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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1886)
I 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY. J EIJRUARY 9 , 1886. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCif BLUFFS , TUiSJ > AY MORNING , FEU. 0. * * _ OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered by cnrrlcr In nnr part of the city nt twenty cents per week. II. W. TII.TON , . . . Manager. Tr.LIII'lIONKS : HUSINFSS OFTICK , No. 13. NIIJIIT iiiTon. : No. 21. MINOR MHNTION. Tnuls to order , from $ . " > up , nt Hclter'a. The ferry cars have been put on tijjnin , the ice in thu Missouri river being un safe. safe.Field Field & Kston nro moving their under taking establishment , into the building lately occupied by 1) . M. C'onnell. The tlumoorntlo city central committee is to meet at the city building Thursday to arrange lor holding the citv conven tion Morris Jensen and Peter I'ctcrson were on Sunday arrcsti-tl for fust driving. Jen- ECU was lined and Peterson lias his trial this morning. California cauliflower and new pota toes , the llrat of the Reason , arrived yes terday , and the second installment of California cabbage. Union revival meetings are to be hold cacli evening of this week iiiT.L.Smith'.s hall , in the southern part of the city. Lvcrybody welcome. Hobokah lodge , 1. O ( > . ! ' . , w ill have a soeiiil this evening in Odd Fellows' hall , to which all members of the uider and their families uro invited. A mooting will bo hold to-night at the city hall to ilocido concerning the coast ing carnival. It is desired that there will bo a full attendance of overylx d/ . 1'ennit to wed wasyestordav givt-n to J. .T. lontAil , of Oina'aa.-aiHi luist L. Her- irmu , oflis Moincs ; also to John Fore man and. Minerva Marshall , both of Love- land. As Neil Voorhls was driving the IJlufls city team to the lire yesterday morning the cart collided with Uariunn's oil wagon , in front of Hechlolo's hotel. The wagon was wiocked. A mass of ice fell from the tow of the Savings bank building on Miiu : street yesterday , striking mi o\i > ri'iMiiin : nnnieil \yithrow on the head , knocking him silly for a few minutes. It is probable that arrangements will bo mailo by which T. V. i'owderjy. gen eral master workman of the Knights of Labor , will deliver a lecture in the cpcra house hero on the 2.M. The funeral of A , II. Grabcr will beheld held on Tuesday at I ) o'clock p. in. , from . 14 I , ; ! , S ,5'r ' - . All friends are invited to attend without furliiel' notice , Hy older of the committee. C. Wesley. The funeral of Mr * . M. G. Hurl was held yesterday afternoon. Key. Dr. MeCrcary oiliciated. The pall bearers were Col. Sapp , George Carson , J. C. Do Haven , J. M. Matthews. A large number of friends wore in attendance. Those who find il convenient to make a short cut through liayli&s park now ijml the walking horrible , but the wading good. The snow is drifted in so that in Its soft condition the pedestrians , without regard to gender , can go in to the knees. If some of those who are out of work , and nro seeking free lodging and food at the city bxiildiug could bo set at work , some paths could easily be made , which would convenience a largo uumbur of citizens. Senator Carson favors the BEE with a copy of the bill introduced by Senator Galoh pio\iding for investigation of the ollicial conduct of cities of the lirst class , and for removals from ollice. This bill , which provides for summary proceed ings , applies only to cities having over 130,000 population. If it passes , the mayor of Council Bluffs will be more careful about his boasts that this city has 88.000 inhabitants. Ho will be content with keeping it at 20,009. The carnival committees are still hoping that the weather will change so that there may bo good coasting Wednes day night. They are making arrange ments to go ahead , and will not abandon the plans until it becomes evident that there is no porslble chance for a slide. The boys have pluck enough to make the nfl'uir ji great success if the weather will only give them a chance. Graham ayo- nuo seems to bo the best location , as there is a great deal of snow there and two courses all'ordcd instead of one. For first class Missouri wood call on Gleason , athls coal qflieo , 80 Pearl street. Personal I'nrnjjrnplis. II. B. Williams , of Glenwood , was in this city yesterday. William Stuhl , of Lincoln , Neb. , was in the city yesterday. Supervisors Underwood and Rishton were in the city ycstciday. Harry Hunter is planning for a few weeks rest and journeying. A. L , Young , a prominent attorney of Malvern. was in the city yesterday. Rov. J. Rogers and wife of Dimlap , Iowa , are in the city visiting their friends. J. A. Churchill has been on the sick list for ton days or so , but is out and about. M. A. Gregory has so far recovered from his illness as to bo able to get out on the streets. John P. Williams of Lincoln , well 1 known among insurance men , was in the I city yesterday. h. C. Brock leaves this morning to look I after his trade on the road in the interest J of Pcregoy & Moore. Harry Birkmbino has returned from a three weeks' trip to Washington , I'liilu- I dclphia and New York. Mrs. II. J. Chambers , wife of the county I recorder , has gone to Avoca for a month' * S slay with old trlends them. [ Will L. Lykens , lopresenting the Dark j Days company , is hero arranging for tlio I appearance ot the company on the 15th. B. 11. Ball , formerly of Cook & Ball , I this city , but now in the real estate- I business in Omaha , was in the city I yesterday. L J. S. Standeford returned to spend Sun- h day in his homo in this city , after a sue- I ci-Nsfnl trip in Nebraska in the interests I of his paints , I Major General Thomas , of the Non- I paroll , has gone cast , intending buforo [ his return to visit Washington and sue I G rover , with a view of getting a now I dress for the old lady. I A Cool Flro. I About 10 o'clock yesterday morning an I alarm of fire was caused oytho burning I of some coal slieds belonging to George I Hcaton and located near the Rock Island I depot in the southern part of the city , I' The caiibo of the hlnzo could not be II learned , and various conjectures were L given , some thinking it to bo the work ol I an incendiary , others that a spark from r 6omo passing locomotive might have l ! started it. The coal was not injured par- If tioularJy , but some of thu lime in the Ik eheas was damaged by water. The loss It' on the sheds will bo about $150 , on which L there is no insurance. I. , Thn oldest and largest tree in the L world is a chestnut near the fool ol Mount Ktna. The circumference of the main trunk is 213 feet. The liotiso wliU'h'lhoimis A. Edison is building for hlnisolf at Lluwollyn J'ailc. N. J. , will cost , complete , furniture and nil. i GATHERED IN THE BLUFFS Rod Snow Agitating tlio Minds of Local Scientists. DEATH OF LEWIS W. WEIRICH. I'rctmrlne For City Ijlcctinii An Old lon A Urokcii Jnw Sinnlt Conl Vitc I'orsonalK. Ilnl Snuuin tlio Some of ( lie local bck-ntists hsivo clnimpil to di covur in tliftoront places In this city red snow , Midi as Is described as being found in thu northern regions' at times. One of tlirso patches is located near the Madison strcot bridfjo , another on Eighth street in the southern part of the city. The Hix iiinn was shown n red Miowb.ill which was stiid to have been taken from Madison street. It looked very much as if Pome school boy had had thn nose bleed and used the snow ball as a hand kerchief. The exhibitor , however , as sured the Hir. : man that It was really red snow , and that there j\ ere large quanti ties of it in vat ions places about the city. The tnow is of a bright , blood red color , and surfaces c.\- po'-eti ' to the Min rapidly change to a dull brown. As it melts it appears to be dripping red drops , but the drippings do not stain the lingers oi the handkerchief. The idea of red snow in this section of llio country seems preposterous , and the oldest settlers declare they never heard of siieli a tiling. It is well known that in northern latitudes red snow exists , and it is credited to the prcscnco of minute red insects which breed in multitudes in : v very low and long continued state of the thermometer , and their presence is sup posed to give color to the snow. As the wealheT moderates they uiu. niul their color dyes to a brown. There Inn o been all sorts of charges laid against this cold est of all rold JanuarU'S , so it might as well plead guilty to all , and go into his tory as having produced red snow in Council Hlnirs. The explanation of the red snow which so bothered local scientists , is given by the HUB in the fact that Air. bniathors , who does freighting between hero and Omaha , met with a mishap near Aladfcon bridge by which a largo quan tity of red mineral paint was spilled fiom the load. This accounts for the coloring of the snow. Preparing for Election. A special meeting of the city council was held yesterday afternoon for the pur pose of providing for the coming elcc- ! ? ! ! < li tllc I'11 Monday in Match , at vliich time there are to bu dlO a t.ho city officers and three aldermen. All v'crc present except Aldermen Geisc and iimg.ut. The mayor's proclamation was read and approved. The following resolution was ndoptuu : Ucsolvcd , That the city of Council lull's bo consolidated into one assessor's listriet , and that the city elect but one isscssor for said district , and that the mayor's proclamation bo issued in con- ormity tlierewith. The following were selected as the vot- ng places : 1'irst Ward Western house. Second Ward City building. Third Ward Ilattenhauer's factory. Fourth Ward No. W Pearl street. The following were selected as judges ind clerks of election : First Ward-C. Gciso , A. B. Howe , ! . J. Abbott , judges : John Ilailc , George Swan , clerks. Second Ward W. A. Mynster , David Tcrman , W. C. Unthank , nidges : A. T. Whiltlcscv , Charles Mitchell , clerks. Third Ward C. Btraub , L , . Swear- ngor. E. Rosecrans. judges ; Howard Sib- lov , P. U.McAtco , clerks. Fourth Ward E. L. Shugart , M. Hughes , L. Kinnohan , judges ; C. II. Gilmore - more , F. 11. Patten , clerks. Neil Voorhis , who has been looking after the lire alarm boxes , reported that | K ; iound live boxes out of order , sixteen in good condition , and five worthless. Death of ti. W. AVcirloli. Lewis W. Woirich , whoso serious ill ness has already been noted , died ystcr- day noon at his residence , No. 024 Wash ington avenue. He leaves a wife and three daughters. Ho was aged 41 years , and was one of the soldiers of the late war , having served in the First Colorado cavalry. Mr. Weirich has had experi ences which have tested his strength and weighted Ids mind with anxieties which fall to the lot of few. As is well known ho was sentenced to thu penitentiary for life , a few years ago , for killing a citizen of Harrison county. Many felt that the sentence was too severe , and after re peated efforts a pardon was at fast se- cuicd. Ho immediately went to Arizona and labored for some time in the mines , but met with financial reverses and then returned to this city. Here ho found that the stain on his record gave him no chance to get em ployment or any social standing , and life dragged on uonrily and as a heavy bur den , while ho was frequently harassed by reports that attempts would bo made to get his conditional pardon revoked and that ho would bo icromniittcd to the penitentiary. To him it .scorned that life was worth but little , hut he kept thu con ditions on which he had been released and struggled to have his conduct sucli as to regain his foothold in the world. Dentil * ccms to have relieved him not only of gieat phy.sical sullerlng but from other tioubles from whicli death seemed the only relief. The funeral will bo held at the residence Wednesday afternoon at S.33 o'clock. n brink for ado. C. .Straub. Coun cil Uhills , low.i. An Old Commission. Mr , .1 M. Phillips lias in his possession a family relic which is a curiosity indeed. It is a document commissioning his great grandfather , Mr. Job Pcngroy , ns con- { table ami collector of Itowloy , province of Massachusetts ll.iy. It bears date of November 15 , 1730 , and although 150 years old is in an excellent statu of preser vation. The document IK peculiarly worded , It is signed by William Foyo , treasurer and receiver for the king , and gives thu olltror not only the right to sie/u upon chattels for takes , but if these do not satisfy the claim he can pounce down upon thu unfortunate delinquent and place him in the "common goal. " It seems from this commission that if a man was taxed more than Ida property would sell for , ho was to bo locked up because he had no meant ) of paying taxes assessed on property whicli ho did not have. Those who kick on taxes nowadays should re- ioieo over the change. The most that can bo done now is to take all a man has in payment of Ids taxes , but there is no "goal" penalty. Money to loan by Forest Smith. Tlio Coming Election. The mayor has prepared ids proclama tion for the city election to bu nold on thu first Monday in March. At that time the people are to chose a mayor , auditor , so licitor , treasurer , judge of the superior court , mursliul , civil engineer , one assessor ser , superintendent of markets , 'ouo al derman nt large , one alderman for llio first ward , and one for the second. The electors ai'9 also to vote upon the following proposition : "Shall the council bo authorised to make a levy of one mill annually for park purposes upon all the property subject to city tax , for the years 1880 , 1887 , 1889 , 185 ! ) , or any of said years respectively ? " The polls are to be open from 0 o'clock a. m. to 0 o'clock p. mt Best coal and wood in the city at Gloa- son's , 0 Pearl .street. Ilrnko His Jaw. Mick Itradcn , foreman lor Uaymond & Campbell , met with a serious accident Sunday while engaged in driving piling to protect thr second caisson , which is being placed in the river. A pile had been partly driven , when it was discovered to bo p.irtl. ) out of plumb. Thu heavy iron hauim r y. u-i raised a few feet , and a pii'oi1 of U'.iuer placed across to keep it up \\ii.lo t'ti' ' pile was being forced in line This limber g.ivo way , letting the heavy wcig it fall , and , striking the end of thu plank , thu oilier end of the plank was thrown up violently , .striking tev- crui workmen , among them Uoaden. At liist It was > thought that ho was killed nnd others seriously hint , but Kcadcn's Injuries proved to consist of a fractured jaw and < .omo bad cuts and bruises. The others were only stunned , and received some slight bruises and scratches. Read- on has been boarding at Kiel's hole' ' , but was taken to St. .Joseph's hospital in Omaha for care and treatment. It is thought that ho will speedily recover. In a cemetery in Ohio there is a tomb stone with the following inscription : "Christiana Haag , died Feb. ill , 180 ! ) . " MUTINOUS MALAY SAILORS. Heroic Conduct of Cnpt. Clark A Thrllllni ; Talc of tlio Sun. The New York Herald's cable disnatch from Plymouth , England , dated Feb. ! l , says : Doubtless the Herald has already been informed by Lloyds of the burning of the ship Frank N. Thayer. of 1,5113 tons register. Last night the Union company's btcamer German , from tlio Cape , arrived hero with full particulars. The steamc'1 touching at St. Helena , the ollicers interviewed Captain Itoburt 1C. Clark , of thu burned ship , who had pre viously Arrived at Jamestown , St. Helena , in an open boat with his wffo and child and the ten survivors of his crew , four of whom were disabled by wounds. It seems that the ship had been a scene of what the nautical novelist Clark Kussoll might make a terrible tale of the sea. STA11HINO THi : MATI'.S. The captain and the crew had just fin ished celebrating New Year's Day , when , ; , t * " ! ' ' .ir.t ! while the ship was seven hundred miloa soUtiiWst of St. Helena , two Indian coolies. wi6 ! " " " Waking along the deck , suddenly turned ami su".L' " bed the lirst anil second mates. Tlio second end mate full down dead instantly , and his fellow olliccr died three hours later. LEIT roii ur.Ai ) . Captain Clr.rk was in his cabin at the time , but , hearing himself called , ran up .ho companion way , and. on reaching thu top , was stabbed in tlio head and sei/- d by the throat. He struck out with all us might , hitting his nssailant between tlio eyes. The fcjlow contjnued hacking U the captain with a knife , and in the struggle the two gradually wont down he stairs , when tlio captain slipped in the jlood which streamed Irom his side and 'ell headlong into the cabin. Tlie coolie evidently thought his victim was dead mil left him. THE CAl'TAl.V UESIEGKU. Clark at once armed himself \yith a re volver and locked himself in his cabin , so as to protect himself , his wife and child from what he conceived to be a sud den mutiny among the crew. He heard a man floundering on the stairs and opened the door , expecting to get a shot ; it a coolie , but saw a white man instead. He covered him with thu revolver , de manding , "What is the matter ? " The poor panic-stricken fellow cried , "Oh , iiido me , captain ! hide me , captain ! " Fearing treachery , and now unable to stand Irom the loss of blood , the captain sat down on the mat in the corner , whence he could command botli doors with his revolver , and Mrs. Clark , who throughout behaved with admirable cour age , began to stanch his wounds. The two comics now appeared at the cabin window and broke it in. Captain Clark fired two shots and both tlio coolies beat a retreat , doubtless much surprised at finding the captain alive. MOIIE MUitumis. To tlio captain and his wife their child was happily sleeping tlio minutes hours. It is impossible to conceive a more tcrribio situation. Shortly after ward a shriek announced the murder of the man at the wheel. Another shriek showed the carpenter had shared a sim ilar fato. Of this the cook , a Chinaman , was a trembling and helpless eye-wit ness. About five o'clock in the morning another death yell was heard by the gloomy occupants of the cabin , the two coolies having slain a third coolie who had been their chum all the voyage , thus leaving no one alive on the deck but the Chinaman , who narrates that the mur derers liad barricaded the forecastle from outside. Within were thu ten men who arrived at Jamestown in thu boat. THE SHIP ON ma : . Later Capt. Clark felt a little stronger , and placing his revolver in the hands of the man who ran to him for protection , the two inadu areconnoissanciiandfound the two coolies armed with knives lashed to the end of long sticks to hurl at any one who appeared at the skylights , whicli were tlin only points of observation Irom the cabin , Alter several attempts they succeeded in shooting one coolie dead and wounding the otluir , who , seeing the gamu was up , jumped into the son. It was then discovered that thu ship was on lire. As the ooolie.s could have no mo th o in firing the ship , the captain thinks it was duo to some carelessness of theirs , A cargo of hemp had been taken on board at Manilla , from whence the ship sailed , bound for New York , on October aist. TorAu.v nr.srnoiT.i ) , After the disappearance of thu second coolie thu captain liberated thu men from the forecastlu. They found it impossible to put out thn lire and hastily putting some teed in ( lie long boat they launched in calm weather. Mrs. Clark , the child and the wounded were as well cared for as they could bounder the circumstances. The boat was steered for St. Helena. The scamun and the two oflicers killed on deck were left behind , The survivors had no doubt , from their having seen the llaniLs hours after they left thu ship , that the vessel was totally destroyed. The captain ia ptix/.lcd to know what possiblu object there was for the murderous mu tiny. CA1TA1N CLA11K IN LONDON , Captain Clark , his wife and daughter , who is a bright little girl nine years old , have just arrived in London from Plymouth. Ho remains hero a little while for medical assistance , and then piocecds to Now York to report to his owners. Ho says tlio two murderers were taken on board at the last moment. They were real types of Malays , Hu says the crew were cowards. They could have fought at the time of the onslaught. The carpenter who was killed was named liooth ; tliu first mate Holmes , tliu second mate Davies , the look out mail Scrrah. wliilo thu man at the wheel was named Maloney , The captain was wounded in the breast so that Ids loft lung protruded , Hu says he could not got thu men out Ol their cowardly retreat until the smoke ! c.imo out of the hold. Hu remained in sight of the ship until she was fully con sumed. The \\oundfil jucn are in a hos pital at St. Helena , ilml the others are in charge of the American consul. A MOIt.U , . Several of the mOrnlng napors com- mcnt at length upon the mutiny , which , as tho/rimes / in the course of a column editorial says , "has elements of dramatic completeness , terror uiul grim romance. " Another paper says the moral of the story is Unit captains on long voyages Hhoiild not take a mixed crew and never take Malays. No dwelling has been burned in the city proper of Concord , N. II. , during the last thiiteen years , and in no ease has damage to that cliiss of property ex ceeded $1,000 , it is stated. A fond father was greatly surprised the other day to linil that his daughter , who had been attending the public schools of Louisville , Ky. , for a number of years , lud never heard of General Robert E. Leo. ( ilndncsq To millions , pleasing their palate * , and cleanslnc their systems , arous ing their Ijhen , Kidncvs , Stomachs and Ho\\els to healthy nctlxlty. Such Is the mis sion of the famous California liquid Unit rem edy , Sj i un or Figs. Sample bottles lice , and f > 0c. iindSl hollies forsalo by all druggists. Wholesale by U. V ( iomlinan. ThoMctliodNt Woman's Missionary seer cioty in India is about to start a newspa per in the interest of the T/enana mission lion , and $ ! J.5,000 has been raised for that purpose A.C.ltUltMMM , I'lO * . L.W. TlJM.tlVS , VlOO-l'rcS. JAMKS N. lliioWNCashlur. Council Bluffs Nationa 102 MAIN STREET , Capital . .TTTT . $100,000 Authorized Capital . 250,000 Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000 Do n. general banking buslnni. Accounts ol bank ? . hunker * , mrrclmnts , iirui- ulncturcismid Imlh Mini's locolvetl un Tavuni- bio turms. Domestic unit lorolin exchange. The very best of attention triveii to nil bus ! ness committed to ourcnic. TO THE PUBLIC AND OLD PATRONS. Ilm\o bought w lint is knouii ns the COUNCIL HLUWSOJINIIUJSHA fiAGI3 AND THANSFEll LINES. And n III jrlvo : nj personal attention to culls n piiMitu iislitoncof foriis | onfri'is nnd liau nsc iortill tiulm , Including duniiny titilna. Ollico ut 1'iicio liouu. Telephone 14) ) . Tlnmklul for past tnvors , 1 nni tospootfullj- you , H. BEOBOFT. Successor to .1. ItOKcrs. J.A.COB SIMS . . , ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices in Statj anil .Feileial Courts. Hooms 7 and b , Stuuart Block. UNION TICKET OFFICE J , L. De BEYOISE , Agent. No. 607 nrondwav. Council Bluffs. Time Table , COUNCIL nLUlifS. The following is tlio limo ot nnlval nnd departure of linlns by central standard time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten minutes eaillcr and ariivo Icn rulmitos later : 0:2) : ) A. M . Mall and i\prcss : . 0:50 : P.M. ] 2:40iM : . Accommodation . 4AQi : > . M. ClOv. : M . Expiess . 0:05 : A. M. CIHC nO & HOCK ISLAND. 0.21 A. M . Mall nnd Kxprces . fllp. : M. 7:15 : A. M . Accommodation . , 0 : l > r. M . Express . 0:03 : A. M. C1IICAOO. MIMVAUKKK & ST. PAUL , (1:20 : A. M . Mall and K\prc = s . tIMp. : M. ( UMI'.H . Kxpiess . 9.03A.M. CHICAGO. nimi.iNdroN & QUINOV. fl:40A. : M . Mall nnd Uxprobs . 0Vi\ : ) fl:50p.M : . Express . 0:05 : WA11ASII , S.T. I.OUIfl & PACIFIC. 2:15 P. M. Local St. Louis Express Local . UUO : P. M.Tinnsfor St. Louis Ex. Translcr.a0 : : ! P. M KANSAS CJTV , ST. JOB i COU.VClt , lILUFKrf IO:10A.M : . Mall and Express . nXi : : ) > . u. 0:05p. : M . ExproHn . 0:2oA. : M. SIOUX CITV & PACIFIC. 7:15 A. M . . .Sioux City Mail . P:30p. : M. 0nop.u . SI. Paul K\pross . 8:20 : A. 11. UNION PACIFIC. 10'J5A.M : . Duiiver Express . n MS P.M. 2W : p. M. . . Lincoln I'ass , Om. i H. V..2D5 : v. M. 7:50p. : M . Overland Express . 8:15 : A. M. DUMMV TIIAINHTO OM 1IIA. Leave Council IlluITs 7:03 : 8:08 : 0:30-10 : :3J : lliU : ! n. in. ; lJO-2aO : : 3:30-4 : : > I-5i5-fijJ ) : : : 11:45 : p. m. Snndaj-h 7:0 : : > : yj 11 : . ! tf a. m ; . ' : ao ; > : : 5:25 : : : ! 0 11:15 : p.m. Leave Omnhn - : aS-7:35-8:50-10Oa-U:00 : : : n. m : 1:00-2:110- : : 00 1:0. : ) 5 :03 : : n:05 : 11:10 : p. in. Sundays : ' 60-11:0) : n. m.:2:00-3:03-ii:00-0:03-ll:10 : : : : p.m E. R. Oadwell , Real Estate , Probate AND DIVORCE LAWYER. No. 604 Broadway , _ : Council Bluffs "MERMEN HOTEL , Main St. , Council Ulnlls. NcarthuC.H. teQ.iC. , M. As St. I\ . and C. , H. J. & P. railway clopoK Sticct cats pa-isthc door. Kiytlihii ; new ami liisl class. ] 'roiletor | ) and Manager. I' . T. M AVNE. A. 8. UA KLTON P. H' . Wayne C Co , Real Estate Exchange No. 103 Pear ] Stioct .Council lllulfs , Iowa. Dealers in Iowa , Kaneas and Xobniilu LanJj LOTS IN. COUNOL1 , HLUFFS AND OMAHA A SPKOIALTr. 'J..rsos Its victims to l > o mUerablo , hopeless , C'jiifiiscd , and depressed In mind , veiy irrlta- tle , languid , and drowsy. H is a dlseaso which docs not get \ \ ell bf itself. It requites careful , persistent attcntlon'and ' a remedy to throw oil the causes and tone up the diges tive organs till they perform their duties willingly. Hood's B.irrt.iparllla has proven Just the required rcmcily In Hundreds ol cases. " I have taken nood's'Sarsaparllla ' for dys pepsia , from which I have suffered two years. I tried many other medicines , but none proved to satisfactory ns Hood's Sarsaparilla. " THOMAS COOK , Urusli Electric LlBut Co. , New York City. i Sick Headache "For the past two years I have l > ec-n afflicted with fc cro headaches and djspcp- ela. J was induced to try Hood's 8arb.ipa- rtlla , and Imo found great rcllcj. 1 cheerfully - fully recommend It to all. " Mns. . F. ANKAULU , New lla\cn , Conn. Mrs. Mary C. Smith , Cambridgcport , Mass. , was a sufferer from dyspepsia and blck head ache. Bho took Hood's Sarsap.irilla ani1. Xound It the best remedy the ecr used. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold Ly all druggists. , l 5 ' -x for S. Jla-V * .only by a I. HQOI ) & CO. , Lowell , Mass. | OO _ ; Doses Ono Dol'.ar. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING ZIO-CJSES OIF COUNCIL BLUFFS. DUEUE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Buggies , _ Cnirlnirc , llto , Council Ulutrs , Inun. KFA'STONE M.VXUFACTUUING CC Corn Shelters , Stalk Cutters , Dlscllniiows Bceilcrt , Corn Plnntor * , rood Cut ters , r.tu. I'lioiory , lloolt 1'nlls , UK No . l.'iOl. mi , ISO' , , 15J7 Main St. , Council lllulTs. UAV1I ) UUADLKV & CO' Jtnn'il'rs nnl.lcbbct-s ot Agricultural Implenients.V/agons . / , Buggies , rarr.'nffi . nnd nil Ulnli of 1 arm Mno'itn > ! > . 11UO to 1I1J South.Mn n Strojt , Council Illutls , 1' . ( ) . Ut.Ktsnv , T. II. Douui.w , Qtn.r. WIUOIIT I'lus.'lrjuo. V.-l'icj.\.M.ui. Hoe.VCounoIl Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( liiooipornlnl. ) Mnnufncluici * orVxlo , 1'ltk , Hloilpo nnil Sinnll llitncllro , ol oxciy ( Ic t.ilplliii. ( CAlll'KTS. COUNCIL HLUl'FS OAUL'KT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Y/indow / Shades , Oil Cloths , ( 'intnlii rixturos , Uphol tiMj Coodit , Ktc. No. IJ'i llio.uluiiy Council IHiiirs , Iowa. s , TOUACCO , ir < \ I'EUE(50Y ( & JtOUUE , \Vliolc"tnlo .Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nos. S8 Main nnd 27 1'eiulSls , Council IlltilTs , C031MISS10X. SNYDER & LEAMAN , Wholcsnlo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants Xo 141' Ft. , Council llluns. _ _ CHACKIMS. _ JlcCLUllG CllACKKll CO. , Mniiiilnctnrors ol Fine Crackers. . Biscuits and w * B i 4 Council llluyiimiit. . MAUREIl & CHAIG , Importers&JobbersofCrockery.Glassware . I.niniis. 1'rnlt .luis , Cutloiy , Stono\\nio , li\r ! Good ? , I'liuoy Goods. lUo. Council Illutlu , DltL'GOlSTS. HAULE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils. Paints , Glass , UlUffglsts' Sundilro , No. : U Mnln St. , nnd No. 211'oml St. , Couiic.l lllntH. DllY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , ImpDrters and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions Ktc. No < . 112 mul 114 Mnln St. , Nos. 113 mid in 1'cml St. , Council lllullH , lonn. ntUlTS. WHIT & DUQUETTE , Wliolcailo Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. tinocnmr.s , GRONEWEQ & SCI1OENTJENT , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 nnd UI , Alain St. , Council UlulTs , Iowa , L. KIUSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dental * . No. 410 Ilrond- way , Council IllutTB. IIAHXKSS , VTG. BECKMAN & CO. , Manurnt't\iiots of nnd Wholusalu DcnU'is In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. K5 Main St. , Council mulls , lown. HATS , O.l/.S. KTC. METCALF IJKOTHEKS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. IH2 nnd .114 Ilrondway , Counoil muffs. UI3AVY KEELINE & FELT , Wholosnlo Iron Steel Nails Hardware , , , Heavy , And Wood Stock , Council Illnllb , lown. K AXD iroor/ . 1) . II. McDANELI ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tullow.Wool , 1'clts , ( iivnoo mid Tins. Council Illutlt ! , Ion a. _ _ COUNCIL HLUFFS OIL CO. , Wliolcsnlo Dtnlois In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gasolina ETC. , B3TC. S. Thoodoio , AKCIII , Council Bluffs. Iowa. LUMIIKII , i'iiixn , me , A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And Hrlilpo Mntirlnl SicclaItlns.\Vhol | = ? nlo Lnm- Ijcrol nil Kinds. Olllcu No. I'M .Mnln HI. , Council IllullB. lown. W1XNS AXD hlQIJOUS. JOHN LINDEK , \Vbolosulo Imported and Domestic Wines A Liquors , Acont lor SI. ( lotthard'a Hcrli Hlltow. No. 1J St. , Council Illuirs. & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , _ .Vo KM JMfu St. , CVmiid ) llltiffg. _ THANK Ni ii.vI'ie6t. : Gi o.W.IUnuiN , Sec. ( lncori > orntod , 1681. ) EQUITABLE MUTUAL Life and Endov/ment / Associatioo OF WATERLOO , IOWA. WESTERN DEPT , , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. ornci : IN iiiiNO's ni'ii.niNO. Itooins Nos. K nnd M. $2,500 incase of Death. $1,000 Endowment ut ( ho cud of ten years. Average cost for year of assessment , first three years of organization , 15 to ao years , f O.G7 ; 11 to 50 years , $10 , Clicularnndlnnnnmtlonon ni > i > llcutiou. WM. RANDALL , Pup 'iliUfudcul of Ab'omleg. Aircr.ts Wonted. Z.T. LINDSEY&CO. . . . , 00 ro oo CD Cxj tro ca CL3 CT > CTJ ca oo CUD .r- > CD = 3 Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 H. Main St. Office 412 Broadway , Oo-u.rLOil Urlo'cl ) ill Hats of air UUl rxlv 1 ornwsl vil sillitxothi ymri'itj ) 1. n-ims hoani raoya J onliitllcGlnnt trucks the best In the \vorlJ. 803 Eighth Avenue ami Eighth Strcab , Coancil Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES. A NOTIOK. Special nilvoitlsomcnti , such ftJ LostFound , To Loan Fo" Sale , To Itont , Wants , nonrdliifr , etc. , irill bo Insoitod In tills cnliininnt ; ! ic"w rate of TUN CUNTS PER LINE for tno DrBt7nacrtiuP.suiI i"'VE CUNTS WJK LINK for each subwiuent insertion. L ? VO advcrtlso racntsnt our olllco , No. t5 1'o.ul street , Iho lwny , Council llliuTs. WANTS. - ' oiico-intiy or clt > piopi-ily. tiiUpiuliinmr tlionou thruovcokn. . OJoll & ] ) ny , Council llliiir ? . _ _ VXTAN I'm Mini with family vrimH sto.uly VHltimliop. to tonil meat inniUol : " 0 jeuia experience In stock binliiffiuul inent businois tlrst-tlass ii'lerrnces. llox ICUj Hod Oult , lowu ; OlfilKNT A now IIOUBO with double pur- loia , tluci ) bed loomo , closita , dlnlnpioom , Kitchen , store loom unit cullnriitcr nnd u'ls. ' IiKUiIroot Mid. Cole , Old lllutl stieot. _ . 1'ropoity on coiner I'oiil etrcot FOKHAI.K m oiiuo. Co'incll lilulIY. , conslxtlitfe' ol two ttory , Iron loofid biiJk liulldlnir : nliunio ! iotiMof > lY rooms ; all on lot ! 0 til ) . I'or terms apply lo A. Jl. McCluief , on ptemlses _ _ SALE Sealed bids will bo rucnlvo 1 by J FOK . Itoitofcr up to rebrmiry "i > , KM ) , on olRhtj feet ion. tun story mlcle block , No- , . . " - ' . Ut. il and H3 1'cnil stieot , between Ilioiiduay nnd riiaUnenne. _ WAN & WAI.ICUIt. No. : H Mlltn eticut , ( umlrrCltlron'sllunk ) , ical rsMte un.i incr- ciaiusooxciiinBoioi. Our boo'ts are full of bpcclul baisalns , but il Is Impossible lo pub lish a lolinblo lisl lioin tlinluct of so many dally chaiifros. Wlmt wmibk Is : U ) ou wnnl to sell ortiaduaintlilntr in our llmwiltu us nnd wo ulllFOiid jonnplloof tiiiKfalnhlObOltct from. Lnnds Impiovcd or nninipio\e I , ultyortonn pioporly.fclooks ot oods ol any kind in any pluc c. it' ' such joii have or Bjieh vou want lot us Iient from joii. Sivnn & WulUer , Council HUllfs 01l Made in III days by n 1 uly ajc-nt of tlio pLiU "inultabln.'r ; Wo wuiit six mnro llio intent * , male uric-mule. Apph Inpc-i'-oii nr by loltor to Win. Itiindnll , Httpt. ol agencies , I'ouiv ell Hjullf , J _ . . SAI.K-Atti bargain H H > | . | soon. im acres , O'i miles soiithwost ol O.n.ilia. fl room house , cixcolluiit well mid lmin . one lor dulil horJc-i. ono for 0 cows : hen , tool ami wagon houses ; 10J nciosin timothy : Oj.OJJ loicft trees , cotton wood.liluolc walnut , nsli and iiiiiplujKoiid oidiiird , apples , ( lu-i rjos , plums , uiapea and smull fiulls. Novov lulllna : Btoulc WHlnr. IM' . OHlCUll , 5)3 llioiidtvny , Council IllutlH , lovui. _ THE GREGORY INCANDESCENT GAS LAMP Tlio imbllo uro Inloimcd Hull n patent. ln been allowol lo ( Ico. H. ( Jrexoiy on hla Im- picivcd BUB lamps nnd iiiaiiiitucturcd bv ne. Mi. C. A Williams H our iiulhoiUo 1 iitfc'nt for I oiiii- ell IllutlH and Oniulm. Tlio public HIP c'.iutlomd mil to buy any of HUB" rat lamp * iixcrpl lliiouL'hMr. Wllllanib , as all cithc-rjotloiol for Miloaie liirilnaiimmit * upon our I imp. ( . . II. , ulnciitiin \ HIM Fi'sA Co. . MannlaitiiiciH uui h , No. ' .Ullcailjon strcit , < lituiso. LAMPS and CROCKERY -AT- BEDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. 2'i Jlain Street. Council JtliiflV. In. TUOS. oriiCBR. w. n. u. rcser & PUSEY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Established ItxU. B. BICE , M. D. or oilier tnm'irs ' rcmoxcd ivUhout tlicl.niruor ilrawhijf ol blooj. C11R01UC DISEASES ° t " Oturthlity ) eai ' pi ict nil cxiiorionie. No. 111'tail Stic < i , Couui il Itlulfi. ' N. SGHUBZ , Justice of the Peace. OflleoOriT American Kxprc'J Cqmpuny. ipctrnli > c ill llio attention of my patrons and llio public In Kcneial , to my icmo- Mil trom tlio oM Mnti-1 No . 7 mid ( > . Main fat. , lo in-now und commodious ( L'- Where 1 will bo ploncn , ) to eco r-r n'iny frleml.s. With tiluiifo , nc und complete attiSrtiiifnt of nil the very LATEST Fabrics in Sprag STALES And beinslocated in ! : uro riu.uloia I am better than ever botoicj picpuioJ to to totvo the iUb- llc. Hcspcollnllj- , J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor ITO 226 Broad wny , Council Bluffs. "ESSEX HOUSE , INKU UllVANT AND VlNK STS. Opposite City Hulldlnjs , Council Hlntls. Warm looms nnd good board nt reasonable Mltl'S. Northwestern Hotel. Newly llttod and fin iilslicd. Opp. llioiulwny Diuiimy Depot. 5-1.50 per day. SAMUHL T.VTK , 1'ion. I. . Jl. IJUItSll.VW , Munasor. ONLY HOTEL In Council UlutTo Imvlnif Fire And nil modern Improvement ! , call btlld , llr alarm bells , etc. , Is tlio CREST ON HO USE ! Kog. 10,217 and 1U , Main Street , MAX AIOHN , 1'iuprlotor. Cliicago Lumber Oo. Wholesale ) nnd Itetall Lumber , L.Uli , Hlilnjfloi Sash , Dooia and llllniK Solo asonts lor the releluutcd Jliiililehead Concpntrjtcil Wliilo Lime. H. 1 > . MACCO.NMM.I , , Manit o T < Icplumo No. "S. No. 7IH .Main Micc-t , f oiuirll lllutrs. 1 RUSSELL&Oo AUTOMATIC ENGINES IltpcUnlly DehK'iied Tor Ilmmlnir MILLS , citAix JLICVATOUS : , AND ILKCTHIO : LHJUTS , Tubular and Locomotive Uoilors. . New l IiiFsillon Tlircshcw , Cavoy ami Wootlbiir ' Ilorso Powers.- STATIONAHV , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , KTC1. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch JIou&o 510 Pearl St. , Council IJIufft. SEND FOR 1080 ANNUAL. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT UAMWACTimiill AM ) UCU.lll l.f HAIR GOODS No. 337 Broadway , Cc-.ta l Blutfa. lloat btnto bought itiitl told.