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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. v\ m FIFTEENTH , , WEDNESDAY MOfyNCNG , FEBRUARY 3 , 1886. " NUMBER BANK PROPERTY BILL PASSED Nebraska's ' Senior Pushes His Important Measure Through the Senate , BOON FOR HONEST SETTLERS. Ills JJI11 Aimed to Settle Disputes He- Uveon Them and the General I < nml Olllcc Postal mid i'ntciit Iiil'ui-miUloii. Vnn Wyck's Important Hills. WAsiiJ.N-n-rov , Feb. 2 [ Special Telegram. ! In the senate to-day Mr. Van Wyck called up and passed his bill affecting real and per sonal property held by defunct national banking Institutions. It Is a measure of very general Importance , and will likely secure an early passage in the house. It provides that wherever a receiver of a national bank findn It necessary In his opinion , in order to fully protect and benefit his trust to the ex- lent of any equities that such trust may have In any property , real or personal , by reason of any bond , mortgage , assignment or other legal and proper claim attaching thereto , and which said proieity | Is tobo sold under any execution , decree of foreclosure , or proper order of any court of jurisdiction , he may certify the facts In the case together with his opinion as lo the state of thu prop erty Iob3 so sold and the value of thu equity Ills trust may havu in the same , to thu comptroller ot currency , together with a re quest for right and authority to use and cm- ploy so much of the money of thu trust as may lientc.'ssary to purchase .such property at such safe , and with the approval of the comptroller of currency and tlio secretary of the treasury he may draw upon .such funds as may be In his custody or deposited with the treasurer of Ihe United States for the purpose of which the allowance was made. This will elve receivers of national banks an oppoitunlty to protect real and personal property belonging to their trust from sac- rllieo by forced sale. Senalor Van Wyck said to the Dun correspondent pendent this evening that the bill ho Intro- troduccd yesterday to confirm entries of lands heretofore made under thu land laws of the United States was Intended to , and doubt less would , settle whatever dispute there may be between settlers and the general land olllco growing out of a reversion or different interpretation of the laws and rulings by the administration , and promulgated by other administrations. It would , too , quiet any fear that the settlers may havu In thu future on account of changes of administration. Mr. Van Wyck intends to glvo this measure personal attention , and believes It will be come a law. It provides that any entry here tofore made under the land laws of the United States , in conformity with thu rules , regulations and decisions of llio general land oil lee and Interior department at the time such entry was made , is confirmed to the extent , and shall bu perfected and pro ceed to patent the samu as if tlio rules , regu lations and decisions had not been reversed or modified ; provided , that such entry must have been made in good faith , and no charges of fraud have been made against tlio samc.and In casoanycharjrcs of fraud have been made , they shall bo investigated In the same manner ami wltli the same effect as if the rules , regulations and decisions under which the entry was made had not been modified or reversed. WKSTKllN POSTAL IXKOIt.MATIOX. Postmasters for Iowa were to-day com missioned as follows : Elijah L. Wood , Union ; Josiah A. ( Jalby , Itidgeway ; Anna M. Smith , Pleasant Plain ; Kdwiii A. Bush , Ostctdoclc ; Frank Hardln , Oaltville ; Amzl 1) . Uarnes , Delhi. Also , Charles W. Spencc , at Steel City , Nebraska , and William M. Young , nt Uluc Springs , Nebraska. The name of the postofllco at Morton , Ne braska , has been changed to Lanham , with Alexander Tays as postmaster. A postofllco has been established at Gaudv , Logan county , Nebraska , and Stephen K , Chappcll appointed postmaster. Thu stai mall service from Now Liberty to Inland ( Iowa ) lias been ordered discontinued after thu 7th lust. * PATENTS TO WK.STKHX INVKNTOIIS , Among the patents Issued to-day were the following for lowans : Joseph L. Coulter , Uurllngton , school desk and seat ; John N Shuck , l ) s Moines , device for Inverting bet hives ; John Thomas , Cedar Kaphls , harnes : saddle ; Solomon MeNeill , Uurllngton , cart ridge decapper , recapper and reloader Joseph II. Kliby , Lawler , milking machine Also , to Edward II. ( toward of t'olunibu : ( Neb. ) for a hay rake and loader. SII.VATF 1HI.I.S INTIinnUPBD. ' WAsniNflTON , Feb. 2. [ Press. ] Amoni the bills Introduced in the senate to-day wen the following : Hy Senator Chacc Snpplementary to tin civil service act. Its object is to proven congressmen from selecting or recommend Ing appointments to ofliee. JJy Senator Harris To prevent the Intro duciion of contagious and Infections disease Into the United Status and to establish' ; bureau of public health. It provides for tin establishment in the interior department of i bureau of public he'ilth under the manage incut of n commissioner of public health , ti bo appointed by thu president from civil life It abolishes thu National board of health am apmopriafes STOCOO to dclray the expense incurred in carrying out tliu provisions of th bill. iip.Mr.NT I'osmvnr.v DKNIRS Surveyor General Dement of Utah wa examined by Urn senate committee on publl landrf to-day with reference to the recent pul llcations which embodied alleged utterance of his. Implicating senators , members n coiiKins.s , and high executive officials li Washington and Utah In extensive conspire aelc.s to appropriate pnblm lands for the ! own benefit , and In conspiracies and briber of legislation all'ectlng Mormons , Domeii ilen led the statements attributed to him. The department of state has directed an Ir vesllgation bo made of the circumstance attending the killlnt : of Captain Crawford o the Htli Instant by Mexican troops. The house committee on banking and cu rency to-day directed an adverse report b madaon Kepivsontativo Seney'sblll tomak shareholders in national banks Individual ) liable for debts of flat bank. oCommander-ln-Chlef Himlcttoof the Gran Armv of the Itepubllii telegraphed this evei Ing to Commander K. 11.ailield of Sa FiMiiclseo that tlio national encampment < thu G. A. It. will bo held In San Fianclsc Tuesday , August II , IS-M. General Theoduro S. West of Wlsconsl has been appointed special agent of tlio tre.u my dupaitmont for the Fourteenth dhtric comprising tlio states of California and On pen and the territories of Washington an Alaska , with hoadqiiaitcra at San Fraiiclsci The committee on expenditures In thu di partmcnt of justice will on Thursday beg ! Investigation of tbo telephone cases asi Ihorizcd by the house of representatives. Kirr : WITHIN TDK LAW. The secretary of the tieasury to-day , I reply to the senate resolution directing hi 'a transmit to the senatoall papers In relatlo o the contract let to Iralnerd& ! Co. for tl voik of puttlnc nil additional Mory on U t'corla ( ill. ) poatoillco in lSt& and all i > v < leits tiled In iclatlon thereto , transmitted ; i Mich papers , and a letter In which he ny , "U'lieu the question of letting this contra ivns bcforo'ine I was advhpd ami obliged ' hold that under thu pit-sent statutes ofll United States I was not Ompowercd to dire or dictate what mcaps the lowest bldd unler a contract duly advertised in a'ccor * mice with law bhould employ to filial ! ti terms of the * 1-611 tract , provided ueli hu-ai be Jswiul. 1 found thai tUe statutes ot ti state of Illinois authorized the employment by the contractors In question of convict labor , I could not Und that any statute of the United States authorized the rejection of bids made by men who employed such labor. Consequently In obedience to what I deemed my duty under Ihu existing statute * , 1 directed that the contract bo let to the lowest possible bidder. " A MIMTAltV VKTK1IAX nn.VT ) . General David Hunter , United Stales Army , ictlred , died suddenly this afternoon at his residence In tills City. Ho was In his usual rood health this morning and made several visits down town dnrln ; ho afternoon. . On returning ho complained of a pain In his abdomen and had to bo assisted to bed. Ho died in a few minutes. Ho was a veteran of tliu Mexican war , and also served with dis tinction In the lute war. Ho was retired In ISM , after being severely wounded In several engagements. Hu was piesldent of the mil itary couit thai tiled Mis. Sim nit. IOWA KV13XT3. The Merchant Jobbers of the State Holding a Conclave. Dr.sMoiNis : , Iowa , Feb. 2. The Iowa Slate Jobbers'association met In this city to-day. A delegation by special car came from Cedar Haplds , but the other cities were unieprc- sen ted on account of the snow blockade. Mr. J. T. Hamilton of Cedar llaplds was chosen chairman of thu convention. The question of transportation rules was Ihu prln- Ipal subject ot discussion through the day , lid a committee was appointed to bring llio natter before the legislature , and In bahal f if the jobber * of the slaf.e ask for protection suinst unjust discrimination and extortion- .to late.s. An Mutineer Killed. JUNCTION , Iowa , Feb. 'J. [ Special 1'clcgnini. ] Engineer Charles Choato , of us Central Iowa railroad , was killed hero Ids morning while his engine was takin g vater. A train on the Hurlington , Cedar tapids & Northern ran Into his engine , kill- ng him Instantly. His home was in Ilamp- on < The General Assembly. MoNii ! : , Iowa , Feb. 2. A concunent csolutlon passed both houses of the legisla- : ure to-day , asking congress to place a high Icensu on the sale of buttcrinc and oleomar garine In order that they might not compete in an equal footing with pure dairy products , several legalizing acts were passed in each louse , but no bills of general interest. A. Ki < * Itlnzc nt Ijciiuo.v. LKNNON , Iowa , Feb. 2. | Special Tele- 'ram.1 A file last night destroyed five bust- .less houses. Thu loss is from Sl.5,0 00 to S2 , - X0. ! Insured for about one-half. THE MAN WHO TRAVELS. Clio Drummer , Ills Experiences und Peculiarities. Chicago Herald : From New England o Los Angeles , from 1'ngot Sound to iio Janeiro , and Buenos A'yrc.s , ho is met ivith in hotel , steam car , or stage couch , ivory business is represented by the lo- maeious individual , from a nuudlc to a ocomotive. Ho comes and goes at all lours. He is to-day in Dakota and next vuulc on the coast of California. His signature will bu found on every hotul egislor in tlio laud. No place i.s too ru- note for him to ) ) enutratu , no hardship 00 great for him to endure , if he can only sell goods. Hu will ride all night on 1 freight train if by this method hu can ieul : olV-somu competitor , lie is bright , jnurgiitic and a jolly companion , a great f-tory teller , and thu newest and best are 'omul in his repertory. No "chestnuts" 'or thu dririnmcr. There is no event snf- iuiuntto cast a gloom over Ids lifu save Jiaf' only of failure to get an order , but this is quickly dispelled , and his samples ire again exposed to the view of the rural merchant. An order is secured , and he is oil for new fluids to conquer. Uel'oro starting "on the road" it is necessary to have a complete route laid out , with the , names of towns and customorri to bo visited. These are pre pared , thu .sample trunks packed and the drummer listens toyords of advice from the "old man , " which usually consist of remarks about cutting down expenses. These admonitions , however , rest lightly on the drummer's sonl.and with a pocket full of inoiiuy and a bundle of mileage tickets ho is on' . Ho takes a seat in the train and iu duo time arrives at his lirst town and immediately prepares for business. His samples are spread out in the hotul sample-room , and ho goes out to find his man. If he succeeds in getting the merchant into the den where his goods are on exhibition the order is in variably secured , and no ono is moro surprised than ho who gives it , because ho was positive before the drummer met him that his stouk was complete and nothing was needed. The drummer is a happy individual , lie i.s at homo everywhere. Ho is great on flirtations , and no time is regarded lost spent in talking lo a pretty girl. Ho carries on his shoulders the burden of his house , yet llio weight has not thu ef fect to depress his spirits. Hu has confi- donee iu hi.s ability and knows the coun try demands his goods , which ho is bound to sell. Thu holul is his house and his castle hi.s homo. He knows ovury room , and as ho writes hi.s munu on the register tells the cleric which one ho pro- furs. Ho always puts up at the. best , and is on terms of intimate acquaintance with everybody , from the landlord down to the bell-boy. The drummer la usually a good player at billiards , whist , and "old sludgu , " while very row have n bettor idea of the valiio of a "full hand" than ho. Hu somulimes make * up liis mind to improve hi * time by read ing , and turns over a "now loaf , " csehuw- ing all such vanities and expensive amusements as billiards and poker , but the chances tire the next evening finds him iu company with some Kindred spir its , playing n "bob-tail" with such uwsur- unco us to win n jack-pot which had been opuncil by a timid individual with three queens. Sometimes , however , it happen * unit tlio iieklo goddess has not been good to him , and it requires considerable llg uring to balance expense account. Uu lucky , indeed , must thu cards run for him if hu uau't even things up in his monthly statement to the house , And old travelers ors have noticed that the drummer win is unlucky at poker usually soils the most goods. This Iu because un expense , no- count will easily pass scrutiny at "tin houso" if it is accompanied bv largo or dcrs. Small sales and bi < j expunsu no counts arc not healthy indication- ! the drummers' bu inc. s. In England drummers uro known a : " " usually sulectci "bag-men"and they aru for tills position on account of ago ami many years experience iu the business They lack the. push and energy that char actcrizes tlioir American brethren. The represonlntivo American drummnr is i young man , Very few gray heads arc found in theranks. . An old man on tin road is the exception. The nxtraim youth of many is a matter of wonder Yet it is impossible to meet ono who j making his first trip. It scorns to bo ai iunulu desire of thu drummer to bo o "old-timer. " Tliis beard appear to bu an - . lw.s youth will toil with the greatest de give of nonchalance of a trip ho niadi over the "U. P. " live years ugo , when If reality his "grip" is sliming with nownes and Ins irui'.kd bear no scars of travel TIP | new riun on the road is easily clc tiwliid. * > liioka thu selt-pos.scssiuu o UKi t'Ttii , und is inclined to iind fiuil j with hut -U and modes of travel , which ii r I ivgiirdi-d by the exwrionccd man us bai u I bivwl'ng und fivshneis In the business ? I Thuya dtfec-ta are usually eradicated b o Shot Dead at His Own Threshold by Some Party Unknown , DISASTROUS FIRE AT DE WITT' Forty Thousand Dollars' AVorth or 1'ropcrly Destroyed Suspicious Suicide Near Grand Island- Other State Specials. Cowardly Murder Near Valentine. VAir.uriNi : , Neb. , Feb. S. [ Special Tele gram. j Information has just been received here that Henry Stevcns.a farmer llvlni ; some llttccn miles east of here , on the Xlobrara river , was assasinated last nlyht. Ste\cus , hearing Ids dogs barklnc furiously , got up , lit his lantern , and started out to see what was the matter. Immediately after crossing the tlncsliold of his door lie was shot dead by parties unknown. Sheriff Connolly ami Deputy Little started Immediately for the scone of the murder , uhere they hope to be able to trace down the cowardly assassin. DC AVItt Suffers n Heavy Fire. HnATiuri : , Xcb. , Feb. 2. ( Special Tele gram. ] A $ r.,000 lire at De Witt at r o'clock this morn IIIK destroyed nine business build ings and .several large stocks of goods , being the best in thu town. The lire started in Darhydt's store , but how It started Is un known. On account of the very cold weather and lack of water supply , the lire could not be Mopped until one block was burned. The losses are as follows : Dr. Cross , building and drug stock , value 5-lXH ( ) , no Insurance , Stclnmeyer & Unland , general stock , part of the goods saved , value .57,000 , Insurance 53,000. A. ( } . DaihydtA Co. , trencral .stock , build- K 54,000 , stock 512,000 , insurance 50,000. Warren Chc.sncy , livery bams , value 51,000 , feed store S200 , stock saved , no Insurance. William ( irooms , restaurant , 81,600 , no in surance. K. Hastings , skating rink , 2,000 , no Insur ance. George A. Hunt , dwelling pulled down , value § 1,000 , no insurance ; also slock o goods damaged , insurance 81,000. William IJiiiiiz , general block , value 81,500 , no Insurance. Dr. Duncan's olllcc , Milue.5500 , no Insur ance. Masonic hall , S.VJO , no Insurance. It was a ficico lire , and could easily be seen from tills place , fourteen miles away. A Suspicious Suicide. ISLAND , Neb. , Feb. 2. [ Special Telegram. ] A ease ot suicldo happened iibont two and a half miles east of tills place ast evening , the victim being Adolph ( ichl- mr , a farmer , who has lately lost all his property by inoitgagcs , etc , and It Is thought iliat being left in this destitute condition it ed him to commit the null act. He has been living with his brother-in-law lately. It Is reported some member ot the family bought one ounce of strychnine at a drug store hero yesterday , which fact has caused the coro- icr's jury to suspect foul play , ar.d the case ivlll bu thoroughly investigated. Dr. Chris- Jansen of this place was sent for , hut before 10 arrived Gohlhar had died , lie was 35 years old and leaves a wife but no children. Platts-moiith AVatcriiiff. Pi.ATT.ssiouTir , Xeb. , Feb. 2. [ Special Telpgram.J The city council at a special meeting last evening , called an election for the -1th of March for the people to decide , 'Shall ' the city of Plattsmoutli grant a twenty year franchise to George U. Innian to estab lish and operate a system of water works. " The proposition agreed upon between the city and Mr. Innian is to construct a system of water works , commencing with four or more miles of mains , operated by two en gines. usiiiK two stand pipes or one stand pipe and a reservoir , the system to cost at least 500,000 , and to be built the coming sum mer , the city on its part agreeing to take fifty hydrants at an annual rental of § 4,000. The city has been actively at work for some time to secure works of this kind , and the prospect Is good that at the election the coun cil will bo instructed to grant the franchise. Stole n March on the Old NKJIIIA.SKA CITY , Xeb. , Feb. 2. [ Special Teleprain.l J. J. McCnllough and Miss Eve O'I'elt wcro married this afternoon. Tin bride Is a daughter of John O'I'elt , the well known hotel man , while the groom is a sales man In the dry goods house of J. Iddel ol this city. The event takes every ono bj surprise. Tlio brldo's parents were at Lin coln , and knew nothing of the event nnti they returned homo this ovening. It is sail they are much opposed to thu match. ColtunlwH lUiist Have AA'ntcr. CoLmino.s , Neb. , Feb. 2. [ Special Tele gram. ] To-day was the day Columbui showed by its vote that it would have a goo < system of waterworks. Bonds for S2. ,00 ( carried by a majority of 4 votes. Verdict for the Defendant. COI.UMIIUS , Xcb , , Feb. 2. [ Special Tclo gram. ] In the case of Tlios. O'Xoll vs tin Western Horse and Cattle Insurance com pany , the jury , after deliberating only a lev minute : ) , returned with a verdict for § ' , ' -27 h lavorof the plaintiff. MUTINOUS After KillliiK Five ol the Crew , Fli- < he Ship's Cargo. LONDON , Feb. 2. Captain Clark , of tin American ship Frank X. Thaycr , has arrlvei at Plymouth on the capo steamer by whlcl ho was picked up at sea. Ho relates thu the Thaycr was bound for England with i mixed crew , Including two Manlllan seamen These two men stole upon deck one nlghl and armed with knives lashed to pole ; attacked the two olllcers , killing them in staiilly , Three sailors , the only ones 01 deck , were quickly despatched. Captah Claik , hearing the shrieks of the crow rushed ou deck in his night stihl Thu Manlllans slabbed him terribly and ho barely escaped witli hi life. After a desperate struggle , ho brok away from his assailants and nibbing to hi cabin locked himself in. The Manillans bai tered down the hatches and kept the caplali and crow below deck ono day and nlghl The captain finally fired through a skyllgli at ono of the mutineers and wounded him I the thigh. The man rushed to the side o the vessel and leaped overboard , and th other mutineer then went below , flred tli cargo , and returning to the deck , jumped hit the sea. Terrified to maiidcss , the crei forced their way on deck and lowered a boa and rowed away. The ship was consume and the crow wandered at sea for a week bi fore they were picked up , Mrs. Bnyurd'H Funeral. WILJUKOTON , Del. , Feb. 2. Tiie funen of Mrs. Bayard oscurred to-day from the oh Swedish church , where that of the daughte took place two weeks ago. Theobsenuic \ \ ere \ cry simple. The same pallbearers wh followed the daughter's coilln followed tli mother to her last resting place. Jfyr rales atid winter caps. Itcduce j prices. Frederick 13th ami FOUKION IXTKLiaO Urlcfnits orXowft ofjthe Bullish Po litical Situation. Loxnox , Feb. 2. t tno Oladstonc-Salls bury conference to-dfty Ihe Greek dllHcully was discussed. ' At a representative meeting to-day of thc- assoclatcd chambers of agriculture , speeches were madcstronclvfavorlnpprotecflvedutles on corn , sugar and foreign manufactures. Mr. Chamberlain receives the olllco of lirst lord of the admiralty. Mr. Morley has ac cepted tlio chief secretaryship for Ireland , Kail Ko.'ebcry the foreign portfolio , Charles 'tusscll the attorney generalship , and Mr. . 'nlien thu solicitor generalship. The Court Circular announces that Ulad- itone , in an audience with the queen on Holiday , was appointed prime minister , tladstono was unable to accept the queen's iivllatlon to stop at Windsor until Tuesday. The Dally Xesvs Pays that 1'arnell wfll rmly demand that the local government , uestion be settled by paillament before the and question , or that both subjects be dls- nissod together , and that hu will strenonsly pimsedeallng with the land question first. Gladstone will bo returned to parliament 'or Midlothian without opposition in the re- Icction necessitated by bis acceptance of nice. At a meeting of llio Xalional league at Miblin to-day Sexton , who presided , pre- tredicted that at the next election the nationalists would combine with the liberals ind return eighty-nine members to jiarlla- nent. Ho advised Gladstone to avoid violence lence and disorder in Ireland by assisting the .listrcssed peasants with government funds , ind protecting them from eviction until tlio > 111 lias been passed to buy out the landlords. Ho urged Irishmen to remain peaceful whllo here was n chance ot Gladstone making Herts In behalf of Irish nationalism. ItiHinnrolc'H 1'olish Policy. Hr.ui.tx , Feb. 3. The Polish" policy of 'rlnco Uismarck , announced In the landtag , las produced general excitement throughout icrmany and Austria. The immense Lub- luskl estate , containing about200,000 acres , one of largest estates In Prussia , Is offered 'or sale as the result of the u.xpulslons. Bis- narclc announced the policy of purchasing 'or the Crown all the real estate owned by olish nobles and gun try In Prussia for ie- sale to German colonIst.s. This is opportune for the proprietors of the Lubrinskl lands , for at ordinary sale the property must Ifiivo goiio at bankrupt prices. Addresses of sym pathy have been sent Uismarck by Germans in every pait of the empire , and many have already reached him from people in Austria. The Austrian-German club of Vienna , how ever , unanimously denounce thu treatment of the Poles by the German chancull or. Vir.\VA , Feb. 2. It is rumored here the Polish members of t lie Austrian cabinet Intend lo resign their portfolios for tliu rea son that if theyremain they are certain to bo l >'d by the Polish deputies to induce Aus- .riato formally protest against the action of Prince UismarcK against'lhe Poles of Peoscn. A Xohlemaii Cliareqd AA'lth Mimler. I'Aitis , Feb. 2. Baron jlrtand Dussina has been arrested , charged with having attempted o murder Count Montanzan at the Hotel Louvre In this city. Thq struggle between : hu two men was very savage , the prisoner .laving broken a cloak on" the > eount's head , besides shooting him twice and stabbing him once. 15oth noblemen are very rich. Their quarrel originated in rivalry between them for a woman. The wounded man may possi bly iccever. The prisoner Is a nephew of Baron George flaussman , the famous" administrator of public works of Paris. The quarrel was duo in part to a dispute about' financial matters. Jlaiissnmii is thought to bo Insauu. Marriage of CUaaRtjonc's Daughter. " Loxnox , Fcb."Sj Sf iss > > Mary Gladstone , [ laughter of Mr. Gladstone , was married this morning to Kov. 'Harry Drew ofllawarden. The ceremony was performed in St. Margaret's church of Westminister. Mr. Gladstone gave the'bride away. Among the ersons of note present-were the Prince and Princess of Wales and their sons , and Lord Itoscbcrry. Thu brldo's dress was of white muslin with Brussels lace. She wore a wreath of orange blossoms and lillies. A crowd gathered outside the church and heered thu wedding iiarty on their arrival and departure. The Mutinous Kills. LiVEiiroor. , Feb. 2. Thirteen lads who re belled against their officers yesterday on tlio reformatory ship Clarence , were arraigned in ourt tliis morning charged with mutiny. The boys all gave the reason of their demon stration that they had been cruelly treated by the olllcers. Tliey wcro remanded for trial. Mourning for Mrs. Raynrcl. PAIUB , Feb. 2. The American colony here has gone Into mourning over the death of Mrs. Bayard. Minister McLano has can celled the arrangements for a reception he had announced for next Friday. AMOXG TJIK .UAUjKOADS. . A Xciv Pool Formed on AVostcrii Pas- Kcngor HufifiiCBS. CHICAGO , Feb. 3. Representatives of the lines interested In the southwestern passenger - ger business , met here , to-day to take action in regard to preserving their roads from In jury growing out of the dissolution of thu old association. It was unamlnously resolved to organize a new pool named the Chicago , St. Louis and Missouri Hlver Passenger as- soclati n. to inchidu the business between Chicago , Kansas City , Lcavenworth , Atchl- son , and St. Joseph , Chicago and St. Louis ; St. Louis and those Missouri river points between St. Louis , Council Bluffs and Omaha ; Peorla and thu samn Missouri liver points , and Peorla and Chicago. The old agreement was adopted with but slight changes to take effect February 1 , and con tinue until December 31 , 18ST. The Chicago and Council lilnlf.s lines agreed to act only through an arbitrator In meeting competition. Messrs. Cable , McMnllen and Potter were appointed to .select an arbitrator , and A. P.Vflson NV'IIS chosen aihltrator pro tern. .Neither tbo Northwestern nor St. Paul road is party to the now agreement , and botli am consequently outside the jurisdic tion of thu passenger association. It lit stated , however , that rate cutting In their territory would Involve their revenues to a gmater degree than. ( host ) of the Itoclc Island , anil thcrotoro they' will probably maintain rates firmly. t Thu Illinois Central ) vas not represented at thu nicetintr , and It , i.s thought by some that this fact Is Indleativo.of coming trouble In tliu matter of upholding rates to St. Louis , Varying lijvojfi ock Cars. CinoAoo , Feb. 2. The commissioners ol the several western ppgls constituted them selves a committee to-tjay to establish differ entials on live stock cars. The cais vary In length and capacity , and some shlpncrf claim that as equal : raU' i are charged tor all cars regardless of iueaiurement. they liavc been discriminated , niriOnst by local astents , A uniform rule will ) w adopted governing rates on all cars of ' The Grand Haven Itlnzo. DKTROIT , Fob , 2. Xows from the Grand Haven llrsto-dny is muagre. The latust estl mate of the loss is Si03,0)3 ! , on which thu in surance is-Ilttlo less than that amount. The elevator which was flost roved was the prop eity of Newbcrry & McMillan of tills city who probably will not rebuild , as It was no paying. A now- freight warehouse will hi started Immediately. It Is believed the llr < was caused by the explosion of an ovci heated stove , a Xew York Dry Goods Review. XKW YOUK , Fell , a , Exports of domestii cottons for the past' week have been 4 , 5. packages , and s.lnev , January 1,21,100 , again * 13,101 for the samu time last year , and 0,4 ? : packages in 16S4. The 'tone of the marke bhows a hardening tendency ft'r all stylc.s o stapU ) cottons , -while. . In all depaitmcnts i good trade U lu movement 'for accouut o spilu ; ; wants . CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS The President's Prerogative the Subjco of Two Senate Resolutions. VAN WYCK'S BANK BILL PASSES. The Electoral Count Bill Further Dis cussed The House Session De voted to Kuloglcs on the , IjatoVIco President. Senate. WASIIIXUTOX , Feb. 'J. The chair laid bo- forc the sonata a letter from the secretary of war In compliance with the recent resolu tion of the senate , transmitting thu report of Major W. A. Jones of the corps of engineers , regarding river Improvements In Oregon. Among the uctltlons presented and appro priately referred wcro several by Mr. Fryo from various organizations of the Knights of Labor ot Maine , praying that , the territory known as Oklahoma may bo opened to set tlers. Among the measures favorably reported fiom the committee was a Joint resolution by Mr. Hlalr from the committee on woman's suffrage , providing for a constitutional amendment extending the rights of bUlTrago to women , Mr. Cockrcll staled that this report was not the unanimous judgment of the committee , and the minority reserved the right to pre sent a written report in opposition to the measure. Thu joint resolution was placed on the cal endar. Mr. lllddlcbergcr offered the folloxvlng resolution elution : llcsolvcd , Thatlt Is the sense of the senate that the executive of thu United States Is not restricted by constitutional law In re moving or the suspension of appointees ; that thu senate has no right to require that reasons shall be given for such removals or suspension ; that it I.s thu right of the scnato to call for any paper relating to thu conduct of removed or suspended appointees , or as to the qu.ililicatloii ami fitness of nil persons whoso names are presented to the senate for confirmation or rejection ; and It is the duty of the executive to comply with all demands for the same. In offering the resolution , Mr. Kiddlcbcr- gcr said his purpose was simply to bring it up in open debate. It did not involve any so-called hluh prerogative of the senate xvhen t should go Into secret or executive session , ml only that abstract question as to whether ho executive could be called on or required o give reasons for removals. Mr. Kiddle- tergcr asked for Immediate consideration of , ho resolution. Mr. Cockerel objected. Mr. I'nuh said he would submit either to- ilay or to-morrow a substitute for Mr. Klddle- wger'i ? resolution. Mr. Stanford offered a concurrent resolu tion , which was agreed to , providing for an investigation by the committee on public buildings into the charges made in 1853 and now being renewed against the otliclal con duct of Samuel Strong during Ids superintendent tendent- public buildings. Mr. Van Wyek called up and had passed his bill , reported favorably from the finance committee , permitting receivers of banks to nsu such funds of the bank as may liax-o already been covered into the treasury , when such use may be necessary in order to protect the interests of creditors of the bank. The bill authorizes the receiver to see that bank prouorty about to bo sold by order of court shall not be sold for lens than its value. . Mr- Morgan's.'resolutionregarding tlio trustee8pro.vided ih' the Mormon bill-was then placed before tlio senate. Mr. Allison thought It inconsistent with the provisions of the bill named. Mr. Ingalls moved Its reference to the idlclary comniitte'o. Mr , Morgan 'contended that according to [ ho precedent set bv the hill every church organization in the United States was likely at any time to have trustees for its manage ment appointed b.v congress. Mr. Ingalls' motion was agreed to and the resolution was referred. * Mr. 1'ugh submitted the substitute already referred to by him to take the place of Jlld- dlebcrger's resolution , and asked that it bo presented and lie over till to-morrow. Mr. Pugh's substitute is substantially as follows : 1 That executive power is expressly vested IV ) the constitution In the president of the United States so that he shall take care that the laws bo faithfully executed. 3 That thu power of appointment to fede ral office Is an executive noxrer to bo exer cised by the president , under the limitation In the constitution , that hu .shall nominate , and by and witli the advice and consent of the senate , shall appoint. U That the poxvcr of removal or suspen sion from the poxvcrs and duties of federal ollice is also an executive poxvcr , vested ex clusively in the president , xvlthout any such limitation In the constitution as Is imposed thereby on the iioxver of appointment , and for its exercise he is responsible alone to the people and not to the senate. 4 That the right of the president to make nominations to the .senate , and of the senate to advisu and consent thereto , aru each sep arate and independent rights , to bo exercised by Ihu president and tlio xenatu respectively ami separately , and Independently within thulr absolute discretion ; butin relation to the person or persons so nominated , the senate may request information of thu president af- Icutlng thu character or qualifications of those as to whoso appointment ho asks the advlco and consent ot thuKcnalc. 3 5 That when the president makes nomina tions to the senate of persons to ho ap pointed by him to exercise the powers and duties of federal ofllccg , who have been rc- mox'od or suspended by him , no law , public duty or public policy requires that ho shall smul or communicate to thu senate any rea son for making Mich removals or suspensions , and no law , public duty or public policy re quires or authorizes tlio senate to calf for such Information existing In any such form from the president or any member of his cab inet , to enabio thu scnato to review or ques tion the action of thupiesldeiit in exercising his executive , discretionary and exclusive poxvcr of lemovlng or suspending federal otilccrii from thu powers and dntius of their olllcos , or to put tlio president on trial by thu senate , or to enforce accountability to the senate for anything hu may havu donu in tliu oxerelRo of such jurisdiction. 0 That to obtain information considered by either house of congress useful In passing , necessary and proper laxvs , either house of congicss may request the president , If not deemed by him incompatible with public In terest , to glvu any information within his knoxvledgu relating to thu administration of any public ollleo , or Ihu official conducts or act's affecting thu official conduct or duties of any public officer , but for the .senate to make such request nf the president , or to direct any member of his cabinet to transmit to thu senate any information In open or executive session to enable Ihu senate in open or executive .session to revlcxv the propriety , 01- reason , or Information upon which hu acted , or may havu acted , In making removals orhUHpensions , would bo an attempt to obtain such information by false pa-tenses , and for usus and purposes not authorized or justified by any laxv or public policy of thu United States , and should thu presi dent grant such request or require any member jo his cabinet to obey such direction from the senate when deemed by him to bo made for such unjusti fiable and unlawful uses and purposeswould be to rec.ognl/o and enconragu an impropei practice and an Injurious Innovation upon his exclusive and Independent rlu'hts , poxvert and duties as president of the United States Mr. Hoar Inquired xvhethcr the request tr print included the printing of thu stum ) speech in thu bully ot the resolution , Mr. Ingallo gave notice that when the or iKlnul and substitute resolution should conu up to-morro\vlio would move to luferthcm u the committee on privileges and elections foi further consideration. Tlio resolution , according to request , was laid over until lo-morroxv. The uoxt bill on thet-alendir was the oil . to permit the rnli.'d.Slates consul at War .saxv. Itus-iia , lo nr pt certain decoration' tcndt'jvd him by ihu Itiis4laii government * jTho consul Is. a Hiiyjian subject and notai AmoiiiMiiIen.j | | Mr. Kdmiindh , Mr. Infills and Mr. Lou : " opposed Uie bill and Mr , .Morgan xpuko In It : favor. ' . Mr. Logan evoked npplaiiMi Ifiom I'1" ' fp lei'ies by lib ii'imirks , xvhlch-convhuled loxx-sl "Let the decoration of the American citizen bo his dally walk and his demeanor toxvards his fclloxv men. That is the only decoration that nn American citizen should , In my opinion , wear. " The electoral Count bill then came up. and Mr. Kvarts took the floor. Ho favored the recommitment of the bill to the committee. Ho thought a section should bo added to the bill , making It tin ; duty of the governor of each state , under the seal of the state , as soon as practicable after the final act of thu state In the electoral appointment , to communi cate to the United States government the re sult ot that process * . This communication should show the names of the persons elected or appointed ns electors , and what votes had been cast for such persons respectively. Mr. Kvarts xvas satisfied that If this xvas done the difficulties surrounding the question of counting the vote would disappear , for wo should have tlio highest public authority showing the final action of a state In an elec tion. tion.Mr , Wilson of loxvn opposed the bill. Mr. Kvarts submitted , as an amendment , thill it should bo the duty of the executive of each state , as soon ns practicable after final ascertainment of the appointment of electors In such state , to communicate , under seal of the stale , to the secretary of stain of llio Uni ted Status , n certificate shoxvlng thu result of such ascertainment , setting forth the names of Mm electors and other paitlcnlar.s , and lo deliver to the electors ol ! such state a similar certificate In triplicate , such certificates to be transmitted by thu electors with the result of their oxvn action. > = J Mr. Kdmutids opposed the motion to re commit , but It struck htm that Mr. Kvaits .suggested nn amendment which embodied an extremely valuable Idea. It could be dis cussed In Ihe senate , however , as xvcll as In thu committee. After further debate llio motion to recom mit xvas brought to a vote and resulted yeas ! ! 0 , noos 22 the affirmative vote being about equally divided between republicans and democrats. All llio proposed amendments went with tin ? bill. The Dakota bill was then placed before the senate , and Mr. Logan obtained the floor , but gave way for an executive session , after which the scnalo adjourned. The resolutions of Mr. Hlddlcbcrgcrand Mr. Pugh , as to the relations bctxvecn the president and senate , xvill como up for-con- snluratlon in the morning hour to-morrow , and Mr. Logan will have the floor at 2 o'clock on the Dakota bill. House. WASHIXOTOX , Feb. 2. After the reading ot the journal Mr. Holman offered thu folloxv- iiiK resolutions : Hesolved , That the house has received with trofound sorroxv intelligence of the duath of fhoinas A. Hendrlcks , late vice president of ho United States. llesolveil , Tbat the business of tlio house ) o suspended m order that the eminent ser vices and private virtues of llio deceased may m appropriately commemorated. Hesolved. That the cleik of the house bo equestcd to communicate these resolutions ; o the senate. Mr. IJynnm , who represents the district vhich formerly returned Hendrlcks , xvas the. Irst speaker to hear testimony to thu xvorth ol the dead statesman. llo sketched the life of Ilenrtricks through childhood , youth and manhood , showing n every siago he manifested that abilitv and alcut xvhich had madu his name familiar to every household In the land. Jleudrick.s xvas 10 ordinary man. He was ono of the foxv ; reat men whoso greatness increased and whoso sublimity bucamu more sublime tliu icarei- lie xvas approached. Ho was an loncst man. Suspicion nox'cr breathed cal- unny against his Integrity , llo passed lirough the fiery furnace xvlthout a scar. Ills statue , to fully represent him. should bu chiseled in spotless marble. He dally prac ticed the grandest of all virtues , charity. All along Ujpjaijsagewavof his' llfu were " " scattoicd the-seeds ol-cliavityT1" " Mr. Hroxvnc , as a political opponent of Mr. llcndricks , bore witness to his sterling qnal- tles of heart and mind. Ho was without challenge the chief representative Indl- ina democracy. If he did not forinulatn Its policy he accepted it as the true faith ; If ho lid not ( jo before , Jio wont xvell abreast of iIs party alignment. Ho went Into thu thickest of the light , coneratnlated his forces in vic- * ory , orln defeat covered their retreat. He , xras not a political boss , llogox-erned with out whip or bastlle. He was a king , but ho reigned by common consent and made his subjects Ids peers. Hu was ever true to him self , true to his honor. No temptation lie- billed to venality. No dishonest dollar ever ( inched the palm of his hand. Mr. Springer cited anecdotes in the life of Mr. llcndricks illustrative of his kindness ind charity of heart , and paid his tribute to ; hu purity of thu public and private charac- cr of the deceased. In conclusion lie said : 'As death lays his icy hands on kings , so jimst all die , sooner or later. Our vice presi dent xvas no exception to the Inexorable law. [ n his death the people mourned the loss of i great and good man. Universal sorroxv ivas manifested on every hand. The highest loners xvurc. paid him , but these honors and : ho people's sorroxv cannot call him back : o earth again. Hu has passed Irom the busy and exciting scenes of this life to the sweet rcnose of the blessed. Hut to such as live as lie ll\-cd , ex'cn in the hour and article of .leath , In the silent tomb , In the day of judg ment , in the life to come , all Is well , all Is well. ' ' Mr. Hall , In an eloquent address , laid [ oxva's tribute of regard and sorroxv upon thu : omb of ono xvho had always been'lox-ed in life. life.Messrs. . Kleiner and Holman , as represent atives of the commonwealth which knuxv and loved Mr , Hendricks best , closed the eulogies with brief addresses descriptive of the public ind private virtues of the dead statesman , and then the resolutions were unanimously adopted , and thu house adjourned. Schiefcr Shies a llroad Challenge NEW YGHIC , Feb. 2. Jacob Schajfer , the lillianllst , to-day issued an announcement that Ylgiiaux'H backer having declined to make good his challenge , xvhich ho had accepted , ho xvas willing to play Vlgimux or any other man In the world a match game of ! .0t)0 points , 14-Inch balk line , for Sr.,000 u Hide , thu winner to take all the receipts , and the loser to pay a'l ' expenses. Should Vlg- naux or his backer fail to get the money to wattes , ho would play him on the samu con ditions for 81,000 a shlo. Tlio Apaches Surrender. Kr. I'.xso , Tex. , Feb. 2. Major llobinson , army paymaster , received a dispatch from Fort Dayard , Xoxv Mexico , to-day , which stated a courier had just arrived there , and brought a message ) from Long's ranch , xvhich contained In formation of thu unconditional surrender of the Apache chief ( icronlmo lo Lieutenant Mans , \xlio succeeded the late Captain Uraxv- foul. Rheumatism Vfo doubt If there Is , or can bn , a specific .remedy tor rheumatism ; but thousand : ! who liavo buffered Its pains huvo bcc ; > greatly ben efited by Jluod'a Harpaparllla. II you have failed to nnil ictlcf , try this great remedy. "I was aflllcted with rheumatism twenty years. 1'revlous to 1E33 1 found no relief , hut grew worse , and at onu tlmu wan almost help less , Hood's Sarsnpurilla did 1110 moro good than all the other medicine I ever lad , " H , T. nu.coji,8hlilcy Village , Mass. " I li d rheumatism Unco years , and f.ot : io relief till I look Ifnod's S-irsaparllla. It lias done great filings ( or inc. I iccummrnd It to * tu rs. " _ I.KWIS lluitiu.NK , lUUdefoid , Sleu Huod't Srjrsapailll.i I.s cl-aractcrlred by ttuce Dies : let , tlio cvtukltiatfan of T mc < lal ! agents i 2 < l , lie ! j > ropcrlens 3d , tlio f/rocw of securing thu r.ctivo medicinal qualities. Tlr : rciuli laitci : ) : -.o of unwind stiniigth , clTi-clU. } ! cures hitherto unkubwn , Bend Jor ! > . ! : cr.iiialnlMK adillllonwl evidence. "Hot"1' * ; ! - . --anlti | : tnniM .IP my i-yitetri , pmu | > < i ! - . . i. iuinipnsin.-iiiM'i'Ht' ' ! , r.nd enis in i tin < ivi-f. ' ( J , r. Tnom-soH , .Itegbtor i . i . ( . , J.-riVi-n , M.--J. "Hood' > > - . , : ! . : h--ati : i1 ! niliiT * . and is.vui ill \ \ , -lit iii.-nlii. " I , lui-i.vnov ! , 330 Jfcmk i-itC' ' 1 1 , New Voik CUy. . Hood's Sarsaparilla Sojd by jill drufclsts , $1 j ili for 55. Miilr only by 0. 1. 1100U A C0-5.owi : : , Mass. , l06posogOno ; Dollar. WYOMING'S ' WIND BLOWERS * Mass of Measures Before the Lawmakois fof the Weal of the Teiritory , SQUAT ON THE STOCK GROWERS Sessions of the Territorial Council Convene > "ot for Their Special nail l 'lnnnolnl lloncllt 1'i-os- ticutlva Wyoming' * Assembly. / CIIKYUNNI : , Wyo. , l-'eb. 2. [ Special. l Th past week 1ms boon n very busy 0110 in tbo leglslatuic , nuil the lawmakers will start In to-mono w on the fourtlivcuk of the session with n mass of proposed measures for the weal of thu territory , which cannot help but inaku them feel that they have no slnccnrci Dwliig to the fact , principally , that so many Ijllls Imvi1 been introduced over thirty In tho3 IOUMJ anil about a dozen In the council the * time of both houses has'.been occupleil In pro. [ Iminury consideration of them , and but ona lias succeeded hi gelling Into the governor's bands. That Is n bill piovldliig > for u school house at Hawllns to cost 325,000. , The bonds to bo Issued aie 8 per cents of noM less than $50 each , and are to bo sold at fac < n value. James Frunce , William Jungquist , frt J 0. Miller and .1. C. Friend arc named as th # * committee on construction , and they are tp , give bonds each In S5.KX ( ) . J The custom of ordering a copy of cacffi newspaper published In thu territory for cachl member led to the Introduction of a icsolu tlon to this cITect early In thu session. TlliJJ argument over It has occupied a good doa.1 op valuablotlmu In both bodies of the leclsloV lure , and It was thought to be llnally boltlcu last Thursday , when a conference committee report against taking any of the papers was made and accepted1 , by both houses , but on Friday Mr. Dcloney , of the council , who had been rusticating at Pueblo during the week , re turned , and about the llrst thing ho did waste to bob up serenely with a notice of another resolution ordering the papers. The Held Is therefore to be fought over again. The total ox ; pensnsof the papers would not bomoio thail' SliO , ) and the time which has been consumed , It would seem , In debating the advisability of taking them , Is worth more than that. .Mr. Mcl'ortnlck has Introduced a bill for the construction of a jail at HulValo. Two bills having in view tlto construction of a court house at Sundance , Crook county , were Introduced slmillaiieously In the house and council on the 27th. The bills provide for bonding the county for § 23,000. By the provisions of a bill now before the house , county commissioners will bo authorized to appoint one or more officers whose duty It shall be to tm that the game laws are enforced. Such ofllccrs shall bo authorized to arrest violators of the law anil take them before tiie nearest justice of the peace. Their pay shall be So per day for the actual time they aio to be engaged , this- , amount embracing expenses. Uy far the most Important fact connected with this legislature Is one" which probably will never appear upon the surface of. the proceeding.1 ! . This is that the Wyoming Stock 0rowers * association will not occupy the greater portion of the time of the with bills Intended to afford it financial as sistance. This has como about In a way which , under the circumstances , Is somewhat peculiar. For some wcels It has been knowp that the stock association contemplated lld' | introduction of bills which would appropriate in the aggregate about $25,000 out of the tcrt'j ' ritorlal treasury. One of the items to be pal * j for was the quarantine yards at this city , I constructed last year at a cost of & 12,000 | As soon as Mr. Teschemacher's bill providing for repeal of the law of 1834 , which gave Cheyenne the licenses from the saloons an4 - gaming tables ( about § 18,000 annually ) , and ] the effect of which would be to lighten thotiup on the slock interests In the county to tfiac extent , appcared , the papers of this city Im mediately contained significant editorial utterances. The Sun was the lirst to .speak , ; and it declared in unmistakable terms that the statute books contained all the legislation ' , which embraced appropriations In tavor o ? the stock association that the territory could reasonably stand. A meeting of the execu tive committee of the association was called and the editor of the Sun was sent for. The Interview was brief and to the point , and the executive committee was Informed that the Sun would declare war on any measure whlcfi looked toward the expenditure .of moro money for any of the association's 'purposes. The executive committee deliberated und decided that : iu attempt to force legislation would be too big n contract and , In consef ijucnco , only one bill is to bo introduced , and , that is an amendment of the maverick law ; The substance of It will bo that the maverick * will bo sold at the end of every day tfl the highest bidder lor cash or n certified check. A bill Is being progressed as fast as possible which provides for the encouragement of treo' planting. It will probably become u law after being amended , and will allow a rediuv tlon In the assessment of a man's property of 5100 for every aero of crowing forest trees not more than fifteen feet apart , and 8200 for every acre of fruit trees not moro than tnlrty feet apart. Three voluminous mining hills have been Introduced. Ono provides for the appoint- mnnt of a coal mine Inspector at1,000 pay per annum , and requires the accurate weighing of coal as mined. Another provides that the territory shall pay § 1,000 to thu widow and 5500 to each o the chlldicn of u miner killed by a Urn damp explosion , and then shall recover the amount fiom thu company owning thu mines. A third is by Mr. Kuno , of Fremont county , and especially applies to the location mid woiklng of mineral lodes. A bill Is before the house defining the boundaries between Johnson county and Crook , and Johnson and Albany. It Is probable that ; v bill creating Ihe oflKje of tunitorlal geologist and mining engineer will fall to pass. It will receive but luke warm assistance irom the Luramio county delegation , as the ollicn Is not believed to beef of any practical benefit , ami the money can bo used to belter advantage eluinvheiv. JMsuHtroiin Trilu Collision. STAUMTO.V , Va. , Feb. 2. A disastrous col lision occurml on the ( 'hosapeako X- Ohio railroad liero at 1 o'clock this morning. No. u , night express , ran into a freight on a bid ing , completely wrecking both engines. Fiieman ( illtings was killed , being badly mutilated and scalded , The master mechanic had nil arm and U1 , ' biokon and icceived ft bad scalp wound. The engineer had his tli i oat cut and was badly scalded. 111 * condition is dangciou * . The engineer of the fnlslu titiln had his back badly stnlnrd and hid. ! > \ lii-Ied ; : , The accident c.iuswl br fili lnil : iic-zlljfciicr , The hr'xht lullWAOII the side track , waiting- t'ui' ili < > ( Air | < - - Ir.iin. Tin1 I'ondnclor tola tlu > iK-iiKi-maii | ! | ai vit-n : thiifxprcsa p.i.s.-iid ; hnu'dl.iii : tlu > i > iti-li , but llio tunlv \u to ! i.l-'cp and W.H Hwakcncd by liii ; J'lvijfhl train. Jlo got up and ul the . -\vljch jn.-t as tho.traln mime into slu'ifr , .ana'before . Jhc i'ulaj'c > rr ir was discovered the -Haiti < ti'jiei ! oji tlidsJuij..aud : ! | th'J '