Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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They Have a Tilt at Arms Mr. Falconer's
Prospective Marriage.
The Chinese Cclebrnto Now Years
The Marshal Controverey A
UottOlns Mystery An
Aged Laity , Etc.
An Interesting Question.
Some time ago the BHK nnnoitucccl the
engagement of Mr. N. B. Falconer , llio
prominent dry poods morclmnt , to Miss
Ncttlo Leach , one of his accomplished
lady clerks. The wedding was to have
taken place Fob. 11 , but has been post
In connection with this affair , which is
of great social interest to the vendors of
the Bin : , a curious and somewhat per
plexing question has arisen. Briefly
stated , it is this : Miss Leach is a member
of the Catholic church , while Mr. N. B.
Falconer is not. Now , according to the
laws of the church , which have from
lime to time been brought Into promi
nence by encyclical letters from the pope ,
Catholics and Protestants ( or heretics )
arc not allowed to intermarry , except for
the most stringent reasons. This law can
bo set aside , by a special papal dis-
dispensation or an order from the bishop
of the diocese in which the parties re-
It is this law of the church which has
cast an impediment in the way of the
marriage ot Mr. Falconer and Miss
Leach. Hilltop O'Connor lias been re
quested to grant a special order setting
aside the lawt but ho has refused to take
nny such action. Other priests in the
various parishes of this city have been
requested to perform the ceremony , but
one and all have declined to do so , not
caring to take any action wnicli would
bo in direct delianco of the decision of
Bishop O'Connor and the expressed laws
of the church. The priests of Council
Bluffs , who have likewise been visited ,
have declined to perform the ceremony.
There remain but two tilings to bo
done , cither to have the nuptials solemn
ized by a 1'rotostanl minister or by .some
magistrate duly autliori/ed bylaw to per
form the ceremony. This latter course
will probably bo pursued and the wed
ding will take place on February 18.
Mr. Falconer , in conversation with a
reporter yesterday said that Miss Leach ,
while a member of the Catholic church ,
was not so devout that she would allow
the anti-Protestant marriage law of the
church to prevent the union. "We
can ihul no priest hero to perform the
ceremony. " lie said , "and shall probably
bo married by a local magistrate. Miss
Leach is a member of thiiCutholicchurch
while I am not , but , on the oilier hand ,
am inclined to bo rather liberal in my
views. It seems that the Catholic church
lias a law which forbids such marriages ,
but wo doii't propose to allow it to stand
in our way. "
A priest of one ot the local parishes
was called upon by a reporter last night.
Questioned with regard to the matter , ho
( aid :
"The laws of the Catholic church for
bid a marriage between a Protestant and
a Catholic. This can bo set aside for
various reasons , by a special dispensation
from the bishop ot tlto diocese in which
the member of the church , so desiring to
marry , resides. In the ease of Mr. Fal
coner and Miss Lc.ach , the bishop saw no
special reason for granting a dispensa
tion and so could not take such action. "
"Suppose that the marriage ceremony
is performed by some authorized person
who is not si member of the Catholic
church ? "
"If a heretical preacher marries them
the lady will by the very act , become ex
communicated. If.the ceremony is per
formed by some magistrate then the act
is simply one of disobedience on the
part of the lady and the church will
see her later after death. "
The Coolie tiaunclrynioii Celebrating ;
Their Gliul Now Year.
The twelfth anniversary of the acces
sion of Quong Soi , the Son of Heaven , the
Child of the Sun , Prince of Earth and
_ Emperor of all the Chinas , was
celebrated in Omaha yesterday with far
grander "eclat" than the run of affairs
would seem to warrant. The average
citizen rushes over the snowy streets on
business intent with no thought that the
day was one of solemn ceremonial and re
ligious observance , but it was for all that.
When the lirst cold rays of the winter
mm stole into the several washco shops in
the city , their occupants arose with
drowsy minds full of meditation. The
establishments were not opened with'
that business promptness which usually
greets the morning , but the barred door's
wore left as such and the win
dow curtains hung undrawn.
In every laundry the work
of preparation for the great holiday was
elaborately begun. Shrines of painted
cloth ami grotesque pieturings were
reared , and in their center sol a figure of
hideous mien about which incense tapers
were lighted. This done the devotees of
great and awful Buddha fell upon their
knees and wrestled for an hour with
heaving prayers and inyslio incantations.
The hour ended , the absolved penitents ,
freshened for another year of life , arose
and proceeded to I ho festivities of the
. the "China "
day. Although boy" actually
kneels but one hour in uttered prayer ,
the entirct day is passed in alleged devo
tion as in thy symbol of the fuming ; ill-
const ) sticks which stink the shop ,
worship continue ! * from dawu till dark.
The Chinese year dates from the be
ginning of eacli reign of king ? and natur
ally changes from time to tiimt. Long
years ngo.Colestial astronomers had fath
omed the mysteries of tlie heavens and
reached , approximately , the movoimmU
of the heavenly bodies ; They had nmn-
liered the days of the year at
three hundred and sixty-two , long
before the Christian scientist had loot Ins
neck for maintaining that "tho world do
move. " But the followers of the Cross
havd since outstripped the worshippers
of graven .linages and pierce morn
clearly the depths of nature. In their
conservatism the Chinese , however , will
not bo hliown the error of their ways ami
adhere to the calendar of centuries ago.
, The social observance of this hominy
nmong the Chinamen is strikingly sim
ilar to the common practices of Now
Year's day in this country , The day is
spent in calling , and each washerman re
ceives his visitors with good cheer. In
every shop there is a spread of good
things , such as hit the faney and palate
of the Oriental. Mysterious confections ,
1 quaint paper scripts which are greeting
cards , cigars , clgarrettes , opium pipes ,
and an endless quantity of quaint and
j ! curious articles are laid out and the
L caller helps himself according to
I ' ' his taste. lie may take a snack of cake ,
I < or cat black tally from a dark , forbidding
I , pot or "hit the pipe" a soothing lick , just
! * as ho wishes. A rcporterfor this journal
f Who made the rounds was cordially ro
ll I ceivad at every point and intrepidly
F helped himself on pressing invitation.
I It is to be said that some courage is re-
I quired to swallow Chinese delicacies , as
\ their appearance is all but alluring. Yet
I the candies and sugared fruits are pal-
I at able , and the cigars : ire genuine tobac-
I co , while the opium smells as strong and
I probably works as damagingly i\s \ the or-
I ' diimry drug of commerce.
I It appears that the .C.'iiinimou had in-
tended to give a prand blow-out in the
W. 0. T. U. hall , where they attend Sun
day school. They hung the auditorium
with lanterns and banners when sudden
ly they changed their minds nnd took
down the ornamentations. The night
was passed In high revelry at all the
wash shops in town ,
Honest Defiance of the Base Assaults
Upon Him.
The reckleis vindlctlvoilo's of the as
saults on Marshal Cunimings arc not
more apparent than when the Herald
says that on the July day when ho was
jribed to release Boveridge , "the money
was dropped in the marshal's overcoat
pocket , " and again when a lot of sctir-
ilotts matter , involving Policeman Turn-
bull , is prated of a day , on which that
ofilcer was In Lincoln ; also again when
lie ( leorgo Jackson jail delivery is laid
up against Cunimings. as well as when
countless other palpably false charges ,
crippled in their very malic
iousness by ignorant blunders ,
are made against him' . Of the Jackson
ca o , all that is to bo said , is that ho was
n common thief without friend or In-
llucnce , who escaped from the policeman
in charge of the gang going from tiie jail
to trial in the police court. If the mar
shal is to be blamed for all the mishaps
on the force , it would be a scheme to ac
cuse him of having liberated the prisoner
who sawed out of the now jail before the
iron armor had been put on.
Marshal Ctimmings ( Iocs not deny that
lie accepted the § 10 which Emory pressed
upon him as a slight .share of the reward
for his assistance in capturing Boveridge.
This was after the detective had success
fully completed his work and the Fre
mont forger had been discharged from
custody on a compromise which his rich
father made with the banks. If Marshal
Cummiiigs is to be blamed for accepting
this money then all of the olliccrs of the
city and county constabulary are guilty
of repeated acts of malfeasance.
Marshal Cunimings is a stayer , and ,
iirmei with the knowledge of his own in
nocence invites investigation. Yesterday
lie said to a reporter that ho was now
convinced that his cncminles were
banded to destroy him and the journal
which they influence and in whose cdi-
Lorial room they plot and plan did not
care to scruple the falsity of any accusa
tions. lie declared himself prepared ,
yes , willing anil anxious , to meet the
grand jury and to light , if the
iwttle went beyond that , through
all the courts to \yhicli his
maligncr.s proposed to carry it.
"It's a scheme , " said he , "to remove
me in the spring. If 1 am indicted the
mayor will claim the right to suspend mo
until the case is settled and then the trial
will be slaved oil1as long as possible. But
t tell yon thai it won't succeed , for I rely
upon the support of all honest men , of
whatever party , who must naturally con
demn a political scheme to destroy a man
and his character at once. "
Ail Omaha Tmily Who Has Ijtvcd Be
yond the "Three Score ami Ten. "
Undoubtedly the oldest person in
Omaha is Mrs. Augusta Douglas , resident
on California street , between Twentieth
ind Twonty-lirnt streets. The aged lady
lacks but three months of being one hun
dred years old , for in May , 1880 , if she
ivcs till then , she will become a centen
arian. Mrs. * is
Douglas a grcut-grcat-
grandmothor. Her daughter , Mrs. Hall ,
a lady 77 years of age , nnd phenomenally
well preserved , has a daughter ,
[ now visiting hero , but a resi
dent of Colorado Springs ) , who lias a
son who is a father , his eldest born being
two or three years of ago.
Mrs. Douglas is now living with her
daughter , Mrs. Hall , on California street ,
and it was there she was soon by a re
porter for the Bru last evening. The aged
lady is still in hearty health , and is able
to converse intelligently , and perform
for herself common every clay duties ,
though she is confined to her
chair most of the time bv reason 61 acute
rheumatic troubles. Her hearing being
a little defective , one lias to talk in aloud
tone of voice in order to make himself
heard. Her sight is ulmostgone , and she
is barely able to distinguish objects held
at : v close range and in a favorable light.
Mrs. Douglas is possessed of a memory
which is in many respects remarkable
Events which have transpired but a few
weeks , or "months , or years ago , to bo
sure , she does not remember at all well ,
but things which occurred lifty , sixty or
seventy years ago or more aio still re
membered by her with wonderful accu
racy. Slip remembers quite well the war
of 1812. At that time she was a resident
of New York state. Her hus
band , as she informed the
reporter , was drafted for the war but
procured a substitute. Their neighbors
were not so fortunate. "I remember one
family" she said , "who sent two or three
boys to the war. One day word was re
ceived that one of the boys had been
badly wounded in a battle. When the
youngest son heard it ho burst out crying ,
with 'I know ho'il die , I know ho'll die ,
it's just our luck ! ' "
Up to two or three years ago , Mrs.
Douglas' eye sight was so good that she
could read well with the help of glasses ,
and could oven sew. One day howcvoi ,
while busy on u piece of ncedlo-work ,
her sight suddenly failed , and since
that time she has been unable to use her
eyed. At times she is seized with a
paralytic affection , particularly in her
hands and arms , which occasionally ren
ders them almost useless.
Mrs , Douglas was for many years a
resident of Lebanon , New York , and it
was in that town that her childhood was
spent. For the past few years she has
been living in Omaha with her daughter ,
Mrs , Hall , and hero she will probably
end her life.
That Coal Attain.
To the Editor : It seems to niu that it
would have boon moro creditable for
County Commissioner O'Koclfe to have
stated in The BUB "that after exam
ining into the matter , and seeing
the parties , alleged by Dr. Benson
to bo the complainants , I , in behalf -
half of the commissioners , pronounce
the complaint unjust and untrue. "
But , as it is , Mr. O'Kcpfle unburdens
himself to a reporter of the BEE , making
u broad denial. As far us that is con
cerned the writer's word is just as relia
ble as Mr. O'Kecilb's , nnd the statement
made in 1113 * card of Monday "that the
coal given to the poor is unlit for use , and
that the fact can easily bo corroborated by
n half-dozen of reliable persons , " still
remains improved | o the contrary.
Bo it as it may 1 have succeeded in
arousing the attention of the public in
this important matter , and assured our
unfortunate poor and needy that there
are those in this community who have the
temerity to oxcrcNo their pen , as well as
voice , in their behalf , And , as I have
not the time nor the inclination to enter
into n newspaper controversy in refer
ence to this matter , would therefore
state that by calling either'at my resi
dence or nlllco that I will cheerfully fuis
nisli such information which baseu tlio
subject of the complaint.N.
N. I. .
. Trcmhlo. King Alpoholt
' Mr. 0. J. Holt hud.another successful
temperance meeting at the W. G. T , U ,
Buckingham hull.'Mr , W. N.
McCnndllsh conducted devotional exer
cises in an impressive manner. The song
service was spirited and led by Mr. KIch-
arils , Mrs. J. T. Hell presiding at the
organ. Mr , Holt was listened to with
dec ] ) attention and the interest is being
awakened on this subject. His power
over drinking moil is something marvel
ous , as his great success during the past
seven years nilly attests. 'Hov. Mr. Dale
spoke in prniso of Mr. Holt's work in
Illinois , and insisted strongly on the
necessity of this reform and that the
Christian people of Omaha should put
their shoulders to the wheel and give it a
boom , Ho was followed by others. Mr ,
Holt read the constitution of the Reform
clnb and many signatures were obtained.
Tlio interest is deepening and tlio best re
sults arc assured. The meeting * are to
continue all week and a most cordial in
vitation is extended to all. Everybody
conic to-night.
The Grand Jury Imliuta Powell Oilier
Cotii-t News.
The grand jury lias finished the case
of Lafayette Powell , charged with the
murder of Charles Leslie at Florence
and yesterday afternoon brought in an
indictment against him for murder in
the lirst degree. The jury also
entered into consideration of the
case of Timothy Drlscoll , who is
accused of liorso-.stualiiig. The wit
nesses examined wore Messrs. Kd. Cul
ver , Coc , ox-Deputy Sheriff Crcwcll and
Captain Cormack , of the police force.
Tlm jury adjourned for the night without
presenting an indictment.
.fudge Wakoly yesterday morning heard
the arguments in the injunction case of tlio
city against J. L Redick to prevent him
from putting up a wooden building at
Twenty-third and Ciiming streets , which
is within the lire limits as designated in
t.'io now ordinance. Mr. Rndiok made the
defence that the contract for the erection
of Iho building had been let before the
ordinance was passed and so its validity
could not bo impaired. Further time will
probably bo given for the attorneys to
cite authorities and on Saturday Judge
Wakloy will render his decision.
Judge Neville was engaged with the
trial ot a small civil case entitled , "Cook
vs. lo { < e , " a suit on an account.
After taking up the attention of the court
all day , a judgment was rendered in fa
or of tlio plaintiff for $20.
District Attorney Estello said yesterday
that ho dill not propose to bring before
the grand jury tlio main question of Mar
shal Cumming's guilt. "It would be fool
ish to do so , " ho remarked , "on Iho $ lim
showing of evidence so far brought out.
But 1 understand from the Herald cdi-
torjals that Dr. Miller bus other evidence
which lie considers of importance. 1
shall bring him or bis representative here ,
and find out whether lie really has any
new facts in his possession. If ho has
not the case will uo dropped ; if ho has ,
it will become my duty to sift the matter
to the bottom. No jury with a particle
of common sense would convict tlie mar
shal on the evidence so far brought out. "
Judge AVakcloy's call for to-day is as
follows :
L'.iing vs. Nelson.
Estabrook vs. Ilalcrotli.
Krejci vs. Barta et al.
Reed vs. Omaha.
Bossard vs. Hnbormun.
Simeral vs. Howcll.
11anmnn vs. the B & M. '
Harmon vs. Omaha.
The following is the call before Judge
Neville :
Ilcndriv vs. the Board of County Com
Festncr vs. Forbes.
Velirs vs. Emerson.
Schuincl vs. Stcphenson.
Grautncr vs. Omaha Belt Railway com
Horbach vs. Omaha Belt Railway com-
A Noted Onuilia Crook in the Colorado
rado Penitentiary.
At one time there was no criminal in
Omaha better known than Frank Burns.
Ho was one of the toughest of the tough ,
and before his departure from Omaha
got into several sciious scrapes , one ot
which at least gave him a close call for
the penitentiary. IIo was a tin-horn
gambler , confidence man and general
"hard worker , " whoso reputation was
about as bad as that of any one in this
But Frank's usefulness in his chosen
line of work is , for a time at least , ended.
He is now in the state's prison in Col
orado , serving out a sentence for at
tempted murder. Tlio circumstanced of
the affair have never been published in
the local papers , and will be news to
many of his old friends in this city.
Some months ago , .shortly after iiis dis
charge from the county jail , Burns left
Omaha and drifted out west. A short
time ago ho fell in with a gang of Colorado
rado crooks. They wont together to
Lcadvillo. There Burns , one night , be
came involved in a quarrel with a wine
room decoy , and in the of a heated
conversation struck her savagely Shis
at once informed tlio manager of the es
tablishment , Mike Goldsmith , a big ,
burly fellow , who picked Burns up by the.
sent of his pants and threw him out upon
the sidewalk. Burns reflected lor a mo
ment , undecided whether or no to take
notice of the "insult , " One of his gang ,
a noted desperado , turned to him and
said : "If 1 was in your place , I'd ' got a
gun and shoot the . "
Burns acting on his friends advice
borrowed a revolver , ami waiting Ids
chance , confronted Goldsmith and lired.
The aim came very near proving fatal ,
lodging near the haso ot tlio brain.
Burns was hustled off to jail by the
authorities before tlio infuriated mob
which congregated could carry out their
threats of lynching , lie was tried , con
victed , and sentenced to a term of ten
years in tlm Colorado penitentiary.
Goldsmith hovered between hfo and
death for many days , but finally re
Burns will be remembered as tlio crook
who was suspected of being implicated
in the Dttko hardware robbery. A
short time afterwards ho attempted to
kill Willard , tlio frhmd of Lottie Coombs ,
the woman who hud "given away" the
details of the Duko'd robbery to the
No Death Itcncllt.
Judge McCulloch of the county court
yesterday rendered a decision in tlio
case of Christian Bcrtlcson against the
Danish Brotherhood. The suit was one
brought by the plaintiff to recover $175
benclil from tlio association on account of
of the death of his son Frederick , who
had been a member of the organization.
It was shown that tlio young man.somo
eight months before his death , hud left
Omaha and had ceased paying any dues.
This was enough under the provisions of
the constitution to debar Bcrtlcson from
obtaining any benefits , and Judge Mc
Culloch so decided.
1'ollco Court Docket.
Judge Stcnborg. of the municipal court ,
had a very light business before him yes
terday. Frank. MorrUoy and Frank
Sheets , who had been engaged in a quar-
rcl'at Dunham's stable , were fined $1 and
costs each. Alfred Campbell , arrested
for being intoxicated , was found to bo
, too di'.uni ; for trial and was reuiandqd to
jail ,
Stray IicnvcH Front' ' ' tlui Hcportcrs'
Note-bowk * .
"Only forty cents among twelve pris
oners , " saul jolly Night Jailor Tom
1'cirronct , last evening , as lie closed up
the register on which ho had copied a
list of his boarders for the night.
"Do you count all the money a pris
oner has on his person J" asked a BIK : re
porter who was standing near and heard
the remark.
"Yes , 1 have to take .all the money ho
has , together with every piece of prop
erty , valuable or otherwise , which lie has
on his person. These are all done up
neatly in a package , and tlio next morn
ing , on Ills discharge or commitment to
jail , they are returned to him.Vo find
some curious tilings on tlio prisoners
once in a while , t can tell you. "
"What was the largest amount of
money you over took from any one pris
oner ? "
"Thirteen hundred dollars , which I
captured on a fellow who came hero
from Texas and determined to paint the
town with pink and yellow stripes. He
landed here with about two thousand del
lars. He fell in with fast women ( to one
of whom he gave $ . " > ( ) ( ) ) became gloriously
drunk , and was in the midst ot a grand
spree when he was arrested by the police ,
hi December or November last , 1 forget
which , a woman of the town landed
in jail and tlio charge of robbing was
placed opposite her name , the complain
ant being u sucker who allowed her free
access to his pockets. Before being
placed in a cell , she was pretty thorongii-
ly searched , but nothing of any consequence
quence was taken from nor. Ouco in the
cell however , sbo called Jailor Sigwart to
the bars and pulled trom her stocking a
roll of $5,000 , jn sflO's , $20' $ , -f.'iO's , $100's
and $500's. Sigwart would not believe
that the wealth was genuine until
she allowed him to count the cash for
himself. So far as 1 know , she had moro
cash on her person than any other prison
er ever caged iii the county jail , at least
for the past leu or fifteen years. "
"I shall never forget a lilllc scare I had
several months ago it was in October
last , " continued Jailor Picrronct. "Olio
of the police had brought in a man and
placed a charge of drunk and disorderly
opposite his name. I searched his inner
pockets , felt of his pant-legs , boots , etc. ,
and finally went through his overcoat
pockets. In one of them I found a small
square oackage' done up in brown
paper. It fitted rather tightly in
the pocket _ and I commenced to
jerk vigorously to get it out. 1 had
worked at it but a moment when , with tv
wild shriek , the prisoner throw his arm
around and shoved me off. Then with a
quick movement ho pulled out the package -
ago and handed it to me before 1 had
limo to recover from my astsnihlimeiit.
Ho seemed to have become sober all of a
.sudden , and as ho handed mo the packet
lie remarked , "If you had jarred that boxer
or dropped it to the floor , you and I
would have been dead men before this. "
The next morning after ho had paid
Iiis line in police court ho explained to
me that the packet contained a dyna
mite infernal machine of that kind man
ufactured for homo use. Fact. And ho
broke the scaled cover .and showed mo
enough to convince mo that he was tell
ing mo the truth. "
" 1 wish you would suggest that it would
bo a good idea to have the lady teachers
present at the meeting , of the board of
education"remarked a member of that
august body to a ropor.tert.tlio other day.
' You were present at our. last meeting , "
continued the aforesaid member , "and
you saw the great difference that the
presence of the three ladies made in the
proceedings. Of course Secretary Con-
oycr did btart out on Superintendent
James once , but he glanced at the teach
ers and suddenly cooled iiis fiery lan
guage. Tlio other members , too , spoke
in a subdued tonotl suppose you noticed ,
and looked inquiringly at the ladies for
signs of approval of their remarks.
Woman , you know , has a softening , har
monising influence ( when she's not your
\yifo ) , and I don't think of any organiza
tion which needs licr jnllucnco more
than the board of education unless it is
the city council. Bo sure , now , and urge
them to come. I like to have good-look
ing girls around myself. "
A variety actor , his wife , two babies , an
immense quantity of luggage and a dog
crowded into tlio fir. t day coach of the
Union Pacific train bound eastward out
of Denver one morning last week. The
mother naturally carried the youngsters
and the greater portion of tlio tonnage
while tlio stout husband and father
hustled alone with the dog and a bund-
bov in Iiis arms. Arriving at a conven
ient section ho gave a stealthy , sweeping
glance about tlio car , dropped the band
box and .set down tlio purp on the scat
and deftly covered the animal's form with
a cloak. That dog didn't leave that scat ,
nor peep from under the cloak nor per
ceptibly move a muscle during the whole
ot the twenty-four hours ride to Omaha.
As the train .stopped at the depot bore ,
the variety man picked up his pet , and a
follow voyager who had for tlio first lime
observed the dog's hhrouded silence , re
marked his .surprise.
"Oh , that's nothing , " rejoined the
owner ; "the dog's trained , and ho knows
that if tlio brakcman sees him , into the
baggage ear ho roughly goes. Why , the
dog's done this trick hundreds of times ,
ami oncorodo in that fashion from San
Francisco to Denver , " *
There have been numberless exagger
ated reports of tlio reduction of tli
Union Pacific shop forces circulated in
tlio east during the past few weeks. It
was reported at one time that three hun
dred men hud been discharged from the
Omaha shops and moro were yet to fol
low. The fact is that not a bhopmun has
been dismissed in many weeks and upon
the statement of reliable , ollicials , the
company entertains no notion of doing
ho. Two weeks ago a ping of thirty or
forty men who had been liirod to store
coal hero , finished their work and were
lot oat. These men had been hired for
that purpose alone and their task being
finished their services wore no longer re
quired. There la about as much reason
lor those workmen to complain as there
would bo for the liumlnxls of additional
laborers , employed to raise the blockade ,
to howl for retention in Idleness after
they hud removed tlio'innow The ex
pression from high headquarters is alto-
gcthor to the effect that < tlio company has
lee much work on handUo'aparo ' any of
its shopmen.
Omaha will enter a middle weight
champion in tlio national pri/.o ring this
spring , The gentleman is well known
and is now in training. Ho will reduce
from 180 to IftO pounds , harden his mus
cles and go east.
On Monday night , us duly reported in
these columns , tlio Musical Union organ
ized a protective association with a view
of joining the Knights of Labor , as an as
sembly of that great order. Many may
regard this as a strange and unusual enter
prise but the-fact is that in largo cities
one of tlio strongest organizations is
found among the musicians. A schedule
of fixed rates for performances of various ,
character is made and alj union men un
waveringly comply Avith it. .
During thorocenTstrugglo of the Union
Pacific with the snow blocked a certain re
cently appointed official in the mechani
cal department of the road found occa
sion to make of him clf a lirst class butt
for ridicule.
The story as told by one of his subor
dinates is this in brlcft Hitherto It had
been the custom to send out heavy trains
which had to break the snow , with four
or five engines coupled together in tlio
ordinary fashion. The unequal motion
of the locomotives when "bucking" a
heavy drift , served to lessen the power
of the attack , because the force could not
bo brought into a single impetus ; this
circumstance being due to tlio fact that
the engines were loosely coupled to
gether. The olllclal in question , after
studying the problem , decided that it
would bo a line scheme to have ( lie en
gines coupled together by means of long
timbers placed on cither side , and riveted
strongly to each locomotive. In this way
all the engines would move at once "ca-
bill' " against Iho drift , and scatter it to '
tlio four winds of heaven. I
The scheme was tried. Everything
went swimmingly until a sharp curve was
mot. The engines bniiigqotiplcd together
in a manner which loft no play of action ,
it was impossible to round tlio curve. Be
fore the danger was noticed , however , it
was too late , and ovciy one of the live
engines was ditched. The accident re
sulted in considerable damage , the exact
amount of which cannot now bo learned.
It is hardly necessary to say that the
now scheme has been declared a bril
liant failure.
It Is KcspmiRiblc Foirn $ iiOOO Dam-
ngc Suit An Injunction.
Elizabeth Johnston commenced a suit
in the district courtycstorday to recover
$ . 5,000 damages from the Union Pacific
railway. The grounds of her petition
are tlicsei
She is owner of a largo farm in town
ship lo ( west of Omaha ) , through which
the Union Pacific railway passes. On
tlio west boundary of her line is the Elk-
'horn river. There is a sort ot depression
or swale running from the Elkhoin river
through flic middle of the properly , and
at the time of high water the stream
overflows its banks and runs through the
this depression. When the Union
Pacific first constructed its tracks it
crossed the farm of Mrs. Johnston by
means of trestle work , through which the
water could easily How. Later , however ,
in 1881 , it built a heavy embankment.
When the overflow occurs this impedes
tlio course of the water , and the consequence
quence is that her land is overflowed.
Year after year her crops has been de
stroyed by this circumstance , and her
lanu. both that used for pasturage and
meadow , have boon rendered useless.
Consequently she thinks $5,000 damages
would bo about the right thing
Michael Donovan , ofthe Empire Steam
laundry , filed an application to-day to
procure an injunction against the Sperry
Electric Light company to prevent them
from shutting voff the steam which has
been keeping his machinery in motion.
Mr. Donovan claims that ho leased a portion
tion of the Spcrry Electric Light building
with the distinct understanding that ho
was to be supplied with steam power ; he
furthermore states that according to the
best of his belief the company intends to
break its contract : in this respect. A tem
porary writ of injuction has been issued.
Warmer Weather Coining
Snow Kail Trnfllc.
The blacK flag has been ordered down.
which indicates that the worst of the cold
wave is past. Nevertheless yesterday was
a cold day over the entire country.
The sun rose hero at 10 below , noon
came at zero and 3 o'clock at live above.
A litrht snow fell the greater portion of
the day. It will continue now to grow
Following was the temperature at
leading points yesterday , taken from
the signal ofliee report :
Denver , Col. . 23 dog. above.
Cheyenne , Wyo. , 24 deg. above.
North Platte , Neb. , 5 deg. above.
Salt Lake , U. T. , 32 deg. above.
DCS Moines , la. , 8 dog. below.
Chicago , 111. , 1 deg. above.
St. Louis , Wo. , 7 dcg. below.
St. Paul , Minn. , 20 deg. bolow. , Kan. , 7 dcg. below.
Galveston , Tex. , Sr dcg. above.
Helena , Mont. , 81 deg. above.
Bismarck , D. T. , 21 deg. below
St. Vincent , Minn. , ill deg. below.
Railway traffic in these parts is but lit
tle impeded by the cold , and all trains
arrived yesterday within thirty minutes
of schedule , while the greater number
were on time.
On the Kansas Pacific and Santa Fo
travel is blockaded.
Iioctnroby n Siberian Exile.
M. Baehrach , who for six years was a
prisoner in Siberia , is in the city at the in
vitation of the Turners , and will deliver
a lecture on his prison life in that coun
try next Wednesday. Mr. Baehrach is a
gentleman of rare intelligence and
has led an eventful life. Ho fought
under Garabaldi in 1858 nnd I85 ! ) , and
was sentenced to servitude in tlio Siberian
mines for his connection with the
revolution in Poland in 1803. Ho
is now a political exile and his
story of his experience in1" Siberia's
penal settlement is full of interest. The
lecture next Wednesday will bo given at
Gormania ball and will bo free. It is sel
dom that the public is given an opportu
nity of hearing a description of this coun
try from a man who traversed it as a
victim of Russia's oppression , and all our
German citizens will bo highly interested.
Musiu for the
The programme of tlio Ladies' Musical
Society was given yesterday afternoon in
Meyer's hall , in the shape of a piano re
cital , by Miss Bella Robinson , assisted by
Mrs. Ella J. Rogers , vocalist , and Martin
Calm , pianist.
Tlio affair was thoroughly enjoyed by
the ladles present , Miss Robinson dis
played remarkably brilliant powers of
execution. Her touch , and technique ,
too , are very lino. The programme was
as follows :
1-a Theme and variations . belnibert
/j Pastorale . Seat lautl 1 ausls
c Fantasle , J ) minor . Mo/.ait
tl Gavotte . Uniioiit
2 Vocal , Una Voce , I'o Fa . Itos.sini
! 5 Andante .Siihuntto anil Polontilso , , Chopin
- J.o JtosslRiiold . Lis/t
h Huiilisoilio llongiolho No. 1'J . Liszt
fi Vocul-SltiK , Smile. Slumber . Gounod
0 Oonreito 10 minor , Komnn/u and Hondo ,
2d piano , Mr. Martin Culm . , , Chopin
Cash anil Credit ,
Manager Cash , of the Stroator , (111. ( )
Glass works , is in the city , endeavoring
to muko un exuminution into tlio accounts
of tlio firm of Murtinovitcli & Co. Owing
to tlio action of tliu defrauding partner ,
Sylvester V. Lobe , in skipping oat with
ail the available money belonging to the
firm , Mr. Cash is "out" on the firm some
! ? lt)00. ) It appears that Mr. Lobe while
in the east , called upon Mr. Cash .and
representing himself to bo Marlinovitcli ,
tried to secure moro goods. In this ,
luckily for Mr. Cash , lie failed. Mr.
Lobo.'it is said , was in Ihocit.y a few days
since , but has left for parts unknown.
To Whom It May Concern.
Mr. William Allstadt has resigned from
tlio management of Edward Malirer's
bottling establishment , and accepted the
position us local agent with the power to
collect , receive , and receipt for all
accounts duo or coming duo sum
establishment. Eow. MAtni- .
Omaha , February 1 , 1680.
One Moro MyMory Comes Up From
the Illvcr I'Yonf ,
Another bottoms mystery is on the
string , so to speak.
On the lJth ( of January , one Joe Phil
lips arrived In the city on a tndu from
the cast. Ho was evidently a laboring
man but displayed in his purse a largo
amount of money. IIo went to the
Omaha House , registered without giving
ills residence and paid nine days board
and lodging. He took one meal , left the
hotel and was absent until the 28lli , when
lie again disappeared and has not since
been seen.
Bob Nichols , a resident of the bottoms
near the bridge , now turns up with a
sensationally mysterious occurrence in
that quarter on tlio night of the 28th. Ho
told a reporter and a number of men on
Tenth street yesterday morning that
on I lie night * in question he * had
heard a row in a neighboring
cabin and on looking out had seen tlio
door of the hut burst open and one man
run out pursued by two others. The
fugitive took a course toward the smelter
until he reached the sewer creek where
ho turned and fired at his pursuers. They
replied each with his pistol and the
man fell. Nichols said he was so fright
ened at this episode Hint ho elided his
door and hustled back to bed. He re
fused to tell the name of the dwellers in
the disorderly cabin and threatened the
reporter with instant and fatal death if
his namu was attached to the story.
So many cook and bull yarns are told
of the bottoms that Nichols * would not bo
worth repealing but for tlio simultaneous
disappearance of Phillips.
Wo have $20,000 to loan at low rates in
sums of $ l,000to $10,000 if taken within
tell days. J , W. & E. L. Squire ,
Council Blulfs.
Definitely Scttleil to he ntiill on Kiev
cntli Street.
The action of the council in refer
ence to the approval of contracts for the
erection of viaducts seems to set
tle definitely the question of the down
town viaduct , over the tracks at Eleventh
street. The contract has been let to tlio
Morse Bridge company at a sum amount
ing to i82,800. The contract calls lor the
completion of tlio viaduct by Sept. 1st ,
1880. Mr. Aikcn , the representative of
the Morse company , states that work will
at once bo begun in the shops for getting
out the material and the job will un
doubtedly bo completed by the date
named. The structure contemplated
by the plans of the Morse Bridge com
pany will bo the heaviest bridge of tlio
kind in the west , guaranteed to stand till
strains which may bo placed upon it and
will be at once an ornament and a convct
nieiice to the neighborhood in which i-
is erected. The viaduct commences at
Jackson and runs to Mason.
The Knights ofljalior Hall.
The annual ball of the Knights of
Labor , which will inaugurated tbc Ex
position building , promises to bo one of
the most brilliant uifuirs of the kind. It
will bo given on the 22nd of February ,
that being Washington's birthday and a
legal holiday. The Exposition building
by that time will be completed sunieicntly
for the ball which will bo very largely
attended. The Knights of Labor , as is
well known , is a very strong organiza
tion in Omaha , comprising representa
tives of every class ot workingmon. Its
ranks have been largely increased dur
ing tlio hist year by nnw acces
sions and there is probably not a city in
the country which bus a larger per cent-
age of workingmen enrolled among the
Knights of Labor than Omaha. Besides
the large number of tickets taken by the
members themselves , the committee has
disposed of a great many among the
merchants and tradesmen of Omaha.
That the ball will bo a financial as well
as a social success there is no doubt.
Burlington Route.
California Excursions ! I
Round trip tickets , good for six months ,
Finest scenery in the world.
Stop at Denver and Salt Lake.
Dates February 3 , 17 , and March 3.
Also popular cheap excursions every
Wednesday. $ ) / ) pays one way
Return when you please. Rates coming
back about the same.
For further particulars write P. S.
Eustis , General Passenger and Ticket
Agent , Omaha , Neb.
Tlio Charity linll.
The charity ball committee arc work
ing hard and late to assure the success of
the scheme which they have in hand.
At a meeting held yesterday $1,000 of the
charity funds which have so far been col-
looted were turned over to the Woman's
Christian Aid association for distribu
tion. This sum , and $1,000 still on hand
does not include money to bo derived from
the sale of tickets. A tour of the city re
veals the fact that there is much suffering
among the poor , and the money will bo
needed at once for charitable purposes.
The committee have sent over 1,000
tickets with circular , asking that the
purchase may be remitted at once. Those
who intend to buy tickets will help the
work materially by remitting at onco.
Some who desire to nurchaso tickets may
have been omitted from the list. All
such may bo accommodated by sending
to the malingers.
The I.oyul
The Nebraska cominandory of ( ho
Military Order Loyal Legion of the
United States , hold its second meeting
since its organization in this city in the
Paxton hotel last night. The proceed
ings were private. After tlio routine
work Captain Humphrey read a paper
on "Gettysburg as 1 Saw It. " Compan
ion Clark ol Milwaukee was a visitor at
the meeting.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vanes. A inai vd ol purl
y. btieiictli Biul wlioluoyinoiifbs. MniorCoii
iioinkm ! i linn the ordinary kind * , imd ( Uiiiiot Ixi
od ! In competition wild tlm multitU'lo ' f low
tfix.tbort MiiiBlit , a'.iimorplioipunte pcinUeib.
folJ only liic-uiifc. HOVAJ. HAIIINO rowj > im to. .
HW Wall St. , Few Vortf.
Klrp on Knninni Slrcol.
The lh " lU'pnrtnicnt responded ver.y
quti-kly to tlio nlann turned in from
Thirteenth ami Douglas .streets shortly
before -I o'clock yesterday afternoon.
The lire was located at 1'JlU anil 1S31 far-
nam street in btilldliiRa owned by the
First National bank. It originated in thereof
roof and was probably casued by a de
fective Ihio. Tlm lltuncs gathered con-
shtoralilo headway anil worked ilt-stino- '
lion to the upper part of tlm buildings.
No. 1211) ) was occupied by Schlesinger &
l.o. , clothing dealers , hut their jjooda
wore not removed and were only slighlly
damaged by water. James Stover , who
occupied the other store with a stock of
boots nnd shoes , was compelled to move
out and his stock was considerably dam
aged. His lo s , however , is covered by
insurance. I' was no Insurance on
the buildings , but as they worn to have
been removed this month to make
room for the First National's now live-
&tory structure , the actual loss is com
paratively nothing. The proprietor of a
in cent lodging house on tlio second Hour
< if laai sullcrod a loss by having his bed-
ing Hooded. _
A I'loasniit Kvont.
The reception given last night by the
Metropolitan club to Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Calm , recently married in Chicago , was
in every respect a pleasant affair. It was
attended by about forty couples , repre
senting the elite of local Juwlsh society.
A dance programme of sixteen numbers
was carried out to the delightful strains
of the Mnxical Union orchestra. The
Mippor served at. the ! nlonnis. ion wrts a
feature of the entertainment. A more
extended notice of the event is reserved
for our houioty column.
Tlio Carnival's Victim.
\V. A. Ferris , the young man who was
&o badly injured at the coasting carnival ,
is still at St. Joseph's hospital , although
improving. His injuries still cause hfin
considerable pain , but ho is eou .dereil
out of danger and will bo able to leave
the hospital in a few days days.
1'oit SAM : CIIKAI' . HegMered Jersey
cow six years old this spring , fresh Jan.
1. tor particulars address look box 201 ,
Nebraska City.
Sam Stralton sues Sheriff Colnirn in
Justice lierka's court to recover two ponies -
nies alleged to have been taken by tlio
olliccr from plaiulilf in a previous suit.
Marriage licenses were issued in the
all of Omaha.
The prospects for the success of the
masked ball of Thurslon hose next
Wednesday are highly flattering. The
sale of tickets has been very large , and
the expectation is that Met/ and Turner
halls will bo taxed to their utmost to eon-
tain the people who will bo present.
Reserved scats for the engagement o
Ailelaidc Moore at Boyd's ' opera house
Friday and Saturday , gi > on sale tomorrow
row morning. The repertoire is "As You
Like , " Friday evening ; School for Scan
dal ' Saturday matinee , and "Romeo and
Juliet. " Saturday evening. All the ladies
attending the opening performance will
bo protcnk'd with a beautiful book of
poems by Miss Moore , entitled "Drift
wood of Idle Moments. "
Guy C. Barton , J. J. Brown and J. W.
[ lunnctt , having purchased the interest
of Messrs. PaxlonnndBnydin the Omaha
Savings bank , at the directors meeting
yesterday Hon. Guy C. Barton was
elected president and J. J. Brown vice-
president The hoard of directors are
Guy C. Barton , L. M. Bennett. J. J.
Brown , Max Meyer , Clias. F. Mandorson ,
Tlios. L. Kimbail , Henry Pundt , L. B.
Williams and E. L. Stone.
Prepared with special reuanl toNe
No Ammonia , Iine ! or Alum ,
F. M. ELLIS & Co.
Architects and Building Superinfs
Ofllcc , Cor. Hlh niul l-'immm Plrocts , Hoom 18
03 .13 : . , IfcTOSB.
i : UUJU.IMIIJOK with V. M. Kill ? .
I3th SI , Cor. Capitol Avcnuo ,
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. MoMENAMY. Proprietor.
Mitten jtars' Hn iiluliuil ; I'rivulo I'ruttko
Wo have the fttcllilux , nppiirntut niul runedlo
for thciuccetsfiil triMttm'iit of oicry fujm of dis
ease requiring cither medical or piir lcnl trratmcnt ,
ami luuto nil lit come luul In vcttlKntuforthi-mcchC't '
or correspond \\ltli in. I.oi. ojperfenco In treat
ing rutca by letter enables us In treat cjiany casn
cclcntiacairy without nfelni ; them ,
WHITE FOH CfltOUhAIl on ncformltlcs anil
lirarcti , Club I'cct , ( 'urvnturra of tha Uilnc | ,
I1I9EAKK9 of WuMfK , rllrn , Tumors , Cunccrc ,
Cntarrh , Uronchltlii , InunlatUm , Kloctrlclty , 1'aral-
yils , KpllcpBy , Kidney , jtJJar : , Kkia , JlJpocl and
all tiirKlcnl ojicralloni.
Iliittorlon , Inliwlrrs , llraro , Trimon , on' *
oil klmU iif .Mrillrul nod ! 3iirjlcil Appliance * , mac
ufuctured and fnr Kile.
The only reliable Medical Institute making
Private , Special Nervous Diseases
' rA hl'UC IAI.TV.
from \ \ liatcvcr canto produced , ( ucccenf nlly treated ,
Wo can remove Hypullillo poison from the lyttciu
without mercury.
New reMorativetmUmrjit for lOBunfltal power ,
Call and roniull us or bcml iiamo ami i > osl-i > ni < o
n < ldre < plainly written cnrlono ititnp , ami wo
will tend > uu. In iil.ilu wrapinr , our
fpos run ATE , fc'rtciAi , AMI NBIIVOLS ,
WrASNEss , Hi'r.iiVATormiua
cr , , ( loNomiimu. < iizir : , VAPICOCBI r ,
KTKICTl'IIK , > N1) AM. JUJrASF * 0 * ' TIIX ( ! MTU-
UKIMAKY UUQAN4 , urtcud UUtury of your c o for
tin opinion
1'cisoiu urmblt ! til l it til mny ho treated at Ihelr
homer , hy correspondence. Mcdlclncnand InUni.
uieuUtciitbyiiullnruxpreoi.smmn.V I'ACK.
Ill ) FUO.M OIlShjtVA'flON" . no in rk to Indicate
c-nt-iila orMiulir. One personal interview jifc-
f i.rtllf lomcnlent. l''fty rooms for tlm uctOiu.
modal > n of patient * Hoard m.d ultendauce st
ir.i3uii.iljo pilcci. Addreit all t.ctmt | to
Onialia Medical and-Surgical Institute. .
.Cor UthM. s 0 Ca5Uol c.,0 ! > < fliA.NEB.