* * H THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , JFEBRUAKY 10 , 1886. were inndo to-dny' nt Oc , but tlio market ctn not ho ruiotril n\cr 7Mfc. Tttfkcys , KCCHO ntitl ducks nro nil qtiotmi atl lOc. Ciir.nsB Kftnry full rrcatn ehcdilars. Oc- tooer timkt1. llcllat : We : JOUIIR Amerlra , J2c ! fir. t qtmlity S\vi < cliecsc , lCcsecoiul : finality , I'kjJUc ' ; Oilck cliccsc , IC . UAMI ; Deer , antclojip , pralrlo clilck- ens nnd quail \\cio out of season on ifantiaty 1. nnilsoM'iy few tire roming In. t'ralrle clilckcns' iior doz , S2.WXW.75 : quail jiordo/ , S1.25C < n.r > 0 ; lack rabbits P T elnz , 83.00 ® 1.00 : mallard ducks vj.ai ! leal < lttcks Sl.iKQl.nO ; mixed ducks , Sl.\il,5' ) ; small rabbits. 7 : c ( < $ 81,00 ; pcc c , .OOftfl./jO. Pitn ( i.HVis : .jKt.i.ins. HTC. Pic crvcs nil kinds. eo-Ib. palls per lb. , I0 < c ; do lo pail ot ? , pir II ) . lOc ; ass < irted 5-lb. pails per ( rate , CralK ? : ,7ft. Jellies , nil kinds , Hist grade , CO lb. palls , per lb. , 8ciwoitcd ; , liret grade , 5-lh pails IHT crate , 6 palK per iloz. , . ' . ) ; do , Mb palls , IHT case. 2 do2..5 ! ; do , tumb lers , per case. 2 dor. . . SMO. Jelly , all kinds , second iradc ; , TO lb. palls , per lb. be. .Mlnco Jlcat , best ( ? iadc , ' { bbl. per lb. , 7c ; do , IS. US and OS lb palls , per'Jib. , 7kc : do. 5-lh palls , per t rale , 0 pall" , S3.7. " > . Apple butter. i-Miii line , 4 bbl. , unr lb. , 7c ; do 40-lb palls , lier II ) . . 7' ' & : tin. fi-lb iialls. ] ) er cntte. S-.T.\ 1'eiuli and plum butter , 40 It ) pall" , per lb. , tike ; peach , ilium and ( ] tilncc butler , as- Borted , 5-lb. palls , per einli1 , 0 wills , S ( . " > ; ratsup per rase , 2 do/ , pint boltles , S5.00 ; horseradish , pint bottles , per doS1.50. . 1'tos FKP.T , 'Ittti'K , Kir Pies' feet per \ { bbl. . 84.75 : do. X bbl. , fcu.40 : do. per kit , Sl.oo. Lambs' tonirues , per , U bb ! . , K.I . . Ml" ; ilil . per kit , . - ! . > 7,1 ; , . . quart Jars per do/ . , $ .Vx ) ; do. pint Inis per ease , 2 doz. . sr.OO. Ti Ipe , per J , ' bbl. , 4.oO ; do. pe Jsbbl l. SJ.U.do. : . uei kit. Kv HAt'i'.it ' KiiAt'r Best quality , 4) cal bbl , 87.iV ) ; iio { ral bbl. SO.M ) ; ir.irnl bnl. V4.0) ) . Ni'rs I 'emits , IniKcnolislied , lie ! pecans , medium , ! fcr Kimllsli wnlnntn , 14e : almonds , TmniL'ona , "Oc ; do , LangueiKx : , 17e ; lira lls , I''e , illborts Ue ; po.imUs. liand picked , fancy Vliilnlii. 7cdo : loabted I'c. OOMH MIIMV : CalliorntaB ib frame fx ) Ibs , In rnso per lb. , 15c ; 10 lb. frames , Nebiaska. Ibe. Ibe.CIIIKII Mlelilcnn tclined , per bbl , , SO.fX ) ; In. hail bbl. . 4. ( ) ( ) . Vi.M.oAit Wliltowliu' , lOc ; elder , 12 c. Coco vxi1 1 H At S4.U03M..W. Miw : Tins lA'ii.s : , r.ic. la > erli s. 5 nnd S-ll ) boxes , nor lb , li ( { 17c ; I'liinelle-i. ! i" > lb boxes , pet lb , I'c , Dates , fancy K.ml , 13-lb boxes , | icr lb. He ; do , lancy Persian , fX-lb ) boxes , per Ib , lie. l.iiMoNs Kaiicy Messina and Palermo , per bux , * 5X ( : di > . eboleu lcixlini und Paleiuio , per box , 3I.M : do. per 5 box lot. 84.00. OIIA.M.IISClmlcc Los Atmeles , per bov , S'J.75 : do. . " > bn\ lots , per bovJ.r,0 , ; do , 10 bov lots , W.MI ; fancKiM'iside , ? : t.r.O ; do , 5 box lots , si.i.'fl : do. 10 IKIV lots. SM.OO. CitANiii.iiniiCapo : , Cod etanbeiiles. per bbl , t\tO C.ipo I ' " 1 < lo. 5 bhl lols. pel- bill SS.IKI : Hell ntul Cbcrry ii ! > , per bbl , 5 > .T5 ; Jlell and Cheiiy ( It1 , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. 5-5.50. Ai'i'i.ns .Not iiuifli stoelv Is moving. Il linois L'l'lillous , per bbl. , W.40 : do , 5 bill lots , .V > . 'ido. ; . lOlblot.s , S'j.tx > : Illinois Willow Twins Hen Davis , etc. S'.75 : ' ' > . fill1l | ' " 's ' , ? 'J.f.Odo. ; 10 bbl lots , $ -5 : ! ; fancy .Micliit'an htoek. s.t/0ii'jr. : ! / : ; . OHAi'KS ainlnua per bbl. 87.00. HV.NANAS Ai'toHllnj ; to M/e , per bunch , . , . . Piioviaioxs. llnnu 10 < < Cl l c , breakfast bnron , t ( > ' \eele.ii : bide bacon , 7cdty ; salted Fides , fie : shouldeis. suirar etitedc ; mess pork per lib ! . . iia.VUi lard. 40 lb. eans. peril ) . u feTe : 10. 5 und if Ib 7 ? @ 8c ; di led beef linius. I''e. l'orAiois : None ate comlntr , and pticcs are nominal ut .TifeiWc tot choicestock. YJHITAIIMS : : : Caliloinl.1 cabbage , "c per lb ; Callloinia celery. S-.50 jiei doz : Jersey sweet potatoes , Icperlb ; patsnlps , S'J.OO per bnslr Mlehic.iii iiitabnK.i , SJ.W ) jipr bbl. O.vioxs bait J.nko stock. 5.00 ! per bbl. ; \Vetlieishelil \ , S'J.W ) pel bbl. Hr.AXs Hand ulckcd navv. 51.75@3.00 ; bund-picked medium , § l.f > 0 ( < M.75 : uood clean eountrv. Sl.avtfl.fO : Infeiior. 75eW.00. ( iiiAix Tin * Idllowln aru tlio iirc\attiiiK ptiees paid foiairou loads on the stieets anillat the mill' ' ? tn-day : . Corn , ' - e ; oats LWg ! T e ; wheat , No. . OtM : rye.4r > a' > Jc. Kluvntor prices lor ear lols : Coin , 21fc : oats , iil.4'e ; wheat , fii'dtu 'c ; lye , 44Kc ; bailey , 4 e , Fi.ouit and .Mit.t.STuri'S W inter \ \ heut Finn ; be.st quality patent fit ? 3.00@a. 0. Second miallty S'J. xg : .00. tjpiiiiK wheat Best quality patent atS"3.50 . . Hnckwhcat Flour In battels , So. 75 ; ready raided ! ilb packages. S4.00 ; 0 lb packages , 83.1K ) . JJrnu fi'icjiorcw't. Clioppe < l Feed Per 100 lbs.70c. Corn ileal White , bOc ; j ellow , 75c pcrcwt Hcreeninj ; No. 1 , 75c pcrcwt ; No. a , 50e. Jlomiiiy Sl.W ) per cwt. Shotts-fiOc per cwt. ( titilmm 81.75 pur cwt. llnv H.ilcs. S0.00 7 oo per ton. OYSTKIIS.JuoUti ( or to-day are : N. Y. counts : , 4'xi ; i'xti.1 selects , 40e ; selects , 35c ; standaids , i0c ! ; mediums , Me. Funs ANB isKiss Prices on fins and skins are sleady. ilink , eacli , 10@30e ; muskrat , winter , iifflr * ; do. kits , 2c ; Utter , t2.rxiiO.OO ) ( ; skunk , shoit striped , LXdixj ; do. broad st lined , 1015 ; badger. 25@.V ) ; Hac- coon , No. 1 larye. JiKgfiO ; do. No. a , aoffl'30 ; do. No. : i , lOtifiTc : wolf , tiiaiiio ffK xi ; ilo. mountain. § ' , ' .003.X ( ) ; wildcat , 15@40bea- ; \et , S1.50g'AW ( ) per lb ; fov. each , 1.40@1..V ) : deei skin : . drv winter , 15i UJc per lb ; do. fall nnd Mimni'T ' 20iZ2 c lltiiKH Gieen liutcheix. OOJOKe ; fiieen cured , 7JJ ( < < bc ; dry Hint. ia@ > i'c : : dry salt , 'JiSlUc ' ; duiuncco hides1 two-thiuls price. Tallow itiiease , prime white , 4cbheci ) Pelts SVHT.'ie. t No. 1 nttfeburtr liarni-KS J. U , L. &Sons , 860 ; No. 1 Pittbburg , K. & S. ate ; No. Cincinnati , iKe : No. 1 lace leather , tWc ; piiiuo hlauuhter.solu leather , a.x < .l e : prime oukbuio leutlier. ST/rfiPJc. Upper leatlier , per loot. 20 ® 23c ; lli mkln,7n@fviconkklplb. ; ( ) . < ic ; French kip. S1.00al.25 : Hem calf. S1.00 < auo , oak calf. 81.00 1a5 ; French calf , l.UV < il.85 : JMo- rocco boot le > r , ijO Kc ; Morocco oil pebble. jRXrfittc ; toppincs nnd linings. SO.OOf ) lo.OO per do ? . ( 'OAI. AnthrueltOBratc , 88.50 : eg , S8.50 ; innce , * 8.75 ; chestnut. S .75 ; Itiw.x , S3.S ) ; \Viilnut block , Sa.7o : Illinois , S5.00 : Mis- SOllli SI.IKI UKAVY tlAiiDWAiin lion , rates , 32. 5 ; plow steel , special ca.st , 4o ; cruciolo steel , Oc ; i nM tools ( In , rJ@ltJ ; wnuon spokes , per het , M,7."i ( : tiiu ; hub' ) . ncrM't , Sl.ao , telloes , hawed dry , Jl,40 , toiiKiies , each , 75c , nxles , each , 7r > c ; nuts , pur Ib. , 7 ( < yllc ; collchaln per lb , nialenble , * : iron wedges , c : now- b , C ; hartow teeth , 4c ; snilnic stool , 7 < * e ; ' S4.a Uuiden's IhudPii'slioisn hhoes ; mule bhoes. $ .V"i. Harbed AViie--'n car lots , S4.00 per UK ) Ibs. lion Nulls Kates. 10 to fX ) , $3.ix > . bhot-Sl.M ) ; bll ( k llot , SUM ; Oilcntal powder , kegs. S .MC1.00 ) ; do , half Uegs.S'.OO ; do , quarter KOKS. 81.50 ; blasting , ku N &s.i : : ; lui-e. nor ion feet. We. l.eml . liar , Sl.ot. DIIV PAINTS Whlto lend. He ; J < ieiieii anc , l'-cPnrlH : whltinu/JKc ; whitlncKildeis.iaic ; whltinc.com'l , lUc : lampblack , ( lurmantown , l'-'c ; lampblack , orillnury , lOc : Pitisslan blue , f > 5e , , untraumrinn , 18 < i : ' Vandyke , brown. t timber , mn nt , < p ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , buint , 4c : hiunna mw. 4n : Paris ween , eeuu- Ine , 2T > e : rniis L'U'i'ii , common , ! X > c : eiiiomo pii't'li , N. V.0c ; elir me cieen , K , la ; % er- million , KtiKllsh. In oil nsst ino ; raw and hiniit umber lib cans , luu ; raw and unint 'hlenna , lUc : Mxmhku Drown. I'.ic ; remi d liimpbhick. 1-e ; eoucli black and i\ory bin K ICc ; dron blaek , 10o ; Pinssian blue. 4t'c ' : til- tramnrinu blue. ISo : clnomu cieen , L. , M A : l,10o : blind und hhntter morn , 1 , . . M .t l > . ICc ; Puns Kieen , * bc ; Indian red , 15c ; Venn- tlnn led , fo : Tuscan ie < t , ao : American vr- inllllou , It. iv I ) . , "tic ; > ellowocnte. Ikt > . M .V ( l. I ) . , Ibu ; golden ncliic , Ida : patent dryer N'mlninneoloic. : ( . Ilchtoak dark oak , wal- nut. rhestnntaiidusli l.V IN On. Whltulead , pnialia , P. I -Ilvllill / II" il II UIIIr utT7t ( MIUV t * jiiifivi 7.rHiiuiillloii ! ; , Ameik-an , Ibo ; Indian , red 10oioMpink. ; . He : Vt'iietian.ied Cooki-on's 2Vc ; Veni'tiun ii'tl , Ameiii-un , la ; KM I lo.ul 7 } c ; clnomu jellow Kt'inilne , 'J.ic ; cliioina ellow , K , I''u : ociiiii lochello I'c : 00)110 ) , J 'ipncli.'Jhcjochrc , Aiui'iU-an , 2c ; Winter's iiiineral.'JHt'i U-liiirh bion.Ho ; bpanlsn brown. 2) ) < c ; 1'iinrv's mlnoial c Ulih nOr.utmii , per i ; moil , lie ; IV ) - head light. IHT tallou. lie ; I7.io heaitlli ; i .purK.il ; Ion , l o ; ISOs water \\hlte , lie : linseed banl IHT pillonlliliiihicd ; , boiled. IH.T irnllou , 37o : laid. ulnU'iktr'il , p > i t'allon 5 c ; No. 1 , 4tkj ; No. 2.To ; ivihtoi XXS , i > er tallon , tl.M ; No. : i. Sl.4lb\\c : < n , m-r milon , Si.oo ; biu-riii. u , U. , IHT firmi. SI.H'J' ' lihli \ > . H. per galloniVxt ; lu'ul.-lool \tia , per calton , * 0c , No. 1iSfxi ; Inliilc.itlir.r./fin , pt-rEallon , N Mimnicr , ! < : sdlilcn inuchine , No. 1 , per callon aon : No.'iJ.V ; sperm , slsnal , pprual- ' Jon 7'n > : tinpmithio , per gallon , 5 c ; naptlia. per gallon , 7v. \ AitKisiiF.s uariiHs , per trailou : Furn tuii\ extra , 1.10 ; fninlturc , No. 1 , 81.00 ; roach , extra 1.40 ; coacli , No , 1. 1.20 ; Uainar , extra , 51.75 ; Japan , "Do ; a-sphaltum , extra , 65c5 wiellao 8A50 ; liara oil Jmlsh , Ullfiis AXIi fill Mit'Ai.1 Add , carhollc , SOf aolil , tiulurlcVie ; li.il-.nm coiallia , per Hi. , Mic , b.uk , > assalnisj I > ( M Hi. , V.V : iier lb. , V c : cini-lioiiJilm , IMT o . , fliloio , lei in , Ib. , lo\v'rs | | ( > 'r lb. , , iicrlb. , JJ j , | l . ± 'c ; Iwiil ncvtate. JKT Ib."Oc I ; oil , e.iitXH' , No. i in-real. , Sl.tx ) ; oil , ca-toi , No. 2 per gul. , ? fl.l ) ; oM , oil , orli\nnni , Wcj opium S3.90 ; quinine , P. > t w. , nntl U. AS. . , per oz , & " > ej iiotft slum , Iodide , per IK. S.1,00 ; salleln. prroz. , 40c ; sulphate morphine * per z. , SH.'O ; sulphur , per lh.,2lc ; strjclmlnc , per oz. , 91.80 , bi'inira Cologne spirits , 1S3 proof , 81.12 ; do 101 proof SI .13 ; spirits , second duality 101 proof. Sl.ia ; do. l j proof , 81.11. Alro- liol. 1SS proof. 3'AIO per \ \ Ino gallon. Kcdls- tllled whiskies , 81.00A1.50 ; Rtn blended , SI.GOa'.00 ( ; Kontuekj- bourbons , SlOOrtjfl.W ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania rje . $3oooo.iX ) ; ( loldcn Wheat bourbon and n'o whiskies , Sl.rxxrfiUM. Drainllcs-linportcd , Sft.OOfas.bo : domestic. SI.30(13.00. ( (51ns ( Imported , 84.50 @f..00j iloniestlo , S1.2VU/.00. liunis lin ' ported , S4. ) ( ( l8.00i Nf\vLri'iirlalidS1.7r2.00 \ ; domestic , Sl.'AX < j.00. : ) Clianipaines Im ported. i > er case. S'J3.0DiJ31.00 ( ; Amcilcan , per case , 810.00 < H1G.OO FlHll. SMOKED FISH Halibut , now , fc ; now scaled herrlnKB , " ) c ; mackerel 1'Jc ; salmon , l 'c : Miiukuil iturueon. ICe. _ _ _ _ imutiMis. non iHI'8 'f Is O r IJbls I'ls KW nsn- 200 100 W 00 40 15 12 10 Munn'gS'tNo.l I/b7 )4 003 653 ( fi 1 707HC2 ftS I/RO Ulh'ed rnney 0 ( XI3 WIISM 1 W 1 CO 78 60 , 50 L'go H'djjh'io l"cyiO 00 3 60 3 25 1 70 1 BOJSfiO M XIACKKIIKI. . { .ARC FISH. I'ICKt.Cll 8A1.MON. plbls IlirllblsO'rllbls 1'nllior kits Domestic Holland lierilncs , kens , 50c ; KiisHlnn huidlnosirns ; Ancho vies In Klass , Oio Hull bmnn. per do/ . , M.OO ; Anchovies in ke s , } i Ole Hull brand , ! > 4.00 ; spiced llnmbuic liuirings , skins and heads oil. tier pall. SIM. CODFISH A ow luriro bank cod , 4c ; sea kill } , ' , Geonres chunks , OHc ; elover leut , ( teoitres stiips , OJ c : I Ib lollH'J lb boxes , fc : pralilo Ilowcr , 8 lb brick.Colld ; lose , 'J Ibbtlck , 5c. llollitiul lienlnc , new , jerkes ? , " . 'KJ ; now loin ? split stocklisli , lOc , new bhoil split stockfish , OJ . Grocora JLIat. SYIIUI Standaid C afe , bbls ; Standard , doH'allon kcu's , S1.10 ; New Oileans as40c pci gallon ; JIuplu fc > > nil ) , % barrel. P. & , G. hlilutly puii * . ? tic per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , tu.iiper doJi : gallon cans , So.iio per doz ; quail cans ? UXl DitiED Fitui M A'o. l ouurter apples , 4Kc ; evaporated , boxes , 8 5 u ; blackberries , bo\ui. O/jciglL'c : peaches : K.istein , 4jsfa ) > 'ic ; peaches , evaporated , 15 @l7c ; Salt Lake , now , tSij ( ! c ; rasjpbeiiies. now. W@35c ; cur rants , new. 7jf ( . ( .v : pi tines , new. 4 > f@5 COFFKKS Ordinary Rraaes.'J'c ' : tair , yoc : Mocha , 2iffl-J4c : Ailmckle's loastcd , l"Kc ; JlcUutu'linn'a XXXX loasted , 1 1'/o ; " Pil\\orth's "ISc : lied Cioss. I3jc ; Dilwoith's and Ipljauclilin'.s XXXX aie sold 50o per case off above prices in 3-caso ots. ots.j3unAKSI'owlercd,7' ) < cciit ; loaf.7jfcgran- ; ; ulated , 7' ' < c : coiitectloiier ' A. 7c : Stan daid extra tJ. O c ; e\tr.v C. 0 'c ; medium > ellow. li'/e ; NnwUiliMiw..r > ( o0 c. PICKLES Medium In barrels. S ' . 0 ; do In half ban els. S..7 ; small In banels , $7. 0 ; do In half barrels , S4. 5 ; glietkins in barrels , S 0 : do in half barrels , 84.75. SOAPS Kirk's aavon imperial , SI. ' 3 ; Kiik's satinet , 83.15 ; Kirk's standard. S3 30 ; Kirk's White Uttsslaii , .JJS ; Kirk's White Cap. S0.50 ; Dome. S4/ii. UANNKD noons Oysters , atanaard per case. ! : ! . ' 0 : sti-awbcnles , y-Ib. , per case , S2.0 ; lasiibernes , 2-tb. , per case , S'J.iJj ; California peais. jier case , 53.CO ; apricots , per case , Sl.'id ' ; pcaclies , per case , $4.7.hltc ; cher ries , per case , 86.00 ; plums , per case , S4.00 ; whortleberries , per case. S'J.40 ; ege plums , U-iij. , per case. S3. 0 , green Bafes , 3-Ib. , per rase , < J2.Xi ; pine apples , iJ-Ib. , per case , 33.203 5.oO. MATCHES Per caddie , 85c ; round , per case 45c ; square c.ises , $1.70 ; Oslikosh cases , gr. , 81.20 : mule souaii' . Sl.'JJ. SALT DtavloadH , per bbl , 81.55 ; Ashton. in sacks , S3. & : % sacks , Ashton. OOcbbls dairy. SJ.cnf ,2.7.- . bi > icis : Urouud lilack pepper , boxes , 15 @ 3-'c ; nllbjiiee , l2@U'c : cinnamon I8@i5c ; cloves , ! 5&2.-c ; giiiKer , 15@ ° > .5o ; mustatd , 15 ® . TKAB ( itinpowilcr , fair , . " 0@37 ; good , 45@ 55C : choice , iiO ( 75c ; oed linpeiial , 40j ( 4c : ! ; choice , ( XXOTOe. ; ; Young Hyson , good , 30y < 5c ; choice , 5070c : Ooloinj , good , : i5C } 40c ; Oo- lone , choice , 40HOOc ( : English lireaktast , good , io@40c ; choice. C0l08c ; Souchong , good , : 85c ; choice , as@lr c ; Japans , fair , lixaaic ; peed , a5@45c : cnolco , 6 % 75c ; Tea Dust , 15c ; Tea Slftinks. Ibo 1'Luo 1 oiiAcco Climax , 44c per lb ; Hon > o- shoe , 4.'c ; Star , 4Jc : Spearhead , 40c ; ( ! old Uoll , 4fic : Piper Huld-dck. OOc : Punch. S'-c ; 1 otiiic Fjitz , 41c : SlherTaR , 40c ; .IT.1. JiJc. Horn Sisal. % Inch and larger , 83tfc ; Inch , OJ c ; Winch. < Jc. , OANDT Mixed. n @ 13o : stict. tii&tllt. SODA In Ib papers , 33/J5 a case ; salsoila keg per lb. $3.23. CIDER 13@18c ; white wine , 15 tiarneau'a soda , butter and picnic , 5' < c : crejius , 8 > fc ; BliiKcr snaps , S c ; Citv soda. 7 > < fc. CANDI.KS Uoxca , 401b. Os llj/c ; Ss. lljfc ; boxes , lOUi , 10 ot , Cs , llko ; hall box , 'JOB ) , FIXK Cur Hard to Heat , 70o ; Clmnnof the Wut , < Wc ; Kountaln , 70u : Uolden Thread , 07c ; Kuvoiite , fXc ; lluds , Wc ) ; Hocky Moun tain , Wk ) ; Fancy , 45c : Daisy , 40c ; North Star , 70c : < iood Luck.V * ! : Our Uest. ny'c. Magara gloss , l It ) , 0 > , c ; Niagara / . _ - * -7 _ " - . . . / . ! . n-\ k l. " _ I'lllc , ( ' ; jlaimony , 4 > ; c ; Anihor Shillings , 7Jo ; Meiiimai-1 : ShlitingJ , W < s ; Jierwick , fie. lii.r.Ariici ) Cm ro.vs Kaimers' choice , fi/c ! ; Cabot. r4'c , ; Hope , 7n : Hill 4-4 , 7Kc ; Hlll ,63fo ; Lonsdalo , 8Krult ; , 8'/c ' ; Wau * bllttU. lUj.iC. L'niiMU JKANH Keaisarge , 7c ; Armory , 7c ; JViipeu-ii , 7jj'oj Indian Orchard , Oko ; Naiimkt'ii'- \ Diunt.v Corioxl.awronco LL , ftc : Sliaw FI.NT. UIKIU.N forro.vs IVpiwroll U , fiVc ; 'epi ' 'iellO. , 5'4f. Atlas , 0,1/0 ; stattto o Lib- ertv , Oo : Saramui K. Ji.MSis : Hei\i'r Lteek AA. Ho ; Heaver Cn-ok H1J. lOo ; HiM\erCii'ek CO.Ou ; Jaffroy XX , llc.Ialliey ; XXX , Vie ; Jaffit-y D JsT , l-'i'c ; Columbian , lajfc : York , ISo ; Yoik , fancy. ii' : < c : Kverett , 18o ; Ha > maker's blue and IIIONMI. 7iuu. lucK-Unbleachcd-5oz. ) ( ) Alasnolla , 10i < c ; 10 Magnolia , V-to ; 8 o . West Point , 10 > Jo ; 10 cu. We" t Point WV.'o. ( colou'd ) Uoslon U oz. brown and drab , 13Uc : Uoston O H blown and drub , Ho ; lioston XX brown and drab lOc : Kostou XXXuiawnnml drab.iiKc ; liuitunUl'Ulne. HKc : Wairen Tricot Lie. Tu'icisos Aiiiii'lccae ACA Thorn- ' I-j-jfe ; - dko OOO , 7c ; ThorndlkDlaiiey , ( Oioork ; loj c ; fork fancy , W o ; Millbury , 13iao ; Pearl Jtlver , Hse } ; Hiuiiiltoii. 13c ; bMTiU KUur. nf ; blii'tuuKot h , Mcu ; Shetuckct SS JKc ; MonUiuk AA , I''e ; Moutauk UU , lO o ; Oiui'ira ACA. WW ( n.soiiAMS Jtcntiuw. IKifloWc ; Amoskea dies ; . , .to ; Anioskea1 ' . staple , O c ; Ivanho l Ko ; Wamstitta. t > H" ! Jiubl.ni. b'fc ; War wick. s ) < c ; Whittcndon. fc : Hates , dress 8c ; ItiUcA staple , ojfc ; JCaiuiolnli staple , , o ; o Lansdowne. 7c : ( ilouei ter , 7 He. CiiKViois Aiuo-ikeait , chwKs.OJi'c : Amos ksa ? , itripes. bHc ; Slater , 3triH | > s , ( xi ; Kiluii Durg , U > \\liittfndon : , btrlpes. So : Gh-n- rosp.-fle ; Otis , chei-kti , O' 'c ; Otis. Btriix * Do , Hoyal 0 fc ; Anioskea , implied , I0ic ! : J.u- ray , b iok fold , I2e ; Oborpu.uook luld , l\e ; Euiluruuce , took fold 1'Jc. Drr timber. _ _ l TIM 12 ft H ft 10 ft 18 ft SO ft 22 ft 24 ft Ji . . . . . . . . . . . . ilooiloijiloo'io ' 'iTco'isifio'iafio ' ' 2x0 H.51ll.60l460l56016.rXl ) ! .6fl20.53 ; * 8 l5.9015tl015C)0100017.Mm ) ( 1900 2x10. ' 15.0)18001500100017.0020.0020.60 2x12 | I5.'M 18 00 15 00 16 00 17.00 19 00 20IX ) 4H-8X3 (15.00,15.00 ( , 1600,10.00,17.00,18.00,10.00 , , cr.n.txo Clear , Klnch Yellow Pine ? 32.00 Clear. % Inch Norway. . . . 14.00 2d Com. , ? ' Inch , Norway 13.00 F1MSIIIXO. 1st and 0 < 1 Clear , Ijf Inch , s. 2s $500J Islanded Clear , 1& and 2 inch , S2s. . . . 5000 8d Clear , W inch , s''s v 4SOO fid Clear , IH mid 2 Iiirh. s 2s 4800 H Select , I/ . 1 and 3 Inch. s. 2s 3000 1st and'-'d Clear , l men , s. 2s 5000 Pd clear. 1 Inch , s2s 4450 A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s 4000 b Select. 1 inch. s. 2s 2050 1IOA111IS. No. Iboards , 12,14 It and 10.00 No.2boards , 12,14ft and 10.75 No. Sboards , 12,14 ft and 13,75 No. 4 boards , 18,14 ft and 14,25 FF.NCIVO. No. 1 , 4 * 0 Inch , 13andl(5.50 ( 14fcct , rough. . No. 1 , 4 V : 0 Inch , 10 feet 14.50 , rouitli No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and 12.60 14 feet , rough. . No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch. 10 feet 10.50 , lough. I'OPI.AII MtMllIMI. Clear Poplar box bds , X Ins , 2s $30.0) " fl < ln , panel stk w idc , s 2s. 27.CO " " Cornmatcd Cellliur , , ' . . . 29,00 S111XOLKS , J.ATll. * A * Standaid S2.TO 5 Inch , clear , Sl.500 ; Inch , clear l.rx ) No.t 1.10 Lath. . ' . 3.20 I'AUTITION. 1st Com. , V Inch White Pine S30.00 2d Com.// Inch White Plno 23.50 FI.OOItt.VCI. 1st Com. Olnch. wlilto pine $3000 2dCom. 0 Inch , wlilto plno 34 t 3d Com. 0 inch , white pine 2000 I ) . Cinch , wlilto pine 2000 Com-I niiil 0 inch jellow pine 17.59 Star 4 and U Inch J ellow plno 21.00 1st and 2d clear yellow plno 4-0 Inch. . . 23.50 SHIP t\r. No. l , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch 517.00 No. 2 , Plain. 8 and 10 Inch 15.00 No. 1 , O. U 17.50 POSTS. White Cedar , Olnch , hahcs 8 11 " " 5i " " andSlnq'rs 0 " " 4 " lottnd 11 Tennessee red cedar , spilt 14 STOCK IIOAIEDS. A12Inch , Is 12 , Hand in leet $4000 13 " " " 41 neO O " " " " " " 3(500 ( I ) " " " " " ' ' 2300 No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. 17 5 ! ) No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . IS SO No. a " " " 12.14 and 10 it , . 1550 I.IMI : , 1.1 c. Quincy wlilto lime ( best ) , 85c ; cement , Akron , Si.75 ; plaster , S2.-50 ; hair , per bushel 30o ; sish , 50 per cent oil IKt ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 5u per cent oil list ; tairedlelt , per c\U , , fel.75 : Htruw board. Sl.OO. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago The only rood to take for IVs Molnes , Jlnr- Bhulltown.CcdnrUnplds , Clinton , Divic. Cblcng-o , Milwaukee nml nil points cast. To the people of Nebraska , Colomdo , Wjomlnpr , Utnh , Idaho Novudn.Oreson , Wnshlnifton nnd Cullfornln it offers superior ndvuntngcs uotpossihle by nny other line Among n few of the numerous points ot supe riority enjoyed by tlio patrons or this lORdbo- twoon Omahu nml Chicago , nro its two trains u dny of DAY COACHES which nro the finest Unit human art and Ingenuity cun cioatp. Itsl'AIi- ACE SLEEPING CARS , which nro models of comfoit nnd elegance. Its PARLOR DRAWING ROOM CARS , unsurpassed by nny , nnd Its wide ly colobrnted PALATIAL DINING CARS , tlio equal of which cunnot IHJ found elsewhere. At Council Hluirs the ti nlns of tlio Union Pno-- flo Ry. connect in Union Depot with those of thn ChicuKO& NorthwoHtcrn Ry. In Chicago tlio liuins of this line mnko close connection with those of idl eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbus. Indinnnpolls , Cmcln nntl , Nlnjrnrn Fulls. Bulfnlo , PHtsburg. Toronto Montreal , Boston , New York , Philadelphia Hal- tiinore.Washlngton nnd nil points in the east , ask the ticket ngont for tickets via the ' NORTH-WESTERN , " If you wish the beet accommodations. All ticket agents sell tickets via this line. M. HUGHITr. H. S. HAIR , General Manner. Gen. Puss. Agent. CHICAGO. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 SuplusMay 1 , 1886 85,000 U. W. YATKS , President. A. E , TOUZAI.IN , V'ico Presulont W. H. S. HUGHES , Cashier , ' 'F * W. V. MOUSE , JOHN S. COLLINS , H. W. YATKS , LEWIS S. HERD , A. K. TOU/.AUN , BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK. Cor. 12th und Farnnra .Streets. General Ilan'.iinir iiusluoss TraaaactoJ. MHO 19 UNACQ MINTED WITH THE GEOORAFHr OF THI6 COJNTRY Wll i StE BIT IXAMININQ THIS MAP THAT THE CHICAGO.ROCK ISLAND S PACIFIC RAILWAY Uy reason of IU central poiltlon and close reUtlon to ell principal lines I'.oit and \Y' | . at Initial and trr- tnlnul point' , rnnitltulei Hie moit Important inlil ronllneiit l link In Hint tvitrni of tliroutcli truiupor. tallon whleli InTlIri and firllltatfi travel nnd tt D1a Iwtwron ellle * of Ilia Atlanllo nnd 1'acillo CooiU It In uliu the favorite nnil bent ronto to and from polnt I'ait , orllKMt nud Boiitheiiit. and corrcrpoudlna | K > lnii West , ollll1vcIt and HonUmrit. The Croat Rock Island Route Oinranteei Us patronn that icare of prrconal ecn- ; 1ty nffordcd liy o willd. ilioroiiKlily iVllaitrd road- rll"0. ' ! " ' If6'1 ' * " ' ' "iillnuoiu nffcl rail. ( Uhitan- Hally hum tub ort nnd In ( IKK. i omna ttcrk al n tar mfntlon n hiininn skill ton make It. life .aftlv nppllanctfofpittiitliuiruii.p and tlmt exacting lite Ipllnu wll nifurninnndalrbrnLri ( 1 , Koenii Ttlie * ? - ? t i-aluperaUonoallltitialii9 oilier peclalili of lili route ate Irtiiifori at all conuetllnir imlnu In Union Denoti , and tlio iinttiijuoed coiutoiU aud luiurleiof Iti Ptt enfor Liuliiu , nt. The Ka t KinroM tiahu lirtitren Clilcneo and Proi > . Vounill lrtua . Kann. - | , * , ' , JS3 AtclllHon re coiiipoid.1 of writ ventilated , flnrly up. JioUtcred Day Coachi.ii Mairiilllcent I'ullman l-iUte Hlrenrior the jaleit ileilgn , and mmiuuoiu Wnlnl Cin. In which elaborately reeked mrali ari'lWiurcly eatin llrtweeu Chicago and Kan > L'ltyandAl'hlkon re al o run the Celebrated Hei lining Chair Cara. The Famous Albert ton Route { the direct und fayorlta ling between Clitcaitoand MliincapnlliaiidSt. 1'mil. where connfrtlon.ur ? nade iR-itili01111 ? ? " " " . * . ' ! roln\ \ " , " * tlle Tf rrltorlei and roiita Fait EivrrM Train , are run to the wnterlnv placei. . "miner r" inable , a. well a. tlcUuti , at all i.ilhclnul Tit er k ln' ' " tlU > U"iUl1 : Btat" U 4 l w bjJ 'R- CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , I'l et't & Otu'l M'K'r. Oen'l T'k & 1'au. ig't , A Quick. io-o-JW1 , Un. IlFIIIL . . W P. A K N giiarLery. IMIIM'HTA jm ruK hy iiiatl. * f.M.l'l > . 1- iRiE MEDICAL CO. . BUFF Bifliard'Tables ' , Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables , And Pnloon , OfTico nnd llnnk Fixtures , Market nnd Huron Sis. , Uiltotgu. III. Onmlm onicot > ! ) J S. 10th St. Book Binding , Elc , " " * IIKKSI'IIINTINO CO , Printers , Book Binders , And Itlnnk Hook Mnmirncturcr . Noicn and 103 South Uth Strett. Omnhn , Ntb. Bridges Sleim Pile Driving. RAYMOND i l'ASlf'HKI.1 , ; liifInters : ( and Conductor * . Roof Trusses Steam Pile Bridges , , Driving Iron Combination nnd llowo Tru s DrtdRos , 1'illntr nnd Onk Timber. 15th St. , nonr Vnrnmn. Tclepbono No. 734 Butter I ubs. * j ! SKYMOtmi Manufactnrjr of Butter Tubs. tfi ft , .T.V ; 40 t > , 30o ! 25 ft , LMoj 20 lb , 2ioi 10J fc flrk. In ? , Wa. 18th und 1'lerco St. . , Omnhn , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco , " " * " ' " * MAX MKY1UI&CO , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , nuns nnd Ammunition. 215 to 221 South llth Street , 10M to 1K4 ( rnrimm Street , Omnhn , Neb. iNTKH-OCKAN CtdAll WEST A. nilTSCHKll , Hannfacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dcnlcisln Leaf Tobaccos. Noi _ IDS und 110 N. 14th Street , Omnhn , Neb. _ Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works. John Kponotcr , 1'ionrlctor. Mnniifurturor or Onh imbed lion nnd Cot nleo. 1C ! Iod ; o und 131 nnd IQjNoith 10th Street , Omuha , Neb. HUHMl'lNO k 110LTR , Mnntlfucturorsot Oniiunentnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Kinnl" , Ktc. , 910 S. lath St. Woikdono In luiypuu of thocountry. Western Cornice Works , C. SPECIIT , Proprietor. ( nhnnlrcd Iron Cornices , Ktc. Spechl'slm- troM-d I'ntent Met ull'o Skylight. SOS und MOS. JUth St. , Omulm , NcV. _ _ Doors , Sash. Etc. T Gate City Plcning'KIll. Doors , Push nnd Ullnds. Alfo nil kinds of liirnliiK' . Scroll nnd Stnlroik ol e\eiy de- ( ciiptlon. A. Mnnufncturcr nnd Uenlcrln Doors Sasb Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Stnlr llnlls n Bpeclulty Telephone No. l&th nnd Jlnicy btl.,0ninfia , Neb. Electrical Supplies , L. twOLKE CO. , Elcctrlcinus , " Electrical1 Supplies , Masonic Illock , Omuba. Tlurplar Alnrms , Hells , Kh o Alarms , Klectrlu Mattlnir , Sncnkliij ; Tubes , Gold , Silver und Nickel 1'latlng , Etc. Ironard Nails , "OMAHA"NAUI fu su Cut Nails and Spikes , Tire Nulls n Spc ; lalty. Omnhn , Nob. Omaha Iron Works Company , Machinery , Custlmrs , Steum Eiifflnos , Boilers , Aiuliitectmnllian Worklion liridKcs , Mlnlnir nnd Mill Machinery. Olllco nnd norks , Union I'neillc H. It. 17th uud Ibth Streets. WEAUNE & DUO. , Foun'dry Works. Cor. 14th nnd Jnckson Sts. , nrennrod to do nil kinds of Iron und Hrass rnstnipfs ; nlso , O , C. 's Hocking Grnto Ilurs miunifaotiiroJ Mattresses , K. M. Mattress Company , Mnnufncturlmr MnttressoH , Hcdillntr , Fenthor I'illows , Cots , Etc. 1'OU und 1203 Dout'liis Street , Omulm. Heb , Overalls. CANriKLD Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pmitf" , Shhts , itc. : , UK nnd 1101 Douglas Street , Onmhn , Nob. Safes. Omaiia Safe Works , G. ANDHEEN. Wnnufncturcror Flionnd Ilnrflnr Proof Pifoi , Vuult Doors. Jnll Work. Sbutteis nnd Wire Work. Cor. 14th nnd Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Soap , P. J. QUKALEV , Soap Manufacturer , Office nnd Tnttory , nenr Ponder Mairazlro , Omulm Neb. Wagons and Carriages. GltATTON & DHUMMOND Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , 135nndlJ17 ] llunioy Mieet , Oimilm , Nob. Golo AKi'iilfeln Nebinsku lor Jones' Cclcbinted dpllt bhntt Sulkies. EMubllshed 18'A A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , lib'Jnnd 1411 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nub. White Lead , _ _ OMAHA WII1TK LEAI5 COMPANV , Coi rodei s und Grinders of Perfectly Pure White Lead , Omahu , Neb. J.cvl fnitcr , 1'iee.j C.V. . MiaJ , V'ltu Pn h. : 11. W. Vnlfb , buc. und Treiis. OMAHA HOTEL DEREOTORY. The Hillard , 8. Shears , J. E. Markel.Tbos. Swobo , Proprietors Oiuuha , Ncbiuska. Hotel , James t'nbuy , I'ropilctor , j lO nnd I.'IT DOUKUIS hi. , Onmhn , Neb. TliepationiiKuof commurcial men rcbiiuclf-ji'.y feolieitud. They will Ilnd this the liuat i u dt.y bout j west oi Cliloutfo. ? lanters House , c. E. iTititis , ri Rntcg , tl.5U pvr dny. fitreet curs from II. 1" . depot , vltlnn one Mock of lioiibo. Conic.1 Uodgu nnd lath stiuvtH.Omabu , Mob.lu lu _ The Gozzens , 1' . Humsey 4 Co. , Proprietors. lUtia 2.00 per dny , no dark rooms. Onmlm , Neb. Also l nipuoiort , of 1'uluce Hotel , ijuntn I'o , How Canfleld House , Cor. Ninth nnd Furnum Sts. The beet f3 per day hotel In Umuhu. Ilcinodcled. icfurnlsliiU , redeo Ji utcd ; ono block f i om ui mj liuudtiuurtera , oppoxitu Union I'ueltioheudmini ( ( is ; t-lrict uuu pnM tliu door. Goorno Canfleld .V Co. , lnoprlo- torb. Alto Union block Vurdi Hotel , .South Umuhu. Hotel do Gees , P , GOOSl'ioprktor , European Plan. The only centrally located ST adayhoUbo. Tlirco door from llo > d'o ItouHiund one-hulf bloth from the I'o and the Court Uuvwo. life lilC1 , 15U mm JOBBERS1 DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. " UNINOEH A METCALF CO. , \Vholcsalo Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Onieo , Corner fith nnd 1'nclflo St , Omnhn , Neb. i-AllLIN , OUIJNDOUFP k MAJITIN , \ > holo9.e ; Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnd Dumfries , Omaha Neb. Cllt'UOHILL ' PAHKKH , \VholtBn1oDciHcr In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carriages nnd Uncles. J < np St. , bet. Oth ntul loth , Omnhn , Nob. Boots and Shoes , W. V. MOPSE & CO. ? Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , Illl Fnrunm Sticet , Oinnhn , Neb. Mnnufnctorf , Summer Street , Uoston. ' Carpets , . . . . 'sTA. ouciiAim , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Curtnln Good" . Kte. . 1423 Fnrnam Stiect , Omulm , Neb. _ _ Coal , Lime , Etc , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. OHlcc , 213 S. 14th pt. , Omnhn , Neb. Yards , Olh nnd Oivenport Streets. COUTANT &SQU1HES Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. Best varieties. Oniro.Sn S. 13th St. Telephone No. 14WOniUlinNeb. ' Nl'.HUASKA riT.I , H ) . , Shippers of Coal and Coke , SHS , 13th St. , Omnhn , Neb. OKI. C , TOWI.K , 1'icsidonf. OEO. 1'ATTFHRON. Sec. nnd Trcni < . J. II. llui.ni.UT. P. A. U u.cn , Proprietor. MumiKcr. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , - OMAHA , Nl'.HKASKA. Office , JilTS. llltli Stieet. Telephono49. GEO. r. I.Aiuoii.Pies. C. P. floowtAN.V. Pro * J. A. SUMir.nuvsn Stc. undTieus. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbeis otluml nnd < oft lonl.SOOS. Uth St. , Onmlm , Neb. OMAHA COAIj AND PHODUCE CO. Hard and Soft Coal. rs In liouldcr Coloindo Conl.217 houth 14th bticct. Coffee and Spites. CLAIIKC iiuos. .tro. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Ten" . Colfecs , Spices , Unking Powder KxtinctH , I.nundry lllno. Ink , etc. Hli-lu Hur- iicy Street , Onmhn , Neb. Commission , Etc. - " IHIANCII & CO. , Wholesale Fruitb , Produce , Oysters , 1121 Furnniii St. . Omnhn. Applos-Our o n , , ack. inir I'lntt & C'o. s ' 1 lucr Itiund Oystcis , llutter , , Gumo , 1'oultry , I'otutoes. _ JOHN r/ " General Commission Merchant , Tiodnco , Piovlslons Prults , Flour nnd Peed. 103 P. 14th St. , Omnhn , Neb. Consignments solicited. Iteturns niudo piomptly. LOUIS IIELLKIt , Jobber and Commission Merchant. Che etc , Sausage" , Kiulls , Ilutchers'TooK nnd SUM'lles. UluJonts St.Omfdin Ncb. _ W. K. KIDDELIj , General Commission Merchant. SPECIALTIES Cheese , muter. Egnrs , I'onlliy nml Hnmu , 112 a 14th. , ( ) mulm , Neb. Tolcc l > hone is'o. i3i > 5. _ _ D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , Eggs and Produce. A full line of Stone- viiro. Coublgnments bollcltotJ. 1414 Dodge St. , Oiniilin. _ _ E. MORON r , General Commission Merchant , Butter , Eirps , Cheese nnd Count ! y Produce Bon- erully.aou B. 12tb bt. , Omnhn , Neb. McSHANE & SCHKOEDKlt" Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Bcfrlgcrntor nnd Pucklm. Hciiiho.Mth & Lenven- north St. , on U. I' . It. 1J. Tinek , Omahn , Neb. Estubllshed 1870. ROBERT PURVIS , General Commission , til S. 14th St. , Omnh i. Nob. Speclultlcs Butter Eggs , Poultry und Game. PEYCKE nitOS. , Commission Merchants , VrulU , Produce and Piovlsions , Omuha , Neb ISAAC OHIKFITII , Commission Merchant , nnd wholesale * dcnk r In country produce , t rultp , butter , C't-'s ( , etc. Goods on consignment a specialty. ! KJ N. 'Oth ft. , Omuhn , Neb. KIllSt'IllUtAi'N &SOXS , ( Sucvos-oif , to A. P. Pollack. ) Produce Commission Merchants , No. SIJ Fouth l th Slieet. Oinnlui , Ncli. " THOXEI , ! . to WIlTLIA'MR , Storage and Commission Merchants. FrultH. I'loui . Apples , Slonew in i , ( "Ider.VIm srur , lIiiiEHHeedR. llutter and KKHK , 'M und 111 ! ; South 33th Mrcct , Omulm , NcbrusUu. 'WIKDKMAN A CO Produce Commission Merchants. 1'oultry , llutter , Gnmo , Kiuits , Etc. KWA lllh St. , Omtihu , Nebruslm. Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits , Jleuts , l. rd , Jellies , Ilutti'i , EKKS , Cheese , Etc. No. ! SUfi 8. 121 h St. , Omnhu , Neb. " " WESTEHI'JELD BROS. , General Commission Merchants i < CGJ7o < ltro Htic'ct , Onmlm , Neb. Soneltcil. -MuDOXAhU. . COMMISSION MERCHANT. 315 J'.th Street , Omnhn. Nub , Sp < > cliiltlc"s : Hut. tei , KtasK , nnd ( 'hlckuns. Dry Goousi " * " 3 , J , BROWN & CO. , V7holesale Dry Goods and Notions. 3d l Dou lns Street , Onmlm , Neb , L. GINKIICKG & CO. , Wholcfiulo Dealers In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , Luces , Embioldcry mid Whlto C coos. _ 1 . ' 0 Dougliib Street , Omnhu , Neb. Engines , The Baker Automatic Engines , Stutlonury und poitublo engines , boilers rnd cheet Iron noikHiiwmti , uirrlculturnl imlo- incnte , iiumps etc. 1-'I.M-15 i.uivcimortli tJ'i , Leather , Hides , Etc , "a HUNTJIiOTON Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow , 1111 Jucksou Stioet , Omului , Nub. SLOMAK UUOS. , Wholebalo Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Eortdltry and Hhoo I'indliir , Hldcb , Wool , 1 ure , Pcltn , Oieuso , Tallow , Etc. , O.nuhn Nol. Flour , Etc. V * . pit turns. ' Gro. WM. PRESTON t. co. Wholesale Flour , MS , 10 ctid tm'ifico Stieet O.muhn , OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY TZSCHUCK , JR. , Agent for J. C lloffmixjr * 0o. , Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour liy Holler nnd Ilttnptrlnn l'jwe s. Wmchouso , 1213 Jonca ftrcct. Uinnlm , Nob. W. J. Wl'.LSUANS * CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Mftnufneturcrsof W. J. Wclshnns XCo.'sQulcX IlnlMnR IHick\\ heat flour nml proprietors Omulm City Mills , cor. frth and Knrnnm Streets , Onmbn. Fis'l , Ltd. nstt co7 Successors to Ickcu Sloin cn & Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , } Importers of yorolpn Tlsli , N'oi. Pll-113 Jonci * > - _ StiL'et nml U. r. Track , Umnliu , Noli. / furniture. Etc , Wholesale Dealers in Purnltiira , I'nmnm Street , Omnhn , Neb. Groceries , " ALLV.N 11HOS. . Wholesale Grocers , 1110 nml 1112 Douglus Sticet , Omaha , Neb. K. n. CHAPMAN * . CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco nnd Smokers' At t teles 1217 Howard SU JIKYIMI & 11AAVKU Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , fc'plces , Clgurs nnd Tobaccos 1J17 nnd 1U1U DOUK InstMieet.Omuhu , Nob. McCOltlMlllADY & COMl'ANl'i Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th mid 1'nrntim Stn-ots Onmlm , Neb. PAX-TON , 0 A I.LAO HKll Ac CO , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 705 , 707,7OT nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Otuuliu , Neb. Hardware. W. J. IlllOATOH , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , EprlnjrsVniwn Stock , Hmduood Lumber , oto. 12W ) und 1211 Hartley Btieoi , Onmhu , Neb. EnxrY& aiiuioN , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Cnnlnzo Wood Stock , lleiny llnnlwaio , lUe. 1217 und 121U Leuvenuoith Street , Oiniiha , Neb. IIIMKIIAUOH & TAYLOlt , Builders' ' Hardware , Mrchnnlcs' Tools mid Ihillalo Scales. 1405 DOUR- Ins til out , Omulm , Nob. I.lin , FltlUD & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet lion , Lie. Agents for llowo Ponies tuid Miami 1'uudcr Co. , Oimilm Neb. _ _ MILTON nooiMis & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mnntles , fiiute * , Hi ass ( roods. 18-'l una U2J Tur- niim Street. ' _ & Wholesale Hardware and Hails , Kmcison Steel Mulls. Oor. 10th nml llnrnoy btrcuts , Oimilm , Nob. _ Harvesters. & CO.CIIICAGQ ilunufucturer of the Deerint Harvester Goods , Wrlto to Wm. M. Lorlmcr , flonond Oinubii. Telephone 010. Iron Pipe , Etc. " ' COWING i. CO , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , Jobbi rs In lion 1'ipo Iron 1 llinps. Iran mid IlniFs Coods. lIiiRlncers' .Supplies. Inn and Docile Streets , Omtihu , Nob. A. L. STHANC1 COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Stcnrn , Water , Hullw uy nnd Milling Supplies , ntc. ICO , OT.J und VJi Fniimiu St. Oinalia , Neb. CIlUIlCIIIUi PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam und Water Supplies. Headquarter * fo Mubt 1'oost Co.'s Uoods. 1111 I'miium Stioet , Omuba , Neb. Jewelry. " EDHOLM & KHTCKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In Sllveittaro , lilumonds , Watelus Clocks , Jewelers' Tools and Mateilaid , Etc. , 101 nnd 11H , 11th Street , Cor. Dodge , Onmlm , Neb. , . tive Stoc ! < , Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha. No Yardage ChniKod. Clofo to U. 1' . Ih-ldRO. Special nccoinniodatlon r.nd n good innikct lor hogs. K. 0. Cooper , Man ager. Olbeo , South uth Slicet. Jt. I1UHKE & SONS , Live Stock Commission Oeo. Jluiko. JInnnijer , Union Stock Yards , S. OnmlM. Tola iho.iu 582 \r. F. 11UOWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Olllco Exelmngo Iliilldmir , Union Stock Yatds , . boutli Omulm , Nob. TelcphonuNo.iXtl. MALLOHY. SON ie CO. Live Stock Commission , Union Stock YurdH , Chicago , 111. , and Omntin , Net ) . Trunk Chlttondon.Manutfei-Onmbiillranch. Telcplionu No. : JS. | . Ifetuldlnhud Ibrti W. J * PATRICK & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , .tfldn-bH nil tommiinlentlons to 114 lit Union Stock /aids , Houth OniHhii. Advuncoa niudu on Mock. Union Stock Yards Company , Ol' OMAHA. Limited. John ] ' . liovd , Superintendent. " M.VVAUK & < niKK.V , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Ehij iiients ot liny und nil Kinds of stock bollclt i cd. Union gt.ek VaidsOiualiuNLb. Lumber , Etc , LOUIS IWAWOHI ) , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , ( josh , Doors , Kto. I'm da Cor , Till and Douglas , Cor , Ulh und ] 10HN MANUrACrUUING CO , . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , , fitnlr Work nnd Intoilor Hard \Vood J'inlKli. Jimt opened. N. K. cor. flu nnd l.eaen - worth hticela , Oimilm , Neb. CHICAGO I.UMnCU COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , Hi 5 , llth Street , Omnlin , Nub. F. Ojlpeucr , Munagor , C. N. DJin'Z , Lumber , 13th mid California Stiett" , Omaha , Nob. " 1'UED W. GItAY , 1 Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc , , , . , , Cor. Cth and Douglas Ktieett , Omulm , N'cU. GP.O. A. HOAOI-AND Wholesale Dealer in Lumbar , Omulm , NebiuBkn. " " * CHAS. B. LKB , Hardwood Lumber , Wnfon Stotl. , 1-V.ncy Woods , llildgo Tlmler < , i.c. , ri.V. . Cor , Uth und DouglasOmului , .Null. | 0. If. LYMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Bulldlntr Paper , Ktc. South 13th Htrocta2fiJ3 ! , Kcbrusko. Nebraska Lumber Co , PiUd In Cuiltal | Stock , 5000,1110. IxigyerH.raunulecturers and iiholesalo nnrl eie. SlIlUM' . MenUl , > VB. | WhoUmikuuid raa : , Ouiuhu , NuL' ' . Ml B. 'JtU SU OMAHA JOBBERS1 PIREGTOIjY' OMAHA I * MI1KH CO , Dcnlera In All Kind * of Bnllding Material at Wholesale , 1Mb Street and i n o.i i' o ft Track. Omaha. OKHMAN II. WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , JOth and Itnrd Ptreot , Omulm , Nebraska. " J. A. WAKKHKU ) , Wholesale lumber , Lath , Shingles , , llulkllnp Vapors , SaMi.Doon , nilnds , Moutf | IIK . I'leketd , PoM , l.lino , PlsMcr , llBf , Cement. Nlmn nimJono , Omaha Neb. Millinery , J J" ' Importers nnd Jobbcisof Millinery and Notions , 1513 ondlSHHntnoy Street , Omnhn , NoN. Musical Instruments , HUIIOtiM & KHI.CKSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Stolnwny Pianos Weber , Docker. Unities nnrt IlihrKH Pianos , I'uckiiul OrgimClmso Organs. 101 nnd 1CM 15th sticct. Notions , Etc , " " J. I , . UUANDIKS .t RON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Roods Notions , dents' PtirnlMilnir Oooild. ( leeds front New Yoik. Tindo cules diuly. 601 undftvsSouth l tliJjt.Uimilm. < A .S. ( JOODKIt'll , V U > . , loi-1" . A. Whitney CiiulnRO Co.'s Children's Carriages , and Jowrtt's t'elo'nntjI llo'rlffeiutor' . Pend for price IKls. 1411 rurnom tt. , Onmhn. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , ' ' 4 < 1 nnd 40i S. 10th SI. , Onmlm , Neb. 1 Wholesale Ueuleia In Notions and Ucnts Fm > nlslilim ( ioodj. i Oils , Etc , CON8OL1DATK1) TANK LINK CO , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , GnFolInc , MU'ii A\lo ( lii'itM1 , Kto. A. II. JIiimiKcr , Omnhu , Neb. _ > , i Pork Packing. " JAMES E. HOYol Pork Packer and Shipper , Omahn , NelnasUa , HAHHIS & VISHElt , Packers and Provision Dealers , Onicc , Union Miuket.1517 Doilvo Stroot. Packing lin.iw , U. P. It. it. Tniclfi'OnmhnV Nob. phone No. 157. Safes and Locks , , " IJOYEH & ( X ) . Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 Tire nnd Hufglar Proof P if < > , Tltno IockiVaulta nnd .lull neil ; . Kt-'O I'auinm btieetOmahiNob Seeds. " J. 1JVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. Airilenltutnl , Vc elublo. Klc. Odd Pollows1 Hull , _ N.\V. _ Coi. 14th mid lodno SI . , Omaha , Nob. _ Drugs , Etc. H. T. CLAKKK DH1K1 COMPANY , Wholesale Druggists , Jobbers of Points Oils Wliulnw Olnsl lUe. , lilt Hutnoy aiiout , Omulm , Neli. T1IK ( JOODMAN DRUG CO Wholesale Druggist * , And Denier in Paints , Oils und Window GlnMi1 Omulm , Nell. , _ J Wines and . Liquors. " J i I'HANK nKLLONE 4 CO. . Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 1203 und 1J04 lo\irliis ( bt. , Omnhn , Noli. i. toiiob-Noa.4 und ! WJ , 'id list. N. Y. / " 01:0. : w. DUNCAN ! Successor to McNAMAiiA .t DIIVMN , Import-ori nnd Wliolesnlo Denlers In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 114 nndJH1 S. Uth St. , Omulm , Nob. R. R. GROTi'E , Wines and Liquors. Wcstoin Agent Jos. Sthlltr. llioulntr Co. T19S , wth Bliect , Omnhn. HENRY HORNHERGKR , Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. Ul ! Douglns Street , Omnhu , Nob. ILER & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Liquors. Solo inunutiictiirois of IConnodr'g Lubt India Blttuis. 1112 Huiney tftieet.Onmfm , Neb. L. P. LARSON & CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies And rijrurs , nnd Gcnciul Agents for the Philip Hosts' Colobiutcd Mllttimkeo Boer , Omului , Noli Harness , Etc , WELTY & I.ANDHOCK , JIuuufnetuicrs und Jobbciflof Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goodd , BlnnkctH and Robus. liil l-'iuimia Stioot Oinu'.u , Neb. wocKery. W. It. WltKJHT , ' ABOIH for the Munufuetiiiuis nud Importoru , Crockery , Glassware , I iinpe , I'liliiinujH , Kte. OOito , JJ17 South Uth ftiii-t , Omulio , .S'ol * . Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Pan The Short Idne and Best Rcmte From Omaha to the East. TWbTiiAjNsn.uiA'ii : : . - : % OMAHA AN ( -'lilcngo , Mliiuciiiilis. | ( .Mihuiiilii'd , St. I'ltill , t'ediu-Iiiill4. ! | DuMtiiport , Clinton. lliiliiin | { | > , Hoi kloi'l , Itoclt Ifluii'l ' , rit > ( i | ii-t , .liilli'-ivllli- , IClKlll , Madl-Dil , luCinb-id , llelnil , WJiirmu Anil nil nihor im | nluut | , UUIH | Ka t , Xoahont : uiidl oiilhui : t. Tieket onu'ii ut 1101 I'aiiuuu ntifTn | ( | Holdl , and al Union I'm ilia liupol , I'ullmnu hleepcin inn ) tint I'nicht Hlnln'Cais : In tliu Wm Id 1110 mn ti ilio muln llnetf of tlio CllU.UJOMU\VM'KI r..VM IMl'l , HUI.WAV. aiHl e\ery utlunlfon is puiil to n.iosQnifi'i's by couilo- ouscmpioji-soi the [ 'innpuny. K. .Mn.i.i.ii , ( iuiici.il Miui.tKor. J , V. 'I'licitrit , AMMuiit ( iniioiid Mnuuiror , A. V. II , ( Uiii'i-.N-jni , tletui.il I'tt'jjenjfor iinl Ticket Aifcnt. (1KO. L' . Hc\ri > oiii > , A bl lunl GuifiuH'iiKitn cr nnd Ticket Ateiit. " P , BOYEB & CO. Hsll'sSafesVaultsTimeioeks , and Jail Work. 1020 I'ttrnam Strcot , Omahu , Nob. SCHOOL iicr WANTED BY . E. Lincoln , Keb. < s * * ilarkot Price Paid. O. P. DAVIS & CO. Nebraska Land Agency General d il i R ! HI-H ! i.vluto and Ueitl Udtftlft / Moii.vt9. i I'.iinii i xi. ( in ii'iuNvU ,