Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Gleanings from the Commission's Annual
Eopoit to the Governor.
A Ihifly Dny \ \ Itli the Clerk ofthr Dis-
Wet Court Tlio Auditor Itc-
fitsrs lo Ilcgtatrr City
Hondo Capital News.
M -M
I The railroad commissioners nro pro-
I paring for Hubmi ion to the governor
their annual report showing the condi
tion of the various roads doing business
in Nebraska up to Juno 30 , 1885. The
following facts arc gleaned from advance
tablcst There are eight roads operating
in this state , a combined mileage of
2,707.10 ; an increase of-12.09 miles over
1881. The aggregate mileage of the sys
tems running main and branch lines
into Nebraska is 10,102.28. The
estimated cost including equip
ment of the 2,707.10 miles of
road in this state is ? 101,537,1)1 , ! ) . 18. The
propo rtion of the stock and debt of thcso
eight roads for Nebraska is $121,012,725. .
17 , an average of over ? 15,000 a mile.
The capital stock foots up $18,403.01 , and
the debt $20,010.85 per mile.
The total capital stock for the
mileage in this state is
f > 0Mjf2Il.a ! : , and the total debt $78,711)- )
1510 ! M. The gross earnings from Ne
braska business during the year were
$11tltil8.70 , ) : , an average of $5lii.2l : ) per
mile of road operated. The highest pas-
Hengor earnings per train mile were by
the Omaha , Niobrarate Black Hills roau ,
$ ! ) ,000 : the smallest by the Chicago , St.
Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha , if 1,010. ! The
earnings from freight per train mile vary
from $ a.G ! ) on the B. & M. to $ t.OJ ( on the
Minneapolis & Omaha. The operating
expenses aggregate $ l,08r)88.2J ) ! ) ! , an av
erage of ! ftv.81.bO : per mile.
The following are among the tables
prepared by the commission :
MIMA'II : : minn SI-ATI : .
Burlinpton t\c Missouri 1.181.81
Union Paolllc WW.07
iTcmont , Klldioin&M. V ait.3
C.St. P..M.AO 223.19
St. .loo \\Vstcill 113.70
Missouri Pucllln 101.00
Sioux City & Pacific
Total 2,707.10
Mll.l.s ItOAI ) 1JUILT LAST YiAlI.
C.St. P. , M.O 18.83
Union Paclllc 17.CO
Burlington \ Missouri 0.80
Total J'.GS
Chipao. Biulington te. Qnlncy. 4,01 , " .
C. , bt. P. , M. & O Iil3. :
Union P.icllic , lb(5.rJ ( (
Mlssoui I Pnclllc 'KO.OO
Fremont. Klklioin it M. V 11.14
St. .Jcjo.V ; Western U1.70
Sioux City & Pacific 107.40
Total 10,1G'.5S
COST or IIO.VDS ix sixin.
Union P.ictlic -111,113.103. . 0
Burliiicton iV Missoini itt.OI'-'J00.09
C. , St. P. M & Q 0,17ilil.b7 ( )
Fremont , Klklioin tVc ai. V. . . . fi.l'SS.OSS07 '
St. Joo.tVehteill 4bl.M7.iJO ! ) (
Missouri Pacific 1IK57 , : ! J.87
Sioux City k PiicilUJ 1,979,341,1) ! )
Total . 8101,527,010.18
ST.CK ) AXI ) ninr : FOU xumtASKA.
Union Pacific . 8 KJiO' , : ,6')1.39 )
Jhiillngton AMls emi . : i7,0.'si,14i.4 ' : > !
0. , St. I'liul , M. ti 0 . 10 , 123,2'M.H :
Ficmimt , Klkhoin&M. V . 8,88. > ,7n'J,75
, ,
SU JOH .t Westi-ni . 0,530,0511.02
Sioux Oily A ; Pacific . 1,872,880.02
Total S124 , ( > < 2,725.17
BurlinKton As Missouri S li ,45i,383.y )
Union Pacific 17-1S7O.VMS
C. . St. P. , M. & 0 (1,112,107.73 (
Missouri Pacific 3ft34,39.-
Fremont , Klklioin AM. V 1WM,500.00 )
St. .foe & Western l,8.-l. < te5.8l
Sioux City & Pacific 537.700.CO
Total S 50,023,214.83
Union Pacific SttbK.737.00 : , ! )
llurllnuton A : Missouri 18lUI,7fiOr,9
Fiemont , Klkhorn & M. V 0,410,240.75
St. Joe & Wcstci n 4,083,070.21
C. . St. P. . M. & 0 4,010,02 .0a
MlbSom i Paellic 3,278,587.19
Sioux City & Pacilic lKr : , (
Total 873,710,510.3 1
Sioux City Pacilic 81.71
J * St. .loo it Western l.H !
r ' llaillnttton AsMIbsoiirl 1.19
Union Pacific 1.18
Missouri Pacific l.W
Kiciuont , Klklioin AsM. V 00
C. , St. P. , M. AsO 75
Clerk Sl/.cr ot the district court , was
kept nnu&ually busy yesterday entering
new causes on the docket , no lens than
seven being handed in , lib follows :
Fannie N. Petersen vs William Petersen -
son ; petition for divorce on ground of
adultery. Plaintiff , whoso maiden nuino
was Beadle , was married to defendant at
Wintorsel , Iowa , March 10 , 1885 , and
contracted from defendant a vile dis
ease , etc.
imogono Hubby ys Edward Ilnbby ;
petition tor divorce on ground of adul
tery. Plaintiir recites that she was mar
ried to defendant at Keokuk , Iowa , in
1883 , and that ever since ho has boon un
faithful to bur , and never neglected an
opportunity to boat and abuse her.
Chicago , Burlington & QuinoyRailway
vs County of "Lancaster and City of Lin
coln ; petition for temporary injunction
restraining the collection of taxes on
depot grounds in the city of Lincoln for
yearn 180 ! ) to ISaT Inclusive , plaintiff
allogln < r llmtsumo have been returned to
statu omclals.
SI A. Brown & Co. vs. Preston Hcaton.
otul ; action to recover $1)1 ) ! ) for material
furnished and used in construction of
various buildings.
FitLucko ys John nnd Mary Abkor ;
action to recover on two promissory notoa
of $1.200 and $108 each
Ualrd & Ulllon ot al vs Annlo M , Day
ot al ; petition alleging that defendant in
indebted to plaiiitlll'ia the gross sum of
$1,1)50.1 ) ! ) , that thu mortgage and assign
ment made by defendant are fraudulent ,
and asking that the sheriff bo put in
possession of the properly ami Instructed
ip dispose of biimo for the btmolit of till
the creditors.
It was rumored on the streets j-estorday
that Auditor Babcoek liad refused to reg
ister thu $25,000 , refunding bonds and
$50,000 , Missouri Pacific bonds voted by
the people of Lincoln , on the ground that
thu bonded indebtedness of thn city is
already in excess of the 10 per cent limit.
The assussed valuation for tavablo pur
poses is about $2,180,000 , and the bonds
outstanding amount to nearly $800,000 ,
being some $00,000 over the proportion
lixod by law. Mr. Babcoek is bald to
haso his refusal on the opinion of the
supreme court in "Stato ex rel Winnt vs
Bubcock , " when Justice Maxwell hold
that the 10 pur cent provision restricts
the "ontiro issue of bonds by the county
to 10 per cent of the assessed valuation. "
Good lawyers now hold that the 10 per
cent can uo voted in uid of each and
tivery work of internal improvement. If
this be so , the bonds will undoubtedly bo
accepted and registered by the state olll-
cials , but they will piobably insist upon
an opinion by the attorney general or
chief justice before proceeding.
Machinery for boring the test well in
the fault well Is beginning to arrive , and
active operations will bo comnlcncod
within two weeks ,
Mrs. Governor Dawos has gone to
Fortress Monroe , Va. , to vibif her father ,
Major \V. J. Dawcs , who is runoUed ser-
lonsly ill. It i a cuiions voinc-ulcnco that
the governor's nnmo Is J. W. Dawcs and
lliafof Ids father-in-law Vf. J. Dawcs.
A petition is being circulated asking
the stale to sell at auction the Gillosplo
property , eonthcast of the capllol , which
came Into possession of the state somu
years ago on foreclosure proceedings ,
Attorney General Loose is looking over
th ! transcript in the matter of Peter
Matthews , plalnlifT in error , vs the statu
of Nebraska. Matthews was convicted
in July , 1835. of having outraged Cather
ine Snopard , a woman of 02 , and nia
counsel , Mr. < 'aldwcll , is now before the
suifroine court asking for a now trial.
Miis Adclaldo Moore gave a creditable-
prc cntation of "Rosalind at the Funko
Monday night , jnrtrrcd only by a piping
mice with which capricious nntuic has
ittod her.
The mas'uiorado ball of the Harmonic
oclety , given at City hall Monday cycli
ng , was a siicccis In every feature ,
Gus .Snunilors , the principal defendant
In the gambling caies , has been held to
iwalt trial In th e district court in "
ball. Horace Tipton. Willard Barnes ami
Jay Norton were held in $ ! JOO each.
John Grosi , who has been at work in
ho Journal book bindery , was arrested
cslcrday by ShorlfTMolick for unlawful
cohabitation. The complainant is the
listrict attorney at Ottawa (111. ( ) , who
lays that Gross has a wife nnd family at
hat place. Gross has been hoarding at
ho U rcmont house hero with a young
woman whom he passed oft'as his wife.
Mr. Bcglitol , the O street iowclcr , made
nn assignment to Sheriff Mclick ycster-
lay for the benefit of his creditors. The
hi of liabilities has not been prepared
ret , but Mr. Beghlol will more than p.iy
he debts.
William Rollins , of McCook , advcr-
Ises a reward of $700 for the capture of
ils wife Leila , who eloped on Christmas
eve with one Hiram Rider , a man of 00.
J. W. Ulor , Omaha ; W. C. Mas oy ,
'airinonl ; John Bowers , Friend ; A. J.
Wright , Tccumsoh. G. W. Gulp , Numnha
tity" ! W. II. Widamaii , Georgn Vale ,
Theodore Barnhardt , August Rocckcr ,
David RPCS , Norfolk ; G. I ) . Sago , Atkin
son ; J. Woods Smith. Loup City ; II. II.
Shcdd , Ashland ; J. K. Colby Beatrice ;
Musical Union orchestra , Omaha ; Kills
"I. Bierbowcr and wife , Omaha ; II. C.
h-own and G. F. Fox. Norfolk ; R. B.
Cowdery , Columbus. R. S. Wills , W. B.
Plowman and C. J. Smallwood , Omaha ;
J. B. Walker , Norfolk ; C. C. Birdsall ,
Fremont ; C. A , Ransom , Bancroft ; J. C.
Morrissey , Plattsmouth ; .loo O'Pelt and
wife , Nebraska City ; E. C. Bartlelt ,
_ _
The Delicacies Now Obtainable in the
liocnlMurts Prices ami Varieties.
The most toothsome food at present in
this line are the wliito lisli and trout , sell
ing for 15 cents a pound. Fresh cod
lish is to bo purchased for 15
cents a pound , while halibut steaks
and eels are worth 25 cents a pound.
Flounders are worth 12 1 cents a pound.
Fresh mackerel brings 15 cents
apiece. Smelts , are plenty and
are selling for 12 } cents a pound.
Skinned perch have urrivod in sea
son and sell at 12V cents per pound. Her
rings are also just in season and arc
worth 10 cents a pound. Striped bass
arc so scarce as to bo unquoted. Pickerel
are just arriving and sell at 10 cents per
pound. Salt eodlibh tongues sell for 12
cents a pound.
Oysters , of standard quality and size ,
are Hulling at 40 cents a qt. The selects
bring 00 cents a qt. Cans 20 to 40 cents ,
Thorn have been no material changes
in the line of meats.
The best cuts of sirloin soil for 15 cent" ;
ruiup.s and upper part of round steak at
12J- . Roasting ribs , firm and juicy , can
bo bought from 10 to 12J cents. veal is
extremely scarce and comes high , from
15 to 20 cents , according to the choiccness
of the part. Sweet breads can be pur
chased at 25 cents a pair. Corn beef is
bulling at from 5 to 10 cents , according to
cuts. Prime leg of mutton can bo had for
12J cents ; mutton chops 12 } to 15 cents
Ham is worth 1SJ cents in bulk. 20 cents
sliced. Pork , 10 to 12J cents. Sausage ,
10 to 18 } cents. Venison , rich and juicy ,
can bo purchased for 20 cents. The ten
derloins of steers killed for Christmas
will bo fine , and should be spoken for in
Chickens are worth 15 cents a pound ,
turkeys and ducks 20 cents a pound.
Rabbits , dressed , are scarce , but can bo
purchased for 15 cents each.
Onions are selling at 30 cents a peck
Turnips are worth 20 cents u pock
Rutabagas 3 cents a pound. Cabbage is
bringln ? i'J to 15 cents a head. Now Cal
ifornia cabbage 5 cents a pound Potatoes.
best /arietios , are worth 0) to 75. Salt
Luke potatoes are selling for 85 cents i
bushel. Sweet potatoes , are 25 cent !
for four pounds.
Ilubbard and Miirblohoad squashes
are scarce and sollj for 10 lo 23 cents
Carrots are worth 25 cents a peck.
Oystur plant sells -1 bunches for a quar
Parsley is sold at 5 cents a bunch.
Parsnips at 25 cents a peck. Yankee
pumpkins are very scarce and worth
irom 15 to 25 cents each ; sweet pie pump
kins the same.
Celery sells at 00 cents a dozen. Now
hot-house radishes Gil cents a Lct-
tuco 75 cents a do/.en.
Florida oranges are worth 25 to 50
routs a do/on , according to sixo.
New California oranges from 40
to 50 cents a do/.en. Bana
nas are worth from 35 to 50 cents a do/
on. Grapes of the Malaga variety soil
for 80 cents a pound , . Raisins can bo had
for from 10 to 35 cents a pound ,
dried currants 10 to 15 cents a pound.
Candied citron is worth 50 cents
a pound. Figs are worth from 20
to 25 cents a pound , cooking tigs 20 cents
a pound. Cranberries are soiling for
from 10 to 15 cents u quart. California
pears are worth 15 cents a pound. Good
Persian dates tire worth 15 coats a pqund ,
and Black Fard dates 20 conU a pound.
Apples , choice Michigan varieties , aVe
worth $ ! ) .25 to $ a.50 a barrel , Now York
htatos SU.OO a barrel. Missouri htock is
woith from $2.50 to ? 3,00.
Hickory nuts are worth 50 cents a pock ;
shell barks and hu/.ol uuU are selling for
75 cents.
nirTTCK AXD nuas.
Butter , dairy , is bringing from 25 to 30
cents a pound. The best creamery can
be purchased ut 85 routs a pound. Kggs
soil for the standard price of 20 cents u
do/.en. _
A Pleasant I'urly.
A pleasant parly was hold last night at
the residence of Alex Schall , corner of
Sixth and Pioreo streets , in honor of his
sister , Miss Katie Schall of St. Joe , and
Miss Ilurdy of Iowa , who are visiting at
the homo of the host. About twenty
couples wore present and the evening
was cnjoyably spent in card playing ,
games and other amusements.
Itnllwuy Notoa.
D. McCool , general mauagi'r , and
Frank Milligun , general freight ami pa < s-
cnger agent of the St. Joe AJ Grand Is-
hind , are in the city , stopping at the
C. E. Frlzollo has resigned the oflleo of
travelling agent for the Rock Island ,
which ho has for several months held
hero , ami gone to New York ,
The Sioux City & Pacific run excur
sions from Omaha to St. Paul during the
entire Ice carnival to conform to the fol
lowing programme of festivities In that
city : -February Drd Arrival of the King.
Ubyal Uppnptlon. February 4th StormIng -
Ing of Palace by Fire King. Victory of
Ice King , February Gth Mardl ( Iras'
Procession. "The Seasons , " cost ovoi4
$5,000. Masquerade Ball. February Cth
IiidinU Galnes. Snow-shoo Club Exhi
bition in Carnival hall. The local ollico
of the company Is in the Paxton hotel.
The Transcoiitlnentallsts leave for New-
York Thursday evening.
Gen. Test , tlio Union Pacific statisti
cian , Is cunlmed to his home with Ill
Short Interview * * Xflnthcrcil In tlio
Hotel Itotumlnq.
A. F. Atkcn , Kearney , A'ct."Tho fool
ing in Kcarnny is that Postmaster Mor
gan Is partially responsible for the Heath
trouble , though not , of course , directly
implicated in his crooked work. The
chairman of the republican county ecu-
ral committee is doing all In his power
.0 have Morgan's appointment confirmed.
Tills Is to be uncounted for on the ground
hat Mougun owes him a largo sum of
nonoy , winch ho hopes to recover if ho
Morgan ) is confirmed ns postmas-
Jor. i'ho MUttimont in favor of Van
Wyek is very strong in Buffalo county ,
and It is cafe to say that ho will receive a
largo majority there. "
O. H.Villanl \ , Lotip City , Xct > . : "Loup
City Is a bustling little town of fiOO in-
lahitanN , and Is enjoying a good healthy
boom. Loup county is soon to have Ihreo
now railroad lino" ! . Onoof them is the
extension of the Union Pacilic from the
main line to Loup City , up thu middle
Loup valley , the other the Muddy creek
extension of the B. & M. ami the branch
line up the South Loup from Howard
City to North Plattu. The Union Pacific
branch to Loup City will bo pushed
rapidly us soon as the weather becomes
warmer. The ties and rails are all ready
to bo iiiod us soon as the men can bo put
to work. "
" (7. Jr. Sintpion , lioalon , Mass. : "I have
just returned from a trip to the cattle
ranches of western Nebraska. The catllo
of that region of the country will go into
February in bettor condition that ever
before , owing to there markably mild
wouthoMliat has prevailed theie , I was
snowed in for a day in Iowa last week
When 1 got lo Omaha Friday night tlio
thermometer marked 20 degrees below
xcro. When 1 got to Kimball Iho next
morning it was 40 above , people were
going about in Ihcirshirt-slcovcs , and the
ice in tlio streams was thawing. A
remarkable change in 200 miles ,
wasn't it ? There is no snow west of
Denver Junction. I don't think there
has boon a single head of stock lost from
cold or hunger tills winter in western Ne
braska , and the cattle are strong and
thriving. Of course , there are two
months of winter yet to come , and the
largest looses of stock have occurred in
March. In these cases , however , the
stock was thin and reduced from the
rigors of a long season of cold weather.
Now the cattle are Strom ; and vigorous
and will not mind afow days of blu/.ardy
weather in March. Another reason why
the season has boon favorable to the
stockmen is that the calves had a chance
to fatten and grow , and will make larger
and bettor cattle " [ Chicago News.
FALCOXKIl At 71(5 ( North Sixteenth sheet ,
on the ! ! d lust , to tlio wile of Win. Fal
coner , a sou. _
Pcilcral Collections.
The following were the internal reve
nue collections for the month of January :
Collections on list . S 142.13
Beer stamps . 5 , ! > ( ; 7.)8 ! )
Siiirlts. . . . . ii,017.00 :
Clears . 2'B8.-i
' 1 nlmcco . 154.fc
Special tax . l,550.b'J
The Vincents played to another
crowded house at the People's theatre
last night and the .standard of tlio per
formaiice was fully up to that of the
firbt. The company lias evidently caught
on , and will remain here two weeks or
more. _
Frank Piermont , a barber in the Paxton
hotel , while passing Jefferson Park on
Sixteenth street Monday slipped on thu
sidewalk and in falling broke his arm.
The injunction case against J.I. Rcdck
to prevent him from pntling up a wood
en uuilding on Twenty-third and Cuming
streets , will come up tor argument in the
district court to-day.
One solitary marriage license was is-
Mied yesterday in the county court ,
the couple being Valentino Zawis/i :
and Mis. Lndwicka Konicuy both of
Omaha and both aged 25 years.
\nothor case of the caisson fever oc
curred lycstcrday under the now al-
mo-t finished pier. John Hurley , a
workman , was prostrated on coming out
and was taken at once to his home , 1212
South Sixtli street. Dr. Galbraith was
summoned in attendance.
II. S. Winston , who has long been con
nectcd with the local agency of yio Mu
tual Lifo Insurance company , leaves
shortly for Chicago to enter the ollico of
the company there. Mr. Winston , who
is a grandson of the Into Frederick Win
ston , president of tlio Mutual Lifo , nnd
is held in high esteem In local social cir
Four horses and the great legal question
tion of conjugal property trm&ter were
brought into Judge Berka's court yes
terday. Mary B. Coder sued Christian
P. Hanson and Dorsoy B. Houck , con
stable , to recover four horses which had
been attached in a suit against her hus
band and which she claimed us her own
property. The court decided for the
Personal Paragraphs
A. D. Boomer , of Rock county , is at
the Cunliold.
C. A. HaiHomu. Bancroft , Neb. , is a
guest at the Cunliold.
Bon Stern , advance agent for "Tho
Hanlons , " is stopping at the Millard , on
his way to California.
Edward Bluett , J. W. Love. James
Balding and G. G , Goring of Fremont ,
are in the city , Paston gucsls ,
Mrs. A. II. Anderson , of Shoshone ,
Idaho , on her way to Chicago , is spend
ing u few days with Mrs. AA. . Gibson , of
this city.
George W. Kelley and A. S. Stigor ,
wife and son nro at the Millaid. The
gentlemen form the lirm of Kelley , Stigo
& Co. , successors to L. B. Williams , and
nmfrmii Now \r/\.l/ .
Registorcd ut tha Paxton last evening
wore M. McLaughlln. West Point ; H. if.
Dorsoy , Wahoc ; F. J. Carpenter , Kear
ney ; W. W. W. Jones , G. Ill Willard and
Joseph Burns , Lincoln.
Mrs. E. II. Thuyor , the distinguished
authoress of "Wild Flowers of Colorado. "
is visiting in this city at the homo of her
father , Mr. ( JW. . Honmn , whither she
was culled some days since by a telegram
announcing his illness.
Mr. 0. B. Persons , the affable and ao-
- clerk the 1'axton
conimod-iting night at ,
was looking unusually happy last even
ing over tlio receipt of a dispatch from
his wife that she would join him in Oma
ha this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Persons
will make their home in this city.
The combination , proportion , and pro
ccs-s iu preparing Hood's Saraaparilla ,
are peculiar to this medicine , and un
known to others.
Dr. Hamilton Warren , Kclectlo Physi
cian and Surgeon , 703 N. 10th street ,
near Webster , Day and night calls
promptly attended to.
Union Scwiug Machine , 200 N , 10th Stl
The Catci ) Dlspofcetl of by Jmlco Ston ,
l orRjy jBtcrtlfljr.
James Kcynolil'Ji ' dhnrgcd with disturb-
nnco of the pence * , wis lined $5 hml costs
ntut In default lie wqnt to jail.
Mi A. O'Urlcn.ifoD Vngrnnoy , wits com
mitted to the couiitj- jail for thirty days
ns was nlso Frank Burns , same charge.
Frank Smith was piven a like sentence ,
the Insl ten days thereof , to bo on bread
and \ > ator.
"James llognti , " uallcd the court. " > ou
nro charged with bring a tramp. How Is
that ? "
A jolly , rcdnoscd , redfaced Irishman
camoto the front nml burst out. "Iain
Ruilly. Might ns well tell the truth.
Ain't ( tot no money nor no work and
what the h Is n man lo do ? Yes , I'm a
tram ] ) . "
"How would It do to send you up for
ton days ? "
"All right I gueis. 1) mo if I eave
whether you make it thirty days or sixty
days. Can't lind work anyway. "
Judges Stimborg released llojrnn with
instructions to Ictivo town unless he could
get work soon.
A. Tilard ami Tom Leonard , two young
cooks from Chicago , weru arraigned for
vagrancy. They plead not guilty , saying
Unit thov had come to Nebraska to lind
work. They were reloaded , on a promise
to leave town at once.
John Ntirok , the continued Holtomlau
vng , was given a sentence ot thirty days
in the county jnll.
A line of > " ! and costs was imposed up
on William Parker , an e\pres > > man who
is carrying on his business without a li
Leon Hewitt and I-rank Van Ness , two
notorious llttlo thieves and vagrantswere
nes.1 called up. They were found sleep
ing in a little hut on a vacant lot near lite
Hiu : oflieo early yesterday morning antl
were arrcslcu for vasrancy. This
hut has been rigged up by a lot ot the in
corrigible youngsters who make ita point
never to sleep at homo if they can help
It , and to steal everything thov can lay
their hands on. They have a small stove
in the house , which makes desperate at
tempt ? to throw out heat , while overhead
in a loft is a bed made out of rags , pieces
of bagging , etc. There those young high
waymen congregate to hold their nightly
revels and to lay plans for the robberies
which they commit from timoto time. The
establishment js a sort of robbers' cave , as
it were , which the police propose
to break up. The first victims , Hewitt
and Van Ness , were .sentenced to thirty
days in Ilia county jail.
A sure euro for BUnil , Bleeding , Itchin
ntul Ulcerated Piles has been discovoieit by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Ir
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A simjlo
box lias cured the wotst clnonlc pases of 2" > or
! > 0 years standing. No one need suffer five
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth
Int ; medicine. Lotions and instruments do
moio haiin tlinn.'ogil. | Williams' Indian
Pile Ointment ; ibs6rbs the tumors , allays the
Intense itching , fparticularly at nielit after
retting warm in bed ) , nets as a poultice , elves
instant relief , nml Js prepared only for Piles ,
itchini ; of privntoiwns , and for nothing else.
Dr. Fia/ier'S Mujrio Ointment ernes as by
mailc , Pimples , Hlaclt Heads or ( Jrubs ,
niotches and Kntption's on the face , leaving
the skin ciearand beautiful. Also cures Itch ,
Salt Khcuin , Sore Nipples , Soio Lips , and
Old Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of
00 cents. ,
Ifctalled by Kuhn it" Co. , and Schroder &
Becht. At whole-tale by C. P. Uoodman.
How the Residents "Beyond the
Tracks" Eiljwrthc Winter. '
The winter niul'Mthc ' season of social
pleasure has not been neglected in that
prosperous portion of the city , which is
growing in people and valuation south
of the railway tracks. Social clubsmeet
ings , balls , hops , card parties , private
entertainments and soirees of every dis-
cription have beguiled the winter nights
and some of the most pretentious and
surely many of the most enjoyable affairs
of the season arc to the credit of the south
Of a public nature the South Omnlm
Social club is probably the most promi
nent. The organi/ation consists of tire
contlomen , Messrs. Clias. Suldon , Thos.
Do Puy , Chas. liaumc , Chas. lloyo and
James Tholps.
Every other Saturday night they bring
together ut Mailer's hall , on the IJcllcvuo
road , some fifty or more couples of ladies
and gentlemen , and give a hop of the bo t
character. These evening meetings are
swell affairs the music is furnished by
a full string orchestra , nnd a handsome
spread is served at the proper hour in the
The largo Bohemian clement have reg
ular Sunday night parties at their own
hall on South Thirleentli street , and the
best of feeling and order invariably pre
vails. The music is good and the dances ,
many ot their native land , are almost all
of the "round" form , etteli as ,
polkus , etc. . although they have some
iignre dances , adopted from the society
ol their new homo.
There are two individuals on the South
Side who furnish great amusement on
oee.ibions both in public and in private
when a "jolly good time" is wanted.
One is an old country fiddler who can
only scrano his tune while his foot is in
motion , and the other is a "caller" of
the same typo who plays second flddlo
and calls the changes to the tune of "The
Arkansaw TrayoTor , " "Run , Nigger.
Run , " etc. , as ho saws on one string.
Altogether the people of the south side
will welcome the llowers that bloom in
the spring with many pleasant recollec
tions of tno winter.
Invalids' Hotel ami Surgical Institute.
This widely celebrated institution , lo
cated at Htilhilo. N. Y. , is org.iui/od with
a full stall'of eighteen experienced and
skillful phvsiciuns and surgeons , consti
tuting the moit completi ) organi/.ution of
medical and surgical skill in Americafor
treatment of till olirauio disyi swhctliur
requiringiu4'.cal ' ci-surgieui moans lor
thuir euro. Mimvlons success has boon
achieved in the curo'of ' all nasal , throat
and Jiui { < disease * , liver anil kidney dis-
oaMis , diseases of the digestive organs ,
bladder diseases , diseases peculiar to
women , blood taints-'nnd skin diseases ,
rheumatism , nouhilgiti , nervous debility ,
partilynis , epilepsy ( ilU ) , spcnnatorrhca ,
unpotunoy and kindred affections. Thou
sands are cured dttumr homes through
correspondence , H'lm ouru of the worst
niiititiv.s , pile tumors , varicocolo , hydro-
celo and strictures lr"guarranteed , with
only a short rosidbncd at the institution.
Send 10 cents in'btamps for the invalids'
( Snide-Book , ( lUS ago * ) which gives all
particulars. Adurf & World's Dispen
sary , Medical association , Buffalo , N , X *
A pair of pot deer of the West India
species are passing the cold weather
healthfully \Voodbndgo \ , Conn. , but
their fawns do not live.
A buffalo bull that has been domesti
cated in Barnes county , Dakota , for two
or three years has lately ueon Hhip ] > od
oaat to boino zoological garden as a wil d
native of the plains.
A man at Edcnvlllo , N , Y. , has estab
lished a coonory for the purno nof brood
ing and raising coons for the Now York
market. Ho will sell the meat the mar
ket , the skins' to furriers , and the tails to
A Red Canyon ( Cal. ) prospector gath
ered rubbit moat enough during thi > latu
storm to last him until .Tuns. Ho cut
down tt lot of trees , pauitcd thocrcl ?
black , and the rabbits butted their brains
out trying to jump Into what they took
for holes.
There was < i nnccr scone on Hie pralrlo
at Fort Custcr , Montana , the oilier night ,
when thn quarters of troop M , First cav
alry. went up in flnme , nnd some fifty
eight cavalry horses were burned to
death , one of them , though on lire , gal-
loDliinr a long way over the snow before
ho fell.
few nights ago eighty wild ducks
ro picked up at tlio base of thn light
house on Anastasia Island on the Florida
coast. In their heedless southern ( light in
nthnnco of the northern blizzard they
were un.iblo to steer clear of the tall tow
er , nnd were killed outright by the con
A bald eagle swooped down upon a
live geese in Hartford county , North
Carolina , recently , and wai caught In tv
trap , of which the geese was the decoy.
The wings of this monarch of the air
measured ten from tip to tip , and ho had
been spreading Imvoo among the poultry
and sheep of the section for many weeks.
A Norwich ( Conn. ) man , who keeps a
pet shepherd dog that carries packages
and letters to his master in his mouth ,
was surprised Thursday morning , sajs
the Noiwieh Bulletin , when the dog
brought to him a note saving : "Kcoji
water away , away from me or I shall
ftotli. ' 1 am mail , ' they say , and I am
wroth. O master , tloar , be merciful tome
mo , and sontl mo ticketed through to
Pasteur in Pareo. "
in Nebraska and Iowa during the week
ending January ! ! 0 , 1880 , furnished by
Win. Van Vleck , of the poslolllco depart
ment :
KstablMicd Coxvlllo , Dawos county ,
Vim , Anolopo county , William C. May
bee ; Barada , Richardson county , Robert
N. Covj Cambridge , Furnas county , Ira
A. Hanning ; Cedar Creek , Cass county ,
Charles W. Snydcr ; Denton , Lancaster
county , Daniel A. CSilbort ; DoWitt ,
Saline county , A. II. Dcniiiinn ; Homer ,
Dakota county , U. S. Maiisliold ; Johnson ,
NtMiiahncounty , Milton F. Jones ; Laird ,
Frontier county. Job Norwood : Middle-
burgh , Richardson county , Willis J.
PcaKo ; Murray. Ca s county , Samuel G.
Latta ; Plasi , Saunderrt county , Frank
KocarnikRock ; Bluff , C.iss county , Fred
eric Patterson ; Slielton , liullalo county ,
John Conroy ; Stuart , Holt county. John
F. Haight ; Talmage , Otoc county , Henry
B. Ord.
Established Callioun , Appanooso
county , James Matter , postmaster.
, . ,
Gutlirio county. John J. Qniggin ; Lunov ,
Taylor countyAIo.\andcr C lTicoMary ; -
ville , Marion county , Julius S. Biidgo ;
Mondamon , Harrison county , James O.
Stuart ; Monroe , Jasper county. Hcnrv
( T. Nelson : Richfield , Fayctte county , N.
Jocobs ; Rising Sun , Polk county , John
Roberts ; Prairie City , Ja per county , A.
II. Brous , Rock Dale , Dtimiquo county ,
Mothias Moos ; Sheffield , Franklin coun
tyB , Whecloek S. Bowen ; Xcnorsville ,
B oono county , R. F. Gassowey.
Nebraska National Banfc
Paid up Capital $250,000
Suplus May 1 , 1885 25,000
H. W. YATKS , President.
A. E. TobVAMN , Vice President
W. H. S. HUGHES , Cashier.
\V. V. MOUSE , JOHN S. Cou.iNg ,
Co . 12th and Farnam Streets.
General Nanking Business Transacted.
Proposals For Paving1
SEAUi ; ) proposals " 111 bo received by the
undersigned until 11 o'clock a. m. of Monday ,
tlio Hib day of rein miry , 1BM1 , for the following
kinds of pax Ing material , vl/ :
Shoot nsphidtum ns per spoclflcntlons.
Asphnlt blocks ns porspeoltlcntions.
Sioux Kails erianltu ns per spoolllcntions
Coloindo K.inrt tone us per spopillcations.
Any other stone ns per spocltlcntlons.
Macadam ns poi specifications.
Wooden blocks as per spoclllcatlons.
Any bid for paving in addition to boinirac-
coidlng to spoclllcatlons , may nleo bo according
to such hpoclllcntlons , an tlio bidder may proscribe -
scribe , the winio to bo sot forth in dotnll und to
nccompnny bid.
Knch bid wlmll cpcclfy n price per failure ynrd
for the pnIng complete on the btroot.
\Voiklo bo done In uccoidaiiLO with plans ami
( specifications on lllo In the ollico ol tlio board of
public woilcs.
Illds to mo mrulo on pi In to J blanks furnished
by thobonid , nnd uceompiinlod with u certltled
check In the bum of ono tliousaiiil dollars , puy-
nhlo to the cltv of Omulm ns n Kimrnnteo Unit
the bidder wfll within thirty days tiom the
opening of the bids ( 'lvo bonds not ovcoedlng
t o thousand dollars nstho mayor or city coun
cil may loipihothat such bidder will enter Into
contiactlor Mich pavlniof the kind nnd mi- :
toiinli peclllcd , ns may be oidcicd during the
year ISwl.
The board of public works reserves the right
toiojoctimy or fill bids , nnd to waive any de
fects. J. K. HOUSK.
doii'7 Chalinian llourd ol 1'ubllo Woiks.
Master's Bale.
In the Circuit Coml of the United States for tlio
Distill ! ol Nobiiislai.
Ucoiga Scott )
VH. > In Chnncory.
Uoss H. Vnnnttn ot al. )
PlIDIJO notice is lioreby given that In pursn-
unto nnd by virtue of n decree onturod In
the ubovo cniibo , on the 81 h day ot April , IH&t , 1 ,
Kills l > . llierboHcr , Sjieclnl .Maatur In ehuneery
In hiildcouit\tlll.on the l lhdayof Fubrnary ,
IBM , at the hour of ono o'clock In the nftci noon
of the snld day , nt the went door of the
United Ktnlcs court house nnd post ollico buildIng -
Ing , In the city of IJncolnLancubtor count ) , bluto
nnd district of Nebinekn , soil ut auction tlio lot-
louIng doMTlhod propoity , to-wlt :
Tliosoutlinest cjuartc'r of Hcctlon No. SO In
Town No. 7. Noitbof ItutifoNu. IDV. . Up in.
In Adnms county , state ot Nobtjis'ia ,
EfXlSIi. "
H pedal Muster In Chaucer ) ' .
COIINISM &Tuin.TTd , Coplnlimn.t'sSolIcltos.
Change ot Time.
Coramonoliif , ' November S3 , Ilurllnzton Houlo
G , 11. &Q. K. K , ) train for Chicago and St. I.ouH
leaves Oinnha depot ( II. k M. ItlUut 0 p. m
Tliroush Blcopcrs , conches nnd dlnlnir car. No
tuuisfor. HAHItV' DEUKU
Ticket AKt'tit , IX'I rurimm st.
QUICK worn : . HOKEIUTK riucta
Light Driving Harness
Iloin y Draft liurness , Collars , etc. Tlio mo s
duralilo t-tock nnd tlio > eiy best > \ork gnaran-
toed , liutriry tons trimmud to order. Impairing
neatly done , llcmcmbur the plucu C55 B. Uth st.
Manufacturer nnd dcnlor In
harness , saddle * , whips , lioisn
clolhliiH , etc. All irrndea of
hariH > "s ahvajs kept on luunl
ormudo to eider , Itoiiililiii
usyoclulty , 110 N. llilli ht. ,
bet , Dodaro and Cupllol Avo.
Peoples' Meat Market ,
Has umpioetlotiuhly the nentoit , do.ino < tt , MOW
CM , mo t spacious und elcKant inuiket lit thu
city I Iu the Stevens uoollni ! room , \\
in iv111 kuovt n us thu best refrigerator lor mo.its.
Tclt'phono ( Jui. No. Id'-'l llownnl bt. , cor. St.
Jlurj biivo.
Klttlu rcudoiod loaf lard is u hpcclulty.
0. T. TAYLOU ,
General Afront
OlliccCor. 14lh nml ttoiifflns Sic.
TP'ups Ordinary l.tfo , Ilndownu'tit , Limited
liiiilowniptit. 1'ivo. Vcnr nUUloiid 1'lnn mid the
rbptilnFNon.rnrrrltlnitTontoiio 1'ollelcs. As
set * over $ COUOJCOO. _ _ _ _
Flro Insurance.
11 South Thirteenth Street , Tolopliono No.'iJ )
Northern A urnnco Co , London , Kn land.
Orient liiMirnnro Co. , llnrtfcml , Conn ,
Union Insurance Oo , 8nn rrnnel oo , Cal.
Nntlonnl I'lrrt Insurance Co. , lliirlforrt.Conn.
Klrcmnn'd I'uiiit Ina. Co. , ( tan rrnnol eo , Cal.
\yp < lofti A s\uniicoCo.Toionlo , Out.
A * . 1J. HATCltKli ;
Provident Savings Life Assurance Go ,
of Now York.
107 South romteor.tli Street , Onmlm.
Chonpest Itxilriincu Per ollero 1 by nn "old
line" company. Actunl HUM 110 yearly t > o t
din Intf the nilciidnrj cum if Si , 13ntnl 18SS , nt
Wo 40 , Inr tlOP.Muu ? M(17. (
J. C. ENENVOLl ) ,
Dry Goods ,
Tim sloprnnt brlclt oornor store , SliI mill Cum-
luff shorts , linn Just broil opotioil vrllli n iioimrftl
Stuck of Mnpli * "iitl liuicy dry if"1 ! , liootsKlmrs
hut" , cnv. iflovo , woikliifj rlollio" , iiiul n full
line of ttmlcrclntlilnK- . Tim bust auiillty nml tlio
lowi'M prices. Cnll mul sou.
JIUS. K. KIC511T ,
Milliner ,
At WNlOtli st. , I * doing u Halving Imeliic * * In
millinery uiul fnncy ( roods , mid aim keeps u nuin
bci of rniTiloyei'sliusy on hulle suits ami BCMieral
drc * iimKtiiir. Knuliloimlilo nnd Btyll'li ifiirincnls
cut ) bo lind nt .Mix. Klffht's for u Miry low flKiiro.
A tilnl Older fiitMU'S nil nnd secures tmtrotmirc.
Is tlio plnco for the people of NorthweRt Omnlm
to trade lieeiinsoll Is oentnilly located , ut the
corner of Cutiilntr nnd Smindcrs sK Tlio block
Is tlio bi'M mid tlio prices us chcnji ns nny.
Grocers ,
Tlilsflim cnrrlos n choice freeli stock nnd docs
n on tlio miitillest profit ! ) , nnd lu'iico
It bus n liljr tinile. liny your ( iroci-rles nour
liomonnd not nuillo orttto iiwiiy. No 17U5 Cum-
G-roceries , Fruit , Feed.
Special denier In poultry nnd nil kinds of puno.
Orfcters In wjnMin. Goods dollveied free nt nil
hours. S. Goldstein , 7U1 So. llllli ttioct.
Fancy Groceries , Flour , Feed , Etc.
Poultry , 1'rosh lluttcr nnd Krfr ( < 1 n specialty
' 1 Ills lirm 1m" IOIIK been noted ns tlio lendini ; ono
In tliuir linu for tno 'I lilid n nrd trndo. Aln nyfl on-
tin prising nnd up to the times with nlunty otov-
orj ihlnir thnt Is treed kept constantly In stock.
BW cor 10th and led o ntroots.
P. il. BACK&CO.
G-eneral Store.
Tills house furnishes your KOoda nonr homo ,
If you live in South Oninhn. BO thnt when jou
Ifct n nronjr sl/o In u lamp chimney orn btioiiR
pound of butter , jouant uu foicod to walk a
mlle nnd pot \ un < vcr liy the enrs lo fet it OJt-
dinned , lift ) , 11.2 nnd 11 1 S. 7th st.
Books and Stationery ,
117 N. 10th fitroot ,
ncliploiis books n sp * > clnlty.
Prescriptions , Perfumery
02 Sixteenth St , corner Etorn , iUBonlo Hull
. ULAD1S11.
Cor. Dodge anil 12th Streets ,
Drugs , Medicines and Chemicals
1'ancy and toilet articles , BPOHKOS , llriislios ,
I'eiluinory , oto. Physicians iiropcrJptloiiscuro-
Ailly compounded , and eiders answered with
euro nnd dbpntch. Our stock ol mcdlcino la
complete , wnrinntcd genuine anj ol tlio bust
nntgs , 1'nlntB , Oils nnd fltntlonory. Kurokn 1'lle
Ointment euros every tlmo. 1'ilco 60 cents. Kv
orv box Wai i anted.
" "
Livery Stable ,
No. 210H milntr street. The lending f cut nro of
this excellent stable is Its livery , but n Bpeclnl
depuitment to which prciit euro IH KlM-'ii IH the
. , ofliorsns. A stock of hornoslorealo
or oxchniifio v III bo kept on hand. Don't forgot.
hoplard , Cumlntr street , No. 210S.
Dealer Iu
Wines , Liquors & Cigars ,
021 S'jutli ISth St.
JOONICANE Iii attendance.
ira St. Wniy'fl A\o. , Cor. 18th St ,
bliip promptly uttendod to.
Mui'lhm uuuruntuod.
J , L. BOY & Co. ,
At 607 N , 10th St. , carry n lar/o stock of
, , ,
Silverware , Musical Instruments ,
And bveijlhlni ; in their liny.
fiiiu'l urofltj und inilck sales Is Iliulr motto louur pilct'S nio nmdo tliiin any other house
in ( hfc-iiy.
Of nil kinds done In tlio mo l skillful tnuoucr ,
JinSjraVing exocultJ tu order.
Bucccssora to Snmuol Hees.
Printers , Book Binders
And ninnk book MnniifftPturcrs. Nos lOflnnd
1088. 14th sticet , Omnlm Nob. V. 1'arllo , Bupor *
Intondrnt lilndpry. Tolopliono No. 2o3. Mnnu <
fnctutcrs of rubber Mntnp . _ . .
'Lite JJcsl of Woik al Remunerative Prlcci
l.nlejt jtjlca ot
Artistic Job Printing ,
1303 Fnrnnm Street. Hoom 0 , Omnlm , Noli ,
Champion Mills ,
Dour , 1'eod nnd Menl , 1010 N. Ifith Mrvct. Hitcfc.
hent und rjo Hour n specially. Thl now * mill H
prepared to ftirnlMuuiy amount of iroods In Ita .
line on shoil nolleo nnd the most fnvormdo 'J
prices tlio mnrkot 111 nllou.
A. W. CCMVAX vt CO. ,
Auction and Commission
snllellod ; f in nlttlro hoitpht nnd
Fold. Snle of Hut Block nnd household fur ill-
lure nl pi lnlo ro'ldenop < < In n spovlnlly H Ith < n.
Itemombor the plnco , West .V I'lltscher's block
N Itth M , No 111) ) .
Importer niul Dealer In
Teas , Fancy Crockery ,
Hpleo , .1npiinc o nnd Chttie oVnncvOoodc , No- t\ \
Ions , etc. lloautiriilOinaineiilc , TUSinthst , t ]
Photographers ,
Tor tlio best , the cheapest , nnd the most va
ried styles ol nitHtlo poi ti all \\orlc In crayon ,
pantcl , und all kinds ol photos , RO to Tollman &
} lntiard'RKullery , TtU and 70i N. 10th t-t. Film
cnhlnets for $ J per dozen.
l'i act leal house , sltfii nnd/iosco pnlntors. Tnpor
hanging , Brainingkahomlnliiff. .
lOlll OUM1NO ST.
T. it. TKEVETT ,
Awnings ,
403 So. 14tli Street.
Wrlto for Tr ices.
New England Bakery
No. 221 NoithlOth Street.
Gives tholnrgest nml bcM fie lonf of lironil In
the city , ( 'akcs , plesnndnimrollsdnlly. . Homo-
mndobread iibpec'lally. Many Indies hnvo quit
baUiiiKlorthempeUes lnco they can Ifct this
tnuko of honie-inndo brend.
Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery ,
Etc. Also Tin Roofing , Guttorliitf.SpoutliiK-
( lenernl Job Tiunliur. The best of work nnd rou
( -onnlli churpros. Milk cans nnd other tlnwnro
in stock. M Unmlnif St , Omaha , Nob.
10,000 Different Stoves ,
At Northeast corner 10th mid Webster , Is cloitur
n MK business In loplnclnir broken or damnifod
parts of stoves , The Fettlnu un , piUshlng and
rcpnliliiR of stoves IH host iionobyono who
mnkoH his hus'ncHS n spoclnlty. btovos , tlmviuo
nnd outlory are kcitt I
Improved nwnliiRS , sltfti mid bell hnnsrln ? , stool
. xont lorMesmet t > patent piomiuin beer
InucelH und stnndlird water pressure niinips. N\V
cor.l5tli und Unwind Ht3. , OiimhnNob.
Practical Horseshoer
Particular attention given to horsoa havliitr
coins , eontrnctcd fet or Intorforlni' . 4U > Sa
Horseshoeing ,
This Is the Bhon where nil the fnnoy liowslioa-
init Is done , und If you hnvo u rucer , trotter or a
hoiBOthitt Is worth aujtliliiR you want to bo
RiironndtakoulmtoBhnw's to bo shod , No 111
B- Will Bt
Horseshoers ,
The best workmen , Tlio very cliolcost mnto-
rluls. I'rompt uttontlon. l invcnlent for the
Not th Omnlm pooplu. Can laves und wagons
made and ropalrwl , ( loneinl Jobbliitf done to
order. No , ± ! UUumlnifbticot. !
Choice Family Liquois ,
I'or choice fnm'ly ' liquors nnd wines for cook
Intr piiiiMisca , Hour Mnsh WliUky.Muryhuid Kyo ,
Kino ImiiJiludllinndlvs , Alonnd I'oiler\lslt or
send to A. II. Hnondun's aU H. Uth St. Omnlm
l > . ( JOOS , PltUl'lllKTOIU
1WB , 1510,1513 Km num St.
Tlie only i-ontrnlly located fJ n dny lioiiso.
Three doois ftom lloyd'uopeiu lioilbo und ono-
ball block from i > ostilllo ( ( und thu court house ,
llusnll modern iniproMuiioiits , ole > utor. clw.
City Hotel ,
1'HEl ) WIHTH , Manaor.
Cor. lOtli and Hurnoy SU. , Onmlin , , Nobrnskiu
lloomsnnd llonid , $1 , t-l. ' nnd tl.W per day.
Day board bv u cek , tJ M ,
Feith's ' Electric Hotel ,
liSlN , 12tli St. , Coi. Capitol Ave ,
HonmsiOc ! und $1
, to oiilur nl idl hour * . , , . ' _ -
I. Try : ' * ? t ln * *