Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1886, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAIJUY BEE , 'HUTRSDAY , FEBRUARY 4 , 1886. Whitney. . . . . . . . 121 ShccJcyA Co . % 'J snr.Kp. Cltv butchers . 107 Note All sales ot stock In tills innrKctnro intulo iH-rcwt , ll\o ui'lslil unices otliciwlso fitnted. Deatl Jioz * sell at Ic per 11) , for all wtuhK "Skliis"orlio/s < , vclgfiliiplcss than 100 Ibi , no value. iVgnniit sows nrc docked ° 40 Jb ? nntl stays to | | ) . OMAHA AliK MAUKKl'3. Weilni'Silay KicnltiK. 1'cK " . Ocncrnl Markets. K ins-Tho majority of tulcs arc being in \ Its at lowifii c. a few ( joliitf ns high as 17c iJrmit : I'llrcs icinnln firmly. riioico piititjs of table Imtlur nro iiuotctl at 15il ( > < c ; InlrtnKooil , 10l2c ! ; Inferior.K' e. Onr.K ii : I'miny full cieam Cheddars' . ( ) c- toliur make. llcllatH ; 1'Jc : > OUIIK Anierlrn. I''c : lirf-t quality tiwlss cheese , 10c ; Micontl quality , l.'JMHc : In lei ; cheese , ICe ; JMmlmrsOr , . I'on.TiiY-Tlto icfulpU of chickens aio not so ht'iivv , and choice to fancy stock sold to-day nt Wei fair to ( , 'ootl , tfic. ( \ . lur- kcvs arc slow sale ; choice stock is quoted m - MK Peer , antelope , prnlno chick ens and quail eie out of ewm ; on , lnnuary 1. nml su\ cry fuw ere coming In. I'mmo { .litckuns , iicnloz , SiMX - ' . " ' ! quail ju-rdo/ , Sl.iVrU.W ; jack inbuilt , iior do/ , : nmllaid diirlcx. S'J/iV. teal ducks. ? l. ; * ? l-9 ! inlM'il ilncKs , Sl.'iVrfl.BJ ; small rabbits T.ic © s RWW. Jjn.WKWUO. I'lir.siiitvrs. : < , IT : . rrc eivw. all kinds 20-lb. pailH per Ib. . 10 > tjc ; do to pall lots , IK rib. 10oas ; ( irted Mb. pails pcrtr.ite , 0 pall * . { -s.7fi. : .lolllet , all kinds , ilrat Riwlc , JO-lli. palls , per Ib. , br ; a'-soited , tiftt croiU ? , Mb pails , per crate , 0 | ialK per iloj. , S..M ) ; do , Mb jiaih , per case. 'J doS'.VJB ; do , tuiiili- IIT.S , icrca ) c.doSl.iO. \ . .lolly , all kinds , M'cond grade. SO-lb. palls , per Ib. tie. Mince .Muul , . best L'tmlibbl. . . ! . . . . . l . > er . Ib. . , , , . 7c . ; do , i- W , Hi. , til ftiicaeh ; , plum and tjiiiuce butter , as- sorteil , C-fb. pails , per el ate , 0 mils , i > -\i. > , ' rntsup per ease , 'J tlo/ . Mint bottle" . Sft.00 ; hursts Tiiitlsh , pint bottles , uer doSl.oO. . 1'tns FKKT/lim-p , AXII liAMim'To.voiir.8 rigs' feet per J { I'bl. ' , S4.7G ; do. } i bbl. , S3.-JO : do. per kit , Sfl.OO. Lambs' tongues , per M bbl. , fcfl.50 ; do. per kit , 5'J.7o ? ; do. quint jars per do * . . M.50do. ; pint inraper ease , J doS7.00. . Tiipe , pcrM > > bl. , 551.60 ; do. per > , bbl. S''JJ : do. nor kit. uv. , , , , SAi'iit : Kii.uiT Ilest quality.W cal bbl , S7.50 ; ! W jrnt bill , S-O.M ) ; ! " irnl li'il. S .OJ. iVt'T.s I'reans largo Pdlishi'd , lie ; pecans , medium , Oc ; English walnuts , He : almonds , Tniincniin , ! 20c ; do , Languenoe , 17e ; lirn/.lH , VJc , lilherl.M , He ; lUMiints. liantl plcketl , fancy Vlmlnia , 7cdo ; innMud I'e. ' CIIMU lloNKV-Cnlltoriiiii'i ibfianii'.OO His , In ease per Ib. , 15e ; 10 Ib. frames , Jst-brntka , Cmr.i : Michigan icllned , per bbl. , S0.,0 ; ilo. hall bbl. . S4. < x > . : Whlto wiiif. 10c ; elder , 1'iiJc. COCOA .N trrs AI * l.OOJc l-r > 0. Nr.w Fios , UATIS : , KIT. La.\er llis. 5 ami 8-lii boxes , ner Hi , Hl'i'-lTc ; I'niiii'lles. U5 Hi boxes , per 11) ) , lce. Dates , fancy Kurd , W Hi boxes , per Ib , He ; ilo , lancy rcrsiun , 00 Ib boxes , per Ib , lie. l.r.MONs Kuncy Messina and Palermo , per boxl.r.MONs > : dc. choice .Medina and I'aieimo , per box , SI.5J ; do. per 5 box lot. 31.00. OiiANdiUi Choice I-os.AiiKeles , per box , S'J.15 : do , fi-box lots , per box.fciiiO ; do , 10-box lots , Si.rUfaiiev ! ; Itherside. ? " . . .r)0 ; do , -bov lilts. S-V-Ti ; do. 1'0-biiK lots , yi.OO. : CiiAMiiiiiii.s { : Capo Cod cranbcrrlos. per lib ) , ts..o. < 'aio | i < > d ilo , r. bbl lots , per Mil. SS.OO : Hull nnd Cherry do , per bbl , S.7f. ; Hull and Cheiry do , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. 55.50. Ai'i'iis : Not much Mock is uuivlnir. 11- llnolsircnltons , per bbl. , S2.-10 : do , 5-bliI Ipti , S2.'Mflo ; , 10-lb lots , 5'J.OO ; Illinois Willow Twlus , lieu Davis , ele. M.7.r ; do , n-blil lots SiXSi ) ; do. 10 bbl lot's , W.33 ; lancy Michigan . - , . ' : ! . ' ' . OKAI-KS Malaca per bbl. S7.00. UANA.VAS Accordini ; 10 hi/.f , per bunch , PnovisioNS. Ham. 10WI ' . ( fo. breakfast bacon , f$5vc ( ! ; clear side b.icon , 7c ; dry salted Bides , Cc : shouldeiH. biipir cured , 5fe ( ; pork per bb ! . . SUl.CO : lard.10 Ib. cans , per Ib. ii fo/re : 10. 5 and ! 1 Ib 7 @ 8o ; di led beet hams. 1'Jc. i'OTATOK.s None are coudnc. and piiccs aio nominal at MRCiOe forchoicestock. VitairrAni.KS t'lilitornla cabbage , : iJVc l > cr 'bxioxs ' Salt Lake stoet , 33.00 per bbl. ; red Wetlieisik-ld , fifM ) per bbl. UKAN- * Hand ulcked navy. 51.75@3.00 ; iiann-pickcd medium , Sl.WXflt.7 ) ; > : need clean countrv. Sl.'iV l.fO : Infoilor. 7.5c.00. ' ( ( JitAi.v Tins followlii ! ; am tliu iirevainng prices paid tor wagon loads on the stieels , anil attlm mills to-day : Corn , ' "Ji ; ; oats ! S1@ Me ; wheat , No. 2 , 'u ' ; rye. l.yu.rrc. Klevator iirlce.s for car lots : Coin , -I' u ; oats , ( Jl54'i2. ( ! c ; wheat , fiijfgOoc ; rye , -lie ; barley , Si\ l''r.otin anil .Mir.i.STiTKrs \ inter Wheat Firm ; best quality patent at W.OOaa.SO. .Second oiiallty S' .oo. SmiiiK Wheat-Best .juallty patent at 52.50 litickwheat Flour In barrels , ? 5.7."i ; icady raised .lib packuges. 51.00 ; G Ib packages , * ilran .We iicr ewt. Chopped Feed 1'er 100 lbs.70c. Corn ileal White , bft ; ; yellow. " . "cpcrcwt. KcreciiIiiB No. 1 , 75c per cwt ; No. - , 50e. Jiomiiiy S1.GO per ct. . , , n Sl'.W per rut , lay Hales. SO.oM > 7.00 per um. ( ) VBTiifi ! Qiiotatlnns lor to-day are : NY. . counts : , 45c ; cxtni selects , 40e ; select , See ; fitantlaids. : Ho ) ; mediums , - 'ic. iuis ( : ASP oKiris I'rioes on furs and bklns nru .steady. Mink , each , KX30c ? ; do. No. ! i , lOnii'wj ; . wolf , prahio. r > o@75c : do. mountain. 5 > J.OO : ) .Oii ; wildcat , l-X/f-idbea / ; ver , J.flo@a.rjO per Ib ; tov. each , sl.4WiSl.riO : deerhkin : . drv winter , U'Qlfc'c pcrlb ; do. fall uiu ! summer 'JOCu''ao llinir : Hi con butchers. < VHpreen \ < : ; ctucil , 7J $ < U8c ; diy Hint , 1'iOilKo ; dry halt , lUi'iliic ; ibimaueif bides l\vo-lliliils price. Talltnv Ic. ( Jiejbe , prliuo white , 4c. fcheou I'clts 2.lui7r.e. ( LBATiiKn .No. 1 I'ltlsburc linrni-so J. 0. li. AHons , Sic ; No. 11'ltlsbtirc , K. & S. ii'Jc ; No. Cincinnati , : c ; No. 1 lace leather , OOc ; wiimo hlamrlitersolo leather.'JN.l ; c : urlinu oak solo lentlier. SflC'Wt'c. ' Upper leather , per loot. 20 ® 25o ; Jlemklp.7.'i@8.coakl5lpfc ) ; , ' > ( iTVicKreiicli ( ; Mi } . 1.00 1.25 ; Hi'lll cnlf.Sl.006el.10.oalc calf. Sl.iXXjil.ili : KiiMirti rnlf , ei.4X' l.b.ri : Mo- loroo boot IPC , axa.'tic : Moiocco nil pebble. s iUo ; tnppmes anil llnlnjra , iKJ.OiXiJio.oO uerdo/ . CiiAL Aiillirnc-lte grate , SS.M ; ogR , S .W ; range. § 8.75 ; clnMiiiit. &S.75 ; Iowa ,'J ; \Valnnt liItK-k , a.7ri : Illliiois , S5.00 ; Alls- HKAVV HAiinwAiiK lion , rates , 53/5j plow Mccl , special cast , 4c ; cruciblu btccl , Cc ; rnst tools do , mt<ta ; wu on tipolie.-- , per set. 1.75irt.OO ( : : hubs , ocr set , Sl.ttS. lelloes. sawed tlry , Sl.-tO , toiiKues , each , 7ftc , axlt-s , each , 73o ; Mliuire inUs. jicr Ib. , 7@Un ; collchaln pur U > , ( Xffiliie ; maleablc , tki : iron \\edges , ( ic : crow bars , 0 ; harrow tcoth , 4o ; sprint ; Mcel , 7Qf8a ; jiunlrn's hnnn slices S4.5 ; Diirden's mule flioos. f5.25. lliiibecl Who 111 car lots , 84.00 per too Ibs. Iron Nails Hates , 10 to f < o , fea.txi. filuitl.M ) ; buckshot. Sl. 5 ; ( jiicntal powder , kecs 5i.MX < uoo : do. half Kegs , S'J.oo ; { | o , quarter kens. Sl.&O : bhistlni , ' , KI-KS. s.i.jjs ; jme.or ] ! 100 reel. ri\ Lead Har Sl.ns. JiY ! J'Ai.VTS Whlto lean , be ; fiencli zinc , li.'cl'ttrlswhltlnu',2 : } < o : whitlnKRddei-s.lJii ! ; \\lilUnir.coii\M , 1'io : lampblack. ( Jermantown. l''c ; lampblack , ordinary , 10u : Prussian blue , & 5e. . untraumilno. Ibc : vandyke , brown. So umiier , imnjt , 4o ; umber , raw. 4c ; sienna , bin nt. 4c : hienna raw , 4c , : 1'ailscrccn. irenu- Ine , " .r > c' rans Krecn , common , ' Oc : cliromo cieeii , N. V.'JOu ; chrmo ureen , K , lUo ; ver- mlllioii , lui lisli. in oil asst inc ; raw and burnt umber 1 Ib cans , lee : raw ami Diirnt bienna , 10c : vandyke Dniwu. iso ; lampblack. I't t ; concli black and ivory bl.ik ifio ; diop black , lf > c : Pinsaian blue. 4l > o : ul > trnnmrlnc blue. ISc : cliromo irreon , L. , .M & l.10a ) : blind and shutter irreen , h. . .M. < V : 1) . Ific ; Pans nwn , . ; Indian red , IRc ; Vene tian led , Ho ; Tuscan led. ac ; American ver- iiillllou , I. . & 1) . , "uo ; yellow ocnre. ' . | c : ij. M A ; C ) . 1) . , Ibc ; ( .iihlcri ochre , lOc : patent dryer tc ; gnxlitjns colors. Ilirht oalt daik oak , wal- nui. chestnut and usu J'lVlll.11IIIU.Ill , U1III1II ! llali , v % | 4I I'llvtl 4.IIIU ? 5c ; vurmilllon. American. Ibo ; Indian , rod ] 0oro : < rink. He : Vcnetinn , red Cook-son s 2J'c : VeiHilian red , Ameiican , IWc : re < l lead ; chrotiiu yellow genuine. Jc ; chrome , Jt : 160 water \UiUe , Iflc : linseed hard | irr gallon. 44llu ecd , boiled , per irallnu , l7c : laid , winter str'tl. pai Ballon 5 c ; . " o. l,4pc ; No. 2. 4 < "c ; mtor XXN , r T i.RlIon , U.M : No. a. JfMI : s cct , per ralUni , Sl.UJ ; iperwY.n. . , pcreallon , ; li y. A , tierp\11onKie ! ; nrntsfoot extra , per ( ration , 'Oc , No. l.CSc : lubricating. 7ero , per Ration , summer. lf > c : colden machine , .No. l , net pallon 30c ; Mo. a STic ; sperm , signal , per sal- lei ) , Toe ; uirL-cntlne , per gallon , 40 > c ; naptha. per Ration. Tic1. N AiiNtsi'F.s Hands , per callon ! tnrn ttire. extra , S1.10 ; furniture"No. 1 , 61.00 ; ronch , extra S1.40 ; concli , No. 1 , 81.20 ; Dnmnr , extra , 51.WJniian ; , 10c ; nsplialtum , extra , S5c ; shellac $3.50 ; bara oil tlnlsli , hPltiiTS Cologne spirits , 1S8 proof , S1.13 ; do 101 proof SI .10 ; Mill Its , second duality 101 pioof. S1.12J do. liS proof , SI.11. Alco hol , 1S8 proof , { f'.l'J per wino gallon. Itedls- tlllcil whiskies Sl.on.Al.ljo ; Rln blentied , 1.noCf(2.0J $ Krntttcky uoiubons , S'AOOrtjO.00 ; Ki-iititckv and Pennsylvania ryes. SAtXKrffi.M ; Coliii-n Sheaf lioitilinn and rye whiskic.s , Sl..Wrf.l.OO. Hrnndlra Imported , SS.OOOS.riO ; domestic , Sl.Wn.OO. Him Imported , S4.60 © 0.00 : domestic. Sl.iV/i.oo. ! : Hums Im- polled. SJ.fjOgs.oo : NpwKnirlnndS1.7riJi)2.iO ) ( ; domestic , Sl.'iVrfn.O'J. Cliampaziies Impelled - polled , per ease. SiS.OO$3.oo ! : American , per case , Slo.OO&lo.oo I'lsli. SuxmiiKt Domestic Holland herrings , lipRS , fXo ; ] liis3inn saidlnes , 45c ; Ancho vies In Rlass , Oic Hull brann. per ito * . , Si.OO : ; Aiiclmvlra In hi-jrs , " Ol IJull brand. S4.00 ; .sjiicetl Hamburg herrings , skins ami heads elf , ucrpall , SUM _ IlnHlttKOS. . .MO , lou w8no iosirii2Xio Munii'sS'tNo.l I.'b7 014 00n M2 Ml 70751(3 ( Wi Oiii'wi Fiuicy'o ' ra ! ) M a - " > l tni w 755.1 no H'dSh'io K'cylrt * ooi , : 6ui : aoi _ 70iW,7B , _ ) , ' i r " Ubls.'lliilf ' llhug NI\V : FISH. EWJ I 100 WM \ 40 ,5" lllontur Mc s. . . . . i no is oo to ai o Ki 7 : n i n Kx. No. IBIi'r 21 IK ) 12 no n : * > .n ; io n 101 i > i No. ISlioi-e 18 IXV .I 50 , S ( VI 4 HI 3 00 1 10 Mod. No. 1 Slioix- . . . woo 7 w navir : 20) ) | 85 " Hay n oo ; o ivi 5 ' ; a-2 ra i T.arso Family II ( K ) cm 4 Ki S S53 | 10 1'at 700 4 00 : i WB or , i 70 C.VKU nsu. HblsWrllbli l"h Kta NUW FWII. iuo w | m 40 No. 1 Wlilto l-'lsli " 7"o.rolaTi : NKnu i ratnlly anon insnvi ; o | 02 65 No. 1 Trout. . , 4 la 1 00 2 fw,2 , 10 71 Itt No. 1 I'lckorut 4 oo : i u,2 ) yjji up ua I co I'lCKI.r.l ) SALMON. KT.W S. 1 . AT llbln.lllr Illils Q'rlllils 1'ullH or Iclts I SOO 101) ) 00 TO 40 i U I.1 10 llionO Ilc.1 . Alnsxn. . . 13 00 7 00 C r 6.1 - ' ) J3 Llonil Ucd Cnl 1300 7 00 O.'o.'i 3552 0 OS Tomtuos A : ' Sounds 1500 8 Oo'i7 r , 1 10 tr ; rtsu. ttll | Hit llblsO'r illils j'nlls kits NI\V : FISH . or Norwcgliiii I I KKK Ilui-'inirs 13 00,7 , OJC 353 552 00 . . . . S3 Nonvcilaii S3N KK Ilerrliiffs. 12 oo'o M'r , wi ) ' : ao2 70 ! . . . . N ) lli-Htllnjrs 8 004 All 4 002 , ' ; U1 ) | 0,11. . . . 00 CODFISH A ow lareo bank cod , 4c ; sea kliiR , ( ! coi\'cs chunks , OJ < ro ; clover leal , Ceomes strips. O' c ; l Ib rolls , 'J Ib boxes. Cc : jiralric llo\\er , iilb brick.Ce ; wild rose , a Hi hi iek. TJC. S.MOKKD FISH Halibut , now , fc\ \ new scaled herrings , 'J'c ; mackciel liic ; salmon , l'o : : Miiokcd tur ; eon. lu'c. lldlland heirliiL' , new , per keg , 7. " * ; now lonir split stocklish , lOc , now'shoit split btockllbh , 0'fc. Grocers Jblst. Svisur Standaid 0 21c , bbls ; Simulant , do 4-sallou kccs , Sl.VJ ; New Orleans 3Srf40c ( pernailon ; MapluSjiui ) , ) i bairel. P it 0. htrlctly pure , 70c per gallon ; 1 pallon cans. J-y.Tiperdoz : yt gallon cans , 53.25 per doz ; ( juart cans & : J.O ( ) DUIED FnuiTS No. l Quarter apples , 4 c ; evaporated , boxes , 855 c : blackberries , boxes. 'JiiCglCc : peaches ; Eastern , 4 f * > < .c ; peaches , evaporated , 153 < @ 17c ; Salt hake , now. t ( S' c ; raspbeiries. new. 2@J"c ; ciur- rants. new.7i ! < ( c ; prunes , new , 4 > t3c. COFFEES Ordinary grades. ! c : lair , ' .il" 10' < , c ; prime , HQfia c ; choice. .sold 50c per case oil above prices In 3-caso ots. ots.&t' < iAis ; owrtcrcd , fc ; cut loaf , fc ; gran ulated , TJ..CC : contecltoners' A. 7c : otan- danl extra C. O c ; extra C. oykc ; medium yellow. O c ; New Oilcans. SJXCio c. CAXNF.D ( ioons Oysters , Standard per case. Sil.-'O : sti-.iwbenies , 2-lt ) . , percase , SJ.1 ; laspbcnies , 'J-lb. , per case , S2.r ; ; Calllornla pears , per case , Sfo.GO ; apricots , per case , S4.00 ; peaches , per case , W.75 ; white clier- lies , per case , Sii.OO ; plums , per case , S4.00 ; whortleberries , per case , 82.10 ; cge plums , ii-iii. . percase , S'0 , jrecn Baics , 3-Hi. , per case , Si',0 ; pine apples , a-lb. , percase , S3.20JS jtAjt MATCHES Per caddie , .l"c ; round , per case 45c ; square cases , 81.70 ; UsliUosh cases , jr. , Sl. ' o ; mule houarn , Sl.iW. SAI.T Diav loads , per bbl , 51.53 ; Aslilon. lu sacks , ti.B : : : X sacks , Ashton , tHcbbls ) , 'I'KAS Ounpowder , fair , nO ( S7 ; good , 45@ c : choice , C0(27nc ( ; good Imperial , 40r To ; choice , fiO@70c ; ; Young Hyson. pood.lSO Mnc ; choice , 50Q70c : Oolong , peed , ys lOc ; Oo- Tea SiltliiLS. Ibc I'l.uo TOIIACCO Climax , 44cpcr Ib ; Horse shoe , 4.'c ; Star , 4''c : Spearhead , 40c ; ( Sold Itoll , IPc ; Piper Heidslck. OOc : Punch , SSo ; Inline Frit4lc : Silver ' 1'air , 40c : .IT , ) . : o. lloi'K Sisal. yt Inch and larger , 8 c ; Incli , Oj/c : 'finch. 0'ic. CAHDY-Mlxcd.Oi@12o. } : stlct. O Wllc. SODA In Ib papers , 53.25 a case ; salsoda keg per U > , S'J.25. VIMGAK : CIDER is@t8c ; white wine , 15 - . I'ICKMS Medium in barrels , S7.oodo ; In half bands. S4.00 ; small in barrels , SS.OO ; flo In half b.incls , S4..W ; gherkins in barrels , SU.OO : do In halt barrels , 500. CiiACKiins darneau's soda , butter and picnic , .rifc ! : creams , 8 > ae ; ginger snaps , fcltv soda , life , CANDLES Hexes , 401b. Os HKc ; 8s , boxes , 401b , 10 o03 , ll'a'c ; halt box , UOlli , 1& ! . KJNK CUT Hard to Heat , 70n ; Charmof the Wi'st , We ; Fountain , 70c ; tiolden Tluead , C7 ; Favorite , noc ; Unds , Mc ) : Itocky Moun tain , ) c ; Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c ; Xoitli Star , 70c : ( Jood J.uck. We ; Our l > ent. ( W34'c. SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial , S3.00 ; Klik's satinet , $ :1.15 : ; Kirk's standard , ; Kiik'.sWhlto Uussiaii. 54.00 ; Klik's White Cap. S0.50 ; Doimi. S4.i" : . bTAiim > iiaiaia gloss , 1 Hi , 0Vc ; Niagara , it Ib , 60 ; N'lagara ploss , 0 Ib , 7c ; Niagara corn , 1 Ib , iic ; Kingsford's corn , 1 Ib , 8c ; Klngsl'oid'sKloss , l II ) , So ; Klmslord's gloss rlb. ' < c : Kfiigsfoid'ri pine , aibOJfc ; KVncJ- ford's bulk , -tc. Dry Ooods. Pni.vrn-Steel KiverJWo ; American , 5 } : Arnold's , fo ; Cocheco , ( ic ; Manchester , fw ; Lynan. 5c ; Cioucchter , 0 ! < e ; Dunnell Jac- cpmid.Cc : Uunnell , 5 e ; Windsor. Oc : Pa- cilic , bo ; Harmony. 4 tfe ; Anchor Slilitings , 7 , 'e ; Mcnimack Shillings , 4) < c ; Uoiwiclc. Oc. Hr.KACiiHn Co rroNS , Farmers' choice , own ; Cabot , fij/c ; Hope , 7o : Hill 4-4 , 7iTc ! ; Hill & , C3ic ; Lonsdale , , 8 ; Kmlt , b' ' c ; \ \ am- sutta. 10 > jc. Cinisi'.T J BAXP Kearsarsjo , 7c ; Armory , TII ; Peiipcreu , 7 , c ; muiau Orchard , 6 > ic ; ' ' KIIOWN COTTON \ , ] , , Be ; Nhaw- unit 1L , & 5 : JJiaT Uam l-i , Cc ; Atlnntlo LU 5o ; liidliin Head , \YiiucliiissiH : UJic ; Crown X'iJI. syic : ( Litton ecu , C'io ; Utica C. 4i-e : Atlantic r. fl ; < c. KINK KunwNCorioNs 1'epperell 11,0'/c ' ; reppi'icll O. Si c. Atlas , 0 > 4'c ; Stutuo of Lib- crtv. Co : baninnc 1C. 0c. ! . IJiiMMs Heaver Creek AA. Ho ; Heaver Creek , Hit. lOc ; Hea\erCirek CC. Uc ; Jnltrny XX , lie ; Jallrey XXX , liiu ; Jair.-cy 1) & ' ? , l'Jfo ) ; Colimiblan , 1'JV c ; York , Ifto ; York , fancy. l ! > Kc : Kvctctt , I8c ; Haymaker's blue nnd brown. 7Kc IucK-lJnbleached ( ) Soz. Magnolia , lOJtfc ; 10 Maennlla , I'-'o : oz. West Point , I0 > ic ; 10 Of. , We. l Point. U' , ' < c. DUCK ( colored ) Huston U 07. . blown ami drub , 13We : Hoston 011 brown uud drab , Do ; J'.ojion XX brown and drib 10o : Hoston XXXhiownant ! dial ) , llh'c ; HostonUi'bluo , HKo : WnirenTiicot , lau. 1K'Kj.vus Amo-KejiK AOA lfc : l hrirn- dkoOUO , 7 c : Ttiouidlkiifancy , ' . ' . ! < tu ; ioilt 10 > jc ; fork fancy , WWc ' ; Mllburv | , WJto ; Pearl Itivcr , llJu'c ; Ha'miltou. ISo : Swift Itlver , f < ) iu ; blictuuKct b , hUc : Shotuokot K8 l"Hc " : Muutaiik AA. 12o ; Aloatauk HH , 10 > 'c ; Oni-s\ACA. : W vn. tii.s'oiiAsis Kcntrew. IK < SIO > < 0' Amoskea dress. Iks ; Amoikeni : . staple , 7 > c : Jvanho l'fcVauiiUtt.t. ; \ . -io ; Nubian. bfo ) ; War vMclf , bhc ; Whittendoii. DC : Hatui. dress So ; Hates , stupid. i' e ; KatulclOU btaille , ,0 > io ' Liiutdowne , 7c ; Ulyucoilcr , 7J c.- CiinvioTS AmosVca ? , checks , 01ic : Amos K'nctripcs , sc ; ; Slater , stripes , t < c : Killn- burg , H' \Yliittencton : , stripes , ? c : Olcn- rosc. We ; Oil ? , checks , U c ; Otis , stripes Oc , lloyal 6J/c : Amoskea ? , napped , 10'jc : liU- ray. book fold , 12c ; Obcron , book fold , llKo ; Knannxnce , book feM I'Jc , Dry 'l2 ' ft H ft'lO ' ft 18 ft SO ft 22 ft2 ft sit . . . . . . . . sw m n ) 1000 no s.x8 . n.n ) H..riO ILW ir. . ) sxs . 13.0) ) in.oj irn ( m.oo n.w i.oi 10.00 2xt ( ) . ir.0t , ) Ui.011 Ti.00 lll.XI ( 17.00 20.IW a.ffl ) 2x12 . ic.o1) ) IT.OO 20.00 | l5.0jl5.ailo.OO ! , < 10.00,17.0018.00,19.0J , | , Clear. K Inch Yellow Pine . 833.00 Clear. ; ' < Inch Norway . 14.00 M Com. , ? Inch. Norway . 1U.OO Fl.MSIIIMI. 1st and Cd Clear , Itf Incli.s. 23 . S-'iOOO 1st and 2d Clear , IJ { and B inch , s 2s. . . . 6000 nd Clear , IV Inch , s2s . ISOi ) Hd Clear , Ik and 3 Inch , s 2s. . . 4800 11 Select. I,1IJtf , and a Inch. s. 2s . SO oo 1st and -d Clear , 1 men , s. 'Js . MOO I'd clear. 1 Inch. s2s . 44.V ) A Select , I Inch , s. 2s . 4000 U Select 1 Inch. s. 2s . 2950 No- lboards , 1 ? , 14 It . and 16.00 No. Sboauls , 12,11ft . and 10.75 No. Sboards , 12 , 14 ft . and in.75 No. 4boards , 12,14ft . and 11.25 VKXOI : . No. 1 , 4ifcOlnch , 12andli.MHfect ( , roush. . No. 1 , 4&0 Inch , 10 feet 14.50 , rou li . No. 2 , 4 * 0 Inch , 12 and 12.60 14 feet , rough. . No. 2 , 4 & 0 inch. Itlleet lO.f.O , lough . 1st Com. , 5 * ' Inch White Pine 2d Com. , f Inch Whlto Pine . 23.50 . 1st Com. n Inch , white pine Ed Com. 0 Inch , white pine . 34 < K ) Kd Com. 0 inch , \vliito pine . 2000 1) . Olneh.wlilU ) pine . 2000 Com mill 0 inch yellow pine . 1"-r 'J Star4 amin Inch > ellow pine . 21.00 Island 2d clear yellow pine , 4-0 Inch. . . 2:1.50 : 8inr i.Ai' . No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . 517.00 No. 2 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . 1.1.00 No. 1 , O. U . 17.50 resTs Whlto Cedar , filnch , halves . S It " " 4 " iTittud 11 Tennessee led cedar , split 14)s' ) HTOCIC llllAltno. A 12 Inch , Is 12 , 11 and Hi leet S 00 JJ " " " ' 41 00 0 " " " " " " 30 00 No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 1(1 ( It. . 17 50 No. I " " " 10 , 18 nnd 20 ft. . IS 50 No.U " " " 12 , 14 and 10 It , . 1550 MMI : , i/i c. Quincy wlilto lime ( best ) , S."c ; cement , Akion , Sl.7r. ; planter , S2.0 : ! ; hair , per bushel ! ! 0c ; wish , CO per will oil' list ; doors , blinds , mould ! iiffs , 60 per cent on" list ; tarred felt , per cwt. , S1.75 : straw board. SU > 0. V.MO 18 UNACSMINTCD WITH THE GEOQRAPHr OF THIS CO'JNTRy WIUl EEC DV EXAMININQ IHH MAP THAT THE CHIGAGQ.nOCKISUND 8 PACIFIC RJILWAV Ilr reason of Its central po'lllon nndcloxe relMlonta till principal lines l.uft anil Weft , at Initial nnd tfr- inlunl paints , constitute * the jnowt Important nilot- continental link In Hint system of through tinmpor- tatlon which Invites mid facilitate * tiaicl and traffic tictui'pn cities of tlm ttnntlu nnd 1'aclflc Coasts It fs aho l ho favorite nnd h t lento to and fioni points JKat. Northei t mill 6ontli > n t , And cur 1 efpulldlni ? points West. NoithwcAt and 8outh\\ei > t. The Croat Rock Island Ron to OiiariMUcMi Its ] iatriin ) tint KM ? of perronal tccil- rlt > atroiilrd by n nollj , thoiouchly Imllokted road- ted , mnooth tracUi of contlnnMu i.fecl loir tiiljntan * tlfllly hnllt culvorlB nliil bridges , i ulllni ; Ktock us nuar perfection a Iiuman nklll ran make It. the rntety appllincasuf natriit bullcrsiatroriiiii | | and air brakei , and llntexncliiiiTilholpllMo ulikh KOTPIIIS the niac- tlcal nporatlon nf nil In train" , oilier intclaltlts of ; hl luiite are Tran rur at all conncctlnir points In Union Denote , nnd thu unsurpassed comforts and luxuries ot Iti Pacengrr F/inlpincnt. The Fast Kiprens Trains Iwtnren Clilcnco aril Peorla. Council HlntfM. Kansas Clty.l.eavcnwortl ! and Atohtion ie composed of well \enlllnli'il. llni-ly tin. lipli-eeied Hay Coiichm. Mapnlncfjit 1'iillinan I'alaco Hlerpnisnf tli InlDft drslen , and Fiimptnuiii Ulnlnir L'nri. in whlcii olnlioriitely rookud ini'nls nr Irltnrulr eaten. llPtvripnClilr.nci , nnd Kii | ] nsCIIV lHUtclll on are al o nm tlie Uclolnalcd KecllnliiRChair Caw. The Famous Albert Lea Route I tlm direct and favoilti * line between Chicago and Ulnucatinlljandst. 1'onl.liorc roniicctloii nrutnailo In l/nli/nUf / pots for all polnH In Iprrltoiles and Itrltlsh I'rovlnres. OTIT thin route Fait Kxprets drains are run to the watfrlne places , summer ro- (1011 , iilctiiinwiiiB loonllilps. and linntlni ; and Hthlnir BrMinil nr Iowa and Minnesota. It In alto the mo > t tlftlrable route to the rliUuhcut Slelda and pastoial lw\i of Interior llnl.ot\ . .Still anotli-r DIKI.irr MSC. Tlk Seneca nnrt Kan- kakeo , hrs \ > vrn IMH < II I | ! > i't ieil Clli.'lnnntl. Indian- nnolls ami nnil Council llutr ! , HnntnuClty. Mllineapolln and Kt. I'aul nnd Inn i nicillnli- point ? . > or dualled Information hee llnpn nnd KnMtra. oblnlnOile.ail yell as lleltcta. at nil pilnclpal TlcUct Omceit In tUo United Etatca and Canada : or tr id. Orcstlne R. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , J'ros't & Ocn'l M'c'r , Oin'l T'J.t & l'as . Omana , Council Bluffs And Chicago Thoonly road to DCS Molnos , Mnr- RhalltownCedar ItupldsClinton. Dixlo. rhlcuio. Mllniiukeonnd nil points oust. To the peoploof Ncbrikcku , Colomdo , Wj-oinlntr , Utah , Idaho Nnvadu.OreKon , Wusliln ton and Cullfornlu It offers supoilor advantages not possible by any other line Ainoni ; n few of the numcroug points ot supo- rlorliyciijovndby thepuiiona of this rouu be tween Omahiv uiul ChlciiKo , are Its two trains a day ol DAY COACHES which aio the llnost that human art and indemnity can create. Itt ) 1'AL ACK SI.EEPINd UAUS , whlcn nr.i modula of comloit nnd elejf.uico. Its PA1II.OK DUAWINfi HOO.M OAHrt. uiiKiiniu'stuI by any and Its wido- Iy eclebiutod PALATIAMIININCl tJAHS , the criiinl of whlnh cannnt bo round oUowhoro. At Council Illntrn thu tuilns of Hid Union I'uci- fie lly. connect lu Union Depot with HIOKU of tlm ChlcugoS Northwestern Ity. IuChlea o the Iraliw of thin line make close connection with tlior-d of nil ciiBtorn linos. For Detroitt.'olinnliiH. Indlunapolls. Cmclii nntl.NhiKarii FalK llulfalo , Plltsburir. Torontu Montreal , Hot-ton , Now York , Philadelphia , Hut- tlmore.WaehliiKton and nil points In thuuiist , ask thu lleket nuuiu fortlekels via the "NOItTH-WESTEUN , " U you wlfchtho best iieeommodatlotis. All ticket HceiitH t > ) l tlekcls via this Una if. iiuamiT. n. s. JIAIU , Geiicrul Mituast'r. Gen. Puss. Auunt. CIllCAUO. MERCHANTS' National Bank Northwest corner rurimmund lilth Street ; , Pnid up Capital , $200,000 Surplus Fund 60,000 FUANK MUUPIIY , BAM'L E. HOQEIIS. Prcalduut. Vlco I'roslilont. HEN 11. WOOD. LUTUKIt DIIAKK , Cashier. A > t. Custiiur. AccotnitnsollcltoJ and prompt iittcntioa given to nil business entrusted tolls euro. _ 1'uj 8Kivo _ iior cent on Time Deposits. _ RAMGE , Tailor & Mens' ' Furnisher 1311 PAKWAM STJIEET. ' i OMAHU KtANUF GTURERS , Billiard Tables , iint'Ns\viciv-ii.\uci-txLLENUKU : ) & Co ? i Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables , And Saloon , Offlco nmi Hunk Fixtures. Mnrkct nnd Huron Sts. , Chicago , III. Omnhn onlco3J S. 10th St. Book Binding , Etc , IIEKS'PMXTINO'CO. ' , Printers , Book Binders , And Illnnk llnok Mnnufncturcis. Nns. 108 nnj _ _ liw South 14hBtK2t.Oiiialia | , Neb. _ " ' Bridge ? Sic m Pile Driving. iT.\v > io"Nl > & ViiRlntrrs anil Contitiitni * . Roof Trusses Steam Pile Bridges , , Driving Iron Combination and Howe TniM Htlilire3 , I'lllnir nnd Ouk Timber. 15th SI. , noiir rnrnatn. Telephone No. , : I4. Kuttcr 7. sr.Y.Mouu , Manufacture of Butter Tubs. tc m. rec ; it , : o ! = , t > , IMC ; a ) n > , 'o ; in lus , UOc. IStb and 1'lcrco St' . , Omtilin , Neb. _ Cigars and Tobacco , " * " MAX MKYHIl .t CO. , Jobbers of Clears , Tobaccos , Onus nnd Ammunition.LI to . .Soutli Ittli BticctlKUtoHK4 ( Street , Ontulm , Nub. INTKII-UUKAX CniAn PACIOHV. WIST & KH1TSCMEH , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholi'snlo Doiilers lit I.ouf Tobaccos. Noa. Ills nnd 110 X. Mtli Street , Unmhti , Ncli. Cornices , * Eagle Cornice Works. Jolui Hpcnoter , Proprietor. Mmuifiu.Hirer of fiulvinil/cd Iron uiul Oornioc. f-M llmlro uiul Ul uiul 103 North luth Stioet , Uiiuihii , Nub. llUIJMI'IXa & 110I.TR , Mnniilnctui-ovaof Oiniuiicntnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Final' , I'.tc. , oil ) S. KSt. \ \ \ . Workdono In any pan of the country. Western Cornice Works , C. 31'ECIIT , Proprietor. ( , alvnnl7c < l Iron Tortilcc" , Etc. 'Spccht's lin- prcixed I'uliMit.Mclnll'cHlijlljflit. EOa atid 51US. J tli St. , Omnlm , Neb. Doors , Sash. Etc , The Gate City Plying lilf. PoorP , Pnsli uiul Illltuls. Al-o nil kinds of turning. Scroll nudStitlr work of every de- Fcrlptlou. A. KOSK.VHEHY , Mnmifncturcrand Ucalcrln Doors Sasn Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Stair Itnlls n speclultv Telojiliono No. 02 J'ltli and .Mnrey SI i. , Omtdiii , Nub. Electrical Supplies. L. wrwOLTK & C Electrical , Supplies , Mnsonlo niock , Omuba. Burglar Alarms , Dolls , Flro Alarms , Illcutrlu Mattlnv , .SiiouUliit' Tubus , Uold , Silver uud Nickel 1'lntlntr , Etc. Iron and Nails. b MAI I"A NAI 11 MAN UFACT u itiNG "coi' Cut Kails and Spikes , Flro Nnlla c. Specialty. Omnhn , Neb. Omaha Iron Works Company , Mnchinury , CustlupK , Steam Enplncs , Hollers , Aifliltcctnrul Iron Work. Iron llridRcs , JtlnhiK Mini. Mill Muchlncry. Olllco nud works , Union Piicillc K. It. 17th mid Ifth Streets. WEAHN'E Foundry Works. Cor. Hlh and Jnekson Sis. , nrcunred to do nil kinds or Iron nnd Hrn 8 CiistliiKs ; ulso.O , C. llannlstcr's Kocldnir Unite linrs iniinnnictured Mattresses , K. M. HULSE , Mattress Company , Mnnufncturliiir Jlnttrcssos , lleddltifr , Feather Plllowf ) , Cots , Ktc. laid und 1208 Douglas Street , Omahn. Xcb. Overalls , SSt'fAcruiuNa co.7 Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pants , Shirts , lite. , lioa nnd 1101 Douglas Btieet , Omulm , Neb. Safes , ' V 'JK M Omalia Safe Works , O. ANDHEEN. Mnntifnctitrer of 1'lro nnd liurfflar Proof 8afo , Vault Uooro , Jail Work. Sliuttord uud Wlro Work. Cor. Uth and Jackson Sis. , Omaha , Ncli. Soap. P. J. QUEAIXY , oap SsnuSlClnrep ; Office nnd Factory , near Povdcr ) Maffo21C3 , Omuha Neb. Wagons and Carriages , GHATTON A DHUM.MOND Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , laiS and l.'HT Hariioy stieol , Omnhu , Neb. Cole AKCIII& in Nebrtisku for Jnnu-s' Celebrated Split BhultlSulkies. E-lilbllshed 1CW. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , HOSnnd 1411 Dodb'o Street , Omulia , Nob. JYhlte Lead. OMAHA WHITE LEAD COMPANY , CoirodeiH and Grindcruof Perfectly Pure White Lead , Omnlm , Neb. l.ovl Curler. Pies. ; 0. W. Moail , Vice Pros. : H. W. Yntcs , t < ec. nnd Treits. OMAHA HOTEL DIREOTORY. The Millard , B. fibears , J. li. Mmkel Thou. SwyluPniprlutors Omulm , Xuhruflca. Arcade Hotel , James CiUoy , Proprietor , ,215 nnd lu'17 Don las Kt. , Omaha , Nob. TliopationuKuoft-nmmcrclttl niuii bollelted. 'I'liny w | | | linil tills tlif licit t- Lout'J > \ ebt ui' Chicago. lanters House , C. E. FUllllll * , PHOPUIEI'Olt. Itivtcs , 41.M1 per dtiy. Miect caw Irom U. P. depot , within onii Mod ; nf lioiibc. Coraw i luth btrcct. , Onialia , .Neb. The Cozzens , P. Rumsoy & Co. , Proprietor * . Hates < 2.tO ) ier day , no dark i-oomx. Omalm , Nub. Also propnetoib of 1'aluca Hotel , Suntu Fe , Nuw.Meileo. CanQelu House , Cor. Nlnih and rurnum Bts. The best $2 per duy hotel in Ornulia. Itemoduled , ii'luniUho-.l , n-deout utcd ; onu bloek 11 om ni my heudijuurtri-o , oppotltu Union 1'ucitlo lioudiiunricrs ; bticct cars puts the door. OoorKU Cunneld & Co. , propilc- tort. AUo Union Stock Ynrdti Hotel , Kouth Omaha. Hotel de Gees , P. OO3 , Pioptlt-tor. European I'lun. Thu only eentrully located S3 uiiuyuoubo. Tin co doors from Uojd'H Opur.i lloubound iine-hulf block from the 1'pMolUco- nnd the Court Hoasc. IJ ) ? . 1DW , , 15U Vuruuui QMIRft JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. * " UNINOEII * MKTCALF CX ) . , Wholesale Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Offlco , Corner Cth nnil 1'aclflo Pts , Omnlm , Nob. ' I-AHLIK , OKUNDOltlT & MAUT1N , AVhoIcs.o : ncalcra In Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnd Ilupiitcs , Onialin Neb. ' ' PAUKKU nlor In Agrlcnltural Implements , Wagons , Cnrringes nud ltus-Rle . Jrnca St. , bet. tth ) nuj 10tliOuuilit. : Ni.ti. Boots nnd Shoes. \v. v. Moi'sn & co" ' Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , Ull rnnintn RtrcolOmnlm , Neb. Mnnufnetory , Summer Hlrect , Hoston. Carpets , sTA. ouciiAun , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , ffB , Curlnln ( leeds , ite. : . 14CS rnrn Street , Oinnba , Nob. Coal , Lime , Etc , " ' , 'lhFl'1 ' W. DU Coal , Coke , Limo and Stone. SiaS. Uth rt. , Omnlm , Neb. Ynrds , Dili . - . " nud Dr.-eiiportritiootS. * _ > COUTANT & BQUIKK3. Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. Best varieties. Oniro , 213 S. I3th PU Tclephono No. li'M , Omnhn , Neb. ' NlIilltARICA I'CEIjCO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 14 S. 13th St. . Oninhii , Neb , OEO. C , TOWI.E , 1'icslilnnf. Oto. I'Arrrnsos. See. niulTrcns. J. II. IIL'MIKIIT , 1' . A. 11 U.CIt. Proprietor. MniniRcr. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NK1IUASKA. Onice , : . ' 17 t ? . 13lh Street. Telephone . _ _ Gto. ! ' . Ltiunii. Pros. C , V. OOOIIM , V. 1'roa J. A. tJir.Mii.KtAND See. nnd Treas. Omaha Coal , Coke and Limo Company , Jobbcts of Imrd nnd > oft eonl , XW S. 1,1th ft. , Omnlm , Neb. OMAHA COAT , AND I'UOIWCU CO. Hard and Soft Coal. JUclusivo dcnlcrs In llotilder Colorado Conl.'JIT houtb UthstrieU Coffee and Spices. crAitKi : IHIO Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Ten * . Coffees , Hplcco. HnkliiK 1'owdor riuvorlng K.\tincts , Ixiinuiry llltio. Ink , eto. HH-lu llur- ncj' Street , Omulm , Neb. Commission , Etc. " % " " ' " * 11HANCII & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 3121 KnrnumSt. , Omnliti. Apples Our own pack- Iiiff-I'lnlt&Cn.'s Tiger Drnnd Oysters , llutter , KjfRf , Onmc , Poultry , Potntoos. JOHN K. KL.ACIC , General Commission Merchant , Produce , Provisions , Fruits , Vlour and Fend , 10V5 S. llth St.Omnlm , Neb. Coiisltfiiiuuiits solicited. Itoturns iniulo promptly. LOUIS IinU.KIlj Jobber and Commission Merchant. Cluet-o , P.iusajros. Fruits , Uuteliors * Tools nnil Supplies. 1S15 Jones St. , Omulm , Nob. \V. E. IlIDDULIj , General Commission Merchant. SPECIALTIES rispcFo. Iluttcr. KSTS , Ponltry nnd Onmc , 112 S. llth. , Omaha , Neb. Tele phone rfo.ajs. _ _ D. A. IIU11U3V , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , Egira nnd Produce. A full line of Stone- - / aie. Conslsnments hollciteu. 1411 Dudgo St. , Omnbn. _ _ " T. . MOHONV , General Commission Merchant , nutter , KfriTP , Cheese nnd Country Produce con- crully , auy S. 12th St , Omulm , Nub. i McSHANK Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Ilefrljrcrator und I'ncklnir HoubC , 14th & Leavon- \\oith St. , on U. P. It. U. Tinelc , Omnlm , Neb. " Kstnbllsheil 16TO. ItOUEKT PURVIS , General Commission , I11S. 14th St. , Omnhn , Nob. fiiicelnltles-niitlor KtTlfs , Poultry nnd ( inmo. PEVCICB 1J110S. , Commission Merchants , Vrultj , Produce und Provisions , Omaha , Neb KlllSCHllltAUN & SONS , ( Siicres or-t lo A. 1' . Holmek. ) Produce Commission Merchants. No. 213 South I''tli Stioot , Omnlm , Neb. - = - TllOXELj. & WILLIAMS , Storage and Commis&ivS Frulti. , rionr. Apples , Plonownr . . , ( irnsM Seeds , llntler und KTOS , aia und iUO .South Jilth htrcct , Omtilm , Nebrns . " \VIIDIMAN ; &co. , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , Iluttcr , ( iiimo. I'Vnlts , Kte. y."OS. Kill , St. , Omuhi , Nt-'braskn. , " " A. I' . HKT1IGK , Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits , Meats , l.iiul , .Icllie-t , llnttcr , Ei-'tfs , Cheese , Klo. No.ariS. : Uth lit. , Omnlm , S'ob. " WESTKltriELI ) IHIOS. , General Commission Merchants , JlOCljodtro Street , Omnlm , Neb. ConslKnmtnta Holii'itod. Jt. COHMlSSiOK MERCHANT. 12tn Strei't , Omnlm. Kcb. Spei-Iullles : Hut. li'r , ICtrifH , niidchlekens , Crockery. " W. I. . WIIIC.HT , for tlio Munulaelurers nnd Importers , Crockery , Glassware , Cliinmc)8 , I'.tc. onii-o , ill ; fouth 13th , OiMHliB , Nob. Dry Goods. J. J. IlKOWN & CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Motions , 1'3 ! Iouulu < i Stieet , Omiiun , Neb , L. ( JINSItniUi & CO. , Wholesale Deulernlit Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Luienb , I.-IPM , Kinliruldcry nud Whlto C'co s , HWj Jonulua Street , Omaha , Neb. _ Englnss. * " ' - " - IlllOWNIILl. k CO. , The Baker Automatic Engines , Etr.tioitnry nnd portable engines , bolh-rsrnd flui'l iiunMiiK , \ \ aeons , n rlculturul Impio- incuts , pun. pi etu l'jv-isis l.euveinvouhti , . Leather , Hides , Etc. * " " " " ' L C."HUNTIKGTOM & SON , Dealers in liides , Wool and Tallow , 1111 Jackson Street , Omnlm , Nob. PLOMAJJ IIHOSl , Wholcsulo Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Saddlery und :5lioo : Flndlnv" * . JlldrsVo d , Turr , _ I > elt , UiraEoTnlloir , lUo. , Omuhu Nel , _ Flour , Etc , V.'K. I'IIKSION. Oi.n. WM. PlliSTON : 4 : LO. Wholesale Flour , , -10 aud 012 1'Jtj-co UifcCt Ouialia , 1'cU OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY TZSCHUCK , JR , Apcnt for J , OS. llofrmnrr iCo. , Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour lly Holler nml Hunp.irlnii Vrocc ! * . WnroUousc , _ " 1213 Jones SI root. Umahn. Nob. _ W.J.Wl'.I HANS * CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Mnnufncturcrsof W. J. Wclshnns &Co.'g Quick KnlMtiRllucknhrnt Hour nml pniprlctorsOmnha CltyJlllls , cor. Sth nnd rarnam Streets , Omahiu " ' Fis'i , He , ' m fsox 1'isi i W.- - Sticcef ors to Ickcn Slcui'son .t Ca 'Wholesale Fish Dealers , importers of Forulpu Tlsli , N'os. Oll-nin . VN * , Street anil U. r. Tr.tck , O.unlia , Nob. rurnilurc. Etc. DK\vivsTosi : : , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , rnrwuii Street , OinalmNob. Groceries , " AI.I.HN nuus. , Wholesale Grocers , JllOnntl lll'J Douptn.3 StreetOinnlia , Nob. i : . n. CHAPMAN fi co. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tolmrco nntl Smokers' Articles , 1217 Howard St. MUYKIl & HAAl'Kl ! Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Fjilci'S , Clstirs nnd Tolmrooo , 1317 nml 1U18 OrtUB" Ins Slrcot , Otimhti , Ncli. MCCOHD , IlllADYi COMPANiT , Wholesale Grocers , Corner lOtli nml 1'unintii Strcuts , Onmln , XoK 1'AXTON , OAMAOHCU .V CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Kos. 7lK , 707,7W ( uiul 711 S. 10th St. , Onitilin , NoU Hardware. , _ , W. J. 11HOATCII , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Elirlnps , Wiurim Stock , Ilitrdwooil I.vtinlinr , etc. Wll lluinvy btrcw , Omaha , Kub. KDNTA'A : C1I11110N , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon And Cnrrlnjro Wood Stock , Heavy Hiirdwnic , Ktc. 1217 mul 1-M'J ' l.cavciiuoilli Street , Oinnlin , Neb. _ ' " HIMiilALTOH : &TAYI.OIt7" Builders' ' Hardware , Mccltnnfos' Tools nml lluirulo Smlos. HOJDoiii ? ' hisSlreot , Umahn , Neb. _ - _ " vinui ) A , CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Etc. Ajrents for lion u Scitles and Slliunl I'owdcr Co. , Oniahn Neb. MILTON 1100UKS & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Btnntlos , Unites , llru s froodc. 13 1 nnd VM luim Street. " iincroit & WIUIF.I.MY co Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Emerson Steel Mulls. Cor. 10th nnd llnrnojr SttiTtM , Omaha , Ni < b. Harvesters , WM.'DEF.UINO & co. , CHICAGO , Munufoctiiror of the Deering Harvester Goods , Write toVm. . M. Lorluicr. Ocncrnl Agent , Omaha. Tolephonu till ) . Iron Pipe , Etc , . . _ " ' - " COW1NG&CO , Hydraulic and Meclianical Engineers , Jouhr rs In lion Pipe Iron K Itln s , liim nnd lira PS Ooods. JCiwiiiiHirs' Siijiplles. lltu and Doilgc Stri'uts , Onialia , Nob. A. STKANG COMl'ANrT Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Steam , Water , Hallway nnd Milling Supplies Etc. Via , l 2 and UJ1 Farnam St. Oinului , N b. _ _ C'HUIICIlIUirUMl' CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam nnd Water Supplies. Ilfadiiiinrlera fo * Slust Foost Co.'s Ooods. 1111 Fiirnnni Sttccl , Omnhn , Neb. _ Jeweiry. VDIIOLM & 1J1UCKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In eili'er , nininonrisVr.tch.iS ( . 'locks. Jewelers' Tools nnd Matorlnli , Kle. , 101 Hn < t 10o , 15tl Stieot , Cor. Uodtro , Oinahu , Neb. , Live Stock. Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha. No Yuiilngo Clmri.'oil. U. 1' . ItrldHu. Cpcclnl nccoinmoJntiort nnd n peed r.iuikct for lioirs. I ! . C' . Coopur , Minx- isur. ; Ollico , South 5th Street. M. nuuicu & SONS , Live Stock Commission Uco. Ilurku , Mnnaur. ! Union Stock Ynrd-q , a. Umalm. Tolo ilioan 5S3 \V. F. 1IHOWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. , . fc'outliOiinilin , Nob. Tc'opuonr o. 87) . I .MAM.OKV , BON & CO. Live Stock Commission , Vnioii .Stock VuiiH , Clilc.ifro , 111 , , uiul Oimilin , Neb , Krn.ukChittcml' > iiMiumi.'t'rOMiilm : llr.iuch. Ttlc'pliono Xo. ytl. l tnbllhiicd Mil , W. I , . PATH1CK A ; CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , . ' .ildiofRtillcniuiuunlciltlnii'jIo nsut I'nUiiiHtock -mils , ioutli Omulm. Ailvunccs inutlu on ttoelc. ! Union Stock Yards Company , OK OMAHA. , ) vlinlt < 'd. John r , HoMl , tiuin'riiilt'inlcnl. .SAVAtiK it CltKKN' , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Ipinc'iiti ) of any uiul all kindsof fin.l ( l. Viiii. . ' Lumber , Etc , * ' LOUIS iiitADroun , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Soili , Dooi , Ktc. Vanls Cor. Till uiul Cor. Dili mid lougl.o. I10HN MANlJl'AtTL'llINO CO , . Honafacturcrs of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moiilillniii ! , Stair Work nnd Inluiior Haul Wood I'liilhli. juiit opened. N. I ! , cor , ttli and I.eaMru- \vurtli Klieuf * , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO l.UMUEIl COMl'ANY , Wholesale Lumber , PU S. Ittli Street , Oumlm , Neb. T. Colpcucr , C. N. DlEi'Z , Lumber , , Onuii : , Ntb. n : u w. en AY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc. Cor. Cli uud lloiib'luii Streets , Ouralu , Nvlx GKO. A. IIOAOLAXI ) Wholesale Dealer in Lumbsr , Uuiali.i , NulmiiU.i. CHA8. 11. I.lli : , Hardv/ood / Lumber , Wnrun Slock , 1' WooJi. , llrldcn TJinLi-rfi , A.C , S.f. . Cor. Uth itud Douglas I JiuubiiNi b. G. i . LVMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , HOE- ! ' ? 'apw , Ktc. South lutli Street , * . ' , - Nebraska , Lurajjer Co. Fulil'iu Cuitil | | Stock , Jia,0. . ij.iuiuiul'.iciiiirrj uiul wliolo ule ' .Ifjj } SlIINa.JlL-nai , Wlb. . WUoli'Milu iind rotuil iarllUtlu.'yuid ! ; iuuhu ) , Nub. Cll d. lull bk OMAHA JOBBERS' DIREOTORY OMAHA I. "MHl.HCO , Dealers In All Kind * of Building Material at Wholesale. Itlh Sti cet and L'n. n I'no n TrnoV , Oinalii OKHMAN l > . WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , roth and Irnrd Street * , Omnhn , Nclu-fttkfl. " " J. \vAKtnr.r.i : ) , Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shinglss , llnlldlnfr 1'npow , Sn li , Ioor , IlllmU , Mnnlf InirK , I'lckets , rest , I.lmu , I'lustcr , Hnf , Cement. Nliun mm .lone ? , OinalKx Nob. Millinery , " " Importers und Jobborsnt Millinery and Motions , 1 1213 ri < l 12U Harnoy Street , Oumlm , Nob. Musical Instruments. " " K1)HOIM Si 1IU1CKSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Ptelmvuy Plnnoi , Weber , Dwkcr. Ilalnn < nni1 ' Hi Iffus 1'iniiin. I'nukiml OrKiuis , Cfuuo Ora.iits , S IQliuul KH13tu6troit. ) Notions , Etc , , . uuANlllIM & SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Pry Good" , Notions , Ocuts" rurulslilus Oood' . Uooitu tiniu Nrw Voik. Tiitdo s\lcs : ilmty. 6)J nndWSotitb Mlh tit. , Oumlm. o. H. ooomucit & co. , French and German Fancy Goods , Druggists' nud Stnlloners' Sundries. 1115 Rir- nmn , Omulm , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ | J. T. Robinson Notion Company , " * 4K1 und 4W S. lOlh St.Oumlm , Neb. 1 Wholeculu Dcnli-rs In Notions and Hunts' Kiliv nljliliiK UomK "oils , Etc. | " CONSOLIDATE ) TANK UKK Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gasoline , Mlon A.\lo tlrouvv. \ \ \ . A. II. Illshop , Mnna.iji'r , Omtilin , Nob. . Pork Packing. * * -VN > " - * * * trr vvWWN .1AM US 1 ! . 1IOYD , , Pork Packer and Shipper , Omaha , Nebraska , HAHHIH & I'lBIIKIt , Packers and Provision Dealers , Oniei ! , Union .Market , 1517 Dodiro Street. Packing IIOIIMI , U. P. It. It. Truck , Oumlm , Nob. Tclu- pliouu No. 157. _ _ _ _ Safes and Locks. ' ' ' " " " " 1M10YI3U Jt CO. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 Kilo und Iliinrlar Proof Surus.Tlmo lAick , V ult * und .lull work. 1'JX'O ' Knriuim struct , Ornuhtt , Nub Seeds. " " " " " " " " - j. TA'ANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu Seeds , AirrUMiltiirnl. Yepotnlilo , I'lf. Odd follows * Hull , N. W. Cor. llth nnd Uodso St . , Omaha , Neb. Drugs , Etc. * 11. T. CI.AUKK DltUG COMPANY Wholesale Draggists , Jobliorsorl'iilnti'.OIIs , Wlrilow Glass Ktc. , Ill 1 llaiui'j StreetOmnhn , Neb. THE ( JOODoMAN DIUIG CO Wholesale Druggist3 , . And Denier lu 1'nlnts , Oils ana Window Glass , Omnhn , Ncl > . , , Wines and Liquors. " THANK DKUXDNli i CO. . Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , J2CB nnd 1201 Douirlns St. , Omnhn. Noli Fno- torlesos. . 4 nnd aOJ , ! ! d Dht. N. Y. y > . , | ( fiiO.V. : . Dt'NCAN , Successor to Mi-N IMAUA .V DUNCAN , \\'holi'snlo Dcnlnrs In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , Sll nndiilrt S. llth St. , Omnhn , Neb. U. ll.GUOTTI ! , Wines and Liquors. M'CEtoin Aseiil ! > . Selilltz Uionliiff Co. 71'Ji Uth Street , Oumlm. ( HKNHY HOIINIiritGnil , I Wholesale Y/ines / , Liquors and Cigars. f 13 1 Doufjlns Street , Omnlm , Neb. niu : & co. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Liquors. Solo manufacture' ! : ) of ICcnucilv's Kibt ; Inilln llllters. 111' . ' Hniiiny Htiecl , Omnlm , L. T. LAHSON * CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Whiskies And Clirnr" , nnd 'lenernl Aifontii for the 1'liMlp llrkt ! . ' CVIolnnled Mllwnukeii Hour , Uuinlm , Neb Harness , Etc. W15I.TY & Miiiiulnrtuiow nnd Jobber * of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goodf , lllankela nnd Ilnbi > . 1121 Turiuim t-hwcl Oiimlii. : Nob. The Short Line and Best Route From Onialia to the East. ! TVVOTIlAINSUAII-y UimVKKXOMAHA AND Clllrilljo | , Mliuiciioll | . MlhMiukce , St. 1'niil , Cfilnr Impldit , Dnveniiorl , i.'llntini. Dnlnniiio , lloukloiil , Kock Islanil , I'u.'cp'Hl , JniK'-'flllf , Klfrln , MndHon , l.nCro i > o , Ui'liilt , Wlniinn AnJttll ollior imp'iitnpil ' points I.IM : , Northuail nnd Suinhuait. Ticket oPlcn nt HOI 1'numui Htioot , ( In I'nxlon Ilotiili , unit lit t'lilon I'lti'llUi lirpot I'lillmnn HropuiHiiml tlu > I'lnot Dlnli - I.IIM in llio World niu tun on tlm main linns < > 1 Um t'iii'AfiolMii.w.\iicit\hr ( ! : ; J'u'i ' , JIVII.WAV , nml every iiiirntlon Is paid to imssvnyora by coui : o- Olib i'iaiioy | < . .i ill Iliurnmiuuiv. It. M 11.1.1:11 : , ( Icni'Mil .Mnim ur. J. I' . TLTKUII , AMlnnnt ilfiicrnl Mnnn cr. A. V. II. ( Uin > i\iiii ; : , Oeiunil 1'iunon.fcr nnl Ticket ABOIII. . , ( ll.ii. K. HllAl'lDUii , ABtUtnnl ( ion < ril'i ! ; > -ri'll ' or und Ticliet ABCIU. " P. BOYER & CO. IJI.A1.5.1IS IN zm\ \ Jail Work. x'O I'uniaiu Htrcul , Uinului Commission lerciiant , And Wliolcsnlo Denlur In Country Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc. noons ON coxtun.siitNr A BI'IXJAI.TV. 320 N , 16th St. , Omaha , Hefe. Iti'fuonceg , by I'ormlsslon I'lrst National Ilnnk , lniljuiiu ( | : A. ri. ( Juiiuiron , c'nsliler Kloux National | UinU , lon < c Cily : loun Nulioiiui Hunk Dei MoliK.s ; II. M. Kinsman , Astibtant or Kii'il National l > * WANTED BY ft. E. Moore , Lincoln , * Market Price Paid.