Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    Bi *
A Celestial Snppor Served By the Mongols
of the ( State Capital
Xcnth ofnu I'stlinnblo tjntljr IMrncr'u
Victim Hiiminonctl A Curious
disc DlHlrlot Court Notes
Uriel1 Mentions.
ll ! IIKB'fl I.I.NCOI.N II t'RF.IT.1
Lincoln lias sonic twenty-live Chinese
residents , nearly all of whom are close
nltomlnnt < tit the Method ! * ! Sunday
bcliool. For three dnys past those people
have been celebrating their Now Year
holiday , and yesterday afternoon , ai a
fHtiiiK ( ! los < , pave a grand banquet to
the "white folks , " who have been look
ing after their spiritual welfare. The
inual was spread in Yeo Lung's laundry
on Eleventh street , and was cooked ami
MM veil iiigi'iuilno Clilnesu style. 1'iomi-
ncnt on the b'.ll of fare were such deli-
eaeio" aa stowed enttlellsh , blnl's nest
pudding and Chinese beans fried in pea
nut oil , Hanked by the more commonplace -
place oyster .ste\v , boiled turkey and cold
ham. About lifty guesti , including twen
ty-live Americans , occupied seats at the
tsihle , Celestial and Caucasian being
Miidwiehed in .side by side. There was
a lively &ocml intercourse , compliments
on tin ; work of the caterer being numer
ous and earnest. There were no attempts -
tempts ntHpec'cli making beyond an ev
pies-iion of thanks to the host and a re-
Kponsu meant to indicate that "John"
was "bi'lly thankful. " His friends had
a , iood ; time.
Herman limning , living near St.
Helena. Cedar county , has written to
( lOU'rnor D.IWPS , slating that ho has
found a si\ foot vein of coal , ami asking
what < ) toi > 3 he must take to hccuro Hie
state rewind of $1,000 oll'ered for the dis
covery of coal veins twonty-.sjv inches or
more In depth , limning gives no par
ticulars of his lind other than that he came
across it while digging a well , and that
the coal is of e.Ncellent quality. The
laws of Nebraska provide thawhoi ( ) ft
liscovevy of Veil ; is rntv-- . , , , ; Roycm.
r may nave it inspected by a competent
party , and if the report is satisfactory an
order on the state treasurer for $1,000
shall bo issued to the lucky parly.
Mis. Hay , wife of the assistant physi
cian at the hospital for the insane , died
yesterday afternoon in childbirth. Mrs.
I lay was but 27 years old , and had been
married only a year. Her maiden name
was Archibald , and she came from Nova
.Scotia , where her parents still live. The
funeral will bo announced hereafter.
Korbcr , the man who was so badly
frozen four weeks ago , died at the med
ical institute yesterday from the eflects
of the amputation of bis leg. Ho was
very low when the operation was per
formed , and the surgeons used the kuifc
s a last resort in nn almost hopelu s
uilbrt to save his life.
A cuitious r-Asi : .
Saturday Sheriff Melick received a
note fioin Campbell & Young , attorneys'
at Harper ( Kan. ) enclosing a letter which
they said had been picked up in the
Streets of that town. It was addressed ,
to Noali Davidson , at Harper , and was
written in Lincoln , November 13,1880 ,
on an Arlington hotel nqto head. The
writer , who signed hi'.uscli James
Younger \ * ! ; ; Davidson about his
ailveiitviTcs since seeing him , referred to
borne mysterious shooting case for which
ho was arrested last spring and sent to
jail to await trial. He was in the lockup
two weeks , when one night lie Dover-
powered the keeper and escaped and
came to Lincoln , where ho found a job
us night clerk at the Arlington. The let
ter was turned over to Ollicer Fowler ,
who yesterday found Younger at work
in the kitchen at the Tremont. When ar
raigned before Judge Parker ho ad
mitted having written tiio letter , but
claimed that it was all bravado. Young
er said that last summer ho and
a pal named Harry G.Iilair wore arrested
nt David City ( Nob. ) for "holding up" a
man , but were discharged when the dis
trict court mot. Sheriff Molick is
inclined to think that they broke jail , and
hns wired to David City for particulars.
The police believe that Hoyce , the chap
arrested hero last December while trying
to burglari'/o a hardware store on O
street , and Youngor's pal liluir , arc ono
and the same person. When Uoyeo was
caught ho had an express receipt in his
yockot tor a package shinpol from
.Hastings to Omaha in the name of Harry
< } . llliur , and it was surmised then that
llio name of Charles G. lioycu was for
use in Lincoln only ,
Some weeks ago Annie M. Day , the
Eleventh street jeweler , gave a chattel
mortgage on her stock to her brothor-in-
Jaw , dairies H. Day , of Mason Citj' ,
Iowa , to secure a loan of $5,000. , A few
! ays afterward Max Mojer & liro. , of
Omaha , obtained a second mortgage to
protect their claim of $1,800. Those loans
amounted to nearly the wholesale value
of the stock and left nothing for the oust
er u creditors , who bunched their claims ,
Day and Max Meyer ie liro. co-defeiid-
ants. Judge Pound directed the shorill'
to take possession of the stock , which was
done , and there the matter rested until
yesterday , when L. C. Htirr , the defend
ants' attorney , moved for a transfer of
thi ) ease to the United States circuit
court for this district , on the ground that
the principal defendant is a non-resident
and that local inllucnco and prejudice
will pro vent a fair trial being bad , iJnrr's
petition is accompanied by iv bond for
$1,000 , signed by Charles H. Day and
Louiu Meyer
GTho Sullivan Savings bank is suing
James E , Jones , a non-resident defendant -
ant , to recover judgment on tlireo notes
amounting to $3,037.1)1 , ) , secured by mort
gage on the cast half of the northwest
quarter of section t5 ! , township 10 , range
u. east of the si\th p , in , , the same being
situated in Lancaster county. The notes
were given by Jones in 1877-8 , and wore
for live years each , The interest has
been paid in full and a portion of the
principal of the lirst note , reducing it
from . to $ ionai , ; ,
Frederick D , Reynolds vs , Lettio
Reynold ? is the title of a divorce action
begun yesterday. The plaintiff alleges
that Ids wife left him in April , 1883 , that
bo has not heard of her since , and does
not know her present whereabout * .
Two appeal cases wore placed on the
cloekot by Clerk Sizer yesterday. Ono is
by Augustus Saunders against OlHeers
Hullo well and Littlelield , and involves
the ownership of the gambling tools
Bciiod when John Sheedy's house was
raided , The other is by boloman Niohol-
BOH vs John MoAlUtcr , The plaintiil
sued McAllister before Justice Couhrano
to recover if 108.50. interest on the rental
value of $1,100 of lot 10. block 17 , in this
city , Cochrano awarded Nicholson $31.r > 0
and costs , which ho dcoius insiillieient ,
and hcnco the appeal.
, milKF MENTION. .
Contracts for carrying the mail be
tween inland points In Lancaster county
have boon awaided by the postollicu
authorities as follows : Lincoln to Nobes-
ylllo , daily , $ ' 313 n year. F. S. Smith- !
r.lmwood to Lincoln , tri-weekly , $3iu ; ,
Gardner Cowles ; Olive Branch toSaltillo ,
semi-weekly , f 152. B. P. Mossj Holland
to Hickman , daily , ? t51 , J. A. Craft ;
Promise to Raymond , semi-weekly , $83 ,
P. U. Sclmobly ; Wavcriy to Palmyra ,
semi-weekly , $310 , G. H. Lawton.
The police were out in force yesterday
engaged in the missionary work of clean
ing the cross walks , despite the fact that
they had just received word that the city
police fund was exhausted and they could
not hope for regular pay until August
Charley Traphagon is at bomo , and
brings with him a Mrs. Traphagen , of
Pcoria , 111.
Slater Montrose is now on duty behind.
the desk at the Windsor , much to the
satisfaction of his fi lends and the patrons
of the house.
The secret of the Poska's vigorous re
sistance to Marshal Hastings' levy on
their safe Saturday was explained when ,
after a compromise was made , old man
Poska opened the safe and took from it
$5,000 in good promissory noles which lie
put up as collateral al ono of the banks
to got $3,000 in ( nsh with which to pay
Jno. Barsby , Fairmont ; J.V. . Kller ,
Omaha ; W. II. Morris , Crete ; J. M.
Wool worth , Omaha ; W. T. Richardson ,
David City ; Jno. McAleer , Nebraska
City ; E. F. N arrcn , Nebraska City ; G.
M. Kgglcstoii , Dennett ; (5. ( K. Hixson ,
Valparaiso ; J. T. Cooley , Omaha ; Angus
McDonald , David A. Burlap , and C. C.
Brown , Hastings ; G. B. Skinner. Lincoln ;
Charles Ogden , Omaha ; Joseph A. Con
nor , Plattsmouth ; W. F. Gurley , Omaha ;
W. P. Hall , Holdrego ; Ueo.M.Valsh ,
As a rule the Law and Order league
will not pay any attention to anonyniou
U'ttiT" .
A cloak hanging in front of the store of
J L. Hrandeis A : Sons on South Thir
teenth street was stolen by a sneak thief
about U o'clock last evening.
The gioccry store of A. Hall , on St.
Mary's. avenue was sold on Saturday ,
with entire stock of goods , to satisfy the
claims of his creditors. H was bought in
by Allen Bros.
Mrs. MoNabb , the notorious , after a
seclusion of several days , has been found.
Constable Kiln discovered her in a north
side resoi t and brought her to a settle
ment of various small accounts.
A very pleasant party was given last
evening by the Parnoll Social club at
Cunningham's hall. There was a good
attendance and an oxci'llnnt dnnojnn-pro-
V.M '
01 all.
Undorjtho auspices of tiic Turn Verain ,
M. Bachrach will lecture on Liberia Wed
nesday evening , February 10th at 8
o'clock in Gormania hall. This lecture
will bo inteicsting to German ladies and
gentlemen. All are cordially invited.
The spring-like weather of the past
few days is putting a rush on the ice
business , and the harvest is being plied
with might and main. An experienced
ice cutter says that it would require three
weeks of this weather to seriously affect
the two feet of ice on the river ,
Miss AUHK ? , ' . Saundcrs , of Lincoln ,
grand woithy chief templar , will deliver
a temperance address at the Tenth street
mission , Monday evening. Feb. 18. The
object is to organize a Good Templars'
lodge in that part of the city.
Mr. A. Kothery , a crayon and pastcllc
artist , has on exhibition in Ilospe's art
and music store , a splendid crayon portrait
trait of Col. Pratt. It is a perfect like
ness and makes an cxccljent picture.
Mr. Rothery's work in this line is per
Mr. George ilcimrod denies that ho
was swindled on a forged check pre
sented by an unknown man. net long
since. HQ says that the story originated
in the fact that Dan J. Ross obtained
from him some groceries by a peculiar
method which is not made clear.
Kcenan & Hancock , ono of tin1 strongest
live stock commission firms of Chicago ,
have established a branch at the Omaha
stock yards. Mr. D. Smith will have
charge of the business at this point , and
as ho is a genial , good fellow , like all the
Smiths , lie will add to the popularity of
the yards.
James Frederick Edgington.thc colored
gentleman who formerly held down the
distinguished position of assistant jailor
at the central station , has written to the
city marshal requesting that ho bo taken
back. He is now in Talmago , Neb. Jail
er Peironet has written him in return urg
ing him to come back.
A bartender in a well-known down
town resort , wont out driving Sunday
morning m a handsome cutter. Near
the South Thirteenth street bridge , his
rig was overturned. Ho was thrown kcr-
splash into the mud. His Sunday suit
was completely ruined , and his best girl
vyujtod in vain for him to take her out
riding in the afternoon , as ho had prom
ised to do.
Assistant United States District Attor
ney Bartlett returned toLincoln yesterday
to attend tiio United States court , after a
Sunday's sojourn in Omaha. Mr. Bartlctt
says that the criminal business of tno
term is finished. The trial ot Grilliths ,
who was indicted with Hughes for forg
ing pension papers , will in all probaDifi-
ty not come oil this term.
The horse attached to the baker wagon
of Henry Hacgon lost both fore-shoos on
Tenth street yesterday. The horse was
rough shod and the .sharp toes catching
between the granite blocks pulled oft" the
shoes. Mr. Hacgon threatens to sue the
city , It was on account of the paving
that the street car company had to take
thi ) rough shoes from their horses.
II. D. Jones , who has long been known
among the hotel clerks oFthis city , has
resigned his position in the Windsor and
gone south to recuperate his health. Ho
lias not determined to return and may
locate elsewhere. Mr , Jones takes from
Omaha the reputation of 0110 of the best
and cleverest gentlemen in his business.
His place was taken by Mr. G. A , Kel
logg who has heretofore been on the
night desk. _
Waterworks MattorH.
Superintendent Goodrich , of the water
works company , in conversation with a
reporter yestoiday said that so far as the
freezing of pipes was concerned the com
pany was extremely fortunate this winter.
' 'Nono of the mains have been frozen
yet , and but very few of the side pipes.
Indeed , on this score Omaha has been
decidedly lucky. I waH in Chicago a tew
days ago , and found that the pipes there
have been badly fro/en , very badly , and
the same condition of allairs exists iu
other eastern cities , "
"How much water does the city consume -
sumo at the present time ! "
"Between 3,500,000 and 4,000,000 , gal
lons. The consumption of water is
greatest during the summer and during
the winter. In the hot season the people
use water freely to water lawns , eto. ,
etc , , while during the winter the surplus-
ago i clear waste people allowing their
wipes to run open to prevent freezing.
Thoa. Mulloy , proprietor of the omni
bus transfer company of St. Lake city.
s at the Paxton.
H. K. Haekmun , of Samuel C , Davis &
Co. , St. Louis , has been in the city for
several days past ,
W. H Long , of the Republican , loft
for .St. P.inl hist evening to see the carni
val and somebody ei > o ,
Mr. ami Mr * . F 0. Morgan and
daughter , who returned fiom St. Louis
hist Friday , leave to-day for St. Paul
on a week's vhil.
Win McKay and wife , of Salt Lake
City , are at the PaMon , Mr. McKay is
united SUdco commUsuuiur iu tiio Mor
A Beautiful Methodist Temple of Worship
Dedicated at York ,
A Concluding Outflow of HellKloii In
the Shape of Soldi Subscriptions
of Iel > t liaising Wealth
Other Stnto Specials. ,
Dedicated to the Lord.
YoiiK , Neb. , Feb.8. [ Special. ] ThcKrcat-
cstoxehtof late in th's ' cltvwas the dedica
tion of the new M. K. church , \\blch took
place yesterday. Itnsa Hold day for the
Lord. All other churches gave up their ser
vices and Joined with the Methodists. Four
teen luuuhed people \\cre comfortably seated
In the new sanctuary. The day was blight
and warm and everything favorable. Bishop
H.V. . Waueii of Denver preached the mom-
hip sermon and conducted the dedication
srrv Ice. Ills discourse was a masterly oltoit
his text Isa , TX ) : 17.
He sixlil : Mali Is a trader. God offers to
nmlto a great bargain Avlth him. One , however -
over , that would seem n.strange ono for any
except the God of the tuilv erse. Ho offers to
give "gold for silver , silver for brass and
brass lor lion and wood. " If all
men should accept the offer God
\vould not lese anything by the
exchange. The ocean is not hmmvcrishedby
the millions of tons of vapor constantly aris
ing to form cloiuls , nor mailo ilch by the
thousands of streams that empty their vvateis
Into Its bosom. God gave light , older , soil
and beauty to this world. In all the hlstoiy
of the planet Ills willingness togivehas
boon tllustiated. Man combines a little piece
of zinc with dlluto acid and God gives clcc-
tilclty. Man combines water and coal and
Goa elves the power of , steam. Man 1.5 CAW
seeking to convert the injcrlor Into the
superior. Ho turns the clay Into brick. Ho
takes the ore of the mountain , scaiecly fit to
bo Hod under foot , and by pioccss of educa
tion changes It Into lion ana steel In their
various foi ins. From a value of Sl.OO a ton
he makes It vvoith S2o,000 a pound.
nGod says to man bring what you have and
1 will exchange with you. There aio vailous
'glades of jnrn , SQIHO 119 cold as , nil caith
vvoim , and as soon as the sun strikes them
they bmy themselves deeper In the damp
cat th. There aie some of noble Intellect and
tender sensibilities , and vailous giades be
God offers to exchange with each and all.
When men exchange \vltliGodthoybccomo
stioug in him. Peter was so timid that ho
could not face aseivantglil ami acknowledge
his connection with Clulst , but became the
bold mail who stood up on the day of I'eu-
tecost and charged on all Israel tlm minder
of the Messiah. The man who Is mole
blind and adder deaf , and weak and trem
bliug , In spiritual things may become strong
and sound.
God proposes to make his p'illdrcn ' gi eater
than they can be . rested as great as God
aA'l man together can make thorn. How has
God made the heioes''aNever by endowment ,
always by exchange. They must strive under
God's oppoiunities. ( It took a hundred years
to develop Abiaham. God called on him to
surrender , to go out from his lather's house
to a strange land , them to bo led and taught
ot God. lie came into God's experience in
giving up his only son. It was the gieat
question of suirendcr or not knowing God.
Moses , accustomed to kings' courts , must
KO and live with sheep foi forty yeais , to become -
como meek , ami gentle , ami teachable.
Moses had kingly qualities , but he IMK ! to be
taught of. God till he possessed Chrlstly
qualities. For the ' 'silvTi" of purple hang
ings God gave him the "gold" ot the lieiy
pillar. In exchange for the houor of dying
as an Kgyptian monaich and being embalmed
as a mummy and laid iu kingly tomb , God
gave him a bmlal by his own mighty hand.
The breath was diawn from his body by the
kiss of God. And on Taboi's mount he was
honoictl and gloillicd in the transfiguration.
Jcjus ChrUt must pass through the snmo
test. Ho came "seeking not his own will ,
but that ofllim that sent Him. " His was a
Ille of dispensation , not of accumulation.
Ho gave up his "silver" of royal adoiatloa In
the heavens ami took upon hlmsclt the lonii
ol aseivant. And because of this sin lender ,
'God hath highly exalted him ami given him
a name that Is above eveiy name. "
At thecloso of the sei moa it was announced
that the chuich ha I cost 818,009 , § 10,000 of
which had been laiscd. The bishop then
piocecdcd to solicit the balance fiom the
audience. In about an hour S8,5n was sub-
scilbed , no ono giving over 8200 ,
In the evening Hov. 0. F. Ciclghton , of
Lincoln , pi cached on "The Building of God , "
iu an able manner and to a largo audience.
The new chinch Is W\72. Thoio aio three
towers , the main ono 103 feet , the next 70
feet , and the battlement feet. The base
ment is stone inside , colling 11 teet ,
the upper posts aio UO feet , and
the upper structuio of brick voncci. The
basement has a main room seating 400 , with
six small looms opening Into It. The upper
auditorium Is C2\70 , w lib a gallery on tin ee
sides , the whole seating at its utmost capa
city , 1.-100 people. Thopows arc ot black
walnut and ash , and auaugod In circular
foim. The pulpit is a stand In black walnut
and gilt , vvlih a plush cushion , The windows
dews arc of stained glass. The wood work
Is elegantly wrought and in vvino color. The
chuichis caipetcd throughout , wanned by a
fin imco , and lighted with gas. It Is one of
the best chuichc * In the state.
Capacity of 1O.OOO Cans.
KAM.H Uirv , Neb. , Feb. 8. [ Special. ]
Our canning factoiy , of which so much has
been said of late , Is now to bo a reality. The
iusiltiitlon Is to bo built by J , Waltprmoycr
iV Son of Atchlson ( Kan. ) Is to bo of bilck ,
75x125 feet , and Its capacity Is to bo 10,001) )
cans per day , thus giving employment din
ing the coming scnson to about -100 bauds.
The conditions upon which Falls City se-
cuies this Important ontcrpilboaie as follows :
Ten thousand dollais was raised by sub-
scilptlon bythe icsldeiits here , which
amount Is to bo paid to Waltermoyer & Son ,
who bind themselves to opciato the tactoiy
to Its full capacity for a period of live years ,
atthooxphatlon ot which time 55,000 is 10-
tuined to those who sub cilbed to the fund ,
thus making the "bonus" to the juomletors
In reality only 35 , 00 , This amount is small
When wo compare the magnitude of the in
stitution , and the Iprgo bem-lits tobo _ deiived
fiom its location at this place. It is confi
dently assorted by ical estate men that our
rjty is soou to oxpeiloaco a "boom" of
healthy piopoitlons.
Falls Oily Political Gossln.
FALLS CmNeb. . , Feb. 8 , [ Special. ] W.
It. Crook , the lepubllcan postmaster , still
holds the fort. Lany llyaii , who dk.1 aspire
to the position , is said to have given up all
hope ol bccurlnu tliU § 1,000 plum. Geo. W.
Donlimtou , who received the endorsement
ot his fellow democrats for that position , to
step In when President Cleveland concludes
to decapitate Mr. Ciook , Is calmly awaiting
tor such "decapitation" to take place , as ho
Is the popular choice of the people generally ,
should uuy change bo made iu our woseiit
postal business lieio.
Theiols considerable political talk In this
section in icgard to the coming senatorial
raw , nml It one takes the pains to Investigate
the nutUir it Is easily discovered that "Old
Man Van \Vyck" has a "light siuait chance"
of frieiUU iu tliU secttou.
Omaha Third _ lu the Percentage or
Gloarfnca Increase.
UOSTO.V , Ma < . , Feb. 8. The following
tflble , compiled from Special dispatches to the
Post , from the managers of the lending clear
ing houses of the United States , shows the
gross bank oxchanees , at each point for the
week ending February 0 , In comparison with
the corresponding week In 188. ) :
NOTI : Douveraml Galvostriu not Included
Iu totals , and 1'oilland ami Sjiacuso are
iwtly estimated. _
The Visible Statement.
CHICAGO , Feb. 8. The iimubei of bushels
of giain in stoic | i } th Unitoii states and
Canada , Febiuniy 0 , and the Inciehse or
decrease compaied with the previous week ,
will bcipostcil on 'Change to-mouow as fol
lows :
AVheat. 43,200,707 Dccicasc. . 702,103
Corn r , ; uir 7i : Increase. .
Oats 2I47HH , ! Dccitwe. , ico.urs
Uye 51)0l ! Decrcaso. . . . .
liailey l.m7tl'J : ' Dccieaso 1C
The amount Iu Chicago elevators :
orn , , JJ
Oats. . . . . . 30J.4W
itve . yo4ooi , ;
U.'uley . 154:553 , :
English Trndo Kcviow.
LONDON , Feb. 8 , ThnMiuk Lane Express ,
In its weekly loviow of the Kugllsh gialn
tiade , pays : "Changeable weather has not
favored spring sowings. Values of wheat
are not improved. Sales of Kugllsh wheat
during the week , 07,437 ouaiteis at 29s 91 ,
against C7'Jii : quai tors at JWs Od ( lining the
corresponding peiiod'tast year. Flour is Od
lower. Foieign wheats aie steady in spite
of the feeble demand. Stocks allon.t fire rto-
ci casing. Flour is dunreisca. Onecaigoar-
llvrJ , " .rtO wcr aani , tvvo were withdiavvn ,
Riul tniee lemamcd , two being American.
To-day is uniiunroved , English was
fieoly offoied , ami toielin steady. Flour was
quiet. Mi/.o ; ! was less"animated. . Uailey
and oats weie 3d doarfir.
Furnltiiro Pirm Falls.
CHICAGO , Feb. S. The Journal's Qulncy
(111. ( ) special says I N. W. Jansun iSr Sous , a
largo furniture manufacturing Him , made an
assignment to-day. The liabilities aie
about 5ii7,000 : ; the assets cannot be stated
until an aiipialseinent Is made. They consist
of liunituio on hand and valuable ical
estate. >
Elgin Dairy JUr.rt r.
nnc\oo. : IVi ) . 8. The Inter Ocean's
Elgin ( III. ) special : The butter maikct to
day was linn , with legular sales of 31,480 Ibs
at ! ! 3e. Cheese was quiet at So for full creams
and 5c for hkims. 1'iiv.ite sales of 44,220 Ibs
ol butter were lepoited. Total sales aijgrc-
gati'd 831 , HJ. _
Preparing for a Fight.
ItaT.onAUh , Feb. 8. The goveimunnt has
issued a ukase , ordering that two full divis
ions of the army go into camp immediately ,
and calling upon icgimcnts of the landstuuu
to bold themselves in leadlness tor active
si'ivice. It is stated In olllcial circles that
Si'ivi.i , iu event ot a icnewal of hostilities ,
will lie able to putbO.OOO men on the lioatier
within ten days.
Turks Flip the Chip.
n , Fob. 8. Under the pie-
text of searching Greek vessels in this har
bor lor munitions of war , the Tmks have in
sulted the Oieok Hag. It is teaied that the
act may unaccepted in Athens as intentional
and that it will uggiavate the seriousness ot
the situation.
Greece Heady to Disarm.
ATIII\H : , Feb. 0. It is stated on authoiity
that Greece will immediately disarm and
cease pieparations for hostilities , piovldcd
Tuikcy cedes Kpirus la accoidauce with the
tieatyof Berlin.
IlochclorL KcslgiiH.
PAIUS , Feb. 8. M. Hochefoit teiideird his
resignation in the chamber of deputies to
day because ot the i election by that body ot
the pioposltion to extend amnesty to politi
cal oltendeis.
The Korilla Manifesto.
MADIIIII , Feb. 8. A majority of the ic-
publican papers Ignore the recent Xorllla
manifesto. Othcis deny that Zorllla has
any authority to dictate tiio lepublican
policy. _
Franco niul American Pork.
I'Aius , Feb. 8. The comincico committee
of the chamber of deputies has icsolvc-d to
ask the goveinment to prohibit the Importa
tion of American pork.
I have the agency at Omaha for the
sale of largo blocks of lands in Keith and
Cheyenne counties , Nebraska , and in
Wyoming. Also of lots in Sehiiylor ,
Kimball , I'axton , H ! # Springs , Sidney ,
Totter , Denver Junction ( Colorado ) Aider
( Hall Co ) and other points.
W. IL GHKI-.N' ,
Over 1st Nat'l IJank.
Death "bf &h Author.
LONDON. Feb. . Itlclmid Itobort Mad
den , a distinguished author , is dead.
The Greatest ffedlcal Iriumili of the Age !
I-OB ornppcilrcllovreliicoml\c , I'uVula
the bead , wllli a dull Bcnuatlonlu HID
back part , 1'nlu uu rr llio uliouldcr-
blndo , Fullncsa after eailnc , with ndU.
Inclination to exertion of body ormlud ,
Irritability attemper , I.o\v spirits , with
nfoellagof liavlntr neglected no mo duty.
We iliie , DUzhiuss , I'lutterluiriuilio
Heart. Dots Luforolbo eye , Jlcndacbo
over tbo rlulit eye. ItcttlcsimeBi , with
fitful dreams , Illsbly colored Urine , and
TTJTT'S riLl.s nro especially adapted
to such cases , ono dose effects such a
cnansnoireellngaatoaslonliiutlio sufferer.
They Iiicrcnte the AppcUte.mul coma the
body to Take ou Floli , tliui Iba itein 11
nonrlilieil.aml liythulr Tonic Action on
tbo murstlveOrgung.ItrctularBtooUara
produced. 1'tleo age.I ft gfurray St..W.Y.
Henovate * the bodjnnkes healthy liebU ,
strengthens tiio weak , rejalra llio uusUs of
Vie si-btpia w Uli pure ulooJ and. hard muscle ;
couea tha nervous system , invigorates the
brain , auJ Impart * Uio vigor of manhood.
81. Sol.l br drii < riU (
4i rfmrnr 3l. , ew * Wrk.
Harry Jennings , Hatcatchor for Seventy
Establishments ,
AGIflcil Londoner " \Vlio Ilns Settled
In New Vork "With His 1'crrots
ami Ills Terriers nml Ills OtJici-
Fearless Assistants.
Now York Suns The weird musician
known in legend and poem as the Pied
Piper of Hamcliu , who , by the seductive
strains of his llute , lured all the rats in a
little German town to destruction , would
have , if ho wore alive to-day , a woi thy
rival in the very substantial and proud-
looking gentleman known as Hairy Jen
nings , Ills proud bearing may bo duo to
the consciousness that ho is the boss rat
catcher of America , Like nineteen of his
Hehraiu townsmen in the clothing tr.ido
in Chathanv street , ho calls himself "the
original. " Ao was born in London about
iifty-gve years ago , and like other distin
guished Londoners , lie has no tno for
the letter II when his feelings prompt
him to allude to sbeol. If Mr Jennings
were in business in London he would
wear a bolt with pictures of rats on it ,
but hero there Is no badge to distinguish
his calling.
A Sun young man recently visited Mr
Jennings' place in Centre street. It is a
brick building , with iron bars and wire
iH'ttiug before door.s and \\inilo\vs. The
interior is Tilled with tiers of cage- * , con
taining small animals and birds of many
kinds that invariably welcome strangers
with noih.y nnaiiimitv monkeys i-liattor-
ing , parrots screeching , dogs barking
and yelpiti" ; , roosters crowing , and cana
ries whistling.
Mr. Jennings laid particular stress
upon the declaration that h was a prao-
jical ratcatcher. He denied that lie wild
in me hYiblt oj , charming the rats by the
power of his steel-gray eyes. Ho said it
was utterly untrue that ho ever enticed
rats out ol their holes by peculiar calls or
whistles and then clubbed them to death.
He doubted the story of the Pied Piper ,
and was willing to wager that ho could
kill more rats by his practical methods
in a day the Pied Piper could have
whistled to death in a week.
"There arc , " said Mr. Jennings ,
"seventy places hotyls and private
residences in 'this city that I keep
clear of rats , I have several men ,
thirty ratters of all breeds , and twelve
white ferrets to help mo. None of the
young men who help mo are afraid to
luuidlo a rat , no matter how fierce and
and big it may be. As for mo you can
sec for ' Yourself just iiow much 1 fear
thorn.Vhercupou _ Mr. Jennings open
ed the lid of a tin box , ran his hand
through the animated slate colored mass
and scooped up and turned over a Score
lively big fellows. He took ono of them
and'd it under his shirt next to his
bosom. Ho returned it to the box after
it had nestled there a minute or two , and
continued talking.
"Rat catching is done mostly at night.
The ferrets run the rats out of tliejr I'1 ' :
lind the terriers catch id kill them.
They sire sometihies cornered by the fer
rets , which then make short work of
them. The ferrets are trained to return
to me , and will come at call , like a dog.
We use many steel traps , and in a place
where the r.its arc very numerous , myself
and my men catch them with tongs or
with our hands. Wo sometimes drive
them out of their holes with an obnoxious
smoke into valve trans through which
they drr > p into a bug
All -my best ratters are imported. I
have six English bull tuiriors that could
not be bought for less than SOO. Here , "
leading out two cream colored dogs from
a kennel on one side of. the rooni. "ars
two of the handsomest animals ever
brought to this country. Did you ever
see liner eyes , more beautiful limbs , and
such a color ? They arc English tciriers
that it would take a pile of money to
' "What do I got for my work ? Well , it
depends upon the place 1 keep free of
rats and mice. I charge from $100 to
? 200 a year for regular customers.
Among tno hotels that employ mo are the
Windsor , Murray Hill. B-.cvoort , West
minster , Victoria , Brunswick , Con
tinental , Metropolitan , St. James , Gilsoy
House , and the Albemarle. "
Mr. Jennings is dcshous of getting 200
wild and ferocious rats to put in an im
mense cage for exhibition at the poultry
show .at Madifon Square Garden. lie
and German , Irish , and American assist
ants will enter the cage and prove to the
public that r.xts are harmless when fear
lessly handled , lie is willing to give 10
cents for each big and wicked rat brought
to him , He does iiot believe that any of
the international quartet , including him
self , will be bitten by the rats.
" 1 cannot tell you how many times I
have felt the tectli of dogs and rats , " Mr.
Jennings said , "but I can toll yon that I
have never once bad a thought of hydro
phobia after being bitten. I believe the
bite of a rat is in no way dangerous to
those accustomed to hmilling raU. i
have picked up as many as sixty lats an
hour at tiio car stables without receiving
a scratch. How many rats have I caught
with my own hands ? Millions , i should
say. Are you going ? Well , good day.
Don't ' forget to como up to the Garden
and see mo enter the cage with my col
lection of rats. It will lie the lirst o\hi-
tion of its kind in this or any other
country. "
Rent Kmuto TrnnRrers ,
The following tr.insfnrs were filed Fob.
0 , with the county clerk , and reported
for the BEE by Amos' Heal Ebtato
Augustus Knniit7fi and wife and others to
Mnry Mnlonclt3 blk 9 Plain view add Omaha
w il WTS.
John A. McShano ( widower ) to ( J. C.
Mnies and others , executors , o 4'M\t \ ol it a
blk lifi , Omaha , w il SS5.000.
Hemy C. Moody ( slnulo ) to Albeit S. 1111-
liiiBH , undivided M of It 10 blk a Marsh's add
Omaha , w d SOW.
W..I. Wagoner and wife to Kilwaid Plie-
Ian , undivided } ot It 14 Wc t ICiid add ,
Omaha , o c SI.
Clmiles C. House ! and wife to Ella A , lit-
ner , w 70 ft on s line ot Kninaiu str , and o
70 ft to w line of UHli nt Oimilm , n c b'J.
A. K. Toiualin ( single ) in Jli'iny 11 , Salis
bury It 1 blk 2 , Hillside add Omaha , wil
Samuel S. Cm t Is nmllfo to .losonh P. U blk 1 lielvlduro add Omaha ,
w d-SW5.
Dr. Hamilton ANarron , Kcleotlo Physi
cian and Surgeon , 703 N. 10th street ,
near Webster. Day and night calls
promptly attended to.
Only Vlvu Jnys Loft.
BooU and Shoes must bo closed out be
fore February 20th. 20 pur cent discount.
Now is the time to secure genuine bar
gains. T. N. BIIAV , 151U Douglas.
A licaiitil'ul Htore ,
The finest and most complete Art Store
westo Chicago tollospu's , 151U Douglas.
If you buy lumber anywhere without
flrso getting Honglands prices you will
lose money.
Von can buy turmture cheaper of A
L , Fitch > t Co. , 12th St. , bet. Farnam and
Douglas , than uuv other placq in the city.
The U. P. band will give their third an
nual masquerade bull February ItJth , at
Light Guards and Metropolitan hall ,
Raymond & Campbell arc prepared to
furnish anil drive piling in any quantity
for foundations , ( juluk time a specialty.
Oflico room 3 , Barker block , 15th , near
1 aruaiu. . .
Caused l > y the Kcmnrlcnhlo Act Ing of
Miss Vincent linsl livening.
For ninny years back Clara Morris has
boon indlssolubly connected with plays
of the emotional order. Her name has
been especially identified with "Miss
Multon. " In this she is undoubtedly in
many respects without a peer. Strange
though It may seem , Miss Morris lacks
the intensity of facial expression witli
which Mi s Vincent is gifted. Every
feature , especially the eyes , seems to be
under perfect control. And , indeed , so
well are the latter controlled that they
not only slmulMc weeping but How with
tears. Last night teais weie found also
in the audience falling from oyps
of hardened men who had
wept but little since childhood. No
greater emotional aetress , since Clara
Morris' appearance here , has played in
Omaha. I'lus strength is maintained to
the climax when the heroine's realistic
death scene ratios a thrill in the audi-
( net * . Mr Vineeiit. Mr Bernard , Mr.
Hobyns and MUs Mitchell rendered a
very satisfactory support , although H was
the lit t appearance of the hist mentioned
in her trying role. The house was tilled ,
and tin1 number of ladies wlto o handker
chiefs were not u i-d to staunoh the llow
ol tears could bo counted on one's lingers.
Thi wiling of the stage , iu itself \\asa
gem , and will be a revelation to the audi
ence to-night , when the piece will be
produced for the last time.
Purest and strongest Natural Fruit riavor * .
Vnnllln , l-emoii. OranRO. Almond. llo < e. etc. ,
flavor as delicately and naturally as the fruit.
National Bank
Northwest corner ruriinm nnd UtU Stioctp.
Paid -up Capital , $200,000
Surplus Fund 60,000
I'rcsldout. Vlcol'iosldont
Cii lilor. As t. Cushlor.
Accounts solicited ntid prorapl ntluntioit glvon
to all Lmdlnojj unlrustcd lo Its OHIO.
1'uj 8 1'ivo or com on TIme Deposits.
S. W. Cor. Farnam & ! 2h | Sfs.
Capital , - $100,000
C. W. HAMILTON President.
Jt. T. HAItLOW , Cnshlor ,
H. JT. Cftldwoll.C. W. Hamilton , B. F. Smith
SI. T. Barlow C. Will Hamilton.
Capital Stock . $150,000
Liability of Stockholders . 300,000
The only regular savings bunk In the state. FIve
l > oi cent IntoiOBt puld onduposlU.
James K. Boyd , President ; \V'm. A. Pnxton.A'lco
1'jcsldcnt ; L. M , Iluniu-tt , Mnnnirlng 1)1-
lector : Jolm K. Wllbui , Cashier.
Royal Havana Lottery
Drawn at Havana , Cuba , February 13-27 , 188G
( A nnvuiiNMKNr iitsirrimoM
Tickets in I'm Ms ; Wholus (55 ( ; riactlons pro
Subject to nn manipulation , not controlled by
tUcpaities in Interest , His llio lalrost thintfiii
tiio nntinoof chunln oxlHtonco.
For tiukels apply to HII11MV & CO. , 1212Broad
way , N. V. City : M. O1TENS i CO. , 019 ilalu
sreat , Kansua City , Mo , , or 1DOJ Fniiiiini street
Board of EijuaUratloti.
"VfOTICE of the blttluK : of the City Council ns a
1 > llonrd of limiiill/iitlon ,
To the owners of nil lots und real estate nlonn
tliu line ot the Improvements herelnultei
named ;
You ( ind each of you mo hereby notified tlmt
the ell } councilor the city of Omaha will nit us
u board ol ciquall/atlon at the olllcoof the city
clcilc , in the eouit house In mid city , on
1'ilduy und HatiirJuy , the l"lli und Utli
dnyi , ol Foljrmuy , iSMl , botvrorn llio IIOIIIH
of U u. in , und M in. , nnd Ixituoon the ! Ip in , uii'l ' A p. in , lor the puiiif-eol |
tliu prnpDtiml lo\Io ol tlie
taxes and a'-si s'iRnf , und coirectiny miy
en cis tlicn' cover the cost ol Improve.
incuts us Jolloug : Kni'tliifr lilli uliuut ironi 1'iuil
stiuot to ( iinoe giieut ; Hint tticct liomMid
street to 11 point Ml ) f col est ol Division Hi cot.
You mo luithor nolillcil that liy lo-olullou
duly mtoptod by Buld council it U pi oposcd to
levy tin ) buld Lost ol taid linpunoinonts upon
nil the loti und 10 il estate along- the line ot mid
Improvements ncrouUiiir in loot frontuuo , nml
acuirdlnif to the usual bulling luiuk piooo.isns
luTOloioio ui1 < ) | iteil und lollouul by said conn
til , unless tor wood cutibo bhonn bomo thiiiiKe
shall iiii ] > uur to bu innprr , You unil cut'li of
you uio liciehy notincf ) to < ippear before mid
board of oriimll/iition tit the Unto und place
uluiv i > bpocliliMl and make any toinpluini jou
may wl-U eoncei nlnir 8 lid | iiopo < od levies ,
t mahii , Neb. , fob. ltd , llbl.
J. ii. tioiiill.Mii ) , Oil ) LleiK
OVES 400,000 .am. Itt USE.
JTr.ftlrHl ItliUiiK Vehicle made. Jlidw an oo- >
ptUiaiwJiMThoUR3two TliaHttrMitfHlriiittliiMianl
frlidi tun aicon ) in * ; to the woicLt tl * w wury , I uallj
* \oJ ! luiuplrcl to rouuh I'ttuiitry tuiiil < 4 MMU
U K UrWiHtifcitKii. InHiilnrliiri'ilunilrtulilhy
t ifuuiutf Coriiu oI aUui'k'ti uuU ri >
Qcncrnl Afront
OIHco Cor. Htli nnd Doupliv Sts.
le uo Ordlnniy I.lfo , Kiidenmont , Mmllctl
l'ndo tnont , Tire , Ycnr uivldcnd 1'lnn multlio
rapulfir Xon.r < ) rfcltliil\titono ( Policies , Assets -
sets over f roWJtioo. (
Flro Insurance.
TW77T.B .v ALL1SQX ,
211 SouthThhteantltStreet , Toloplirtno.Vo.5JI s" |
NorthiMit A iirntico Co , Ixindon , Kui lnnl.
Orient Insurance r/o. , linrlford , ( Vtnn ,
Union Iniinancn O ) , San l'riiiiolo < r , Cal ,
Nntlonnl Tire linuriuicu l\i. , Hiutroril , Point
riii'iimn'n niiiil ln < , Co. , Sun I'lancK'o , Cnl.
WiMtern A "in mice Co , lronto Onl.
A * . ;
( Icticrul A
Provident Savings Life Assurance Co.
of Now York.
107 South rourti'ct.tli Street , Omnlm. 'tl '
Chrupcpt liHUninco ever ottered by mi "oM > |
line" company. Actual nveiuini ypiirlj cost si
ilui Inir tlm onleni1iirjMirslHSl , 1891 nnd 1835 , nt
ixsu Ui , lor ? llOJO ) , wns $ W 07.
Is the plnco for the people of Xutthvro < t Omnlm
to trade liccailse It l < eonliully leculivl. nt the
coiner of Ciimlnir und Saunders sts. Tiio stock
Is the lie t und the prices n elieap us any.
1' . if. BACK & CO.
G-eneral Store.
This honso lurnlilio' * your irooilt nonr Uomp.
If } on live in South Omnlm , an tlmtvhofi yCu
Ret n wi-onpr file In u liinip chimney orn stronff
imundof butter , jon \\ont bo loix'ed to \ > ulk u
inllo nml Rot run vcr by the cam to got It c.x-
changed. 1120. 1IJJ and 1121 S. 7tli St.
Books and Stationery ,
117 N. IGlh slrcot ,
llcllRlous Imoks a spucliilty.
PrescriptionsPerfumery ,
203 Sixteenth St. , corner stote , Musonta Hull
Livery Stable.
No. 210S Cumlntr street. The loading feuluro of
t his excellent utablu It ) Its livery , but u special
department to which ( neat euro IM ittvon is the
1 ion r din no I' lioises. A block of horhcs lor Milo
or oxchunuo \ \ ill bo kept en hund. Don't t
lioplacn , Cumin ? street , No. ! J1 (
Buccc'sois to Samuel Koos.
Printers , Book Binders
1WAI1(1 Dltti > V.ook Mnniifactiucis. Nos. 100 und
wo 14th Btieet. Omaha Neb. K. I'm lie , Super
intendent Mimicry. Telephone No. Jiil. Miinu-
laetuicra of lubber stumps. _ _ _ _ _ _
The Vest of ire /f / at llcimnicratlvc Prices
Latest stjlos of
Artistic Job Printing ,
1308 Fnrnam Street , Koom 0 , Omnhu , Nob.
A. W.
Auction and Commission
solicited ; lurnlturo boiurhtt > n4
Fold. Sales ot live stock aa household furni
ture nt priv ute residences Is ft specialty with us.
llnmember the place , West ic riHsohci's block
N 14th ft. No 110.
Photographers ,
For the bc t , tliochcnpo'it , nml the most v < \
liedetjlLSof uitlsllo pottruit work In ciayon ,
pastel , and nil klnilH of photoi.po to Tollman A ;
Jlujnnia'ss-allory 7 ( und 701 N. 10th St.
cabinets for .1 p
FiuctlcalhouKO , elttn nnd fiesco painters. Paper
hanging , graining , Ki
Wew England Bakery
No. 221 North 10th Street.
Gives the largest nnd noit 5o lonf of bread In
thoclty , Cukos , pies and vnnn rolN dally. Hnmo-
iiiade bread a specially. Many ladles liuvo quit
tmUliiKfortheniRelvra since they can cot ibis
mnko of hoino-mndo brend.
lil',0. J. AKMUUUST ,
Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery ,
Btc. Also Tin Hooflnjf , OuttorIiiffSpontlnarnnd
General , loli Tmnlnv. Tiio bust nf ivoik und run
Fonuble chaiKOS. Millc euns mid other tlnwuio
liiHtook. 'aiCumiiKfSt. , Omnlm , Nob.
Improved nwnliiffa , glsfii nnd bell hiuiirlmr , stool
oik , Aircnt lor MoamorH patent PI omluin boor
laucotHimdhtamlard uterire ] 6iiio puinju. NW
uu'.Ifitli undlloHiiidht' . , OinahuNel ) ,
Tor otmo work , euoli in iiholvliiK , coitntoia
nnd line cabinet voik , und urllatiu
thei o line one In thi ) city eo vutll nitalltliKl by
e\pci lonco , tills 'ntvinif huen Mr. wmldoll'b fcpo-
lot MJ.iid. Wv'i Dodiroht , cue. l-lli.
A. 11 , DONHCKEN ,
Contractor , Builder ,
Telephone No. M OIllco &M N. 15th Bt. Over
tvvonly ono yo-MM 11 0 Mr. Donecl-en tiejfiin bu -
In his city und ho has inoniiiiuinif , to hi *
nsuniocluuiloon almost oyciy ttioutiu thu
own ,
O. 2" . DAVIS & CO.
Nebraska Land Agency
General tlcnlci t In Iloul Patato nnd Itcnl EstaU
iji 1'uuipn bt.Onmuu , NuU