Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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DclUcrnl l > y carrier In nnj p.-irtof the city nt
l inly tcnls per wccV.
II. W. TII.TO.V , . . . Manager.
K , No. 43.
I'nnts to order , from ? 5 up , tit Hoitcr's.
Tlic MotliodiMi liiivo si socinl tills even-
inIn / the church parlors.
Thcro nro 100 niorn'piiplls in the public
fccliool.s tliuiiV'r before.
( 'oiinuil Hlnn's proposes to fcliow Oiniilisv
how to run : i coiislln cuniivnl.
Tliu fiinurjil of Mr . Kindlon was held
j'cstonliiy forenoon ami was largely at
Martin Hughes IMS boon given the con
trnct for pltititering thu n'ow Episcopal
Tlio Episcopal cnlcrlaininunl in Ata-
fionlo hall thin evening promises to be
highly enjoyable.
Justice Aylcsworth liai sent Jlary
Mowr.V to the reform f-uhool , her mother
being tinablu to make her behave her-
"The Irish Lion , " and "Intel-viewing
Mrs. Pratt. " at Masonic hall , Thm-Mlay ,
Fclmiarj . Homember the date. Ad-
inis.sionM cents.
Mr * . . .1.V. . Fuller will not entertain the
Married Ladies' Progressive Enchro club
Satiirdav evening , owing to Hie contin
ued Illness of Mr. Fuller.
The of Liw.-on , charged with
stealing u watch from L. H. Hicks of
( ilcmvood , was again eont'mncd yester
day , but is expected to be heard to-day.
, Two more telephones ate added to the , John Linder's ollice , No. ! ( ! ( ! , and
J. Y' Fuller's re > iileuce , No. KJ5. Sub-
hcriliur.s should add the number to their
The heating apparatus in the w
county jail seems better adapted for hot
weather than for cold. By the help of
htoves the inmates are kept from getting bitten.
A. MuCI nrc. of Hockford townshiu , yes
terday brought in the scalp of ti vyild cat ,
killed by him , and besides showing his
trouhy and evidence of his prowess as a
Nimrod , secured the prollcrcd bounty.
Mary A. Short has commenced a suit
Agabibl the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
1'aul railway , claiming $11)0 ) damages on
the ground that the company has run a
track through u portion of her lot on
Thirteenth avenue.
City warrants were selling readily yes
terday for 80 cents on the dollar , and
home claim to have got so high as 85
rents. An attempt was made by .some to
buy warrants in sit 78 cents , but no .veil-
era could be found , and many would not
sell at 80 cents.
Adelaide Moore , supported by an ex
cellent company , appeared at the opera
house hint evening in As You Like It. A
very enjoyable entertainment was af
forded all present , suid the merit of the
company will cause a still larger number
to attend this evening at the presentation
of Itomco and Juliet.
The relief fund has been about ex
hausted , and n largo number of needy
families have realized the benclits. The
committee who have expended the money
will make a detailed report , as soon as
the work is complete , showing that the
generous giving of tlio eitl/.cns has been
followed by wi o distributing.
The agitation of tlioqncstionof n union
depot for Council Hinll's is one which
ought to be kept up until something is
accomplished. The transfer is so far out
of the main part of the city as to be really
no union depot at all. Many advantages
would bo gained by this city if it had'a
union depot centrally located , and the
public would be greatly convenienced.
S. S. Keller's elegant now residence
had a narrow escape Irom being burned
Tuesday night. The water pipes in the
Wilier closet liad frozen , ami to thaw them
out ti gasoline stove was lighted , While
the family wore in a distant part of the
house the above exploded , knocking out
the windows , throwing open several
doors,1- and scattering Humes about very
recklessly. Prompt and olliciont work
stopped further damage , the loss not
being more than $20 or ? ! ! 0.
A Sail Hurting.
The many friends and acquaintances
of Fayotto Smith of Marysvillo , Mo. , will
bo shocked to learn of his sudden death.
Ho has been in tlio grain business there
for some time , and was putting in some
Kcalcs near there , when bysomo accident
ho was killed suddenly. Mr. Smith was
best known among tlio horsemen , as ho
took great interest in the meetings hero.
He became widely known as being the
owner of Uiehwald , the wonderful pacer ,
whom he brought on t and afterwards
noli ! for a large amount. The details of
the accident by which ho lost his life are
not known beyond what is staled above.
Clamorous Creditors.
A number of additional suits were com
menced yesterday against the lirm of
Cooke & Morgan , but they were straight
dulls and nolattaclunonts. The creditors
thus pressing their claims are as follows :
( , Drown. Diiriull & Co. , Huston . S fl70
? 5 Kolwell Co. . I'ldlndolplila . SOU
f HrlKul Hros. & Co. , Now York . 1,400
a WnrrciNter Ciiriut | Co.\Voii'Ctt < r , Mass 49
" " * " " J ) . C. lllooni , ( 'ouiR'II llluIVs , for lent. . 180
f Total . sil/XU
HUoyond these now Milts there is little
lange in tlm situation of the unfortu
nate linn.
Thanks to Omaha.
At the regular meeting of branch No.
23-1,0. K. of A. , February a , the following
resolution was passed :
Hesolved , That wo hereby tender our
: eineoro lhanks to branch No. 203 , C , JC.
of A. , of Omaha , for the kind invitation
to attend the lecture by the Right Kov.
Uishop O'Connor , In lloyd'a ' opera house ,
January 24 , and for the many courtesies
extended us while there.
PI-.TKI : WKIS , President.
P. J. LMIO , Secretary.
O , W. Units left yesterday for St. Paul ,
Minn. Ho will return Monday.
Colonel Maker of iiingham was in the
city yesterday looking up coal interests.
Professor MeDermid of the Institution
of the deaf anil dumb is Mill c-onllned to
Jiis homo by his illness , which is proving
to bo of quite a serious nature ,
W. L. Fetter , the Maei-douian editor ,
was in the city yesterday.
Presidinjt Elder Smith returned yester
day from Klitueliard.
SntAVii : > 01 : SIOI.KX From my barn
ono span of dark brown muleiitteen
hands hi li , ono a horse , tlm other a
iiisire- the mare luiviiiir bi > en kiekcd on
hind leg which wai swollen. Any pi-i'-son
finding or giving information ol Mine
will be amply rewarded by
J. J , Jlitowx ,
Seventh st. , Couni-U
-Meeting of
A grand .labor meeting \\ill bbi'Id by
the Ninth District Protective assembly ,
corner of Pearl street and Fiflliluentio ,
Thnrr > day evening , February , at ? : ! ! 0
o'clock. Dr. F. S , Lewis , or Nebraska ,
wilt addrtibs thu meeting. Everybody
Ohcoks Needed to Prevent the Waste of the
People's ' Money in Justice Oourts.
Showing Up Queer Money Imbor
3lcctliiK To-nlKlit Accident , to Kay-
elto Smith New Suits Ajrnlust.
Cooke & Morgan.
Multiplying Cases.
The present legislature should take
some steps to prevent , If possible , the
opportunity which now exists for justices
of ttiu peace to inaku such heavy and
needles ? charges against thu public.
When a justice with not business enough ,
apparently , to keep him busy two hours
u day can so pile up his fees to amount to
$ ( ! 00 or $700 in tlircn or four months , it
scums that a halt should bo called. Tim
Hir. : has shown up some of these bills in
detail , and they Irivo been astonishing to
taxpayers. Itis'.iwell known fact that
where justices arc so inclined , several
cases can easily grow out of what should
in all fairness bo but one. An instance
of this occurred in this city some time
ago which illustrates it well. A man and
his wife had some little trouble ono Sunday -
day , but no blood was shed and nothing
serious resulted. Tlio wife , in her augur ,
was bent on revenge for her real or
fancied grievances She went , before a
justice , and perhaps with the help of some
attorney whom slio engaged , sought to
make all Urn trouble she could for her
husband , ami as a result he was arrested
for disturbing the pence ; also on the
charge of assault ; also for making threats ,
and when every othei possible charge
was filed against him ho was charged
with violating the Sunday law because
the row was on that ( lay. The anger of
the woman soon subsided and the ca es
were dismissed. The public is called on
to pay for liuitvv costs in each of those
Tins justices , whoso bills are thus footed
up into Midi largo amounts , defend them
selves by claiming that when anybody
liles an information they can not help
themselves , but have to issue the war
rants , or that the informations were
drawn up ny some attorney , who had
boon engaged to prosecute tlio parties. If
t lie attorney is asKcil about it no simply
defends him > elf by declaring that he re
ceived a fee for prosecuting the eases , and
did his client's bidding , and that his client
would not bo salisliud with anything less
than the tiling of as many informations
as possible. If the client is asked ho will
jay it oil'on the attorney , or onto the
justice , or get out of it by saying ho was
mad when he did it. However this may
be , the result is tlio same , the public
purse is drawn on for immense amounts
for ca cs which amount to nothing.
Yesterday a big bundle of papers came
to Judge Aylosworth , being a change of
venue from .Justice Frainey's court.
There were three informations against
Ed Wright , Charles Hicks , ami liar-
tor. One of them charged thcso boys
with making threats to injure a man
named W. T. Smith ; another charged
the boys with disturbing the peace ;
a third charged them with ' 'the cnmo of
an unlawful , " whatever that may be , it
seeming that it did not make much dif
ference so long as iir.oths'r eass .vns
.started. It is sllpp6sed that it was meant
to charge the boys with an unlawful
assembling of themselves together , or
something of that sort.
It has boon scarcely a week since a
similar grist of cases were started be
tween parties of the same name , and a
big pile of oosu , taxed up to the county.
Tlio most there seemed to be of the whole
matter was that the parents of ono boy
thought their darling had been abused by
some other boys , and taking a hand in
trying to correct the boys the latter
wouldn't be corrected , and began throw
ing clods of dirt. The man then chased
them , and struck ono of them or pushed
him over. A neighborhood war thus
opened , bad feeling has been kept up ,
nnd the prediction is made that this is
but a rcupfffll or the c'I ! ' troubles with
about as littTo at the bottom of it. So
long as justices and constables can make
big fees , and lawyers can earn a few
uollars monkeying with such cases , the
taxpayers will have to see a good portion
of their taxes squandered on this foolish
ness.City Attorney Holmes , who is attending
to the duties of County Attorney Kcatloy
during the hitter's absence at DCS Moiiics ,
has had some experience in that line.
He was not long ago called on to defend
a fellow who had been in some little row.
When ho came into the justice's court ho
found four distinct cases against him ;
ono for assault , ono for assault and
battery , one for assault to do great
bodily injury , and ono for assault
with intent to murder. The de
fendant was called on to pay
for an attorney to defend himself in each
ono of these cases , for ono was liable to
bo tried after the other , umltlms ho could
bo put to expense and loss of time while
the justice kept charging up fees. .Per
haps this and similar experiences have
been weighing on Mr. Holmes' mind ,
for when his attention was called yester
day to the above cases , growing out of a
row with the boys , and no learned that a
private attorney had been secured to pros-
cento the cases , ho had the court decide
not logo ahead with the cases only on
condition that the prosecution should pay
all the costs.
There is evidently a big chance for re
form , especially in the justice shops in
cities. The public- generally has but little
cluinco to know the details of how fool
ishly cases are entertained and fees
charged up against the county. The
county board claims that they can do but
little in cutting down the bills , as the fees
are tixcd by statute. If that is so , then
the statutes should be hammered at until
a fair compensation only is allowed , and
that for good , square work.
Host coal and wood in the city at Glea-
son's , SG Pearl street.
For first class Missouri wood call on
( ilcason , at his coal ofllce , 20 Pearl street.
Council Hlufl'H Carnival.
Council Blufl's hopes to have a coasting
carnival which will prove both enjoyable
and a credit to the city. The course
selected will bo on Willow avenue , and
the preliminary arrangements are being
planned with care , in order that the afl'air
may prove in every detail a success. Tlio
following is the organization , and as will
bo been by noting the names , the affair
is In ti ! hands of persons who can bo
safely trusted for its proper management.
Their ell'ortn should ho heartily supported
by all oili/ons , ami by entlinsiastiu co
operation under Mich management there
need bo no fear of failure.
F. M , ( iau It as president.
F. Cook as secretary.
Jerry M. Shea as treasurer.
Finance Committee W. K. Van
JohnTemphUon , James Howman , W. (5.
Kstep , W. W. Chapman , Charles Haas ,
John Oliver , A D. Footer and-J. 0. .Do-
HeecpUon .Committeo -Judsouj Z.
is. ucri avails , \viii uronowcgt
AHQIJJIX 15cno , Phil Armour and Cliarlcs
Committee on Music Nick O'llricn ,
Ed. llcekor , Ed. Cogloy and L. A. Webor.
Committee on Transportation M. U.
Urown , N. U. Olds , Viek Keller , Fred
Davis , J. T. Hurley nnd Nate Phillips.
Committee an Invitation * Spencer
Smith , George Hughes , Judge James and
Will llardin.
Another large meeting was held last
night at widen it was decided to have the
carnival Wednesday oyoning , February
10. It was decided that all the commit
tees would meet at tlio city hall Triday
; to complete arrangements.
Substantial abstracts of title and real
ostnlo loans. J. W. & E. L. Squhr , 101
1'earl street , CouudlHlmTs.
Money to loan by Forest Smith.
Qticnr Jlonoy.
N. E. Lcaiuan lias in his possession n
very otld gold coin. It boars upon its
face the name of Clark , timber & Co. ,
Denver , an eagle , and "Ton D. " On the
reverse side are thirteen stare , tlio head
of the goddess of liberty , the name Pike's
peak , and tlio year 18(11. ( The coin is
really gold , and is about tlio si/.e of n ten-
dollar gold piece , though its valuation is
placed at fiO cents more.
George 11. Heard lias in his possession
an excellent specimen of the old colonial
money , tlio little bit of paper with its
rude printing bejug 111 years old. All tlio
lines and tlio signatures arc still very
distinct , and ago seems to have been gen
tle with it. .
A Good Tli I UK to Ticat l'Tlontls With.
N. Y. Tribune : "Loaded" cigars , as in
struments of mirth-provoking torture ,
arc liable to come into more general use
among practical jokers on account of a
iiow method of manufacture which les
sens tlio danger of the explosions. A
small cartridge of powder inserted in thu
middle of a cigar was able to furnish a
large amount of hilarity , but it was liable
to damage the eyesight of the unsuspect
ing smoker who had been ( selected as a
victim by tlio jokers. .Serious accidents ,
followed by suits for damages , made tlio
old style "loaded" cigar unpopular.
When a man who had been known to in
dulge in fun at the expense of his friends
offered a cigar as llm liuest brand to an
acquaintance , lie was obliged to answer
Mich questions as "Will it go oil' ? " or
"Which way shall 1 point it ? " A man
with a reputation as a joker could keep a
box of cigars open in Ins oHiee with wife
ly. His friends would bo sure to think
Unit articles left exposed in such a tempt
ing way were dangerous to fool with.
Kecentiy some manufacturer has
adopted a method of "loading" cigars of
a , certain brand with a chemical cartridge
which lakes tire soon after the weed is
lighted. There is no .sudden explosion
which shatters the wrappers anil sends
fragments of burning tobacco in all
directions , but from the end of the cigar a
.stream of lire shoots out to a distance
of about three feet in a direct line. It
inakcs a man look for a few seconds as
if ho was a gas tank and held a piece of
broken gas pipe in his mouth. The man
is in no danger so long as he keeps .still
and lets the cigar sputter away. To hold
tlio weed lirinly in tlio teeth ot such a
moment is a better test of a man's nerve
Hum to hang on the end of a burning
Hoi 2 > ; candle. Tlio chief danger to bo
feared is that some man may urop a ci
gar and start a conflagration if he at
tempts to smoke indoors.
In one department of the city govern
ment the clerks have found much amuse
ment lately in dealing out cigars of the
new brand and waiting for the displays
of pyrotechnics. They suddenly aband
oned that form of diversion a few days
ago on account of an unexpected acci
dent. One of the clerks had presented
acigar _ loan oflicial , but it Had been con
signed to the ollicial's pocket until a
more convenient time for smoking. That
time came when tiie ollicial got on thu
front platform of a street car and bor-
roweif a "light" from a stout German.
Two heads were close together and the
official was sucking the lire from the end
of the German's half burned weed , when
there was a fizz like that which attends
the flight of a Bky rock t. A stream ot
fire played directly into the Gorman's
face , scorching his cheek and obliterating
ono largo red side-whisker in an instant.
The German jumped off the car with a
howl of anguish. He was followed by
the astonished official , who began to
make an apology.
"You make ono pig joke , " screamed
the German , "but I liaf you arrested.1'
Tlio official was obliged to show his
shield and give the name of the clerk
who had furnished the obnoxious cigar
before Hie German would believe his ex
planation. A day or two later the clerk
received iv letter from the German's
lawyer stating tliat a suit for damages
had been authorized. Fearing that liis
position in the department would bit
forfeited if tlio facts came to the notice
of a commissioner , the clerk made
haste to settle. The sum of money
which was needed a.s a salve to the
Geivnan's outraged feelings made a big
lioln in the clerk's monthly pay. Warned
b , } ' his experienei ) , the other clerks have
MIICO been experimenting with cigars
"loaded" with teeth
only extracted from
rubber combs. The fames of burning
rubber mixed witli tobacco smoke have
turned the stomach of several casehardened
ened Miiokor.s.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat : Tlio loaded
cigar had its day in court yesterday , and
much to the disgiibt of everybody came
out victorious. The circumstance * under
which it got into court are that , about
two months ago , a young man named
Nolle , who clerks for his father , John
Nolto , proprietor of a wholesale and re
tail cigar establishment at U10 Vine
street , kohl John IIuscli , a barber , who
worked in a shop near by. two cigars.
When Mr. Ilusch hail concluded his day's
work and partaken of his tmppcr , ho lit
ono of his cigars and was proceeding to
read a newspaper and enjoy a smoke.
His wife came up and took a scat on Ids
knee. She had scarcely taken lier scat
when a Ijanio about a foot long thot out
ot thu cigar accompanied by an oxplo-
sion. The wife tumbled over in fright ,
ami two days afterwards a miscarriage
followed. Shu nnd her husband then
brought suit against the senior Nolle for
$3,000. Young Nolfo testified yesterday
that ho solil Mr. Ilusch two cigars lor nv'o
cents , onu of which was loaded ; that a
loaded cigar could always bo detected
Irom the ( act that there was a hard nub-
stance in it about an inch from the end-
Ho was intimately acquainted with Mr.
Ilusch , and gave him tlio cigar as a joke.
His father had instructed him not to soil
Mioli cigars without imparting their char
acter. Other evidence followed , and
when plaintiff had concluded Ids side of
tlm ease the defondont asked for an in
struction to thu effect that under thu evi
dence the plaintiff was not entitled to re-
cover. The court gave the instruction ,
and a non-suit followed. It was after
wards ascertained that the court acted
ujion the theory that the acts of young
Nolto. under tlio circumstances above
stated , could not bind the cider Nolto.
What Cupt. Id-lesson lias Constructed
I'pr the llrltlah ( .overniuont.
London News : The special wonder at
the royal arsenal at Woodwieh is just
now a monster weapon intended to tire
Jirojcetiles or torpedoes under water. It
i&'tlio invention of Cant. Ericsson , the
well known scientitio American , and it
was made in the United Statesj partly uu-
dor the supervision of Lieut. Gladstone
of her Majesty's naty , ftvlio was sent over"
for the gun and has now brought it to
England. It reached the arsenal only
this week and now lies at tlio inspection
branch of the royal gun
factories , whence , after some pre
liminary tests , it will be sent on board
ship , probably at Portsmouth , for trial at
soa. Tin1 cannon and the projectile arc
almost of equal length , , and , a.s they lie
side by side , painted a bright red. are
formidable objects to Iqok at. No fewer
than forty tons of steel arc used in the
construction of the gun , which id thirty
feet long , nnd lias a here of eighteen and
one-eighth inches. It is a breechloader ,
and closed at the stern by an arrange *
mi-lit of a very simple and HlVetual char
acter much resembling that of tlio great
guns which were displayed at the in
vention exhibition. The vent , which
is axial , is sealed , and said to bo effectual
in preventing the escape of powder
gases. Tlie projectile measures twenty-
live feet , which is onlp live feet less Ihan
tuo gnuand is gaged to pass freely aloiig
the bore , which is unrsllcd. It
is hollow , and notwithstanding
its great length weighs only tuiolon.
The proposal \ to lit the gun in tlio bow
of a ship nine feet under the water lint1 ,
so a.s to lire straight ahead from the cut
water. A diaphragm of India rubber is
ll.xutl over the mu//.lo to exclude tlio
water , but it is blown away at the lii-fl
) > uu" of tlio discharge. The projectile is
inserted from the roar and is stopped by
a pin a few inches short of the diaphragm ,
for it ha a short rod projecting from its
noM ) , which is to net by percussion on the
charge within , and mu t be protected
from all risks ot premature explosion.
Us safety at this stage is , however , to
some extent guaranteed by the action of
a strong spring which prevents tlio
rod from being driven back by
any force short of a thonsanil
pounds. A charge of t'venty
pounds of powder is all thai is thought
necessary for propulsion , and , this bi'iugr
behind tlio projectile , tlio breech is oloM-d
and the gun is ready for liritig. The
only other requisite is something to aim
at ; and when a hostile ship can be got.
within convenient distance , the monster
gun lets lly. It is asserted that a range
of ! ! 00 yards under water may bo relied
upon , but is considered doubtful whether
( lie shot can overcome the resjstnncc of tlio
water and retain effective striking power
for half the distance. The inventor , how
ever , lias tried his device , and he says ho
ought to know. To preserve the lateral
position and uniform depth of'his sub
marine missile he lias weighted
it to the gravity of water , and
while lie keeps ono side under by
the preponderance of weight , ho has n
steering plate on the upper side which
opens only after leaving tlio mouth of the
gun , and acts as a rudder in keeping the
projectile in it.s course. Until the gun is
tried the authorities are loath to express
an opinion upon it , but it is regarded at
least as an honest attempt to establish a
new principle in gunnery , in winch it is
quite unlike the wonderful breechloaders
which were obtained from America dur
ing tlio Crimean war , which were con
tracted for at so muchper pound , and
sent in with such a liiass of metal piled
upon them that they were too heavy to
be moved or to work , and have never
been lircd to this day.
A.C.HUIINIIAM , l'ro . L.W. TUI.IXYS , Vlco-Prcs.
, IAMIS N. Iliio\v.vCaslilcr.
Council Bluffs National Bank
Capital $100,000
Authorized Capital 2COOOO
Stockholders Keprosent 1,000,000
Do ntrcnoral banking "buslnnss.
Accounts ot banks , bunkers , inoreliant ? , man
ufacturers and Individuals received on lavorn-
bio terms.
Domestic nnd foreign exchange.
The very best of attention given to all bus !
ness committed to otirruro.
Ihnvo boiitthtwlmt ! s known us the
And will KVO ! niyporsonfil ntlcmiim 10 C-112 ll
IH'lvntu residences lor pas-enjforfl and \nigsuyo \
lor nil trains , InclndlHH : dummy trains.
Ollico at 1'aclo Hou-o. Telephone 14' ) .
Thank ! ul for past futor * , 1 am lospectfully
yourj ,
Successor to J.
Practices In Stata anil l-'cilcrul Courts.
I'.oouis 7 will S , Siniu'art Jilock.
J , L. De BEVOISE , Agent.
No. WIT llroiulvrnr. Council HIuHs.
Railway Time Table ,
The followliifl : Is the tlmo of arrival nn > l
depart in-o of trains by control btanilard tlmo , at
the local depots. Trains leave transferdcpot ten
minutes om llor nnd tirrivo ten minutes later :
DEI > " "
! ) : - ' . ) A. M . Mall and llx press . fi-.tflr. v.
1'JMUr. u . Accoinmoduiion . 4Mi' : . N.
0tor. : M . Kxprcss . OiOi.t.M.
0:2) : ) A. M . Mail and Uxprcts . ,0.Vi ; ) > . M.
7:15 : A. M . Aceoinmodatlon . 6:45 : 11 , xi.
0OI'M : . Kxpress . UUTiA. : M.
ClllCAOO. MIl.W.UJKKi : J. HT. I'AUb
0:20 : A. ll . Mall mid Kxpioeu . 0:50 : p. M.
OiDUl'.M . . .Kvpreis . U:05A.M. :
ciiiOAno. nuiu.i.NdioN & ( JITIM-V.
D:40A.M : . Mall and Kxpi-Lts . iliMr.
U:50 : | ' . M . KxpieHS . ; 05
2lf : > r. 11. Local St.I.ouLs Jivjiross I cal .
3U : ) I'.ji.Trmmforyt. iMUlsKx. Transler.iby : : r. M
JOIOA. : i. . . . . . .Mall and Kxpicss . fiilldi' . M.
U:06j'.M : . Uxpross . UA..V. : .
7:15A.M : . . .Sioux City Mal | . H'JOi : > . M.
6liO : i-.M . .SM'aul Kxjiroas . B 'JA.M.
10:35 : A. XI . Denver Kxprcss . G45iM. ;
" :1U : r. M. , . Lincoln Pass. . Om , & It , V. . . 2:115 : i > . M.
1Miu : . Overlund Krpross . 8:15 : A.M.
Leave Council lllnffa-r7:054-8U3 : 'Jao : 10:31 :
11:30 a. in , ; 1:30-2 : :3aT-3a -4:3) 5'J5-fl0 : |
11:45 p. m. Sniiilayh 7U5-U:3i : : ) 11:30 : u. in ;
2:3u-3si-5:25-0ii-lliri : : : : : : : , Leave Omaha
-U:3i-Tif-SJO-10OJ-U:00 : : : : a. m ; 1:1)0-2:00- ) :
00-JOJ : 5 :0)-flns-lO : ; | | : Pm. . Bnndays-b:35 :
63-11:0) : ) a. m.:2OJ : : 'JOJ : 3:0o : 0o.rj ; ji:10 :
E. R. Gael-well ,
Real Estate , Probate
No. 504 Broadway , : Council Bluffs
A POSITIVR ° 'r ' J "
A ruDUnJUr.o . , . 7 .
( wmcuro
the most obtlnatocuse In four days or loss.
Allan1 sSoluble MedicatadBougies
No ntiusoous doses of cubcljs , copaiba or eon ( |
biuululwooU that uro certain to pHuHico Uysiei ] > -
Bin Iiy dc tiovlnt , ' tbu coating ot t'.m uliiinaeli ,
I'ricoSI.W. Bol.l by all ilnivtrlsts or mailed on
U-celjitoriHico. For ( nrtlier particulars gmiu
for circular. 1' . O. llox 1W1. '
3" . C. A.IjIjJii.2Sr CO. ,
I. , Now VorK.
Jtevg. . . . . .
DKKH12 , WELLS & CO. ,
Agricultural Implements , Busies ,
_ Ciiirlusc ? , ito. : , IHc. Coimc.l Ulna * , Iowa.
Corn Shelters , Stalk Cutters ,
Dlscltamws , Scodoisi. Corn Planters , Vecd Cut'
UTS , lite , riicuiry , Hock 1'nlis , 111 * .
Xog. l.-ni , mi , 1W5 , 15)7 ) Millu SI. , ttMmc
JA\II ) UllADLKV & CO. ,
Agricultural Implements , Etc , ,
Council llluiro.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths. rnilln rivtures , IIlio | ! tery Roods ,
IHc. No. 41B Jlruivlu ny Council lll'nlls ,
Wholesale Jobbers In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. 23 Main nuil S7 Trail Sis. , Council llluirg ,
Produce and Fmit Commission Merchants
Xo. Itl'oml St. , Council llliiir.s.
Mnnulnctiirurs or
Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Cakes ,
Couiieft llhiffa , fulfil.
Importers & Jobbers of Crockery.Glassware .
I.anii8 | , Fruit .Ti\is , Cilllery , Stoneware , liar
Goods , I'micy ( toinli. Klu. Council lllulls ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils. Paints , Glass ,
Druggists' Sundries , Kte. No. 12 Main St. , nuil
Xo. 211'cnrl St. , Council Hlulls.
mtr GOODS.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goads ,
Nollons. Ktc. Nn . 112 mid 111 Main St. , Nos. 11
nnil 115 I'cnrl St. , Council Illuirs , Iowa.
' ' ' .
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries ,
Nos. 117 , lin mul 121 , Main St. , Council Hinds ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 41fi llroad-
way , Council Illiilfs.
Manu'nct urcra ot and Wliolosulo Dealers In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. 623 Main St. , Council lllutr ? , lown.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
Nos. 312 mul 314 Urondirny , Council Ilhiire.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Stock , Council Illuire , Iowa.
nwis AND WOOL.
i ) . II. McDANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , Pelts , < ! i-rnco mid I'tlrs. Council
Illiitte , Iowa.
WhoIi'Milo Dciileis In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gasoline ,
8. Theodore , Agent , Council lilnUs. Iowa ,
, ITG.
A. OVERTON < fc CO. ,
Hard Wood , Southeu Lumber , Piling ,
And Uridirn MalerliU Siieclallli'S.Wholfnalo I.ttin-
bur 01 nil Kinds. Otllco No. I.JO Main St. ,
Council llhilfs. Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Agent for St. ( iotthin-ii'B HcTh IllttPM. No. K )
.Main St. , Counull HIiiHs.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
. \nUiOMntn St. , Cmmdl
I'HA.NK Nl.KI.V , 1'lCnt. Cl-.n.W.llAIIIIlN , fin ;
Life and Endowment Association
on-'ici : IN iiK.vo's mm.niNt ! .
Ilooiiig Nos , K anil IX
$2,500 iii case of Death.
$1,000 Endowment ut the cud ol' Ion
yen vs.
Average cost for year of assessment ,
first three years of organization , 15 to
! JO yeai'H , $ ( U7H ! ; to 50 years , $10 ,
Clicular unil iiit'oniiatlon on application.
SiipjrliilDiiclftit of .1
. \ernU Wanted.
I'.T , MAVNE. A. a IlA/r.i/ro.N
jP. ' . Mayne & OH ,
Real Estate Exchange
Mo. 103 1'rurl Street .Council lllufrs ,
Dealers In Iowa , Kaiituj und Nobratk i I.un.U
. . . ,
fc = T6
_ c = a
= :
Storehouse ami Salesroom , 41 N. Main St. Ofllce 412 Broadway ,
n-l--cl ) lilllujior nnv kl il r\Uil nm ifil ml l itUf istloil y I. Kt-nii' Itouio ]
on I.ltlleGlnnt trucks Ihe heat lu tliovorld. .
SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street , Council
NOTICE. Spcclnl dvcrtlscmctiti , Biicli in
Lost , Found , To Loan l"oSale , To Hont , Wants.
Itonrdlng : , etc. , will uo Insertud In this column nt
tholowrnto of TEN CENTS 1'Rll LIMB for the
first Insertion and FIVK CUNTS 1'UU LINK for
cnch subso < ] Ucnt Insprtloti. Leave advuitlso
montsnt our ollloo , No. li 1'oarl btrcct , "oar
llroailwiiy , Council lllulls.
FOK HKN'T v now hoiibo with double par
lors thifu bud roouib , rlo'-uls dining loom ,
kltt'hi'ii , etotc loom mul colhir , Hitler nd ga .
Inqtilro ofMrs. . Cole , filti liluir slii'ot.
. : I'ropcrty on I'ornor I'c.ul strci'i
rOKSAI.i avcniii ! , Coiini'll HUMIX coiitlstln '
of tuo story , Iron-roolcd brick linllilliiir ; a Irilinu
hotii-o ol tlnionm : all on lot : tl\lit. : 1'or toriiis
npjily to A. II. Mfl'huv , on prcin'-cs
. -oiii-o. Tenth nvcnuo. tlvo
r room" , all oonvunlcni'os. Unqnliu ol Arnd
& Son , No. 71'J Main stu-ct.
FOU BALK St-nli'il bids will Ijo rcculvo 1 by .1
W. Itodolcr up to l-'ulii-iiiiry 'M , ISM ) , on
eighty foot front , two story brluk block , Nos. " .
" ' ' ' ' " between lii-oiulwuy and
24 , 'M nnii J. l'C'r' ; stl'"et ,
First avenue.
kJ ( under Cltlron's lltniUi , real cs'atu ' aim mor-
chandl-'joxclianm ) brokers. Our bonks am lull
ol * pc'fla ! Imi-cHln-i , but It Is linpo lhlo to pub
lish a ichublc il-ii'romtholiictol'ho iniiny dally
Whntwuiibkls : IT you wnnt to soil
or trade anything In our line , u rite us and wo
will send yon a pllo of bargains to sulrct Irom.
Lands Inipiovi'd or iniliniirove , ! , city or town
property , .ilofks of Broods ol any kind In any
place . It such joti li.mi or such you want lot us
hour from j on. Swim & Walker , Counoll Illiilfs
UM OH Miido in ill ilays by a lady lucnt of the
P I . \ - / "Kiiillulln. ] " wo wnnl blv inoro live
aKont" , innloor loniali1. Applv in person or by
letter to Win. Iliuultill , Supt. ol iDfi'iiflos t'oiiii-
lIMtlllllM , lowtl. _ _
AHM KoITSAI.UAt"il baiwiln Uold " MIOII ,
IW ncro-,0'1 ' nillr-s sonthwc-t ill Omaha. 0
room hoiiM'.cvcellcnl wi-ll and i'Nlcri.j burn" ,
ono for oljrht lini c" , oni ) fur Uil rows : ben , tool
nnil wasoii hoiine1IOJ : MLTOS In liinothy ; ir > .U.l
loir-it tvcrs , cotton wood.blni'k walnut , ash mid
intiplo ; Hooil iirrhard , npplris , rlii'rrk-s plilini ,
Krapi'N Mini hnnill Iritlts. Nuvur liiiliuir btoolc
wiilnr. 11.1' . OKU i uu , MO Itroadnuy , Council
IJIuirs , Iowa.
Tlio public lire inlornicd that n iinti-nt
bern allowed to ( ico. 11. ( ircvury on hli ha-
iiiovrtd KI\B \ lamps mid ir.niiiiliii'tnrrd by IIH , Mr.
( . ' . \VIHIiniiH Is our nutliorl/i'd "trout for ( 'nun-
ull llhillH and Onialiu. The public im > riuttlnncd
not to liny anv of thcsu jra * latnpH i-\i-cpt
tliriHigh Mr. WllliiiniB , us all olhor-mtruie 1 Inr
biileaic InfifiiKcniDnts upnn our 1nip 1 - < >
HrH'iis .V Co. , Manufacturer mm Solo
h , No. id Uomlum
At Homer's ,
No. 2J ! Main Street. Coinuiii JJIull'H , la.
Main St. , ( . 'ouiuiil Hlufls.
Near tlm C. , . AQ. . ; ( ' . , M. t St. 1' . . ami
C. , II. 1. fel * . mll\Miv ( li-piits. .Sticcl can.
pass tlio door. Ku'rylliing ULY tnul liial
inns. orncBib w. n. M , i-iwi
Kstahllbhc.l 1N13.
B. BICE , M. D.
or other tuiiMrs icinoviilrlihout
the knlfu or ill 'itvliitf nf Ido-i J.
Oicithluy jftiiV in-let al eviiorion u.
No. H 1'i'inl i-itcct , I'OIIIK U tlluilv
" J-'IIK .
w. scHtraz ,
Justice of the Peace.
Office Over American KiprcM Company.
I wNilfi ipsppetfully call the attention of my
patrons and thu public in Kunonil , to my rcino-
Milfioin thu old stand Nod. 7 mul ! , Jlaln St. ,
to my nou- and coiiiinodloua iitim tcr.s ,
Ho. 226 Broadway ,
Wlipi-o I will be iilcasc.l to too my many filend ; .
n Itli itlurjii ! , now mid complete ntsortniont of
nil the very
LATEST Fabrics in Spring STILES
And belli ; ; localoJ In liirpo nuarlora I inn better
than over before prcpaiod to to servo the pnl > -
iu. Itr
ItrJ. . BE. SMITH ,
Merchant Tailor
NO 220 Broad way , Council Bluffs.
"Es sEx H6 u SE" ,
0ijioslti | ) City llulldln R , Council llluifs.
Warm looms and good board at r
i in I'd.
Northwestern Hotel.
Newly iltlcil ami furiilslifil. ( ) | > p. Uroiulway
Dummy Di-pol. t\ \ , ) | > er day.
SA.Mt'lil ; 'J'ATK , I'loj ) .
JU. . BKK.SLIAW , .Mau.i , ' < M- .
In Council HluCFa Imvin ;
Fire Escsijp ©
And nil moucrn ImpioMimcnM , cull bells , Or *
alarm belLs , i.-ti' . , isllio
Kob.-'lj , 217 und 219 , Main Strout ,
MAX .MUIIX , 1'iopriotor.
Chicago Lumber Co.
Wlinlesulo and Itulail l.iiiaber , l.atli , Hlilnylcs
Hntli , DOOIH ami Illlnds. Holn axi'iilti for tlio
( olcbrati'd Miiiljltiliend t'oncont rat i > d Whlto
l.lmo. S. I' . Jl MVO.NNIII.I , , MJIIIUO
Tcli'phnno No. "f ,
No. ' , li ! Main Hliccl. Council Illiills.
Ilchl neJ lor llunnlnir
KU-HTWC l-lti
Tnhuliir and Loconioiivo
Xc\v iMa.i-iIoii ] Thnicra. ! .
L'uivy and Woodbury Ilor. o l'o\vi > w.
J'orlalili ! and Traction Hngiin'a ,
Factory llassillon , 0. Hranch f f ouso
510 IVnrl St. , Council JJliills.
No. 337 Broadway , Council Blutt'u.
Jeil ! ; Rstiitu bouulit iiutl bold.