Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1886, Image 1

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The Iowa Representative's Brilliant Apostrophe
trophe of Campaign Character.
Hypercritical Colleagues Denote It
More of HiiRtlngH Ornlory than
Tribute to tlio Dead Postal
Capital News.
lowu'n Tribute to Hendrloks.
WASHINGTON , Feb. ! ! . [ Special Telegram. ]
People who read the Congressional Uecord
to-day were surprised at certain expressions
* Jiey found In the eulogy delivered by Ilcprc-
acntutlvo Hall of Burllmztoii ( Iowa ) In tbo
ioiise yesterday on the Into Vice President
Hendrlcks. Some members were so unkind
is to rcmnik that such observations would beastly
) astly more appropriate on a democratic
stump mid ( lilt-ins n campaign ( save the
elegance of diction ) than where they were
uttered. The following are some ot the
paragraphs which attract comment :
"If , In taking that last L'reat step In 18TO ,
ho seemed to stumble and falf , It may bo
doubted If unworthy hands had not tied
treacherous crass across his path ; but the
rectification In 1881 of that mistake or wrong
restored him In his com > e , and established
that there should bo no regression In his
career. JIow he was loved by the people of
his great and noble state ! In a long and
eventful life ho had been brought Into contact
with all of them. Again and again had
hecomeinto the midst of every locality and
community , anil talked , to them at the hust
ings , lie was 'Tom Ilendrleks' ami they
were 'the boys , ' not In any wild or unworthy
sense , but as friends and equals. I need not
recount tlio many political contests which
have agitated that great state to Illustrate the
marvelous hold ho had In the faith and
aircctlons of her people.
"In the lastgrcat quadrennial struggle wo
of Iowa watched the contest with nn anxiety
never to be forgotten. Clinging to the same
political faith after a quarter of a century of
obloquy and deleat , struggling like men who
hope when there Is no hope , wo knew our
battle must bo fought and won In other
Htatesaml by other hands than ours. Wo
felt sine of New Tork. Wo needed Con
necticut , but did not dwell upon
her vote. How was Indiana going ,
mid where was llendrlcksi' With an anxiety
which mere political contests ought not to
force upon a people , wo behold concentrated
and converging upon her every appliance
and every Inlluciico from without. Wo wit
nessed nn Invasion of her domain by the
Thuned Knight' and his retainers , and the
state practically taken possession of as Ohio
had been the month before. Hut when that
potent but unnatural event had passed , wo
learned that It had only stimulated into re
newed and moio tremendous exertion the
spirit of our party. Wo know that lion-
drlcks had analii come forth from self-retire-
nicnt , and had taken the old beaten path that
lay so near tlio homes andhearts of his i'ellow-
clth.cns , and , in the old familiar , persuasive
way. was summoning them for help once
" 'i have pledged them the state. My name
nnd faith are Involved. It Is I that calls. '
We in Iowa heard the loud shout responsive
to the call. At night , by means of the tele-
tfraph and press , we saw the distant auroral
light gleam upward from city , town and ham
let , all ablaze with torch and zeal. We know
the spirit of Ilondrlckft was abroad in Indi
ana , and that as sure as the sun should rise
on that eventful November day , Indiana
would bo ours if human power could make it
KO. And when at last the result was known
who was there who did not comprehend that
while Mr. liemlrlcks was second on the
ticket , yet it was his to consider which were
the higher honor ami gicater glory to be or
to make the president. "
Samuel J. McKee has been commissioned
postmaster at Pierson , Samuel P. Iloagland
at Slnca , and U. A. Stcphonson at Valley
View ( Iowa ) .
The name of the postoflieo at Clark ( Iowa )
lias been changed to Everly.
Changes In the time schedules of star mall
; outes In Iowa have been ordered as follows :
Corydon to Allertou heave Corydon dally
except Sundays at 12in. ; anlvo at Allerton
j , by 1J.O : p. m. Leave Allerton dally except
| Sundays at ! J p. m. ; arrive at Corydon by 4
p. m ,
Omiwa to Soldier Leave Onawa Tuesdays ,
Tlmrsdavs and Saturdays at 1 p. m. ; arrive
at Moorehoad by 7 p. in. Leave Moorehead
Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 : ! ! 0
a. m. ; arrive at Soldier by 12 in. Leave Sol-
dlerMomlays , Wednesdays and Fridays at
12M p. m. ; arrive at Moorehead by 8JOp. ; !
m. Leave Moorehead Tuesdays , Tliursdays
and Saturdays at 0:80 : a. m. ; arrive at Onawa
by 12 m.
A well known senator stated to your correspondent -
respondent to-dny that It was very probable
that , the ssenntn would conclude to summon
before certain of its committees tlio nominees
for prominent federal positions against
whoso characters serious charges have been
filed. This will necessitate tlio summoning
ot a largo number of witnesses from almost
every purtoftho country , and will lead to
one of the most extensive investigations over
made by congress. It do\olops that the com
mittees , by calling upon nominees to answer
charges , aiid tho.-o who have made them for
additional information , simply complicates
alValrs by KCcurlnK additional testimony pro
and con , und it is thought the best plan will
bo to call hero the accused and accusers , see
all the parties ami take testimony from their
lips thereby consulting uiu > eaniiices as well
as words
A i > iiiirv : ro.sroFKCK vinirr.
There is a very pretty Ihreo-eoinered fight
over the postollico at Muscatlno ( Iowa ) ,
which promises to still fuithcr disrupt tlio
democratic organization In that pait of the
Mute. The three candidates for the place are
Samuel Dunn , S. .1 , liussoll and Killtor Bet ? ;
of the MuscatlnoTribune. The two foimer
ura already on thu ground , nnd lctis ! ex
it pected this week. Diinu 1ms excellent cu
lt , dorseuionts lor the place , but lacks the power-
If * t'ul llama of Boss Jcro Murphy. Jtussell
ljl ? possesses this supposed talisman on his
papers. Jt Is not known yet on what grounds expects to "get there , " but his friends
cay ho will make the fur lly when ho arrive * .
A. stmji'.cr i-'ois JIKJHCTIOX ,
MorrisTliomas , the Indian Inspector from
Maryland and thu hoiiclmuin of Scuntoi
Curmnn , about whom to much Is now belli ; ;
raid In the newspapers , nnd whoso case th
sonata determined to Investigate to-day , U
the inspector of Indians for Dakota , Xe-
hraska , Iowa and Wisconsin. Hu was oul
In ihut icglon last summer for a number ot
week * , bilt was recallrd about Chrlitma <
time. Thu chorees llled iigatn&t him ar mosl
damaging nnd aircct his reputation a * a elti
ten. Although ( lOtman Is making a verj
Wrong light for his continuation lie will-prob
ably bo rejected.
JUCOMWKNWS : A Fi'.r.isy ( ntv.n.rci : .
Hy direction of the houso'military connnlt '
Ice , Mr. Carey to-day with a l'a\ora >
) ! o m-otumomlutlou Mr. WabctcUl' ! b'J ' II
which enacts : "That Frank W. Hunt , his
heh-s or assigns , nre atithorl/.ed to erect and
maintain a ferry , either by wire cable or
ctcniii , across the Missouri river at the mili
tary reservation at Foil Hnford ( Dak. ) , for a
period of fifteen years. " The bill wan
amended so as to prohibit the collection of toll
from persons carrying the United States
TIII : ismxrn : : OF , .
WASIIINOTO.V , Feb. ; . [ Special. ] II Is
absolutely dligusllng the way army and navy
men , and those connected with other branch
es of the government service , work for favor
with the members of concrcss who arc in po
sition to assist them. At one of the leading
hotels hero reside two or three members of
the house. Their famalles are with them.
Kach of the monitors occupy a position on
the committee on military or naval alfalrs of
the li < > ii.e. . Constantly at the heels of the
wives or daughters of these members Is nn
army or naval ofllclal. Flowers , parties , the
aters , drives -nothing Is too expensive ,
troublesome or cheeky for these persistent
Individuals to bestow , lly being on favora
ble terms with the families of the members
these innti liopo for favors from the husbands
and fathers.
In the same way do all classes of govern
ment employes curry favor , and In some In
stances It becomes annoying and a source of
scandal. The wonder is that the ladles do
not see for what purpose these attentions are
"There will be no bankrupt law enacted by
( his congress , " said an influential member of
the senate committee on judiciary to your
"Why ? " I asked.
"llecause , " said lie , "there Is too much op
position to a bankrupt bill J'rom the country.
Only the wholesale merchants of the very
largo cities want It , and those of the smaller
cities and they carry the bulk of influciicn
oppose It. The wholesalers of New
York , or Plttsburg , sav , poll goods
ns far west as Kansas , N ebraska , Iowa ,
Indiana , etc. AVhen one of their
customers get Into a financial straight they
do not learn of U until he has assigned. Then
comes the preferred creditor work. Now
tbo wholesaler In the small city has a clreum
scribed Held. He is near his customers , hears
from them frequently , and docs not suiter by
the preferred creditor system when an as
signment Is made. He has less failures , too ,
under present laws. There is n great deal of
opposition to a bankrupt law now , although
i think we should have one. "
To every newspaper man who has called at
the white house during the past fortnight , it
Is stated , the president has brought up the
subject ho reeent'y ' treated , in which ho said
newspaper men were liars. Mr. Cleveland
may as well bo rightly understood first as
last. He did not mean that the profession of
journalism was represented In this country
by a school of liars.
" \Vhatevcrtliefaccofniyletter \ may indi
cate , " said ho to a journalist yesterday , "I
only mean to call attention to the largo
amount of lying there is done by a largo num
ber of newspaper men in the columns of their
journals. There are as many honorable men
in the profession , I suppose , as any other.
In fact , I am personally acquainted with
hundreds of them , representing all political
parties. I wish It understood I intended no
thrust at the general class. "
WASIIINOTOX , Feb. 3. The Dunn bill to
amend the Tliurnian bill was further consid
ered by the house committee on Pacitic roads
to-day. Chairman Throckmorlon laid before
the committee a letter from C. P. Huntlngton
In regard to the indebtedness of the Union
and Central Pacitic railways and the benefit
they nnd been to the country. He says that
the various bills before congress Impose ob
ligations greater than the ability of the com
pany to perform , that any unfriendly action
must necessarily put the debt In greater
peril , and that the stockholders are willing
to submit to arbitration.
Gen.lames 15. Weaver of Iowa , and Hon.
Sidney Clarke , ex-member of congress from
Kansas addressed the committee on
territores to-day In behalf of the organiza
tion of the territory of Oklahoma. The gen
eral stated that tne lands are now In illegal
possession of foreign and other cattle syndi
cates No Indians had occupied them for
twenty years and It was not now the policy
ot the government to settle any more In
dians In the territory. Kvery consideration of
good government and fair dealing with the
Indians and the people demands , ho said ,
that this unoccupied laud should bo opened
to settlement under the well
guarded provisions of the bill.
Clarke ngued that the only remedy
for the disgraceful state of art'alrs now exist
ing in the territory was in congress , and he
urged the committee to come to the relief of
the people as against the rule of illegal
monopolies and syndicates.
The civil service commissioners to-day had
an informal conference with the house com
mittee on reform in the civil service. In
reply to Mr. Dlanchard of Louisiana , the
commissioners said they thought It would re
quire an amendment to the civil service
law to allow the commission , in
making appointments , to take into conslder-
ation the number of employes alrcadv in
ollico from tbo various states. They did not
consider an amendment wise , however , as It
would tend to render the whole civil service
unpopular with the north and west , because
under It the south would get nearly all the
olllees , and thus open up a sectional question.
Under the law the south was now
getting its share of the offices ,
and would in time have Us proportion. The
commissioners did not think It wise to do
anything which should make the law un
popular In the north , where Its strength now
principally lies ,
The secretary of the Interior to-day entered
n rule on the Atlantic & Paeltic llailroad
company , returnable on March : ! next , to show
cause why so much of the orders of with
drawal , dated Aprils ) . 187H , ami November
) , 1801 , for publm land on the alleged line of
the road of the Atlantic & Pacific company ,
from San Buenaventura on the P.ielllc ocean
to San Francisco , should not bo revoked and
tlio land embraced therein restored , Some
thing over four and a halt' million acres are
hiild to bo Involved.
OAl'lTAl , ni.KAXIXUS.
The commissioner of pensions estimates
that 875tOJooo will bo required for pensions
thu next fiscal year.
The president nominated the following
postmasters to-day : ( ieorgo W. Andrews
at MtirphysboroiiL'h , (111. ( ) ; Adolph Kngol-
umnn at Belleville , (111. ( ) ; John Brad at
Greenville , (111. ( ) .
Runs Into nil Austrian Crnlt anil
Drowns Flvo Men.
NEW Yunic , Feb. . At 0 o'clock this
evening the tin ; boat Blanche Kate , while
towing a ralhoad float up the North ilvcr ,
ran Into a row boat attached to the Austrian
corvette Donau , lying oft the foot of West
Twenty-sixth street , The row boat was
under command of Midshipman Karscli , and
contained eleven men. The midshipman nnd
four of the bailers are missing. * ivo were
rescued by the lug , und two others taken
Irom the liver by the tug boat ( iiiriett. The
lescued mon were placed on board the cor
vette , and the liver police aliened Captain
Hubert ot the lllanchu Kale.
Captain Hubert , of the Blanche Kate , who
is considered trustworthy and reliable , Bays
that ho was towing up the stteam ut Hood
tide. A driving .storm rendered It impossl
bin to sea any distance ahead , and sounds
worn mullUul by thu wamc cause. He did not
HHitlio boat load of men until it was too
late. He wiiUtleU for assistance and did
what he could to save the lives of luq stiug-
HiijT men In the water.
Tljo Ice IJarulvHl Parade.
ST. ji'At'i. , Ffib. 8. ' Thojjrand parade this
ntlci noun was the greatest paueant over teen
In the streets of St. Paul. Scvoii thousand
J uniformed clulsj iipjieatud in jUio jJrucession.
A Million Dollars of Floating State War
rants Staring Her in the Face.
Ycstcrdny's Legislative Proceedlnj s
A NcbriiMka City Divorce Hull.
AVIth n Hiunck of Omaha Inter
est Other Specials.
A Depleted State Treasury.
DBS MOINI : . " , Iowa , Feb. f ! . [ Special Tele
gram.J It Is news to a great many people
that Iowa has n Moating deliclt. of nearly a
million dollaRi , which now rises like a ghost
before the general assembly whenever extra
appropriations are prouosed. Up till quite
recently It has been the boast of the state that
It did not owe a dollar. But the last general
assembly had poor mathematicians , and In
computing the piobable receipts and expendi
tures for the last two years they made the
former too large and the latter too small , con
sequently they made annual appropriations
for n million dollars more than the current
Income , and the state treasurer has been ob-
Heed to endorse the auditor's warrants and
let them go on Interest.
At the close of the last fiscal year , Juno r > 0 ,
1SS5 , the outstanding warrants of the state
amounted to 50Tr > .Viii..V ) . The cash on hand
amounted to 50,147,151.01 , leaving a net
deficit of $018,3i .fi9. At the close ot busi
ness hours last Saturday night the outstand
ing warrants amounted to SO.OTij.C'JT.Xl , the
cash on hand was SO.ias.O-JO.OT , leaving a
present indebtedness of 5831,090.80. This Is
a pretty good sum for Iowa to bo carry-
lug , many of tlio legislators think , and so
they propose that it shall be paid off from the
general revenue during thu next two years ,
before any new enterprises are undertaken.
There Is no complaint that the deliclt was
caused by cxtravavant appropriations , for it
ins gone largely for now buildings and other
mprovements In the various state Instltu-
lons. But there is much criticism that the
last general assembly should make such
! argo appropriations without providing
iieans for meeting them. The treasurer of
itatc says that with economy mid prudence ,
making ample provision for the usual needs
of the state , and moderate allowances for
necessary repairs to state Institutions ,
ho whole deficit can be wiped out in
he next two years. This seems to be
lie policy of tlio legislature , and retrench
ment and economy arc hurled at every prop
osition for an unusual or extraordinary ap
propriation. Iowa pioposes to get out of
: lebt by the shortest road , and as the constl-
ution foibids the funding of any debt ovc.r
§ 250,000 , the only way to do it is to pay the
ilclicit from the current revenues.
In the house to-day a bill was introduced
making It unlawful to paste the names of
candidates on the election tickets of an op-
loslng party.
In the senate a bill was Introduced to
provide for local or county boards of arbitra
tion to settle disputes between employers
and employes. It provides that a district
judge may , on application , appoint a board
of four , wno may choose a fifth , If necessary ,
and their findings shall be entered on the
court records with legal force. It Is substan
tially what is known as the Ohio law on this
The senate concurred in the house resolu
tion memorializing congress to favor the
Ucniicpln canal.
There was a long and heated debate In the
senate over Mr. Button's bill to grant n
change of venue on application of a district
attorney or the attorney general. The
judiciary committee reported that it bo in
definitely postponed. Mr. Button thereupon
advocated his bill , which was opposed by Mr.
Uolter ( dem. ) and Mr. Clark ( rep. ) A motion
to postpone indefinitely was carried with
only one dissenting vote.
"Wifely Cruelty Clnimsd.
NuniiASKA CITV , Neb. , Feb. 3. [ Special
Telegram. ] Papers were filed to-day by
William llawko asking that a divorce bo
jrantcd him from his wife , on the grounds of
extreme cruelty and desertion. The present
Mrs. William llawkc will be remembered by
tlio people ot Omaha as the divorced wife of
Mr. A. Gladstone. Mrs. llawko will contest
the case. She has already employed counsel.
They were married September 10 , 18S4 , and
the petition in the case says that the cruelty
commenced September 18 , 18S4. There Is
much talk In the city over the matter although
the local papers have kept quiet.
The .Revival In North Plattc.
Nojvni PI.ATTK , Neb. Feb. 3. [ Special. ]
Mr. llosan commenced his work hero last
Sunday night In the new opera house to a
very largo audience. All the churches ex
cept one are co-operating with him. Mr.
Hopkins lead the singing and his voice Is
iinequaled. The meeting Monday night was
largely attended and no doubt the interest
will bo throughout the week. There is n
good spirit prevailing through the j hole
city in regard to this movement. It IsTOped
Mr. llogan wll 1 stay hero as lonfj as ho can
spare the time from his other engagements.
Verdict of Self Destruction.
( JiiAxn ISLAND , Neb. , Feb. . [ Special
Telegram. ] At the Inquest held yesterday on
the body of Adolph Cehlhar , the coroner's
jury rendered a verdict that Gehlhnr came to
his death from the effects ot strychnine ad
ministered by his own hand. The evidence
before the coroner's jury was sulllclontly con
clusive to justify the jury In rendering the
verdict , The jury , In their examination of
tlio piemi&es , found two letters which had
been written by Gchlhar , ono to his wife
and one to his brother-in-law , In which ho
stated his Intentions and bid them good bye.
A Tlio Makers' Meeting.
DBS Jfot.NKS , Iowa , Feb. a The annual
meeting of Iowa ttlo makers convened In
this city to-day. A largo number of Iowa
firms were represented , ami delegates were
piescnt from llrms in Ohio. Michigan , Illi
nois and Wisconsin. The sessions of the
day weio occupied with preliminary business
and to-morrow will boduvoted to papers
on subjects of Interest to the association ,
and an address of welcome will be given by
the governor.
Fair Men In Meeting.
Ixw.VNAroMS , Feb. 3. About thirty dele
gates met hero to-day to attend the beeond
annual convention of the International Fair
association. They represent Canada and the
states of Now York , Nebraska , Kansas ,
Michigan , Missouri , Illinois , Ohiu , Indiana
and Wisconsin.
Cincinnati1 ! ! Pollco Troubles.
COMIMWJS , Ohio , Feb. 3. Governor For-
aker to-day rendered a decision on the
charges prefeired against the Cincinnati
police commissioners , removing them from
olllco. Tins practically leaves control of the
pohuo In the hands of the mayor.
Hnlf Million in AKhes.
MANCIIKSTKIJ , Feb. 3. Tlio hujjo block of
buildings In this city occupied by Hamilton &
Co. , 1'alton & Co. , and the Peaks company ,
hat ) been gutted i > y the. The loss will exceed
Official Announcement of the Composition
of the New Guardians of Her
Majesty V&ealm.
LONMIOX , Feb. .1 Joseph Chamberlain ,
radical , has declined . the olllco of lirst
lord of the admiralty , offered by Gladstone ,
for the reason ho does not'dosiro to bo offi
cially connected with the military depart
ment of the government.
The now cabinet is officially announced ns
ollows :
( lladstone , prime minister nnd first lord of
ho treasury.
Sir Farrer HcrscliRll , ord high chancellor.
Karl Speueer , lord in'sldent ' of the council.
H. C. II. Cltllders , Iio no secretary.
Karl Ko.-eberry , seen taiy for foreign at-
Karl ( Iran vlllc , secret iry for colonies.
Karl Klmberloy. seen tary for India.
II. Campbell "Uaunorman , secretary for
SlrAVilllam Vctnon Harcouit , chancellor
) f the exchequer.
Marqulfj ot Itlpon , first lord of the ndmlr-
: lty.
J. Chamberlain , president of the local gov-
inincni board.
U. I. Trovolyan , secretary for Scotland.
. .1. Mundella , president of the board of
John Morley , chief secretary for Ireland.
The following appointments have been
uade under the new administration :
Karl Sidney , lord steward ot the queen's
Arnold Morley , patronage secretary.
Charles Ius ! > ell , attorney geneial. , ,
The composition of the cabinet 1ms
[ aused great surprise. It Is thought to
how marks of a compromise.
The French-German Asrccniont.
1) ) mt MX , Feb. 3. Tho1 agreement between
'ranee and Germany regarding their respect
ive possessions on the west coast of Africa
ind In the South sea , has been submitted to
he rclchstag. The agreement contains an
link-able understanding' with respect to
lie rival claims of he two powers to
ho territory lying on Blafra bay ,
Jermany surrendering htr assumed
jovcreignty and protectorate over all that
jiart of the country lying south of the river
Campo , and France abandoning all claim to
nny territory north of that river. France n German protectorate over the
Togo territory , Porto Keguro and Little
I'opo on the ( tiilnea coast , the frontiers of
which are to bo fixed by a com-
nlssiou , the starting place to bo at a
point on the coast between Little
1'opo and Agooun. Germany renounces nil
claim to the ti'eaty on the const of Kenagaiu-
bia between Hio Nuiiies and Melloccrcw ,
especially Koba and Kobltla , and agrees to
refrain from interposing any otwtacles in the
ivay of French occupation of New Hebrides ,
France agreeing to put the Hamburg linn
of Colin upon the same footing
as the French hrms In Koba and Kobltal ,
concerning freedom of tmdo , acquisition of
land and payment of taxes ami customs ! .
'icrmanyconccdes to KIng-Mcusa the same
) osition in Parto Segnro ns timl enjoyed by
lilm under the protectorate of France.
Brief Foreicii Mention.
LONDON , Feb. 3. The. members of the
crew of the ship Frank N. Thaycr , who took
o a small boat when the ship was set on tire
liy the mutineers , were In great distress when
.hey . arrived at St. Helena.
A majority of the vessels belonging to the
Kuropean squailrom designated to prevent
'Jrecco from attackingTurliey have assembled
n Xudabav. , .
Advices from MandaIJj < fapltnlof Btmnnli ,
.iay that the Dacoits Ifiuve had sevcrarcn-
gagcments with the.BritlslJ troops since the , and In every encounter the. Dncoits
were defeated with a heavy lof-'s. Theolllelals
at Mandalav believe that order will hoon be
completely restored throughout liurmali.
The German bark Unkel JJraesig , from Gal-
vcston for Queenstown , foundered at sea on
'oSith ult. Her crew were saved.
Information has been received that M
. ! rod and Ueuaud , aeronauts , who were sup
posed to have perished at sea , were rescued.
Greek Itcply to tlio Powers' Note.
LONDON , Feb. n. The Greek government ,
replying to the second note from the powers ,
says It considers any restraint offered free
disposal of the Hellenic forces incompatible
with Greek Independence , and therefore de
clines the responsibility for eventual conlllct.
The Pope Indisposed.
ROME , Feb. 8. The pope , while transacting
some business with Cardinal Firrieri , prefect
of the congregation of blsliops and regulars
yesterday , had a slight attack of syncope.
Ho was carried to his chamber , but recovered
before reaching there.
Binding Pool Formed on East
Bound Freight.
CHICAGO , Feb. 3. In accordance with a
call by Chairman Ingalls of the committee ot
eighteen , there was held hero to-day a meet
ing of the representatives of tlio roads west
of Buffalo and east of the Mississippi par
ticipating In east bound freight tratlic. The
attendance was exceptionally large , the only
notable absentee being tlio Chicago & At
lantic. The purpose of the meet
ing was to organize a west
ern association , similar In t > cope
to tlio eastern trunk line pool. It was taken
tor granted this was but the resuscitation of
the old Central Tralllu association , which has
been dormant since the last meeting In Now
York. The motion tendering to George H.
lilanchard the olllco of commissioner was
carried by acclamation. His salary was
fixed at 813,000 pur annum.
The old agreement adopted In April last
was continued In forc6 until the commis
sioner lias succeeded In the formation of a
system of sub-pools , when ho is to call n
meeting and submit any requisite amend
ment. Jt was agreed the poof should take
cll'ect from the 1st lust.
A committee was appointed to consider
the restriction ot passes In a manner slmllai
to that recently adopted by the eastern trunk
lines. Adjournment was taken , subject to
call of the chairman. The pool , if successful ,
will govern all freights east bound by sol
rules and rates that will parcel out to tin
roads in the agreement the iralllc and total ! }
eliminate competition.
Terrible AVreck of Flimsy Structures
at the NOH < AJiueduot.
NEW Yf UK , Feb. ! ) . At 2:30 : this morning
the powder house of Slmnloy , Sarrcll & C o.
exploded at shaft 33 of the new aqueduct ,
shattering the boardingfthanty. . The shock
was felt for a radius ofniiany miles In all di
rections and the dqmagottntho siimmndliif ,
property Is heavy. Itr fsj-tated that one nmi
was killed outright and , another badly in
There was In the shanty 250 pounds ot
what is known as "forcit. " Tlio bulldlm ,
was blown Into fragments. It being dlllicnlt
to rind a piece ot Hun much as a foot long
Fragments of stoiw were found 700feet away
Three boarding shanties nt sntno distance
away , in which abqut foHy laborers , mostly
negroes and Italians were sleeping , weie
wiecfied , and the occupants unccrcmon
loiislytumbled outof their beds
Nothing except tlio flimsy character of the
strnctuies saved serious loss of | | fe. Only
one person was seriously hurt. Banged at :
distance of a mile ton inilo and n half iron
thebcenu of the explosion an ) many bcautitn
and costly residences , including those of ex
Mayor Kelson and 11. B. Clallln. All o
them more or less severely felt the shock.
Insane at tlto Ago of Ten.
OutcAOO , Feb. a.-Sprlngticld ( III. ) specia
to the Inter Ojean ; In the county court to
day the 10-year-old daughter of Prcsslj
Saumlers was found hopelessly Insane , am
ordered < aken to the asylum at Jacksonville
The girl's insanity is the second ease result
Ing from thu Into Wabasli shops strike
launders refused to quit work nnd was as
saulted by thu strikers in the' presence of hi
family , riio'acta of violence which ensues
6u excited tlio little ( laughter , Ida , as to tlnxn
her Into convulsions ; uul ultlmato Insanity
Cho Government Directors' ' Report to the
Secretary of the Interior ,
Tlio Course the Federal CSovorniiicnt
Should Pursue is thnt Which Any
1'rnctlcnl Iluslncss 31 an Would
Pursue in 11 Hlinllur OIIHO.
The Union Pnalllo's Case.
WASIII.VOTOX , Feb. n. The report of the
Covcrnmcnt directors of the Union Pacific
tallway company wns received by Secretary
< amnr this afternoon. Under thu head of
'Isolations of the Hallway Company to the
iovernmeut , " the report says :
The salient feature In the relations of the
Union Pacillc to the government Is that the
oad Is debtor to the government to a very
arge amount , the debt being secured only by
i second niottgage upon a portion ot the
iroperty of the company. Under these cir
cumstances there has grown up an uneasl-
less on the part of congress lest the debt to
bo United States mluht finally bo lost , and
eglslation has been had with n v ew to pre
vent that result. But the legislation had so
'arseeni- * admitted on all sides to have failed
if Its object and to have brought about a
state of all'alrs which calls for early ac-
lon. 'For some years every sccre-
ary of the treasury , every com-
nlissloncr of railways , ami every
mard of government directors has reported
o congress that the Thurman act , under the
conditions changed since its passage , is
. early locking up In comparative Idleness ,
argcsumsof moneyto the mutual loss and In-
nry of the debtor and creditor. U Is probable ,
herefore , andj certalnlylseems desirable , that
early congressional legislation be had upon
this subject. In the consideration of the vari
ous measures that will doubtless bo proposed ,
lothlng can be more Important than that the
government should have as clear an estimate
ns possible of the real value of the property
ipon which Its debt rests , of tlio load which
ts debtor carries , and of Usability to bear it.
The following statement exhibits the en-
ire mileage system , including all Its fml.shcd
tranches , on September 'M , 1885. and Its lla-
) illties in bonds and stock In the hands of
he public , and Its floating debt. In the
londed debt is included the S,1-IOOJO : !
JnlteTl States subsidy bonds , Issued In aid of
ho Union Pacific ami Central branch , and
ho s510,5t.1Jl ( ! : ! balance ol interest on the
same , less the sinking fund in the hands of
he government :
liilT : AXII STOCK I'Ull SI1I.K.
Miles of tlio Union Pacific Hailroad com
pany and Omaha bridge l.&W
Branch lines : i,803
Union Pacific system 5HO ,
Unmix nnd United Slulcx Debt :
Bridge S70,21t !
Branch Hues WM
Union Pacific system 80,1KB
Floating DcM :
Bridge $1,550
Branch lines
Union Pacific svstcm K > 3
Vi / * :
Bridge 5 .TJ.1SO
Branch lines : M02
Union Pacific system U.OOO
Totnl-bridco. . . . " 10J.SU3
Branch Hues 12CC5
Union Pacific t.yslem -15,540
But against this indebtedness the company
lias other assets than the road itself , consist
ing principally of land and land assets , and
stocks and bonds of its branch lines , nnd of
other corporations. To arrive now nt wJiat
an averflKoliillo of system is worth In earn
ing power ami what annual charge is Im
posed upon It by the above obligations , wo
will take the business for tlio twelve months
ending September HO , 1885 , and show the
earnings ot the whole system and the dispo
sition made of them.
Whole system 5,140 miles.
Total income ll l.iRM
Coupons , interest , etc 7,5'.Wb50
Land taxes and expenses 2,140:540 :
Sinking fund requirements JJ.5)7K15
Total fixed charges bH. , : > , G25
Net income 3,4:59,000 :
United States requirements 1,1:12,001 :
Surplus/ . 207,23U : !
HY8TIJM 1'1-JIl 3III.K. ( SY8TIJM 5.140 M1U5S ) .
Gross debt , bonded , floating and Uni-c = 3s8l ?
ted States § 33,09:5 :
Land and land assets n.WiO
Net debt 2 : ,40t :
Stock outstanding 14,000
( Sross earnings 5r , > 77
Net earnings " ,12-1
Income from Investments 147
Total. Income 2-71
Fixed charges and sinking fund 1,001
Net Income coo
United States requirements 220
Surplus 449
The directors speak of the value of the
branch line system , and say that without It
the main line would to-day uo bankrupt prop
erty. They consider it of the most impor
tance to the-road , and to the government as
Its creditor , that the Union Pacific should bo
as free as any ot Us competitors to build or
acquire branch lines or valuable connections
by any of tlio usual arrangements auionir
railways for such ends. Otherwise It would
bo at a fatal disadvantage for territory and
future business , and the develovmcnt of the
country tributary to it must languish. As
matters now stand the debt of tlio road Is
growing larger from year to year , and the
time of Its maturity is not far distant. The
uncertain attitude and intentions of the
government are calculated to im
pair the credit of the company nnd
not only hamper It In efforts to secure its
present and future- business on n n.ifo
loundatlon , but even In case of a serious
financial crisis to tin eaten grave disaster.
This Is'soclear'and sonlmplo that no argu
ment seems necessary to enforce. It. Tlio
government Is the principal creditor of the
company , and lias thu power to precipitate It
Into bankruptcy should It choose to exercise
It. To let matters nlono Is practically to
cxerclso the power , for every year that settle
ment is postponed tlio position of the
company is weakened. The course of
the government should bo that
which any practical business man
would pursue with a private debtor In a sim
ilar situation. It Is for congress to apply
those principles to the cnso ot tlio Union
Pacific road.
The report stales the provisions of two
bills reported from the senate judiciary com
mittee last session , and after discussing the
various plans proposed for adjusting the
annual payments to bo made by the company ,
the board commends the plan of equalized
payments which has been adopted by the
honato judiciary committed In framing tlio
eighty-year bill reported this session.
The report continues : It has been sug
gested that the government should reserve
the riitht to take up the underlying first
mortgage bonds of the company when they
fall line , and acquire the lien which their
bonds have upon the property. The arrange
ment would seem 'o be a desirable one on
both Mdes. It would make the lien ot thu
government upon the whole system absolute
and entlro. and as the government can bor
row money at ! l per cent , It would raise the
fixed charges upon the property about § looo-
( XX ) per annum below the present require
ments. This'saving would reqiilie nn Issue ot
bonds of about SJi-'i.OOJ.OOO.
It Is most desirable , says the report , that In
any now legislation thu amount ot annual
payments should bo definite and a fixed hum
to bo paid absolutely , without regard to net
earnings , gross earnings or any contingency
whatever , and when this change Is made in
the present laws , tlio lestrictlons upon tlio
financial operations of tlio companyimposed
to protect tlio annual net earnings , should bo
removed , that tlio company may ho unembar
rassed In the use of its credit. The govern
ment cannot undertake to manage Iho com
pany In the whole , und should not assume
any partial responsibility , but may feel , en-
tlrecontidencethatitis in no danger ot los
ing the debt.
r As has been shown above the entlro issue of
bonds and floating debt upon the whole sys
tem is but about S2.jXX ( ) per mile. Should it
become necessary for the government to
foiecloso and take possession by any default
of the company , it could put a blanket niort-
gago'upon the whole at 3 i er cent , which
would make the annual. Jixcd charges only
S750 per mile on n line now earning nn nvcr-
ago of about $5,500 per mile gro s nnd
S'AOOO net. It Is understood by the
government directors that the company
Iocs not wish to bo considered
ns Itself MifrscMIng or advocating nny spe
cific measures which may bo brought before
congress further than to point out to the
best of Its nbllltv the probable results of their
operation. It claims thnt If It had been left
o Itself It would have been in n position to
ncet all Its obligations to the government nl
heir maturity In Its own way , which wns to
julld up n large system capable of raising
he amount necessary by n blanket moitgnge.
The present and future niinl now be dealt
with , nnd some early action Is a pressing
icocssity , and as some action Is a necessity ,
t Is most desirable it may be at once com
prehensive and final.
For this reason the government directors
confidently recommend early action , and
lint It should bo based upon the principle * of
the Hoar bill , the period Mug fixed at eighty
years. Under continued operation of the
J'hunnnii bill , some further legislation would
still bo absolutely necessary before maturity
of the debt. This would keep the company
iml Its nll'alrs In congiess for twelve years
onger , and under any bill renuliinir pay-
ncnts contingent tmon net earnings , ( lllllcul-
les and questions will continually arise be-
ween tlio company and the depni I incuts.
Jnder the principle * of the Hoar bill thu
natter may bo settled at once and forever ,
and no longer bo a trouble to congress or the
courts. Tlio company would simply have to
nake Its annual payment or lose all its prop
erty , and the amount at risk by the govern-
iicnl would grow less , and its security
greater year by year.
The report Is signed by K. P. Alexander , .1.
A' . Savage. M. A. Hanna , F. K. Coudert and
Franklin MaeVeagh.
Indian Title to a Vast Area of Da
kota Iaml Still Good.
CHICAGO , Feb. n. Huron ( Dak. ) Inter-
Ocean special : The commissioner of the
general land olllco has made the startling
llscovery that the Indian title to about 10- ,
K ,000 acres of land in north Dakota has not
) een extinguished , despite Secretary Teller's
order of October , 1SJ84 , opening those lands
and subsequent .settlement by the inhabitants
of what limy comprise fourteen or fifteen
counties , most of which nro organ-
zed and contain 20,030 people. The
'acts as recited by Commissioner
Sparks , In a letter to the surveyor irencral of
Dakota , shows that the Pciuhina Chliipewas
mule a treaty with the United States , ceding
the Ited river valley counties In Minnesota.
mil tlio country lying west and north of
Devil's Lake stiirbeloiiR.s'lo the Indians , but
no t of tbo Pemblna ChlppcwaK went on the
newieservatlon , and the Mink and Turtle
Mountain band of only - " > ( ) Indians took up
ionics in the disputed district and claimed
o be owners of this farm of ten million
icros. The land ollices in Dakota were noti
fied that no surveys would be sanctioned In
Mild district.
Two years afterwards Secretary of the Inte-
rlor Teller lovlowed the case , and decided
that the Indian claim wns not well grounded ,
and In 1SSU this tract uas thrown open to
settlement. Commissioner Sparks states in
view of those facts and the presumption the
question will be submitted to congress , he
tad decided to suspend all surveying con
tracts-ill this district indelinitoly. Portions
if the Urnnd Fork * nnd Bismarck land dls-
iricts arc also affected by this order.
Severe Snow Storms Itcportcd From
tin ; Sonthcnxt.
STAUXTOX , Ara. , Feb. S. Eighteen inches
of snow hero , and trains delayed. The snow
Is eighteen 'Inches ' deep on a level and drifted
from . .sixtoUiu.iix.iriiaiiicrc4iry ! is12 °
above zero. „ . .
WAfliuNGToXfiKeb. Thopilow'is fifteen
inches deep here and the storm has ceased.
WIXOXA , Feb. St. This waS the coldest
morning of the winter. The mercury was
! (5 ( and 3S degrees below /.ero , with a light
wind from the northwest.
Louisvir.i.i : , Feb. ! ) . Specials to the Times
report the heaviest snow fall over known in
the state. It began snowjiic Sunday noon
and Is still at it in southern Kentucky , where
twenty-seven inches have already fallen.
The weather here Is pleasant , the snow fall
being about six indies. J ]
Snfo Crackers Captured.
CiiirAflo , Feb. 3. In two dirty little
rooms over ; 47 West Adams street the police
this morning pounced upon a dangerous
ijang ol safe blowers , and captured them all
In a bunch. The prisoners are
Thomas , alias ' "Crab" Boyle , Kd.
Kelly , Charles Olferson , Henry Bourkc ,
Itodney llackett and Thomas Quirk. Kach
has a criminal record extending back fifteen
years or more. Many articles found in Hie
rooms have been identified as stolen prop
erty. The men liad in their possession a
complete otitlit for safe blowing. When
arrested all the men were armed , but saw
resistance useless.
Kvictliif * the Coke Strikers.
CoNXii.t.s\'iM.i : : , Pa. , Feb. . Twenty of
tbo striking miners of Iho coke region were
evicted from the houses of the companies to
day , as their tenure was under Iron clad
leases. So far the sheriffs of Westmoreland
and Fayctte counties and their deputies have
met with no resistance. Evictions will be
come general to-morro\v . The operators
claim that the backbone ot the strike in
broken , and that beloro the evictions become
general the men will submit and return to
_ _
The ClicsH PInyoi-M at St. Louis.
ST. Louis , Feb. . Mc&iv. Xnckertorl
and Stelnlt/ resumed their content for the
world's chess championship this afternoon.
About 100 .spectators were pro-out. S. M. Jo
sephs , of the II irmonlc club , kept tlio otliclal
score. Among the gentlemen present were
a number of players of local note and several
from abroad , including W. II. Blploy. secre
tary of the Indianapolis (1ml. ( ) club , I ) .
McAfee of Qulncy (111. ( ) and A. F. llohelke
of Leadvillo ( Col. ) . Play bi 'an ; t iio : : ; ,
Stelnlt/ opening with the lopcz gambol.
Xiicuertort resigned alter sixty moves.
nondbinan Must Pay.
CIXOI.NXATI , Ohio , Feb. , 3. Hon. David
11. Bailey was sued by the government tore-
cover § 8 ,000 of money collected by him as
consul general at llong Kong and not paid
to thu government. Judge Baxter found
that Bailey's accounts showed him In debt
S'J.LKW , ami gave judgment for that sum
against J , J. ( lest , his bondsman.
Weather for To-Jny ,
MiRhOUiu YAUJIV Fair weather , fol
lowed by local snows ; slightly warmer ;
variable winds , shifting to'easterly ,
Purchased Her Honor.
A rather good-looking young man and
a bright faced , auburn haired young
woman were principals in u bastardy
suit before Justice Amlorson yesterday
afternoon. The voting woman was ( Jortio
Sh'iKjuiht , who liml complained that ( Jus-
tnvo Worm was the father of her unborn
bubo. The young man had been arrested
on a warrant served by Constable Hustin ,
and wlum he entered ilustico Anderson's
court room ho at once began arrange
ments to compromise the case , Ho re
fused to marry tlio unfortunate girl , but
oilered her $500 to withdraw the suit.
The girl agreed to this compromise , and
Worm paid her $50 down and gave forty-
live notes for $10 each , payable monthly.
Tho.oiiit was them withdrawn.
Musical Protective Union.
By the filing of paper * in tlio coitnly
clerk's ollieo yesterday afternoon the an
nouncement is iniulo of the forming of the
"Musical Protective Union. " Thorn
were forty musicians present at the meet
ing hold for that purpose at Turner hall
Tuesday evening , ami the following of
ficers were elected : President , Simon
Hofmannj secretary , Alt red Ulaufu.s :
treasurer ; V , WY Lossuntiu ; trustees ,
Harry Urrnver. T. K. 1-Voifd , II. Klnvo ,
M. Olson and F. -LuMcsitiii. .
Two Hours of Frotliy Temperance Oratory
in tlio Iowa Upper Houso.
Hill Providing the Stnto Mny Take
Change ol'Veiiuo in Criminal Canes
Meets AVilh Opposition and
IB Indefinitely Postponed.
Prohibition Platitudes.
li : Moi.\i : . , Iowa , Feb. .T , [ Special Tele *
grniii. ] There was a premature explosion ot
prohibition oratory In the senate this after
noon , which was quite Mottling fora llttlo
while , but not serious In Its effects , Senator
Sutton's bill providing that the state may - ,
take n change of venue In cilmlnal cases on
the single motion of the dlslrlct attorney or *
attorney general , was repoited back by the
judicluiy committee with thu recommenda
tion that It bu liidellnltoly postponed.
Senator Sutton thereupon asked for the
reasons lor this recommendation. The chair
man of thu judiciary committee , Senator
Itobluson , said It proposed to do away with |
one of the fundamental rights which every jj ,
man claimed , thu right when accused to bo
tried by n jury of his vicinity.
Senator Sutton forthwith launched Into nn
exciting argument for his bill , nnd the
friends of Mngun Chartn put the old instru
ment on dial. Sntton maintained that
whereas , he alleged was the case In sixty-
six cities and towns of the state , the pro
hibitory law wns openly disregarded nnd
violated , nnd it wns n shame that law
breakers could , not bo convicted ot their
crimes , that the state should In order to vin
dicate itself bo allowed to transfer the cases
to communities where a fair Jury could bo
obtained. Ho said that some of the
prohibitionists were so full of zeal
that they screamed lustily from
the house tops for the enforce
ment of prohibition , but when effectual
means were proposed they drew back and
refused to take hold of them , llu said ho was
sick and tired of so much talk that seemed
to bo only for political effect. Sentimental
talk about enforcement was very pretty , but
it did not go far if it .stopped with talk.
There were cities defying the law and noth
ing was being done about It. If tbo temper
ance people were really sincere In their de
mand for enforcing the law , they would adopt
some such measure as his bill proposed.
Senator Clark of Page , one of the strongest
prohibition republicans in the state , opposed
the bill , claiming that it would work in
justice In many cases. If it had been con
fined to violators of the prohibitory law , ho
thought ho would have favored It , but when
It proposed to take away the natural rights of
all citizens lo bo tried by a jury of their
peers of the vicinity , ho thought that was
going too far.
Senator Bolter spoke for the democrats ,
and made a violent attack upon the bill , call
ing it diabolical , infamous and worthy only of.
a despotic government. He warmed up an
old stump speech haranKe.ngnlrist prohibi
tion , and closed by saying that when the
measure to whIcli-lhlftl > IU. < wnt * . only an ad
junct came up for discussion , he should make
a set speech.
His attack upon prohibition called up Mr.
Clark , who Is the Patrick Henry of the sen
ate. Ho poured out a torrent ot eloquent
words In defense of the non-partisan idea
of temperance. He said that the democratic-
paity was responsible for bringing it into
Iowa politics , for the lirst prohibitory law
overpassed In this state was passed by a
democratic legislature. If , as the senator
from Harrison had said , the prohibitory law
bad created crime , then every law
on the statute books had created
crimes instead of being ordained to suppress
evils. He replied to Sudan's statement
n change of vcnuo was the last resort In law ;
defending the communities by saying that
injunction proceedings were always open ,
and deprived no innocent man of his per
sonal rights.
Sutton made a vehement reply and said
that though ho had often heard the demo
cratic cry about "personal liberty , " this wan
the first lime in bib life he had heard It from
a prohibitionist republican. He wns
not surprised to hear such talk from
Senator Bolter , for the democratic
paity had made it Its chief business to op
pose prohibition and hinder its enforce
ment. A saloon victory had always been
claimed as a democratic victory , but ho
couldn't understand how republicans fcbould
take the po-utlon they were in.
bo the debate waged for nearly two honis ,
but Senator Sutton's arguments failed to con
vince , for his bill was Indelinltely postponed
with only ono dissenting vote.
- *
Kcnl Kstato TrnnHfcrs.
The following transfers word filed Fob
2 , with the county clerk , and reported
for the BEH by Amos' Heal Estate
( ! eo. W. Ames and wife to Kntlu Itonan ,
Its > : ! nnd 'J I , blk 1 , Ame.s' Place , Uuinbn , w d
i'jvdln C. Anderson ( widow ) to Francis I.
McKinim. Its ! ) nnd 4. blk T , .Shlnn's Second
mill , Oiimlin , wrt 5700.
Kll/nbeth A. Kou'crs ( single ) to Omaha Belt
It. It. Co. , 1 ! MO rn-res tliioiili | see SOM-lB ,
Douglas county , w d ; $1.375.
I.uicnr.0 V. Moivo and wlfn and others to
Marv M. Heft. It 1' . ' , blk 5 , Klrkwood add ,
Omaha , w d fcMO.
Ira Van Camp uudwlfoaiid others to Mary
M. llel't , It fl , Van Camp & F.ddy's subdi
vision of blk M , Shinn's Second nddOmahn
w (1-S500.
William K. Leo to William It. Kissel , It 1 ,
see J-KKSjiiUiXMdO aero ? , Douglas county , w
' William It. Kissel and wlfo to Henry J.
I.ce , It 1 , sec 1-10-s , ii'J DO-100 ucrcs , Douglas
county , w d S't'-OO.
Fred Druxcl and wife toChailes MeCartv.
US. blk : i. Droxel's subdlvlMon of UK. 'it , ! #
anil .V ) , Okahoma , Douglas county , w d
S-1'A1) .
KlbritJ. Morrow ( slnjrlo ) lo Calvin P , Kl-
kins. It 0 , blk K , howe's First add , Omaha , w
d S400.
Li//.lo Cock and husband to Adallnn Jnlin ,
It Kl , blk S , llanscom Place , Omaha , w d
John II. Hoibach and wlfo to Win , F.
Snyder , 110 acres of MY , ' seu UM5-13 , Dung-
las county , w d S-1,503.
William F. Snyder and wlfo to John T.
Bell and others , : ; o acu-s of w'f of inc 1U-13'
13 , Douglas county , w d 1,600.
HiimoroiiH and Illustrated.
Articles nt incorporation of the Iillov
Publishing company were filed in the of
fice of the county dork .yo-jim'Jav nfler-
noon. Thu object of tlio. Iiieorpiinitlon If
.stated lo bo tlio puliliiliin of humorous
illustrated weekly pupor. The capital
Mock is fixed at $ .i,00 , in Mmrcri offtiX )
liiich , Tlio im'orporalors are W. A. Mor-
rKon , II. 1) . Sehinlor. ; Jucob KaiioU ami
.JcrontD U. Pcnl/.el.
Union sowing machine Ja ts : ; lift1 tsiri
fMr , iliinuxs i\liu-lii--ll \ , n wi-li kpovvu
wealthy fnrmur living in thu wotlcra
, part ol the county , K-lnniwI to Ills lie
i yesterday ttUcr a visit o.f BOYIM : ' ! da.vs.
j tin ) oily. _ ;
J-'tir , r < la u'lil wwler cc'/w. / llulhf