THJE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WBMESDAY , FEBRUARY 8 , 1886. f The Latest Charge Against Marshal Gum minga False on It3 Face , MILITARY BAND MUSIC Secretary Kndlcott Enquire * luti Costs Iiocnl llasc llnll FcUru- nrjr AVcixthcr An Unfor * innate The latest Clinrgc. The enemies of Marshal Cnnuning trumpeted to the world ycstcrilay , Ihrougl their joiirnnlislio monlliplcce , Iho titling of a now crime discovered against him In Iho course of a column of local mat ter , supported byn wisely mysterious cell torlal , the Herald charges that ( lie rclcasi of Clinrlcs Huveritlgo was connived a and secured by the marshal for the con sldcration of a bribe * Now , to thosi who know Iho facts nfl the reporter upoi this case well docs , such a statement np pears as the .sheerest nonscnso. Somu thing may bo need bo brielly said o Tin : Kviiti : < uuAsi : : . In the spring of 1885 Charles Bovcridgo a young stock dealer of Fremont , am formerly of Chicago , forged the nainu o his partner on checks to the amount o $1,100 , and by this deception swindle ) the Hank of Wnhoo and tlio Commcrcia National of ( his city. Ho lied , urn although n married man took with him t certain Minnie , a young school tcachci of Fremont ot whom ho had bcconit enamored. SI.o fell ill on tliu flight am ho sent her lo Canada intending to fol low. The banks at once instituted a vig orons searcli and Charles J. Emery , a do teotivo of this city , was put upon tin caso. Meanwhile Boveridgo was spottci in Harper , Ivans. , by a detective namci Williams , nnd when the forger startei on his trip to Canada , aflor clearing tin coast , as ho presirmed , this Williams joined by Emery , followed and ciiugii their man in Detroit , liovcridgo was released leased on a compromise and returned te his family promising reform. TIIK 1'OLI.Y OK TIII3 CHAltOK. The fact of the matter is Marshal Cum ings had no jurisdiction over Bcveridge the city police never touched the man nnd the marshal is lo be believed in faei when ho .says ho never saw liovcridgo When Williams and Emery rcturnod will the captive , they were met at the trail by two reporters , and tlio live went di rectiy to Iho county jail , where the prisoner was given over to tlu hands of tlio jailor. A few days latoi when the father of Bevcridgu , a wealth } merchant of Chicago , arrived , a compro iniso was struck with the bank and tlioii agreement not lo prosecute unqucstion nuly obtained. Tlio complaint Bcveriilge was originally sworr out iu Anderson's court ami then laken to Judge Scldcn Before this hist tribunal , aboul 4 p. in. Heveridgo , in custody of Joe Miller , wti. < taken for hearing. Not a witness appear ing for the complainants , the case was dismissed aiiu Uovoridgo was discharged If ho ever saw Marshal Cummings be tween the commission of his crime anil the hour of his dismissal from ens tody it is not known tc Joe Miller and the reporter witness , as also lo Williams nnd Emory. Anil as liovcridgo was a prisoner of llic countj from Iho moment he rcachcel hero in custody , it is unreasonable to suppose that Marshal Cnmmings would bo bribed to use his official powers iu the man's behalf. < behalf.WHAT WHAT Tim nnitAM > nniTon SAYS. A BEK reporter called at the liuralel office yesterday and was granted. ti brief interview with Mr. Morrissey , Ihe editorial chief of that journal , in Dr. Mil ler's absence. The reporter attempted Ic inform the editor that ho ( the editor ) wa.- wrongly advised , and that ho ( tlio editor ] didn't know what ho ( the editor ) was talking about , lie ( the editor ) at once sat down on him ( the reporter ) forcibly Mr. Morrissey was sound in his posi tion , and knew that Cummings had neon bribed in the case , the proof whurcol woulel be forthcoming before the grand lury to tlio confusion of the marshal anil ills ollicial overthrow. Mr. Morrisoy said that lie had it straight that money hail been paid Cummings for tlio end alleged and that ho knew , upon information , that Marshal Cuinuiings had conducted Boverielgo from tlio county iail to his trial and acquittal in Justice Scldcn' : court. Mr. Morrissey was also informct1 ot sundry other matters utterly incorrect in the case and was enthusiastically on the trail for Marshal Cummings' fated scalp , DETECTIVE EMEIiY'S TALK. Emory in the fortunate or otherwise author of all this not. Ho was mot in city jail yesterday conversing will ; Marshal Cunnnings. Gracious mo , what:1 : shook the Herald's yarn had given him , nnd what an ornery shame it was thai tlio pious marshal should bo heaped will slander and foul "calomel. " The dcteo tivo had the blues over the matter , am was nil cut up that ho should bo dragged by the cars into such n scandal when he hadn't ' opened his mouth. Ho declared that the case would bo knocked bky-higi : when ho was brought before the grand jury. An hour later , however , and in another part of town the detective said that ho nail given Mnrnhnl Cummings - mings $10 , after the whole matter was over and the forger hud been brought back and liberated. Tins money Emuri alleges ho gave to the marshal as a share of the reward for ills kindness in giving him access to the police telegrams during tlio search and before Huvendgo was lo cated at all. This fact Emory hays lit mentioned to curtain parties , bill say ; that ho does not sco anything in it to ro- licet on Iho marshal. CAPTAIN 81'I.UVAX INTKHVIKWUU. Captain Sullivan thinks ho is iv hard man to interview. 'You'll not talk to mo , " ho said , "the marshal ought to resign , I swore novel to speak to aropin'tur again. Go 'long , J don't know anything , but you bat your llfo tliuru wus faomo crookee work done in that liovcridge case , lint them's no usu trying lo piling rau ; I understand that names up in Michigan where that school teacher live ; wrote down hero to iiml out whothoi Hovcridge was inmUheil for his crime but bet your lifo I won't give a wort : away. Didn't I toll you I didn't know t blamed thing you'll see the fur lly whei the grand jury gets to working , but 1 know less than n niulo obout anything nnd have got nothing to say. " TIIK PH1OE OP MUSIC. Secretary Kndicott Makes Some In < liilrlo8 Itontilng the Indians. Secretary Endicott , of the war department mont , has sent a communication to Gen Howard , which was received yesterday making inquiry about the cost of the in fitntry bands in this department. Tin figures will be made up and forwarded ai soon as possible. In reply to the ques lion of a reporter , Asst. Adj. ( ion Itreck said that there wcru six regimcnta bands in tlio department , ono for eacl regiment , the First , Fourth , Sixth , goy cntli , Ninth infantry , raid ' Nintl cavalry. Each onq of thcso i composed of sixteen men , takci from tlw , .juidt | anj given private's pay * Ju ! niliHllon to this , each member of ( h banel receives an extra salary made u ] from the post fund , regimental fund , an contributions of olltccrs , Whether Bee rotary Endicott desires to know Ilio et ) ' thcso organizations in order t recommend tlicir disbandmcnt , is nol known. Certain it is thatono plca anl feature of post life would bo destroyed were the military bands to bo done awaj with. From reports received here it appears that the Cn ys and the 1'iegans , who havi been complained of from time to time a : thieves and plunderers are now them Reives the victim" . A Crow chief named I'lcnticoues , pcems to bo the prlncipa suflcrer at tlio bauds of the white thieve * a largo number of his horses and catth having been driven from their mountair reservation. The ohief and his braves started out or the trail of the thieves. They tracked the Iior.cs through 1'ryor Gap and inte Wyoming , and finally overhauled tlu gang between Stinking Water river and Gray Bull creek. The thieves hail haltci to lay in a supply of beef , nnd when Ilrsi soon had just killed ono of the stolen steers , al some distance from llieir camj and the horses. ricntlcouos wailed until the men were absorbed In the operation of skinning the beef , and then took possession 01 the horses , loaded on the saddles , tenl am other camp outfit , and immediately start cd on the return trip , feeling very proud of having secured not only his own horses , bill those of Iho thieves , will : some good saildes { and other collaterals When the Indians left , the men were .still busy skinning the stcor , and Plenll cones was unable to report their remark. ' when they found themselves " .set afool' and stripped of everything except the beef. It is .supposed thai the usually silent hills echoed back a continuous tor rent of the most vehement profanity thai has been heard in northern Wyoininsj since the discovery of Colter's Hell , AUOU T nA8 E I ) Alii i. The Northwestern JjcnRtio Clinrlcj fjord In Onmlin's Malinger. The Northwestern League scheme , which originated in the brilliant base ball brain of Ted Sullivan , is still unorgaiv izod. Mr. Sullivan , it is believed , has re ceivcd orders from his backers to dro | : the matter until it is definitely known whether Kansas City is to bo represented in the Nalional league. In Iho lattci event , the Northwestern league scheme will doubtless fall through. Everybody in Omaha knows Charley Lord , the oltl manager of the Union 1'a- cities. Ho writes to Manager Kay , of the basso ball park , as follows : ST. .Tosnrir , Mo. , Feb. 1. 18SO. ( Icorccc Kay , Estj. , Uniahn. llcar Sir : Through the papers I Irani thai you have purchased Me.ssis. Canan and Hitchcock's interest in tlio Athletic paik and will have sole control this coining reason. Should Omaha have a team In Sullivan's proposed .Noithwcstern League , I should like exceedingly to secure the management of it. 1 am eonliclcnt of my ability to oimnsra n good te-am at reasonable money and elem- onstrato the fact that Omnlia can and will supiioit a good team. 1 feel particularv ! ( piaUHcd to judiro of Omaha as a base ball city , having managed tlio Union 1'aclllcs for nearly three seasons. As to my ability to cngace a team cheaply and make them play ball , I refer yon to ihu Kvansvillo team for 1884. Tlio lilifliest salary paid was $125 per month and the ptitlru salary list , ineluiliiic all employes , was SI , 100 per month. 1 do not claim that I can dupli cate tnat team for tlio same money , but 1 declaim claim tliat 1 can enuage one that can make an excellent showing against any club ami that can draw crowds wherever they play , and at reasonable salaries. Trusting that yon will favor mo with a roplv as early as convenient , I am , Yours truly. CHAS. M. Lonn , St Joseph , Mo. Mr. Kay , in speaking of the matter said : "Wo are receiving applica tions from baseball players all over the country asking for engagements with the Omalnis. I pre'uino i have in my desk ns many as forty applications. So 'far as the cost of luring a club is concerned , 1 believe that a good one can bo put into the field at an expense even lighter than that ligurcd by Mr. Lorel say $800 month. " THE ETKHNAL COLD. Another Wave From the North and Trufllc Impeded. Ground Hog Day and a scorcher. The sun shone , but it is big otlels that the ground hog did not bask in its shine , The day dawned at 10J ° below , 7 o'clock came at 10 ° ; 10 o'clock , 15 ° ; 12 o'clock , 12" ; 0 o'clock , 10C : 7 o'clock , 11 ° ; f. o'clock , 0 ° ; midnight , 5 ° , and n light snow falling , and at I ) o'clock this morn ing only 8 ° below. rollcjwing was the temperature at vari ous points , taken from tlio Union Pacific report : North Platlo , Nob.lightsnow , 8Q above , Cheyenne , Wyo. , cloudy , 13 ° . above. Laramic , Wyo. , clear , 43 below. Kawlins , Wyo. , clear , 15S above. Evanston , Wyo. , cloudy , ? 2 ° above. Ogdcn , Utah , cloudy , 82 ° above. Denver , Col. , cloudy , 14 ° above. Kansas City , Mo. , cloudy , 8" above. Butte City , Mont. , cloudy , 20Q above. Kailway trallio is again slightly impe ded by the cold. All the eastern trains yesterday , except the Sioux City which was on time , came in late froni three to live hours. The Union Pacific "overland" arrived five hours behind time , having been de layed in Iho far west by head winds. The remainder of the trains on this road aru moving on schedule . The Ii. & M. seems lo bo O. K. An _ immense snow-slide occurred on Ihe "High Lino" near Lcadvillo , Colo. , yes terdny , and the trains will in eonso- qucnco bo blocked for a timo. JAXUAHV WCATIIUn. Mean barometer , 30,20 : ; . Highest barometer :50. : 0i ) , date 11th. Lowest barometer 2'.l,02) , date liOtli. Monthly range of barometer , 1.047. Mean temperature , 7.2. Highesttemperature41.8 , dateJifltli. Lowest temperature , diite'Jtli. Monthly range of tcinpeialiirc , tfi.O. ( iicatcst dally range of temperature .11.5 , I.eaht dally range of tompur.ituro .71. -Mean daily ran go of temperature 17.4. Mean dally dow-polnt u.tK. Mean dally relative humidity 8'J.O. 1'u'valllng direction of wlnil , northwest. Total mouMiiont of wind , 8MO , miles. Highest velocity of wind and direction , S3. northwest. Total precipitation , 1.15. No. ot foggy days , 0. " " clear > S. " " fair " 15. " " cloudy " 7. No. of davs on which 01 Inch or more rain or snow lull , 14. Depth of unmcltcil suo\v on ground at en0 of month , 41 nches. Dates of lunar Imlos , 10 , 21. Dates of frosts , 2 , a , 5 , 11 , 13,15,10 , 18,10 , 20,25.31. WEATHER. A { 'oironst I'repurcil lly Professoi Couch , IVof K. , T. Couch , Ncbrnsktx's own nni i\olu ) ivo wcuthor prophet , has propnrct u forccnst of the weather for Fobrunry In prosoutin tliu btutemcnt , which i : hituh ) up from all available data , ho says The object of thcso iirciHctiona is t < impress the fact that with the uuccssar anil iiluboi'iUii iletonuinutions tliu btorni of whiter ( unUsumuiur ) cnu bo so forutoU ns'to bo of vnluo to Ilio farmer , stockmsiu nnd miners , and thai tlio annual expend- iluro of $70,000,000 ( t ) to determine tlio weather , to bo rend nflor the snow blockade ; is raised , is too awfully slow for this advanced ago ; and this is also to show that common humanity must bo patient and content to work 100 years in advance of such deliberate bodies as the American Association for the Advance ment of Science. " February 1 A coast storm ( Wcotlndinn hurricane ) is forming , ami will move north. In the northwest the winds will bo northerly , blowing toward the storm centre. February 2 A storm center will ap pear on the Pacific coast , moving south east , with raius and snows. February 3 Upper clouds from the south will carry moisture north , giving fogs and frosty lintel In the Atlantic states , and the storm , moving from tlio west , will combine and give general rains and snows. February 4 The wind in the northwest will rise to a blizzard , and , following tlio storms to sea , n cold wa vcor norther will sweep far to the south. February 5 Area of high barometer or clearing weather. February 0 Low barometer area will appear from the west , with clouds nnil light winds. February 7 Cloudy , colder , snow and wind. February 8 Cloudy and blustery. February I ) Area of high barometer. February 10 Followed by falling bar ometer. February 11 And a wild winter storm. February 12 ( Told norther , but a.storm area from tliu southwest will put in an appearance with much snow and wind. I'cbruary 11 Temperature rising.snow softening , .southern thunderstorm , heavy rain or snow. ( Railroads must not wattle lo clear their trucks. ) February 15 A cold norther will set in icing Iho tracks , snow crusted. February 10 Cold and blowing. February 17 Clearing anil calming. Fcbuutiry 18 Moderating , clouding. Fcbtuary It ) Uaromcler falling , wind storm on Ilio way. February 90 Milder , rain or sleet , changing to snow , southern Hoods. February 21 Temperature will fall low with high northerly winds. February 22 Cold winds , snow not drifting. February 23 Moderating and cloudy. February 21 Area of high bai'onioter , February 25 Changing to falling. February 2(1 ( Warining.eloiiding now. February 27 Low barometer , rain or snow. February 28 Month ending with snow. Spring would open early except for the snow on the ground. AN UXFOHTUXATK SPOUSE. Ail Englishman AVIio in mi Exllo "All on Account of His U'il'o. William Hill is a Doncastor English man now behind the bars in the city jail for the crime of beating his wife. He was arrested Monday night and would have been tried yesterday but for tlio fact that his wife was too badly used up to appear against him. lie .speaks with a broad Doncastrian accent , which makes his utterances ex-- ccedingly dilHcult to understand. With out attempting to reproduce his peculiar accents , tliu reporter gives William the benclit of his statement : " 1 went into my house last night anil without a word of warning my wife threw n bucket of hot slop into my face and nearly dreiwned mo. I don't bay what I did then , but I just want to ask von what you would nave done in my place , chv You'd a felt mighty like beating her , wouldn't you ? Mr. Hill , who is a man about -15 years of age , wont on to explain that ho had been driven from his nntivo country by the actions of his wife. "The lass , " lie said , " \yent around to the elifForenl trades people in our town making purchases and got me badly in debt. Iwas scrveel with a summons to appear at the next assizes to stand trial on account of the debts which she had contracted ami which I could not pay. 1 knew that I would be thrown into prison because 1 could not settle up the debts , so I did not answer the summons , but lied with my wjfo to America. "Yes , " lie concluded with a high , "tho lass has got mo into a good bit of tronblo. " THE GARXlVATj COMMITTEE. They Meet anil I'ans Resolutions of Thanks and Condolence. The Omaha Carnival committee mot at tliu Millard hotel to finish up till busincs connected with the carni val. The following resolutions were adopted : Jfc.soU'C(7 , That the thanks of tliecoiuinlttco are duo and are hereby tendered to 1'axton tfc Uallauhcr , McCoid , Hiwly & Co. , 1) . M. Steel < b Co. . Samuel Burns , Let1 , Fried A : Co. , Mil ton Hogcrs & Sons , 0. 15. Moore , Hector , Wlllioliny & Co. , Conso'ldatcd Tank Line Co. , for generous donations of supplies ; to the Ainei lean District Telegraph company , for ftce delivery ; to the Telephone company , foru-io of poles for electric li lit wires ; to the ( ! as company and Mr. Collins , Its inuna- tor , for tliu beautiful arch of ixas jets gratui tously placed at Seventeenth street ; to Messrs. J.V. . Morse and Samuel Burns , for use of their premises and services of thulr families In aldlnir tlio committee ; to residuals of Doilgo sticot , torillumiiKitlii ! , ' their prom ises , aim to citizens generally for their liber ality In generous financial aid ; to the press of the city for tlicir liberal support and ad vertising : ; to Iho city council for granting of street , all of which contributed to and were essential In nuking the lirst Omaha coasting carnival a success , llcstilval , That the thanks of tlio I inmlt- tco arc also extended to those patrioto citi zens who , regardless of personal safety , sac- riliced their limbs to prevent tlio traverses reaching full length of the course. Itesolral , That the thanks of tlio commit tee are tendered to our gimats from Council UIull's. Mlssoml Valley and I'lnttsmontli for laigo delegations sent from their respective cities , and wo i egret that the riutciu'.ss of the Omaha citizens kept them Iromtbo use. of the main co.istlng track and made their visit a trial lather than a pleasure. Itcmlvctl. 'flint tlio Ihiinks of tlio commit- Ira are extended to Urn proprietors of the Millard hotel for use of looms for committee meetings. The committee congratulate themselves that , notwithstanding the destruction of the embankments and tliu blocking ot tliu track by the sni'ctntorc , no serious c-ausaltles wuio repotted to the coasters , and had our rules been emseived wo bullovo no accidents would have occurred to any one. Coasters who promised ( inancinl aid and have not yet settled , are requested to elo so at once. New Star nt the Mr. C , J. Holt , of Decatnr , 111 , , made a line temperance address at the W. C. T. U. Buckingham hall , beginning a wook'H meetings Rev. K. B. Graham , pastor of the United Presbyterian church con ducted Bible reading and prayer and gracefully introduced tliu speaker. Mr. Holt is himself a reformed man and un derstands tlio temptations which sur rounds "Tho boys , " and his peculiar power in organizing them into clubs. Ho rapidly traced the different temper- ancu organi/.ations , tlio Wnshingtonhin , the CJoqd Templars , the W. C. T. U. , and tlio Murphy movement , which have cul minated in the prohibition movement , which agi tales tlio entire country to-day. His wittioi.-ms are irresistible. Ills pa thetic Morii-s melt every heart , Ho wants to "havu the mothers' boys. " His tribute to the \\r. C , T. U. UucKingham home , where the tempted boys are bheltercd and helped , was well received. Many signed Iho pledge and start on a new life. The mcuiings will conlinuo all week aiu | all are earnestly invited espe cially druukuu men. The Viaduct Plans of tlia-Mtfrse Bridge Oo , Accepted by the Council. FLINGS AT A FIRE FIGHTER , A Council man Dissatisfied nt tlio Con duct , ofChlorKiiRlncor Hiitler Gas Ordinance. Oilier City The City Council. The regular meeting of the cily council was held last evening , President liechel in the chair , and present Members Uohni , Hailoy , Dailey , Ford , Furay , Goodman , Goodrieh , Leo , Leedoi. Schroedcr and Thranc. There was a largo attendance of Interested citizens , who remained through the long session , in spite of tlio fact that the council chamber was ex ceedingly chilly. I'UTITIOXS AND COMMUNICATIONS. From the mayor , approving certain or dinances passed nl tlie last meeting , in cluding tlio ordinance ilxing the lire limits. From the mayor , reporting that he had signed contracts in triplicate for the con struction of viaducts on Eleventh ami Sixteenth streets. In explaining the matter , the mayor stated in person that the contract called for the vacating oi .Sixth , Twelfth and Fifteenth streets , and tiiat Eighteenth and Nineteenth M recta remain as at present. Ho had hesitated about signing the conti act on account of this clause , but after taking advice la wns of the opinion that Eighteenth and Nineteenth .streets could bo opened at any time by notion of the city council. The contract was read as feigned by the mayor , and the Union Pacilic , andOmaha & Southwestern railroad companies ! . Mr. Leo said that ho thought that the contract would work an injustice to the property owners of t Im Second ward , as it abandons three htreetH for a wooden bridge on Sixteenth .street. Itmightbc all right for the First ward and a benefit to its property owners to lese two .streets for an iron viaduct on Eleventh street. Mr. Uehni replied that ho thought the First ward was the largest loser , i real ity it losing four btrcets by the contract. Ho believed tlio proposition would be a benefit to the city and to the Second ward. After remarks by Messrs. Fin-ay , Lee and Leeder , the mayor's action was ap proved. From the mayor , submitting an in demnity bond for $20,000 in accordance with "an act to provide for viaducts in cities of the lirst class , " Approved. From the mayor , appointing W. J. Kennedy , O. F. Davis and A. u. Souer appraisers on Uanuigo by change ol grade. Confirmed. From the board of public works , sub mitting an opinion by.ttio'city ' attorney that the clause prohibiting the product of convict labor being used by paving contractors cannot legallyjbo inserted in specifications. Referred. From the city auditor , submitting his .statement for the month of January , as follows : ( Jenenil ituul . 3-4.OOr : ) > .2. Water rout funil . ll , < m'JC Judgment fund . lltl.W , ! ! ) Library linul . rylW.l 1'olieo fund . l Fire fund . . , 72.S ! ! Curbing and guttering fund. . < i . IS HS.n From the city lreasurer , ireporting the protest of the insurance . companion against paying their laxets. - Referred to the city attorney. From the city trciunrir , reported that ho had received through Ernest Stuht $2J09 ! as subscription towards paying for the damages by the viaduct on Eleventh street. From the Omaha Cable railway , pe titioning the council to defer placing the contract for building the Eleventh .street viaduct until negotiations had been made by the petitioner to obtain right of way over the same. Referred. From property owners on Fourteenth street , protesting against tlio opening of the street under the railroads to tlio width of only thirty feet , and asking that &uch a contract with the railroads bo not con curred in by the council. Placed on file. From citizens , calling attention to the blockaded condition of Marcy street be tween Fourteenth and Fifteenth by the Chicago lumber company. Referred to the delegation from the second ward. From the Barber Asphalt Paving coin- the council may designate , for § 120 , on both sides for cross walks. This called up a general discussion on paving material , and the needs of Far- nam street for cross walks. The present condition of street crossings was de nounced , bill n diflbrcncu of opinion ex isted as to the material which should bo used in relaying them. Mr. Uailoy moved that the matter he referred to the committee on paving , curbing and gutter ing , to report immediately , instructing the board of public works lo rcadvcrtiso for bills for laying the cross walks , the material not being designated. The mo tion prevailed. From the Omaha llorso railway com pany , asking that they bo allowed the right of way across the Eleventh street viaduct. Referred to the committee on viaducts and railroads. liCSOUITIONS. By Goodman That the city treasurer tender the amount ot damages awarded to property owners on Eleventh street by the erection of the viaduct. Adopted. By Dailoy That the city clerk give notice that the council will sit as a board of equalisation in tiio clerk's ollieo on TlmrMlay , February 13 , for the purpose of equaluing certain special assessments. Adopted. By Sehrooder That the street commis sioner drain Tenth and Eleventh streets south of tlio Union I'aeilio tracks so that when the snow molls it will no overflow on Tenth struct north of the tracks. Adopted. HUl'OHTS OK COM.MlTTKr.S. Police That the action of Marshal Cummings in .suspending Martin Shield : from the police force bo sustained , as the charges had been fully proven , and that the olliecr bo dismissed from tlio force. Adopted. Fire and water worktf Reporting thai now quarters had been scoured for No , ! 1 company at a rent of $ l&Vwhlcli , though dear , was the best that the committee could secure. Adopted. Same Thai the suspension of Fireman Hurold by Chief Engineer Duller was unlawful and improper,1 * us in doing so ho had violated nile IB ; winch provides that Ho shall report all suspensions to the mayor and city council. Remarks were made by Mr. Furay on tlio report , stating that as there were no charges against Herald , the only out that could bo tried was Chief Hiitler. Mr. Butler was called for and Mated his sidoot the case. His understanding of the rules was the same as that printed in the HKI : a few days ago Ho also stated that | the ground on willed ho discharged Ilorold was for repeated drunkenness under particu larly aggravating circumstances. When employing men for the department he did so to increase the ollicienoy of tin sarvico. Ho had never discliargrd a man for spite nor hired a man for friendship's sake. The department , he believed , was the most efficient of any in tlio United States iu cities of the Biiuiohi/uns Omaha , But , ho believed , as boon as Ihe council began bickerings in regard towhoHhouh bo employed t'io elllcicncy of the depart incut would bo destroyed. Mr , Furay replied that sineo the no\\ udminiblration no reports had been ro- ccivod from the fire department , as was re quired by ordinance. It was not the chief's prerogative to discharge men or hire iliem , but that of the mayor and council. Up believed that the chief slionld have a wide latitude in the matter , but should not have full control. Mr. Leedor said that there must bo something back of Mr. Furay's great in terest in the case. Once before , when n similar case came up , Mr. Furay was the man who wanted the chief engineer given power to appoint and discharge men. [ At this assertion Mr. Furay shook his bead in denial , but Mr. Tlirano jumped up and said it was true.1 What mid caused the change in Mr. Furay Mr. Leeder said ho did not know , but there was something wrong. Mr. Thrano moved that the chief engi neer bo instructed to prolor charges against Mr. Harold and present them to the council , which was adopted. Gas and Electric Lights Recommend ing thai the gas ordliiuneo introduced at the last meeting pass. Adopted. CIIAIIOKS A(1AI.S > T Plir.Sll > r..Vr JtKCHEt , . By unanimous consent of tlio city council President Bechel introduced the following resolution , which was unani mously adopted : "Whereas , The Omaha Herald has publicly charged that 1 am not acting legally as a councilman ot the city of Omaha , therefore , "Resolved , That the city attorney be and is hereby directed to make a full and complete investigation of said charges and report at the next meeting of this council. " Mr. Bcchel said that lie introduced the resolution for his own vindication , as his honor anil honesly had been assailed , and ho wished the fullest investigation. TUP. MOHMi I'l.ANS ADOI'riU ) . Viaducts and railways Recommend ing that the Morse Bridge company's plans as adopted by the board of public works , with certain niodilications by the committee , bo accepted. Adopted. A resolution by Mr. Goodman was then adopted that the bo'ird of public works bo Instructed to nuiko a contract with the Morse Bridge company for the viaduct on Eleventh street , subject to the ap proval of the railroad companies as per the report of the board of public works and the committee on viaducts and rail ways , the co t not to exceed $82,800. OUIIKANOr.S. Making appropriations for the pay ment of liabilities incurred during tlio month of .January from the various funds as follows : ( Joiioral fund Sl2bOl.14 Libiatv fund csusn Police fund 2,8U.Mil Kiiefmul : > ,14M7 , .liulgment I mid lavj.81 , Cuihlnirand'Cuttciliigfiinil : ' , ( ) . ! 1 Paving bond fund lbb\Kl ( Distiiet paving fund ( iriullng.tniid 1,451.21 Total S2SW5'.VM Providing for the cloiing of bixth , Twelfth and Fifteenth streets across the present right of way of the railroad tracks. Passed. Regulating the sale of gas intliocitv and lixiiig the price at $1.75 per 1,000 feet. Passed. The council then adjourned. Shannon Letter Bill FileFiling Cabinets and Cases. Schlicht's Standard Indexes. 210 12th street , opposite Neb. Nat'l Bank. Itcinnmlctl to .Jail. John L. ( tideou , the B. & M. clerk , charged with forging and altering rail road tickets , was brought before Judge Stenberg yesterday for preliminary hearing. Ifo waived examination , and in default of § 1,500 bail was taken lo jail. Young Allan is still in confinement. IturlliiKtoii lloule. California Excursions 11 Round trip tickets , good for six months , § 100. Finest scenery iu the world. Stop at Denver and Salt Lake. Dates February y , 17 , and March 8. Also popular cheap excursions every Wednesday.15 pays one way Return when you please. Rates coming back about the same. For further particulars write P. S. Eustis , General Passenger and Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. THE GRAND JUKY. It is Considering- Case of Ijafay- ctto Potvcll Court Notes. That august body , the grand jury of the term of February , 1830 , entered upon its labors yesterday morning. The lirst case taken up was that of the state vs Lafayette Powell , charged with murder. A portion of the public will doubtless remember the circumstances of this case. How Powell , as ho claims , on his way homo from church one night in Florence was at tacked by a gang of roughs , headed by Charles Leslie ; how ho drew his revolver and fired , bitting Leslie ; and how after weeks of sull'eriug , the victim of tlio af fair ( lied , aflcrmakin a statement which implicated Powell , as malicious wretch , who had brought on the trouble by black guarding his ( Leslie's ) friends. A number of witnesses wore examined , both from Florence and Omaha. Drs. Solomon and Robert testified as lo the nature of the wound received by Leslie , and the probability of his having been able to recover from its ctl'ect.s. Hank Gunni.son and a number of other wit nesses testified as to the circumstances of the shooting and the relations which pre viously existed between Leslie and his slayer. Tlio time of Judges Wakeloy and Neville was occupied yesterday morning in hearing motions , rendering decisions , etc. The civil docket will bo taken up to-day. TO-DAY'S CAI.I < . Tlio following is the call before Judge Wakeloy : Merchants' National of Deadwood vs. Mollugh. Miller et al vs. Sexauer ct nl. Cook vs. Rose. U. P. railway vs. Mack et al. Foley vs. Thomas. Vanplow et al vs. Omaha ct al. Judge Neville's call for to-day is as follows : Hcndrlcks vs. Board of County Com missioners. Festner vs , Dprnian. Hall vs , Hartigan. Carroll et al vs. Patrick. OOTO1IKK TEHJI STATISTICS. At the October term the district court made a final disposition of 22(1 ( civil and ! ) ; i criminal cases , and heard and disposed of100 motions and demur rers. do not include numerous matters that were argued and submitted to the court and taken under advisement. The amount for which judgements were rendered , aside from dismissals , aggre gate in round numbers the hum of $127- 000. There wore 285 civil and criminal cases commenced between tlio 5th day of Septembcrtho ( time at which the dock- was prepared for the October term ) and the JHst day of December , when the court adjourned sino dio. The lollowing is an approximate state ment of the expenses of the term that arc to bo defrayed by the county : KegiilarnPtftJiiry , Tales jurors Halllllb'lccs , M2.03 ( jiuudjury. , . . . * . . , .ji.oo \VltiiesBfoesliicriininalcase3. . . . . . . 1W.40 Clerk's fees In ciliulnal cases and misci'lliiiipotis fees , . . , . . . . , . . 5.x.00 ) Sht'rlll's fees iu criminal cases , sum moning jiuurs awl attendance on couit. . . , ui3.00 Total - - SJ , xJ.w v-vrn- A warrant was i ucd"by Judge Ston- berg yesterday for the arreit of Mlku Flyiin on a charge of assault and battery. ARIZONA JACK , THE SCOUT , A Ohnt With a Man Who Has Seen the Wild and Wooly West , 'Mid Howling Adventures Compli ments for < cnorat Crook A Ouster llcmlnlsccncc. "Arizona Jack" ( John Dickinson , if you want Ills right name ) , chief scout for General Crook , is in the city , up from Ft. Whlpple , A. T , , on a leave of temporary absence. A reporter of the Hr.r. uiol tlio gcntlpniau at military headquarters yes- tonlnv afternoon , and enjoyed with him a lengthy conversation upon the wild west as it is read about back cast. A SCOfT'S EXPLOITS. "Arl/.ona Jack" is about forty years old , ii man of medium stature , rather full of form , wears a broad slouch hat , top boots , u blue shirt with a knotted handkerchief - kerchief at his throat , cultivates a dime- novel mustache , and drenches his curly looks in high scented "bar's grease. " lie- is a I'ennsylvanlan by birth , but years of association with the Mexicans unit continuous use of their language have given his Kngllsh a crippled accent , ills hl lory would , If written , read like a Cooper romance. Wandering from the rustic home of his birth and boyhood he has given his life to valorous frontier- ing , lie has slept on the lonely plains "with the sentinel stars as his oiily can opy , "ami calmly heard the mournful howl of the prowling wolf ; he has tamed and conquered the wild horse ; lie has met the savage in the open licld of conflict , and fought him in the treacher ous ambuscade ; from twelve gaping wounds ho has shed his blood for civili/atlon and the scars upon his rugged breast are his proudest tro phies ; lie has roamed for days the arid , rainless southwest deport , and felt the pangs of long uuassunged ; he has challenged the gn//.ly in its mountain lair ami slain the monster single handed ; lie has heard the calliope's boisterous toot in the circus pageant's rear , and danced the I'iutoar dance with his -stomach full of gin. Arizona Jack is a "Jo 1'ete" of nature's sterling coinage , and if his education does lack him the address to move in society's vain circles , he knows , all the same , every foot of ground from the Hio Grand to the Sonata valley down to the Mexican line and clean over into the While mountains. miNintAi , CKOOK AND Tin : ATACIIKS. ' What is your mission eastward , Mr. Arizona Jack ? " asked the reporter , po litely. "Oh. I'm just oA'on a furlough and haven't got not'iiiig ' on hand. Where's Gen. Crook ? Why , he's up to Fort Whipple , in the iiorlh'n part of Arizona. And the Apaches ? Oh , they're over in the While mountains , in western Arizona. Why ain't Crook after 'em ? Well , J dunno. You'll butter give me till to- morrer to think up that point. You belcher life. Crook is a sojer and can light Injuns like : i terrier. If the blame gov'nment at Washington or .somuwhero 'ml let him alone ho'cl bring the rod skins to terms , _ d'pend on that. No , the Apaches ain't always a raidiir , but they're 'larnally pestift'erous enough and the Greasers are a hard set , top. Kv'ry wmiht in awhile botli the Injuns anil Mexicans start out raisin' h 1 and ami the military read tiio riot act and get after 'em. The Mexican's are done up sudden , you bet , but the Apache1 * run up into the hills anil there's where Ihe inter ference from the gov'nment blocks Crook. " SOMETHING AliOCT CUSTKIl. The scout went on praising the great Indian lighter and showing how inter meddling superiors made it impossible to ciieck the outrageous Indians He was asked after a time whether ho had over campaigned iu the northern Indian coun try and after saying that ho had been in the Kosebud expedition made an inter esting statement relative to the massacre on the Little 15i < r [ lorn and the death of the brave and iiiteipid Castor. " 1 earned to Custer from Gen'ral Miles , " said ( lie scout , "the orders to wait. Custer took 'em and sayin" 'dam the orders/ tore 'em up , and chvckcd them away without readin , ' The next morning ho swooped down upon the Sioux village where he lost hisself and his whole command. 1 was then btrikin" back 'cross the country for Miles and save my cacon , L guess. One thing 1 never ev' unile'stand , and it makes mo smile when i see the piejers show the massacre with the men haokin' at the Injuns with their swords , and that is , fur MHiio reason Custer ordered all sabres left in camp , and every man went into that light with only his pist'l and ear- bine. No , 1 can't explain Custer's no tion , as u sabre is a purly good weop'n in close quarters when ca'tridgesglve out. But I'll chop oil' tor to-day and talk nome more to-morrer. " Wo have $20,000 to loan at low rates in sums of l.OOOto $10,000 if taken within ten days. J. W. & K. L. Squire , Council Mlnll's. Still 111 .lull. Cena Hanson , the young girl accused of stealing a silk dress anil several other articles ol value from Mrs Strasborger , is still in the county jail awaiting a hearing. Mrs. S. expresses a desire not to prose- ute the girl , and it is probable that the use will bo dropped , as all the stolen ropcrty has been returned. Sylvester V. Lobe , the alleged default ing partner of Martlnovitcli & Co. , is said to be in the city. He will not be criminally prosecuted , in all probability. MOST PERFECT MADE' Prepared with ipccl&l regard to heiil * . No Ammonia , I.liuo or Alum. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS IS CONDUCTED IIY Royal Havana tottery . . INhTITI'TUlfl Drawn at Ikvana , Cuba , February 13-27 , 1886 ( A nnviu > MKvr lSa'imvnoM Tickets in I'lfilis ; Wholes , $5 ; Kindlons pro Subject to no tiwiiliHilutlon , not cent Killed liy tlio pin ties In lutori'ot. It Is tlio fullest tmiijf In the nuturo ol clmtipu in ovlstonco. For ticket * | > | > ly to till Il'.SV i : CO. . 1213 llrqiul- wy.N. v. city : M. orrijNH fc co. , oia iiuiu erect. Kansas City , Mo. , or 10W ruriiam street , OumUu. uiluuciw Absolutely Pure. T Ills powder \ vr varies. A inim cl t > r inirl- ty , struiiKtli mill wli ) ! o < oinonr s. Moio ccon * nnmlciil iluui Ilio onlltmry klml" , nnil iimnnt lie sold In cotnpftlllon wllfi the multllmle or Ion * tp t. thoit wi'titlitt nlmn orplmsplmlo ] 'O\ulrrs , SoM only in onus. KOYAI , UAKIMI rouuuit Co. , 10(1 ( Will ! St. , Xu\v VntK. ASK YOIIK DEALER To show > oil tlio Union Sewing Machines The innehlno Hint \vns unnnlrd tlio FIRST PREMIUM AND GOLD MEDAL , At the World's r.\ioltloii , New Oi-lcnno , over nil compel ( torn , uinl tlio only BOHlnif mnulilnn Unit BK\V8 HACKWAUI ) AND I OltWAltll wllliout flimiKlnir or slopping ilia mnclilno. iryotn-ilontur ( lees not Immllo It nuiko lilm pel It , iiml IT lie bus not pntorprUc cnoiiiili to iKTOiiiinodiUcyou , Pi'liil your mldicssto i > 206 North 16lh Street , Omaha , Nebraska. for circulars , ( onus iiml pi ices. Tlio Union Bowing Mndilno , ns Its iiiinio Implies , combines nil tlio good points of nil llrM dim imiehlnos Iu one , and Is undoubtedly iho simplest mid lu'St for rnnilly purposes. 11m licst nrninnent tlint it 1 ? tlio host 13 thul It coininnnds n higher pilcotlinn liny other nuichlno In the nmrlict. N'o machines sold except todcnlorsiit less limn rctnll price. Union Man'f g Co. , 20GN. IGth St. , Omaha , Neb. " "ABOHITECTS. F. M. ELLIS & Co. Architects and Building Superinfs OMAHA , NEB , and DES H01NES , IA. Olllce , Cor. llth and 1'nnmm Slrrols , Itoom Id : Ht'iiMMlliop with R M. Hills. ORflAHA 13lh St , Cor. Capitol Avenue , I-OIl TUB TREATMENT OP AM. Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. McME'NAMYTProprlotor. hittccn years' Hospital nnd I'llviitc I'rnctlco Wolnuo Hie fncllitlfa , ninir.iliic | | nnd rrmulira for tliohticcessfiil treatment of cioiy form of cl Id- cast ! requiring tllhcr medical or mr'iril ( , irentmcnt , anil Invlto nil to come nnd Iiivo-Hjjato fur thcnidclvcs or correspond llh us. Loiiy esperii-uce in Ircnt- I licenses liylclU'r enables IIH to treat many ca t > ecientiUc.ilfvlthoiit Kcclne them. WHITE 1'OK riUCUIAlt on Deformities and nrncc * , Club 1'ect , CnrvntniCH of tliu Spine , lisiA8E9 OK WOMEN , PileTumorc , Cniicere , Cntnrrh , lironcliltiB , Inhalation , J'.leclrlclly , 1'iinil- yds , Kpilepsy , Kidney , Kje , Kar , Skin , lllood and nil piirKlcai operations. HiittorlCH , Inhalers llrnccs , Trtifiscm , nnd flllhlnihnf Medicnlnnd Surgical Appliance * , man ufactured and for > -sle. The only reliable Medical Institute miking Private , Special i Nervous Diseases ' A Ni'iriAi/rv. ALT. CO.VTAf.IOI'S ' AN ! ) HI.OOD NIKKASKH , \rliitc\crraiiip produced , KiiccrBffully Ircittul. Wo can icmorc Hyplilllllu poison Irani Iliu tyctrm without mercury. New restoratlv oti raiment for loss of xllnl poner. AM , COMMUNICATIONS C'ONKIDIJNTIAI , . Call and couanlt na or PPIII ! name nnd poht-ontoi nddrcas plainly u'littcii enclose etamp , pcil wo \\II1 ncnd yon , In plain wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN UI'ON 1'lllVATR , Sl'HHAI. AM > KlIUIUS DlJBASFH , 9 , SPIRVATOIIIIIIIA : CT , SYI-IIIUS , GoNciiinii\ ( : , ( li.r.KT , VAiucotri.K , BlIIICTVnr , AND AU. niSBAHKS 01' TIIK ( iBJIITO- UiilNini OnciAN" , or tc-iul Mftory of joiirin-e for un opinion , I'ersoiM unabltf t' \ilt nt may lie trealod at tl.elr liornou , liy rorrriioiilrncp. ( . .ModlclmHaml Insfrii niciiti rcntby mall nrrxirc | Hiri71IKV : ( J'ACK HI ) I-T.OM UimiUtVATIO.V. no initikr tolrdirala : couti'iiU or rciiilcr. OIIH i > oriioiiil interview prc- fenid If ( omenlnnt. 1'lfty locinn for llicuecom. . modatlon of patient" Ilourd nnd iittcndnuco nt reasonable pilccs. AilJn.'a nil J.cttiru to Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute. Cor. 1 3lh St 2nd Capitol Ako , . OMAHA , NEB. \villmui moill I'lUuntoil Oc-lo will ume tlio most nlitlnuti ) ra-u In fmii'dftya i | i N'o niii c'ous duic-tor oiibolis , rnpallia or oloh | Fuiuluhvood that uru cciluln lo pimliii o djcpi 11- Hlii liy Onitiovlntr tlio conthui ol' Ilio Ktiiinnrli , I'l-IcuSLrx ) . Sold by all ilriitfirlhls or lintlUil on rccolpt ol iii-lco. I'oi-fiullior purllrulniH BIIIHI foruli-culnr. I' . O. llov I.VJI. ' ' or. c. A.3J3JA.1T co. , t. , Nuw VIIIK. Tlio CnllKinpli U rnpldly illt-plat'liur Iliu i > cii , JlL'iif.on liovr joii muy you ciinnot iillonl to Uo without It. No other Inlior suvIiiK Invcnillon lius so IOSH. cued ili-udKory or lnulii uiul liiuul , or tiucd biieli n I in 1(0 purcuntUKO of di-ur labor , riKiiiolliiu It luriitiotr but tTrlui na iniicli notk Inn irlvrn tlinoiisiloos Ilio pi'ii ( It enaily Uooi. tinro tlincfc us iniiclinnd ) It HlvcB juutuv L-riil lice lioin-sdaily ua und Inloiust on jour- liivostiriont , 1'ur cliTUIai-n nnil bpoi-liiifiibiip- ply to II. fl. hTUIl'li , Oinuliu , Nfli. , lioiil. Act-nl for Noliiailiu uinl Wobtc-rn lone , HIIIIIONS.IL'iiOnntood'i * b M ) lor ull klndii uf wrillni ; inuelilnuon imnd. 1'iico SI cscb. 'i 6MW& & SPRIHG OVER 400,000 .am. IN IV.flent llldiiiB Veh rln mnde. .lUHt Kitb.n i ) r * Mlvio. iti HprlFt lrii t kbortca i ccordluu tJ the < ititl tUoj cm ? ll | roiiKli i-minlry ru ndv und \vc\l \ niUplril l . . urt-d uml w.ldb Uno dnvr c.Uiti < u. Bluiiurifrturt-d um ail IciuUouCunluci'iiuiiaKfo uiidt c lonH