THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MONDAY , FEBRUARY , 81880. i : . . . . .1 . .I..IMII uiumiiiiuiii I OT LOCAL NEWS OF THE DAY . fc. The Benevolent Protective Order of Elks Organize a Ledge in. Omalia , [ THE PLATTSMOUTH CARNIVAL jt mm fff r tm t AOrnnil Time Which Oinnha Visitors Enjoyed Arrest of n Seducer > AVyomliiK's TotiRh Citizen ' Other liocnl. Hlkn Organize. There wns organized in Onwlin yestor- dny a lodge of the Honovolent 1'roluctive Order of Elks , under tlio auspices of Chi- cngo Ledge No.1. . The delegation from the Chicago lodge consisted of Lr. ) Simon Qulnlnn , Kxnltcd Grand Hulor ; George A. Troyscr , Jlstecinod Loading Grand Knight ; John W. White , Kslceincd Loyal Grand Knight ; E. Vliot , Esteemed Lec turing Knight ; It. ( } . Watt , Grand Secre tary ; II. Moynalmn , Grand Treasurer ; W. ILCnss , Grand Tiler ; Herman Mnycr , Inner Guard ; 0. K. Lambert , Grand Esquire ; 0. U. Huss , Chaplain ; ! ' . L. Buck , M. Steigcr , 11. Itilcy , Edward Lake , John Graham. 3 The visitors euino over the North- p western , and while en roulo hold an in- jj formal meeting and adopted thetfollow- } ing resolution , expressive of their deep f. appreciation of the admirable manmir in ' which the arrangements for the trip hud been made and earned out : Resolved , That the sincere thanks of tlio deputation individually and col lectively bo tendered to Brother Lrne. t jl1 Vllot. passenger agent of the Chicago & j North Western railway , for the ran ; wis- j dom and forethought displayed by him in 1 arranging " and perfecting the sleeping I mul timing car arrangements , tending to jl the crcut comfort and unanimous satisfaction - ' faction of the delegation. Also that thanks bo tendered to.Conductor Harvey of the sleeper , and Conductors Clark ami Washburno of the dining cars , in appre ciation of their courteous and very gentle manly treatment while in thuir hands , und to whom we most cordially reeom- mend the traveling public. At the depot the visitors were met by : i delegation from Omalia niut escorted to the Slillard , whore they wore greeted by other members of tlio new lodge. The inaugural proceedings and installation of ofllecrs began at 11 o'clock at Knights of Pythias hall , and lasted during the after noon. Tim now lodge will be known as Omaha ledge No. Jill , and starts oil' with twenty charter members. The following are the olliecrs chosen yesterday and ti list of the present members : Exalted llulcr John I'rnneis. Esteemed Leading Knight I ) wight G. Hull. Esteemed Loyal Knight Dr. II.V. . Hyde. Esteemed Lecturing Knight Harry L. Hall. Secretary James Garncau. H Treasurer E. E. Whilmoro. 1 Tilcr-AV. C. Gregory. 5 Trustees A. 15. Davenport , Alfred \ Sorensen , Thomas F. Iloyd. I Members I. W. Miner , Frank R. Mor- risev , W. E. Annin , S. F. Woodbriilgc , W. J. Ctirtnn , D. W. Hnyucs , D. W. Van Cott. R. C. MeCluro , W. N. Babcock , C. I II. llulett. During tlio afternoon's exercises , Dr. Quinhin arose and , on behalf of the Chicago cage lodge , presented the now organi/.a- tion with a full set of jewels , which had been expressly made for the occasion in Now York. The jewels arc simply ele gant , and are the finest set in the coun try. The gift was a great surprise to the Omaha lodge , but was , nevertheless , gracfully received. Last evening at 9 o'clock the visiting delegation was tcndeicd n reception unit banquet at the Millard , which was a , most enjoyable aflair. The tables wore elegantly laid , and the supper was most crcuitablo to tlio hosts. A brilliant pro gramme of toasts , ete. , was carried out m a most delightful manner. At 10:30 : o'clock the full Musical Union orchestra visited the hotel and rendered a number of choice musical gems , much to the de light of nil. The Chicago visitors return homo to day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE COASTING CAKXlVAIj. A Merry Time nt IMnttsinouth The OinaliniiH PrcHcut. The coasting carnival at Plattsmouth Saturday night was attended by a good sized delegation of Omaha people , most of whom went down on the afternoon trains , returning yesterday morning. To Bay that they enjoyed a good time is put ting it very mildly. They were royally treated by the citi/cns of Plattsmoatli who did everything in their power to make their visitors from the metropolis feel at homo. The carnival itself was an unequivocal success , every detail of the management being perfect. The committee of arrangements , Messrs. J. H. Full-Hold , H. C. Ritchie nnd James Patterson , worked hard to have everything pass oil' smooth ly. They certainly succeeded admirably. Everybody , old and young , weak and Htrong , wore given a chance and the en joyment of coasting pleasures was gen eral. The track selected was on Main street , being some four or live blocks in length. It was a trillo slow , on account of its soft condition , but otherwise was perfect. The long course was well lighted with torches placed in the snowbanks on either side , while a general illumination of the houses and stores on the street added to the brilliancy of the eccno. A display of fireworks was also a splendid feature of the occasion. At a few moments after seven o'clock , the Omaha delegation was mustered together at the foot of the hill and placed in tlio load of the procession of coasters , preceded by a brass band. The march up the hill was madu in a short time , to the tuneful melody of n quickstep. At about half past seven the course was de clared open , and thoOmahn trnvqrso , the "Liu-lino , " ably manned by Capt. IIul- nhroy , was sent down , making the ascent in liltlu loss than forty sec onds. She was followed by her mate , Geo. Kay's "Maud S. , " with Captain Hitch- conic at the handle , nnd thereafter until a Into hour , n continual stream of traverses und sleds glided swiftly down the hill to tlio music of the band , inter mingled with the merry shouts of the coasters and the noise of horns and gongs. . Luckily there were no Borious accidents , though one unlucky youth was carried oft' the track slightly disfigured. The crowd was not so largo its to bo unmanageable. It was estimated at about 3,000 people , probably one-sixth of that number being coasters. The fleet "Lurlino" and "Maud S" wore the objects of enthusiastic admira tion of the I'luttfiinoutli people , many of whom accepted tin invitation to ride with the Omaha people thereon. The "Lur lino" nuulo the fastest time and longest run on record , easily outstripping her competitors. These present from Omalia wore Messrs. Helnhroy , Smith , Wheeler. Dim- mini , Townscml , Coombs , Knapp , Hjtch- cock , Champonoy , Uluekmoro , Misses Long , Dunham , Uelnacklo , Mrs. Miner , mid u representative of the Bui : , A' Close Call. As Jennie Audrey , a young Judy clerk in the store of O'Donahoo ' i&Bherfy , was piissing the Metropolitan hotel yesterday- ftfternooUf she suddenly fell to thp walk in an unconscious condition : A numbqr of people ! u the hotel quickly came to her assistance nnd carried her to a room and summoned a physician. Dr. CofT- man responded , and found that the young lady wns suffering from convulsion.1 * . She was immedi ately placed under the inllucnco of chloroform which quieted her , but the convulsions returned several limes. She was finally placed in a hack and con veyed to tlio homo of Mrs. McDonongh , on California street , where she boards. At one time Dr. Cofl'man despaired of saving her life and found it necessary to keep her under the inlluenco of chloro form for three hours. At n late hour last evening she was reported us resting easy nnd out of danger. A SEDUCER AltltESTED. A Snloon-Uociicr From 1'lcrcc In tlio TollH ofilio Imw. The sad case of Emma Hocttger , which was mentioned in the liix some days ago , was further developed last night by the arrest of Henry Fox , a saloon-keeper at Pierce , Neb. Fo.x , it may bo remem bered , is the man who seduced Miss lioetlger , and when the fact was devel oped that she was In adelleato condition , refused to many her and turned her adrift. The unfortunate young woman was taken in charge by tlio sherilV , and after several transfers was landed in Omaha. Hero sliu wiis. . obliged to apply to tlio county com missioners for aid and was sent to the county poor house until her confinement. Yesterday it was learned lliat Fox was in town , and the girl immediately went to Justice Borka's olllco and swore out u complaint against him for seduction. A warrant was issued and placed in the hands of Ollicer Matza , who with Olllcer Horrigan , made the arrest. Fox was locked ii ] > in the central police fetation to await examination. A HAD MAN. J nil or Joe .Miller Entertains the ToitKlicHt Customer Ho Ever Kuc\v. "Tho toughest prisoner 1 ever had in my keeping , " remarked Joe Miller to a UKE man Saturday , "was one who was brought to the countj' jail last night. Ills name was Hal MeClurc , and he was in charge-of Sheriff. Nelson , of Bourbon comity , Kansas , and Deputy United States Marshal McKinney. The party was in route to Wyoming , where McClure is wanted for grand larceny. He is over six feet tall and built in proportion , and all ho knows is to eat and light. Ho was brought into the jail ironed to the sheriff , with the marshal following close behind , never taking his eyes off the prisoner. When ho came in ho announced that lie was a bad man , and ho told the truth. After ho was arrested in Kansas he made a hard fight , and shot and severely wounded a deputy sheriff before ho was overpowered. After they secured him and put the irons upon his wrists ho told thorn that they dare not shoot and started oil'on a run , and was only captured after a hard chase by a deputy sheriff on horse back. He was then placed in a buggy between two men , but in some way no managed to get hold of one of their re volvers and opened lire. Tim bullets failed to take effect though , and McClure was knocked in the hcacL After that ho was chained to the olliecrs. They started for Wyoming this morning. " THE CRANK JUUV. Tlivcc Indictments Returned. Tlio County Jail Inspected. Three indictments were returned by the grand jury Saturday before adjourn ing over until this morning , finding true bills against Alfred C. Keene for selling lottery tickets , Timothy Driscoll for horse stealing , and Augustus D. Miller for rape of his sister. Kccno is now out on bail and has expressed his intention never to return , but Driscoll and Miller arc prisoners in the county jail. Tlio grand jury also visited the jail Saturday and made the customary in spection. Everything was found in ex cellent order except the lloors , which are now being newly laid. The prisoners were questioned in regard to their food and treatment and no complaints were offered. Thomas I3allnrd , now undo1.- sentence of death , expressed Himself to the foreman as being perfectly satisfied with the treatment ho received , especially mcntjoning the kindness and attention of Jailor Joe Miller. The jury will make their report to the court before final ad journment. AHsnultcd and Arrested The name of II. F , Jasper and W. Dick inson appeared on the book at the central police station yesterday charged with disturbing thn peace by fighting. When Jasper told his story in the morning , however , n different aspect was placed on the case and he was released. IIo says that while on his way home shortly after midnight ho was attacked at the corner of Thirteenth and Jackson streets by four men , who wore rapidly getting the best of him when OHicor JohifUrady put in an appearance. The four men then ran , and the ollieer gave chase. After a sharp contest he succeeded in arresting Dickinson. Jasper quietly wailed on the corner , and when the ollieer returned with the prisoner ho also placed Jasper under arrest. Both men wore locked up for the night. The other three have not been apprehended. A Sprinter In Court , Mention was made in the BUR a day erse so ago of the foot race at Plattsmouth be tween Leo , a local man , and Dan Ross , tUo Omaha sprinter. The latter suc ceeded in beating the Plattsmouth sports out of a considerable sum by throwing the race to his opponent. A lawsuit , U now appears , is to bo an outcome of the ull'air. It appears that , by the -terms of the agreement , the winner was to receive the money taken In at the door. Leo won the race and' was entitled to the gate money , and indeed it was all ho was to get except some four or live dollars' worth of goods to put him in trim to run. It seonis , however , that some of the young men who wore bilked by Ross , realizing that they had been sold out , col lared the receipts and refused to give thorn up. Leo , whogot nothing , nlthougn ho won the race , has brought suit before Judge Pottongor against three of the young men to recover what was left of the receipts after naying expenses. The case will bo tried February It. Injured Wliilo Coasting. Another coasting accident occurred yesterday which resulted in the serious injury of a young lad. A number of boys were coasting on Ilurnoy street , starting at Twenty-fourth. At Twenty-third there is a bridge over a gully , and just before reaching it one of the sleds struck u rut and was thrown to one side and precipi tated over the edge. Its occupant , a young boy , struck on his head , cutting ti terrible gush over the temple and also injuring ono leg. Ho was carried into a house near by and a physician fcuin- inoned , who dressed the wounds , The injuries , it is thought , will not prove fatal. Mails Youue Axilla Open , I wish , to inform tlio public ami ihy. patrons that I am'open again and ready for business at my old 'stand , 1800 Doug- llis street. Cull and cu inc.- . . . . HANS YOUKG. THE CELESTIALS' ' PROVENDER Something About a Staple on Which the Larger Part of the \7orld Subsists , A Tnlk AVIth n Mnii Who Knows nil About Hlcc ntid Its Consump tion Omnlia n 1'oor Market. Ill the rotunda of the Paxlon ono night last week , a BIK : representative met Mr. C. C. Fowler , representing the firm of Dan Talmago's Sons , of New ITork , the only exclusive rlco house in the world. Mr. Fowler was in Omaha looking after the interests of his firm , whoso agent hero is F. W. Mecgan. In conversation with the reporter , Mr. Fowler said : "Omaha and vicinity is the poorest country for the rice business that 1 know of , and I have been wondering what is the matter. Nearly all of the river towns north of here are the same way , and I can't account for It. It is very evident tome mo that the people need to have their ap petites cultivated in this direction , and I wish 1 could do it Why , in St. Paul th's ' week 1 sold twenty car loads , or in other words , 1,800 barrels , which make 510,000 pounds. "St Paul must bo a great place for rice eaters , " remarked the reporter. " .There must be an immense settlement of Chinese in that location. " "Not at all , " replied the gentleman ; "those twenty ear loads will not last very long. Rico is a big article of consump tion. Did it ever occur to you that by far the larger proportion of the world's population live on it almost exclusively ? Well , it is a fact. There are 800,000.000 , souls in China , Japan , and the East Indies who , if it were not for the rice crop , would starve to death. Do you know how much rice those countries pro duce in a year ? It is something enor mous 250,000,000,000 pounds. You may think that is a pretty nig story , but it is a fact. These billions of pounds are nearly all consumed at home , too , for the exports do not exceed 1 per cent of the crop. In Japan alone there are 8,000,000 acres planted to rice. 1 could go on nnd give yon these big figures until your head would swim. "Uutlwill tell you something about the rice production in this country , " con- tinned Mr. Fowler. "In the lirst place , its introduction here was by mistake , or rather accident. In 101)4 ) a vessel bound for Liverpool from Madagascar was blown out of her course and put into the port of Charleston , S. C. , for repairs. He- t'oro starting cm his homeward voyage the captain gave to ono of his friends , Land grave Thomas Smith , a small parcel of rough rice which was in his cook's stores , suggesting it might possibly grow and afford them an additional article of food. In a new country such a gift was valuable. That it was so , subsequent events proved , for the seed was planted n Mr. Smith's garden ( now known as Longitude lane , in the city of Charleston ) and the product carefully preserved and distributed among the colonists , until from this small beginning the products increased , and during the ten years from 1720 to 1729 inclusive the exports were 4-1,081 tons. "At that time , and for more than a cen tury ai'terwards , rice was not used for food extensively in this country , and most of the orop was exported to England. Its culture , however , spread into several of the southern states , und the finest ar ticle in the world was produced. Up to the time of the breaking out of the war the total product of rico in this country was 20,012,400 pounds. Then if. dropped suddenly on account of the toTrible de vastation which that conflict produced. After the war ended it again jumped up. and the production has steadily increased since. The past year has been the largest one that wo have ever known. But it was also disastrous to rice raisers. There was too much of it. Speculators had been looking for a long time at the played out sugar plantations in Louisiana , und trying to find some use -to which they could bo put. Last year they thought they saw their opportunity in .rice , as it was paying u big price , and so they planted that cereal heavily. The result was they put their foot in it jumped from the fryimrpan into the fire , so to speak. The big crop brought down the price to less than the cost of produc tion. Over 90,000,000 pounds were raised. 'Prices have been so low that so fur the foreign crop has been held back. Rico can be bought to-day tor from ! tj cents to 0- cents a pound. 15ut it will not remain so low long. As soon as the homo product has been placed on the market prices will jump up. Then the foreign rice will bo available. It can be produced more cheaply than in this coun try , but there is n duty on it of 2 } cents a pound. Our New York houses handles foreign rice exclusively , while our other houses in Charleston und Now Orleans care for the homo production. "This year our houses expect to handle 10,000,000 pounds of foreign rico and 50- , 000,000 of domestic. This country does not export any of its crop to speak of , as rice is rapidly becoming ono of the staple articles of diet. " After a long talk from which the above facts were drawn from Mr. Fowler , who , by the way , Is a most affable gentleman , the reporter agreed to increase the de mand for rico by having his grocer send up half a pound for his next day's dinner. 011 Clears. OHicor Bloom last night arrested a young Jew named Abe Dan/.mgor on suspicion of having stolen a lot of cigars. The ollieer was informed that Dan/.inger had for three weeks past been paying his board at the St. James hotel with cigars , Altogether ho had given the proprietor 1,200 , ami a suspicion was awakened that ho had not come by them honestly. There have been a number of cigars stolen recently , and it will probably bo developed this morning if any found in Dan/.inger's possession are among the number , _ Kntortaliilnu Their Guest. Members of the Uniform Rank , Knights of Pythias , Saturday evening en'ertain- cd Major General Curnahan , of Indian- npolis , the grand head of the order in the world. A very pleasant social time wns had , in addition to n conference In regard to the welfare ot the order. The affair wound up with n grand banquet in honor of the distinguished guest , Mr. Curnuhan loft for the west last evening. IIo Was Too Urgent. Tom Allen was run in early yesterday morning by the police und registered at the central station as disturbing the peaco. Allen had called at the residence of W. T. Bonnor , Fourteenth and Uodgo streets , and knocked for admittunco. Re ceiving no reply ho proceeded to kick In the door. Mr , Bonnor objected to tills proceeding and had his urgent culler placed under arrest. The Grand Masquerade. The grand masquerade ball of Thurs- ton hose occurs Wednesday night of this week at Metz and Turner halls , and pvorylhing'lndicates that it will bo an unqualified , success. A very largo num ber of tickets have already b.oen disposed of. and l.liu boys uru conhdent that , the altuir will net them u sutUcicnt sum to take thuir loum to Now Orleans a line Btylo. ins imoTinaira WIFE. Ho Hought Her For $2OOO A Sen sational Ilomnucc. A most sensational cpigodc , a portion of which transpired in Omaha , has just come to light. An uncanny romance it is , nnd it shows that thnro arc still some people in the world whoo notions are very much like those which prevailed during the dark ages. Seveh years ago there emigrated to this country from the city of Coblmiz , Germany , a young man named Anton Hannnoycr. After many vicissitudes ho finally landed in Ford county , Kansas , about live years ago , and by dint of industry and economy managed to save up a respectable eonipetcncj * , besides being the owner of a 240 acre farm in tlio neighborhood of Dodge City. When Hammoyer left the old country he was engaged to a comely 'maiden named Uortha Miiclhcim , whom ho had promised to .send for as soon as ho had secured a homo or accumulated enough money. Whether his sweetheart had become sour to him , or whether ho was so engrossed in the money making business that his mind drifted uwiy from her is not known , but shortly after his arrival in America he ceased writing letters - tors to any one in his native city , and so far us his people or lianco Knew , ho was dead. When all hope of Ham- meyer's return had been lost , his younger brother , Joseph , took up the thread of love for Frauleiu Muclheim which the missing one had dropped , and after a time of wooing the two were married , Last Juno Anton Hatnini'yor , who had in tlw meantime grown prosperous , happened to pause in the midst of his money making opera tions , and recollected that he hud left a sweetheart und a brother in Germany , and ho accordingly wrote to both of them , informing them of his whore- uboitts , and offering to send money to his brother and intended to bring tliein to this country. After several letters had been interchanged by the parties , it was finally agreed that the brother and his wife would come to this country. During this correspondence the man in Kansas had not been informed that his brother had married Frrulein Miielheim and for all ho know the maiden whom ho left in promises was still true to him. Every arrangement was made for the coming of llammoyer's brother and what fie supposed was Ins own intended wife. It was agreed that Htimmcyor should meet the immigrants in Oinaha , and when those arrived in this city on Wednes day afternoon they found nobody to meet them. Meanwhile the Kansas man had been snowbound and had telegraphed to Omaha to have the immigrants come to St. Joseph , Mo. , where lie would meet them. Hanimeyor arrived in the Jailer city Friday noon , and when Js'o. ' 2 on lite K. C. , St. J. & C. U. arrived at the Union depot the lirst people to get oil' were the younger brother and his wife. They were met by the man from Kansas , and u gen eral reunion look place on Hie platform , after which the parties adjourned to the ladies' waiting room of the Union depot. It was fully an hour before the fact was made known to llaminayer that his sweetheart of long ago and his brother the two who stood before him wore man and wife , and it was almost another hour before ho seemed to realize it. IIo was nearly dislractcd for : i lime , and wan dered up and down lite waiting room in a restless and uncertain manner. Then ho called his brother over to ono side and Iho two had u long and earnest conversation , into which the woman was afterwards called , and the result of which was tin agreement that Hummcyer should loan his younger brother $2,000 ; that the latter should return to Germany and that his wife should be hold as a hos tage by the former until the money was repaid , with the understanding tfiat it should never bo repaid , and that the wo man should live with the elder brother. In a few hours the woman took leave forever of her husband , boarded the train with her former lover and future com panion in life , and left for Atchison where they look Ihc Santa Fo train for Ford county. When the south bound train had departed the younger llammeyer boarded the Chicago express with an uir of stonic indifference , und went his way , return ing to Germany. Elegant Sample Embroidery , Lambre quins , elc. , made on White Machines at No. 121 North Fifteenth street. Agents wanted to sell the White Machine in every town in west Iowa and Nebraska. TltOUNTON & Co. Y. M. C. A. Notes. The Senate will meet for its weekly de liberation Monday evening. The would- be senators are still considering the elec- lorul college biil. Come and join. The monthly business meeting will be hold Monday evening at 8 o'clock. If you wish lo become a member hand in your application before that timo. Young men's prayer meeting on Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock. All young men invited. The young ladies of Milwaukee , Wis. , are rendering valuable assistance to wards raising funds for a new associa tion building. They have organized and nro collecting subscriptions to bo known as the "Mothers' , Wives' nnd Sisters' Fund. " In a few months they have se cured $7,200 , and are still adding 10 the sum. Sowing machine goods of nil kinds , wholesale und retail. ZBIIKUNG , TIIOUXTON & Co. A Hack Overturned. As ono of Jim MoMichaol's hacks was crossing the Union Pacilio trucks on Tenth street about 0 o'clock last evening , the front axle brouo and one of the wheels rolled away. The vehicle was. overturned , throwing the driver from his scat and prccipitalingupasscngorllirotigh tlio glass door to the ground. The horses , however , failed to run , and thus what might have proved a 'fatal ' accident was averted. No ono was seriously in jured. _ Killed a Mad Doc. Mr. Thornton , of the White sowing ma chine oflico , and Pat Duffy , of Downey & Duffy , grocers , had mike a' scrap with a mad dog on North Sixteenth street , and after some excitement brought down the game with two "bull dogSi" The rabid animal had run everybody up stairs or on top of the houses , when the two men volunteered to fiirlit tlio dog at several paces distance. The dog is dead. Loft Wyoming. According to the Clio'yenno papers Peter Swick , a younguimn supposed to bo now in Omaha , left' ' Clioycnno under rather suspicious circunisttuices. Ho left that city , it is said , Middonly ono night without saying anythimr lo his acquaint ances. A number of creditors mourn his departure. The motive for his departure is not exactly manifest to Iho Cheyenneso. That Attempted Uapo. The examination of Simon Rope , the Jewish tailor charged with attempted rape on a 14-year-old girl , was continued from Saturday until to-day in police court. Rope spoilt Sunday u-i a guest of Jailer Miller in the county lustilo. Ho Hud No License. A suit of moro than ordinary interest , especially to exp.rcssmen and liacknien , was decided in the -district court Sat- terday by Judge Wakeloy , 601110 four or live years ago Patrick Hughes , an expressman , sued Hoybrook & Co. , of this city , on an account o ; $ 101.85 , which ho alleged to bo duo him for his services in transporting goods for them. The defense , among ether points , interposed the plea that the plaintiff Hughes , hail no license and thus was not legally authorized to run an express wagon1 hence , it was areucd. ho had no right to expect any remuneration. Judge Wukcley's ' decision uphold this latter point , and thus the case was do- culed in favor of defendants. Ho main tained that Hughes could not recover the money which ho alleged was duo him simply because ho had no authority to do business , having failed to complj with tlio city ordinances In not having taken out a license , AMUSKMKXTS. The Success of Adelaide Moore nt Iloyd's Opera House. Miss Adelaide Moore loaves Omaha with the best feelings for the city und Iho promise to return. The success of hoi first appearance hero recommends the city lo her favor , and if Iho schedule of the next season keeps her in America the local public will have the pleasure of see ing her again. The performance of the "School for Scandal" Saturday afternoon drew an audience equal lo that of the night previous und one of tlio larg est mallnee houses ever in Iho history of the theatre. Sheridan's well known and popular drama wns given " a presentation worthy of its great "char- uclor. It was in Juliet , however , on that night that the star appeared to her best advantage and won her groalost laurels. Framed with grace and uncommon beauty , Miss Moore is perfectly adapted to the role of the gentle Juliet. Her efforts mot niith liberal applause und two recalls were given during the evening. In stage business , emotional work und common dialogue she is good. The com pany is well selected , und on Saturday night the Mereutio of Mr. Ross can bo singled out as a splondod pleeo of work. The company left for Dos Moincs last evening. It is sincerely to bo regretted that some ill-advised friends of Miss Ingcr.soll Hew to print in the morning papers. The statement impugning Miss Moore's jealousy is altogether false , as she know nothing of the flower episode at the lime , and when she received the Intelligence on the next day she very graciously went to Miss Ingursoll and apologized. The star was mot with freezing courtesy which conveyed a virtual insult , ami very naturally took great offense. The gentlemen who secured the publications m llio Sunday papers only uggruvcd mat ters und sire almost in duty bound to con tinue their services to Miss Ingersoll by securing her some occnpalion since they have robbed her of the present. She may go on lo Philadelphia with Iho company. arriving Ihero in two weeks and will then be dropped from liio troupe. It is sincerely to bo regretted that this has oc curred , as the young lady is worthy of better fortune. KVIDEXCE. Tbo Vincent company played to u jammed house at the People 's theatre last night , the bill being "Queen's Evi dence. " The stirring drama was well presented and hold the attention of the audience from the lirst act to the last. Just before the curtain rose for the last lime Mr. Vincent appeared and an nounced that the company would remain another week. The play lo-night is "Miss Million , ' ' which will afford Miss Vincent wide scope for the exercise of her versa tile talcnls. llei characterization of the leading role is said to be very line. THE MUSICAL rxiox CO.NCIKT. The concert of tlio Musical Union or chestra at the oera ) house ivas well at tended last evening , the audience being , if anything , larger than on the two lire- ceding Sunday nights. The programme was quite up' to the usual standard of the concerts given by the orchestra. "HUITAI.O HIM , " Speaking of the "Buffalo Bill" combi nation which appears hero this week , the Rochester Daily Herald says : "The Grand Opera House was thronged last evening by an audience that was deep ly interested from lirst to last in following the plot of the "Prairie Waif , " presented by the Buffalo Bill combination. The in cidents were sensational enough to please the most critical , and the timely rescues that succeeded each other in rapid suc cession were loudly applauded by the galleries. The company is largo und well balanced , and the piece is put on with all the accessories- " The Whlto SowliiK Machine , Old , tried und true , lightest running machine made and most durable , and always up with the limes. Wholesale and retail ollico , 121 North Fifteenth street. KKIIHUNO , THOHNTON & Co. Brevities. S. Crowley is a young man who was iust aching 'to have a light in u house of ill-famo last night. IIo pranced around rather lively and made several passes at one of the inmates , when an olhcer was summoned and took him away. Superintendent Dickenson , of the Union Pacilic , isin town and was engaged yesterday in inspecting the silo of Iho now depot building. Work on the same will commence soon , the rock for the building being now prepared in ono of the company's quarries. Choyciio Loader. The committee recently appointed by local branch of Iho A. 0. 11. lo prepare for a grand colcbralion of St. Patrick's day. are rapidly pushing arrangements to that end. The Irish ol this city never do anything by halves , and it is antici pated that this celebration of their na tional anniversary will bo fur ahead of any previous occasion of tlio kind. Immediate TruiiRportatlon. lion. C. S. Chuso , in correspondence \vith Nebraska congressmen on the much mooted question of immediate transpor tation , received Saturday the follow ing note from Mr , Weaver : HOUSE OP RiritisiKTATi.\js : : : : , I WASHINGTON , Fob , 4. 18SO. f HON. C. S. CHASE , Omaha , Nob. Mv DKAU Silt : In reply to yours calling at tention to tlio bill for extending to the port of Omaha the benefits of immediate transportation of dutiable articles. 1 have to say that at last session 1 pushed same through the house In a general bill , and shall spare no effort to push the same nt this session. I have already been prom ised u favorable report from the com mittee. Very truly , A. S. WKAVKH. PERFECT MABE f jicolal regard > o lical * . No Ammonia , l.lrao or Alclu. PRICE' BAKING POWDER CO. , CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS , PRICE'S CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE The Cream of Tartar used in DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is tlio purest in the world. The crystals are from the finest Grapes , imported direct from the vineyards of Franco. WasJiington , D. < ? , April 2,1 , 1885. / Iiavo analysed the Cream of Tartar -used in Dr. Price's Baking Powder , and find it of the highest degree of purity. PETER COLLIEn , Chief Chemist for the United States Department of Agriculture. The following , Heads of the Great Universities and Public Food Analysts , find Dr. Price's the purest and strongest. Free from Ammonia , frco from Lime , free from Alum , and recommend its use in every family. I'ersoiwdonbtlnc ; ( ho truthfulness of this can wrllonnyof the Chemists named : TIIK WOK 1C IMIOGUKSSING. TlicHuclviii Unni In Its New Charac ter Help I'or tlio Helpless. Mr. O. I. Holt has been conducting meetings every evening for a week past at the Buckingham. Friday and Satur day evening the house was full. Mr. Holt is "ono of the boys , " lias u hearty love and sympathy for men who crave liquor , und lias boon wondcrfullysucoess- fill in helping men to reform. Ho was picked up on the streets of Cincinnati by a Christian woman , taken to her homo and nursed through delirium tro- mcns. This kind act led lo his reformation. In reply to his ques tion , "why have you treated u stranger like this ? " she replied : " 1 have u boy away from home , and I hope some ono will save him. " Seven years after , when Mr. Holt related this circumstance at a public meeting , u man came forward and said , "I am that boy ; 1 will sign the pledge. " Mr. Holt , telegraphed the mother , "I have saved your boy , " and her reply was : "Hold him till I 'come , " and there are many sons of noble women in our saloons to-day. Mr. Holt speaks kindly of trie saloon keepers , and has induced many in other places to give up their business. Ono hundred and fifty men signed the pledge during tlio past week , fully two-thirds being drinking men. "Down in the human heart , crushed by the tempter Feelings lie hurled that grace can restore , Touched by a loving hcait , wakened by kind ness Chords that were broken will vibrato once more. " Meetings every night this week at Iho Buckingham. W. C. T. U. Journalistic Changes. Mr. Fred Bennett , for some time past city editor of the Republican , left Omaha Saturday to return to the news paper fraternity of Chicago. Mr. Ben nett is one of the most popular members of the Omnhsi brotherhood , und his hosls of friends hero sincerely regret his de parture. Ho will bo succeeded us city editor by Mr. J. Frank Allen , a well known and capable newspaper man. Mr. E. C. Snyder. lutulyof the Topckn Capital arrived in the city Saturday und will fill Iho vacancy on Iho Iho local blalf of the Republican. II. Birdsall of Nebraska Cily arrived in Dinaha yesterday , and is quartered at the Millard. Absolutely Pure : Tlili powilcr novcr varies. A marvel of jiurl- ty , EtruiiKth \vlinlefoiiiciiciis. . Wore ocou- noinlcal I linn Iho ordinary kinds , nnd utnnotlio solilln competition wjtli tlin imilllludci of Ion' ti'bl , bliortoiKlit , aliiiii ( irplioriiliiilo povvdor.s , Sold only In cune. KOVAI. IUKINCJ I'ownuit Co , , 100 Wnll St. , New Torn. ESTABLISHED 1803. CHANDLER-BROWNCO. OKAIN AND PHOVISION Commission Merchants , Ol-TICUH : Hoard of Tradu , CliRinlicr of ( 'omsr.trco , I , C , MILLER , Weslern Business Solicitor , Local ItiiHincsH Solicitor , laol u St. , Onmlia , Noli , sSSSi SS B 14 Cor. Capitol Avenue , FOll THE TnnATJIKNT OP AM , Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. McWIETTArflYTProprlotor. .Sixteen years' llosidtiilnnd 1'rlvate J'ractlco Vi'o linvo tlio facilities apparatus nnd rcmcillcs for tlio successful treatment of o\cry form of die. ca o requiring cither medical or surgical treatment , mid Itiuto nil tucomc nnd investigate for themselves or can expand with us. Long experience In treat- In" cnscH by letter enables us to treat many cases scientifically without peeing them. WIHTB KOIl CIUCUliAH on Deformities nnd Bruce * , Club Feet , Curvatures of the Spine , DISEASES op WOMEX. riles , Tumors , Cancers , Catarrh , lironclilllf , Inhalation , JCIcclriclty , 1'aral- yeis , Mpilcnsy , Kidney , Kjc , liar , Skin , lilood and all enrRlcnl operations. Hiitti'rlrn , Inhalant , Uracrs , Trnnicn , and fill Id mis of and Surgical Appliances , man. ufactnred and for Bide. The only reliable Medical Institute making' Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases A KIMJCIAI/TY. AM , CONTAGIOUS AND liLOOD DISKASES , from whatever cause produced , successfully treated. Vi'o can remove Syphilitic poliou from the eyttcm without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss of vital power. AM , COMMUNICATIONS CONFIDENTIAL. Call aud consult us or fccml name and poBt-nfllco address [ ilninly written enclose etamji , and wo will Kcnd you. In plain wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN vros I'liivATii , Srtcui , AND Nnitvoua DISBASKB , SBJIINAT. WKAKNESS , SPERjiAionniio : * IHTOTEN"- cr , Svriiius , ( ioN'oniuio : ! , GLEKT , VAIIICOCEI.E , STlttCIUItll , AND AM. 1)I ! > EAHKS Ol" TIIK GKSITO- UniNAnr OnaANs , or ecud history of your cato for an opinion. 1'crnons unable to visit us m.iy bo treated at their liomrf , by corrcfiulcncc. | Jledicincj and Iiibtru- inents font by mall or cxprcsn fSKCUHULY 1'ACK- ED I'UOJI OIiarUVATH.V ) , no ninrkttoliidlcato coiitcnta or ccnder. Ono personal Interview pre ferred If convenient. Fifty loom * for tlio accom modation of patient ? Hoard and attendance at reasonable pilccs. Addfc * * all Letters to Omaha Medical and Surgical .Institute. Cor. 13thSt. and Capitol Ave , , OMAHA. NEB. Tlio rnllfrrnph Is rnpldly t'lfplnclntf llio pon. Itoiibon liow you inny you cannot ullord to do without It. No other liilior snvlng Invention lias FO less oned drudgery or liniln and liuiul , or tncd Biich ii lame purccnla o ol'cleur lulior. l-'lKuru liint It liiniadll but fnrivo us much work Ju nirJvon tlino us docs llio pun ( It ciislly ( lees tlireo times us much ) nnd It uivus you eov crul Irco lionrB daily us nuil lutorcsl on your- iiivc'ctincnt. I'or clrciilnrs iiixl Miculini'iis nit- Ply to II. (1. r-TKH'r ! , Oinaliii , Noli. , ( Jenl. Aifont for Noliraska and Wotlc.'in lowu ltIIIIHNSUndorwond'aloM ) ( ) > rorull kinds o \vrttlni ; inucliliio.s , on Imnd. I'rlco $1 uaoli. TBEfflECEN SPRING WEHICLE8. OVER 400,000 , rin. IN USE. ARCHITECTS. F. M. ELLIS & CO. Architects and Building Superiot's ' OMAHA , NEB , and DES MOINES , IA. Oflleo , Cor. litli uml I'linuim Streets , Iloom 10 OCOIUIK lli'iiUMnioc with rM , Kills. Nebraska National Bant OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital . $ ar 0,000 Suplus May 1 , 1885 . 25,000 H.V. . YATKS , PrcsUlont. A. E. TOU/A MS . Vice 1'raslilont. W , II , k. llutuiia , Cashier. I""L ' ' W. V. JloitsB , JOHN H. COLLINS , 11. W. YATKS , LKWIS S. UUKI > , A. K. T BANKING OFFICE : THE UtQN VANK. Co , .12tb and I'mmm Streets. Ul < < icrul llaiuin