Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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IT COWTAIIVS so onnai in ? AJIV roim
I *
fH ff
ffi *
n K.CEN I BOTTLEsnro nut tip for the n
ArfJ > coininocmtlon of nil who uealro n goo
and low prlcml
Coueli : , Gold and GroupRemedy
Should secure the largo $1 bottle' . Direction
accompanying cnch bottlo.
Sold by nil Modiclno Dealers.
017 Ht.CIinrlc 8t.,8 .
A tnn1i'ir Ja l of t o Mealcal Coltttei , bin bMO tonew
< Dri ( 4 In th ii > " l lr tment of Cniontc. HMTOOT , Bin
and lliono I > ii i ii 'htn ant- other Pbrilclu ' InBt-Lonu ,
ueHrt' poti boiT nilclloiateldfnl noir.
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental nnd
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Aflcc-
lions ol Throat. Skin or Bones , Dlood Poisoning ,
Old Sores and Ulcers , are tretud with nnj > ir ll lt < l
tueocit , on lileit itknltDo prlaclplti , B f l J , Prlrndj.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion- Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , whieti rroan om oMh
rolioitiDg rtieetu ntriouinri , , iieUHir. dlantu of ili
tnadefeetlracietaurT. pimple * on tbt Uce , pa riletl aecaj ,
KTeriton to the Boclttjrof fematct , eonfuiloi of tatti , cte. ,
rendering MnrrJuuO Improper or unhappy. * '
ixrramentfj ur J. l > mpnl tSOr ( > 8 icnlbe bite. ( lent
In mlrd envelope , frcotn nr nilJre.i. CcninllMlonator-
Dceor lir mull fter. I lulled nd Bttletlr onnjentUI.
A Poslilvo Written Guarantee jiteo in Terye .
tbli cut. Uedlcluo icot etcr y liire or null or elpreil.
Is nature's own remedy , made from roots
pnthorcd from forests of ( k-orsrln. The nbovo
cut rcjiresents the method of its manufacture
twrntv years iio. The demand lias been grad
ually IncruHSlnir until a $100,000 Inbratory Is row
necessary to supply the trndo. This great Vrp-
utnhlo lllood I'tirlllor cures cancer , catarrh ,
Fcrofnhi , ocvcma , nicer , rliontnatl m and blood
tiilnthuicdllnry fir otherwise , without the use
° 1'mClWE ° SI\VlFr SI'KCIPJC CO. ,
N. Y. 157 W. Sid st. Drawer a , Atlanta , Ga
RESTORED. Krinr < Tr
I'rct1. A Mctlmof youth-
fill Imprudence causinc
1'rcniaturo Decay , Nci
vans Debility , Lost M n-
hood , Jtc.liavlnn tried In vataovorj * known remedy
liai cllsrnvdrcd n Rlmplo xoll'-cnro.wilrli ho will send
1'IIKK to hl follow-ouffcrorH. „ „ . .
1. II. UKEVKS. U Oliatlwra-btrcct. Now York City.
iflUdllr /
Of the I.lquor lliiblt , 1'oslllvely
Cured by AtlitiliilHtorlii Dr.
Undies' Ooldcii Spctlllc.
It can buiilven Inn cup of coffee or tcanlthont
the knowleilgoof the person tnklnn It.lBHbsolulely
liurmlesi , and will olfect a pormanpnt and speedy
cure , wliulhcr tlio patient Ua moderated ! Inker or
nu alcoholic wreck. It lint hcen given In Ilioti-
'i ' , sands or c-Mca ; aiulln every Inatnnro a perfect euro
lias followdl. It never fhlli , Tlio system once
k Impregnatcd.wltli the Kpeclllc , It becomes an utter
viiuposslblllty for tlie liquor uppctltu to exist.
KUIIN & CO. . Cor. l.ltli nml IlouclnH , nnd
18th As filming 8t , , Omahu , Ncb.l
Council IIInlTii , Iowa ,
. Callorwrltn for pninpldet containing hundred !
W tentltnonlnN from tliu beat n omen ana men from
rlllisrtsof thucouutrv.
Vila OrlKlnnl nuil Only Genuine.
Akfoanitlvriyi Itrllntl * . Ttewtreorivardilr * * ImlttllpBl.
Indltpcnmblii ta LAPIKS * Aftk Jour Drufralst for
'i'hlcllt'tlt'r * * ITliKTUU" and talt no utbrr , or U IOM iff.
fiuinrillo u for t'Rrlloultri in tttttf liv return inalU
NAME PAPER , t'hlthmtcr riiviulriil Co. ,
UUlUJUudliiiiir'uuurti , I'liliuJu. , I'o.
olit hy Drucclot * evtrrjnhrrft. A k for ' ' { Milojic * .
' llih" l' nnjrujiil I'llli. l l no lbir.
IWUKwBUNu OutuUr , . NIH'tTAUI.i | | ; :
irdorh , "nook by nun , Hi' riir.i : .
Do you irnnt a pure , Wooni-
ing Complexion I If so , n
few nnnlfciitlons of Ifngau's
iiy you to your hcarl/s / cou-
lout. It dons away with Sal-
lowuosij , llctliioss , Pimples ,
JJlotdiCH , and all diseases and
iiuperltHilions oftlio skin. It
ovcreomostlio fln.slieil appear-
nuco of heat , fatlgno and ex-
citomont. Jt inaljos n lady of
'flllllTY appear but TWEN
TY ; nnd so natural , gradual ,
nud iierfiM't nro its eil'o.cts.
that it is impossible to detect
its application.
An Oninha
Mr. Hlnkcly , junior , Imtl returned to
lie bosom of his family , as the evening
ncal was about to bo partaken of , and
vasduly Iransportcd at sight of the un
expected guest.
After the conclusion of the ni'eal ' , which
was at lOngth broucht to an abrupt close
> y Airs. Dmkoly atldrossing her husband
'acotlously williVoll. . p.ipa. hoxv much
Oliver are you going to eat- the coin-
mny adjoUrnou to a cheerful apartment
. wiled the sitting room , and sociability
) ecuno : tlio ortlor of the dav. Jliss
Murray alone was distraitand silent , list-
eninir , lioWcvcr , to nil that Stoneloigli
lad t ) say , \yitli such an expression of in
telligent appreciation beaming from her
DxqtiiMlo face that the Englishman told
liimsulf she woUId bo capable of shining
n n very different sphere from this. As
it was , no wouder she held hdrsclf aloof ,
mil remained liiutc , as a n In will refuse
to sing when imprisoned in a cage. This
very attitude , ami the contrast ho fancied
she presented to her sordid surroundings.
niado the girl appear interesting and
fascinating in the extreme. Ho would
cheerfully htiyo given several acres of his
newly acquired property for the privilege
of conversing with her alone , and , con
sidering the ireo nud untrammcled con
dition of young women in Nebraska so
ciety , thatrittch a consummation ( devoutly
lo be wished ) might sooner or later bo
brought to pass.
When Stephen Stoncloirrh returned to
Ills hotel that night , ho did not , as ho itad
previously intended , mention to Farns
worth that ho had called upon the Hlnko-
lys. lie scarcely could have explained to
liimself why ho refrained from doing so ,
but certainly an intangible something
prevented the admission Irom leaving his
lips. The next day , by Mr. Walter Blake-
ly's invitation , ho lunched nt tlio club ,
anil , it boin'i "ladies day"atthatbrillianl
resort , Miss Ulakely nnd Murray after
wards allowed thcmsejvcs to bo met in
tlio street and entertained at tlio club
rooms , unchaperoned by Mrs. Ulakely or
any other matronly incnmbrancp.
On the following evening a riding party
was arranged by the enterprising Mr.
lllakely ( who Itad in tlio meantime
brought several intimates to call on his
new friend ) and Stoncleigli accepted an in
vitation to use the former's spare saddle
horse. It was a very good horse , aiil (
matched the one Miss Murray rode , both
in the matter of speed and appearance ,
so that Htoneleigh found it very agoeablo
to galloi ) through the streets , with the
rt'&t of the party at his heels and Miss
Murray at his side. She did not scorn
particularly desirous of this di.itinction ,
and a certain dark , gloomy-faced youth ,
in unexceptionable costume , did appear
particularly anxious that she should not
enjoy it. But perhaps these obvious facts
merely lent to the occasion an additional
zest and charm.
' Don't you think our horses go well to
gether ? " Stonoleigh nskcd , when , at his
very urgent request , Miss Murray and ho
had "shown what they could do" in dis
tancing the others.
"Oh , .yes. But I " she slopped sud
denly with a blush that caused the bloom
in the center of her cheeks to deepen and
spread in a marvelously lovely way.
"But youV" he suggested.
"But I don't really think wo ought to
have come away. They generally make
a rule in those parties that all must keep
together. "
% 11 am a stranger , and not supposed to
know that , unless you take the trouble to
inform me. It is so awfully jolly to bean
an oxeoijtion to a rule sometimes and I
think it is so now. "
She .shook her head reprovingly , but
was silent.
"Oh , 1 see how it is , " Stpncleigh went
on. "ITou like your own friends so much
tlio bust. It bores you when somebody
with whom you think you have nothing
in common insists on your devoting your
self to him. " And ho hoped that she
would contradict him.
"Wo might have things in common , I
don't know how can 1 tell ? But it is not
Unit I meant. " She smiled as she spoke ,
in a mystic and sybUlme manner.
"What is there you object to about me ,
then ? Arc you prejudiced against my
countrymen ? "
How would Lady Augusta have ago-
nixed could she have hoard her try the
grandson of an earl actually inquiring
in anxious tones , of a little American no
body , if she "was prejudiced against his
countrymen ? " How frigidly would she
have stared could she have heard the lit
tle nobody's reply "Oh , I Irive n theory
that I should like them , but the othet
girls have one too , perhaps. I know mj
cousin Dick lias one , and of course she
fools a sort of right in you , because it was
she who discovered you , you see. Any
way , you belong to her more than you dele
lo me , and I don't care to do anything
which may provoke Dick. "
"But 1 would rather belong to you , Miss
Murray. "
"Oh , you can't do that , you know.
There are objections. " Again she was
fiybillinc nml smiling , and Stoneloigh
fascinated and curious ; but at that mo
ment Miss Blakoly and the glooniy.faced
youth ( whoso name was Morgan ) gal
loped up and joined them. During the
remainder of tlio ride Stoncleigli had no
more conversation with Miss Murray.
After that there wore other evenings on
wluoh entertainments were given in honoi
of the Englishman , and Lord Farnsworth
had to know of them. Ho received invi
tations , too , but langhed at the idea of ac
cepting thorn. However , when the week
ho had intended devoting to business was
at an end , ho found that thcro were some
complications that would blill detain him
Ho watched Stoncleigli with his keen , os
tensibly lazy gaze , while ho informed him
of this necessity. "Awful bore , isn't it ? '
lie said. "I'm no end sorry , on your ac
count , old man. "
"Oh , I don't mind , " returned Stone
loigli , airily.
"No , you don't mind. I should niim
loss , if yon minded more , perhaps. But
it isn't ' my ailair , of course , only as Lady
Augusta made it so by what she said tome
mo at parting. "
"What did she say , " the other queried
rather indignantlv.
" } 3ho adjured mo to keep you out o
danger. Now , 1 don't think so cheaply
of you as to suppose that anything yoi
could Jind hero , would prove in tiny degree
greo dangerous , ynt . ' ' Ho paused am
watched Stonoleigh through half-closet
oyos. "X'ott might bo a fool , you know , '
bo finid rollcetividy.
"Enough of a fo9l to think that what . '
have lound hero is good enough to bo
talked of morn respectfully than you are
doing now , " growled SUmoleign , sav
And it was nt the oloso of that day. dur
ing which Stonoloigh's savage mood hat
lasted without abatement , that Lore
Farnsworth decided to keep the promise
ho had made in regard to writing Ladj
Augusta , It would take some time , however
over , for the letter to reach its destina
tion , and in the interval ho was oblipot
to see , and passively to ignore the lac
that Stonoloish continued going every
day to thuljlakrly's , Kvcn lor the snko
ot'liis promise lo Lady Augusta , he couli
not make up his mind to undertake the
role of proU'otlvo dragon , after ho htu
essayed the part once , anil Miss Diuk
had "beou nice" Jo him , calling him ii
atlVctionately nasnl tones , "my lord. " 1
had boon too much for his equanimity
ami he had retired to the fortress of his
hotel apartments , in stolid moodine to
fcuioku numerous Havana olgnrs.
Another" wok elapsed , and Lord Earns
wprlli's business iiad been brought to i
satisfactory conclusion' . Ho was ruaih
to start westward , but to his infinite vex
ntiou , tonoleigh absolutely rfu od lo
accompany him , Hu had iiitulo c'ngago
ncnt's. ho said , and could not possibly
rot , olV under ten days , or two weeks ,
i'his wa ? oven worse than Lord Farnsworth -
worth anticipated , and ho used some
very fetrong language in hopes of com
batting his friend's derision , but quite
without avail. The obstinacy of the
Stoncleigli race had again assorted its
supremacy , nnd nothing remained for
I'nrnsworth to do , but indignantly to de-
mrt on the lirst train bound for the west.
His absence , indeed , afforded a keen
sense of relief to the misguided Stono-
eigh , and ho continued on the even tenor
of his-way , with no regard to his friend's
advice ami counsel.
It had finally become patent to the ob
servation of the Blnkclys that the charms
of Miss Dick was as naught in the eyes
of the Englishman , and that Miss Mur
ray's was everything. Of course , if they
Inul been allowed a choice in the matter ,
they would unhesitatingly have fixed his
regard on the former , but as that had
gone beyond their jurisdiction , they
wisely remembered that the glory still
remained in the family , and that it was
better to shine by reflected light than not
to shine at all. Stonelejgh no longer ex
perienced the slightest dinlculty in urhig-
Ing himself in teto n t to with Miss Mur
ray , as oven Miss Blakely tendered n
secretly reluctant , yet cfllciunt assistance
in promoting his wishes. As for Potsic ,
however , the most sanguine of adorers
could scarcely have flattered himself that
she was more than passively acquiescent'
to those family arrangements. She was
very uncertain in her manner towards
Stoncleigli , but her coyness only tended
to increase his growing infatuation.
lie had not intended to lot his regard
extend beyond the limits of mere
admiration at first. Ho had scarcely con
templated the possibility of its doing so ,
until suddenly ho was forced lo realize
that it had escaped beyond his control.
And by that time ho was too genuinely in
love lo pause for regrets or the whisper
ings of prudence. After all , ho told him
self , many men of his rank at home , mar
ried American girls , and certainly there
could bo no American cirl lovelier or in
every way more presentable than this ,
A little crude , perhaps , but that was the
fault of her surroundings ; and tinder the
right influences ( which he , and lie alone ,
could and would give to her ) his jewel
would become as polished and perfect as
even his mother could desire. The
trouble would be , gradually mul cautious
ly to prepare the latlor's mind for the
proper reception of an idea so abhorrent
to all her most cherished prejudices ; and
upon the various methods of inserting'
"the entering wedge. " ho was debating
when a cablegram from Lady Augusta
arrived. "Come homo on next steanidr , "
it said. "Will explain on arrival. Your
letter and Farnsworth's received. "
Now , as Lord Farnsworth had suf
ficiently drawn upon his imagination to
send Lady Augusta her son's "best love"
in tlio letter his conscience had warned
him to indite , she had taken it for grant
ed that Stephen had been made aware of
Hie letter's existence , at least ; but he had
not been made so , and in revealing tlio
fact to him she had committed a grave
indiscretion. It put him upon the. . scent
of what had actually occurred , caused
him after reflecting that there could bo
no illness at home , or it would have been
mentioned , to cable briefly that it would
bo impossible for him to return on tlio
next steamer , but that Lady Augusta
might expect a letter instead. This meth
od of opposition incensed him , and in
creased his determination to have his
own way at all hazards , far more than
an honest and open disclosure of homo
tactics would have clone. They intended
him to bo flurried out of harm's
reach before ho knew what was
desired of him , forsooth ! They
should find that they had underrated his
] ) orspic\ility. Ho was the possessor of
an independent fortune , small though it
might bo , and ho had a right to take
his fate into his own hands. Thus , the
way being now ( fortunately or unfortun
ately ) opened for him , lie found very
littlculifliculty in stating his intentions
to his mother. The Stonelcighs never
thought of writing to Sir George when
any affair of importance was to be touched
upon , on account of his peculiar tenden
cy to "attacks" of an unexplained nature ;
and the letter that Stoneleigh now in
dicted to his mother held "moao matter
than art , " and was altogether very much
to thfc point. Ho described Miss Mur
ray's charms and graces with all a lover's
eloquence , and ended by saying that ho
intended seizing the earliest opportunity
of proposing marriage to heras ho felt
tlif.t ho could make her happy unas
sisted , though , of course , it would bo
much more agreeable if his people should
receive her as his wife had a right to bo
He experienced a peculiar sense of ela
tion when this letter , was , fairly oil'his
hands , for better or wowe. It1 was as
though his lot had been decided , and ho
could feel in fancy the soft touch of
Petsie Murray's hand within his own. Ho
knew that ho had committed himself irre
vocably , and longed to exchange the
merp impression ot such a touch , 191' the
reality o greiUly to be preferred.
Early that same evening , ho presented
liimself at the Blakely's , nnd congratu
lated himself that fate meant kindly by
lijm , when ho found the object of his
visit sitting in the drawing-room alone.
She rose at sight of him , nnd thrust ti bit
folded paper into the bosom of her low-
cut dress. Stonelejgh himself' had sent
her a little note with some flowers , that
morning , and ho wondered if it could
possibly bo his cll'usion so greatly hon
ored by her. "Diok is out , " she said ,
hastily , to bridge over a certain evident
embarrasmont. "Put sorry , but perhaps
sho'll ho in soon. "
"I hope not , " returned Stoneleigh
bluntly , "as i came to talk to you. " And
then ho sat down beside her , and in a few
ardently impressive words , told her whal
ho had meant to say. Ho loved her ho
wanted to carry her away from all these
uncongenial surroundings which wore so
unworthy of her. lip wanted , bye anil
bye , when they had tried life in this coun
try for a little while , to transplant his
wild rose to an English home where she
could bo happy , admired and beloved.
He was eloquent with the eloquence in
spired by the depth and sincerity of his
feelings , but ho was scarcely troubled by
the tender doubts and pangs of the or
thodox lover , for he could not help being
conscious that ho was reaching down to
raise his jewel from the barren soil where
it had fallen , not prostrated at a sovereign
eign lady's feet. What then was his
amazement and dismay , nt seeing the
dainty hands ho strove to hold , go up
ward to hide the beautiful girlish face ,
and to hoar the beloved voice exclaim in
accents of unmistakable dismay ; "Oh
dearl Oh dear mo ! Whatever shall I
do ? "
It was certainly n puzzling way of re
ceiving his suit ; but nevertheless Stone-
ieigh summoned courngo to pull down
the softly resisting hands and to keep
thorn in his own. "What shall 3-011 do ? '
lie echoed. "Why , marry mo , of courao
dear child. Then after that 1 shall al
ways bo ready to toll you what to do. yoi
know. "
"But I can't marry you ! " she protested
"Why not ? " andho searched for a so
lution of the mystery in her uplifted , tear
ful eyes.
"Because because "
"Becausol Ah , but Hint is u 'woman's
reason , ' that 1 can't accept.1'
"Because I don't "
want to , then !
Ho dropped her hands , "You don'i
want to ? what do you mean ? Don't you
love mo ? "
"No , I don't ; not a bill But , oh dear ,
I am so miserable I Kvorjbotly is sc
cruel , and and " her sentence- ended
with a sob , while she sprang from hot
sent , and ran lightly past him , out of tlio
Stonoleigk was left 'standing ii ) the
centre of the flo.or , druuJ , but haU-u'nbo'
lieving. There , was eviilpntlysomu mys
tery , that bho would cojne buck itre.seaitli
and reveal Hoihim He waited a long
ime , and pmbAbly felt , from moment to
moment. rnofv' > jfiliappy than ever before
n his lite , { nils , mood varied from in
credulity to 'dmi'poinlment , from disap-
lotntmcntp VH'O , from hope to poig-
mnt despair , and while enduring the
ust , ho would ( have taken his departure ,
lad not Mrs , IT/akely / unexpectedly ap
peared and .nftuscd with the portiere in
icr hand a .deprecating hesitancy in her
eye."I'etslo mrtdojuo come down to j'ou , "
she said tremulously. "That is , she
wouldn't conlo down herself , so of course
t had to. I'Wftliln't lot you go like that.
I'm . I don't
so astonished. Hardly see
how to apologise or what to say. "
"Sho told you ? " queried Stoneleigh ,
with an unconscious brusque-ness that
canoed the limp lady to start and quiver.
" \ \ ell , she was crying , nnd 1 asked her
what was the matter , bho didn't expect
very much sympathy from mo , though ,
imd shouldn't get it. Flying in thn face
of Providence that's what 1 says to her .
lint it docs seem , somehow , as it this girl
was born for n cross to us. She never
could listen to reason , while it was as
plain as tlio nose on her fnco. But my
advice to you , Mr. Slouoleigh , is not to
take no for an answer. Pctsio don't
seem to know'whnt she really wants. "
Stoncleigli had listened to this llow of
eloquence with _ a very superficial com
prehension of its meaning. Ho under
stood at the last , howo\er , tlio idea Mrs.
Blakely intended to convoy , and caught
eagerly at the suggestion. "Do you hon
estly think she cares for mo at all ? " ho
asked. "Do you think she will give mo ti
different answer by-and-by ? "
"I'm pretty near certain of it , " pro
nounced Mrs. Blakely , with unusual de
cision. "Just you wait a week without
seeing Petsie , and you mark my words ,
sho'll change her mind. It wouldn't ' be
natural she shouldn't , not if she's got the
sense she ought to have. "
"It is not souse 1 care for in her. It's
something very different , " said Stone-
Ieigh gloomily , "and a week is a long
time to stop away. "
"That will be better than to go off
now. take her at her word , and never
come back at all. So , you do just as L
say , and cheer up , Mr. Stoncleigli. She'll
liavo you fast enough , next time you ask
her , it you only give her n fair chance to
change her mind. "
Stoncleigli was doubtful , yet lie was in
. the mood to catch gratefully nt the smal
lest ray of hope that could bo offered
him. Ho thanked Mrs. Blakely , nnd
departed , receiving that ho would
run up to the ranch lor a few
days , so as to escape from the ways of
temptation , It was worth an effort that
to put this resolve into practice , but once
in the new country which , because of its
novelty could scarcely help interesting
him ul least from a land holder's point
of view , he proved it not as dillicult to
pass seven or eight days as he had ex
pected. On the ninth day ho left again
lor Omaha and found a cablegram Irom
his mother awaiting him at the hotel ho
having neglected to leave his address. It
simply said , , " ( leofl'ry and 1 start to-day
on steamer ftivlUe. Meet us in New York.
A. Stoncleigli , ! ' 'tuul Stephen rend it with
a falling countenance. More than ever
did lie hopiAhal his little American rose
would hnvo'shcdthcd ' the "wilful thorns"
had " all afloat"
with which she been "sot
when last ho.snw , her , and that she might
have made fAp her mind to be trans
planted. It-mujit bo a crushing blow to
his love to lee fflhis hopes of her , nnd a
still more crusifing one , perhaps , to his
pride if his jnot'lier ' and brother .should
have cr.osscd'tlio ' oeei\n \ to save him from
the supposedsiiijiros of n young woman
who absolutely ijdf used to have anything to
do with liinir-Aviiy hadn't his people had
the good eeijsq fo. stay at home , and nbovo
all , why hjulnjt. , li'nriiswortli had the
proper ftelingito refrain from the step
which had mnflo all the mischief in the
beginning. However , there seemed to be
liitlo wsdom | in abusing "fate" so as
soon as the hour would permit ho started
lor the Blnkcly's lo ascertain if fate did
not mean to relent towards him. At
least lie should see her , nnd ho thought
she would find it difficult to resist some
of the arguments ho had prepared to
combat at her mysterious resolution.
Brsidos he believed in spite of her. sob
bing assurance to the contrary , that she
realty loved him , and ns ho reflected that
possibly the days of his absence had been
tedious to her , ho quickened his walk ,
and went up the Blakoly stops with a
" Miss not at homo "
"No , Murray was ,
hand-maiden informed
the red-lingered -
him , witli mysterious embarrassment ,
but Miss Dick was in , and would bo down
presently , "if ho would come in and
wait. "
Of course ho would wait , and luckily
for his patience , his probation proved not
to bo very long. Miss Blnkoly speedily
made her npporannce , with a cobweb of
a handkerchief pressed against her eyes.
Sloneleigli's lirst thought was that there
had been a deajh in tlio family , ) ind ho
sprang up with a ready sympathy c.v
pressed upon his face.
"What has happened , Miss Blakely ? "
ho solicitously inquired.
"Oh , haven't you hoard ? Haven't you
seen thp morning papers ? " nnd down
cnmotlio handkerchief Irom a pair of very
dry , bright oves. " 1 thought of course
you knew. Oh dear , 1 wish Walter was )
hero to tell you , instead of mo ! " And
yet she looked very much as though ,
since there was bad news , she was glad
that it had fallen to her Jot to relate it.
"Miss Murray " began Stonoloigli ,
and tficm was surprised to find himself
actually incapable of continuing.
But Miss Blakely was ready to finish
out the broken sentence. "Yes , Pctsio
hns caused us great trouble great grief.
She has shownnerself very cruel and bad.
1 didn't ' think it was in her , ronlly. Why ,
1 always treated her just like a bister , and
wo went everywhere together , and had
everything alike. She has run away.
Its all came out in the paper this morn
ing such a scandal I"
ltltim away ? " echoed Stonoleigh , help
"Yes , wasn't it horrid of her ? With
that Jimmy Morgan who has been so nt-
teutivo to nor for over &o many months.
She know she would never get him in
any other wnyr Pa was her guardian
( she jironoffl l it guardeon ) anil ho
wouldn't luivui let her have him
a follow 3'\tifliout a cent , and
just as coiiinidu as ever lie could bo I
I wonder lfei jhadn't / learned better
taste throuzlii Jiving with us so long.
However ; 1 dotf1 ! believe she over would
have gone ( jwph lengths if it hadn't
boon wiwtuU from . ' '
MHO ilo got nway you.
She giggled le * JJ\1I \ ° i hysterically , looking
ujj at btoiieltJ'F Jfromundorhoroyolnshes
with n fahiviviifnj ) ) ( > yinont , ns ho stared
down uponiuhcr , lost in a sort of stony
horror. * ' '
} { ;
"It was } | it happened , "
she wont oivi glibly , seeing that Stono-
Ipigh hud Mfttihi" to say. l > Wo didn't
find it out tij jueakfast time yesterday ,
and then tkeixmvas u commotion , 1 can
tell you. If it > ; Imd been in some other
person's family' ' ! should have thought it
dreadfully romantic , but I don't when it
comes homo like this , for there's nothing
interesting about Jim Morgan , and I
know ho'll bo awful cross to Tut as soon
us she begins to seem like an old story to
him. Peisio left word for Pa , actually
telling him that it was because of his and
ma's persecutions that she ran away.
Persecutions , indocdl I must say I like
that ! Oh , there was a note for you , too ,
Mr. Stonoloigli. if you would care to have
it , " again glancing up at him with amis-
cniovious triumph in her oyes.
"Yes , 1 would like to have it , " Stoile-
Ieigh simply said. While bho was goua
in quest of it he stood quite still , as she
haft loft him. Ho searcelv&owned to have
iiuydistinct thoughts. The words * she
wanted ( o got away from you , " bemiu'd
to stand out in rod betters before lib
. It was hardly a moment before Miss
Ulnkoloy returned nnd placed n dainty ,
M-cain-colored envelope , fastened with h
jluo seal , in his hand. In solno way he
managed to tnko his leave , scarcely con
scious of the words ho spoke , although
ic remembered afterwards that he had
: cft his adieux for the family , saying ho
ivotihl probably leave Omaha that night
[ lo did not break the blue seal until he
lad reached his room nt the hotel.
" ( Jood-bye , " it said , "and forgive mo
F could not care for you because I loved
someone else first , though I alwavs liked
you ever so much. 1 didn't think jou
ever understood me , really , or perhaps
von would not linve eared for mo as you
lid. 1 was not a bit different from the
others. They were good enough for me.
and I asked nothing uctter. lull 1 could
sco jou thought I was different , nud it
'tattered mo at first , because nlltho others
were so wild over you , and I tried to
eem like what you supposed mo to bo.
Only , when I snwyou really cared a good
leal 1 wns very sorry , and didn't try any
noro. 1 hope you will forget mo. and
narry some sweet girl in your own land.
1 think it is bettor lor you Hint 1 could not
jo what you wanted mo to bo. You
would have made mo lumpy , I know , if 1
could liavo liked you well enoXigh , but it
imcio mo so wretched when everybody
< cpt teasing mo , and persecuting mo to
nnrry you , thai 1 couldn't stand it , and
ladtogolo the one I really did love.
To-morrow my name will bo Potslo Mor
gan. "
Stoneleigh read tlio letter over twice ,
mil then hud it down with a long sigh.
Tin sorry Miss Blakely said that about
lis ill-treating her , " ho muttered. "I
feel as though 1 should always be haunt
ed by the thought. Perhaps , though , she
may be mistaken. But , oh , by jove. 1
wisli my mother hnd only stayed at
ionic 1" .
A suto cine for Hllnd. Bleeding , Itoliin
and Ulcerated Piles hits been discovered by
Dr. Williams ( an Indian remedy ) , called lr
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment , A siulo
aox lias cincd the worst chronic eases ol a or
50 years standing. No one need suffer live
minutes nfter applying this woudeifnl sooth
ns medicine. Lotions ami Instruments do
nioio harm than pood. Williams' Indian
IMlo Ointment absoibs the tumors , allays the
Intense itching , ( particularly nt nlitlit after
ettliie warm In bed ) , acts as a poultice , cives
Instant relict , nud Is piepnrcd only for Piles ,
Itching of private parts , and for nothing else.
Dr. Krnzler's .Magic Ointment cures ns by
magic , Pimples , IJlack Heads or Grubs ,
Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving
Hie skin clearaiid beautiful. Also cm es Itch ,
Salt Hhcum , Sole Nipples , Sere Lips , mul
Old Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt o
50 cents.
Itetnlled by Kiilm & Co. , and Schroder *
13echt. At wholesale by C. F. Goodman.
Massachusetts added only eight and
one-half miles last year to its previous
1,0711 miles of railway. The mileage is
owned ! , sixty-throe corporations , wlio.-o
aggregate stoek is over $123.000,000 , nnd
net debt nearly $75,000,000 , There arc
ao.OOO employes.
TThcn H bjrras sick , wa R VO her C.ifctorla ,
When elio ITM a Child , she cried for Costoria ,
Wlion BIO became Miss , she clung to Castori * ,
When cho had Children , she gave thorn Castoria ,
The cost of maintaining the destitute in
the poor houses of London was less dur
ing the latter half year of 1885 by 08i'M
than for the same period of 18Sfl , and 21- ,
157 loss than for the latter half year of
Use Dr. Picrce's "Pellets" for constipa
The single town of Bcsnncon , in Switz
erland emuloys over 15,000 persons in
watchmaking , and the annual product
approaches 000,000 watches. A govern
ment horologicnl school is maintained
All persons afflicted with Dyspepsia , Dia-
nlKca' Colic , nnd all kinds of mdipi ; > stioiis
willlind immediate relent' and sine cmo by
using AiiRoHturu Hitters. The only gen
uine is m.iiiufactuied by Dr. J. O. 1 ! . faiegeiL
& Sons.
A platinum wire too fine to bo scon with
the naked eye is said to have boon made
by II. T. Read of Brooklyn. It is to be
used in telescopes ns a substitute for the
spiccr's web usually employed.
Prohibition and total abstinence are
two very different tilings. In one day
recently there were 800 jugs shipped
from Pnduenh , Ky. , to precincts without
saloons in adjacent counties' .
Most complexion powders bnve a vul
gar glare- , but Po//.oni's is a true beauti-
Her , whoso effects arc lasting.
Asbestos cloth has been chosen ns the
"jacket1 for the boiler of a now locomo
tive built for the Boston and Albany rail
way. This will not clinr , ns docs wood ,
and will retain more heat.
" Charles A. Roberts of East Wilson , N
Y. , had thirteen scrofulous ulcers on hi
face and neck. Hood's Sarsapnrillacured8
A "sowing machine , which is hold in
the hand and worked like a pair of sols-
sorrt , " is made nt Bridgeport , Conn. , the
factory employing seventy-five people.
Jiis-lgivo B. II. DOUOHLASS & SON .
they will relieve j'our Cough instantly
Thousands testify to this.
An immense quantity of "crooked"
brandy lias been lately put on Iho market
in Tennessee , where the heaVy apple
crop has started up all the mountain
The Great Invention ,
Without Harm to F.t JIllJOoi'JT.lA'ltS ,
and particularly adapted to Warm Climates.
No family , rich or poor , sliould -\ritliout \ It.
Sold by all Grocers , but If ware of Ule Itnl
tatlons. J'rjjfT/ZA'U la manufacturc <
only Iiy
Uoyal Havana Lottery
Drawn at Havana , Cuba , February 13-27 , 1886
Tickets inHJiha ; VfhoJws Vfc ; I'jnctions pra
r tu.
Subject to no lOOiilpUlntloa , not ttxiliulicj l >
( ho j > artlo3 In Interest , ills tiu < 1'iUiv-t lL.ii , , , -
the uaturo of rhuuup In ousU'iiur.
Kor tickets npply to Sll IPaV & CO. . 1212 llroi ; I-
way , N. V. Crty : W. OTTKNH * ,0. . i Mum
f-rutt , KuiuAa City , y6. , or Wfl rurnnm Urcit ,
One of the Best ami Zttrtjest Stocks in the U.S.
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb Elegant Passenger Elevator.
OEO. I1U11K13 , Maniiffor ,
JIF.FnnENCra : Merchants nnd Farmers' IJnuk , David City , Noli. , IConrnoy Natlonil rtnnk.Koa r
ncy.Neb. : Columbus Stiito limit , Columbus , Nub. ! MaUouald'a lliwk , NuitU 1'latto , Nob. Omftha
S'ntkmnl Hunk , Omaha , Nob.
Will \IKJ \ customota * draft with bill of latllnjj nttftohed , for two-tlilrdj value of stock.
ONLY 8t MV MAIL , 1'OSTl'Alll.
A Croat Medical Work on Mnnlmoil.
Bihnnitort Vitality. Norrom ntiit rhyolcnl
Prcnmturo Donlino In Mnn , Krr0rs of Youth , nnrt the
untniil tnt orlo3 rosultlnitirom discretion nml on-
ccfncH. A book l for every man yonne ,
nnrt old. It contains 12J proscriptions for Mil nruto nnt' '
rhronlcdli'casps.cachonoot which H Inrnlimblo. Sn
found by the author whn o oxporlnnoo for 21 yp-irs Is
puph in in olwljly novnr before fell to thn lot of nny
phyflclanttfW pices , tionnil In bountiful Kronoh mm-
lln , rmlms'wtiHMPM , full cllt. Kuurantoeil to lie minor
work In every spnso-inochanlofil. literary nnd prnfoi-
ploniil thnn niir other work In tlili country forHVil ,
ortlio nonoy will bo refund In ovprv Iml'inco. Prl'o
nnlv $1 by mnll. postpaid. llln tratod sample. ( IT.
Pendnow. Oolct awarded the author by tlio Nft-
tlonulMcdlcal Association , to thn lion. A. I1 , llliioll ,
uiilH * m.'l to onicors of tbo boird the roiiderlsro.
Tlio S"lonoo of l.lf 31" worth mnro to ih o roiinit nnd
mldrtlo-iiueJ men of this ecncnillon tli.m all thp cold
inlnoi of C'lllMinlii mul the silvermtnoi of Nevada
combined. H. V. ClironUMo. . . .
Tlio Science of l.lfo points out the rocks nnd quick-
rand * on nhlch tlio constltutlnti und hopoi of iiiiiny
i loiins man luvo been filially wrecked. Mnnchuter
The Science of I.lfol of Rreator viiluo than nil the
modlcnl works puhllshod In till * country lor the past
JU vonrs. Atlanta Constitution.
the Science ot Ufe Is a > nperb and minterly treat-
10 on nervous nnd physical debility.Detroit Frco
Ad"lrei < itho I'eahody Inilltiite. or lr W. TL
1'Hrker. No. 4 Hiilltlncli street , IIOHtun , Mais , .who may
l > e consnlted on ull discuses rcqulrlnc skill nnd experi
ence , rinnnleiinil olxinatu cil c.ini.'i that IMVO linf-
lied the skill of all othornhynlclans n specialty , hucli
treated nucwwtuHy without an Instance ot falluro.
Mention Omaha Hoe.
England , France & Germany ,
The stoiiiuslilps of this well Known line are '
built of lion , In watur-tlKht compartments , nnd
nro luriilshod with every i ociulslto to make the
piiFSiijioboth safe and u ruunlilu. They carry
the L'nltoil Stiiti'i nnd Uiiroponn in'ilN.nni ] Jo'ivo
New York Thursdays and Saturdaj-s for TM- .
rnnuth , ( LONUONCliorbougrl'AllIb ) ( and 11AM-
lilTUQ ) .
Itt'tuniltip , thc'Stuntncrslonvo Hnmburw on
Wednesdays and Sundays , via. Havio , taking
piis ciircra ( nt Southnmpton nnd London.
Kir1ciibln ? 5'J , SCO and f'fi ; Htrornpro $ S1.
Itnilitind tlcUotfl from Plymouth to Hrlbtul , Car-
dltl I.omlon. or to any plaoo hi the South of
Knijlaiid , Kltr.E. Btooratro fiom Kuropo only
"Tourist Ourptu- . "
$ Jj. Send lov
o.ij. itiaiAitn&co.
Oonurul I'ltbboutrcr AKunts ,
81 iliotidtrny , Now Vork.
( Successors to J. 0. Jncoba , )
At tlio old stand , HOT VainutnSt. Orders I )
toloKTiipli solicited and promptly ntlondod to.
Tolowiono No. ! " . "
> ( LID. ' WORID
. ! _
Cutulogusnnd Trlcca on application. Botdby
Blltlic UcBt Carrlnn * llullncrs nml Ilealero.
L'ablB Adrtri'BS. COO-CIN.
Cure without modi
A POSITIVE clno. ratuntod Oolo
bcr 10 , IhTO.
, ODO box will euro
the most obtinato cnso In four days or loss.
No nauseous dq = os of cnbobi , copulbaor ololi [
Bandahvood that are certain to produce dyspup-
BlabydOBtrovliiK the coatings of the stomach ,
I'rloo$1.50. . . . . . . . Sold . . . by , ull . drujrtrlsts . . or mailed on
j 01. fu.joj. | , particulars sonu
> . n. itox ilia
T. C. uSu tj iT CO. ,
3 John fit. , Now York.
Veterinary Specifics
Cure Dbouea of
Horses7 Cattle , Sheep
In nso for over 20 years Iiy Tarmcrs ,
Etocibrccilers , Horse It. If. , ! w.
Used by U. S. Government.
Mounted on Rollers & nook Mailed Frco.
IIumplireiVMcd. Co. . 109 Fulton fet. . X. Y.
. . „ „ _ _
InusoaTjcsrl. The only mccc SBdd rcmtdy for
Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
nnd prostration , from'ovor-Hork or olhcr cauir" .
I pnwdcT , for $
price ? il iuVk"iiv i < U ( ' . < ii < > .lluil * lulua bl. . A. fi
You nro allowed a free Mai pf thirty tlayi ol tlio uffl
of Dr. Djre'a CcloljraU' * ! Voltuio Ik'U wi'li l.lci trie fau -
pensory Appllanoo. for tlm frwdy relief and ) > er ;
Inanr-ni oure of AVriwui lictiiUiu , lint of ) Y/uJfl/mid |
Manhood , nud nil kindred Iro-jlilaa. Also for many
ether dlscasta. Cumjilete restoration to Hralili , viiet r ,
cud Munlioo.1 euarunmtl. o rt't l Incurn-d. Illus-
tratM iiiiiiinlilnt In nealtil turelnv * milled ttff.iy ad-
TlUNAIilbl' , iUi ' ' ' ' ' , bctwcpii > ' nmm
and iifimtf , > , ' * > uld ft t'"nrdlan
tprrii ? , ob' , u J r 'iiy onu rt fl.iiuo In Ihu
pBStuiidpri - > i Ul , iiiul ot pOrltiii rondlUoirs !
tliotuturc. Il.-Jli and s&'io tandu to order ,
CAl'lTAL I'lllZH , ? 75,000 .
Tickets only $5. Slwros In Proportion.
"Wo do horobycorttly tlint 'vo suporvtio tha !
nrrntifjomuntH for nil the Monthly mm Quarterly -
DrmrltiRS ol' The 1/onlfiliuiii Btnto 1/ottory
Company , niul In person maua o and control
tlio lirnwIniTR ( hniiK-olvos , nnd that tlingnmo nro
conducted with liomssly , lalriKW and lit ( rood
1nllh toward all pmtliM , nnl wo authorize the
Company to uo this i-ortlllriito , with -o
of our Bliinturns ttttiichod In its tidvortlsinou
Wo , tlio undcrslRticil Hanks nnd liuiilcors , will
pay nil frizes drawn In The I.oiiZImm State J.ol-
torius which may bo piosonlcd nt our couutUH
,7. II. ( ) OIiSltY : ,
Pres. Louisiana National Bank.
Pros. State National Bant
A. 1VII\VIN' ,
Pros. New Orleans National Bant
Incorporated In 1SC3 for 25 years by the legis
lature ! lor Hducutloiuil nnd Charitable purpose *
with a capital of Sl.OOO.OOJ to which a reserve
luiid of over { . " > 0,000 has Blnco been added.
lly mi overwhelming popular vote Its franohlso
wnHtnndonpnrloftliuproM'iit Into constitution
udoptod IH'comUer''d , A. I ) . 187K.
The otdv lottery uvor voted on and oudorsod
by the people of any tstnto.
It never scales or postpones.
Its irrandBlnjrlo number drawings tnko plnco
monthly , mid the o.\truordlmiry drawings rogu-
Inrly ovcry thieo months instead of neml-nnnu-
ally asuoretolotc , beginning Match , 1SSO.
A 8i < f.iKiiin : OppoiiTUNrry TO WIN A FORTUNE.
2d Urtuid DrawltiR , Class II , In the Academy or
MUMC. Now Orleans , Tuesday , fob. 8th , 1883
IS'Jth ' Monthly lra imr.
PRSZE $75,000.
100,000Tickets nt 1'lvo Dollars Kach. Fiaotlons
in 1'ilHis , In I'ro | > ortloii.
MST OF rui/.r.B :
dodo do ari.ooii
do do 10,000
2IMUZKS OP . fC.ll)0 ( ) 12,000
r , do , 10.000
A0 do 1,000 10,000
do ioo < n
100 do 200 20,000
: ioo do loa HO.OOO
WKI do no 5,000
1000 do 25,000
P Appro\lnmtlon I'rlaia or $7rx ) 0,750
do do WX ) 4,500
U do do 2JO ' . . . 2 50
1G71'rlzrs. ! ) amount ing to $2fi5,5Q1
Appllcnllon for rate ; to clubs should bo iniulu
enl > - to the ollloo of the company In Now Or
For further Information wnlo cloarlv.plvJn ?
fnlladdioss. I'OSTAli NOTUS , UxprcH ) Mono/
Oitlors , or Now York Bxchnnsro in ordinary letter -
ter , currencv bvo.Mics8nll ( hinntiof $5 and up-
wiirils tit our uxpcnac ) mldi-osson ,
M. A. UAIIl'iriN ,
Now Oilcans , La.
\VanlilnBton.0. 0.
Or M. 01TJJNS A ; CO. , IStUFitruam et.,0maha
Make 1' . O. Money Ordure pnynblo nnd addroaa
rtelsterod letters to
Now Orleans , La.
Kaiiway Time Table
Too following Is tlio tlino or nrrivtu mid de
part mo of trains ! ) > Central Btunrturd I line nt
tlio locnl depots. Tralas of tlio'C. , St. P. , M. &
O. nrrlvo lUHl depart from tliclr dopot. corner
ol Htli uiul Webster FtrnuH ; trains on tlio II. &
M. , C. , 11. & Q. und K. C. , St. .1. * U. II. from the
II. & M. depot : nil others from Iho Union I'aclfio
Hrld n trains wn leave ti. I' , ilepouit 0.I5 :
J7:33-8:00-HIO ! : : : 8:5010:0011:00 : ] | : n. m. . 1:00
1UO 11 ; > Q I ! H:00-a:00--U3-0UO : : : : 6:30 0:05 :
0:1U : 7:0i > 11:10 : p. m.
Jjonvo trmiRfor lor Oinnlm n 7:13 fi 8:16-0:30 : :
U'Jifci U 10T : > 10)7 : : ) 11JT n. m. : l:3r : aia :
n p.m. ,
Arrival and douartuto of trains from the
trniihfordopol at Council llluna :
ClllUAflO fc NOlmlWT.STKUN.
D15A. J . . . . .Mull nnd Uxprobs. , . , . . , 7:00p : , M
l"40i ; > , M AvconnuoduUnn , 4o ; : ; i > . M
6ai' : ) . M , I'\rceh8 | ) Ul5A.u :
CllKUll ) & HOCK IHIANI ) .
0iriA.Jl .Mall ami Kipniob. . , , , , . 7OOP.u'
7:15 A , M . . . . . Accommodation. , , , . . ! Jwru : :
tii"0 r. At UxproM U:15A.u :
cnioAno , MII.WAUIU- tv. 1'Aur. .
0:10 A , M ilull unil iiii'i'd3 ; | 7:00rM
iil'Jr. M . .H.viiriiBS UilAxu
b. , > ' ) A. M Mui ! and Impress fiMf : , M
Cil'jr. M K.\pr < 'bd li15A. M
WAlKhll.hT. l.UUIH b 1'ACJFIO.
2:15p. : > i.Local , rit. I.ouldlU'pieES l.ocul ,
BOOf.M.Tran ; l'cr8l.ixiilsl'c.Trnnsler.a:20it.M ) ! :
3:15 : A. M Mail and Uxproba 7U5r.M
U:00 : rw. . , . , lixprosH , UU&A.M :
om xncrjv i PACIKW
OO.A.M Bioux City Mull TOOp.M :
ii'ini1.AI st. i'uui Ujtpiosi. . , , , . , V:3.j : A.M
Depart.VUSTVAU1 > . Arrlvq
A.M. P.M. UNION 1'AUl'lC. A.M. P.M.
H0a : . . . ,1'acillu lixpiuss . . . 7:50a
1010a ; Denver Hxpross. . .
0. &HK1' . VAllWi' .
iiiJOn . . .Hall and . . . 2:104 :
II. & .M. IN Nlill.
8:10a : . . .Mull iind itproj'i ' , OMOn
Dopiut BOIJ'J'llWAItl ) , Arrlvo
. .
K.C.HT. J. li ( Ml.
.Via I'lattsinouth. . .
Ilojmrt. _ ' KOUTMVAm ) . _ Arrlyo.i
A , M , | p , M , . tsT. P. , iJ. * . it , p. M.
ciuvr. ; . , PIUUA Clly ivAjuuaa , j. . . . . . . & ' 3')3 '
I tiUOoOuKland Accommoil'iiilOiOOa . . . . . . .
' ' '
Dcpait. liAKTWAltn. Arrlvo
"A.M. i P.M. I t' . , 1 > fi Q. i A.M. I P.M.
_ Uj:0hlOy : : I .Vlal'iattsimiutlu. . . ! Bai I 7 15
Will Icavo I' , i1. dcwt. Omaha , lit 0:1Q-8:3S
10:15 : iu:5rm. : m.j 2:105:21 : ! ! : ] > . tn.
J < euv < 'Btoulc Vuidg for Oianhu at 7:53 10:250. :
in. ! 12UIl:2lil:40'i:07flo : : : : : ti. m.
Miru-A Inilnsdally ; Il.dally except Sundvj
0 , dKlly except Saturday ; D , dully uxwipt Won
s & & * > ii\\e \ & Mnnruo Htn. ,
f , ii % . | ii' | . r" .
i ! 11 uV i , i. In , . . .
' i fr | UUU T j > l n.j/l
< it , i , ' . < < > . 1\ifiM x
f . ' ff I tl-4 I'ail ' IB4