Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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seven days and for the corresponding period
last month ;
j JanuaryiFebruary ]
.Monday . S3.G2t3.00
Tuesday . 3.2. . a.f ( 4.00
Wednesday. . . . 8.N ) ( jN.Oj
Thursday . 3.37krJtt.r > " , 8.73 $ r.P
Friday. , . . .1.fiK-V : > r , 3.15 < gMW
Saturday. . . . . . . S.51.0) ( ) n.'jo Gf-l.OO
Showlni ! the tuimbar of cattle , hogs nnd
fliccp purchased by tlio packers on the mar
ket to day.
J. I' . Hoyil > i. . . 6C3
( > . 11 , llnmtnond & Co 411
Others 131
Note All sales of stuck In this market nro
made per cut. liocliht unless otherwise
stated. Dead IIOM sell at Ic per lb , for all
weights. "Skins , " or lioss'JclBlilnj ? lessthnn
100 Ibs , no value. Pregnant sows are docked
40 Ibs nnd stasis to Ibs.
Saturday Evening. Feb. 0.
General Mai-hots.
Eoos Tlib market Is dull. Sales raiiRC
from IGCiMTc. Limed or pickled esgs are not
wanted and will not sell. 1'rlces leinaln steady. Choice
pradcs of tahlo butter nrc nuotcd nt 15 { > USc ;
fair to good. lC$12c ( ; Inferior.lOifc. .
UitKKMJ J'nncy full cream Cheddars. Oc
tober make , lie ; Hats We : jxiinic America.
I'-'cj fust ( | iiallty Swiss , Ific ; second
ciiiallty , in&Hc ; brick cheese ,
J'OUI.TIIY The rcrolnts of chickens \\cro
Held , and choice or fancy slock soldieadlly
nt Vic by leason ol' the scarcity. It IsJ not .sale
to quote the market above 7ftHc. ( as slightly
heavier ifcelpts would put It down to that
HKIIIC. Turkeys are slow at 0@10c. Geese
and ducks at SK.'Vl ° c.
< ! AMI : Deer , antelope , pralrlo chick
ens aud quail wcie out or season on January
1. and .so very few are coming in. 1'ialile
chickens , perdoz , 8'J..VS4..73 ) : iuall | per do/ ,
S1.2.V251.W ; jack rabbits , per doz. 5J.OO'ft.OO ? : :
inalluid ducks S'-V-.I ; teal ducks. 8l.'J.X l.r > 0 ;
mixed ( lucks , 8I.25WJ.53 ; small rabbits , 15c ® ; : ( :
I'nijHF.uvr.s. Jni.i.ins. KTC. Preserves
nil kinds. 20-11) . palls iier lb. , lOKc ; do lo pail
otn , pir lb. lOc ; assorted 5-lb. palls per crate ,
0 palls. 55:1.75. : .lellies , all kinds , lii-st Kiade ,
20-lb. palls , per lb. , be ; assoited , liist '
Mb palls , per crate , 0 naIN , per do/ . , S-.ftO ;
do , 1-lb palls , per case , -i\oi. \ Jj'.J.25 ; do , tiimb-
leis , per case. ! idoz. . S1.40. Jelly , nil kinds ,
hoeonit urnde , SO II ) . palls , per 11) . be. Mince
' Near , best crade , > jf bbl. per lb. , 7c : do , 18 ,
88 and r,3 lb palls , pcrSlb. , 7Ke ; do. Mb
palls , per er.ite , pally , .S1.7" > . Apple butter ,
extia line , > j bbl. , ner lb. . 7c ; do.10lb pails ,
per lb. . 7'rf ; do. fi-lb nails , per crate. ii nails ,
Mi.Tr . 1'eacli and plum butter , 40-in palls , per
lb. , Pke ; peach , plum nnd quince butter , ns-
soited , 5-fb. pails , per eiatc , 0 nails , S.7o : ! ;
catsup per ease , 2 douint bottles , S3.00 ;
lioisu radish , jilut bottles , per doS1.M. .
1'ias FF.KT , 'linrK , KTC Pips' feet
per K bbl. . 4.75 : do. X bbl. ,
2.40 : do. per kit , Sl.OO. Lambs' tongues , per
X bbl. , 3.50 ; do. per kit , S'J.75 ; do. quart
87.50 ; : ! 0 | ral bbl , S0.50 ; 15 mil bbl. S4.0J.
NUTS 1'ecans , largo polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium , tic ; English walnuts , 14c ; almonds ,
Tarragona , 20c ; do , Langueuoc , 17e ; brazils ,
I'Je , filberts , He ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy
"Virginia , 7c : do roasted c.
COMII HO.VKY California 2 ibframo CO Ibs ,
In case per Jb. , 15c ; 10 lb. frames , Nebraska.
Ibe.CIDEU .Michigan icfiucd , per bbl. , S0.50 ;
do. halt bbl. . 574.00.
VINUO AH White wine. lOc ; cider , 12 > 4
COCOANUTS At S4.005J4.50.
NKW Vuis , DAT r.n , KTC. Layer tigs , 5 nnd
8-Ib boxes , per lb , liKrtl'c ; I'liinelles. 2Mb
boxes , per lb , ISfc. Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb
boxes , per lb , lie ; do , lancy Persian , CO-lb
boxes , per lb , lie.
I K.MONS Fancy Messina and Palermo , per
box , W.UO : do. choice .Medina and Palermo ,
per box , $1.59 ; do. per 5 box lot , 34.00.
OIIANOKS Choice , Los Angeles , per box ,
do 5-box lots box,82.i0 ; do 10-box
53.75 : , - , per , ; ,
lots , S2.50 ; fancy HI verside. & 3.50 ; do , 5-box
lots , s'J5 : ; do. 10-box lots , srs.OO.
CiiANiiiuiiis : Cnpo Cod cranberries , per
bbl , SS.0 : Cniie Coil do , 5-bbl lots , per
bbl. S .0 ( ) : Hell nnd Cherry do , per bbl , S5.75 ;
Hell nnd Cherry do , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. S5.50.
Arri.Ks Not much .stock is movliij ; . Il
linois gcnitons , perbbl. , Si-10 : do , 5-blil lots ,
S'.vrido ; , 10-lb fots , JfiOO ; Illinois Willow
Twigs , Hen Davis , etc. S2.75 ; do , 5-tibl lots ,
5:2.50 ; do , 10 bbl lots , S2.33 ; fancy MIchlcan
slock ,
GIIAI'KS fllalasa per bbl. 87.00.
UANANAS AceoHling lo sl/e , per bunch ,
. . .
PJIO'VISIONP. Hnm. I0@ri e. breakfast
tmcon , t ( ( iic ; clear side bacon , 7cdry ; salted
sides , Cc : shoulders , sugar cured , 5)fc ; mess
pork per bb ! . . § 13.00 : lard. 40 lb. cans perlb ,
f > i)4'7c ) : 10. 5 and 3 lb 7J @Sc ; diledbeef
hams. 12 < ! .
1'orATor.s None are coming , and prices
nic nominal nt .WdfiOu forclioicestock.
VIOITAIIIJS : : California cabbage , Sc per
ONIONS Salt Lake stock , 53.00 perbbl. ;
red Wetherslield , fc'-.fiO per bbl.
UKANS Hand wicked navy. S1.75@2.00 ;
liana-picked medium. 81.500 1.75 ; uood clean
conntrv. S1.2Wii.r,0 : inferior. 75cft.00.
iN Thu following are thu pievaiiui ! ;
prices for car lots : Corn , 21-ftc ; oats ,
fcy c ; wheat , fi2Xc ; rye , 44c : barley,4t > c.
I'i.ouit and aiii.i.8TUKFS V inter Wheat-
Firm ; best quality patent at SH.OO@3.30.
Second miaiity S2.50@i.OO. :
SnriiiK Wheat Best quality patent atS2.fiO
liuc'kwheat Flour In baircls , 85.75 ; ready
S4.00 ; 0 lb packages ,
. .
Uran .We per cwt.
Clioppod Feed Per 100 Ibs.TOe.
Corn Meal \VliIlo. 60 ; yellow. 75c per cwt.
Hrrccnlng No. 1 , 75c per cwt ; No. 2. COc.
Jloiiiiny 51.50 jier cwt.
Shorts -COc per cwt.
( iralmin f 1.75 jicr cwt.
llnv-Jialcx. 50.00ii2T oo uer ton.
OVSTKHS ( Juotrttl or to-day nre : N. V.
coiuilKirK1. : ; extra selects , -tic ( ; selects' , S e ;
tllnllards , KOc ; mediums , Wo ,
Puna AND iSiti.vs I'nees on fins and
fcklns are steady. Mink , each , I0@oc : ; ;
imiskrat , winter. 2i.rc ( ; do. kits , Su : Otter ,
S2.SOiC.OO ( ! ; bkunk , short htrlped , l.ri" > c : do.
broiur fitrliit'd , 10@15 ; badger. ! U@.V ) ; Hue-
coon , .No. I lar e. UKS-'iO ' ; do. No.J , 'JWrtW ;
do. No. , lOtS.'i'ju ; wolf , iiralrlo. f/K f75c ;
do. mountain. W.OO y.OO ; wildcat , lfi@lO : bra
ver , Sl.&u@'J.Mi per lb ; lox , each , S1.40@l.50 :
dcerbklu : . drv winter , indSlBo pcrlb ; do. fall
und Mimni'T tXit'Jac ) (
Hums Uienn hutchcrs , CfifCiJfic ; green
cured , 7 } . ; dry flint , lii'o : ' : dry
halt , l ioc ; ( laninKcii hide ? Iwo-thlids pih-e.
Tnllow le. Uicnso , miina white , 4c. bhcoi )
l'elts-2.Vi75c. ?
n Mo. l riltshurc harnesi .1. 0. L ,
ASous , Wkj ; No. 1 1'lttsburij , K. & S. 8.1o ; No.
C'inctnnatl , : < 5 ; No. l Inro leiitlipr , cou ; prinio
i-lniiulitersolo leather , > ( > : l o ; iiriino oak Mile
> leather. iMVulRie. Upper leather , per toot. 'JI
_ . toiiiiKs""and ] | ( 'liiiluuV. i'O.OiJdtlu.oO
COAL AnthiacltiiKratP , SH.50 ; effir , Sf-.WJ ;
raiiKe , SS.'r. eheilniit , f\73 ; Jowa , Si..riO ! ;
Walnut block. S'J.75 : Illinois , S5.00 : Alls-
,601111 W.IXI
HKAVY llAiimvAiii : Iron , rotes , 53/5j
plow steel , kpechil east , 4c ; crucioio steel , Oc ;
east tools do , I''t lbo ; wa-'on huokes , per sot.
Ul.7f > ( ii.OO : : hubs , tier fcet , Sl.SS , felloes , sawed
( l > y , 81.10 , toiiRues , each , 75c , axles , each , 7ac ;
MUIIUO nuts , per 10. , 7ciUlc ; collchain per lb ,
r < iil'Jc : mnli'iihle , Sc ; lion wedges , Oc : now
liars. 0 ; lianow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 7 ( So ;
Jturden's horse .shoes ? ! . ) : & ; Huiden's intilo
hlioes , gWifl. llaibed Wlro In ear lots , Sl.OO
pe r UK ) Ibs. Iron Nails Mutes , 10 to CO , fa.oo.
Sliot-Sl.W ; huekshot. Sl.W
iio\Mler , kejrs , S3.50yU.00 : do. half kegs , 3.00 ;
( lo , quarter kegs. S1.50 ; blaMlni , ' , Heps. Sit.a'ij '
luso'uer 100 leet. f.Ue Lead liar. 1.05.
Duv 1'AiNTS Whlto lead. Ks ; Kieneh zinc ,
I''c.l'nrlHhltlui.2KoJ whUliiKeilderslic !
v-liltlnc , eom'l. lUelaiiiiblack.tcrinantown. !
l"o ; liiinpblnck , ordinary , 10o ; 1'iusslaii blue ,
D5e , , uutruuiarliie , Ibc : Vandyke , brown. Uo
umber , uurut , 4c ; umber , r.xw. 4c ; sienna ,
bin nl. 4c : sit'iina raw. in : 1'aris eruou. touu-
ine , ' - c : raris ureen , common , 'JOc : ciiroma
gicen , N. Y.ttfa ; cbr.iuio creen , K , l''c ; vermillion -
million , Kngllslu In oil nsst lee ; raw aud
burnt umber lib cans , lee ; row and inirnt
fk'iiini , lOc : vaudyko Drown , ibo : rcumd
lampblack. We ; coach black nud Ivory bla-U
ICc : I.TOU black , 10c ; 1'russlaii blue. 40c : ul-
trauiarliui blue. Ibc : chromo creen , L. . At &
llic ( : blind nud bliutter irreen , U. M A : It.
lOc ; J'aris Krecn , bo ; Indian red , ISc ; Vene
tian red. 'Jc ; Tuscan red. 'Ac : American ver-
nillllon , 1. . it P.Me ; yellow ocnre. Iks : U .M
& O , IK , ISc ; colden ocluo , ific : patent dryer
tic : prjilnlni : color * , lluht oak dark oak , \yal-
uut. chestnut and RSII IJxv
I'AINTS IN UiiVlilto lead , Omaha , ) . , P
7cj white lead , St. Louis , jmio S7.W ; Matbcil
les KUHiii , l to 5 lb cans , i c ; Freuth zinc
freeii seal , 1-c ; . Fitnch ziuc , ted M'al. lie ;
French 7lnc.ln varnhhusst , COc ; French zino
75c : vernillllon. American. 18c : Indlnn. red
J0cro : e pink. Kc : Venetian , red Uokspn s
Venetian red. America Ij c : reil
chronic yellow genuine , we ; chroma
yellow , K , ICc : ocnre looliello Jc ; ochrn ,
French , 2ic ; oclire , American. 2c ; Inter's
mineral. 'J > < c : L hlch brown. iic ! ! ; Spanlsn
rriuce's nilneial c
-.a. ncrj5.u'pn. ' lip : 150s head
. ihft Vv ? lWH ] ! t < J > cr.l1 ' , '
sperm , \V.1 . . nercillon , 81.00lish \V. U.
per pallon.roc ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon ,
70c , No. 1 , CSc ; Inbrlcatlnir. zero , per Ration ,
> . summer , iftc ! colden machine. No. l , per
pallon. 'Mo ; No. 2 , 25c ; sperm , slpnal , per cal-
Ion , 75c : turpentine , per gallon , 51c ; naptha ,
per gallon. Vic. ,
\AnxtsUEV-Uarrels , per callou : Furn
turc. extra , 51.10 ; furniture , " No. 1 , 81.00 ;
coach , extra 1.40 ; coach , No. 1. 81.30 ;
l > amar , extra , S1.73 ; Japan , 70c ; osplialtura ,
extra , 85c ; shellac 53.50 ; bara oil llnlsh ,
Duros'ANii Ciir.MicAi.s Acid , carbolic ,
! )0j ) ; acid , tartnilc , .Vic ; balsam copaiba , per
II ) . , 50c , bark , sassafras , per lb. , 12c ; calomel'
per lb. , V.'c : cluclionldm , per o40c ; chloio ,
roiin , per. lb. , 75c ; Uoverspowdcis , per lb. ,
Sl.ttj ; cpsom salts , per ll > . , r-Jf/e / ; ulyccrlue ,
ptire.iier lb.,2-c ; lead acclate , per lb. , COo ;
oil , castor , No. 1 per gnl. , Sl.CO ; oil , castor ,
No. 'J per gill. , SI. 4) ) ; oil. olive , per caj. , SWO ;
oil. oiliraniiiii , 50c ; opium W.Wquinine \ , 1' .
A ; W. , and It. & S. . per m. . S.K : ; potas.siuin ,
Iodide , jicr ) b. , 5Ji.OO : ; xalleln. iieroz. , 40c ;
riiilphati ; monihltie , per / , S3.M ; suliilmr ,
per lli.,2lo ; strychnine , per oz. , 51.BO ,
bi-iiiirs Cologne spirits , 188 proof , 51.12 ;
do llll prool SI. IH ; snlilts , second quality
101 proof. Sl.ia ; do. ! * proof , 81.11. Alco
hol. 1S3 proof , S'J.10 per wlno gallon. Kedls-
tilled whiskies , ; gin blended ,
51.60@'itt ) ; Kentucky bourbons , S'J.OO@0.00 ;
Kcnttickv aud I'oniisylvatila ryes. 5'J.OO ( ! .fiO ;
Colden Slicaf bouibon and rye whiskies ,
liuited , S4.50W8.oo : NowKnilniidSl.7fi3.rjO , ;
domestic. Sl.'iX' l.OO. Cliainiiasnes Im-
poited. per case. B'Jd.OJi23I.OO ( ; ; Ameilcan , per
case , S10.00.ilO.OO (
FUh ,
Su.vDnir.s Domestic Holland herrings ,
kegs , 50c ; Hussian sardines , 43c ; Ancho
vies In glass , Oio Hull brann. per uo/ . ,
3.00 ; Anchovies in kegs , jf Ole Bull brand ,
4.00 ; spiced Hamburg heirings , skins and
heads oil' , per pail.
. Ill's IPf'M'lsQ mills I'll Kta
MEW nau. M 100 00 , 60 40 15 13 10
Munn'B 8'tNo.l L'b 7 00 4 00 n IB 2 0" 1 TOW fi2 M
l/BO 0 Ib'ed Fancy U t ) ! l TO II ft > 1 HI 1 GO 75 5(5 ( 50
' It'd Sh'ro l'"cy | . 6'J1 , ! itt 1 70 1 50,76'iiU , ' 50
MAUIEKIU : ! , .
100 80 GO 40 15 U ! 10
Blood Itcd
Alasuu. . . . 13 00 7 00 0 35 3 53 2 00 03 85
lllood Ited
Cul 13 00 7 00 6j35 3 66 2 00 03 83
Sounds . & 15 008 OQ2. | . ' . 4 00 3 30 1 10 O'i '
CODFISH > ew inrso bank cert , 4c ;
sea king , ( Jcorjics chunks , OXo ; clover leaf ,
UcorKCs strips , GJ < c : 1 lb rolls , 2 lb boxes ,
fc : nralrlo llowcr. 21bbrlck.Cc ; wild 10 0 , U
lb brick. Cc.
SMOKED FISH IJallbut , now. PC ; new
scaled herrings , 2.'c ; mackcicl I'Jc ; salmon ,
lite : MiiokeiltiirKeon. . ICc.
Holland herring , nuw , per keg , 7.r c ; now
lout : snlit btocklisli , lOc , now short split
stocklisli , OKc. J _
Grocora Lilst.
SYHUP Stanilanl O ffJc , bbls ; Standard ,
do 4-pallon kcjrs , SI. 10 ; New Oilcans 3S@-40c
jicr ( rallon ; 3Inplc Syrun , % barrel. P it O.
btrictly pure. 70c per gallon ; 1 pallon cans ,
JU.25 per doK fallen cans , S5.25 per doz ;
quart cans 8t.OO :
DHIKD KUUITS No. 1 Quarter apples , 4j c ;
evaporated , boxes , 8 ® 'c ; blackberries ,
boxes. SVfQtOc : peaches ; Eastern , 4Jf3,1 ;
peaches , evaporated , ! 5 > @ 17c ; Salt i ake ,
nuw , fr@Sitfc ; raspbeirles. now. 'J4@3"c ; cur
rants. now. ldi M\ \ prunes , new , 4 > i.S5c (
ES Ordinary craaes. d c : tnlr , 10@
10 > < c ; prlnio , llj < , ) l2c ; choice. 12j
lancy prcrn nnd yellow , 13K < ' < o ; old
eminent Java , ao@2Cc ! ; inteiior Java , 10
20c : Jlorha , Si ti-lc ; Arbuckle's roasted ,
Mtfc ; Jlcl.aub'hlln'a XXXX loasted , 18 Wo ;
Dilwoith's ISc ; Ui-d Cross. 13fc ;
1)1 1 wet Hi's : ( nd McLatiuliHn's XXXX arc
sold GOc i > er case olt above prices in a-caso ,
ots.tsuoAnarowdercd.TJiTcscittloaf.T cjKran-
ulated , 7Kc : contectioners' A. 7c : Stan
dard extra 0. r , e ; extra C. GVc ; incdluia
yellow. lU/c : New Oilcans. 55f0iic.
1'icKLES Medium in barrels. S ' . 0 ; do In
half barrels. $ ; .7.- ; small In barrel * , § 7. 0 ; uo
in half b.urels , 84. fl ; gherkins I" barrels ,
l < 0 : do in half barrels , $4.75.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial. SJ/3 ;
Kirk's satinet , S3.1f > ; Kirk's standard , f 3.RO ;
Kirk's White Russian. 54.i5 : ; Kirk's Whlto
Can. S0.50 ; Dome. W/A1.
CANNED UOOIH Oysters , Standard per
case. SH..O : strawberries , y-U ) . , pur case. SJ.bO ;
raspbeines , a-lb. , pur case , S'J.JB ; California
iieais. per case , JS-CO ; nprieots , per case ,
4.X ) ; peaehos , per case , 54.75 ; white cher
ries , iu > r case , SO.OO ; pliinm , per case , S4.00 ;
whortlebeiTlcs , per -case. S2.40 ; egg plums.
U-3) . . iicrcaso. § a. Oj srcon gages , 2IS. . , per
rase , 8'.0 ; pine apples , 2-a. , per case , S3.'JOa
jttjOtMATCIIKS Per caddie , 35c ; round , per case
45c ; Bciuarocasw , 81.70 ; Oshbosh cases , gr. ,
81.-JO : ninlH saiiaro , Sl.'J'i.
SALT Di-av loads , perbbl , 51.55 ; Ashton.
Jn hacks , eifc ; : : } ( sacks , Ashton , OOcbbls
dairy. ' '
coed , Ji5@
Tea .Slttlnus. Iba
1'i.uo TOIIACCO Climax , 4cperlblloi-so- ;
shoe , 4.'c ; Star , 4c : Speaihead , 40o ; ( ! old
Itoll , 4Cc ; I'luer lleidslclc. COc : I'uucli , : o ;
otiUKFilt41e : SllverTas , 4ic ( ; JT.l , tfJe.
Hori : Hlsal. H Incluuid larser , 8fc ; Inch ,
OWc ; Kluch. 9'tc.
CANDY Mlxedy'i@i2o : : stlcic. n > ' Ue.
SODA In lb papers , 33.-3 a case ; 'salsoda
kei ? per lb. 82.25.
ViNKOAii CmKii I3@i8c ; white wine , 15
OUACKIIHS darueau's soda , butter and
picnic , 55jc : creams , b e ; glnser snaps , S > oj
Uitv .soda , 7vL' .
UAMU.KS Hoxcs. < OH.Cs ll' o ; Ss , HKc ;
boxes , 40H > , 10 oz , Cs , llo ; hall box , 20U ,
07c ; avoite , COc ; us. c ; oeyJIoiin-
tain , We ; Kuncy , K * ; Dalby , 40o ; XoithStar ,
70c : ( teed l.uek. fi5o ; Oiir llest , iW'c.
bxAiicii Macara gloss , 1 lb , 0c ' ; Niagara
gloss , ! i lb , Oc ; Niagara gloss , Olb , 7c ; Niagara
. .
.J. 4\IU
Dry Goods.
PniN-TS Steel Ulver , Uio ; American , 5J :
Ainold'tf. Cc ; Cocheco , fxlaurhestcr. ; . Go ;
l.ynau. So : filoucester , 5Ve ; Duuuell Jao-
qnard , Cc ; Utinnell , 'iJi'c ; Windsor. Oc : I\v
ellic , Oc ; llanuony. 4VJc ; Anchor Shiitinifs ,
7Kc ; Meriimack Shlitints , 4 > o ; Uerwick ,
Ili.KACiiKii OOTTOXP. Farmers' choice.
OJ/JB : Cabot. CJ/c ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4-4 , 7iTc ( ;
10 $ ° ' 1'ousdale'b'5 rruitl8l4C ! N am-
CditsKT JIANS Kcarsarge , 7c ; Armory ,
7e ; IVnpeien. 7Ko ; Indian Orchard , 6 > 4c ;
Naumkeiiir. ic.
IJitoivN COITOX - l.awK'iiec 1/K , 5c ; Shaw-
unit i-L , 5c : Heaver iJam hi. , 6c ; Atlantio
LU . ' * ! ; Indian Ik-mi , 7o : \ \ aiic'msM't ' CJio :
Cio\tn XXX. si e : . I'llfton CCO. CUc :
Utica C , 4 > ic ; Atluntiei' , 6 c.
Fixn 13nowN COTTONS I'cppcrell n , OVc ;
repprrellO.S'jc. AriSC ci Statue pr Lib
ert v , Cc ; Snranao II. 6j c.
* > /Bu * Vvllllliumil , iMU , 1 m K. IOC , 1 OrK ,
fancr. 13Xc : Everett , 13c ; Haymaker's blue
ana brown , 7Uc-
Uucic-ljnblcaclied ( ) So ? . .Maanoll.i , lOi c ;
10 or. .Magnolia , I2ci oz. West 1'olnt , I0)fo ;
10 oz. West Pojnt i 'u'-
LJUciv JcoIorOdJ 1'nston 0 Oz. brown atul
drab , 13Uc : Uoston , 011 brown aud drab , S cj
Ho ton XX brown and drab lOc : Uostou
XXX brown and drab.ll'to ; lloston 01'blue ,
HKc : Warren Tricot IX.
TK'Kixos Aiuo-keae ACA 12Kc : Thorn *
t'kc ' OOO , "Jfc ; Thorndlkcfancy , 0,4c ; / orlc
lo c ; Vork fancy , 12' ' c ; Mlflbury , l3J < c ;
1'earl Hlvcr , ll'ic ; Ilainllton , 12c : bwift
Hlvcr. 0 ic : bhetucUet s , sUc ; Shctuckct SS
0' < c : Jlontank AA , 12c ; lontauk U13,10 } < c :
Oineea ACA. U n . , .
IIIXOIIAMS Kcntrew. L'GJIOUc ; Amoskc-a
dress. c : Amoskea ? . staple , 7 > , c : Ivanho
DJi'c ; Wamsutta. 'jc ; Nubian , > < c ; War
wick , 6Hc : Whlttonilon. Uc : Hates , dress Sc :
Dates , staple , ojfc ; ItandolDli staple , ,6 } < c
Lansdowne. 7c : Gloucester. 7) ) < c.
CiiKViots Amoskea ? , chCeiks.OXc : Amos
kaR , stripes , 8c } ; Slater , stripes , sc : Kdln-
buri ; , lifc ) : Whlttrndon , stripes. 8c ; Glen-
rose , Oc ; oils , checks , l > Kc ; Otis , stripes , t c ,
Itoyal OJ/c ; Amoskea ? , napped , lOjfc : Lu-
ray , book fold , 12c ; Oberon , boolc fold , 11X 2 ,
Endurancu , book fold 12c.
Dry litiinbcr ,
Dl.Mr..NaiON9 AX1 > TLMlinilS.
| l3 ft'll ' ft'lO ' ft'lS ' ft'sO ' ft'22 ' ftllMft
2x4 13.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 10.00
2x0 H.50.14.50 11.50,15.50,18.50 , , 111.50 20.50
2x ? ll5.0'V15.00 ' 15.00 1B.OO 17.JO'1W ( ( , 19.00
2x10 15.00,13.00, , , 17.00'20.0lM.ra )
2x12 15.1)0,15.00 ) i 15.00,10.00 | 17.00 , 10.00,20.00 ,
4x4-.x8 . 15.0015.00l5.00i0.0017.00il8.00il9.00 | ! ;
Clear , liich Yellow Pine . 22.00
Clenr. % Inch Xorwny . 14.00
2d Com. , ( f Inch. Norway . 13.00
1st nnd 2d Clear , iv Indus. 23 . S5000
Ibt nnd 2 < l Clear , lj < and 'J Uicli , s 'Js. . . . 50 00
: ) d Oar , IV Inch , s'Js . 4800
3d Clear , lk und a inch , s Us . 4800
H Select. IX , IK and s Inch. s. Us . aiOO
1st and''d ' Clear , 1 mull , s. Us . & 000
i'd clear. 1 Inch , s Ut . 44iV )
A Select , 1 Inch , s. Us . 4000
U Select. 1 Inch. s. Us . UUfiO
Xo. Iboanls 13 , 14 It . and 10.00
No. Sboards , 13 , 14 It . and 10.75
No. Sboards , 12 , 14 ft . ind 19.75
No. 4 boards , JU , 14 ft . nnd 14.U5
No. 1 , 4&0 Incu , laandSlO-M 14 feet , rough. .
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 10 leet 14.50 , rough .
No. 2 , 4 ttl ( Inch , 12 and 12.50 1 feet , rough. .
No. U , 4 A ; 0 inch. 10 leet 10.f > 0 , tough .
I'Ol'I.AH I.IJMlinit.
Clear Poplar box hds , X ins , Us . $ . ,0.03
" ll J < iin , panel stk wide , s Us. 27.10
" " Ciirrucaled Cellliiir ' , } { . . . UU.OO
JtAStandaid . S2.00
5 inch , clear , S1.50 ; 0 Inch , clear . 1.00
No. ! . . . . . . . . . 1.10
Lath . 2.UO
1st Com. , Jflnch White Pine . $150.00
2d Com. , i Inch Whlti ! Pine . 23.50
1st Com. 0 Inch , white nine . § 3000
2 < 1 Com. 0 Inch , white pine . 3400
M Com. 0 inch , white pine . 2000
1) . Oinch , white pine . 2000
Com 4 nnd 0 Inch yellow pine . 17.50
Star 4 nmlO inch yellow pine . 21.00
1st and 2d clear yellow plno 4-0 Inch. . . 23.50
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . 517.00
No. 2 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . 15.00
No. 1O. G . 17.50
White Cedar , Glnrh , halves . 8 11
" " 5 " " andSinq'rs 9
" " 4 " round . . . . . 11
Tennessee rod cedar , split . 14J
A 12 inch , 1 s 13 , 14 and 10 leet . 540 00
15 " " " " " " . 41 00
C " " " " " " . 80 00
1) " " " " " . 'JIJ 00
No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 It. . 17 50
No. I " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 1800
No. 3 " " " 12 , 14 aud 10 It. . 1550
Qiiincy white limo ( best ) , 85c ; cement.
Akion , bl.75 ; plaster , § 2.30 ; luilr , per bushel
aOc ; sabh , 50percpnt off Ibt ; dnois , blinds ,
inoiildinirs , 60 per cent off list ; tarred felt , per
cwt. , S1.75 : straw board. Sl.X ( ) .
Cr reftson of Its contra ! position and clone relation to
nil principal lines l > t and Wert. at Initial and ter
minal polnt > . conitltntos the Hunt Important mlit-
llnlc In that * vit < > m nf throuch tianporv
tloll which Invltos and rlcllltatr travel and trafTo
tween cltlei of the Atlantic nnd Pacific CoaBtn. 1C
alto thp faTorlta and bcit route to and from points
, st. Nnrthoa't and Boutheait , and corrovondliiE
poluti Went , Northwcit and Boulhweet.
The Great Rock Island Route
Oimrantcrs III patronii tliat rcnm of personal n-
rltT afrorrted liy a wild , tlioroiighly ballaitcd road-
JwJ , "moolli tracks of rnntlnnoiu > fe l rail , tubitan-
t talU built culvert ) and lirjilirci. rolling slock aa near
porfecllon ai human rkljl can innUo It. the safety
apnllancM of patent Uilircri.plnlforniBand alr-brakei ,
ndtl > ateiactliiyill ilpllne ; nhlrh ( torenii the prac
tical operation of all Iti train * , oilier specialties of
hls route are Traiiifers at nil connectlnit points In
Union l > cnots , and the mum patmod comfoltM and
luiurlesoj Itn Passenger Eijiilpment.
The Fast KiprpH Trains lietueen Clilcatrn and
Peer a. Council lllilir * . Kansas Our. leiTenworili ani
AtohUon nio coinpourd of well tentllatrd , llnely up-
holttered nay Coaches. HaBnlllernt Pullman Palace
Olcopi'iiof the latest design , and ( iiniriiioiisJlnUiB
Can. In whlcn el l > ornlely eooked nifolBaie Irf.uiftj
eaten. Ili-lwcenClilciii.-o nntl Kenj rlty nnil Xlc-Ji son
am also inn the Uvliliratca JleellnlnKCIinlr Cars.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
Is the direct and fnvoilto line between Chicago and
Mlimeapollsandst , I'aul.wliera connections nrft made
' ' 'Hpl "U potsfoi- all points In the li-nltorles and
llrKUh ProYlni-ci. Oror this iciito ( ant KxrrcM
rralns are run to the wateilnif places , nimmnre -
Borw. picturesque localities , and huntlnir and lUblnir
Broundsof louu anil Minnesota. It la also the moil
, ' 'rable ' route to the rlcli wheat Holds anil pastoral
lands of Interior Dakota.
HUH another Wltr.OT I.1NB. Tin Beneca nnd Kan-
kukee , has been open.d between Clnrlnnatl , Indian.
unolls and Ijifayettn. and Counrll lllufli , Kaunas City ,
Ulnnrapolls and 61 , Paul and Intermediate points.
For detailed Information ire Maps nnd Folders ,
ohtaliiaMo.aa well as llckoti , At all pilntlpal Ulckef
omcei la tbo United tUtfs and Canada ) or by ad-
' Oen'lT'Xta J'uis. Ag't ,
" "T
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only rend to take for DPS Molnos , Map-
Pliiilltowii , Cedar Huplils , Clinton. Dlxlo. Chlca o.
MIlwHUkoo unil all i ) | nt8 cast. To the iicoplo ol
Ncbnibka , Coloniilo , Wyomlnir , Utah , lilaho
Ni'Viulil.UreKOii , Washington and Calirornln It
oireni ui > GrIor uilvimtngus not nossiblo by any
other llnu
Ainoiij : n few of the numerous points ot supo-
riorlty cnJoyeU by the patrons of this roiuibo-
twccn Onmha nnd Llilcuvo , uro Its two trains a
day of DAV COACHES which are the llnost that
hurniin iirt and iiiRomilty can create. Its 1'AI/-
ACE SUMM'lNa CAUS. whloii nro models of
coinfoitandeloeiinco. Itsl'AUWU DIIAWINd
ItOOXt CAUS. iiii ! > urnassod by any , and Its wldo-
ly celebrated l > A.ATlAh 1)N'IN6 | CAII3 , ttio
equal ol whloh cannot bo found tiUowlioro.
Al ComiPll Illnrrii the trains of the Union Paci-
no y. uninout In Union Deitot with those of Uio
Clilcuiro & Nortliwestorn Ry. Jn Chlcajo the
trains of. IhU Ihiu nmko close connection with
tlin oof all eastern linos.
For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis. Ciiiclu
iiRtlNliiKar Fall * , llutralo , I'ittsbnrir. Toronto
Jlonlical , Ilnrton , Now York , 1'litladulphla , Hal-
timoi < .Washington und all pulutu lu thu cast , ask
tbo ticket at'ont for tickets via thu
11 you wish the best accommodations. All ticket
Uvucrul Mauufc't-r. Gen. 1'as.j , Airom.
CiilCAOO *
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
AmlBnloon , Ofllco ami Hank Fixtures. MnrVct
niifUturjJil fcts. , Chicago , 111. Umahn oraco,609
S. | OthT
* " " -
* W * *
i ' Book Binding , Etc ,
CO. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Ulank Hook .Mmiiifncturcrs. Nos. 100 nnj
.IQSSonth Uth Street. Omnhn , Nob. _
Bridges-Steam Pile Driving.
Knplncers and roiitrnctors.
Bridges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination and 'fowo Truss Hrldec' ,
1'lllntr nnd O k Timber. U.h St. , ncnr Fnrnnin.
Tolcphono No. 734 ,
Manufactnrir of Butter Tubs ,
M Jt > , "Co ; 40 lb , TOc ! 2S B > , 24o ; 20 B > , S2cj 100
In ? , roc. Ibth nnd Plereo St ! . , Omalm , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX MKVKll & CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Ouns and Ammunition. 215 to 223 South 11th
Street. 10J.-0 to HL'4 Fnrnnin Street , Omnhn , Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And WliolosnloDcnlerslnLcnf Tobaccos. Nos.
108 nnd 110 N. Hlh Stiect , Omnlin , Neb.
Eagle Cornice Y/orks / ,
John Hpcnoicr , Promlctor. JInuiifnr.turor of
finlMtiil/cil Iron tuid Cornice. HSI Dod o audlOl
nnd 103 North 10th Street , Onmlin , Neb.
Mnnufacturorsot Ornnmcntnl
' Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Flnnls , Etc.,310 S. 12th St. Workdono
In any pni t ot tlio country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECHT , Proprietor.
Onlvnnlzeil Iron Coinlco , Etc. Spccht'1' Im
proved I'alcntMetniruSUyllght. 60S nnd 51US.
J2lh St. , Omnhn , Neb.
Doors , Sash. Etc ,
The Gate City Pltniug Sill ,
Doors , PttMi nnil llllnils. Also nil kinds of
turning. Scroll and Stair work of every de
Mnnufncturer and Denier In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stnlr llnils n specialty. Telephone No. 03
_ 13th nnd Maicy St . , Omaha , Nob. _
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnsonlc Block , timnhfl. Dnrtlar Alarms. Bells ,
Flro Alarms , Klcctrlu Mnttlnir , Spcaklnjf Tube * ,
Gold , Silver nnd Nickel Plating , lite. _
Iron and Nails.
Cut Kails and Spikes ,
Fire Nulls a Spc ; ialty. Omaha , Neb.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery , Castings , Ptcam Enpines , Uollcrs ,
Aj-ehitectunil Iron Work , Iron Hrldwcs , Jllnlnt ?
and Mill Machinery. Olllco and works , Union
PaclUo H. K , 17th nnd ISth Streets.
Foundry Works.
Cor. 14th and Jnclcson Sts. , jirojinred to do nil
kinds of Iron and Ilrnss Castings ; alee , O , O.
Uunnlstor's llocKlnit Grate Hnrs inaiiiiractnroa
Mattresses ,
E. M.
Mattress Company ,
Manufncturlnfr Mattrctscs , HcdUinpr , Fcnthor
Plllowp , Cots , Ktc 1200 and 120S Douglas Street ,
Omnha.jJcb. _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Phlrte , Ktc. , 1102 nnd 1101 Douglas
Street , Omaha , Nob.
Safes ,
OmafaTafeWorks , "
Wannfncturor of Flro and Burglar Proof Rafo ,
Vnult Doors. Jail Work. Shutters nnd Wlro
\Vprk. Cor. 14tb nnd Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Soap Manufacturer ,
Office nnil Factor- , near Powder Mngnziro ,
Omulin Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
1 Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
1315 nnd 1317 Hurncy slreot , Omalm , Neb. Bole
Agents in Nebraska for Jones' Celebrated Split
Shalt Sulkies.
Established 1833.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
1400and 1411 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob.
White Leadu
Corrodcrs and Grinders of
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Omaha , Neb. Levl Carter , 1'ieg.j C. W. 1 MeaJ ,
Vieo Pros. : H. W. Yatcs , Sec. undTrcus.
TheMillard ,
S. Shears , J.n. Markcl.ThoB. Swobo , I'roprlctora
Omulin , XcbruEko.
jircade Hotel ,
JnmesCnbojr , Proprietor.
. 15 anil l-'n.Doupliia Ht. , Uniulm , N'cl ) .
Tliopntrcniiiiruoteoniiiiuiclnl men rcbpoetfull ;
eollultt- . They will find thla the bust t u Ui.y
houeo wctt of Cblcnvo.
? lanters Housa ,
. I'ltoi'itiirroit.
o. n. FKiutis ,
Hates , S1.5U pur Ony , Slroct curs tiom TJ. P.
ilepot , within oiio block of houbu. Corner
lUth Etreuts , Omahu , Nou.
The Cozzens ,
P. Humsoy & Co. , Proprietors.
Hates St-.OO jicr day , no ilurk looms. Omaha ,
Neb. Also jiiciiriuuirb of 1'ulucu Hotel , Huntu
Fo , Now .Mexico.
Canfield House ,
Cor. Nlmh nnil I'lirnnin Bts. The best 12 per
tiny hotel in Umahu. UoinoilcluU , icIurnUhoJ ,
rcdCGorutul ; one block from ni my headquarters ,
oi ) > o ltu Union I'acltlo betulnunricw : Miisct card
piD-d thu door. Gcoriro t'ttntli-M & < o. , proprie
tors. Also Uulou Stock Vurda Hotel , South
Oiuuho. _
Hotel de Gees ,
T. GOOS , Proprietor ,
European I'Jttii. Tbo only centrally located SI
nduyhoubu. Thieo doors from lloyil'b Uptr.i
lloubouml oiio-hulf bloi'.k from thu J'oMDllicu
and the Court llouoo. 1V V > K , Kli 1'otiiaw
Agricullural ImplcmenlSi
' " * * "
LiNiNanu AMnrcAiJi1 ccC
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Office , Corner Cth nnd 1'aclflo Sts , Omaha , r
l'AHUN7our.NT > OUKF fe MAKT1N ,
Wholesale Dealers la
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
anil lUipglcs , Omaha Nob.
Cilt' ' UCH1L1 1'AliKEl
' \VholcsnloDcolcr In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cnrrlngcs ixntl nupBles. ,1tnc" < St. , bet. 8th anil
10tliOmnlinNob ,
Bools and Shoes.
" \V"v. MOl'SU & CO.r' "
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
MIlFnrnnm Street , Omnlin , Neb. Manufactory ,
Summer Street , Boston.
Carpels. _
S. A. OUCHAltD ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattlnita , Curtnlu Qoodn , Ktp. . H33 1'nrnnni
_ Street , Omnlin , Nob. _ _
Coal , Lime , Etc , _
" "
Goal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Office , 2138. Hth ft. , Omnlin. Neb. Yards , Otli
and Di'vcnpoit Streets.
Dealers in Ilard and Soft Coal.
Hcst varieties. OfllcoS13S. inthSt. Tclcphono
Ko. Hit. , Oinuhn , Neb. _
NEiutAsicA runti co. ,
Shippers of Coal and Cofco ,
S14 S. 13th St. , Omnlin , Nob.
nro. C.TOWI.K , 1'rcslJont.
GEO. PATTT.nsos , Sec. nnd Troiis.
J. 11. K. A. ll.u.cii ,
I'roprlotnr. Jlnn
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Offlcc , 'J17 S. 13th Stiect. Telephone 15.
CEO. ! ' . I.AiiAon. I'rcs. C. 1' . OOOIIMANV. IVca.
J. A. SUXUKIIINI > Sec. niul Trcns.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of hard nnd 'Oft coal , 2dU S. Uth St. ,
Oitinlw , Nub. -
Hard and Soft Coal.
ExcluBlvo denlerB In Bonliler Colorado Conl , 17
foutli Htli btrcc-t.
_ Coffee and Spices ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tcn . ColTecs , Spleen , Ilnklm ; 1'owilcr. Tlnvorlnff
Kxtrncls , Lniimlry llfiin , Ink , etc. 14H-1U Htu-
ney Street , Oniuliu , Nob. _
Commission , Etc. _
" "
" " "
lillANCII & CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Fnrnnra St. . Omnhn. Apples Our own | .aok-
Inp I'lnlt & Co/s TlBor llinnd Oystcrp , lluttor ,
.BBf , Gnmo , Poultry , Potatoes. _
General Commission Merchant ,
I'roiluco , Pie visions. Fruits , 1'lour nnil Food , 105
P. Hlh St. , Omnlin , Nob. Cun&ljiiiinonts solicited.
Hctiirns inndu promptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Clitcso , SniiEnireo , Fruits , Uutrliers' Tools nnd
Supplies. 1U15 .lones St. , Omtilm.Jveb. _
\f. E. :
General Commission Merchant.
SPECIALTIKS Cheen1. Uuttcr. Esruf , Poultry
mnl ( iiitno , 112 S. 14th. , Omaha , Neb. Tclc-
liliono jo. 'M'i.
D. A. It
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , HUES mid Produce. A full line of Stono-
wure. Coiiblt'tnuciitfl bollcltod. 14U lodao St. ,
Onmha. _
" " E. MOHONV ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , Efrirs. Clieeso nnd Country 1'rodiieo gen
erally , SOU S. 12th St. , Oliinbn , Nub.
MCSHANK & 6cmtoiniii : : ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Hcfrlperntor and Papkinir HdiiFo.litli fc Leaven-
-ivoith St. , on U. P. 11.1J. Tinck , Omnlin , Neb.
Established 1870.
General Commission ,
HIS. 14tb St.Omnlm , Nob. Speeinlllcs Huttur
S , Poultry nnd Onmo.
nilOS. ,
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , Produce nnd Provisions , Omnlin , Nab
( Kuccos or to A. P. Srlinck. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 213 South 12th Street. Omnlin , Nob.
" TROXEI// , &
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Flour , Apples , Slniicwnro , Clder.VlncKnr ,
( Imps Seeds. Dutlcr nnd Kjrj'K yn nnd ! l5 South
13th btreet , Omubn , NebniEkit.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Duller , Came , Fmltc , Ete. J.'COP. HIU
HI. , Oimilm , Ncbniskn.
Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits ,
Meats , J.nrd , Jellies. Iluttcr , Kjrgs , diccEC. Etc.
_ No. 305 .jtli : ; St. , Umulin , Neb.
General Commission Merchants ,
KOeUodgo Street , Oiimlin , Neb. CoiiEldiimc'iila
315 12th Street , Omnhn , Neb. Speclultlus : Hut-
tor , lX't'3 , iiiiiICIilcKeiis ,
Atfcni for tlio Mnnufuuturerg ami Importori ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , ChlmncyH , I'.lc. Olllco , U17 South 13th
Sticet , Omaha , Nob.
Dry Goou's ,
j. j. IIHOWN & co.i '
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , .
ira Uoujjlns Street , Omaha , Nob.
Wlioksalo Dealers la
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , Lucut , r.mhroldcry nnil Whltu C'oods ,
lOEODoUBliisBticct , Oiniihii , Nub. _ _
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary and portable cnglnee , hollers end
Eht'ct iron uotk , WUKOHS , iiurlciiltiirul lniuo >
iiicnte , pumps etc. lx'13-1215 lcavcnworthri
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
" *
Dealers In Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
111 t JiicUtou Sti cot , Omaha , Xcb.
SLOMAN 111(03. ( ,
Leatlier , Saddlery Hardware ,
Saddlery and Choo rinJini-'H , Illilco , VVor.l , Pure ,
PclIB , Gieate , Tullow , lUu.Onuha Nut ,
Flour , Etc. _
V.'K. ' I'JILETON. ni:0. : ItlCIIAIlOSCtr
WM. I'ltKSlO.N 4 : CO.
Wholesale Flour ,
* C'6 , ' .10 uiiil dlZ ricrto Strict Oiuahu , Ktb.
Agent for J. C.loSintiyr ! * Co. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
liy Holler nnd Itunpnrlnn Process. Warchoxi'o ,
1213 Jones Street. Umntift , Nob. _
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Mnmifftcturors of VT. J. Wclshnns & Co.'s Quick
Itnlflntt lluckwhctit Hour nnd proprlclorsOmnhn
City Mill ; , cor. 8th and Fnrnam streets , Oiiinhn.
" "
Fis'i ' , He.
6uccc sors to Ickcn Flcmsscn .t Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of yorclpn Pish , No . 911-013 Jonci
s _ _ Slicct nnd U. P. Track , Omnhn , Nob. > - ,
Furniture , Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furnitara ,
Knrnoni Street , Omohn , Neb. _
Groceries. " _ _
ALI.HN 111108. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
_ 1110nndlll2 Douglas St reel , OniMm , Nob.
E. 11. CHAPMAN & CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco and Smokers' Article ! , 1217Howard _ SL
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Fplces , ClBiiiR nnd Tobaceon. 1317 nnd 1310 UrtUjf
Ins Sttect , Omnhn , Neb. _
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnil Farimin Strecte , Omnlin , Neb.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 05 , ,07 , 701 ami 711 S. 10th St. , Oinulia , Neb.
Hardware. _
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Bprlnps , WIIRIIII Stock , Hitnlnooil Lumber , etc.
li.VJ nnd 1211 llnincy Etrccx , Omnhn , Neb. _
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Carrlnfro Wood Slock , Heavy Hunlwnro ,
Klc. 1217 and 1219 Leavenworth Street , Omaha ,
iminilAUGH &TAYI.OII ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools ami llulfalo Scale * HOSDoiiR-
Ins Street , OmuhnNub.
LKK , riUHD & CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Etc. Agents for Howe Scales anil
Miami Powder Co. , Omaha Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Monties , C rules Urncs jrooils. 1321 and 1321 Far-
mini Street.
Wholesale Hardware and Hails ,
Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. 10th mid llarncy
Streets , Omaha , Nob.
Mamifactmcr of the
Deeping Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. JT. Lorlmcr. GcncriU Affcnt ,
Omaha. TelopuonuOlU.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
" " " " *
cow i NO & co ,
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbirs in lion 1'lpo Iron V ttlnjrs. Iron mid
Ilruss ( londf , Knirlnuers' Supjillos. Htn nnil
Uoilgo Ktirctd , Oniiilut , Nub.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Etcam , Water , Hiillwuy nnil Milling Siippllcj ,
Vi ( > , 'JS3 nnd 1)21 ) Kurimm St. Onmha , Kcl ) .
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Eteam and Wnlcr Supplies. Heailquartars fo-
Matt l-'dott Co.'s Gooils. 1111 i'lirimin tjtrcot ,
Oranlia , Neb.
" "
\Vholesale \ Jewelers.
Dealers In Silverware , Diamonds , Watchjs
Clouku , Jowulora' Tonls amlMutoriaU , Klc. , 101
nnd 11M , 15th Street , Cor. Dodge , Unialia , Neb.
Live Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Ynnlago Charged.
> Close to IT. P. HrldKO. npeelalneeommodatlon
and a peed market lor JIORS. U. C. Coojiur , Man-
ojjcr. onice. South fith Street.
Live Stock Commissian
lico. lluikc. Maiinser ,
Union Stock Ynrds , S. Omiiha. Tolo.ihono fiSZ
W. K. IIHOWN * CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Onieo Kxehnnso lltilldinir , Union Hlock Yards ,
, South Oninhii , Nob. TelciilionoNo , iXO.
. SON & CO.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Slock Ynnls Chicago , 111. , nnd flinnha ,
Neb. I'm ilk ( hlttendcu.MnmiKi1 ! ' Omaha llranch.
Ti lepliono No. 2bJ. Kitubllhhcd lb - ' .
W. L. PATH1CIC & CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
/.ililicKsnllcomiminlcnlloiisto us at I'nlon Stock
tj. South Omaha. Advanceimidy on stock.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John 1' . Itoyd , Superintendent.
[ Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Eliij.niriilH ol tiny and nllkliultmf n
, cd. L'nlonM ' cli Viiitlj.Onnilm , .Ntli.
Lumber , Etc.
1 " " loins iiHAnroii ( ) ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lima ,
Eneh , Doors , Klo. Yinds Cor. 7th and "
Cor. Oth mul'
of Sasii Blinds
Manufacturers , Doors , ,
MouldliijiH , Flair Wet k r.ii'l ' Inlcilor Hard Wood
I'lnlsh. Jtitt opened. N. K. cor. tlh ami l.cavcn.
v.cith Stixetb , Omuliii , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
EH S. 14th Stiect , Omaha , Neb. I' . Colpcucr ,
Manager ,
Lumber ,
13th nnd California Sircet ? , Omaha , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , CementEtc. , . , Etc.
Cor. tlU and Douglas Stretls' , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer In Lumbsr ,
Omaha , Nebruska.
" "
CII AS. 11. LEE ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wr.fcn Flock , Fancy WoodsHiMso Tlinbt > ri ,
& .C. , S , W. Cor. ' . 'Hi and loii li , ( Jiiiali.iei > .
0. i.LYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Dcors , Blinds ,
IlUldiiif i'upcr , Ete. Hontli Uth Stn > c C "a ,
Nebraska Lumber Co.
Fuid Jn Ciipitnl Stock. $300,0.10.
jx ) trciuiuunurucluri'ril and wlioluittlo ileal-
( rt. Mlirnu Meu-UI , Wis. Wholemlo and mtull
OittributlniryiidOmahu , Neb. Oil a.
OMAHA I/'Mntm 00 ,
Dealers In All KlmH of
Building Material at Wholesale.
IF th Street and 111.0111'ac fl j Track , Oinalin.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
roth and Izard Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
" "
j. A. vr.vKEnr.i.p ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
RulldhiK Papers , Paih , Doors , lllhuls , Moulf .1
IIIKS , Pickets , Post * , I.Imo , Plnstor , Haf J
Cement. Nlntn ana Jonc , Omaha , Nob.
* , ,
+ rvj * * + sS > * + S + * * * * rv > f * v + - ttf
1. ORKUKRt.Dr.K ,
Importers ami Jobbers ot
Millinery and Notions ,
Kin nnd 1J14 Harnoy Street , Omaha , Noh. - '
Musical Instruments ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Stclnwny Plnnoi. Weber , Decker. Unities and I
llrlpKH Pmnos , Pncknrd Organs , Cnnso Orffnni. I
101 and 103 15th street. II
Notions , Etc ,
j. u niiANiir.s & SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots , , ,
Pry Rood * , Notions , ( IcntV 1'urnlJhliiK Oot > l . I
( Inoclu fiiim Now Yink. Triulo sales ilmly. 5011
ami 504 ikmth llltli St. , Omaha.
French and German Fancy Goods ,
Druggists' and Stal loners' Sundries. 1115 Fto *
nam , Omaha , Nrb. I
J , f. Robinson Notion Company , x I
4K1 and < W S. 10th SIOmaha , Neb. 1
Wholeeulo Dealers In Notions and Gents Pur
lilshhitf Goods. |
Oils , Etc.
coxsouiuTnn TANK
V/holesale / Dealers in Oils , f
Gnsnllnc , Mien Axle ( ! n'i\M % T.lo. A.M. lllshopi
Mannfter , Umnlm , Neb ,
Pork Packing ,
JAMiS : K. I1OY1)7
PorK Packer and Shippar ,
Omnhn ,
Packers aud Provision Dealers ,
OOlce , Union Market , 1317 Dodue Streot. 1'aelclnir
bontu , U. I1. 1U H.TiaeU , Omaha , Neb. Tolo-
. 157.
Safes nnd Locks ,
P. IlOYUll Sc CO. ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
l-"lro nml IlurKlor Proof Siifcs.Timo txck , VaiiHl
nnd .lull iviuk. KWI I'nriiiiin street , Omaha , Neb
.1. KVANS ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Agricultural. Vcpetiihlo. Kte. Oilil Fellows' lit' ' ,
_ N. W. Cor. 11th and Doihju St . , Omaha , Neb.
Drugs , Etc.
' '
Wholesale Draggists ,
Jobbers of Paints , Oils , Wlrduw ( llnss Eto. ,
lliirney Stiuot , Oiiialia , Neb.
TJIK rjOODMAN 1 > IU(5 CO j f
Wholesale Druggists ,
And Denier In Paints OIH nnd Window
Omaha , Neb. ,
Wines and Liquors. _ j
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , ; '
nml K0Douifliis St. , Omnhn , NuU
torlcs-Nos. 4 nililM ! , 3d Ulat. N. Y. . .
Succe or lo ) icHMAitA & DUNCAN , Iraportort
anil Wholesale Dcalern in
\Vincs , Liquors and Cigars ,
l lOK. 14th St. , Oimilm , NuU
11. K. GllOTTR ,
Wines and Liquors.
WcEtom At'iil J" > n. Schllt7. llrcwhiff Co. 719S.
Dili Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
' _ 1SJ1 Doiiuius HI reel , Omaha , Nob.
IMH & co. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
Anil Liquors. Solo mniinfiictiirors ot K cnno.Iy's
Kii't India Hitlers. 111U llanipy Btreet , Omnlin ,
Wholesale Dealers In Whiskies
And ri'mrti , nnd ( lencinl Aifi'iits lor Ilio Philip
Ur.slb' Celeluatril .Mnuiileu | | llcor , Omaha , Neb
Harness , Etc.
Jlninifiicl in era nml Jobbers ot
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Tun ( iuoils , Illnnketa nml llnlics. IC.'l l-.imain
Sliei't Omuliii. N'eb.
Chicap , Milwaukee & St , Paul
The Short Line
and Best Route \
From Omaha to the East. '
ChliMKO , .Mhiiii'iipolK ' Mlhvuul.c'e ,
f I , I'aul , Crilnr ItiipMs , Dnrenpori , > ,
Clinton. Diilnuiiii ; , Hocklonl , ff
Hock Iblanil , I'lceiKHt , .liiiioii'lllo , " '
V'.lKln , .Miiill-iin , I.nCiosso ,
llolnll , Win i
AnUiillotliei Impoinun puliit ? iiq : ; , Nortliua it -l
iinilHoiiihcast. il
TlcUct nllic-c nl 1IUI l-'niimiii MrLul.dii Pnxlon ' $1
lloli Ii. mid nt t'nlnil Pui'lllu Ili'pol.
Pilllinan Sleopcu rnul ilin 1'dic't-t Dining OKI
In IlinVoild inn inn DM tlin niiiln llnus or tlio
CiiiiMoMu.\vu'Kn.vyr ! : I'M \ii.w.irund i | (
t'Vi'iy iittcnlliin lh pan ! to im si'iit'C'iy liy com to-
DUB t'liinliiyc.s of thu ciiiiipiiny ,
11. MII.I.I.II , ( ioncrul .MIIIIIDTIT.
J , l' . TIICKKII , AMMiint ( iuncral Manairiir.
A. V. II , I.MII'INIIII ; : , nc.unil Pnnenrit ail 1
Ticket A'cut.
( ii.o. K , lIu.UFOim , AetUtaiii Gen
cr ami Tiukot . \
Kall'sSaf es , Vaultsjimel ocks
and Jail Work.
] OC6 ] 'aniam .Street , Omulw Neb.
Commission Merchant ,
And Wliolcfolo Dtulcr In
Country Produce , Fruits , Butler , Eggs , Etc ,
3:0 ; : N , i6fth St. , Omaha , Neh ,
HrCrruncfH , by I'crniUelon First Kutlonol
Hunk. lnbuiiio | ; A , H. ( iiinctnii , Oushlcr Hloiu
National Hunk , jjlonx City ; lonuXutiunul lliuiU
IH's MIIIUH | ; II. M.KIniriniui , Abilblant Cuslior
I'lm Nulltiiiul lliinUailcat'o. (
R. E. Htmre , Lincoln ,
Uighes. . udarkut.Pnco .