Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1886, Image 2

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c. -
Advcrtlffmtnts under th 8 bond 10 cents per
Inn for Uio tlrst Insertion. 7 osntsfor each
subsequent lr.sorUlnnnd 51W n IIIIP permonth.
Bevcnrrords will lie counted to tliolinos they
mint run consccutlrelr nnd must bo paid In ad-
Tftnco. AH advertisements ra JSt bo handed in
before 2 o'clock n. m. , nnd under no circtim-
etnnccs will they bo taken or discontinued br
rnrtlcsadvertising In those columns nnd liar-
Inp tlio nnswcrs addros txl in cnro of Tun HER ,
will plttxEo nsk for chock to enable them to got
their letters , ns none will be delivered except on
prcptntntlon ot check. All answers to adver
tisements thouldbo enclosed In envelopes.
. T ( ) LOAN on horses , wnironi , fur
niture , wntchos , Ilboiit rcmoynl. 'I'liriiis
cnsy. C. .1 Caswcll. lloom lit. lion Hunk lln ! < !
in ? , Kth nnd Fiirniui. . Tnko elevator. _ coo-mh.
Jf(0ono to lonn on city residence proiiorty
$ Oeo. W. Day , ir/W rnrnnm. "i
, LOAN Money many nmount ,
On all eln M8 ! of security.
Bhorttinio loims on real oitate.
I.OHK tlmo lonns on real estate.
Mooryto loan on chntlcli.
Mohoy to lonn on < ti-rnl .
Money to lonn on nny Rood securitr.
Terms cnny , time to suit. , , „ ,
Apply nt the Omnhn Financial Kxclmnsro ,
lliirki-r's btilldinif , 8W corner of
Fifteenth nnd rnrnnm sts. , upstairs s
: TO LOAN on Improved nnd unim
proved city properly. Cunnlnijhiim i
llrcnnnn. 1511 Dodge street.
fiTr t-vcrybodyt Vou cnn borrow
MONKY on furniture , horses , wnifons ,
nlnnos , stock of nil kinds , diamonds and line
wntcbeson your own tlmo. I'nymcats iccolved
Rt miy tlmo , nnd Interest reduceil pro rntn.
J'ropcrty loft In your own possession. Terms
] woatfic lowest. Call nnd BCO mo.rHiiBlncss
c nfldontlnl. Nondvaiitngo tnhcn..ll. . trort ,
Hoom 4 , Wllhnoirs NewllulK'liiB.Northennt cor
ner 15th and Hniney. - "
ONEY TO LOAN O. K. Dnvli & Co. Heal
M Kotato nnd Lonn agents , 1505 Fanmtn Bt.
TO LOAN On good nccurltlcs. A
MONEY , room 7 Itcdlck Illock , 1509 Fnrnnm
Bt. -111-
TO LOAN On chnttels , Wooloy A
Harrison , room SO , Oimihn National bink
TVTONKV TO LOAN On icnl cstnto and chat-
J'Jtols. . I ) . L. Thomas. , " ' 4
TO LOAN In sums of $200 and up
wards on first-class real estate security.
Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farimm St. - ' ' >
LOANED nt C. F. Hoed i Co'S. Loan
MONKY , on furniture , pianos , hoisos , wngons
pcreonnl property of all Rinds and nil other ar-
ilclea of value , without removal. Over 1st Nnt'l
Bnnk , corner 13th nnd Farnam. All business
Btrlctly confldentnl. KW
"TriOll SAM : A $2,500 stca' < of millinery goods
J In splendid location. A big bargain lor. some
cno as a liberal ilNeount will bo given. For fur
ther particulars address II W , lleo Olllce. 411-12
"nioil SAM At nntlnunrlun , opposite Crelgh-
JJ ton lilook , i n 1Mb St. , near Douglas ; nltorud
block- , enlarged ? arlety ami greater burgnlns.
T71O.H8ALI : Stock and llxturcs of my fancy
JL1 goods and notion stoio. Mrs. Folger. 1518
Douglas st. 308-10 *
"ITIOKSALK A drugstore in ngood llvotown ;
JC n llrnt rate location fora phvslclun , Cnnltul
required about $2,800. Now building and clean
stock. Address or call on II. Moses & Co. . Val
entino , Neb. KHmch2
( | > : ii > o.oo per month snlnry and commission to
P competent business innnuger In every city
for oAcluslvo ngcnoy of our National Automatic
Gns-Snving Govornoi ? . Average it. ) per cent
saving in gas bills. Increased illumination und
pnfoty Iroin'tlro. Ovo - 7roO In service. In
dorsed by highest mercantile and lorpntato
iiiithorltlcs. Addioss The Union National Ons-
fc'nvlng Co. , 21 East Hth St. , Now York. 20S-0 *
TJ > OIl CXOHANdK A $15OjO hardware stock
13 and a $3,000 boot nnd shoo stock for K cnsh ,
bnluuco unlncumborcd rcnl ostato. Gibson ,
Ai chor & Co. , Hoom 3 , Wlthuoll llloelc. 250
TJIOIl SALK A $11,000 stock of clothing in
i.Oniiiliu , Nob. , for 25 per cent discount from
cost. Gibson , Archer & Co. , Hoom 'J , AVltlincll
Ulock. i.'r > 5
TT17"ANTKI ) An cnorgctlo man with modor-
TT ate capital cnn ninko Irom $5CO ) to $10-
000 n year by becoming partner or purchiisor
In nn established miiiiutacturing enterprise.
For further pniticulnrs address , H. 85 , lleo ol-
Bco. 213-U
Foil BALi : Moat market , with bulhllngs,2
wagons , 3 horEos ; good location. K. F.
lllngor , 110 N. inth. 172
TTIOIl SALE llcstnurant , a great bargain$2CO.
JD Gibson & Archer , Hoom \Vihucll Illock ,
Foil SALK Or. o.\chango The Merchants'
hotel , n line now hotrl In Clmdron , Nob. lion-
till receipts now $200 per month. Will sell or exchange -
change for residence ii"ar buslnoss part of
Otmthn. Pintles t-clllng desire to live In a larger
city. Address , W. A. Laugworthy , Chadron ,
Nebraska. OIDfobS *
FOK i\CHAJ. < ! K-A $7,500 Block of dry
Roods for H cash ; Imlnnco unlinciiinhcrcd
land or Rood Omaha property. For oxclmniro
A f 10,000 Block of dry Roods lor J cash , balance
inilmcuinbcrod land or ( 'ood Omaha property.
Gibson , Archer & Co. Hoom 3 , Wltlmcll Illock.
TjlOnSAT.K A pnyinjj newspaper business In
JJ ( rood Nobrnskn town : prico,000. : Gibson
& Archer , lloom : j. Wltlinell Illock. Ml
TTIOH SAI.K Hnrdwiird business In Omnhn.
JJ Address H. r > lleo Olllce. 7'i t'elill
OK SAMS The Commercial Holcl al South
Itonil. Nob. , price JL'.OOO ; terms cusy. Address -
dross T. W. F. , llox 15 , South lic-nd , Neb.
( *
T71OU SAf.E-Or oxchnnKO Twelve hundred.
JL'nnd elKhty acres of Mo. , timber and prasa
land , lorty mlles coat of KIUISOK City. As rich
foil as uny land In the stale , will soli all or part
t fifteen dollaitt per acre or will o.\cliaiiio | for
.pood improved or unimproved Nebraska land ,
jjlledford A ; Bauer ! ! 9T
FOll 8AI.i-3 lots In Sprlnjf Hill. $ tr.O eneli.
Also nn established bankfiiK business In Ne
braska , county Ecat. Gibson & Archer , Itoom
Si Witlinoll Illock Omaha. 3
* T O8T A brown leulhor pocketbook , contain-
JLJ liiK-ln- note Vajublo to 1) . Davidson ;
* tfn'lor ' plenso leave same at W. It. llcnnoti's
'Blurniuul loeclvu Kiwurd. [ T 3 C'
BOAIII ) In private family , nonr business con-
lor. llofoieiiot-srwiulrpil. 411 N. nth. ' W-K *
WA.NTii : > llooid nnd lodKli'K ' In private
family by u gentleman. Address U'JI , lice
Olllco. BliM-U *
T > OAItu nml room for slide fruntlciiinn ; also
. ! - > day hoiii il. Hefereiuos refiulred. 1115 Jones ,
1 blocks gQiuh of postolllee WIT-b *
KUO3I pnd board , $5per weeks very bcstlo-
catloo. 1BH Davenport BU
pr-ltSONAI lleiul IMivnrd T. 1'cloison &
JGo's , list of line baivuins In lUnl Kslatoln
nnothcr column of this 1-sue. 1'ha prices nitiii-
tinned there U lor onu weelc only , nud hvuco
ntuit tie I'oiiiditut unco ut thuto miees. lloom
li , B. K. cor. 15th and Doim-liib at. 4J.VU
TJKIt.SON'AI. Wo Oilil utti-ntlou to the fuel
, L tbiltvocnn deliver our giKids us advcrtlsuil
dy 113,03 woilcul with prlnclplos only , and to a
j.rirtulnpxtont nro solo ioiils of properly thus
" uJvcrllsod. llico Ac JIuory , 1 , " . ' rarnani El.
[ 881 6
-pKHSOK.M. Wo publish lo-ilny a llsl of whul
JL wolcrinoxlrn sprohil baicalns , und nsk a
caruful porusid at tlm luuiUs of the lloo rcmlors
vlio nra looklnir jfortuch , Ic'tvlni ; thorn to Judtre.
ItcEiicottully , Hieo & loaiultuixJistatvAoiitB :
11-H | -ivinii ct. fu _ n
PUHSON.viJ Hpoiitilatoitiand others who are
louliliiif for Imrtmlns In Omnha jiroporly
vacant lots , Imtirovcil resltloiieo property , ncr (
tracts , flo. , will do well to cnll on us. Sec \vlnn
\\o have to oiler bofoio purfhasluir. Ii will pay
to cnll on or i-.dtlri'ss Itleo A Moore ,
Jon Bt.
-If jou mvo any property lor
Biilo list it lth Ueu. 1' , llcmls , 10th and
-b-hia. _ _ t _ ! ? _
lt K. AHNOI.U , OoulUt Hnd
moved to 151 1 Oauthu meet. bTJ
'l"t * VOU have property to soil or Kichiinue
J. list It with ( J. .1. Caswoll & Co.looin ! 1'J , Ne
irasHa National lUntc Jlulkllng. iMimlU'
T7\XOII.VNr.i : llcsliUiiOainliu and Nohriibkn
'JZl property for exchfintro or enlu , we Imvo i
tcry vidimblo rcfUlencu In fct. I.ouii , Mo. , to
otltr for Nobnitkit pvopojiy ; also a Hoi vt-r
lioueo nnd lot for UuiHliu residence. Cull or
wiitausfur property of all Muds. llcllA Me
ooo AND tl liHcro liupro\cd farms -.vllhlu
Pl3 mllosof Omuhn ; EJTi per ncro ; t'ueso mo
Imijrains. ( JILsoui AiuUvr , room 3 Wlttintl
Liotk. 1'jl
mm : W. C. MctzncrStovoltcpnlrCo..lllSouth
JL Hth St. l-elwcim Dodiro und Douglns.
T7IOII SAM : llrnn.nOc. per ctvt. Sclileslnuer
1J Ilros.cor. 13th nnd Lcnvcnnorth. 2iVO
LAOIKS in want of peed tlomeftlo hcio cnn
bo tuppllcd by cnlllnff on the Omnhn Km-
ilovnicnl onico , Hoom 4 , lluslinmn's Illock. Mrs.
J.V. . Morrison proprietor. b"
O'ltlMlit your llonr nn TTv il by 'fcTvplion ?
Iff. Neal & Conrnil. Ul.T Dodge St. a70
Foil HAI.i : Orsnlo , 1 top bufnry.brnnncw ;
1 plinclnii top biiiTK'y nnd 1 iilatfonn spring
wngon. Imitilront Hospo'sMuslcStoro. ni i
Foit SAM : store nxtutcs. KM s. loth st.
nn .ir *
GlOl ) family horse fors.iloj eight years old.
Apply nt 141,1 DodRo st. 2tiO
I7\Olt .HAM : Lot In llnn com 1'lnco , cast
1 front. IiuiulreCOjg. l th st. ail-13
iron .SAI.i-Sniul : nnd Krnvol. frank J. Kns
J' par , 1423 South lllh St. ia.'fcb2T *
Foil onthcr strips , storm snsh nud doorsgo
to F. I ) . Mend SUUS. ICthSt. 93
V\TANTin : Sovornl peed ulrU for general
i i housework In mmill ramlllc * at uood wtifro ,
Is'o clmwi'3. Oiiuilin Intolllgrnco Olllce , Hoom
) , S. i : . cor. l.Mh nnd DollglHS St. 400-10
" \T7"AXTKD Two cnmpttciit RlrM for Bonornl
T ? housework. Good Wiigos nrrnntcil. Cbas.
Reck , Knxlo House , 3. lltb St. 41IMI *
WANTii : > A girl for gonninl housework In
, iimll family. No. 1013 N. 10th st. Holer-
enrca tvfjiiliod. 87W-11 *
\\7ANTiil : Sp < end girl that cnn do plain
M Bowing. Mrs. 1V. . Qiny , ac.31 Douitlns
BtlOCt. oM-0
\\7"ANTI-n : ( llrl for general housework. In-
> T qilliciltKil Noitll Will St. 253- ( (
" \\7ANTiu : Two girls at tlio Dornn hoifo ,
> > lUil rurnam St. ill I a
IANTKII A girl to do general housework.
No. 1913 Capitol avenue. 332
WANTii : > Good glrU for ncnernl house
work. Itoom 41lusliman Illock , ICtli and
Douglus. 48'J '
Girl for general housework. In-
iiulio at 107 South 14th st & 15
\\7ANTKD-OliU for general housework ;
> good places and good wages ; places given
fico. Call at H'.l ' Kith St. , Nobiajku Kmployment
Agency , Crounco Illock. iS2 !
v\7ANTii ) A bright. Intelligent young man
i > nbaut 2. ) ycin-H old , of good diameter and
Imbllf and ngood penman. Must bo well rec
ommended. Apply Immediately ; ! ! ! Water \ \ orks
olllcc , 15ii ; Fnrmim St. 400-U
WANTUU-A boy nt 310 S. 13th St.
"VT7"ANTii 100 more loams and to.imstors
T V for railroad work in Nebraska ; hlgliost
wiiKcs.choap teed and bonid ; lix'o transporta
tion. Call at Pax'on hotel 011:02 : from 4.iOtoO :
o'clock p. m. Ship abDUt 10th. J. W. AtUliiEon.
3lU-ti *
i : ! } Two first-class pantnloon makers
atonco ; steady employment. Cull on or
nddiess O'MciuaA ; Webster. Moichant Tailors ,
Sioux City , Iowa. 331-11
WANTKO steady , sober , honest man , n
worker , with some money ; blnglo prelcr-
red ; cnll in evening , or address , Wlilto,52l N.
18th fitted. 387.0 *
l7ANTiU-Agents. 200N. ICthst.
> 3.Ti
t ASTTKD A 8idcMiinnono who has had ox-
> porloqpo and can sell goods. aiUS. 1'itli st.
SOtcmi" nnd te imstors for railroad -
road work , ( food wnxrc-s ; also subcontriic-
tors : frcotriinxportutloii. 1'or partlcultirs uill
nt 11-iJ FtiriKiiu st. U19
TXTAXTKO A flrst-cliiRS salosinnn to ropro-
T i sent n well established liouso to the drill ?
trade , olthor exclusively or In connection with
seine other lino. Addiuss P. O. Uox 1483 , N. V.
C'lty. gai-30
WAN'TKD Ilucrgotlomen In every town In
No.lrasku to biJl the lioss clothes rnuks.
Afrents mo inakltiff fioin So to $ S per day. Kor
muticiilnrs call on or nddro s I' . 0. JJoxTil ? ,
T\7ANTK1 Teams nnd to lot 15 miles railroad
i > tocuh-contrnctors In peetlo-13 o one-hall'
to flvo milo . I'rco triinsportntioii. Tennis
houKht or will lend money on outnts wishing to
woik. Str n & Nowcomh , contniclors , ' -.O.'l
I'eiin struct , Kansas City , JIo. , or Arcade hotel ,
Omaluu Ki )
WANTKD Men nnd women to stnrt a now
business ut their homos ; can bo done
evenings und learned in nn hour ; uny oerson
nmkliitflcss tlmn lUo to COo an hour should send
lOout oneofor npackngu of samples of Roods ,
mid u'l uoi'Kinir samples ( formulas ) to commence
on. Addiuss Albany Supply Co. , Albany , N. Y.
8 < j7fl7 *
WANTKI ) Situation In n business house by
itinnn of some means , whcro ho etui invest
f oino cnpllnl If bublnofs suits. Address U" > , Dee
Olllco. 40'J *
WANTKU-Position In hotel or rostnurant
by t0od ludy cook ; can fe-lvo rotorenco. .
Address P. O. Ilex KU City , ICC-Mi ! *
\\7ANTKl > Iljt'Oinpolont nnd trustworthy
jounKporfon.asltimtlon us coini > anton or
to taVo ehareo of youtifr uhlldri-n. Would pre
fer to bo treated us ono uf the laintly. Address
1I.IKJ1UO ollico. > ; WI-0 *
WANTED A rcllncd Ainerlcim lady desires
eomo position of trust ; food references
( jlvon. Address 1J te , lleo Olllce. UT7-8 *
WANTii ) Situation by u young man. Ad-
drees A. A. , IS 111 Lcuvonworth st. 350-11 *
WA > 'TK1 > Situation by ( rood young jrlil ,
wlio eponks but llttlo Kimllsh , In email
prlviito lumlly. InquU-u ut 510 North lOtn st.
3T8-0 *
WANTKU 5 clffar nnikoM , hand workmen ;
none but llrst-clnss woikinon. uood apply.
AddrcssGeo. U.Godfroy.Fiemont.Nob. llll-flS
WANTKI ) Situation by u widow n IIOIIRQ.
keeper for widower of good reputation.
Aildi-iMiIBiiollleo , Council Illulfd. 310-7
WANTICU GlrH wlshlmr for ( rood places In
private families , hotoU or boarding hou
ses , luundries , oto , cnn always llnd them by
cnlilntr nt the Oinalin Kinploymcnt Biireuu , ll d
Fnrnam St. -11
WANTKI ) To"bnjrii dnijr sloro contrnlly lo-
Ctttnd luvolelnif $ J,000 or $ l,0ik ) . Cnll or
nddrcbS W. II , tiiuun , cor. nth and Furnum.
W ANTKU To buy n Bceond-hnnd typo-
witter. J. 11. llayneg > V Co. . Onmliiu Uil-U
T71OU JtKNT Store , corner 10th and Lonvcn
X' wet Ihj good place lor grocery ; . * 13 rooms.
ijiuic I ; T 7-room nouso m excellent looa-
-I-1 lion , newly papou-d nnd pnlnti'il. Kent fif
per mouth. 1) . 11. tioodi'leli , ITM Farnum HI.
Foil 1U5NT CottUKO of 6 rooms , hard und
K > ft nter ; overylhin ; complete. Apply nt
1M7 I'nelCo clreot. : to-up
ell ItKNT Now cottat-c , U rooms , on 8. luth
st. O. A. Iluldwlit. 11
TmoilltKNT SO nuro Improved fnrm , 6 miles
JL' from 1' . 0. , ut ( U per uoru. llamlin & Urown ,
Ull 8. lllh St. , Omaha , Neb , ail-l )
DAJltY to rent ; : i miles out ; fl-room
house , hu Kubarn nnd othur roiivcnlonocs.
D.CI , 1'iitlcraon , over Ut National Hank.
71011 IlENT-lliiru with four stalls. 1510 Hnr-
-1 noy. 8TJT
HTHW IlKNTroomcoltuso , KWS. 21st St.
J ? _ llllfcbS'
Foil ItiiNT From Fob. 20 , now bouse , Ilvo
rooms , furnished ; will tell Iho furniture-
$150. Stnhlu und carrlngo shud. llcason , d -
purtuio. Address It W , lieu Olllco. CT.M } '
FOK IlKNT House of fl raoin.9 , pantry ,
closets , etc. , 1'hll Sheridan iiiul IlulUts. ,
t-0 per inontli , K. T. Peterson & Co. , llooiu U ,
S. U. cor. 15th nn J Douglas Btf. 'Ml
Foil ICKNT Onttnire. In Shlnn's ndd. , In
block of Lonf School. Apply 1-17 rurnuui.
Sfx )
"TOOK JIKST Sovon-ronm house , 16th nnd
1 ? Martha els. , JI5. A. P. Tukvy , 1J01 Furnara.
TmoJl HUNT Three- room bouse , 8th 4 ; Dodge.
JL. 12j _
FOK SAI.K An established grocery business
InOnia'.i.A ' ilo'.uf { J.UOO business n month ;
capital totjulruJ. f 1'XW. Also n stock of dry
eao a rjuh > ii KCO.I liueincss In Omaha. Ctipltul
irq j"f i' , | -'J > X ) . ( ilbtcn , Archer & Co. , Iluom U ,
UCNT-Unscnicnttna Lake ov n.
tr-ju , fii5 K. W.U u. WfeUl
TnltlinNT-Hou o of Sroomsi iT nnd Hnr
JU ncy St. liifiulro of Jloimt A UrltllnSia S Htli
SMroct. _
HUNT OK I.K.VSi : S-room nouso on
1 llownid st. ! 10-ncro pnrdcn u-lth 0-room
liouco adjoining city ; 80-aero fnrm , 17 miles west.
of Umnhn ! o bu lnc i loM on SU Mary's nvo.
Apply to E. U. Chapman & Co. , 1217 Hownrd st.
Olt IlKNT TlVroo iiou'c * ot 10 , 0 iiiul
rooms each , J. Pnlpps lloo. _
TmoinnNT"HOUJO beloTi Ing to the OMnto
JU of .Iudfo ( Chaawick.SUJ 1'nrk nvonuo. W.J ,
Conncll. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MJ
ITloll IlKNT 'iwo new 8 and ' !
JJ f urnnco , bath room nnd all modern conven
iences , ono block from street cars. Inquire Jo.
F. llartou. 314 astli 8t. or Smelting Works. 8.B
T- OIl fiKNT runilslicit room nt 1010 Cull for-
JJ nln. 418'
_ . . _ „ _
lir.NT Dc'lrnblo fiont room ? , n'coly
Iilim 1 ho.l , eontr.xl locution. Odd Tcllows
block , th nnd lo ) IKO. Mrs. Kendall. 4J7-8 *
lJNT Snltof furnished front room ? .
S. W. cor. 13th nnd lluwiud. 4W-1J'
IOIl itiNT : Nlco room and bo t board , ? 4.50
F n ; week ; very best location,413 S 13th 8t.3t-ll ! *
171011 liKNT Nicely furnlshpd front room
JL nml bonrd for liicly nnd gentlomnn , 418 SKitli
1:1011 lltNT : Ulpgnnt furnished rooms , with
JL' board , nil motlorn conveniences , nt - " >
Dodgu st. _ 3J
I toll HUNT Furnished room. Ul'Hnrnoyst.
; ! , )
FnuilKNT-A furnlsho.1 house with 0 inrgo
rooms. IncUlrob3U8.2lstSt. | ; r > U-U *
oil ICINT : Utifvrnishotl room , ocn N. 17th
" _
F Oil HHNT-lioom with bonrd. 1013 Cnpltol uv
ffil-Hl *
TTIOll linNT-Ilooms nicely furnished. 1013
JJ Dodgo. U50-0 *
TTloil ItiiNT-Furnished rooms. Sari Dodgo.
TTlOll IlKNT a unfurnlsbcd front rooms nt
JL1 1512 Douglas st. 278
Foil tliNT : Lnrgo front room , modern Im
provements. Address P.O. box ! K)8. ) 215
T71OII UINT : 1 email room , $5 ; 1 hirgoroom ,
-U $12 per month , newly lurnlshed. nt OJ7i N.
17th st. liMcus *
7 > OU itnxr House wlthlU room ? , city wnter
] } nnd jtns. No. SOI North Sid struct , inquire
off. U. Cooper , 411 14th St. , City. 105
F OU IlKNT Lm-RO lurnlshcd front room
. ' with closet , also back room. l li Cnllfor-
nla st. 702
17101tSALi-A hplcmlld lot In Mllliird riaco ,
Joust front , very cheap. Ciimilnglmm &
llrc'Miiiin , lull Dodgo.
Foil SAM : A ioal bargain of two houses
nnd lot , rented nt $ . " > U a month cantor
of city. Cunningham > V Hrennun , 1511 Dodgo.
TTIOIISAM : 3 houses nnd two lots on street
-L car line , rented at SbO pur month. Prlco ,
S-T.fHW ; easy turms. Cunningham .V Hreanan , 15U
FOIl SALH A bnigrtln on South ICthslieet.
Cullntoneo for partlcuhu-s. Cumilnghnm
& Hremiuu , 1511 Dodge.
SALK-T.vo lots In llnrtlctt'a atldltlon
J- only $800 each. Cunningham < ! c Hioiimm ,
1511 Dodge. 3'l'J-O
Foil SAM : Flno Improved fnrm In Cumlng
county ; will sell cltncr 1WJ , 210 or filO ncres ;
good buildings , Inrgo uiiiount under cultivation ,
Ul-ncro hog puituro lenced , spring luook run
ning through pa tul o. A very desirable limn ,
and nrico only $ 'X > per ucio , on very easy teuns.
StooUdale & Huncbor , 1511 Dodge st. 4SJ-0
o irHALi : Uy W. T. Qmhiim. Crclghton
fxts hi Hiin = com 1'lncc , $7r > 0 to S ! > 00.
Oood cottage , fl rooms , Noith Oinulm , ? ,000.
Lot on South 15th nt. , l.uuo.
Kino hou e , largo lot , S. 15th St. , $3,500.
Houbo unit lot on ( H'orgla in o. , 3IXW.
Lots nn Dodge St. , $000 ; easy payments.
Two line lots , ono block oir l.cavomuuth.on
Georgia nvo. , fiUJO : for both. W. T. Graham ,
Crolghton HUick. 403
1.7011 l'AM : Klejrant double coiner on ( 'hi-
JL cngo St. , Just the phico lor n Itnvc taiicniont
block. Cnll lor prlco. btuckculo tc llunclii-r , 1511
Dodge St. 417-U
OUHAHK-Cor. lot , OTxlffi , _ Mock * Westot
postolllco , u splondld iiivcatmcnt , 910,000.
itlots In tihlnn's add. , u Ijiuviiin , fSDU each.
CHxl3. ' , 8-room house , Capitol nve. , cheap ,
UJ choice lots , Marsh mid. , ? 1,000 to Sl.ROO.
Fine rcsldonco proportv In KOOI ! locutions.
Ml U. F. llliitfer.ll'JN , l" > th.
Tmoit SAM : On cusy terms , 10lots in Huns-
JL1 com 1'hico from S7. > 0 to $ liuo ) each. Lot on
1'lcasrtiit St. , with ilonblo noitbo , 10 rooms cnch ,
with all modern Improvements ; rents lor 110
per month. 11,000. Lots In West CumltiK from
f275 to S15IJ oacli. Corner lot , Prospect Place ,
linnridn. Corner lot , Shlnn's 'M add. , barjraln.
C. J. Cuswoll & Co. , Hoom 10 , Iron llauk. 4X-7-1U *
I SAM ; Flno place In Johnson's add. ;
. Inrgo lot with two houses , all conveniences.
Special price : no other ngcnt has this. If you
want a llrst-class pleco of property lit a lair
price , look at tub. Stockdalo & Uunchcr , 1511
Dodge st. 421-0
ITIOIISALU Ilnmlin & Urown , Uenl Estnto ,
JD fill S. llth St. Lands.
l.COJ acre" , Greeloy county , nt$0.
TWO ncics In Louii , Valley and Nanco counties ,
from- S miles from railroad , at $5.50.
WK ) acres in Vnlloy county , 5 miles southwest
of Old , ut $750.
2,0 0 acres In Custor county , nt $3.50.
5.2SO acres In Cheyenne county , at $5.5) .
Will soil any of tlio above tracts in quarter
210 acios In Franklin county , at $12.
ICO acres in Stiuiton couiitv , tit $12.
H ) Hero Improved tarm In Douglas county , 5 !
miles Irom P. O. , will trade or toll.
40 acres of Improved land , filj miles from I' . O.
llamlin & Hiown , 311 S. llth St. , Omaha , XW > .
i > 53 U
T71OK SAM : Ono of the most deslriiblo ivsl-
JU denco properties In the city with clognnt
boiibe , ut ngreiit baigalu If tnken boon. 1'rleo ,
$11,000. W H. Urcenover Ibt Niitlonul llauk.
TfTWK SALi : Puulson & Co. , 15ii : Furnam St/
JL1JOucros on Mllltury lloud , opposite John
Bhpyloy. with good now largo house , well , cis
tern , stables , etc. , all fenced , $11,001) ) . ThU is an
A No. 1 elianco lor parties wishing to miiko
HI acres ndjolnlmr Fort Omaha' o the north ,
&V > 00. Splendid ground for subdividing.
JOneics 1 mile west of Stock Vurds , $185 per
150acresSmiles from postolllco , at fli'ipcr
ncio , Can bu subdivided. Do not full to inves-
24U ncro * , 7 mlles from postolflco , well Im
proved , partly good timber land , ut fW pur
ueio. A bargain ,
150 aero farm , well Improved , only i mlles N ,
W. of Florence , nt W > per uero.
ttOncios,7 mlles trom P.O. , highly Improved
fiirm , $ I,5W. A i iiro cliancu ,
UIO ncro farm , 1 inilo S. U. of flllnioro Station ,
with tplondld buildings , being mostly bottom
land , well adapted for stock lurm , $18,000.
Snlcndld lot near Ixjavonwortli , In W. A. Hod-
Ick's mid. , f 000 ; and 21 ots In sumo addition nt
I,1UJ ; corner lot In umo addition , f 850.
A low splendid lots lull In 1'auUon's addition ,
on street cur line , on Lake btioet.
2 lots In Polhain add , at f.'iUO each.
A large tno story now house on Oth nonr
Dodge ; cnn bo runted for tUJ per month. ; f 100
cush ; bahiueo on weekly payments.
Splendid loUIn Clink Place , fr/Mluacli.
4 fleet on S 10th St. , near Howard , with thrco
halites renting lor tl > per month ; f 12,000.
Ixit 45x155 , Wllcoxiidd , with house 111x20 , $70) ;
half cash , balance In monthly payments.
Corner 17th and Chirk , u lxi4 | ; , oust front , with
ono 12 and two 4 room houses , leaving \ .
on corner ; 87000. PuuUcn & Co. , 1513 I'ariiaiu
SUeot. 2i . 0
Foil BAI.K Two lots on corner , Omalni
View , with 5 loom house , burn , eta , for 11
short time only at epoolul prlco. Will sell nil or
part. Call und feu about It. Stockdnlo &
IJuiiclier , 1511 Dodge st. 4 -l
TTIOH SAr.K 240-ucro farm near Wcoplnir
JJ Wntf-r. f plondldly Improved , Itx ) acres unJor
plow. Wllltrudn for Omnlm piopurty. W. II.
( jreen. over Idt Nat. Hunk. 14
Foil SAI.i : Two lots in Polhnm rinco , ono
block from streetcar truck , luijuiroilSf.
13thstieiiU 635
TTIOll SAT.i : 1'nll lot on corner Cumlng st.
JJ This is an elegant pluco for a largo business
block. Cull for price , titockdalo & Uunchcr ,
1511 Dodge bt. 422-0
BKI.I , A : M'OANULISII olforfor cash or on
very ousy terms cholco property which you
should examine before purchasing ebmvliery.
f3,000 7-room hoiuo near Sirmdcis st.
$3,000 Houbo and corner lot , Shlnn'g Ut.
S3 00 llousu and lot , Una locution , Ilunscoin.
W.VO-llnUBC , largo lot , ShuU'a 1ft.
$1 00 Chicago ft. , house and Si lot.
$ -,2)0 ) 1,01 and S hniisrg , fplendlil vlow.
lMNuw hoiibo and uciu.
f 5,500 Ilarney st. , bouso niul lor.
$10,000 i'mo icaldenco , Epleudld location , and
$ .VOOO Parts nvc. , cholco resldanco.
83,753 C'ass Bt. , limifo nnd ii lot.
$7,000-3J feet , busliioss , on Dodge , mprovc-
JJ.OJO Ijirgo house , flno location , Idlowlld.
if-V'-W I'i6t trout lot nnd collage , lloggs &
$1,000 Nleo bongo nnd lot In lingers , easy
term Bell & McCandlUli , 1511 Dodge bt. SU-'J
-l-poil SALK-3 lots ill Marion PJa < ! o. esJO cach7
JJ W. H. Orccu , over 1st Kutlouul liauk. 13j
"rnoft SAM : ttxtrk'9perin ) nargnlns bjItleo
Jtf AJtoorc , 12JJ 1'nriramst.
Vncnnt 1/ot-fiOxKJ ) , I. llcdlck's ndil. , $ ? 00
en'h. Must bo point ? away.
2lot9f > . ! xii , J. 1. llDdleRssubdlV. , $1,200.
2 lots , ( K.tlSJ , fronting eli Saumler St. , $3,3X ) .
Very cheap ! only blortis nnd a half from stieet
en 1-9. I (
Lot , COTlOO , Hnrtmnn's mid. , fronting on 10th
si , , f2OUO , half ciiih.
Corner on Vlriflnln nvo. , 100x100 , Itnnscom
1'lnco , fiRiOhnir crtMi.
rialnvlow corner , Just off SnundersSf. , $ COO
cn h. ! ) \
hot In Txiwo'fl 1st mill. , 13,10 cash.
1'lnlnvlow Inaldo loti JIW on oil.
Impiovrd I.otnotrj ; > i in I'nrkor's mid. , to-
pother with 4-room linu p. collar nnd cl
rlMorn , Rood well vntynithousos ( utc-.i
SSH cnsli , biilnnco 1 uWl yiflirs' timo.
I/O t , 00.1 ! ? , Sliult's 2d"nlld. . with new 5 room
lieu o , tfood Improvements , Iron fence , plenty
of shiulo trees , Sa.OOOi'hali : cash.
Lot , Gxl-U ! , IrontlUK on Snundors nnd S3d
M > , with li-room house nnd room to build thrco
inoru , curs run by tbo door , sure bargain at
$0.000 , half cn h.
. I/ot.JH'txU : , with n-room house , Cnpltol 11111 ,
Itei-d'slst ndd.$3UO ; ! cash. lllco * Moore , I2JJ
I'nrnnm St.
jTlOH SAI.K-&J foot fronton Cnstollnr ? t , nnd
Ju1 10th. ft-rnom honso , Atoll , cIMorn nnd burn ,
? . ! , WO. W. It. Green , over 1st National Hunk.
VpnvrOUT-Npnreit.'bpst nero lots , reachc-d
-Li ovorlo\olroad. The ncni oat ncro lots over
Bold In this market. 1'rloo , fSOO per lot ; on easy
terms ! 8 porruht Interest. Thosolot * will double
In vnluo In next 12 mouths. Ames,1507 Knrnnm.
! U7
FOUSAI.n-llyl'ottor&Coob , IMS Fniunm
St. , 1 lot In West Und nnd tit $ WO.
2 lots In Shlnn'H 'M add at $725 cnch.
A foiv uholeo lots In Jlnrsh's nt fl.SOO cnoh.
Ixit ( W.tiat on 13th , a blocks fioin pavement ,
bine aero In ( H-l < o'f > add , $1(500. (
"of the cheapest lots In IMnlnvlow , onlyfl'iO
oacb. 7.11
Foil Choice Harirnlns in ronl cstnto , mil nt tlio
olllcoof thoOmalmllual K tiito & I.onti Co. ,
rooms . ' nud El Wltlmdl lluildhitf Oniuhu. 7GS
1OK SAI.K Wo Imvo four of thocholccst vn-
emit lots on I'm k n\o. If you wnnt ono of
them remember jour dinners nro urowluir
smaller every day. Stockdnlo & Ilunchcr , I'd !
DodnoSt. 418-0
FOI18AM : AfowKOOd lots In lllllsldo No.
one on Unvonport nnd ClilciiRO st * . , cheap
nt S7.TO to ? ' . ' 50 cnch. 1'ottor & Cobb , 1515 Far-
niuii st. 71)7 )
Foil SAMS Corner on I'ninani , two blocks
Irom court house , $ rjOO. Orulmm.Ciolsfli-
tonlllock. * let )
Foil HAMS At n bargain. I'lno business
property on H. istli , MX 150 ft. Tills can bo
bought fur .y-VJiA ) loss tlinnnctutil value If tukon
iitonec. If you want mi Imestmont look nt
this. Cocliuui llro's&Co. , 1SUJ riitiiiim St. 815
iJMMl SAM3 ? 10,000 10 per cent dividend
' piiylnjr stock. Gibson J : Aix'licr , lloom
3 , Witlinoll UlocU. 47J
house nml 3 nicely elovn-
ted lot ? In Shlnn'8 'd udd. $0,200. Also line
8-rootnod hijuso on Clnrk street , nicely clovututl
lot , So.UUO. 'jlJibson &i Archer , lloom a , Wlthncll
IJIoclv. 440
Foil SAM : I Imvo for pnlo nt hnrtfiilns nvo
or six of the Ihicst slock larins In the state ,
running Irom li'M ' to UJJO IUM 09 each Improved ,
with running wider mid liontliur on rallionds.
W. H. Uieon , over 1st Nat. Ilank. 14'J
FOK SAM : Corner on Shcrmnn n\o , ? 1,000
cash , cbciii ) . We have many Imiulrlcs lor
houses and lots vrorlh from S1-'JO to $ -r > Ul , for
easy teims. If jou hi\o huch propoity for ao !
list It nlih us nt oncn and wo can InMiro jou a
ciulck nnd Mit'sfiictory ' salo. Ktoolcilalo &
Ilunclior , 1511 Uodg " t ) ' „ 41-0 ! )
* r
FOK SALK Cholcq 5 oc 10 acre tract * , 4 miles
soutliwostfromc"rtuitlioii3i > , 1'i miles Irom
junction of IT. I' . liy" " . imtUiclt Line , nnd 1 mlle
Irom Stock Yards. Lies well ; nil under cultiva
tion. Can bo bought lor $175 nnd $200 per acre ,
If sold soon. Cheapest iproporty in vicinity.
Pottur & Cobb , 1515 Farnaia su 735
fTlOKSALK IGO-ncro farm , well Improved
- * - house , barns , tfraun.'ios , wind-mills , line
grove and orclmul , 75 acres under plow. Will
trndo for Oinuba property , asMimo mottgnito
mid i > : iy balance uuah. W. II- Green , over l t
Nat. llauk. TI i 141
T710IISALK-A f.TQ Sto'ry , 22x33. build
Jing , suitable for a store , near 10th and
namSts. Applyat thU oIllco. 'J17
1,1011 SALK-HoudO mfd lot on 10th. This
' pluco Is iiQtviv > duulpJ.or bn .nes' . Special
pilco. A .nnm'borcAlli'nUitoti on Virginia r.vo. ,
chca ] ) . Stockdalo & , , llunelrjr , 1511 Dodge St ,
/ 4200
Foil SALE A gonornl iiierclinndiso business
in a rapidly growing town not lar from Lin
coln. Host trade and location In town. A splen
did opportunity lor a party wishing a good
opening , and having from seven to ten thousand
dollars in cush. Will sell for cash onlyor part
cnsh , balance real estate in Omaha. Address
Merchant , lleo Ullieo. 825
nwil SALE 160-ncro farm , well Improved ,
J-1 rents lor $2.50 per 11010,1)1.5 ) miles Irom
Omaha , $10 per acre. W. II. Green , over 1st
Nat. Ilank. 13'J
Foil SALI : ihroo flnolots together on up-
porFainnm. T.iU Uacholco plcco of pron-
city that will ho taken out o ! tlio nimkot short ly
If not told. Cull for price. Stockdalo A : liunchor.
1511 Dodge St. 421-0
Foil SALI : Lnrgo ana small stoclc ranches
with or without stock.
For Sale a lots in Spring Hill , $450 each.
For Sale ICstabllsbed banking buslnoss in
Nebraska , county seat. Gibson & Archer , room
3 , Wlthncll Illock.
Foi K\clmngo Nebraska farms for Omaha
piopcrty ; also lands to exchange for stocks of
Wanted 3 business lots for cash within 4
blocks of postollicc.
For Exchange 100 aero Improved fnrm , Madi
son county , Neb. , lor house and lot In Omaha.
For Sale A5-acro tract 4 miles of postolllco ;
house cost $ : ,200torl,50J cash.Olbson&Archor ,
Hoom 3 Witlinoll Hloek. 325
IjHll SALK An elegant house , good barn ,
1 18011 bouth front corner lot , house rents lor
$25 per month , $3feUO.V. . H. Green , over 1st
Niitlonul Hank. 133
INVESTIGATION will convince you that
Newport Is tlio nearest and handsomest aero
propoity for only $3 > J a lot ; Interest at H pot-
cent. See Newport and bo convinced This is
tno time to buy aero lots , spring price will bo
higher. Amos 1507 Farnam. UIO
T71OK SALE : a fton I/.ard ; good house , barn ,
JLJ well , etc. , $2.00J. W. 11. Grocn , over 1st Na
tional Hank. 135
J-J particulars about free and cheap lauds In
Western Nebraska addresi Thos. C. 1'attoraon ,
Ilonl Ustato Agent. North Plutto Neb. W
71011HALK House and lot 213 S 29th Bt. ; chonp
-L ? and payments. Address C. 8. Chlpiuun.Lln-
colriNcu" 571
Foil SALK Flno cornsr lot , cast nndenutli
front , Hiinscom i'.aeo. W , T. Graliam ,
Crolghton Illock. 712
TTIOlt SALK A special bargain I ! lots In Mil-
JL ? lard & Cuhlwell's addition , corner Center
and Hpi-lng streets , UxB3 ) > S , $700M)0 ) and PKH ) . on
easy ternra. Marshall " l ibcck , 150U Farnam st.
TTIOKS.VLK-Ily IMwaiil.T. Peterson & Co. ,
JL ? Heal ! ' . - ( nto Brokers , lloom 3 , S. K , Cor , l.Mh
and Douglas street.
No. 'Ml 2 lots UJxlKl. fronting on 3 ftrcots , 7
10 ) in house , barn ; B lull's add. , $ l , < Kti.
No. 343 Flno lot imiU-'bini-os , 2 story onch , on
lilth sti out jiibt south ot Loavenwnrth , $5 , < XX ) .
No. U22 Full lot lii..Jlunsom " Place , 3 room
house , $1.2)0. ) .
No. 3 IS' 2 lots nnd dlwiuaon osruor , business
piopotty , will giro 18 pur cent on Investment ,
' . .
No. 12U 2 big lots iiiul a.flne housoi In hull'a
add , model n liapiiifomaiitii , $11,500.
No. : w Ijirgo lot ni \ I liouses , near center of
city , buslnoss pioinuty.jl > .00 < > .
No , & 5l-Ixt 72il4Uwilhigood , houses , In busl-
no s part of elty , i-keai at $1,500 ,
-Ixt44xlJ2iiUHilsliom ) ) postolllce , line
house , SH.OiO. . . .
No. 352 I < ot 00x157 , S.H. Honor's add , flno house
* $ Jouo. , , i , . < TI
NoUI7 Ixit fiOxlSl.'Ni ' W fiom postoillco , Ilvo
hou. cs with Irult tuvywolo. , $3)00. : )
No , 315 Flno corner lol $ jusa noith from head
of Kt. Mary's Avo.,2 Uw houses , 81,21.0.
No,210-FlncbtcoHn oJiHaiiscom Piece , full
lot. all modern IniprovumcnU. $1,500 ,
No. 110 lluslncss property on loth st. corner ,
No. : i)7 ) Iluslnoss propcity on Fnrnam street ,
? 22ooa
postottlcocull ; for terms.
No , sn-SM acre farm -Vfrrlck county. 1 mlle
tiom Cluik's btullon on U. P. , taiioo.
No. 311 48JucresinGieoloy county , * o-50 per
aci o.
No , 312 2,300 acres In Nnnco county , $5 per aero
No. COO 1 iota BO to 000 aort'o In Cumlng county ,
No. , a'48J10 ucrcs in Jackson county , Iowa , $10
No.355 16' ) ncres in Webster county , 3VJ miles
Irom railroad , on county road , largo Btonw
hou o , n sinobarguln , will sell lor $2,500.
No.OOOO-Wo have linprqvea proj erty in any
part of the city ; vacant lots too numerous to
mention ; farms In every county In Ihp btatoj
. imlmnroriHl land Irom W to $13 per aero.
Call and K * u : you will certainly lint loose
am thing by doing so , Ldwar.l T. I'otoMOJi *
Co. , Jtooui D , ' .15. Cor. IStlLimJ " " "t'1"8.-
II * you want property nt n bargain or on easy
terms , call on Uoll * McCnndlMi.Among other
properties wo cnn oirer n cottngo nnd corner
Ipt , with fruit trees , ono block trom Saunders
St. nml ono from street car line , on cosy terms ,
* Hoii o and lot , can front , Nelson's , $2,3 .
2 SO-ncro farms , with fruit , near railroad , In
Sarpy county , each $3OXi. |
Ono of the best fruit fnrms , $1,000.
20 lots hi Hnnscom Plnce , corner lots , cnst
fronts. Ilnrgnlus.
Acre ? In the city nt $1,000.
llrookllno acres nt $ IV ) .
Other ncro ndilitlons from $100 upward ,
Mnrsh lots $750to $1,70A
5 neres In M"f hnno's sub. $ ? , < VW.
Well locnted corner In Terrnco add , 100x140 ,
$210) .
20 ncrcs nenr city , sultnblo for platting , per
ncro $ TO.
lloll & McTnndllili. 1511 Dodge St. nil-i )
A"M lis.'iriOT rnrnnm St.
I/its In
Hedlck's drove $ ' 00
Amo 1'l.ico 250
Oak Clintlmm ( too
I'lnlnviow , , IM
Claronuon , c > 5n
Aillnglon , fiOn
MolHK'o Hill 300
l'rntt's nb-dtvlslou. C50
Syndicate Plnco 4V ( )
LonvrnworthTorrnco , . . . 450
llRTkalow Place ftX )
Newport 3m
Cole llrllllnnto 175
Hyde Pnrk , 150
Lymnii Place , COO
015 Ames , 1507 Fnrnam.
Foil Cholco Ilargnlns In ronl ostnto.cnll nt the
onico of the Omnha Heal Kstnto & I/inn Co. ,
rooms 22and SJ , Witlinoll llulUIIng.Omahn. TiW
A Very Accommodating Hot-rower.
"Say , Shtvyliis , will you Ictul tno $10 ? "
inmtircil MalniiKgor soinowliut ionsivcly
us Itc mot his friend on Iho stroot. "I'm
dcailbrolco. "
"Sorry I cau't oblipo yon , old boy , but
this is tlio last cent I've ' cot In tlio world , "
nnd Sluvvins dlaplaypil four silver dollurs
in hisgrimniy palm.
"Oli , well ; don't lot that distnrb you , 1
can niako llisit do , " said Jlulnu er ,
chcurlnlly , ns ho roaehcd out and pock
eted the Ittoro. "Good mornin' : much
obliRcd. "
"Will somebody plcaso stick n knlfo
into me and seoit I'm alive ? " said Sluv
vins , as ho irazud after the retreating
lignro in a da/.ed sort of a way.
Ho Wasn't on tlio Drmv Just Then.
'Unfits , wtw yor to do ehu'cli dis morn-
in' ? "
"Dar'sjis" whar I wnx , Clem. "
" 1 hope yo' drawcd in much profit
Pom do sarbico , Unfits. "
"What yo' mean , salt ? Jus' yo' take
notice , Mr. Clem , dat w'on wo plays
kcards in do qiilah ditriti' sarbico wo .jits'
plays fo' 'nuiboniont , an' nnllin' mo' . "
PIIjKS ! P1I(13S !
A sino cnro for Uliml. IMcodlnp ; , Itchln
and ulrcrntcd Piles lias been discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called lr
Williams' Indian IMlo Ointment. A sinijlo
box has cured the woi > t chronic cases of 2.i or
! X > years landing. No ono need suiter five
minutes after niiiilylm ; this wonderful sooth
ini ; medicine. Lotions and instiumcntsdo
iitoio harm tlmn good. Williams' Indian
IMlo Ointment nbsoibs tlio tumors , allays the
intense itching , ( particularly at night after
Dr. Frazier's Maple Ointment cures as by
niiitric , 1'imnles , Jllack Heads or drubs ,
Hlotclies and Kruptions on tlio face , leaving
the &kiu clear nnd beautiful. Also emus Itch ,
Salt JU'Qtim ' , Sere Nipples , Soio Lips , and
Old Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of
50 cents.
Itetailedby Kuhn & Co. , and Schroetcr &
Bccht. At wholesale by C. F. Goodman.
The railway cars of Russia , says a
writer in Mechanics , are among the most
commodious in the world. I'hoy rcsmblu
purs rat her than the compartment cars
in nso elsewhere on the continent of
Europe , but in Russia the aisle is hhiftcd
to one side , so that the seats on tlio left
will accommodate thrco passengers side
by side , and those on tlio right but one.
Ihis is especially convenient when the
car is not crowded in night travel. The
und doors of the car , instead of opening
upon the platform , lead into a small en
closed vestibule , whence doors open out
right and left.
Strnlneil His Side.
No. 11 AVnsT HOT/I ST. ,
NEW Yoitic , March C , 1883.
I am pretty well known in New York
as tlio one-armed baggage master at the
N. Y. Central Depot. Throe months ago ,
in lifting a heavy trunk , I strained my
side dreadfully. I immediately procured
an Allcock's Porous Plaster. Every hour
felt loss pain. I wore the Plaster three
days , then applied another , was well in a
week and attending to my business.
A soiontiflo journal gives an account of
a. pianoforte made in Paris in which
paper was made to take the place of
wood , the whole case being made from
paper so compressed tjiat it was enabled
to receive a hard surface , which took : v
perfect polish. The color was cream white.
Tlio tone of this instrument is reported to
bo not loud , but very sweet. The short ,
broken character of the sound emitted by
ordinary pianofortes is replaced by a
soft , full , quasi-continuous fcounil , re
sembling somewhat that of the organ.
Jt has been suggested that the evenness
of texture of the compressed paper may
have some inllucnco in elVecting this
modification of sound.
indorsed by housekeepers and others
who have tpried it. No soap is required ,
and cleaning is done with a saving of
much time and labor. All housekeepers
should use it. *
An nnnsual spectacle was presented at
a wedding in Birmingham , England , the
other day , The bndgroom was so drunk
that his bride had to lend him to the
altar , and the clergyman was so disgusted
with the man's appearance that lie re
fused to perform the ceremony , despite
the entreaties of the bride , who swooned
into ono of the bridesmaid's arms when
the clergyman ordered the party out of
the church.
Pure blood is absolutely necessary in
order to enjoy perfect health. Hood's
Sartiaparilla purifies the blood and
htrongthens the system.
Ono of tlio colobritie.s of Florida is
' 'Alligator ' Phut" , who lives in Kissimine
City , and is noted for his exploits in catch-
s.iurians. His method is bald to bo to
jump into the stream in purMiit of an
alligator , and if necessary , diving under
the water for his victim , whom ho man
ages to subdue by getting his fingers
in tlio creatures eyes , and then riding
him ashore in triumph. Plait claims that
lie can manage the largest alligators in
this manner.
Pr. Piorco's "FavoritePrescription" is
the debilitated woman'u best restorative
Another United States scorns to bo In
plow process of formation down in the
southern antipodes. The Australian
colonies of Victoria , western Australia ,
Tasmania , Fiji and Queensland have
formed a federation , and the federal
legislature is in session this week in .New
South Wales. Now Zealand and south
Australia declined to unite their fortunes
with this second Kritish confederation ,
Englishwomen who has worn more plate
than the bntler can take care of use their
queer little salt and pepper casters as
foundations tor velvet pincushions , ami
hide their rings in the hollow , Decanter
stands are aHo made to fcupport pin
cushions , and possibly in time the big
salvers will bo employed ns baby baskets.
The cake biukuts have already been
nuuto tg do duty as holders for largo
toilet cushions.
For Rent. Desk room in. pleasant
oflice. Inquire room .5) ) , Arlington block.
Volume of Wheat Trading Fair , But the
Day Kathcr Uneventful.
Decrease of Ono Million
in tlio Visible liXport lluslncss
Decreased During the Week
Provisions lro lOc.
Citic.voo. Pel ) . 0. [ Special Telegram. ]
WIIHAT Wheat parsed n rather unevontfitl
day , cxtiemcquotatlons being closer together
than timing any other session of the year ,
and closing prices n bare shade lower than
jcslcrday. The market was almost featureless -
less , and though at times the volmno of trail
ing was fnlr and prices weio nctlve ,
speculation largely con lined to homo
talent , and the ncllvlty wns of n scalping
character. Neither the put nor call price was
touched , and privilege sellers did net have
to exert their customary olTort.s to hold the
market within the prescribed bounds. Early
hading was Inllucnccd by minors of fall-
titcs In the English grain tradn wltli nn
nllleged prospect of moio to follow ,
and prices cased on"n llttlo from yester
day's close , a good deal of scalping being
done around Soc , tlio room tinders taking , ' e
profit whenever they had a ehniice. A half
hour was parsed In this amusement , outside
orders being .scarce , and then the market
grow gradually ( Inner and crept up from Sljrf
@S5)f@S."i on repot ts that six loads of wheat
had been bought In Now Yoik by an Ant
werp house , nnd that they had offeied to take
more at the same price. The foimcr pait of
this statement was subsequently continued ,
but no further cxpoit purclmses being repelled -
polled the wild boom expended Itself for
want of further Impelling power and quota
tions slowly soggod to the close , with May
then quoted at So 'c , or a "spill" lower than
yesleiday , Dunn was tlio biggest buyer to
day , taking on perhaps a qttaiterof a million ,
Kield wns also n , buyer nnd Lliidloy absoihed
some long sttilT. Clifford sold a few hundred
thousand lots at about the top. Jiut on the
whole hugo transactions weic low and the
small tinders' deals formed by lar the greater
part of the total volume of business. Visible
supply guesses were In order , as usual , and
It is generally thought the next statement
will show adecrcaso of about 1,000,000 bushels ,
It being thought that n good deal of stull has
gone out of IJtitTulo anil that this will stand
olT the f.ict that shipments nro smaller and
receipts Inrger than they were at primary
points last week. The week's export
from New York , Philadelphia and Baltimore
was about 100,000 bushels less than last week ,
but from all Atlantic points tlio wheat and
Hour export exceeded that of the previous
week nbout IS per cent , or 200,000 bushels , the
total being l,8io,000 : bushels , reducing the
flour to a wheat equivalent. Puts and calls
for next week were oflcicil on 'change at 2 } c
and 3e away from 85c , respectively , but buy
ers asked concessions of J c each way , and
few transactions were made. Puts and calls
to-night sold J c from the market. Intimated
iccelpts for Monday , thiity-seven cars.
Cois.v Corn closed In the nine hole where
it had henn for a week. The weather has
moderated very much lo-dayand also through
out Iowa nnd Nebraska , and large receipts
nro llicrofoic probable soon. They ought to
bieak prices u little , though there is not much
room for a fall , No. : ) selling icadlly very close
to the pi ice of contract. Estimated receipt *
for Monday , 'JoS cats.
a PHOVISIOJTS Provisions wore very dull
and pork dropped lOe during the day , closing
at bottom prices. A good deal of long stuff
was thrown ovcrnt a prolit. and some outsldo
selling orders from small buyers , who caught
on up above 511.50 , were icceivcd , they being
unwilling tostaiul the pressure. The outlook
is not legitimately changed , but the tiade
rather expects niiother break early next week.
Estimated receipts for Monday , 25,000. Next
week ,
Nc > v York. Feb. 0. MoiKV On call
oasv at l'xf@- per cent.
l'iiiJiiMinrAN"rir.KPAPiu : : : I ® . " ? per cent.
Snnuxn EXCIIANOK Quiet out steady
at 84.87 for sixty days , anu 84.b'J tor de
( lovnnNMnNTS Very dull but firm.
STOCKS Stocks were dull , the only activity
being in early dealings , and in most cases
the highest lifjurcsof the day were readied
about ilio end of tlio first hour. The move
ment thereafter was within a narrow range
until late in the day , when there was a de
cided decline , ranging Iromi to o\er Yt per
cent , and the maiket closed heavy. Piices
this evening , compared with those of a week
ago , show advances innging Irom small frac
tions toSJf percent , tlio latterhaekawanna.
S cenl bonds. . . 100)6 ) C.&M.W
U.S. 4V 's H-'tf preferred. . .
New4'fc * 12lN.Y. 0
PacillcO'sof ' 05. 120 Orejron Trail. .
Central Pacific.13 Pacilio Mall r.7 %
C.&A. HI P. , 1) . &E 20J < ?
prelerred. . . . 140 P.P.C IHUJrf
C. , Hock Island. . .
D..LI.&W St. I , . AS. K. . .
D.&clLG pieferred. . . Vi
Erie 25KC. , M. itSt. P. . . UStf
. preferred. . . . ( : % A.ifeircd. . . I'i'J
Illinois Central. . U2& St V. & O -10
J. . H. ifcW . iiO preferred. . . 101) )
Kansas tfe'I'exas. M Texas Pad lie. . . 12
LakeShore . 87 % UnionP.icillc. . . ftJjrf
. W. , St.L.ttP. . 10
M leu. Central. . . . 74 preferred. . . ! iO }
Mo. Pacllio " JllW Western Union.
Northern Pao" ! 27J. O.
preferred. . . .
Chicago , Feb. O. FIotir Quiet and nil-
changed ; winter wheat llonrS4.'lli ) 4.i'i ( jsontli-
ern , l.000 4.0.i ; Wlscoiibln , Slno@1.7ri ;
Michigan suit spring wheat , S.70CI.OO : : ; .Mlu-
nesota bakers' , St.'iO@4.r,0 : ; patents. fcUWS
5.00 ; rye Hour , S3.Xl.OO : ) In b.urels , 8:1.10 :
© 3.40 fn sacks ; buckwheat tlour , § 4.00i ( 4.50
tier barrel ; 2.00 percwl. In hacks.
Wheat Kirmor ; opened ifc lower but nd-
vanced % ® % c , receded jtfwK" ! and closed
about tliu samn as yesterday ; 7njftf81Ko for
cash ; 7'JM OKu for Kebumry ; bO > i ( < iSOXc
lor A pi if ; b5XsM. ( f c for May.
Coin stronger ; advanced J o nnd closing
' ctibovo yehterday ; W o for casli : 'MM ( &
& % R lor Febrnai-y ; 8o for Jliucli ; 40 > Jo
for May.
Oats Klrm but nominal : CSVu for rash ;
2.S5ffo for Kebniary ; ( aTiSo for Maich ;
yc Quiet nt f.S c.
Timothy " ( Hlo nbovo yc&torday ; prime ,
\ - ; No. 1 , S1.12.
Whisky Sl.lH.
Pork M'odoratoly active but easier and
ruled lower , and closed tame ; S11.03C < { 11.10 tor
cash ; S11.07k@ll.l < > tor Kebniary and
Mnich : Sll.aKaiWTKfor May.
Laid NVoalt nnd declined zyfe ; 85.50 for
cash and Kobrunrv ; S5.M ) 5..W > i for March ;
55.02U'if.1i.0.1i ( for May.
liulfc Meats Shoulders , t33.'J.V > $ I.OQ ; sliort
clear , S5.60cs5.Wis sliort rlb , f5.6TJi@5-Cf.
Hnttpr Steady : good to fancy cieamery ,
2X.zito ( : : ; ijalrv , la&'Jlc.
Cheese Steady and nun ; full cream clied-
ilaiB.SKa'JSfc ; lliiU , 5@10Xc ; young Amur-
cas , nKC'i'4/c.
KiK8 KX'ClTc.
Hides Unchnngoil ; pait cured , 8'SSKo ;
ereon , bo ; heavy Kicen balled , K > ie ; lijjlit do ,
OJ4'ali ( ) c ; bull hiile-s. UJi'e ; dry balled , W > ic ;
div'illnt. , ia@ o ; wilt t-klin , lO lHc ,
Tallow UnclmnuRil ; > < < > . I countiy , 4j/c ;
No. 'J country , 4u ; wl > o , rio ,
UeciiiuH. bhlpincnts.
Flour , bbls . 00 U.iXK )
\Vheatbu . ll.wxi PJ.CKXl
Uorn , mi . , . 121,000 70.000
Oats , mi . U4.00U 00,000
Itye.bu . -MX * ) 1.000
lliirlev. bit . 41.000 2-Jooo
St. JjouiH , Feb. 0. Wheat Firm ; \ < > ,
2 ted , cash , yiuhid tor Kt-biimry ; 'JhVo fur
Mardi ; Dl asked tor Mu y.
Corn SliMdy ulid hlulierj No. 2 ,
cih.h , : lj/o ; J'l'bium'y ' , : ili < ; May , C fp.
Oats-Steady : No. a inlxuil , t'l 'U ' 2yj
I tfc ; May , 313i < s bid. ,
Ilvo Lower nt .W fc.
I.nrd-Stoady nl SO.OOcSB.a' .
flutter Dull and unchanged1 creamery ,
Now' York , Feb. 0.-Wheat llccclpta ,
0,000 ; exports , 01,000 ! spot higher but \cry
quiet ; options opened weak , later ruled
stronger , closing steady ; nnm-.uled ir-d , s > (3
I'ScJ ' No. a red , Wo In elevated , H > j'iJ91s8c ( ; March closing at PUfc.
Corn Higher nnd closing llrm ! receipt ,
11,000 ; exports , l rOCO ; ungraded. MOot
No. : v-ts iU'c ' ; No. 2,5D } jj51c In elovntor ;
March elosiiiKnt I'.tJ fiOo.
Onts Shade better hut very nuM : re
ceipts , 17,003 ! exports , 1,000 ; mixed western ,
37ifi'Vc ( : ! ' ; white western , WWW'fc.
Petroleum Steady ; united closed at S-JHC.
Eggs Dull nnd weaker ; receipts , 000 pack
ages ; western , JUj oW-Vi * * '
Poik-Firm ; mpss , 3fo.r > o11.00.
I .aid Dull and lower ; contract grade spot ,
5 < Vl2t@il.4.-i : March , Sil.44 < ji0.4r. .
Hntti-r Firm , with fidrjtmulry ; western ,
12iKllo ( ; Elgin creamery , 3.VRWV.
Checso Quiet ; \\estein Hat , 70DXC.
Clnoliinntl , Keb. 0. Wheat Hood do-
innntl ; No. 2 ted , ttte.
Corn Steady : No. ' ' mixed , 070.
Oats Dull ; No.a mixed , 3lJc.
Uyo-Qiilpt : No. 2 , ( Be.
U.uloy Dull and unchanged ; extra No.3
northwestern spring , OH iWc.
I'oik OulelntSll.M.
Lard weak and lower at S0.07
Whisky Firm nt 51.10.
Milwaukee , Feb. G. Wheat Steady ;
cash.Slc : February , " " : May , Soc.
Coin Steady ; No. 2 , : l&c ,
Oats-Steady : No.- :
Uye-Qulet ; No. 1 , '
llailey-KasyNo.2 ; ,
Pie visions 1 jowur ; nu-hs poik , casli and
February , SU.10 ; Matcli , Sll.l3
Mlnncnpoiis , Feb. 0. Wheat Heller anil
closed stiomr : No. 1 hard , .Intnmrr and Keb-
ruary. 87c ; Marcli , 87Jfc : April , tO e ; May ,
We ; No. 1 iioitlu'rii , neglected ; January ,
Kebrtiary nnd March , S2) ) e ; April ,
Mav , 87c.
Mour-Stcady ; patents , 34SO5.00 ; bakers' ,
5i. : OGM.OO.
Keeelpts Wheat , 57,000 bn.
Shipments Wheat , W.OOO bu ; ( lour , 17.0JO
Ttileilo , Feb. 0. Wheat Closed easy
cash , tf-QKlc.
Corn Steady ; cash. .ISKc.
Oats Firm : cash. sic.
Ijlverpool , Feb.n. Wheat-Offered freely ;
New No. a whiter and spring , 7s Ji'd ; dull.
Flour Dull ; ollered fieely nt Ss.
Corn Olleiedfreely ; new mixed , 4s 2d :
dull ; Febiuaiy , Marcli and ApillIs IKd ;
llrm. *
New Orleans , Fob.O. Corn Excited nnd
higher ; all oll'eiIngs taken : demniut chiefly
tor export ; Mixed nnd yellow , 4bc ; white ,
GOii.Oats Steady.
Hog Products Fnlr demand and llrm. l.S7)f )
hard Hetined. SO.Oi ) ( < i0.12M.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , S 1.00 ; long clear , -
SD.GO ; clear ribs , S5.70
Knnnns City , Feb. 0. Wheat Higher ;
cash , " , Q'fc ' bid , 71c a"Ked ; Maicli , 7"o ; May ,
7svo ; bid. 7S ( e asked.
Corn Steadvcasii.27fc : bid , 23 < casked ;
Maich , Cii'fc ' ; May , 31 ! c. \ '
Oats No quotations.
Chicago , Feb. G. The Drovers' .louma-
lepoils :
Cattle Iteceipts , 5,000 ; shiment.s ] , 200 ;
. . .
l.nrV. U > * 3. LM1I1
bulk , § 2.40@2.7n.
Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; shipments , 4,000 ;
maiket for common Weak ; good ttcady ;
rough and mixed , sJ.75@l.lO : ; packing and
shipping , SUOfjKuO ; light , 83.00 ( 1.05 ;
skins , SifiOyjjii.rx ) .
Sheep Iteeeipts , l.SOO ; shipmouK fiOO ;
market steady ; natives , S'J.2r > Crt.5.0) ; Texans ,
S'2.00@i.7o : ; lambs , SJ.OO@5.00.
St. LiouiH. Pub. 0. Cattle Receipts ,
450 ; shipments , 200 ; fairly active and firmer
Hogs Receipts , 1,400 ; shipments
active and firm : good to choice heavy. St.40f(5 !
; i.4.ri ; mixed packing , SJ.OO4.'J5 ; light , S8.00
Kansas City , Feb. 5. Cattle Receipts ,
.100 ; shipments , none ; shipping giadcs
strong , lairly active and , "c higher ; butchers
steady ; exporters , sri.OOtiitf.lU ; common to
clioico shipping , $3.K-UK ! ) ) ; stoekcrs and
It-cilcrs , S'.00@t.7S : ; co\\sS2.riOCat.20. :
Hogs Receipts , 7,000 ; shipments , 700 ;
choice steady ; others weak nnd fle lower ;
good to choice , S4.004.15 ; light and mixed ,
Sy.75@'J5. : !
Trade Itcvlow.
Prices have ruled quiet on all kinds of pro
duce throughout the week. The receipts In
most cases Imvo not been large , but at the
same time , about equal to Iho demand. The
produce merchants have had about all they
could dispose of conveniently. The ictail
dealers have only boon baying sufiiclciit to
supply their immediate wants , not caring to
put in any gieat amount of stock at this sea
son of tlio year. It is a noticeable fact that
the butter market is fiat. The receipts of but
ter mo very light , but In spite of this fact tlio
commission houses Iiavo all they can do to
dispose of it as last as It comes In. In fact
they are compelled to turn over a good deal
ol ! it to the packing house , where
It is loworked and &hlppe"l east ,
Grades of Duller that sold readily
a year ago will not sell at all this year oxropt
to the pat-leers , and at very low pi let's. The
choicest butter is tlio only kind that will sell.
Poultry has been slow all tlio week and not
much demand , but near the close tlio HIT li.
receipts of chickens made prices bomowhat
firmer. Eggs it-main steady at about the
same prices as last week. The great dillicul-
ty has been toget Cte.sli stock. The gi cater
portion of the iccuipts consist of limed or
pickled eggs , which will not sell at nil pro
vided the buyer Is awaio of what ho Is get
ting. Potatoes and apples have not began to
move to any gicat extent thus far. JJiiHiness j
ha-sbecn iictholn tlio Ilvo stock market the
past week , especially In the hog market. 1io \
receipts of cattle have been light and tin
number changing bauds coriespondlngly
light. Tlio liogmaikct has shown a grca. .
deal of activity , and while the receipts lm\ . ,
been liberal the demand has been moiq than
equal. Everything iccolved Is disposed of in
soon ns received , and as n general thing the
pens aio cleared e.uly in the moiiiliigiissoon
us the market opens. Prices Have been very
( inn. and have ranged higher than at any
oilier tlmo during tliu season. The compctl-
turn among tbo buyers has been very strong ,
as the packing houses have not been able to
get ns many as they would like , very little
has bucn doing In the sheep liinikct ; few aio
coming In , and oven those are mostly Infeilor
grades. Sheep do not soil well in thin mar
ket unless they nro choice. It may bo said
thatcholcoHtockof all kinds is in demand
nnd will find n ready sale.
BaTuulay Evening , Feb. 0.
Tim rattle maiket was not very active U
day , and receipts were light. Prices lenm1
about steady. Steers averaging 1,100 to l,2t
DM aio quoted at8't.MC'HOO : T.'iOO to I , : H /
S.oor. ! : ; ljno , to IBX ) Ibs , at 84.50@.oi !
nifiursr . - . .
rjJiowlns the lilsbt-st Iiiul low * t price * pau
outhla miu Let far iwijs UurlUK Ilio pw