Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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_ _
1 A < lvcrll cmrnt8 under this bead lOcontspc ?
Ino for tlio first Insertion , 7 MnUfor each
eubecfiuent Insertion , nnd tl.TC n line per month.
Devon words w 11 bo count ! to the line | they
mu t tun consecutively ftn < l must bo paid In ml-
Tdiice. All advertisements must behmidoJ la
t > nforo2 o'clock p. m. , andunder , no circnra-
tnnccs will they bo taken or discontinued br
I'nrtlcsndvcrlWiiff In these column * nn 1 liar-
Ing the nnswors twldresiod in euro of 'I itii Hr.R ,
will t'Icneo nnV for chock to enable thorn to got
their lotttr , ns none will be dPhvcrod except on
presentation of check. All nnswors to adver
tisements Miould bo enclosed In envelopes.
: ! ( l.OAX on her cs , wncous. fur-
MOMY . 'li-niis
n urownlclii , wltliont icinojnl.
cnsy. C J Cas ell , Hnom IB , Iron Hank tin lit-
Itilfi 12th anil rnniniu. Take elevator. C00-nih7
inoonnto loan on city rcsldonco property
$ Goo W.Itay , 1& > JU rnninin. -CT
mo LOAN' Money m nny nmouut ,
JL On nil cliwottoffcourtly.
Fhorttnno loans on real o'tnlo.
ln > rtlmo lnni on real tutato.
Money to loan on chnttela.
MOIIPV to loan on collntcrnK
Money to lonn otifliiy treed security.
Terms eiify. tlino tooult.
Apply nt UinOninhn rinanclal F.tchanco ,
llnrkrr'B Inillitlnff , SW corner of
I Ifteinth und Tarnam sts. , upstairs 2
. ' TO I.OAX on Improved nnd unim
proved city property. Cunnlnifhnm &
llrcnnan , 1511 Dodge street. - '
" OXiY : rur uvcryi > odytou cnn borrow
money on furniture , horsed , wiurons
plnnn , stock of nil kinds , dlnmends nnd line
wntchcs on j our own time. I'nymonts received
Rt nny time , nnd intprc't reduced pro rain.
Properly lolt In jour own possession. Terms
l w ns tlip lo cst. Call ntul fee me. Ttujlncfls
confidential. Nondvnntago taken. W.,11. , Croft ,
Hoom 4 , WltlincU'o NewUnlMIng , Northcnnt cor
ner IMli niidllnrnoy. "TO
TO T.OAN O. F. T nvls A Co. llcnl
MONKY nnd Loan nucnto , IMo FnrnnmSt.
ONf.Y TO LOAN On rood securities. A
McUnvock , room 7 itcdlck Ulock , 10091'nrn am
ONKV TO I.OAN-On chattels , Wooloy *
Hiuilson , room 0 , Omiibn Nntlonnl bnnk
building. "rci
TO r.OAX On rcnl cstnto nndehnt-
MOXKY D. I * Thomas. a'4 '
TO r.OAX-lnsums of rawnmlup-
MONKY on tlrtt-clnss real cstnto ecourlty.
Potter & CobbjlT.n rarnnm St. ' > " >
OXKY MlANKIl ntC. T. Itecd It Co'S. Ixnn
olllco , on furniture , plnnos , horses \vngons
personal pioperty of nil kinds nnd nil other ar
ticles of vnlue , without removal. Over 1st Nnt'l
Ilftnk. corner Iflth nml Fanmm. All business
strictly conlldontnl. UIKI
"fiVMi : SAr.i : n iuitlquiuIauoppostoCiclgh- |
JL1 ion lilock , i n ICth ft , , near Doiislnt ; nlteicd
fitoclt , cnhugcdnrlety nnd grentcr
E : Stocknndn\tuieiof my tnncy
Koods nnd notion store Mis. 1'olKor , 1518
oOi-lU !
T71OII SAI.i : A ( Iruirstoroln agood live town :
JL1 a llrbt inte location lor a phv .Icliin. Capital
rcqnlic'il iibautJxoo. Now bntldlng nnd clenn
. . stock. AddrLbS or cidl on II. Moses & Co. , Vul-
cntlno , Neb. ; ! J4niLli"
d > : ( no.oo per month salary nnd commission to
P compi tent bimlncss miuuurer hi cvciy tlty
lor c > cliisivo iigency of our National Automatic
Ga'-Snvhitf Goveinois. AveuiKo 3-1 per cent
snvlnt ; In gas bills. Increased illumination nnd
wifoty from tiro. Over 7W ( ) in set vice. In-
doited by blithest moicuntllo nnd corpoiate
nnthorltles. Addu- Iho Union National Gas-
Snvlng Co. , 21 KiistHtliBt. , Now York. Siia-b *
I 011 KXCIIANGi : A fTlSooTardwaro stock
K and u * 8,000 boot nnd shoo block for M c.Hi ,
1 balance unlnciimheicd real estate. Gibson ,
j Aiclior & Co. , Itoom 3 , Wlthncll lllock. 50
TTIOIl HAM : A $11,000 Ptock of clothing In
X' Onmlm , Net ) . , lor St per cent discount from
cost. Gibson , Archer A , Co. , lloom 3 , Withncll
lllotk. 5
WANTKD An energetic mnnwith modoi-
ntocnpltnl can iniiKo liom ) to $10-
000 ii ) our by becoming pnitnor or purehnsor
In nn established rannulncturini ; enterprise.
Far further pnitlculms nddress , II. K > . Heo of-
flpn. " > K13-11
TT'OU SAI.K Jlent ninikot , wllh bulldlngs,2
J1 vvupronR , 0 hoieos ; good locntlou. K. r.
Ulngcr.llDN.lCth. 172
TTIOIt SAIJ : llcstauiniit , n ( front bnrgnln.fJOO.
JC Gibson & Archer , Itoom S , Wlthncll Block ,
T71OJI SAI.K Or o\cbniiKO The Merchants'
J- hotel , n line now hotel in Chiidmn , Neb. lion-
tnl itceipts now $ ; 00 per month. Will sell 01 ex
change for icsldcncu ii'-ar buslnotn pait of
Omaha. 1'aitlcs selling clcslio to live in n linger
city. Addiess , W. A. Lnngwoithy , Chiuhon ,
Nobrnskii. DlSfebS *
THOU KXCHANOK-A $7,500 stock of dry
JL' goods for H cnsli ; balance unlmciimbcicd
land or good Omaha propeity. For exchange
A $10,000 stock of < lry goods tor J cash , balance
unlmcuinbciod land or good Omnlm pioperty.
Gibson , Archer & Co. , Itoom 3 , Withncll lllock.
T71O11SAI.K A paying no .vspnpcr business In
-U good Nebrnskn town ; prho , * 2,000. Olbson
& Ai chor , lloom 3. Withnell lllock. Mil
T71OU SAI.K Hanlwnrj business In Omaha.
J } Address 11.4ri lleo Olllco TUfubll
Oil SAI.K-ThoCommoiclnl Hotel nt South
llend. Nob. , piieo ? . ' ,00ll : terms easy. Ad-
dices T. W. I1. , Dox 15 , South llcnd , Neb.
_ _ C5U foblO *
Foil SAMOr : cxchnngo Twclvo bundled.
and eighty acres ot Mo. , timber nnd ginss
land , lorty miles cast of Kansas City. As ilqlt.
eollnp nny land In the state , > \ 111 sell all or part
ut Illtecn dolhiis per aero or will exchange for
peed Improv cd or nnlmprov cd Nebraska land.
liedtoicltenuer 2JT
OK SAM-n lots iii Bprlng Hill , $4rflcnch.
Also nncstiibllFhod bunking business In Ne-
biaeka , county scut. Olbton A : Archer , Itoom
, UWIthnoll llloclc Omnmi. 22:1 :
LO'.T A brown Icnthor poekctbook , contain
ing f2la-ul noln pnvnblo to 1) . Davidson ;
Under please leave MI mo Dennett's
store unit lecclvo rewaid. [ K-30 *
OST Illiick shepherd dog with vvhlto ring
niouiid neck , I jenrold. Hotmnto 815 1'u-
' * t'lfloflt i cot Hint irut rewind. I. . B. Atkhij. 358-5 *
BOA HI ) and room for single gcntlemnn ; nlso
dnybomd. Itefcroneesioiiuircd. 1415 Jones ,
I 4 blocks south of postolllco. ao7-b *
1M T\fANTii : > lObpardois-lmgn well lurnlshed
' > rooms with bnso burner. Hoard nnd room
ft.M per week. 710 b. Utli. _ 307-5 * z ?
ROOM nnd board , $5 per veokery ; best lo
cal Ion. IbU Iavcn)0itt3l. | ll8IeblU *
1 > iitSONAl. Wo call nttcnt'on to the fact
tbit uu cnn dnlliorourKoods as ndvc'rtNcd
by us , us wo clintl wItb pilniMplej onlynnd ton
Cfit.ilni'xlt'iit nil' Mile UKOiitu of pioperty thus
udviM ll&od. Itlco i' ; Mouru. ' 1I'urnum st.
! . Wo publish to day a llstot whnt
- * - wo tcim ovtin Hjicolal bniitnmg , tinil usku
cnrefnl poriiMll at the blind j ol thu Hi o rcadeia
w bo uro looking li such , loitv lug them to Jiulgo ,
llospi otfully , HMo ctMuoio , llcullJgtnteAgiMitB ,
12Ji rarnnm bt i
I > iillONAIJ : Bpeouhitoisnnd othcisvvho mo
looKIng lor liiutrnlns In Onmlm piopoity ,
vncnnt lot * , liniirovod leslilonco propeity , noio
tnicls , etc. , will do well ( o call on us. heu nhnt
woliavo toolfc'r botoiopuulmsliig. Itvvill pny
jou to cull tin or nddic s Itlcu i. JIooiu , l _ " i
rariuuu st. QTO-5
PU us ON A I. If jon huvo any propoity for
sale list It vvilli Uco. 1' . llemU , 15th and
T\U. i : . J > . AIlNCM.l ) , Oruli-t nml
J-f moved to 1514 Douirhissttcot. bTU
T AND SiiKl : itb aivo this jour attention ;
B3) ) acres or less , one mllu of Clinks Sta
tion , on ihu U. 1 * iiillioad ; liilncios under uul-
tlvniluii ; n IHI o lipivnln : $ , M pi r ucie.
ICUacu'Siuirtliontt ofStuun 1/iKn. lon ; fin-
pidhio land in lown ; will scl lei glUpor
IC ,
7JVS ncies,4 1111)03 ) cast of Omnhn pnstmiico ,
U mile tiom Council Illults po olll < < o ; will tell
forJ.fcdn. IMvrnid T , 1'ctur.son , Itoomdiind4 ,
.L'.U. Coi. ISlhiimlDouglubbi , ud
IT i'Otl linvu propeity to srll or ,
Hat ti with t'.J. CIUM ell & Co. , Itoom 19. Ko-
brnskn Nutloiml 11 ink Duildlny.
II licfldus Omtdia nud Nebiabka
ill ; pioperty tor ficluuign or rale , tuihiiveu
very xuluaMu i $ .doucu In PI. Ionia , lhi.lo
olltr fur Ntitiiutku inopcutj ; nUu n Ucttcr
liouge ana 'cl ' lor Uulnliit icaldcuoe Cull of
tvilto til toi icoiurty of i\ll klid8. | IlpIUV Mc-
.CnnillUh. Uodffatt.
fi 000v > suoot'ro Improved hiring v jililu
Pl'miles of ' < i tjaVi5 ; inr nui , ll'cwi ' niv
Jiiuvatn * Olt .ui AlClm , icoui \\lllinil. .
Siuwt. 1J4
TlfAnSUAt.T. ft tOllKCK , real cstntc ,
J.iJ.invnn | fine list of improved nnd unimproved
lots in Omnlm ; ncrcsncnr thoclty nnd hundreds
of thoii'nndsof ncrcsoflnnd for cnlo ; corre-
fiwndcnco > olicltod. Mnrsbnll .V Iobcck , 1X)8 )
rnrnntn street. Olllco open till Pp. in. cat
Ili : W. C. Mct7ncr8toro ItepalrCo. . lllSoutb
14th St. between Dodxo nnd Douglas.
F nilSAI.i : trnnr/c ) ) , pcrcwt. Pchlcslnaor
Ilro < . , cor. lilth nnd l-cavcnworth. iiir-a *
IAIIIKS m wnnt of peed domestic licln cnn
* bo supplied by culling on the Omnlm Ilm-
ploymrnt Olllco , Itoom lIlu hmnn's lllock. Mrs.
J. W. Morrison proprietor ; _ D74
Ufil7u j otiFTioiir nnd IfL'd by Telephone
liTT. Xoal .V Conrntl. Kin nodgo si. U7J
Foil S.M.I : Or snlo , 1 top
1 phnoton top Iniwiry nnd 1 pint foi m
wagon , Iii'iuhoiit Ilosio'sSIuilobtoro. < V.mih4
iou SAI.I : Store fixtures. < UJ 8. loth st.
fi33-17 *
1 OtH ) fntnlly linrso lor silo ; olghf"j"cnr oldT
r Apply nt 1413 Dodge at. 'Jin
F OR SAI.K Lot 111 Ilnn'com 1'lnco , cnst
front. Inquire CO.'S. 18th st. ! l-ll !
Jr oil SAT.i : Sand nnd Krnvel. Tiank J. Kas-
' pur , HJiBoutli 141h St. _ iBJIebTT"
"I71OK vrcnthcr utrlps , florin snsh nnd doors , go
-I-1 to F. V. Mead J.1W8. ICthst. 2 8
Ut ANTKU A girl nt 1100 Jackson st.
WANTKI ) A girl for grnnrnl honsonoik In
smnll family. No. 1UK1 N. Itnn st. Holer-
dices iciiulted. 379-11 *
ti'ANTKI ) fllil for general lionsovNork in
small fainily. Apply nt once -JOT Doilge
street. lOVTi *
\yANTKli Second gltl that cnn do plain
sewing. Mrs. r. W. Giny , 2lSI Douitlas
sticct. T80
_ _
( loocl gill tor genornl housework
ut20iVJ rarnnm sticct. Corner sutli. 'J18-3 *
| 7"AXTii Dill forgoneral houscvvoik. Inquire -
> quire nt KJ1 Koitli 20th bt. 2T.2-0
\ \ 1AJfTii : ) Good Bill for gencial hoii
1111 S. 17lh St. 307-5
, \ > Tiu : THO girls at the Koran house ,
111:1 : rarnnm st. : i4in
w ANTii : ) Ajflrlto doKoncral housework.
No. H'lS ' Capitol avenue. ; > U
WANTKO A chmnbcrmald a good , Finait
woman Mho iniduistands the business
thoroughly ; \VIIKUS $4 pcrwcok ; apply botnrcm
the horn sot 11 andiiiU Douglas St. ItO
WANTKI ) A cnpahlo sen nut irhl f or BOH-
01 nl housework. Apply nt 71U N. < 1 st.
WANTKI ) Good ? lrls for doncral house-
\ > ork. Itoom HHishinnn lllock , ICIh and
Douglas. 4 an
WANTl'D Rlrl for Roneinl housework. In-
< iulio lit 107 South 14th St. 8J5
vy/'AMlJU Qlils lor Roncial liotisuncuk ;
IT { { nod places and Kood v\ axes ; nlticos iflvuu
free. Call at 11' ' ) Pith st. , Nobinska Kmplov incut
Agency , Ci ounce Hlock.
) 100 moio loams mid touneters
for inllroad work In Noluuskn ; hlshost
vaKcs.chenp feed nnd bonid : lieo tinnsporta-
tiou. Call at I'nxlon hotel oll'oo fiom 1:10 : to 0
o'clock n. m. Ship ubant 10th. J. W. AtUnfon.
.m-U *
WANTJD Two tlrst-clnss pantaloon mnl.cts
ntonco ; stvudv emplo > mcnt. Cull on or
nddicssO'MiMutite Webster. Meiuhunt Tuilois ,
Slout City , low n. 3"M1
WANTKI ) Stonily , sober , honest ni.ui , n
v\oiker , VNlthEomo monuy ; single prctcr-
red ; call In evening : , or nddicasVlillc,5'Jl X.
ISth sticct. US7.0 *
\\7ANTKD-A Hist class solicitor to take
> orders for adveitialngAddi ess 11 ( U. lice
Onice. C81-5 *
WANTED Ono delivery cloilc ; none but ex
perienced men ntcd imply ; good icftr-
cncesioqulrcd , S. ICnt7.1.T03 Douglus. 374
| Agents. SOON. ICth st.
"IT/'AXTi : ! ) A iilcsmanono who has bnd ox-
11 peilenco nnd cnu sell goods , oil ) tf. 15lh st.
WANTii > fiOtLAiift nnd teamsters foi-rnll-
road w oik , good wnRcs nlco fuhcontiac-
tow ; free ti.iiHportutlon , 1'ci ] : i > rtlcultna uill
nt iiaaruiiinnibt. 3iu
WANTKI ) Agents to sell goods on time iiny-
moiits. 117 S. Ibth > t. 2u'J u'
WANTKI ) A llist-clnss Fnlcsinnn to rcjirc-
ecnt n well established house to the drug
trndo , either exclusively or in connection wllh
fccmie othci line. Address 1' . O. llox 14bU , K. V.
City.WANTKI ) Knergotio men hi ovoiv town In
NoDraskn to soil the Hess clothes meks.
Agontfl 1110 niakliKT fiom ? " ) to $3 per day. 1'or
pmtjciihus call on or addicts i' . O. lo7J7 ! ,
Lincoln. C. \VHITUAN , 11-4 K btiect.
\AfANTKl Teams and to let 41 miles uiihoiid
tosubcontiactors In i-ootlo'is of olio-halt'
to llvo miles. l'ico tianspoitatioii. Teams
lioiiKht 01 will lend money on outtlU wishing to
woilc. StiatiJf & Noncomb , conti actors , yOU
1'enii sticct , Kuusas City , Mo. , or Aicndu hotel ,
Omaha. ! t:0 :
) Men nnd women to stint u now
business ut their homes ; cim bu done
evenings mid Icniiicd In an houi ; any nelson
mnkliiK' lo s than lUu to We an hour should bend
10o nt once for n paeknij n of Fnmplos of goods ,
nml-'l v01 l.lnjr samples ( foimnliis ) tocommciiLo
on. Addiess Albany Supply Co. , Albany , N. Y.
_ _ _ 8ii7fl7
T\7A > Tiu : Hy n nnd trustwoi thy
5 ounif parson , a situation us companion or
to inkoclinigoot joiingelilldicu. Wouldpio-
fcrto boticatodnsonoul the luinllj. Aildiuns
ILtUko olllco.i ) l-0 >
> A rollnod Amoilcnn lady desires
some position of trust ; uoodiofcicncca
given. Address 111 , llco Olllcc. 877-8 *
rANTUD Situation by n young mini. Address -
dress A. A. , 15Ul Lcavomvoitli Et. ii80-tl *
, \7ANTii ) Situation by ( rood young girl ,
Tt wno epoiiks but little KiiK'lisli , In finmll
piivnto Inmlly. liuiuUo nt 61U Nottb liHnt.
378-0 *
) s clirnr nmkoirf , hiuulnoikmen ;
T > none but tlrst-tlnsB vvoikinon need iuiily. |
AddicssGco. K. Godfrey , Vrcmont , Neb. Iwl-lia
WAJsTKO Situation by nv\ido\r us house-
kcnpcir for vrldowor of g-ood reputation.
Aildrobs-M , IUi : : olllco , Counoll lllmfa. 810-7
Hy n Bcntloinnu well acquainted
with RCinoiiil meiehnndlbo or hard < riiie , n
position us manager , or with such piocpeet , in
either business. Would piefur lo establish n
business In a now toun with rnllroiul pinspects.
Would Invest (1 , 000 by July 1st , Wlah none
but ipaponMhlo c'oiresporulcnts. Address A.
M. li. , Omnhn lloo. I'Vt-'i"
W ANTi : ( llrls vvUhlni ; ioruoodiilnccs in
private finullles , hotels or bom dluir lion-
BCS , laundiles , etc , c'lin nlnuja Und them by
calling nt the Omnbn Kmploymont Duie'tu , 11-0
I'liiinim ft. 211
WANTKI ) To buy n foinnd-lmnd tjpo-
wilur. J. II. llniiOJ& Co..Omnhn. Ujkg
TTIUltllKNT-Cottiuro of 6 looms , hnrd nud
Jboft "nter ; oven thing complcto. Appli nt
1 07 1'iiflPo ttreut. Uo--bp
"TjlOIt K UN r New c ottago , U rooms , on 8. lut h
O3 Bt. O. A. Ilnldwln. yo4
" ] T\oif \ jtKNT One lint , with nil modern come.
-I1 iiluntcs , 1015 flovMirUBt , Inquire ut looms
X nnd tTJ , Umnlm Itcul Kstato X- Loan Co. U1VO
FOlt JtKNT 80 note improved fnrm , 5 miles
Irom 1' . O. , nr i l per ncro. liumlin i. llrown ,
Jllfa , llth St mulm , Nub. jjjiu
D\IItV J'\ini lo ic nt ; Smiles outl-ioom ; !
house , lurco bain and olber comenioneos.
U.l' , I'attPiBon.ovor Ibt Nutlonul Hank.5M1
" 1J10K ltiNT-Unrn with four stalls. ttlO Hnr-
JU ney.
PUK KUNTrootUf Unfc'0KWB. i'lstst.
rruw HINT iiom rob. w ) . now house , llvo
-L. rooms , lumUlied ; u ill toll the f nrnltuto lor
ilDO. hlatilo and unrrlnvu blunl. Iteason. du-
pjltuio. Addruss 11 W , lieo Olllco. ? --U
ITIOK itr.NT House of 2 rooms nnd kitchen ,
J. cor Ifith nud IllcLory. f'1 per month. K.
'I' , rucisou \ Co. , lloom U , ti. u cor. 16th and
Foil lUivr House of il rooms , puiUry ,
closets , old , I'hll fahcrldan nnailullstd , mouth. K.T. I'etvitou ft Co. , ItoouiU ,
bU. . you I5th nud tts. 2U
"l/iofi iTHviVS iru , 3w"NinifrHurstT
nr.NT Cottngo. In 'Shinn's add. . In
Foil of Long School. Apply 1317 Knrnnm.
KKNT Seven-room houso. ifith nnd
Foil * ts. , $15. A. V. Tukoy , 11 Furnnra.
l l
ni -Three-room house , llth It lodge.
ITlOlt SAI.K An ostnbllshcd grocery business
JL' In Omnhn doing f. > , OOJ buslnc s n month ;
capital required , tl,000. Also n stock of dry
goods doing good business In Omnhn. Capital
it quired , t2 , < * W. Gibson , Aicher & Co. , lloom 3 ,
Wlthncll lllock.
TTUIUKKNr Hou'O of 8 lOomsSM nnd Hnr
JL ; ncySt , Inquire of MounUvUrltlln213 S nth
Street. PSJ
iiKNTOi ; I/KASK sroom nou o on
1 Howard St. ; 10-ncro garden with 0-rooin
bonce adjoining rliy ; W-ncro fnrm , 17 miles west
of Omnhn ! 0 business lots on St. Mary's nvo.
Appl ) to i : . 11. Chapman & , Co. , 1217 Howard st.
TT1OK KENT Ila cmcnt nnd bnko ov en. John
JL1 Krck , CIS N. IGtli st. Wfobll
" "
"Foil" KM' Thico houses of 10 , 0 and
I ' rooms each. J. I'nlpps Hoe.
, „ „ „ . . . „ to the cstnto
of Judge Clniclwlck,8in I'nrk nvcnuo. W.J.
Conncll. M3 _
KM' 'ivvonon'SanrtO roomed nouses ;
JL' furunco. bath room nnd nil modern conven
iences , ono block from street cnrs. Inquire Jo.
F. Unrton , C14 SJthjPt. , or SineUlnif Woiks. go
IT OllllilNT A Bloro" room vrltli peed ccllnr
Jtt 1POO Durt street. Apply to John 11 ut mor.
OK IIKNT Nice romn nnd best bonrd , $4.50
n wcok ; > ety bc t lnciUion,4IB a 131h 8l.3'll *
Tmoit lti:5JT Nicely fuiuljhod froiH room
JU and board for huly nnd gtntlcmnn , 418 S 13th
sttooU 391-0 *
KKNT 2 handsomely furnished rooms
with iHinrcl ; batli nccomuiodatlons. Apply to
1UJ.1 Capitol Avoiiuo. .Wii
TTIOH HKNT 1'nrlor , with bonrd ; uddross II.
JU 83 Bee otllcc. 310-5 *
"I71OK ItKNT KIcKiint fiiinlshed looms , nil
JlJ inoilorii convenlencos , nt aKTil > oilKO st. 37.3
F OU HUNT Furnished loom. UlTiliunoy st.
OK UINT : A furnlshe.l house vvltho
rooms. Inquire 8.10 S. tilsl St. 8i - < i *
T7 : NT Unroilsliod room. OCT. N. 17tb
J :
Fnn itUXT A tnwo nicely furnished fiont
room. No. 8U N. lith st. UJ7-5 *
TTUmTtKNT-ltoom with bonrJ. 1QU Cnpltol nv
J.1 tul-lii *
IIKNT llooms nlcoly furnished. 1013
Dodgo. U50-0 *
-rurnUlicd rooms. 1020 Cnss st.
Itcfuionccs loiiulred. aj.Ki
Oil HKNT I'llinlshcd looms. 521 N. 15th
Sticct. JK3-5 *
lIUM' nunlsliid looiiis. SWU Dodgo.
"ijioil IIKNT 2 uiilmnUhcd front rooms nt
JL1 151J Douglas bt. -78
Foil liNT Lnivo Iront room , modern Im
provements. Add less P.O. bo30S. . " 15
F Oil IIKNT Varnished loom. 103 N. 18th.
JMl-5 *
TTlOIt IIKNT Fuinlshod front room 421 North
JJ 17th bti cot. 1UO
"I71OH IIKNT 1 smnll ixKim , ? "i ; 1 Inrgo room ,
-U SU per month , novrly luriildhcd , nt 00714 N.
17th st. LRIIobS *
IIKNT House with 1U rooms , cltv water
Foil gas. No. 804 Ninth 2.M Btiect , Inqtilro
ofl' . U. Cooper , 411 14th bt. , City. _ 105
FOIlltKNT ruinibhed loom. Inquhodtug
store , 10th and Douglas. tw3
Foil IIKNT Large lurnlshcd front room
with closet , aUo buck 100111. 17U Culitor-
nln st. 7H !
OIlBAtn-Cor. lot , W1X133 , 2 blocks woHot
postolllcc , a splendid Investment , $10,000.
3 lots in Mihm's add. , a bargain , $800 each.
Cflvll. ' , b-room liouso , Capitol avc. , cheap ,
$ r > , soa.
a ) cholco lots , Marsh ndd. , 51,000 to $1,800.
1'ino it'Sldouco pioportv In good location !
JO- 13. F. Ulntrer. 110 N. 15th.
FOll SALK Or Trado. flS.OOO ; splendid 010
aciolmpiovod fium , in Sherman county ,
Nubinoku II miles fiom Ixiip City ; good build
ings , plenty of wiitor , surrounded by public
toads , school house on section , 3 miles north ,
J.onp n llv o ralliond town , U miles. Will dlvldo
the t-eUIon or will tiado for stock general racr-
thand 83 or uuy good propeity in Omaha or any
live to wu In tlio state. This must bo sold uy
March 1st , and Is certainly n big bargnln. Caller
or address for lurthor piutlculnrs.Klco Is Mnciro ,
1UJJ riirnam st. 371.5
Foil SAlJ-Ily IMward T. Tctorson. & Co
Itoonis 3and 1 , S. K. cor. 15th nnd Douglas
st- , have bonia veiy choke luims und land for
bale cheap on easy terms.
No. 31t 80-iicio impiovod fnrm , 5 miles
Irom postolllcc , cheap per ncro . § 135
No. 50 IKO acres In Merriclc county , 1 mile
liom U. 1' . railroad , 100 ucro under cultl-
Mitlon pcraeio . $30
No. ill 1 4bO acres In S. K. part of Urocloy
county , A No. 1 clay soil per acio . . . . ( $ j.50
No. 31'i OO ncics In Nunco county nt a
Largnln uer neio . $5
No. 300 Fiom K ) to B40 acres in dimming
county : will tiado for city propoity.
No. 31S 140 act os in Jiu-ltson county , Town ,
A No. 1 timber land pur ncro . $10
K. T. 1'cterbon & Co. , Itoonis 3 and 4 , S. IX cor.
15th nnd Douglas. UU5
TT1O11 SAT.K Uy Onmlm Heal Kstnto & I/oan
Jt ? Compuny.
Ill House und lot corner on 18th St. , ncnr the
null i\oiks. A bnignln. Itoouis nnd SJVIHi -
ncll building. 351-5
I7\OIl \ SArlHiimllu & Blown , Hcnl Kstnto ,
JJ : > 11 S. lltli St. Lauds.
l.WO ncros , Gifeley county , ntfO.
HO'JO ' lieu s in I.oup , Vnlley nnd Nnnco counties ,
liom- h miles fiom inflroad , ut $ 'i.50.
BlKlncics In Valley county , 5 miles southwest
of Old , at $750.
y.O'iO ncics In Custor county , nt $5.f.O.
n Mlncius In riieycnno county , nt $5.59.
Will bell any o" the nbovo tiacts In rjunrtor
210 act cs In Ti nnKIm county , nt $12.
KiO ncics in StunUm county , nt i2.
K ) ncro impiov cd fnrm in Douglas county , ! ) ! >
miles tiom 1' . O. , will trade or tell.
40 ncros ol Improv ed land , 5(4 ( miles from 1' . O.
lliuiilln&lUowii.'mb.llthbt , , Omaha , Nob.
353 U
TJIOK SALK lly 15. T. PctorbOH A , Co. , lloom U ,
JL1 8. U. Cor. 15th und Douglas st.
No. 301 2 lots , WvlbJ each , 7-room house ,
cor. 1'hll Sheridan nnd 1'lorco , tiontlng
on3strccts $ 3COO
3i ; ! . Nice lot and 2 houses , 2 story ench ,
with tlty water , etc. , icthnour Lunruii-
woith 4.COO
No. ; i ± ; Vull lot In Hnnscom 1'laco , Vir
ginia nvo. , 3-ioom houto. . . . 1,200
This Is tlucoblg baignlns nnd ought to bell
immediately. K. T. I'otcrson Co. , room 3 , S.U
Cor. l.ltli nnd Doiiglns Sis. ! 8
T71OK S.vr.K-l'uulson k Co. , 1513 Km nniiiSt.
X ? 2 < ) ncios on Mllltniy Head , opposite John
bhoyloy.wIth good now largo house , well , cis
tern , stnblcb , etc. , nil ienccd , f Il.lHW. This Is nn
A Nn. 1 chance lor parties wishing to miike
money ,
luneiosndjolnlng 1'ort Omahnt o the north ,
$ V > 00. bplendld ground for subdividing.
Klacicsl mile west of block Ynids , lB5por
TiUacresSmiles from postofflco , nt $125por
nciu. Cnn bo subdivided. Do not lull to Invos-
240 ncics , 7 miles fiom postolllco , well Ini-
pio\cil , partly good timber laud , nt fJO per
uuu. A bnigalu.
150 ncio farm , wnll Improved , only 4 miles N ,
W. ot I lot once , ut s-l'i per nerc ,
80iu-io .7 miles Irom I' . O. , highly improved
ftu m , $1,51)0. ) A iaio chance.
IHUaiTD fnvm.l mile H. i : . of Gllmoro Station ,
with splendid buildings , bolng mostly bottom
hind , wnll ndniited lor utotU inrm , ( Ib.uOO.
Siilenilld lot near Louvenwoith , In W. A. Hod-
Ul/tiiidd.fUX ) ; nnd 21 ots In bniiio
5 1,10J ; coruoi lot In nine addition , f W < 0.
A lcv > - bpleiidld lolo Ittt in I'nulbcn'd uddltlon ,
on btieet car line , on I.akosttoot ,
2 lots in I'ellium ndd , at f.VW cuch.
A largo two btory new liousu on Pth near
Dodge ; cnn be iciitcd for j'UJ per month. ; (400
cash ; liulnntoon weekly pumonts.
Hplondld lota in Clark i'liieu , J.ViJoncli.
41 lee ton Sloth bt. , nciir Howard , with three
house's leiiting lot fpur \ month ; (12ouO
l.ot45M55ilcox itdd , with lioilbO 111x20 , $750 ;
bnlf cash , biilanco In monthly paj incuts.
Coriiur 17tb nml Chirk , OJvldi , east liont , with
one 1.'and two 4 room houses , leaving * Wit ,
on corner ; WO. 1'nulsen i , Co , , 1B1J I'lirnnm
btteot. 2MII
EOK SAI.K Hy E. T. rctiTBon i. Co. :
No. ISM 2 lolsmul ti houses , rents lor
( U" ) per month , KounUo A ; Ituth's ndd , $3,0X1
No. 1-1 2 big lou nnd ! I line houses In
Bhull'stidd. , modciii Impiovumcnts a
bniKUiu , . . . . 0,600
No38i-A large lot und 4 houses , near the .
tenter ot city , will H-'H on cnsy terms . 8,5ro
ThOboaiolmrgiilnslorlliOBU who wish to get
big on ihclr inonoj. I' . T. Peterson ,
6 Co. , lloom'J.a. K. cor. 15th nnd Douglas sts.
TTlplt S.xr.K 240-ncio faun near Wcopln ?
J- ' Wall r. bplcuilldly lmpio > cd , too acres unJur
plow.VilltmJu for Oni.llin piopertj. W. Hi
Uitenover 1st Nut. lliiiik , 14J
_ _
Foil SAI.K Two lets in Pelltnm 1'laeeone
blotk fioui eueei tur uatkt li
TrnonSAT.K-rlUa Special Bargains by nice
X' AMooro , 122.J rarnain St. .
Vacant l < ot COxTO , W. I. Tlcdlck's add. , | KK )
cn h. Must tic sold ; ojiner going nwny.
2 IotaUtJn { ! , J. I. Kedlck S 8UbdlV.l,200.
SlotsETl2J , frAttingoit Snundcw ft. , f2,2X1.
Very chcnp ; only/block nnd n halt from street
cars. C i
lot , 50x100 , HnrfuianV ; ndd. , fronting on 16th
St. , $ JW ( ) , hnlfinfh. ,
Corner on Virginia nro. , 100x100 , Hnnscom
I'lnco.fVUO.hnircnsh. .
1'lnlnvicw corner , Just off SannCersst. , JCO )
cash. t r\ \
I Ait In I/owo'a 1st add , $ .1M cn h.
I'lnlm low Inslclq lot , $4JO cash.
Impiovcd IxtCftM.74 In I'nrkcr's add. , to
gether with 4-nicnSi hniiBo , ocllnr nnd clo ct ,
ilitern , good weUVrtWr , outhou cscto.S,3iW ;
$ - ocnsi ! , balnncel'tosAcnra' ' time.
Lot , CrOxlfiS , Shull ' 2Cf nild. . with now 6 room
hou ogood improvements , iron fenceplenty
of plindo trios , fl.nvit imlf cash.
Ixjt. fiJxHJ , liontlng on Snundors nml SSi\
sts , wllh tMmiin hon-o nnd room to build thiro
moro , cms run by the door , sure bargain nt
$8ouo , Imlf cash.
l < ot.5l'ixiaj , with Oioomhouee , Cnpltol Hill ,
Hours 1st add. , f 3,3uO cash. Illco A. Moore , 12-J.i
1'nrnnm st. JlbO-0
Kl.T ar < ) AMJUMl oiler for cn h or on
v oiy easy toims cholco properj ! which you
should examine bofcnopurclin lng cl owhcrc.
M.OOO " .pooiii house near Sn inilcra st.
f'1,000 House nlid cxirnorlot , Shinn's lit.
f3 iio House nnd lot , flno locntlon , Hnnscom.
M.WO House , Inrgo lot , Shulfs 1st.
Sl/i < W Chicago M.boit o nud H lot.
$ .J,2A ) Lot nnd 2 houCBsplendid view.
fli < 0 > Now hou o nnd acre.
$5,500 Harnsy st. , house nnd lot.
510,000 rine residence , splendid locntlon nnd
Tmfc nvo. , choice roslflenco.
. Cn. 8 ft. , house and " 4 lot.
$ " , SI foot , business , on Uodgo , mprovo-
mom * .
$4,000 l.nrtro house , flno location , Idlowlld.
W OO Kast Iront lot and cottage , Hoggs &
f,000 ) Nlco house and lot In llogcrs , oniy
term Hell A McCnmlllsli , Hill Uodgo st. 3IM1
T7\OUSAIn \ ny Omaha Kent Entitle & Lonn
I1 Co.
< B-Ioton Doi ens , between 10th amisnth with
IIOUPC ; u bargain. Hoon\s \ > " and 23 , Wlthncll
building. J147-5
FOU SAI.K-82 feet fronton ( 'astolar ) st. nnd
lOtb.R-room honsu , well , t'NIem nnd burn ,
$ J,500. W.H.arccn , over lot National Hank.
N i\vroUT : Nearest , best aoio lots , ronched
oor lo\ol j oad. The neni est aoi o lots over
sold in this iniuket. 1'rlco. . ! 00 pel lot : on cnsy
teiins ; 8 ncrct'iit Intcio t. Theeolols will iloublu
in value in uoxtU months. Amos , 1507 I'm num.
TTlOUSAT.i : lly 1'otter & CoDb , 1515 1'atnnm
J St. , 1 lot In West Und and nt S'JiX ) .
U lota in Shlnn'q .Id ndd at $7.i each.
A few cholco lot In Jlar-h's ntSl.KX ) each.
lot Wj.\lil on 13th , U blocks Irom piueiucnt ,
1 ino ncioin Oelse's add , flfiOO.
Softho cheapest lots In I'liilnvtow , only $450
ench. 7JI
FOlt Cholco ItarBalnt in real estate , rail nt the
olllcoot the Omaha Henl Kstato > \ : Loan Co. ,
rooms ! and -I Wlthncll l.'iilkllngOnmlm. . 7U3
TTloit SAT.E IIou o and lull lot on Davcn-
J-1 port. but. td and 24th , $ ,1,600.V. . H. (1 1 ecu ,
over 1st National Hunk. 1,11
T7 OK SAM : lly Omaha Heal Cstuto & I < onn
Jl Company.
143 A hon onndl lots In Ix > up City , offcicd.
nt n bart'iiln. Itoonis ' ! and ' i Wlthncll build-
iTio u SAM-D : ) n.T.potoison & Co. , itoom
JD , S. r. i or. 15th nnd DOUR ! is * ts.
No. 111 ! A flno lniRlnvfiS corner on Tenth
St. , GflxldO , wlthabulldlilKS . $15.500
No. < U7 rino business propoity on 1'rtr-
iuimst.OiIvlU . „ . . . . . . , . 21,00 }
Ko.JHb Ollt-cdito busm < ss piopcit ) on
llainoy .t. , 44x140. . . . . . . 2),000
I'orfiiithur liirofmntinn cull on I2.T. 1'otor-
son SCo. , Kooiii3/S. U.cor. 15th nnd Donjrlas
Btic'Cls. r ' a
_ _
YTiOK NAI.K : i lots In llailon 1'lnco , $000 ench.
JD AV. 11. Qircn , 6Hr lit Itank. i)3 : )
1710RSAM ; Af VKOOd lots In Hlllsldo No.
J.1 ono on Ia\onpprt ) , jfnd Chlcnjro Bts , cheap
ntS7M to Sl'jiJ ' eiicuf l'6\tor * c Cobb , 1515 Far-
mini el. , | TU7
: A iiimlr of flno lotslnl'alr-
J- mount 1'lnco ; will sell for small cash pay
ment , biUanco monthly , , \ \ \ II. Oreen , over 1st
National Hank.n T' ° 1JJ
FOlt SAI.C Corner on Fninnni. two blocks
11 oin court lieu cvSbV'jOO. U i uham , Croigh-
tonltlock. " a >
* l tyiJlt , ni
* ' "
T710K SAT.K A i'"biyanln. . Tlno buslilOSS"
i1 property on S.KtW7s5tl53 ft. This tan bo
boiiRht tor 4.2,000 less than actuid value 1C taken
atonco. Ifjouwant an Imeitinont look at
this. Cochrnn llro's to Co. , 1500 Tamum St. 815
Oil .S.VIi-lO,000 10 per cent dividend
paring stock. Uibsou & : Archer , Itoom
\Vlthnell Ulock. 1JU
TTlOlt SAM : Largo Uouso and 3 nicely elova-
JLJ ted lot ? In Shinn's M ndd , fB 'OO. Also line
8-roomcd house on Clarlc stieot , nlcoly elevated
lot , $5,000. Gibson i , Arclior , Itooin J , Wlthnoll
Ulock. 440
Ir OKSAia : iiyOmalialleal Kstulo & Loan
1 Company.
48 lloi o and lot in Omaha View ; small pay
ment down , balance on small monthly pa\-
monts. Jtooms . ' und ) Wltlinoll building U4U-5
FOlt SAia : I Imvo for snlo at barpalns llvo
or six ot the ihicst stock larms In the etnic ,
runuliiBtiomGOO tOoOJOuoiO'f euUi luipioved ,
with rumilnirater nnd 1'ioiitlny on iiillionds.
W. II. Gieon , over 1st Nut. Hank. 14,1
No , _ . .
No.317 Lots lii Donisb's nildV. , T. " . iS'7d6 to l,66j
No. : KO Lots in Hlckoiy Place 600
No. 31 Lots on South 10th MO
No. K4 U line lots , Jl n com Place 2,000
No. : t7 ! Uirgo lot in Ui-od'h Ibt udd ( coitioi ) a.OOO
No. 31S Lotslnbhliin'B add 1,000
This is ti low of our bargains in vacant lot * .
Cull and let u < < take j on .out to ouunlno. K. T.
1'ctoiton k Co. , Itoom 3,8. K. cor. 15th and
Douglas sts. ! ! IO
T710U SAM : Cholco n or 10 aero tracts , 4 miles
- * - ' Bouthwostfiomconrt house , 1U nilUisfiom
junction of U. I > . Hy. and licit l-liio , nnd 1 inllo
liom Stock Vans. ! Lies well ; till under cultiva
tion. Can bo bought lor $175 nnd00 per nuic ,
If sold soon. Cheapoit jiropcrty in vicinity ,
J'ottnr & Cobb. 151" ) iunmm st. 735
TTIOICSALr. 100-iicro farm , well Improved
JL hoiisu , bums , giuniuioj , wind'imlls , flno
Rro\oiuul oicliuul , 7.1 ueros under plow. Will
trmlo lor Uninlia property , iissiiino moileuco
and puy bulituco ciiah. W. HGiet'ii , over Ibt
Nat. Hunk. 141
FOHSALK-A tire story , WrJO , frame build
Inv , suitable for u store , no ir lOtli and Far
namSts. ApplyutthU olllco. 917
TTtoil SAMS hu-acro farm , wcl Jlmpio\odOH
J miles fiom Oinuliii , icintu lor ? . ' .6J pur ncro ,
$ oOpoructro.V. . II. litccii , o\or 1st Nut. Hunk.
T710IC RAM : UyOmuha Hem Kstuto If Loan
V Compuny.
Wi An elegant house mid lot , coiner , in Mil-
luiiiriaee. Itoonis . ' mid 'M Wltbncll building.
TTIOll h.VMJ A genornl morclmndlso buslnosj
J-1 in n rapidly gronlui ; toi\n not tar from Lin
coln. Host tnulo und louitlon In town. A bpluu-
did opportunity for u party wishing u good
opening , and liuvini. ' from BO von to ton thousand
dollars in cash. Will soil for cosh onlyor purt
cash , biilanco real cstalo in Oiuuhu. AdUiesj
llerchunt , Hoe Olllco , tU5
FOR SAM : 160-nr a ( farm , well lmpio\ed ,
rents lor .5.50 lptr ueiot\'t ( \ miles Irom
Oinuliii , fV ) pur ucrp. W , II. Urcen , ever Ibt
Nut. Hunk. > " ' U'J
I , i , iv n.n.i : iMrgaana. small stoclc ranches
JL < VTith urvtlthuut block.
1'or Snle 3 lots hiihprjH-f Hill , f 1W eaeh.
KOI Bale Kbtubluliuiaiianklii , ? business in
Nebrahku , county t-VAt. .Ulbgon it Aicher , loom
J , Withnc.ll lllock. uii ' . fj
I'oi Kxcbangn Ktibra'Viin farms for Omaha
propeiiyj ul o landMo u > .chuuiro lor blocks of
KOOdS. rl | . )
Wanted 3 but > lnEs3 lots for cnah within 4
blotkB ol postollltn.
1'or IlxLliungu li/lficrfimproved fnrmMndi-
eon tounty , Ni-li. , tlrjtiuilso nnd lot in Onmlm.
1'or Sale AS-acronuct. . ! mllea ot postolllco ;
I poll 'iAM : An ofcgant house , good bum ,
1 180 It bouthfront coiner lothousorunts lor
i-Ti per month , JbOO. W , 11. Cjrt'en , oxer 1st
Nutlonul Hank , 13J
FOlt SAM-HOU C und full lot on S , 15th bt. ,
f.'WJ. W , 11. G i con , oer let Nutlonul Hunk.
1U < 1
FOlt SAM : U ) Omalm Heal Ketuto & Ixinu
Comiiaiiy. and lot on North Ifth St ; nil inoil-
oriiinipro\emint9ull : In eood rop.ilrsiuulclicnp ,
Itoonis ' i und 1 Withnull building. 31U-5
TNVi : THATION lh convlnco ) ou that
-LNewpoitl llioiiearust uml handsomest uuru
property for only iJJ3 lot ! Intoroit at 8 per
cent. Boo Newport und bo com lined This is
toutlmo to buy ucio lots , bpiiiuprlua will bo
higher. Ame-d 1007 J'uumiu. HO
T7U \ ( .SAI.i : 'EJftonlznrJ ; good house , bain ,
Jl we'll , cite , , J..COJ.V. . 11. Giocu , oer Ibt Nu-
1 10 mil Hunk. 135
J particulars ubout freauad cboap lands la
Weoteru NohrKbka Uddrof' * TJios. U. i'uttorsan ,
, North I'Mtlti Nob. Sil
IT' yo > i wnnt property nt a barpn'.n or on ehy
terms , cull mi Hell . \IcCiindl ! li.Among other
jiropertle wo can offer n cottnco nnd corner
lot , with fmlt trees , ono block trom Snundors
Pt. and ono Irom street car line , on ca y terms ,
* ilouso nnd lot , on t front. Nelson's , t-flXl.
2 80-acro rnrm , wlth fruit , nonr railroad , In
Sarpy county , each f,1,0lO : |
Ono of the host fruit farm * , f t.OOO.
" 0 lots In Hnnscom 1'laco , corner lots , east
fronts. Ilnrpnln * .
Acie In tlio city nt Jl.COO.
llrookllno acres nt $ , r > 0.
Other pcro additions trom $ 100 upward.
Mnr < li lots $750to $1,700.
5 ucics In MoPlmno's sub , $3,500.
Moll located coiner In Torrnco add , lOOvHO ,
20 nt-res ncnr city , snit.iblo for platting , per
_ Jloll kMornndllsh. SU UodgoSt. 311 0
Mis : inOTl'nrnntu St.
Lots In
llcdlok'sdnno f = " , X )
Ames 1'lnco a. ' < 0
Onk Clmtham ( > M
I'lnlnvknv tM
Chucndon > ILV )
Arlington TA )
Melro-olllll : 0
i'i ait's sub division n. ' < n
Sjndluilo 1'lHco 400
lAMivenworthTcrraco.t. . . 4" > 0
Hnrkalow 1'laco , . U
Nowpoit. . . . i i : < 0j
Cole Hrllllnnto , , > i 175
llydo 1'aik 150
Lj mini 1'lnco COO
1507 rarnnm.
015 _ _ Ames.
HAI.n House and lot 213 S 2 < > lli st.jchonp
FOlt payments. Address U. S. Chlpmaii , I.ln-
roh Ncl ) . 571
. rino cotnur lot , oa t nnd couth
front , Hunscom I' aco.V. . T. Oruhani ,
Crolghtoii lllock. 71'J
T71OU Choleo llargalns In ronl o tntcenll at the
JJ ofllcn of the Onmhii Real K tnto > V Ixnin Uo. ,
looms gg nnd at , Wlthncll Iliilldliig.Omalia. 708
Stories oT llorwo Hydrophobia in
North Plutto Disproved.
KKAUNEV , Tob. ! . [ Corrcspontlonco of
the UKI : . ] 'L'horo Imvo been so many con
flicting reports nnd unreliable rumors in
relation to a few siok hoiscs at ( his jilace
tlitit I desire to sot your ro.ittorslight in
the jrounscs. Why the ronoil .should
ot abroad that they were aillioted with
lij droyhobia is more than ono
can understand , unless it was the
desire on the part of ecu lain
individuals to create a sensation. Tlio
facts are : About lour weeks ago Mr. J.
P. Johnson , a well-knowirMiorse dealer of
this pltieo , shipped in herofiomPiophets-
town , 111. , a ear load twenty head of
very line colts , ranging ft oin t\vo to live
years old. all unbroken. They were on the
roml'dnring some of the terrible .storms
of tlio'catly part of January , Imun boon
taken from their pastures in Illiiiois.wild
nnd mettlesome , anil by the lime they
were jammed into the car they were
foaming with perspiration and excite
ment. Then lollowed the Ions journey ,
the severe weather , and landing out hero
amid n. succession of bli/vaids and such a
climatic period as the eountiy never be
fore , oxpciienccd. .was enough to use
up n caist iron horse. Of course these
delicalo crcalilicitook cold , in an aggra
vated form , and it kept on aggravating
.until several of them died , of pneumonia ,
ciphlheria , and congestion of the brain , a
complication of diseases In ought on by
the great remarkable change Irom their
native pastures to the rigorot an almost
aiotic climate , Had they been landed
hero in n win m season , and become
acclimated bclorc the cold
weather set in , in all
probability none would have died. Out
of the twenty seven that have died , Mr.
( Jutting , the county clerk , having lost
four , Mr. Johnson , two , and Mr. iJrig-
ham , a farmer , one. There was about as
much hydrophobia about them as von
will find in a billet of wood. They died
from cold and exposure , contracted dur
ing the journey , and still further
aggravated after they reached here.
During their intense bufferings ,
of cou"rso they acted strangely ,
were deranged and wild at timesbut ,
there have been no other indications of
hydrophobia , no marks of wounds , as if
having been bitten. Some ot the rc-
nvuning number have been ailing to a
gtealer or less degree , but appear to have
passed the ciisis and arc now doing well.
_ VIT. :
Organization of a Van Wyole Club nt
Mission Creek.
On the afternoon of Feb. 3 , 18SO , about
five o'clock , a. notice was sent to the
jfarmers near Mission Creek postoiUoo ,
'Pti\vnoo ' \ county , inviting them to meet
for the purpose of forming a Van Wyek
club. Muqh to thiT surprise of the promoters
meters the farmers of the immediate
neighborhood came pouiing in , though
the mercury stood 20 ° below zero , until
the hall was well filled. Speeches were
made bvMr. Carpenter , of Mission Creek ,
Capt.Burrows , of Gage county , and sev
eral other gentlemen , and the determina
tion of all present to aid in the reelection
tion of Senator Van Wyolc was quite ap
After the spejiking was concluded , nn
organization was cflected and the follow
ing constitution was adopted :
Section 1 This shall bo
known as tlioMNsion Uieelt Van WjcK club ,
of Pawnco county.
Sec. a Its ollicers shall consist of a prcsl-
( lout , beerctaiy and ticasmer , and an eNccu-
tlvo committee ot three nnombcis , to bo ap
pointed by the pteslilcnt.
AHIICM : u oiuncT.
Section 1 Its object uti.dl be , by the
dlssonilnatlon ol inloimatlon , anil the pio-
niotlon ot the organization ot other similar
clubtinoushoiit this county anil state , anil
by any other Icfltliunto ami ptoper methods ,
to M > dire the ieIectlon of Hon. Chits. 11.
Van Wyck to the United Stales senate.
Section 1 An assessment upon the mem
bers nt this club for the def ity lilt'ot icgttlar
or special expenses , not to exceed
cuch In auv one month may bo mailo at any
it'gulnr mcoUiiK by a vote of two-thhds ol
the meiubeib iirct > cut.
AltllCI.K IV.
Section 1 This constitution may bo
amended at any icgular incL-tliiK , a jnoposl-
tlon to thatellcct liuviiifT been submitted at
the last inecodiiiK mcetliiK , by a vote of two-
thiul.s of the incinbeih pie oat.
bcc , ii Moinbois may bo admitted by n ina-
joiltyotoatany legular mcetliif ; , ami Nlmll
Hlcnfty tlii'Ir ailheslon to the objects ot this
club by hlu'idiit ; this constitution.
Sec. ! i The irgiihn mcctlnun of tlilsolub
shall bo ouu In ench month , and special mcot-
ims ; limy bo held upon the call of tliupiobl-
Sec. 4 Jly-li\\H may hn made not contllct-
IIIK AIth this constltiilloii.
( Jllicors Klcetod 1'iosidont , L. J. Car-
ionter ) ; secretary , J.V. . ISecs ; treasurer ,
0.1' . Mil lor.
Jf olr 7 , Thnt the nu-iubcH of the .Mission
Creek Van Wyck club liriutllyi'iuloiso the
rouihu ot Hon. U. II. Van \ > ck , In the
United Status KmuU' , In Ills eflotts tolnuo
loilcitcdlauil Kiuuts icstoml to the public
( lunuiln , uml Ills'Si advocacy ot the
ilslits and inteiosts ot the jtcoplo in all c.iscs
\\liciiisiuh : ilirhts and Inteit'its are Involveil ,
and th.itu > especially coamicnd his recent
bill Iinnllii.Ulnu' coinuicU nude paynblo In
gold nloiiouscntlti'ly In iiccoiilaiicm\ith the
vihhcsaud Intuiests of the peonln of this
state ulioaro ht'iiitlly in favor of the con-
tlnueil cninaiio of ihcr.
Jfrhufra1'lut eiew w'th al.nmtho
ouilciitcouspiiacj of the cnnioratlons , the
land giant tliunife and tlio iliitf 01-
Knus to mlbii-jin fiit Suuutor \ au WJPK'S
m'tlous , iniiiuyn his moth us and bUckou his
characUirith the intention of iiic\entlns
hlsie-clcctlon : and wo especially uigo our
IioVaiiWjck clubs and adopt all other le
gitimate methods to secure Jiisletmn ; and
wo hi'iebv plcilgo oursehcs IndlMdually and
collectUcly to nuikH CMinest and cuiitinuotib
otlorLs to accomplish this end.
Slio 1ms tire complexion of a jicaclu
I'ooni's Medie.ttt'-d C'omplexioniowde ,
did it. Sold by all druggists.
Wheat Slow and Nervous Until the Noon
Hoar Was Readied ,
.NotliliiKOfliitcrest In tlio Other Spec
ulative Markets Ijlclit. Supply
und Stonily I'rlces on Gooil
Cnttlo llocs Ijovxcr.
CnirAoo. Feb. C. [ Special Tclcpiam. ]
WIIK.VT Wheat heluned in a very cotittnry
manner to-day. The matkot wns weak on
the ctub last e\enliiK and this morning , and
llrst sales wcio JdC' 'se low or than ycstet day.
Tlio temper oftho ciodas bullish , how
ever , and Mny , the Icaillm ; option , advanced
to E4J4'c \ \ 1th good buying. A huge quantity
of shoit wheat \\t\s taken In at 8l\iftMliro ( :
Imlced , shorts weio the b3st bnyoi.- * , and as
soon as their demands ueio satisfied piices
SulTeicil n decline. The imukct piomt lo be
a \cry stubboih ono , however , nml although
quoLiUons fiequcntly touched 81c , and o\en
Sl o , the rcbotmds voro Miaip nud Inevit
able. Violent cITorts wcie tundo to ciowd
the market umlci 8le and Keep it there , but it
would not slay. Cables \\ciocoulllcllnE. In
a majority of ea cs lli t cables \\cio dull and
sick from the United Kingdom and stioiiRcr
liom ( lie continent , Antwcip being quoted
as bidding higher. Other ad\ lees later veio
to the effect tliat conditions veto Impi-ov-
ing In Knghmd. The maikot continued
slow and ueivotts until about noon , when re
ports \\hcatt.ikcu for expoit from .Now
Yoik , variously estimated nt fiom seven to
twenty-t wo boat loads , g.i\o the bulls neivo
and they jumped May up to Wj c. The ciowd
only needed au excuse to take the long s-ldo
and this no\v > furnished the OXCHMJ. The
close at 1 o'clockns at the \cry top.1 l-'eb-
i nary sollhif ; at TtiJ/c , Jlny at M f o , and Juno
Mtxon UUAIXS Coin and onlsciu dull
and destitute of speculathe Intuiest until
late , \\lieu they advanced slightly in ( sym
pathy \\llli wheat.
1'ito VISIONS 1'iovlsions ueio steady but
disposed lo quietness all day. Thetewas
nothlm ; In the maiket Indicative ol weak
ness , however , thoughat onepeiloil poik sold
5c under ycstculay's eloslmj.
Annn.vooK UOAUP 2r,0 : p. m. Oiixln
mnikets wcie steady and piices without
cliaugo of consequence. Provisions weio
lather easier.
2:4' ) p. m. Puts on May wheat , ! > U c ; calls ,
so. _ _ _ _
CHICA.OO , Feb. 5. [ Special Telegram. ]
CATTI.K Tlio supply was lighter and the
m.iiket was at least .steady ami decidedly
more actl\ eon good cattle. Conii' ! ' > i ! to me
dium giades sold no better , but the ireucral
tone ot trade was more sallsfaetoiy to soll-
eis. Thegcucial condition ot stockci tiado
was tmsatisfactoiy to salesmen , and espe
cially to speculator , who were picttyMcll
loaded up with common lo fair light cattle.
Koi choice high giade cattle , well hied , a\ei-
aglm , ' 1100 to 1209 Ibs , theio vas a
limited dcmaml at sa.75 ( t.25 , though
lots of 1100 Ib cattle are selling at
Sa'J. ' S . . " > 0. Owing to the low prices for beef
cattle , country feeders fOel somewhat dis
couraged , and do not like to pay anyoij
high piices. Shipping stcois , 1WO to 15uO Ibs.
S4.OOi25.T5 ; 1200 to 1IT.O Ibs , S175Q1.73 ; 950 to
li:03 : Ibs. ? : ) .CO@4.SO.
lions Trade < \as fairly active , wllh ] ) rIcc- >
ranging aiounil about the same ns at the
close last night , or say 5@10c lower than the
opening yc-itciilaj' . Pilino heavy shliijilug
soils sold at S4..50@4.CO. Choice nackluc
sot Is sold nt S4.80@4.40 , Packlmj and ship
ping , 'J50 104G1 pounds , S4.10@I.CO.
New York. Feb. 5. MONEY On call
casv at ljf@2 pci cent.
I'IIIMI : MCIICANTII.I : I'APII : i@- > per cent.
Sinitr.ixo ExciiANor : Dull but steady
at 84.87 for sixty days , anil 84.89 lor de
( JoviniNMnsTS Dull but Hun.
SIOCKS The stock market was geneially
veiy strong at the opening , lust prices show
ing gains ranging noin J ( to o\ei 1 per cent.
the latter Union Pacific , Dining the lust
horn there was continued stirmrth nnd do-
cidid activity in dealings , dining which
aihamesot fiactlons too\ci 1 per cent \\ein
made. Prices moved Inegiilailvithin a
comparatl\cly nanow range until late in the
day. when tlicjo was a decline ot U to 1 pel
cent. This was checked ja > t befoio the close
and slight advances weic made In many
cases , the maiket linally closing only modci-
ately active and him.
SWcent bonus. . . I00'v ' 0. ASA.V .
tf.S. 4K's . 1125ii pii'foned. . .
Now 4s ( . 131 N. Y. 0 .
PaclfleO'sot ' ! ) > . WO > < | Oicgon Tran. . . Pacitic. . 43J Pacific . Mall .
C.&A . 141 '
prefencd. . . . 14i ! r.p.c
C. , IJ. Hock Isl.uia. . . .
1) . , L. < fe W i-y ; Ht. } , . AS. K. . . .
1X&K. G 1(5 ( Piufciicd. . . 45' ?
Eric eo C. , M. St. P. . . K %
picfened. . . . 54 prefeuud. . l'J-1'f '
Illinois Contra ! . . HI St. 1' . itO UK
1..JJ. itV 2I5& | .i.-u.iuu. . .
Kansas ttTexas. IIOX Texas I'acllic. . .
LakeShore 83'f Union 1'ncilic. . .
. &N W. , St. L.fcV. . 10 . . . 74 , ' preteued. . . 1 ! > 3
Mo. Pacific Westeiii Union.
Northern IMo. . . 27 0. H.itN . 103
picf cried. . . . 00
Kcb. ft Klour Qnlot and tin
cliiinucdivvlnler wheat lloiu,5jl.40 S I.b5sotilh- ;
PHI , ; Wisconsin , S4rUi ( | ) 1.7.1 ;
Michigan sott spiltiK vvln > at , SJ.706SI.OJ ; .Mlu-
iicboln bakers' , sa.WKJM.liO : p.ilents. SI.R.'XfS
5.00 , ryu Hour , : ! ( : In luiieis , § 1.10
@ 3IO in sacks ; buckwheat Hour , § 1.00 ,1.50
per band ; S'-.OO per cvv I. In packs , Unsettled ; opened easier , Im-
ptovod } fc , bpcainoveaKer , declined $ { e , be-
c.imi ) Htiongoi iigiiin , ndviiucfd to outside.
in ices oi tlio clay , and closed ( Inn nml 2 u
higher ; Tli wtlo tor cash ; 70f o for Kebiu-
nry ; bO < ! ) for Slaich ; &X&&UQ for
Corn No special change , but steady nt
ray lor cn li and Kcbituiy ; atJ @ ' > v o lor
Maich ; 40' ' cfor May. Dull but steady , vltli no matcilal
change ; iis/fo for cash ; as > 4'ji ( ) > > c' for Kcb-
itiary : 3S > iu forMiuchi ; \ ? lei May.
llailov DiillatOUc.
Tiinoihj J'Mim ; pi line , S1.88.
Klaxbi-ed-Qnlet ; No. 1 , SI.W.
Pork o lead I er nnd modeiately active ;
opened quiet , but i.illletl lO&ilWfc : Sll.-o.i (
11. ar. lor cash ; 811.2nGjll."J tin rebinaiy
and Match ; 811.40 < \1.4iX > \ tat Mnv.
haul Light ttaillii ! , ' and steady ; SO.ISJ
for C.ISH nnil Febinury ; SO.iy toi Match ;
S0.27X < S'l-0 ' ! foi May.
Jitilfc Meats Slioultlcis , SU.OVSjt.OO ; short
clear. S1i.bO < : r > .tv'i ; hlioit ribs , $ MW ( <
I Jutter Steady ; good to ftiney cicaniciy ,
eowwcjdalrv , ISK le.
Cheese Steady and linn ; full cream elicit-
dais , b" ( < 2iaKc ; lluls , fjOflo o ; yotintj Anier-
. . , mi-10 tl7c.
Jllder , Unrltanged ; part eurod , .
Riccn , be ; lii'.ivy ( 'reon r > altul , Wfp ; lUlit do ,
J' ' i'Ko ' ; bull IdiRn. Kcdiy ; htlteil , U e ;
div Him , WfiiHo ; calf bllns. 10@Wc.
Tallow Uncliair-'cd ; No , I country , 4'fc ;
No. 'Jcountij,4c ; caKe , So.
Kcceints. Shipments.
Flour , bhls none U.OOO
Oats.bu . . . UJ.OIJO M.OOO
Jlye.bu . , . 07,000 none
JJarluv.bu . . . a.000 10,000
Now Vort , 1'cb. fi. Wlioat llcccipts ,
S.COO ; cxpoit-i , 41,000 ; spot lovvci ; moro
doing for expoit ; options oiicned lovvei ,
Intel ruled stiougei , clo ltifj liniij '
ted , BiHQ'JO" ; No. , 1 reel , l ' /c 1 , o. b. ,
til V ; Matcii closjng at yi'i %
torijS < ot lower an < l Iain live ; "p'l -
hlL'hcr , eloslnliitr , vvillv ujfMi ilolnv , if
ctifd100,000 ; expoits , lo.W.0 ,
No. n , J isWc ; No. o ,
Inclcvntor ; .Mnrch elosliiKnUO'fc.
Oats Shade stronccr but very quint : re
ceipt's , ; oMiortsnnnc ; inked western ,
aTMT-tc : wnlto western , yiXalUVc.
Petroleum Klrni ; united closeil nt S3C.
KUKS liljlior ) and In fair dcniniul ; re-
ccipl SOO iiacknges ; vvoitcru , fiSfiiav ? .
I'oik Vlrni nnd inoro nctl\o ; nu"i < , SlO.fiO.
I.ntd Dull ; \vestcrn otenin , spot , S0,4."i ;
Mnrch , 50.4 0.17. , , , ,
Butter Fit morvlth pooil Itimtlry ; west
ern , liJ TJe ; KiKlu creamery , aX'c. ' .
Clioc e Steauy and mdet ; western flat ,
7.liO ( ,
Cincinnati , Tel ) . 5. Wheat Quiet but
steady ; No. u red , Wo.
Corn 1'limcr ; No. 3 , mixed , nrj { < 3 TJfc.
Oats-Quiet but him ; No. 3 nifxecl , if-'c.
Kje ( food deinnnil ; Xo.2 , TB
Uirloy Unchnnced ; f\trn No. 2 norlli-
Meitein spline , t.K"i' ( ' " > c.
I.nrd 1
Whisky rtrin nt Sl.lO.
Ulllwniilcoo , I'eb. n. Wheat -Stonily ;
cash , sic ; Pebi nary , < & { c\ \ May , S4jfc.
Corn Stoadv : No. S , iW'te.
Kje Tame ; No. l , f v.
1 Jat ley-Steady ; No. U , Me.
Provisions lo\vcr ; im" < * pork , ensli ami
Kclmtaty , , ; Mnreli , $11.30. f
8t. Ijouii , Peb. 5.Vhont \ Finn nud
lilehei : No. a led , casli und Febiuaiy , TOO
bid ; Mm cli , Ole ; Mny , lM' ' < e.
Corn Steadv ; Nu. 3 mixed , rasli. .ll'i ' ®
n-Ue Febnmiy reUfcblil nsvc bid.
- ; , reUfcblilMay ; ,
Oats-Steady ; No. 3 inKetl , easli. < i ) ( @
38 4o ; , arj/cbht ; Mnv.aiM'c bid.
Kvo WV bin.
Whisky 51.10.
Pot k ? 11,40.
I.nrd Steady nl S0.00dfl.0.1 > ,
IJutter Steady ; cteamoty , 3. ' > C < MOc ( dairy ,
Afleiuoon Jloaul Wheat Easy and a
shade lovvci.
Corn Steady nnd ,1 < @K < > lilBbcr.
Oals Advuiiecil "s'e.
ailiincnpoim , 1'cb. f > . Wheat Opened
weak nnd lower , later advanced , closing
.stioiiK : No. 1 haul , .laptinry. Sfio ; Febnmiy ,
s 4fc ; Maicli , McApiil \ , ss e ; May , lil > ic ;
No. I northern , January , sic ; Febnmy ,
bljjc ; Match , bl { c ; Apill , si'fo ' ; May , t-Oc.
Flouratcndj ; patents , 34.b04J3.00 ; bakcis' ,
Jlecelpts Wheat , ra,000lm. )
Shlpmcntd Wheat , 1S.OOO bu ; Hour , 7,000
Toledo , Feb. 5. Wheat Closed stionger
and Ic lilgliei ; casli , tti@UJe.
Com bull ; cash , JKJi c.
Oat-i-l'tim : cash. : ilelld. )
Ijlverpool , Feb. 5.Vhoat \ Poordeiuaud ;
No. 2 w Intel mid spilng , 7s J d ; dull.
Com Spot , fnr ! demand but dull at Is 2d ;
Febiuaiy , Match and Apiil , Is IJiil.
Now Orleans , Feb. 5. Com Scaico and
llighei iiHt > ( ; M7c ,
Oats Steadv. .
Jlos Pioducts Fair doinand and linn.
Poll ; Sll.7Mll.b7K.
/.ml-Ueltnecl. 1 . &'3 f.
Hulk Meats Shouldeis , SI.OO ; loiig clear ,
55.CK ) ; clear i Ibs , S5.70
KaiiHiin Oily. Feb. 5. Wheat l.o\ver ;
cash , 0 .nsj e , M.uch , "OJjfc ; April , 7-'c bid ,
Tl o asked : Maj , Wf.
Coin Quiet ; casli. 27' ' c bid , 27 ? c asked ;
Mmvh , 2bc bid , 2'J e asUecl : May , 3
Oats Noiiilnul ; 'Jb. ' c nsKud.
Chlcajjo , Feb. 5. The Diovcis' Jouina-
icpoits :
Cattle Hccclpts , .ViOO ; sttongci and moro
active ; shlpplm ; stceis , $ > : i.fiigi.76 ) ( ! ; stoclters
and iecdUiM , Sa.fflXJTI.00 ; cows , bulls nnd
mixed , Sl.WJCitS.W ; bulk , S2.iO@'i75. ! 'I'bo
shipments of cattle Tlimsday wcio lbOO bead ,
tlui laigest foiTnaiiy weeks.
lloss Uecelpls , 2JriOO ; slow nndasimdo
weaKei : rouili ; nud mixed , . " .70@l.lO : pick-
In ! : nnd shipplmr , S4.10Hi.X ( ; ( ) ; liglit , S3.00@
1.15 ; skips , fJ-ftO : ! . .
Sheep lieccipts 1,000 ; stiong ; natives ,
S2.0007.I.1) ; Texans , S 33@n.'iO ; Iambs , S4.00
St. Tjonls. Feb. 5. Cattle Receipts ,
f > 00 ; shipments , 100 ; quiet but steady ; no
irood cattle olleied ; common to choice hhln-
plng , Si.7.(3VJ.'i : ( ; butcher stuets , 3.2o@l.iid ;
cows and beifeis , S@XOO ; blockcis and
leedeis , S:5.00 : ( . ? t.25.
JIOjjs Ileeclpts , 8.000 ; $ hlpmcnt , 1.WO ;
nctivo.ind btiongoii lieavy : etislet on light :
bulclicis and best heavy , S-J.0$4.M : ! ( ; niixca
acking , ? l OOnSJ.M ; light ,
pacKiinsas City , Feb. fi. C.iltlu Ilccclpts ,
1,000 ; shlpmeuts , : )0 ; shipping glades slow
and weak ; bittcheis' active and a shade
higher ; expoiters. S..005.10 ( ? ; common to
choice shipping , S:5..KJ4.yO : ( ; btockera and
leedeis , ? -.t.Ofa.75 ( ! ; cow s.S'J.OOJf 11.20.
Hogs Itcculpts , ; shipments , 3,000 ;
eholcu weak ; common flgJlOe lower ; good to
choice , S1.00@4.10 ; light nnd mi.xed , S3.C.5 ®
FiId.iyKvcninjr , Feb. B.
Thno v\ns llltlo doing In thu caltlo nmrkct
to-day , itccclpts were light nnd only a lew
odds and cnels of stock , that was not par
ticularly desiiablo , wcio ictt over. Thi'io
wcic no coin-fed native stccis In Iho jaids ,
though such stock Is In demand. 1'ilccs on
this Kiado of cattle tun about .steady at > estor-
day'biiuoUtlrms. Slceisaviir.miiiB 1,10 ( ) to 1,200
Ibs me quoted ntSl.b.-C'W 00 ; 1.200 to 1.8001 us at
si.oot ! . : n ; ire : to 1,500 ibat 54.riO@voo.
Dulls S'J.2.i.OO. : Choice co\v < nro quoted at
? 3.'AXg.1.0 ; conil cows , 53.1B@1.'JO ; common
cows , S2.6u@a.OO.
'J'liohoc iniuKot was llrmor to-d.ij' anil
ncthu. The diimand Is stioiiK nnd tlicie Is a
rc.uly maiKct for all leeched. Hogs
-i AM ) I.OWKBT.
rt' tlio highest and lowest prices paid
on this imtiket foi IIOKS dm intlio past
hovcn ilas : uul f01 the corresponding puriod
J.ibt iniiiitli :
Oeccmbcr. January.
.lannaiy. February.
: i7 .fl' !
Tne ilav : i.'j ) < i < tA.s .X
\ViiIiieiday. . . .
Thin Ml.ty a.75
Kilday il.75 ( ft 1.0)
SliovvliiK the n'iimb" ( f ot'"catiiiY , hogs nnd
sheep pnieliaaed by the packets on thu marKet -
Ket to-day.
.Sheelnyifc Co 2f3
.1. j : . Jiojcl f'S7
0,11. Jlaiiummd & < 'o. . . . , 0 < ) o
Notct-AH sales or Mock In this maiUct aio
iniulu pci cvvl , llvo vveiu'lit iinle otheiwUo
stati'd. Dead hoi's scfi at lo per Hi , foi all
vu'lu'htH. 'hkliibnorliogswel'lilnirh'Mlhiin (
100 lie , , no value. ] 're nunt so aiuo docked
10Jb-aiuli > t.urbO Ibs.
Fililaj F.vcnlnz. Feb. C.
(7n ( > ral 'Miii'lvC-ts.
Koos-Tlui in.ul.ct Is dull. Bales lange
ironi 10'itiTi1 , Mined or plcl'lcd caui aio not
wanted and will not sell. ,
Ui ninl'iIces : ifinaln fctoady. Cholco
ladttb ol table buttei aio rmntccl at irijtlbc ;
fait to Kood , H'C'Xl-c ' ; Inhiloi , 4jjV. (
tni.isi. Fancy full cieain chcddais. Oc-
tobci niale. lie ; Hats I'Jc ; JOUIIK America.
! ' . ' < ; lust nnallty bvviss diwsii , 10 ; second
ciualily , Italic ; uilck cheese , lCcLlmburKcr ; ,
Poi I.'iitv-Cholro to fancy rhlcUens nro
sold t 7gbo ( : lair to coud , fXafc. Turkeys
aio.slow itt'.f lOc , Ucoauaud ducks at > ( $
( JAJtr--Icer ) , an'dopp ' , pialila ohloU-
pns and fiu.ill vvcie out ot season on January
1 , niidho veiy low nro coming In , I'rniilo
ciilcltent , , peiijoSjJ.W's' . > . ? 5 ; ] uail Pcrilot.
bl.iVui. ' ; jaclc labblK , per cloi , 53.OOM4.OOi
liidlai < M't lo , t . .i ; M dncJfif. 1\fy \ )
" ' '
> nK il d i < \ -l " > l inatniill wbVIU , "
&l UO , ci'ViC.'I