Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    * * H
were inndo to-dny' nt Oc , but tlio market ctn
not ho ruiotril n\cr 7Mfc. Tttfkcys , KCCHO
ntitl ducks nro nil qtiotmi atl lOc.
Ciir.nsB Kftnry full rrcatn ehcdilars. Oc-
tooer timkt1. llcllat : We : JOUIIR Amerlra ,
J2c ! fir. t qtmlity S\vi < cliecsc , lCcsecoiul :
finality , I'kjJUc ' ; Oilck cliccsc , IC
UAMI ; Deer , antclojip , pralrlo clilck-
ens nnd quail \\cio out of season on ifantiaty
1. nnilsoM'iy few tire roming In. t'ralrle
clilckcns' iior doz , S2.WXW.75 : quail jiordo/ ,
S1.25C < n.r > 0 ; lack rabbits P T elnz , 83.00 ® 1.00 :
mallard ducks ! leal < lttcks Sl.iKQl.nO ;
mixed ducks , Sl.\il,5' ) ; small rabbits. 7 : c ( < $
81,00 ; pcc c , .OOftfl./jO.
Pitn ( i.HVis : .jKt.i.ins. HTC. Pic crvcs
nil kinds. eo-Ib. palls per lb. , I0 < c ; do lo pail
ot ? , pir II ) . lOc ; ass < irted 5-lb. pails per ( rate ,
CralK ? : ,7ft. Jellies , nil kinds , Hist grade ,
CO lb. palls , per lb. , 8ciwoitcd ; , liret grade ,
5-lh pails IHT crate , 6 palK per iloz. , . ' . ) ;
do , Mb palls , IHT case. 2 do2..5 ! ; do , tumb
lers , per case. 2 dor. . . SMO. Jelly , all kinds ,
second iradc ; , TO lb. palls , per lb. be. .Mlnco
Jlcat , best ( ? iadc , ' { bbl. per lb. , 7c ; do , IS.
US and OS lb palls , per'Jib. , 7kc : do. 5-lh
palls , per t rale , 0 pall" , S3.7. " > . Apple butter.
i-Miii line , 4 bbl. , unr lb. , 7c ; do 40-lb palls ,
lier II ) . . 7' ' & : tin. fi-lb iialls. ] ) er cntte.
S-.T.\ 1'eiuli and plum butter , 40 It ) pall" , per
lb. , tike ; peach , ilium and ( ] tilncc butler , as-
Borted , 5-lb. palls , per einli1 , 0 wills , S ( . " > ;
ratsup per rase , 2 do/ , pint boltles , S5.00 ;
horseradish , pint bottles , per doS1.50. .
1'tos FKP.T , 'Ittti'K , Kir Pies' feet
per \ { bbl. . 84.75 : do. X bbl. ,
fcu.40 : do. per kit , Sl.oo. Lambs' tonirues , per ,
U bb ! . , K.I . . Ml" ; ilil . per kit , . - ! . > 7,1 ; , . . quart
Jars per do/ . , $ .Vx ) ; do. pint Inis per ease ,
2 doz. . sr.OO. Ti Ipe , per J , ' bbl. , 4.oO ; do. pe
Jsbbl l. : . uei kit. Kv
HAt'i'.it ' KiiAt'r Best quality , 4) cal bbl ,
87.iV ) ; iio { ral bbl. SO.M ) ; ir.irnl bnl. V4.0) ) .
Ni'rs I 'emits , IniKcnolislied , lie ! pecans ,
medium , ! fcr Kimllsli wnlnntn , 14e : almonds ,
TmniL'ona , "Oc ; do , LangueiKx : , 17e ; lira lls ,
I''e , illborts Ue ; po.imUs. liand picked , fancy
Vliilnlii. 7cdo : loabted I'c.
OOMH MIIMV : CalliorntaB ib frame fx ) Ibs ,
In rnso per lb. , 15c ; 10 lb. frames , Nebiaska.
Ibe.CIIIKII Mlelilcnn tclined , per bbl , , SO.fX ) ;
In. hail bbl. . 4. ( ) ( ) .
Vi.M.oAit Wliltowliu' , lOc ; elder , 12 c.
Coco vxi1 1 H At S4.U03M..W.
Miw : Tins lA'ii.s : , r.ic. la > erli s. 5 nnd
S-ll ) boxes , nor lb , li ( { 17c ; I'liinelle-i. ! i" > lb
boxes , pet lb , I'c , Dates , fancy , 13-lb
boxes , | icr lb. He ; do , lancy Persian , fX-lb )
boxes , per Ib , lie.
l.iiMoNs Kaiicy Messina and Palermo , per
bux , * 5X ( : di > . eboleu lcixlini und Paleiuio ,
per box , 3I.M : do. per 5 box lot. 84.00.
OIIA.M.IISClmlcc Los Atmeles , per bov ,
S'J.75 : do. . " > bn\ lots , per bovJ.r,0 , ; do , 10 bov
lots , W.MI ; fancKiM'iside , ? : t.r.O ; do , 5 box
lots , si.i.'fl : do. 10 IKIV lots. SM.OO.
CitANiii.iiniiCapo : , Cod etanbeiiles. per
bbl , t\tO C.ipo I ' " 1 < lo. 5 bhl lols. pel-
bill SS.IKI : Hell ntul Cbcrry ii ! > , per bbl , 5 > .T5 ;
Jlell and Cheiiy ( It1 , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. 5-5.50.
Ai'i'i.ns .Not iiuifli stoelv Is moving. Il
linois L'l'lillous , per bbl. , W.40 : do , 5 bill lots ,
.V > . 'ido. ; . lOlblot.s , S'j.tx > : Illinois Willow
Twins Hen Davis , etc. S'.75 : ' ' > . fill1l | ' " 's ' ,
? 'J.f.Odo. ; 10 bbl lots , $ -5 : ! ; fancy .Micliit'an
htoek. s.t/0ii'jr. : ! / : ; .
OHAi'KS ainlnua per bbl. 87.00.
HV.NANAS Ai'toHllnj ; to M/e , per bunch ,
. , . .
Piioviaioxs. llnnu 10 < < Cl l c , breakfast
bnron , t ( > ' \eele.ii : bide bacon , 7cdty ; salted
Fides , fie : shouldeis. suirar etitedc ; mess
pork per lib ! . . iia.VUi lard. 40 lb. eans. peril ) .
u feTe : 10. 5 und if Ib 7 ? @ 8c ; di led beef
linius. I''e.
l'orAiois : None ate comlntr , and pticcs
are nominal ut .TifeiWc tot choicestock.
YJHITAIIMS : : : Caliloinl.1 cabbage , "c per
lb ; Callloinia celery. S-.50 jiei doz : Jersey
sweet potatoes , Icperlb ; patsnlps , S'J.OO per
bnslr Mlehic.iii iiitabnK.i , SJ.W ) jipr bbl.
O.vioxs bait J.nko stock. 5.00 ! per bbl. ;
\Vetlieishelil \ , S'J.W ) pel bbl.
Hr.AXs Hand ulckcd navv. 51.75@3.00 ;
bund-picked medium , § l.f > 0 ( < M.75 : uood clean
eountrv. Sl.avtfl.fO : Infeiior. 75eW.00.
( iiiAix Tin * Idllowln aru tlio iirc\attiiiK
ptiees paid foiairou loads on the stieets
anillat the mill' ' ? tn-day : . Corn , ' - e ; oats LWg
! T e ; wheat , No. . OtM : rye.4r > a' > Jc. Kluvntor
prices lor ear lols : Coin , 21fc : oats ,
iil.4'e ; wheat , fii'dtu 'c ; lye , 44Kc ; bailey ,
4 e ,
Fi.ouit and .Mit.t.STuri'S W inter \ \ heut
Finn ; quality patent fit ? 3.00@a. 0.
Second miallty S'J. xg : .00.
tjpiiiiK wheat Best quality patent atS"3.50
. .
Hnckwhcat Flour In battels , So. 75 ; ready
raided ! ilb packages. S4.00 ; 0 lb packages ,
83.1K ) .
JJrnu fi'icjiorcw't.
Clioppe < l Feed Per 100 lbs.70c.
Corn ileal White , bOc ; j ellow , 75c pcrcwt
Hcreeninj ; No. 1 , 75c pcrcwt ; No. a , 50e.
Jlomiiiy Sl.W ) per cwt.
Shotts-fiOc per cwt.
( titilmm 81.75 pur cwt.
llnv H.ilcs. S0.00 7 oo per ton.
OYSTKIIS.JuoUti ( or to-day are : N. Y.
counts : , 4'xi ; i'xti.1 selects , 40e ; selects , 35c ;
standaids , i0c ! ; mediums , Me.
Funs ANB isKiss Prices on fins and
skins are sleady. ilink , eacli , 10@30e ;
muskrat , winter , iifflr * ; do. kits , 2c ; Utter ,
t2.rxiiO.OO ) ( ; skunk , shoit striped , LXdixj ; do.
broad st lined , 1015 ; badger. 25@.V ) ; Hac-
coon , No. 1 larye. JiKgfiO ; do. No. a , aoffl'30 ;
do. No. : i , lOtifiTc : wolf , tiiaiiio ffK xi ;
ilo. mountain. § ' , ' .003.X ( ) ; wildcat , 15@40bea- ;
\et , S1.50g'AW ( ) per lb ; fov. each , 1.40@1..V ) :
deei skin : . drv winter , 15i UJc per lb ; do. fall
nnd Mimni'T ' 20iZ2 c
lltiiKH Gieen liutcheix. OOJOKe ; fiieen
cured , 7JJ ( < < bc ; dry Hint. ia@ > i'c : : dry
salt , 'JiSlUc ' ; duiuncco hides1 two-thiuls price.
Tallow itiiease , prime white , 4cbheci )
Pelts SVHT.'ie.
t No. 1 nttfeburtr liarni-KS J. U , L.
&Sons , 860 ; No. 1 Pittbburg , K. & S. ate ; No.
Cincinnati , iKe : No. 1 lace leather , tWc ; piiiuo
hlauuhter.solu leather , a.x < .l e : prime oukbuio
leutlier. ST/rfiPJc. Upper leatlier , per loot. 20 ®
23c ; lli mkln,7n@fviconkklplb. ; ( ) . < ic ; French
kip. S1.00al.25 : Hem calf. S1.00 < auo , oak
calf. 81.00 1a5 ; French calf , l.UV < il.85 : JMo-
rocco boot le > r , ijO Kc ; Morocco oil pebble.
jRXrfittc ; toppincs nnd linings. SO.OOf ) lo.OO
per do ? .
( 'OAI. AnthrueltOBratc , 88.50 : eg , S8.50 ;
innce , * 8.75 ; chestnut. S .75 ; Itiw.x , S3.S ) ;
\Viilnut block , Sa.7o : Illinois , S5.00 : Mis-
UKAVY tlAiiDWAiin lion , rates , 32. 5 ;
plow steel , special , 4o ; cruciolo steel , Oc ;
i nM tools ( In , rJ@ltJ ; wnuon spokes , per het ,
M,7."i ( : tiiu ; hub' ) . ncrM't , , telloes , hawed
dry , Jl,40 , toiiKiies , each , 75c , nxles , each , 7r > c ;
nuts , pur Ib. , 7 ( < yllc ; collchaln per lb ,
nialenble , * : iron wedges , c : now-
b , C ; hartow teeth , 4c ; snilnic stool , 7 < * e ;
' S4.a Uuiden's
IhudPii'slioisn hhoes ; mule
bhoes. $ .V"i. Harbed AViie--'n car lots , S4.00
per UK ) Ibs. lion Nulls Kates. 10 to fX ) , $3.ix > .
bhot-Sl.M ) ; bll ( k llot , SUM ; Oilcntal
powder , kegs. S .MC1.00 ) ; do , half Uegs.S'.OO ;
do , quarter KOKS. 81.50 ; blasting , ku N &s.i : : ;
lui-e. nor ion feet. We. l.eml . liar , Sl.ot.
DIIV PAINTS Whlto lend. He ; J < ieiieii anc ,
l'-cPnrlH : whltinu/JKc ; whitlncKildeis.iaic ;'l , lUc : lampblack , ( lurmantown ,
l'-'c ; lampblack , orillnury , lOc : Pitisslan blue ,
f > 5e , , untraumrinn , 18 < i : ' Vandyke , brown. t
timber , mn nt , < p ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna ,
buint , 4c : hiunna mw. 4n : Paris ween , eeuu-
Ine , 2T > e : rniis L'U'i'ii , common , ! X > c : eiiiomo
pii't'li , N. V.0c ; elir me cieen , K , la ; % er-
million , KtiKllsh. In oil nsst ino ; raw and
hiniit umber lib cans , luu ; raw and unint
'hlenna , lUc : Mxmhku Drown. I'.ic ; remi d
liimpbhick. 1-e ; eoucli black and i\ory bin K
ICc ; dron blaek , 10o ; Pinssian blue. 4t'c ' : til-
tramnrinu blue. ISo : clnomu cieen , L. , M A :
l,10o : blind und hhntter morn , 1 , . . M .t l > .
ICc ; Puns Kieen , * bc ; Indian red , 15c ; Venn-
tlnn led , fo : Tuscan ie < t , ao : American vr-
inllllou , It. iv I ) . , "tic ; > ellowocnte. Ikt > . M
.V ( l. I ) . , Ibu ; golden ncliic , Ida : patent dryer
N'mlninneoloic. : ( . Ilchtoak dark oak , wal-
nut. rhestnntaiidusli l.V
IN On. Whltulead , pnialia , P. I
-Ilvllill / II" il II UIIIr utT7t ( MIUV t * jiiifivi
7.rHiiuiillloii ! ; , Ameik-an , Ibo ; Indian , red
10oioMpink. ; . He : Vt'iietian.ied Cooki-on's
2Vc ; Veni'tiun ii'tl , Ameiii-un , la ; KM I lo.ul
7 } c ; clnomu jellow Kt'inilne , 'J.ic ; cliioina
ellow , K , I''u : ociiiii lochello I'c : 00)110 ) ,
J 'ipncli.'Jhcjochrc , Aiui'iU-an , 2c ; Winter's
iiiineral.'JHt'i U-liiirh bion.Ho ; bpanlsn
brown. 2) ) < c ; 1'iinrv's mlnoial c
Ulih nOr.utmii , per i ; moil , lie ; IV ) - head
light. IHT tallou. lie ; heaitlli ; i ;
Ion , l o ; ISOs water \\hlte , lie : linseed banl
IHT pillonlliliiihicd ; , boiled. IH.T irnllou ,
37o : laid. ulnU'iktr'il , p > i t'allon 5 c ; No.
1 , 4tkj ; No. 2.To ; ivihtoi XXS , i > er tallon ,
tl.M ; No. : i. Sl.4lb\\c : < n , m-r milon , Si.oo ;
biu-riii. u , U. , IHT firmi. SI.H'J' ' lihli \ > . H.
per galloniVxt ; lu'ul.-lool \tia , per calton ,
* 0c , No. 1iSfxi ; Inliilc.itlir.r./fin , pt-rEallon ,
N Mimnicr , ! < : sdlilcn inuchine , No. 1 , per
callon aon : No.'iJ.V ; sperm , slsnal , pprual-
Jon 7'n > : tinpmithio , per gallon , 5 c ; naptlia.
per gallon , 7v.
\ AitKisiiF.s uariiHs , per trailou : Furn
tuii\ extra , 1.10 ; fninlturc , No. 1 , 81.00 ;
roach , extra 1.40 ; coacli , No , 1. 1.20 ;
Uainar , extra , 51.75 ; Japan , "Do ; a-sphaltum ,
extra , 65c5 wiellao 8A50 ; liara oil Jmlsh ,
Ullfiis AXIi fill Mit'Ai.1 Add , carhollc ,
SOf aolil , tiulurlcVie ; coiallia , per
Hi. , Mic , , > assalnisj I > ( M Hi. , V.V :
iier lb. , V c : cini-lioiiJilm , IMT o . , fliloio ,
lei in , Ib. , lo\v'rs | | ( > 'r lb. ,
, iicrlb. , JJ j ,
| l . ± 'c ; Iwiil ncvtate. JKT Ib."Oc I ;
oil , e.iitXH' , No. i in-real. , Sl.tx ) ; oil , ca-toi ,
No. 2 per gul. , ? fl.l ) ; oM ,
oil , orli\nnni , Wcj opium S3.90 ; quinine , P.
> t w. , nntl U. AS. . , per oz , & " > ej iiotft slum ,
Iodide , per IK. S.1,00 ; salleln. prroz. , 40c ;
sulphate morphine * per z. , SH.'O ; sulphur ,
per lh.,2lc ; strjclmlnc , per oz. , 91.80 ,
bi'inira Cologne spirits , 1S3 proof , 81.12 ;
do 101 proof SI .13 ; spirits , second duality
101 proof. Sl.ia ; do. l j proof , 81.11. Alro-
liol. 1SS proof. 3'AIO per \ \ Ino gallon. Kcdls-
tllled whiskies , 81.00A1.50 ; Rtn blended ,
SI.GOa'.00 ( ; Kontuekj- bourbons , SlOOrtjfl.W ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania rje . $3oooo.iX ) ;
( loldcn Wheat bourbon and n'o whiskies ,
Sl.rxxrfiUM. Drainllcs-linportcd , :
domestic. SI.30(13.00. ( (51ns ( Imported , 84.50
@f..00j iloniestlo , S1.2VU/.00. liunis lin
ported , S4. ) ( ( l8.00i Nf\vLri'iirlalidS1.7r2.00 \ ;
domestic , Sl.'AX < j.00. : ) Clianipaines Im
ported. i > er case. S'J3.0DiJ31.00 ( ; Amcilcan , per
case , 810.00 < H1G.OO
SMOKED FISH Halibut , now , fc ; now
scaled herrlnKB , " ) c ; mackerel 1'Jc ; salmon ,
l 'c : Miiukuil iturueon. ICe.
_ _ _ _ imutiMis.
non iHI'8 'f Is O r IJbls I'ls KW
nsn- 200 100 W 00 40 15 12 10
Munn'gS'tNo.l I/b7 )4 003 653 ( fi 1 707HC2 ftS
I/RO Ulh'ed rnney 0 ( XI3 WIISM 1 W 1 CO 78 60 , 50
L'go H'djjh'io l"cyiO 00 3 60 3 25 1 70 1 BOJSfiO M
I'ICKt.Cll 8A1.MON.
plbls IlirllblsO'rllbls 1'nllior kits
Domestic Holland lierilncs ,
kens , 50c ; KiisHlnn huidlnosirns ; Ancho
vies In Klass , Oio Hull bmnn. per do/ . ,
M.OO ; Anchovies in ke s , } i Ole Hull brand ,
! > 4.00 ; spiced llnmbuic liuirings , skins and
heads oil. tier pall. SIM.
CODFISH A ow luriro bank cod , 4c ;
sea kill } , ' , Geonres chunks , OHc ; elover leut ,
( teoitres stiips , OJ c : I Ib lollH'J lb boxes ,
fc : pralilo Ilowcr , 8 lb brick.Colld ; lose , 'J
Ibbtlck , 5c.
llollitiul lienlnc , new , jerkes ? , " . 'KJ ; now
loin ? split stocklisli , lOc , new bhoil split
stockfish , OJ .
Grocora JLIat.
SYIIUI Standaid C afe , bbls ; Standard ,
doH'allon kcu's , S1.10 ; New Oileans as40c
pci gallon ; JIuplu fc > > nil ) , % barrel. P. & , G.
hlilutly puii * . ? tic per gallon ; 1 gallon cans ,
tu.iiper doJi : gallon cans , So.iio per doz ;
quail cans ? UXl
DitiED Fitui M A'o. l ouurter apples , 4Kc ;
evaporated , boxes , 8 5 u ; blackberries ,
bo\ui. O/jciglL'c : peaches : K.istein , 4jsfa ) > 'ic ;
peaches , evaporated , 15 @l7c ; Salt Lake ,
now , tSij ( ! c ; rasjpbeiiies. now. W@35c ; cur
rants , new. 7jf ( . ( .v : pi tines , new. 4 > f@5
COFFKKS Ordinary Rraaes.'J'c ' : tair ,
yoc : Mocha , 2iffl-J4c : Ailmckle's loastcd ,
l"Kc ; JlcUutu'linn'a XXXX loasted , 1 1'/o ;
Pil\\orth's "ISc : lied Cioss. I3jc ;
Dilwoith's and Ipljauclilin'.s XXXX aie
sold 50o per case off above prices in 3-caso
ots.j3unAKSI'owlercd,7' ) < cciit ; loaf.7jfcgran- ; ;
ulated , 7' ' < c : coiitectloiier ' A. 7c : Stan
daid extra tJ. O c ; e\tr.v C. 0 'c ; medium
> ellow. li'/e ; NnwUiliMiw..r > ( o0 c.
PICKLES Medium In barrels. S ' . 0 ; do In
half ban els. S..7 ; small In banels , $7. 0 ; do
In half barrels , S4. 5 ; glietkins in barrels ,
S 0 : do in half barrels , 84.75.
SOAPS Kirk's aavon imperial , SI. ' 3 ;
Kiik's satinet , 83.15 ; Kirk's standard. S3 30 ;
Kirk's White Uttsslaii , .JJS ; Kirk's White
Cap. S0.50 ; Dome. S4/ii.
UANNKD noons Oysters , atanaard per
case. ! : ! . ' 0 : sti-awbcnles , y-Ib. , per case , S2.0 ;
lasiibernes , 2-tb. , per case , S'J.iJj ; California
peais. jier case , 53.CO ; apricots , per case ,
Sl.'id ' ; pcaclies , per case , $4.7.hltc ; cher
ries , per case , 86.00 ; plums , per case , S4.00 ;
whortleberries , per case. S'J.40 ; ege plums ,
U-iij. , per case. S3. 0 , green Bafes , 3-Ib. , per
rase , < J2.Xi ; pine apples , iJ-Ib. , per case , 33.203
MATCHES Per caddie , 85c ; round , per case
45c ; square c.ises , $1.70 ; Oslikosh cases , gr. ,
81.20 : mule souaii' . Sl.'JJ.
SALT DtavloadH , per bbl , 81.55 ; Ashton.
in sacks , S3. & : % sacks , Ashton. OOcbbls
dairy. SJ.cnf ,2.7.- .
bi > icis : Urouud lilack pepper , boxes , 15
@ 3-'c ; nllbjiiee , l2@U'c : cinnamon I8@i5c ;
cloves , ! 5&2.-c ; giiiKer , 15@ ° > .5o ; mustatd , 15 ®
TKAB ( itinpowilcr , fair , . " 0@37 ; good , 45@
55C : choice , iiO ( 75c ; oed linpeiial , 40j ( 4c : ! ;
choice , ( XXOTOe. ; ; Young Hyson , good , 30y < 5c ;
choice , 5070c : Ooloinj , good , : i5C } 40c ; Oo-
lone , choice , 40HOOc ( : English lireaktast , good ,
io@40c ; choice. C0l08c ; Souchong , good , :
85c ; choice , as@lr c ; Japans , fair , lixaaic ;
peed , a5@45c : cnolco , 6 % 75c ; Tea Dust , 15c ;
Tea Slftinks. Ibo
1'Luo 1 oiiAcco Climax , 44c per lb ; Hon > o-
shoe , 4.'c ; Star , 4Jc : Spearhead , 40c ; ( ! old
Uoll , 4fic : Piper Huld-dck. OOc : Punch. S'-c ;
1 otiiic Fjitz , 41c : SlherTaR , 40c ; .IT.1. JiJc.
Horn Sisal. % Inch and larger , 83tfc ; Inch ,
OJ c ; Winch. < Jc. ,
OANDT Mixed. n @ 13o : stict. tii&tllt.
SODA In Ib papers , 33/J5 a case ; salsoila
keg per lb. $3.23.
CIDER 13@18c ; white wine , 15
tiarneau'a soda , butter and
picnic , 5' < c : crejius , 8 > fc ; BliiKcr snaps , S c ;
Citv soda. 7 > < fc.
CANDI.KS Uoxca , 401b. Os llj/c ; Ss. lljfc ;
boxes , lOUi , 10 ot , Cs , llko ; hall box , 'JOB ) ,
FIXK Cur Hard to Heat , 70o ; Clmnnof the
Wut , < Wc ; Kountaln , 70u : Uolden Thread ,
07c ; Kuvoiite , fXc ; lluds , Wc ) ; Hocky Moun
tain , Wk ) ; Fancy , 45c : Daisy , 40c ; North Star ,
70c : < iood Luck.V * ! : Our Uest. ny'c.
Magara gloss , l It ) , 0 > , c ; Niagara
/ . _ - * -7 _ " - . . . / . ! . n-\ k l. " _
I'lllc , ( ' ; jlaimony , 4 > ; c ; Anihor Shillings ,
7Jo ; Meiiimai-1 : ShlitingJ , W < s ; Jierwick ,
lii.r.Ariici ) Cm ro.vs Kaimers' choice ,
fi/c ! ; Cabot. r4'c , ; Hope , 7n : Hill 4-4 , 7Kc ;
Hlll ,63fo ; Lonsdalo , 8Krult ; , 8'/c ' ; Wau *
bllttU. lUj.iC.
L'niiMU JKANH Keaisarge , 7c ; Armory ,
7c ; JViipeu-ii , 7jj'oj Indian Orchard , Oko ;
Naiimkt'ii'- \
Diunt.v Corioxl.awronco LL , ftc : Sliaw
FI.NT. UIKIU.N forro.vs IVpiwroll U , fiVc ;
'epi ' 'iellO. , 5'4f. Atlas , 0,1/0 ; stattto o Lib-
ertv , Oo : Saramui K.
Ji.MSis : Hei\i'r Lteek AA. Ho ; Heaver
Cn-ok H1J. lOo ; HiM\erCii'ek CO.Ou ; Jaffroy
XX , llc.Ialliey ; XXX , Vie ; Jaffit-y D JsT ,
l-'i'c ; Columbian , lajfc : York , ISo ; Yoik ,
fancy. ii' : < c : Kverett , 18o ; Ha > maker's blue
and IIIONMI. 7iuu.
lucK-Unbleachcd-5oz. ) ( ) Alasnolla , 10i < c ;
10 Magnolia , V-to ; 8 o . West Point , 10 > Jo ;
10 cu. We" t Point WV.'o.
( colou'd ) Uoslon U oz. brown and
drab , 13Uc : Uoston O H blown and drub , Ho ;
lioston XX brown and drab lOc : Kostou
XXXuiawnnml drab.iiKc ; liuitunUl'Ulne.
HKc : Wairen Tricot Lie.
Tu'icisos Aiiiii'lccae ACA Thorn-
' I-j-jfe ; -
dko OOO , 7c ; ThorndlkDlaiiey , ( Oioork ;
loj c ; fork fancy , W o ; Millbury , 13iao ;
Pearl Jtlver , Hse } ; Hiuiiiltoii. 13c ; bMTiU
KUur. nf ; blii'tuuKot h , Mcu ; Shetuckct SS
JKc ; MonUiuk AA , I''e ; Moutauk UU , lO o ;
Oiui'ira ACA. WW
( n.soiiAMS Jtcntiuw. IKifloWc ; Amoskea
dies ; . , .to ; Anioskea1 ' . staple , O c ; Ivanho
l Ko ; Wamstitta. t > H" ! b'fc ; War
wick. s ) < c ; Whittcndon. fc : Hates , dress 8c ;
ItiUcA staple , ojfc ; JCaiuiolnli staple , , o ; o
Lansdowne. 7c : ( ilouei ter , 7 He.
CiiKViois Aiuo-ikeait , chwKs.OJi'c : Amos
ksa ? , itripes. bHc ; Slater , 3triH | > s , ( xi ; Kiluii
Durg , U > \\liittfndon : , btrlpes. So : Gh-n-
rosp.-fle ; Otis , chei-kti , O' 'c ; Otis. Btriix * Do ,
Hoyal 0 fc ; Anioskea , implied , I0ic ! : J.u-
ray , b iok fold , I2e ; Oborpu.uook luld , l\e ;
Euiluruuce , took fold 1'Jc.
Drr timber.
_ _ l TIM
12 ft H ft 10 ft 18 ft SO ft 22 ft 24 ft
Ji . . . . . . . . . . . . ilooiloijiloo'io ' 'iTco'isifio'iafio ' '
2x0 H.51ll.60l460l56016.rXl ) ! .6fl20.53
; * 8 l5.9015tl015C)0100017.Mm ) ( 1900
2x10. ' 15.0)18001500100017.0020.0020.60
2x12 | I5.'M 18 00 15 00 16 00 17.00 19 00 20IX )
4H-8X3 (15.00,15.00 ( , 1600,10.00,17.00,18.00,10.00 , ,
Clear , Klnch Yellow Pine ? 32.00
Clear. % Inch Norway. . . . 14.00
2d Com. , ? ' Inch , Norway 13.00
1st and 0 < 1 Clear , Ijf Inch , s. 2s $500J
Islanded Clear , 1& and 2 inch , S2s. . . . 5000
8d Clear , W inch , s''s v 4SOO
fid Clear , IH mid 2 Iiirh. s 2s 4800
H Select , I/ . 1 and 3 Inch. s. 2s 3000
1st and'-'d Clear , l men , s. 2s 5000
Pd clear. 1 Inch , s2s 4450
A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s 4000
b Select. 1 inch. s. 2s 2050
No. Iboards , 12,14 It and 10.00
No.2boards , 12,14ft and 10.75
No. Sboards , 12,14 ft and 13,75
No. 4 boards , 18,14 ft and 14,25
No. 1 , 4 * 0 Inch , 13andl(5.50 ( 14fcct , rough. .
No. 1 , 4 V : 0 Inch , 10 feet 14.50 , rouitli
No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and 12.60 14 feet , rough. .
No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch. 10 feet 10.50 , lough.
Clear Poplar box bds , X Ins , 2s $30.0)
" fl < ln , panel stk w idc , s 2s. 27.CO
" " Cornmatcd Cellliur , , ' . . . 29,00
S111XOLKS , J.ATll.
* A * Standaid S2.TO
5 Inch , clear , Sl.500 ; Inch , clear l.rx )
No.t 1.10
Lath. . ' . 3.20
1st Com. , V Inch White Pine S30.00
2d Com.// Inch White Plno 23.50
1st Com. Olnch. wlilto pine $3000
2dCom. 0 Inch , wlilto plno 34 t
3d Com. 0 inch , white pine 2000
I ) . Cinch , wlilto pine 2000
Com-I niiil 0 inch jellow pine 17.59
Star 4 and U Inch J ellow plno 21.00
1st and 2d clear yellow plno 4-0 Inch. . . 23.50
SHIP t\r.
No. l , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch 517.00
No. 2 , Plain. 8 and 10 Inch 15.00
No. 1 , O. U 17.50
White Cedar , Olnch , hahcs 8 11
" " 5i " " andSlnq'rs 0
" " 4 " lottnd 11
Tennessee red cedar , spilt 14
A12Inch , Is 12 , Hand in leet $4000
13 " " " 41 neO
O " " " " " " 3(500 (
I ) " " " " " ' ' 2300
No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. 17 5 ! )
No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . IS SO
No. a " " " 12.14 and 10 it , . 1550
I.IMI : , 1.1 c.
Quincy wlilto lime ( best ) , 85c ; cement ,
Akron , Si.75 ; plaster , S2.-50 ; hair , per bushel
30o ; sish , 50 per cent oil IKt ; doors , blinds ,
mouldings , 5u per cent oil list ; tairedlelt , per
c\U , , fel.75 : Htruw board. Sl.OO.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only rood to take for IVs Molnes , Jlnr-
Bhulltown.CcdnrUnplds , Clinton , Divic. Cblcng-o ,
Milwaukee nml nil points cast. To the people of
Nebraska , Colomdo , Wjomlnpr , Utnh , Idaho
Novudn.Oreson , Wnshlnifton nnd Cullfornln it
offers superior ndvuntngcs uotpossihle by nny
other line
Among n few of the numerous points ot supe
riority enjoyed by tlio patrons or this lORdbo-
twoon Omahu nml Chicago , nro its two trains u
dny of DAY COACHES which nro the finest Unit
human art and Ingenuity cun cioatp. Itsl'AIi-
ACE SLEEPING CARS , which nro models of
comfoit nnd elegance. Its PARLOR DRAWING
ROOM CARS , unsurpassed by nny , nnd Its wide
ly colobrnted PALATIAL DINING CARS , tlio
equal of which cunnot IHJ found elsewhere.
At Council Hluirs the ti nlns of tlio Union Pno--
flo Ry. connect in Union Depot with those of thn
ChicuKO& NorthwoHtcrn Ry. In Chicago tlio
liuins of this line mnko close connection with
those of idl eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus. Indinnnpolls , Cmcln
nntl , Nlnjrnrn Fulls. Bulfnlo , PHtsburg. Toronto
Montreal , Boston , New York , Philadelphia Hal-
tiinore.Washlngton nnd nil points in the east , ask
the ticket ngont for tickets via the
If you wish the beet accommodations. All ticket
agents sell tickets via this line.
General Manner. Gen. Puss. Agent.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $250,000
SuplusMay 1 , 1886 85,000
U. W. YATKS , President.
A. E , TOUZAI.IN , V'ico Presulont
W. H. S. HUGHES , Cashier ,
' 'F *
A. K. TOU/.AUN ,
Cor. 12th und Farnnra .Streets.
General Ilan'.iinir iiusluoss TraaaactoJ.
Uy reason of IU central poiltlon and close reUtlon to
ell principal lines I'.oit and \Y' | . at Initial and trr-
tnlnul point' , rnnitltulei Hie moit Important inlil
ronllneiit l link In Hint tvitrni of tliroutcli truiupor.
tallon whleli InTlIri and firllltatfi travel nnd tt D1a
Iwtwron ellle * of Ilia Atlanllo nnd 1'acillo CooiU It
In uliu the favorite nnil bent ronto to and from polnt
I'ait , orllKMt nud Boiitheiiit. and corrcrpoudlna
| K > lnii West , ollll1vcIt and HonUmrit.
The Croat Rock Island Route
Oinranteei Us patronn that icare of prrconal ecn-
; 1ty nffordcd liy o willd. ilioroiiKlily iVllaitrd road-
rll"0. ' ! " ' If6'1 ' * " ' ' "iillnuoiu nffcl rail. ( Uhitan-
Hally hum tub ort nnd In ( IKK. i omna ttcrk al n tar
mfntlon n hiininn skill ton make It. life .aftlv
and tlmt exacting lite Ipllnu wll nifurninnndalrbrnLri ( 1 , Koenii Ttlie * ?
- ?
t i-aluperaUonoallltitialii9 oilier peclalili of
lili route ate Irtiiifori at all conuetllnir imlnu In
Union Denoti , and tlio
iinttiijuoed coiutoiU aud
luiurleiof Iti Ptt enfor Liuliiu , nt.
The Ka t KinroM tiahu lirtitren Clilcneo and
Proi > . Vounill lrtua . Kann. - | , * , ' , JS3
AtclllHon re coiiipoid.1 of writ ventilated , flnrly up.
JioUtcred Day Coachi.ii Mairiilllcent I'ullman l-iUte
Hlrenrior the jaleit ileilgn , and mmiuuoiu Wnlnl
Cin. In which
elaborately reeked mrali ari'lWiurcly
eatin llrtweeu Chicago and Kan > L'ltyandAl'hlkon
re al o run the Celebrated Hei lining Chair Cara.
The Famous Albert ton Route
{ the direct und fayorlta ling between Clitcaitoand
MliincapnlliaiidSt. 1'mil. where connfrtlon.ur ? nade
iR-itili01111 ? ? " " " . * . ' ! roln\ \ " , " * tlle Tf rrltorlei and
roiita Fait EivrrM
Train , are run to the wnterlnv placei. . "miner r"
inable , a. well a. tlcUuti , at all i.ilhclnul Tit er k
ln' ' " tlU > U"iUl1 : Btat" U 4 l w bjJ
I'l et't & Otu'l M'K'r. Oen'l T'k & 1'au. ig't ,
A Quick.
io-o-JW1 ,
. . W P. A K N
giiarLery. IMIIM'HTA
jm ruK hy iiiatl. * f.M.l'l > . 1-
Bifliard'Tables ' ,
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
And Pnloon , OfTico nnd llnnk Fixtures , Market
nnd Huron Sis. , Uiltotgu. III. Onmlm onicot > ! ) J
S. 10th St.
Book Binding , Elc ,
" " *
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Itlnnk Hook Mnmirncturcr . Noicn and
103 South Uth Strett. Omnhn , Ntb.
Bridges Sleim Pile Driving.
RAYMOND i l'ASlf'HKI.1 , ;
liifInters : ( and Conductor * .
Roof Trusses Steam Pile
Bridges , , Driving
Iron Combination nnd llowo Tru s DrtdRos ,
1'illntr nnd Onk Timber. 15th St. , nonr Vnrnmn.
Tclepbono No. 734
Butter I ubs.
* j ! SKYMOtmi
Manufactnrjr of Butter Tubs.
tfi ft , .T.V ; 40 t > , 30o ! 25 ft , LMoj 20 lb , 2ioi 10J fc flrk.
In ? , Wa. 18th und 1'lerco St. . , Omnhn , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco ,
" " * " ' " *
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nuns nnd Ammunition. 215 to 221 South llth
Street , 10M to 1K4 ( rnrimm Street , Omnhn , Neb.
WEST A. nilTSCHKll ,
Hannfacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dcnlcisln Leaf Tobaccos. Noi
_ IDS und 110 N. 14th Street , Omnhn , Neb. _
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kponotcr , 1'ionrlctor. Mnniifurturor or
Onh imbed lion nnd Cot nleo. 1C ! Iod ; o und 131
nnd IQjNoith 10th Street , Omuha , Neb.
HUHMl'lNO k 110LTR ,
Mnntlfucturorsot Oniiunentnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Kinnl" , Ktc. , 910 S. lath St. Woikdono
In luiypuu of thocountry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECIIT , Proprietor.
( nhnnlrcd Iron Cornices , Ktc. Spechl'slm-
troM-d I'ntent Met ull'o Skylight. SOS und MOS.
JUth St. , Omulm , NcV. _ _
Doors , Sash. Etc.
T Gate City Plcning'KIll.
Doors , Push nnd Ullnds. Alfo nil kinds of
liirnliiK' . Scroll nnd Stnlroik ol e\eiy de-
( ciiptlon.
Mnnufncturcr nnd Uenlcrln
Doors Sasb Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stnlr llnlls n Bpeclulty Telephone No.
l&th nnd Jlnicy btl.,0ninfia , Neb.
Electrical Supplies ,
L. twOLKE CO. , Elcctrlcinus , "
Electrical1 Supplies ,
Masonic Illock , Omuba. Tlurplar Alnrms , Hells ,
Kh o Alarms , Klectrlu Mattlnir , Sncnkliij ; Tubes ,
Gold , Silver und Nickel 1'latlng , Etc.
Ironard Nails ,
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Tire Nulls n Spc ; lalty. Omnhn , Nob.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery , Custlmrs , Steum Eiifflnos , Boilers ,
Aiuliitectmnllian Worklion liridKcs , Mlnlnir
nnd Mill Machinery. Olllco nnd norks , Union
I'neillc H. It. 17th uud Ibth Streets.
Foun'dry Works.
Cor. 14th nnd Jnckson Sts. , nrennrod to do nil
kinds of Iron und Hrass rnstnipfs ; nlso , O , C.
's Hocking Grnto Ilurs miunifaotiiroJ
Mattresses ,
K. M.
Mattress Company ,
Mnnufncturlmr MnttressoH , Hcdillntr , Fenthor
I'illows , Cots , Etc. 1'OU und 1203 Dout'liis Street ,
Omulm. Heb ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pmitf" , Shhts , itc. : , UK nnd 1101 Douglas
Street , Onmhn , Nob.
Omaiia Safe Works ,
Wnnufncturcror Flionnd Ilnrflnr Proof Pifoi ,
Vuult Doors. Jnll Work. Sbutteis nnd Wire
Work. Cor. 14th nnd Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Soap ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Office nnd Tnttory , nenr Ponder Mairazlro ,
Omulm Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
135nndlJ17 ] llunioy Mieet , Oimilm , Nob. Golo
AKi'iilfeln Nebinsku lor Jones' Cclcbinted dpllt
bhntt Sulkies.
EMubllshed 18'A
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
lib'Jnnd 1411 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nub.
White Lead ,
_ _
Coi rodei s und Grinders of
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Omahu , Neb. J.cvl fnitcr , 1'iee.j C.V. . MiaJ ,
V'ltu Pn h. : 11. W. Vnlfb , buc. und Treiis.
The Hillard ,
8. Shears , J. E. Markel.Tbos. Swobo , Proprietors
Oiuuha , Ncbiuska.
Hotel ,
James t'nbuy , I'ropilctor ,
j lO nnd I.'IT DOUKUIS hi. , Onmhn , Neb.
TliepationiiKuof commurcial men rcbiiuclf-ji'.y
feolieitud. They will Ilnd this the liuat i u dt.y
bout j west oi Cliloutfo.
? lanters House ,
c. E. iTititis , ri
Rntcg , tl.5U pvr dny. fitreet curs from II. 1" .
depot , vltlnn one Mock of lioiibo. Conic.1
Uodgu nnd lath stiuvtH.Omabu ,
lu _
The Gozzens ,
1' . Humsey 4 Co. , Proprietors.
lUtia 2.00 per dny , no dark rooms. Onmlm ,
Neb. Also l nipuoiort , of 1'uluce Hotel , ijuntn
I'o , How
Canfleld House ,
Cor. Ninth nnd Furnum Sts. The beet f3 per
day hotel In Umuhu. Ilcinodcled. icfurnlsliiU ,
redeo Ji utcd ; ono block f i om ui mj liuudtiuurtera ,
oppoxitu Union I'ueltioheudmini ( ( is ; t-lrict uuu
pnM tliu door. Goorno Canfleld .V Co. , lnoprlo-
torb. Alto Union block Vurdi Hotel , .South
Hotel do Gees ,
P , GOOSl'ioprktor ,
European Plan. The only centrally located ST
adayhoUbo. Tlirco door from llo > d'o
ItouHiund one-hulf bloth from the I'o
and the Court Uuvwo. life lilC1 , 15U
Agricultural Implements.
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Onieo , Corner fith nnd 1'nclflo St , Omnhn , Neb.
\ > holo9.e ; Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnd Dumfries , Omaha Neb.
\VholtBn1oDciHcr In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carriages nnd Uncles. J < np St. , bet. Oth ntul
loth , Omnhn , Nob.
Boots and Shoes ,
W. V. MOPSE & CO. ?
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Illl Fnrunm Sticet , Oinnhn , Neb. Mnnufnctorf ,
Summer Street , Uoston.
' Carpets , . . . .
'sTA. ouciiAim ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtnln Good" . Kte. . 1423 Fnrnam
Stiect , Omulm , Neb. _ _
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
OHlcc , 213 S. 14th pt. , Omnhn , Neb. Yards , Olh
nnd Oivenport Streets.
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Best varieties. Oniro.Sn S. 13th St. Telephone
No. 14WOniUlinNeb.
Nl'.HUASKA riT.I , H ) . ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
SHS , 13th St. , Omnhn , Neb.
OKI. C , TOWI.K , 1'icsidonf.
OEO. 1'ATTFHRON. Sec. nnd Trcni < .
J. II. P. A. U ,
Proprietor. MumiKcr.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , -
Office , JilTS. llltli Stieet. Telephono49.
GEO. r. I.Aiuoii.Pies. C. P. floowtAN.V. Pro *
J. A. SUMir.nuvsn Stc. undTieus.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbeis otluml nnd < oft lonl.SOOS. Uth St. ,
Onmlm , Neb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
rs In liouldcr Coloindo Conl.217
houth 14th bticct.
Coffee and Spites.
CLAIIKC iiuos. .tro. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten" . Colfecs , Spices , Unking Powder
KxtinctH , I.nundry lllno. Ink , etc. Hli-lu Hur-
iicy Street , Onmhn , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
- "
Wholesale Fruitb , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Furnniii St. . Omnhn. Applos-Our o n , , ack.
inir I'lntt & C'o. s ' 1 lucr Itiund Oystcis , llutter ,
, Gumo , 1'oultry , I'otutoes. _
JOHN r/ "
General Commission Merchant ,
Tiodnco , Piovlslons Prults , Flour nnd Peed. 103
P. 14th St. , Omnhn , Neb. Consignments solicited.
Iteturns niudo piomptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Che etc , Sausage" , Kiulls , Ilutchers'TooK nnd
SUM'lles. UluJonts St.Omfdin Ncb. _
General Commission Merchant.
SPECIALTIES Cheese , muter. Egnrs , I'onlliy
nml Hnmu , 112 a 14th. , ( ) mulm , Neb. Tolcc
l > hone is'o. i3i > 5. _ _
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , Eggs and Produce. A full line of Stone-
viiro. Coublgnments bollcltotJ. 1414 Dodge St. ,
Oiniilin. _ _
E. MORON r ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , Eirps , Cheese nnd Count ! y Produce Bon-
erully.aou B. 12tb bt. , Omnhn , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Bcfrlgcrntor nnd Pucklm. Hciiiho.Mth & Lenven-
north St. , on U. I' . It. 1J. Tinek , Omahn , Neb.
Estubllshed 1870.
General Commission ,
til S. 14th St. , Omnh i. Nob. Speclultlcs Butter
Eggs , Poultry und Game.
Commission Merchants ,
VrulU , Produce and Piovlsions , Omuha , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
nnd wholesale * dcnk r In country produce , t rultp ,
butter , C't-'s ( , etc. Goods on consignment a
specialty. ! KJ N. 'Oth ft. , Omuhn , Neb.
KIllSt'IllUtAi'N &SOXS ,
( Sucvos-oif , to A. P. Pollack. )
Produce Commission Merchants ,
No. SIJ Fouth l th Slieet. Oinnlui , Ncli.
" THOXEI , ! . to WIlTLIA'MR ,
Storage and Commission Merchants.
FrultH. I'loui . Apples , Slonew in i , ( "Ider.VIm srur ,
lIiiiEHHeedR. llutter and KKHK , 'M und 111 ! ; South
33th Mrcct , Omulm , NcbrusUu.
Produce Commission Merchants.
1'oultry , llutter , Gnmo , Kiuits , Etc. KWA lllh
St. , Omtihu , Nebruslm.
Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits ,
Jleuts , l. rd , Jellies , Ilutti'i , EKKS , Cheese , Etc.
No. ! SUfi 8. 121 h St. , Omnhu , Neb.
" "
General Commission Merchants
i < CGJ7o < ltro Htic'ct , Onmlm , Neb.
-MuDOXAhU. .
315 J'.th Street , Omnhn. Nub , Sp < > cliiltlc"s : Hut.
tei , KtasK , nnd ( 'hlckuns.
Dry Goousi
" * "
3 , J , BROWN & CO. ,
V7holesale Dry Goods and Notions.
3d l Dou lns Street , Onmlm , Neb ,
Wholcfiulo Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , Luces , Embioldcry mid Whlto C coos.
_ 1 . ' 0 Dougliib Street , Omnhu , Neb.
Engines ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stutlonury und poitublo engines , boilers rnd
cheet Iron noikHiiwmti , uirrlculturnl imlo-
incnte , iiumps etc. 1-'I.M-15 i.uivcimortli tJ'i ,
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1111 Jucksou Stioet , Omului , Nub.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Eortdltry and Hhoo I'indliir , Hldcb , Wool , 1 ure ,
Pcltn , Oieuso , Tallow , Etc. , O.nuhn Nol.
Flour , Etc.
V * . pit turns. ' Gro.
WM. PRESTON t. co.
Wholesale Flour ,
MS , 10 ctid tm'ifico Stieet O.muhn ,
Agent for J. C lloffmixjr * 0o. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
liy Holler nnd Ilttnptrlnn l'jwe s. Wmchouso ,
1213 Jonca ftrcct. Uinnlm , Nob.
W. J. Wl'.LSUANS * CO. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Mftnufneturcrsof W. J. Wclshnns XCo.'sQulcX
IlnlMnR IHick\\ heat flour nml proprietors Omulm
City Mills , cor. frth and Knrnnm Streets , Onmbn.
Fis'l , Ltd.
nstt co7
Successors to Ickcu Sloin cn & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers , }
Importers of yorolpn Tlsli , N'oi. Pll-113 Jonci
* > - _ StiL'et nml U. r. Track , Umnliu , Noli. /
furniture. Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Purnltiira ,
I'nmnm Street , Omnhn , Neb.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110 nml 1112 Douglus Sticet , Omaha , Neb.
K. n. CHAPMAN * . CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco nnd Smokers' At t teles 1217 Howard SU
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
fc'plces , Clgurs nnd Tobaccos 1J17 nnd 1U1U DOUK
InstMieet.Omuhu , Nob.
McCOltlMlllADY & COMl'ANl'i
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th mid 1'nrntim Stn-ots Onmlm , Neb.
PAX-TON , 0 A I.LAO HKll Ac CO ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 705 , 707,7OT nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Otuuliu , Neb.
W. J. IlllOATOH ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
EprlnjrsVniwn Stock , Hmduood Lumber , oto.
12W ) und 1211 Hartley Btieoi , Onmhu , Neb.
EnxrY& aiiuioN ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Cnnlnzo Wood Stock , lleiny llnnlwaio ,
lUe. 1217 und 121U Leuvenuoith Street , Oiniiha ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mrchnnlcs' Tools mid Ihillalo Scales. 1405 DOUR-
Ins til out , Omulm , Nob.
I.lin , FltlUD & CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet lion , Lie. Agents for llowo Ponies tuid
Miami 1'uudcr Co. , Oimilm Neb. _ _
MILTON nooiMis & SONS ,
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mnntles , fiiute * , Hi ass ( roods. 18-'l una U2J Tur-
niim Street.
' _
Wholesale Hardware and Hails ,
Kmcison Steel Mulls. Oor. 10th nml llnrnoy
btrcuts , Oimilm , Nob. _
ilunufucturer of the
Deerint Harvester Goods ,
Wrlto to Wm. M. Lorlmcr , flonond
Oinubii. Telephone 010.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
" '
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbi rs In lion 1'ipo Iron 1 llinps. Iran mid
IlniFs Coods. lIiiRlncers' .Supplies. Inn and
Docile Streets , Omtihu , Nob.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Stcnrn , Water , Hullw uy nnd Milling Supplies , ntc.
ICO , OT.J und VJi Fniimiu St. Oinalia , Neb.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam und Water Supplies. Headquarter * fo
Mubt 1'oost Co.'s Uoods. 1111 I'miium Stioet ,
Omuba , Neb.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Sllveittaro , lilumonds , Watelus
Clocks , Jewelers' Tools and Mateilaid , Etc. , 101
nnd 11H , 11th Street , Cor. Dodge , Onmlm , Neb. ,
. tive Stoc ! < ,
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Yardage ChniKod.
Clofo to U. 1' . Ih-ldRO. Special nccoinniodatlon
r.nd n good innikct lor hogs. K. 0. Cooper , Man
ager. Olbeo , South uth Slicet.
Live Stock Commission
Oeo. Jluiko. JInnnijer ,
Union Stock Yards , S. OnmlM. Tola iho.iu 582
\r. F. 11UOWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Olllco Exelmngo Iliilldmir , Union Stock Yatds ,
. boutli Omulm , Nob. TelcphonuNo.iXtl.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock YurdH , Chicago , 111. , and Omntin ,
Net ) . Trunk Chlttondon.Manutfei-Onmbiillranch.
Telcplionu No. : JS. | . Ifetuldlnhud Ibrti
W. J * PATRICK & CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
.tfldn-bH nil tommiinlentlons to 114 lit Union Stock
/aids , Houth OniHhii. Advuncoa niudu on Mock.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John ] ' . liovd , Superintendent.
M.VVAUK & < niKK.V ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Ehij iiients ot liny und nil Kinds of stock bollclt
i cd. Union gt.ek VaidsOiualiuNLb.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
( josh , Doors , Kto. I'm da Cor , Till and Douglas ,
Cor , Ulh und
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
, fitnlr Work nnd Intoilor Hard \Vood
J'inlKli. Jimt opened. N. K. cor. flu nnd l.eaen -
worth hticela , Oimilm , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
Hi 5 , llth Street , Omnlin , Nub. F. Ojlpeucr ,
Munagor ,
C. N. DJin'Z ,
Lumber ,
13th mid California Stiett" , Omaha , Nob.
1'UED W. GItAY ,
1 Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc
, , , . , ,
Cor. Cth and Douglas Ktieett , Omulm , N'cU.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumbar ,
Omulm , NebiuBkn.
" " *
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnfon Stotl. , 1-V.ncy Woods , llildgo Tlmler < ,
i.c. , ri.V. . Cor , Uth und DouglasOmului , .Null. |
0. If. LYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Bulldlntr Paper , Ktc. South 13th Htrocta2fiJ3 ! ,
Nebraska Lumber Co ,
PiUd In Cuiltal | Stock , 5000,1110.
IxigyerH.raunulecturers and iiholesalo nnrl
eie. SlIlUM' . MenUl , > VB. | WhoUmikuuid raa :
, Ouiuhu , NuL' ' . Ml B. 'JtU SU
Dcnlera In All Kind * of
Bnllding Material at Wholesale ,
1Mb Street and i n o.i i' o ft Track. Omaha.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
JOth and Itnrd Ptreot , Omulm , Nebraska.
Wholesale lumber , Lath , Shingles , ,
llulkllnp Vapors , SaMi.Doon , nilnds , Moutf
| IIK . I'leketd , PoM , l.lino , PlsMcr , llBf ,
Cement. Nlmn nimJono , Omaha Neb.
Millinery , J J" '
Importers nnd Jobbcisof
Millinery and Notions ,
1513 ondlSHHntnoy Street , Omnhn , NoN.
Musical Instruments ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments ,
Stolnwny Pianos Weber , Docker. Unities nnrt
IlihrKH Pianos , I'uckiiul OrgimClmso Organs.
101 nnd 1CM 15th sticct.
Notions , Etc ,
" "
J. I , . UUANDIKS .t RON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Roods Notions , dents' PtirnlMilnir Oooild.
( leeds front New Yoik. Tindo cules diuly. 601
undftvsSouth l tliJjt.Uimilm.
< A .S. ( JOODKIt'll , V U > . ,
loi-1" . A. Whitney CiiulnRO Co.'s
Children's Carriages ,
and Jowrtt's t'elo'nntjI llo'rlffeiutor' . Pend
for price IKls. 1411 rurnom tt. , Onmhn.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , ' '
4 < 1 nnd 40i S. 10th SI. , Onmlm , Neb. 1
Wholesale Ueuleia In Notions and Ucnts Fm >
nlslilim ( ioodj. i
Oils , Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
GnFolInc , MU'ii A\lo ( lii'itM1 , Kto. A. II.
JIiimiKcr , Omnhu , Neb. _ > , i
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omahn , NelnasUa ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onicc , Union Miuket.1517 Doilvo Stroot. Packing
lin.iw , U. P. It. it. Tniclfi'OnmhnV Nob.
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks ,
, "
IJOYEH & ( X ) .
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
Tire nnd Hufglar Proof P if < > , Tltno IockiVaulta
nnd .lull neil ; . Kt-'O I'auinm btieetOmahiNob
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Airilenltutnl , Vc elublo. Klc. Odd Pollows1 Hull ,
_ N.\V. _ Coi. 14th mid lodno SI . , Omaha , Nob. _
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Druggists ,
Jobbers of Points Oils Wliulnw Olnsl lUe. , lilt
Hutnoy aiiout , Omulm , Neli.
Wholesale Druggist * ,
And Denier in Paints , Oils und Window GlnMi1
Omulm , Nell. , _ J
Wines and .
Liquors. " J i
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
1203 und 1J04 lo\irliis ( bt. , Omnhn , Noli. i.
toiiob-Noa.4 und ! WJ , 'id list. N. Y. /
" 01:0. : w. DUNCAN !
Successor to McNAMAiiA .t DIIVMN , Import-ori
nnd Wliolesnlo Denlers In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
114 nndJH1 S. Uth St. , Omulm , Nob.
R. R. GROTi'E ,
Wines and Liquors.
Wcstoin Agent Jos. Sthlltr. llioulntr Co. T19S ,
wth Bliect , Omnhn.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
Ul ! Douglns Street , Omnhu , Nob.
ILER & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Liquors. Solo inunutiictiirois of IConnodr'g
Lubt India Blttuis. 1112 Huiney tftieet.Onmfm ,
L. P. LARSON & CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And rijrurs , nnd Gcnciul Agents for the Philip
Hosts' Colobiutcd Mllttimkeo Boer , Omului , Noli
Harness , Etc ,
JIuuufnetuicrs und Jobbciflof
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Goodd , BlnnkctH and Robus. liil l-'iuimia
Stioot Oinu'.u , Neb.
W. It. WltKJHT , '
ABOIH for the Munufuetiiiuis nud Importoru ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
I iinpe , I'liliiinujH , Kte. OOito , JJ17 South Uth
ftiii-t , Omulio , .S'ol * .
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Pan
The Short Idne
and Best Rcmte
From Omaha to the East.
TWbTiiAjNsn.uiA'ii : : . - : % OMAHA AN
( -'lilcngo , Mliiuciiiilis. | ( .Mihuiiilii'd ,
St. I'ltill , t'ediu-Iiiill4. ! | DuMtiiport ,
Clinton. lliiliiin | { | > , Hoi kloi'l ,
Itoclt Ifluii'l ' , rit > ( i | ii-t , .liilli'-ivllli- ,
IClKlll , Madl-Dil , luCinb-id ,
llelnil , WJiirmu
Anil nil nihor im | nluut | , UUIH | Ka t , Xoahont :
uiidl oiilhui : t.
Tieket onu'ii ut 1101 I'aiiuuu ntifTn | ( |
Holdl , and al Union I'm ilia liupol ,
I'ullmnu hleepcin inn ) tint I'nicht Hlnln'Cais :
In tliu Wm Id 1110 mn ti ilio muln llnetf of tlio
CllU.UJOMU\VM'KI r..VM IMl'l , HUI.WAV. aiHl
e\ery utlunlfon is puiil to n.iosQnifi'i's by couilo-
ouscmpioji-soi the [ 'innpuny.
K. .Mn.i.i.ii , ( Miui.tKor.
J , V. 'I'licitrit , AMMuiit ( iniioiid Mnuuiror ,
A. V. II , ( Uiii'i-.N-jni , I'tt'jjenjfor iinl
Ticket Aifcnt.
(1KO. L' . Hc\ri > oiii > , A bl lunl GuifiuH'iiKitn
cr nnd Ticket Ateiit.
Hsll'sSafesVaultsTimeioeks ,
and Jail Work.
1020 I'ttrnam Strcot , Omahu , Nob.
. E. Lincoln , Keb.
< s * * ilarkot Price Paid.
Nebraska Land Agency
General d il i R ! HI-H ! i.vluto and Ueitl Udtftlft /
Moii.vt9. i I'.iinii i xi. ( in ii'iuNvU ,