Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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1 AdvcHI'cinrnts under this head lOccntspct
Ino for the flnit Insertion , 7 crtntsfor each
Bubscquent Insertion , nn I M..W n line pcrmonth.
Bovcnworda w 11 counted to the lines they
must run consecutively and must bo paid In ml-
Tftnco. All ftdvortlsonlonts mnot bolmndcd In
before 2 o'clock n. m. , nnd under no circum
stances will they bo taken or discontinued by
I'nrtlcsnclrcrtl'lmr In those columns nnd htxv
inRthu nnswcig RddrcsooJ in care of THE Ilnr ,
will pkn o nsk for chock to enable them to sot
their letters , n4 none will bo delivered except on
presentation ot cheek. All answers to ndver-
tlPcmenlB should bo enclosed In envelopes.
; TO LOAN on hnrfcs , vnirons , fur-
MOSiY , vrntchi-swIthoitt rcmovnl. Ifrnrt
easy. t' . .1 CMWMI , Uc.otn IB , Iron Iliink Ilu M-
InjT , Utli and rninnii. . Toke elevator CfiO-mli. *
inooooto lennon city rceldcnco KQl'crty
$ ( Jco. W.Uny , irai rnrnnnt. -a > 7
fpo LOAN Money tn imy amount ,
JL On nil clii s of security.
Hioiliimo ruiuis on real oMnto.
Iflnc tlmo lonns on renl cstuto.
Money to lennon olmttcla.
Money to lonn on collateral * .
Money to lonn on nny Rood security.
Terms onsy , tlmo to suit.
Apply ntthoomnlm Kinnnclnl Ktchnnifo ,
lliirker's bullilltnr , S\V corner of
Fifteenth mid Knrnnm sts. , uuatnlrs8
TO LOAN on Improved nnd unim
proved city property. CunnlngUnin Se
Ilreminn , 1511 Dodtto street. * * v
ONKY lor overyhodyl Von cnn borrow
money on furniture , horses. wnons ,
plnnoi , Hock of nil hinds , diamonds nnd line
wntchcson your own tlmo. Payments received
Bt nny time , nnd Interest reduced pro rntn.
1'roperty lr rt In your own pos -nilon. Terms
l w ns the lowest. Call nnd see inc. llnylncM
confldontlnl. Nondvimtntro token..HCrort ,
Itoom 4 , Wlthncll's NowlliilWlnir.Nortlienrit cor
ner IMh nnd Hnrncy. " > '
: TO r.oAN-o. i > . n vi & Co. iioal
MONIV and Loan nitonta , 1605 Fnrnxm Bt ,
( WRY TO LOANn rood securities. A
McUuvock , room 7 Iledlek Ulock , UWKurnnm
" '
St > -
: TO LOAN On chattels , Wooloy .V
Harrison , room 20 , Omnlm Nntlonnl bunk
build IIIR. Stl
TO r.OAN On real estate nnd chat
MONHV D. I * Tliomns. S84
TO LOAN In attins of J200 nnd up-
MONKY on fln t-clnss renl estnto security.
Potter & Cobb , 15151'nrimm St. a
ONiY I.OANKlt C. V. Heed & Go's.
onico , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagon *
personal property of nil litnds nnd nil other ar
ticled of value , without removal. Over 1st Nnt'l
Bank , corner 13th nnd Farnnm. All business
Btrlctly conlldontnl. il
[ TlO.'t SAM ! Stock and ll.xturos of my fancy
- goods and notion stoio. Mrs. Folger , 1.118
Douglas st ; ; tis-io *
"plOIt SAl.K A drug store In ugood HVo town ;
JL' n llrst rule location for a plivslelnn. Capital
required about $2SOO. Now building nnd clean
stock. AddiCBS or call on II. } los > os & Co. , Val
entine , Neb. 33lmcli2
$ ; tno.oo per month Falury and commission to
competent business nmmtgor In every city
for exclusive agency of our National Automatic
OBS-SnvIng Governors. Average 8.1 per cent
saving In gas bills. Increased Illumination and
safety Horn lire. Over 7,000 In service. In
dorsed by highest mercantile nnd corporate
authorities Address The Union Nntlonnl Gns-
Saving Co. , 21 East 14th St. , Now York. 203-1. *
1JIOK I'\OIIANli : A $11,000 hardwnio stock
i ] and a (3,000 boot and shoo stock lor M ensli ,
balance iinlnciimbcrrd real estate. Gibson ,
Aichor & Co. , lloom 3 , Wltlincll lllock. 250
1710U SATi-A $11,000 stock of clothing In
Ji ! Omaha , Nob. , tor 25 per cent discount fioin
cost. Ollison , Archer & Co. , Itoom 3 , Wlthncll
Ulock. 255
WANTKU Anonorgetlo man with moder
ate capital can maUotiom $5,10) to $10-
000 a year by becoming paitner or imichiiser
In nn established laninitiietui-inir enterprise.
Forfuithor particulars address , B. b5 , lloo br-
llco. 218-11
F OH SALE Meat market , with Imlldlngs.S
wagons , 3 lioreos ; good ' .location. K. F.
Itlngor , , 11 N. 15th. 17J
TT OU SALE Hostmirnnt , n eront Iinrnln$200l
JC Gibson & Archer , lloom U , Wltlmell Ulock ,
FOlt SAW' : Or oxclmnKo The Merchants'
hotel , n line new bold in Climlmn , Neb. llon-
tul iL'ei'lpts now f.TO per month. Will sell or ox-
chmuro for resldeiico n nr business pnrt or
Omnlm. I'nrtles felling1 dc. lro to llvo In n larger
clly. AfldrcssV. . A. LuiiKWorthy , Clindron ,
NobriiS'lin. OlllfebS *
FOlT i\01IAKKi : : A $7slock ) of dry
Koodsfor H cnsh ; balance unlmcninbcred
land or ijoo < l Omulin properly. For e.xclninne
A SIO.OOU stock of dry uoods for H cash , biilunco
unlmoiimbi'iod ' Innd or uood Oinnlia property.
Gibson , Archer & Co. , lloom \Vltlincll lllock.
_ _ _ _ J [ 010
Foil SAl.K A pitying nort'spnnor business In
peed Nobruslm town ; prleo , J-,000. Ulhsoii
& Archer , lloom U. Wlthnell lllock. t-'Jl
TTIOIt NAI.IC Ilnrdnnrd business In Omnlm.
J-1 Address 11 , 4. ) Ileo Olllco. TKifobll
Oil HAI.B The Commercial Hotel nt South
lleiiil. Nob. , prleo fc.iiH ( ) ; terms cnsy. Ad-
dreSB T. W. 1' . , Box 15 , South Ilciid , Nob.
FOH HALK-Or exchange Twelve bundled ,
and eighty ucres of Mo. , timber and grass
land , lorty miles east of Kansas City. As rich
soil as nny land In the slate , will toll all or part
nt tUtecn dollars per acre or will exchange for
good Improved or unimproved Nebraska land.
Bedford k Sutler 207
OH 3 lots in Spring Hill , $4.10 canh.
Also an established banking business In Ne
braska , county scat ( ilbeou & Atelier , Itoom
UWltlmull lllock Oinalui. 223
„ _
LOST lllack fihepherd dog with while ring
around neckl year old. It'-tumto ' B15 Pa-
elllo street and get reward. L. y. Atkins. i5H ! 5 *
LOST A light colored mink boa at carnival
Saturday night , January 30. Kinder will bo
suitably rewarded by leaving at 107 S I4th St.
WANTI5D 10 boanlers largo well fiirnlslied
rooms with base burner. Hoard and room
$ t.50jicr week. 710 & 14th. 807-5 * j
ROOM and board , $5 per week ; very bcstlo-
cation , laii Davenport Bt
PKKSONAL Speculators and others who are
looking for bargains tn Omaha property ,
vacant lots , Improved residence properly , acre
tracts , ete. , will do well to call on us. Heo what
wo have to oiler bolero purchasing. It will pay
> ou to call oil or address lllcu & ; Moore , 122.1
Fiiriinm st. 870-S
PEHSONAI- you huvo nny pioportyfor
mlo list it i\ltb Geo. P. IJoniis. 15th and
Douglas. 120
D li. K. 1) . AKXOLD. OoulUt und
inoved to 1514 Ddiiirjaa Btioct. b'H
r ANII siircjiS-aivo : : : ! this your uticmion :
3.0 ! acres or less , one tulle west of darks Sta
tion , on the U. P. tallioad : II'K ) acres muler cul
tivation ; a rate baigaln ; f.fjper neie.
100 ncros nuriliioiitt ot Moim Iakn. IOWH ; fin
est prntrip laud In Iowa ; will tell for $10 per
uore ,
T3'J aeri'S , 4 miles east of Omaha postiilllco ,
! 4 mlle Iroin Oninell Hlntls postolllco ; will foil
for i.lWXi. litlwnril T. Pctrrbon , Hoom 3 and 4 ,
B.U. Cor , 15th unu DauKlas fit. IOJ
Jr VOH have mopeity t sell or oichnimo ,
llbt U with C. J. faswell & Co. , Heo in Itf , Ne-
brusUu National Hank HulMlng. 302111114 *
EXCHANOi : liesUlfi Omnlm nnd Nebraska
property for cxulimuro or sale , wo linvo n
very vnluublo rcjlilonro In St , J ouls ,
oner i'or NeliuitOca m-opeuy ; nUu n Uervur
liouso nml lot lor unmlm rcsldeiica Cull or
writw us lor properly or nil kinds. llcllAJle-
$000 AN1J JlSOncto Improved f at mo within
1 rnlloD of Omaha ; f2 per iicro ; thr-so are
bargains. UlbBen & Atchcr , room 3 WIthnnll
block. 131
MAHSIIAI.I. .v i.oiiisuir , real estate.
Inn o n flno lUt of Improved and unimproved
lota In Omaha ; iicicsiuar tlioeily iaul humhcda
of thoiinuids of acictiol'laiid for fiilu ; corro-
pondejico fiollclteil. Mnr&Uill : & I.obei'lv , I.r < i3
I iirnum Mrcet. Olllce open till 9 p. tn , tvi
rplli : ( TM eTim > r8loviDllepalrCoTriTl Soiith
JL H'hfct. ' bclVM-'cn Dedge and llouyias ,
i : Hraiitoo. percMt.
llros.cur. lUtliand l.o.ivenn01 th. s5-'j '
LADir.S la wnui of food iloinefticVelprii )
bo ferppUed tiy cnlllnir on tlio Ouihha Kcv-
I'lojmcni Ullicc , lfio'-j ( I , llusliuudi'tL'tue.i. . Mrs.
J , \ \ . Mcrrbon piuprictor. fT4
OltDKll your flour nnd feed by Tcletihono
127. Neal &Conrnd,14n Dodge gt 27J
I poll SAI.i : Or sale , 1 top buggy , bran now ;
1 I phnoton top buiriry ami 1 pint form oprlng
wagon. Imprlro at Hospo's MilsloStore. iiinli4
IJiOH 8AM-Storon.\tnrcs. 0:0 8.10th st
J-1 833-17 *
ITlOlt SAI.i : A thoroughbred Jersey COWP ,
Jfresh. . J. 1) . Hnnscoui , ! ) miles southwest or
city. ' 300-1 *
G ( ) ( > lfumlly liorso forsnlo ; eight yenr oTdT
J ! Apply nt 1413 Doilgo at. SG9
Foil SAM : Lot In Ilnn'cotn 1'lnco , east
front. IntpilrcOO : S. 18th st. 204-13
JfOIl fiAMI ? nnd nnd jrrnvcl. Frnnk .1. Kits-
' pnr.Uj South 14th ft. JK.'fob37
Foil tvmther strip" , storm snsh nnd doors , go
to F. 1) , Mead M 8. ICtli si. 293
W'NTHI > Oood iflrl for gt-nornl lieu owork
ntaws Fnrnnm strcot. Cornersutli. ai
WANTKD Hli-lforgenernl housework. In-
qulro nt821 North -JUtli St. SW-fl
\ \ ANTii : ) Ooodglrl for general hotipowork.
113 R Kill 9t. 357-5 *
V\rANTit-A : good girl to work In faintly of
T ? two. Inquire 2103 Douglas. 3.YJ-0
ANTlin A girl about 15 yonrsoldto take
cnruofchlldron at 2111 Harnoy st. 85iM *
"VWA TKU A youmrlndy assistant ( rave
rwith n line Indies' goods ; uxprntos pnld
and good wages. Call at once. 1KM Farnnm st.
W Two girls at the Doran house ,
1)13 1 ) Fnrimni 8t. > IHla
ANTKD A glrlto do general houaoworlc.
No. 1018 Cnpllol avenue. Xtt
WANTK1) A tint class dmtng room girl
nnd n laundress at City Hotel. ffil-4 *
fNTl3l > rfrsT-claos wnlst hands Inuncdl-
utoly. Sirs. Wallace , cor. ICUi nnd Daven
port iiOM *
WANTIiU A chambermaid a good , smart
woman who understands the business
thoroughly : wages St per \\cok ; apply between
the hours of 11 and 2 , ! HU Douglas St , ItO
WANTKD A capable Borvant girl for gen-
cm ! housework. Apply at 710 N. tt.'d st.
"V\7"ANTin : flood girls for general house-
TT work. Itoom 41lusliman lllock , IGlli and
Douglas. 48l !
W ANTKD ( ) Irl for ( rcnorul hoilbowork. In-
quho nt 107 South 14th Bt KJo
V\7ANTin Ohls lor general housework ;
> 1 good places and good wages ; places given
free. Cull at 11 loth Ht. , Nobiasku Kmplo.vmcnt
Agency , Croiinco lllock. IM
WANTti : > One delivery cloik ; none but ex
perienced men need apply ; good refer
ences required , S. Kiitz. 13U8 Douglas. U71
WANTKD immediately , tlist-clnss Imrbor ;
while preferred. U. U. 1'lctchcr , Hebron ,
Nob. DTit *
WANTI5I ) A flrst-clnss sollellor to tnko
orders for advertising. Address llfll , llee
Olllco. Wil-1 *
W'ANTUI ) An oxpcrlenccd drmr cloikwltli
good loferfneoswlslio' situation In retail
slore. Address 11 DO Ileo Olllce. a.Vi-4 *
\VVNTJU ; Agents. 200 N. ICth st.
"ll/ANTJJU .A snlcsmnn , 0110 who has had ox-
pcrlouco nnd can bell goods. UIU B. ir > th bt.
3U !
WANTKli Mlcn-ns nnd totntstont forrall-
rend work , fiood wnffci ; also ptilieoiitrno-
tors : ireo trunsportiitlon. 1'or purtlcularx tnll
ntimmuimtnbt. 319
WANTED A peed notlvo boy to tnko cure
of store , s ocp nnd dust , run pri-ands , etc :
one with references prolertetl. b. 0. Joyce , 1.3
N. 15th bt. ! > - J-4 *
WA J 'Tii > Aponts to sell goods on tlmo pny-
monts. 117 S. intu bt. Cu'J-u *
" \lTASTii : > A flist-cli s snlosmun torepre-
> Y Edit n well cslnblltlied bouse to tlio drug
trndo , olllier exclusively or In connection with
MIIIIO other lino. Address P. O. lJo.x 1188 , N. Y.
City. i.i-iU : : ( ;
WANTUIi Eiicrgctlo men In every town In
Nolrnskn to sell the lloig clothes racks.
Agents lire milking from $ . "i to ft > per day. For
parllculiirs cull on or udilro-s 1' . O. llox 7J7 ,
Lincoln. O. II. WHITMAN , llM : K slrcct.
"yiTANTi : ! * Triiinsand to let 45 inlles rnllroiid
it toBtil-contrnctorE In sections oC one-liiill'
to live mlloH. I'rco trmiBportntion. Teams
bought or will lend money on outllts wishing to
work. Strung & Noueomb , contrnctoi-s , UK4 (
1'enn street , Kansas City , Mo , , or Arcade hotel ,
Omaha. ICO
"Y\7"ANTii : > Men and women to start u now
business at their homes ; can bo done
evenings and learned in nn hour ; any person
making lo s than lUo to Mo an hour should bond
lOo at once for u package of samples of goods ,
and 24 working samples ( formulas ) to commence
on. Address Albany Supply Co. , Albany. N. V.
" bi7t 17 *
WANTii > c ck-nr makord , hand workmen ;
none but llrht-eliibs workmen need apply.
Address Geo. E.GodfreyFremont , Neb. lnl-112
WANTH1) Situation by a widow IIH hoiifo-
kcopor for widower of good reputation.
Address M , Her. olllce , Council Illuirs. 310-7
VyANTICO lly a gentleman well acquainted
with gencial nierelnindleo or hardware , u
position as manager , or with such prospect. In
I'll her buijlnoes. Would prolor to establish a
business In anew toun with itillroiut piospoctR.
Would Invest $1,000 by July 1st , wish none
but responsible correspondents. Address A >
M. L. , Omaha Uoe. 2JI-5 *
WANTin : qirls wishing forgood places In
private faiiilllcs , hotels or boarding hou
ses , laundiies , eta , can always find them by
culling at the Omaha Employment Unreau , 1120
Fin limn f.t. 211
WANTl'.D To buy a ecoiiuMiima typo-
> vi 1 tcr. J. 11. llnynor & Co. . Oinaluu 8.11-28
FltltNC'II and German lessons , eveningsby
an experienced teacher In oustern schools.
Terms niodoruto or In exchange for board. Ad-
dicbslim.BeoOJllco. 18M'
10K HUNT Non- collage , fl looms , on B. lUth
Bt. U A. Hnldwlu. 8 > 1
TT1OK KINT : Ono Hut , with all modern convo-
JL ! nlcnces , 1C15 Hotvard St Inqulro at rooms
22 and 23 , Omaha Heal IMalo A : i.uau Co. IM5-5
T71OK HUNT SI ) aero Improved liirni , 5 tulles
JL' from I' . O. , at $ : ) per acre. Humlin A ; Ilrown ,
311 B. llth St.Omaha , Nob. 851-9
DA I HVj'AHjrto rent ; 8 miles out ; ( i-room
house , largo barn and other conveniences.
D.I ! , I'nttorbou , over Ut National Hank. > ivs-u
TmoiTHiNT-ITiarn : wltrfo ) ur stalls. 1310 Har-
J ? ney. 827
HINT : o-roomcottago,83aB. 2ibtst.
ll'jfobS ' *
T710H HiNT : Fi-om Fob. 20. now house , live
JJ rooms , turniAhcd ; will sell the fnmlnuo for
$150. Stable and earrlngo shod , iica on , de
parture. Address II t ® , lice Ollloo. 272-0 *
I7OH ItKNT Cnttnco , 111 Shlnn's ndd. , in
; block of long School. Apply 1217 Furnam.
TjlOH HUNT lloineof 2 rooms and kitchen ,
.I.1 eor. lUth and Hickory , $ 'J per month , K.
T. Petoibon & Co. , lloom 8 , S. K. cor. Kith and
Douglas. _ 2t'l ' _
FOH HUNT llotifo of 0 rooms , pantry ,
closets , etc , , Phil Sheridan and Hull bts. ,
$20 per month , 15. T. Peterson ic Co. , Itoom 8 ,
H. K. cor. l&lh and Douglas Eta. 2U. '
IjVMt HlINT-Stoio , SOU North 15th St.
J3 iis-c
_ _
TjilOH HUNT 0-room house , Chulc et.oppo-
.43 blto Sd Congregational church , Bt. Mary's
u\u. K. F. Itlniter , 11U N. 15th St. 22
I71O11 Hi : T Seven-loom hougo , and
JJ Mmthasta.$15. A. P. TuUey , 1U)1 ) Farnam.
_ 1 1
IfT OH HUNT 35-ncrn truck farm , S good
1 } hfiiscs. K. F. Uliigcr , Hi ) N. 15th. 174
T Three- room house , Oth & Dodge.
.I ; An estnbllsl'.ed giocory
J-1 In Omaha doing $5,000 bublness a month ;
capital it-quired , $ IUK ) . Also u ttoelt of dry
goods doing gcq < l business In Omaha. Capital
uiiulrcif2 , ' . j0. GIl'sOi ' : , Atehur&Co. , Itoom 'J ,
. |
Witbiichjilook. _ _
T.'OHHIJSTHauso of8rooms2d and Har
J.1 neySt. Inqulio of Mount lvtinllln2i3S 14th
btreet. _ _ _ _ _ _ a3 _
r > 6it itiNTon J.IASU : 3-room uouso on
X1 Iknvuvd kt. ; 10-iicro tnnlcnvltli ti-room
housu mljomlni ; city ; Hj-iici o 1 arm , 17 miles west
rf Omnha : C buclnccs lots on 8t. Mury's avo.
Apply to K. 11. Cliapmim A : CO. , 1-17 Howunl st
. 9 _ _
r/IOH HUNT llneemi'iit and buku own. .lohn.
.1 ? Krvk , id ) N , ICth kt . ' _ 75.'fobll
1TOH ll'lIXT-Ttn-co houses of ioT C nnd"T
J-1 tboiue C.IL'U. J. puippb Hoc. uvJ
Hl'.XT House beloniflnjr to the estnto
FOH Judge Chadwlck.StW Park nvcnuo W.J.
Conncjl. _
TTlOHllUNT 'Iwo now 3 and 9 rooniofinousos !
JU furnace , bath room nnd all modern conven
iences. one block from street cars , inquire Jo.
F. Ilnrton , 314 23th st , or SinolUng Works. KU
" imirKNT Aitoro room" with good collar
1UOO Hurt street. Apply to JoSa Bau mor.
I7IOH HIINT Parlor , with board ; address U.
L1 83 IlOO OUtco. 310-5 *
IJIOIt'JliNT Klcgnnt furnished rooms , all
U modern conronlences , at 22i > Dodge st 372
TTIOK HIINT A pleasant room nt 2IOSChicago
13 Bt. with nil the comforts ot a home. Ho-
forcncos required. " 'J- *
HUNT Furnished room. 1417 llnrnoy st.
FOR S03-U *
OH HKNT A furnl hol house with 0 largo
rooms. Inquire KM S.21H St. CT i *
HKNT Unfurnished room. MS N. 17th
FOH : > w-8
T71OH HUNT A Intio nicely furnished front
J : room. No. 812 N. 17th St. 317-fi *
TTUill KKNT-Hoom with boiirJ. 1510 Cnpltol nv
JJ IKl-lll *
OH HUNT itooms tileoly furnished. 1813
Dodiro. 86J-0 *
OK KlCNT'-Furnlshcd rooms. 1020 Cuts st.
lloforoncos required. ! CO-5
" 171 OH JIKNT Furnished rooms. Ml N. 15th
JD street. S5 *
: ! ) ItOO.lI and board , prlvato fam
FUUNlHIli 8 1' corner Pleasant and llnrnoy
Streets _ _
ltrdii 11KNT Furnished rooms , aw Dodge.
SSl-n *
1OU IlKNT 2 unfumlshod front rooms nt
1 1C DouglM Bt. 278
TTioil KENT Largo front room , modern Ira-
-C provcmcnts. Address P.O. boxIX ) ! ! . 215
OK UKNT-Furnlsuod room. 105 N. 18th.
flOH IlKNT rurnlslicd trout room 424 North
1 17th Street. 100
T71O11 IIKNT 1 small room , f5 ; 1 lurgo room ,
-U $12 per mouth , nawly furnUhed. nt 007 % N.
17th st. 13i > folS *
HUNT HOIIPO with I'l ' rooms , city water
anil gas. No. 804 North kl street. Jmiulro
of V. D. Cooper , 411 14th St. . City. 1U5
F OR IlKNT Furnished room. Imuihodrug
store , 10th nnd Douglas. G55
EOll KENT Ofllco nnd'dbslt j-oom. Frenzcr
lllock , east 1 * . O. Inquire lloom 1. B77
poll HUNT Largo furnished front room
' with closet , also back room. 17U Cnllfor-
nla st. TIK
T710U SAI.K-Or Trade. $8,000 ; splendid 010
X1 ncrolmpiovcd farm. In Sliorm.m county ,
Nobmskti o miles from Loup City ; good build
ings , plenty of wnter , surrounded by publlo
roads , seliool hou o on section , ! 1 miles north ,
I.oup u Ilo railroad town , 1- mile ? . Will divide
tlio teetlon or will trade for stock general mer-
cliiind'go or any good property In Omaha or tiny
live to wn in the state , Ihls must bo hold by
Jliiruh 1st , and Is certainly big bargain. Caller
or address for fiutherpaitlcillars.UIco & Moore ,
1222 Fnrnnm st. 871.5
Tmon SAl 13 Iy Kdwanl T. Pcterfon. & Co
JH Koomn UnncI 4 , K. K. cor. 15th and Douglas
kts. , have some very choice farms and land for
biilo chenp on easy terms.
No. 811 80-acro Improved form , 5 miles
from postolllco , cheap per aero $125
No. c&O ISiO acres in Merrlek comity , 1 mlle
from U. 1' . railroad , 100 acre under culti
vation per aero $30
No. all IM ) acres In S. II. part of Oreclcy
county , A No. r clay soil per acre $ ) .50
No. 312-2 00 acres In Nuueo county at n
lurgaln uor acre $5
No. uCU I'rom 80 to 510 acres In Cnmmhig
county ; will trade for city property.
No. 348 HO net os in JacKbon county , Iowa ,
A No. 1 tlmbet land per ucio $10
K. T. 1'otofbon & Co.Hoom33 and 1 , S. 13. cor.
lOtli and Douglat * . 305
FOK SALE-lly Oiunhu Itcal Tstato & Loan
31 House nnd lot corner on 18th St. , near the
nail works. A bargain. Itoonis 22 and UJ Wlth-
nell building. IKl-G
EOKSAI.i : Hamlln & Ilrown , Real Ebtulo ,
: ! 11S. lltliSt. Lands.
1,000 acres , O rceloy county , at ? 0.
PUIK ) acres in Ixiun , Valley and Nnnco counties ,
irom2 to 8 miles train railroad , at $5.50.
HX ) acres in Valley county , 0 miles southwest
of Ord , at $ r GO.
y,0 ° 0 acres In Custcr county , nt S5.50.
D.2K ) acres in Cheyenne county , at S5.5) .
Will sell tiny of the above tracts in quarter
240 uorcs In Franklin county , at $12.
110 acres In Stnnton county , at t-12. *
tfl aero Improved limn In Douglaa county , C
miles fioni 1' . O. , wilt trade or sell.
40 acres of Improved land , D'i miles from P. O.
Humlin & lliown , 811 S. 11th bt. , Omaha , Neb.
FOK SAM ! lly E. T. 1'otorhon & Co. , lloom 3 ,
S. 10. Cor. IMti and Douvlns tt.
No. 801 2 lots , C0xlb3 each , 7-room house ,
cor. Phil Sheridan and Pierce , fronting
on8strceta $ 3,000
318. Nice lot and 2 houses , 2 story ouch ,
with city water , etc. , IBth.nour Leavon-
wuith 4,00 }
No. U ! Full lot In Hanscorn 1'laco , Vir
ginia nvo. , 3-room house 1,2 < 30
This is thrco big bargains anil ought to pell
Immediately. U. T. J'etureon A ; Co. , loom 3 , B.U
Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts. SIS
Tmoit KALI : Paulson tc Co. , 15r3 Farnnut St.
J 20acios on Jlllltnry Head , opposite John
Sheyloy , with good now largo hmibu , well , els-
tern , stables , ete. , all lunewl , $11,000. ThU Is an
A No. 1 chance lor parties wl&hlng to innl.o
10 acres adjoining Fort Omaha c o the north ,
$3.500. Splendid ground for subdividing.
n 10 acres 1 milo west of Stock Yards , 165 per
1VJ nrros , fi miles from postoJllce , at $12. " , per
acre. Can bo subdivided. Do nut lull to Inves
24U ncrcs , 7 miles from pusfofllcc , Well Im
proved , partly good timber land , at' $50 per
ncio. A bargain.
l.W aero farm , well Improved , only 4 miles N.
W. of Florence , at Slj per aery. -
W acres , 7 miles from 1' . O. , highly Improved
furm , 3J.WO. Anne chance.
310 aero larm.l mile S. K. of Oilmoro Station.
with splendid buildings , being mostly bottom
land , well adapted lor slock lurm , Sl .dXi.
Splendid lot near Loayciiwortti , tu W ; A. Hcd-
Ick fl add. , $ 00 ; nnd 21 ols ln > amu additional ; corner lot in nine addition , $ (50.i
A low splendid lota loft In 1'nulbou'a addition ,
on street car line , on l.uko street.
2 lots In I'elham add , nt iJW each.
Alnrgotwo Mory muv hoii8o.on 9th near
; cnn bo rented fpr t-03 per J month. ; f too
cash ; balance on weekly payments.
Splomlld lots In Claik-l'lnco , $550oneh.
44 leet on 8 10th Ht. , near Howard , with three
houses renting ! or $125 per month ; $12,010.
l.o 1 45x155 , Wileox add , with house 10x20 , $750 ;
hall' cash , linlanco In monthly payments.
Corner 17th nnd CJnrk , 69xlSi , east Irout , with
one 12 andtwo i room bouses , leaving 4403 ft.
on corner ; 47000 , Paulson Ac Co.,151J Furnam
Bticot. 283-0
FOK HAM : lly i : . T. Peterson & Co. :
No , 333 2 lots nnd 0 houtos , rents tor
$135 per month , Konnt/e X Itutli's add. $3,030
No. 12.1 2 big lots and 8 line hoiihos in
Hhull's add. , modern improvements a
baiguln . 0,503
NoSlbJ A hugolot and 4 houses , near the
contnrof city , will toll on easy toims. . H.5CO
Tliofo an oburgalii3 tor those who wish to get
big Inteiost on their money. K. T , 1'otoreon ,
ft Co. , Itoom3 , & K. cor. 15th and Douglas bis.
SAf.K 210-nero form near Wcoplnt'
J.Vatfr , spIendMly improved , lu ) acres iimlor
plo\v. Will li ado for Omaha piojierty. W. II.
Uicen.ovor IstNat. Hank. 142
8AI-.K IVo lots in 1'eUinm riiice.QDO
block liom meet cur truck , Inqulro218E > .
luth stieet. CIS
. . M'UA.NDI.IMI ' eai-li
Kl.l. & olloi'lur - or on
very easy tenns elioleo property which you
should oAiuninu buloroiiurehnilng eUewlieio.
$3oi)0 7-ioom hoiibo near Sirindcis st.
$3,000 HOIIBO and corner lot , Shlnn'g 1st ,
$3 * 0 llouto and lot , line loaatlon , Himseom ,
W/iiiO House , laigo lot.tiluiU's Int.
41/KA ) OhUugo tt. , lioUhU and U lot.
t2,2JO Lot and 2 hoiibcs , splendid view.
tlHJ ) Nc\v houf-o and note.
ffi/iuo llnir.y ? ( . , hoiibo and lot.
$10,000 Fme rotldiinci ) , bplopdld locution and
vinw.j,000 I'aili avc.chot20 rcsldonco.
i3,7M CneS t-t. , Iiuuto and t > lot ,
$7,5dO-3J lect , Imslness , on Dodge , Improve-
$4aib I argo ho.iue , Hue location , Idlowlld.
J,8JU Uabt Jront lot uud i-ulliitfo , Hoggs &
$3',000 Nlco house nnd lot lit Itopers , easy
term llolli ; McC.uullUli , Ull l ) < > Jto : bt. 012- ' )
Z HyOmuhuIteai Estate & Loan
kl-Ixst on Doious , between 10th and 20th with
ITF ; bargain. ltooiiB22 : and 2:1Vlthnell :
bullJIntr. _ 347-G _
F flTsArj'-8J foot fronton Castollnr Bt. nnd
ICth. 5-i nom house , well , els-tern and bam ,
iO. W , II. ( lrcenovcr ibt Kiilionul flank.
VflliYroilT Neurc-f-t , beft aero Ipts , reuched
J-N over level road. .The 1.10111 dot acre lots e\cr
Bitld iu this ntar&Ft. 1'rieo , I JOO per lot : on easy
terms ; bpprtoot Intciest. These lots will double
la Miluu ( u neitKmpntlis. Auics.lJOT
IT OU SAI.i : 2 lot iStllD,2 hou es,7 rooms ,
. cnclt ncnr isth , $1/100.
Jin' BOxI.V ) . boifo i room" , nonr ISth , fS.OOO.
Ixit CflxlSi , house n room . Hurt St. , J3,0i > i.
LotCfitliB.hoilAtS rt > om , Cnpltol nvo. . JB.RCO.
Lot OiljJ , honio 7001113 , Armstrong s ndd. ,
, . . (
Sovprnl liotiRCi nnd .lots , Imptwemcnt Asso
ciation , at barirMaf. , .
Ixit ooxUI , house 7 rooms , llnrney st , $4,000.
2 lot * , llnrnoy st , nonrSHth , $ iR.V ) .
Desirable property near high school at bar-
KLog ( ? In Marsh's ndii1. ' , $ l/X to $ : ,1W.
lots In Hnntluuno , f 400 to (750.
A nno selection &r city nitd suburban property
alivnjsoiihand.iP y
I73 V-fa I'l'tgor. ' ' lit ) N. ir.lh St.
_ _ _ _ _
TTHHISAI.K liyiMHorTviTobb , 1515 Fariiam
JL1 Ft. 1 lot In West Knil and at $ 00.
8 lots In Shlnn's M hdd nt $ ? 2.'i each.
A few choice lots In M argil's at $1,800 each.
I/ot nfixl34onl3th,3 blocks from pavement ,
Fine aero In flol o's ndd , $1000.
2 of the cheapest lotslu I'lalnvlew , only $150
each. 731
_ _ t _
171 OK Choice Ilartralns in real cstnte , call nt the
JJ oniroot thoOnialmltenl IMato le l/iui Co. ,
rooms 23 anil 23 Wlthncll llulldlng Omaha. 70S
1710K SAW5-IIou e. nnd full lot on Daven-
-L1 U.1d and 24th , $3,500. W. II. Oreon ,
over 1st National Itank. 131
TTtOHSAI.n-iiyOuiaha Heal F.stato & Loan
JU Company.
143 A house and 4 lots In Loup City , offerud
ntn bargain. Itooius 22 and 23 Wlthnell linlld-
Ing. 3.VMi
SALK-Ily u. T. Peterson & Co. , lloom
JL' 8 , S. K. cor. Iftih and Douglns sts.
No. 110 A flue business corner on Tenth
8t.OflxHK ) , with 3 buildings . . . $15.500
No. 837 Fine business property on Far-
nnmst.eiUKB . 22,00)
No,840 Ollt-eOgo buslines propetty on
Harnoy St. , 41x140. , , . . . , - . 23.000
For further Infortnntlon cull on 13. T. Voter-
son & Co. . Itoom 3 , S. K. cor. 15th and Douglas
streets. 33U
.n 3 lots tn Marlon Plnco , f GUO cnoli.
X' W. H. Oroon , over 1st Niillonnl llnnk. 133
T7\OUSAI.n-A tow good lots In Hillside No.
JH one on Davenport nnd Chicago sN. , clionp
nt 87M ) to fS > 50 ouch. Potter & Cobb , 15)5 ) Fnr-
nnin st. 737
Jj Oll SAl.K A number of line lots In Fnlr-
. mount Plncoi will sell for smnll ensh pny-
mont , bnlanco monthly.V. . II. Ureen , over 1st
National Hunk. 1IU
SAI.I2 Corner on Fuinani , tire blocks
JL' Irom court house , $12,500. Graham , Crolgh-
ton llloek. U20
_ _
"ITIOH HALi : At a bargain. Flno business
-U property on S. 13th , MxlGO ft. This can bo
bought for $2,000 less than actual value If taken
at once. If you want nn Iniestmeiit look at
this. Cochran Jlro's & Co. , 150U Farmira St. 815
IfiOH HALi : $10.000 10 per cent dividend
1 paying Rtoek. Gibson i ; Archer , lloom
3 , Withnell Ulock. 43'J
" 171OH SALK Largo house and 8 nicely clovn-
-U ted lot ? In Shinn'a 2d add. $0 00. Also lino'
8-roonied house on Clark street , nicely olovittod
lot , $3,000. Gibson & "Archer , Itoom U , Wlthnell
llloclc. 440
FOH SALKBy Omaha Heal Estate & Loan
48 llouiu and lot in Omaha View ; small pay
ment down , balance on email monthly pay
ments. Itooms 22 and 2J Wltlmoll building. 81K-5
Foil SALli I buvo for snlo at bingalns five
or six of the finest stock farms In the state ,
running from ( WO to 3000 acres each Improved ,
with running water and fronting on ruihoads.
W. 11. Oreon. ovur 1st Nat. H-mk. 113
T710I5 SAJ.K-IiJ'&rfr. Peterson & Co. , lloom
X' 3 , 6 .11. cor. Ifith and Douglas sts.
No. 10D lxtG2 xlCj'Ionecken'sndd ) . $ COO
No. 121 Lots in JKilglitLyman'B add. . . . 400
No. 122 Lots In Votti'h&Cobb'sadd ' . 750
No.H7 : Lots lit Doiilso's odd . $ TOO to 1,000
No. IU ) Lots inJIiclic > ry Place . 00
No. ill-Lot * on 36uthIGtli . N)0 )
No. 3-4 2 line lots , ilanscom Place . 2,000
No. ! i27 Largo lot In Heed's Ut udd ( corner ) 2,000
No. 843 Lots in ifhlnilJB add . 1,000
This Is a tow of our bargains in vacant lots.
Call and lot UB tflko you out to examine. K. T.
Peterson It Co. . Itoom 3 , S. 13. cor. 15th nnd
Douglas sts. 'y , , Q _ 840
TTlOll SALIC Cltolcpb or 10 acre tracts , 4 miles
soiithtiestfnlmcobrt house , l > 4 miles Irom
junction of IJ.lViiy.tftid Holt1 Line , and 1 mile
Irom Stock YnrdBl Iltes well ; nil under cultiva
tion. Can bo bqught.1.or $175 nnd $20 * ) per acre ,
If bold soon. Clicftiiest property in vicinity.
Potter & .Cobb , IHSiytii st. 735
TTlOll SALK KO-noro ( arm , well Improved
-L ? house , burns ; > grnim/los , wind-nulls , tine
grove und orchard , 75 ncros under plow. Will
tnido for Omaha property , nssumo mortgnue
nnd piy : bnliuico cash. W. II- Green , over Ibt
Nut. Hunk. 141
TjlOllSAT.K A two Btory , SJrSO , frnmo build
Jlni { , suitable for n store , aoar lUttt and Fnr-
numSts. ApplyutthU odlco. ! U7
TTioit SAM : S'J-ncro ' furm , wcl Jlmprovcd.UiJ
J1- miles fioin Ormilm , routs for $2.5J per nero ,
WO per nore. W. II. Oreon , over 1st Nut. Hunk.
T710K SAl.K lly Omnlm Hem Kstnto k Loan
- ICoiiipiiny. .
55 An clegnnt hon ° o nnd lot , corner , In Mil-
luril Mace. Koonis 23 und 23 Wltlniull building- .
"THOU SALE A goiiernl morctiiindrso business
- * - ' in n rupldly growing town not fur from Liu-
coin. Host triido nnd location in town. A splendid -
did opportunity for n putty wishing n good
opening , nnd having from seven to ton thousand
dolluis in cash. Will sell for emu onlyor part
cash , balance real estate in Onmha. Address
llerehunt , UooOlllca. b25
FOK SAI.i : 100-iioro fnrm , well Improved ,
rents for J2.50 per aero , i)1 ) miles Irom
Omnlm , $ .10 per ncro. W. H. Green , over 1st
Nat. Hunk. KJ'J '
F OK SAl.K Lurgo nnd smnll Etock runcUca
with or without htoclc.
For Sale 3 lots In Hprlng Hill , $410 cnch.
For Siilo Kstnbllsliod banking buslnosi in
NebiiibKn , county Bent. Gibson Ac Archer , room
3 , Withnoll Ulock. *
Foi Exelumgo Nebrnfekn tarmt for Omaha
piopcrty ; ulso lands to oAchungo tor btucka of
Witntod 3 business lots for ensli within i
blocks ot postofllcu.
For Kxeimngo ll0 ! ncro Improved fnrm , Mad ] ,
son county , Nob. , for house nnd lot In Onmtm.
For Side A 6-ucro tract 4 miles ot po-tollieo !
house cost fcVJOO.Ior J 1,500 cosli.Olb&oiiiVAreher ,
Uooin3. Witlmell lllock. ! E5
17 < Oll SAI.i : An elegant lioiiso , good burn ,
180 ft eouthfront corner lot , hoiibo rents lor
$ -5 per month , i.'J.bOO.V. . U. Uieon , over 1st
National Hunk. 133
Foil SAli : Hoiife and full lot on S.1MU St. ,
J2.003.V. . H. Green , over itt NntlonnlHnttk.
| 1311
FoilSAl.K ! HyOinabii licul Kstnto & Ixian
51 House and lot on North Ifth fit ; nil modern -
orn hnprovemiintH'.iill In good repairs ami cheap.
Dooms KSnnd 21 WlUinell building. 3HI-S
1IP you wnnt'propoity nt n liuigiilii or on en y
terms , call on Hell & > McCnndllsh.Aniong other
properties wucan oirer a ootlugo ami corner
lot , with fruit trees , one block Irom Haimilois
St , nnd one from street cur line , on easy terms ,
iloufo nnd lot , eu t front , Nelson's , $2ODO.
2 bMieroiiirms , with fruit , near riuhoud , in
Snrpy county , ench f JOW. |
Ono oi' the best fruit forms , f 4,000.
2U lots lit lliinsconl I'luco , t-oiner lots , oust
fronts. Hiirgulna.
Acres In the city nt SICOO.
JliooUimuicicsnt J't-VJ.
Other acre adiJHIoiis.liom $100 upward.
Mursh loin STMffl' SfiV01-
D acres In Mi-ihuno n hull. $2.riOO.
Well located cprt ; H-iu ) Torruco ndd , 100.vl40 ,
"jo ucres ncnr 'clty.'kliltnblo ' for platting , per
ncio3X > . -
Hull & MoCnndllsh , 1511 Dodge St. 311-1) )
INVKSTKlATlfiNTnlu convince you that
Newport Is thBwwost and handponiest acre
propoity JoronljM ? # > lii lot ; Interest at per
UUlJli 8co Nuwpttkt Wld uo fonvliu-od This Is
tno tlmo to liuy ili'ii'1 ' Hits , spring prlco will bo
higher. Anies.iyfr Ftfriiinn. DIP
17V > K KAr.K 33 ft on l/.url : good house , burn ,
JJ well , ete. , t-jj'PJJUT' ' ' ' ! " Oioeii , over Ibt Na
tional Hunk. 1'JS
T ANlT HiTiTK > : Hh.lAT rUNTIO.V For full
-LJ particulars nUoubidroo and eboup lauds in
Western Nobraslja ftddroas Tlioi. U. Patterson ,
ItcalUstatoAgimU'North I'latto Nob. S
A Mis : , 1M7 Furnam rit ,
llodlck'd drove . , . $ W
Amps Place . , . . 2.X )
Oak Chatham . . . 0"J
Pluinvluw . CW
C'laiondon . , . 'J
Aillngton . , . , . uu
Syndicate Plnoo , 400
I umcnworlliTerrace , 4,0
HarktUowl'laoo. , r. J J
Newport. . . . . . . , . . . . < uOJ
Cole Hrllllantu ! ' '
iiydu I'nrk - , . , , . . . . , ' ! ,
J.jiumi Placo. , . . . , t. . * . . , , . . . . . . . ° OJ
W5 ' Ames , 1507 > , arnimi.
TJ Oll SAM : Jiom-o and lot 2138 tSthBt.jchoap
JJ' and pityuionta. AddiosaU. S. ClilpiuutiI.ln-
coin tifcu. . . \ * *
: . . : Fine cornsr lot. cast' and south
For.SAI.i , . I'.au ) . .W. T. Gruliuin ,
Crelghton Hlofk. _ 7JS
C'holoo Harjrulns In r6ul lit tlio
FOK of tlic UtnuUii lit al l.-liilo & Loan Co. ,
rooms auU J , Wilhaell HuUJliijf.Omuhu. 7Uti
Xlto Interesting Story tTold by nit Old
New Haven Union : "Speaking of curl-
ositlos , " said an old showman who wn ?
bolng ontcrtainod by sotno Xow llnvcti
friends the other nlclit , "iltd anjof you
fellows ever hcnr of the big snnko Ulnokio
nnd its still bi scr mate Ifitbo ? " All ills-
claimed knowledge of tlio curiosity except -
cept from reports , antl rcquesteil tlo :
speaker to procoeil. Ho did so , as fol
lows ; "Well , JnkoTownsend used to own
half of them , nnd nnothor man , whoso
nnnio 1 liavo torgottcn , the other half.
1'hey got hold of the snitkcs in a curious
manner. A vessel arrived nt Salem
with about twenty snakes that hail
been captured somewhere. Jttko Townsend -
send waited to pet the llrst choice , 1ml
another man had the Inside track and got
the best of him. Ho got first choice- and
took eleven for about $ COO. Townsend
paid § 1,250 for the thrco largest , anil
named the largest llttbo ami another
lllackio. I liuvo forgotten the name of
the smallest one. Well , Townsend nnd
his partner hired Hilly Vincent , a noted
snnko man. to take care of the snakes ,
llnbo and lUackio wore anacondas and
the smallest was a boa-constrictor.
"Townsend and his partner put them
on the road and they were thought to he
worth more than nn entire circus. Inside
of two months Httbo was thirty-six feet
long and proportionately wide. Hlnckie
was not ns large by three or four foot.
Well , when the show struck Vermont it
was about time for the snakes to shed.
You know , when n snake comes out of
his old skin ho is ravenously hungry , sea
a lot of rabbits wore kept oil hand when
the time approached. Hill used to take
them put of their glass-top box every day ,
nml give them a bath to help loosen their
skin. Hill took them out one day , nnd
after their bath put them bnek and left
the lid open. He Hum sat down and be
gan to read. Well , ho read awhile and
lell into a doze. All of a sudden lie woke
up , and as ho opened his eyes ho saw before -
fore him , looking at him like grim death ,
the smallest of tlio snakes. Lying on the
lloor was the skin of the snake , which it
had crept out of while Bill slept. Hill
djdn't dare move for ho know it would bo
his death signal. Ho always swore Ire
sat tlrure.and looked that snake square in
the eye for three hours. Good circum
stantial evidence , however , places it at
three minutes.
"Finally tlio snake slipped down and
went toward a cage , whore there were
some jaoknss rabbits. Quick as a Hash
Hill was at another oago and hud thrown
tv- rabbit to the snuKo and opened the
cage door. Ho left it open so Ilio snake
could help himself , and then got out in
pretty lively order. Hill was scared most
to death , and didn't go there till the next
day. He opened the door , and the first
thing ho haw was Rube trying to get tit
the rabbits , which he had clirrmed. Hill
) hold of n rabbit and threw it to him.
y the time he had that down Hill had
another for him. Well , Bill kept that
up until the snake had swallowed twelve
jackass rabbits , oars nnd all , anil six
whole chickens.
"The next day the other one shed and
was fed his share. Well , sir , from that
day until they died they never were
known to eat another thing Townsend
soon after sold Bluekie nnd the boa. In
181S3 he nnd his partner took Hiibo to
California by way of the Isthmus. When
they got down in the tropics the glass
top of Rube's box was left open and ho
got out while the passengers on the
steamer were at dinner. Yon can im
agine they got below when he was found
sunning himself on deck. Hill was called ,
but when l.o came the snnko war no
where to be found. It was thought ho
had gone overboard until he was found
by a sailor between decks coiled around
some cable that ho had probably taken
for anotliersnakc. Bill got him bnek irr
his box by ] tuttin < r the box alongside and
lifting him in by .sections. They got the
reptile safely to 'Frisco , and before they
landed a marr jrarncd Bassett cnrne on
board nnd bought out Townsoml's part
ner for $10,000 ami expenses of bringing
it to California. At the first .show they
gave they took in $0,000 in clean money. "
Probate Judge Ilnrnncr of Council
Grove Kan. revoked all '
, , druggists' per
mits for selling hquor in Morns county ,
on the 1st of last month. A local paper
s\yft : it understands that ho entered upon
his record the following : "It is said that
during the year 1885 prohibition did not
prohibit in thi.s county , but by the grace
of- God nndJesse Ilamnor prohibition
will prohibit in the year 18SU. "
K trained Ilia Side.
No. ll.Wr.ST HiiTiiST. , .
Nuw YOUK , March C , IBS. ! .
I aui pretty well known in New York
as the one-armed bnggago master at the
K" . Y. Central Dbpbt. Three mouths ago ,
in lifting a heavy trunk , I strained my
side drondfully. I immediately procured
nn Alleock's Porous I'luster. Every hour
felt less pain. 1 were the Plaster three
days , then applied another , was well m a
week and attending to my business.
Paring the Trench and Indian war a
road was built from Crown Point across
'the ( ii'con mountains to Fort Xo.1 , now
CliurloMown , N. II. This road played
an important part in the military opera
tions of succeeding Indian wars nnd in
the revolution. It is now proposed to
rcMtfvoy. its oourso and erect suitable
marks und memorials.
Is 4 very prevalent and exceedingly dis
ngrctt.iblo disease , liable , if neglected , to
develop into'fiorjons consumption. Ho
ng a constitutional disease , it requires a
constitutional remedy JiUti Hood's Sursu-
parillu , which , acting through the blood ,
reaches every part of the syetuni , ell'eot-
ing a radical und permanent euro of
catarrh in oven Its most severe forms
Made only by C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell
Pilgrim Hall , Plymouth , has boon on-
rlchcu by the additiorr to its collection of
the long , narrow , square-toed pink satin
slipper that was once worn by Mra.
Susanna White , widow of William Whlto
of the Mavjlowor , a .second wife of ( ! ov.
Edward Winslow. There is no doubt as
to its authenticity.
been made triad by Ilio introduction of
compound for the laundry. It olcaiihcs
the most delicate fabric without injury.
Sold by grocers.
The old Freeman tavern at Morristown ,
N. J. , is soon to bo demolished. It is
saitl to have been erected about 1710 , and
that when the American army was quar
tered on the hills about Morristown in
the winter of 187-8 , General Washington
there took the rites of free masonry. A
grand ball was also given there by Mm
ollicor.s ol the army , the tickets being
$130 ; ) continental money ,
IMI KS ! I'llTuS ! I'lljRS
A Mire euro for Hllnil. lileedln , Itchlu
nnd Ulet-mU'd Piles has bet-n dboovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , iilled : Dr
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single
box has cured tlio worst chronic case * of 1H or
uOc.irsbtandln . No one need suffer live
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth
In * medicine. Lotions and Instruments do
mine harm than cood. Williams Indian
Pile Ointment absorbs thn tumors , nllnys the
Intense itching , ( particularly nt niirht after
Dr. l-'inzlcr's Mairie Ointment cures ns by
rmii'Ic , Pimples , Black Heads or Ornlw ,
lilotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving
tint skin clenrnnd beautiful. Also cuit-a Itch.
Halt itlieum , Sere Nipples , Sore Lips , and
Old Obstinate Ulcers. . .
Hold by druggists , or mulled on receipt of
00 cunts.
Itetailed by Kuhn & Co. , and Schroetcr &
Ucchu At wholesale by 0. K liocxlmau.
Fluctuating Market in Wheat , but Firm
ness Displayed Throughout.
Closing < xt ft Three-Quart or Cent
Onln Over Yesterday Ijlvo
Stock lloports Vary n.t to
llioMarket's Condition.
CnioAoo. Feb. 4. [ Special Telegram. ]
Wnr.AT Wheat closed yesterday nnd opened
to-day nt very nearly the same points The
market displayed Ilrmness quite unexpected
to n majority of tlio traders , and advanced \
@ ? & 'c , May climbing to SHJgc. Tlio heavy
weights inailo tliolr appearance at this Junc
ture and offered property on n scale of great
liberality , pushing tlio market down Jfc , JIny
strlkliiK % c mid showing great weakness.
Ono or two largo scalpels , who had been long
considerable amounts of wheat , let KO on tliu
downt uni under the belief that the nmiket was
pohiR to smash. In tlio incintlmo outsldo
buying orders multiplied , mid the sustaining
force of this business eventually made ItsoU
felt In hatdcnlng values. The price , steadily
advanced and the bear paity , after
trying unsuccessfully for an hour
to stem the tide , drew elf ,
determining apparently to offer no further
active opposition , but to lot the bull senti
ment exhaust Itself If It would. lly M o'clock
May was Milling at Sljtfe , and the market was
seemingly as solid as n tock. The tone of
foreign advices was rather loss bearish than
usual , and the posting of tlio amount of
wheat on passaco to the continent and the
United Kingdom , which showed about
0,000,000 bushels less than at the correspond
ing peilod about n year ago , repoits that
about'450,000 bushels had beou taken In Hal-
tlmoio and New York for oxpoit late yester
day and this morning , together with n 1:011-
cral icvlval of country confidence as
manifested In an Indenting number of
ordeis from the In tin lor , all contiibuted
to the firmness that Infused tlio crowd alter
the early break. The bears hold that to-day's
firmness Is ephemeral , and that when
mands of tlio country bulls are satisfied , the
market will react and drop back of its own
.weight. The repott that tlio northwestern
millers had lowered their bids at country
points So In older to discourage fuither de
liveries was seized upon as a bear aigumont.
This , added to fill selling by scalpeis toward
the close , caused prices to fall a\\ay , and at
1 o'clock May was quoted at Sl' c.
MIKOIC CHAINS Corn was dull and strong
to-day , and prices a shade higher. Oats quiet
and without important change in comlitiou
or pi Ice.
PROVISIONS Provisions were active and
lower , poik closing all o'clock at a loss of "Oc
comiaied with yesterday , 'and lard un
AKTKKNOON IJoAiin Wheat was strong
on the curb , and advanced % ® ) { c on tlio af
ternoon board. Slay closed at S-t dj.&l&c ,
audJunc at SQtfc , again for the day of Jic.
Coin and oats were practically unchanged.
Provisions were rather weak at tlio begin
ning , but steadied and closed firmer.
8-l3 : i * . jr. Puts on May wheat , 84c ; calls ,
CHICAGO , Feb. 4. [ Special Telegram. ]
CATThi : This morning the market opened
In n very unsatisfactory manner , with buyers
holding out for reduced juices. Ulds weie
lower , nnd common to medium cnltlc bold
about lOc lower. It Is seldom that tliu mar
ket Is more- uneven than it was to-day.
Theiowcio Instances In which dealers con-
bidcicd values fairly steady , while the ma-
toilly of salesmen complnlncd ot very
dullness and lower prices. Dressed beet
men paid as high ns S-V30 , nnd a very few
prime Piltsburg cattle sold nt SB.05. Shlp-
plng htecrs , JMO : to 1500 Ibs , $ .t.00@5.0j ; liJOOto
13.7) ) Ibs , S3.bO@-4.00 ; ' . ' 59 to 120i ) Ibs , S3.40@1.25.
Sales Sixty-two corn-fed Colorado's , 1SH
Ibs , Sl.'ij ; twenty-three Texans , WJlhs , S1.C5. !
Jloas There was a wide dilfeience of
opinion between opcratois this morning ns
to the condition of the imukct. Salesmen
claimed values lower than yestordny , and ex
perienced buyers reported a slight advance ,
especially on selected and assorted lots.
Values are a sfindo higher , lots ofiancv
heavy belling at SI.C5 , nnd several lots of
choice Heavy made $ UX > ; < ? ! ! .GO , with the
ordinary run of packing bortsat S-1.00@4.4l ) .
Now York. Feb. 4. MOHBY Orr call
easy nt 1K < 33 per cent.
l niMuMiur-AXm.iI'APiu Kg.1) per cent.
S-r r.iir.iNo UXCIIANOK Quiet mil stindy
nt84.soj/for blxty days , ajiit Sl.SSjtf lor dc-
OovnitXMKXTS Dull hU ) bteaUy
S'locuh Stocks continued active , with
L\clcawnnim : \ the conspicuous feature. The
maikct only developed decided strength ,
which continued with frequent moderate re-
ncllons until Iliu middle ol tliu nlturnoon.
JhnliiK this tlmo pi lees advanced Irom line-
tlons to over : i per cent , ceal stocks leading ,
On considerable reall/.ing later In the day
them wns a fractional decline In neatly
everything , the market continuing weal ; un
til shortly before : i o'clock. In Irrml dealings
lenewcdstierigiliprovnlled nnd the market
closed Him.
sycent bonds. . . ioo > < j u. itM. w lontf
IT. S. 4K's ll-i iiroferred. . . ii5 : > ;
Xew/h * K-lifN. Y. 0 wr > %
1'aciliofl'sof'1)5 ' ) , 1 W Oreiron Trail. . . :
Central I'uclflo. . l > .mllio Mitll .
U.&A 141 I' . , U.
preferred. . . . HU 1M' . 0 13U
C. , II. & < l IHS Uook Isliimt. . . .
I ) . , L. * W IS'JMlBt. L. As S. K. . . .
J ) , Alt. U nxnietnncd. \ . . .
Krk- y.r.J ! ( J. , M. As St. 1 . . .
jircferred. . prefeireil. . ItSI
Illinois Central. . J41 St. I5. .tO ii'JJf
I. , H. ifcU' 20 pn-leniMi. . . 10-J
Kansas it Texas. , .Toxns 1'nclljo. . . VJ > iJ
LakeShore , ST ' .Unlonl'aellio. . . WJ/
L.&N 41 IW. , St. I , . I' . . W6
Midi. Central. . . . 7M pielened. . . lilj ;
Jlo. 1'acilie Jll'i'lWe-.U'in ' Union. 7JJi :
Northern I'lto. . . 7J < , . { . * 10 ; ) > i
„ . . Kel ) . 4 Flour Dull nnd tin-
changedwinter ; wheatllourM.10&l.BS-.soutli- !
ern , Sl.OOfe l.Hi j Wlhconsln , 64.Mijt1l.75 ( ;
VUtJt9U Jf 1 CitlUIVn * UttL'tV tt HUHt. Itlf III , VtVV Tt \
per banel ; ! . ' .00 in-rcwt. In wicks.
Wheat tJiibcttli-il ; opened a tr Ilio stronger
advanced jie over yesterday's ehiMi , ih-elined
J o , later mlvaiiccd J e , < lecllncd ? b'c , nnd
linally clowil V. " above yesterday ; 7SXC < 81Jve
lor cash : 7t > " < te7b 'o for 1-Vhiuaryj 71) ) 70 0
lor Maich : tVidtwii } lor ilsiy.
Corn , Sti onger ; no bpOelal rhanco ;
SO.Uu for rash ami Februuiy ; JJOJt'QiuO o for
.Maich ; 40cfor May.
Oats Dull , Mow ami na-y ; no chau o :
2Skru2 > > Ko lor cash ; ! ftye ( < jjsifu : lor Fcbm-
Jlarloi Ditllatooc
'rimothy I'rlmo , Sl.M.
Flaxwca-.StoiuIyi No. 1 , 51.12.
1'ork lodorately nctiye ; oponcil
ileeliiiocl VJ'iJfflV ' , lati r ralllfcf lOc , it-coded
I. ' l7i < c , and t'lowd tame ; su.lOjrdlJ.lSM tor
c.\li aiiil l'Vbntu-y : : alUSjtfii 11.15 lor. March ;
l.JIJi.Oi'M , ! ! . " ' lor Ma.\ .
iiil-WtfHt iwtllns ami Mc.tdy ; 80. 1W
ca&li mid > dijnary ; . & 0.17j < tor March ;
50iUif1iU [ ti-Shouhlor , 83.Wiaj.00 : r.hoit
clear , S5.ha4t5.ap5 ; Miotl ilhfi , . ! > .l > i ) < .
IJutU-r-ateaily : cmami'iy , \ ! > uiMd.iliy. \ .
ISt 'Me ,
Chwiso Steady and firm ) full ; i cam ( hcd-
lar.i , h'.tj ' c ; luU , vgl\ \ > ) ivyounir. \ . Anit-r-
Hldirt-l-'iii'lianwa ; pat c-tirotl , , WiA-fo- ,
ict'ii. > ; hi-avy KH'i-n w.Ui'iU ' ' . ; . ; do ,
' 4u'.i' ( , clmli hldtii. UVej.dry M.d-il . , lf .
dtj Hint , liUo ; cat | Uins. lOftjl * ,
Tallow t'nelinnerd ; No. I country ,
No. 8country-le ; cnko , .V.
KocclpU. Shipments.
Flour. bbl.i 13,000 11,0011
Wheat , hit 15.000 10.000
Corn , bu 110,000 bO,000
Onts.b U.,000 10J,000
lycbu nooo 1,000
Unrlor.bu 30.000 Ss.OOO
Now York , Feb. . Wbcnt-lllKbrr :
receipts , 10,000 ; oxpotls , 4ooo ; tinitiadcil
red , Mifi$91ijc ; Xo. 3 red , 81 > ) fc t. o. b. ;
Com Hldier , closing firm ; receipts , ss.000 ;
exports-10,000 ; iingrndpd , 4s < iir.Yv ( ? ( ; Xo. a ,
4SJVM4ii ) < c ; No. 2 nnd March cloMngrtt4l > Jic.
Oats very dull : receipts , llt.OOJ ; exports ,
none ; mixed\\estcrn , 37iJGl ( > c ; uhllo western ,
Petroleum Quiet ; nulled closed nt S3' < c.
I'.cifs Hlghrr and In good demand ; ro-
cclnt.SM ) packages ; western , .WJI'tfo.
1'oik Finn but rnthcrqiilrt ; mrss , S10.50.
I.nid .Moio ilolne for export ; \tealcrn
steam , Saif < ( ? 0.8 | ; March , SO.-lX'f .47.
ijiitliT Firm nnd In Inlr request.
Cheese Quiet nnd bntoly stendy.
Olnoliinntl , Feb. 4. WlieM-Ucavy niitl
lower ; No. 3red , ! c.
Corn Firm ; Xo. t. mixed , nre.
Oats ICnsler ; Xo. 8 mixed , 31 ( .J32o.
JJ.\i < l-rnr ; Xo. 'J , < TNX
IJailey Firm ; extra Xo. 3 northwestern
sprlmr , iXMfiifc.
1'oik haslernt Sll.'JS.
] .anl Lower ntSO.10.
Whisky-Steady nt S1.10.
ailnnonpoiiH , Keb. ! . Wi'nk nnd
lower : No. 1 hard. SOtfc cash nnd .Innunry ;
snuc iH'bnmry ; b o March ; bsiio April ;
DljcMny ; Xo. 1 , neglected ; bfllu'c
bid May.
Flonr-Qnlol ; patents , SIAO OObakers' ; ,
" '
'itecelpts Wheat , 88,000 bu.
Shipment ! , Wheat , 10,000 bu ; Hour , 11,400
Milwaukee , Fob. 4. Wheat Firm ; Xo.
a cash , sic ; February , 7vSo ; JIny , bljtfc.
Corn ( Jiilot : Xo.J , Rtio.
Oats-Dull Xo. ' . '
- ; , asKc.
Hyp-Dull ; No. l , ftsc.
Jlaihiy-Kasy ; Xo. 'J , CIJ ,
Provisions Lower ; mess potk , cash and
Fcbtnary , Stl.35 ; Match , Sll. 0.
St. litntlt , Feb.t. . Wheat Weak and
lower : Xo. u , cash , b'.iijiyoc ; J'Vbruary ' , b'Jc
Corn F.asii-r ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , ill Oj
l4'cMay ; , : obld.
ats Lasy ; Xo. 3 mixed , cash , US. ' c ; May ,
. .
Itye Wc bid.
Whisky 51.10.
Pork VhmntSlUiO.
J.ard Steady at S0.00 < 30.or .
Butter Steady ; creamery , aiQSOc ; dairy ,
Afternoon JJoard Wheat I-'Irni and ; V@
e higher.
Corn Steady and a shade better.
Oals UnchniiRcd
Tolcilo , Feb.J.WhcatCloscd linn ;
cash , IKjafQWc.
Coin Sttont : ; cash. SJ c hid.
Oat.s Firm ; rash , Ulo bid.
Now Orleans , Feb. ) . Corn Unsettled
nt4@l.-c ! ,
Oat.s Ka lor but not quotablv lower.
Hog Products Urifccltled , but gunornlly
I'ork S11.7ofi)11.87J ( ) < .
J.aid Itelined , 5n.OO(10.12K. (
Hulk Meats Shoulders , Sl.OO ; lone clear ,
S3.TO ; clear ribs , 55.70
KtiitsnH City , Kel ) . 4. Wheat Lower ;
cash , OO e ; Match , TVc bid , WKo asked ;
Jlny , ' ( " > k@ " v.
Coin bteady ; cash. 27Jfc bid , 23 ; < c asked ;
Mnrcli , -'b8'c bid , asked ; April , Jll
bid , JJl-Vo asked.
Oatb-Cash , liS ked.
jiso , Feb. 4. The Drovers' Journa-
rejiorts :
Cattle Itccclpts , 8,000 ; slow and weaker ;
shipping bteers , S-t.OOtrf.'i.O.'i ; stockeis and
feeders. S2.r > Utf ( 1.00 ; cows , hulls and mixed ,
int : and .sliippinir , Sl
4.19 ; skips &J.40ttViO. (
Sheep KcuelpLs , fi.OOO : btrong ; natives ,
S3.00Rj.23 ( ; Texans , § .00 ( < i3.75 ; lambs , 31.00
@ 5.25.
St. IjoulH , Feb.I. . Cattle JtocolpH
. . .
Hog ! , Hecelpts , 5,000 ; bhlpmcnts. 1,500 ;
fairly active and steady : butchers nnd choice
heavy. § 4.iOM : > I.CO ; mixed packing , § 4.00g (
1.20 ; light , S3.00@4.05 ; closing iiuict.
Knitsiis City , Feb. 4. Cattle Ilocolpti ,
000 ; blilpinents , 500 ; ( mlct ; exporters , fcft.OO
@ . " > .10 ; common to choice shipping. SII.'JO ' ®
4.UO ; btot-kcis nnd feeders , S2.COSt.75 ( : :
CO\\SS'J.OO. ( ! . 'JO.
Hogs Receipts , 7.000 ; slilpmontR , .100 ;
Hi m and active ; good to choice , S4.00@4.15 ;
light and mixed , ? : ! .bO@i.t)5. : )
Thurbday Evcnlrifir , l eb. 4.
The stock market was nctlvo to-day and
con.slder.tblo stock changed hands. The mar
ket was about Steady at yesterday's riuoU-
Choice com fed steers nro in de
mand. Steers averaging 1,100 to 1,200 Ibs.
arc quoted at SiS.b.Xfi.l.OO ; 1,200 to 100 , : ! Ibs. at
84.00V U15 ; lir,0 to 1,500 Ibs. ut § 4.50@.00.
Hulls fc'i.a.'Xrt.'i.oo. Choice cows mo quoted at
fej.a5GiU.fiO : ; good cows , S3.16@8.aO ; common
cows , W.fioCiaoo.
The grade of hops on the niniket ( onlay did
n olnu-r age ns veil as yusteiday nnd
iiicntly | micusiaiigcd lower , ( hough the mar
ket could not bo culled much lower , lions
4.00.lood fat hhecnmu watconntl in demand.
Sheep weighing 75 to looib.s , S-.75(2:3,00:100 ( : :
to 12o Ibs , S.2r ! ! < 21.00.
Cattle 100
Hop * . . . . l.WH )
Sheep 403
67 ii. " i 'I.UO
inniinsT I.OWKST.
Showing the highest and lowest pilcos paid
on this maiket for hogs iluriuu' the past
Mivcn da\s and for the correspundlng period
last month :
December , January ,
Tlmrtdny 5:5.10 : § : ; .
Friday ' ' '
.liinimi'y. Felirtiary.
Monday ! ! . % ( ( . i.'JO
Tno.silny i\.Cft \
Widm-hday. . . .
WetlncKday. _ . _ . . . _ . ! ) ! JI.75
Showliii ! the number ol' cattle , hogs nnd
sheep pinclm&cd by the uaokcts on thu mar-
let to-day.
Clly butchcih . 23
J. K. Uoyd . fl"J
( i. il. Hammond ft Co . , . N'.IJ
K. H. Whitney . ; . 1--0
Others . i . ' *
' '
. -100
Notts- All Kilos of block in this rnarket ijr
4U Ibs .slid kU-
Yo-i rnn buy lurluturc cheaper of A
L. I'itch ACo. . , iV'th st. , bot. Farnain and
Uis , unv other place iu tin : oily.