Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    F w "
President Egan's ' Views on the Present
Parliamentary Orisis.
Hearing In the lliirr Olslinrincnt Cnsc
IVoohvoHli'n Argument for
llic Accused Court nml
Oilier Capital Notes.
i THE nnr.'s LINCOLN nuntsAir.l
President Kgnn of the Irish Naliona
League expresses himself as much
pleased with Iho make-up of the new
British cabinet. John Morlcy , chief sec
retary for Ireland , ho says , is P pro
nounced home-ruler , and ti man of strong
courage and sound opinion. The office
is by far tlie most important in the cabi
net to Irishmen , but unfortiinalely it has
mainly in Ihc past been filled by men who
have allowed themselves , unconsciously
perhaps , to become the tools of the mem
bers of the permanent government.
Morley , Mr. Enjran thinks , is a man who
will rule , instead of being ruled. II. C.
II. Clillders , homo secretary , is another
liberal minded man of force and ability.
Tor Iho time in the history
of England , that is in its
modern history , two Catholics have been
called to high places , the Marquis of
Kipon as first lord of the admiralty , and
Charles Ilusicll as attorney general.
About llio only appoinlincnl in which
the queen's hand can lie .seen is that of
Earl Ko'ebeiT.y ns secretary for. foreign
nlValrs , an ollieo in which Her Majesty
takes more interest , and comes nearer
ruling , than all the other branches of llio
government combined. It was Glad-
Hlono's desire nt first to put Earl Gran-
vlllc in tliiU place , but the nuccn made
such a vigorous protest that the "grand
old man ' concluded lo pacify her by
making Granville ( secretary for the col
Jf onies.
John P. Stilton , of Quebec ; llio successor
ser of Itogur Walsh , as secretary of the
luaguo , is making his olllce with Mr.
Egan. YVstcrdny the Bii : , man found
Mr. Siilton busy mailing to friends-of tlio
cause copies of the following circular :
President and Secretary LINTOI.K , Neb. ,
Feb. ft. 1SSO. To Oflicors and Members ot
It ranches : Tlio executive of the league Is
now In coiii'.spoiidi'iicu with Mr. Pnincll ,
with llio object ot airaiiging a date for hold
ing a national convention , and as soon as his
vlevvH ran bo ascci tallied , and a datn named ,
wo will at once communicate with joii :
meantime , wo earnestly request that yon \v ill
lenownim Increase your exeitlons In ftir-
thci Ing flic holy cause in which wo are en-
Wo are now face to face with tlio most crit-
Iral situation that has yctarl.scn In the allairs
of licland. A very few months may see tlio
icslor.ttlon of our native pnillament , or may
wltiii'ss onrcountiy oncu moie under the
lasli ot coeiclon icglmo. Wo must bo ready
to lender prnrtlcal asslslaiico to our biotliots
in liuland In whatever contingency may
ailse. No Irishman worthy of the name
Bliould , or will , hold back at bitch a time.
Wouigcntly call upon all blanches ot the
league to bo up anil cluing , and wo bcs all
friends ot tlio cause , \\hciever tlieio nio no
blanches , to oiKanl/.c and icpoit to Iho secic-
taiy of flic league. On the pioniptne s of
your action will depend In a gical measure
tlie outcome ot the picscnt cilsiw.
from tlio cabin icnoits wo lead that a lead
ing organ of English political opinion In
London says : "The falling oil In Amcilcan
donations to the league funds will bring Mr.
I'arnull to tlio point ot conforming his de
mands to what Englishmen mny Justly
grant. " Wliat will bo vour answer to fids
Impudent iitophecy ? Wo doubt not but
It will bo piompt nnd effect he.
Youis faithfully ,
PATJIICIC KCIAK , President. : O'Uuii.i.Y , Troasuter.
Jonx P. Sin rex , Sccictaiy.
Soon after the release of Simmcrnian ,
the Mlnden niurtlorcr , on habeas corpus
proceedings lust fall , Attorney General
Leese made application to the state su
preme court for the disbarment of L. C.
llurr , Sinimerman's attorney , for con
tempt and ollioial misconduct. The court
appointed Messrs. Cpvvin of Omaha. Hayward -
ward of Nebraska City , Ilarwood of Lin
coln , Ragaii of IIustmg-4 , and Ewing ol
Central City , a committee to ascertain
the facts , and report on February ! ) . Last
evening the committee met at the Com
mercial hotel , Messrs. Covvin , Haywaid
and Ewing being present. Attorney
General Leeso declined to attend , but
submitted a brief , setting forth his
charges against Ihirr , anil citing numer
ous authorities in support of disbarment ,
IJ.y stipulation the case wa
laid before the committee on
the law pleadings , Commissioner Sa-
villo's testimony , and the application
for the writ of habeas corpus. Hon. J.
M. Woolworth of Omaha appeared for
llurr , making a very forcible and elo
quent argument. Mr. Woolworth con
tended that his client was not guilty ol
contempt because Sinimerman's case had
been removed to the federal courts on a
writ of error , and that , though the
prisoner was in the ctistodyjof thoslicriil' ,
the latter was acting as agent of the
United Stales , and that the state court
had no jurisdiction. Referring to tlio
charge of misconduct , Mr. Woolworth
Bald that the statutes expressly provided
that iii case where the life turn liberty oi
a client was concerned his attorney
tornoy must bo left free to act
as his judgment may diotalo ,
untrammelled by fear or favor. Mr.
Uurr , ho was willing lo , mid acted
unwisely , b.ut , it. "Tts merclv an error of
liuiirn'/j'nt and not intentional wrong.
Tlie whole proceedings were conducted
openly in the presence of a number of
clll/.en * . and there was no collusion be
tween HiiiT and Savillo , as the latter had
sworn ho never met or hoard of Burr
before ho appeared and demanded the
writ. The whole argument was ingenious
and made a strong impression on the
committee , who will report their opinion
to the htato court about Wednesday
Joseph Oakcs is the plaintiff in u rather
peculiar action juilcommonrod in thedh-
trict court under the title of Joseph ( Jakes
vs 11. S. Hlninonthal , Jesse Itlumonthal
anil the Missouri L'acilio railway. In Oo-
tolier last , lUiunenthal , than the owner of
certain real estate in this eity. was sued
by Oukus , who recovered a judgment for
the amount claimed. An execution was
issued and returned by the sheriff en
dorsed "no properly.1 Now O.ikos
comes into court anil alleges that Bin-
munthal transferred tlio realty , without
consideration , to another party , who
transferred it back to Bliuiioiithal'd ' wifo.
Later it was condemned by the Missouri
Pucillo for right of way and appraised at
$3,000 , no part of which has yet
been paid. Oakcs claims that this
is $000 more than the defendants
tire allowed by the exemption law , and
wants judgment for that amount and as
much mom as the court will give him.
Austin lUloy has become plnintilf in
error in an action against David Wise &
Co , to reverse the proceedings in Justice
Cochranp's court by which Wise obtained
n judgment for $101.
Thursday afternoon Chris Kennedy , an
* elderly farmer living seven miles south
of Lincoln , fell u victim to the blandish
ments of an Eleventh street siren who
sails under the name of Mrs. Stivers ,
Kennedy accompanied the woman to her
room , where her alleged husband came
in and found them in ilagrunte delicti ! .
Kennedy was arrested on a charge of
adultery and bound over , after a rather
unsavory examination , to answer at the
district court , Kennedy owns a large
farm , and the opinion prevails that t.llo
Slivers laid n plan lo entrap the old man
nnd blackmail liim.Jtbey tlilnkhig that he
would offer lo pay well rather than go to
MM. Kato Conkloy was convicted in
Judge Parker's court Thursday of ob
structing the windows of her saloon , and
lined $25 anil cftsts.
Michael Miller , an aged resident , died
Thursday afternoon at Hie home oj Ills
daughlcr , Mrs. Julia Miller , 1127 U
The Pleasant Hour club gave one of
their recherche parties nt Temple hall
last evening.
John ( . ' , Bonncll has given up his po l-
lion in the H. & M. headquarters , soltl his
property hero , and gone lo Chicago lo
live. The move wns a very quiet one ,
and no reasons are assigned for it.
Nat Hrovvn started for Omaha yester
day witli his horses Van Duke and
Howdy , having decided to become a resi
dent of the metropolis , Van Dnko will
he kept nt Joe VVitnrow's barn on llarney
strcot. He is a handsome Ilamblotonlan.
four times inbred to the old hero ot
Chester , being by llys Duke by Ilamblo-
Ionian ; dam Indian Maid by Saturn , n
grandson of Humblcloniun , llys Duke's
tlam was Peggy by Iron Dnko , and he by
llamblctoniiin. Howdy is aclovor young
trotter , nnd lirown intends to fit him for
campaigning this year.
Israel P. Livingstrom has filed witli
Clerk Si/or his intentions of becoming n
clti/.cn of the United States.
The llohannon case has been placed on
Hie docket of tlio United Slates supreme
court for hearing at the March term. It
will came up on motion of Attorney Gen
eral Loeso to dismiss proceedings.
It is at last definitely scttlctl that Ilia
Fit/.gcrald Hose company will send a
team of twenty-four men to the Kevv
Orleans tournament. Mr. John Flt/gcr-
aid is to furnisli transportation botli ways ,
and other citizens of Lincoln , under the
gentle pressure brought to bear by Ed
blzer , have subscribed ? . iOO , which will
jmy all necessary expenses. The boys
nave been in training in their hall on
Tenth street all winter , and are in excel
lent condition.
J. II. Shovvnltor , Fremont ; J. M. Woolworth -
worth , Omaha ; Mr. and MM. J. W.
Woods , Miss Nellie Post. York ; J. C. and
M. Morrtsev , Plattsnioutii : U.S. Harding
Nebraska City ; C. S. Ailing , Seward ; F.
M. Orion , Syracuse ; ( Jus States , Val
paraiso ; J. ll.'Cai tor , Omaha.
The Grnntl Jury.
The grand jury was yesterday consider
ing the case of Frank Keene , the young
man arrested by the Law and Order
League for selling tickets. The cases of
Donald Allen and John L. Gideon , the
B. & M. ticket forgers , came up for con
sideration , also.
Two witnesses in the Cunimings case
have bcon cvninincd. Detective Emery ,
testified ns to the manner in which
he had divided his rewards with the
marshal , and Jailor Jop Miller in regard
to the release of Boveridgo.
The case of the Swede , Peterson , who
was doing a wholesale business in steal
ing horses and cattle , will come up for
consideration to-day. A number ot wit
nesses in the case from Florence have
been subpoenaed.
Agent James , of the Law and Order
League said yesterday that he should en-
dcavor to have the grand jury indict
Morrisoy , the expressman charged with
cruelty to his wife , for murder in the
sccona degree.
A Small Attachment.
Josephine Burr began an attachment
suit in the district court yesterday
against Sclilesingor Bros. , wbo conduct a
Hour anil feed store on Thirteenth street.
The amount of the lady's claim was $ lfiO ,
for rent. The papers were placed in tlie
hands of Sheriff Coburn , who served
them yesterday afternoon , attaching the
scales of the lirm and some other prop
Bonds to the amount of $500 of school
district No. 7 wore forwarded to the state
treasurer from Omaha Janiry ; C , for
security. Yesterday It was learned from
Superintendent Bruncr that these bonds
had never bcon beard from. The
treasurer has failed to acknowledge their
and it is whether 1
receipt , a question o
not they over reached him. An investi
gation of the affair will be made at once.
Six Persona Made Happy.
Justice Anderson had a fat day yester
day in the wedding business. Six persons
presented themselves in his oflieo and
were united in the happy bonds. The
successful candidates were John J. Gil-
lain anil Li//.io Sehnacko , Jargon M.
Vithen and Amalia P. M. J. Bursch , and
William SehulU and Emma Rnho.
The now saloon adjoining the opera
house , in which ox-Sherilf Miller and
Andy Moynahau nro interested , was for
mally opened at noon yesterday.
Judge Neville of the district court was
engaged yesterday in trying the case
of Lewis Thomas vs. Gco. W. Forbes , a
suit brought to recover $ l,000on an al
leged illegal land transaction.
Marriage licenses were issued in the
county court yesterday to Joseph Lang ,
aged 23 , and Mary Wachtler , aged ! iO ,
and O/.ro M. Pettoy , aged 20 , and Mrs.
Lillie M. Ettloman , aged 20 , all of
"Senator" Mickey , tha j r,5nl domity
cricor tlio distriet'court , is airing him
self proudly these days with a pipe
which ho doelarcs lo ho the latest , and
"quite English , you know. "
Coroner Drexel has received , as an
unclaimed return , the letter which ho had
written to Mrs. Dora Myers , Hamburg ,
Germany , informing her of the death of
her husband , John Myers. The man
fro/.o to doaih on the night of December
I , near the road-house , on the Florence
Major General Carnahan , of Indiana
polis , Ind. , arrived inthe city last night
to confer with the brethren of the
uniformed rank of Knight of Pythias of
this eity. This guntloman is the grand
head of all the uniformed knights ( K. of
P. ) of the world.
John Jenkins , the nowl.y appointed
boiler inspector of the city , formally re
signed his position in the mechanical
draughting department of the Union Pa-
eillo yesterday , and received from his fol
low employes a handsome gold watch
charm Inscribed with their testimonials
of regard and ostooin.
TH i s uNinvAi.i.ui )
It AVill Ciii-o all Diseases Caused
by Derangement of tlio Liver ,
Kill noy nnd Stomach ,
If } on fcol dull , drowsy , dolillltiitod 1m va fro
qutmt liciKhU'he , mouth tiistos badly , poor np
pctlto nnj tonguu coutoJ , jou are sutforiiitr
Irom toipld liver , or "biliousness , " niul notli tut
v111 euro you bo spoodlly nnd iiormauenUy us
At nuy tlmo jou feel your system
noixls clouuslntf , touinj , ' , rojiilutinir with
out violent puridnp , or olluuiluilin ; with
out intoiiciuiiuf take
Simmons Liver Regulator
J. II , ZRILIN & CO. , Philadelphia , 1'a
The Hard Fought Senate Fight Over Da
kota's Admission Ended ,
Voorhces tlio Only Democratic Sena
tor "W ho Casts an Affirmative A'oto
on the Proposition TliolJus-
Incss oT tlio House.
WASIIISOTOX , Feb. C. Among the peti
tions pies-cnled nnd appropriately referied
weie a number by Messrs. Hoar , Frye , Cul-
lom , Conger , Dawcs nnd Allison , from vail-
otts assemblies of Iho Knights of Labor , pray
ing congress to open Urn Oklahoma lands to
settlement nnd to establish a tcultorlal gov
ernment over thorn.
On motion ot Mr. Sovvell the .senate passed
the bill heretofore Introduced by amending
the sections of the revised statutes iclntliig
to annual appropriations for the militia.
Mr. JJlair , from the committee on edu
cation nnd labor , icpoited favorably Mr.
Kryo's bill to piovldo for appointment by the
picsideutol n commission of live persons to
investigate the alcoholic liquor traffic. It pro
vides that the members ot the commission
shall bo selected solely with rcleronco to
personal fitness nnd capacity for nil honest ,
Impartial and thoiough Investigation. It
stipulates that nil ol them shall not be ml-
vocatesol piohlbitoiy legislation or of total
abstlnaiice , nnd they shall servo without
salaiy. Their duties shall bo to Investigate
tlio alcoholic liquor tiatllc. Its iclntlonsto
revenue mid taxation , and its economic ,
criminal , moral nnd sclentlllc aspects In con
nection with pauperism , crime , the social
evil , public health nnd the general weltare of
the people : to inqtthc and take testimony as
tojtbo practical results of license and prohlbl-
loiv legislation lorpieventlng Intemperance
In the several stales , and to icport the icsults
of their Investirations to tlie piesident , lobe
by him presented tocougiess. It appropriates
810,000 for Investigation expenses.
On Mr. Huiiison's motion , the mornlne s
business was laid aside nnd the Dakota bill
taken up , on which Mr. liutler took tlio floor
and said the senator from Indiana had either
evadou or foigottcu many facts bearing on
the Dakota question. Mr. Hutler chmgcd
that the opposition to Dakota had Hist come ,
not from the democratic side of the senate ,
but fiom the lepnbllcan sldo , and quoted
some remarks of Mr. Halo In a loimcrcon-
giess to sustain his position.
Mr. McMillan believed Mr. Halo slood
Mr. Hutlcr rtld not care how that was. The
senatois from Illinois and Indiana ) said ho
had icfericd to the vote polled by South Cmo-
lina nndother southoin states , and compared
these votes with the vote ot Dakota. Mr.
Untler had to assume that was done for the
inn pose of giving a sectional turn to the do-
hate and miaylng iiopular prejudice against
the .southern people. The southern states ,
Mr.HUutler continued , had been under fire for
a good many vears. They survived heavier
mtlllcry than that turned against
them now and would survive
tills. Whatever might bo said against botith
Umollna , and no doubt she had made mis
takes in the past and would make mistakes
in the future , never , until the political friends
ol'tlie senatois had camped upon the fair
bosom of that state had her otllcials been
tainted with blemish or corruption. It had
never happened until then that herjollicials
had been compelled lo Hy fiom her borders
to escape states prison , and while tlie de
grading , disgraceful and humiliating spolia
tion had been going on , not one word ot pro
test had come tiom the honorable senatois
on the other side who now airaigned South
Mr. Logan said his attention had been di-
icctcd to tlie vote of South Carolina because
the senatois fiom South Caiollnn ( Butler )
and MIssoiui ( Vest ) had complained that
Dakota in 1834 had polled 55,003 votes , while
on the adoption ot the pioposcd constitution
only fil.OOJ votes had been polled. He
( Logan ) had then called attention to tlioscna-
tofsovvn state ( Soutn Cmolina ) anil showed
that Dakota , with only a quarter of a million
population.liad polled ; ilOOOvoteswhlle south
Caiolinn , with a population of a million had
only polled 01,009 votes and he ( Logan ) had
inquiied whether , If explanation was 10-
quued lor Dakota , If explanation was not
also icquiied lor South Carolina.
Mr. Isutler replied that the explanation was
that nt the last election in South Carolina tlio
political fileiuls nnd allies ot' the senatoi
liom Illinois wcio industiioiisly neglected.
They had not been instmctcd or even approached
preached by that senator. He ( Butler )
believed all the people ot South Carolina ,
white ami coloied , wcio satisfied with their
state government.
Mr. Logan remaikcdthat nothing had been
said by him about the state government of
South Caiollna.
Mr. Butler then Inquired If the senator
tiom Illinois ( Logan ) would hi tuin
vouchsafe an explanation of the votes of
some of the states that ho ( Butler ) would
mention. Ho Inquired how it was that only
02 per cent of the votes ot Illinois Had gone
to the poles at the lust election , oven with
the favorite son of Illinois and the "Plumed
Knight" both on the ticket.
Mr. Logan said the point ( irst made by the
scnntor from South Caiollna hnd been that
explanation was rcquhcd why tlio vote had
fallen oft ain Dakota. IIo ( Logan ) had
explained that * fact by showing that the
democratic committee of the teriltory had
notified tlio democrats not to participate in
tlio vote. But even on the view ol the senator
fioiuNoifh Caiollun if the veto hail fallen
oil In South Carolina , Illinois , and other
states , why should It not fall off in Dakota ?
Mr. Butler said this did not explain the
falling oil in Illinois. Ho also asked why
the "old icllablo , " solid , public Institute of
Vermont , under the leadeishii ) of the sena
tor tiom that state ( Kdinnnili ) , who was wild
with enthusiasm for the success of the icpub-
llcan ticket [ great lauuhter ] had polled only
02 per tent ol its vote , and oven then that the
senators own town had for the first time in
its history gonjo ilcmociatlcV Also , why bad
lUiodo Island , equally enthusiastic for the
in aiamo , UIQ 1101115 91 wju xiu ; ca iViri iu , '
but wj yyr cent OL 'luo Vote was cast lor that
popular ticket ?
Mr. Logan Will the senator allow mo to
ask him a question ?
Mr. Uutler I shall bo through in a moment.
Peihans these tilings can bo explained.
Mr. Logan 1 was going to do It.
Mr. Uutler I shall DO glad to hear the ex
planation In a moment.
It wns amusing , Mr. Butler said , for the
senatois who had not , and in tlie natuioot !
tilings could not. have piusidentlalnsplia-
tlons , to watcli the contests going on be
tween some ol the senators of the other side ,
lie had no doubt Dakota's vote would bo a
luscious plum tor ambitious statesmen who
wcio Infected with the picsldcntlal fever ,
lie leteiied to "our gciiiat filt'iul liom Iowa"
( AllNon ) , who , ha Mid , had "only got to
cross over and shako the bush , " and "who
would bear watching. " Itoleriing to one of
tlio Dakota gentlemen who opposed admis
sion , Mr. Uutler u.ild that while some other
men vvooi lolling In their touts , he had oeen
matching to the lime of his countiy.
In thu com so of lib lemaiks Mr. Butler al
luded to tlie pensions paid to union soldiers ,
and said hu ( Butlei ) hnd voted to pay mil
lions in on millions of such pensions to the
comrades of thu senator from Illinois , while
his ( Butlers ) comrade * neither expected nor
iccflved a cent , but paid their siiaio of the
taxes , . Ho Hid not complain of tills. The
comiades of that senator had been tlio vie-
tola ; HutleTs comindes had been tlio van-
qul.sliediinil v\cie entitled to no pension , Tim
eomiatlus of tlie senator from Illinois weio
entitled to tlio thanks nnd honor ot the gov-
eminent. But thu people had no light to bo
eternally flaunting their peiloimanco in the
face of thocountiy In order to excite piojudlco
against otheis.
Mr. Logan said ho hnd not attacked the
state ot South Caiollna. He hail thought he
was complimenting that state when ho had
said that South Carolina had always
been In tlio I'oio liont of democratic leader
ship. Logan commented on tlio lefeiences
ot Mr. Butler to tlio "lolling In their tents" of
oilieeis , "whilesoldiers on tlio maicli , "
That rjmailc , ho said , wns not ju.-t to the
gentlemen on this side ot tlio chamber.
Mr. Butler disclaimed having Intended its
application to any senator.
Mr. Logan lecognUcd equal merit In all
where theie had been faithful seivlce. In
conclusion Mr. Lo nn icpcated flint what
ever piotence iimr be made as to the leason
for excluding Dakota , however tlio sonaiuib
may "higgle" over words , theieal reason was
that it would have a republican majority.
Men may aiguo as they please with flimsy
pretexts that this u us not ( he real source of
dllllculty , but the Awerlcan people had an
abiding sense pf justice. They know that
all the elements for statehood existed in
Dakota ; that It had the necessary pojitdatlon ,
and alljjtmjjcoudltlons Jof industry , em
nnd civilization , t Then \vliy , ho asked , i
should not tills new state ho plnecil In Iho
cluster of the American union , that It may
add Its share to the * light nnd glory ot the
republic. 1 t
Mr. Call opposed Ihe committee's bill. The
will of the whold people or Dakota , he said ,
had not been ascertained on the mioMlon of
division or on tho.proimsed constitution , and
they should Imve an opportunity of voting
on these questions before action by congress
wns necessary.
Mr. Kdinunds Inanhcd whether Messrs
Call , Butler and their assoclntes would vote
for tlie bill If nn nmundniciit were made to It
providing for submission ot the now consti
tution to the people fet their nppioval before
It should go Into operation ? Or would they
vote for a bill which would bo submitted to
the i > eoplc of the whole territory for them to
say whether they wanted division or noli1
Mr. Call saw no neccasltv for such urgent
haste. This matter had to be decided \vlthn
\ lew to the future ns well ns the present.
Mr. Uutler Will thcsenntorfrom Vciiuoiit ,
before submitting this bill to the people , elim
inate from it everything that has been done
In the way of elcctlonsof senators , congiess-
men , etc.
Mr , Kdmunds I will not. Alter nil these
years of effort and application by these
people , the mutter should bo disposed of.
Heie was n constitution llkctlicconstitntlons
of other states In respect to the security of
property , ndmlnlstiatlon of justice , the equal
fovyingof taxes and oilier things that goto
ninko up the best of modern constitu
tions. I would not , thcieforc , say
to these people that they must bo
again put oil for two or tlueo years.
Tlie people of a tenitory , Mr. Kdmunds con
tinued , hnd no light to leinnin teiiitorlnl sub
jects foiever. Tim United States paid a very
laige pait of the teiritoiinl expenses , and
should be iclieved of thai bmdcn ns soon ns
was consistent \vltli gencial good. It wns
the nilsfoitunn of fate lor the senators on the
democratic side that the D.ikottilans did not
have political opinions witli which those
senatois could agree , and that was Avbnt the
matter was.
Mr. Beck denied tlio light of a teriltory to
divide Itself , that being a power lodged only
In congicss. The population of the new ter-
lilory , he said , consisted to a considerable ex
tent ot loiolgncrd Scandinavians and otlicis
who were not jet piepaied for eiti/onshlp.
The debate then closed , and Mr. Butler s
substitute was put to a vote and lost yeas ' ' -i ,
The bill icpoilcd from the committee was
then passed yeas SM , noes ' J. Tlio only
demount voting In the alliimative was Mr.
The negative votes weio nil dcnioointle.
[ The bill divides tlio tcnitoiy ot Dakota on
the 40th parallel latitude ; piovldos for the
admission of the southern iioitlon ns a .state
under the title of Dakota , and the organUa-
tlon of thenoithern poition Into a separate
teriltory under tlio name ot Lincoln. )
Mr. Payne presented the credentials of the
re-election ot Senator Sherman , which wcio
rend and lilcd.
Mr. Blair moved Hint thoficnatc take up tlio
education bill hcrctoloie introduced by him
and reported favorably fiom the committee
on education and labor.
\Vithout action tlio senate adjourned till
Monday next.
WASHINGTON" , Feb. C. The speaker laid
bcfoie the house a message fiom the picsl-
dent transmitting the icsponseot the secre
tary of the interior to the house resolution
calling for copies of any contiact or lease
between the Southern Pacific railway com
pany and any laud grant road , of the cliaiter
ot the bouthorii P.icilic , or anv conti.ict
between the Pacific Steamship company nnd
any laud giant rolul. Uelcned.
On motion ot Mr. J.aiul , a lesoiutlon was
adopted making tlio Fitz John Poitcrbill the
continuing special order Irom Thursday , the
llth lust , until Tihui-Mlav , the 18th inst. , In
cluding the night session on Tuesday even-
hip. '
The house theimdjouincd until Monday.
The Delicacies'Now ' Obtainable in the
Iiocnl Marts Prices und Varieties.
The most toothsoino food at present in
this line are tbo'whitc lisli and trout , sell
ing for 15 cents i a pound. Fresh cod-
lisn is to be ' .purchased for 15
cents a pound , while halibut steaks
and cols are worth 25 cents a pound.
Flounders are worth 12J cents a pound.
Fresh mackerel brings 15 cents
apiece. Smelts , are plenty and
are selling for 13 } cents a pound.
Skinned perch have arrived in sea
son and sell at 12 } cents per pound. Her
rings arc also just in season and are
worth 10 cents a pound. Striped bass
are so scarce ns to bo unquoted. Pickerel
arc just arriving and sell tit 10 cents per
pound. Salt codlish tongues sell for 12
cents a pound.
Oysters , of standard quality and size ,
arc selling at 40 cents a qt' . The selects
bring GO cents a qt. Cans 20 to10 cents ,
There have boon no material changes
in the line of meat ? .
The best cuts of sirloin soil for 15 cents ;
rumps and upper part of round steak at
12 } . Roasting ribs , lirm and juicy , can
bo bought from 10 to 12 } cents. Veal is
extremely scarce and comes high , from
15 to 20 cents , according to the cnoiconcss
of the part. Sweet breads can bo pur
chased at 25 cents a pair. Corn bpcf is
selling at from 5 to 10 cents , according to
cuts. Prime leg of mutton can bo had for
12 } cents ; mutton chops 12 } to 15 cents
Ham is wortli 12 } cents in bulk. 20 cents
sliced. Pork , 10 to 12 } cents. Sausage ,
lO to 12 } cents. Venison , rich and juicy ,
can bo purchased for 20 conts. Tlio tenderloins -
dorloins of steers killed for Christmas
will bo fine , and should be spoken for in
Chickens arc wortli 15 cents a pound ,
turkeys and ducks 20 cents a pound.
Rabbits , dressed , are scarce , but can bo
purchased for 15 cents each.
YF.GKTAl > Ji3. ;
Qjiions ° 75 smg ; ; t 80 cents a. peck.
Turnips are Wortli 20 cents a peck.
Rutabagas 3 cents u pound. Cabbage is
bringing 10 to 15 cents a head. Now Cal
ifornia cabba ; o5contsnnound Potatoes ,
best /arieties , are worth 05 to 75. Salt
Lake potatoes are soiling for 83 cents a
bushel. Sweet potatoes , are 25 cents
for four pounds
Hubbnrd and Marblohoad squashes
are scarce and sollj for 10 to 25 cents
apiece ,
Carrots are wortli 25 cents a peck.
Oyster plant soils 4 bunches for a quar
Parsley is sold at 5 cents a bunch ,
Pnrsnins at 25 cents a puck. Yankee
pumpkins are very scarce and wortli
from 15 to 25 cents each ; swcot pie pump
kins the same ,
Celery soils atlCO dents a dozen. Now
hot-houso radishes CO cunts a dozen. Let
tuce 75 cents a dp/on.
Florida oranges { ire worth 25 to 60
emus a dozen' , according to si/o.
Now California bi'anges from 40
to 50 cents' ' a do/.en. Bana
nas are wotth from ! 55 to BO cunts a do/-
en. Grapes of ithn Malaga variety soli
for50 [ cents n , . Haisins can bo had
for from 10 to J33 cunts a pound ,
dried currants 10 to,15 cents a pound ,
Candied citron is worth CO cents
a pound. Figs are worth from 20
to 25 cents a pound'cooking tigs 20 ecnts
a pound , Cranberries are Belling lor
from 10 to IK cents U quart , California
pears are worth 10 omits a pound. Good
Persian dates are wortli 15 cents a pound ,
and Black Kuril dates 20 cents a pound.
Apples , choice Michigan varieties , are
worth $3.25 to $3.50 a barrel , Now York
states $3.00 a barrel. Missouri stock is
worth from $3.50 to $3.00.
Hickory nuts are worth 50 cents a peck ;
shell barks and hazel nuts are soiling for
75 cents.
Butler , dairy , is bringing from 25 to 30
cents a pound , The best creamery can
bo purchased at 35 rents tv pound , Eggs
soli for the standard pi ioo of 20 cents u
The Contract Lot.
The contract for tlio construction of
the B. & M. "short cut" to Ashland'
twenty-siK miles , was let yesterday by
the company to Mallory & ' Gushing.
Work will be commenced on the line as
soon aa the season opens.
Au Important Branch of the Uiiion Pacific
Management Interesting PactSt
Four Million nnd n Hnlf Dollars I2\-
peiided fbr Supplies The Sta
tionary DciturlntcMt The
8 } stem , Ktc.
"Everything from a needle lo a loco
motive , " were Ihc words with which As
sistant Supply Agent Pratt , of the Union
Pacific , replied to a reporter last night ,
who had made inquiry concerning the
articles he kept in block.
Very few people have any idea of the
cxpcii'-o of maintaining a vast railroad
system like that of the Union Pacific , or
of the thousand and one details which
have to be looked after.
To nil such , a tour through tlio supply
department depot of the road would
provo highly interesting , Instructive and
Mr. J. J. Burns is known as the gene
ral supnly agent , while Mr. C. N. Pratt is
his assistant , having direct charge of the
distribution of the supplies. The build
ings used by the dlstriuutingdopartment ,
four in number , nro located near the tin-
ion Pacilio Miops. In the smaller build
ing the clerical force , consisting of about
00 men , nro at work. The other build
ings , known as A , B , and C , immediately
north , contain the vast storage rooms in
which the supplies are kept in stock.
In depot A arc kept the immense blip-
plies of stationery which are used by the
general division and station oilices of tlio
road. On all sides of the room are capa
cious lockers or cupboards containing
largo quantities of every variety of sta
tionery articles that ono could think of
uapcr , inks , pens , pencils , rubbers , mu
cilage , pen racks , paper weights , envel
opes , etc. , etc. , besides all the different
blanks used on the road. This depart
ment is in the charge of W. K. McKcn/.ic ,
stationery agent , who came about a
year ago , from service on the Kansas Pa
cific. Ho has completely reorganized the
department , and has instituted a smooth
ly-working and economical system. The
supplies of stationery are civen out to
the local officers , upon requisitions from
the various heads of departments. The
stations along the line are supplied witli
a sixty-days' stock , by means of special
cars which arc sent out over the road at
tached to the piy : car , every two months.
At the end of December Ja'.t , the stock of
stationery was found to bo worth about
$ , ' 5,000 , while the total disbursements in
this direction lor the year amounted to
Immediately adjoining the stationery
room , in Depot A , is a vast apartment
where the general supplies are kept.
"Here , " said Mr. i'ratt , who guided the
Buu man on his tour of investigation ,
"you can find anything you want. There
is hardly an article 3011 couid name that
wo don't keep in stock hero oven lo
satin velvet or plush. Everything is kept
in sucli a shape that wo can fill
an order at a moment's notice.
Sowing machines ? Yes , owe are ready
to supply them , though we don't keep
them in stock as u general tiling. You
can have no idea of the queer orders wo
are called upon to fill once in a wnile
orders for articles which you would not
dream wore used in running a railway.
We have to be ready to meet every emer
gency without delay , too. "
In the other buildings , depots B. and
C. , are kept the heavy hardware , such as
car wheels , axles , springs , all sorts of
iron and steel trimmings , civil engineer's
outfits , windmills , scales , glass , paints ,
etc. One large item of storage is the
"waste" used in greasing the thousands
of busy car wheels which transport the
freight and passengers of the road. Over
18,000 ponniU ii keiit in reserve hero , and
it does not take long to cxliau&t this
The total value of the stock in these
three buililings is at least $350,000. This
value , it maybe said , is maintained all
the year round , and sometimes , during
an extra busy season it may run up to as
high as $100,000 or more.
Besides the main supply depot in Oma
ha there are division depots or sub-stores
in Denver , Grand Island , North Platte ,
Cheyenne , Laramie , EvanstonlPocatcIlo ,
E.iglo Hook , and Armstrong , Kansas.
Those depots are supplied from the main
store-rooms in Omuha , with a stock of
sixty days currant material. In this way
ho distribution of supplies * over the sysf
cm is more easily accomplished than i-
hero were but one main station.
No supplies are issued cither locally or
to the various divisions of the road , With
out a duly signed and certified requisi
tion from the bead of the department or
division which makes the request
In conclusion it might bo interesting lo
note that last year the Union Pacific dis
tributed from its store-house in Omaha
supplies to the value of $1,500,000. This ,
according lo the recently published re
port , was abtiut one-fourth of the entire
expense of running the road.
KaiHvny Notes and
General Manager Callaway , of the
Union Pacific , left for Now York yes
terday afternoon.
TUn ai > c-v blGoKiulo on the Kansas
Pacific has been raised.
Mechanical Superintendent Hackney.
Car Service Agent B. 11. Thompson , and
Assistant Storekeeper Pratt , ot the Union
Pacific , loft yesterday for the west.
Personal ' ' .
I'ni'ngrapliR. en
II. E. Hack-man , of St. Louis' , and C. F.
Bannurd , of Kansas City , are at the Mil-
E. C. TheMng. head book-keeper for C ,
S. Higgiiifi , left last night on a trip of a
couple of weeks to St. Paul , during which
ho will take in the ice palace festivities.
Lcayo of absence for one month has
been granted Captain Horace Noido ,
Fourth infantryslationQd at Fort Omaha ,
with permission to apply for an extension
of one month ,
F. ( J. Fuller , one of the best known rail
way conductors in this region accom
panied by his charming and talented
wifOj loft yesterday on a vacation trip to
Florida , from which state Miu Fuller
first attracted literary notice by her cor
Hand fji'cimdcfl for Kallroadu.
The Union Pacific is preparing to equip
evor.y passenger car and freight cnbooMi
on tiiu dwlth hand grenades or liio ex
tinguishers , This will require about
2,000 , doycn : grenades ,
Heal Kotate Transfers ,
The following transfers were lilod Fob ,
1 , with the county clerk , and reported
for the Biu : by Amos' Real Estate
James JI. McShano and wife to Morris II.
Sicilian , p.utof Jti > , C.uiitol add , Omaha , wd
-M5. 17,7U.
J anie.s M , Swctnam , single , to Hollls K.
I logic , undivided } { of nM of swjof iic f
sec 4-13-13. Douglas county , q c & 1.000.
Albeit S. Bllllncs and wifa to William J.
Welbhans. It 11 , blk S , Host's & Hill's Second
add , Oinnhn.v d-Sl.m
MjriMict V.IIcmlrixand husband to Kmma
SL'semann , It 'J , Coitlundt Place add , Omaha ,
w d S3 , X > .
Charles W. Lvnmn and wife to Lyinan
Scott HcMonnell , It a , blk a , Dwight&Ly-
niaiiVadd , Omaha , w d f 5.
John K llelln and wife to Maggie Carey ,
11 5 , blk B , Lowe's Flist add , Omaha , w d-
Mary J. Rose and hatband to D.xn 0. Kins
man. U. S. A. , JioithM ot Its 11 and la , blk
l , subdivision of John 1 , UedUk's add , Oma
ha , w d 33,850.
City of Omnhato Ole Qleson , part of no
nnd so corner of U , blk I8ii < f , Omaha , w d-r
A Sweet Girl Nocturne * .
The pretty midden , ttlth the checks of pink ,
At homo nt night doth stay :
The fascination of the lollcrilnk ,
lias passed away.
In leisure moments now she cultivates
The chaste rhr > santhcinnm ;
She tiaded oft her pretty roller skaioj
For chew Ing gum.
Xo more she skips oal lo the niattnco
To show licr fancy ho < : c ;
She helps her mother on a washing day
To iron clothe. * .
> o more around the cheum irrlbed ellipse
On a tludo'.s arm she whirls ;
She stays nl homo nt night and sews , or rips ,
Like all jood girls.
What caused Iho change la hci ? The gossips
state :
Such things mnko go slns clnd
Her beau took out another glil to skate
And she got nmd.
1IOXKV FOR THIS li/VO113fl. /
Bordered stuffs are th bo wotn awnln.
Striped cheviots como In no\\ shades and
Now Is the time to buy and niaUc
Ciuly cloths aio concctly used for skating
New hats and bonnets me ns high ns ever
or higher.
Velvet sin faced wntcrpioof gniments aie
much worn.
The now cotton goods arc as handsome
as India silks.
Dinner gowns for mairied ladles aio made
of lich labile.
Kmbroldeied and plain velveteen me used
In combination.
Puffs and pads nronnd the nrmholes are
things ot the past.
I null-wide stripes mo to be the featuie ot
little girls' Hocks.
Jii'.t new straight leathers lead the oslilch
plumes In populailty.
Biocado button boots cortespoiul to the
dress with which they aio w oin.
Kinbroldeiy decorates the new cotton
tnln goods in "nil OUT" designs.
Slioit dresses for young persons aio dinped
fiom tlio waist in diagonal folds.
Black cotton hosiery may now bo had
which will not fade nor blacken tlio sltln.
Taitaiulbbons ofolet nio used to dim
felt bonnets , \\oin with tailor-made cos
Fichus of ciciie eioss over the bust , one
end is cut oH whore the other ciosses It , the
latter extending to the waist lino.
Trains for evening dresses of plush or vel
vet are long and nartow , mm arc lined w itli
satin. The edges me nntrimmcd.
Among the new colors for spiing aie eu
calyptus and celery gi ecu. Str.iw color and
mauo are tlio now" shades of yellow.
New spring woollens come with canvas-
wo\en giounds , on which aio stiipes , bai.s ,
and iisuies of boticlc , velvet , anil plush.
C.ipes of Persian lamb's wool , with sling
slcctcs , which only reach to the waist line ,
are woin as opera mantles by young giiK .
Velvet corselets nro w orn with satin dt esses
overtullechemisotlos , with gathered sleeves
reaching to within a couple ot inches of the
It is said that Japanese ladles aie sending
orders to London and I'aiisinn diossmtikors.
so it is probable that tlio Japanese ) craze will
soon bo over.
Elamlno vclouis Is the name given the new
cinvas-woven velvet and boucle-strlped , fig
ured , and bariedwoollcnsthataretobe worn
in the spilng.
White Euimpes will ho woin around the
necks of coloied di esses in the spring , with n
dogcollai of velvet or omlnoidery fastening
them high mound the tin oat.
The comfoi table walking and house slioo
for ladles no longer joungistliii "nun's" or
"sister's .shoe , " of line soft kid , laced over
the Instep and haing low heels.
Evening bonnets to couespond with the-
costmno Imvo the ciowns o the figured ma
tcrlal and tlio biims ot the plain fabric of
which the dress is composed.
The newest jerseys are made in tailor
style , with as ninny seams as any lined
basque , and aie finished along the edges with
rows ot stitching or else a binding ol braid.
Bictelles , cuffs , and high dog collar of
velvet , velvet straps , ncioss full Ktiimpes or
blouse waistcoats , and velvet belts aio lo bo
used on line tracks of fine wash fabiic.s in the
Forpaity diesses foi littio sills nothing is
picttler than white cashmeio , veiling , or
cliuddn cloth , with collars , culls and borders
ot colored or while vehct , liise , or striped
plush or Astrakhan.
Yonng girls wore never so much considf red
as at thopicsent season In all soils of gar
ments and styles of gooifs Tor dress wear ,
and some of the goods distinctively Juvenile
are exquisite In style.
Theomboidciies this season me exceeding
ly delicate and show ndmliablo designs.
Those for Infants' lajette.s aie of tlio most
inlnnto pattems. Tlieio aio also wide cm-
bioldcrlc'i of the same design.
Some of tlio now sateens have stiipcs of
blue , mauve or pink alternating with white ,
with losebiidssfiovvn ovcrthem. These will
bo used lor skirts , the ovcidiess being of
plain sateen coiiespondlng to the coloied
sti Ipo.
AIou/oMooio , of Cumbciland , Pa , , put on
an old pair of summer tioiiicis and found
tlio light pocket unusually heavy. IIo put
in his hand and diow out a bliclc shako tlirco
leot long. Ladles who mo in the habit of
goiinrthiough their husbands' poukels when
ever they get a chance should make a note of
"How does tlie blood icach the heail ? " was
out ) of the questions written oul n rtii ex
amination i f. or fit YiTssar college. And one
01 tliollyest ot the lly gills wioto the an
swer : "Ico cicam , ojsteis anil champagne ;
bov of bon cons : Sunday night calls ; no
gas ; ono chair. " She evidently had mot the
"bloo d , " and ho was hers.
Two Klnila of Sleighing.
TIII : err KIND.
The old nag Is played out ,
Pin beginning to doubt
If he'll have enough sdcngth to pull through.
The cut lei's too wide ,
And the gill at my side
Doesn't snuggle as she ought to do.
She. insists1 1 shall drive
With both hands-Man alive !
When I tiled once to give her a kiss
"I'm astonished I" elm said.
With a toss ol her head.
And I stuttcied : "Oh , p p-pardon mo , miss. "
mi' oiunonox KINO.
Behind a pianclug team they go ,
Their heaits vtlth happiness aglow ,
Although their cai-llps tingle ;
The ab Is eilsp and blight thu day ,
And blithely , men lly the sleigh
Bells jiiigle.0
Along the winding load limy sliim ,
The maiden situ quite close to him ,
In taut could not sit snugger ;
A girl lit wit an vense Is slio
Shoduves and leaves him both hands fieo
To hug her.
To loid llio geiman Tiot out the beer.
The latest cold simp Bicaklng Ice at mid
night to put on a man's head.
Sullivan poses as ( iieokbtatuaiy , but his
libations aid still thoioiiglily Ameilcan.
Mr. John Thunder U ono of the Indian
residents of Manitoba. IIo Is piobubly fond
of " .Jeisey lightning. "
Theio ( A one class of people upon whom
whUky seems to have little or no ellcul
those who lot it alono.
When a ni'in has to chalk his head and use
a shoe-hoi n to get his baton , it I * thnu to
think hetiouwly ol luform ,
I would like to have my husband balled
out , " said tin ) wlfool adiunknid to a policu
Judge. "A II light , " said his honor. " .Send
lor a doctor and a stomach pump 1"
Thicecdltoiriuio members of a brass band
at Delta , Cul. An editor ought to bu able to
blow all ho wants tlnough his netv pnper or
gan , but some of them prefer a "hoin" now
and then , we've boon told.
Kphit hands lift up and spill every bucket
of water brought Into the hmt&u ot a iimn In
Henry comity , Kentucky , Poinans It. is because -
cause they cannot understand u. hat a Ken-
tucklnn wants with water.
The man who thaws himself out with a
Tpm-and-Jeriy when the thcimomctcr Is
. the ycio notch U a butter cltUcn
ban IhaprohlWtlonlM who goes to bed cold
nml shoves his wife's fed out of the warm
It Li repotted that a congressman who hurt
JiM prepared apical speech In favor of the
sO-ccnt ttollnr gave ono lo the house enteicr.
lie got n 15-cent whlskvand n 10-ront cigar
and wanted to kick thocateicrwIioolTeied
him 55 cents change.
George Lester , the minstrel manager , who
1ms toccntly emi > Iojeil .lolnt L. Siilllvnu ,
lined that gentleman SS ! forgetting drunk.
llesajs : "lie kept 3pretty sober until last
week , when ho was drunk four llme . Just
imaglno AJa\ drunk and In Ing to defy the
Ihrlitnlnff. 1 wouldn't have said this . { bout
linn If he hadn t begun talking about me.1
It looked like ralu ns Mr. Joblltttc started
out or the house , nnd ho came back Into the
loom whciehls wlfoMn" . "I thought jo
Imd iiono down to meet the bov.V she sail
miictly. "I stalled , my dear , but It look *
like min. " "Ain't you golncV "Ye , but i
guess I'd bet tot take a watetpioof nloug will !
me. ' "Perhaps jonhad , my love , " sliosalJ
honlcally ; "and. dear , don't j on think yoil
Imd butter take a wldskj.pioof along1.1' ' Jol
concluded that the proof was against him.
"Why do jondilnk so much , my boy ,
And spend join inonev fiee ;
tan jou not see that with your purse
Oi health 'twill uol ngiceT'
"I Mic-nd and quaff , my filend , 'tis duo ,
With light good liberal hand.
1ICC1UM5 1 am anxious dealest buck ,
To icach the spirit laud. "
At Tlio llntl.
llei face vvns fair
Ileuniil nimpaie.
Her manner haughtiness snpicmo ;
1 thought , and jet
1 can't tin get ,
Ihat tliliiL-s aie lately what they seem.
Tliiee words-she spoke ,
Which llko the stioku
Of doom , In fragments n > ut my dream.
"Vim danccV I said ,
She tinned her head ,
Ami smiling , nnsvvcied , " 1 should scream. "
The devil Is a gentleman and will get up
nnd go It he Is told to. [ Sam .Jones.
Teacher of Bible elass In what book of the
Bible is the ovptossion found , "All llesli Is
grass' ' " Student Kr Timothy.
Our Inily said to another : "llavovou been
to chua-li to-day ? Wo hail n most beautiful
scimonon training childiui. " "Xolvvns ;
nt homo doing It , " wns the leply.
The Spilnglicld , Massachusetts , Union ,
says tlieio Is ono tldng in mitlgallon ol the
oupldlly ol Judas Iscaiiot. Tlie Unity nieces
of silver paid to him were of lull v\eight.
A movement against Sundny Jnlliondtialns
is on foot In Uhorlo Island , A inllumd tinln
lunnlngon Sunday in Uhodo Island distuibs
publlo worshln In cu-iy chinch in the state.
In a cemetery in Ohio theie Is a toiiib"tono
with the following iiisciiptlon : "Chilstlana
Hang , died Kebiuary til , isra > . " Februaiy
muslhavo bad inoio dajs than usiul that
"Did you ever see nil ) tiling llko this ? " said
a voting lady to her escoit , nl a chinch fair
wheio rallllnir was in pi ogress. "Only once. "
"Wheio was that' . " ' "Well , 1 was on n west-
cm trnin ono time when Itvas lobbul. "
A Texas clergyman , about to bo appointed
chaplain ot the penltcntiaiy , pleached a
farovvoll sermon to his congiegtttloii , who
had tieated him lather badly , lie selected
the following tc\t : " 1 go to piepnie a vluco
for you , so that wheio 1 am ye may bo also. "
Some years ago a venerable cleigj mini wns
asked to make the prajor nt the commence
ment celebration at Uambiidge. In thocourso
of his piaycr he besought the Supreme Being
to "shower Ills blessings on llaivnrd collouc.
Andovcrinstitution , the.stnte piIson and all
other seminmies of public instruction. " "
The St. Paul Pioneer Picss Is giloved be
cause the local clergy don't allude to llio lea
pulaco nnd tlie winter cainlvnl in their sei-
mons. It says : "If Dr. Tnlmago wcio occu
pying a pulpit heic , ho would give us an ex
hibition of liguiativo pyiotcchnlcs which the
stouning ot the eastlo can hnidly eqnnl.
Such celestial similes as the white
flu ono and the crystal city , ullh boys and
gills playing in the stieets theicof , me sug
gested to the clQigy for what they mo worth.1 '
Itev. Dr. S. , who Is n pi eminent divine In a
city not 1m liom New Yoilc , bail been spoiid-
ingntovvdajs not In this weather on an
Island on the Maine coast , mul , Intending to
dopait on a certain morning , ho stnrted lor
tlio boat In coiiinnnv with a iiionil. A poitor
followed with tlie dootoi's valise. Airlving
nt tlie whaif they found that to take advan
tage ot the wind or lido Ihu boat had gone
bcfoie the advoitlscd time. Notavvmo of the
cleiical chaiactcrol the company the porter
swore several shocking oaths In quick suc-
resslon. "Wliat do you think ot that , doc-
toiV" asked tlio tiienil. "Well , " said the
doctoi , slowly and impressively , "theio nro
times vvhen the services of a layman are In
dispensable. "
A pair of pot deer of a West Indian spe
cies are passing the cold weather health
fully at Woodbridgo Conn. , but their
fawns do not livo.
Temperance Kevlval.
The W. C. T. U , Buckingham hall Was
well filled last night with an audience
composed ahnosl entirely of men , to hear
Mr , C. J. Holt , the reformed nmn , who is
working so successfully in organizing
reform clubs. The sonjj service touched ,
all hearts. Rev. G. S. Pclton led in ear
nest prayer. The subject of the lecture ,
"Wine is a Mocker , or Moderate Drink
ing , " was ono of Air. Holt's bosl efl'orts ,
and ho was listened to wjth the closest
attention. Ho combines intense earnest
ness , due ] ) sympathy , hard common sense
and great persuasion. Many signed the
constitution of the Reform club. The
good work goes bravely on. All are in-
vitcti lo como to-night , especially young
men who have no pleasant place tosponu
the evening ; you will receive R onvtlin !
welcome. Sunday ufton'cnh nl 4 o'clock
A * ? . lii b tiiiKs lo the "sired Arabs" on
"Tlio Bay Friday , " and Sunday night the
subject will bo "Our Murdered Dead ;
VlIo's lo Blnmof" IIo will also deliver
his famous "Chalk Talk , " which(3 ( a rare
The Greatest ffodlcal Tvjurogh of tUe Age !
, IlowrlacoMivv , I'uiulu
the bent ) , wllli a dull ocnmitloii lu tlio
back tmrr , I'nlu tinker llio nliuuliler-
blude , I'lillnuia nfecroatlnc , with ndl -
lacllnntlniito oxoitlonof butor ) mind ,
Irritnblllljrof coupon Iiowoplrlta , ulth
it fiinlliisof liuvltur nculrcluil fiomoduty ,
U'carluess , Jli/zliiooB , I'liiiloilnant llio
Hoarr. Dols bcfaiollio cyc , Hvadacho
over the right eye , KcutlcsiuosBvllli
fitful drenmH.IIIirlily colored Urine , i ml
TDXT'S I'lLT.Saio especially adnptoil
to such CIIBCI , ono dona ulluctM miuli a
change nfrecHnf ; us tonslnnUlttlioauireror.
Tboy Inrrcnto ( lie Ai > i > ctlleanil cause tlio
ncdx ti > ' 1'uUe cm J''leuli , HUH Uiu n > tem la
lionrUlieil.Miil ijyllielrToiilr Action on
tlio l > l-isllvc | ( > riiaiicllciriilurMlnulHnro
t'/M' ' 'j .l Jr" ' it'c. < J * Bliirrfcy Nt..N.Y.
lUnovalu Ihu huily. inaUc-i licalthy lle.sli ,
utrongtliuis tlio cnk , n-palm Ilia wut.t a of
Via system uitli jiuio blood oiul html miib < : lo ;
( onus tlio nervous nyslc'in , invigorates tlio
brain , ami Immilu thu vigor of cuuuood.
Jtl , Kolil liv ill ntftjIstH.
Ol''V | , < jc.H Jtlim-iyKt , . New York.
J.7. . T7WJISJIAKU , BSir A38U7.