Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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" " ' " ' '
n i n "pr r 'i'jinujilyyj ' * i l
per lb. , 7J { ; do. Mb palh. per cr.itc. .
S2.75. Pencil nnd plum butter , 40-ln pails , per
Jb. , OKc ; pencil , plum nml quince butter , as-
tortcci , 6-lb. palls per crate , 0 palls , 8 * . 75 ;
rnlsup j r case , ddoz. Hint bottle * . 55.00 ;
liorso nullili , pint bottles , perdo81.50. .
1'ios Fcr.T , Imi'K , KTC FIRS' feet
for } < bbl. . 84.75 : do. X bbl. ,
82.40 : do. per kit , 81.00. Lambs' tongues , per
X bbl. , 83.50 ; do. per kit , 83.75 ; do. quart
jars per doz. , 85.50 ; do. pint Inrs per ea. e ,
5 doz. . 87.00. Tilpe , per M bbl. , 84.50 ; do. per
Hbbl. 82.2 , , : do. ner kit. tec.
iSAt'Kit KIIA.UT Hest quality. 45 cal bbl ,
$7.50 ; ; jo gal bbl , f0.50515 unl bbl. S4.0J.
NVTS Pecans , largo polished , lie ; pecan1 ? ,
medium , PC : Knplish walnuts , lie ; nlmonds ,
Tarrncona , 20e ; do , l.nnguenoc , 17c ; lirazlis ,
lac , filbert1' . I4c ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy
Virginia , Tctrto roasted ° c.
Coxm llo.vnv California 2 ib frame CO Ibs ,
In casoper/u. / , 15cj 10 lb. finmes , Nebraska.
CinF.n Michigan refined , per bbl. , 80.50 ;
do. half bbl. . S4.UO.
VI.VKOAH Whlto wine. lOc ; elder , 12 > < c.
Nr.w r'las , DATKS , KTC. Lnjcr URS , 5 nnd
8-lb boxes , per Ib , lOMVTc ; Piunelles , 2.1 lb
boxes , per lb , Ifc , Dates , fancy 1'nrd , 12-jb
boxes , per lb. lie ; tlo , fancy Persian , 50 lb
boxes , per lb. lie.
LEMONS Fancy Messina and Pateinio , per
box , SB.OO : do. choice .Messina nnd Palermo ,
per box , 54.50 ; do. per 5 box lot. 84.00.
UHANOKB-fhoIco Los AiiRelPS , per bov ,
82.75 : do,5-box loH , per box , 8U.UO ; do , 10-box
lots , 8'.M ) ; fancy Kixcrsldo3.50 { ; do , 5-box
lot.i , 83.25 ; do. 10 box lots , 83.00.
CitANiiiiHHiKS Capo Cod cinnberries , per
bbl , StUO : Capo Cod do , 5-bbl InK per
bbl. 88.00 ! Hell nnd Cherry ic , per bbl , 85.75 ;
Hell nnd Cherry do , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. W.50.
AIM-LI Not much stock Is movlnst. II-
OIIAPKS Malacn per bbl. 57.00.
DANANAH Arcoidliig to size , per bunch ,
' PitoviflioNS. Hnm. 10frflr c. breakfast
bncon , til ( > tt < cs clear side bacon , 7c : dry suited
sides , fie : blumldcis. smear ctiied , 5 > c ; moss
pork per bbl. . 813.00 ; lanl , 40 lb. cans , per II ) ,
r. i@7c : 10. 6 nnd 3 lb 7 @bo ; tilled beci
hams. 1-c.
POTATOHS None are comlne. ami prices
are nominal nt 5,7(1000 foreholcestoulc. : : Callfoinla cabbage , 3c per
UNIONS .Salt Lake stoclc , 53.00 per bbl. ;
red Wetlicrsiield , fc'J.f > 0 pur bbl.
HiiANK-Ilnml nicked nnvx' . 51.7.V32.00 ;
liaiiti-picke < l medium , S1.50rZl.75 ( : coed ck-an
couiitrv. S1.8.VB1.-.0 : Inferior. 7nof.00. (
( iiiAi.v The lollowlnu nro the pruxainnR
pliers paid lot xvnjton loads on the stirets tlii ) mills to-day : Corn , ! ! 2c ; oats.iS'Q
! ! 5cwheat ; , Xo. 2 , GOo ; rye. 45@.VJc. Klovator
prices for car lots : Corn , 2l c : oats ,
BJWc ; wheat. tafo\ \ > c,4lc : bail iy,4bc.
l < 'i.ouu anil iliM-STUKi's W inter \ \ heat-
Finn ; be t quality patent at S3.00@3.o. ! ;
Second inmllty S2.50@ : .00.
Spi IIIK Wheat Ue&t ( iimllty patent sit 82.50
iJuc'kxvlieat Kiotir In bairels , 85.75 ; ready
raised yib packages. 81.00 ; 0 lb packages ,
JJian 55C per cxvt.
Chopped I ecd Per 100 lbs.70c.
Coin .Meal White , bOc ; > clloxv.75c per cxvt.
tjcrcenlnt , ' No. 1 , 75c per cxvt ; .No. 2 , 50e.
Hominy S1.M ) per cxxt.
Sliorts-COcpei ewt.
( irnham S1.75 per cxvt.
Hav Uales. S0.00n87 00 per ton.
OYfiTiim-Juotatl : ( or to-day are : N.\
counts : , l..c ; extra selects , 4Uc ; belects , 35e ;
standiir't" . liOc ; incdlnins , > ?
I'Uim ' AND OKINS t'nces on fins and
skins aio steady. Alink , each , 10@wc : :
. , : , iini.- . .
lei mountain. fr'.OOfflS.OO ; wlfdeat , 15 0baa ;
vur , Pl.WXJt.2.60 per lb ; fox , each , Sl.40@1.50
ileerskln : . drv vlllter , 15(2.4180 ( per lb ; Uo. fal
nnd bunimi.T 20a2&c (
llii > is : Gicnn Imtcheis , CfSOKc ; piwii
cured , 7H@ ; dry Hint , 12ftrc ( ; dry
salt. l @ 10c ; dninaeea .hides txvo-tldids price
Tallow tc. ( Sicaso , prime white , 4c. falieeo
l > elts-25f(07.-.c.
LiEATHEii No. 11'lttsburs harness J. C , U
&Sons , SCc ; No. 11'lttsburg , K. & S. 3ie ; No.
Cincinnati , : c : No. 1 lace leather , OOc ; pilmo
slaimhtersnlc leather , 2S ( < ji : o ; urimo oak solo
leatlior. rfiWlitic. ( Ijiiper leather , jior loot. 20(3
25c ; Jlcm kip,75@8.'coakklpS5@05cFrench ; ;
kip. S1.00& 1.25 : Jlem calf , S1.00@1.10. oak
calf. S1.00@l,25 ; Kiench calf , 51.a9l.b5 ; ilo-
rocco boot Ics , : ; 0Jtc ( : ! : ; Morocco oil pebble.
SbL ( c ; lojiplncs 'and linings , SO.OOdJlO.OO
Dcrdo/ .
COAL Anthracite Rvate , SS.50 ; CKB , SS.50 ;
ranpe , § 8.75 ; chestnut , 83.75 ; loxva. S3.50 ;
Walnut block , &U.75 : Illinois , S5.00 ; Mis-
eonil S4.IKI
UKAVY llAIlD x'AIlK Iron , rates , 82/5 ;
ploxv steel , special cast , 4o ; ciucible steel , Oc ;
east tools do. 12@l c ; wa on spokes , per net ,
81.75 3.00 : hubs , uer set , S1.35 , lelloes , saxved
dry , S1.40 , tongues , each , 75c , axles , each , 75o ;
square initH , per It ) . , 7Jllc ( ; coilclmin per tt.
shoes , t5.25. Uailied WIio in car lots , 84.00
per 100 Ibs. lion Nails Kates , 10 to CO , fc&OJ.
Shot 81.50 ; buckshot. 8UB ; Oriental
poxxder , kens S3.50iir4.oa : do , half kegs , S2.00 ;
flo , quartei IJOKS. S1.50 ; blastlii ! . ' , kess , § 3.85 ;
liibo. ici 100 feet. .We Lend Bar. 81.05.
Diiv J'AI.VTS Whlto lead. He ; I < icnun rmc ,
I'-'c ; Paris whltinc,2Kc : whitlnfrKildcr.slJic ;'I , i clampblack.lUiiiiantfixvii. :
liic ; lampblack , ordinary , lOc : Piussian blue ,
65c , , untramarlno , l c : Vandyke , brown. So
umuer , burnt , to ; umber , raxv , 4c ; sienna ,
buint , 4c : sienna raw. 4o : Paris erecn. cenu-
Ine , 2oc : rarm meen , common , 20c ; chrome
green , N. I.SOc ; chr mo erccn , K , 12o ; ver-
inillion , hnfilisli. in oil asst ino ; raw nnd
buint umber 1 lb cans , luo : raw and ournt
plenna , lOc ; vandvko uroxvn , l c : rchncd
lauipbluck. I''o ; coach black and Ivory bla 1C
lc ( ! ; diop black , lOc : Prussian bluo.iOc : ul
tramarine blue. Ibc : clnoiuo crecn , L. , M &
IX.lfic : blind nnd shutter irreon , lj. , Al to I ) ,
IPc ; Pans cieen , ibc ; Indian icd , I5c ; Vene
tian ml. 'Jo : Tuscan led , ii''c : American ver-
nilllion , L. & 1) . , toe ; jelioxx' ociue. l c : LI. M
iVO. 1) ) . , Ibc ; golden ochre , IOc : patent dryer
8e : pralnlnir roloiii. lluhtoak daik oak , wal-
utit. chestnut and HSU Ibc.
j'AixihiN OIL Whlto lead , Omalio , P. P
7c ; whlto lead , St. Louis , puio SIM ; MarhCil
les preen , 1 to 5 lb cans , 2Cc ; French zlno
green real , 120 ; Kioneh.Inc. . red seal , llo ;
Prench vninlhli aist,20c ; Kienclizinc
75c : xenuillton. Aimulcan. ISc ; Indian , red
10orosonink ; , He : Venetian , red Cookson's
2Jfc : Venetian led , Aineiican , lfc ; red
7Jc ; chiomo yclloxv ci'iiuiiie , icioj ; ehiomo
yellow , K , I'-io ; oohro rocliello : 'c ; ocluo ,
Fieneh , 2 feoclne ; , Ameilcan , 2u ; \ \ Inter's
mineral , ' . ' c : Lehiuh bniwn. SHe ; Spanlsn
broxvn , j4c ; I'lincti'H nilncial 3c
OII.H llOearbon , percil'on. ' lie : 150 - head
light , per callon. lie ; 175o headliu'uMwr sal-
Ion , i c ; IWo water white. He : lliiK-ed hard
per icalloii. 44c ; lln eetl , boiled , per gallon ,
47e : lard , winter str'd , per irallon , 5 c ; No.
1 , 4fc ; Xo. a.ti'p ; castor XXX , per pnllnn ,
81.55 ; No. 3 , 81.41 : bxvect , t er eallon , 51.00 ;
bpcriu.V. \ . Ii. . ncreillim. 81.00lish \v. \ 11.
per galloni 5o ; neatsloot extra , per gallon ,
7Uc , No. 1. CMa ; lubrlcatlns. zero , per gallon ,
Js < > . bummer , ifio : eolden machine. No. 1 , per
callon HOe ; No. _ ' . 25o ; pperm , slunal , per Kal
ian 75o : tin pcutlnc , per gallon , G'c ; naptha ,
per Rollon. 7lr.
\ AiiNtsiiKs Uarrels , per gallon : Furn
tuic. uxtia , 81.10 ; furniture , No , 1 , 81.00 :
coach , extra 81.40 ; coach , No. 1. 8L20 ;
IJaiuar , pxtro , 81.75 ; Jnnnn , 70c ; osphaltnni ,
extra , Me ; shcllao 83.50 ; hara oil Unlsh ,
Dilfas AMI CHHMIPAI.S Acid , enrbolie ,
iiO .aeld , tutaiic : , Wo ; balsam copaiba , per
lb. , 5Uc , h\ik : \ , fiUbiafias , per lb. , 1'Je ; calomel-
peril ) . , ? ao : eluehonldm , pero40o ; cliloio ,
limn , per lli , , 7."i ; JJoxeis ] > ox\dcis , per lb. ,
IV * ( II1U l\t tV 4J , . I 'f I Ufcj U > fU | | > UHI OHIHI (
lodltlo , JHT lb. . SJ.OO ; sallcin. iicrolOc ;
sulphate nioiiililne , per oSi. : . ' - ! < ) ; biilphur ,
IHT lb.,9lc ; t x ( llllilu ) , per o ; ; . , S1.60 ,
hi'tiiiTh Colngno splilts , 1S3 proof , Sl.W ;
do 101 vi oof Si ,18 ; hjililts , second Quality
1U1 protif. S1.1U ; do , 1SS proof , 81.11. Alco
hol , lhS inoof. ' . ' ,10 per xvluo gallon. JU'ilis-
tilled \xlilsllcs , S1.IXK3UA ) ; gin blended ,
S1.50ri'.00 ( ; Kentucky bouibons , g'J.X@rt.OO ( ) ;
Kentucky and IVnnsyhaiila lyes. 8J.OO ( < i < l..r < 0 ;
( ioldt'ii hlienf bouibon and rye
Sl.'iOict.X ( > . llninilles-lmported , SVtKKgaw.
domestic. Sl.liOCifa.OO. ( ilns luiMiitod | , 84.W )
fcO.OO ; tlomi'Mtf. Sl.aviiaoo. Itiuus-lm
poitod , S-U.tX.iS.lx ) : New Knelnud , 81.7603.00 ;
ilouic.tli' , Sl.'iXiiU.oo. Cluimi.iiiies ) Im-
1101 tinl , perca-se. feis.OOf yi.OO ; AmeikMii , per
case , 5iu.00uuo.fti _
tJxtoKKD FISH -Halibut , new. To ; now
scaled borrlugsJc ; mackerel l.o ; salmon ,
U'p : hllioked bturu'Cull , llic.
imiuiMis. _ _ ' _
raa . | l . . ' HT II Fs O r llbla Pls'Kta
rian. JW w ju 10 15 12 lo
Muuu's S't No.l-L'bTft ) 4 00 3 CS 2 03 1 70 W ta M
L'fc-o o iiTou rum ! ) , ( no 3 ta a as i w i w 75 M u
L'tw UMBU'ro Kcy 00,3 , 6J8g5 1 70 1 50i'5 MM
Half llbUQ'rlJlils
HEW nsn. M
SOO , 100 W I W 40 S
I '
niontcrMc 9 , . . . . 350018 00 1ft 2 * 9 tti 7 831A1
Ki. No. ISh'r 24 0012 Mil 30,0306 101 40
No. 1 Shore 18 CO 0 50. , 8 . ( . KU . H)3iiOl ) 10
Mod. No. 1 Shore. . . 13 00 7 OOi i
" Hay 11 00 , G 00 6413 O.V2
Lnrgo Family 000 600 4 2 V ) 2 10
Fnt " . . . 7 M 1 00 8 < V > 2 05 1 70
I.AKH nsn.
_ . , „ . Ill'f Ilbls'q'rllbls ' P'ls'KU '
FISH. ] 00 oo | &a 40 112 j 10
No. 1 Whlto Fish 7 mama ron 10,104 oo
Knmlly " aeon in 2 OM TO < 8 65
No. 1 Trout. . . 4 504 002 r 2 10 74 f > .i
No. 1 Pickerel 4 003 G0,2 , aJl , W C3 | 00
* , r\T HbNHIflllilsQ'rlllils Palis or kits
) 200 | 100 DO 60 40 | 15 12 10
lllood lied
AlnsKa. . . 11 007 OOJO 333 652 00. . . . 93
Dlood Red
Col. , , 13 00 7 00 0-331 55,2 00 ] . . . . 03
Tonsnioa .V
Sounds JT , oo 8 Oj7 | as 1 10
! ui > nrtTF. [ > nsn.
nsti. llhls HIT llhls O'r Dhl ? 1'alls or kits
200 I 100 PO 60 40 ' 15 12 10
KKK Her'hitfs 13 007 0)fl 33 ; ] 532 00
Kit lioirlii'S. ( 12 ooo cor , ioi , : aos 70
8 00 4 CO 1 OU U ! W 1 W
Su.vtinir.a JJnmcstlc Hnll.inrt herrings ,
kefjs , 50c ; Husslan f-autlnes , 43c ; Anclio -
vli-s in glass , Ole Bull brana. per UOA. ,
SH.OO ; Anchovies In ke s , > f Ole Bull brand.
H4.00 ; spiced llninburp licrrings , skins and
heads oil' , ucr pall , (51.00. (
COHKISH cinnro bank cod , 4c ;
sea kiiiR , ( Swages chunks , OKc ; cloAur leaf ,
( Scorci's dtrliH , n ) c : 1 lb rolls , 'J lb boxes ,
Co ; pralilo ( lower , alb brlck.Gc ; wild rose , a
Ibbilck. 5e.
Holland lienlne , new , rerkcs , 7 , " > c ; now
lonn snllt stocklisli , lOc , new short split
Btoekfish ,
Grocers Lilst.
SYitur Standard 0 2c ! , bbls ; Stanrtaid ,
do 4-yallon keirs , 81.10 ; New Oilcans ! WC < 40o
per gallon ; Maplu Syrnji , J barrel. P A ; U.
strictly inm70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans ,
SU.25 per do/ : K irnHon cans , 85.25 per doz ;
quart cans 83.00
DitiKD FnutTS No. 1 Quarter apples , 4)c ) ;
evaporated , _ Jxes , tHiS c : t blackberries ,
ixiaehes ,
nuxv , "
, .
UOc : Alccha , ! ! 3224c : Aibucklo's roasted
I'J'fc ; Mcl.aughlln'a XXXX ioasted , ii :
I > il\\orth's iJc : : Kcd Oioss. I3
DihMiuh's titid iteLauuhl ill's XXXX arc
sold 50c per case oil above prices in a-caso
buoAiH-Poweicl,7 [ ? < ccut : loaf.7J < curan ;
tilatcd , 7-f.c : contuctioneis' A. 7c : tatan' '
diu-d exti-a 0. OVc ; extra 0. O o ; inudluiu
cllow.ii' c : NcwOi IMIIM. r > 9 ( iijc.
1'ioKi.ES Jlcdiuui In barrels. S ' . 0 ; do In
half barrels , § .1 ; small in barrels , $7. 0 ; do
in half b.uicls , Si. 5 ; gherkins la barrels ,
S.V 0 : do In half barrels , Sl.7f .
SOAPS Kirk's Savon .imperial , S.Y3 ;
Kirk's satinet , S3. 15 ; Kirk's standard. B3 SO ;
Kiilc's White Hussiaii , 54. : ; Kirk's V 'hito
Cap. S0.50 ; Doinc , % 4.-ii.
( JANXED HOODS Oysters , Standard per
case. S.'i.'O : Btrawberiies , ii-tt > . , per case. S3.bO ;
raspbcines , 2-lb. , per case , S2. : > > ; California
pears , per case , 53.00 ; apricots , per case ,
SN.tX ) ; peaclies , per case , tl.75 ; white cher
ries , per case , SO.OO ; plums , per case , 81.00 ;
whortleberries , per case. 82.40 ; egg plums.
2-ib. . per case. Si 0 , ffreen Basjes , 2-lb. . nor
case , 8'i. t ) ; jilno apples , 2-Dj. , per case , S3.203
MATCHES Per caddie , STx : ; lound , per case
45c ; squaio cases , S1.70 ; Oslikosh ,
Cl.-O : iniilo Miuaic , S ! . - " > .
good , : i5@J5e ;
Tea SilUilkS.
l'iuo TOUACCO Ullmax , 44cper lb ; Horseshoe -
shoe , 4.'c ; Star , 43c : Spearhead , -lOc ; ( iold
KollJCc : t'ipcr Heidsick. 60c : Punch , : Wc ;
* ouns IMti , 41c : Silver Tas , 40c ; .ITJ , Sic.
Kepi : Sisal. } $ inch and larger , 8 C ; Inch ,
Otfc : Kinch , 9 > ic
OANUY Jltxed.OK@12c : stickOJ < r@lle ,
SODA In lb papers , 83/J5 a case ; salsoJa
kesperlb , S3.2S.
CIDKK 13@18o ; whlto wine , 15
barneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 5tfc : creims , S e ; ginger snaps ,
Citv soda. 7Kc.
CANDLES Boxes. 40H > , C3 ncSi \ ,
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , os , lU c ; halt box ,
FINE CUT Hard to Beat , 70e ; Ciiarmof the
West , COc ; Fountain , 70c : Golden Thread ,
bTAiicii .Nlacara , gloss , 1 lbG' ' < jc ; Niagara
gloss , 3 lb , Cc ; Niagara gloss , C lb , 7c ; Niagara
corn , 1 lb , u > $ c ; Kinsstoid's coin , I lb , Be ;
KingsfoHl's gloss , 1 Ib , 8c ; Klmjsford's uloss
Olb. SKc : Kiiijjsfoid's pure , 31b0 c ; Kmus
foul's bulk. 4c.
Dry Goods.
PKINTB Steel Kiver , U/o ; American , 5K
Arnold's , Oc ; Cocheco , Cc ; Manchester , Go
J ynan , Oc : Gloucester , t % c ; Dunncll Jnc
quard. GC ; Onnncll , 5 c ; Windsor. Oc : Pa
cihc , Cc ; llaimony , 4 c ; Anchor Shirtiiiffs ,
7 > o ; Merrimack Shiitlngs , 4Xc ; Berwick ,
Br.HAciiiin CorroNs. Fanners' choice
0/c } ; Cabot. G c ; Hope , 7c : Hill 4-4 , 7 } < c
11111 % ,0ic ; Lonsdalo , 8 ; Fruit , 8 cVam ; -
sutta. lOitfc.
COUSKT JEANS Kearsarco ; , 7c ; Armory
7c ; Peuiieieii , 7 > c ; inumn Orchard , OJic
BttoivN COTTON -Laxvrjnco LL , 5c : Shaxv
unit J L , 5c : Heaver Dam IjL , 5c ; Atlantli
LL , 5o ; Indian Head , 7e : Wanchusset CVc
Crown XXX. u c : Clifton CCC , 0 > fc
Utica C. 4c : Atltuitic P , 5Uc.
FINU UnoxvN CorioNs 1'epperell U , 6 < < c
Pepperell O. 5'jc. ' Atlas , 0 > fc ; btatuo ot Llb-
eitv. Co : Snranao H , OJsc.
J3KNUIS Heaver Cieek AA. lie ; Heave
Cioek , BB. IOc ; Beaver Creek CC , Oc ; Jnftroy
XX , lleJairroy ; XXX , 1'Jc ; Jalfroy 1) it T
12Uc ; Columbian , 1'lMc ; Yoik , 13o ; York
lancr. 13Kc : Kveictt , 13o ; Haymaker's blue
nnu brown. 7 ! < c.
ic- ( UnblearhelBoMatniolla ( ) ,
10 oi. Magnolia , l''c : H o . West Point ,
10 Point WVtfc-
UucK ( colored ) Boston 0 oz. brown am
drab , liiKc : I5ojtoii O 11 brown and drab , Oc ,
Boston XX brown nnd drab lOc : Boston
XXX brown and drab. nj o j Boston 0 1' blue ,
HHo : Warren Tricot l&e.
TitKiNOH AincHkcae AOA ISKc ; Thorn
dke OOO , 7Jfc : Thorndiko fancy. 0)c ; Jtoik
10''c ' ; Fork fancy , la o ; Mlilbury , la c :
Pearl Ulvcr , ll c ; Hamilton , lac : bwilt
JUver , 09fc ; bhctucKot b , HUc : Shctucket SS
J c : Jlontauk AA. I''e ; Moutauk BB. lO o ;
Omega ACA. l Ko _ ,
liiNoiiAMS itcntraw. OQlOKc ; Amoskea
dress. 9c : Amoskeag. staple , 7 > 4c : Ivanho
l' ' ) \Vamsutta. ; \ . bK" ! Nubian , b' c ; War
wick , bj c ; Whlttendou. Oc : Bates , dress He ;
Bates , staple , oc ; Randolph staple , , ) %
hansdowne , 7o : ( Jloucester. 7se. }
CHEVIOTS Amoskea ? , checks , 9Xe : Amos
Ksag , btri pcs , 8Uo ; Slater , stiipos , 80 : Edtn-
biirg , "Kc : Whlttendou , strlies. | So : Glen-
Endurance , book fold I'-c
Dry -Ljuuibor.
12 n'u ' ftlia ft'is ' rt'so ' ft'J ' ft'24 ' ft
13.00 15 00,15 , 01) ) 10.00 1T.OO 18.00 19.00
20 H.5) 14.50 1I.0 15.W 10.50 1U.5U 'M.'M
Ifi OJ 15.03 15.00 10.U ) 17.00 18.00 lll.UO
210. . . 15.03 15.00 15.00 16 U ) JT.OO ) .00 20.W
2.\12 15.00,15 UO 1M ,10.00 , K.OO 1000 0.00
! J.UOi51 ; ! )5 ) 00,,19.00
Clear , H Inch Yellow Pine EK.OO Noixvay 14.00
2d Com. , X inch. Norway 18.00
Htand2d Clear , l } ( inch.s. 2s , 55000
I4tnnd2d , I > and2lnch , s2d. . . , 5000
d Clear , liC Inch , s Ss 4 00
8d Clear , 1J4 and 2 Inch , s 2s , 4800
B Select. 1 } } , I } aml2 Inch. s. 2s 0)00
1st and-Jd Clear , 1 men , s. 2s 5000
Sdclear. 1 Inchs2s . . . , 4450
A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s , 4000
B Selci-t. 1 incli. s. 2s „ 2950
No.lboards , 12 , U tt and 10.00
No.2boards , 12 , Hit. , , and 10.75
No.lboards ! 12 14 ft ind 13.75
No. 4 boards , 12,14 ft nud 14.25
No. 1 , A & 0 inch , 12 audS10.WUfeet-rough. ) .
No. 1 , 4 * 0 Inch , 1C feet 14.50 , rouzh .
No. 2 , 4 A 0 Inch , 12 nud 12.50 14 feet , rough. .
No. B , 4 A 0 Inch. 10 feet 10.50 , rongh .
I'OPl.Ul I.t'-MBKlt.
Clear Poplar box bds , K Ins , 2s. . . . . . . JW1.03
" ' Win , panel stk wide , s 2s. 27.CO
" " Corrusated Cellin.ei. . . 20.00
* A * Standard . S2.CO
5 Inch , clear , 31.50 ; 0 inch , clear . 1.00
NO.I..I . 1.10
Lath . 2.2'J '
lot Com. , Winch Whlto Pine . 8 .00
2d Com. , ff Inch Whlto Pine . 23.60
1st Com. Cinch , whlto pine . $ M 00
SdCom.O inch , white pine . HK )
3d Com. 0 inch , whlto pine . 2000
U. 0 Inch , whlto pine . so oo
Com 4 and C Inch yellow pine . 17.50
Star 4 nnd ( i Inch > ellow pino. . . . 21.00
1st and 2d clear yellow pine 4-0 inch , . . 23.50
S1III' l.Af.
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . S17.00
No. 2 , Plain , 8 nud 10 Inch . 15.00
No. 1 , 0. O . 17.50
POST * .
Whlto Cedar , flinch , halxcs . S 11
" " 5V" " alidSlnq'rs 0
" " 4 " lound . U
Tennessee red crdar , split . 14) )
STOCK llOAlttlS.
A 12 inch , Is 12 , 11 and 1 feet . S40 00
j { " > . 41 00
'i u u ii . sn oa
! ii 00
No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 andlO ft. 17 50
No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 1850
No. 3 " " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft. 1559
I.IMK , r.rc.
Qulucy whlto lime ( best ) , 85c ; cement ,
Akion , &I.75 ; plaster , 82.30 ; hair , per bushel
aoc ; , 50 per cent elf list ; doois , blinds ,
mouldings , 50 per cent olt list ; tanedfelt , per
cxvt. , S1.73 : htiuxv board. Sl.OO.
coustnv wiul SEE or OAMININO THIS wp THAT THE
B.r rc Bon of ltd centiM ] > o ltlmi and clone rotation to
nil principal lines K t nml XX eft. nt InltUI anil ter-
mlnnl point * , constitutes the most Important inlit-
cnntlncntKl Unit In tlmt n > stoni of through trntipporh
Cation nhtcli ImllHH nnd liicllltntri tia\c > l nnil trntlln
l ctwcpn cities of the Attnnllo nt t 1'ncldc Coattfi It
la also the \ntllioittiotitotnnniirrnni polnta
l ARt. NnitlicT < t nnd BoutticnKt , ntut cont. ponillnff
| > olnts XVest. Noithurat and 8utithucst.
The Croat Rock Island Route
GnatantcM Ita patrons tltnt pcnuo of personal secu
rity atfoinpil by a ttollil , thoronulily lutllatttfd roatl *
IWMI , Binnoth tracks of rontlnnoiw cfccl rail. tnbEtan *
tlnlly htillt cub crts nnd bi Idtros , i olllnir Ktoclc ati nrar
iwrrrctlon as Itnninti t-tclll can make It , the t.nfct7
nrpllancpaurpitrnt biiflpm , pint fonni anil air lilnkia ,
find that cxnrlllitf discipline \\liUh ITOTCIIIR tlin prac
tical operation ot nil Its tlaln * Oilier upeclalllcii of
; hj ! roiilo me Traipf rn nt all conncctlni ; jwlutu In
Union ! ; crst- , and InO , . .p\r.-y''t-cd comtorta AUd
luxurloot Its I'ns'cnir Kijulpincnr.
Iho Fast K Tialni I > '
prc a > * t7'cct ChJcnpfl and
P orla , Council Illuirs , Kanmr Cltj , l aicnnuit& : r 1
AtchOon are composed or well \cnlllntcil. flncli up.
holEtmed Piy Coaches tlninilrlcent 1'llllman 1'alaco
Blocpcuof this latn t d > lfTn , and FUtnptuotl * Dililni-
Cars. In whlcli elaborately i ookcil incnla ni o Irlnu clr
eitcn. llctxecn Chicago and KnnrnHL'ltvnnd Atthlsoll
are also urn the , Oleuiatcd ItocllnltiRCIiah C.tra.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
Ts the direct and fa\orlto line between Chicago and
AllniioaiiolUandSt. I'anl. licre connootlonsarumado
In IJiilon Dopota for nil point * In the Terrltoilos and
llrltlsh I'lovincei. Oicr this route Te-t Eipreu
Irani : , ate run to the watering places , glimmer re-
soitii , plctninsiitio locnlltles , and linutlnir anil UMilne
frronndaof Inwa anil Minnesota. It l alpu the most
diilrahlaroiitntn tlio i Icli wlicat lltlds and pastoral
lands ot Intei lor Dakots.
btlll anothrr Ullthcr LINK. vlaSeneen nnd Kan-
klkpc , lias bctn opeiud between clnrlmintl. Jndlnn-
npolls mid Lalayette , and Council lilults , UnntasClty ,
lllnneipollsnnd St. 1'iuil "nil lnt rinedlato points
> or detailed Inroiinatlon me itaps mul rohlera ,
ontjilimblu , as well an tickets , nt all ptlnclpal Ticket
Olllcon In the United States and Canada : or by ad
frcs't & Gcii'l M'8'r , Oen'l T'kt & 1'ass. Ac't ,
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only rood to talto for DCS Molnos , Mar-
Bhalltown , Cedar Kaplds , Clinton. Dixie. Chicago ,
Mllivaukoo and ull points oast. To the people of
Nohraska , Colorado , Wyointns , Utnh , Idaho
Novada.OrcHon , Washlnifton and California It
olfors superior advantauea not possible by any
other line
Among a few of tno numerous points ot supe
riority enjoyed by the patrons of this road bo-
txvcon Omaha and Chicago , are Its two trains a
day of DAY COACHKS which are the Oncst tlmt
human art and ingenuity can cioato. Itsl'Af-
ACK SLKEl'INO CAHS , whlcn are models of
comfort and oloffimco. Its PAHLOK DIIA\VINU 1
UOOM CAUS. unsurnassod by any , and Its wlilo-
ly celobiated PALATIAL DININO CA113 , tno
equal of xvhleh cannot bo found olsowhnio.
At Counoil lllullri the trains of the Union Paci
fic Hy. connect In Union Depot xvith those of the
Chicago & Northxvcstorn Hy. In Chlcniro the
trains of this lluo make close connection xrith
thopoof all eastern linos.
For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cmcln
nati , NliiKiim Falls. Ilutralo.Plttsbuiir. Toronto
Monti cal , Iloslon , Now Voile , Philadelphia , llul-
tlmoro.Washhmtou and allpolntsin thucuht , ask
the ticket ngont for tickets via the
"NOHTH.Wr.8Tj : UN. "
If you xvlsh the best accommodations. All ticket
nMHUGliV CtSVlUt"l3" " ° -
? K.B.HAIH ,
Qonural Manager. Gen. Puss. Agent.
Nebraska national Bank
Paid up Capital . $250,000
Suplus May 1 , 1885 . 25,000
H. W. YATKS , President.
A. E. TOII/.AUN , Vieo President
W. n. S. HUGHES , Cashier.
\V. V. Mount , JOHN S. COLLINS ,
U. W. YATES , Luwis S. HERD ,
Cor. 12th and Farnam Streets.
General Ilankimr Uusluoss Trausactol.
Merchants ,
Hoard of Trade , Chamber of Commerce ,
Chicago. Milwaukee.
H. C , MILLER , Western Business Solicitor ,
nusliiobs Holloltoi-j laoi Doug.
las St. , OmulmVeil. .
( Successors to J. O. Jacobs , )
At 'tho ( ) M ttiuiJ , HOT FAIUUID St. Onions b
' anJ promptly attended to.
Billiard Tables.
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
And fnloon , Ofllcd ntiit llnnk Fixture * . Market
nnd Huron Sts. , Chicago , 111 Umahtx office , > OJ
8.10th St.
Book Binding , Etc.
nntis PIUNTINO co. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illank llonk Inntifncturcr1 ! . No' . 108 mid
1W ( Southllth , Street. Oinnlm ± Npb. _
Knffliioprs ami Conductor ? .
Bridges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination nml Htwo Truss Ilrldncs ,
1'lllnjr nml Ouk Timber. 15th St. , near 1'nrnam.
'Telephone No , 7C4
Hannractuwr of Butter Tubs.
fr mKc ; 40 p > , 0c ; SS n > , 2 < o ; TO 1 , ! c ; 1H3 * > Hrk-
Ins , We. Itth and Plcrco St . , Omalm , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX MEYEll & CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Onus nnd Ammunition. 2li ! to S2.1 South llth
Street , IttM to 1321 I'mmim Street , Omaha , Nob.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealer * In T.ont Tobaccos. No3.
108 and 110 N. llth Stieet , Omalm , Neb.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Eponoter , Piopilclor. Maiwfnoturrr of
GalMinbed Iron anil Cornico. VZIDndrjo and 101
and 105 Ninth 101 h Stiuot , Omaha , Nob.
11UEMP1NG & 110LT15 ,
MnnufnclurcraoC Oniamontal
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , riimlfEtc.ilOS. ; 12th fit. Workdono
In any pai tot the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECHT , Proprietor.
Onlx-anl7cd Trim Coinlcos , lUo. Ppcoht'slm.
proxcd Patent Jlctall'oSkjlight. COb imd 51US.
ltli ! : St. , Omaha , Ncl1.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
The GatG CKy Pining'
Doors , Sash nnd llllnils. Also all kinds of
Uiinhiir. Scroll undttalr work of every do-
Manufacturer and Dealer InDoors
Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stulr Halls n specialty Telephone No. 02
15th and Matey Bts. , OmuliaXob. _
Electrical Supplies.
L. W. WOLfH & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnsonlo Block , Omaha. Ilurffliir Alarms , Dolls ,
Kiro Aliirms , Illoctrlo Mnttlnir , Piicnklna1 Tubes ,
Gold , Silver und Nickel rhxthifcKlc. .
Iron ar d Nails.
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Tire Nulls n Spr ; ltilty. Omnlm , Neb.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery , Castings , Steam inrlnc < . , Hollers ,
Aix'hltectural Iron XX'orlr , lion Ilililtes , Mining
nnd Mill Mac-liincry. Olllco nnd xroiks , Union
Pacllle 11.11. 17th and 15th Sticcts.
WEA11KK & llftO. ,
Foundry Works.
Cor. 14th and Jackson Ste. , prciiarcd to do all
kinds ol Iron and Iliads Castlims ; also , O , O.
Uunnlster's Itockinir Grate liars manufucturoil
Mattresses ,
K. M. IflTLSK ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnnufncturinc Mattresses , Heddhi , Feather
Pillows , Cots , IX'OC and 1208 Douglas Street ,
Omaha , Neb. _
Overalls ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcuns 1'onts , Shirts , Ktc. , 110"nnd 1101 Douglas
Street , Omaha , Nob.
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Fit n nnil nurKlnr Proof Bares ,
Vault Doors , Jail AVork. Shutters and Who
Work. Cor. Hth and Jackson Sts. , .Omaha , Neb.
Soap Manufacturer ,
Ofllco and Factory , near l'ox\dor Mngazlno ,
Omaha Neb.
V/agons / and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
1315 and 1U17 Hat noy Btreet , Omaha , Neb. Gole
ABCIUS In Ncbia&tt forJoncb' Colcbiuted Split
bliiiit Sulkies.
Established IbTA
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
MtOtuid Hll DodfO Street , Oinulm , Nob.
White Lead.
Coirodcrs nnd Orludcrsof
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Oninlin , Ndi. l.ovl Carter. I'reE. ; C. XV. Mead ,
Vice 1'icB. : II.V. . Viftes , See. nndTieus.
Tlio HUlard ,
B. Bheors , J. E. Mhi ki-lTbos. Swobc , Pioprlctcrs
Omuh , Nebraska.
Arcade llotel ,
Jnmos Cn oy , Proprietor.
j-15 and l-'IT ] ) oiifrliis Ht. , Omiiha , Neb.
liopiUiomiKO of commercial muu rtspectluily
bollcltuil. They xvlll tlnd this the bust fa u aw
houEa xvcbt ot Chicago.
? Ianters House ,
C. R. raiUlfS , PUOPllIETOR.
HatCE,81.Kpcry ) < lay , Btreut cars fiom U , P.
dt > | iot , xvithln Jnno block of house. Corner
nnd icth streets ; Omaha , Nob.
The Cozzens ,
P. Rurasey i Co. , Proprietors.
Rates < ! -.GO i > cr dny , no dark rooms. Omaha ,
Ncb Also projinttors of 1'alaco Hotel , Bantu
I'o , Now .Moiico ,
Canfleld House ,
Cor.Nlnih nnd Furunm Sts. The best $3 per
day hotel In Omaha. Itcmodeled , ri-lurnUho-J ,
rc-dfuoi ittcd ; oiiu block from army headquurteru ,
oppoelto Union Pacitlo bcudnuaitcra ; fetiuet cars
pass the door. UoorKU Canncld A ; Co. , pruprio.
tors. Albo Union Block Yurda Hotel , Bouth
Hotel do Gees ,
P. GOOS , Proprietor.
Jfuropcan Plan. The only centrally located ! K
adaytioUEC. Three doois from llojd'e Opu-J
House und ono-hulf block from the PohtolUoc
una the Court House. lj 1210 , 1DU 1'audii
Et. , Ota thai Neb.
Agricultural Implements. . _ _ .
' .jj
Dealers in Agricultural Implements.
Ofllcc , Corner h nml PnclfioSts , OmnliM
'i-AULlNToitr.NDOUlT & MAUTI.V ,
AVholcs.-.o Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nndllugHlcs'.Omnhn. Neb.
Wholesale Dicier In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
tlttirKlcs. Jrnes St. , bet. Otli nutl
Hth , Omaha , Kcbi
Boots and Shoes ,
"w. V. MOPSB & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoos ,
1411 Fnrnnm StrcotOmnlm , Neb. Manufactory ,
Suinmir Street , Itoston.
Carpets ,
% * V-M V * -
8. A. OllCIIAHD ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
MnttliiBS , Curtain Good ? . Kte. . US ) 1'nrnam
Bticet , Omalia , Neb. _
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
i i u-v w.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Oniec , 213 8. 14th rt. , Omalm. Neb. Yards , Oth
mul Divenpott Streets. _
Dealers iu Hard and Soft Coal.
Best varieties. Olllco. 213 S. 13th St. Telephone
No. UK , Omaha , Ntb. _ _ _ _ _
NinwAHKA rrr.i , co. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
S14S. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Oro. C , Toxx'i.i ; , President.
Cro. I'ATTCIISON , Sco. nnd'i'rcas.
3,11. 11UI.1IF.IIT , ! " A. II11X311 ,
Piopilctor. Mnnngcr.
Nebraska Coal and Limo Company ,
Omcc,217S. lath Street. Telephone 43.
GEO. r. LAn initTl'rcs. C. r. GOODMANV. Vrca.
J.A. SUNUKULIND See. midTreus.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of hard mid loft conl,209S. Uth St. ,
Omuhti , Nob.
* Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive dealers In Ilonlder Colorado Coal. 217
Coffee and Spices ,
CLAUKE jlllOS. &CO. .
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tea" , Coirees , Spices. HakliiB Poxvdcr Fljvorlnir
UMt acts , Laundry niiin. Ink , etc. 11H-1U Hiu-
ncy Street , Omaha , Neb.
CcmrnisEioni JItc ,
imANCII & CO. ,
Wholesale Frnitb , Produce , Oytors ,
llSi ra\nnmSLOmnha. Apples Our ox n pack-
Jiiff Platt ffi LII.'B T12MP IJiund Oibtcrs , liutter ,
Kfrgs , Game , Poultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Piovislona , rrult" , I'lour mid reed , 105
P. Hth St. , Omalm , Neb. Consignments solicited.
Itcturns innilo promptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Chteso , Snusacps. rruits , IJutclicrs' Tools nnd
Supplies. li.15 Jones St. , Omaha , Nob.
General Commission Merchant.
PiiCIALTiES-Chpcf , Uutl ! 1. Ks-e ? . Poulti-y
and Oiimo. 112 S. llth. , OmaTiai Neb. 'l lc
] ihnup No. ! 5.
D. A. : iUHLKV ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
nutter , T.KSS and Produce. A full line of Stono-
'vare. Coiiblirumuiits solicited. 1411 IJodso t-t. ,
Omal.u. _ .
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , Upfrs , Chccso and Country I'lodii
orally , uK ) S. ISth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Bcfrlpcrator mid I'm-klmrlloitfro.iJth &LLnveu-
woith St. , on U. P. K. Ii. Tinck , Uimihn , Neb.
Established 1870.
General Commission ,
Zll S. 14th St. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties nutter
KtfUB , Poultry and Game.
"I'UYCKB nilOS.7
Commission Merchants ,
Traits , I'roduco nnd Provisions , Omnlm , Neb
Cimmissioii Marchant ,
nnd xvholcsnlo denlor In country jirodncn , fruits ,
butter , visas. HiCoods on ifirB'Kim ' > cnt n
specialty. ; KX > N. ICth tt. , Umnliii , Neb.
KinsrHHItAl'N & PONS ,
( Sucets'-ors to A. 1' . Sehacl < . )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 213 South 12lh Street. Omaha , Neb.
TKOXELl'j 4 ; WlTKtXlMSl
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Fruits. Flour. Apples , Stonnxuun , ClrtorVlnejnr ,
(5i nM Seeds , liuttcr und Kpgs , U1U nnd ills South
lUth street , Omnlm , NchraeKa.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , lluttur , Oamo , Fruits , Etc. SSOB. Hth
St. , Omaha , Nt'biiiskn.
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
Mettle , Lard , Jollies , IIutter , Krgs , Chocso , Etc.
No. 305 H. 12th St. , Omalm , Neb.
General Commission Merchants ,
t , Omalm , Neb. C'oiislgiiinonts
315 12th Btreet , Omaha , Nth. Bpcclultloi :
It r , Eb'ifs , and t.'hickc'iis ,
Dry Goous.
J. J. HKOWN & CO. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
13 3 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
L. oiNsisnita & co. ,
Wholesale Dealers In
Dry Goods Notions
, Hosiery , ,
Linens , Luces , Ihubioldery and XVIiito Cooug ,
. _ lC201)ouulasbticct , Omuhu , Neb.
* "
"llKOWNELL & CO. ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary and portable engines , bollrrs rnd
lieut Iron xuirk , xviiu-uns , iik'rlciillinul iiuplo-
mcnls , pumps etc , 1213-1215 Lcuxnnvorthfa
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
Dealers In Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1111 Jackson Sticet , Omaha , Nob.
6LOMAN IlltOS. ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Boddlcry and Eho < J'lfidlntfR , Hhlob , Wool , rure ,
. Pelts. Orcaso , j allow , Etc. , Omului Not.
Fiour , Etc.
Wholesale Flour ,
KB ,510 nud U2 1'lcrco Street Omaha ,
/cent for J. U Horfinnyr fcOo. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades ot Flow
Ily Itollcr mid Huniniinn Process. Warehouse ,
_ 1213 Jones Stiect. Omaha , Nt-U
\ V.J.VELS1 1 ANS& CO. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. .1. WelMmn * & Co.'s Quick
liaising HucUn heat Hour and jironrlctorOmnlm
Cltj Jlllls , cor. Stu nuJ Knrnain Streets , Omaha.
Fis'i , LC.
Successors to Ickenem ? / * en & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers , '
Impottcrs of J'orclpn Vi h , N'o . Bit-in Jonci
jStiect niul U. 1' . Track , Omaha , Nob. _ . / .
Wholesale Dealers In Furnttara ,
Vnnmm Ptrcct , Omaha , Neb.
_ -
" "
"AI.LBN nuos. .
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110nnil 1113 Douglas SticctOmaha , Nth ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco nnd Smokers' Articles , 1217 Howard St
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spice ? , Cigars nml Tobacco * . 1317 nud 131'J ' Doujr-
Ins Sticct , OmnHn , Noli.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnd 1'iiinnm Sticets.Omnhn , NoU
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 705,7U7,709 nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Omnlm , Neb.
. . .
twwt.Av R <
\V. J. 11HOATCH ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
Sprlnps , Wilson Stock , Hnulwood Lumber , etc.
li-'UO nnd 1211 Hnrnoy sticcv , Omnlm , Neb.
EDNEV & GlllllON ,
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cimlnso Wood Stock , Ilcnx-y Hnnlxvaro ,
Bte. 1217 mul 121'J Lcnventtoith Stieet , Omnlm ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools nnd lUiUnlo Sonlcs. 1405 Doug-
Ir.BSttuet , Omnha , Neb.
LEE , rill ED & CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware ,
Ehect Iron , Ktc. Agents for How o Scales nnd
Miami l'ox\derCo.Omnlii ! Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Funiaces , Tiios ,
Mantles , Gintcs , Units poods. 1321 nnd 1323 Far-
mini Street.
Wholesale Hardware gsd Kails ,
Emerson Stcol UniH. Cor. 10th mid Hnmcy
tticels , Omnhn , Ni'b.
Mnnufucturcr of the
Harvester Goods-
Deering , - ,
Write to Win. .1. Loiimor , ficnenU Agent ,
Omaha. Telei'liono bll ) .
Iron Pipe , Etc.
" " " " ' "
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbers In Iron TipO I'.nu J ttlngd. Iron and
Jlrass Goods. Enjrincpis' Supplies. lltn ami
Sticcts , Omaha , Nob.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Etcam , Water , llallwny and Milling Supplies , Etc.
y.'U , V i mul U21 Varnam St. Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
steam and Wutor SupplIcH. Ileadqmictcrs fo *
Must i'oost Co.'s Goods. 1111 1'ariiam btreot ,
Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Silx-erwatO , Jilanuind" , Wnlclias
Clocks , .lowtlois' Tools amlMatuilals , Etc. , 101
nnd 1U ) , loth Street , Cor. Uodgo , Oinalui , Neb.
live Stock ,
_ _
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Yardufjo Charged.
Close to U , P. Jlildjjo. accommodation
nnd 11 good maikrt lor lies ( ! . E. C. Cooper , Jliui-
{ Hirer. Olhto , South 6th Sticet.
Live Stock Commission
Gi-o. Ilurkc , Manniror.
Union Stock Ynrds , S. Onialm. Tolo.ihono BBS
w. r. HiiowN & co. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Oftlce EvchuiiRO Huildiiipr , Union Slock Yards ,
South Omalm , Neb. Telephone No. COJ.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , 111. , nnd Omalm ,
Neb. KrankCJiJtfnndrn.MimaKOi'OmulmliianLU.
Tclcphono No. 2i > J. Established IbG2.
1 W. L. PATUICK & CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
.Address nil communications to us at Union Slock
Viuda , South Omulm. Adviinces inmlo on stock ,
Union Stock Yards Company ,
01' OMAHA.
| Limited. John I' . Hoxd , Superintendent.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Shipments of liny and all kinds of Mock solicit
cd. Union Stuck Vurds , Oiiiahu , Neb.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
, Doors , Kio. Yards Cor. 7th and Doujrlne ,
Cor. Uth and DoutrluJ.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Stair Woik and Intel lor Hard Wood
J'iiilbli , Just opened. N. K , coi.fctli und Leaven ,
worth Stuets , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Lumber ,
til 8. Hth Struct , Omaha , Nob. F. Colpetzcr ,
Lumber ,
Mlh nnil Cnlirortilu Streets , Omnba , NoU
riEl ( ) W. OKAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc.
Cor , Cth und Douglas Stieutb , Omuhu , NcU
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omulm , NbbrUbkiu
" " "
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnnrn Stock , I'nncy Woods , IhldfO Timbers ,
&o. , S.V. . Cor. uh and Douflat , , Omaha , .Sub.
0 , J1. rYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uullding Pupcr , Etc. South Uth
Nebraska Lumber Co.
Paid In Capital .Stock , STW.OOO.
togirorenianufacliiicra and wliolowua flpiil-
ere. MllUn * ilerrUI , WIs. Wliol > < Mlunnd rotuU
, Ouiuhu , NcU Oil a. Vtu Su
OMAHA I , Mlim CO ,
Dealers In All Kinds ot
Building Material at Wholesale.
If th Street nnil i > i onl'ne fl-Trnok , Omaha
(1BIIMAX ( I > . WYATT ,
Wholesale Dealer In Lumber ,
COth nud Irani Ptreoti , Omntiti , Nebraska. _
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , .
liulldlnir I'apcn. Sash , DOOM , llllmU , Moult
lmc , Pickets , PoM * , l.lmo , 1'ltistor , Haf , J
Ciincm. Nlntn mm Jono ? , Omnlm Nob. _ 1
Importers andJobbcraot ( 1
Millinery and Notions , 4
ISIRnntl 1211 Hnrnpy Street , Omnlm , Nch.
Musical Instruments ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments ,
SIcliixMiy Plnno" , Wobcr , llecker , Hnloei nnd i
Hiiro * I'liuux , I'nekiu-a Orifims , Chnso Organs. *
101 niulUU 15th Eti cot.
Notions Etc.
. - - . - _
nuAN'mus .t SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Pry Gooil" , Notions Oeiits" KurnlshliKf Gooil * .
tiooili fioin Now Yoik. Tuulueiilca itiuly. 501
mid MS i-outli llltli 81. , Oinnlni. _
t.1. & . i.uuuuu u it 10. ,
.Agents for lA. . Whitney Ciiirlago Co.'s
Ciilldren's ' Carriages ,
anil Jnwi'ttM relobints. ! He'rlffcriitorfl. Send
for prlco lists. I41.'i 1'nrnam tt , Onmlia. _ _
JTTTBoijlnsoi Notion CoinpauyT
40 ntul 40A S. 10thSt.OmnlmNfb. 1
Vholcsalo IK-nlcis In Notions mul 0 outs' Kui *
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils , '
JIlon A\lo Clivu o , Ute. A. 11. Illshop ,
r , Oimilui , Nob. _ ,
Pork Packing.
JAM US 12. 110V1) ,
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Onmlia , KcbrixMttu '
HAiiius & nsiiuu ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onlcc , Union Mnrlsut , 1517 Doilfrc Strcot. I'lU-klnu
house , U. ] ' . 1U It. Track , Omaha , Nob. Telephone -
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks.
r. novuu & co.
flgenls for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Cos' '
Tire nnd HnrKlar l'i out PnftM.TImo Thicks , Vnultl
nnd Jull work. 10 0 ruinam sticot , Oinnlni , Neb
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Agricultural , Vegetable , Ete. Odd KolloWH1 Hall ,
N. W. Cor. 14th nud Dodjfo St . , Omnhn , Nob.
Druics , Etc.
II. T. CTjAItlvK
Wholesale Druggists ,
Jobbers of 1'nlntn , OIU , Wlr-diixv Gliisj Etc. , lilt
Haiuey Stieul , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Druggist' , \
' '
And Denier In I'alnK Oils and Window Glas %
i Omaha , Nob. , _ i
! Wines and Liquors. " _ j
j FltANK DKLLONC & CO. . ;
! Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , ,
i 1202 and 1L'04 Uoimlas St. . Onmlia , Noli. Fno
I _ toiics-Nos. 4 and TO. M Hist. N. V.
01:0.v. : . DUNCAN ,
Successor to JIuNAMAiiA & DUNCAN , Importer ?
anil Wholcsiilo Dculursln
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
gltuiuliilOB. llth St. , Omulm , Nob.
Wines and Liquors.
WcBtoin AKcnt.l-js. SchlltItioivlntr Co. 7W1J.
t'th ' Blicict , Omaha.
_ _
! Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
' Mil Douglas Sticot , Oiiiahu , Nob.
ILUH & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
Iipioix. ( Role iniiiiul'iiL'liuuirt of KomioJy'f
Indlu Hitters. Illllainoy Bticct , Ouiafin ,
Ixub. _
I < . I > . LARSON As CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
Anil ClKiirn , unil Ocnoial Admits lor the Philip
Uchts' Cclcbiutcd ililwaulicu Huor , Omaha , Neb
Harness , Etc.
Mnmifnctuiors and Jobbers ot
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Goods , Itlitnliets and Holio * . 1 > 11'ai nuui
Stieot Oiiinhii. Nob.
Agcni fcir the Mniiufncttirors ami Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
B , Chhmiojs , Btc. Ollico , . " 17 Smith J3tU
Htroul , Omnhoi Nub ,
Chicago , Mih'/auto ' / & Si Paul
The Short ine
and Best Route
Froi Omaha to the East.
, Chicago , tllniivniiolN. Milwaukee ,
HI. Paul , Coilnr Itupids , Duvt npnrr ,
I Clinton. Diibii'iue , ItouMonl ,
Kork Island , Kioopott , .Imicivillo ,
I'.lKln , Maill ou , l.nt'ioseo ,
llflolt , Wlnona
And ull other liniioituiii polnti Kait , Northuutt
tUHl KulllllL'll-il.
Ticket oinco at 1101 Karnain Btirot , ( In Paxton
Ilott'll. and at Union Put'llla Dopot.
Pulluinn bloopeisiiml the I'lnrst Dluhiff Caw
in the World mo tun on the main llnt'i ) of tha
Cll IUAflOMllW.UIKKK tC kT 1'AIII , IHll.XVAV , llllJ
oxeiy attontlon Is pulil to imbspiijfuid by cout teens
ons employes of the company.
It. M 11,1,1:11 : , Uoueinl .Manager.
J. R TIICKKK. Assliitiint nunorul Manascr.
_ A. V. II , ( Miii'Kvmi , Uoniinl 1'assonaror anl
oLo/Isf H'B'AFIOUD ' , Asblbtitnl Gonrntll'r.i-H'ii
er and Ticket Airent.
Hs'sSafeslfautsJiiiieloek ! ! ! $
and Jail Work.
1020 I'iirmim Strcot , Oinulm , Nob.
R. E. Klonre , Lincoln , Neb.
Higherjlarkot Price Paid.
D. L. SHANK. Siipt'flntrndci