Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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rnr.SF.nvK . JKI.T.IK ? . ETC. Preserves ,
Jill kind ? . 20-lb. palls per Ib. . 10 > c ; do 10 pail
lot ? , per Ib , lOc ; assorted 5-lb. palls per crate ,
0 palls , ? 3.75. Jellies , nil klmls , first grade ,
CO-lb. palls , per Ib. , Sc ; assorted , first Rrado ,
6-lb pails , per crate , 0 pallM , per doz. ( sWO ;
do , Mb palls , per case , 2 doz , § 2.25 ; do , titinu-
IPH , per case , 'i doz. . 81.40. Jelly , all kinds ,
second grade , 80-lb. palls , per Ib. 6c. .Mlnco
Meat , l > est grade. \ $ bbl. | > cr Ib. , 7e : do , 18 ,
33 and G9-lb pails , pcr2)b. ) , 7)fc ! do. 5-lb
palls , Mr crate , 0 palls , 63.75. Apple butter ,
extra line , < { bbl. , per Ib. . 7c ; do 40-lb palK
per Ib. , 7U ; do. 5-lb palls , per crate. 0 pails ,
82.7. . Peach and plum butter , 40-1D palls , per
Ib. , OWc ; peach , plum and quince butter , as
sorted , 5-lb. palls , per elate , 0 palls , 83.75 ;
catsup per ca e , attoz. pint home * , 85.00 ;
horse radMi , pint bottles , per doz. . 81.50.
1'ias FKF.T , luirn , ETC Pips' feet
per it bM. , S4.75 : do. M bbl. ,
2.40 ; do. per kit , Sl.OO. Lambs' tongues , per
X bbl. , S3.50 ; do. per.klt SiVirj ; do. quart
. - , ) ea\ bbl , 50.50 ; 15 irnl bbl. S4.0J.
NTTM IVcans , large polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium , Oc ; English walnuts , 14c : almonds ,
Tarragona , 20c ; do , Langiienoc , 17c ; Brazils ,
I'Jc , lilboits , Me ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy
Vligliiia. 7o ; < lo roasted i'c. .
COMII lloNKV-Californm 2 ibframe 00 Ibs ,
In case per Jb. , 15c ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska.
Cinr.n-Mlchlpan refined , per bbl. , S0.50 ;
do. half bbl. . 8MX ) .
VIXKOAK Wlilto wlno. lOc ; elder , 12' c.
COCOA xt'rs-AtS4.ooji4.lJO.
Nr.w Fios DATI-.S , KTC. Layer flits , 5 and
8-lb bo.\cs , per Ib , IfKSUc ; Prunelles. 25-J
boxes , per Ib , ICc. Dates , fancy Kard , 12-jb
boxes , per Ib , 14c ; do , fancy Persian , CO-lb
boxes , per Ib , lie. .
LKMONS Fancy Messina and Paleimo , per
box , S5.00 : do. choice Mussina and Palermo ,
per box , 34.50 ; do. per 5 box lot. 84.00.
OitANor.s-l'holco Los Anceles , per box ,
82.75 : do,5-box lots , per box , 82.00 ; do , 10-box
lots , S2.50 ; fancy Riverside , 83.50 ; do , 5-box
lots , 83.25 ; do. 10-box lots. 83.00.
CitANiir.mms-Capc : Cod cranberries per
bbl , SH.fO : Capo Cod do , B-bbl lots , per
bb ) . SH.W : Bell nnd Cherry do , per bbl , S5.75 ;
Hell and Chcirydo , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. 35.50.
AITM : * Not much stock Is moving. Il
linois uenltons jer ) bbl. , 82.40 : do , 5-bbi ots ,
82.2.1 ; do. 10-lb lots , 82.00 ; Illinois Willow
Twins , Ben Davis , etc , 82.75 ; do , 5-hbl lots ,
52.50 ; do. 10 bbl lots , 82,33 ; fancy Michigan
block , S3.00WI.25. ,
GitAi'KS Malaca per bbl. 87.00.
BANANAS Arcoiillng to bi/e , per bunch ,
S3.50 ( 4.X ( ) .
PIIOVIHIONS. Ilnm , I0i ( lnl c. breakfast
bacon , < < < < ! < ! . , ( ; clear side bacon , 7edry : salted
Bides , fie : shoulders. HURtir euied , 5 > { e ; mess
pork per bb ! . . 313.00 : lard. 40Ib. cans , peril ) ,
iOi@7c ; 10. 5 mid 3 Ib 7J Sc ; dried beef
hams. I''c.
I'o rATons None aic comine , and puces
are nomiiml at5V < Xi ) ( forvlioicestock.
VKOKTAIII.KS Calltoml.i calibiiciaC ; } per
ONIONS Salt Lake stock , 51.00 per bbl. ;
\Vetlieisiield , su'.W ) per bbl.
llr.AXi-lhmd picked navy. 81.75@2.00 ;
liantl-pickcd mediuiu. S1.50 ( < ? 1.75 : uood clean
couutrv. S1.2.V3UO : inferior. 75c.00.
liiiAix Tim followlns are the pievauing
prices paid for wagon loads on tlie sticets
ami at the mills to-day : Coin. .Me ; oats.23@
25c ; wheat , No. 2 , OOei ; rye , -153330. Elevator
prices for car lots : Corn , 'Jl'i'c ' ; oats ,
Stl5 ' 2 c ; wheat , 04@G'jc ; rye , 44c ; barley ,
Fi.ottnand MU.I.STUFFS Winter \Vheat-
Finn ; best quality patent at 83.00(33. ( 0.
Second cmallty-S2.WXg:5.00. :
Siirinj : Wheat Best quality patent atSS.oQ
Buckwheat Flour In bands , 85.75 ; ready
raised 3 Ib packages. 84.00 ; 0 Ib packages ,
Bran 55c per cwt.
Chopped Feed Per 100 ] bs.70c.
Coi n Jleal White , bOc ; yellow , 75c per cwt.
Hcrecnlng No. 1 , 75c jicr cwt ; No. a , 50c.
Hominy 81.50 per cw t.
Shoils-00cercwt. ! ) )
( irahnm 81.75 per cwt.
llav Bales. S0.00iffi7.00 per tors.
OysTnns Quotations lor to- < lay ure : N. Y.
counts : , 45c ; extia selects , 40c ; selects , Jioo ;
{ .tnndardo. 30c ; mediums. 25o.
Funs AND ilKixs Prices on furs anil
skins nro steady. Mink , each , 10@30c ;
muskrat. winter. 2@5c ; do. kits , 2c : Otter ,
* 2.50ill.OO ( ; hkunlc , Mioit stilped , 15ii"c ! ; do ,
Jroad stilpeil , 106H15 ; badger , 25@60 ; Kao
coon , No. I large. 40@50 ; do. No. 2 , 20 ( : !
do. No. 8 , 10m2.V ' ! ; wolf , tualilo. fiO@7."ic ;
do. mountain , S'i.XXJf3.oo ( ; wildcat , 155WObea ;
vcr , Sl.50ffi2.50 per Ib ; fox , each , S1.40@l.r 0 :
deerskin : , drv winter , 15@l8c perlb ; do. fall
and bumuit'r aocffisac
lln > -Grewi i butchers. C rtj e ; green
cured , 7 < ; @Bc ; dry flint , WfeU'c ; drj
salt , ! ) @ 10c ; dainauccl .hides two-thirds price.
Tallow Ic. Giease , piime white , 4c. bhect
LEATiiEH No. 11'lttsburg Iiarness J. C. L
ASons , 8ic ( ; No. 1 Plttsburg , K. & S. Sic ; No
Cincinnati , Me : No. 1 lace leather , O0e ; wlim
Klatmhtersolo leather. 28 ( . < iS c : mime oak soli
leather. BftWH'Jc. Upper leather , per loot , 20(3 (
a e ; Hem kip , 7 ! > @S. ' > c ; oak Kip , s'KgP. " > c ; Krciicj
kip. $ l.oo@l.25 ; Hem calf. 81.001.10. oal
calf. $1.00fjJl.a3 ) ; Krench calf , Sl.B5&ol.83 : Mo
rocco bootleg , axgtfic ; Motocco oil pebble
8S@ : c ; toppinca and linings , SO.OOfdilO.0 !
perdo/ .
COAL A ntlnaclto grate , 88.50 : egg , S8.50
range , SS.7.5 ; chestnut , S3.75 ; Iowa , 53.50
Walnut block , t3.75 : Illinois , 85.00 ; Alls
souii Si.Oii
HEAVY IIAIIDWAIJE Iron , rates , 52/5
plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , Oc
east tools do. 12@18c ; wagon spokes , per set
1.75fSi.OO : ; hubs , uer bet. 81.2. > , lellocs , sawei
dry , 81.40 , tongues , each , 75e , axles , each , 75c
Fnuaro nuts , pur tt > . , 7QJ11C ; collchain per 11)
C ( ( 12c ; malcable , ik ) ; lion wedges , oc : now
bais.O ; hallow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 7@Sc
Burden's hoiso shoes S4. : > 5 ; Uuiden's mull
shoes , 85.25. Bai bed W ii e 1 n car lots , S4.0I
per 100 Its. lion Nails Kates , 10 to CO , $3.011
Bhot-81.50 ; buckshot. 81.85 ; Oiienta
powder , kegs Si.50jT4.00 : ( : do. half legs , 82.00
So , quarter kegs. 81.60 : blasting , kegs , 5:1.85 :
fHI-O. per 100 teet. fiOn. I , cad Bar. Sl.O" ) .
Ditv J'AiNis White lead. Be ; * reneli zinc
U'cParis : whitinc.sXc ; whitinggilders.lic
whiting , com'l. IJ cUamoblack.ticrman town
12c ; lampblack , oidinnry , lOc : Pnisslan blue
65c , , untramarino , Itto : Vandyke , brown.
umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4ej sienna
Imint. 4c : sienna raw. 4e : Parisereon. trenu
Inc , 25o : 1'ans green , common , liOc : ciirouu
eiccn , N..20a ; green , K , 12c ; ver
million , hngllsh. In oil nsst lac ; raw am
buint umber 1 Ib cans. l c ; raw and ourn
Nlcnna. lOc : vnncUko bro\\u , iuc ; rebnei
lampblack. 12c ; eoach black and Ivory bla-l
ICc ; droi ) black , ICc : Prussian blue. 40c : ul
( rnumrlno blue. Ibc : cliromo green , L. . M A
I,10c : blind and .shutter uieen , L. . JM. I >
Ific ; Pans gicfii , ibe ; Indian icd , irxj ; Vene
Han ml. I'o ' : Tuscan red. c ; American ver
million , L. * D. , 2Uo ; yellow oenre. Uc : li. \
A : O. D. , IKi ; golden ocluc , KX ; ; patent dryoi
tc ? ; graining colors , light oalc daik oak , wal
nut. chestnut mul asii ifcc.
PAINTS IN On.Vlilto lead , Omaha , P. I
7e ; wliilo load , St. Louispute 7.w : ; ilarsel
Jes green , 1 to 5 li > nuis , URo ; Krench zlm
Krecii seal , 12o ; French zinc , icd seal , lie
[ rcnch zlnc.ln varnish asst,200 ; Frcnchzim
< \crmllllon. . American. lt < o ; Indian , rci
lUctrosiuuiik. Hn : Venetian.icd Cooksoirs
' 'Wo ; Venetian led , Ameiican , ljc ! ; icd Inai !
We ; chromn yellow genuine , viue ; cluouv
yellow , K , I''o : ocluo lochello i'c ; ochi
1'icncli , i ! ? cochii' ; , , 2ointer' ;
mineral , - > c : Lehlirli blown , -'ic ' ; Kpanlsi
brown. - > 4c ; Piincti's mlueiul uc
DII.S liocarbouperKai'on.llc150 ' ; : jieac
llRht , per pallon. lie ; 175o headllKii' ' , pcrgal
Ion , l c ; lMo ) water white , ilo : liiihced him
per pallon , 44n ; linseed , boiled , per Billion
47c : lard , winter str'd , pir ; irallon , So ; Ao
1,40o ; No. ' . ' , 4i'e ; castor XXX , per Ballon
51.55 ; No. H , 81.44 : sweet , per imllon , 8i.OO
bpcrm. \ \ . li , , uer KIIIHII SI.Vllsli ( ) \v. I !
per K lhn,05c ) ; neatsfont extra , per paiion
iOc , No. 1.CSo ; lulnli-atini : . zcio , pcrcallon
.Nn Miiiinier , \ : > c ; udldcn machine. .No. l , ix-
pallou. : vo ) ; Moj , S5c ; sperm , signal , perml
Ion IKc : turpentine , nor Gallon , 51o ; napthn
per callon , 7ic.
\ AKNISIIKS Barrels , per gallon : Fuin
tin c. extra , 81.10 ; furnituio.'No. 1 , Sl.oo
coach , extra Sl.-JO ; coach , No. 1 , 81.20
Damnr , extra. 51.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltuiu
extra , S5c ; sncllao $3.50 ; iiara oil llnish
Disros. AMI CIIKUICAI.S Acid , e.ubolli
SO ; ticlil , tailailc.Kio ; balsam cop.tiba , pc
HI. , .vv , bark , , per Ib. , ICc ; calomel
per Ib , , 12o : cltichouldi.i , per o40 < ; cliloni
loim , per Ib. , 15e : Dozers ponder ? , per Ib ,
81,25 ; cp.som halts , per lt > . , : } .jc ; gltccilui
pun1 , pcrlb. , 2-Jc ; lead acetate , per Ib. , liOe
oil , cahtor , No. I per K.I ! . , Sl.dO ; oil , castoi
No. ti m > r gal. , SI. I ) ; oil , oll\e , iwrgal. , 81.40
oil , 0111,111111111 , 5 ( > o ; opium tJ.W ; ipdulno , I
.t w. , and U , tV S. , per oz. , SV ; ; potassium
Iodide , per Ib. , .1.00 ; salicln. per oz. , 40o
cnlphatu mmplilne , per o/ . , S3.20 ; biilphui
-lli.,2lc5 | ! ' line , per o/ . , 81.50 ,
hi'iiii is Cologne spirits , lS pioof , 81.12
do 101 jiuiof SI ili ! ; hplilts. Kt'ond qliallt
101 pioul , Si.12 ; do. 1 pioof , $1.11 , Alee
hoi. IbS proof. SJ.10 ; < < > r wind unllon. Kodl !
tilled wlilsklej , 81.0iti l.5i ; g\n \ blonuoi
1.5iviJ-J.tVj ) Kentucky boinboiH. S2.CO@i.On
Ki'utucK v timl Pennsylvania rye . 5..00i.n < ! : 'i < ]
( ioldcu bouillon nnd rydvhsUi | ! ! !
( < \x.0.i. Brandies-imported , S5.oVji8.bc (
x tl" . Vl.SOjiy.M. Uliis Imported , f 41
) ; domestic , si.axaJ00Hums im-
d , S4.5tXaS.00 ; New iielaiilS1.75@3.0o ;
stlc , 81.25Cs3.00. Champagnes Im-
d , per case. 823.00yJ > 31.00 ; American , pet
810.XX210.X ( ( )
SUNDRIES Domestic Holland herrings ,
kegs , 60c ; llusslan saidlncs , 45c ; Ancho
vies In glass , Ole Bull brann , per flo/ . ,
83.00 ; Anchovies In kegs , X Ole Hull brand.
84.00 ; spiced Hamburg herrings Bklns and
heads on , per pail , Sl.oi ) .
, ptr . [ "I's H'f iris or urns risicts
KKW nsn. j sw 100 w to 40 is 12 10
M linn's tNo.lL'i 7 004 008CS 2 6s"l 70 711 C3 fiR
I.'BO Olb'ol KmicylO 00 : i M il 2.5 1 W ) 1 80,75 , 53 80
L'go irdjjii iorcrB _ ! ooi , : w as _ j i7oi _ _ 607550 so
' ' ' ' '
H'f . Ids
NEW nsit.
100 wlm 10 12 , iu
No. 1 White Fish 7ouow ; : son 101 04 m
Family " a 50 n 153 031 70 03 i 55
No. 1 Trout. 4 60 4 00 2 55 3 10 74 05
No. 1 Pickerel 400i _ : ( JO 3 ( ) , ! i 08 | CO
PirKllK.II 8U.MON' .
llbls fflf lihh O'rllbls Pnlls or kits
bank cod , 4c ;
ica king , ( icorgcs chunks , OXc ; clover leaf ,
.ieorges strips. OJfctl Ib rolls , a Ib boxef ,
'c : prnhlo llowcr , 21bbrlckCe ; wild lose'J
b brick , 5c.
SMOKKD FISH Halibut , new , PC ; new
scaled herrings , 2.c ? ; maukciel I2c ; salmon ,
'c ' : smoked .sturncoii. H'c.
llollautl heirimr , new , r-er kcs , 75c ; now
oiij : split btocklisb , lOe , new short split
btocklisli , OKc.
Grocora Lilst.
Svnui Staudaid C 2'c , bbls ; Standard ,
10 4-callon kesrs , SI.10 ; New Orleans : to@40o
icr callon : MapluSyunt , Kbairel. P < k ( } .
11 let ly pine , 70c per gallon ; 1 Rallon cans ,
8H.25 per doM Ballon cans , 85.25 per doz ;
quail cans 83.01) )
l ) ir.n KnuiTS iSo. 1 Quarter apples , 4) ) c ;
evaporated , boxes , &j $ c ; blackberries ,
boxes. it'i ' K'c ' : peaches ; Eastern , I'Sfoi < , c ;
peaches , evapouited , 15 > f@l7c ; Salt bake ,
new , > -@SKc ; ; raspbeiries. new. .i'.Cfi-'jc ; cur
rants , now. 7 ft < tNj ; prunes , now-i @ 5e.
COKFEES Ordinary praaes. iKc : lair , If ®
! 0 > jc ; prime , ll > t@r.'c ; choice , 124@l3i'e ; } ;
fancy crcou and ycTlow , HSftjl We ; old KOV
eminent Java , 20@20c ; Intenor .invii. 10Jfi8
20c : Mocha , 22i5 ilc : Arbitekle's roasted ,
l Ke ; McLnughlln'3 XXXX loastcd , 13' o ;
Dilworth's lic ! : Ited Ctoss. I3)je ) ;
Dilwoith's Mid M cLatithlin's XXXX are
sold 50c per case oil above prices in 3-caso
{ suoAiis-Powdered,7jfcciitloaf.7J ; < cgran- ;
ulated , c ; conlecttoneiV A. 7c : Stan
dard extra C.'c < ; e.\tr.i C. OJic ( ; medium
_ IOKI..KS Medium In barrels. S' . 0 ; do In
half barrels. 5 .1 ; small in barrels , 87. 0 : do
in half barrels , 84. 6 ; gherkins in barrels ,
8L 0 ; do In half barrels , 84.75.
SOAPS Kiik's Savon imperial , S' . 3 ;
Kirk's .satinet , 83.15 ; Kirk's standard. 63.30 ;
Kirk's White Hussion. 54.IJ5 ; Kirk's White
Cap. S0.50 ; Dome. * 4.'il.
UANNKIJ Uoons Oysters , btandanl per
case. 83.-0 : stinwbenies , 2-lb. . percase. S2.0 ;
laspbernes , 2-lb. , per case , S2.5 ! ; California
iicara. per case , 85.00 ; apricots , per case ,
84.W ; peaches , per case , 84.75 ; white cher
ries , per C.IMS , 80.00 ; plums , per case , 84.00 ;
whorllebciries , per case. 82.40 ; egg plums.
2-ii ) . . per ease. S'J. 0 , preen cages , 2-lb. . par
case , & 3/-0 ; pine apples , S-tt > . , per case , 53.203
MATCHES Per cadillc , S5c ; round , per case
45c ; square cases , 81.70 ; Ohhkosh cases , gr. ,
Sl.-O : mule sauarc , Sl.'J" .
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 81.55 ; Ashton.
In sacks , 83.35 ; X sacks , Ashton , Wobbls
dairy. S2.GOCS2.75
® 5
iitrfTKAS Gunpowder , fair , M@37 ; good , -15@
55c : choice , C0@75e ; good Imperial , 40@-l3c ;
choice , C0@0c ; ; Young Hyson , { rood , yOu41c ( ! ;
clioice , 50@70c : Oolong , good , a > © 40c ; Oo-
IOIIK , choice , 40@00cEnglish : Breakfast , good ,
S0@40c ; choice. 60@0,5c : Souchong , good , ! W ) @
85c ; clioice , 35@45e ; Jiuians , fair , 25@:55c : ;
coed , 85@45c : choice , 65S75c ( ; Tea Dust , 15o ;
Tea SiltTnt.s. Iba
1' TOIIACCO Climax , 44cper tt > ; Horse
shoe , 4.'c ; Star , 42c ; Spearhead , 40c ; ( .old
Hell , 4 c ; Piper Heidslck. OOc : Punch , : Wc ;
Voting Fritz , 41c : Silver Ta ? , 40c ; JT.I , ! c.
Koi'K Sisal. K inch and larger , 83fc ; inch ,
9c ; K inch. 9jc.
CANDY Mixed.OX@12c : sticic. 0 } lle.
SODA In Ib papers , S3.25 a case ; salsoda
keg per Ib. 82.2. > .
VINKQAH CiDEn 13@l8c ; white wine , 15
CKACKKIIS liarneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 5 } c : creams , 8J < c ; ginser snaps , 8) c ;
CANm.ERBoxes , 401b. Os ll } < c ; Ss , UXc ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Cs , like ; liall box. .ion. ,
lUc.FINE CUT Ilaid to Beat , 70c ; Cliarmof the
West , OOc ; Fountain , 70c : ( iolden Thread ,
C7c ; Favorite , COc ; Buds , ftOq ; Jtoclcy Moun
tain , 50c ; Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c ; North Star ,
70e : Good hue ) ; . Me : Our , fi'JKc.
bTAitcii Maeara gloss , 1 Ib , ( Ijic ; Niagara
gloss , ! 5 Ib , Cc ; Niagara gloss , 0 Ib , 7c ; Niagara
corn , 1 Ib , fij c ; KInghtoid's coin , 1 Ib , fco ;
Kinghi'ord's gloss , 1 Ib , 8c ; Kingsfotd's gloss
Olb. S ) < c : Klngslord's pure , 31b64'c ; Kings-
ford's oulk , 4c. _
Dry tiooda.
I'niN-rs Steel Ulver , 4)/e ) ; Ainorlcnn , 5J :
Ainold's , Cc ; Coclieco , Cc ; Aianeliester , 60 ;
Lynan , 5c : Olourcbter , 5J , < e ; Dunuelt Jao-
quard , Cc : Dunnell , 5Jfo ; Wludsur. Cc ; Pa-
ellie , Cc ; Hiumony. 4 'e ; Anchor Shlitinm ,
1 ileriiniack \ Shhtings , * Kc ; BenvicK ,
5c.JU.KACJIED COTTONS. Fanners' choice ,
0)/c ) ; Cabot. CJ/c ; Hope 7c ; Ulll 4-4 , 7 e ;
Hill Jt , C fo ; Lonsdale , 8 ; Fruit , 84'cam ' ; -
JKANS Kcarsarge , 7c ; Armory ,
7e ; Pcnperen , 7 > joj inaian Orchard , 6 > jo ;
Nnuiula'air. 7c.
BitoM'N COTION Lnwrisnco Lli , fie : Shaw-
mutLL.Oe : Beaver Dam IjL , Be ; Atlantic ;
Lu Sc ; Indian Head , 7e : Watichussct 0e ;
Ciowu XXX. OWe : Clifton COO , fl > io
Uttca C. 4)fc ) : Atlantic I' , 5'xc. ;
FINK IJuowN COTTONS Poppcrcll It. fli/c ;
1'eppeiellO. 5)4c. ) Atlas , O' c ; Statue ot Lib
ert v. Gc : Siiniuae It , CUc.
DJINIMH Heaver deck AA. lie ; Heaver
ami blown. 7c. !
Iucic-Unbleached ( ) Soz.Macrnolla , :
10 ot. Magnolia , 12c ; B ot. West Point ,
Wot. West Point 12 > n.
DUCK Icolmed ) Boston l > oz. brown and
drab , 13Jhc : Boston O H brown und drab , Da ;
Boston XX brown and drab lOo : Boston
XXXtuownanU drau.Utfo ; Boston OP blue ,
ll sc : WnirciiTiicot lac
TioKiNds Aiuo < iKeac AOA 12Ke : Thorn-
duo OOO , 7Jfo : Thorndikelancy. V o ; t oil ;
l ° ) jc ; STorX fancy , I'J o : Mlllbury , 12He ;
Pearl Blver , ll o ; Hamilton. 12c ; hwilt
Jllver. Ofta ; huetucket h , bVjc ; Shetucket SS
1'He ' : Moulauk AA. 12c ; Montauk BB , 10 } < o ;
( Jineca ACA , lawn
( jiNoiiAMS Ken trow. 'J < aiOKc ; Ainoskea
dress. Oo : Amoskeasr. stajiie , 7 > jo ; Iv.iuho
Ukc ; Wamsiittii. 8 } < o ; Nubian. > tfo ; War
wick. BJ o ; Wldttcndou. Ou : Bates , dress fee ;
Kate * , staple. ot.'o ; ; Itamloluh btaplo , ,0'io
hansdowno , 7o : tilouccsti-r , 7H&
CHKVIOIS Amoskea1 ' , ciiPcks.OKo ; Amos
k ° ag , stripes. h ) < e ; Slater , .Uiipes , fo : Edln
burg , UKo : AMntteniton , stripes. 8c : ( ileu-
. ,
4t J LSVrun. AUtMf * * Vi f \LFWi
Knaurance , book fold 13c.
Dry Lumber ,
12 Ttju ftjie nis | tt'io ' rt'2J rt' ' ft
IK. . K.OO , 16.00 ia.0017.00 IB.OU iaoo
14.&J.14JW H..V ) 15.60 10.50 I'.WJ0.50 '
15.00 15.00 15.00 1D.IW 17.00 18.00 1'J.UJ
15.0) 15.110 15 00 1H.UI 17.00 20.110 20.60
8X12 1.1.1)0 ) 15.(0 16.1)0 ) 10.UI 17.00 19.00 20.00
Ixl-HiH 'IWI'lJ.16uo ' ' ) 1U.OO 17.00 lt > 0) 1V.OC
Clear , # Inch Yellow Pine , S32.0C
Clear. X inch Norway ' 14.0C
2d Com. , 34 inch , Norway 13.0C
1st and 2d Clear , IV inch , s. 2s $30 00
1st and 2d Clear , 1 and 3 Inch , s2s. . . . CO00
3d Clear , H Inch , s2s. . . 4SOO
M Clear , 1 < nnda Inch , s 2s 4SOO
B Select 1JC , l f and 2 inch , s. Ss MOO
1st nnd 2d Clear , 1 men , s. t5s , . . . MOO
M clear , 1 Inch , s23 4J50
A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s 4000
B Select. 1 Inch. s. 2s 2950
No. Iboards , 12,14 ft and 10.00
No.2boards , 12,14 ft and 10.75
No. Sboards 12 , 14 ft ami 13.75
No. 4boards , 13,14 ft . . . .and 14.25
No. 1 , 4 A 0 Inch , 13nndSin.50 Ufeet , rough. .
No. 1 , 4 A 0 Inch , 10 feet 14.50 , rough
No. a , 4 , fe 0 Inch , 12 nnd 12.50 14 leet , lougli. .
No. 2 , 4 AC Inch. 1C feet 10.50 , lough
Clear Poplar box luh , K Ins , 2s..T(5.03 (
" " J < ln , panel Mk wide , s 2s. 27.10
" " Coiiusatcd Ceiling , ; f. . . 2H.OO : I.ATII.
* A StniHlaul S2.00
n Inch , clear , $1,50 ; 0 Inch , clear 1.00
No. 1. . 1.10
J.atl 2.20
1st Com. , Winch White Pine STO.OO
2tl Com. , inch Whllo Pine 23.50
1st Com. n Inch , white pine S 1 00
aiCom.O inch , white pine (
d Com. 0 inch , white pine 2000
1) . Cinch , white pine. . 2000
Com 4 and 0 inch yellow pine 17.50
Star 4 ami 0 Inch > cllow pine 21.00
Island'Jd clear yellow pine 4-0 inch. . . 2K,50
sun * LAP.
No. l , Plain , 8 and 10 inch. 17.00
No. a Plain , a and 10 Inch 15.00 17.50
I'OST1- .
White Cedar , f Inch , hal\es 8 11
" " 5 > " " amis In q'is
" " 4 " lotiud 11
Tennessee icd cedar , spilt 14) ) ! , '
A 12Inch , Is 12,14nnd 10 leet 5-tO 00
B " " " " " " 41 00
0 " " " " " " MOD
D " " " " " " 2 ; oo
No. l Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 It. . 17 50
No. 1 " " " 10 , IS and 20 ft. . 1850
No.'J " " " 12,14 alldlU IU. 1550
M MI : , inc.
Qutncy white lime ( best ) , S5c ; cement ,
Akion , 81.75 ; plaster , $2.w : ; hair , per bushel
HOC ; sash , 50 per cent off list ; doois , blinds
moulding , 50 per cent oil list ; taned felt , per
cwt. , S1.75 : biiaw board. Sl.OO.
Hr , roiuon of It * cenlntl podllon nnd clonn relation to
nil prlnclml lines Kn t and \Vcct. ill Initial nnd ler-
tnlnnl | iaint . rotiBtlliitvi tlie innrt Importnnt mlil-
contlneiita ) link In thnt > btcin or ihroueli tron.por.
tutlon which linllvt nml lurllltatr * tla\cl nnd tlanla
Imtnren cltlts of the Atluutlc nd 1'nclllo Conil . It
In nlso thr fnvoilto and tipf-t 101 to to nnd fioin points
l > nt. Northcn t and knnilientt , and correppundlnff
points West , Norlunpst nml Soilthv.cEt.
The Croat Rock Island Route
Guainnteel Its rations Hint fcnec of pcrconal seen-
rltr atlordrd by n mil. ' , tlioioiiRhly luill Htd road-
uctl. sntoolh tracl.s of ronllnuoni ftccl rAll. FntKtnn'
tlaliy bulll cillvcrtK and brldircn , i oiling slork ai near
prrfrctlii ) ) ns liutnin M.I1I 11.11 malio It , tlir nnlcty
uppll.incefl ur patent hnir r , plntfoi nm and nlr
and thnt cxnctlng tllMclplIno which ROTtrns the prac-
tlrnl operation of nil 111 trains Other upcclnltlca of
his loute me Transfers nt all coiinoctliiK I'uliiln In
union Prnotp , nnd the uiipnrpnsHLd comfoits nud
luxuries of Its rnssonffir Equipment.
The Fast Exproni Tmlns between Chlrago and
I'corln , CuiPlcil niuflX KaniaH ( Mty. l a\eiuv ) rtli and
Atchlxon ate cnmpo ed ur veil Tcntllatrn , tlnel ) llp *
liplature.l . Diy Ooaihcu. MngiHIkont 1'ullman 1'uloeo
Blesppraof the latent design , nnd Fltniptiioii'i ulnlnff
Cars , to whlv'h etatiomttly cooked rutnl3 arp IfNtii ely
cnten. IletnponClilenco nnd Kon'aK.'lty nml Atohlcoa
ro also urn the Cdcbinteil Kecllntni ; Chair Cars.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
Is the direct and farorlta line between Chicago and
MlnneipollsnmlHt } 'aul. where connertloun art made
In Union Depot * for all points In the Territories anil
nrltlsh Piovlnces. Orer this route Fast Eiprena
3 rains are run to tliu * aterlnif tdaers , suinlner re
sorts , pictuieuiuu loentltles. nnd liuntlni ; nml ilbhtntr
rounds of Iowa and illnnesotn. It Is alEO tlio tnobt
S iiilrabla route to the rich wheat tlelds and paetoial
lands of Intoilor I ) Unf\
Still nnother D1HKCT LINK. Tin. Seneca and Kan-
Rnkee , hns hecn openvd between Clnrlnnntl. Indfnn-
apnlla and Lnrnyette. nnd Council IJliitrfl , KnnftaHdty ,
Ulnneapnlls and tit. 1'aul and Intermediate points.
For de4all d Information sea taps nnd Folders ,
obtainable , as well ns ticket ! , nt nil principal Ticket
Olllces In tUu United fitatun and Canadai or by ud-
1'roj't & Oen'l U'B'r , Gcn'l T'kt i Pass. Ag't ,
Coecil Bluffs
And Chicago
The only road to take for DCS Moines , Mar-
shalltown , Cedar Itapldg , Clinton , Dlxlo. Clilcngo.
Milwaukee nnd all points east. To the pcoplo of
Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho
Novada.Orciion , Washington nnd California it
offers superior advantages not poselhlo by any
other Una
Among a few of the numerous points ot supo-
rloilty enjovcdby the patrons or this road be
tween Omaha and Chicago , are its two trains a
day of DAY GOACIIKS which are the ilnest that
human art and iiiKonulty can create. ItaPAfj-
ACE BLEEPING OAKS , which are > models of
eomlortan.l olegnnee. Its PAHI.OU DKAWINO
HOOH CAUS. unsurnassod by any , und Its wide
ly celebrated PALATIAL DINING CABS , tfio
equal ot which cannot bo found elsewhere.
At Council Illuffg the trains ot the Union Pact-
do Ity , connect In Union Dpjiot with those of the
Chicago & Noitlnrcstorn Ity. In Chicago the
t ruins of this line mnko close connection with
those of nil eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cineln
natl , Niagara FalM. Ilulfalo , PltlHburfr. Toronto
Montreal , Iloston , New York , Philadelphia , Hal-
tlmore.Washlnglnn and all points In the east , ask
the ticket agent for tickets via the
If you wish the best accommodations. A 11 ticket
agents bell tickets Via this line. .
M. HUUHlirr. 8. HAIIl ,
Qenoiat Manager. - , CD1 > uss' A out-
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $260,000
SuplusMay 1 , 1885 . 85,000
H , W. YATKS , President.
A. E , TOIUAUN , Vice President
W. H. S. HUGHES , Cashier ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam Streets.
General Hanking ilusluess Tnmgiictoi.
Red Star Line
Currylnir thoHflgltim lineal and United State :
Mull , calling everSiituiday
Bftwten Antwerp t New York
Salon from (90 to 1100. Kicur.Mon trip Iron
$ Hdtola ) . Second Cabin JVJ , and Kscurtloi
J'.O. btoortiKC jius ago at low rates. I'otci
\Vjli-litiVSum , General Aucntt ? , M ilroud ay
Nun York.
Onmlm , Nebraska , Ki-unU K. Moores , \ \ . , St , I <
fi P. tkktit ageut.
'Billiard Tables.
Tlir lniUNSWICK.llAI.KK-COM.V.NiBll ) & Col
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
AmlSnloon.Offlconnd llnnk Fixtures. Mnrkct
and Huron Sts. , Chicago , 111. Omnlm office,60J
S. 10th St.
Book Binding , Etc ,
" " " " " " "r " " " " *
iiKiis miNTixo co. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Illank Hook Mntmfnctitrciti. No . 100 and
_ _ 108 South 14th { street , Oranlin , Nub. _
Bridge jSlc m Pjlepriving ,
llAYMOfib & ( . 'AMI-HUM , ,
Knglnpcrs mid Contractor * .
Bridges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
rou Cotnliliinllon niul Howe Truss tlildBC" ,
Mllnjr ami Onh Timber. liitli St. , near Vnrnntn.
Telephone Xo , iC4.
Butter tubs ,
J. sr.VMotin ,
Mannfuctawr of Butter Tubs.
M n > . .T2c ; 40 rt > , HOC j r. n , me ; so in , 220 ; ioj n > nrk.
ns , We. ISth and I'lerco St. , Onmhn , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Guns nml Ammunition. Sin to an South 11th
< licotKQtolO ] ( > . ' 4 rnriuunSticct , Umulm , Neb.
WEST & ritiTsciintt ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Hcnlors In Leaf Tobaccos. Nos.
108 mid HON. 14th Street , Onmlm , Neb.
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
John npcnoter , Proprietor. Manufacturer of
OnH mil/e-d Iron nnd Curnlcu. f-IDodBo nnd Ul
nnd 105Noith 10th Hticct , Uninhii , Neb.
Mnmifacturcrsof Oiiinmcntal
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Muni * , iic.,310S. : 12thSt. Workilono
In nny pm t of the coun try.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECHT , Proprietor.
Galvanised Iron Coinlccs Ktc. Speclit's Im
proved Patent Mutnll'u ' SKjlIsht. 508 and 510 S.
I''th St. , Omahn , Neb.
Doors , Sash , Etc ,
Tholate City PUnlng'Kill.
Door ? , Sash and lllltuls. Also all kinds of
tmnliifr. Seioll and Ktalr oik ot every do-
A. nosr.Niinnv ,
Manufacturer nnd Healer InDoors
Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stair Halls a specialty Telephone No. 92
15th nnd Mnrey St e , Omnlm , Neb.
Electrical Supplies ,
L. W. WOLl'E & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Block , Omaha. Burglar Alarms. Hells ,
Plro Alarms , Klectrlu.Mnttlnir , Snonklng Tubes ,
Gold , Silver and Nickel Plating , lite.
Jron nr d Nails.
Gut'Nails ' , and Spikes ,
Tire Nails a Spc jlalty. Onmhn , Neb.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery , Caltinjrs , Steam Engines , Hollers ,
Architectural Iron Work. Iron Uridsc , Mining
nnd Mill Machinery. Onico and woiks , Union
Paclllu 11. It. 17th and 16th Sticets.
Foundry Y/orks. /
Cor. 14th and Jackson Sts. , prepared to do all
kinds of Iron and Ilrnss Castings ; also , O , C.
Ilannlstcr's llocUlns Grate Dars inauufacturoJ
E. M.
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Mattresses , Deildinp , Tt Vicr
PlllowB , Cots , Etc. 12X1 and U'03 Douglasfctrcct ,
Omnlm , Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Shirts , Ete. , 1102 nnd 1101 Douglas
Street , Omaha , Nob.
Omafa Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Fit omul Burglar Proof Stfos ,
Vault Doors , Jail Work. Shutters and Wlro
Work. Cor. llth and Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Nob.
Soap Manufacturer ,
Office and Factory , near Powder Magazine.
Omaha Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
1315 nnd 1317 Harnoy street , Omnhn , Neb. Sole
Agents In Nebraska for Jones' Celebrated Split
Blmft Sulkies.
Established IKiS.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
1409 and Hll Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob.
White Lead.
Corrodcis and Grinders of
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Omaha , Neb. I.evl Carter , PrcE. ; C. W. Mead ,
vice Pres. : H , W. Yatcs , Sec. andTieas.
The Hillard ,
B , Shears , JF. . M'arktl.Thos. Swobe , Proprietors
Omaha , Nebraska.
( Arcade Hotel ,
,7anu < s Citsey , Proprietor ,
jClIi and U'I7 Dqugliib St. , Onmlm , Neb.
Thopatronntroorcomnicichil men icepuctfui'.y
hollfitcd. They will llnd this the beet tU
bouea wett ot Chk'iigo.
Planters Housa ,
C' . E , KElllUS , PHOPllIETOn.
Kati-B , S(1.60 ( per day. Street cars fiom U , P.
depot , within one block of houeo , Cornov
ledge ) and 1Mb BticetB , Omaha , Nob.
The Cozzens ,
P. Rutnsey * Co. , Proprlotora.
Rates * -(0 per day , no dark rooms. Omaha ,
Neb. Also propiietomot Puluco Hotel , Santa
i'o , Now Mexico.
CanOeld House ,
Cor. Nlnili and Fuinam Sts. The best f2 per
day hotel In Omaha. He-modeled , relurnbheJ ,
reilcooruted ; onu block 11 om army headquarters ,
oppoMto Union 1'acltlo headquarters : aticct ears
puss the door. GeorKQ Cantleld & l o. , propric-
toi-b. Also Union Stock Yards Hotel , Soiitli
Hotel do Gees , >
P. GOOS , Proprietor.
European PJun. Tbu only centrally located $2
a day house. Three dooia from lloyd'i ! Operti
Houboaml onu-liulf M. Jtfi Uio Postotlicc
mul the Court HoiU * li v iU * . W13 FIWBUIS
Agricultural Implements , _
MN1NOKU It MCTOAI.r tX ) . ,
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Omeo , Corner 6th ntul PacllloPts , Onmhn , Neb.
Wholcs ' .o Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnd Uupgle * , Omnhn Neb. _ _
Wholesale Dcitler in
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carriages and IltlRKle' . .1 ( nes St. , bet. flth and
lit h , Omaha , Nob.
Boots and Shoes.
Jobbers of Boots and Sloes ,
1411 Fnruam Street , Omaha , Ntb. Manufactory ,
Slimmer Street , Iloston.
Carpets , .
S. A. OHCHAUr > 7
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
MattlnBS , Curtain Oooils. Ktc. . 1421 Karnam
Stioct , Onmhn , Nub.
Coal , Llmci Etc.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Office , 213 S. Bth rt. , Omaha. Neb. Yards , Otli
and Ir % * i'iiport streets.
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Beet varieties. Onier.SWS. ISthSt. Telephone
No. 1492 , Omaha , Nub.
_ .
rUKI. C ( ) . ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
814 S. 13th St. , Omnlm , Neb. .
Oio. CToI.K , 1'icsldcnt.
Gro. I'ATrriisoN , Sec. and Trcas.
J. II. llm.uKnr , 1' . A. IHi.cii ,
Proprietor. Manager ,
Hebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OfllceS17P. lathSticct. Telephone 13.
Oco. ! ' . LAII Milt , 1'rc * . O. V. OOOIIMAN.V. 1'rcs.
J. A. St'.SDKltiANl ) Sec. and Trcus.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbcis of hard nnd < oft raid , 09 8. Uth St. ,
Omaha , Keb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive dealers In Ilouliler Colorado Conl.217
CofTeo and Spices. _
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tens Coiroos , Spices , linking Powder. Kliworlng
EMiaets , Laundry lllun. Ink , do. 1414-lu Bar
ney Struct , Omaha , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
- '
Wholesale Fruits1 , Produce , Oysters ,
11211'nriinm St. , Omaha. Apples Our own | . .ick-
Ing Plntt & Co.'s Tiger lluind Oyetcie , Huttur ,
KKBS , Game , Poultry , Potatoes. _
General Commission Merchant ,
Piodnec , 1'iovlsions , 1'rults , Flour and Feed , 105
S. 14th St. , Omnlm , Neb. Consignments solicited.
Itetuina made promptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Chtcfio , Sausages. Fruits , Ilutchcrs' Toote and
Supplies. 1215 Jones St. , Omaha , Nob.
Vf. E. 1UDDEI.1' ,
General Commission Merchant.
ErECiAi.TiES-Cho 'bC. liutter. Esjrf , Poultry
nnd Unnio , 112 S. 14th. , pmuhii , Nub. Tele
phone No. 3115.
D. A. ituitlcY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , Effjrs and Produce. A full line of Stone-
vnro. Consignments fcoltcited. 1411 led o St ,
Oinulm , _
" V. . MORONY ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , Ers ( , Cheese iintl Country Produce gen
erally , 1109 S. l 'th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Ilcrriirerator uml Packing House , 14th & Lonvon-
worth St. , on U. P. 11. li. Ti nek , Omaha , Neb.
Kbtnbllshcd 1870.
General Commission ,
111 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties nutter
Eggs , Poultry and Game.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , Produce nnd Provisions , Omahn , Neb
( Successors to A. P. Poliack. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 'i\Z \ South Kth Street. Omaha , Nub.
" TnoxELi7& WILLIAMS ;
Storage and Commission Merchants.
FniltB. Flour , Apples , Stonownrn. Cldor.Vinegnr ,
( SiasH Seeds. liutter nnd Ktrgs , 313 und Ulj South
13th btrcot , Omaha , Nobrn ku.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Butter , Game , Fruits , Etc. ' X)8. ) 14th
St. , Omaha , Nebraska.
A. F. JlimiGE ,
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
MentH , I.nrd , Jellies , Ituttcr , Eirgs , Cheese , Ete.
No. 305 S , 12th St. , Omaha , Nob.
General Commission Merchants ,
KOODodgu Street , Omnha , Nob. Consignments
It. McUOXAU ) !
315 12th Strcot , Omaha , Neb. Specialties ; Dul
ler , Eggs , and Chickens ,
Crockery ,
" "
Agrm for the Manufacturers and Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chimneys , Etc. Ofllci317 South 13th
till riM , Omaha , Nob.
Dry Goou's.
J. J , IWOtt'N 4 CO. ,
YJholesale Dry Goods and Notions , .
iet ; : Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
1 , . OINSIIEHO Is CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , Uiuos , Embroidery nnd White C oods.
HO ) Douglas Stieet , Omuha , Nob. _
* " " "
mlo\VNELL k co" ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary and portiililo engines , boilers nm
thi'L't Iron work , wnicons , airricultuiiil Implo
tiientH , pumps etc. 1213-1215 Leavcnwoith St.
Leather , Hides/ / Etc ,
- f 'crilUNTINGTON & SON ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1111 Jackbou Stieet , Omaha , Neb.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Eaddlcry nnd Shoo Findings , Hides , Wool , Vim
PcltBi jmibcTallow , ite. : , Omulm N 'l ,
Flour , DC.
Vu. Pntsiox. fit" , llii. " UIDSOI
WM , i'insTON : & to >
Wholesale Flour ,
fiCS/.lOand 612Plcrco Street Oinuho.Kok
Agent for J , 0 llotlmnj-r & Co. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
Ity Holler mid Htingirlnn Process. Warehouse ,
121J Jones Stiect , Onmhn , Neb.
W. J. Wr.LSHANS fi CO. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Mnmifncturpi s of W. J. Wolshnns & Co.'s nlcV
Itnlslng llticklunt Hour nnd proprietors Omaha
City Mills , cor. MH and Ftirnam Streets , Onmhn ,
FVl , Lt : .
sors to Icken Slemsscn V CA.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Foretell 1'lsh , Nos. 011-11.1 Jontt
< > , Stiect und U. P. Truck , Onmlm , Nob. fi
Furniture. Etc.
, _
" " ' " " v
Wholesale Dealers In Pumltura ,
_ _ _ _ _ I'm natn Street , Omnha , Nob.
Groceries. _ _
AI.LKN llllOS. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
] 11Q and 1113 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tolineco and Smokers' Ai tides , 1217 Howard Rt
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Pplccs , Cigars nnd Tobnccos. 131" and 131U Doug
las Street , OmiiMi , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th and Fiirnam Streets , Omnhn , Neb.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. TO , TO" , 709 nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Hardware ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Fprlnpp , WiiRon Stock , Ilnnluood Lumber , etc.
law und 1J11 Hartley eticev , Omnhn , Neb.
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cnrrlnaro Wood Stock. Heavy Hardware ,
Ete. 1217nnd U1U Lcavonworth StreetOmaha ,
Neb. .
Builders' Hardware ,
MeclmnlCB1 Tools nnd llntralo Scales. 1405 DOUR-
. Ins Street , Omaha , Neb.
! LEE.riUED * CO. ,
' Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Etc. Agents for Ilo\\n Scales and
Miami Powder Co. , Omahn Neb.
' Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
I Mnntlcs , Giatcs , IlrnssfrnoiH 1321 nml 13'il Fnr-
imm Stiect.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
EmciFon Steel NaiK. Cor. 10th mid Harnoy
btieets , Omalm , Nub.
" '
Mauufactuicr of the
Deering , Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. M. Lorlmer. General Atront ,
Omalm. TelcphonoQlO. _
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hyflrauiic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Joub.rsln lion Pipe Iron 1 Ulnsrs. Iron and
Ilinss Good > ! . Engineers' Supplies. 14tn and
Doduo Stieots , Unmlm , Neb.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Steam , Water , Ilullway and Milling Supplies , Etc.
USD , U : und ifJ4 Fiirnnm St. Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stoum nnd Water Supplies. Heiidquarter-5 fo
Mast Toost Co.'s Goods. 1111 I'm mini Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Ucnlcrs In Silverware , IilamondB , Wntchas
Clocks , Jewelers' Tools and Material , Etc. , 101
nnd 103 , 15th Street , ( "or. Dodne , Omaha , Nob. . .
. _ Live Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Ynidngo Charged.
Close to U , P. Ihiclifo. Speclul nccoinmodntlon n peed inaikct lor hojfs. E. C. Cooper , Man-
iigcr. Oflice. South 5th Stieet.
jr. iiuiiKE & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
( Jco. Iturko , Manager ,
Union Stock Yaids , H. Omaha. Tclo.iliono BBS
W. F. 1IKOWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ofllcc KxchunifO Hiilhhnp. Union Stock Yards ,
South Omahn , Nob. Telephone No. iXJ. )
' Live Stock Commission ,
Union Slock Tunis , Chicago , 111. , nnd Omnhn ,
Neb. Frank Chit Icmlcii.Manngcr Omalm Uinnch.
Telepliono No. b. ) . Eslahllshed 160a.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
/uldrpfsullcominiiiilcntloiiHlo i us at Union Stock
Vuiils , South Omaha. Advnncch mndo on stock.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
, Limited. John F. Ilu > il , Superintendent.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Shipments of any nnd nil kinds of ttockf-olleit
I ed. Union bn ok Vimls , Omnha , Ncl > .
Lumber , Etc.
w * WV
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Snsh , Doors , Ktc. Yiuds Cor. 'Ill and Ioulns' ; ,
Cor. Utli and
of Sash Blinds
Manufacturers , Doors , ,
Mouldings , bttilr Work nnd Inlcilor Hind Wood
Finish. Just opened. N. E. eor. bth and Leuven-
worth Bticrls , Onmlm , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
CU 8. 14th Street , Omaha , Nub. Colpoucr ,
C. N , DIETZ ,
Lumber ,
13th mid Cnliromlu Streets , Omalm , Neb.
Fit ED W. GHAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc ,
Cor. Ctli and Douglas btieets , Omalm , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
" " "
CHAS. 11. LEE ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnrtn Stock , Fancy Woods. Ihldgo Timbers ,
& .C. , S. W. Cor. mil and Jjoiigl.iisOiiiiilm , Nrb.
-/.YMAN ,
Doors Blinds Monlafs&
Dealer in Sash , , ,
UutlUlnjf I'uper , Etc. Sontli Uth
Nebraska Lumber Co.
ruldlnruplli'1 iH. . ' . . f 1. , .
fxJsporB.iuuiuifiictiiivia mul > ilml'-'lo < ' ' " 'I
m. . Mills aMyrrJI.WKVhoUHilo nnd 10 'ii
dlutributini : yu d .Cjiu'ib.i ' \ > > t , . .U uiucu
Ucalors In All Kinds ot
Building Material at Wholesale ,
18th Street nml v n o i i'ac fl Track. Oirmln
OK11MAN 1) . WVATT ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
roth and Unrd SI reels , Omnlm , Nebraska.
J. A. VTAKKKir.M ) ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
ttnlMIn ? Papers. Snsh. Doors , HllmH , Moulf
Inirs , 1'ickets , rostl.ltnc , I'lnolor , Haf ,
Cement. Nlntn nun Jotio ; , Omahn Nob.
" "
Millinery ,
l. ohuiuT.i.Diiit , '
Importers and Jobbers ot
Millinery and Notions ,
VJH Hnrncy Street , Omaha , Netx
Musical Instruments.
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments ,
Stclnway l > lane , Weber , Decker , Halnos and
ItrlxRH 1'ianos Packard Oigans , Chase Orffftn * .
101 and ttW 15th Strcot.
Notions , Etc ,
J. U lIHANimiS A SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Good' , Notions , dents' KiirnlMiliiff flood * ,
Good * from Nmr Voik. Tnulo sales daily. 601
and COS South 13th St. , Omaha.
r. P. aooDiucii : cx > . ,
French aud German Fancy Goods ,
Druggists' and Stationers' Sundries. 1115 Far *
imm , Onmhn , Neb. _ _ _
J. T , Robinson Notion Company , r
40H and 405 S. 101 h St.Onmlm , Neb. '
Wholesale Doaleifl In Notion * and Dents'Fill * .
nlbhlnpr ( loods. i
Oils , Etc ,
'cONSOI.lDATnn TANK UN 13 CO ? ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
GftEolInc , Mica A.\lo Gicato , lite. A. 11. Illshop ,
_ _ ManaBcr , Omahn , Neb.
Pork Packing. _ _ _
* " "
, IAMIS : 13. novn"
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Oinnlin , Ni-hiuskn , _ _
HAitius fc risiinu ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Odlcc , Union Market , 1517 Dodire Street. Packing
house , U. 1' . It. U-Tiack , Omalm , Nub. Telephone -
phone No. 157. _
Safes and Locks ,
r. HOVKU & co.
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s1
Tire and Iliu-Rlar 1'roor Siifos.Tlino I.oe.knVaults
and Jnll work. NTO rninuni street , Oniiiha , Neb
Sceds <
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seads.
Airrli'ulturnl. Vegetable. Etc. Odd Fellows' Hall ,
_ N. V. Cor. llth nnd Uodjio St . , Omaha , Neb. _
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Druggists ,
Jobbers of Paints , OIK Window Ohi s r.c.Hll (
llarnoy Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Druggists
And Denier in Paints , Oils and Window
Omalm , Neb. ,
Yflnes and Liquors.
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
1202 and IL'OI Douglas St. , Omnha. Nob. Fac
tories Nos. 1 and iMJ , ! ld Dial. N. Y. . . . . .H
Successor to McN.M ! AHA A ; DUNCAN , Importer * " -
and Wholesale DenleM In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
1) and U1U 8. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
I ! . It. GltO'iTE ,
Wines and Liquors.
Wcstom Afjcut Jo . HuhllU lliowlnir Co. 7109.
Uth Street , Omaha.
' Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
lift ! ! Douglas Strcot , Omahn , Neb.
ILEIl & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Liquor. . 80)0 ) mamilnctiirors of Ktmnody'g
East India Illttera. Ilia Ilaincy Street , Omahn ,
L. P. LA11SON & CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And riiari , ami Gcneinl ABi'iils for the Philip
llests' Cclobiuted Mllnnukcu lluor , Omaha , Neb
_ Harness , Etc.
Mmniractuirio and Jobbers ot
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Tin ! Goods , nianketb ami llolif-j. H\l \ I'liiiiniii
Stieet Dmiihti. Nub.
Chicap , Milwaukee & St. . Paul
The Short"Liiie
and Best Route
From Omaha to the East.
Chlrauo , Mlnnenixills , Mlhvmikco ,
Ht. Paul , lYdnr Ifapldj , Davenport ,
Clinton. Dubuiiio ] , Koekfoid ,
Hock Itland , Fieuport , .ItinisUlle ,
. ' ' , Min ,
Ih'li.It , Winoim
AnJ nil dtlior linp'ji unit | ) < iiiis ! Entt , Noriliertit I
Ticket olllco at 1401 rniiiam sticot.tln 1'nMon
liotcli. nnd at Union I'ncltlu Duput.
I'nllmiin tlcepci-Mind tlio 1'lnost Dhiln.'Cnra
In the WotUl mo run on tlio niiiln HIIUH < if Iho
L'iiHAaolMuWAtiKt.i : & Sr J' iti. HAIMVAV. ami
every iittcniion is ji.ilii to piifiucngcm by couiixi-
OUHemployesol tlioc-oiiipniiy ,
It. MIM.I II. ( Icncriil MiniiiKor *
J. P. TITCKIHI , Ar < < ij tiint ( li'iicriil Manairor.
A. V. ILOAiii'iiN-fHi , Ooiunil l'ubion or an !
Ticket Airnm.
firo. i : . lliAHOiii : ) , AtjRlBtniit Gen 'inll'i'fH'ii '
cr and Ticket Audit.
Hal'sSafes5VauItsTime ! ! ocks
and Jail Work.
1020 Funiiim Street , Onitiha Jjcb.
Commission Merchant ,
And Wbolosulu Driller In
Country Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc ,
320 N , ( Gih St , , Omaha , Neb. 4
Itrfcrcnccs , by I'm mission First National :
Hunk , Uulnuiuo ; A. B. ( imri'Uon , Cunhlcr Kloux1
National Dunk.Sioux Clt ) j louiiNaiioiial lluiik ,
Dos Moling ; II. M.KlMKiiuui , Assistant < 'n lit-r ;
1'litl Nutlonul Hunkriilimt'O ,
ti E. nnce , Lincoln , Neb >
JJii'liii v . trii ! > 'ft U.Jco Paid.