Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Advertisements under th s licml 10 cent * per
no for the Ural Ksortlon 7 oants for caoh
BUt > scqucntlc erti-.naiiil S1.CC a line pormontb.
Borcnwords will ho counted to thollnos they
inust run consecutively nnd mtiBtbo p&tdln ml-
vanco. All lulvcrtlBomonta m nt be bnndod In
before 2 o'clock p. m. , find under no circum-
etnnccs will they be taken or discontinued br
Forties advertising In thosa columns mvl hav
ing the answers nddro sod m cnro of Tun HER ,
will pknso risk for check to enable thorn to got
their letters , ns none will lie delivered c.xcopt on
presentation of check. All ndvor *
tlscmtnts sliouldbo enclosed in envelopes.
It ) < l > aooooo to loan nn unslncM nnd rcshlonco
I I P property In Bums of Jl.OuO nud upwiinls.
F'l ' AniLS.KUTl'arniim st. COO
ONKY TO LOAN on liorpes , wmrons. ftir
nlture-wntchcs , ivltliout removal. Terms
cnsy. r , .1 Cnwoll , lloom IB , Iron llunk Iliiltd-
Injr , IStli nnd Fiinmiu. Tnko elovntor. < AMiili7 *
$ UiO.OOO to loan on city residence property
( ] > . W.Uny , 1MB Knrnnm. ! W7
rpo LOAN Money mnny amount ,
JL. On nil eliwes of pecurlty.
Short tune loans on toiil oslnto.
I-onif time loans on runl cstuto.
Money to lonn on otmtteK
Money to lonn on cnhhtornlg.
Money to lonn on nny irood socuntr ,
Terms oncy , tlmo to milt. -
Apply ntllioOmiilm Flnnnclnl Kxchano ,
Hnrkor'n building , 8\\ \ ' corner of
Fifteenth und Knrnnm sts. upstairs 233
? TO LOAN on Improved nnd unim
proved city property. Cunningham &
Uri'iimm , ISIlDodRO street. UbU
MONiY ; fur uvcrynoJyloit cnn borrow
money on furniture , horses , wn < rons ,
plnnos , Mock of nil kinds diamond * nnd line
wnlchcs on your own tlmo. I'nyinonts received
lit nny time , nnd Interest reduced pro rntn.
Property loft In your own possession. Terms
lew nn the lowest. Cnll nnd FUO mo. IliiMncss
rnnfldontlnl. NondvniitnRO tnkcn. W. 1L Croft ,
Itootn 4 , WltliiioH's NowliuIk'Jnif , Northeast cor-
HIT 15th nnd llnrney. 210
ONUY TO LOAN O. F. Dnvla i Co. Heal
M Estate and Loan agents , 1C05 1'tiniom St
TO LOAN-On ( rood Bccurltlos. A
MONKY < , room 7 llcdlck Ulock , 1509 Kurilnm
St. am
7 > NHY TO I.OAN-On real estnto ami chat-
M tola. D. L. Thomns. 3lU
TO LOAN In sums of * 200nml up-
MONHV on llrst-clnsa ronl estate security.
Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm St. SO
I\TONIY : T.OANKU ntC. F. Heed & Go's. lonn
-L JL olllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons
personal property of all Kinds nnd nil other nr-
ilclco of vnluo , without rouiovnl. Over 1st Nnt'l
Bnnk , corner 'lath nnd I'arnam. All business
Btrlctly conndcntnl. LTXI
\ llvo men with $ , " > 0to fMOonoh can po-
euro nlco piiylnir business In the iminiuto.-
nicnt of poino of our branch houses In other
cities. Cox Chemical Co. , 1S15 Hurncy St.
T71OUSALK Clirar store ilolnsr splemlld btisl-
JD ness. Very easy terms. Lovgi en & WiMo.
T7\OllSALi : A llrst-clnss stotkof dry goods ,
J. cnrputa nnJ notions , amounting to about
515,000 ; fromKi to 10 per cent of the nmount will
l > o tnki-n In icnl estate. Inquire ot I' . O. llox
S18 , Dunklik.N.Y. S7B-13 *
TTUm KALK A $2.500 stock of millinery Roods
J In splomlld location. A lilf ( barguln for some
one as u liberal discount will ho given. For lur-
thor particulars address 1IWJ , lleo OOlce. 411-13
FO.'l SALK Stock and fixtures of my fancy
goods nnd notion store. Mrs. Folgor , 1513
Douglas st. UUS-10 *
ioH SALK A driijrBtoroln ngood llvo town :
n first rate location for n physician. Capital
required about f-KOO. Ke\v building nnd clean
Stock. Address or call on II. Moses & Co. , Vul-
cntino , Neb. ilmch2
T Olt HXCIIANOi : A fll.Ojfl hardware stock
JO and n $3,000 boot and shoo btouk for M cash ,
unlutico uulncumbcrcd real estate. Gibson ,
Aichor & Co..Uoom ! 1 , Wlthncll Illock. M
TTlOJt. BALK A fll.OOO stock of clothlnff In
JL Omaha , Neb. , for ! 2fi per cunt discount fiom
cost Olbson , Archer A ; Co.lCoom a , Wlthncll
Block. 255
" \X7"ANTin An onorpotlo mnn with inodor-
TT ntocnpltnl cnn make from $ ! > , < iO ) to 610-
000 njcur by bocomliiK pnitnor or purchnsor
lu an estnbllshod launutncturliij ; ontcir | > rlso.
For further particulars nddress , U. fc5. Ilco of-
Uco. 213-11
FOR RAIii : Meat market , with buildings , 2
WIU.-OMS , : i lioraes ; good locution. K. F.
Itlugor , llUN.lBtli. 17
T71OII .SALE llcstaurnut , n Kicntbnw\iiia)0. )
J3 Gibson & Archer , lloom U , Withncll Ulock ,
C10II KXCIIANOK-A $7,500 stock of dry
JL' goods for M cash ; balance unlnictimbcrcd
Inndor ttood Omnlia property. For exchange
AflO.WUBtockof dry ffooilslor M cash , balance
unlmcumhcred Iniul or wood Omaha property.
Gibson , Archer & Co. Itoom U , Wlthnoll Illock.
_ jI5 A paying no spnpor business In
good Nebriisku town ; iirlco , SU.OOO. Gibson
& Archer. lloom 3. Wlllinoll Ulock. BUI
TTHin SALK Ilnnltvard business In Omuliiu
JJ Adilrosa I ) , 45 Ilco Ulllcc , Toifobll
7 > OU SAtK The Comniorclttl Hotel nt South
' Heml. Neb. , price fc-.OOU ; terms easy. AU-
dress T . W. K , flex 15 , Bouth IJond , Neb.
U5'J-lcblO *
TTIOK HALE-Or cxolmtiKC Twclvo hundred.
4- and clglity acres ol' .Mo. , timber and Rtass
Innd , lorty in I Ion ciist of Knnsns City. As rich
eotlns nny Innd In the gtnto , will sell all or part
nt llfteen dojhus per acre or will oxchniiKO for
trooil Improved or unimproved Nebraska land.
Ilcdfoi'd A : Saner tf)7 )
OJt SALH n' lots In Pprliw Hill. ftTOencli.
Also iiiicstubllelied Imnklntr biisinets In Ne-
, county sent. ( Jlbsoii iv Archer , lloom
IWItlmell liloelc Onmlm. ' i
LOST A light fur bonvur collar , I'lllior nt the
City Llbi arv or between Library and No. loin
JJougliis tit. I'lmler piouso return to I.lbinry
uiul rucolvo Dullublu ruwnrtl. fiin-u
Vl VNTini Hoiird nnd lodging for child Iwo
- V > } 0iiiaold. AdOi'fSS Una , lleuUlllco. U-ID *
T\7"ANTHU llooid mid lodging1 In prlvnto
> family by a goiitlumun. AUarcas 11 Ul , lleo
KOO.Ai nnd bonnl , $ , ' > pnr wool : ; very beet lo
cation. 1811 Davenport 6t lUSfcblU *
lost her baby will
tnl.o achlld to wet max1. Apply M. It. Mil-
goon , Magnctlo Healer , -718 llurt at OJ-1U'
i TTIKSONAL If you htivo nny property for
. A Enlo liat It with ( leo. 1 * . lluinls. 15th and
TAK. i : . I ) . AKNOl.I ) . Oculist mid
J ' moved to 1511 Doiiirms 6ti ( < ot. bJ
rr YOU hnvo pruporty to poll or o\chuuuo ,
' . lUtlt wllh\.i.t'ii wull & Co. , lloom IK.\o-
ional Hunk ItullUlny. UtL'mhl *
$000 AND Il'ii ) ucro Improvoil fnrms wllhlu
IS miles of Omulm ; tS ! > per ucru ; uro
' . > Ijuignlns. Ull'son & Aiclmr , room U Wllhncll
block. * ' ' "
n lIK W. C. JlctzncrPtovo llopnir Co. . Ill South
" JL 11th Bt. I'utwuou Uoiltto and Dou lns.
Foil lir.NT-l'inuo. Inqriro of M. V. Cook ,
8. li cor , 2Vt' ' ( an 1 Chicago. 811-13 *
jyi AHyii'IillAlii : Nuw oostumos ut low rates
u tin uxhlliltlon. Mm. llosu Buhmtdt , lliir-
noy , bet. 101 U and Uth , oiiposlto htovuns' livery
Ojlinil : your Hour nnd feed by Telephone
1S7. Ncnl vV Cunriid , lll'J Uoilgo st. 2TO
nr AD1KH m want of good domestic help can
# JJ be i supplied by cttllhu on the Omutm Km-
T'loyiiirnl Ullico t , Itoom I , liualnniiu't Ulock. Mr * .
3. VV. Murrlsoii proprietor. b7 *
l SALll'ntil Snturduy , pnrt of futnl-
'Jf turb. Htnvea and eurpets 01 residenceNo .ill
BouUi 16lh St , s' ' *
ITIOK SALK I'.itru bi-uvj- 'ain , WolKht
> i JL' holght 17 nnd Ib tiuiiU. , 7 and 8 j en b old Cul-
Acr's stuule , N , bnnriunii ul > ,'
* fT1OU SALi-2odd good biU rnlaolTir a
I'lillndolphla ltopro-j br.ek pmuhlno , willbo
i'itj ) . Addioss J-al'Unt , Ashland. Neli
-At nb ivnln-l1tirnlf.ire-cl1 .1111
8 room house MtaHe | lor limrdlm'honi ) or
tuor ; nlso huuie lor rvct ut lAH Howard a. !
FOH SAI.n 8hot-Kun(5oittlo-tinrrelo ) < ) breech
londcr , co t $24) ) will poll very chonp. Apply
N. W. cor. Hth and Jnckson. 480-11 *
I71 on SAM ; Orsnlo , Hop buggybrnn now ;
1 1 phnoton top bujrgy nml 1 plntform spring
wngon. Inquire nt Hospo's MualoSloru. IMmlU
FOjrsAI.C Storontufes7 CMS. 10thst !
IJUHl HAI.i : IrfU In Hnn com 1'lnco , cnst
1 front. Inquire COJ 3. 18th st. S61-13
3 ? VUSAU2-Snnd nnd gravoU FrnnkT. ICns-
\ pnr , 143 South 14th st. Ilfjfcb37 *
FOH wenther strips , ptorm unsb nnd doors , go
tol' . U. Mend HJU&IGtlist. SSIS
.J OooJ glrli for smnll private.
fnmlllcs. Oood wnges. OlrU for - - - - j
room work , kitchen work , etc. Cn. Omalin Lin
j.loymont , 1120 Knrnnm fit. 4U3
WANTlI-CoinpetL-nt glrlfor poncrnl house
work. Inquire atsll South iMrd street.
\ - \ rANTi : ! ) nirlforffonernl hotuowoik. In-
qulront 12ia Capitol avenue.
_ .
WANTii : > Arrtrl for gcnrrnl housework In
simill fnmlly ; Rood wnffcA. 110 South 25111
street , fourth dtorirom Dodgo. 433-11 *
ANTn-A oed cllilo xlrl for Rcnorat
housework ut 15 ! Howard st. German or
Irish preferred. 467
'ANTI'.O A compotrnt second p-lrl nt N.MT.
Cor. Cnpltol Avontio nnd ISt'i ' st. 40.V10 *
WANTKIJ Hxporloiiocd second Rlrl ! refer
ences requliod ; S. TT. Cor. ! ilat and Casi.
401-12 *
WANTin--At once , competent girl to dent
housonork I'or [ i small fnmlly. Apply nt
1009 Cass si root. 411-10
WANT1JIJ A-jrlrl to do jronoral housework.
Apply Illgglns' Ulock , Al lloor. Howard st.
412-10 *
"WTANTUn Sovornl peed nlrl for Ronornl
> T hou owork In small 1'nmllloi nt orood WIIKI" ' .
Nocbar/cs. Onmlm Intolllircnco Olllcc , Itoom
3 , a i : . cor. 15th and DoiiKlh.s HI. 4UO-10
WANTin : A ulrl for Ronnrnl housework In
small fnmlly. No. 1U13 N. lOtn st. Hofor-
enccs required. 378-11 *
WANTIID Aglrlto do general housework.
No. 1H18 Capitol avenue. _ iK !
WANTIU ) Oood girls for ucnrrnl houso-
work. Itoom 4 Hush in an Illock , IGth and
Douglas. ' 4811
W A > 'Tii : > Oirlforgcnornl housework. In
quire at 107 South 14th st 833
) Gills for general housowoik ;
' > ( food plnci-8 nndood ( wnnos ; places given
frco. Call at 110 llith st , Ncbrasku l.niployniout
Agency , Ciounco Illock. Gi2
WANTlin Snlcsmon Flvo llvo snlesincn
\\llh $50 to $ lXl ( each to mnnairotomeof
our brunches In other cities. Flno opening ? for
ri'l.ublo men. Cox Chemical Co. , 1315 llarncy
St. 510-11'-
) Young mnn of fair buslncs nbll-
f ity would llko t-oinuthln to do.Vngcs not
nxpeutod. Outside city rofcroico only. Addioss
C. 8 , lleo Olllco. CM-11 *
WANTED A hey to lenrn the boller-mnklns
trade , 10 or 17 yours old ; ono Unit Is ; not
afrntd of work ; liberal wnpos pnld. At Wilson's
Holler Works , cor. Itith nnd 1'lerco Bts. 4bu-10 *
WANTIHl Kncrpetle men to sell liousohold
articles. 1'ronts § , " , per day and upward.
C. II. Whitman , 1121 K St. Lincoln. 477-
WANTKU A man to canvius nnd manneo
cnnvnsbors toconttol all Milesof the In
candescent Light , equal to 60 candles , In Omaha.
For particulars , terms , etc. , address Incandes
cent Lump Co. , rlttsburg , Piu 441-10 *
\yANTKD-ABcnts. SOON. ICth St.
WANTii : > 20 tcnm nnd tonmstorH frrail
road work , good wages ; also MIbcontrac
tors : frco transportation. For particulars call
at 1130 Farnam tt. 34'J
WANTI'U A first-class salesman to repre
sent n well established house to the drug
trade , either oxclush ely or in connection with
some other line. AddiessP. O. llox 1488. N. Y.
City. 2S&-3Q
WANT l Teams nnd to Iot4ft miles rnllrond
tofiub-contrnctora in hcctlons of one-half
to flvo miles. Frco transportation , Teams
bought or will lend money on outfits wishing to
work. Strung & Nowconib , contractors. 2,024
I'enn street , Kansas City , Mo. , or Arcade hotel ,
Omaha. 3JO
: ) Men nnd women to start n now
business ut their homos ; can be done
ovonlngH und learned In mi hour ; any nerson
making loss than lOo to 50c an hour should fend
lOu ut once for a puckugo of samples of goods ,
uud 24 working smnplcs ( formulas ; to commence
on. Addioss'Albuny Supply Co. , Albany , N. Y.
BU'fn *
WANTin : Uynmnnof good habits , situa
tion us couchmnn lor private family , or
teamster for wholesale linn. Call or address
112J Furnum ht. S17-11
WANTKU Situation as snlosinnn In dry
goods or general merchandise store by n
younirinnu21 yeurs of ngo. who has had 4 years'
oxpcrlcnco nnd can furnish good reference ; .
Address C. W. 1) . , r.O. Uox2C2 , Seward , Nob.
6)8-10 ) *
W'ANTED Uy Ti rounK muni position in
Btoroor otllce. llotercnces given If 10-
quirod. Adrcs C1 , lleo Olllco. 507-10'
T ADIES In wnnt of good nlrls cun bo sup1
J-Jpllcd by calling ntthoOmahii lmplovment !
lltircau , iLt ) Farmim St. Telephone wo. 152. i : .
O. llelle-lsle k Co. 4U4
T\7ANTEl-Sltuatlon by n middle aged single
TT mnn ; good tlorlst , lli > t-clnts oicluird and
vegetable grower ; ulso lundsciipo gurtlonlng :
wo. posted In limning nnd line stock ; good
recommendations. AddiCbS it U.i , lieo Olllco , or
J. C. , I0. > B. llith St. , Oinahit. Iff'11 *
\\7ANTKD-13yyouiigmHn position ns book-
T keeper or collector. Can glvo best of re-
fercnco. CullornddrcsallX'U rurnum i-t. 4U2-10
WANTIJIJ I'osllfon In hotel or ronaurunt
by good lady cook ; can jjlvo releionco.s.
Address 1' . U. ox K)4 ) City. 4KJ-12 *
WANTio ; Situation by n young man. Ad-
drccs V. A. , 1313 Lcarciiwortli st. USO-ll *
WANTUI > 5 cigar iimknrn , hand workmen ;
no no but lh > t-class workmen need apply.
Address ( Ico. li.qoUficy.Frcmoiit.Ncb. 1UH12
" \.T7"ANTK1) Sltnntloii by tt widow as house-
TT keeper for widower of good reputntloiu
Address.M.IlciiolUce , Council liluirn. 31U-7
ANTHD-Ciirls wUhlnir forirood places in"
prlvulo lamllloH , hotoU or boarding hou
ses , Inundrlos , oto.can always IlnJ them by
calling nt the Omaha Kinployinent Ouruuu , 1120
Fainnm St. 211
A\7ANTKJ ) To buy a email pony for cash ;
T T must bo clicap. Addrccs , stilting price , C.
g , Ilco Ulllco. filO-H *
ANTKU-Ucsk room. 'J'lio Hallway News.
431-10 *
NTKU To buy a soa-md-hnnd typo-
wilier. .1 , II. Hu-no3 & Co. . Omnluu a.H-2S
] 7 < Oll JliXT : llrlok Btoro , 410 South 10th "sU
bet , llarncy and Howurd , B. J.ebnuin , 1103
I'lUiiaui , Til3
TriolMUST-llnm ; r.pi > ly to 1713 California
JJ Btrcot. 512-10'
Foil JUJNT OU LKASK-lO-ncro gnrdon
with tJ-room house adjoining city ; bu-ncio
lurm , 17 miles went of Oiiinhu ; ( I business lots
on Ht. Mary's ave. Apply to U. 11. Chapman &
Co. , 1217 Hoiuird St. 2W
I710H KENT Hy llnllou llos. , U17 B. 13th St. ,
-1. several dc'Fliahlo houses Iroiu three to ton
rooms at Iroiu ten to lltty dollars per luonth.
, 47U.13
J7 OU KENT Tnouousos. 2518 Caiiltol avo.
171OK KiNT ; a-room house ; cellar , ban ! nnd
Jsuit ? witter ; cor. 15th and I'aciUu m. ; 110. U.
11. Copsoil. 430-111 *
Tjioit'jnST : Stoi-o , corner Idtli andT uven
J-1 worth ; good place lor grocery ; uUo 3 roome.
42itiih5 (
TnoitKENT New coltugo , U rooms , on S. 10th
6tC. . A. Uald\vlii. Ml
DA1UY 1'Ali.U to rent ; It miles out ) iVroora
bouse , I.UKO barn and other conveniences.
! > . ( ' , 1'attofsonoverl t National Hunk. 2iS-u
TT [ < ilt'lENT lTouso ofli * rjomsrpanFyT
JJ closets , eta , 1'hll Sheridan und Hull ts. ,
$20 per month. I ! . T. 1'cterioii % Co. , Itoom li.
& 11. cor. ICith tinJ Douglas otJ. 2tU
T710U mlNT r
. _ Cap .
, . Qlbson , Archer Is Co. , lloota > i ,
Withnell UlocU. ,
1'OU , lliNTHouse ; ofsooini' iudiar
neySt. liu.ulrt- Mount Oiltlm'jrjS Hth
TT on UENT nn omontond bnltoovpn. John
JL1 Krek. r,15 N. IClh eu 752fobll
FOIt 11KNT Three hou os of 10 , 0 and 4
rooms cnch , J. 1'nlpps Hoc. uOO
TTIOH HENT-Homo bolontflng to the estate
JO of Judge Chfllwlcki n 1'nrk nvnnuo. W.J ,
Council. 302
Foil UKXT 3 roomr ; eloscl and oily water ;
Inquire COJ N. 13th st. 62M2 *
T71OII HUNT 1 furnished rooms , parlor and
JJ bed room. 8M South ! Mth St. G14 11 *
"imoit UKNT l irnlshod room , with board.
-13 1417 Howard. Ml-15 *
* I71 OH KENT Furnished rooms largo room.
-U JD ; small room , S3. C03N. IHhst. 431-11 *
T7 > OH IlKNT 2 rooms , ono furnished nnd ono
JL < forllght housekeeping. U. 1J. Kltolun , 151J
I larnoy. 47 ; !
Oil ltiNT Inrgo , nicely urnlBhcd front
F room with bonrd. 7U N. Itfta st. 472-20
T7uli"TtTNT ; Niccly furnlahcd room , with
JJ lire , $ ? i also boni-d If tloslroiL No. ISO'J N.
IPth st. 410-10 *
FOlt ItENT Suit of unfurnished rooms suit'
able for small family. Inquire at once nt
717 8. 17th St , 430-11 *
FOlt KENT Furnished rooms , with board.
IBIICiussst. 432-10 *
Foil llENT-Furnlshod rooms. S209 Dodg
281-13 * P
neil KENT Suit of furnished front rooms.
C ? B.V. . cov. 13th nnd Howunl. 4W-12 *
fT'Oll UKNT Nl'co room nnd best l > onrd ,
JJ n week ; very best location,41S S 13th st.3s-ll ; *
TTlOll ItEXT F.legnnt furnished rooms , with
JJ bonrd , all modern conveniences , at 2225
Dodgost. 872
Tfioil lliNT-ltooni : with board. 1013 Cnpltol uv
JJ veil-in *
"ITlOIl IlllN'T Largo front room , modem Im-
JJ provcincnts. Add less P.O. box 1)03. ) 215
ON I'AHIC is the latest , best and
Joheipost nddltton ; no ncro property near
Omtthii so cheap ns this S17"i to 3JO pcraci * .
First lloor , Iron Utnk llulldlng. 1) . u 1'atter-
son. 610
VTEUl'OKT Nearest , best ncro lots , elojfnnt
J- > locution , unsurpassed view ol' the city ,
rei.clicd ovur level roads , no hills to climb ;
easy toi ma of payment ; B pir cent ( merest ;
price , $ JOJ nn ncro.
AMU8,150 ! ) Fartmm.
AMIS 1'r.ACC Clionpost und nearest city lots
for the mouuy ; only $100 to ? 3 < W per lot.
ItKiiiCK'fl Gitovi : .lust south ol I'nrmun St. .
Jj blook Irom "ith nud Itanium st. school
house ; only fSOJ to S1.2UJ per lot on ousy
loruiB. AUKS , 150K rnrniini.
NATUH.U , GIIOWTII shndo tioos on every lot
In Hedlck'sGrovo ; only"J5 blocks Irom I'ark
avo. curs. See Hodlck'sGro\o.
IJUNtirroN Splendid ncro lots , $ -75 per lot ;
most desirable ucio lots next to Nowpoit , bee
this handsome piopotty.
MHLKOSU HIM/ southwest of Hnnscom Park
10 in I nn lea nnil ; trom Park nvo. cars ; lots f oUO
to ! .r > 0on terms to null , buyer. Mnlroso HIM
lots will sell lor doub . "present piircsinn
yoiir's time. Como nnd s o tlilspropurty.
AMKH , 1MW F.unntn.
WHY I'AV llr.ST when youciin buy u lot In
Ames 1'luco for J-20J to SJOU ou such easy
louns ? See tlieso lots.
O.uc CHATHAM This love trnot of Innd hns
not u poor lot In It. The Holt l.hio ilepothns
been located on this hind. Lots sell for ? UOO to
$ bCO ou very .easy pnymonts. See Onk Clint-
ri.AiNvnw : Cholco lota still for enlo In this
popular addition ut fulr prices , on easy pny-
1'uATT's SonuivisiON' .Acro lols southwest
Hnnscom I'ark , very desirable ground , Belling
nt i < i" > U per lot.
IlAB'CALOW 1'iACi : These lots nro ilio chonp-
est lor Milo on Loavonworth st. 1'rleo 5500 to
S'JUU , on pnymenls to suit.
AMiH,1509Furnnm St.
CAM , mid see for yourielt the ehuucos lor safe
investment oirorcd. Itomaiubur , Omnlm's
giowth Is solid mill lusting. Piopcrty will con-
tlmio to udvuiice. liny now nnd ninko the ud-
vunco. f AMIS , 15UU Knrnam St.
FOK SAM : Houses nnd lota In every addi
tion at ull kinds of prices nnd on terms
easy enough lo suit unyboily. IComumbcr thu
bull will open endy ; properly will soon advance
und delny.s tire dangerous. Don't wait until you
can find Just exactly what you think you want ,
look mound mid , count lust year's victims of
procrastination nnd profit thereby ? Cull curly
mill elton lor bin-gains ou Slockdalo &Il > uncher ,
1511 Dodge st. Ii05-10
Foil SALK A line 5-ucro trust on South Ifith
street , only n tow blocks Irom street cur
lino. ln < iulroutLungo& 1'olllck , HIS B. liilh st.
PATTJMISON TAUIC Is the latest , best nnd
die pest addition ; no aero properly nuur
Omnlit , o cheap as this $175 to fi'il. per ucio.
l''irit lloor , lion llnnk llulldlng D. C. Pallor-
sou. f > 10
1ioit SAi.i-S ,000 llcautiful hoiuo-new 13-
JL1 room house , nil modern Improvements ,
with largo-sized lot In luvorlto ndditlon on car
line ; must go nt price niinied above , nnd Is
choiip. Tor further particulars see Itlco &
Jlooro , l UFariiam. 4GS
FOH SALU-By W. T. Giuliani. Creighton
Ixl ) in Hanscom 1'laco , $7.V ) to S 0' ' ) .
Good eottngo , ( I rooms , Isiorth Omaha , $ ,000.
Lot on South llitu et. , 1XX ( ) .
IHno house , largo lot , S. l&th St. , ? 3 00.
House anil lot on Georgia uvo. , f.'I.OOO.
Jxts on Dodge si. , JilW ; oay payiiients.
Twoflno lots , ono block otr Leiivonwoith.on
Oeorglnuvo. , Jl.OJO ) lor both.V. . T. Griiliam ,
Crcighlon Illock. 40J
TI OK SAM5 lly llnllou llros. . ai7 S. 13th it. ,
J. buslnoss property , houses und lots und va
cant lota in nil parts ol the city , nt lowest prices.
J7 > 011 SAMS $1,600-3 lots In Willnull fill mid. .
-L togcthor with 4-room house , new burn , good
well. Will bo saerlllcd this week lor price
named above. Itlco & .Mooro , 1 1'urmim.4W
13ATTMIISON VA.HK M miles fiom court
JL home , $175 to . ! " > 0 per ucio ; sinull eash payment -
mont , baluneo easy lonns. 1'iret lloor , lion
llunk llulldlng. D. O. I'atterson. G15
T710K SAMi-On onsy terms , 10 lots in Hans-
JL ! com 1'Jiicofioiu f"f > 0 tolUUJ ( each , hot on
1'lcnsant St. , with double nouso , 10 looms each ,
with all modern improvements ; rents lor $110
pormontli , 11,000. Lots In West Cliiulng from
JiiSto tlWoach. Corner lot , Prospect Place ,
bnrguln. Corner lot , Shlnn's Ud add. , hargaln.
C. J. Cuswoll & Co. , Itoom 18 Iron llunk. 4 7-li *
IT OK SArK-00-r.ot | , 33x100 , together with
1 gootl 1-room house , collar und closets , gooil
cistern nnd well , " -story barn , shade trees and
lawn , on ear line , jubt oil' Snumlors. Cant Inst
long ut iirloo niinied. Itlco & Alooro , l' tl Far-
iiain. WJ
Foil SAMJ-Ou easy pnjmonts , twenty
houto4 in illtlurcnt parts ot the oily , liny u
house und slop paying lent , llullou ilros.JI7
t ) . mil BU 47MU
POlt SAM : Ono of the most deslrublo resl-
dencn properties In iho city with elegant
house , ut u great bargain if taken i-oon. 1'rlco ,
$ llojO. W 11. UiconoverlutNutlonul , Hunk.
" 171011 SAMI 240-uoro funn near Weoplnsr
J-J Wntr-r. splendidly improved , liX ) ucros undur
plow. Will trade for Onuina pie ] > oity. W. II.
lirccn. over 1st Nut. Hank. HJ
TJATT1S11SO.V I'AIUC n > ' , miles Irom court
J. house , if 17" > to JJj1) ) per ucrti ; small cash imy-
nic'iit , b.imuco easy terms. 1 Jrst lloor , lion
Hunk Hiilldln ? . 1) . U. Patterson. D15
Tnou SAM-f.00 ; 2 lots , aixl-JJ , fronting
JO on H.iundoiuat. , near cur line , u tin bur
gain. KiL'iuV Moore , lii rurmmi , 470
TTiOHSAMC Two lots in I'elhnm Place , ouo
iblock trom elroet cur trnck ,
1'ith elroet. 635
Poit S.\I.I ! Ambler Plnco lots , the fastest
selling addition in Omaha. Homo tine lots
loft , llnlluii llios. , tolu ngontb.yn S. 13th et.
Foil SAM : 3 lors In Miirlon Place , $000 each.
W. 11 , Green , over 1st Niitionul llunk , 1X1
Foil SAI.K A gcncrnl niorcliundlso business
in u rapidly growing town not lur Irom Lin
coln , llcsf trade und locution in town. A splendid -
did opportunity lor n party wishing u good
oiicnlug , und hiivinir from BU von to tun thouaana
dollars in cush. Will sell lor cash onlyor part
cush , bulunco real cstato in Oiunhu. Address
Mcrckunt , Hoe Ollico. tfi'i
TTIOK SAM' U feet fronton Cnstollar si. und
JL ? IClh.1O01U houtio , well , cistern und burn ,
f-,5w ) . W , 11. Gicunovcr Jtt National Hunk ,
TTioil NALIAt a bargain. Flno
JJ property on S. 13th , biirtSJ ft. Tills can bu
bought for J'.OOJ loss tbiui uctiuU vnluo If taken
at once. If you want lui investment look at
thU. Ouchruu Brr/ai Co. , 1 J Fnrnum St. blJ
17.nrt , SALE-J10,000 10 per cent dlvldonU
J1 paying EtiH-k. Uibsou i : Archer , Itoom
3 , Wltnnull lllocfc 433
Foil SAL ) : I h.tvofor solo at bargains llvo
orMxo ! ' the finest Hock turnis In lli etiue ,
rnniilnv' Uiim.5 O to 3JXJ U'.TOS eacU Improved ,
with ninning water anil troatlng on rullnitul * .
W. 11. tirftii over lot Nut. H'Uik.- II )
Foil h ALE -Corner on Furnam.nto blocks
lioin court liousu , fUVXU Uiahum.ClolK-a- ?
toulilock. U2U
.E TlyPoiftt s CoDb , 1515 Tnt-nam
JJ st. . 1 lot In West nnd nt f 300.
S lots In Shlnn's 3d ndd nt $ ? 2S cnch.
A few choice lots litSIarsh'8 nt $1,900 each.
Lot IMX134 on lUth , 3 mocks from pavement ,
onlylPOO. i > i-
Fine ncro In Oolso'sjidd , $1000.
Z of the cheapest lota In JPlntavlcw , only $459
cnch. " 7.11
Xo. 12l-9-room ; Imiuo. Cnpltol Hill
mid. , nil modem Improvements . , . $
No. 1 1 House anil buslii ss lot , Dodge
etrcrt . U , . .q. . . . . . 10,000
No. 117 4-room liouso and Inrgo lot In
Lowe's ndd. , ea5y toi-nwa. . . . . . 1,6 , JO
Nr > . 121 3 lots , Inr o house , Hnnscom
I'lnoo ' . , ; J. , . 4..TOO
No. Ill Fine now houJio , nnnr Park . yV ) )
No. 10,1 2 lots , each ( Hixiai , ono corner
with house , good well , etc. . dirt ehcnp 2,000
No. 200 Largo lot we ) of Pnik nvo. . . . . . 1,50)
No. 21 * Lot on Porkavc. fronting Park. . 1,27.1
No. Kit tlotson Sinmders st. , each. . . . . . . 700
I/otsonCutnlng St . 5)0 )
Lots In Hnnscom Plnco . . . . . . MO
Also hnndio Js of other bargain" , In all parts ot
tha city , on easy tctms. Cnll upon us bofoio
buying , Lovgron & Wllilo , lloom 10 , Urnntto
Hock. EoO-10
| _ _ _ _ _
TTiIl Choice llnrgnlns in rent ostnto , cnll nt the
JJ omcoofthoOnmhallonl Kstato 6Lonn Co. ,
rooms 2J nnd 2J Withnell Uulldlng Omnhn. 703
EOil SALE AfowKOod lots In Hlllsldo No.
ono on Dnvonport and Chicago sK , cheap
at87W to $050 each. I'ottor A : Cobb , 1515 Far-
naiu st. 7J7
TT1OHSALE Lnrpo house and 3 nicely olovn-
X1 ted lot * In Bhlnn'g 2 < l ndd , JO OO. Also line
8-iooincd liutii-a on Clone street , nicely olovnted
lot , { fj.OW. Gibson k Archer , llooui U , Withnell
Illock. . 440
"ITIUlt SALE Cholco 5 or ID aero tracts , I miles
JJ southwest from coin t house , IK tulles from
junction ot U. P. Ity. and Hell Line , and 1 mlle
Irom Slock Yards. Llos well ; nil under culllva-
tlon. Cun bo bought tor $175 nnd $201) per ncro ,
If sold soon. Cheapest property in vicinity.
Potter & Cobb. 1515 Fiirimtn sU 73.1
TmoilSALII 100-ucro tnrm , well Improved
A' house , burns , prniuuloivlndinills , line
R-iove nnd orchnril , 75 ncrej under plow. Will
truilo for Omnhn property , nssumo mortguito
unil pay balnnco cnsh. W. H- Green , over 1st
Nat. Iiank. 141
171 OH HALK lly K. T. Peterson & Co. , Hoa
JJ Kstute Biokeis , Kooiusll und < , S.lleor. IJtli
nnd Douglas sts.
Kino lots li. Hickory Plaeo S fOO
Nice lot In Shull's iidd. . . . . . . . . . 1,0 U
Lnrgo lot In Hnrtmnnn's add. , 75x125 1,530
Ueuutllul lot. Heed's 1st uiId 2.0JO
Lnrgo lot In S. K. Itovcr'sndd 1,000
S nlco lets In Parl.or's add 2'JOJ
Flno lots In Donlso's mid. S700 to l ' . 'iO
Klegant lot In Hnnscom Plnco 1,100
2 ol tlucstlots In Hiuiscotn Plttcu 2,0'0
Lots In Doncckeas tuld 55J
Lots ill West Uumlnir nild 25)
Lots in Potter , V Cohu's add 7 < X )
Lotsin Dwlght & Lyumn's mid 4UO
Flvo ncres nud half , Wllcov mid 1,70J
We 1 nvo vitcnnt lots In any addition Hint you
nitiy want to buy lots in. -
All tlio above on the most favorable terra ? .
Head our list of lostdcnco properly lu another
lltiMnuFSpioporty on nny business street In
Omaha. L'dwunl T. Peterson \Co , , Itooms il
and 4 , S.K. Cor. 15th iinJ Douglas fit. 4U2-10
FOIISALK-A two storyT22r3D , frumo build
Ingsuitable fora store , near lota und Fixr-
nnmSts. ApplynttUU oOleo. 947
T71OII SAli : IfiO-acro fnrm , well Improved ,
JJ rents' lor $2.50 per ncro , ( Hi miles Irom
Omaha , $50 per ucro. W. 11. Green , over 1st
Nut. llunk. 139
7 < oil SALE Lnrgo and small stoelt randies
J. ' with or wllhotit stock.
For Sale 3 lots In Spring Hill , $ J50 cnch.
For Sale Kstablishod banking busluosa In
Nebraska , county sent , Gibson Jc Archer , room
U , Withnell Illock. 'B 'I
Foi Uxchnngo Ncbrnilai farms for Omaha
property ; nlso landsto osfclmngo for stocks of
goods. 9 ' /
Wuntod 3 business IcJfs for cash within i
blocks ot postollico. „ , ,
For Kxchungo HH ) licrolmprovod fnrm.Mndl-
Bon county , Neb. , for hou o and lot In Omaha.
ForSnlo A5-aeroitractllt miles of postollico ;
liouso cost j,200ltorlfiWcush.Oib : > oiKVArcher ,
lloom 3 Withnell lllyjlc. ( iO 325 i-jrf
Ipoil SALE An eU'guilj. house , good burn ,
1 160 ft south front 'cantor lot , house rents for
$ y > per month , S3 , uVi l 11. Green , over 1st
Nntlonul IJnnk. ' - > 133
T71OK SAMS 33 ft on I/urd ; good house , tmrn ,
JL ! well , etc. , $ ' ,60J.'W. ' . H. Green , over l t Nu-
tlomilHunk. ' " 1U5
particulars abounrfroo and chonp lands lu
Western Nebraska nadr > M Tlios. C. Patterson ,
UoulKstutoA out. NirtliJJlutto | Neb , aja
Foil SALE Flno Twrnarjlot , cast nnd south
front , Hauscom IVuco. W. T. Graham ,
Crolghton lock. 712
TTIOJI SALE A special bnrgnln 3 lots in Mil-
JJ Inrd & CuldwcH's addition , corner Center
nnd Spring streets , GO\K1'S , f700fbOO and ? WO. on
easy terms. Mmshnll .VLobock , 1500 Farmim st.
Foil MALE House nnd lot 213 S 2ith ! st.ehonp ;
nnd puymeuts. Address C. S. Chli > uian , Lin
coln Neb. 571
POK SALE - 2 lots , 3 houses 7 rooms each ,
North Iblli , 85.0JO.
300 leet or U lots , fnlug 2 streets , fl-room
house , 15 in n itos' walk iiom postotllco , $20,000.
44x140 bu-inrs } lot on llamoy , : . ' 0MK ( > . good house , Ha nicy st. , $0WW.
C,0\132 largo IIOIIPC , Unit St. , $5,000.
COxlV ) , hou'ii und barn , Virginia nvo. , $1,700.
WIvl.VJ , ( .room house , bum , Lowo'x add. , $1,500
250 lots In Onmlm View on monthly pn } incuts.
Lots In nil tlio addition' lit lowest prices.
] 't20-noiostockfnrm , Mcirlck Co. , fcopornero.
40 acres near Irvmgton , fel'J ' per ncro.
L1BO acrcsnotth of Florence , $ ' )5 ) per ncro.
4M K. F. Hlngcr.ililN. 15tli St.
Foil Choice Bargains In roul estate , cnll nt the
olllco of the Omaha Heal I'-tnto & Loan Co. ,
rooms 22 uud 23 , Wlthncll llullding.Omuliu. 7iM
TIONALIBT , ao3 Tenth Street , between Fnrnnm
and Hurney , will , with the aid of guardian
spirits , obtain for any ono a glauco in the
past and present , and of , certain conditions in
i ho tut uro. lloota and shoos madeto order.
Perfect satisfaction u-uuranluuk >
A Great nroflldnl Work on lUimhood.
KxhiuistcrtVltnllty. Nnrrnnj nn.l Phytlcnl nililllty
PromijiiirnDn'-llnoln Mnn , Krror8 nt Ynnth.nnil tlia
untold nilnirlcs rojultlnuirnin In'llscrctlnn nnil ox-
rcf oj. A bonk lor nvory mnn , yoiine. inlilitlp-niial
nnil olil. Hroiitnln IJipro'crllitlnns fornlj nrnto nn1
rlironlnilliipHsps , piichnna of whli-li U Inrnliinblo. HD
inunil by the author who"o " nznorlenro for yo'irnli
nidi in iirohiitilf never liofnro foil In the lot of unr
nlii'lolnn ; llDp.iuoi , t"cnl In bcaiillful French niui.
lln.i'mboKi'Oclrovorn , full cut. iHinnintcodto ho minor
work In nvi-ry i oii -mccliniiMHll. . lltornry mil nrnfni-
rlnniil tliitnnnrnthcr work In nils rmintrf fori.5X !
nrtho money will bo rofiuM lii nrery Ici'innco. I'rl-o
nnlr tl bf mull , po tnill. ( llbntr Unit mmnlo , flu.
Hondiioir. floht moclnrnw.iriTfd tlieiuitliorhTtlio N'i-
tloniil.Meillcal AHincliitlnn , In tlio linn , A. P. Illxmtll ,
ami ujMielatii olllp H t * , tlfj bo'inl t'm rcartir Is ro-
epnctfiillr rcforrml. JD. > l
of Ilf3j s"0rl1) , " > orntolho yonnit nnd
nililillo-uvo J inon of th\r \ ccjiiii/itlun ttiiin all tlm Kol.l
niliip * of Cullfi > i7iliiit dutli < > tllvor mlnoi of. Novmla
romblnoit. S. RChronWlc. )5
ThoSclPncoof llfopillllt > Bt tlio rncVs nnd
onndnonwlili-ti tlm riii ; ) ii > .Vrr" ' nd hopes of inimy
n )0iingin.m huvu bconTiitnlly wruckod. Alancho ter
Tlio SdPiiro of l.lfolnof grpator vnluo than nil the
niiHllrnl nrk pulili > luifcln Ull * country forthuput :
5rivoiini.-AtbiiitnOiiMnllS ( > i ,
Tlio Sclonco of l.tfu tfcyi niviirh nnd iniKtorly trmit-
ltd an nurvouj unit iilfnlfJiVUobllUy.Dotiolt Free
J'fOK * . J
Artdrcwtlio Po'itmili/JIcJloil Instltuto. or Dr W. II.
1'arkor. No. 4 lliillllni'li , ri > lilo tiii , Mnn. .who may
do consulted on all dUonse * ruijulrmi : > lll i"I oxporl-
tMiro. Clironlo unit ntnliiito iit uiiu $ ihut lnuuiuf-
Hod Hi" rklllof nil othcrplir'Jrlaiu a upocliiltr. HIIC-II
truutitl unri'i'iitullyAhoqnan Instuueo of failure.
Jlcutlon umalui Hoo. " k "
England , Franca & Germany.
Tim bti'iim-hlpsot' tills Bill kuo\Mi line in ii
.built m i.on , In v.-iui'i 'ito'lit ' t. ni | . . a-c.aenls , anil
mo furnis'ic'l ' ' ullli e\-r. ' lO'iulsuo to tuuko the
imtsagoboth eitfo 4iud nari.ealil > They curry
the I'nUo.l Stii'o.wD'l ' Ir'i -in ni'i I"'i ! ! ! \o
ficvorkThurwlnys and Snturdnys for Plv-
mouth. ( LONUOWCUcrb9UsPAllls ( nilil IIAil-
' Hi-uirnlng , ( he steiuiurs.l M > O Hamburg on
\VrtliuisiJuyn nuU blunlii' ' * , 1 Iliuio , luklnir
pu8-engc.r8at Sinlthumrto i und London.
Til > t cabin $ iJ , # H a itl $ : j ; -t 'inMtro $ U.
It.ilh-oad tlcKrts Irom pl > inout'j to P.rmtol , Ciu > ;
11)1' ) . Loii'lon. ' or ti uu > jilueo in iho Miutli 'f '
Unalund , FKK1I. BtiH-iMK" trom Liirojm only
* * BBUdtorMTourl
Geneial J'.t- -.CUBIT Ajjoutt ! ,
61 Bioujwny , Nc\v Vuik.
rroofThnt Tlmt LMiralolnn'a Tcrrlblo
Confession is Triio.
Clmlatul ( Ohio ) lletvM.
Ycstonlny nntl the dny before \vo copied
nto our columns from thu Uochostor , N.
Y. , Democrat nnd Chronicle , n remarkable
statement , umdo by J. 1) ) . llciiion , 21. D. ,
n gcnllcmnu who is well known in this
city. In thnt nrticlo Dr. Hcnlon recounted -
counted n wonderful experience which
befell him , and thu noxl tiny wo published
from tlio same paper n second article ,
giving nn account of the excitement in
Rochester , ami olsQWhoro , caused by Dr.
IlcnionV statement. Jtls doubtful if uuy
two articles wore over published which
caused greater commotion both among
professionals nnil laymen.
Since the publication of those two arti
cles , having been besieged with letters of
intjuiry , wo sent a communication to Dr.
llenion and also to II. II , Warner & Co. ,
asking if tiny additional proof could bo
given , unit here It is :
UBNTI.KMEX : I ewe my life and pres
ent health wholly to the power of War
ner's Safe Cure , which snatched mo from
the very brink of the grave. It is not
surprising that people should question
tlio statement I niadu ( which is true in
every respect ) for my recovery was as
great a niarval to myself , as to my physi
cians , and friends. * *
J. It. HEXIO.V , M. D.
IlociiusTKii , N. Y. , Jan. 81.
Snis : The beat proof wo can that
the statements made by Dr. llenion are
entirely true , and would not have boon
published unless .strictly so , is the follow
ing testimonial from the best citizens of
Rochester , mid a , card published by Kov.
Dr. Footo. H. II. WAIWEU A : Co.
To Whom il May Concern :
Wo tire uersonally or by reputation ac
quainted with Dr. llenion , anil we bo-
liuvo ho would publish no statement not
literally true. Wo are also personally or
by reputation well acquainted with II. II.
\ \ nrncr & Co , . , proprietors of Warner's
Safe Cure , ( by which Dr. llenion says he
was cured ) whoso commercial and per
sonal btunding in this community are of
the highest order , and wo believe that
they would not publish any statements
which were not literally and strictly true
in every particular.
C. H. L'AIISONS ( Mayor of Rochester. )
WM. PUIICCLL ( Editor union and Ad
vertiser. )
W D. SiiUAitT ( ex-Surrogate Monroe
County. )
KUWAKU A. FKOST ( ex-Clerk Monroe
County. )
E. 1J. FnxNKii ( ex-District Attorney
Monroe , County. )
J. M. DAW ( ox-Member Congress ,
Rochester. )
JOHN S. MOHGAX ( County Judge
Monroe Co. )
HiuAJi SIIILUY ( Capitalist and Seeds
man. )
JOHN VAN Vooiuns ( ex-Member of
Congress. )
To the Editor of the Livint/ Church , C/iica
no. 111.
There was published in the Rochester
( N. Y. ) Democrat and Chroniclcol the 31st
of December , a statement made by J. 15.
llenion. M. D. , narrating how ho had
been cured of Hright's disease of the kid
neys , almohl in its last stages , by the use
Warner's Safe Cure. 1 was referred to
in that statement , as having recommend
ed aud urgodrlr. Heniou to try the rem
edy , which' ho did , and was cured.
The statement of Dr. llenion is
true , so far as it concerns
myself , and I believe it to be trim in all
other respects. Ho was a parishioner of
mino-amt I visited' ' him in Ins sickness. I
tinged "hiiU lo trtk6" thb medicine and
would do the same apiin to any who
was troubled with a disease of the kid
neys and liver.
ISUAKL FOOTE , ( D. D. , )
( Late ) Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal
Jlochcsler. X. Y.
It seems impossible to doubt further in
the face of such conclusive proof.
Gypsum , in paying quantities , and a
Jedgcof slate lit for roofing purposes have
been found near Phcunix , A. T.
Dr. Picrcc's "Favorite Proscription"
is tlio debilitated woman's ' best restora
tive tonic.
Tlio consumption per head of spirits in
Scotland is fivefold what it is in England ,
bvt then the Scotch keep the Sabbath
"For real mcrt"i says one of the mop
celebrated Prima Donnas , "H. H. DOUG
DROPS for irritation of the throat are
Miniature silver barrels tilled with the
best Minneapolis Hour are the gifts which
the Danish people of the northwest send
to their friends in Europe.
The best regulator ol digestive organs ami
and the best tippctim1 known is Angostura
Uittoi'K. Try it but hcwaio ot imitations.
(3et ( liom your grocer or druggist the genuine
article , niunul'actmcd by Dr. J. 0. II. Siegeit
it Sons. _ _
The butcher bird , a small spotted bird
resembling thi ! common mocking bird , is
thu foe of the domestic canaries on the
Pacific coast , and destroys numbers of
the lalter. _
For delicacy , tor purity , and for im
provement 01 the complexion , nothing
equals Po/xoui'd Powder.
Trappers in tlio towns of western
Masaeliiisettt ! have been unusually busy
this winter. Mu.skrat skins tire worth
from 125 to 85 cunU in Springlield , and
gootl fox skins sell for $1.
Out arm
s a very prevalent and exceedingly ills
grccablo disease , liable , if neglected , to
evolop into serious consumption. Ho
ng a constitutional difiua > u , it requires a
constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsa-
ptirilla , wjilch , uoiu" | tlfroiigh Iho blood ,
roadies' every part ot the byhtom , ofl'out-
ing a radical nnd permanent cnro of
catarrh In oven its most severe forms
Made only by C. 1. Hood & Co , , Lowell
The ) > ing of Corea lias a hard tlmo of
it. . On the 7th of last month thieves broke
into his palace anil wei'u ciiltiiu' through
thu ulastcr on tlio wall leading to the
king chamber when they were discov
PILES ! 1 > 1 1,133 !
A Mil i ) cure for Ullnil. Bleeding , Jlcliin
and UlwralodJ'IlM has bei-u iliseovoicd by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called lr
Wllliaiiib' Indian I'llo Ointment. A Mnglo
box 1ms cuied tlio wor t chronic eases of ii i or
SO years Mandlng. No ouo need hulTer live
inliiulw utter iijinlylin- tills wonderful booth
ing iiK-Iliiiip ; , Lotiuns au < ! InstrumnnN do
more luuw tlinu good. Williams' Indian
Pile Ointment- absorb * tlio tumors , allays the
iuteiiH ) itching , ( i > artlciiluily at nlcht after
L'ottlntr warm in Ix-d ) , nets as a poultice , uives
liistnnt.relief , and is iiiepared only foi Piles ,
itcliln of private iiiuis , and for mitliing else.
Dr. tfrazlerVi Jtluu'lo Oliitintiiit cuics as by
iniiL'ic , I'iiiitiles , lllack Heads or firnbs ,
Dliirclics nnd Kniptions on tlio lneo , IrAving
Uio ldn clcurani ) licautiful. Also nitres Itcli.
Kail llL'iMtui , Sere Nipple. fjoio Lips , and
Old Obstinate UJcws. , , . .
Hold by Urusjjists , or mailed on receipt of
lU-taifed by Ktihn & Co. , nnd Sohrocter &
Uucht. \yljolebalu by 0. F. ( JooUmaij.
The Ivotulon landogb are not oujoylug
li/e tit ) iresent. Ahtraklian coats they
litivo , ami a complete wardrobe of other
cfjtitH matching tlio gowntf of their mis
tresses , and ilioy have perfumed Iiaths
and sachet powdw in tin pjllo\\ uf ilu-ir
baskets ; hut what 1-j'aJI tluit when llw ex
quisite unit j of tin Jr ci'Hom.s is bpotled
by tbo tllver muzzle icmied ; by Jaw *
All the Speculative Markets , Except Oattlo ,
Eoport Better Prices.
Theorizing on the AVcnthcr's KfTcct on
the Winter AVIiont Crop Cora In
Ucttcr Dcninncl Than Tor
Some Tlmo 1'ast.
CIUCAOO. Feb. 10. fSpcclal Telegram. ]
WitKAT Wheat opened a shade lower than
It closed yesterday , ami speaking In general
terms , the market was a strong ono tJuoiuh
the day. Cables wore quiet. Now York was
firm. Everybody had something to say about
bare v , Inter wheat fields aud an approaching
cold wave. The bulls them Ized that the wave
would sweep ou and knock the next crop
"galley west , " and the bears professed to
think that summer was at hand , Several
days ago It was announced that slocks In
Knclnnd , February 1 , wore -1,600,000 bushels
loss limn ou the 1st of January. To-day the
story was that stocks were 4,500,00 , bushels
IRSI than at the corresponding period last
year a manifest mistake , certnln statisticians
say , bat nevertheless accepted as coircct by
niaiiv. Slay advanced from SlJ c at the
opening to 85 > c , from which point It cased
oil slightly. The most conspicuous halting
place was at 84@S-IJ c. The "rail price"
and the bulk ot trailing up to 11:30 o'clock
was at or about those licurcs apparently.
JIiNon OitAixs Corn was. linn and In
better demand than for some time past ,
transactions aggregating quite a respectable
amount. The laigcst buying was by Baker ,
Dews and .Nelson , the latter taking consid
erable March. Selling was scattering. Noth
ing doing In oats.
PitovisioNS Provisions wore strong aud
higher. At 1 o'clock pork was IS Qlfic
above yesterday's closing figures and lard
better. Receipts ot live hogs are not coming
up to expectations , and shipment of the pro
duct , presumably into consumptive channels-
Is quite large , two points that Influenced the
advance measurably.
ApTnuxooN HOA nn Wheat had a ner
vous spasm this afternoon and advanced J c ,
receding slightly and closing a shade under
tlio top Hcure. Corn , too , was strong ami
higher , the advance being attributed to a
stronger feeling In Now York. Trading on
thelato board was lively. Provisions paitlcl-
paled lu the buoyancy ot the grain markets ,
poik and meats being higher.
3:45 p. in. Puts ou May wheat , Sljtfc ; calls ,
CHICAGO , Feb. 10. [ Special Telegram. ]
CATTU : There were less than 4,003 cattle
hero Tuesday , and tlio fat cattle were mostly
all sold. 15ut this morning tlio supply was
large nnd buyers were holding back , asking
for lower prices. The New York market v as
dull but the supply was light. The markets
In the west were steady and firm. Bids here
wcie , in some cases , SOJlc lower , and sales
were at a 10@l5c decline. The market was
geuoially very dull and trading was "xtrcmo
ly unsatisfactory. There was almost an utter"
lack of life in tlio market. It was claimed
that the tiado every where has Ihclr
shops lull oC meat , poultry , lish , etc.
which accumulated during the cold weather ,
ami that the piescnt warm weather compels
them to clean up before buying anything
mniu. I hu cattle trade is lu a discouraging
condition , anil It would not bo a bad idea
foi country shippers to stop business for a
wlille and wall until buyers are willing to
pay for cattle a fair price In proportion to
what they charge consumers for tlio boot.
Shipping steers , 1KO ! to 1500 Ibs , S4.00@ . > .80 ;
1200 to laiO Ibs , S3.03@1.50 ; 050 to WOO Ibs ,
Sn.25g4.10. (
lloc.s In a general way trade was active
nnd prices 5@lOo higher than tlio lowest of
yesterday. Tlio advance , however , was
mainly on big , heavy shipping hogs , yet
packers paid as high as any other operators.
The market closed early and steady , with
fewer unsold than for any day this week.
Big , heavy sorts hold up to S4.40 and down to
S4. : , and mainly at SJ.-SO. Packing sorts. Tacking and bhijiriiiig , 2.V ) to
4T01bs , S1.0 > gl.OO.
Now York. Fob. 10. Mownv On call
casvat U O'J per cent.
PjUMiMnucAXTii.i : PAPER 1@5 per cent.
STiitrixa : KXCUA.NOK Quiet and un
changed at 81.B7 for sixty days , ana Sl.b'J
for demand.
( loVBKNJirjNTS Dull but steady.
STOCKS Stocks opened soiuowliat irregu
lar , hackawanna showing a ( Incline of % per
cent. Uelawnio and Jludsoii was up&per
cent , the lest with sllcht changes , lu many
eases there was a slight advance early. Tills
was followed by a decided break in Lackawan-
na , and Delaware ami IIudsontlio former sell
ing down from UUJtf to 11HK un very heavy
sales. Delaware and Hudson , Irom 107 < j de
clined to 101 before IS o'clock. Tins move
ment in the rest of the list was1 less impoitant ,
but in sympathy with coal stocks there . was
a ot tractions to over 1 per cent , 1'aellic
Mail Helling down from r sj to Odjtf , nnd
Union Pacific from K ) ) to fi3. The break In
these two stocks Is dim in pait to rumors of
coming adverse legislation by congicss.
Alter mid day the market again became
strong. Later tlieie were fractional declines ,
except Inn few feveilsh stocks. This was
followed bv a more steady tone , which con
tinued to the close.
SJlcent bonds. . . mo io. # .N. W . lODJf
U.S.4K's . U preferred. . .
Now 4V * . IS 1'N. ' V. ( J .
Pacific G'sot"DJ. 12(1 ( lOrewm Trail. . .
Central Paclllo.ISJf Pacific Mail . f.7
C.AsA . . 14'i > 5P.J ) . &K . SI
niuferrcd. . . , JM P.P. 0 mo-
C. , ft. iHhum. . . .
D. * , L. , fc W WftfKt , L. itS. F. . .
J.AJ ; { . 0 17' ' | mvlened. . . -
Kile ' . ' 7iJiO.M.&St. P. . . VA
lueferred. . . fl'JJf pieferred , . I'Jil
Illinois . * Y3)X StP. . * * °
J. , W SO&I piolcmsu. . . 103X
Kansas ATexas. Hltf Toxin. I'utjlllii. . . ! ! ! #
htikoSlioio bS'f ' UnionPaullic. . . 53
i , . , t N ml w. , st. i. . & i > . . io #
Jllch. Coiitral. . . . 71 I miifeired. . . WA
Alo. I'ncilio 110 IWYstiini Union. 7ilC
Noithuiti I'.ui. . . y7iO. Jt.itN
pitttmiud. , ,
) , Fib. ; 10 , Flour Quiet and un
changed ; winter wheat Hour , SMUI.M ,
soulhern , SI.OOC- . Wisconsin ; , S4. j(5j ( 1.7.1 ;
Michigan solt Hjuitig wheat , SiUu t.O ) ; .Min
nesota balceif. ' , si.W : ) < f-.Wi ( ; patents. S4.ll.Wg
5X ( ) ; ryu ilour , sa.iXVe.' lu barrels , S'1.10
Q3.40 fri backs : buclwln-at : Hour , 51.00\f4.W ; )
per barrel : SJ.od ner ewl. In hacks.
Wheai-Ssvfongi'i ; ojiomd , ' lower than
yesteiday , became linn , advanced le.
eased nil > c , iiiU'd hiioiitrai'itf u , and closed
Jio iibnvo M'hlfiday ; WtGiXiyiu lor wish ;
T.M o lor February : 7 , ' > 4j lor March ; WJ < iJ
8 > c for May.
Coin Slroiiger ; udvaiiced fii ( ? < , 'e for fti-
tuicd , amli'losid linn ; ; vj,4iij.Ti ( ) ) lor rnih ;
3no for February ; : | U.U'o lor March ; 40 o
for May.
Oals ti'CaKe higher but dull ; fiO./c for
cash : 3Wt < lorFebj uaiy ; 3 ( fc' c for March ;
Ji.irlux Dullutu.
TiiiiulhjVtak and cluscil SjjtOc lower ;
pi line , -I.O.V , < l.t 7.
In Mir demand and firmer ; No.
i , § 1,1-
Pork- .oiik'cr ; advanced lS@17Kc , sct-
tlPdKnk S iV , ami closi | struily ; Sll,0 >
lur msh ; ll.u.'ia > tl.U7H for 1'obrunry and
Miui'li ; M'iVwn.tj7S lurMay. .
I/ml StiMiit | > ri iitlvauct'd HXn and cliiscd
film ; . jO.Ui'jW'i.lO ' ' fur cish , rubruary and
AlairliJ sv w .l ti'j for .May.
JJ-ilk M < .Us Shoulders , giURt fOO : short
clear. 9 > n I > .05 ; blim ( rll > 8. i&.l i'ta.M ) .
IJuiier 1 > til ; 1'iiodluuxtniciOiimeiy , 20 < 3
u . . , c.
- ' U'jngauu linn ; full ocam cited-
data , fancy , 9J r0 , ojnnb ; , lOStOWe : young
Americas , lOifctllKc ; part sklmi. 6 < 30c.3
Kites Weak aud lower nt lX ( < J2lc.
Hides Unchanged ; part cured , 8 < wSuo :
preen , 8c ; heavy preen suited , 8Jfc ; llglit da
6-lf ( < iOHc ; bull hides. o'ic ' ( ; dry s.ilted , 13) ) < cJ
dry flint , 1314e ; calf skins. 10@l c
Tallow Uiichanced ; No. 1 country ,
No. 3 country , 4o ; cake , 5c ,
HecoInK ShlpniPtits.
Flour , bbis . 15,000 34,000
Wlioatbu . SM.OOO 0't.OOO
Corn , ou . 273,000 4.Vt,000
( ) . 151,000 131.000
Uje.bu . 3,000 0.000
Bnrluv , bit . W.OOO ! r > ,000
Now York , Fob. -Wheat Kceelpls. ; rxpoits , 8,000 ; stiol quiet but held
stronger ; options opened weak end slightly
louer , aftcrwanlt iitletl stronger , closing
firm ; ungraded red , S-XaiW. c ; No. 3 red ,
March , closlURatOljfo.
Corn Spot lots higher and fairly arllvo ;
options mnro active : receipts , 131,000 ; ex
ports. Ol.woj nmrraded , 4"tJjlc ; No. a ,
March , cloMiiK at 60i , < c.
Oats Higher and moro active ; receipts ,
3-J.OOO ; exports , CO ) ; mixed wcsVrn , 37CJ38 > 4o ;
white Mestcrn. WK-Mlo.
Petroleum Steady ; nulled closed at 7. " > Xc.
J5iis Dull and easy ; rccclott , l.coo pack
ages ; western , 231210. .
Pork Steady and inoilcrntcly active ; mess ,
Lard Higher and moderately actlvo : sales
of western steam spot , S0.33iJO.IO ; March ,
Hittter Klnn and In falrdeuiand ; western ,
12t4c : ; Elgin creamery , 85iiJGGc. (
Cheese unchanged ,
St. Louis , Feb. 10. Wheat Klrm and
higher ; No. a mixed , cash , liO } c ; February ,
OOKc bid : Mnv , lc bid.
Corn Stonily : No. 'J mixed , cash , 34'j , @
31'4C ' ! .May , ! ! 7e bid.
Onts ( Jttli't lutt sternly : No. S mixed , cash ,
ssu'iiiasvc ; May , si c bid.
Hyo-6\ > .
Pork 811.2ft.
Lard 85.WgJ5.00.
JUttlcr Uucluinired ; creamery , 2jiWOc ( ;
dairy , 10@2.'ic.
Alternoon Hoard Wheat Steady and ) o
Corn Firm and "Cc better.
Onts Advanced MC.
Toledo , Fub. 10. Wheat Closed quiet ;
cash , 01 V@03c.
Corn Finn ; cash. SSVfc.
Oats Firm : cash. Sltfc.
Ijtvorpool , Feb. 10. Wheat Offered mod
erately ; now No. 2 wlntoraudsnrliifj , 7s 1'fd ,
Flour Offered freely at 8s , dull.
Corn Olfeied fieuly ; now mixed , spot ,
dull nt 4s IJ d ; February , March and April ,
4s l > d , lirm.
Cincinnati , Feb. 10. Wheat Finn ; No.
S led. Die.
Barley Dull and unchanged ; oxtr.i No. 3
northwestern spring , fiSgG'ie.
Pork Dull and unchanged at $11.35.
Laid Dull and unchanged at S0.05.
Whisky Steady nt $1.10.
MlUvnulcoo , i'tjb. 10. Wheat Stioug ;
cash , 81J c ; January , SJ ? < e : May , fcO c.
Corn .Steady : No. 3. : ! 0'ifc.
Oats Tame : No. S,3e
Uye-Dtill ; No. 1 , fiSc.
Uailcy-Quict ; No. 2 , 51 rc.
Provisions Fiimcr ; me s poik , cash and
Femuary , 511.03 ; March , SI 1.05.
Minncnpoiin , Feb. 10. Wheat Closed
firm ; No. 1 haul , Jaiuiarv ami Febiuary , 87c ;
March , b7 > fc ; April , fc'Je ' ; May , l--'e ) : No. 1
noitlicrn , bJJ e lor .lanuary and February ;
S5c for March ; 81Kc for A pill ; b7o for iiay.
Flour-Firmly Held ; patents , SUO@5.00 ;
bakers' , S3.SOff4.00.
Itccelpts Wlieat , 83,000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 73,000 bu ; Hour , 15,000.
Kaunas City , Feb. 10. Wlieat Higher ;
cash , 71c bid , 7l > e asked : May , 782/c.
Coin Stronger ; cash , SSKc ; March , 20 c ;
May , 31 0 bill , 32c asked.
Oats No quotations.
Now Orleans , Feb. 10. Corn Finn at
Oals Steady and unchanged.
Pork Fair demand and steady ; S11.02 >
Hulk Meats Fair demand and steady ;
shoulders , & 3.90 ; long clear , S5.GO ; clear ribs ,
Chicago , Feb. 10. The Uiover.s' Journal
remit ts :
Cattle Kecclpta , 0COO ; market very slow
and I0@15c lower ; shipping steers. S8.25@
5.60 ; stockers and feederH , 83.40,114.15 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , S3.00@3.'JO : bulk , 82.50 ®
3.00. Tlnough Texas eattie , S3.20@4.30.
Hogs Kcceipts , 3d,5UO : slnimieiits , 500 ;
marlcctstioiigand5@10c higlicr : rougli and
mixed , S3.GO < v l.05 ; packing and sldjiplnc ,
S4.05 ( ! 1.50 ; light , S3.GO@4.0j ; skips , 53.CO@
Sheep Ilecelpfs , 4,500 ; market slow and
dull ; natives , 3.03(7(5.00 ( ; lambs , SI.K ( ) < S5.35.
Tlio Drovers' Journal says to-day : The
cattle trade is In a discouraging condition ,
and it would not bo a bad idea for country
shipncis to Hliip business fora while and wait
until buyers aio willing to pay for cattle a
fair price in proportion to what they charge
consumers lorbeci.
Kansas City , Feb. 10. Cattle Hccolpls ,
1,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; blow aud weak ;
exporters , 85.COio5.30 ; common to choice
shippim ; , S4.0004.UO ; Ktookrrs and fcedeis ,
S3.OT@ .70 ; cows , S3.00 i3.30.
Hogs Uccclpts , i,030 ; shipments , 11,000 ;
wealc and a hhadu lower ; good to choice ,
§ J.85@4.00 ! ; common to medium , 83.C5S3.80.
St. Loiiln. Fob. 10. Cattle Receipts ,
l.hOO ; shipments , 503 ; quiet and JOe lower ;
common to choice shipping , SS.TBQ'i.S ! ) ;
butcheiH' stceis , $3.3534.3" ) ; cows and heifers ,
8'i35@3.05 ; stockers tmd feeders , 83.7ft@-l.15.
Hogs Itccelpts , 5.000 ; shipments , 3M)3 , ) ;
active and 5(7 ( 10o limber ; qualitv common :
butchers and best heavy , 84.30@4.4 ( ) ; mixed
packing , S3.Ooan.lS ; light , S3.CO@3.93.
Wednesday Evonlng , Feb. lo.
The receipts of cattle continue very light
nud the market slow. Choice corn fed .steer.s
would sell all thu way from S3.75 to S1.75.
Butchers'stock , If choice , sells lulily well.
Cows range from 83.53@3.M ; bulls , SS.35 ®
3.00.The hog market opened slow , commission
men being Inclined to hold prices up lo thu
piovlous days' standard , while buyers weio
holding oir lor Hie market to come down to : i
level \\Ith eastern prices , LjMcr them was a
drop of fiom 5 to luc below the previous day's
sales and tlio market became verv active and
the pens were rapidly denied. The icccljil.s
were tlio heavletit for this year and the pack
ers were anxious lo get as many as possible.
nattio 7..7. . .7. : ; oo
Showing tin ) highest and lowest prices paid
) ii tli ! market for \\uxs \ \ durlm ; ( ho iujt ;
( oven days and for tlio conosnondlng period
.istmontti :
January. Kchrimry ,
cdmifrday , , . 53.60 (24,05 (
J'hurtd.iy , , , , S3.37W3.51 } 3.75 C3..l
' . ' 1.75 fe4.0'
latniilay , 4.00
Sltuwlne thu iiHinb.'r nt i-attlo , wsa nud
ihri-p purchnsi'it by the packers on two nuir-
iet ; to ( .lay.
c .vrn n.'b , , Cl