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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1886)
jjnre v * " , y THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 9. 1886. , THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA OFFICT.No.014 AND 010 KAnXAM St NKW YonK Orncp. , HOOM Cu.TtunuNE Dtnt.mso WASIIINOTOX OFFICE , No. 613 FOUIITF.ENTII ST. rnbllslirtl orcrymornlnp.cxccptSunday. Tlio onlyMondny morning paper published In the state. TERMS nr MAIL : Ono Ycnr.flO.OOTlircn Months . $2.ry > Blx Months . 6.00Ono , Jlontlt . 1.0 } Tile WEEKLY tlKK , Published Evfsry AVednusdny. TF.HM ? , I'OSTPAIDI One Ycnr , wltli premium . , . . . $2.00 Ono Ycnr , without premium . . . . . . . 1.25 fllx Mont h9 , without premium . . . . . . 75 Ono Mouth , on trial . . 10 All commttnleiuiona vnlntlnff to news nnd edl- torln ! mnltcr * should bo addressed to the Kut- volt OF 'HE HER. JltJ8INF.PS I.TITTEnS ! All tittilncM letter * nnd remittances should bo nodi'ORscd to TUB Hen I'UIIMRMIKO COMPANY , OitA.'lA. Drnftfl. checks and pofitnflleo orders to bo made payable to tlio order of the company. 1HE BEE PUBllSHIHGliilPm , PROPRIETORS , R , HOSEWATEK. EDITOR. Tins kind of weather ought lo thaw out a now railroad scheme for Omaha , TUB Mexican "grenser" is a more dan gerous animal on the border than the American Apache. A i.ow-iicekod dress is said to have killed Miss Bajard. Notwithstanding tliis report tlio average Washington hello will continue to prefer undress uniform nnd discomfort to a light in the face of fashion's decrees. THE plans for the boulevards will thaw out in the spring. When the viaduct over Sixteenth street is completed , thai thor oughfare will bo ono of the main avenues of tlio system of boulevards with which it is proposed to encircle Omaha. Du. MILLER has been once more Inter viewed in Now York and reports that the course of the administration lias strength ened tlio Nebraska democracy. Ho neg lects to state which faction of the parly seems to have been bcnelitted. THE formal opening of the Omalia ex position building takes place on the 18th of this month. Our citizens should show their appreciation of the public spirit of tlio men who have invested their money in this enterprise by filling the building to overflowing on that occasion. FIRE insurance men are pointing with sorrow to tlio January fire loss which ( shows an. iiicmnKn nf ssa/iQO.OOC over that of hut year. Omaha did not contribute materially to the increase. The under writers luivo been very fortunate of late years in their risks in this city. OMAHA , wants moro inanufi. ctVlnn en terprises located in her midst. No large city is etor built up without them. Wholesale trade employs few wage earners. It is the population engaged in manufactures , largo and small , which in creases the census Jists most of all , and furnishes in turn occupation for there- tailors and real estate men. THE earnest appeals made in prayer by a Brooklyn deacon that the Almighty would help the poor produced a strong impression last week until it was di3 covered that the nvcir.go uaiiy wage ? ot his sewing girls amounted to less than thirty-five cents a day. This beats the record of the Consolidated Company of Jlcrui Men. ANOTHER life insurance case where the company fought the payment of insur ance on tlio ground of suicide has been decided in favor of tlio family of tlio insured. Companies who boast of their liberality in omitting suicide clauses from their policies will note their wisdom in providing in advance against the expenses of a fruitless fight in the courts. NEW YORKERS arc waging a vigorous nvar on bogus butter. Nine-tenths of the produce dealers have signed an agree ment binding themselves not to deal in the stun"at all , and ono merchant has been ( inod $100 for selling oleomargarine for butter last May. Wo venture tlio as sertion that two-thirds of what is sold for butter in Omaha to-day is a compound of iuet or lard colored and flavored to imi tate the genuine article. There are gro cers in our city supplying the best trade with "fancy creamery" nt 40 cents a pound for which they pay 18 cents to a prominent Chicago grease factory , While much of tlio bogus butter manu factured is superior to the average of the real product of the dairies , its sale as butter Is a swindle which should bo dealt with just tlio same as other swindles are. THE "mugwump" organs who have the civil service reform disease in its most violent form arc denouncing as malicious ly false the statement that thousands of republican ofllce holders have been re moved under Mr. Cleveland's administra tion Tlioy point to the pages of the Congressional Jlcc.ord ami call gleeful attention to the fact Unit only GOO odd removals have been made by the prosl dent since ho assumed ofllco , and intl inn to that this number represents the changes in the civil service as tlio result of the transfer of the government from r republican to a democratic admlnis trutlon. No ono knows bottei than the "mugwump" editors thai ' the presidential appointments represent a small portion of the positions at Iho dls posal of the administration. With the Vust army of fourth class postmasters tin ohief executive has nothing directly to do JEvevy clerkship and minor ofliclal in the departments at Washington and in tlu various custom houses , poslofllees am land unices throughout the country is a : much subject lo removal on politica grounds as if tils nomination were withii the executive province. Of the tliou sands of mimes on the government bliu boot by far the { rix-ator portion can bi ousted at any moment to maki way for successors. It make ; little difference to these governum employes whether their discharge Is dm directly to executive action or indirect ! : through the department heads. Tim fac Uwt.thousands of otlicials , clerks and em ployes have been removed under Mr Cleveland's "reform" administration re mains the same. It cannot bo challenge ! or sot aside by a .showing that the presi dent Is directly responsible for only si : hundred. In the face of the loud sound > ng blasts on the avccutivo bugle it fur nliihr.s a striking commentary on thi gulf which lius between promise and per formance so far as enforcing an imprao l and odious reform is concerned. . Tariff Legislation. Mr. Mprnson Js confident that wo slmll have fcomo tariff legislation nt the present session. It is hard to discover on what grounds ho bases his confidence. The house is divided Into a score of factions , each represented bv the champion of Rome specially protected issue. The sen ate lias an overwhelming majority against any bill which could pass the gauntlet of the house as at present constituted. Certainly the general bill which the chairman of the ways and means committee is now attempting to hatch will never grow a pin feather dur ing the present session. Its features are described as follows a general reduc tion hi about this ratio : Wools and wool ens , to about CO per ccutj iron and steel , to CO per cent ; llax , hemp and jute , to 25 percent ; the cotton schedule , from an average of 40 to 85 per bent ; chemicals , from 82 to 25 per cent ; leather and manufactures thereof , from about 28 to 25 per cent ; steel rails to $13.50 a ton ; pig and scrap iron to $5 a ton ; sugar to a polarlscopo test which will make about 40 per cent ad valorem , which is about what tiio sugar men said they were willing to accept in 1833 , nUlinugh-llioy fared much belter ; glass and glassware from 03 to 50 per cents earthenware and china from CO to 50 per cent ; rico from 75 to CO per cent , and lead to GO per cent duty. The copper tariff would bo re duced one cent a pound. The majority of the ways and means committee favor putting the following articles on the free list : animals , brcadstutfs , bricks , cement , soda ash , chickory , kaolin , unwrotight clay , coal and coke , copper ore , regulus copper , ilax , hay , jute , hemp and jute bulls , iron ore , mineral and bituminous substances in the crude state , paper pulp , salt , lumber and raw wool. Hero arc all the materials of a debate of mouths. There is not an item that will not find an opponent. A dozen protect ed interests will see to it that combina tions are formed strong enough to break down the bill by spinning out the debate until its final consideration Is delayed to the last days of the session. Representa tives from the manufacturing south will join with lobbyists from the industrial north in opposing reductions on lines in which they are especially interested. Party divisions will bo forgotten before the paramount consideration of self-in terest. A reform of the tariff is greatly needed. Hut the time has not yet arrived when it is possible to unite on Mr. Mor rison's plan of reduction of duties along the whole line , Such a species of assault unites the enemies of tariff revision. The iniquities of the present system must bc > assailed in detail if they iu > ic be re moved , Revising the Lniul Laws. Bills to repeal the pre-emption and timber culture laws will probably pass congress at the present session , i'oth laws would have been repealed last win ter if the bills , after passing the senate and house , had not been killed in confer ence by the advocates of the land-grub bers. The public domain available for settlement under the general land laws has now dwindled down to 200,000,000 , acres. During the past five years 50,000- 000 acres a year have beenlakcii up. At this ralo the public lands will be ex hausted in lest tlian twenty years. It is admitted that vast tracts have been seized by syndicates and rings under the desert act , tlio tim ber culture and the pre-emption laws. The first two require no residence , the last calls for a residence of six months only. Under the homestead law a resi dence of live years is required. The re peal of the desert , pre-emption and tim ber culture laws will still leave the home stead act available to settlers. Under that law speculation will bo placed at a discount and actual and continued set tlement will bo secured. The remainder of the public domain will bo reserved for men who will cut it up into farms and not divide into largo tracts of unim proved land to bo held until it can bo disposed of at a heavy profit to farmers who will cultivate it. The land laws of the United slates have been too liberal in tlio past. Both Iho timber cul ture and pre-emption acts have had their day. The west will lose nothing by their repeal , while it will gain the assurance that settlement on the remaining land will mean something moro than a pro- cmptor's rootless shanty and a furrow scratched around his cHim as evidence of actual cultivation. The lousiness Situation. . The severe weather which prevailed throughout a largo part of the country last week had its ofl'ect upon general trade. No notable improvement over tlio previous week was observed at Un loading trade centers. On the other hand there was no unfavorable developments - monts , nnd merchants generally antici pate a satisfactory spring opening. The fact that the leading clearing house cities of thn country report the total bank exchanges - changes for the week ending February Gth to bo $1,001,801,883 , an increase of 43,1 per cent over the corresponding week of a year ago , Is taken to bo con vincing evidence of the improved con dition of financial affairs. Money Is plenty , and this showing is evidence that it is circulating freely. The failure list comprises 230 business suspensions in the United States and 31 "in Canada , or a total of 287 , as against 880 last week. Moro than two-thirds of the whole number in- the United Status are furnished by the southern , western , and Pacific status. Cottons are reported a shade lower , owing to the continuance of slow trad ing. Manufacturers of cotton maintain a pretty strong position both as regards supplies and prices. Tlio latter are frac tionally higher in some cases , and the entire - tire market for staple fabrics shows a hardening tendency. Some weakness it noted in cotton yarns for woven goods as n result ol wider competition and the cheapening of the raw staple , but a very fair business is in progress. Cotton hosiery yarns arc closely sold up , and spinners find it dillienlt to meet orders , There is some hesitancy on the part oi buyers to pay the advanced prices asked on autumn styles and weights of woolen goods , but the general fouling as to tin prospects for business in this * hranoh ol ihu textile interest is cheerful 'and hopeful. The wool markets show only a mod erate degree of activity , and tlio fooling as to the future ot values is not so buoy ant as it was u few weeks ago. Tfici'o it no yielding on She part of sellers , however over , except on fiiw ileeces , which are somewhat- depressed by thQ baekwuril demand and the prospect of largo ad ditions to the supply by importation. The iron trade exhibits a fair degree of activity , in view of existing weather con ditions , and the market throughoulshows unabated firmness. Regarding the grain and provision market llio Philadelphia Jlcconl , in its weekly review for the week ending last Saturday says : As noted last week , ( lie bear influence In tlio market Is not so strong as It was a short time ngo , and while the Indifferent character of Hie foreign dcmnim and ample stocks In sight give a downward inclination to values whenever speculative suppoit Is momentarily withdrawn , the market responds quickly to favoring developments In the foreign news or in tlio attitude of buyers. The American visible supply Is 1,000,000 bushels less than last week , but this decrease is largely offset by a gain of SSO.OOO bushels in nlloftt stocks , ilecibotim reports a decline ot IJ-f cents in English markets , but some of the private cables to United States films nolo a better feeling In the markets of the United Kingdom and continent. Tlio latter report find * no substantial continuation In Hie movements of foreign buyers. The statistical position of wheat In this country is generally regarded as favorable lo higher prices hcfoio lite crop year Is out , but the dullness of legiti mate trade discourages active Investment by capitalists who take this view of llio situation. Corn Is moving out freely on foiulgn onlcrs , and the markets generally are stronger on prospects of a light run of receipts pending the lemoval of the snow blockade In many parts oC the country. Chicago prices show lltllo change , but the seaboard markets arc J to 1 > cents per bushel higher than at this time hist week. Provisions show Increased firmness as a re sult of the moucrate movement of lings to packing centers. The larger proportion of the arrivals of hogs arc of light weights , which encourages the belief that supplies nro closely marketed. Prices of hogs in the west arc 15 to 25 cents higher , and mess pork shows an advance oC 33 cents per barrel , with other products proportionately advanced. THK argument now used for the oxtcn- sion of Iho dale at which the Union Pa- cifio debt to the government shall malui'o is that the road is practically bankrupt , that it would bo entirely so if it were not for Us branch Hues and that the funds which , under existing legislation they arc required lo pay into the national treasury , are needed to meet the competition of other systems which are pushing into their territory. This is a late day to dis cover the suicidal cficcts of tlio past pol icy of the Union Pacific in neglecting to possess itself of its tributary territory. For nearly twenty years the main stem has been milked and exhausted by jobbery and bold. div'g among th1 ? ir.oiuo ring that controlled ts management. With a lack of fore sight which seems remarkable , the man agement expended what funds tlioy had remaining from dividend divisions in building hundreds of miles of costly ex tensions across alkali deserts and sagebrush brush wastes while they turned over the rich state of Nebraska with its protitablo local traffic to its competitors north and south of the Platlo. It was only when tlio company found the territory tribu tary to its main stem tapped by the Burlington - lington and menaced by the Northwest ern that it retaliated by making some efforts at branch line construction 'in Nebraska. NOW o nling to the reports of the government directors , the profits on through traffic are insullleicnt to oven pay interest on the government debt , and the profits from the branch lines are sustaining the main slcm. Mr. Adams' policy is to be a revival of that of his predecessors. Ho sees very clearly that transcontinental competition has wiped out the enormous profits which the Union Pacific at ono time was able to make from its through traffic , and that future profits must come from branch extensions in the settled conn try north nnd south of the main lino. But what the people ple of the territory who are to assist in lifting the Unidu Pacific out of the nnro are anxious to know is why they should bo compelled by the government to pay principal and interest on the en ormous debt of that corporation for eigh ty years lo come. Mr. Hoar's bill will fasten the burden of enormous transpor tation charges on this section for nearly a century. If the road were permitted to go into bankruptcy , on the verge of which it is trembling , there would be such a wringing out of water and reorganiza tion on a basis of fair capitalization that its patrons throughout the west could well afford to give it a profitable support without impoverishing themselves by so doing. OMAHA has given away too many valu able rights of way. It is high lime that the city should realize something from the use of her streets. When the now viaducts are built the right to their occu pation by the street or cable cars should not bo granted without a consideration. Now York's legislature is now consider ing a bill disposing of such purchases at public auction. So long as the right given is not an exclusive ono , llioro Is no reason why Omaha should not do the same. FOR a country tliat has but 3,000,000 people and u big debt Canada has done quite well in tlio way of voting railroad subsidies. They foot up $31,000,000. A retrenchment wave , however , has struck the Dominion parliament , and a measure will bo introduced providing for the can cellation of all subsidies the terms of which have not boon complied with. Mil. CLEVELAND is not lo bo bulldozed by the warnings of the 'telephone company - pany to "disconnect" the circuit be tween the White House and the office of the attorney general. The wire is still working , and the last message sent waste to push the suit against Boll and his sue- censors for fraudulently obtaining a pa tent right which belonged to another man. SKNATOK FRVK'S bill to provide a com- mitleo of five lo investigate thp liquor tralllo has been favorably reported to the senate. It is difficult to BOO what use there can bo in the appointment of a special committee when any congress ional sampling committee could afford afford volumes of information on the subject. WIIILK several of our Nebraska towns have. secured canning establishments , Omaha has made no movement towards providing herself with such an institu tion. Thousands of dollars worth of gar den produce could bo marketed every year nt canning establishment in this city if Douglas county tvcro given un op portunity. Ireland's No\vSecretary. Mr. Gladstone's selection of John Mpr- ley as secretary for , Ireland lias given general satisfaction r to , the nationalist party , and to those who hope for a better administration at Dubllm Mr. Morlcy is a leading radical whoso opinions as n philosophic statesman have carried for years great weight wiih the advanced element in the libdral parlv. Ho is a journalist of matured experience , and has served in several parliaments , and has for years made Irisli history , Irish poll- tics , and Ireland's ' needs a special study. His position on homo rule was frankly defined in the last electoral canvass when ho addressed the liberals of New castle upon the parliamentary crisis then approaching. Mr. Morley , on that occasion , pointed out that the tory cry that the empire was In danger on account of Mr. Gladstone's supposed sympathy with homo rule was on a par with other panics which that party had nourished whenever its Mi' promncy had been endangered. He urged that the attempt to sllllo the voice of Mr. Parncll's majority was lo destroy the basis of representative government , and insisted that the return of the Irish leader at the head of eiglily-six followers made it evident that it was no longer possible lo resist the demand of the Irish for a larger s'.mro of self-government , For himself Mr. Morley announced that ho was quite ready to grant lo Ireland these increased rights so far as was consistent with "the safely , Iho integrity and the honor of the em pire. " Ho assured his hearers that the question raised could not slumber and that before many weeks parliament would bo driven to consider some plan of giving Ireland "a greatly extended system of self-government. " It was doubtless this speech which so incensed Iho queen against Mr. Morloy. In spile of her objections ho has boon summoned by llio premier lo his assist ance and placed In the ono position of all others where his suggestions on Irish legislation will bo most fruitful of results. THE Dawes county Journal notes the receipt of a communication from a John Higgcnbotlom of Omaha , addressed to the Chadron board of trade. Mr. Iliggcn- bottom is sanguine of his ability to pro mote a railroad from Omaha to the north west through the interest which lie hopes to excite in English capitalists. Wo trust Mr. Iliggcnbottoin will get promptly to work with his "Omaha , Northwester } ! & Chmlrou , " Omahn xvU | YQ 'f ' ° l'ous"iy applaud his efforts in that direction- Un fortunately for her iut rosls , hot- capital ists are iu ling too much money nowa- t'.a.vs from real estate spcfoulation to in vest a portion of their reserve in enter prises which will increasoithc population and prosperity of tho'bityj ' ' Governor Houscr , of , TMon ' lana , is said to have a dally income of 500. Chief Justice Waite is said to have in mind a pleasure trip to Alaska. Ifcrlmps lie has a sealskin robe. in his mind's eye. Clias. L. Vallandighaiu , clerk of the Ohio senate , is a son of (5lemcnt ( ll. Vallandlgham. Ho is { i liuvyer ami seems to know what ho is about. > ( t Tlio military rank of "Private Bill Day hardly entitles him to so much attention as ho is getting in the house of representa tives. _ Attorney General GarlamV , it Is said , sum' marily dismissed a servant girl the other day when she asked htm if lie would have Pan cakes. Mark Twain's profits fvom ( Jen. Grant's book , as chief member of the publishing linn of Charles L. Webster & Co. , will amount , it Is said , to over 5500,000. Mrs. Senator Vortices can justly claim to be as popular socially in Washington as her husband is politically in Indiana , says a Washington correspondent. BIrs. Speaker Carlisle's robe worn by hci at a recent reception was a Parisian crea tlon , and was made of electric embossed vel vet , with a breast knotof lovely roses. Don Camci on always denies the accuracy of newspaper interviews attributed to him. Ho talks so noorly that no correspondent has been able to make his Intentions renil well. well.At At one of Jlrs. Senator Cockrcll's re cent receptions in Washington , Itomaii punch was served in baskets formed from scoopcd-out oranges , tlio handles being tied with y llow ribbons. Henry Guy Carleton , the dramatic author , Is an erratic sort of a genius , and 1ms for pets several largo bullfrogs which ho lias trained to cat live mice , which , when placed in thelt reach , Ihoy catcli with the avidity and skill of a terrier. Thomas A. Edison , the electrician , having paid 8200,000 for a mansion in Xew Jersey , I.- this month to marry the young and handsome daughter of Lewis Miller , tlio millionaire manufacturer of Akron , Ohio. Kdlson has three young children. The "U'ay to Treat IHsmnrclc. Kew Ilarcn Netr * . "llo\v slmll wo treat Bismarck ? " asks an exchange. Ucor Is good enough. A 1'aylnff Investment. CMcagn JlcraW. The Doll Telephone company's Invehtmenl in newspapers seem to bo paying pretty well. i Kucliorcd the Quoon. Huxtcn I'tift. Some of Gladstone's enemies call him u knave. Ho certainly euchored the party that held the queen. i Onmlm'H Mij > lllo ( , 'flint * , With tlio exception < ? f Wow York city , Omaha is the most- prosperous town in America. T 1 Coltl Chilli .Sloiur Citjf Jpiirjgil , It must havu made col'd 'oiills run down Queen Victoria's bnek ih'e pfiier day when Gladstone kissed her Imiul. { Tlio niiiuilur of * lioHarpers. Chlcarju TJio blunder of the Hayier made In send' Ing money lo Mr. Gilbe oEV'lMnatore ' , " ami "Mikado" fixmo was thals thfl sum sent was Insignificant. The meniilics/ It ott'sct the exhibition of possible regard for principle of justice. Must Wo Somotliliitf to Keep Warm. IMilMish 'Umet , PeojUo who neglect ( heir business to parade tlio street in carnivals , or t-lido down hill , are sure to come to soiwi bad end in business , and eveiy result of this nature Is a herlous damage and drawback to a community , A Tiaiikrupt fjaw Needed. St. Louti (1M > e-Dcmonit , It ficems qulto likely that a bankrupt law of some kind will IKS enacted during tlio present session of congress , anil such a law Is In many respects unquestionably desirable. Tlio mutter is u dltlluiilt onu to adjust , however , In such a way as to' ' Insure tutr ami proper results , particularly in the matter of keening tlio expensed of the ailminijitratlon of a Duiikruiit's u tate within reasoiiablo-boiinds. Ustmlly the lawyers and court oflldnls absorb serb nearly everything In sight , 'and the pro ceeding Is a mere mockery so far as tr.\ln to the creditors' is concerned. It Is certainly possible to frame a Jaw which slmll effectual ly prevent such an abuse ot justice , anil It Is to bo honed that congress will not adopt one of any other sort. The Telephone Bcniulal , AVio I'ofJt Tfmcf , The Pan electric scandal , Involving certain public men at Washington , Is a small matter In comparison with the Bell telephone scan dal , Involving certain newspaper cdllors In the city of Xew Yoik. The newspaper out cry about the Pan electric scandal Is iiromot- odand , for tlio most part , paid forby tlio Bell Telephone company. "Hero's n Howdy Do. " A'CIP Yvrlt llcralil Cable. Mr. W. S. ( illbort , the dramatist , prints this morning n card and correspondence about himself with the llnrpcrs. The caul calls attention to an "Instance of inuntli cence on the pait ot the Harpers , the wealthy publishers , exhibiting a sympathy for dis tressed British authors deserving recogni tion. " Tlio publishers write : "Wo Incloso herewith n draft on Sampson & Low , at ono day's sluht , for 10 In acknowledgement for reprinting your original comic opera * In our Franklin bntiaro library. Please ndvlso IB of the receipt of tliodratt. Wo send vou bv mall a few copies of our edition of the book.1 THANKS I Mr , Gilbert replies thus : "You have been peed chough to forward mo a donation of 10 , notwithstanding the fact Hint for many years 1 have been pillaged right nnd loll by- such of your countrymen as nro engaged In publish nir and theatrical ventures. 1 am not yet reduced to such a state of absolute penury as would justify my taking advant age ol the charitable Imimlso which prompted you gilt , but the Victoria hospital for dill- tlien .stands sorely In need of funds. I have theicfore taken the liberty of handing your check lo that institution. " Ituby Mi no. llnnlcttc , ( n JJiiKi/ifyn / Kaulc. There Is no joy In the world like you , No music HWeet as your "goo-all-god , " No Bkics so clear as your uve.s of blue Jiaby , oh my baby , But when you ground on Iho secret pin And open your valve and howl like bin No gong can equal your little din- Baby , oh my baby. Mv heart Is clad when your face I see , Mv Joy is full when you come to me , I laugh with you in ramping glee- Baby , oh my baby. And oftentimes my midnight snore Is broken short by your scix-amlng roar , And till morning dawns we walk the lloor- Baby , oh mylbaby. THE VANDERBILT BOYS. How Thny AVcro TaiiRht to. Shift for Themselves IJCHSOMS AVcll Ijcnrnctl. Cornelius Yandorbilt is 40"now , and ho Tmiio it hot less than $640,000.000 when Mr. Cornelius is 70. It would increase a great deal faster than that at the interest which he is to-day receiving on his stocks and bonds , but there will come panics , reverses , cataclysms , perhaps , and ho can not safely count on making more than $450,000,000 , in thirty-six years. These young men are remarkable characters. They started in the path of life under the iron rod of their remark able grandfather , the old commodore. Ho didn't believe in boys at all ; ho didn't believe in anybody much ; and when Cor nelius and William K. got out of short clothes ho said to their father : "Look a here , Billy ; boys are no good ; there's only ono wajr to save 'cm , nnd that is by putting 'em ' at something , and making 'em work like the devil all the while. Now , stick these boys in somewhere and make 'cm come down to it. Doii't let upon ' " on 'cm AVm. H. was not half as hard and in flexible as his father , but he was accus tomed to mind that gentleman as obedi ent when he was 40 as when ho was 14 and he know perfectly well it was boiler to kick a boy out than it was to pot him nnd to give him money ; so lie told tlio boys , as his father had told him , that " themselves. " "tlioy must support Cornelius got a little clerkship in the shoe ami leather bank when he was 10 , and for four years he got there as early as any clerk and worked as late" and as hard. He allowed himself no extra holi days , and neither his father nor his grandfather did anything to make his life easier. During these years his Uncle Torrance , going lo Europe for the Commodore , invited "the youngster" to go with him , and the grandfather re lented and consented. The boy was de lighted at the chance , but the qucslion of salary was involved. Ho presented the matter to the president. "You can go , " said the amiable functionary , "but of course you will lose your salary , $150 " That sullied it. Cornelius turned his back on the temptation and declined to go. go.Whon he was 20 ho was made a clerk "nt Iho bottom of the ladder" in the Hudson Hiver railroad otlice , and his younger brother , William K. , was put at work there the next year. For more than eighteen years , now , they have "bowed down to it" in that great concern , and they are far bettor trained than their father ever was in all the details of the business. They nro not fast men. They own no yachts. They cnro nothing for clubs. They are content , up to tlio present time , with ono wife apiece. They love their children , nnd each family filing into church looks like a pair of gently sloping stairs. They care little for fast horses. They do not swear. Ono of them is superintendent of a Sunday school , and both are deeply involved In various char ities of the city. Cornelius is first vice president and head of finance , William Iv. is second vice president and master of transportation. Kacli knows his business thoroughly. The most striking thing about either of them is that they work as hard as if they were hired by the job which they are , by Iho way nnd that they are perfectly democratic and accessible to anybody who has business with them. On the whole , the present seniors of the house of Vanderbilt are about the most nniot , unassuming , well-behaved , well-trained , and level-headed of the Now York mil lionaires of the present day. HE WENT TOO FAR. Kutuas Perfectly Willing to Apolo- ulzu nnd I'romlHo Ucl'orniatlon. Detroit Free Press ; "Kxcuso mi ) , " ho said , as ho halted a gentleman in the corridor rider of the city hall , "but will you lend mo your eye glasses a moment ? " Ho put them on his to read u letter - tor and returned tlionv with ; "Thanks ! Have you the correct time ? Ah ! Ton-thirty. " llo set his watch and confidentially in quired : "Haven't any tobacco about you , oh ? " Ho was handed a box and , after help ing himself to a liberal share , ho re marked : "I want to mail a loiter In the box hero , but 1 find I have no postftgo stamps. If you - " Ho was handed a stamp , When ho had licked it on and mailed his Jotter , ho said : "I'm ' to going up Michigan avenue Twelfth btreet. Do you happen to have a couple of street car tickets ? " "Sir ! This is too much I" exclaimed the other , " 1 can stand about so much , but after Unit " "Thoro t There I Bug your pardon I How did I know you druw the line at btreet car tickets ? No oflenae none in thp least. I'll take your nuiuu mid make a niemoradum of wficiv your generosity ceases and thin tiling -luu't happen agiiin. 1 mistook -you for a gentleman who draws the line on paying for the coupe when I ask myeulf Up to bis for supper , MAKING UIS OWN FORTUNE. Andrew Oarnoglo's Indomitable Courage Mnkos Him Rich , Ho 1-niuln In Nc\v York With n Sov olgn and by Diligence Becomes Immensely Wealthy , Now York Journal : Andrew Carnegie , then a 10-year-old lad , landed in this country in 1845 with only ono sovereign in his pockcl. Andrew Carnegie to-day owns the largest iron and steel works in the country , works that consume one- lonth of the pig-iron that tha country produces. The 10-year-old Andrew Carnegie waited for weeks before tie could get em ployed anywhere. Ho atiswcrd every ad vertisement but ho was always disap pointed. One man wanted a cool boy to turn an ice-cream frccxcranothcr wanted a lad to hold a pipe in his mouth in a shooting-gallery , a third wanted a tooth less youth to gum envolopes.nud Andrew Carnegie did not feel that ho was tilled for any of these avocations. The sovereign that he had lived on for three weeks had almost dwindled away when a notice in the window of a tele graph ollico caught his eye. llo entered , amftlio superlntondet engaged him us a messenger at $ ' . ' .50 a week. Ho carried U'legraniH for live years , and out of the $2.50 he bent seventy cents nverv week to his old mother In Dumforliue , Scotland. Ho had a tin savings bank , too , and man aged to lay by a little store in that. I'ho Miperiniondcnt , observing that the young messenger did not , lake a week lo go from Harlem lo the Battery , promoted him. At llio end of the live years Carnegie became superintendent. Out of his increased salary ho saved at least half. When ho had $500 ho resigned , weul to Pittsburg and started in the iron business. Ho rented a shed and made nulls and horseshoes witli his own hands , llo prospered. His brother came out from Scotland and worked with him. The shed grew tea a shop , the shop to a factory , tlio lactory to an immense works that to-day give employment to thousands of men. The almost penniless boy of 1815 has bccomo the philanthropic millionaire of 1880. Four years ago Mr. Carnegie gathered about him a party of young people in whom ho was interested , lie took them as his guests to Europe on the steamer Bothnia. Then ho look them on a six weeks' coaching trip through JSmrhuul ' and Scotland , Ho eeiebrulcd l ° . ? , , , , , . \a \ " ' " uioinoi birllul"v with ! < - , : -5V vuu . . .o mother and his guests -j ! " 5'iHK ° u Hull day the foundation stone of a frco library that he presented to his native town of Dumferlmo , Scot land. land.Mr Mr , Carnegie has told the story of that coaching trip in ono of his books , "Four- in-llaml , " for despite his multiplicity of business lie has found time to write and publish books. Besides the frco library , which cost $25,000 Mr. Carnegie built frco baths in his native town , endowed them with $ 25,000 and gave them to Dumferline. llo gave to the church whore his mother used to worship a magnificent stained- glass window and look care Unit the church's exchequer should never bo empty. Ho endowed scholarships m the free schools of Dtiinferline as an impetus lo study , for ho believes that learning soonest makes mcn _ free. Abroad , too , Mr. Carnegie has expend ed 5,000 to endow scholarships in the Royal College of Music in London. To ISow York city h& has given the Carnegie Laboratory that cost $50,000. A free' li brary , Mr. Carnigio's favorite gift , is now being built at his expense in Bradford , Penn. He ollbrcd to build a free library in Pittsburg , near where his iron works arc sHuateil , but the short-sighted author ities of Pittsburg refused the gift because they did not want to maintain the library. The infinite number of Mr. Carnegie's benefactions are only known to himself. His hand is always open , but ho docs not waste money. He dearly hates lords ; kings and emperors hu abhors , but if he can in any way aid free institutions , free government , free speech , ho will let his money flow like water. He , a capitalist , encourages workmen to band together for their protection against capital "when capital tries to grind them. Hois n good friend to the Knights of Labor. Mr. Carnegie says that only under a frco , republican go'v- crmncnt could such success as his bo pos sible , but his friends say that a man born with such elements of cleverness would rise and flourish anywhere. BIG BOX OFRCE FIGURES. What the Greatest of Theatrical Stars Have been Able to Earn. From a Now York Letter : Late this afternoon I found myself in a group of prominent theatrical managers. Mr. W. II. Hayden , who manages Tom Keenc , told nip that his star is rapidly getting over his stroke of paralysis and would bo ready , to resume work the 1st of March. Next to Uaydon sat Marcus Mayor , Mr. Abbey's representative , who has'traveled with all the leading attractions this manager has controlled. llo and Al Hayman , who managed Baldwin's thea tre in San Francisco , but who is spending most of his time here , got to comparing notes about the average business of the great actors who have appeared in this country I" the past few years. I layman started the gossip by saying Ihat Maple- son's Opera company , with Patti and Gcrster as Iho stars , sang in San Fran cisco to $160,000 in eighteen perform ances , or an average of $ ! ) ,000 n perform ance , Mayer paid , considering the expenses , ho could beat that. "Christine Noiison , " said lie , "sang in San Francisco to $ ' , ! 7'MO in four concerts or on an average of $7.000 a performance. Patti during her first engagement with Mr. Abbiiy sang to $ liU50 in one performance at thn Mo- olmnic.s' institute , over on the Back Bay. That engagement in Boston and the next ono in I'liiliulelphia brought Mr. Abbey out ahead of a $20,000 , loss when hu put her into opera. "Spoakinjj of big re ceipts , " sajd Mr. Mayor , "let mo road you KJinelhing from the record , Mrs. Langtry , her lii > t season tinder Mr. Abbey , played to $250,000 in twenty-six weeks , seven performances u week. Bern- Imrdl drew into Mr. Abbey's box of- llco $8 ! l,000 In twftiity-livo weeks , playing six times a week. Patti in the engagement first referred to in twenty- two concerts and twelve operas drew f22(1,000. ( Nnilson in fifty night concerts ilrow ? 'J08,000. Booth played to fJtfSO.OOO in twonty'Ciglit weeks at $1.50 a scat. Henry Irvine played to iflO.'i.OOOiii twenty- iavon weeks , " These are the largest re- Boipls ever known in this country. These figures aina/u ono notartntslnined to deal with theatrical matterThinlc of six stars with an average work of twenty-six weeks' , in ono season earning $1,781,500. , An Kvll to bo Corrected , Snu F/uiicfeco / Call , It has been the practice for years in- lend , almost since the establishment of : ho government- for members of con- jrcas who were lawyers to accept fees md appear before the supreme court of he United States as the counsel in cases here pending , and which might , by a lossibility , have to bo subsequently lug- slutod upon It will hu rumemberud hat Daniel Webster , in his debate with lolm Y. Hayno of South Carolina , on thn ' 'onto resolution , hinted that his. time md been so divided between tlio su- , ireme court and his senatorial duties hat hu was deprived the opportunity of Mr. Hayue except at intervals , and could not , consequently , reply lo Ink speeches' in detail , Several instances have occurred of late years to show tlio impropriety of mem bers of congress who nro lawyers prac ticing the legal profession while occupy ing seats in that body ; and yet they appear - pear to have no scruples on this head , Senators Edmunds and Eyarts , holding seats in the United States senate , are at this time engaged in a railroad tax case before the supreme court , thus earning high foes from a client that was ami probably will soon bo the subject of con gressional legislation. The Impropriety of their conduct is therefore evident , ami suggests the necessity of a law being passed which shall forbid congressmen , when serving as such , going before any of the courts in a professional capacity. LONDON JOURNALS. A Talk With Simo , the fcilltor nnd - { Author. William Slrne , the well known English novelist tlio author of "Hugo , the Dreamer , " "Hod Houte , " "Cradle and Spade , " etc. , and editor of the St. James > Gazelle of London arrived in San Fran cisco recently from England. Mr. Simo is taking a voyage around the world for his health. "Journalist.1 * of the bettor class are hold in very high esteem in London , " re marked Mr. Sime to a Chronicle reporter. "Now , lake for instance the chief Times reporter , llo is received everywhere as n guest and a gentleman. At royal society banquets , for instance , ho might bo sitting between Huxley and Itoscoo. You know he happens to bo a barrister. The reporters of parliament are trailed by the members ot the house on turms of equality , and chat Justus freely with thorn \ In the lobbies as if they had'scats llicm- ' 1 selves. But you must remember that In English -journalism there IH a very breadline line of duinarkatioii between the reporters and the editorial writers , the hitler of course occupying fho higher position , " "English journalists are then recog- nixed and received in the highest so ciety ? " "Well , no , not exactly. You see , just as I dnro say you have hero , there nro journalists and journalists. Quito re cently a Gorman journalist , who was en gaged in writing the life of the poet , - Samuel Taylor Coleridge , came over from v ' * , Vienna to pursue his investigations fur- ' thcr in England , llo met Lord Colorhigc , the lord chief justice , who asked him tirst to conic and dine , and then to come and liyo with his family. Now 1 doubt very much whether that courtesy would have been extended to an English journalist. You know , of course , that Lord Coleridge is a descendant of the poet. " "What are the principal papers mnv in London. Mr , Shnor ' . . . . . . . . . . . . vj T. L- .4..U .I.ll o II.VO IIWUlllJUk > , ily Telegraph simplv seeks popu larity , while llio Daily News is a stanch liberal organ. Then , of course , there are thu evening journals Iho St. James's Ga/.otlc , thu Globe , the Kcho , and the Pall Mall Gazette. " "Can you lull mo anything about the proprietors or editors of any of these journals ? " "Well , let us take the Times first of all. Thu proprietors are , as you know , the Walters. Buckle is the chief literary man and young Walter the business man , or * managing editor , Ri yon would call him hora. IK very morning Buckle and Wal ter hold a council on the news of the day and decide as to what particular editori als , etc. , shall bo written. The Times doesn't care for any sensational correspondence , and has an in veterate aversion to all notorious " men. Now Archibald Forbes , for instance , has boon dying lo obtain a position as Times correspondent for some time and it will not give it to him. He is lee notorious. It wants simply the plain laots , nothing plso. It spends n great dual of money in foreign corre spondence. Take , for instance , the Berlin correspondent of The Times. It givus him 1)00 ) , besides thu slnccurus of his ollice. Ho lives in first-rale stvlr. keeps two horses , etc. In addition , " ho has _ a reserve for bribing German olhcniH. BiiJ , strange to say , for over cloven years ho hasn't expended a penny of it. What's the reason ? Bismark's influence is so great- that the subordinate olliuials dare not disclose any of the secrets. It's different , how ever , with the Vienna and Paris corre spondents. They bribe right and left and send homo flaming letters. " "Well , how about the other papers ? " "The Pall Mail Gazette is , perhaps , now the most notorious of any English journal. Smith and Son & Greenwood were formerly the proprietors. At the end of 1870 , however , Greenwood quar reled with the Smiths and started The St. James's Gazelle , of which he is at present editor and chief proprietor. Smith married his daughter to a former secre tary of an Irish lord liutcnant , Thomp son , and as Thompson wanted to run for parliament his fatlier-iii-hiw gave him the Pall Mall Gii/.ette. He accordingly started out and ran it on entirely now lines , making it as American us possl- "What Is the general rate of journalistic pay ? " "Well , lake The Pull Mall Oa/ollo , wilh which I am bnsl acquainted , Green wood , the edilor , gels as editor , 1'1,000 a year. If he writes any editorials ho gets paid at the usual editorial rate 2 guineas a column. " "How are outside contributors paid ? " "At the ratu of 2 guineas a column. Besides the editorial column lliuro is a column of what are termed occasional notes. For each of these , if accepted , the contributors get half a guinea. The journalist who has the biggest salary In London is n friend of inino named Trail , who works for Thu Daily News. Ho makes about ' . " AX',000 a year. A Shrewd Hupcrliitenilotit. Confession of an ox-siiporintoiidont of a street railway line in Ihu St. Louis Globe-Democrat : When I ran this road I never interfered with an employe's poli ties. I never made a conductor or driver Jo anything ho didn't want to do in the voting lino. I just wont to them and told them what I tlionghl was right and explained how 1 was going to vote , and you but thuro was no trouble- with them. They gonnrjilly voted llio sainu way , be- WHIM ) you sue they know their biismcsH. That's how I got along wilh the men ; noon the other hand , I pleased ( do public In this way : Whenever a olti/oii fame to complain about thu road or any of its employes , I gave him all thu atten tion his hear ! could desire , and in order lo make him fool that his grievance hud deuply impressed me , I got out a block of paper and a lead pencil and noted down uven to thn slightest nartieular all ihu < h < - tails of his complaint. 1 sympathized with him from tlio Marl , < | d ilm man ho was complaining about , promised to flro him the minule lie turned in his car , and then sent Iho party away fouling happy ifier inviting him to bo sure lo call again ivhun ho found anything wrong on the road. The eili/.en departed fully assured Hint he hud achieved the object of his risit and then as boon as the damphoo ! Itad shut tint door 1 threw ihu complaint n the steve and never gave thu matter mother moment' * thought. Xc > ISl'UllIH. Gilhooly wont into an Austin ruslaur- : int , gave hU order for some calf's brain * mil waited a long time for Ihu waiter to iring what ho ordered , but in vain. At hu asked : "Well , what about llio calf's brains1 ? Thu waiter shook Jii.shwid dismally and "Tho outlook is pretty gloomy , judgo. " "What's the mutter wilh my brninst" "There ain't any , tlmt'H all " Thu-story got out , i.d now thorn IH ' ' omy talk of running Him fur thu 1 uru.