Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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1 Advertisements under this bond lOccntspcr
> t Ino for tlic nrst Insertion , 7 csnts for ctcb
Mibfcnncnt Insertion , nml tl/if n line per month.
Seven words w II ho count M to the line ) they
tnust run consccutlTOly and muctbo paid In ml-
vntico. AH advertisements mast belmndcJ In
before 3 o'clock p. in. , nnd under no ciroum-
Btnnccs will they bo tnUcn or discontinued br
rnrtlesndvortl'lnc In these column ? nn I hav
ing the nnswcis nddros'od in euro of TIIR HKE ,
will plcnco nsk for chock to onixblo them to got
their letters , nsnono will bo delivered except on
presentation of check. All nnwers to ndver-
Ilicmcnts should he enclosed In envelopes.
. TO LOAN on lior encoii * , for-
MOM.V , " , without lemoinl. Toi ins
onuy C J CiMvvcll , Iloomli ) , lion llnnk llullil-
inff , Kill nnd I in null. . 1 nko elevntor. IflMohi *
lfoooito ( lonn on city residence property
$ Oeo. W.Dny , WAiFni until. 'Ml
rpo LOAN Money in nny nmount ,
JL On nil iln sosof f comity.
Pliort time lonns on icnl o tnto.
IXIIIK tlmo Innm on renl oslnto.
Money to lonn on chnttcK
Mono ) to lonn on collnturnl * .
Money to lonn on nny good security.
Terms cnsy , tlmo lo unit.
Apply nt the Omnlm rinanclnl Kxchnnffo ,
llnrliei R uiillillnir , SW corner of
I If tec nth nml rnrnnm sts. tnistnlrs _ afl _ _
TO LOAN on Improved nnd unhii-
MONTY city piopoily. Cunningham x
llrcnnnn , 1511 Dodsu street. 8S
for uvc rybodytou cnn borrow
money on furniture , horses , wnifons
iilnnoi , fteick of nil kinds , dlnmonds nnd tine
wntrhoion joiironn tlmo. I'nnionts received
nt nny time , nnd Interest reduced pro rntn.
1'roperty left In jour own possession. Terms
luwnsthc lovvest. Cnll nml f-co mo. lluslncss
conflilonllnl. NondvnntnRotnUon.V. . 11. Craft ,
Itoom 4 , Wlthnoll's Nowllulli'liiB.Northinntcor.
tier inth nnd Hninoy. -10
To't.OAN b. f. Dnv Is & Co. Held
MONKY nnd Loan auents , 1000 Fnrufra St.
tf \
'ONRY'TO IX > AN on good securities. A
McOnvock , room71lodlekHlockliO ! rnrmira
Bt as
TO T.OAN-On chntlels , Wnoloy &
MONKY , room 20 , Omnlm Nntlonnl b-iuk
building. g l
ONiy"ro : LOAN On icat estate nnd chut-
M tcls. I ) . Ij. Thoinns. JI
TO LOAN In auniB
wnrds on tlrst clnis renl cstnto security.
I'ottor & Cobb , 1D15 rurnnm St. ar >
r.OANKl ) nt 0.1\ Heed & Co's. Loan
odlco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wngons
pcrBonnl property of all kinds nnd nil other nr-
ilclos of vnluo , vvlthout removal. Ovir 1st Nnt'l
Hankcoiner 13th und Fnrm\in. All buslncsa
etilctly conlldcntiil. -HH
111OK SAI.K A driiir Btoio In u good llxo town ;
JJ u llr-t into location tin n pin Mclan. Capltnl
loji lied about { _ > , WIO. Now fn tiding ami ileiiu
Bioik. Addicss or cull on II. Moses .V Co. , Vul-
emlne , Neb. < ) .J4niclU
TTCHt NAI.i : A flrt-clnssoflor house , rostnu-
JL1 rant mid bur , llttod up In Ili8t-clu = s stjlo.
If/01 rnrnnm St. , Omuliu , Nob. M. A. McXiumud ,
$ : mo on per month salary nnd commission to
competent tiiiHlnes * innnucer Incvoi } city
foroAuluslvo agciiov of our National Automnttu
CjBs-SavIng Oovoinoia. Avoinpo 3.1 per cent
enUng In gns hills. Incrcu-ed Illumination and
flufot } tiom Ilro. Ovei 7,110. . ) In sorvlee. In.
doised by highest mcicnntllo nnd loipointo
uuthoilllo Aildiess'llio Union Nnttoimt Gus-
having to. , 21 East 1 Ith St. , Now Yoi k. 2US-U
TOK KNOIIANC'.K-Afl 1,000 linrdnnro stock
JJ nnd n ? J,000 boot nnd shoo block for > S cash ,
bnhtnco iinlnLiimbiieil real ( " .Into. Ulbson ,
Aicher ilL Co. . Hoom .1 , lllock. 2M
TTlOll SALK A $11,000 stock of ilothlng In
JL' Omnlm , Nob. . Ior2."i per cent discount liom
cost. Oibson , Arclicr iCo. . , Hoom 3 , AMthncll
lllock. 255
_ _ _
WAM'KD Anoneigotlo mnn with modor-
nlo capital cnu maVo liom $5(0) to 10-
000 11 } car by becoming pnttnoi or pllrihnsor
in an ostnbllshed miiuuiiictuilnir onlci piiso ,
Forlutthor piutlculuis nddrcts , U. bi > , Iko of-
llcq , . _ 211-11
"TT'Oll SAI'KIeit ( miuKet. with buildings , 2
J1 vt neons. ; i lioiecs ; good locution , i : . r.
Jlhigor , 111) ) N.lfitli. 172
T71OKSALK llesluilinnl , n gieutbnrgnlnS2CO ,
X1 Gibson & Aichor , Hoom 3 , \ \ itlinull lllock ,
_ UJ2
Foil SAI.K Or exchange The Merchants'
hotel , u line now hotel In Chndron. Nob. lien-
till itcolpts now $ 00 ror nionlh. Will sell 01 o\-
chiuuo lor lesldcnco n nr business pint of
Onmuu. I'm lies hclllngdo lie to llo In u linger
city. Addicss , W. A. Limgwoilhy , Chiuliou ,
Nebraska. m.lfobS *
1J10H ixCIIANCi-A : $7r/X ) stock of dry
JL ! goods for H ca h ; bulanco unlniciimbcied
lundor good Omuliu piopeily. l'oro\clmnge
A flO.OWIMock iii cliy goods lor M cash , balunco
iinlmcumbcied hind 01 good Oinnliu ninporty.
Gibson , Aichei i , Co. , Hoom 3. WItlinill Illoek.
_ ! HO
'TJIOIt hAT.i : A pnlng nOASimiiprbuslncPS In
J- good Nobrnskii town ; ink o , . ' 000. ( Jlbsou
A. Aicher. Hoom 3. \ \ Itlincll Illoek. till
TT1OK SALK Huidwnrd bublness in Omaha.
X' Address II. 4" lleo Olllco. 7JJfobll
Foil BAE.B aiioCoinineiclnl Hotel lit South
llend. Neb. , pilco W.OOO ; toims } . Ad-
tlicsaT. W. 1' . , llo.11 , South liuud , Nob.
_ uVM oblO *
TTICIU SALC-Oi exilmngc Twelve himdicd.
JL' und eighty uciusof Mo. , timber nnd guiss
land , loity mlles enstol Kansas City. As i ich
poll us nn } land In the gtule , will sill nil or pint
nt tltleen dollnis per ncio or will o\chnngo for
fiuod imiirovcd or unimproved Nobiuskn hind.
llidfoul .V bauer -"JJ
Foil SAia-niots in Spring
Also nn rhtabllbhod bunking business In Ne-
lunsLii , county M'ttt. Gibson Aiihor. Hoom
UWlllinoll Hloolt Omnhiu 2a :
- _ _ _
QTHAVKH Soucl lioiso , whltostiliiln 1nco ,
t-Jnlilto light lilmlioot ; lludor ploiisaictmn to
\btli and Hmney and icoelso icuiucl. 31U-Jk
TOST A light colored mln'i bon nt mi nival
ULJ Pntmiliiy night. January .10. I'lmlor will bo
eultabl } lownidod by Icavh'gut 107 b Iltli.M.
" \ \7A 'I ID : 10 bonidus lingo well lurnlaliul
it > rooms w Ith huso bin ucr. Ito.ud nml room
$1.50 per wiok. 710 N llth.
llonid and loom In intvuto lum-
Ji 'V Hy ; locution must bo bitw con Hiuney und
I.ciuonwoith , nnd 10th und 151 li HIHUIH. Ad-
dic-tslor J d.iys btutlns toi ms , etc , D. A. C. , lleo
_ _ _ _ _
" \ \ / " ) lly two ) oung mon , board nml
i loom contiully located ; utcommodiitions
nuiht bo -t-clitss ; bcbtol leloioncoAddtoss
' . 00 Olllco. _
_ _ _
T3 OOM. nnil bonnl , fjpor week ; veiy licstlo-
J-v cation. 18U Diivc'inioit bt.
T > 13USCNAI , li } ( ] - ii \o nny propuity for
Ju Milo list It with Uco. P. Jloiiils , 1,1th unU
Doughis. _ _ 129
JLH. . K.D. AltNOLI ) . Ocullit und
JL/ movcil to 1114 Doiuius htioot. hTJ
. ! : - ! ToaTimilm )
) tromlyfor | oxolimvn 01 inlc , trolntvon
> er } viiluuhln ie ldone'o in bt. I ouls ,
olltv lei NubiuMci iuiioity | ;
house mid lot lor Omuliu rcslilonco Cull or
Millo tin tor piopeit } of ull klrds. HelUs , Mo.
CiindlUh.lall Doilgost. ulJ-'J
, iliToo ! ANli > auo'itcro Impioved Inims wTllihi
rU mlles of Oimilm ; ti't per mio ; the'o mo
bnigihib. Ulbgun & ArdiT , loom \\ltluull
_ 1J4
_ _ _
k a i.onic'K : , ostato.
lots 111 Uihiilin ; lliecliy nnd huiJmls
ot lliouHiudBof tuicaof hind ior Milu ; cone-
Fiumdencu t-ollcliul. Jlmsludl & Lobi-ck , 1100
I'unumi tin-it. Olliooiiii | till Up. in. I'Jl '
allK ) W. C. MetznerBtovoHcpnlrCo.Illbouth
Ullibt , bitwucn Dodro ui'd
-Humfie pirc t. Pihlislnuor
' luihnnil I oa\cnnoili. ! u i-t , *
n /\ jour Hour Mini fnul by TUvpTiono
i.J l-t" , Ni'til \ tDiiuui , H1J Uoil o bl.TJ
u T AIlis m VMint of peed domestic iiclpcnn
J J Uu fcupi'llcd ' by i-ulllii ) , ' on the Omuha Km.
l > loj nn nt Ullko , loon : i , llusliuuui'3 llloclx. Mia.
, w' . > loirisoi : piopiictor. b7l
F ou K-tjtgio natures.
yyji7 *
SAI.K o thqiou liuiivl Jcrscj
J. IJ. , J rn of
oil ) . MJ {
IT'Olt S A l. i ; TV oed o i K i n g imicUiifu-'ttonj
Jus now. HwU.iuui > uHit..MM *
GOOIfnmllrh6r pforsMo ; eight yeftraolu1 ,
Applr Rt 1413 Dodiro st. 2tn
17 ( ) lt SAI.i : Ix > t 111 llnn'com 1'lnce , onst
1 front. Inquire OU 8. Ifth t. 2UI-1.I
Oll SAM -Snn < l iuid KiavcL
llth t > l.
TTIOU SAIirpiiln : , Henley Illnk Skntei. In
J- ( rood condition : nlco lot of tools and rcpahs
chcnp for cnsh. Wv , K. 1'nlno , Slilnc ] , Noli.
_ _
F ( It wenlher Ftrlps , stnrm < n < > h nml doort. go
lo F. I ) . M mil HO S. t Ct h st. 293
"IXfANTlin Ajounwlndy iwfet'int mivo
with n line hullo * ' frco's : expenses pnld
nnd pee J wngos Cnll nt once. 1120 rnrnnm st.
_ _ _
\\rANTin : TWO glils at tfto Dornn lmu o ,
> > nn rnrnam bt. f41D !
WANTii : > A plrlto doRcneral housework.
_ Vo. IfllS Cnpilol nvemio. III !
< TiH : Good glil for ffcnoud housework
ntSQJ3 rnriiotn street. Corner ) th. H18-3 *
\ ! Olrlforgoncinl housework. In >
eilllro nt KM S. SOtli St. 2.124
\\ANTrD A glrTlor ( fonornl housework ;
l none hut competent help need niiiily. In-
- ChlciiKO st. N. J. I'dholm. 31KI
\\fANl III * A flr-t elnai dlnlnif room plr\ \
> > nnd nlannditsint City Hotel. ICl-I *
\1 > A vfiH > ITr t tMn r wiiin hands Inimcdl.
M utely. Mis.nPnco , ion 10th nnd lav en-
port. ; xi-a
WANTIin-Nimo girl. Mrs. 11. II. Mniholf ,
Sf feuttnidSt. JJ71-3 *
\\TAM lit ) A clmmbei maid n good , smart
onimi who nndcislmuls the business
tlioronj'lily ! wnifes ? 4 pnr ock ! nnply between
tliuhouisof 11 imdU.Hi. DouxlAS St. ISO
AJ Tii : > A oipnblo fcrvnnt clrl . . „ _ . .
cial lioutHjuoik. Apply nt 7IU N. < 1 st.
V\7"AN'rii ) Oood Kills for Kcnoinl house-
T T work. Itoom 4 llushmnn lllock , 10th and
Douglas. 4K )
WA > Tiu : ( ilrlfoi-ffrncinl housework. In-
qitlio nt 107 fcouth 14th st UT
> Olils for pcnenil liotmovunk ;
11 good places mid good VMIROS : iilnccs glv cu
frco. Call at lin liith St. , Nohm kiiEiiiploiiicnt
AHeiicy , Ciounco lllock. tibj
WANTIID An experienced diujr cloiUwlth
giiodiofoiencos wlshoi sltuntlon iniclnll
Stole. AddicsslllK ) lleo Olllce. iw.Vl *
\\r ANTliul'AEiiits. SCO N. 10th st.
> 835
V\7A > Tii : > A Piilesnuinono who hnshnd ox-
peiIciico and can bill KOOIS ! DID b. IMli tt.
"Vl7"AM'ii ) jo tcan nnd loimsters for rail-
TT rend woiK.fiexid v\nges ! n' o puliconlinc-
ton : krco tum-pcrtnllon. Tci i-nrtlculnis call
ntll 'O liuimmbt. nii !
WA > Tii : ) A good aotlvo hey to 1 uKo cm o
ol stoic , s\\ocp mid dust , mil ennnd , elc :
ono with lofiromos pieforiiiJ. b G.lo\co,1.3
N. 15th st. 15 M *
ANTKli-Hcllnblo salesman to sell Inbii-
ciiting oils K. 1' . DlctoiIchs.Clovi hum , O.
" *
WAM'KU Agents to sell goods on time nil-
mout" . 117 b. 10th Bt. 2ol ! u *
WANI'Kli A llist-rlncs enlcsnmti toioprc-
sent n well c tnhllt-hcd bouse to the ding
trndo , either o\iluslvel\ in connection with
Mine other line. AdihossP. O. Uox Ilb8 , N. Y.
CIO. _ 2JO-.JQ
\V7"ANTKI ) Kneigollo men Iii ovoiv town In
Nolrnskn to sill the Boss clothes rucks.
Agents uio milking lioui J" > to $ S poi day. 1'nr
iiuiticulnirt call on or uddio'-s P. O. llov 737 ,
Lincoln. C. II. WHITMAN , 1121 K bttcet. .
"ll VMUMj Teams nnd to let n miles iidliotid
T > toHUb contrnctoiii In sictlo'is of oiie-hnlf
to llvo mllos. 1 no trimsportiilion. 'Jenms
bought 01 w ill lend money on outfits wishing to
won , . Stiung & Nowiomb , eonlinctois , 2,0.4
Penu Bticet , Knusas City , Mo. , or Arcndo hotel ,
Omnlm. ; UO
Men and vvnnicn to stint u new
Inislnc'ss at their homes ; can bo douo
evenings and lenincd In an hour ; any noicon
making lu-s thnn lOo to f > 0c an hour should send
lOo ut oncolor apackngo of samples of goods ,
and2t woiklugsuinples ( loimulas ) to commence
on. Addicts Albany Supply Co. , Albany , N. Y.
_ bo71I7 %
TyAM'KO A sltuntlon foi gcncinl houso-
T work In pilvuto funilly. Addicss II b'J ,
iloo Ollice. 330 3 *
WAN'J ii : ) 5 clgur mnkoiti , hnuilwoiknien ;
none but HiM-eliiss uoikmen ncod niiply.
Aildrcs * Gco. I" . Godliey , Turnout , Nob. 1 M12
"ITfANTKD SItunlion by a widow as liousc-
TT keeper foi widower of good icputntlon.
Addict ! , llhi : Olllco , Council Illulfc. Jlll-7
"l\TAJ TKU liTigontlemuu will licnuuTntcd
t with gcnoial mciuhmidlco or huulnmo , u
position ns inunngni , or with suih pie poet , in
oil her biiFlncsft Would proier lo c tubllsii n
business in nnow to n with inilrond piosiicc'ts.
Would invest $1,000 by July 1-t , wish none
tmt lespoiisiblo corio'poudonts. Addio-s A.
M. L , Omuliu Hoe. 251-0 *
\\7A > Ti : Girls w lelilng for good place * In
Tl private families , hotels or bonullng hou
ses , laundiles , etc , cnn nhwiS Ibid them by
unlllng nt the Omnliu Kmploymoiit lluieuu , 11 'U
I'mntim tt. < 2ll
W AM Kl ) To buy n eecond-hnnd tvpo-
w it lir. J. II. Hnj ro3 & Co. . Omnlm. 3jR'8
W PAJ > Tie A furnished liousonltho huge
rooms. ImjuitobJOS. 21st bt. 2J-i ; *
nnd Gciman lesionseveningsby
Jl1 an o\poilonccd tenulioi In ouslorn schools.
I'oiins model utuor lu c.xchange lei bouid. Ad-
ihcst , H bl , llio Olllio. ISM *
Tmou ItKNT Ono'llut , with nil modern coin o-
X nlencDS , 1015 Hoiuiul St. Impilio at looms
IM nnd 2i ; , Oimiliii Heal I'tnto tc i.omi Co. Ulsn
IIKNT SQnciOlmp oil fnrm , fi miles
Irom P. 0. , at $ ) per ncro. Ilnmllni. lluiun ,
1111 H. lltlibt.,0iiuihu , Kob. ! J51 ! )
DiVlKV I'A it u to lout ; n miles out ; (1 ( mom
hoiibo , luigo bain und other conveniences.
D.C , Pnttoison , o > oi 1st National lltinlc. L'oS-11
UU > T-Unrn with four stalls. 1510 Mai-
i icy. Ui7
Poll IIKXT 0-iooincottnsoK > uri. 2lsi et.
lti.NT Kiom Fob. iO. nou house , llvo
loouiH , fiiuilrihoil ; vrill toll the fuinltiiio lor
f5'J. ! btahlu nnd c'liiiltitro shod , Hcnsoii , do-
litirtme. Addioss II W , lleoOiiloo. : :7J-u : *
T cTu itlJNT Cottatfo , in bblim'H mid. , hi
Jj block ot Long : bchool. Apply 1 17 rainnm ,
FOltltKNl' llouieof " rooms and lltcion ) ,
cor , luth anil Illcl.ory , $ J nor month. H.
T. 1'etuihoti & . Co. , Itoom J , S.I ; , cor. 15th nnd
Doutrlns. 'Ml
Foil HUNT HOIIS.O ot U uom , pnutiy ,
closets , etc. , I'llII BlicrlJnn nnd Hull sti ,
> Jil j > cr month. R. T.L'otoiaem & Co. , Hoom d ,
f. U cor. IDlh mid Douchis ets. uu :
F ) K IHNT li-i oem house , C'lnik et , , oppo-
Bite 2U Coiigrc mfoiinl chuicli , St. Mini's
iivo. _ i : . P. HIiifior.jiON.lSthst. IVi
i oil HUNT Fuvoniooiu houso. nnd
JJ 11 in Urn ets. , 13. A. P , Tukcy , IJOi I'unmm.
ITtOli HUNT Two olegnnt liousos , 10 looms
J. ouch ; wuter , gua und nil moJi'iu coiuon-
t's ; ith nud Douglas as. ; each $10 per
mouth. Hoggs Alllll. . ISJlobl
"JTi/m UlINT Tjairo tmclc fining 3 good
JJ liuiises. U. F. Ulncer , Hi ) N. 15th ! 171
imou itixi' : TUico-ioomiioubOjiith &lodgo.
"IT'OH ftAI.i : An eatnlihbhcd grocoiy business
.L. ' in Omuliu doing $5,000 biibluoss u month ;
capital miulicd , { 4UU. ) Abe u stock ot iliy
goods ilolmi good business in Omuhu. Capltnl
iiqultcd , S"UiO. Gibbon , Aichoi &Uo. , Hoom J ,
\\ii bnein Ijock.
_ _ _
? : Hou e ofSroomsi'd nndllnr
1 neytat. Inqiilioof Mount j. UiitliiiliUriUth
bti cot. _ Us.j
J7WK ItKNT-Houso , 3 rooms , $7. G. K
X1 Thompson , S. W. tor. llth and llurnoy , 7VJ
Ki.Nri : ; Li\sr-i-oom : ! nou3o cm"
Ipcjit 1 St. ; 10-ucio fe'Rflen nltli tViuom
hoiieouiljomiii ciiybO-ucio ; inim , 17 mtlus nest
ot Uinuhu ; c. buaiiiiba lots on bt. Mail's mo.
Apply to li , II. Clmpuuuii ( Jo.U')7 ) Ilonurd bt.
_ _ _ _ _ sm
TTtOU KKNT llntemcnt nnd buko ovon. John
i' lUl'k , 1,15 N , IClh ft.
rooms cuih. J , Pnlpps Hoc.
Ipon JIl'-M' Ikniso boloii2injr to the fstutq
1 of Judiro amdHldc.tWJ 1'uiK avc-uuc , W.J.
( .onnull ' _ _ _ _ _ ajj
TilOK K'I.MWIKO lieu hamlU niomfcaiioiuoi ;
i. ti mute , hutli icvimuml ull lAodrrn eoiivcn.
f. one bunk irom smut em's.
r. Ll.ulun , JU 'jtli bt. , Ol bmcUlii.Vyi' 5.
ni\T-A : store room with gooJ cellftr
FOtl Hurt street. Apply toJonn lli.imor.
'fTIOlf IlKXT A litrttTiilcoly fmnl '
JJ room. No. 812 N , 17th st.
TmtJK ItHNTVHoom w Ith boarJ. 1313 CnnltoJ av
TJI IIIJNT Hootns llcolr fiirn'BhtHl.Wi ' ;
JL1 M3-6
10JO CR S st
llcfoionco < roinlrcd. ! t-"i-i > _
looino. W4 N. IMli
street. SM'a
i IIOO3I nnd bonrdprvntofnm (
J lly , nonr S 13 corner 1'lensnlit und llnrnoy
8tuct . < ! ! ! _
"ijiOK IIIN r I'nrlar , with board ! ndilro * * II.
JJ 88 lleo onlee.
'ijioll ItliN f rurnlsliPd rooms.MiO
JL1 JMl-tV
l/lcTTl JtiM ; 2 tinfumlshid liont rooms nt
JL : I'll. Douglas Bt. 27S
Poll UiN"T : A coed finnlshod room : loca
tion ccntrnl. liiqiilin nt Atkln < un s Millin
ery nnd Hair Ooods Ktnporlnm , Ctclahton
Illcck , IMli glrcot , south of postolllco. 277-il
" 171 OH ItlTNT I.nriro front room , modem Im-
JL1 provcmcnts. Address I'.O. box 308. Sll
OK UiNT-riimlslicclroo : m. 105 NriMb. "
TnomtUNT rmnWiPd trout teem iJ4North
JL1 17th Si i cot. HW
TF71l ( ltiTiT-Nowly : nirnUhcd Imgo room ,
JL1 Iniffo closet , for ciuo ere gentlemen ; priv-
ntohoii o ; iilensiuit lioiuo : near business. 1C15
Cnpitol live. , lWfel)3 ) *
Foil HINT : 1 smnllionm , $1:1 : Inrjfo room ,
$1- per month , nawly furnished , utiia ? N
17th st. l.lDfobh'
OIt UKNT Ilonsiltli ) 111 looms , city water
JJ nndtrns. No. 0-lNinth i'ld sttict. Imiulro
of 1D. . Cooper , 411 Hth Bt. , City. HO
Foil HUNT rurnMiod loom. Inquire drug
Btnic.jntti nnd Douglas. 055
T71OII HUNT Odlco nnd disk room. . I'ren/or
J llloctc , cast 1' . O. Inquliu Hoom 1 , K77
Foil itKNT I.nigo futiiMiod front room
with closet , ulso buck loom. ITU Cnllfor-
n In st. 7U2
r'HSAM2 II ) Oiimlin Heal Kstnto & I.onu
HI House nnd lot cirner on 18th St. , iipiirtho
null noik . A Imi nln. Uoums- and ttl Ulth-
ncll building. ,131 0
rr\oiiSAii-Unmlln \ : s , nrovrn , Heal Ustato ,
' . ; ; n s. nth st. ' '
l.inCJ iicicJ.CIietley lounty , ntffi.
CdH ) nous In Ixiuji , Valley nii ( ] | NUMCO counties ,
lidin" ton iiilU.M liom itUlioiid.nt y > 50.
HlOncics in Valley count } , 0 miles southwest
of Old , ut f7CO.
13,0 1 notes In Cuslor count } , at
r.U0 acres In Che ) cnnc count ) , ut S3 50.
AVIII suit itny ol the nbovo tiaits In iiunrtcr
ilo null's in I'lnnltlm rounty , at $12 ,
1 ( 1 ncicsln Stnntoii coiuin.m 1- . .
( * < ) HLIO Impioved Inini In DoiiRlus county , 51S
inllo-i fiom I' . O , will trade or sell.
4ucicsl ! ) lmiio\l | ( ( land , 6'Sjnllcs ' fiom P.O.
Itumllii & Iliou n , 311 b.lltli bt , Uniiilm , Nt b.
FOltSALi : lly Hlto i , Mnntc , J .3 I'niimiu
St. H.iifrnlns In linpiovcd propcitj :
One iicro with U-ioom house , Ilioolillno ndd. ,
' "
"Lot4"\110 with 3-ioom house , HltTiory Place ,
spoclul baifrnln , $1,1UO.
7-i oem lioii'-o with nil modem linpiovoinents ,
Hiiu ( OMi Plnco , on I'.iiU uv eimo , $4,1)00 )
Lot 1" , block N togLtlior with liou'o iindbun ,
with othci linpioveincntf , llmiscom PJuco ,
$ 1 ,710.
Lot W1\l" > 7. Kount/o's 1th add. , togctliei with
d-ioom house. MK biu'slu ut J'i)0. '
Iiimlpuss uiiiicr on Utli mm Cnpitol nvciiuo ,
pn > | > citj lontil'ot ? 75voi niontli , only S > , WO.
llouso mid lot , Heed's 1st mill. , if tnkcn this
w eek , w 111 bo * old ut u bnigaln.
House nnd lot , Kount7u > V Huth's ndd , oust
fiont , well improved , cash , ? ) , * ,00.
7-iooin now houu vltli i\ll modern Imniove-
inents , lot GOvHO , 13 V. Smith's add. , St.UlW.
- lots , toqothor with 3 now houses , E. V.
Smith's udd. , go.OOO.
Lot 7.1x140 , oust trent , toptthcr with - lioiiso' ,
r > nnd U rooms eiich. on Ifeth st. , nuu * Nicholas St. .
LotOJxIij" , Hogcra' ndp. , with 0-ioom house ,
Lot JHxlOB , Purkei'B ndd , Just otr Snumlcrs St. ,
totfOlherwilh iiLtr 4 > iooiu House , with cellar and
c otcts , clstoin , line well ot wntcr , " story bum ,
elmilu nets nnd law n , oxtiu baigaln , ? l.buO.
Lot u\KW , 17th and Clmk bt. , with tlueu
hoiifc" . Si,000. )
rino Improrcil property on Clmilcs Bt. cheap
ut J&ilO. KluoAtMouie. lam'miiamst. 31.5
( > \ ( iKl.N K VVII.D1.
L No. liioom ! ! ) hou o , Cnpitol 11111
add. , nil modoiiilinpiovoiiionts . $ 0,250
No. lib House und business lot , Dodgu
street . 10,000
No. 117 l-ioom house itnd huso lot In
Low u's ndd. , easy teun-t . lr)00
No. l.'l „ ' lote , luigo house , luncom (
Pinto . . . . . . . . 4,300
No. Ill rinoiiotv house , nenr Park . . . . 3,300
No. 10J 2 lots , each li\l-4 ( ! , ono coinei ,
with boil-so , good well , otc. , ( Hit ebciip. J.OOO
No. 00 I.m o lot -nest of I'm k nvo . . . 1 , ' < 00
No. 218 Lot on i'nrU UNO , tiunting 1'iiilc. 1 75
J\o. 211 4 lotsonbiuiniletsst. , cncli . . . . 7iX )
Lotson UumlUrf st . 500
lx > ts in lliuifcoin I'luco . 8.V )
Abe hundreds ol othei butfrnlns , In ullp.utsot
the cit } , on ciisy toins Cull upon us beloio
ImjiiiR. Luvgrcn A. Wilde Itooin 10 , Giiuiltu
llloelc. 317- . )
: -jirirr. ! I'uteison A , LO , UcTTuj ;
J S IJ Cot. lllh and iJoujlus tt.
No. M2 \ luls , i\lb. ; ) ! inch , 7-ioom lieu o ,
c < u. I'hll blio lilun und I'leice , tiontlntr
onUBtiiots . . . . . . . . $ 3,000
34 ! ! . Nlculot and 2 houses , 2 Ftor } each ,
with city wutoi , otc. , lilt h , near Leaven-
vvoith . . . . , . , . . 4.C03
No. 3 ' 1'ull lot In Hiuiscom Place , Vii-
Ulnlu a\e. , Il-iooin hou-,0 , . . . - . . . _ . 1,200
ThN in tin co bi ) , ' liiiiKiiliiR nnd oiiKht to K'll
Immcdlntcly. K. 1' . I'cteteon A. Co , loom : i , b.i :
C'oi. I5tli nnd Doiiglus fals. 3JS
ii &ro.,15n
iMucios on .Mllltnr } Hotul , ( > | iposllo John
She } Icy , with Bood now lingo hoii'-o , well , eis-
toi n , ftiibles. etc. , nil lencoil , tll.WI. ' 1 Ills is nn
A No. 1 clmnio for ptuticd vrldhinir to jiuiUo
mono } .
Ill ncies adjoining 1'oit Oinnhn ' ( ) thonoith ,
? .I.'W. feplc-ndld Kioiind foi Hiilidhidlng.
CjlU ncres Imllo wcbtof Stock Turds , 165per
IV ) notes A miles frnm postolllco , nt $121 per
ncio. L'uu bo subdlvldod. Do not lull to inv is-
21 J ncios , 7 miles fiom postofflco , well im
proved , pmtly good tiinborInndj uU.jO per
ueio. A bargain.
I'M ' ) iieio fin in , well Improved , only 4' ml'oj N.
Aol \ 1 lotuice , tit 8T ) poi1 ncre.
8(1 ( an ( < . 7 miles from I'.O. , highly improved
im m , J/jOi ) . Anne ilmnic.
illOticio tm nil milu b. K. of Glhnoro SI ill ion.
with hiciiHl | ] ( ( linilillnt-'s , being mostly bottom
liuiil. wi II adapted lor Block iurm , j.fcUXl. !
bileudld lot neurlxjiivinworlli , in W' . A. Hod-
lilts udd , fuxi ; mid 21 ot In MUIIO ndilltloiiat
$1.100 ; 101 nor lot In iiino mialtlon , $ SVJ.
A low Kplomlld loin lolt It ) I'nuUcn's tiddltlon ,
onstuetinrlliio , oiiLnko sliotl ,
" lots in Pellmm add , nt iui ( each.
A lingo two stoiy now house on Cth near
Dodge ; ian bo luiiud for fJ5 pur mouth. ; HOC
ciibh ; biilnnioon weeklj pujiiionlH.
hplendld lots In Clink I'luco. $ " > ! ) oiu.1 ] .
lllcit on 8 10th ht. . nuur Howaid , withthrco
houses i cuitlmr lor ? ! - ' . ' > per month ; jl-.uto
Lo tl'OLlKi , Wilcox udd , with house ] l\2(1 ) ( , $7M ;
IndC dish , liuliuito In montlilv-puyinentii.
Coinorl'tli nml Clurl ; , i.'ivl , ) ' . ' , cast Iront , with
ono U mid two 1 loom liousos , knvhiK 4t\)3ft. ( )
oncornoi ; S7010. I'nulsen & Co.,151J Ininain
bticot. 2bJU
fiALU lly Floslvdnhi .V llunihor , 1811
J.1 Dodifobt. Choice uulmpioved piopcityln
nil illicitlons.
Mil'imdllsh I'luco . $ JCOO
lloniso'siiddltloii . . . $800 to loJ
K. V. binltirsnddltioi . 1,4(0
I'mkiivenuo . , , , , . , . , , 2 , ( > CO
Slic'iniiiii uvenilo . , . , , 1MJU
KlfKwooil uddillon . , . full
Wnliiut Hllliiddllion . f.O )
hlilun'H4M iidillllon . , . IM
Dnv i npoit street. , . , , . 1,0.7)
Pilhnm Pliiii . u'lO
Hoggs & Hill's Ut uddltloii . , . 1,1-Mi
t'liulc i'liico . foUJtobOU
lloweri Hill . . . . . 80) )
PmkPluio . . . , . 1,000
Cheap lots oil monthly jnn moiits , UUi.lionui
addition ,
lloiifcos lint ] lots in nil pints of the city nt pi Iocs
nnd on ic'riiis vvhtcti nro bound to moot jour
ideiis. 1511 Dodxobt. , Ailinglon jllouk , llooms
8 und U , btockdulo llunihor. 2G5-i ;
inou .SAI.TT-flTiBVkrtJ feet on N. K. cor. U3d
J-1 und i'luiiiun blf. , v\ltli two line homes lent-
Imr lor SI.TJU poi uunuin , &ieOUU , cas } teims.
Mm bhall &LoLock , 1500 Ftiummst. 20-1-U
T mt nn iinrT.Tct77bon"I co7f = =
-LA No. UJS-2 lots nnd U liousii- , nuts ior
tl'lj per month , KounUo X Ilutli's ndd. (9,000
No. lit 2 big lots iiuil U line hoiiMslii
hhull'fiudd. , modern impiovemints n
bnigulu . 0,500
No W A luige lot und 4 houses , near tlu
( enter ot cuj , will sell oiieus } terms . 6ft 0
Those ai o bin gains tor these who wish to tot
big iiiliicst on their money. K. 'f. Peteuon ,
V Co. , Itoom a , B. K cor , ifith nnd Douflus ms.
ITIOIt SAM : 240-iwre ; farm ncnr
- - ' w nli r , splcndldl ) inipi o\id , ICO ucrus unJer
plow. WllltiuJo fm Omuliu luojicrt } . W. 11.
Uiccn-onrUt Nat. Hunk. lu
FOUSAIK-Two lots in rclhom J'hoo.oup
I'lotk ' Ircui etrvct car truck. Juijuliot'lB ! ? .
- , - * - . + - j -
Btft/t , * MTAittfA it otffrfor twli or 01
\ ory Pi y terms choice pmnertv which yoi
should etamfne bcfoio purcha lnir el < owhcro.
fO.iKJO 7'room nAu tl'ninr ? ft imleig Rt.
fl , ( > 00 Homo nnd corner lot , Slilnn s l t.
f.1AX > Hou o niMlof , ttno location , llanscotn
filM-Hoii < c , UrK ) < r lot , Shnll 9 IM.
$ l.wn-chlc.igoW . , iiiu ( oimd 5 lot.
$2 > j Ix > t and2hoiD < r8 , < plciidkl view.
f l.'flJ-tNcw liouso nnd ncro.
f fiX ) HHI nov sf. , house nnd lot.
$10,009 Kino 1 05klciKo , splendid location nm
vlmv. - I'nrk nvc.i cliolce residence.
W,7M Lix s Pt. , licnito anil U lot.
$7 , " > JO if ) feot. l > uslno s on Dodge , Improve
ment .
? 4iro 1 urge hoi o , One . .Cation , Idtowlld.
SJ.IJO Knst fiout lo | mid cottngo , Hoggs t
$ J,030 Nlco hoiRo ynd lot In Itopcrs , on j
term Hill A MiC Uldllsti , Kill Dodyo M. 3U'- (
Foil SAI.K lly OmlihH Rent I'stuto & lxiu
M-Ixt on Doicas.liotwcon 10th nnd 21th vvltl
homo : n bnignln. Hooms22 and SVllhncl )
tmtldlng. 347-5
SAM'-b ! leet front on rn tollnr st. nm ]
L' Ifitli. r rooni hoimc , well , rlMein nndbnin
-VJOU W. II. ( Iieon.over 1st Xntlonnl Hunk.
Tj'Oll SAI.K 2 lots I5\l < 0,3 houses , 7 rooms
Ju ouch nenr istli. $ vijyo.
I/O1 ilOxlnii. imii o 7 rooms , ncnr ISth , JB.OCO.
I * > t fllvlt ( ! , housuo rooms. Hurt st. , 51,001.
Lot covl'u , houses rooms , Cnpitol ino.tD.'CO ,
Lot ( Ovl5) , hon'o 7 rooms , Armstrong's ndd. ,
f3.1IO ,
fcevoml lionises nnd lots , tinprovomcnt Asso
chit Ion , ut baiirnlns.
Lot t)6tl. , house 7 rooms , Unrnoy St. , $1,000 ,
21otDHntnoj st ,11(111 28th , S..aV ) .
Desltnblo propeity nour high school nt bar
Uls In Marsh's ndd , $ 1,000 to f-.lOO.
lxts In llnwtlmino , ? 40to ( ) $7V ) .
A line selection ol city and suburban property
iihun son Imiu ! .
17) ) K. V. HIiiKor. HO N. 15th St.
OKSAr.i : Ity Potter & Conb , 1315 Tarnum
St. , 1 lot In Wist r.nil und nt $ l 00.
2 lots In Shlnn's < ! d ndd nt t" " > c'licli.
A fmr choice lots In Mnrsh'fl nt f 1,800 each.
I ) t iifl\UJ onnthU blocks Iiom pavement ,
onlv tl X ) .
line ucioln Gcl = o'8 ndd , $1000.
Sof thu chunpcst lots In Plulnvlow , enl } ? 13C
cncli. 7J (
$ tJJ5 ! per ncio for u iholco coctlon of hind hi
ContinlChojeimo c < mnly. $1 55 tier mto , ciihli
bnlnnce Ucuig lime , U per cent lnleio < it ; u line
Llmnce torinvcdtinout. V. 1' . Piilno , Sidney ,
Nebuiskn. ISTitoUl
N i\VPC : ) ItT Nenrest , best ueio lots , icnchid
over level lond. Tlionoaiost ueio lots o\or
Bold Ip this nun kut , I'lloo , * .WO pci lotionensy
terms ; 8 percent Inteiest. The o lots will double
In vnluoin no.xtl" mouths Amcs,1507 rurniuii
"I7IOK Cholco IJiugnius in rcnl cstnto , cull nt the
lolllioot tlioOinnlmltenl INtutu \ Loan Co. ,
iooiiH22nnd2lithnillHulldlng ; Umuhn. 70t >
IjlOU SALK-Hoiiso und full lot on Duvcn
-L1 poit , bet. 2.W nml SUh , ? .I , \\.lI.Gtiotl ,
ovoi IstNntioiml llimk. 131
fpoit > Al.i : H } itl o XMooro , l.-ii I'm mini bt.
J-1 Hnu coin 1'luiolots
Hcnutllul lot on Uioiglu inc. , Hnnscom
I'liico . . Sl,17il
S lots on Virginia inc. , cnch . . $ JK
1 coiner , Vliginlnnve.vor } chenp . lyoij
1 lot I'.illRlioiidan st , very chenp . N ) "
Corner , tOJvlOO , Virginia nvc , , only . 2biC
U lots with coiner , Vhgliim n\o. , ono
3 olcRimtlots iii iiloikD , ono bunch , at . . 4TiJ
Now , If you iloiiioiilotln this lion 'Jon ndill-
tlon.nt a Imiftnln. viocnn till the 1)111 ) this week
cettaln. KIco.V Mciotc , 1I'm mini st. 312
Tmoil SAIJS-lly Ornnhn licnl Hjlnlo & . Lonn
JJ Company.
14J Aliousonnd4ilth In Loup City , olfeicd
nt n bnitfidn , JtooinsSJimd 1 Wlthncll build-
Intr. , j 3oO-l )
fTWll SAIK lijiE. ' ! ? , I'etcibon iCo. . , lloom
J-1 3S. 1ior. . Ijlh nnd Douglas et > > .
No. llll A flue liusliic'xscoiuot on Tenth
ht , UAli l , wlthJ'bullillnRS . . . flu/iOO
No..HT I'lno Iiii5iioi | nioieiti ] on liu-
mini bt.wixl U tl. .A ' . , CO )
INO.HU Gilt ed piopcity on
Ilnrncyst. , tlxUt 'U 2),000 )
Toi further inrgimatloii call on K. T. Pttei-
sea A Co. , Kuuin 3 , S b. cor. 15th and Doutrlns
ijticcts. 3.RI
| 7 < Olt sAi.K 3 lois litlvinilon I'liicc , $ ( ,00 eich.
S } \ \ . 11. ( > icon'bvui'ilst National linnk. 1JJ
lots In Hlllsldo No.
ono on Dnvonborrlmd Chlciigo Rts , oheup
nt S7KO to sijO eucti. I'qttor i. Cobb , 151u I'm-
num st. ' " JtJ 737
_ _ _ " "T nr r
'I/'OU ' SAL.U . A , timber ol line lots In 1'nli-
J. mount I'luco ; will sell foi Binull cnsh pn }
incut , bnlmicu monthly. W. IL ( jicou , ovei 1st
Niitiounl IJunk. 1JJ
Foil SAI.i : Corner on rm 11:1111 : , two blocks
fiom court house , ? l.rOJ. Giulmm.Ciilsli-
ton lllock. .fu
"ITlOIl .SALK At ix bnignln. I'lno business
Jpioperty on S. Uth , M\150 ft. Uhlscimbu
bought lor fr2UJ ! ( " ihnn iicluul Miluo if taken
ntonie. If jouwuut im Investment look nt
till" . Coihuin Hro'sA-Co. , 15W ) ruriiam fat. 815
JT OK sVKK $10,000 10 per cent dividend
1 pni lug stock. Gibson .V Aiclior , Hoom
3 , VVltiincll Ulouk. UJ
JTlOltbALK Largo tiouso nnd 3 nicely elov u-
JLA ted lot ? . n felilun'b 2d udd , ? 'UO. Also line
bloomed houi-o on Clinic stieet , nliely ilevntut
lot3OOJ. Gibbon i. Aichci , Hoom J , WItlinill
llloc'k , 4-10
f Oll sVLiiyOiunlmltcal Kstato S : Loan
JL' Lomp.iii } .
4b Ilouto nnd lot In Oninhn View ; "mull pay
ment down , bnlanco on pmnll monthl } paj-
ments. HOOIIIH 2 , ' und ) Withnoll building. J4U 5
FOlt hAI.K 1 hnvefor pnlo nt biugalns llvo
orbivol tlio Illicit ttoik luiiiix In iliostuto ,
limning Iiom .1"l ) to3)JOuciej ) cucli Impiovoil ,
with miming wntoi and liontlng on inihoivls.
W. 11. ( jicon.oxui 1st Nut , ll-.ul , . _ ljl _
-jTIOKSALK-llyi ; T. Potoison & . Co , Hoom
J-1 3,6 13. tor. 1'itli und Douglas bis.
No. 1UU Lot U'ixlti.1 , DoiHikun'smld . . $ COO
No. 121 Lot.s in Dulght iV Lyuinn'a add. . . . IOJ
No 122 Lots In I'ottei A. Cobb's add . . . . 7'0
No.317 lxts In Deiiiso'miild , . . 70J to 1.00J
f o.U ! ) Lotsin Hlikoiy 1'luco . bDJ
No. 34 loU on .Soutli 1Mb . WO
No. ! U4 Jllnu loin , Jlnnsconi I'luic . . 2.COJ
No. ! C.7 LniHolot In Heed's lut udd ( eoinui ) 2.0UJ
No. 31s Lotsln fchlnn's udd . 1,0)0
This Is n low ot ( im buigulus In vacant lots.
Cull mullet u tnko you out to e\nmliu > . I : . ' ] ' .
Pctaif-on V Co , Hoom 3 , S. 13. tor. nth nnd
Douplii ! , bts. 310
Foil SAI.1C Choice A orlO uero Iructs , 4 miles
southweatfioiueouit iioiiscnJU miloitrom
junction of U , P. Hj.iunl licit Lluo , ami Imllu
Horn gtoul. Yiiids. Lies well ; nil imilor cultlvu-
lion. Cnu bo bou/ht toi S17' > und ? -iW per aeiv ,
It bold t ) on. Cnouiio t piopoity hi viulnlty.
Potter & . Cobb , 111 j I'arnam ' bU 7J5
Illy ilco i Mooie.U ' I'm num St.
Wo Inivo lots In I'ltiliivluvr udd. , Ambler
Place iKid , Park Plncu udd. , LOWOH let ndd. ,
Milmi'h 3d udd , Iluiihc-oin PIuco mid , Wist Cum-
ing iiJd Wo cnn hell ut i-picial liaignliiu nnd on
y tonne.ociiiFluiu jou toinoiliiii ' o.\tin
In In-Iilo piojiort ) nt inlceshoelie'iip wo dnio
" ! tdol ( Jtlc'u Mooio , ! - - ! 1'n.i Hum t t. 314
IfUHihAM : liiO-uc'io fiirm , well lmpio\ed \
Jlioiisu , bums , gi.iim.lp' * , ulml millH , line
giovcuiKlorulnud , T5 nuej under jiloiv. Will
li mlu lor Oniulin prnpuity , us'suiiio moitgiiuo
luidpiiybnluniociiili. W. HGiuon.oMr Ibt
Nut. Hunk. 141
FOIISVLH A two story , 22xM , frame build
in , uultullolor Htoru , Utti uml Fu'-
namSts. UiU Olllco. 'J17
3TM ) | : SALK hu-ucio fiiim , wil 'Impioved , il'i
miles liom Oinnliu , louts fm ? ' 6)poi uuo ,
fcVJpoiuoio , W. ILdieoii.otoi 1st A'til. Hunk.
_ [ 111 ? .8 _ _ llu _
nion SAI.K Hi Ouuiliu Hem r.ttuto i Loan
JL1 ' "l "
Comiumy ,
55 An elegnnt'lMiiiio'iind ' ' lot. rornor , In Mil-
luul 1 luco. Hooius22umi \Vllhuill building ,
T7HK b.VM : , vlieOih.Jd ( mcicliiiuduo builnesi
Jin n rapidly trivittilUitim n not lur liom Lin
coln , llurjttiudu lUd Mention In town. A tplen.
did oppoitumly (41 r i jimity vtislilu a ( rood
opening , und havhi.r froin sm on to ton thoUHiind
uollais uiciibUviUiiJ | | lor cash onlj , pr part
cush , bahuico roiil Caliito in Uiunliiu Adiirudj
Mcixluint , HooOlllto. bJi
"ITIOH h.Vl.i ; IiH ufrq ] lurin , well liiipiOMid ,
- 1ronlh lor J-JW ) per ucio , < l > i miles liom
( JiuulinjOicr nUic.-lIW. H. Uicin , over 1st
Nut. llniiL , r-j /.i UK
FOIlSAl.i-ri itAoitnil small ElocK ranches
vvlili or without fctocU.
1 or biilo ,1 lots in bpilm , ' Hill , ? iW cnch ,
i'or bale istubh : hi l ) iaukin < hiibinojs In
Nitmibkii. county teat. Gibson A. Ai-choi , room
101 Kxclinnso Nibrnckn farm * for Omiiha
' to cvcluint'o tor ttocUij ot
projici ty ; ti'j-o luncis
Wiintcd 3 business lots for cash wllhlii i
blocks of posiolllco.
1 or Liclinngo Urt ncroimprov < d farm , Mudl <
ou loiinl } , Noli , lei lioiuv uii'l ' lot In Omuliu. v
1'orbulu AG-UCTU tmc't * mlles of postolllio ;
liouto iist } : .1JOtoi JlrOOU cusb IllnonXArchur ,
Itoom \\itbnUI lllu l J2J
IT1 Olt SAI.K An cltjtfiiiit hoiiRo , good bum ,
1 IbOftbputhfiont luniur lothouein i-nto lor
t-'i pur month , { . .J.SUO..jl.Giueii. \ . o\ur 1st
Niitloiml Hunk. tas
POIt S\li : Ilouto i\nJ full lot ( in 8. ISIh bt. ,
{ . : , W3. ( Jii'iiipOMi Ut NutloiiiiHIunk.
Jou AI.K-1) ) } Omuliu Kent IktuuTiTl/oun
( omiuii ) .
' I Hfjusuojid foton Noith Ifth 61 ; ull mod-
orulmiii\iiin.nUi | ull In kpoil ii-pult&iuun-bi up ,
ilooius S3 IU.U2JUthill 11 bUllQm . ' dlO-a
Ir joii want property nt n bnrgnln or on ens
terms , call nn Hell .V McCmullMi. Among othc
iiroprrtlcs wo bnn otTei n cottngo and come
lot , with fruit tiecs , ono block irom Snunder
St. nnd one from street cnr line , on cn y term1
, .
House nnd lot , ca t front , Nol on8 * , $2W.
2 so-noro fntm , v\lth fruit , ncnr riiilrond , li
Snrpy county , each S , OX ) |
Ono of the best fruit farms , $4,000.
20 lots In Hunseom Place , comer lots , eas
fronts. Hnrpnlns.
Aeics in t'io city nt f l.COO.
lliookllno iicu snt fWl.
Other ncienddltlons trom $100 upward.
Marsh lots $7" > ito $1,701.
r > IM ics in j.imno'8 cub , f J.noo.
\\elllocatcdcoincr In Torinco nld , ICOxHt
$ J IWI.
SOaeresncnr city , suitable for platting , pe
ncro $ W.
Ht-ll & Mornndllsh , liill Dodge St. 311-0
1JWII SAI.13 > Hlco A. Mooic , 1 3J rainnm si
JU Ilnmnlni In ncio property :
dnues lu ilonlluld , fl .0.
I , iiiMOSln Ilonlluld ,
5ncii9lu Iloutlold , $1,251.
I ncir Hrtrkiilow ndd. , SJX ) cn h.
fl iicre * Mnrslmll l.obicK'smld , $ .VW.
II nuies MiuMiall A l obick's ndd. , S.VW.
20 ncio trnctnonrSnllcnlo Hill , $150 pur nci
y neic In Hrookllno nddltlon , flK)1.
l"i ncrooTuttlo'i subdivision , S-'OO ' per ncrc.
4 ncics Mor.ntocs .V lnIor's add. , JI.UUO. Hlci
& . Mooio , 1rninnin. ! . 81J
1NVKSTIC1ATION will convince jon thnl
Newport Is the nearest and Imiulsoincst ncic
property for only $ JWu lot : Interest nt 8 pei
cent. ScoNewport nnd bo convinced Tills l !
tnutlmo to buy noni lots , npiIng price u III IK
hlghci. Amo , 1V)7 rninnm. Oil )
THOU SAI.13 C3 fton IznrJ : peed homo , Imrn
JD v\ ell , etc. , SJ.WJ. W. 11 , Croon , over l l Nn
tlonnl Hunk. IM
T"AN SIIKIKS : : : , API-KN IMON ior fui
JLJ pirtlculnrs about free and clioixp Inuda In
Western Ncbrnsiui ndilro Tlioi C. 1'nttcrson
Heal Kstuto Aifont , North I'lntto Neb. U
MIN , IMT rnrnnm St .
Hcdlck'Hdiovo $
' -"i1
Ami's 1'lncu -
Oik Clintlimn UJ
rlalnvluw K1
Cliuendon i"1
AilliiKton MX
Molio-o lllll : '
1'rntt's Hub-division ( Vil
Stidlcnta < Plucn 4U (
I.nn\cn\voithTciriico 4V
llRrkniow 1'lnco ux
Noupoil 'M
Cole HilllliintQ 17 :
lljdo 1'iuk IV
Lyuinn I'luco u )
HI" ) Ames , 1B07 rninnm.
triOllS/vLK House nnd lot 211 S2"'th ' 8t.choai ; :
Juiul iMOiuonls. Addiess C. S. Chlpmuii , Lin
coln Nob. 671 _
FOKSALi : rino corner lot. en t and soutl
liont , Hunscoin P.nco. W. T. Giiihnm
Cicighton lllock 7U
TT cut Choice llurgulns In roul oUulo.cull nt the
J.1 ollico ol the Oinuhn Heal VMuto A : Ixjiin Co. ,
rooms 22nnd 2.1 , \ \ lllmell llulldliig.Oninliu. 'IM
In making the assertion that Po/7.oni'f
incdientc.l fo nplusiun powder is ontiiC'
ly frco fiom injurious or cleuilly poisons ,
MO do it upon tlio untlioiit of u thorough
chemical analysis. It is ono of llieoldol
lace powders in American market , and
5f > used in the fnmalics of some of oiu
most piomiiipnt medical men wlio have
personally acknowledged to the proprie
tor that they not only c'oiibldeicd it harm
less , but esteemed it highly beneficial in
every respect. Sold by all drnjrgisty.
Sanitation is neeclud in Japan. Accord
ing to the tr.insactionb ot its society ol
medical fcc-ience , one of its cities con
taining a ponlation ) ) of 1,250,000 lopoits
a death rate of 00 per 1,000. ,
Coughs , Colds and Sore-Throat yield
readily to 15. II. Douglass & Sons' Laps ,
cum Cough Drops.
Kale Homer , of New York , asccd 10 , has
committed live lobbeiies within a
Irom houses wheto she has been em
ployed. Labt week hliu stole her 10-j car-
old , sister from school.
A sine cure for Blind , Blced'ni ; , ' , Itcliin
and Ulcciatcel I'ilcs has been discoveicd by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian icmcdy ) , called Dr
AVilliams' Indian Tile Ointment. A single
box has ctned the vvoist cliionic cases ot 2" > 01 ) standing. No one need sufTei live
miniilcs alter applying this vvoncleifnl sootli
im ; iiioillcine. Lotions anil iiistuiiiicnts do
moic liaim than pood. Williams' Indian
1'ilc Ointment ubsoibs the Illinois , allajs tlio
intense itohinj ; , duiticulaily at niulit after
cuttiii ! ? in bed ) , acts as a poultice , gives
instant relief , and ispiopaied only toi Piles ,
ItcldiiKof pmalcpaits , and tor iitliing ( cbe.
Dr. Km/ler's lagic Ointment cures as by
magic , Pimples , Black Heads or Giubs ,
Blotches aiunhuptlons on the face , leavinjj
thcbkin cleat and beautiful. Also cm e- , Itch ,
Salt itheiim , here XInnlcs , Sere Lips , and
bold by tli uggists , or mailed on icccipl o
Helailcd by Knlin & nndSchioctcr &
Bccht. At wholesale by C. F. Uoodinan.
The last news fiom tlio derelict
schooner Twenty-one I'licndb rcpoited
hur entering the Hay of Biscay , whither
siio had diiftod from Hatturas since
Macli 24 , 18B5.
Tlip Kli-ht Keen
As the fce.ison advances , the pains and
aches by which ihonmatism makes itself
known , are experienced , after every cx-
postiio. It is not cl.iimed that Hood's
a.irs.i.irilla ] ) ib a bpecilio for ilicnmalism
we doubt if liieie is , or can be , sneli a
romody. But the thousands bcnolitcd by
Ilooil'.s $ aisapai ilia , warrant us in nrg-
g.ot'hers wlio stiller fiom ilieumiilisni
take it buforo tlm lir t keen
It is contended that tlio action of Sir
John Svviiibinne , Bait , a radical mem
ber , in giving his workmen a holiday
with lull vvages on polling day was
biibor.v. Sir John is vvell known in bo-
ciety hero. Tlio pout is his near relative
It IL fjo-fiilled lemedics have failed ,
Dr. Snge'o Cntarrh Remedy ciues.
o - -
Tlip iublie.imisoages ) of the governor of
Toxdh mo pi Jilted in four dlllorent Ian-
gnagcs to suit the needs ot the pohglot
population of the state , Thiity llion-
band copies urnlji Knglisli , 10.001) ) in ( icr-
man ; and f/,000 / cadi in Uerinan and Bo
Lord Caii us ( fiatmojlo ) lately Marled
pn a htoam 3 tielit on a ] ) leiisnro trip1 tor
the Jluditeiranoan with a gay party nnd
lifty do/.cnf , ol chaniDagnu , lint the liaj
of Bis-cay boh.ui'd'fo badly that tlio
yacht actuaUi put back.
isKnovMi as thogieat
legnl.itoi ottliu digestive oigans ail ovei the
woild. Have it In yom house. Ahk.vom
gioceror diugglst lot tlio genuine niticle' ,
nmmifii.tmcd by Dr. J. ( ! . B. Sicgcit iV . * 3iiii ,
Ono of the first attempts at making a
styMi of iron vviin that ot Cat dinal 1'olig-
nao , in Francu , eaily in the eighteenth
century. Tim 1'olignao lire places , so
( 'tilled , wore conmrnctcd with hollow
buiAt ) , liearthi ] and iron jambs , to econo
mi/o tlio heat.
T n IB UMiiv.uj.t D
\\AIIIMM1 II O1 1C )
iMiaici.i : or MIJICUII v
Oil AM *
iiuifii'UHKLv viu
iri'AHLi : .
It AVI11 Ciu-nnll Diseases Caused *
ly DeiMii cincnl of tlio ftiver ,
JCicluc'y and Htoinaeli.
If JOII fOtl ( lull , ( llO BJ , llollilltllU'll llHVOfro
qiii'iit heudue-lio , mouth ui'lc budl > , poor up
jictlln mtd toiuuo ixmted , jou uio biillorin
ll-oin toipldllui , 01 "bllloiibiui&b , " und notli ur
llleiiie von MI MK > ( IIU und poimancntl/a
At nny tlmo > ou feel jour
nioiUeleuubiiig , lonlng , it'giiliitln
out violent purging , or ttlmiiLitlii , ' ullh-
out IntoiluiUiiji tut-u
Siimons Liver Regulator
. ' PH15PAUKD Iiy - .
J. II..Z13ILIX & CO. , , riilludeliiblu , I'a
Bears Itilly Satisfied With the Wintc
Wheat drop Outlook.
While tlio Hulls insist tlio Situation. I
1 in pro v I n u The IMniket tiovvcr
-Cnttlo Depressed.Vlillo
More Active.
Cmr.vnn. 1'cb. 0. [ Special Telegi.uu.- ]
\ Vin.viVlieat \ was again dcpiesscd am
lovvci. Cables vvcro dull , and although laigt
clearances weic topoited , cxpmt Inquiry vvn :
quoted as very light Indeed. The beats vvcu
raiding the maikct all clay. An unusuall ;
laigo annntlty of beailsh gossip was lloatlnj
around tluougli tlio cunvcl and evcij tody vva
stocked up with It , Itear commission house
cxpiesscd themselves as well pleased vv111
the crop pKHpects , the cold wcathui bolldify
Ing tlio blanket of snow that is now sprcai
OUT the ontltttwlieat producing district , do
cicasing the danger of picnmtnio thaws , etc.
ami dispatches were icoolved that St. l.ouli
millers had quit the Held disgusted , slmttlni
down until times Impiovc , leaving the casl
matkct at that point lifeless. On tlio othc :
hiuut the bulls insist tlmt tlio situation Is im
piov Ing ; that the cxnoit nio\eiiicnt Is get
tlnj ; laigcr in spite of talk to the con
tuny ; tlmt stocks In countiy elevator ;
tlitongliont the northwest arc rapidly ( llmln
Isliing ; that leceipts arc growing smaller a' '
Uulntli anil otlioi places , Minneapolis ox
ccptcd ; that tlio nilllcis aio draw Ing llbeiall )
on waiclimiso stocks , ami tlmt tliu visible
supply will sliilnk with nddcd acpclctatloii
from now on. In splto ot tlic bold tiont pu
on by the bulls the temper of flio ctowcl lo
day seemed to bo decidedly beailsh , and tin
piesbine fiom tlio top diove prices down
Ahon picviousdnys , the. put pi leu scorned tc
be the "topping place , May testing nt Sljfdi
84.J e. Outside Iflisinoss was black and tiad
ing was cnnlincd in a gieat nicaMiio U
the local opoiatots ami bcalpoiTlio ]
o'clock closing was weak at about tlio lovvesl
point of the long session , last tiades In Ma )
being on a baslb of 14 's'QSVfo.
Mizsou ( SiiAixs Coin was lather moic
active and ? BC lower to-day. The decline wai
pailly In s.vmpatliy with wheat , and w.u
paitly ilnetolncicaslng leceipts at piim.uj
points. Oats were dull and wltliout change
of consequence.
Pitox'isioxs Poik opened lOc higher and
laid ' - ' c higher. Poik-wcnt up anotliei lOc ,
and laid losing at Iho biuall gain iccoulcd.
The market mmained very hrm and btiong
until late In the evening , xvlicn Incicascd
oirciingscaubcd it to wcakon , andpoik at 1
o'clock was il ! < c lowci than at the opening.
1/aid dropped below jesteulay's closing.
Tlio countiy is believed to be heavily long of
the pioiluct.
Ariimxoox HoAiit ) May wheat sold
down toS fe , Maycenn to : sofc. and May
poik toSlLoOcm the attcinoon boatd. The
market receded In all spconlativ e specialties ,
May w heat closing at Me , May poi k at § 11.iMfej
ll.rrf' 'and coin a fiactlon above tlio bottom.
3-T : > r. M. 1'utij on Ma ) wheat , fe@b. > > ipc ;
calls , S45 e.
CHICAGO , Feb. : ! . [ Special Tolcgiain.j
CA'ni.i : ' ! lie maikct was e.xtienicl ) unsat-
Isfactoiy. 1'iices wcie lowei , but how much
lower it was haul to toll. The supply was
llbetal and bn > cis , especial ! ) diesscd btet
men , weio inclined to stand oil. Piiccs vveie
an ) wlieic liom 10@SJ2 lowei on common to
medium cattle , bales were made veiy slowly ,
and at ! ! o'clock them weio seveial thousand
cattle unsold. Theio was a lair hhipping de
mand , and a tew veiy supciloi cattle sold as
high as S5.2rxg.r > .85 , and one lot ot veiy extia
beeves bold at $ G 00. Some sixt-hv c head ot
coin fed Wjoming cattle , belonging to tlio
Seaiiglit Cattle company , .sold at S 1.00 , avei-
aging l.lWi pounds. Last weelc evcial
Canadian expoitcib wore bning cattle heto
to bend to England alive. Moil of these oideis
have been Idled , nnd this \vcck tbeie has
been lather le s competition in tiado trom
that ein.irtci. Some good 1,100 and 1,5.10 Ib.
cattle have been bought for o.xpoitatlon nt
? fi 00 5.25. The quality ot the catile being
sent to the inaiket continues pool. Shipping
bteeis , lJM ! ) to 1WO , Ibs. S-J.lO li.OO ; l.SOOto
\"M \ Ibs , t3.70e4.Cu ; QW to 1.U03 His , ? .J.50
lions Tlio maikct continues active , v\ith
another ndvamo ol . ' , < . lOc all aioiinel , the
bcht lic-\\ > making § ) . . ' 0f4.ijO , the liest packing
ing Miitb belling at > I.J.(2 ( < > I.40. and lough and
lominon at.OO ) i , I 10. Packing and bliip-
pimc , " > u to 110 Ibs , l.'i'XiJ-l.M ) .
Now York. Feb. a. Mo.vnv On call
casv at IKfJjr.1 ] iei cent.
l'm\ir.Miii : ( AMII.HI'vi'r.n lS"ippi ( cunt.
Koituiox KxcHA ( ll : Jlii.t.s Dull at Sl.w % i
for .sixty clns , and tM.bbjJj lei demamt.
( JovKKNjiiiNrs Jull ) but steady
biocKs btockb weio veiy active , Hut
moio 01 less fuveilsli and inc nlai. I'llces
nt the opening showed changes langing be
tween advances ol ? H poi cunt , and declines
ol eiinal amounts tor the active stocks , and
dining tlio gieatei pait ottlut loicnoon tlio
market bhowodeinslderablu weakness. Alter
niidd iv the whole inaiket icspimduil to the
slicmrili inaiiilested In coal KtoeKs , Lake
Shoie , Xoilhcin 1'aclll ciUcleiied , Oimtlia
and Cirangci.s being conspicuous lor tiieli
slieiiglh. In Smpah ( ) , howinei , with coal
slocks , they cloM d genci.illv below tlio best
ligmes , with mhaiucslancing liom small
tiaetlons to 1 % percent. Tliu ni.iikelvvas
decidedly iiicgnlai kite In tlm nllei noon but
cioseit about , steady.
STOCKS ON wA-i.r , sninKf.
SJtcent bonds. . . 100S C. AS.V 10/1
U. b.IM's" 11- piefciicd. . lild
Now 4'h * 121L X. V , C. - m-i
PacilicO'sof W. I'M Oicgon Trail.
Central Pacific. . 4 ! I'acihc Mail. . . .
C , it A HI P. , D.&K
jiiefened . . . Ifi ? ' ' '
It. . " , . , Hock Is'laini' ,
IX , J , . .t AV l'7j St. l > . , \B \ . K. . .
D.VcIl. U lit
Erie ari C. , M. it St. I' . . .
liinfeiied . . . SJJf nwfcttcd. . Ki ) <
Illinois Central. . Ijl lUtO . 4 ( #
prefeiiea. " li/iy
Kiuisas.t'i'exas ! 'M * TextibPncillo. . . - . „
hakefihoro b7'4 Union Pacilio. . . fil-if
- - \ \ ' . , St. kiVsP. .
Mich. Central. . . . 7'j : ' piefened. . . 19' ' , , '
Mo. I'acllm Ill iein Union. 7Jj )
Noithein Pao. . . UT' ' 0. X 1UJ ; < ,
jut'leiied. . . ,
i uoiu < yj3.
Clilcago , 1'Vh. a J''Jniu Dull and tin-
changed jvvlntei w lloui. MUf/ 1. K'uboiitli.
em , glOJ1.05 ( ! ; Wlscoiibin , 44 . O gl.r , ' . :
Michigan soli , , piiig ! wheat , gU.TO'if I.OJ ; Mill-
nesiita lmk 'iV , b.A'Ol.r < U : patents ,
6.ixj ; no jlom , i-'d.'M d.ta ; | n iMuois , 81.10
Ojl.10 in saiks : buckwheat liom ,
pei haiiel : S' ) pcrcWt. in wicks.
\Vlicat \ Weakt'i and lovci , ; opeiif d ahade
undiicstci dnv'b clot. ( . ileollncd J.e , im-
pioved JjO' 'ac , he < nmv wcal.ei , s < llln ' to in-
ldi jniecs , andcloMd ' 4r untler .vebleidij ;
7 * > jOv Oc tor cu17b,4'i7bV ! ! ; ( lor J' ( I IMI > ;
7l' i ) lot Maiih : H' ' , ( t ' ( toi Maj.
Loin Dull and cayy , i-lukinr' } { < n V ttndei
jestiirday ; MiQ'Jj'.e lor cash mill
uliV , xy/c lo Maichy.ivlOcliu ; Ma > .
Oats Dull nnd eaici ; ! i * c Joi tash ;
2h"4itoi " 1' ; ! te ic letter
tor Ma > .
Jiailuv Ji'iUnlbJc.
UJilh.y-l ! > (
Timotfij riuhanged piime.
l'la\sci > d J o. 1 , tasiiii and i i < iu\vei at.
Sl.l. .
Ill . .UUICJItr I , * tv ivi i | i ( , .
Iaid blind ) ami a tn1lnhi'hji' ) ; . '
' > '
i'luifbi fei.5 ( ! . ( . ( . ' ( ' )
Hulk Meut--hU'iuldeis ' , s.l.'j'if'M.fOj tlioit
tit ai , " ? ' > sr ' < WKi : hhoi 11 u > % ' , < * < * r > ' " ,
Uutleihtcurty : eooil to him 5 crcu.t'O ,
20 > Jc ; choice tu line dull ) . , IV' , "
a Mc.idj ami luni ; ivul * < .i'a thod-
: joiing AIIICI-
llldes Unclianccd ; part oitrcd , SWS'.o ' !
preen , So ; heavy preen called , 8 0 ; liKlit do ,
PMrt'-'ho ' ; bull lildoi. ' . ) 'ftC5 dry sailed , Uc ! ;
dry Hint , I ( rfl4c : cnlf skin's lO lSc ,
Tallovv Unclmnired ; > ( o. l country , 4'fcj '
U con nt r ) , lc ; cake , r > o.
KeeelnK SliUmicnts.
Flour , bblq . ls,000 10,000
Wheat , bu . 11.000 17.000
dun , im. . 151,000 1W.OCO
( ) . 18I.COJ l 7OCO . fi.OOO 1,000
Unrley , bit . 07.000 W.OvO
Now York , Kcb. a. Wheat liecclpls ,
nooo ; exports 12IXH ( ) : spot lov\cr with In-
( leased export business ; options opened
lienvv , soon declined l oEl'je , leavhiR oil
stead ) nnd a shade above bottom intes : tm-
Minded ml. M'i ( > l' ' e ; No. a red , iw 'o
nlloat , Miueh closing at W e.
loin Spot iii m ; options lower nnd dull ,
closlnir lieavy : rocvints M,000 ; \iiottsKi.OOO :
nngriulcd , iryiSV ! ; Mo. ; t , 4sJ48 ( { > 1c ; No. S ,
f'Oc In dc\ntoiMi4c ; Alaich closing nt
. IMts-Stcacly ; leceipts SS.COO ; exports ,
1.100 ; iiiKedwcstcin , aVyoiic ; white western ,
rotrulcinu ( } ulet ; united cln cl nt SUVe.
J.UK > lll het nnd Ininj receipts , I.40J
pacKsiKcs : westotn/'J'-iSifc. '
haul Opened n clinde lil'hcr ( nnd closed
\vcak ; vvestein Bteain spot , S0.4iO.I7s : ! ;
March , fcf.--
UulU'r-.Kjriii wllhnfnlr Inquiry ; \vestern ,
'JU : ; jinln ; crennieij.Coc.
( llii'cso-ciuli-t but stc.uly.
1'oik Finn but \ ithuniulut ; mess , ? 10.02 } <
Qll.l } { .
8t..Imnq | , Feb. 3. Wcnk nnd
lowei : No. s icd.ciisli.Wt c ; Kcbnmiy , SKJtte ;
May , OJ > e.
oin Kusy and lown ; No. 3 mixed ,
enjili.R.J cbld ; J Vbntuiy , :5.l : fQj : .y4c ; Mny ,
! 1 ' < C.
' ' ' ' ' Ko > a
Mnv , SJ
H > e Stendvnt60J4c.
. .
Untter Sle.uly nndunrlmiiKed ; creamery ,
ar Wc ; claliy , irxctfWe.
Atteinoon lioiiul Whcnt Knslci nml k@
Corn- Easier nnd a shade lowei.
Otiiclinuitl , Feb. 8. AVheat i : . lcr ; No.
2 led , tile.
Corn Flim ; Xo. .1 , mixed , 3tJ@oVc. ! !
Oats-Finn ; No. 3 mixed , SKcT
! ) In j oed dciimml nnd linn ; No. 2 , ( Vie
Ballcy-btionj ? : extia No. : t sprint ; , SbMii-lc.
at .
Whisky btead ) at SI. 10.
Now Oi-kaiis , Feb. a. Coin Unsettled
at 4j11c. (
Oats Kasiei but not qiiolahlv lowei.
Hoi ; 1'ioiliicts UiiM'lllul , but ucncially
Laid Itellncd. . .
JJulk Jleats-Sliotildeia , SIM' lonp ; cleat ,
53.00 ; clear libs , 55.70
AIlnncapoiiM , l < eb . Wheat Unsettled
nnd lowei : No. l Irnnl , .Inmiaiy , bf.i c ; Fell-
rimii , Mi c.Mnicli ; , MJjo ; .Mny , tUc , No. 1
mirlliern , neglected ; MibOjfe. :
Flour Steadj ; patenttiSl.bOj-i.OO ; bakcis' ,
" ' '
'iteceipts' Wheat , 01,000 hit.
bhipmcntb Wheat , ( i,000 bn : lloin , iiooa : ,
Milwaukee , Feb. 3. Wheat Lowei |
cash , "she ; ; Fcbiunij , 78c ; Mujbl 4C.
Coin lame ; No. 'J , ! W 4c.
0.\ts-nllNo.'JU3\e. ;
H\o Dull ; No. 1,5 - .
Harley 1'iiin : No. 'J , fi-Jc.
1'iovWons Hlghci ; 11105,1 poi k , cash and
Fcbiuaiy , S11.I51 ; .Match , § 11.40.
ICaiiHiis City , Feb. 3. Wheil Quiet ;
cash , 71c bid. Tl'/tfc nskud ; ilmcli , 7 ! . > e bid ,
7i' : < cnbUed ; ln ) , bl'rfc.
Coin btcadj ; cash , 27 ? < e ; Jlaich , SSJ o
bid , JbXe asked ; Alay , : J4C bid , aoJic asked.
Oats No ( inotationij.
Ijivorpool , Feb. " > . Wheat OITeied lire-
Iv : nevNo. . - winter and spilnt ; , 7s l d ,
( full.Flour
Flour Offered ticelv at ? < , dull.
Coin Supply itooif ; new mixed , -Is 2d ,
dull ; Febiuaiy , Alaicli und Apill , Is 1'id ,
Toledo , Feb. .1. Closed active bu
lowi't ; cash , ' .ilti'.HMc. '
Coin Finn ; easn. itb c
Oats-JJnll : cash. lc.
so , Feb. : > . Tlio Diovcrs' Joiuna-
.c Itccoipts , 7uOO ; dull nnd
lowei ; shipping blreis WiMGlfi.OO ; MocKeu
md lecdcis , s-'J-HOKi. ! 00 ; io\Vh , bulls anit
mixed , 5 > 1.WI.OO ( ; bulk , SiSOficG.T.'i ; lJi5 ! ( Ib
coin led Wjumlngs J.OO.
lloms , Hecells ] ) , 'JO.JOO ; stioiiff and lOo
iilKhei ; loiuhiind mixed , fe.J.UOte-l..i' ) ; pack-
in ; and bliippimr , SJ.'J'itifj.AU ' ; liglit , $ . ) .7uQ
I..O ; skiiH. &XwiiO. ( ! ! ) (
bliccn Kecelpts , ( i.OOO ; steady ; natives ,
C2UU ( . . .00 ; Tcxans , t'-.000i.H : )
St. IjinilH , Keb 8. Cattle Kccnipts , *
1,700 ; shipments , none ; active nnd lO'iilfic i
higliei , with btiemg shipping demand ; com
mon to choice shipping , ? 4uO@Vbulchei ;
stccis , 535ef ! ! ( l.'Ji ; ceiws and licitcrs , § ! ) . 'J"iJ (
: i.7 ( ) ; stockeis and feeders , &a OOitf WB.
Hog * Receipt * , 7.000 ; shipments , S.IiOO ;
active uml 10iiI.V ( lilghci ; biitcheis ami
chouo heavy , &l.LOeJI.GO ( ; mixed packing ,
KiifiMis City , Keb. n Cattle Itccelpts ,
1,000 ; hhlmienis ] , 400 ; shipping grades wiak
and slow , oilier classes ciulel : oxpuitc'ts ,
S-)0 ) ) ( { < "i.lO ; lommoii to choice shipping , S'l ' 'M
( jfJ.bO , htockeis and ieedeis , % ! ! , OU ( : I,70 ;
urns , S-.OO ( i WO.
Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , none ;
opened stiong and r o hlghej , and closed
weak ; good lo choice , ! .UX' ( ! > ; light uml
mixed , jj.'i.b.'itj/.J.uri ; common , t > y.00 < ii.73. : )
O M Al
Wednesday Kveniiif , ' , I'd ) . 3.
'ilieio was not much change in Hie cuttle
naiket today , pi ices milling about slendy.
Choice coinlid btieiH eontlniie to belli de-
imnd. Htcci-s nveinfjIiK , ' 1,100 to 1,200 lb" .
aio quoted at .S't.bTK. " . I " ; l.-OO lo 1,800 His. at
8 l.ooc ! . : ; : ; i.iiio to 1,500 Ibs. at 8l.50@j.oo.
lulls SJ.25 J.OO.
Cholco jomiK cows ; ao in demand , CJiolro
cows aio ( | iioted at Ari.'i"ife' : ) . . ' Q ; rood cows ,
' -.t.rxg'f.'iO ; common COVVH , . ' .tM&V.M.
The \WK \ iniukot wns actlvci and f 'lOu '
Holier. Tliu duiiiand is hlioni ; and moiu eiinal to tlio iciciptb. llntiA .i\cr.i'li- ; ) , '
70 to aio Ibs. aio limited nt ( .MK atK ) ; u\ui-
iBiiiB'5/0 to a.V ) at { | : ) .75C'i3in ; avci.ucilltf UOJ
o JUat.'l.7"Ki'i.lO' ) ) nilxc'cl , j > : i.l5g4.tK ( ,
Onl ) a low hhcep mo In the ninilcct , and
cw mo cliiingliiK hiinilK. ( iood fat Bhc.cp mo
cucu .mil in demand , Sheen wolijlilm ; T > to
oo ibs , SJ.76ii .oo ; lee to vr ibs , ;
1'VOhUnS I'l'lfllASKS.
.Slioulnu the inimbei of c.iltlo , hogH ami
htcppmchascd b > tlio u.u-Utiia on tliu ui.u-
ct to da ) .
'Iti l.'l'Jclicis 5
HOC s.
. JJ. Hi id . . . . . . ; . , 0 > 3
U. Jl. 11 uiUiui y Co. . . . , o a