Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1886, Image 1

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Beaver Squelched in an Effort to Spout
on the Subject.
N 'l > rnsUn nml Iowa Postmasters Commissioned - ,
missioned The National Guard
Appropriation The Virginia
Coupon Cases Notes.
.v , 1'cb. -Si > ccial Telegram. ]
tJoucral Weaver of Iowa lias been very
anxious during IIic past fv days to deliver a
HlluT speech. Hu has inndo u nnmbir of
efforts to obtain Iholloor , but was each time
cutoir. To-day was a private bill day and
Weaver cicatcd considerable inerrlinent by
attempting to get oirhls sll\er speech while
u trivial personal measure was under con
sideration. Colonel Morrison of Illinois sat
down niion him. however , but ho had to dose
so before the ineprei-slblo was repressed , or
lather 1m bad to bo sat down noon lwlc" be
fore 1m saw tlmt be was boliitf .sat down upon.
Weaver has been promised an opportunity to
speak next week , nnd to-night ho is
nieasuiiibly happy ;
Itythcway , it is commonly reported that
( Jeneral Weaver IHW sent for his forerunner ,
Mr. Cook of the llawisoyo state. lownns
know what kind of work this means , and
Washnttonians ! ; kilow , when they rellect ,
the part Conk took In the Kngllsh-lVellu
and the Cook-Cults contests in prior con
gresses.Till : ADJUTANT OnXIJIIAI.SllIP.
It Is said that President Cleveland and the
secretary of war have decided that there is n
vacancy in tlm ofllee of judge advocate gen
eral of the army , and will nominate a man
for that rank very soon. General Swalm , it
will he remembered , was by the court martial
suspended from duty until the dale when he
must bo retired on account of age ,
and since then n junior olliccr has
been nctiim ns judge advocate general.
Hwnlm ha' ) prepared a petition to the presi
dent asking that Ills sentence bo set aside or
commuted , and It Is a question whether the
president will increase the pardoning power
in this instance or deeido that Swann Is al
ready olTtlio list nnd appoint his successor.
Formal applications have been ( lied by
Colonel Elmer Otis , Eighth cavalry , and Gen
eral Henry It. Mistier , lieutenant colonel ,
Tenth Infantry , while the fi lends of Colonel
Henry A. Morrow of the Twenty-first Infan
try are very active In his belialf. The presi
dent lias often declared himself In favor of
making promotions inside the army , so that
it Is assumed that ho will appoint a regular
officer if bo appoints any one. ( Jeneral Alls-
ner is said to be * an old friend of the presi
dent's and practiced law with him in Uull'alo
before the war.
The following Nebraska postmasters were
iommissloned to-day : Kdward T. J3est at
Nellgh ; Foirest L , . Wbedon at York ; Alvin
S. Marsh at Itcd Cloud ; James Murray at
Frcnmn : Charadara Clark at Blair ; John F.
Urendel at Union ; James A. Carlock at Table
Kock ; V ] ore Tron tnuin at D.inby ; Clias. W.
Snyiler at Cedar Creek , and Joseph II. ITar-
slial at Uelvidero.
The following were commissioned foi
Iowa : Clms. Drew at Fort Madison ; Luther
11. Edwards at Waterloo ; Allan P. Cramai
at Avoca ; Samuel U. Chllds at Atlantie ;
David Clayton at Shamba'ugh ; Albeit 11 ,
Uraus at Prairie City ; Itichard II. Toddal
l.airow ; Adam Welgner at Muellson , anil
Mary G. Floody at Cabtalia.
The senate has just passed the bill inereas
ing the annual appropriation to supply UK
militia with arms and ammunition fron
0OCO ( ) to SGOO.OOO , as iccmestcd by the an
nual convention of the National Guard whicl
met hero the first of December. Genera
Slocum 1ms been hero to give it a push , nm
bo hopes to bo able to get It through the houst
next week , which will cause great cratilica
tlon among the national guardsmci
throughout the country. The money Is to bi
appoitloncd throughout the states ns now.
1T.1SONAI ! , AND OTIlEltWISi : .
Isaac Power of Norfolk ( Neb. ) Is nt tin
The Stinking Water preemptions In Nc
binska , in which Congressman Laird am
some of ids Hastings friends were interested
have been cancelled.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 5. [ Special. ] The dc
cislon of the United Stales supreme court I )
the so-called coupon case from Virginia , I
tlio most Important move that has been mad
upon the political checker-board slnco th
election of last fall. Just what thorcsul
will bo in the Old Dominion , It Is extreme !
dllllcnlt to foretell at present , but the sltua
tlon there Is said to bo alarming , from a po
lltical standpoint. Said a. gentleman froi
Itichmond , last evening : "It Is Impossibl
to see where wo shall land politically. Ther
was not a democrat In the whole stat
who was not confident that the d <
clsion of the court would bo in ou
favor. Intsead of that the com
Is unanimous In overturning every nttcmii
that has been made to provide for the del
which has been saddled upon ns from tli
past. In the last ten days fortunes Jiavo bee :
made in the state In a small way by men wh
had not the democratic faith In the coilrso c
the court. Coupons were sold lust week a
low as 40 cents on the dollar , and oven lowei
To-day they are rccelvcablo for all sorts c
taxes , and the state is dependent upon thcs
receipts for Its current expense ? . You en
Imagine that the prosroct is not a very brig !
one any way wo can look at it. "
"What will the result bei1" Inquired yoi
"That Is dlltlcult to foretell , but the pro
pcctstiro that there will bj a constitution !
amendment submitted to the- people whlc
will In elfect , if ratified , repudiate the eutn
debt of the state of Virginia. "
"Tho city of Chicago Is nnsatlslled unless
can secure the earth , " said one of the men
bers of the board of supervising Inspectoi
of steam vessels to-day.
"What's the matter now ? " I asked.
11 Simply this : The district of which Ch
ragols a part lakes in all the great lakes fro :
Detroit to Lake Superior. The hcadquarte :
of the district am In Detroit. Clilcaj :
lias tried repeatedly to secure the r
moval of thesn headquarters from Detroi
but has signally failed each time. The u
tempt was inndo very persistently la :
spiins , but the Detroit men proved tc
Ktronir. Then Chicago conceived the Idea c
having a district of its own. fc
last summer propositions were matte
to business men in that city lookln
towards n movement which should secure tl
division of the Detroit district and tlm co :
tolldatlonof nil that part of It which cove
the west shore o' Lnko Michigan and tl
lonth shore of Lake Superior wlththo ; ( if
district , which comprise the Mlsalsstp
above KcoUuU and the Missouri above Slot
city , with their branches. Ht , Paul U no
thq headquarters and Chicago is rather jet
ous of St. Paul's commercial prosperity , 1) )
pho lu fntU.t in tier efforts In secure h
aJtfcoagu I can tell you' that a got
deal of money was here for the purpose of
securing the change. "
"Do you mean to say that the Chicaco people
ple attempted to bribe any members of the
board ? "
"I certainly do. One of their attorneys
was hero n short timeagoand asked the pres
ent supervising inspector of the Filth dis
trict about his living expenses , rent , etc. , In
St. Paul. Ho wasnnswored , as ho might have
expected to be , In a courteous manner , and
then he was told that lie could live very much
cheaper nnd very much better in Chicago ,
nnd that if he would consent t > work for the
chance n nice little stack of greenbacks
would bo his towards paying the expenses of
the removal. This occurred In the lobby of
Wllhml's ' hotel , and would have resulted In a
thrashing for the Chicago man but for his
agility in getting behind a post before Cap
tain Hayes could get In a wlmck at him. "
WASHINGTON , Kcb. 5. [ Press. ] The
bouse committee on military affairs to-day
passed favorably iiiwn Representative Lnlrd's
bill for the protection of Arizona and New
Mexico. It provides for the raising of a regi
ment of volunteer cavalry In each tcriltory
for one year's service , to be composed and
ollicered by actual settlers of the territory ,
and tlmt two Mexican ponies be furnished
each olllrer and soldier , and whenever they
nvo Insiillicient to make vigorous pursuit of
hostile Indians , rculmcntal uuartermastcrs'
are authorised to supply the delielency from
any herds accessible without any delay or
advertisement or inspection , giving vouchers
for such animals as may ho taken from pri
vate citUons. Pack animals are to bo pro
vided as a means of transporting supplies In
addition to regimental wagon trains.
The house committee on shipping to-day
further discussed Iteprebcntntlvo Dunn's free
ship bill. The discussion indicated a division
on strictly party lines , but probablv no vote
will ho taken on the bill for several weeks.
The house committee on territorial to-day
heard the delegation of Indians representing
the live civilised tribes of Indian territory in
opposition to the bills for the or-
canization of the terrltoiy of Oklahoma.
The Indians expressed general opposition to
these and all the bills affecting their present
relations with the government. All thov
wanted was for the government to keep faith
with thciu , and the organization of the terri
tory of Oklahoma they claimed would bo a
violation of the treaty stipulations. Iteply-
Ing to ex-Ucprcsentatlvo Clark's charge that
Oklahoma was now simply a pasture ground
for cattlemen , they made counter charges in
which they accused Clark and others who
urge the organization of the territory of
being In collusion with railroad companies
and cattlemen.
The president pardoned ( leorgo II. Slmms.
who was convicted of participating in the
conspiracy to defraud the government in a
pension case , and sentenced to live years in
the southern Illinois penitentiary.
Six Men Nearly Burned to Death in
KaslSt. JjoulH.
ST. Loins , Feb. G. A terrible attempt upon
uiman life was perpetrated last night shortly
ifler 10 o'clock in a shanty near the railroad
racks In East St. Louis. The railroad men
ivbo happened to be out were attracted to the
by the glare of fire and heart-rending
creams ana the cries from six men who
ivcro In the shanty. The door was broken
tlown and two men rushed out enveloped In
flames , while four others were carried out
no. rolled in the snow. The faces of the
ictims were blackened and long strips of
ilesh peeled off , presenting a horrible sight.
Tho-unfortunato men were taken to the relay
ilcpot , and while tliero told how the
lire originated. They liad strolled Into
Jie shanty ono by one to get warm
and were sitting around the stove talking ,
when suddenly the stove burst open and
( lames leaped all over the room , enveloping
llio men before they could turn to the doors.
The lire ' was the result either of a practical
.1oko or a deliberate attack on their lives to
settle an old grudge. The strange manner
from which the lire started can only bo ac
counted for on the ground that some wretch
poured oil down the chimney to the stove.
Jt Is said the man who perpetrated the- deed
is known , as ho had a grudge against one of
the men and declared out recently that he
would get even with him If it took years to
do It. Near the shanty was found an oil can.
The railroad men who ran to their rescue saw
a man retreating from the shanty. If the
man had been captured ho would have been
lynched. The six men are all fearfully
burned , but it cannot bo learned whether any
of them were fatally injured or not.
A. Traveling Men's Quarrel Ends "VVitli
a Murder.
GAI.VKSTON , Feb. 4. A Waco ( Tex. )
special to the News says : The dining liai :
of the McClelland hotel was the scone of r
tragedy last night Two traveling salesmen
J. E. Graham of St. Louis and William Laml
of Chicago , were seated opposite each othci
and became involved In a quarrel
Lamb declaring that "a man who traveled toi
a St. Louis house was no good. " Grahair
made a reply , at which Lamb attacked auc
knocked him down , although Graham \vni
much the larger man. Graham pulled a re
volver and lired four shots , three taking of
feet. Lamb died a few noim later.
Graham declared ho never met Lamb befon
ho encountered him going to thodlnine room
He says ho thought Lamb was trying to commence
menco a quarrel for the purpose of taking hh
lite , ns ho ( LambX bad some unknowt
enemies in Texas on account of his Intimati
relations with a woman whose husband am
friends had threatened Him , Lamb reprc
sonts the It. E. Lee company of Chicago
art furniture , while Graham travels for tin
stationery company of It. & T. A. Emits o
St. Louis. At the conclusion of the Inques
this afternoon Graham was admitted to ball
A ninsnhemoiis Murderer SWUIIK Of
nt Ijeiulvillc.
l ) xvin : , Feb. 5. Mlnich , ono of the Hire
men who murdered Samuel llaldwln nea
Lcadville , October 18 , 1S J. for 51,700 , wa
hung at Lcadvlllo this afternoon. Up tc
yesterday evening Minicli expected Uov
crnor Eaton to commute his sentence to Ilfi
Imprisonment , Ho was very indlrlerenl
driving the clergymen out of his cell will
violent blasphemy. This morning when h
discovered ho must hang , ho called loudly fo
a preacher , and earnestly prayed the Al
mlghty's forgiveness. Ilo ascended th
scjtl'old at 1:1X1 : witli a cigar in bin mouth ,
smile on his face , and was launched hit
eternity denying ins guilt to the lait minute
The Bessemer Steel Worke.
PiTTsrnma , Feb. S. An explosion oecurrci
this morning at the Bessemer steel works a
Carnegie , Phillips & Co. , at Homestead. I
is reported that fifteen men were killed.
LATEII The report of an explosion at th
Bessemer steel works at Homestead Is mi
founded. A telegram has been received froi
the works stating that It must have origl
nnted Irom an explosion which occurrc
Wednesday. The works have been closei
down , but uio preparing to resume to-morrow
The dinicultlos with the strikers 1mc bee.
The Chess Players.
ST. Louis , Feb. 5. The chess match wa
resumed at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The a
tendance was about the same as on Wedne :
day , and Included most of the strong dies
players In tha city , as well as several Iroi
outside places. The game is said by thos
best abio to Judiro to bo the strongest yt
played in the match , and attracted very clos
attention and elicited much mlmlratloi
Xeuckertoit chose the white and lead on wit
tlio queen's gambit which was declined b
Stolnltz. At the end of thirty-livamoves tli
.white resigned.
AV.outhcr for To-Day.
Missot'iu YAU.EV Fairwarmer wcallicr
southerly .winds | n iputhem portion , shlf
ing to westerly tu northern portion ; and the
' '
shifting to so\tterly ) ,
Vast Sums Paid for Surveying Vork That
Was Never Performed.
Evidence : Accumulating of Swindles
1'ri'pctruled on the Government
Oilier Mon's Pockets Hold
tlio lit Uuttcii Gains.
Surveying Frauds lit Nebraska.
CiiirAno , l''e ) > . fi. I Special Telegram. ]
The Times "Washington special says :
Although the government lias spout large
sums of money for surveyors In Nebraska ,
evidence Is rapidly accumulating that much
of the work paid for was never done. Deputy
suiveyorswho got contracts ran exterior or
township Ilncs-al least they inn part of
them and In iiany : cases they never made a
pictcn&e of running the Interior lines , for
which they were also paid. It Is not likely
that I hey wore allowed to make largo sums
of money by cheating the goveinment In this
way without being obliged to divide with
some other people.
Tlio Times prints a letter from Alexander
Sclilcgel , county surveyor of Drown county ,
In which tlie writer , under date of January
31 , says to Surveyor-Gcneial Gardner : "In
the pa1 ? ! two years I have been frequently
called upon to survey In towns 23 to US ,
ranges UO and 21 , and 1 have never yet found
any evidence of n government survey of sub
division or interior section lines , although I
have traversed said towns from south to
north and from east to west boundaries ,
critically .searching at every forty and eighty
acre claim for evidence of any corners or
marks of government survey. "
Tlio sworfl nflldavit of Solo
mon Pitcher 1ms also been received
In Washington. It Is as follows : "I
assisted In the survey of government land In
Nebraska in tlio years l&H nnd 18S3 , under
Deputy Surveyor Kali-Held. 1 assisted him
n all surveying lie did dnrinir these two
( ears on government land. Wo surveyed
nbont forty or more townships. Tliero was
not a township surveyed according to in-
tutctlons. He was as liable to commence at
3iie corner of a township as at another , and
tvould frequently cairy two lines at onetime.
This he did by zlgzagmg through a township.
\s a general thing lie never put in quarter
corners except on a straight line through the
ownship , and seldom made a closing of
ho west boundary of a township nor
of the north boundary. In many Instances
10 never left a stake or stone to indicate
where the corner was located. lam conver
sant with a largo number of surveyors of the
northwestern part of the state , liaving'bcen
county surveyor in Cherry and Sheridan
counties , and having been engaged in locat-
ng settlers. In many instances thcro Is no
itakc or stone in whole townships. In some
nstances a portion of tlio townships would
be surveyed while the balance would appear
.o be unsurvcycd. S. V. PITCHER.
Nebraska "Surveys. "
I3clow is given the telegram from Washing-
: on above referred to , taken from the Chicago
Times of yesterday ( Thursday ) morning ,
under the heading of "Nebraska 'Surveys' . "
WASHINOTON , Feb. 4. [ Special. ] Al
though the government has spent largo.sums
of money for surveys in Nebraska , evidence
s rapidly accumulating that much of the
ivork paid for was never done. The deputy
surveyors who got the contracts ran the ex
terior or township lines at least they ran a
part of them and In many cases they never
made a pretense of running the interior lines ,
for whicli they were also paid. It Is not
likely that they were allowed to make large
sums of money by cheating the government
In this way without being obliged to divide
with some other people. The following let
ter and affidavit give a pretty good idea oi
the way tilings hove been running for years ,
not only in Nebraska , but in all parts of the
public domain :
AiNswoimr , Xeb. , Jan. 81 , I860. Hon. J.
F. Gardner. United States Surveyor General ,
riattsmoutii. Neb. Dear Sir-I : have thd
honor to acknowledge the receipt of youi
letter of the auu iust. , stating that complaint
had been entered with you by residents oi
this county in regard to public surveys , and
askingmy testimony as county surveyor in
regard to the facts. In reply 1 have to state
that complaint in rcsard to public surveys in
tills county is mainly conlined to townships
25 , 20 , 27 and 23 north , ranges 20 , 21 , 22 and
23 , west of the sixth principal meridian. My
own personal observation and knowledge ,
however , only extend to towns 25 to 28 ,
ranges 20 ana 21 west , having never been
called upon to survey in ranges 2-J and 2:1 : ,
In tlio past two years I have been frequently
called upon to survey In towns 25 to 2s ,
ranges 20 and 31 , and 1 have
of a government survey of subdivision or in
tcrlor section lines , although I have traversed
said towns from south to north , and from
cast to west boundaries , critically searching
at every forty and eighty chains for evidence
of any corners or marks of a governmeni
survey. The townships or exterior lines ol
said townships are the only evidence of agov
eminent survey , and have been easily traceii
by me. A copy of the field notes of sak
towns In my possession would indicate thai
no actual survey was ever made , because tliej
are untrue as to topogiaphy and character oi
cell ; notably towns 2r , 20 , and 27 , ranges 2 (
anil 31. contain many deep lakes covering ar
area of from 10 to luo acres , some of them con
taining different kinds of edible fish. Line.
of public survey would bo sure to cros !
some of the o lakes , and many coinen
would certainly fall on them , yet no note o :
e\idenccof such lakes is shown in the licit
notes or plats. Those lakes are not men
marshes , ponds , or pools , having no mud , bu
a white ssuid bottom , and are permanent
Tlio wast season was ono of extreme drought
in this bcctlon , yet none of these lavircr lake ;
were much affected thoieby. The absence o
a subdivision survey of these towns seriotislj
retards tlio settlement of them , yet quite i
number of persons have settled in tlm valley ;
Mid on the lakes who are seriously incon
vcnlenced because they cannot II ml the line :
and corners establishing their boundaries. J
case in point Is that of Mr. Joseph K. Ingall
and his sou , James W , Ingalls , who have
upon sections 14 and 2:1 : , supposing , from ap
pearanra of topography ot the govcrumen
plat and In ( ho absence of government sur
vey and corners , that they were situated upoi
eectlons 8. 0 and 17 , two mile * west , upoi
which latter they took out their entry papers
and now have asked tlio honorable coinmia
slouer of the general laud ollico to cancc
Raid entries and to allow them to outer upoi
tlm land they have Improved , and which the1
thought they weie entering. The corner ti
sections 10 , II , n and 15 in tills town phi
would fall In the center of a deep lake
Tliero Is also a lake In section 10 , and be
twecn sections 8 , 9 , 10 , 17 , am
others , In several Instances I liav
found five to ten ecu's of break
Ing half a mile and more from the land entered
terod , and thought to bo improved. I holi
that as county surveyor I have no right o
authority to permanently establish lines ani
corners within these towns. The reined }
therefore , will suggest Itself to you to brln
this matter to the notice of the commlssioiic
of tlio general land ofncc , and respectful !
urge for these people a resurvey by the go\ \
ernment. Any turthcr information desire
in this matter will be most cheerfully I'm
nished. Ai.r.xANinsu SCHI.KOEI , ,
County Surveyor of Urowii County.
The fallowing afUdavlt has been , received
On this 30th day of January , in the year ittei , the undersigned , Frank H , Wl
sou , a notary public in and for , said count ;
. personally came Solomon V. i'ltcher , ( if lav
who , toping by mo duly sworn accon
Ing to law , on his oath srfys : I have assisted
In the survey of government land In tlio state
of Nebraika in tlioyeaMlSSl and 1SS3under
Deputy Surveyor GcorpcjW. Kalrlleld. 1 as
sisted'him In all the surfejlng ho did during
these two years on government land. Wo
surveyed about forty or moro townships.
Tliero was not a township surveyed according
to Instructions , lie was as liable to commence -
menco at ono corner of n township as an
other , and would frequently carry
two lines at ono time. Tills lie did
by zigzasrglnir through the town
ship. As a general thing he never nut in
quarter corners except on the straight line
through thotowiiRlilp < nnd seldom made the
closing of tlio west boundary of a township ,
nor ou the northern boundary. In many in
stances he never left a stake or stone to Imll-
cite where a corner was located. I am con
versant with a largo amount of the surveys
of the norlliwestern part of the state , having
been county survoyur In Cherry and Sheri
dan counties , and having been engaged In
locatinc fcllleis. Inmany instances there Is
no stake or stone lit whole townships. In
some Instances n portion of the township
would bo surveyed , whllo the balance would
appear to bo unsurveyed. S. Y. I'lrcnnii ,
Witness : Frank H. Wilson.
Hi ; It known tlmt on the : :0th : of January , A ,
D. , 1SSO , personnliy appeared before me , the
undeisiuued , Frank 11. Wilson , a notary
public duly commissioned and qualified in
and for Cass county. S. V. I'itehcr , to me
personally known , wlio subscribed to the
foregoing , and being duly sworn , declares
int the tacts stated In thclorogoingaro true.
Witness my hand anil notarial scat tlio day
ind date above written.
Notary 1'ubllc.
\ Mail JOR Scaro'Uplieavcs ' the City
ol'nhoo. .
WAIIOO. Neb. , Feb. " > . [ Special Tele
gram. ] Waboo has tlio hydrophobia. About
'en days since a dog , j whicli some supposed
imd , was killed. Dcforo the animal was
dllcd It was known to have bitten a pig , and
s supposed to have bitten also a calf and
mother dog. The pig died two days ago , and
ibout the same tlmo tjio calf manifested un-
'iilstakable symptoms of rabies. It was
closely watched by the owner , Hcv. Dodder ,
nnd when he was fully persuaded that the
alf was mad , ho killed it. Yesterday tlio
dog that was bitten was running nt large ,
'oaming and frothing at the mouth , biting
> very dog that it met. It is believed to have
bitten not less than fifty other dogs , and is
losltively known to have bitten at least a The vicious brute was dispatched by
T. W. Kiddle with a shot gun about 4 p. in.
ycstciday. Ills dog , which was ono of the
infortuuates , ho has chained up awaiting the
line when the dog shall exhibit symptoms of
rabies or pass tlio dangerous period. There
s a possibility of a largo number of candi-
.latcs for Pasteur.
Trying to Beat Ills Creditors.
HI.OOMINOTON , Neb , , Feb. 5. [ Special
Telegram. ] Creditors yesterday attached tlio
stock of general merchandise of J. L. Cook.
Cook has been selling at cost for sonic time
with an evident desire to.get closed out. A
few days ago he tried to convoy a large
amount of stock into Kansas in Tom Kint-
ley's name , but was , stopped , and this appar
ently caused the balance of his creditors , to
come In. Up owes nearly all tlio houses he
has over dealt with,1 , his ( Indebtedness being
placed by some at .even 10,000 , with assets
not to exceed 52,500. fi -
Helping tliq jfikhorn ] Road.
AVAuoo , Neb. , FebV 5. [ Special. ] At u
meeting of the village trustees held last
night an ordinance was passed vacat-
ng Jlaplo street from Ninth to Fifteentn
for the right of way to the Fremont , Elkhorn
& Missouri Valley railway company. An
other ordinance was passed calling a special
election to bo held March 2 , 18SO , to deter
mine whether the village should further aid
iad ! railway company by voting It bonds to
tlio extent of $0,000.
Hotel Changed Hands.
KEAKNEV. Neb. , Feb. 4. [ Special Tele
gram. ] The Grand Central hotel at this
place lias chomgcd hands. A gentleman
named Leman from Colorado , a practical ho
tel man , has taken charge , and will at once
make needed Improvements.
[ The above telegram was published ,
through error , in the liE of yesterday under
a Columbus ( Neb. ) date. It Is refmblished
witli correction made ; that the travllug public
may not bo misled Into confounding it witli
the Grand Pacific hotel of Columbus.
Place for the Packing House to Fill.
NEMOII , Neb. , Feb. 5. [ Special. ] News
was brought hero lasl | night of a queer state
of affairs at Cuujmlnsvllle , in Wheeler
county. The postmaster left several months
ago , leaving a mcrchjiut named Manker In
charge as deputy. Jijuikcr sold out last week
and left. There is no ono there authorized
to handle tlio mail , but F. Kimdnll , editor of
tha Gazette , Is doing so , though numerous
citizens have protested against It.
Decided "Slottcr" House Victory.
NiuitASKACiTVteb.Feb.5. : | ( Special Tel
egram. ] Although n'oolliclal dispatches have
been received , It Is learned on good authority
that It Is a settled fact that Thomas Morton
will be our next postmaster. Mr. Morton Is
proprietor of the Nebraska City News , and
all the , except the nineteen
other candidates for the same position , say lie
Is the man who Is most entitled to the piece.
This Is a decided Morton victory. Our city
this evening Is feeling well pleased over the
Into Hie Great ISoyoml.
NiniA3KA : ! CITY. Neb. , Feb. 5. [ Special
Telegram , ] Mrs. Matilda McMeclian , aged
70 years , died tills morning at 5 o'clock. The
deceased was ono of the llrst settlers of this
county , and mother-in-law of Hon. S. II. Cal-
hoiin , ono of tlm leading members of the bar
of this city , and mother of Lieutenant A. C ,
McMeclian , United States navy. The funeral
will take place Monday at 2 p. in ,
A Kirebntfs Work.
JlAY Si'iiiNos , N. . b. , Feb. 5. A fire early
yesterday mornliic .destroyed Mllford'e
land ofllcc , Halley % Sullivan's saloon and
Smith's livery stablecausing ; a loss of SOM (
with only 81,000 , in urijhce. The lire started
in the saloon and I uWosed to bo the work
of an incendiary ; * ' [
Accidental , Dentil ,
Iltmnourr , Neb. , Feb. C A farmer named
Kugono Ulaldsellliving near town , was
crushed to death b > ; a falling trco which ho
was cutting down , Veiljiesday. lie loaves a
wife ami three children.
The Antl-Chlueso movement.
SANJosi : , Cal. , Feb. 5. The llrst antl
ChincbO state convention convened hove tc
day. Ono hundred delegates representing
the antl-Chlncso leagues and trade organiza
tlons were present. A permanent organiza'
tlon was effected. The ueneral sentlmeni
among the delegates strongly opposed threat !
ol violence. Boycotting was lavored as tin
quickest method of accomplishing the desired
sired ends and a resolution in accoidanw
with thesB views was adopted. Arcsolutloi
was also adopted demanding of congress tin
abrogation of the liuillngamo treaty.
. Desli-iictlvo Fire.
OnEnxviLtK , S , 0. , Feb. 5. At mldnlgh
a fue destroyed the stores and stocks of foil
llruis , valued atS oC03 ; insurance 810,000.
' The Failure Ilccorcl.
New YQIIU ; Fcl ) . 5. TlnS toti.l number o
failures during tliu l.a&t week were 287.
Iowa Goal Diggers Often Mine Merchantable-
Coal Without Pay.
Mio Democrats Positively Committed
to Antl-Tcmpcrancc Education
IicglHtatlvc Proceedings and
Other Iowa Specials.
The General Assembly.
Dr.sMoi.NKS , Iowa. Feb. n. ISpeclal Tclo-
rram. ] Tlio principal tonic ot discussion In
he legislature so far has been the coal screen
question. The present lack of law has per-
nttlcd grave abuses to arise In the SCICCH-
ng of coal , miners In many Instances being
enuircd to mine merchantable coal for which
hey receive no pay , owing to the largo
noshed screens that arc used. Several hills
o remedy the evil have been Introduced but
ho latest and most novel bill was Introduced
o-day by Senator Young of Atlantic. Tlio
) lll allows mine owners to screen their coal
n their own way , but prohibits their hanging
> f screens. The miners , under the proposed
aw , are to bo paid for the lump coal which
hey take out , and arc to havir divided
among them 40 per cent of the
gross receipts from the sale of pea coal , nut
coal and slack , the amount to bo apportioned
among the miners on the lirst of each month
ho other CO per cent of the receipts from that
source to go to the mine operators. The sena-
or claims that his bill will divide the Interest
n the small coal or wastcand , will remove the
cmptatlon to widening screens , and will not
encourage the increase of small coal , which
would bo the case , ho holds , by a law requlr-
ug the coal to bo weighed before screening.
The design of the bill Is to divide tlio Interest
of tlio mine owner nnd mine operator In such
way that the Interest of ono will Incidentally
afford protection to the other In regard to
he small coal or waste which occasions all
the disputes.
The senate spent the greater part of the
session to-day in considering the Clark bill
for requiring instruction in the public schools
on the effect ou the human system of alco-
mile liquors and narcotics. The bill Is prac
tically the same as the Missouri law on this
subject , and similar laws are found in four
teen states. Petitions representing lfl,000
names have been presented asking for a law
of this kind , and It has seemed to be a very
[ topular measure. Hut when the bill came
.ip on its passage to-day , it was
opposed by Senator Boiler ( dem ) , In
v speech of over an hour. Ho took
occasion to denounce the people who asked
for the bill as snivelling , drivelling fanatics ,
and made a ecneral tirade against total ab
stinence , and then sought to ridicule the bill
down by offering an amendment to require
teaching on the pernicious effectsof a piotec-
tlvo tariff. Ho was answered by Senators
Young , Sweeney and Clark , the latter giving
liim a fiery rebuke for Ids denunciation of
Ihc temperance cause.
The wiser democrats are very much an
noyed over Bolter's speech , as it struck
directly at the position which the democratic
party lias taken In favor of impressing In-
tbmperanco by moral suasion and Instruction
on the evil effects or the drinking habit.
Every icpubllcan votett for the bill , nnd only
democrats against it , thus commuting their
party to opposition even to teaching temncr-
anco in the schools. The democratic party
thus goes on record in the senate as opposed
to prohibition and opposed to the opposite
means of suppressing intemperance , a posi
tion which their shrewder leaders regard as
a great blunder and an unfortunate mistake.
Entire Family Burned to Death.
McGnr.ooii , Iowa , Feb. 5. [ Special Tele
gram. ] Early this morning the house of
Albert Cooley. two miles south of this city ,
cnuisht lire and burned with the entire family ,
consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Cooley and three
children. The lire started from an ash barrel
in the kitchen , and was not discovered in
time by tlm neighbors to render any assist
ance. Mr. Cooley throw a trunk from an
upper window and Is supposed to have re
turned for his family and found his way of
retreat cut off. The whole family were
burned to death when found.-
Dosed Themselves to Death.
MAnsiiAi.i/rowN , Iowa. Feb. b. [ Special
Telegram. ] Late this afternoon the house of
Joseph Cavamiugh was broken Into , and
Cavanaugh was found dead In bed. Bcsldo
him lay a friend named Buckley , breathing
feebly , who died in a few moments. Both
men were last seen'Monday evening. They
then entered tlm house , locked themselves In ,
and took chloroform.
A Defaulter Captured.
Dr.s MOINKS , Iowa , Feb. 5. [ Special Tele-
giani. ] J. J. Stuckoy. who left town as n
defaulter beveral months ago , was captured
In Montana by a private detective of the
liawkoyo Insurance company , whom It Is
alleged ho robbed , and brought to this city
to-day. Ho was formerly secretary of the
Prisoners of War association , and stood very
high In various secret society organizations.
Tlio Value oftho Kne Canal In Moving
"Western Grain.
BUFTAT.O , Feb. 5 , The Commercial has an
Interview with Horatio Seymour , Jr. , for ten
years state engineer of New York. Ho shows
that by deepening the Krlo canal , raising the
ban us a foot and lengthening the locks , the
cost of transportation can bo reduced from
one-third to ono-half. Ho said : Cheap trans
portation is an absolute necessity to the west.
India and Australia to-day produce more
wheat than this country does , and they are
becoming formidable rivals in the markets of
westein Kuropo. The problem hero Is to get
grain to the market cheap enough. The devel
opment of the northwest Is going forward
with enormous strides. If wo can sell our
wheat , this country will have eight hundred
millions of bushels annually to move in ten
years. What will you do witli this vast
volume of tracd if vou allow the canal to re
main as It Is ? The people of the west want
the canal enlarged and improved , and if it is
notdono wo must turn our propeity Into the
Welland canal and down the St. Lawrence.
Colliding Passenger Trains Cause
Three Fatalities.
I..ITTI.K KOCK , Ark , , Feb. 5. This morning
n passenger train collided at WHIIarasville
( Mo. ) with the fast St. Louis passenger train
from Memphis. Engineer Wallace , of the
Memphis train , nnd his fireman , name un
known , were Instantly killed. Englneei
Walker , of the St. Louis train , jumped from
the train and was badly Injured. Ho h
from Aurora (111. ( ) . Jiis fireman , name mi'
known , was caught between the engine anil
tender and crushed to death.
Fear of nn Indian Uprising.
ST. PAUL , Feb. 5. Ada ( Minn. ) special t (
the Pioneer Press : The Indians on Jle ;
Lake i reservation are very uneasy. The faci
has just been disclosed that for some tlm <
past they have been gathering up all tin
aims , ammunition and horses In the country
It is traied they have been Incited by cmml
sarles lit'iu the British northwest.
Powers Advlso Caution.
ATIIF.XS , Feb. 5 , The powers have seiit (
third noteto tlio'Grcck goyuuiment
Kvtrcmo Cold Continues Throughout
Now York.
Nr.w YOIIK , Feb. A. The thermometer
ihls morning stands 0 below zero. Tlio
iresent cold sunp Is by far the coldest ot the
ic.ison , and the suffering among the poor Is
very great. Trains on the elevated roads are
lelaycd very much. Owing to the snow It Is
ilmost Impossible for horsoears to make
icadway , Twenty persons who walked
across Brooklyn bridge yesterday had some
xut of their bodies frozen , Charitable per
sons bought largo numbers of tickets for
Ides on the Brooklyn brldco cars nud had
ho police give them to poorly clad persons
who attcmuted to walk across. Four steamers
irrivcd nt this port yesterday ,
mt no sailing vessels reported.
The steamers were completely coveted with
ice , and their captains repot t having passed
an extremely cold night elf tlio eoast. Largo
liiantltles of lee drilled about tlio harbor
vesterday. A dispatch from City Island re
torted the mouth of tlio sound lull ot Ice ,
and no water could bo .seen Mom tlmt point.
No sound steamers arrived here yesterday
owing to the storm. None of these vessels
sailed Irom the other end Wednesday
The last month hat been a busv ono for hfo
Caving crews along ( ho coast. The crow at
Third CHIT Beach station lias beat the record.
mvlng saved sixty-live lives slnco the great
storm of .lanuaiy.
SAHATOOA , NT. Y. . Feb * . 5. The cold wave
swept over this section last night , accomp.i-
iled by a northeast wind. Thermometer tU5
BAI.TIMOIIU , Feb. 5. Last , nicht was the
coldest of the winter. Though the sun shines
irlghtly the atmosphere Is very severe. At
" o eloclv It Is storming more. Tlio mercury
ndleate.tS bclow/evo , n rare occurrence in
his latitude. Attlilwnsl above , nnd at 1
this afternoon it stood 0 above. Trains are
still delayed and navigation is again sus-
> endcd , there having been no arrival or de
parture from this port to-day.
A "Waiin Hates llctwceti St. Paul
and Chicago ,
CHICAGO , Feb. 5. TlieChlcago.Mllwaukco
ifc St. Paul road announced that to-morrow
twill cut the passenger rate to St. Paul to
S7 , In order to meet the rates alleged to have
been made by the Itock Island road. Tills
ipparcntly involves a stubborn war , in which
Ihc main contestants will be the Kock Island
& St. Paul roads , with the Chicago and
Northwestern aiding the latter.
Construction Ordered.
ST. PAIT , , Feb. 5. Winnipeg special to
the Pioneer Press : Cable orders weio re-
reived from England to-day to build itho
Hudson Bay rail way from Winnipeg lake to
Fort Churchill.
Increasing the Army.
BEI.OUADK , Feb. 5. The government has
ordered all merchants and manufacturers
under the age of10 years to join active army
sci vice.
CONN UlilAIjl T1I2S.
The ten-year-old Emperor oC China isclam-
orous for a wife.
Every bride is beautiful , and it is a myste
ry where all the plain married women come
It Is rumored that Kdlson's latest inven
tion is a reasonable excuse for him to get
married ,
George H. llcwcs and wife , of Fulton
township , Lancaster county , Pennsylvania ,
recently celebrated their golden wedding.
Mrs. Isipac Vortolksky of Meridian. Miss. ,
wants a divorce because her husband did not
change his socksiwfor-sixnveoks after their
Dr , Do L'con , of Chicago , married Miss
Emma Koso , of that city , at Davenport ,
Iowa , and deserted her on their return to
Chicago , thirty-six hours later. Do Leon
lias disappeared , and tlm girl lias gone to her
A St. Louis gill , agcd-iO , and with 83,000-
000 , Is about to marry a man of 23. She is
sensible. If slio had postponed It much long
er slut would have found her ago increasing
taster than her millions ; but now her mil
lions will disappear as fast as her youth Hies
from her.
A man of 70 , with white hair , and was
about to marry a woman foily years his
junior , with hair black as jet , dyed his locks
black and was quite surprised to lind his
bride meet him at the altar with her hair
bleached white as snow.
About forty men In Wells county , Indiana ,
have suddenly discovered that they have two
wives living. The gentlemen were divorced
whllo W. .1. Craic was county clerk , and no
entries were made of tlie divorces because no
fees were paid. There Is much excitement
over the matter.
The much-married daughter of Joaquln
Miller , as well ns her latest husband , are
gratified at tlio commencement of a divorce
suit by Arthur Lnrinir Mackayc , to whom
she was first united. It Is supooscd she will
let the ease go or default , and after the di
vorce is granted bo again married to Me-
Mrs. L. A. Coquaid , a member of tlio most
exclusive society circles of St. Louis and the
wife of a wealthy broker , has obtained a di
vorce from her fiubband on tlio grounds of
cruel treatment. Mr , Coquard allowed the
raso to go by default , and tlio court granted
her S1W.OOO as well as the divorce.
Miss May A. Lewis was married to Thos.
W. Lindsay , commander of Cashing Post ,
No. 201 , ( i. A. it. , last week at the Sixth Avenue -
nue Methodist Episcopal church , Brooklyn.
Tlio church was Idled with Grand Army men
nil in uniform. Tlio bridal party was accom
panied from tlm bride's house to the church
by a juvenile life and drum corps. Chaplain
Foster of Grant Post , No. : K , performed the
ceremony. The groom is 70 years of ago , with
long.flowing whiteboard , and the bride is : ; o
years liis Junior. Commander Lindsay pre
sented his post a handsomely engraved silver
trumpet in commemoration of his marriage.
Queen Margaret of Denmark was n great
mulch maker , and gavotho high born Klrstcn
Thott In iimnlago to her lavorlto. Jeppo
Minis , a son of a rich burirher. Tlio In
dignant bride , who was betrothed to another ,
presented her hihband with a gold ring , in
which was incrusted a copper nail with this
Inscription : "Flomish , copper mill , thou Host
in gold. " ( Jucon Margaret counted not on
the vengeance of tlio hrido's betrothed ,
Holler Munk , the lord of Boiler , who , to the
rage of tlio queen , picked a qimnel with tlio
brhieginom , killed him , and muirlcd his
widow the next day.
CoiiHtluj ; Pleasures.
Mr. O , II. Gordon has received a form-
nl invitation from the Phittsinouth carni
val committee. Messrs. J. K. Minor , J.
K. Pollock and G. T. Burton , for the
Omaha coasters to attend the carnival to
bo hold in that place this ( Sutimlny ) oven-
ing. It is probable that * n number of
Oniahu collators will be in attendance ) .
They will ho taken to Pluttsnioulh on
the 0:20 : train nnd a return special excur
sion train will bring thorn back to
Uinahii ,
A number of Omalmno have determ
ined to attend thu carnival to ho hold in
Council Bluffs next Wednesday niylit.
Nan-Union Clours.
A schema Is on I'ool nmong the 1C. of L.
men in this city to stavt iv movement
iifrainst non-union cigars. This njjitution
has been going on for some time in other
places , and at length seems to have
readied Omaha. A prominent dealer
bald the other day , after a talk with u
member of tlio Knights of Labor , that ho
would order no moro non-union cigars.
There arc several firms in the city who
do not deal exclusively in union made
cijiurs flKituifct whom a boycott is immi-
iwnt. TUB union , however , will not act
hastily in the nmttor , us they think the
dealers can bo brought to terms without
rosoning to measures.
Frank O'Neil , : i deserter from the reg
ular army , was arrested lust night : m <
Ipdged In. the central iiolico station , Tin
olllcr.s ( ! at the fort wUl 1)0 notified ot tin
arrest this morning.-
Mexican Versions of the Unfortunate AflnlC
from Official Sources ,
Tlio Ivvcuso Olvon Inability to
Knlsli Konrgndc Indians from the
Suouts Xlio Tmttcf Claimed
to bo Hathcr Unruly.
A Gallant Soldier's IJntclicry.
\VASIUX < ITOX , Feb. f > . Senor It'omcro ,
Moxlcau minister at Washington , has re
ceived fiom the government of the state ot
Chihuahua ( Mexico , ) an oniclal report of the
unfortunate encounter which the Mexican
forces had with United States troops eom-
uanded by Captain Crawford nt the moun
tains nt Davis , Chihuahua , on the llth nit.
It Is stated In the teport that the Mexican
force , commanded by Major Maurice Cor-
rcdor , arrived on tlmt day at n place called
rioparlo , In Sterro of Bavls , where they
enow that tlio Apache Indians who had re
volted under the leadership of Gtronlmo
were. The Mexicans lired on tlio United
States troops in tlio belief that they weroiios-
; lles. in tlio light which ensued. Major
Mauilco Corredor , First Lieutenant Juan do
la Cruz , Privates Martulim Mudld and Luz
ISstrada worn killed ami four other soldiers
wounded. That as soon as the Mexican
forces found that thov were ilrlng on United
Stutes soldiers they stopped lirlng. and ex
pressed to the latter their regrets at the loss
occasioned to both commands.
Tlm leport gives as an excuse for the above
mistake Hie dllllciilty ot distinguishing the
renegade Indians liom scouts , and says
while ( lie latter generally behaved themselves
while in their camp ami under view of their
oilieers , when they got out under the pretext
of hunting or looking for hostile Indians or
others , they sometimes commit great depre
dations on peaceful Inhabitants'of the fron
tier , and cannot readily bo distinguished
from hostile Indians. It was reported from
Mexico that the scouts killed and wounded
on the 17lli of December a consider
able number of cattle and horses be
longing to n Mexican , and on tlm 23d ,
while they were in camp at a place distant
about a mlle from Ouasabas , Sonora , ycYen
of the scouts entered the village and com
mitted gicat outrages , and Iho mayor was
forced to ask for armed forces to bring them
to order , and ono of the scouts was wounded
md some Indians killed two men who were
leading mules loaded with goods which were
stolen by the scouts.
The leport says further that the Constitu
tion , olllcial journal of the state of Sonora ,
contains a detailed statement of all the out >
rages committed by the scouts , and tlio result
has been to address a petition to the general
government not to allow the scouts to cross
over Into Mexican territory.
Ei. PASO , Tex. , i'eb. ' 5. Following is th
olllcial report ot Hie' engagement between
Mexican and United States troops , in which
Cant. Crawford lost his life :
To thcMefo Politico of Dcgallado county.
[ ) n tlio llth lust wo reached the camp called
Teopar or Sierra del Bavin , where we com-
baUed a great , number of tame and wild In
dians , probably over 200 , led by foreign
( United States ) olllccrs and over twenty sol
diers of the same kind , who exhibited 'them
selves. Fire lasted for one hour and a half ,
killing four of us Maj. Mouricio Corrodor ,
hieut. Jaiin Do La Crux nnd Privates Mnr-
tinlano Madrid and Lur/.esterado ; also four
wounded Apolonlo Spier , Herculanq Cruz ,
AgapttioKomro ; and Marcos Goiuales. . Our
opponents lost a captain , four dead and
three wounded. The momentwas aserious
one , and our safely was duo to the treaty 'with '
them under the war.'llair . of the United States ,
to which they pretended to belong after their
captain died. 1 acceded to their terms for thq
reasons given , though they displayed not .a
slttii of legality , as was evidenced fis much by
their strategy as by the different animals
which they brought and which I bring to
prove they were stolen at this place. To-day
at tlie earliest hour possible 1 will start for
your city. Allot which 1 have the honor to
communicate to you for your information ,
Dolores Mining Camp.
NKW Yor.K , Feb. 5. The Post's Tomb
stone. Arizona , special says : It is reported
that the causes leading to tlm shooting ofi
Capt. Crawford are confirmed by the arrival
hero to-day , from Sonora. of A. J. Huncke , a
citl/.en of undoubted credibility. He report
that hist month fourteen o'f Crawford'i ?
scoujs , while intoxicated , attacked a
Mexican citizen living near Fron terns. They
subsequently rode Into Krontcrns , firing
up and down the street driving the teriorlzed
citizens into tlie house. ' , which they barred ,
preparing to defend themselves' The drunk
en scouts had the town to thcmschcs for a
time. Tlie Mexicans banded and were ready
to attack the men when Crawford rode into
the town and by Ills presence succeeded in
drawing elf the scouts.
Unemployed Kn-jllMi Workmen Urg
ing tlio Government Tor Help.
LONDONFeb. . fi , The marquis of Salisbury
to-day received a deputation of unemployed
workmen who called to urge upon him the
necessity existing for government help.
Lord Salisbury told the men he considered
the question moro serious than the Irish ques
tion. He , however , denounced the policy In
vogue among foioign governments of foster
ing Industry by granting bounties from the
public treasury , calling it false political econ
omy. Ho expressed the hope that Iho electors
ot Great Britain would give parliament the
power to inlliiencu lorelgn governments to
abandon such policy. Concerning the land
question , Lord Salisbury said Hie propo
sition to help the poor bv furnlnhlng land
to reclaim was Impracticable , for thn rcaoon
that nobody would Invest capital in the work
pi H'claiming bad lands so long as the good
lands of tlio country do not pay.
1 ho carlo ! Aberdeen , loid lieutenant o
Aberdeenshlre. Scotland , has been appointed
viceroy of Ireland.
Baron \Volvei \ ton , ex-paymaster general ,
has been appointed postmaster general.
Iho new government is now completed , all
Iho minor places having been tilled.
Sanctioned tlio Af ; 'conioiit.
CoNSTANTj.voi'i.i : , Feb. 0. The poweis ,
with the exception of ISus-.sia , have vci bally
sanctioned tlio Turko-Biilgarlan agreement.
Catarrh Cured
Catairh is a very prevalent disease , with
distressing and olTcnslvo symptoms , Ilooil'a
Barsaparllla gives rc.iily relief and Hjicedy
euro , from thu fact It arts through tlie Mood ,
and thus reaches every part of the system ,
" I suffered with calairli fifteen years. Tool :
Hood's Barsaparllla and I am not troubled any
with catarrh , nnd my genorul health Is much
better. " I. W. I.II.LIS , Postal Clerk Chicago
Si St. Louis Jtallroacl.
" I suffered with catarrh 6 or 8 yrars i tried
many wonderful cures , Inhalers , etc. , upend.
Ing nearly onu hundred dollars without benefit ,
I tried Hood's Barsaparilla , and was greatly
Improved. " M. A. ABUBV , Worcester , Mas .
Hood's Barsaparllla Is eharactcrlred Ij
tlireo peculiarities : 1st , the combination o (
remedial agents ; Sdtho proportion ; 3Jlt ) |
process ill securing the active mcdlclnA ]
qualities. Tlio result is n medicine of unuiual
strength , efTcctlni ; cures hitherto unknown.
Bund for book containing additional evident ,
"Hood's Bursai'iirllla ' tones up my retem <
puillles my liloud , sharpens my amietlfo , and
seem * to make mo over. " J. I1. XnonrBOK.
.Ucghlor ot Deed * , I.oucll , Mass.
"Hond'i Barsap-trlllr , brat ; all oteis. ) ; ai,4
h worth Its weight In cr > ld. ' ' I , BAU ljUTOif ( |
130 Uauk Street , New Yoik city ,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hold IT all 'Irusp'.Hs. tl ; dx for $5. li
only by.0.1. HOOD & , CO. , Lowell , Mus3.
IOO. Doses. Orio Dollar ?