Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1886, Image 1

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Jlio Chinese Quarter of Seattle Cleaned of
Its Obnoxious Population.
Mat-died to an OutKoiiiR Stcninci- and
1'iiflsnfjc 1'nld to Sixn Prunelsco
nnd Incitement.
Forcibly Kxpelllng tlio Chinese.
Poim.ANi ) , Oregon , Fcl ) . 7. To-day , as If
by progammc laid out , the Chinese arc being
driven out of Seattle. It Is understood the
Knights of Labor head the movement. The
Chinese are marched to the steamer ( Jucen of
the 1'acille , lying at the wharf , and the rioters
pay steerage passage to San Francisco for
each Chinaman put aboard. The steamer
piles regularly between San Francisco and
Pugct Sound. At this hour 3 p. m. , about
100 liavo been put aboard. Xo effort Is made
by the rioters to force the Chinese aboard
without paying their fare , which Is 810 In
each case. The captain has stationed men
with live streams of hose , and Is prepared to
throw boiling water Into thn mob If they
lenew the attempt to run the Chinese Into
the vessel.
The mayor of Seattle nnd other prominent
clti/.cns have telegraphed to Vancouver bar
racks , asking General Gibbon , com
manding the department of Columbia ,
for troops. General Gibbon has
telegraphed the war department ,
but up to this hour no authority has como
.from Washington to send troops. Vancouver
Is distant 150 miles from Seattle , and trans
portation would be effected by boat and rail.
The shortest time the troops could be trans
ported Is seven hours , and oven If the troops
should start to-night they would bo too late
to prevent the Chinese expulsion. Chief
Justice Green of Washington territory has
telegraphed Attorney General Garland , urg
ing him to use his influence to have troops
ordered to Seattle. As yet there has been no
bloodshed or Incendiarism , but It Is believed
as soon as night sets In there will be serious
trouble , of which no estimate can bo made at
this writing.
POHTI.AI > , Ore. , Feb. 7 , Oregonian's
Seattle special : At last the long drawn out
anti-Chinese agitation lias reached a culmin
ating point so far as Seattle is concerned.
It was thought by many when the United
States troops were withdrawn from hero
that the agitation was dead , and as weeks
went by without the commission of any
overt act. tills opinion was strengthened. As
the event shows , however , the feeling was
not even dormant , and the agitators" have
been quietly laying plans all the while. An
effort was made to put these plans Into exe
cution to-day , though with what success can
not bo said. An anti-Chinese meeting was
held last night at which a committee was
appointed for tlio ostensible purpose of visitIng -
Ing Chinamen and ascertaining whether the
city sanitary regulations were properly ob
served by the Chinamen.
This committee commenced its work at 7
o'clock this morning , headed by aetlng Chief
of Police Murphy , and followed by an 1m-
mcnso crowd which had apparently como
together by previous understanding. It pro
ceeded to Chinatown. The mode ot procedure
was simple. The committee would approach
i. Chinese house nnd knock at the door. When
iho occupants appeared they were asked
questions concerning the observance of the
cubic air and other city ordinances. While
llio conversation was in progress the crowu
would enter the house and begin packing the
contents upon a wagon which would appear
at this juncture. It was useless for the
Chinamen to resist , and they generally
acquiesced with as good grace as possible.
When their movable goods were loaded In
tlio wairon they wore also placed on board
and driven to the ocean dock where the
Queen of the 1'acllic was lying ready to sail
lor San Francisco.
Mot the slightest warn Inn of this movement
had been given , and the authorities were
totally unprepared for it. The police force gen
erally sided with tlio crowd and made no ef
fort to stop the work of removal. Sheriff McGraw -
Graw was soon on the scene and commanded
the mob to disperse , but they paid no atten
tion to him. when ho would collect a few
citizens and atleinut to interfere the crowd
would cease operations at that point but carry
It on without cessation In other quarters.
This continued for several hours , Sheriff
McGraw , Judge Green and Mayor I'eslcr
making such efforts as they could in behalf
of the law , but without avail.
About 1 o'clock Governor Squler , who Is In
thu city , Issued the following nroclamatlon :
To the People of Washington territory :
Whereas , It is represented to me by the
mayor of Iho city of Seattle as follows :
lion. W. C. Squire Sir : The Chinese resi
dents' of this city of Seattle arc being unlaw
fully removed Irom this cltv by a mob un
lawfully gathered together. The authority of
the city isnotfiuflielont to keep the peace or
prrservo order. 1 appeal to you for aid and
assistance. llKiiy L. YKKI.KII , Mayor.
Now , thoicfore , 1 , Watson C. Squire , gov
crnorof Washington terrltorydo herebv pub
lish this , my proclamation , warning all per
sons to desist from breach of peace , and that
peaceably disposed persons shall retire to
their homes , except such persons as are dis
posed to assist the sheriff and the duly con
stituted civil authorities In maintaining law
and order , and 1 request all persons who are
disposed lo assist In maintaining order to
enroll themselves under the sheriff Imme
diately for that purpose.
Furthermore. 1 oidcr the military of this
city to immediately place themselves undei
aims , and that the commanding olllccrs of
Biieh companies report forthwith to the
sheriff of King county for the purpose ol
rcndeiing him military assistance , it'need be ,
In maintaining the law.
UNI.Donuut Seattle tills 7th day of February ,
UNI. ; WATSOX C. tiyuiiii : , Governor.
This was read to the crowd. It was re
ceived with a howl of defiance. It had abso
lutolynopacitylnir effect. An attempt was
then made to ring the tire bells , but they were
soon slUmccd. Two local companies ot mili
tia and tinea companies of homo guards , or
ganized at the tlmo the United Status troops
were withdrawn , however responded as
quickly ns possible , but by the tlmo they were
ready lor action them boomed nothing for
them to do. About -100 Chinamen were
huddled together In a warehouse on theOceai
dock , and nn Immense crowd prevented then
from returning to their homes. Indeed , i
majority of thorn showed much Incllnatloi
toiemain , ns they were thoroughly cowei
and eager to get away. The oflk-ers of the
steamship , however , refused to receive the
Chinamen without tickets. They prepared
hot water huso and took every precaution to
defend the vessel from any attempt to force
the Chinamen on board. In this dilemma a
collection was raised and enough
subscribed to pay thn passage of about
100. These were u-colvcd on board , each
one expressing a doslro to go out and de
clined oilers ol the olllclals to protect them
Irom vloloni-o If they remained , Thostenmcr
should hiivo sailed at 1 p. m , , but was de
tained In hope that some arrangement would
bo made for the passage of the remaining
Chlnamon , who were huddled on the donk
unable to return to their homes and perlectly
willing logo.
About 5 p. m. , the militia marched down to
Chinatown and took possession. It was
thoroughly deserted except by a few mer
chant ! } who had been allowed to remain
temporarily ,
At 0 p. m. a writ of habeas corpus was
Issued , charging that the Chinamen were
illegally leslndncd of liberty on board of the
btoamer. Thn writ was made luturnnble at
.10 this evening. In the meantime the
steamer was enjoined from sailing.
The situation at this hour (0 ( p. m , ] Is un
certain , A dismal lain la fall
ing , and the mob has largely dispersed , The
Chinamen who are not on board the steamer
nrc huddled togolheron thooreaudock , Two
companies of uillitia and 100 homo guaulsare
patrolling the streets. The Oieuon
Improvement company also has eighty
men guarding the docks and waichouses.
Tlio authorities aio dutcimlncd no Chinamen
shall leave unwillingly. Every effort will be
made to avoid bloodshed , but the utmost determination -
termination Is oxpiusscil on this point.
f' - - - - ' , Irj addition to iteming the.
proclamation , sent the followlnc telegram to
the secretary of war , thn secretary of the
Interior , and General Gibbon , commanding
the department of Columbia :
SIIATTI.K , W. T. , Feb. 7. Immense mob
foiclnu' Chinese to leave foittle. Civil
authorities arming posse comltatus to protect
them. Serious conflict probable. I respect
fully remicst that United States troops bo Im
mediately sent to Seattle. Troops at Port
Townscnd can airlvc soonest , and probably
'lll bo sufficient. Have Issued proclamation.
WATSON 0. Scji'ini : , Governor.
The troops at Port Townscnd and Van-
louver arn icady to move , and are only await-
ng ciders from Washington. Much surprise
s expressed that the movement was arranged
so quietly. The city Is full of strangers , and
t Is hard to tell whence they come. It Is be
loved by many that the plans were made In
1'aconm , as manv prominent agitators from
hat place , as well as repottcrs of both the
' .acoina papers , arrived hero yesterday.
Inyor Weisbach , of Tncomn , Is also here and
t Is freely asserted that he Is engineering the
General Gibbon answered Governor Smilro
hat he could not send troops without direct
rdcrs from the president. These have not
eon yet received.
The report that the Knights of Labor
jcailed the mob to expel the Chinese hccms
0 have no foundation. While members of
ho organization were in the mob. there Is no
vldonco whatever that the knights as an
irganbatlon were connected with the
: iieasuio.
The Coke Workers' Strike.
1'iTTHiiLMto , Feb. 7. The Commercial Ga-
.cttc , Mount Pleasant ( Pa. ) , special says :
The strikers held meetings at tlllTcient places
hroughoitt the coke regions to-day , and do-
Idcd to march In a body to Scottdalo to-mor-
ow to attend n mass meeting. The week
losed yesterday with several occurrences of
1 character which fellows the determination
uul desperation of the strikers. A number
f men who have been working in the pits
ccclved llcttcrs bearing the Insignia of
leath , with eolllns and daggers rampant ,
wlillo the Inscriptions warned' them to stop
work Immediately under penalty of death.
The missives were spotted with blood and
) reSiitcd a very sanguinary appearance.
At noon yesterday forty strikers discovered
.hreo men ut work loading a stock of coke at
Uoylo's Bridgeport works. ' The men started
LO run. when the strikers gave chase , firing
it the fugitives , and abandoning the pursuit
tvhon they were satisfied that the men would
not attcmplto work. Tlio nlnht provious.when
ho cars were run Into Boyle's works , a band of
strikers , armed with guns and revolvers , lay
jchlnd the ovens nearly the entire night to
revent any attempt at resumption of work.
The miners arc thoroughly posted on every
novemcnt of the operators , bclnirin constant
loinmunicatlon with friends in PiUsburg.
The ClKnrmakcrs' Bifj Strike.
Niw : 1'onic , Fob. 7. If the progressive
ilgarnuikcrs ngreo to the terms proposed by
ho manufacturers and accept the schedule
t wages based on the average prices paid by
ihops last year , about -1,000 people will be re-
loved from suffering , which is beginning to
)0 seriously felt. In many of the trades more
> r less directly connected with the cigarmak-
ng Industry the strike has produced stagna-
ion and consequent discharge of working
icople , who , not being members of the cigar-
nakers' unions , are not entitled to relief
'rom their bodies. About r 00 clgarmakcrs ,
nciuding women , have left for San Francisco
luce the strike began and are expected teen
: on tribute something to the support of their
juil'crinir comrades In this city when they get
here. It will be some time , however , before
lie heavy expense of the trip can be paid out
of their earnings on the Pacific coast and a
urplus sent to .New York.
Adding to the Distress.
PiTTSiiuno , Feb. 7. Furnaces Xos. 1 and
2 of the Cambria Iron company , situated at
Ilollklaysburg , were banked down yesterday
on account of iho scarcity of coke caused by
the prolonged strike In the Connellsvillc coke
region. The suspension throws JiOO men out
of employment.
Dynnmito Used to Move the St. Ijotiis
ST. Louis , Feb. 7. While the soft weather
of the past two days has produced no marked
effect upon the Ice gorge In this harbor , and
stretching for miles both above and below
the city , yet the prospect is that with the con
tinuous mild temperature , and especially
should it ruin , the Ice will let go In a week
to ten days and navigation will bo resumed
to southern points. With a view to lessen
Ing the danger to steamers and other craft
in the harbor , when the gorge moves , the Ice
along the river bank from the bridge for a
distance of a mile or more south , was yester
day crushed with dynamite , and that explo
sive \vas used again to-day with goad effect
In opening passage way through
the gorge , which when completed
will enable the steamers at the landing to
move to safer quarters behind the dykes
and land projections In the lower part of
the city.
The Ice was found to bo from a foot to over
three feet thick , and great efforts will bo
inado to remove enough to ensure at least
comparative satety to property in the harbor
when the crash comes. Should the Ice start
on a high rise from the Missouri river the re
sult In all likelihood will bijqulto destructive ,
but should It go out quietly under the simple
influence of mild weather It Is hoped that but
little damage will bo done.
Making Their Cause Known.
GAI/VESTON , Feb. 7. A special lo the
News from Dallas says : The merchant !
here have been visited by a committee of the
Knights of Labor who explained to them the
cause of the boycott against the Mallory
Steamship company , and requested them to
withdraw their patronage from that line.
The committee received from a majority of
the merchants assurances of support and
sympathy , and expressions of a belief that
their cause for complaint was just and de
serving of support. A few merchants were
A To.vnn Pioneer Dead.
HOUSTON , Tex. , Feb. 7. Abraham GroeS'
back , a pioneer and leading citizen here , dleii
yesterday , aged 71 years. Deceased was ono
of the projectors of the Houston & Texas
Central railroad , and at ono tlmo was vice
president of that company. Ho amassed a
largo fortune , but of hue years ho has suffered
losses aggregating several hundred thousand
dollars. The city of Groi'.sbaek In this state
was named In his honor , Ho was foicmost
In nearly all the largo enterprises projected
in this city.
Icebound In the Sound.
POHT JnKFKiisoN , L. I. , Fob , 0 , The brig
George W. Whitford , from St , Andrews ,
I. , with cocoanuts for Now York , picked up
In the gulf stream fifteen men of the Nor
wi-glan bark Catlmilno , The Whit-
find uCiiteiod Long Island sound
on the night of February 3il ,
during the heavy snowstorm and had her jib
boom and forward rlKglng carried away. Slio
anchored oft Katon's Neck and drifted about
seventeen miles and Is now trozcn In the Ice
on tlio sound otTSinlthtown Haibor.
Given Up for Cone ,
ST. JOHNS , N. B. . Feb. 7.-Tho British
schooner Miller and Woodman , from New
York for St. Johns , before reported overdue ,
has been given up for lost. It is supposed
the vessel toundercd with all hands in the
gale of January' ' . Tlnco of the ciew leave
large families In .St. Johns.
A ColluKe 1'i-oR'ssoi1 Dead.
BAITIMOJII : , Feb. 7 , Professor Charles 1) .
Moirls , formctlyof thoUnlveisltyof the City
of New Vork , und for tho. last ten yeais pro
fessor of Greek and Latin Mndios in John
Hopkins university , died hero to-day.
The Clearing Report.
BOSTON , Feb. 7. The .leading clearing
houses In thu United States report the total
gross bank exchanges for tliu week ending
February O'Ucio SrloaibO ,8S2.'an increase ot
i'\ per cent compared , with the' coircspond-
| ing Viu'ok u year ugo.
Most of the Leading Military Officers Favor
Its Early Passage.
Spirited Contest. For the Comptroller *
slili ) of Currency The Adminis
tration AVou't Scare In tlio
Telephone Suit Notes.
IVIth General Approval.
WASHINGTON- . 7. [ Special Telegram. ]
A cavalry ofileor ot 'the army says in to-
lay's AVashlngton Herald : " 1 have been In
iVashlngton IOUK enough since the meeting
f the present congress to talk with se\eral
iicmbors of the military committees of the
louse ami senate , and this la what 1 learn
rein them , and what has been continued by
jlhcr members of congress not on the mill-
ary committee. " . The present congress np-
trcclates the present needs of the army that
the necessity of legislation which shall
put the different arms of the service on a
basis with the corresponding branches of
ther armies. They recognize the fact
hat the changes that have been
mule from time to time In our
regular army since the close of the war In
SG.5 have been made with the object of rcduc-
ng the force from tlmo to .time as the
necessity of the country seemed to make such
reduction justlllablc , and not upon any well
considered plan ot organization for a per
manent force , which , being as small as
possible In time of peace , would admit [ oljtho
rcntest possible development when neces
sary. The first step toward an organization
of BHch a basis has been taken by the Intro-
.luctlon of the Mandcrson bill for the
reorganization of the Infantry. Without
saying anything of the merits or demerits of
.his . plan of organization , I. e. , three battalions
of four companies in eacli regiment ,
t Is but just to say that it meets with the ap
proval of many , It not all the higher ofllrcrs
of the army. Prominent members of the
committee In both the house and senate favor
: he bill and think that there is a fair prospect
ot its passage If It Is not killed by the army.
I have been told personally by members of
he committee that they arc receiving so
nany suggestions and protests from ofllcers
of the army that they are forced to believe
.hat the only thing an ofllccr thinks of when
a change in the army is suggested Is : 'Can
I gain anything individually by the change ? '
As tills question is answered they favor or
oppose legislation. It Is after these Inter-
lews that I determined to suggest to those
ivho , like myself , are only indirectly inter
ested in this , that we keep our hands off un-
ess we approve of this measure on its merits ,
and then It certainly can do no harm to say
The contest over the comptrollership of
currency Is becoming exceedingly Interest
ing. Candidates as far as arc known to-
ilght arc as follows : Hon. W. 11. English of
Indiana , A. H. Uuckner of Missouri , W. E.
llaskett of Tennessee , C. A. Folsom of Illi
nois , 0. II. Buckalew of Pennsylvania , E. 0.
Graves of Now York.T.T. ( iurney of Illinois ,
and J. W , Morgan of Indiana. Gnrnoy is
vouched for by Anthony T. Seebergcr , col-
ector of the port ot Chicago , John W. Doanc
ami Melville W. Fuller of Chicago. The
president is said to feel the necessity of mak
ing the appointment at as early a date as pos
sible. Ho desires to select a man from the
west , one whoso views on the silver
question are in accord with his own.
The matter of Mr. Curacy's candidacy
was first brought to the attention of the pres
ident about a week ago by Messrs Ooano and
Scebgererwho at some length discoursed elo
quently upon thn line record made by Gurnev
as comptroller of the city of Chicago. It is
not believed the oflico will be given to Mr.
English. The president is understood to
have Intimated that ho would choose between
Buckner of Missouri and Curacy. Biickner
was for many years a member of congress ,
and for several terms chairman of the com
mittee on banking and currency. He has
always been regarded as an expert in finan
cial matters. It is intimated by those in
position to know that Ournoy will probably
receive the appointment.
'tut : AmiiKiHTHATiox WON'T SCAW : .
c It Is becoming apparent to almost every
body hero that the IJell Thlophono company
is behind all of this light that is being made
against Attorney General Garland , Secretary
Lamar , and the others Interested In the prep
aration of the suits to be brought to test the
validity of the Bell patent * . The Bell com
pany evidently believe that they can irlghtcn
the administration out of bringing these
suits , but President Cleveland Is quoted as
saying that ho proposes to take charge of the
matter , and that the administration cannot
bo phased by the monopoly or any of Its far
reaching Influences. Since the hand of the
Bell company Is becoming visible Interest is
dying out. *
A local newspaper announces to-day that
Lieutenant A. W. Greeley , formerly of
Omaha , Is a propeity owner and taxpayer in
Orange county ( Fin. ) , Ho has a tract of ICO
acres of land situated at the south end of
Lake Conway , about six miles south of Or
Itcprcscntatlvo William Walter Phelps
succeeded In bringing together Secretary
Whitney and ox-Secretary Chandler ut a
dinner party last week. They had a long
social chat , but these who were present say
no reference was made to thu Dolphin eon
tract or any of John Itoach's matters. Quito
pleasant reminiscences were related by ex-
Secretary Chandler , however , In reference to
naval and other department and govern
mental alfairs.
coxa nnssioNAi , ronrccAST.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 7. [ Pross.j In the
house to-morrow , after the call of states , the
house will probably resume In committee of
the whole the consideration of the half gal
lon tax law. Mr. Morrison will attempt to
contino the discussion to the merits of the
bill , but owing to the wldo latitude given by
the rules governing debate In committee , it is
likely that several speeches relating to the
silver question will be delivered. It Is the
Intention of the appropriations committee to
call up the pension appropriation bill for
further action on Tuesday , This bll1 usually
provokes little discussion , but the recent
agitation as to the new pension legislation
may on this occasion elicit a general expres
sion of opinion on the measure. Should II
receive final action on Tuesday , and should
the tax bill bo disposed of , Wednesday will
bo devoted to consideration of the Atlantic &
Pacific land forfeiture bill. According to the
special order made on Friday hist , the Fitz-
Jolin Poiter bill will bo taken un on Thurs
day , but it Is understood that a vote will not
bo reached this week.
Senator Blair hopes to secure right of way
In the senate to-morrow immediately after
the morning hour for his educational bill
and the chances arc In Ids favor. Senator
Cameron wishes to have the bill to civalo an
assistant secretaryship of the navy dlspnset
of , and will make an effort to seemo that rule
at the earliest opportunity , Senator Hoar
proposes to ask thosenato to take uu the bank
ruptcy bill , and Senator Plait contemplates
presMiiK the bill forthoadmlssion 01 Washing
ton territory , but neither Iloarnur Plait wfl
antagonize thccduc-aUonnl bill. The ' 'iceiiln
order ' , " whatever It iuay prove to be. is llk l >
to'belald aside within a day or two to enable
.Senator Frya to imiko a speech on his ivsolu
tlon imported from the c'Qiumlttco on lorelgi
lelu'tions iti regard to lishwles. There Is
general expectation that llio judiciary coin-
iilttce will be heard frohi to-morrow In rola-
Ion to the refusal of thft attorney general to
urnlsh papers In the Dustln case , but thn
expectation has no other foundation than
ho fact that the commilU'o's regular meeting
lay Is Monday and that , the subject has been
cfcrrcd to the committee by the senate.
Strong Objection to nismnrck's Bran
dy Monopoly Scheme ,
Bnnr.tN , Feb. 7. Since the adoption by
the buudlsratli of the bill piolonglng the
operation of the anti-socialist law to five
years , the agitation In iclchstag circles In re-
; ard to the measure has Increased. The
Cologne Gazette says that a coalition Is now
icing formed which threatens to defeat the
) lll In the relchstag.
It Isa-timored that the spirit monopoly bill
will be withdrawn from the relchatag , the
government ueinirnnablo to face the universal
opposition to the measure. Over four him-
lix'il petitions have been presented against
ihc bill. It Is thought , however , that HIs-
nnrok will persist In his effort to early the
neastiro through the landtag.
Herr von Schultz , Prussian minister ot
finance , replying to Herr Wolff , conservative ,
stated that the government had abandoned
its reform measures , having for their object
llrcct taxation , owlnc to the opposition of a
iialoritv of the members of the landtag. Ho
added that In consequence of his opposition
ho government would bo forced to have re
course to Indirect taxation.
Sorvla's Cool Ileply to tlic Powers.
VIINNA : , Feb. 7. The cool and evasive
reply of Scrvla to the joint note of the
powers requesting her to disarm , in which
she simply acknowledged the receipt of the
loto and said she would think about It , Is
: o-day explained by the statement that just
jeforo .sending a reply Scrvla had received
"rom Greece n confidential telccram Impor
tant in character. It Is surmised that Greece
offered to jolnServia In resisting the demand
to disarm , as it Is known that previous to the
receipt of the dispatch Scrvla had drafted a
reply very different from the curt note
subsequently received.
Revival of Nihilism.
LONDON , Jan. 0. Information has been
received at St. Petersburg that the recent dis
covery of nihilistic rendezovoes in that city
lias stirred up the authorities to tlio keenest
ictivity and arrest of persons charged with
implication in nihilistic plots , continue to
be made there. _ _
The Ministerial Benin.
LONDON , Feb. 0. The members of the late
uinistry loft London for Osborno this morn-
ng to deliver up the seals of office to the
queen , and the members of the Gladstone
government proceeded to Osborno to receive
.lie seals from her majesty.
TnllH Filled WItli Prisoners.
ODI SA , Feb. 7. Arevolutlon is fomenting
n Turkish Armenia. The jails in tills city
arc filled with political prisoners , and ex
traordinary arrests are made every day.
Rejected by the Deputies.
PATHS , Feb. 7. The .chamber of deputies ,
jy a vote of JUT to 110 , has rejected the propo
sition of the radicals to , extend amnesty to
political offenders.
Their Removal to a Sarcophagus or
Undoubted Durability.
Ci.r.VKi.AND , OliiOj ! Feb. 0. The bronze
casket containing the ; remains of. the late
[ 'resident Garlield having shown unmis
takable evidences of , Uecay < * it'tyas 'decided
by the widow and family to liavo the re
mains transferred to olio ot undoubted dura
bility. The- new casket is a marvel of beauty
and wolkniansldp. This morning the
undertaker , accompanied by James J { .
Garliold and half a dozen others ,
took the Basket to the cemetery , where
the transfer was made without incident. Tlio
illustrious ( lead was remembered by loving
friends. Th'o casket was not opened , but
placed in the sarcophagus under the direction
of the undertaker. The outer cover was then
hermetically sealed and the remains
lost to mortal view forever. Tlio
sarcophagus was then returned
to the vault , where It will remain till life
liaudsomo monument which is to Ue erected
is completed. The sarcophagus Is a work ot
art. It Is of solid bronze metal and hand
somely cemented , and weighs 450 pounds.
The top is partially oval and massive ,
The handles run along the sides and ends.
Tlio entire sarcophagus rests on font lions'
feet , one at each corner , indicating
strength. A handsome tablet six by
fifteen inches was placed on the top
of the sarcophagus ; on each side arc lllllcs ;
oak leaves and acorns ornament the pro
jections in the center , while lichen and
calycanthus are intertwined , giving a beau
tiful effect. The tablet was designed as
symbolical ot the dead president , sym
bolizing his love of homo by
lichens , love of mankind by calycanthus ,
his ourlty by tno lily , and his courage by
the oak. The cost of the sarcophagus was
Si,000. ! The military guard will bo contin
ued about the vault until next June.
New Orleans1 Season ofllllnrlty Aus
piciously Commenced.
Nnw OUI.UAXH , Feb. 7. The Creole cele
bration at the American exposition to-day
was ono of the most brilliant events of the
season. Tlio weather was pleasant and
springlike. The grounds were In perfect
condition , and enlivened by thousands of
Creoles from the city and stale. Hon. Charles
Gayarro , historian of Louisiana , presided
and delivered the opening speech. Judge
Felix Poche , of the state supreme court , de
livered a historical address on the "Creoles
of Louisiana , " and piosented the magnificent
Creole exhibit to the board of management.
Alexander I ) . Anderson , commissioner of
special days , responded In behalf of the ex
position. This celebration Is considered as
practically arcopjiiingof the exposition , for
it inaugurates the period of charming weather
so popular with visitors from the north , who
are now coming in largo numbers.
Heavy Damage to Dry Goods by Smolco
and Water.
AUSTIN , Tex , , Feb. . 7. At an early hour
thlsniorning lire was discovered In tlio largo
dry goods establishment of Newman & Co.
Thu flames were quickly subdued , but the lifo
had been smouldering several hours , the
smoke thoroughly penetrating and damaging
the stock , wlilch was valued at § 100,000 ;
insurance , gCO.OOO ,
A Woman Crucfly Murdered.
ST. Louis , Feb. 7. Mrs. Frederick Lippert
was found last nlidit byjher hiibband at Mill-
stadt , or Ccntcrvlllc , seven miles south of
Belleville. ( Ills. ) In an unconscious condition ,
An investigation of hcrbody showed thatsho
had been struck on the. temple with n rock
and had sustained fracture of the sku.Il >
which resulted In her death at 3 o'clock this
morning , The person wiio throw the stone
Is unknown , as Is also tlio cause of the as
_ _
Cold Wave Affects Mexico.
CITY OF Mnxico , Feb. 7. Cold weather
prevails in tlio Valley of Mexico , owing to a
cyclone In the upper btrata of the atmosphere ,
according to the government meteorological
report. The cold Is not felt on thu coasl
nearly as severely In proportion as hero on
the tableland. Several poor persons have
died from exposure. Crop reports , however ,
are satisfactory and prices of food product ;
ruling lower ,
Weather for ToWay. .
MISSOURI YAI.I.B v Generally warmer and
fair weather , follosved .In northern -portion
by a slight fall In temperature ; winds geiv
orally fcoutliwosterly , preceded "by variable
A 'Private'
iJiunqrouT , Conn.Feb. . c. Leonard
Wood , of tlio-iirm of Hallett & W.oo'd , whole
sale dealers In-Clueago dretsed beef , sulcldci
by hanging at his rcsUlenco uiurii
.lug. Iso apimicut cause , .
The ! Most Important Plnco Qivon to a Rad
ical Friend of Ireland.
Unless rnrnoll's Pledged Measure Re
ceives First Const iteration , Trou
ble nnd Iithcrnl Downfall
nrc Certainties.
The English Political Situation.
LOMIOK , Feb. 7. [ Special Telegram. ]
Iho now cabinet Is popularly known as the
Glndstone-Morloy cabinet. Morlcy's was the
first appointment publicly known. It was
mlversally understood to signify that Glad
stone had resolved to favor homo rule. Glad
stone's solo chance of a majority in the
ircscnt house lies In securing Pnrnell's sup-
> oit. Morley Is his first bid , undParnoll
iods approval. Morloy's brilliant abilities ,
slngulrarly rapid rise In public life , and extreme -
tremo radicalism on the Irish question , ex
plain Gladstone's departure from all prece
dent In offering the most Important of all the
cabinet offices to a man wholly without
ofllclal experience. Lord Aberdeen's viceroyalty -
royalty brings another new man to the front
whom his friends know to be able , devoted ,
and conscientious , nnd likely to win the
good will of the Irish people. Lord Spencer's
acceptance of the ollleo provokes some sur
prise. Trevclyan's much more. There Is an
Interesting puzzle In the situation that com
pels Lordllartlngton to decline ollleo In a
cabinet which Tievelyan finds himself nblo
to enter. The situation probably is that Glad
stone , when offering oHlco to his colleagues ,
abstained from all exposition of his Irish
policy. Lord llartington's position in the
party entitled him to ask for explanations ,
which proved Insufficient to satisfy his scru
ples. Chamberlain's friends say his connec
tion witli the ministry binds him to nothing
now , but gives him a free hand in the local
questions ho c.ircs tlio most for.
Gladstone's address to the Midlothian
throws little light on all his obscurity , and
apparently was meant to throw none. It is n
niastcipiece of ingenious unlntclligibillty. A
single point .stands out there Is to bo an
Inquiry Into the condition of Ireland before
any proposal for legislation is made. More
over , tlio succession In which the topics are
named Is thought to bo significant social
order , land , and self government. The first
cannot In any case mean coercion , of which
Morley would never bo the instrument. If
in attempt is made to settle the land qucs-
tton bcforo homo rule , trouble may bo ex
pected. Parncll stands pledged to insist on
precedence for home rule. Every Parncllitc
organ protests acainst postponement on any
pretext. Unless Parncll gives away this Is
the rock on which the coalition will split or
the cabinet go to pieces. This , too , helps to
explain Chamberlain's presence in the cabi
net. He does not want home rule , but he
docs want to deal with land.
The Dally News , nowuiulcr Chamberlain's
influence , speaks out frankly. It tells Par-
nell that the liberal party will not allow him
to dictate the sequence of. measures. It
warnS'lilnfif'Gladstonetries to carry homo
rule regardless of social order and unmlnd-
ful'Ofthe claims of the land question , ho
wouldlind himself in the minority in the
commons. On the other hand ho could carry
the first two branches of the scheme without
PornclJ's hell ) . Morley , though far more ad
vanced on other Irish questions than Cham
berlain , agrees with him that land must como
first. "The tenants , " said Morley , "must bo
[ > jevented from confiscating the property of
the landlords. " initially the Birmingham
Post , Chamberlain's organ , publishes a con
spicuous editorial , denying the impossibility
of granting a parliament to Ireland.
The other cabinet appointments have little
or no'bearing on the Irish question. They
do no signify much. The Parnollites express
lioporather than confidence. They will do
what they can to strengthen the ministry by
discouraging outrages in Ireland and by a
moderate course In parliament.
The liberal press in England discuss the
whole subject with extreme caution.t Glad
stone himself Is In the highest splrfts , and
full ot confidence. "
Russia Fairly Outdone.
LOXDOX. Feb. 7. [ Special Cablegram. ]
tU'ter fluctuating curiously during the wi-ek
the .situation in the Balkans seems again to
be extremely threatening. It Is at last plain
that Ilnssia has been beaten and England Is
victorious in the struggle for the control of
the Bulgarian policy , which has been the real
struggle all along. Apparently the shifty
sultan has been tied to a settlement by the
bmuls of self prcscivation too strongly to
break away. Ho has affirmed the practical
union of the two Bnlgarias , and in turn has
a guarantee that the whole Bulgarian army
shall fight under Turkish ofllcers whenever
the Ottoman empire is assailed. This shuts
the Kussiaii officers absolutely out of Bul
garia , and destroys the chance of Knss'ia re
gaining even a modicum of her once para
mount influence , liussia refuses to sanction
or even to recognize the agreement , but the
other poweis ratified and will sustain II.
English Political Rricfri.
LONDON , Feb. 7. Itcdmond , nationalist
member of parliament , in a speech at Mon-
nglian to-day , urged Irishmen to restrain
their violent feelings , and not lo hamper the
no government , which , lie said , would take
Immediate steps to stop evictions.
The appointment of Mr. Brodhurst as
under homo secretary has caused a sensation
In political circles , that gentleman being the
first working man that has over risen to the
ininlstry. Tlio appointment is taken as an
Indication that Gladstone's Intention to
rely upon the masses acalnst the Influence ) of
the aristocracy. Liberal clubs are divided in
opinion on the subject , the Ket'orm nnd
IJevoiisliIro disapproving the appointment
and National Liberal enthusiastically approv
ing It ,
The hostility of the whlgs to Gladstone Is
Intense , This is shown In tlio dilllciilty ex
perienced by the premier in lining pecrosKos'
posts in the queen's household , The
luchesses of Bedford and Westminster have
refused appointments , nud others will follow
their example.
Afore Cabinet Appointments.
LONDON , Feb. 7. The following additional
appointments have been made under the new
administration :
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster E
ward HIneagc.
Lord Chancellor of Iieland John Nalsh.
Attorney General for Ireland Samuel
Solicitor General for Ireland MacDfirmott ,
Secretary to the Admiralty-John T. lllb
Under Finelzn Secretary James Price.
Under Colonial Secretary George Osborno
Under Secretary for India Sir U , K.
Under Secretary for the Homo.Department
Henry Broadburst.
Spain's Political Trouulps ,
MADIUD , Feb. 7 , The police to-day sup
pressed a meeting of federate republicans be
cause one of the speakers reform ! to the
state of monaichy as insecure. Two of
leailersof the recent revolution In Cariha
gcna have been sentenced to death uni
iauother to ten years imprisonment. , ,
Empties Two Olmmbors of a Revolver iu
an Encounter With a Scholar Who
Slapped His Soboolmarm.
PAPII.MON , Xeb. , Feb. 7. [ Special Tele-
: ram. ] Florence Sallnir , n young lady teach
ing a country school south of town , had
trouble last week with lit nest Ireland , a
holar , who , being reprimanded , struck tlio
leachcr In the face. The teacher's brother ,
Dee Sallng , met young heland In the road
last night , knocked him down and fired two
shots at Ireland's brother when the latter In-
lerfcrcd. Later In Iho evening young Sallng
met thy mother ot the Ireland boys , and at
tacked her with a Howie knife , but the
woman escaped. The Ireland family la highly
respectable , and much Indignation Is ex
pressed over the conduct of young Sating ,
who Is the son of ex-Sheriff Sallng. The
teacher Is an estimable young lady , and does
not approve her brother's rash deeds. Sheriff
-nnipbdl and Ireland will offer a lewnrd for
Klrc Ilitg'H Work Discovered.
KXITIII : , Neb. , Feb. 7. [ Special Telegram. ]
A supposed attempt to bum this town has
just come to light. Tin- building was owned
> y .J. \ \ ' . Taylor , and la t occupied by Sher
man it Cain , jewelers. It has been rented
some time recently by K. Dennis , of Grafton ,
for a meat market. Whllo cleaning the back
room he discovered In u hole , which had been
cut In the wall , a quantity of cloth , paper ,
tc. , rolled tightly in a bundle and saturated
with kerosene , with several matches Inscitcd
n the end of the bundle , with the heads pro-
Hiding. These were partly burned , and the
cloth scorched , but the oil did not catch.
Had It Ignited , the entire town would have
jeen swept away. Theie is no clue to the
Victim of Puts and Calls.
Siir.i.To.v , Neb. , Feb. 7. [ Special. [ D. A.
Uurrows , ninnager of the Shelton flouring
nllls , becoming dissatisfied with the moder
ate returns from the mill , conceived the idea
of bucking the Chicago board of trade with ! 3
[ tCT cent n month borrowed money. The
'oaners ' not suspecting his purpose , furnished
ilm the money on his individual note. Now
lo their sorrow they long for the return of
Uurrows , who has gone visiting with the in-
entlon of becoming a resident ot another
state. The various amounts of losses thus
'ar known arc : Welsncr's bank , S. > 00 ; Shel
ton bank , S230 ; George Smith , Slf.O ; and in
addition there is a large shortage of wheat
deposited by farmers.
Freight Depot Burned.
Ilni ) CLOUD , Neb. , Feb. 7. [ Special Tele-
; rain.J About 4 o'clock this morning the
Turlington it .Missouri Illvcr railway freight
louse and a small building adjoining
Brewer's elevator were burned. A large
amount of freight and several him-
Irctl cells of battery were de
stroyed. No insurance. Ynrdmastcr
Potter's family occupied rooms over the
'reight house and narrowly escaped. All
: heir household effects and clotliing were
jurncd. Thu company's loss is probably
icaily 520,000. The origin of the fire is un
known , but is doubtless accidental ,
General Merchant Assigned.
Neb. , Feb. 7. [ Special Telegram. ]
W. J. Sullivan , general merchant , assigned
to I ) . 11.'Mullholland yesterday. Mullhol-
land holds a moitgage for 52.103-i/riie assets
will cover the liabilities. *
Prominent Lawyers Engaged in the
J3uit Againstthc Bell Telephone.
WASHINGTON , Feb. C. Solicitor General
( Joode , who has been specially designated to
Kinduct the suit against the Icll ! Telephone
company to test the validity of their patent ,
lias secured 'the * services of the fol
lowing gentlcm'ejBvlJjhis special counsel
lo assist 'In 'prosecutlng tlio siilt :
A. G , Thurman , of Ohio ; Urosvenor Lowry.
of New York , who is a specialist iii electrical
matters ; Elipa lluntoil and Jeff Chafidler , of
Washington , and , C. S. Whitman. The suit
will bo filed as soon as the solicitor general
blmll have an opportunity to consult
with the assistants In regard to the
) I1I which is now in course of corpora-
lion at thq department of justice.
The place where the unit shall bo liihtituted
will not ho decided upon until all papers in
the ease arc ready. Tlio attorney general
positively declined to have anvthfng what
ever to do with the case. ,1 udgo Geode says
Iho cuso will bo promptly and vigorously
prosecuted and with fairness to all pcrtons
concerned ,
Missing Schooner null Crew ol' Four
teen Men.
Gr.ourrSTin : , Mas. . , Feb.0. Tlio schooner
Maud M. Storcyengaged In the Grand Banks
liallbut fishing , sailed Irom this port Decem
ber 12 , and was spoken bcforo the great
' 'ale of Christmas , since which tlmo nothing
lias been heard from her , and the owners
have abandoned all hope of ever seeing her
again. Shu carried a crow of fourteen men.
( ii.otiCKSTKit , Mass. , Fco. 7 , The crew of
the schooner Maud M. Storey , given up for
lost , were as follows : Stephen McDonald ,
Win. Lincoln , Frank Kose , Win. Day , Uyron
Murphy , Samuel Carbon , Charles bwlnsen ,
Aixol .Smith , John MoKenzlu , C. 11 , lyor ,
Merman Shoreson , James Mcl'herson , D.
MiKay ; , Fred , S. Iturko and Albert Mayer.
They all followed fishing from this port for
several years , and confuted ono of the llncbt
crews that over sailed from here.
Poles .Sentenced to tlio Penitentiary.
TOIKIO , Feb. 7 , Six of the Poles who
were implicated In the Polish church riot
which occurred In this city In June last ,
wore yesterday sentenced to Iho penitentiary
on conviction of manslaughter. Diillnski
and Snlviiiskl , who were regarded by the
court ns the principals in Iho affair , wore
given fifteen years each. The terms of the
other four riuigo from four years down to
ono year at hard labor. Trials are still pro-
ercbKlnir , the charge In most of thn cases be-
Ini } that of malicious destruction of propeity.
A Contract to Ituild.
WINNIPEG , Feb. 7. Grant & Mcl.cllan ,
railway contractors now here , have made an
offer to directors of the Hudson Hay Hall
way company to construct the road. Their
figures are much less per mile than the estl <
mate of the engineers , and President Slither
land cabled the offer to llio llrltNi capitalists
and yesterday received a ruply to liavo the
contract signed , liulldlng operations will
be begun , it Is believed , in tlio spring on the
north end of lake Winnipeg ,
Tlirco Resolutions Shelved ,
WASHINGTON , Feb. 0. The senate com
mittee on rules , at Its meeting this morning
ordered adverse reports on thu icsoliitioiis of
fered by Senator PJatt requiring that oxecu-
tlvu nominations shall bo considered In open
session ; Uy Senator Hoar , requiring a yea
and nay vote to bo taken on all motions to
adjourn over ono day , and by Senator Mor
gan providing for a dally recess from 'J till
A Doomed AVomiui Rcupilod.
Coi.imuiA , S. C. ' , Feb. 0. Mary Kllen Wllr
Hams , sentenced to hang at Yorkvjllo next
Friday , tor poisoning hcrhinbaiul and thre.o
clilldfcn , has been respited until March ,10 ,
In consequence of approaching maternity ,
liulllon In
NEW YOIIK , Feb. .0. The weekly bank
statement fihows the following t'lmngc-s : Ik-
bcrto decrease , Slli2,8&0. Mho banks .
hold 35,609,055 iu exceis.of ttie le itl 'I
' '
Kentucky's Purest Distilled Product anl
the Barroom of the House.
Conunlttco Clerks Who Are More 1mm i
Itortunt Tlinii tlio Clinlnurxn
1'rospccts Cor TjcglHlntloii on
tlio Krlenwl Memphis
Kentucky C.'o-inod It Out.
WASHINGTON.Inn. . 7. [ Special.-For ] tlio ?
past twenty years the clmhmnnshtp ot tha
commlttco on expoiidltiiros In the war do ?
partment has been held by a member from
Kentucky. In years past , this committee ,
which by the way , never ha * had any woik
to do slneo the Investigation Into the eon
duct of the affairs of the war department by
Becictary Ilclknap , has been known as the
barroom of the house. The Kentucky
friends ot the Kentucky chairman have
seen to It that visitors to this blue grass
committee room have been supplied with
[ lie best brands of Kentucky whisky which
I he stnto could produce , and a barrel of Hour-
bon with the necessary decanters nnd glasses
lias been required up to the present
tlmo ns a proper and legitimate part
of the furniture of the room. Tom
Itobertson of Kentucky was made chairman
of this committee a mouth ago , and ho an
nounced that ho would Inaugurate a new re
gime and that the people who wanted n drink >
liercaftcrmust accompany him to the bur ot " |
Ihc house restaurant. The result has been 'j
that the sales of "red llckor" In the house
rcstauranthave-been something enormous.
This Is owing to the fact thai the thirsty
Kentucklans have no place now In which to
run for free drinks , A climax was reached
L o-day when a party of four entered the ics
laurant and called for straight whisky
There was commotion In the barroom and
pretty soon the waiter returned with there-
mark : 'Gentlemen , wo are very sorry , but
[ he fact Is , for the first tlmo In the history of
this restaurant , the whisky supply lias run
out and yon will be compelled to drink
.irandy. " Robertson has done a great deal in
the way of temperance reform by this act , al-
ihouch ho is by no means an advocate of the
principles of St. John.
Some of the committee clerks of the pres
ent congress seem tolmaglno that they have
[ he control of the deliberations of the cntlro
committee upon their shoulders , and the
manner In wlilch these young men conduct
: helr business would be amusing It it were
not for the fact that they are so filled with
Llio idea ot their own Importance that they
iiavc become thorough nuisances in many of
the departments. The other day one of those
young men entered the ollleeof a gentleman
who has charge ot the distribution of flowers
and in a patronizing ( one demanded to know
what the olllcial would require from congress
[ his session. Ho wns politely informed that
the estimates had been sent in by the proncr
department , and thai the olliclal In micstloh
did not choose'to go , into details with Rny (
Individual. The young fellow nnnbuUccd
that It would bo better , perhaps , to tdlkwlth *
liiiu. "Isuppose you am chairman of tlio
committee , " said the ofllclal , "from the fact
that you are assuming a great deal of re
sponsibility ? "
"No , not exactly chairman , " replied the
fellow , "but I am clerk ot the committee. "
Ho then unfolded a plan. Ho wanted bou
quets and plants sent to various parts of the
city , and pulled from his pocket a batch of or
ders from members of congicss for those sup
plies. Two minutes afterward ho was sorry for
Ills freshness.for he was very emphatically told
L > y the now thoroughly aroused officer lliat If
lie ever showed his face jn ( hat o'ftlco
again lie would bo kicked out by one ot the
messengers , and * if ho did not _ " leave ( . .within
3110 minute from that tlm"6 ho would bo
ticked out by the speaker. He left without
further ceremony.
There are Indications that the Krle canal ,
as well as the Hciinepin , will receive favor
able consideration In congress at this ses
sion. Already the bill relating to the forme
has iccelvod a favorable report from the sub
committee , and next week It will bo taken un
before the full committee. It proposes to
grant to the state of New York 50,000,000 in
six annual payments for the purpose of en
larging the locks and deepening the channel
of "Clinton's " Tlio
ditch. lallways and
canals commlttco ot the liousoseem , disposed
to favor everything In the shape of canal im
provement-which It shall bo called upon to
consider , and the result will undoubtedly bo
that all the canal hills will bo favorably
reported. The Heiinepin and the Krio , now-
over , are the most advanced on the calendar ,
and Inasmuch as they are works of extreme
national Importance , they will doubtless bo
eiowded In the house with all the vlgol- that
advocates can command. Murphy of I own
will champion the Hciinepin bill us usual ,
while the new mcinliar from JJrlo county ,
Col. Weber , will rally his colleagues to the
support of the Krio proposition. It lias
como to bo regarded as a cer
tainty that unless the national
government takes some steps towards the
permanent improvement of the New York
state canals , that the state will eventually
abandon it , nnd as the water routes of the
lakes would bo of llltlo value without tlio
Krio outlet , It seems that this proposition to
extend federal aid to thn canal should meet
with consideration hefoio now water routes
finthcr west aio begun.
A Tannery Consumed.
DBTIIOIT , Feb. 7 , The Tribune's Grand
Haven special says Mcl/'s tannery burned
thin morning. Loss10,000 ; Insurance ,
810.000. _ _ _
Causes Its victims to lie miserable , hopolcss ,
confused , and depressed In mind , very Irrita
ble , languid , and drowsy. U is a dlscasa
which docs not get well ol Itself. It requires
careful , persistent attention , and a remedy to <
throw oft the causes and tone up tlio diges
tive organs till they perform their duties
wIllhiRly. Hood's Barsaparllla has proven
Just the required remedy In hundreds of cases.
"Ihavotalcrn Hood's Barsaparllla for dys
pepsia , from which I have Biifleicd two years ,
I tried many other medicines , but none proved ,
so satisfactory as Hood's Barsaparllla. "
THOMAS Cooir , Urush Electric Lljjlit Co. ,
New York City. > . , . .
1 , Sick Headache
"For the past two years I have brer )
afflicted with severe headaches and ilyppcri.
Eia. J was Induced t < ? try Mood'a S.irsapa *
rllla , anil have found great icllof , Icheor.
fully recommend It to all. " Mns. K. If ,
AN.VAIII.IS , New HavenConn. . X
Mrs. JIary C. Smith , Carnlirldgeport. Mais. ,
was afiiilTercr froin < ly pepslaandblrklieadi
nclic , fitio took Hood'a Barsaparllla and
found it the bcitremcily suo.cver used.
Hood's * SarsaparlJIa
i-V'l ' Vy all djUEplst * . SI i d * for ? 5. Made
ii.Jj-17 0. J. IIOOB. & CO. , Lbvcll , Masi.
IOO. Doses' On *