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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , FEBRUAU Y 0. 1886. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertlffincntaunder thsbcnd 10 ccntspcr Ino for the first I' ortlon , 7 oonts for oaoh eubseniicnt SI.SC n line per month. Bovcmvords will ho counted to thollnoj thty must run consecutively and mutt bo paid In ad- Tnnce. All advortlscmonH mint bo handed In before 2 o'clock p. in. , nnd under no circum stances will they bo tnkon or discontinued by telephone. Pnrtlesndvcrtl'lng In thoto eolumn ? and hav ing the nnswcrs nddroi od mcaro of Tun HER , will plcnfo nsk for chock to enable them to got their letter ? , nn none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to adver tisements should bo enclosed in envelopes. TO LOAII-MOCTEY. TO LOAN on here , wngons. fur- MONKY , wntchos , without icmo\nL Term ? cnsy. C. .1 C'aswt'll , Hoom IB , Iron Hank IluMil- Ing , lth nnd rnrnnti. , Tnkc clovalor. OBO-mht * ir.ooootn loan on city residence property $ Gco.V. . Dny , 1000 1'nnmtn. i37 ! rilO LOAN Money many mnount , JL On nil elnpsosoffecuilty. Bhort tune lonns on real ostoto. T/nig tlmo lonn on real cstnto. Monoyto lonn nn clmttcls. Money to lonn on cnlu.ternlg. Money to lonn on nny rood security. Terms oiifyt tlmo toxult. Apply nt tlio Omnhn rinnuelnl r.tclmnffo , Ilnrker'B biilldlii ! ' , , 8\V corner of Fifteenth nnd Fnrnnm sts. . uustnlra SSS roNl'.Y TO LOAN on Improved nnd unlrn- L proved clly properly. Cunnlnghntn St llrennnn , l&ll Dodge street. 88U ONKY foreverybody 1 \ou can borrow money on furniture , hones , wagons , plnno , stock of all kinds , diamonds and fine vntcheson your own tlmo. 1'nyinonu received * 'nt nny tlmo , nnd Intiircot reduced pro rnta. K / Property left In your own possession. Terms V- / low ns tlio lowest. Call nnd fee me. Uuslness confidential. Nn advantage token , W. It. Cioft , Hoom 4 , Wltlmell'fl Now liiillOhiir , Northennt corner - ner 1Mb ami Hnrnojr. 2TO 1ONKY TO LOAN O. lf. Tlnvls & Co. Heal M Kotnto nnd Lonn agents , 1 ' TO IXAN-On peed Bccurltlos. A MON'RY , room 7 llodlck lllock , 1M9 I'nrnam 6U - " > " TO LOAN On real estate and chat tels. I ) . U Thomas. -1)1 ) TO LOAN III sums of $200 nnd up ward * cm first-class renl CBtnto security. Toiler & Cobb , 1515 Farnnm St. IS I.OANUI ) ntC. F. Heed & Co'fl. Loan MONKY office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons porFonnl property of all Kinds and all oilier ar ticles of value , without removal. Over 1st Nat'l Iln nlc. corner 13th und Fur n am. All business strictly conlldeiitnl. iM CHANCES. 1'iittner for established baltcry ; small capital leiiulred. Address 11. DT lleo onico. 4KI-8 _ OJt SALi : A f2,500 stco't of milliner } ' ( roods in splendid Inmtlon. A MK bnriruin for some cno us a llln-ral dl'count w.ll bo Blvrn. For fin1- thor partlculiirs nddrosa 1HW , lice Olllco. 111-12 T71OII SALi : At niilliinnrlnn , opposite CrclRh * JL1 ten block , > ii ICth Kt. , near loiilns ( ; nltciod stock , enlarged arlcty nnd trronlcr brtrgnjiis. TllO.'lSALK Stock and ll.Nttiies of my fancy J3 ( roods und notion sloro. Sirs. Foljtcr , 1518 Douglua st. a > 10 * _ FOItSALK AdriiRstoroln ngood live town : n llrst rnto locution tor n physician. Capital required about $2bM ) . Now building and clean Block. Addicss or cull on H. JIoscs & Co. . Val entino , Neb. i ) lmcli2 $ ; ir..OO ( per nionth salnry and commission to comjictcnt liuslnca * miinuper In every city for exclusive lurenoy of our National Automatic Gas-Snvinff Govcrnoi-s. Avorn o U3 per cent luivliiK In BUS bills. Increased llliimlmitlon nnd Bnfoty Irom lire. Ovc. * 7,000 In service. In dorsed by liluliost inercnntllo and corpornto niithorltles. Addi ess The Union National Qns- Co. , 21 East 11th St. , Now York. W- * IT1 OK J5XCIIANOK A f It.OjO hnrdwiiro stock Jj and n 53,000 boot and shoo block for H cnsh , balance iinlneinnboied real o tnto. .Gibson , Aichor & Co. , Itoom U , WItlmell Ulock. U , " > 0 T7I01C SAI.K-A JH.OOO stock of clothing in JL1 Oinnhii , Nob. , for& " > per cent discount Irom cost. Gibson , Archer & Co. , Itoom y , WItlmell Block. iMS WANTHIl Anoncrgctlo mnn with niodor- nto capital can innko Irom f.'i.OO ) to tiu- ( iOO n year by bocomlnir purtnor or purchaser In nn established miinulnotnrln/r enterprise. Vorlurthor purtlculurs nddrcss , n. b5 , Ilco of- llco. SI8-11 FHK HAI < i : Mont tnnrkct , with bnlldliilfg.2 wiiKoiiH. U horses ; . uood locution. I' . F. Ulnger , HUN , inth. 17J FHt SAI.n Kostnurnnt , n grcntbnrgnln$200. Gibson If Archer , Itoom \ , Wjtlmeil lllock , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kit ' "IjlOlt SAI.i : Or CAChmijto The Merchants' -U hotel , n line new hotel in Chndron , Neb. Iten- tul receipts now $ 00 per nionth. Will tell or exchange - change lor residence ii nr business purt of .Oniahn. Pnrliea Felling desire to live In u larger clly. Address , W. A. Lunsworlhy , Chudron , Nobrnpkn. luafoba * TTIOK KXCIIAXdi : A 57,500 slock of dry J- goods for H cnsh ; bnlnnco unlmcunibored Innd or good Onmlm property. For exchungo A flO.UtX ) stock of dry gouda lor Jf onsh , buliincc iinlmciimbercd Innd or Rood Omnhn property. Clibson , Archer & Co. Hoom a , Withncll Itlock. " 17IOK SA I.I. A paying iiOA'spiinor business In Jt ? good Nebraska town ; iirlco , fri.OOO. Gibson & Archer. Hoom a. WItlmell lllock. fc'JI , T71Ml SAIiU Hnrdwnrj business in Omnhu. _ D Address II. 45 lleo Olllco. TUfubll poll SALi : The Commercial Holel nt South I 1 Ilend , Neb. , pilco sf .ttX ) : terms cusy. Ad dress T. W. l'llox ' IB , Bouth Ilond , Neb. C.ri-foblQ ) * TTlOIt SAI.n-Or cxchiingo Twclvo hundred. 4nnd eighty ucrcsof Jlo. , timber nnd grnss Innd , lorty miles eust of Kansas City. As rich soil ns nny Innd In the Mate , will EC ! ) ull or purt ut Illteen dollnm per ncio or will o-cliungo for good Improved or unimproved Nebraska hind. Bedford & giiucr ? J7 OH SAI.K-3 lots in Spring Hill , SlflOencb. Also an established bunking business In Ne- 'brnskn ' , county sent. Gibson It Archer , Hoom il WItlmell lllock Oniuhu. ' 1 _ _ _ _ _ f1AKiN : til2 mules , ono n bay and tlio other JL a moubo-oulorcd , with hurness marks thoro- cm ; also ono old buy horse with ono wlilto hind foot. O.rnor can Inivu the sumo by moving pioperty aud pnylnir cbnrrfos. ( lee , Llndc , 4 uilluH west of Irvln 'toii , Uouulus County Nob. 42S-rt.low BOAnDIlIO. BOAU1) in private fitnilly , nenr hnslncB * con- tor , llcl'ereiiousreqiiluid. 411 N. 17th. 220-8' WANTKI ) lloord und lodging In prlvnto family by n gentleman. Address lltil. lloo Olllco. _ BOAItn nnd loom for slnulo Bcntlcnmn : also diiybonid. Hel'eieiuen io.iilred. | 1415 Jones , 4 blocks fcouth of postalllco. OU7-b * K nnd bonrd , ffipor week ; very bcstlo- catloii. 1814 Uuvunport St. I > KKSoxAL-whlluwodonot make n prne- lieu of tucking uu biillutln boards on proii- crly pul Incur hands for Mile , uo do iibo All Jcgltlnuito luuiins to advcillso our btugiilns , und dispose ofe-nniuon us short notice as pos sible , Imvlnn no pet additions of our own."o jjlvo propi rty ovuicrs nnd Epeculutors In null cslnto the benetlt of nil our tlmo nnd talents \vho ll t w 1th us. Itlco & Mooru , 1222 Fnrmim et. 4CO-0 1 > iitS\AI : -ivuly lm > liiff lost her baby wlfi tiiKu u child to wet iinisc. Apply M. If. > In- IfOOll , MllgiU'tlu IKuiler.2718 Hint St. 42U-10 * IKIISON.VL If you have any property for tale list it with Goo. 1' . llemU , 15th nnd Doiililiis. I2ii DlC. K. I ) . AUNOI.l ) . oenll-t and AuilMre moved to 1514 OoiiffluB 61 lent. CTJ KEAI. ESTATE. rr VOU have propeily 10 sell or JL list it withC. .I.Cu&ukll S. Co. , Itoom 111 , No- VriifLu Xatlonnl Ilink : HiilMinir. : llcildiisOnialin nnd -LV | > id-"rly lor eichnnjfo or > nltwo Imvo n vrrynlunblo ruiiduncu In SI. l.oille , Jlo. , to ot.r ! for Ncbineku piojiouy ; nieo u iK-t vcr lioute und lot for Onitihn i ldriic < Cull or write us lor piororty ot ull kinds llill.V Mot - Orett ( t > UU ( > AND ll'.Ouuro improved farnw wltbln ( 'is link's of Omnhn ; $25 per ncrv ; tlu-o nio Ulbsou i : Aicher , room ii Withnoll _ _ ' scovu KEP'AIRS. 4k * pillW , C. Mi'tzncr Stovo-ltopnlrCo. . Ill $ outu JL Ulh fit. IfUvivit Uodirn ubd Uo'Jvliiti. MIHCELLANEOUa. your llo'jr and feud by Telephone 127. Kual i ; CuuruU , HUUodvi < &U 270 LAmi.S in want of peed domestic hole can bo supplied by calling on the Omnhn Km- ploymcnt Olllco , Hoom ( , in. imv.n's lllock. Mrs. J. W. Morrison proprlotoi x"4 IOS. TXTANTIID A secondhand pnlrlionm fcalos ' welRhlmr irom fifteen hundred to twenty * five hundred HJH.J alsopilrof grocery counter ftcnlcs In K ) d ropnlr. KTC N. 22 > \ St. 443-8 * Foil SALII Or nlo , I top buray. bran now ! 1 phnnton top bupsry nnd I plntfomi spring wajron. In-iUlro nt Hopo' MuMo Store. 3-'omlil TT'Olt ' SALK-StoroTxturcs. < uas. loth st. JUi G ; ( ) O family IIOHO for sale ; eight yeiiri old. ' Apply nt 1413 Doduo St. OT _ _ FOR HAM : tot In Hnn com Plnco , onst front. Inquire filUS. 18th st. SMI-la _ _ iron SALi-Sutid : anil trrnvol. Frank .1. Kus- 1 Him. ] tUfob37 * T71OH weather ftrlp . fltorm sash and doors , E to V. I ) , Mr-nd SOT S. ICtll St. Si > 3 T7A17TEB ITMAIiB HELP. \\7"ANT ? : A competent second s-lifnt N.W. T > Cor. Capitol A\onuc nnd Hth st. 4Ki-10 * \\7'AfTii ) Experienced second fflrl : refer- > V cnces roquliod ! 8. If. Cor. 21st nnU Ois . 404-13 * _ _ _ _ _ _ " \\'ANTii : > A tflrl to do kitchen work iT tail > N. 14th street. _ 4'io-ii _ WANTii--At : once , coinpotcnt girl to do housnwork for n small family. Apply ut 11X0 Cn g glrcot. 411-10 WANTii > A"jrhl to do Komnnl housework. Apply Hlgslns' lllock , Ud lloor , Howard st. 412.10 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \\rANTKD-Povornl ( rood t'irl * for ircncrnl T housework In smnll families nt peed wnsci. No chaws. Omuhn Intelligence Olllco , Hoom 3 , 8. K. cor , inth nnd Pointing St. 40C-10 _ WANTii : > Two competent phl for general housework. Good wa es wimnnlcd. Chus. Fleck , Knirlo HoiiFO , 8. lltli St. _ 41M * WANTED A girl for ircnnral hoiisouork In stnnll family. No. IBM N. lutn st. Ilolor- cnces required. 870-11 * ASTi : ! ) Two girls nt tlio Donm house , 013 Vanmm St. ; t4ip WANTKD A glrlto doKOiicrnl housoworlc. No. HUB Cupltol iivcmio. Sli WANTKl ) Good Blrl * for cpneral house work. Hoom illushnmn lllock , IGth nnd Douglas. 4 Sit _ WANTKD G Irl for gcnornl housework. In- qulro nt 107 South 14tli j-t _ KH WANTI.D GlrU for ncnoriil housework ; good places nnd ( food wnjros ; places given free , dill nt llfl Huh fit. , Nebraska imployment : Agency , Crounco lllock. GSS WAKTED-MAIE HELP. WANTKIl-Ki e radio mini to sell household nrtlclcs. Proms Jii perdnvnnd upward. C. II. Whitman , list 1C St. Lincoln. 477- WANTKli A youiiK man for light work mound a store ; Scandinavian or Oormnn preferred. 8. Lehman , 1118 Karimiii. 45S \lf ANTED General iXRcnt for nmnmtfnctur * > cr ; also cnnMisscrs ; both SOAOS ; sx cccss ccrluliuslnplopood * . siccliiltlos nnd patents ; sends tump or two for amplcs. W. C. Kfnitnnn , MS Vine st . Clnclnimll. 4irj 8 * _ T\f ANTKD Ono rrllnblomnn fornstcndvi'O- sltlon ; snlary sninll to stnrt with ; cull 4'2l S. 10th street. 401-U * WANTKJ ) A man to cnnvnss nnd nmnngo cnuvnssers to contiol nil fnles or the In- cnndosccnt Liuht , oqiuil to BO cnndles , In Omtilin. For pnitlciilars. terms , etc. , address Incnndes- eont Lamp Co. . I'lttbburg , I'n. 441-10 * ANTUU Agents. 200 N. 10th St. TV * ANT ED A salesman , ono who has had exT - T l pcrlonco and can t > Ul goods. 310 S. liith bt. WANTIOI ) 0 teams nnd toimMora for rail * road woik , good wage- * ; also buhcontruc- tors : tree transportation. 1'or imrticulnis cull nl 11 0 Furniim bt. 849 WANTUD A flrst-clnss snlesmnn to repre sent u well established house to the drug trndo , either exclusively or In eonnecllon with some other lino. Addicss P. O. llox HbS. N. V. City. igai-iM WANTii > Energetic men In every town in Noftruskn to sell the Uoss clothes rucks. Agents nro milking fiom . " > to $ S per duy. Tor particulars call on or addict P. O. lio.v 7J7 , Lincoln. C. H. WHITMAN , ll-'l K street. Tcnins nnd to let 15 miles railroad WANT1MI to sub-contractors in sections ol onc-hnlf to tlvo miles. Free transportation. Teams bought or will loud money on outfits wishing to woik. Strung & Nowcomb , contractors , ! ! , UJ1 Venn stieet , Kansas City , Mo. , or Arcudo hole ) , Omaha. ! Kil : > Mon nnd women to start n new WANTii business nt their homos ; can bo done evenings nnd learned in nn hour ; nny person nmking less Omit lOc to KOo an hour should send lOc nt once for n package ol' f nmples of goods , und SI woi lilng snmplos ( formulns ) to commence on. Addicts Albuny Supply Co. , Albnny. N. V. Ml 17 * SITUATION WA1ITI3D. WANT1.D Situation Inn business house by a man of some menus , w hero he cun invest fomo capital If business suits. Address u.'i , lieu Olllco. 408-U * WANTI5IJ-Position In liotcl or restaurant by good lady cook ; can t'lvo refei encc > . Address P. U. llox K14 City. lffi-W "VWANTliD Arollnod American lady desires T Eoine position of trust ; good roloienccs given. Addro a IMC ! , lice Olllee. II77-8 * W 'ANTI.Il Situation by n yoniifrmun. Ad dress A. A , , 15IJ Leavenworth st. U 0-ll * WWANTKD WANTKD fi clsfiir makoM , hand workmen ; none but llrst-class workmen need apply. AddrcSjGco. K.Godfioy.Frcmont.Nob. lOl-fia WANTKU Situation by a widow ns liouso- kcopor for widower of good reputation. Address M , lliic ollico , Counoll lllull's. 310-7 WANTKU GlrU wlshlni ? for good places In private families , hotels or buurdhig Hou ses , laundries , oto.cun nhvnys Und them by culling ut the Omnhn Employment Bureau , 1120 Fiiriiiim St. au WANTKI ) To buy n drjr | store contrully lo- cntod Invoicing 52.00J or $ : i,0i)0. ) Cull or uddicss W. H. Green , cor. IJih und Fnrnam. iVNTKD To buy n Fcoiidlinnd tvpo- witter. J. It. lliiynoa & Co. , Omaha. 3j-28 | KEHX-HOUSE3 A1TD I.OT3. Oil 1U5NT "on LKAHK-10-nrro irardon wllh 0-rnoni liousuudjoliiliiK elty ; hu-ncro lurm , 17 mllca west of Omnhn ; fi business lots on Bt. Mary's nvc. Apply to K. U. Chapman & Co. . 1217 Hownrq st. gut ) _ TT'Olt HUNT A nlco 5 room rotlnvo , hnlf bl'k JT S. of I.euvenwortli ttieet gohool house ; hard nnd solt water ; $15 per montli ; Inquire nox door north , or Uth nnd UotiKlas Btruct Lum ber olllco , 471-U * Ijiou KINT-HV : iiniioii iios. , an 8. nihst. , Bovdnldctlmblo bousps from three to ton room sat iroin ten lo tlftrdollurs per month. 47Uii : _ TVOH KKNT Two liousos. 2510 Cupllol nvo. TTlOIl HUNT ii-inom housn ; cellar , hard ni-.d X1 soft water ; tor. 15th nnd 1'aoillo st. ; $10. It. It. Copson. "lilOU HUNT store , corner luth and Lour en -L' woitiiiijooa place lor grocery ; nlsoU looms. 42umh5 _ _ T71OH KUNT Now cottiiKU , 0 rooms , on B. 10th J ? et. C. A. Baldwin. _ jVU TJ1OH HUNT SO ncio Improved farm. 5 miles J. from 1 * . 0. , nt 1 1 per ncro. lluinllii & Ilrown , 311 S. lllh St. , Omaha , Nob. 1111-0 _ DAIHY f'All.n to rent ; 3 mlle ? nut0-ioom ; house , Inrk'c bni n and other conveniences. U.C , 1'atlerson , over Jet Nntlonnl Dunk. 25S-U YfNi'-liain wltlifouretails. llio'lla" " lti.VT O-ruoin cottnt'o , BoUS. 2Ist eU Ii dK KUNT lliniso of C rooms , pantry , 1 elo.-cts , etc. . I'lill SliorMaii nnd Ilnlljta , fxM pur month. I\T. Polernon Si Co. , Itoom b , s.ll cor. l" > tli und lioiiKhib . M. ' 17H5 KKST Tliroo-room house , Vth & Dotlu-u. J ? IJJJ 'rAOIl SAI.I. An Mtabllilivil Krocery business .U in Omaha dolni ; f.'i.uM biuliims u month ; c.ipllul lo-iulrud , 11'WL ' AUo a Mock of diy Ki.oiU ilnlnv-ITOOJ bii.iluuts In Oniuhu. C < ipitnl unnirtd , i-2uxX GIbaou , Archer f. Co. , Itoom 'J , Witiiiall UlocU. Lr\OH II KKT.-lUtiiui.ut auTbal.'o ovcii. JidTn" 1 l.rvk.niSN , ICthst. "Kfs-bll J" > < ) ! ? lfis : r-llpuiVlirBraoiniord nml Ifnr 1 n yyi. Jniiulio of * louut _ > Uiilhn2USHtb Strfcut. . BSJ _ Foli 15iXT--Tluco"liousoi ; of , ' id ! rqus tiich. J. Pulppt JtJu. ' UOO TnOU IIIJNT Hou o bplonfflnsr to the c < stnto J.1 of.IudKO Clmdivlck.lWJ Park avenue.V.J. . Conncll. " 0 * TOB BEHT EOOMS \T7ANTKD-A ( rowl rrllnblo fflrl for Rencrnl > > housework fit 152J Howard su Ocrmnn or 1 rlsh preferred. < " Oil HIINT T.nrtfo , nicely furnished front room with bonrd. 711 N. l ta st. 472-20 ITlOlt itKNT Nicely fitrnlshod room , with JL1 fire , $7) ) also board If desired. No. IBM N , 10th St. 40-10 * HUNT Rultof unfurnlMicd rooms suit- nblo for small family. Inquire nt once nt . 17h Bt. _ _ TTlOll HUNT Vnrnlshetl rooms largo room , -13 $3 ; small room. > 3. COS N. 17th st. Wl-10 * rooms , vlth bonrd. 7IOU HKNT 1'urnlslied looms. S2Cn Dodsr IT 83113 * P Oil UINT : I'urnlshed room nt IGloTiillfor- nln. 4W-8 * HINT : Dp lrnblo fiont ronm , n'eily - fnrnlflioJ , to.i rnl location , OiUl Pcllows block nthnnd lio.lge. Mrs. K n > lnll. 407-8 il > UltiNT Sultof furnl.ilieil front rooms. JJ 8. W. cor. IStli nnd Howard. 4M-12 * TT'Olt UlSNT Nlvo room and best bonnl , ft W ) JU1 nwcok ; very best locution,418 813th SUP-MI * T710U ilRNT-Kloirnnt furnl hcd rooms , with X1 iinnrd , nil modern convonlcncos , nt Kr.3 ledge ) st. 872 T7 > OU ItUNT-Uiifurnlsliod room. O0. > N. 17th Sflfl-8 * TTIOH KKNT-ltoom with bonrd. 1013 Cailtol ) nv U 1 < " ' * _ "I71OII HUNT Largo front room , modern Im- J-1 provcracnts. Addrt-aa 1 * . O. box ! M3. 215 T7IOK ItKNT 1 small room , f. ; 1 lnr < ro -1. ' SIS per month , nsvly furnished , ntuntt N. 17thst. laofcbs * _ _ J7 OU it KNT llouso with ID room * , city water 1 nnd TOS. No. W4 Norlh Wd street. Jnqulro of F. U. Copper , 411 Ktli at. . City. IftS Ij01l 11BNT Luwo fiirnlslied front i-oora 1 w ltd closot. ube backroom. 1713 Callfor- nln st. vtfj _ gQB. SAlB-HOITBga-io'JB. TKWI'OUT Npnrost , bust noru lots , ulbVunt > location , uii9urjiifi ) od vlowr of tlio cltv. reached over lovcl rond' ) , no lilllt to climb ; ensytoims of payment ; B percent Interest ; price , SoOJ nn noro. , AMIS : , 1509 rnnmm. AMF.S Pf.\cn Chcnpoct nnd nearest city lots for the money ; only fSW to $300 per lot. Uniiicii's Oiiovr.-Jitst coutli ot Fnrnnm et. , \i \ blosk from 28th nnd I'nrnam st. bchool hotiso ; only SSOO to fU'OU per lot on unsy terms. AMKM , ITO'J Fnrnnm. NATiii\i ! , Ouowrn slmdo trees on cvcrv lot In Itodlck's Orovo ; only 214 blocks from'l'nrlc nvc. cms. See Hodlok'aUrofo. iuoiiTON Splendid ncro lots , $375 per lot ; most dc iinblo aero lots next to Nowrort , See tills liniidBoinc property. u HH.L SouthH est of Hanscom Park 1(1 ( minutes walk tiom I'nrk nvo. cnrs : lotsfiwo to fM on terms to suit buyer. Melrose Hill lots Mill sell for do-lA present pilroslnu > cnrs time. Comoiuulsco tliispioporrj- . AMKHlfiOor.irnnm. WHY I'AV llr.vt when youcan buy u lot In Amos Plnco for $ ; oa to siXJ : ( on such easy terms ? Sco these lots. O\K CHATHAM This love trnot or lu.m lias not a poor lot In It. The Dolt I.lno depot 1ms been located on this hind Lots Roll for $ 00 to SSCOon very cnsy payments. See Onk Chat ham. PiAiNvii-.w-Cliolco lots still for sale In this pojmlnr addition at Inlr prices , on casypny- PIIATT'H Stinm VISION Aero lots poulhwest Hanscom I'nrk , very desirable ground , scllini ? nt WH ) per lot. HAR-CAI.OW 1'i.Arn These lots nro the chonp- est forsnlo on Louvonnorth st. 1'rlco SJOO to $ 'JOO , on pnynionts to suit.AMns.1009 AMns.1009 Fnrnnm St. CAI.T , nnd sco for yourself the chnnct-s lor i nfo lnvo tincnt olforcd. Kcmomlior , Omnhn's Biowth is solid nnd lastlm , " . 1'ioncrty will con- tlnuo to ndvnuco. lluy now mid mnUotho nd- vnnco. ASIBS , 15U'J Furiinm St. _ _ _ _ -H. ' ) FOU SAtn $8,000 llenutlful homo-lion- - room house , all modern Improvements , wlthlarjro-slzcdlotin iavorito ndilltlon on car line ; must go at prlco mimed ubovo , nnd Is cheap. For further pnrtloulnrs sco lllco & 5Ioorc , UB2 Fin num. 40S FOIt 8AT.K A fiiio fi-nc-ro tinct on South IGth sticct , only n few blocks Irom strcut car lino. Inqulro ut l.untro & rollick , 318 nnd ICW S. 13th St. 4511 _ w > T > I/itH In llnnscom I'lnco , STM to $000. GooJ cottnso , ( t rooms , rsortli Omuha.SJ.OOO. Ixit on South 1Mb e > t. , MM ) . Flno houto , Inrjfo lot , S. IBth St. , $3.WO. llouso nnd lot on tlcorgln nvo. , S.1IK)0. Ixits on Dodffo ft. , ? DX ) ; easy payments. Two ilno lots , ono block oil' Leiixomvorth , on Oeoivln nvo. , ftOJO : lor both. W. T. Gralium , Crel hlon lllock. -im niOUSALH HyDnlloii Ilros. . 317 S. lllth 't. , Jbnsinoss property , houses and lots nnd va cant lots In nil parts ot thu city , ut lowest prices. 475-ii ; _ im.SAfcK-Cor. lot , fiflxlX' , 2 blocks wostol postotllco , u splendid Investment , SlO.Uoo. U lots In Shlim'n ndd. , u Imrtruin , ? 8UO t-ach. _ ( i vl'J. ' , 8-rooiu house , Capitol nvc. , cheap , < > , bOJ. U ) choice lots , Mnrsh ndd. , $1,000 to f l.ROO. rino vc'bijonco iiroportv In > rood lociiliona. _ 'M li. g. Itliiirer , 119 N. 15th. TTiou SAr.n-iwio-5ToTsln WuhiTit JII1I ndil J-1 toffi't her with 4-room hou e , now barn , ( rood well. Will bo snerlllud this wouk for prlco named ubovo. Itlco A : Jlooro , l' 2 Furiinm. W1 _ _ _ _ _ _ FOU 8Ar.K-On onsy terms , 10 low liTunns. com riiico fiom "M to 51,000 unch. J/t on 1'lciiMint St. , with double nouso , 10 rooms each , with all modern linpiovomonts ; routs lor § 110 per month , Sjll.OOO. 1-ots In Wo-a Cumlng from $ 75 to ft'iOoach. Corner lot , 1'rospoct I'luco , bargain. Corner lot , Slilnn's 'id add. , burirnln C.J. Caswoll&Co. , Itoomia Iron Hunk. 7-W Foil SAT.1 ! iinmlln & Ilrown , Itenl Estate , : ; ilB. HthSt. Uinds. l.WK ) ucres , Oreoloy county , at ? 0. ( j'JO aorcs In Loup , Valley nnd Nunco counties , from U to H miles from railroad , nt $3.flO. bO ) uei-os in Valley county , 5 miles southwest of Old , nt $760. J.Oto iii'fca in Ouster county , nt ? . " > .r)0. fi hU acres In Cheyenne county , at Will t-ell nny of the ubovo triicu In ( lunrtcr sections. 210 ueros in Frnnklm county , nt $12. HO acres In .Stmiton county , utU. . H ) noru Impiovud Inrm In Douglas county , 515 mlles from I' . ( ) will tnido or sull. 40 acres of Improved land , Cli miles from I' . O. llamlln .V lit own. Ull S. lltliht. , Omabii , Neb. iKI-'J _ I710U SAri-lbOO : lolJlxl60 : , together with 1 ( ? oed l-i oem liousu , eel ar nn d closets , olsturn nnd well , a story burn , slm < lo trouaund lawn , on line , Just off Snuiidorn. Can't lust lonjj nt prlou numud. lllcu & Muorc , l JJ Fur- iiuiii. 409 _ Foil SAI.I-OM : onspnj monts , twenty honsos IndllleieiU ) uirtaol th rity. IHI/ii hoiibo and atop pnylnar runt , llullou Ilros.il7 ; H. 13th bt. 471-111 Foil SAM : Ono of the most desirable resi dence propcrtlo * in the city with uloviint boiiso , lit IIRI eat liurKiiln If tnkeii FOOM. 1'rlco , \ \ U.Uicuii , over 1st National Hunk , 414 _ TTIOU BAl.i : SlO-ucro Inrm near Weoplnir J.1 Wnti-r , splendidly Improved , 1UO ncrca iiuJur plow. Will timid for Omiiim property. W. II , lireen. over let Nut. Iliinlc. H'j Foil KAr.K003 lot ? , KlxlM , frontliiff on 8 lundors St. , nenr till- line , o trn bur gnln. HlciuV Mooio , liFuiimm ; , 470 rOHSAr.K Two lots in rollinm riiico , ono block Irom street cur track , Inquire UIB P. "fTioit SAl.i : Ambler 1'luco lots , tlio'Cngfolt JL ; Bolllnjr nddltlonin Oniuhu. Homo ilno lots luft , llnlluil llioi. , tolo n omii , 317 S , 13th f-t. 413-18 _ _ BUM , & .M'OANHMSllolforfor cash or on very oapy torma eholi'o property which you should UMimiuu befoiupurelui'liiK uUowheio. M hiO 7-room houpo nvur Pirmdcrs st. f l , J lloueo mid t'ornor lot , Slilnn'H l t , l x > llontu nnd lot , Ilnu locullun , lluiibcom W , . ' ) lluiitu , lurtro lot , BhuU'a li-t. Sl.r J ChlciiKO ct. , lion HO and ' / lot. f'ljlH Ixjt mid X IIOIIM a , pplt'iidld vlow , f l.MJ ) Now liouso and ueiu. { 5,5'jO llarcey t-t. , hoiifo nnd lot. f 10,000 Fmo losldoneo , tplondld location and vioiv. f5.0QO Park nve. , choice rgsldenco. ' jy,75J Cuks St. , lioiit-o and ii lot , ST/yiD Sj left , Luslnoo . on Dudyo , innrovc- muntg. $1,00 f nrgo liouso , Ilnu location , Idlowild. rJUlO Uubl trout lot und ecttu u , lioutfd & S IOM Klro liniico nnd lot In Honors , i-nsy term Hull & MiCandlh-li , 1511 lodeo ) et. M5-3 lots In Mnrlon I'luco , JCOD eiieh. . \V , II. Gicun , ovurjst Xutloiiulluink. 1U TJIOK BAI.K A licncrnl incrclinndlso business O.1 in u rapidly vrawiuir town not liir ? rom I.ln- i > oln. Host inwlo wild locution In ton n. A bplon- did oiipoitumty for a party wuhlutf u gooJ opi-nmir , und hjivliipf from sovci.toienttiousunl dnllum In c * U. Will sell lor cush.only.or purt ciish , Inilunco real tstato iu Ouialia. Addrosa Muiclui.t , llbu UiLcO. tu TilOTl SATr. 8. > | iol ( renton TMtollnr st. And JU house , well , cIMern nnd burn , f 2f.OO. W. H. GrcDn , over 1st Nntionnl IJnnk. EOK SALi : ty Potter & Conb , 1515 Farnnm St. , 1 lot In WestIKnflnnd nt JWO. 2 lots In Slilnn'sjfcl ndd nt $72. ' . onch. A fmvnholco lots'In Marsh's nt $ I , K1 enoh. Iot Mxl.3l on 13th. 3 blocks from pavement , oiilyfl-00. . , I line ncro In Gel b'A nad , $ lfi < M. 3 of the cheapest lotsln Plnlnvlow , only $40 each. TJt "I71OH Cholco llnrgnlns in ronl estntc , cull nt the JL1 ofllcoof thoOnmlm Heal IMnto * Ixinn Co. , rooms' nndSJWiymeillHilldlna Omaha. 703 FOIlSAl.i : A foVgooil lot In HllHldo No. ono on lnvcnpjrtnnd Chlcngo sK , cheap nt $7.V ) to WO cnou ; Potter & Cobb , 1315 Far- nninSU , . 737 FOIt SAI.K Corner on rnrnnm , two blocks from court house , tKfXH. Grnhain , ton lllook. ITIOII SALK At n bnrffnln. Fine business J- ' property on S. 13th , SSxIJiO ft. This can bo bought for f'.VKW less thnn net mil vnluo If taken nl onco. If you want nn lnvo tmont look nt tills. Oocbran lira's & Co. . 1WJ I'aninm St. 815 If * " ' * 10 "per cent dividend 1 payhiff stoolr. Gibson & Arclicr , Hoom 3 , Wltlinoll lllock. 4IW T71OHSAI.K Lnrgo house nnd 3 nicely olovn- Jled lolf : n Slilnn's Sd ndd , (0,200. Also line 8-roomed hou .o on Clnrlc street , nicely olovnted lot , $5,000. Gibson 4s Archer , Hoom 3 , WItlmell lllock. 440 " 17011 SAliK I hnvofor sale nt bargains five Jor six of the iluevt stock Inrinsln thostnto , riinnliig Irom G0 ! toUOJUacios onch Improved , lib running water and fronting on railroads. W. H. Greon. over lat Nut. Hank. 14,1 TJ1OH SATiK Choice 5 or 10 ncro tracts , 4 miles * southwestfiiimeouit bouse , 1 * < miles from Junction of U. P. lly. nnd licit Line , nnd 1 mlle irom Stock Yards. Lies well ; all under cultiva tion. Cnn bo bought for S175 nnd fax ) per ncre , If sold soon. Choniiest projierty In vicinity. 1-otlor & Cobb , inij Fiirnam st. 735 fTlOIlSALK 100-ncro fnrm , well Improved J-1 bouse , bums , gninii'-les , wind-mills , Ilno grove nnd orchard , 75 norm under plow. Will trndo for Omnhn property , assume moitgaco nnd pay balance cnsh.V. \ . H- Green , over 1st Nat. Dunk. 141 POKSAHU-A two story , SJ.T33 , frame build Inif , suitable for a store , near 10tU and fur- nnmSts. Applyat thU olllco. 917 Foil SAI.n 183-ncio fnrm , well Improved , runts lor $2.f.u per ncro , 0)5 ) miles from Omaha , $10 per acre. W. H. Green , over 1st Nat. Hank. iffii ForSA llS-l.nrio nml small stock rmichcs with orultlioiit slock. Tor Sulo-l ! lots in Sprlnj- Hill , $4jrt each. 1-or Sale UstablUhod banking business In Ncbrnskn. county t-eat Gibson 4s Aix-hur , room y , WItlmell lllock. Koi E.vclinnp-o Nebraska farms for Omaha property ; also lands to exchange for stocks of goods. Wanted 3 business lots for cash within 4 blocks of postolllco. For Exchange ICO ncro Improved farm , Madl- eon county , Neb. , lor house and lot In Omaha. for Sale Au-ucro tract 4 miles of postolllco ; house cost $ * . 00lor $1,600 ca.h.G.b.ou.VArchor , Itoom 3 WItlmell lllock. IK5 I poll SALi : An elegant house , good barn , 180 It south front corner lot , honso rents tor $ ' . ' 5 per month , $ y,100 , W. H. Green , over 1st Nntlonnl Itiink. IK ) Foil SAI.i : b3 ft on IzurJ ; good house , barn , well , etc. , SX-GUJ. W. II. Green , over 1st Na tional Uank. , l 5 T AND SKBl-KlCs , 'J1.TTKNTIOX ' For full J-Jp'irtlculars ' about frpo and cheap hinds lu Western Nebraska/ address Thos. C. Patterson , KoalKstatoA onU North Platte Neb. KM FOIlSAM ! House nnd lot 213 S Sfltli st.clioup ; nnd pnyiuonts. ' 'Address C. S. Cuipman , Liu- coin Nob. . 571 j FOK SAMS Ilnb co'ii3r _ lot. enst nnd south Iront , Hunseom I'luco. W. T. Grnhum , Crelghton Block. i 713 Foil SAIiK Aispeclni barguln I ! lots In Mil- lard 4c Caldwell's addition , corner Center nnd Spring strccli-t'COxMs-i , 5700faOO nn < l $ ! K)0. ) on cusy terms. JIarsllall WLobeck , 15W ) Furiinm st. ' > 4l.ri _ _ _ II' ' you wunt property nt n bargain or on easy terms , cnll on 1MI .V-McC.uullbli.Ainonir other proportk-ti wocaniViriaui.cottaito und corner lot , withirulttroc.-l.onul block from Snundcrs Ht , und ono Irom eu-eot car line , on easy terms , SI , 600. llouso nnd lot , oust front. Nelson's , $2,333. J SJ-ncio tiirms , with fruit , near ruilrond , In Snrpy county , uneh W,0)l ) . ( Ono of tlio host liuitfurms , § 1,000. UJ lots In llunscom I'luco , corner lots , onst fronts. Murrains. Acres In the city ut $1,000. llrookllno ncri-s nt $ : KiO. Other I'cro ' nddltlom fiom $100 upward. Mnrsh lots S750to f 1,700. fi ucros In McFlmno's sub. 82,503. Well located corner In Torruco ndd , 100x110 , $2.HX ! ) . " 0 ucres near city , suitable for platting , per aero J7JO. lloll Sc MoCandllsh , lull Dodge St. 341-a Foil Cholco Dnrpnlns In ronl O5tatocull nt tlio olllco of the Omaha llonl i : < tuto Sc Ix > nn Co. , rooms a and a , Wltlmull lUilldlinf.Oiiinlin. 7IH EBWARD KITEHI. , MAG1STEK OF 1'ALSIYSTKKY AND CONDI- TIONAL1ST , 303 Tomb Street , between Fnrnnm nnd Hurnoy , will , with the aid of guardian spirits , obtain for nny ono a irlnnco in the pnst nnd present , und of certain conditions In Ihefuturo. Hoots und shoos made to order , I'orfcct satisfaction tmaraiitood. _ TWO ACHE LOTS TOIl SALE. 8. 8. VAN BEUREN. 106-108 S. 14lh St. California and 33d St. , $700.00 S. S. Vuu Jiouren , 100 S. lllli. FRUITS and FLOWERS _ The o doslrlnsr to put out Fruit or Ornnmcn- tul Trees , Shrubs , I'lunts nnd Vines , will llnd It gruntl" to their inloivst to consult i : . Ii. Kniory , by lotl % . or in iiursun , In lognrd to kind , iiinlty ) ! und price , boloio ordering of nny one. Onion ) should bu given early. Olllco 1300 Harnoy St. , residence , .MO Fnrnnin St , E. L. EMERY. S AM ) ACiXT8 : or TUB Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co , should rend tli ' . : ? ISSIIIIoC tlm Insurance ' -Hoaltor Justput Xndri'tlftfc. HIM ! , IMblL-ho Blimlo Copies 5 cK. " 137 llrondwuy.N.V. City NOTICE TO CtJNTHACTOBB. Orricu orc ) > 44i : RiiiiM \ I'IOIIKII. 1 Architects , I'u'xitm llulldlng , Oiiinlm , Neb. f SIJAUJI ) propvftuftlll bo loe'lved nt tills ollico until noqii.TML'iidiiy , Fob. IU , * * ! ) , lor the orretlon mid completion of u loedliitf bain , rHIeet bytmfi0r , roillnlnlng ilXW ( stnlU ; ulMi u dwelling hoiL-r. ot-'icu bilild'ng , bom ding hoiifo , liny Iminlu&IilbJurbulldliigd , ull to boo ! wood. UniwInKbHiHl/JmliiT parilciilurHcnii Le oblulned nt the tiflfco'm the iiu The right U rv'SUW'fU" reject any and all bids. febS-7t Mi.Mi : : yofjv i Fihiii u.Aiclillecia. Dissolution or Partnership. ri IIK pnrtncrshli | horotoloio cxlttlm ; under J- the niiiiio und title of field iSr FnriiBWOith , und by which the nttill ilrug buplnesa wns ciir- ricdon ut No. iH6 < irnlnggtrcot. is , this second duy of Fobrunry , lsffldlsBolved by mutual can. sent. ( J. O.-1'luldit-tirliu. , S. II. Fiirinworth hnvlng purahatod C. 0. Field's lutorust in Kill il bushio ill contlnuo to conduct thoBumu ut the old bliintl. U.ituJ Fob. ndlo&i. C. 0. FlKM ) . . H , FAIIheWOIITII. IToUog. O-FicB.AuiHTonorl''AcronsM. . I fiTATi : 01' NEIIIUShA , JjlMJDI.N , Fob. l8t , 1S80. ( ITIShurubycuriltliMl Unit the Wcttlum HOIMJ -I nnd ditllo In-ur.vnco ( Viiiiuny | of Onmlm , .In tliuaunool'Ni'l i.i'ku , has complIuJ vltli the liiiutancHnw or tliia t to nmi Is nu1lion/.c < l to triuiKiiut thu liu-liu - f Ihodtock insuiunoo In this H iti-fur tut > rri'Utjonr. Wllnea my li tini. id the n-nl of 'said oHlco the duy nnd } inr Ilrsi tlb J Q r.tifii. ( bljiiiuiU II AJlturocK , ISEAU ] ' ' Aut'ltor 1'ubllo Atcouuln. . THIS IlCMr.DY 13 WAIlUANTKn fiOT TO CONTAIN' A S1.N01.E On ANY IN.lL'lllOfS MINT.II.U , SL'nSTlNCK , iiuTisi'UiujiA vio- : KTA1ILE. It Will Cure nil DUcnso.i On u od by Derangement oftho Mvcr , Klilncy ntul Stoinncli. If you feel dull , drowsy , debilitated have fro qucnt hendncho , mouth tastes bndly , poor nn iictlto nnd tonwno conted , you nro suffcrlm ? 1 1 om torpid liver , ur"blllon ne V and noth nS At nny tlmo you feel your system nccd clo.tnilnir , toning , rosiiliillnc with out violent inirjrln ? , or stimulating with out Intoxicating take Simmons Liver Regulator riuu'AiinD IIY J. H. ZE1LIN & CO. , IMiilnacliihla , Pa A STANDARD MEDICAL WOUK FOR YOUHG AMD MIDDLE-AGED MEN. OMA' SI HY A1AIL , TOSTl-Alp. ILLUSTltAVlVi : SAJ11-1.U rJtUU TO ALL- KNOW THYSELF , A Gront Mcillcnl Work on Mniihnotl. I'rpmrjturoDocllnom Mnn , ICrron nf Youth , nml ths untold nitprles ro'ultlnz from Indl-protlon nnd ot * roMc . A hook for nycrjr mnn , yotme. mlrtdlo-nRort uiiil old. It contain * 13.i i > rarrl | > tlnn * for nil nnito nml chronlcdl-pnr.0 * . cnrhnnonr which I * Invnhnihlo. Ho fonnit t > r tlio nntlinr wlioo ori > prlonro for XI mill Is itch n * uroimnly novpr bornrofoll In tlio lot nf nny physlclnm.Wivicpi , bound In bemuirut rronrli mui , lln.\ cover * , full ullt. nmrnntooil to ho n llnor work In ovcry f ono inrclinnlnil. lltiirnry nnd nrnfo * . tlonnl-tliiiniinynllicr work In tlili rountry for.VI or the money will lie rcfiin.1 In every lntnnco. Prl-o nnlT (1 by mill , pn-tpild. Illu-trntod sininlo , r.lj. Komlnmr. nnlilmeilnlntrnnlcil thonnthorliytlio Nv A * nclntlon. to the lion. A.I' . ltl * p | | , nmt ni < rlntit onirnn ot the lionnl tlio ronilcrls re- Plinctfnllvroforrml. Tlio Sc-loiir-e of Llfa * worth more In th o rnnng nnd inUtillu-nuc 1 nion ot tin * irononitlon tlrm nil the cold mine * nl I'nllfnnil-i and tlio silver mines of Ncvndn coinltlnod.1- . Chronicle. The Sclonop of Llfo points nut tlio rocks nnd quick- simtion vrlilrhthn cnn tUiitlon ntid hope * f niiuiy n \ouiiffnmnlmroboou mtnlly n rocked. Munclioster ' The Sclcnpo of Llfn 1 * of ( troiitcr vnluo limn nil tlio Ini'dlcnl wt rks | ml > lllKMl In this counlry fortbopist M vcnr * . Atl.iiitn ( Jon-tllutlon. The Science of I.lfel * n nnuprh nnd ini tPrlr trnit * l p on nervous nnd physical iloblllty. Detroit I'roo Artd'rP'ntlio Ppnliody MPdlrnl Instltuto. or lrV. . IL Parker , No. 41lullilncU ctrcct , lloiton , Mnn.whomir ] bo consulted on ull ill sense * requiring skill nnd expert- t'nro. Clironlonnd ol > Hln tu Ul iMise tliiL : him * bnf- tlcd the skill of nil ntlHT | > liy .lclnnn ipccliiltr. Such trentrd rnccpH-fully wltlioul uu Instance of fulluro. Mention Uuinlm IJoe. HAMBURG AIERIGAH 3Paclret A DIKECT LINE FOH . Franca The btonmslilps of this well kno n line nro built of lion , \viilcr-tinht compartments , und nro furnlMmd with every loqulsllo to miiko tlio pus sasro both safe and iiBrecnblo. They curry the I'nltod Htnlcs nnd Rnropcnn ni > illsniul lonvo New York Thursdays nnd Saturdays for 1'lv. mnutli , ( r.ONlONClierbouul'AKl3 ) ) ( ! und HAM * UUUG ) . Ituturnliiff , the steamers leave Hamburtr on Wcduesdnjs nnd Sundnjoin. . Ilnvro , tuklug pns = eiirei'S ut Soiithumpton und London. First cabin $53 , jilj and $75 ; Steerage M3. Ituiliond tickets 1 10111 1'lymout'i ' to llrislol , Car- illll , London , or to nny plnco In the South of KiiKluud , ntl. ] . . StceiiiKO Irom Huiopo only t Q. Bond for "Tourist Gii7ott ( > . " C. It. UICHAltD & CO. Gcnerul Pusfcnt'cr Ag-onts , 01 lliondwuy , New York. Currylnjr tltollelfrlnm Iloynl nnd Unllod States ItIuIIEiilllny every Suturduy Between /iniiyorp / S-HewVork TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. SnJon from $ SO to $100. Excursion trip from SllOto 518J. Second Cnbin ? .V ) , und Kxoiirnlon ? UO. btouniKO jnifsnifo nt low rules. I'elor Wrlslit iS : Sons , uencrul Affonts , 55 llrondnuy , Now York. Omnhn , Nebraska , Frank 13. Jloorcs , W. , St , L. & 1 . ticket utfcnt. IIAllllY UE UEL OrJlnnnco Jo. 070. Ordinance locutlnir certnln nddltlonal AX hydrants In tlio clly of Onmlm. ] ! < i It ordained by the city council of the city of Onmlm : Section 1. That nddltfomil water hydrants bo nnd the sumo uro hereby or.lorod Incutud in the loIlowiiiK places In the city of Omnhu , to-wlt : One on corner IGlli und Jones fits. Ono on corner 17th ami Jones HIS. Section S. Tlmt this ordinance take effect mid bo In force from nnd after its piibsngo I'tiwed January SOth , ItWl. WM. F. HKCIIII. . President Clly Council. J. H , BniiTiiAiii ) . City Clurk. Apiirovcd January ami , IbSfl. JAMKS M. lloyn , Mayor. Ordinance Ho. 077. A N Ordinance opening JelTersoii strcot from .x Clilcnjro street to Cumins street by dodloat- liiffto thupubllo use all reul estate bolonxlii } , ' to the cliy of Omnhu within n distance of ultfhly loot ca t of the seotlon line botuccn snctioiiB l'i und 10. In township ID , north of runso ii : , 1' . ofthoiith 1' . JL licit orduliiod by the clly council of the city of Omnhn : Section 1. Whereas , It Is nccos'nry that Jef ferson street bo opened Irom Chlcnjfo ctroot to CumhiK stioet ; tberolore , for tlio purpose of opcnlnif such btrcot tbo city of Onmlm hereby dcdlcnles to publlu usn for Btrcet purposes ull rt'Uloslnlo boloiiKlnx to the city of Onmlm , lie- twocnChlcntronnd C'liinliitf Flreela , In the clly of Oniuhu , und lylnir within u Hlrlp BUfcel wldo linmodlutoiy onbt ol tlio line botwnon hi'ctions 15 nnd It ) , In township No. 15 , north of runRo IU , cast ortlioClli r. .VI. SaciloirTlio city onsl ncor is buroby di rected to propnro n pint ol siR'li jrmuiKl und ciuiK ) It to bo plucod on thocity rouoids. .Section 3. Thl ! ) ordinance ahull take olloct und bo in force from nnd after Ita passage. I'asscd January 20th , 18V1 , WM. 1' . IluuiiHi. , President City Council. J. It. SOUTH tun. City Clerk. Approved January 2Jlh , 1HFO. .1 AMI.H H. llovn , Mayor. ASK YOUR DEALER , To bhow > ou the Union Sewing Machines The machine that was nwarded tin ) FIRST PREMIUM AND GOLD MEDAL , At tlio World's fix-position , Now Orleans , over nllcompi'tltors.und the only Mmlnif iimclilwj that BKWS IIACKWAIII ) AM ) lOltWAHl ) without i'htuiBliiff < ir Uiii | > lntho miichlnn. Ifyonrdenli'r deus not hnndlo II make lilm gel II , nml If ho hns not enterpilso enough to uccommoduto you , send your iiddrcM to 206 Korth I6lh Street , Omaha , Nebraska , for circulars , terms nnd price * . Tlio Union Bovrln ? Muehlno , n IIB mime Implies , combined all the good points of ull fh > t class imictilnog In ono , nnd Is undoubtedly ( ho eimplest nnd best for family pin poses. 'Ihn host urifUiiient Unit Uttua ! but-tin that It comnuindg uhltfhur prlcoihun any other mnclilno in ihu muikot. No miiehlnoi told except to dvalurn ut IUBS than U'tnll prlco. Union ManTg Co. , 208 fl , . 16th St , , Omaha , Neb , . . DAILY COMMERCIAL REVIEW The Wheat Market Strong But Destitute o ; General Interest PROVISIONS DULL AND LOWER A Vnrlctjr ofOpiiiloii ns to the Future of the Market in Tlmt Coininodlty Xrnilo In Ontllo nml Ijlvo Stock CI1ICAOO GjtAIX JIARKHT. CIIICAOO. Feb. 8. [ Special Telegram. ] Wnn.VT Tlio wheat market was rciunrkably destltuto of Intctest to-tiny. It oiwucil stronp ntSatiinlay's closing llpnrcs , ami ndvnnccil M C4'jc , biitwcakoiicil Immediately on estimates of a dccrraso ot 700,000 bushels In the visible supply. May sold down from sn.V < 38S , c tci 8IJ4'c , but icvlvcd and remained pegged at abo\it \ & ; < @ 8.)0 for tbc gieatcr part of the forenoon. Ubcat broke the last hour , May soiling down to 84''C'l ? ! > 1ic , nnd closing at 1 o'clock at that llcuie. Mi. von ( iiiAixs Corn and oats wei'o atnlii hlslicr to-day. It was acontlnnatlon'of tlio .samu old story , nothing doing In n specula * tlvo way. I'novistnNS Provisions were dull and lower. The leading packers arc making nn move that Is visible to the naked eye , and holders ( it the product seem to bo rather lest- Ivc. U Isaigncd on 0110 band that the pro- pondmnco of capital Is still Interested on the bull side , but that the scheme is to shake out the "tallcrs" and "milk" the "shoestring- cis , " as It Is expressed In'tbo language of the pit , and then put up the pi ices once nioi o. It Is ar ued on the other band that the packers , having made the market and unloaded their accumulated product at a profit , are willing to let the boys and country carry the stuff until they get tired , feeling satisfied the load would provit too heavy for them , and that capital could pick up propel ty cheaper when the conditions were more fnvoiablo for nn ndvnnco. ArniiNoo.v : Ito.utn On this emb May ran up to Jwc , and opened on the afternoon board within J-fcof that figure , advancing to SMXc , and leccdlug to 8IJf@8l c , again rallying , but closing at 4c. Com and oats were steady. 1'ork advanced Be. Lard was easier. CHICAGO IjlVlJS STOCK. CHICAGO , Feb. 8. [ Special Telegram. ] CATTM : Kresb receipts were heavier than on last Monday , nnd Undo to-day was slow and weak , while then It was buoyant nnd higher. The quality of cattle to-day was veiy Indifferent , nnd tills was n drawback. The Jersey City cattle maiket was btcady for the best beeves , but lower on common. The. Liverpool cattle market was overstocked and lower than for some montl.s past. The general market hcio to-day was ( pilet aud weak , though salesmen stalled out by asking higher prices. Good , useful cattle sold at linn prices to-day , while Inferior sold slowly. Shipping steers , U'CO to 1500 Ibs , S4.25&4.GO ; 100J to 1MO Ibs , S3.75 ( l.75 ; 050 to 1'JOO Ibs , $ lions Trade was slow and rather irregu lar. Cci tain assorted light sold equally as high as on Saturday , while the ordinary run of packing soils and choice heavy sold about 5c lower , some salesmen quoting at lOc de cline all around , but s ales show no such drop on anything that was nt all suitable. 1'ii mo heavy sold at SUO to S4.50 , and pack- era at § 4.00 to 34.25 , with common at SS.bO to Ss. : 0. Packing and shipping , 250 to 400 Ibs , 34.10 1.00. . FINANCIAL , . Now York. Feb. 8. HONEY On call easy at IK@- per cent. PHIMK MmtcANTir.K PAPHII 103 per cent. STP.UI.INO EXCHANGE Dull but steady at S4.S7 lor sixty days , nmt S4.b'J ' for de- niaiuf. ( lOVKitNxir.NTs Quiet but strong. STOCKS Stocks weio active anil strong all day. The proposed leorgaiiUation oMho Heading , and with It a settlement of the trunk line troubles , furnished the chief ele ment of strength In the geneial market. At the opening piiccs were gcncially j < @ ! ( per cent lower , except coal stocks , which weio tiactlonally higher. The maiket closed active and strong at or near the highest fig ures of the day. and with gains of fractions to fi percent , the latter Delaware & Hudson , which sold as high as I00)a' and closed at STOCKS ON WA-TiT. STUHBT. Special bomls. . . my ( J. itM. W 109 U. S.-iK's 11'JjJi miiforral. . . ii5 : New 4 * 131 N.Y. 0 " " PacificG's of.9 > . I'M Oriurnn Trail. . . 3 % Central 1'aclllc.12 % Pacilic. Mall fibjtf C.&A Ml 11' . , O.&K 21 # m-efcneil. . . . 1 ) | 1M' . 0 13 ! ! % C. , ft. itJ 188/ } Hock Island. . . . 127 U. , I * , . .tV la-J ; St. L. its. K. . . V3 ! B. ifeJt. G 17 nrcluricil. . . ! ( > Erie SOT , ' C. , M. As St. I1. . . .iJ : % iirefen-od. . . . 5 / piufened. . Illinois Central. . W1X St.1J. . te O 1. . II. A : \\r ! iijji ( ; prurerreu. . . Kansas tfeTexu ? . : M' , Tfixns 1'aclllu. . . l.akeihoi'o ! bOj UnionI'aolllc. . . L. < teN -llji W. , St , I. . iV : 1' . . H ) Alluh. . . . 7. fl pieleried. . . 111. Mo. Paulilc llS lWestcTii Union. TO. Noitlicrn IMo. . . U7HO. ' " piulerrcd. . . " PICODUCI2. o , Feb. 8. Flour Quiet and un IH-SOa iiuio , s.i.t uu ( > -i.wi imiuumj si.'n."j 5.00 ; rye Hour , &a.Oaa.oO : ! In ban els , 8 : .10 Gi.IO : ! in sacks : buckwheat Hour , 84.00 ( 1. ) per barrel ; S'J.OO per cwt. in sacks. Wheat Quiet nnd slow ; opened at .Satur day's , Impioved ifc , became easier , ie- cedcd % e , ruled fiteadier , became weak , sold on" KG morn nnd closed about J < e under Sat urday ; TlKjsSl'fc for cash ; 7U& VJj o for Keb- ruary ; S4Uft8l oforMay. Corn- Quiet and easier ; closed # c lower for May ; : ; < l'fc ' : lor cash ; : % ( ! ! Je lor Keb- rmiry ; 'MnM ! a lor March ; 40olorMny. Oats Steady but ruled l\Y\nWMa \ \ ; fwcab ; Mfa for February ; S > @ 'iSc rot * huch ; yi Kc for Mav. Kyti tjnlet nt53Kc. iarley-liillntiuc. { ( Tlinolhy-au higher ; prime , Sl.lU Flaxseed-Steady No. 1 , SI. W. Wlilsky-Sl.10. Porlc Active but fi7) ) < o lower ; later fell oil' 1'iJ.jC and rulnl iiiilet , closing about the Inxldii llgint-H for the day ; lor canh ; $ lo.\t \ > tor February amlMareh ; § 11,15 ® 11. 17 lor May. Laid Kasier ; declined 2Uo and closed steady at the reduction ; " .10 lor cash nnd February ; S < j.lO&QKf lor Mnich ; fjO/iO d-"J > for May. Untter Steady ; good to fancy creamery , 20 ( : ic : ! ; dairy" , Wl'Jlc. ( Jhiu-se Full cn-nin chcildarH , /latH / , OJiOJlOo ; young A mei leas , i J'lgBh JCat h-r nt Mi&te , Jlldes-Unclianged ; part cure ciw-ii , he ; heavy given caltt'd.B j ! ; light do , 'jijiad o ; bull hides , l'io ) ' ; dry Kiltml , fJ > jo ; drv Hint , WMMc ; calf hklnn , 10@3e. ! ' Tallow Unchaim < 'd ; No. l country , 4j4'c ; No. 'J country , 4e ; c.iKo , fls. JtixiiilntKlilpmcnts. ) . Flour , bbli . 10,001 . ' " Wheat , bu . ll.ouo M. < WJ Corn , mi . l M o ' " P10 * Oat8.blt . 145.000 71,000 . . . St. iMulu , Feb. \Vhrat-rairly m-tlvo but lower ; Xo. 2 roras , HiWi.i'jOe lorJ'ob- uiiiry yJbIdli.ttiwuWu ; : fur May. Coin Kasy. nml a hliado ln\\i > r\ o. ! i mixed , rash , J > i < ilftIJc ; i-t-brnaiy , Shie\ \ Slay. iMKc1 , ( Jiits-Kaby : No. 8 n-.Iscd , cash , iiS c ; May.siv. , Itvo Htondy ut l/J v. Whisky -Sl.ll > . Pork bll.tfi. - . . , . , Hiittei St ulyeu-amcry ; , a'- @ . A'ttt-innon Hoard Wheat-liipjcular and tyi lowi-r to ? je hlslH-r. . . . . Cdin-Kasy , and pik-es siljoiit unrUant'cd. OalB Shade eaMcr. New Ynrlc , Fob. 8. , 10.000 ; exporls. IR.IXK ) ; BIIOI ilnll ; oinlun , opened hdPlu higher , but wtcr.dccliiu'il , 'U and closed steady ; untradcd red , .B Xo. 2 red , noinfnnl : March closing nl tiH4c. Com Options fnlrly nctlve ) receipts , ni- 000 ; oxpoiK 1SUCO , : nnurnded. .li crfolo ; Xo. 3 , 4Sifis ( fc ; Xo. , 5lsi-Vo ( In cle- vntorlOKo ; to arrive li > Mnrch , March clo liiR Oats Cash , fltoady receipts , W.COO ; experts - ports , 4,000 ; mixed western , ar&SSXc1 white western , Simile. Petroleum Qulot ; untied closed nt 70V& Eggs Dull nnd weak ; receipts , 700 p.xck- ages ; woslein,8-JVffM.V Poik-Stcndy : mess , SIO.BO ® 11.00. Lard Lower but moderately active ; west ern steam spot , SO. ir > ; March ; SH.4L Huttor Firm , with fair Iniinlryestern ; , l-3c'tHc ; Klgln creamery , ; s.Xi ? ! > V , Cheese Quiet and \\eak ; western flat , 79 ntlnncnpoits , Fob. a Wheat Clo eil strong : Xo. 1 hard , January and Fobrunry , 87c ; March , S7he ; Aptll , H'o ' ; Mnv , ti-.V ; Xo. 1 northern , cash and February , b'Jc ; M arch , Wjie ; April , 8lc ; May. src. Flour-Steady ; patents , S I.SOi ? : > .00 ; bakers' , Hecelpts-Wheat , 101,000 bu ; Hour , 15,03 bbR Shipments Wheat. 1H.003 bu ; Hour , nono. Wheat In store , 5,7CO&M bu ; St. Paul , Ctnoliinutl , Feb. 8.Yhcat Flinier ; Xo. B led. Ui ( ! ( .Hp. Corn Heavy ; Xo. n mixed , OiVc. Oats-Dull ; No. a mixed , iUJK&'R- . Itye-Sleady ; Xo. S , Ittj. Barley Unchunged ; extra Xo. 2 north western sulng. ] ( ' .lO'ilV. Poik-Light demand nt 3U.2o. Laid Weaker at S . TJ $ . Whisky Active nnd linn nl S1.10. Fob. S. Wheat-Weak ; cnsh,8'Jo ; February , 7SVc , ; May , Stijc. Corn Dull ; Xo. 'J , hJc. Oats-StiMdy : Xo. 2. UsJc. lyi ( > Dull ; No. L f ) - . Hailcy-Jnlet ( ; N o. 2 , 51 > , 'e. Piovlslons Ste.uly ! mess pork , cash and February , SU.12 } . Now OrlcmiH , Fob. 8. Coin Kxcltcd and hlghrr ; all olleilngs taken : demand cbiclly lorexpuit ; Mixed and yellow , 4bc ; white , COe. COe.Oats Steady. Hog Products Fair demand nnd Him. Pork 81l.7B < i l1.)7X. ! Lard Uullneil , M.OO.rfd.l'JK. * Uulk Meats Shonldeis , 81.00 ; long clear , Sn.o ( ; ; clear ribs , sr > . 70 ICniiHns City , Feb. 8. Wheat Higher ; cash , 70e bid , 71e asked ; Mateh , 73c ; May , 7SVc bid. 7S e asked. Coin StiMdy ; eash.arjfc bid , 28 'fe ' asked ; March , 29 } c ; May , ! il'c. . Oats Xo quotations. Tolcilo , 1-Vb. 8. Whent-Closcrt nctlvo ; cash , Ul > 4@02Ke. Coin Steady ; cash. 33J c. Oats Firm ; cash. Jll c. Iilvcrpool , Feb. 8. Wheat Demand Im proving ; Xow Xo. 2 winter and spring , ilnll , Flour Poor demand at 8s , dull. Corn Poor demand ; new mixed , spot , 4s 2d. dull ; Februaiy , Mnrch and Apill , 4s IXd , firm. _ ia STOCK. Feb. 8. The Drovers' .lournal lepoits : Cattle Itccclpts. 400 ; maiket steady ; ship- plnir steers , Si.50i ! r5.CO ; stoekeisnndlcederH , S2.40i4.10 ; rows , bulls nnd mlscd , 11.75 ; bulk , S2.C5@2.73. Quality ot nil cattle sold very common. Hogs Receipts , 24.0TO ; market sluw and r > @ir > c lower ; rough and mixed , Si.70@4.10 : ; packliiR and shipiiinir , SI.104.W ; light , Sa.CO dJI.10 ; skips 82.50 3.50. Sheep Receipts , Ji.fiOO : maiket slow and 10@'JOi : lower ; natives , S2.0) 4.8.j ; Texans , 5U.W:5.50 ) : ; lambs , S4.K ( ) ( < i5.'J5. The Drovers' .lomnal hpi'ciallclcgiam from Liverpool loports a luither lie line of } ftc per noniul In American cattle. Tim best steers aio l' 'c per pound lower , estimated dead weight. This puts prices down to within Kc ol the lowest price reached In many months. St. IjouiH , Feb. H. Cattle Receipts , DOO ; shipments , li''O ' ; active and firm audio < 7M5c higher ; good to choice shlpjliig. ) sfl.bO @VoO ; common to medium , l.Ot@HiO ; butcliers' stceisS3.2Ti5M."i : ! ; cows and heifers. S3.2.-.TO ! ; stnckeis and feeders , 82.75 ( .25 ; Hogs Receipts , 4,500 ; Bliiiuents ] ) , C03 ; active and steady on heavy and slower on light : butchers and cholco hcivvy , Sl.0ifrl.50 ( ; mixed packing , gl.OOaJl.BTi ; light , Sac.O@t.iO. . : ! City , Feb. S. Cattle Receipts , 1X)0 ( ) ; shipments , 510 : Miongnnil lOc higher ; exioiters ) , S.VJO 'i.oO ; common to cholco 8hiiIng. ) | Si'.iOiijj.lS ; stockeih and feeders. S2.tiO@il.75 : cows , weak nml lOc lower ; good to choice. SJJ.'JS ® 1.10 ; common to medium , Sil.05@4.00. Hogs Receipts , 7,000 ; sliipinents , 700 ; choice steady ; otheis weak nnd 5c lo\\er ; good to choice , 51.00 ( 1.15 ; light and mixed , OMAHA IjIVI3 STOCIC Monday Kvcnliif , ' . Feb. 8. The stock market was unusually ( pilot to day , even lor Monday. The leeoipts weiu light and there was very liltle activity. Theio is n gcneinl demand lor corn Iced steers , as well as choice butchci.s' stock. The market is about steady at Saturdays prices. Steers averaging 1,100 to 1,200 Ibs aie quoted ntS'.85 ! ( < 5 4.ooi.2oo ; to i.iioo ibs at : > : i.nso to 1.500 Ibs. at 84.50(2 ( .00 , Hulls , S'i tgJS.OO. Cholco cows are quoted at Si.25iit.50 : ( : ; good cows , SJ.15@.20 : : ! ; common cow.s , S2.50@.i.oo. The receipts or hogs were lighter to-dnv than they liavo been since the snow block ade. ade.A few sheep were iccolvcd lo-day , but thcio was none changing hamlK. Sheep wolghing7r. to 100 Ibs , S2.75f 3.UO : 100 to ! ! IIECKII-TS. Cntt lo . : ; oo HOL'S . bOO Sheep . 100 lloiscs . 715 nr.pnu.SK.NTAi r vic SAMS. : NATIVIKTIIUS. : : Xo. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 110. . . .iui : ; a lyis Sl.bO H , .US5 ! 4.60nous. HXo nous. Xo Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. 1 71. . .2.-JV tu. . , .212 M. . . .1.85 71. . , . ! ! ! ! ! 69. . . ' , .2VJ 71. . . t'.bo 07. . .2.S-1 wi. . . l.CO 80. no. . . 1.03 iiKiiusr : AND I.OWHST. the highest and linvost prices on tills market for hotrs iltirintr the past sovuii dnvH nml for the corresponding period last month : i'Acuiu'h ; . Showltm thu nuiiibcr ol' uatllo , IO B nnd shoe ) ) pmdmH'd by tlio paclicis on lliu mar- lct to-ilay. CATTf.K. G.H. Hammond & Co . 133 HOI1B. J. R. Hnyd . 009 0. H. Hammond * Co . 137 Note- All Mies of Mod : In thin inuletua : : : made per cut. Hvovnlilit nthciwiso stnicil. Dead IIOKH Roll at lu iicr II ) , for nil wuluhts. " Ihnu 100 Ibs , no value. J'n' nant to\va are Uocl ; l OSfAHA WHOljKSAI.l' . MAHKKTS. Monday ICvoninir. Feb. b. General JMurlcelH , KonH Thu inaikut is dull , H.ilcs rnni ; < ) from IG lTc. J.lmiid or pickled nagi aio not wanted and will not boll. JJi/msi. l'ilc 'H it'innln .slraily. Cliolco Cinih'S of tahli ! hnttvr are miuli-d nt JfiQ lHcj 1'nlr to KOOI ! , liViJlUcj Infi'iior , ! ( ( ? ( . , I'lti'.i'.hi : Kniicy lull rr'-nni chuddars. Oc- tolicr mnlcc. Mr ; Hutu 1'A ; ; youni ; America. 12o ; Ili'M quality iiwUs cnceM ) , iOu ; bucoiid nuallty , Ui illu : biltk chtusf , ICc ; J J'oiri.rnv ( "hli-kcns , 7pScTiirkoyn ( nro xlow at ViilOc. Uci-to mid dui-ks at V&lOc. ( .AMI : Jrcr , ttiiliilopo , prali.o chick ens anil fjiuillvciii out ol f.oawin nn January 1. niidnttiy few aio coining In. ) 'ruiilu . " . Jnr.i.iKS. KTC. PinwTvcs all liiuls : , ao-lb. pall * ix-i ll > . . lU o ; do lu oi" , i" r | ii , lUc ; nssdrtnl .1-lb. jialls ; pci 0 iialK * - ' . ' . ' : .lellh ! " , nil liimla , Ilibt JO-IU i-aili1 , per lb. , ho ; iibsorteil , llifet Wb ini'is ' , IIIT ci.ilt' , 0 ( lalln , wr rtoz. , S .M ) ; do. 1-lb IM.K pin ca e. a ilo , Wlt > ; do , liniib- Irjrf ix-i'ca-o.y doUI.W. . Jolly , nl ) klniln , ji-C'iiiU't'i U1. ( Ih. iiiills , porlb. oc. > Ilnco I ic-tt , bi'st path * . M lbl , pur Ib. , 7o ; do , W , Tii and Oil ) jails , ( lorilUKo > do. Mil pMh i > vr i nilc , i ) | > ail. * , tft.7-5. Apple IntUnr , I * 111 II T -1 - * " ' * ' "ll- 1 -iiu iiut * , Ji bl'l. , pur lu. 7r