _ street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Produce Commission Merchants.
I'oullry , Butler , ( iaino , l-'rults , Kte. SSOS. Hth
Kt. , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
Meals , I.ard , Jellius , Butter , Y.zffi , CbocoO , Btv.
No , TO S. l-iIi Ht. , Omaha , Nob.
General Commission Merchants ,
HOCDocJtro Street , Omaha , Neb. Cunslt'iunonls
It. McUONAM ) .
315 12th Street , Omaha , Neb. Specialties : Hut-
tcr , Kors ; , niutciilcuc'iis ,
l ry Goous.
j , j , nuo\VN & eo. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and notions ,
13:3 : Douglas Street , Omalm , Nob.
L. OINeitllllQ It CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Motions ,
Lincng , l.acos , Rmbrolilvry iiiulVliilo Ccoig ,
" " - - " - v'- >
"b.Sticct , _ , Neb.
Engines ,
t ca ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary nml portable engines ) , boilers r.ruj
flieut iron woik , wagons , agricultural implo
uiont8 , pumps etc. li.'lM215 ! l.nuycn\vorlhljt.
Leather ) Hides , Etc ,
Dealers iu Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
/ 11H Jitckbon Bticct , Omaha , Neb.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Saddlery anil Bhoe rindliiirs , llldeo , Wool , Turs ,
1'cltB , Giiiasu'i'allow , Ijta , Oaiubu Nol.
Flour , Etc.
Wx.riit.bTnK. Gto. : Hiciuubsci :
W1I. ntKSTON i.fX ) .
' Bolesale Flour ,
J03 , ' .1D vud tU i'krcu Street Oiuuhn , Kek .
tint'XO T7.SCHUCK , JH ,
Accntfor J. ( XHoffmnyr A Co. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
Ily Holler niul Hitnirtrlnn Pi-pecss. Wnrohouso ,
_ _ 1213 Jones Stieet. Omnlni , Neb.
\ \ . J. W13LS1I ANS & CO. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Mftiinfncturersof W. J. WolMmns A Co.'s Quick
Ilnlf Inir lluckwhciit Hour mid proprietor * Onmha
City Mills , cor. Stb miJ rnrnnin Streets , Omnim.
Fis'l , He.
Succcffors to leken Slcmcn A Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Korolftn Klsh , No . Oil-tin Jonci
_ Street and U. P. Tr.ick , Oniahii. Nob. _ _ i
Furniture , Etc ,
" " " " " " " ' " " "
nuwr.Y & STONn ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
_ _ _ _ _ rnnmm Street , Oinnlm , Noli.
Groceries ,
. . .
U + t W * W-V- ' > V % J XW * * V i k"-S *
AU , N 11I10S. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
lllOnntllllS Douglns Street , Omnhn , Neb. _
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobncco and Smokers' Aitleles , 1217 llownnl St
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spices. Cigars and Tobacco1317 niul 131
Ins Street , Oniiihn , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nml Furimm Streets , Oinnlm , Neb.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 703. 707 , 70) ) mill 711 S. 10th St. , Omnhn , Neb.
W. J. llUOATCIir "
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Bprltifrs , WiiKon Stock , Hardwood Lumber , etc.
12UO and 1S1I llnrney streev , Omnhu , Iscb.
13DNEY & GinnON ,
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cnrrlno Wood Stock , Heavy JIniilwnro ,
Ktc. 1217 and 1219 Lonvonworth Struct , Omnhn ,
illiinilA'uGlf & TAYLOH ,
Builders' Hardware ,
MechnnlcB * Tools and IlulTalo Scales. 1405 Dons-
las Street , Omulm , Neb.
I.K13 , F1UKD & CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Etc. Agents for Hem > Scales and
Miami Powder Co. , Oninha Neb.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Mantles , Grates , Hrtiss poods. 1321 and 1323 Far-
nnm Street.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. 10th and Hnrncy
Streets , Oninha , Nob.
wii.'ncKUTNO & co. , ciiiclvao ,
Manufacturer of the
Dcering Farvestcr Goods ,
Write to Win. M. Lorimcr , Oonoriil Agent ,
Oinnlm. Tele-phono Oil ) .
Iron Pipe , Etc.
" "
Hydraulic aud Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbers In lion Plpo Iron K ttlnp-3. Iron and
flrass Goods. Eiipineors' SuppUea. Htn and
Dodge Streets , Omulm , Nob.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Btcnm , Water , Ilullwny and Mllllnir SuppliesKte.
SW ) , V l and SKI Fnrnnm St. Oinahu , NcJ.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Supplies. Homlqunrters to *
Mabt Foost Co.'s Goods. 1111 Fuinuiu Street ,
Omnhu , Neb.
Jewelry ,
Wholesale Jewelers.
Ueolors in Silverware , Dinmonds , Watchas
Cloekp , Jowelcra' Tools and Materials , Etc. , 101
and 1 J , 15th Otrcct , Cor. Doclgo , Omalm , Nob. .
live Slock ,
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Yanlogo Charged.
Close to U. 1' . Bridge. Special nci-onunocl'ttlon '
nml n good market tor hoj s. 11. C. Cooper , Man-
near. Ollicc , South 5th Street.
Live Stock Commission
Oco. Buiko , Manager.
Union Stock Yurds , S. Oinulia. Tolo.ihono r,82
\f. F. I1KOWN * CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
Odlco Exchange Bulldimr , Union Stock Yiinla ,
t. South Omulm , Neb. TelcphonoNo.OW.
' Live Stock Commission ,
Tin Ion .Slock Yards , Chicago , 111. , and Omulm ,
Neb. JYaiikChittt'ndrji.MatmgnrOmalm U ranch.
Telephone No. X'RI. Kstabliblicd 1WU.
V , ' . J * PATIUCK & CO. ,
Live Siou'i
. ddrcsHallconimnnlcatlonnto us at Union Stock
Vunls , South Omaha. Advances niado on ttock.
! Union Stock Yards Company ,
limited. John F. llovd , Hiipcrlntcndcnl.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Ehlriiients ol' any and all kinds of plouk soilolt
> . i'il. Union birck Yardj.Omalm , Nob.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
8/itb , JJoors , Ktc , Ynrils Cor , 71U anil Douslas ,
Cor , Dtli mill DouKl.o.
I10IIN MANUr.VUrrjUlNC ! CO , .
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Ptillr Work "nd Intrrlor Haul Wood
rinWi. JiiblBpeiicO , N'K , cor. MU and I.cavcn-
worth fiti-L'cts , Omulm , Ct ) .
Wholesale Lumber ,
911 B. llth etroct , Omaha , Nub. 1' , Colotwr ,
Lumber ,
] 3th nnd Cullfornlrt Sltccls , Omaha , Nob.
rnnn w. OIIAY ,
Lime Cement Etc Etc.
Lumber , , , , , .
Cor. Ctu and Douijlus .Stitclt" , Oiniihu , Nub ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omulm , Ncbruelci.
" "
OBAS. B. L15I5 ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
War en ftock , Fancy Woods , Bildso Tin.ben ,
Aa , ri. W , ftir , Dth and Douglas , ( Jnmliu , .N'-n.
0. P , WMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , 0-J
Iluildinjr Paper , Ktc. South J"th Hlioet , ZJiif.n ,
liebraska Lunibei1 Co.
? alillnCuiltal ) FtorU , S. .
Jxunri'ru.iimnufiirturnr * und wholoililJ
era. Mills uf * Murrlll , Wl . Wholi-Mlound rotufl
Dealers In All KlmUof
Building Material at Wholesale ,
IfthStrectantl t cmi'iio fl TrnoV.Onmlm ,
Wholesale Dealer In Lumber ,
lOlh nmlUiml Streets , Omnlm , Nebraska. _ _ _ _
J. A. VTAKKFint. ! ) , i
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , \
IliilldltiK Vapor. * . Ba h , Door * , Hllnils , Moutfi
IIIKC , 1'lckrts , l'o l , I.itiH' , ri' tor , Hnf , '
Cement. < < Jilntn ami Jones , Onialin Neb.
Millinery ,
j. onnurHt.nrcit ,
Impoitcts niul .Tobboraof
Millinery and Notions ,
1113 nml 12H Hnruoj- Street , Omnha , N'o
Musical Instruments ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , *
Rtclmvny 1'lnnos.Vrber , DecLor. llnlnoi anil
lrUrtn 1'inmis , I'ni'kniil Organs , Chnso Organs.
llll mul IK ) 1MH street.
Notions , Etc , ;
" " "
J. T * lUlANDinS & SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry OotMlc , Notion" , ( .cuts' FuriilMiIng flooilii
Uooito I linn Now York. Trnilo siiloa daily. 603
andiVW South tilth St..Omalm.
C. . ( SOUDUICII iVs CO. ,
Agents lor 1' . A. Whitney Cnrrliipo Co.'s
Children's ' Carriages ,
and Jewell' * Celo' ratjil Borrlgrrator * , Semi
fur prlca lists. 1415 rarnam tt. , Omaha.
J , T. Robinson Notion Company , g
4(11 ( ami 401 S. lOlli St.Omaha , Neb. l
Wliolcsnlo DealcM lu Notions and ( icnts * UP
liIshlnirllooiK I
Oils , Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils , |
GtiEolliR' , Mien Axle ( Ircat-n , Kte. A. 11. Illshop ,
- Onmhu Nob.
, , i
Porlc Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omalm , Nebraska. _ !
Packers aud Provision Dealers ,
Office , Union Market , 1517 Dodge Street. Packing
hoiiio , U. P. U. It. Truck , Omaha , Nob. Tola-
phone No. 157. _ _
Safes and Locks.
" "
1110 Y CH &CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s'
Klro nml Itm-Rlar Proof Safcs.Tlmo Ix > ckf > , Vnult4
nnU Jail work. 1KO Fimmm street , Oniuhn , Neb
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Agricultural. Vegetable. Ktc. Odd FullowV Hall ,
N. W. Cor. 11th und Dodge St . , Omulm , Neb. _
Drugs , Etc.
_ j
Wholesale Druggists , I
jobbers of l'nlnti ! , Oils. WInduw Glim Etc. , Ill *
llainey Street , Omaha , > eb. ,
. _ _ -j
Wholesale Druggist ,
And Dealer in 1'alnts , OiN and Window OlatS,1
Omaha , Nub. , _ j
" \Vinesand _ Liquors. _ ' " ' _ j
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
1203 sind ] i:04 : Uoiiirlas St. . Oninha , Noli FflCh
lorles-.Nos. 4 and : jai , 3d Ulit. N. Y. .
Successor to MuNAMAiiA & DU.NCAN , Importer *
mid Wholesale Dcnlors In
Y/ines / , Liquors and Cigars ,
214 and U10 S. llth St. , Oinubii , Nub.
It. 11. GKOTTE ,
Wines and Liqnors.
'Western ABcnt.l-js. Schlltz llrowlnir Co. 719SL
Uth Street , Oraulia.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
1KI1 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nub. _
ILER & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Y/ines /
And LInuoi-8. Solo inanuliicturoi-AOf Ki'nnoiIy'B
Kutt liulla Hitters. 111U iliirncy Street , OmabB ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And rirtirfl , anil ( icnc-rnl AgrntH for tbo 1'hlllp
Hot-Is' Cclclnnloil Mlhrauken Ilocr , Oniiilin , Neb
HarnesSj Etc.
Miumfiictururs and Jobburi at
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Goods llhuiiiols nnd Holies. H211'urnuiu
Street Omulm. Nub.
= L -
for the Manufaetnrcrs and Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
tamps , Chimneys , Htc. Otlluo , : < I7 f'outli lath
_ _ Sticut , oniiilia , Nell. . . . .
I I ' Chicago , Hwauhs I rait
The Short iine
and Best Houte
From Omaha to the East
riili-ut'o , Jlliiiiuajpolls. Mllwniikoo ,
fit , I'uiil , Cmlar llapMu , l.iu'iiK ) | > rr ,
Clinton. Diibiniini , HotLlord ,
Hock Island , I'Ycupm-t ' , .Imii'sclllo ,
Uhrln , MmllMiii , JuCiOHs ,
JJi-inli , Wlnonu
other | in | oiiaiu jtolnls Uiist , Norllioait
Ticket ollleo at 1401 fiuimiu sticct , ( In P.uton
Hotel ) , and at Union Paelflu Depot.
I'lillniun ( ilvuiiLTh und the J'liipsu DlnliiH CitM
In tlio Woilil uro HIM oil' Ihi ) rinilii lluca or Ilia
. . I'AIJI , lUlMVAV.Ilttl
every uttiinlloii Is paid to iiassiiiigrv.1) ) by t'ouitu *
oils employes of thu company ,
t ( . nULi'Kit , Uenoral .Miiimtter.
J. K. THCKCII , A slitant General Mnnnvcr ,
rA. . V. /'AMI-KNTCH ( , Gem nil 1'iwcnsor ftnl
iJKO/ulf JlKAffoiiD , AsBlbtanl GcnciiiU'WOn
er nml Tltltct Afoat.
Kall'sSaf ' GSyauHs Jsmel ecks
arid Jail Work.
1020 Fiirnam Htriiist , Oiuiihn Neb.
R. E. f Lincoln
. . ewe , ,
Highertfurkot Trice Po4d.
8 , 8. VAN BEUREN. 106-108 3. 14th St.