Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1886, Image 1

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i n
Veterans Gathered for Merriment Make the
Meeting Ono of Mourning.
.Ex-President Hayes and Gen. Sherman Pay
Homage to His Worth ,
ItosolnJ Ions of Condolence Passed mid
iuloflcH ; by Other Veterans
Preparations for the I'uncrnl
War Department Older.
From Merriment to Mourning.
fisriNNATi , Ohio , Fd > . 10. Tlio dcith of
( jcncial Haneock changed thoannal meeting
of the Ohio comm.indcry of the milltaiy
order of the Lojal Legion liom an occasion
of jojful leiiinon to ono of mourning. At
the business meeting General Shoiman and
General Lew Wallace applied foi member
ship , and under suspension ot the inles vvcic
Immediately elected and Invested amid ap
plause. Aflct a special rccepllon for Mrs.
llnjcs had been held and a supper enjoyed ,
cx-Picildent It. H. Hayes delivered an ad
dress , of which llio tollowlng la the sub
stance :
f TI.IVIIN ; : The third annual festival ol
the Ohio commnndery ot the Lojal
Legion Is suddenly and sadly changed.
% The meeting which was to have been n
Jojous social and fratcinal icnulon of old
comrades of Iho war has become a memoi ial
HOI vice in honor of the beloved commandci
in chief of the Loyal Legion. In tin
presence of many who haveseived on mosl
Intimate teimsifh Gcneial Hancock during
long jeais ol trjlng duty , I shall not atlemui
a full sketch of his life , services and charac
ter. i had not the privilege ofan ninij
acquaintance w lib htm , but was somnvvhal
ntlmatc. Ho was my commander only
dining Iho last two weeks ol Hie active wort
ot the war. I cannot be mistaken as to tin
substantial and sterling elements of hi :
haractor. If wo make up our estimate of r
public man conspicuous both as a soldier am
In the aflatis of stale , and think lli.stam
chiefly ot his manhood , his Intcgilty , hi :
purity , his singleness of purpose ana mi
bollish devotion to duty , w o can say truth
liilly ot Hancock that he was thiough am
thioughpincgohl. Hispicsencehis inestlgc
his name , liayo given lo this soldleis' oigani
/atlon , wo knew not how much ot its pies
pei it ) , its interest and Its Influence. Hi1
commanding figure and tcatuies so Impies
she , Inspiiing and dignllied was Hut out
ward sjmbol ot chaiactei , and of achieve
ments which left nothing lei the. most exact
Ing Imagination to dushe when socking foi
the model Ameilcan soldier , patiiot and gen
In icfcuing to hisiecoidas a soldier , then
is enough lor my iiiescnt putpose. Tin
hinglebattlo whicli , lost 01 won , humanely
speaking , seemed destined to decide tin
gieat conflict , was Hancock's onpoitunlly
Ho was equal to the occasion. Hencetoill
Hancock and Gcltjsbuig , Gettysbuig am
Hancock , are lorover linked logolher In
adamant. The name ot om commando
will live in oui annals as long as America !
hisloiy Is known among men. Brave soldier
noble gentleman , beloved companion , h.d
and farewell. Since our last annual meetlm
three of oui companions , known to all mon-
Gcncral Giant , Gencial McClellan and Gen
era ! Hancock have lelt us. Very sad am
very touching as these dispensations are , jo
upon a laige and gonoial survey ol the maicl
oi events wo see cleaily enough tlmt what
ever hinges on the war o
the icbolliou grows moio Intereblini
more inspiring and mom affecting as th
stieamot time flows on. The sine test o
deeds and chaiactor Is time. That which 1
Mihllmu in nature , in ait or In achievemcn
does not lo o by age. lUnder the allotmen
of piovidenco final Judgment Is not pre
nounecd In behalf of the living. Tlio mo'
foitunate of men must wait foi death lo afli
the seal and aw aid the ciovvn. Wo need nc
pause to Inquho why the hcioes ot oui wai
when dead , find their high place In hlbtoiys
promptly and with such intalhable certainty
With the facility and chaiacter given , tliooi
easlon , the opportunity was in Iho greatnes
and Iho goodness ot llieli cause , bluing
thing It is tl'atvvodo no think ot this whil
the hero Is living. Itistoraimy societies c
ovciy name and giado to bee to it that justlc
h done befoie it Is lee lato.
Happily heio to-night nocftoitis icqulie
toicach tliodcsiied result. In Giant's can
tal book , In that volume Ihat ovciy .sohlii
icads , a'icaily published , jou will mid on ,
know not how many difluient pages , th ,
tlicie was oni ) man that ho know like a bool
and that lie leaned upon and loved an
tiusted like u In other. His name , befoio
bpc.ik It , Is In the minds and tongue of ever
soldier pics > ent Gcneial William T. She :
man.The addiess was listened to with giovvln
. Interest , and when at the close the nainoi
Shciman was announced an ovation fo
lowed. When tlie applause subsided Cenen
Sherman began his addiess upon the illu
tilous commaudei-in-chief of the oidu
Geneial Hancock. Ho bald :
LADH.S AM ) Covii'AMoKs INIIIH Gr.oit
ou.s 0 vubi : General Grant iccoids on tli
front fly-leal ot Ills book that man pioposc
and God disposes. Wo led that hei
to nlulit. Yestciday we hoped to hav
u jolly good tlmo , and yet the telegrap
watted ovci the vvlics the sad intelligent
that a irloilotts man oui commaiidei i
chief ono who probably has don moiot
sustain the Loyal Legion than any otlu
man on paith--lics today in his bluon
and waits but a tow bonus mil
lui will bo bulled at his ol
homo in Pennsylvania. It Ib ilirht an
HUliitr. gentleman , Ihat we should nanso an
do this gliuloiib subject iii.utlal liono
Without iccoul and without notes I inn
speak , and will bo as biiof as possible ,
knew Hancock well , lei my inenuiiy goi
baek to Hie tlmo when ho can
to Wpst Point , n tall slendei bo' '
with laii hair and blue ojes , and cheeks wit
the down of a lioshly ilpcned peach.
1 have been him from that tlmu until a fo
months asjo. He in ado a good nan
In the Mexican wai. When 1 gi
r to St. Louis as captain in tl
l > conimlssaiy depaitincnt , I tound Hancoc
I' there developed to manly beauty , btiengt
curda regimental qiiaitcnmistcr Mill wit
the lank of Hist lieutenant , a jounggioomi
u beautiful biiile , and heio penult mo ladies' '
speak of tlmt good woman who now Is
widow , for I knew her well , bl
was n child heiself of an Ohio lad
Her patents camn from Xancsville ( Ohio
lEussell by name. Hiissell and Dennett , tv
jonng men living In Xancsvlllo as bov
cleikb in a stoic , clonml in twobeautit
cieolo ghls , descendants liom the old Fiom
stock which came over heio bv icasou ot tl
lovolutlon of 1769 , settled at Mailetta or ( in
lonolia or Uclpcui , found in them the
wives , llioy took thcii joung biUlos i
St. Louis , and by labor , imtuatiy an
thrift , lose to gicat eminence as merchant
When 1 went tiieio tlu houses ol Hitssell ai
Dennett , of which Mis. Hancock was tin
( in oimuucnt , and the pride , and Hancoc
the liandbome , the elegant gentleman the
two who weio nil the envj , and that lion
was the veil abodoof haj > slncbs and hosi
tallly. sutltasl have ncvui been suipasse
OVPII It equalled , tiom that time. " "
Gencial Hancock lose steadily in times
mation of his. ft'llowf , aim whim the w
broke out theio was no hesitation theio u
a bit. Ho was a union man. [ Applausi
Ho was a sold id. i'neie was notonoqulv
of pjelitl , nut one ( reuiblu of hand. Ha
rock was . : t soldier , a iv.nn , and a ve
bHIIIaut man.
Kow vvlien time camo. ( or battles to
fought , boiu we had a man who was qualiti
anil callable1. , s.iitaltieil by fiiends at hou
eiicouiaged by.admlilug oompvulous. at
when the battle of Gcttjsbnre came Hancock
wag the Impersonation of defense , lliavo
Blood upon very spot , lielilnd
the Aery stone wall not during
the batllo but afterwards and there
was pointed out to mo the
place where 1'icketl's dlvlilon came
up. and where llanecck stood and fell , and
If there ever should be a monument erected
on earth to man , there Is the snot for Han-
cook's monument. Hut 1 will go further ,
and say that I and others who were with me
Eoing up through Virginia after the war was
over , and we went out of our way
and wo saw the spot where
Hancock's corps had charged across those
iiarapptsand saw the tices through which
those men charged with Hincock at their
head , and compelled Meade to iptreathack
tlioso were the two points , piobably the most
histoilo which nuikcd htm as n man in
whomconlldence could bo placed. Ho had
thu contldenco of Grneial Giant , of every
man who c\er had Hancock on his com
mand , nijsclf Included. Ho was
most lojal , most obedient , most
completely catlsfactoiy , never question
ing an oidci , loval to thu hack bone ,
geneioustoa fault , and willing to cxecutis
any older , uliethei Imappiovcd it 01 not. I
will golurthcr , andsij that 1 knew Hancock
on thu pi lns where there was no clmnco lor
glory , no hope of fame , no dc-drc to nttiact
notice , nothing but abuse and haidshlp. the
same convlunclous man , anxious to do i ight ,
anxious to Iiillill Die oidcrs ot his govern
ment , anxious to complete the job alter
which ho had been dispatched and generally
success ! til.
> 'ovv Geueial Hancock Is dead. The big ,
stiong , lu'ivons man lies dead In his bed on
GOMJIIIOI'S Island , and we , his companions ,
may well shed lears heio lo-night. It was a
sad piece ot news which came to usjcter-
day. Oh I my tilends , when that woman sat
at the gates ol Varadke , disconsolate , and
appealed to heaven , vvluit she should bung to
admit hci into the gates , she went back and
foithand finally luUirned wlthlhu expiied
spiiltot n soldloi pitilot , and thogales of
heaven were opened to hci. It the gales of
heaven will lie opened foi a pool cm , how
much moio w 111 ft bo w ith the manly soldier.
The gales ol heaven will icmalnajai until ho
outers them , and i on and Leach and eveiy
one of us , aio the heller for Iho life which
this man led. Oui countiyis bettei lor It ,
oui boys In school am bolter foi it. Your
selves can point to this man of humble pi-
lenls , icaied at Iho common schools , who
went Into lite with % ery little hope and rose
by being a tine , honest and bravo man and
soldier , beloved by cvetvbody. mounted by
everybody , and I say Hancock > ou aio re-
wauled. I would not iccall his lllo If I
could. Ho has filled his life with a full
measure. Ho will bo hoiiMcd by all man
kind , beloved by all mankind , and beloved
by all womankind , too.
Ucfoto Iho speaking began the ladles weio
admitted and wore seated among the com
panions thioimhouttlm hall , a lact of which
Gcneial Slieiuuui twice leloried to in tin1
couiM ) or his lemarks. Follow ing Gencial
bherinan , Gencial Lew Wallace spoke of the
teachings and icsults of the wir. General
Fairchlldof Wisconsin , Geneial K > f. Stiong
ot Cldcigo , Geneial King of Now Yoik , Gcn
eial Ohailes II. Giosvcnor ami LlPiilenant
Governoi Kennedy of Ohio , also spoke.
Gencial J. D. Cox , Irom Iho committee ,
read the lollow ing memoiial liibuto to Gen
cial Hancock , and a copy was oideicd sent to
Iho family ol Iho deceased.
'I hn death ol Geneial Wiuficld Scott Han
cock isa pei-onal grief tocvciy companion
ot the Loval Legion , lor every ono ot us has
been proud of him as oui senioi commander ,
and all who haveknovvn him iiei-jonally have
been devotedly atlached to him as Iriciuls.
Uuthohas been moie : Ho lias tlnougli his
vvliolo lilctimc been an unblemished Ijpe
andpallein of the Ameilcan soldier , lie
entcied his courilry's seivice Inbojhood as n
cadet In the militaiy academ > and continued
not only faultlessly hutbiilliantly ctlicientin
Its seivico to the day of his death. Ill'
lojalty did not waver in the dalk days ol
Ibol , nut ho eunestly piessed to the foio-
10111 of thostiuggle , and so boio liiiuscll
tat his naiuo became piovciblal
lor both dashing leadeishln and
manly persistent courago. Withoul
miduo auibttion 01 peisonal self lecklnc
ho lan his.way to tamoby his splendid con'
duct In an nnpaiallelcd series olbittles. tlu
confidence of nls brothel otlicei andsoldieis
outrunning advances in rank and applaud
Ing cveiy step ho gained iu promotion
When jealousies and intrlcucs wcieilfoiii
Iho greataimy to which ho belonped , neithei
his devotion to the Hag noi his /ealoiu
suboidination lo his commander wern evei
qucslloned. Ho lived only to do and dan
gieatly ioi his countiy. He Inspiied hii
motherolliceis with pine and noble Pinula
lion in liciolcdccdb , and his soUlieis with the
enlhitbiasm of courage and with double theii
In the supreme crisis of the war , wlici
VIcksbuig and Getljsbmy pcrmanentlj
tinned the flag in favoi ot the national cause
ho i cached the lull matunly of Ills poweis
and In the great bittlo of bpottsylvanla hi
was lortunato In bjarlpg oil the greit re
sponslbilitics In such a way that the victon
was In a large measure duo lo his broai
military judgment and his coiibplcnou' '
biavciy. Severely wounded , ho made hasti
to lesumc his duty with his troops , and lion
the Wlldoiness to Appomatox the long seile *
of Iioico engagements made each baltlo nami
a new decoration of his soldlcily lenovvn
His last appointment In the wai , to bo com
mandantol the veteran coips , htly indicate !
thoTiinlveisal judgment that no ono bette
t > pilled the chaiaclci and the virtues of tin
men who became the American "Old Guard. '
Whilst ho had political convictions am
altachmcntb lioui which tliu elti/en soIUlo
is not excluded , ho caicfully avoided over' '
act which could bo constiiicd into impiope
paitisanslilp , and always set an honorabl
example ot conduct In this icgaid , vvhlcl
best becomes these who wear the nation'
unlfoun. As an olllcei and a gentleman ,
cltl/en and asoldlci , lie was literally witliou
ieai and w Itliout icproach. His name ough
to bo and will bo cherbhcd as a natlonu
pride and tieasuro.
Itwasveiy late befoio the very
and successful meetinc closed.
Preparations Tor tlio Funeral Me.
sages of Condolence.
NOIIIU&-IOVVN , Pa. , Feb. 10 , A dlspatt
fiom Lieut , r.ugeno ( iilllln , ot Geneial llai
cock's stall , to K , 1) ) . Chain , of tills boiougl
slates that the will positively tak
place lieie. The dale has not jet been fixed
but will probably bo on Fiiday , Arrange
incuts foi the Interment nro now i
progiess. A mass meeting of citizens wi
bo held this afternoon In the court house.
Niw : Youic , Fcbruaiy 10 , The body (
General Hancock lemalned in the room I
which ho died , last nkjht. Col. W. D. Dec
and Lieut. A. D. Dodge kept watch dnriii
t'holong ' houis of the night. This moiniii
hey weio loliovpd by two othei olllcei
Many moiatolegiams weio lecelved ; amen
them wore the following :
CiNriNNA'U , Feb. 10. Mib. Wlnllcld Hal
cocK'-Tlio sad intelligence of the death of j oi
noble husband tills with grlel the compai
Ions ol tlio Ohio toinniandciy ot the Lo\i
Lpglon , now assembled here. Wo tendi
joii oui heaitfolt sympathy in your ueieav
inunt. ItimiKiiFoiiu It. HAM.S ,
GncrsroNr , i'onkpis , N. Y. , Feb. 10-
Dear Mrs , Hancock You have my came
sj mpalliy In Iho beteavenient voiihavosn
; toted In tlio death of Gen. Hancock. Tl
' country has lost an heiolc olllcei and an a
1 conipllshed commando , and one of the mo
. . valued citizens. I lament this Bad event i
3 a peisoual sorrow S , J , TII.DKN.
1 The body of General Hancock was tods
paitlally cmbalmid. Colonel John P. Niche
[ J son , chief iccordei ot the military order i
the Loval Legion , who nnlved to day , taki
chaigo of the dead gencial's peisonal affal
In accordance with n u'qncst made by hi
i- i1 1 several jeaiS ago. Amongthe tclegrwniJ r
, ccived In tlio afteinoou \ > f < io ones fie
I- George W , ( Jhllils , Henii D. MeDanloI , go
ir cinoi of Gcoiglu , and Leon Abbott , govurm
it of Xovv Jetaey. doneral ir. II.
; | will coinm.iuil the Uscoit-cn the day ot tl
\ - funeral. , Foui loot hatteiles liom For
y Hamilton , Watlsvvoith and Oovrrnoi
bland will lollow the bed ) hi the < AiiK
10d The gnaid over the dead to-night consUtb
Captain Chalks. Mori Is , Lloute.nalit 0.
'i \VoodaudCoIouel \ A. W. Ytdgrg. There
apiobablllty that the Tort Hamilton band
will march In the procession.
Mrs , Hancock was confined to her bed all
day to-day , attended by a number of female
relatives. She Is prostrated by the shock.
'llio follow Ing named persons will act as
pall beaters : Hon. Thomas F. Uayard , sec-
ictaiy of state ; ( tenerals Sherman , bhcrldaii ,
lie !
i iu *
two latter being aides do camp of the de
ceased during the lalo wai. It is also ex
pected that the picsldent and members of the
cabinet will attend the obse < iulc3.
Mrs. Hancock to-day received a touching
letter from Secretary Bayard , in which ho re-
feriod to his own recent bereave
ment In the loss of his wife and
daughter , and speaking ot the decease
of her husband as n loss to the nation.
The Usual Marks or Military Hcspccr
Ordered for JInncock.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. The follow ing
gcnpial ordpr was issued to-day :
WAU Dni'Aiuvin.NT , WASHINGTON , Feb.
0. Witli piofound soriow the sicietary ot
wm announces to the army that Maioi Gen-
cial WinlieldSeott Hancock died to-day at
Goveinm's Islandin the haiboi of Now Yoik.
Ho was a soldlpi without fear , a citizen with
out rcpioach , n pati lot without guile , lie
will evei bo a noble and linpicssivo ligtire In
our hlstoiy , and his countryman will alvvujs
lecall with piido and pleasure his hciolc and
Insphing conduct dining those last memora
ble noins on the Held ol Gpttjsburg. Foi ills
morlloilous and conspicuous slisuc In Ihat
gicat ami decisive victoiy ho has
iccolvod Iho gialltudo of Iho Ameilcan people
and the thanks of congicbs. Flags will be
placed at halt-mast at all military posts and
stations , unit tlilitecn inlnutu guns will bo
llredon Iho day aftei the iccclpt of this ol
der , and the usual badges ot mourning will
bevvoin lei tidily davs.
davs.WM. . C. KNDICOTT.
Secietaiy of War.
liy Command of Lieutenant Gencial
Lieutenant GeiiPial bhcildan will act as a
pall b ° aier at General Hancock's luneial.
Mafor General Scholield will also attend.
Thu icmalns will bo interred in the gen-
rial's mausoleum , Montgomeiy cemetery.
This ccmctoiycan properly bo teimed the
Innial itround of the Hancock family. The
geneial's biothci John , many veais ago , purchased -
chased a lot Ihcicln , in which lie the lemains
othis seven chihhcn. Tlie adjoining lot was
puichased bv Geneial Hancock and his tw in
brother Hillary , and in it they placed
tlio icmalns ot thch parents. Uy the side of
tlio lattci lies the body of Winliold Scott
Hancock , ji. , the general's iriamlson and
namesake , who died when an infant in the
summer of isso , the news of his death reach
ing Geucial Hancock llio bamo day ho was
foimallv notified ot his nomination for presi
dent. In 1SS5 General Hancock built a hand-
bomo mausoleum. The only membei ot the
general's Immediate family now entombed
In the mausoleum , is hisdaughtci Ada , who
died in 18T5.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. In Ihe senate to
day , Mi. Hoai olfcicd the follovvine resolu
tion , lei which ho asked immediate con
sideration :
Jtesolved , That the coinmillco on libiary
consider and icpoit at an eaily day the ex
pediency ot the erecllon at lie ] beat of gov
ernment of a staliio or monument lo Hie Hate
illustiIons General Winheld Scolt Hancock.
In olleilng Hie icsolnllon Mr. Hoai said
Ihat when the announcement was madr
vesleiday of llio gieat public calamity that
had oecuiied iu Iho death of this illustrious
soldiei , the cnlhe nation mom nod , and it
was piopei that riocecdlngs should at once
bo Initialed foi paying liibtite to the inemoiy
ol the deceased.
The icsolntion was agiced to.
At 2 o'clock the chah laid bcfoip ihe senate
the education bill.
Atler some discussion that bill was made
unfinished business lor to-moriow al the
bamo lioui.
On motion of Mr. Call , the senate took \ \ \
Mr. Eustis"iccent icsolulion calling on tin
secrclaiy of tlie tieabuiv for inioimatiou as
to the lofiibal of the assistant trcasiuei nl
NevvOilpans to leceivo bhlpments ol silvei ,
and to Issue silvei ceitihcates theiefoi , and n
long debate ensued.
Mi. Geoico insisted that the action of the
ticasury ofllcials In the case was in cveiy 10-
spcct sound and iu compliance with the
law.Mr. . Kusllssaid ho had telegiaphed to Mi ,
Itoacli at New Oilcans to asieit.dn the pin-
pose of the bank shipment ol silver. Hlbie
plv , lo day leceived , Is as follows :
The shlppeis sought to get lid of the execs *
slve silver by shipping to Iho sub-treasurj
and asking Ihat silvei certificates theicfoi
should bo turned over to their New Oileam
couespondents. The sub-lrcasiirer declined
to receive it from tlio express company be
cause ho tirst doubted the piopilety of thi
tieasury becoming the Inteimediary bctvvcer
the country and city banks , and second , toi
lack ot cfeilcal torco. I leel assured Ilia' '
provision lor sulllclent cleiks would lemedj
overj thing.
Mi. Kdmunds inquired why lliendinlulsfra
tlon did not turn out this lepublican rascal am
put In a demociat who would undcistand hi :
duties nndei the law.
Mi. Coke Is ho a icpubllcan ?
Mr. Kdmunds 1 do not know , I suppose
if ho Is as bad as that ho must bo.
.Mr. Coke said ho aid not caie what tin
man's politics weie.
Mi. Kdmunds icpcatcd his Inquliy as ti
tlie politics ot tlio assistant treabiner at New
Orleans whether ho was an old olllcei o ;
some new nianV
Mr. Gibson icplled that the officer icfprrei
to had been appointed by the present admin
"Well , " icmarked Mi. Kdmunds in a re
gielfnl lone , "It Is \cty bad btate ol things.1
[ Laughter. ]
The debate then closed and the matte
went over.
Mr. Dolph submitted an amendment to Mr
Sherman'H silvei bill , which was oidcrci
printed. In the oilginal bill itispiovldei
that the amount ot coin ceitllitales at an ;
tlmo outslandmg should noi exceed llio cos
of bullion iiui t based by such teitllicates
Mr. Dolph's amendment is lobliiko out th
words "Iho cost of the bullion pincluibed b
such ceitlllcales , " and make Iho piovlsloi
lead as follows : "Tho amount of such ceitili
cates at any time outstanding hhall not o\
cecd the maiket value of the bullion In th
tieasmy puicliascd under the piovUions o
this act and letained as seemlty f or MIC
certificates , mid whenever nttlm end of an
liseal jeai such outbtnndlngrertllicates shal
boln excess In amount ot thomaiket value ci
such bullion , the t-eeietary ot the lieasur
shall retire and withhold liom cliculatlon ai
amount of biidi ccilihcates leeched by tli
United States tor customs , taxes and publl
duos , equal to such cxcc&s until such tlmo a
the bamo can be put into circulation witliou
Increasing Iho amount of such ceitlllcate
bejond the maiket value of such bullion. "
Alter an executive faction tlio senate ai
In the house to day , the speakei laid befoi
the house the lespoiibo of tlio seeretaiy c
the treasniyto the house rcbolntion callln
for information upon questions arising uiuh
the tariff act of IbMJ. llufeucd.
Mr , lilanchard offered the following scrh
of lesoliitlons :
Hoiolvcd , That this house has learned wit
profound soirow of Iho treat and irrcpirati ]
loss which the country has sustained In tli
death of that gieat and good man , Majc
General Winlield S. Hancock.
Itesolved.That this house. In common wit
alibis connlrjmen , inomn the death of hli
who was the stainless soldier toi the union i
the war , and the undaunted delendei of tl
constitution and ot civil liberty in peace , an
at all times the stainless man and iuco
ruptiblo patiioi.
Itesolved , That as a maik of respect an
affection for the exalted \iitues of this hei
and patriot this house do now adjourn.
Ke.iohed , That the speaker ot the house t
dheetcdto transmit to the widow of tl
honored dead a copy ot these resolutions , an
an asbiinuico of the heartfelt sympathy of tl
house in hei bOirow fni beieavement , whlc
Is alike her * and the countiy'b.
The losolutlonsvvcro adopted and accon
higly the bouse adjourned.
Weather lor To-Day ,
Mi - > oi'iti VAMJ-.V Fair weather ; blow
lising tempei-atuie : winds becoming vai
able. '
Main Provisions of Senator Manderson's
Measure for "fcfllitary Increase.
The Editor of the Dee Continues Ills
Argument AVhlsUy rtlnR nt AVork
Western 1'ostnl ChntiRCB
Srnntor MnndciHon'8 Army Kill.
WAsiii > nox , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
gram , ] Senator Manderson , Horn committee
on military affatis , repoitcd to the Iho senate
to daj his bill to Increase the efficiency of the
Infantry branch of she army. Ills icpoit Is
exhaustive and cdmpichenslvp. Among
many other tilings It states : "The change
pioposed is trom the single bnttallon now
composing a icgliuent to a regimental line ol
thiecbaltallons , placing an Infantry rcglmcnl
on the name footing with a regiment ol
cavalry or aitillcry In the matter of it'
organisation. " The effect of this would be
to relieve the stagnation In piomotlon that
now oxlsts In the Infanlry arm , which tend'
to apathy and Inefficiency. Promotion , how
evei , would bo merely one Incident lo tlu
adoption of thesjslem contemplated , vvhlcl
ha'j become an Imperative military necessity
pi oduccd by changed conditions In modcrr
warfare , llfty captains would bo made
majois , 100 lirbt lieutenants would bcconu
captains , 150 second lieutenants would bi
made ( list lieutenants , and 200 second lieu
tenanls would be commissioned ; provided , II
should bo deemed best to fully olllccr the pro
posed thlid battalion of each regiment.
The lncrca o ot pay which thcbo promo
tlons would Involve would amount to S104,10 <
pci annum , and Iho aggicgato pay ot Uio20 (
additional second lieutenants contemplatci
would amount to 825:0,000 , a total of 834,120
while the annual cost of 50 additional com
panics of M ) men each would bo 5070,176
making a grand total ot 1,003,29,1. Tlu
policy ol the country being to dispense with
a largo standing army and to maintain r
toico just sufllclent tosuppic- Indlaiuald !
and Inteinal local disscntlon , the icgulai
mil itai y force of the nation Is a more skclotoi
ot an auny , valuable in any great cmcigencj
for leavening purposes , berv ing as a lallylnj
point in such cases for an inci eased foice
Under such ciicumsttinces it Is impoitan
tint the small foico undei aims should b <
biougbt to the vcryhlghdstpoint ot efficiency
andthcio maintained. " Fmther , the leper
iccognl/es that the Infantiyis tl c leadliif
branch of the anny , hnd quotes General' '
Sheildan and Hancock'as favoring tlu
objects of Iho bill.
Before the house committee on commcici
to day , M i. 12. KosovVater , edllorof the Omah :
BI.K , continued his argument in support o
the Heagan intci-state comineico bill. Tin
author of the Tncasmo was an at
tenth o auditor ' ' tluoughout the tvvi
houis talk , and "Mr. Dunham , a mein
mei of tlio committee , from Chicago , asket
the bpeakei many qu-fttions on the subject
ovlucing a keen Imeiest. Air. Ifosevvatei
took strong ground against any legislatlor
on Inlei-slato commerce which delegate !
power to any comtnlbslon. Hesaldltwai
but a subterfuge and would be a failure
What was needed was an absolute law , witl
local or United State's courts as places of re
dress. Ho showed how the lalhoad corpora
tions loaded the people in the countiy thci
treasuied with blanket mortgages , by bond
ing their road more heavily than any othe :
property , being assured that the bonds wouli
be paid because the people had to patronzi
them. Tlio moio railioads there were tin
higher were the traffics , because under tin
present pool system , instead of affoulln ;
competition , a multiplicity of railroads onli
atfoid monopolies.
w IIISKY vnnsus vixnoAit.
It Is rumoied that the whisky ring of tin
countiy Is oiganlzed for a big light upon th <
law passed borne jcars ago aulliorUIng Hi
manufaotuio of vinegiu by what Is known a
the vaporizing process. A powerful lobby i
already here , and it is said that a potentia
lund has been lalscd to try and wipe out th
law in question in the Interest of the di
tillers. This law has lednced the piico o
\inegartothocountiyone-half , the price o
compressed j east one-half , and has built u ;
an enoimous while vvluo Unegar Industry
especially in the west. The great dlslillci o
Cincinnati , Mr. Fleishman , with Di. Hush o
Chicago and lotheis , aie heio heading th
column , and It is understood that they wll
atlempt to bcciuc the icpcal of this law at al
A rnsr ron run rojiMmnn ,
Ilcpiesentalivo Fullci of Iowa , a inembc
of the hoii'-o coinage committee , to-day pic
sentud to thatcommitttoa lesolutlon whlc
will in all probability settle the question ate
to the standing of the committee on thoquc'
tion of suspending the coinage of sllvei. Th
lesolutlon ib as follows :
Resolved , That the best interests of th
country demand that the colnaro of Mhi
should not bo suspended at this time.
It isprobiblo tlmt this resolution will b
taken up with the othcis now bcloro th
coinage committee at Its meeting on Fildaj
A vote on Mi , Fullers resolullon vvoul
effectually settle the sllvei question , as far a
the house committee is concerned.
Postmasters' coiumls-ilons were to-day I1
sued forAlfied Uiown at Glcnvvood ( Neb ,
and George W. Leo at llinerald ( Neb , ) , an
lei Whcelock S. Ihown at Sheffield ( lows
and I.ovlna Kllno atDodgcvlllo ( Iowa ) ,
Changes have bcon oideicd as follows I
the time schedule of the Star mall route froi
1'Ieico to Disliop ( Neb. ) : Leave Plerco , Sa
unlays at 9a.m. ; arrive atUNhop by 12 n
Leave Ulshop , Saturday at 1 p. m. ; airivo i
I'ioicoat4p. in.
The Star mail servicft from Quota to Will
ncyvlllo ( Iowa ) has been oulcred dlscoi
tinned. i
w OIIKIXO ron Avotiinn counx.
Senatoi Van Vyck and' Mr. Coirell , <
Nebraska , had a conference to-day wll
Senatoi Kdmnnds , chairman of the judicial
committee , with > iow to incieaso tl
United .States judicial dlslilct foi Nebrask
Although lie is opposed to an Incic.ibO i
dlstilcls , he asstned them that If business I
thedlbtiicteouit was two 01 thieojcars b
hind , lie would favor anotliei , That mob
bly will bccmo a second district lorNtbra
Judge Cooley of Iowa is quoted in an Into
\levv in aTfew Yoik paper as sa > Ing that tl
assumption that the west Is In fa\or of tl
continuation of silver coinage is not tru
3 Ho sajs the masses aio against It , and tin
3a not two men In Chicago aio In favor of I
3J Ho sajs the mass of the republicans In tl
a west are for Lo an foi the iie-st president ! !
J candidate.
, rr.usoNAi. Avn OTIUUVVSK.
Clnrles F. Onion and 0. N. Dlctz ot Omni
unlved hoie from New York 1 let evening.
Mr , MouIbon expects to present his tail
bill in the comultteo of ways and means !
n da ) oi two. HeuuisiiUs few people abe
It , amlte PVeniimbl 1 , ajrico with his tiTei
Mr. Hewitt on i-ssi-rainl joaits. It 1
hat Mr. Hewitt will present an alternative
icasuro to tlio coinmlttei1.
Pension Coiumlsslonci Black had a hear-
ng before the pension committee of the
ouso jeslerday , in which ho declared him-
elf in favor of removal of the limitation of
line for tiling pension auoars claims.
Itepicaentatlvo Weaver's bill , oxtcndlni ; to
lie poit of Omaha the provisions of a port of
lellvcry , has been well iccclvcd by the mem-
icrs generally , favorably constdcixid by the
ouiniitlee-i of both hou&cs , and wlllnndoubt-
dly bo passed.
Senator Manderson today Introduced In
lie senate the bill Intioduced In the house
ast Monday by llcproscntatlvo Dorsey , pro *
Idlng foi holdliiK teims of United States
Jid circuit courts In the district ot Nebraska.
IX-Govoinor Campbell of Iowa , who is
ontcsllnglhoseatof liepicsonlatlvo Weaver ,
eft here tonight for Ucllcfonlaino ( Ohio ) ,
vheieho will visit his biothcr foi ten dajs.
iVhcn ho lettirns his caxo is to bo taken up
orconsldciation by the house committed on
' nii.i.s iNTiiont'cnn.
WA'siitMno.v , Feb. 10. ll'iess.I In.tho
cnate to day the bill lo allow disctiarged
limy oillcers one year's pay and allowances
vas loported adverhelv.
The senate bill , by Senatoi Mandeison , to
novideloi holding at least ono tcim of the
Jnited btatrs dlslrlct and ciicult courts for
ho district ot Nebiaska In each jeai , at the
ollowlng named places : Omaha , Lincoln ,
Nebraska City , Hastings , Noriolk and Kcai-
icy.By Senator Allison Anthoi lying the com-
nisblonei of the goneial land olllco to read
list the accounls of recNleis of hind olllces
and receivers of public monies who scived
assuehlioiiiMaich ! ! , 1M3 , to July 1 , lbr,2.
and to audit and settle mtlltaiy bounlj land
warrant fees which they vveie compelled , by
oidei of the general land office , to pay Into
.ho tieasuiy ; to audit and setllo eommls-
> ! ons on purchase money chaiges made by
hem for guards' f-eivlce , lianspoitatlou , and
leposltlng , the public monies due to them to
beiefunded , wltli Intoiest atfl pei cent. It
ippiopiiates 51,000.000 lei the purpose.
THI : sn.vini suiur.cT ix rm.hcE.
The secietary of stale his lecelved a tele-
; ram fiom Mlnlstci McLanoat Paris , dated
he Oth Insl. , as follows : "Them was a de
late yesterday In the chamhei with reference
0 the depreciation of llio commciolal value
of bilver. Thegoveminent was urged to ask
01 lesuiuplion of Iho 1 iteinalloual confer
ence of Ibbl. The minister ot finance bald
nest of the powers inteiested weie Indis
posed to change their piesent ratio between
: old and silver. The minister of foietgn
ilfahs said ( lie Frcncli go'eminent was not
ndlsposcd to negotiate with the othci gov-
Mnmenls. but that at piesont the time was
lot favoiablo foi such negotiations , and
lesiied tliat the question bo Indefinitely post-
> oncd. Theieupon tlie chambei postponed
indefinitely Anther consldcmtlon of the
subject. "
A MUL cAiiiiinn Munnr.r.nn.
Superintendent Jamison , ot the rallvvav
nailbcivice , has icceivcd a blood stained
'eatlici mail bag fiom the west , which has
: > een slit open with a knife. It boie tlio tol-
lovving Inloimatlon fiom Wailleld , snpeiin-
Icndent of the wcslern division : Tlio In-
lian nuestinn as it applies to the postollico
dcpaitmcnt About a p. m. on July 21 , Ibs5 ,
while F. M. Peteison , in ill canier on the
route tiom Cilltendcn to Locldel , Plina
county ( Arl/ . ) , was on his leturn tiip fiom
Locheil , he was killed by Apache Indians.
After mindciing the caiiicrtlio Indians cut
open the pouches and deployed the mail ,
Leailng Into fragments and scatteiing it over
tlio ground. Tvv o pouches w cio can led ; the
one hctcvvlth was lelt upon the scene of the
tragedy and beais the sanguinary stains of
the ylctim. ! „ .
"WOUTCOF coMJiiTrnrs.
Thobill appropriating S OO.OOO tor the ex-
lenslon of the benefits of the bignal service
to lannois bv-means ot signals dlsplajed at
telephone stations , was favoiably loported
to the house committee on azncultnre by the
sub committee having tlmt subject iu chaigc.
National Owners ol'Fast Horse flcsli
in Meeting.
CHICAGO , Feb. 1' ' ) . Tlio biennial meeting
: ) f the National Tiotlintr association becran
lierc this alternoon. Tlicie w as neaily a lull
repiescntation present. The principal ob
ject of the meeting is to pcrtect the oigani a-
tion by amending defective rules and adding
such otlieis as aio needed. Ono ot the mlcs
pioposed to amend is that i elating lo entncs ,
so as lo pi event the same hoi so on the same
date to make moio than ono cutty in a cii-
cuit. The change is Intended to result
in the hoises taking a propel
place as rcgaidb class , pipventlng , ioi
instance , a 2.20 hoibo being cnterpd
as a tiircc-minute , and going thiough the
season as such. The heaviest holdcit > of
proxies weio T. J. Vail , pceietaiy.15 ; G. N.
Aiclioi , 17 ; J. D. Cair , 14 ; David Honnei , 10 ;
H. V. Bemlb , 14 ; and H. G. Hancock , o !
Thoicnoits of the becietaiy and tieasurci
showed S9.COD on hand. The scciotaiv said
the amount named made up the "trust Innd"
at Spiinpficld. The icpiescntatlvcs present
scorned to know nothing of such lund and a
lively debate ensued. Finally adjoinninont
till to-monow morning was to allow
the mombcis an oppoitunlty to study Iho
The Chess Experts Tied.
Si. Ijori" , Feb. 10. The chess match was
resumed again lo day undci about Iho same
circumstances as before and about the same
audience as on the pievlous dajs. The gamete
to day Is pionomiLcd by experls as Iho bc t
yet placed , especially on the pail of Stelnlt/ ,
who dining the last halt ol the gamoplajcd
not only brilliantly but aggiesslvely , and de
servedly won Hie admiiatlon ol the spec-
latois. Stelnlt/ having won tlneo games the
contest heio Is closed and will bo lesnnieil at
Now Oilcans In two weeks. Doth plaven
will probably icmain here a week and ( hen
leave foi the Ciesccnt City. The contestants
aio now a tie , each hav Ing won foui games.
Paddy Is Still in Iho Hint ; .
CnifAoo , Feb. 10. The following telogiam
was sent at a late hour this alteinoon In
ansvvci to John L. Sullivan's ultimatum to
Paddy Ilynn :
To John L. Sullivan , Uoston If tele
graphic repoit of join final challenge to me
this day iscoucct , 1 will meet jou In pilvati !
with kid gloves lei i-.100 , lime , plucoand
icleuo lo be agreed upon hercattei.
Sohaoffor nncl Vlgnnuv.
Nr.w Yoiiic , Feb. 10. Schacirci and Vlg-
naux to night signed articles for a mate )
game of billiards , fourteen inch balk line ,
! i,000 points up , 000 points pu night , begin
ning Maich 2 , lor 81,000 a bide , the vvlnnci t <
taku all the rctelptb and the loser to pay al
A Feed Mill Boiler Explodes ant
Kills Two Men.
OSIIKOBII , WIs , , Feb. 10. Uy an ctplosloi
ot a feed mill boiler heio this atteinoon
Walt Foiled and Ilclnhold Labor wore In
stanlly killed , and bcveial other peibons serl
ously Injured. The body of Follett , who wa1
ono of Iho propilctoia ol the mill , was blovvi
through the building and neaily a block ho
> end , and was frightfully mutilated. .Sev
eral men and bov& wlio weio ncai at the tlmi
ot thu explosion , w lilch bhook the whole city
received uiokcn arms and limbs.
Tie | ClKarinaUer's Strike.
Nnvv YOIIK , Feb. 10. The Intel nationa
CIgarmakci'b btiike committed met this even
Ing and instructed the .secietary to wlthhoh
publication of thoaction taken by the vaiiou
braiu lies and unions pending actual settle
ineiH ol'tl.u tdlke. Tils Pjogieaslvo unloi
has completed Its lound of the ohipSt.but ha
not yet picpaied an av erased hcalooi
at wnitli it is expected all the Piogi
will bo at work Mondav next.
Sf.le or n Kailioad.
Svmxorinui , III. , Feb. 10. 'Iho Danville
Olijoy & Ohio ItiVPi railway w s . > ! d to da ;
by tlK ) master of the Unlltd M. , , - > ehcul
comt. It was puichn-icd Ly ( ' W. 1 alibank
rouns"l lei the boiulhoUIcia' committc
Another Mob Congregates lu London but
Disperses After Doing Some Busi-
inoss Place Dostnictioui
LONDON , Feb. 10. 13 m. Thus fai to-day
hero has been no renewal of the Holing In
his city. A dense fog" prevails and favois
ho congicgatlon of roughs. Small crowds
ot loafers ate assembled on the street
Col. Henderson , head of the mctiopolltan
inllco foicc , has been In conference to-day
vllh Chllders , homo seciclary. In iclatlon to
ho riots of Monday and Tuesday. An un-
ca y feeling picvalls throughout thn melio-
lolls In conseqnenco of the events of the
nsttwodajs. Ilundiodsof genulno work-
ngmcn who me out of employment , aio
\atchlngabout Trafalgar sipiaiothls nftei-
loon. They have a very dejected appeal-
: t p. m. News has Just been locelvcd in the
cltv tint a mob ol loughs , which assembled
at Deptfoid , aie matching tovvaut the city
uul aio smashing windows and wiecklng
lomo fionts along the loute.A panic picvalls
n thatpoitton of the city which the mob It )
Ikcly to travpisoand shokeoncis | aioc'loslinr
hell establishments. Thu police and tioops
aio In leadlness to prevent tlio mob liom ni-
mniiiir the piqpoitionsol that ol Momhi }
uid fioincommlhlngsliulliu excesses.i
The Deptfoid mob has leached Hope ex-
haugo in Soulhvvark , neaily live miles liom
he slatting iioint. 'llioinaich of the mob
vas enoimously Incicased by eonstant acees-
ions in its piogicss noith. All shops along
ho route weio closed. Tlio destination ol
lie Deptfoid ciovvd seems to be Tralalgai
qiiaro. The mob Is lesllng In Soiithwark
Hitwccn London biidgo and Ulaek Filars
nidge. The mlleo have been oideied to so-
cm o possession ol all bildges dossing the
hei'Ihamcsaud toieblst all attempts on
ho p.ut ot the mob to cioss.
t'lio jiolico at tills hour hold all
iridgo approaches and aio picpailng
o resist attack. The nuthoiltics have
valued all tiadosinen doing business In tlio
Stiand , Cockspur stiect , Pall Mall and He-
; ent stiect to expect dlsoulei to-night and to
nimedlately close lliclr shons and take steps
o piotect tlioli piopcity. West Knd alieadv
ms a funeral appe.unnce. The Deptfoid
iiobon tlio way towaid the Thames swung
hiough New K nt loid and Ncvvlnirton
caifcoway. They sacked scveial small sliops
ilong tuo way. They slopped at the
uaiiimoth establishment of William
Tain it Co. Tins establishment
cov cis ground fiom and including No. 5 to 21
on New Kent load and lT ( > to 17.i on tlio Novv-
ngton causeway and is devoted to trade In , men's and women's clothes , boots
\nd shoes , caipets , Ironvv.ue , bedding , luini-
tui e , etc.
The building was * nder police prolccllon ,
but Iho mob ovenan the ollict-is , sacked the
stoic , and when they ictlicd left the building
badly vviecked.
1:30 : p. m. The estimate hciotofoie made
ot losses Inflicted by the mob on Monday np-
icaiedto have been gieatly too small. The
ollicial estimate places the danngo at M,000.
Various bociallbtic and laboi icloim societies
lu eaten to have a moiibtci demoustiation at
ilydd jmk next Salmday , to bo at-
ended by contingents ot laboi erg fiom
tlio countir. Shops are being closed
indbaiilcaded cvci > wheie tluoughout the
5. p. m. The police have been Informed
hat the Deptford mob was composed of a
nrgo numbei of loughs who have oigani/ed
, o attack the city emporiums and banks and
such stores as Domain open , at this hour ,
mvo thch windows closed and baired and
uo icady at a _ moment's to close
their + doonw Grmipyj , - & of * nnxlous
[ icoplo stand about In the stieets discussing
: lie bituallon. The newspapers aio printing
ettia editions and tjicse am eagerly bought.
At this liom tlio fog Is Ineieaiinp.
( i p. m. The mob lias dispersed. The
sheets aio thioiigcd , but no conflict with the
nuthoiitlcs has jet occurred. A socialist
meeting Is to bo held thib evening at Cnm-
tCilandmaiket. At 5SO : o'cloclc , two and
one-half hours bcfoie the time announced
lei the assemblage , ovei 10,000 moti weio on
the giound waiting to attend Iho meeting.
Thlscrovvd was being constantly minmonted
by accessions fiom Tialalgai squafe. Cav-
ahy Irom Albany barracks , and laige bodies
ot pollco have been oideicd to icmaln in
icadiness to maintain oidci at the Cumbci-
land meeting.
A niovciiieul has been Inauguiatcd to sc-
euie a meeting of all London mombcis ot the
liousc ot commons , both llheial and cou-
soivallve , to devise measines lei immediate
toilet of the distress In London. Itlspio-
nosed to dcputl70a stiong committee to urge
the cabinet to action.
LOMION , Fob 10. By 8 o'clock a ciovvd
numbering many thoimnd had gathcied in
Cinnbciland maikct. The leaders appealed
shoitlv. and aftei consultation it was re
solved to abandon the attempt to hold a meet
ing lo-night on account ot the fog. The
meeting adjoin ncd till Tuesday. '
MIDNIGHT The city is quiet and thociovvd
dlspcised. The panic is subsiding. The
staiols without paiallel in the history of
London. Ten thousand dc poiate- men WPIO
gathoied In the htiecls , and only needed
rtomo one mojo iccklesi than IhcmsolvPs lo
lead llieiu lo commit Iho w Ildest cx.ce.sies.
Quietude on the Coast.
Poiui-Axi ) , Oic. , Feb. 10. Evei } thing is
quiet at both Seattle and Olympla. The
militia me still on duty at Seattle , anxiously
awaiting the aiiival ol government troops
At Olymnla tlio slicilff's posse Ib able to keep
peace. Piecautlons have been taken bv the
stale and municipal autlioiitles at Poilland ,
and by pilvatocItUeus , to piovent trouble
SnATn.i : . W. T. , Foh. 10. The city lias be
come a milltaiy camp and every corner Is
guaidpd by a sentiy. Milltaiy inle Is sn-
pienie. Tfieio has been noclliut on the pnrt
ot the Hotel s to Intel tcic , noi even to hold a
mretlng. They aio without iccognl/cd
leadois and aio utteily iiowriless to do any
thing so long as tliumllltaiv aionndei anus.
OM.MIMA , I'eb. 10 , Today li0 ! lesponsiblo
citizens oiganl/Pd thenisehes inlo a nome
iriwul , and were hvvoin In as deputy sheiiirs.
nveiything was quiet dm lug the day , and
thopiosperts aio that thcic will bo no re
newal ol the diet in banee.
The Colco Ro lou Rumpus.
CoNr.viu.sviu.i : : , Pa. , Feb. 10.--Thoshi'illl
auested Iho felilkeib lo day , who weu
cliaiged vvllh having i.utlcliited ) In the le
cent ilols al tlio lleniy Clay vvoikb. Tlu
men otleicd no icblstancc1.
THI : rutc iuicoitD.
.V Stable of Valunldo Horsh Flcsli
Consuinod. "
HusTnr.s Poixr , N. Y. , Fib. 10 , Thl'
morning , at ! J o'clock a Iho destioyed tlu
Hempstcad tlub bt.ililo , helonglng tothoMea
dovv Hinnk Idiut , 3'tst Mcnidow. Two othei
htableson pilliti Mi ! vviio also dcstioyod ,
TwontV'ioui viiu.ui ) hoiscs weio albi
binned , 'I lie r ii'n i. / u u tlio names of tlu
pilnclpal hoiM1" , \ \ i KM Hunt , Hobson'i
Choice , llojal rju-h anil TinniboiiP , ownei
by Stanley Moitimci ; Jeilco and Samel
wood , owned by JJ. A. Stokes
' 1'oinbler and Dan , owned b ;
H. IS. Ittchatdbon , K. D. Cushlng's Donnci
all ; H. ( J , Kdjo'd Cowboy and pony. Tin
lemalnclei were valuable hiinlcis owned h ;
Klllot Koscvelt , J. D. Dointoid , Uolmon
Pmdy and oiheis. Tim total loss In hoibo
flesh Is S'iO.OOO , The losb on tlie stablus Ii
ST.OOO. . 'Iho stables weio lnsuieil.
Fii o in ! S'evv Vorlc.
Ni vv VOKK , Feb. 10 , A fiiooepinied h
the siib-ccllai ot the seven btoiy bulldlds , No
174(1 ( lliondvvay , owned by O , W. Pottoi
Tiui'u linns vviio damaged to thn extent o
JsVO.dOO , niul thu damage to the building abon
SV10"- The insuiaiicc of the several linn
amountb to 5100,000.
Streol ISiirneil.
Si. P\t i. , Feb. IO. A lire this moinlngdc
r'.iincd bain ot the stiPCt lailvva ;
pompan.v , f-Uiing a lo-s ol % 0tOJ. Th <
hoi w-1 win i'l ' ii'-.cjl.liiil twenly-llve cai
uni d , IIISUMIIIO , " 45003 ,
Hlirncd to Duatli.
Ill J i AM ) , \ , V , , Fib. 10.liolit S o'elocl
thib nrnuunga Ihe di'stioud the liousc of (
T.Ma > nfci. Mayjiei aiul wiluejc
ted alh. .Uotlt vveroottjcauoUL .
Full Text of the Senate Measure Introduced
by Mr , Allison ,
Strong Opposition lo
Admission Aiming tlic House Mom-
bcis M iiybury Opposed to the
Ktluentlon Hill.
Senator Allison's Hllvor HIM.
WASHINO-ION , Feb. 10. ( Specials-Senator
Allison , of Iowa , piosonlcd his silver bill In
the senate ve-dculay. The following Is the
full text of tlu ) mcasuii > :
SKcno.Vl. That lieieafIcr any holdei of sil
ver coins of full lecaltPiulcr value mny , nt his
option , presont" them In sums of 5oO ? or any
multiple thc/cof at the tieasmy oi at the snb-
tieasiny In thooity of Now Yoik , and receive
therelor In exchange n like amount of gold
coin 01 United States notes , and any holder of
uold coin may in like manner present the
'bamo and iccclvo thuiofoi silver coins ol full
legal tendei value ol United States note * .
Piovided. thai nothing heroin shall bo con
strued to aiithoil/o an incicasoof the aggre
gate Issue ol United States notes now author
ised by law , noi lo lestilctoi limit Iho issue
of gold 01 bllvei ccitllleales as now provided
by law.
See. a. That sections SUH and 5101 of the
revised statutes mo heieby icpcatcd. nud the
word "lawful money" vvhcrovci It occurs In
the stilutcs ot the United Slates , shall bo
coiibtiued lo include Untied Slates notes ,
gold and silvei of full legal tendei.
Sec. 0. That all laws and naits of laws ic-
( lulling the lawful money deposited with the
tieasurorof the Untied States , as piovldcd
by section 5223 of the icvlsed statutes to beheld
held as a special fund for the icdempllon of
noles of national banking associations , aio
heieby icpcaled ; and all monny now depos
ited. 01 which may heicaflci bo deposited ,
under bald section , shall bo covcied Into the
United States licasmy , and all sums now de
posited , oi sums which may hereafter bo de
posited with the tieasuicr ot the United
States as authorized by section 4 ol an act
cntlllcd "An act fixing the amount of United
Stales noles piovldlng foi icdlsliibutlou of ;
national Innk curicucv , and for other pur-
pobes , " tippioved.June20,1371 , shall bo cov-
cicd into the tieasmy.
Sec. 4. That section H of the last named
act Is heieby amended so as to nutboii/o tlio
icdcmpllon of nallonal bank notes In gold
01 sllvei , and to autlioii/o the deposlto o
gold 01 silvei in lieu of United States notes ,
icqulied lo bo deposiled by said section.
THINK riiniin is A.C.VICII IN IT.
The bjll lecently intioduced In tlio senate
by John Sherman , of Ohio , which piovidcs
for the issue ot coin ceitlliealcs upon gold
ami suver million , and for the puiohasooC
fiom two to loin million troy ounces of sllvOB
bullion per month , Instead ot Ihe picsent two
million doll us woith per month , has becii
discussed , infoimally iji the clcjak ,1001113 oii
both siaei of the houso'for the past week or
tcu'days. Fiom these Informal discussions
idea of the fooling of eltlioi the silver or the
anti-silver men towauls this mcasuip. Some :
how or other both sides seem to
think theio is a "catch" in It.
All aio veiy cheoiy about expicsslng au
opinion eitliei in favoi of or in opposition lo
It. Among the icptibllcan advocates ol sll-
vci , how evei , theio Ib a gcncial belief that the
bill should bo caiefuily considered because of
Hie souico fiom which it oilglnalcs , and for
the snmo icison the dcir.nciallc mcmbois aio
disposed lo tight shy. This bill piomisc.s tp
oceupj a conspicuous figuio in the coming
discussion on the silver pioblcm , and it is
likely that befoic this discussion is linlshed
Its cnthe outline will bo ni.itcilallj ehangcd
by the blieiiuan silver Iiill.
DAKOTA JI.V.Y Din iv aiiE iiousi : .
Congicsaiuan Uakci of Now Yoik , who Is
a membei ot thu house committee on tcnl-
toiics , siys llial thoie is no doubt in his mind
Ihat a majority of the committee will repoit
in lavoi ol the admission of the entiio tcrrl-
loiy ol Dakota , but ho sajs a mlnoiitj icport
will bo made which will lavoi the passage of
the bcnato bill.
'i am inclined to think , " said Mr. linker ,
"thai this bill will have moio suppoiterson
thodcmociatlcsldo of the house than It had
among the dcinociats in Iho senate , though I
am unable to bay that I think it will pass at
this session. "
"What objections have been lalsed to llio
diviblonV" Mi. Dakci
foilj-sixth paiallel was
ask i d.
"Tho objecllons , as far as 1 have been able
to learn , " he icplled , "aio of a political nature
cnthely. Dtyond the factth it such a division
would Insuio ono icptiblican state now and
anothci In tlio near Inline , theio Is no reason
why the tenltoiy should not bo divided as a
majoiltyol Iho Inhabitants ask us to divide
It. liul the political reasons in tlio piescnt
house are , I feat , stion ? cnouqh todcleat the
passage of the bill. "
The WI11U hill , which Is substantially of
tlio bamo chaiacter as the Dlalr bill , to pro
vide ioi educational aid to the schools of the
country , has been i cloned by the hoiibo com
mittee on education to a sub committee con-
bistlng of Messis. Willis of Kentucky , May-
Duly of Michigan , and Ciutlti of Pennsyl
vania. Mr. Willis Is of course in favor ot the
bill , and it is believed that Govcinor Cinllu
will also advocate It. Mi.MayburyJiowover ,
isiinalleiably opposed to It. Ho sajs that
the schema Is u bad one , and should not ro-
ccivo the sanction of congioss. lie expects
to bo in the mlnoiity when the bill Is lepoitcd
to the house , but ho has hopes that enough
opponents can bo Milled against the bill it )
defeat It when itball ( como up lor consider
Another Nomination.
WASIIIVOION , l < eb. 10 The pipsldr-nt cent
the lollow ing nomination to the benate to
day : Stpphru A , Walltei. to bo United
States attorney lei the southein distili't of
New Yoik ,
The Next American Cardinal ,
Nuv YOIIIC , F ( b. 10 , Aichblshop Ooii Igati
Kcelved a cablegram fiom Homo jcsteiday
nniiounrlng that Aichblshnp Gibbons of
lialtinuiHi would bo wealed a caidinul at the
coming eonsistoiy.
VIotlniH ol'u Klot.
A II.AXTA , O.i. , Feb. 10. llnmoib ot n riot
have leaihid bun fiom Clayton lotinty.
Tlneo men , tvvobiothcis mimed Vi'iialjlo and
ODD mimed Dhlin , aie lepoitcd to have been
Hallway Noles.
Thrt suieiiiiteiiileiits ] of all tlie lines
ccnteiing lieio and in Council UltilVb Inihl
tliolriogular monthly mooting Yostonluy
In thul'.ixton hotel , dibeiiisint ; opouxlfng
questions of niiitiial intoien. J'lieso
iiu'iUnjfi luivo fornii'ily been liehl at the
Council Mlnlls transfer , but was hi ought
over Jicio for heifer i
Pell Jluiii < ; li it Haluhivny.
.folin Tu i'ii , an inn'Moyu in llu.-c.ill's
Cosniuioliiin ] ) hilt A > U tln-ougli .1 hatch
> vuv lat t ni ht aii < l Mtetninrd u fc-noie
( 'oniiMi/i-im IMP lund. Hi vv.ia innovpcl
f o his Jiuiiu i\\ : \ > \ and ini-Ufil uis1s- 'ininioi.iJ , His iiji rica me
< i uito bt > Ycii > , though not I'-my ' iou .