THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , FEBRUARYS , 1880. TUB DAILY BEE. OMAHA OrFiCK.Xo.uu ASH 010 FAHXA.MSI NKW YonKOrriCF , ItooM CS.TninuNi : ntm.nise UASIINOTO ( OITICK , No. M3 FOUIITF.I.MH Si Published every mornlnjr , except Sunday. Tin only Monday morning paper published In tin Bin to. TFRMft nv MAIM Onn Year . . . . . . . tlO.OOiTlirrn Months . J2.IV Blx Month * . . . . . . . C.OOOiio ; Month . 1.0 THE Wri.KJ.Y Tlrr , I'ubllMicd Every Wednesday OnoVrnr , with premium , . . , . . . . . . . $2.0 One Year , without pi omliitn . , . 1.2 Blx Months , without premium . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Ono Month , on trial. . . . . . . . . , , . . . , . 1 connrst'ONl > r.xcF. : Allcommiinlcnllon1) rclntlnj ? to ncvrq nml oiH torlnl matters slioulil bo addressed to tlio Kui uonotiiKllKii. . BUSINESS I.KTTF.nSt All bnslnrn litters ninl remittances should b ( nadii'Kseil to IIIB HKK rum.ipiiiNO COUPINV OMAHA. Drafts , checks and postofllco onion to bo mmlo pa ) iiblo to tlio onlor ot tlio conipimy. m m poBiisHiiclipiiiii , E lIOSHWATEIt. EniTon. HUNTINU tlio polo is Hl.smarok's latos freak. Another Arctic explorer , so t < speak , Dn Tiisaii's : 1ms arrived at Colon , Hi will roach a full stop buforo ho saili through tlio canal. AN appropriate niiinu for the Saturday evening coasting \votiltl bo a "carnival 01 ncoldonts. " The wonder is that nobodj wa4 killcil. lias "kissed the queen'f linnd , " which moans In common Kuglisl lias expressed Ills willingness to form : now ministry. from some of the Into ruling ! of the jumping jacks of the railroads ir in Nebraska , the sins ot "commission' nro worse than those of omission. Ir misery loves company Hie sovci men who nro to bo liangcd on ono gal lows at Fort Smith on April 23 will no loci lonely. This is about the only cense lalion that can bo given them under UK circumstances. Tun Chicago Tribune has a long cdito rial upon tlio subject of uniting the clom ocratlo parly. If it is split as wide opoi in other states as it Is in Nebraska , iti unification would bo as impossible as the union of oil and water. Tun Marquis do Mores thinks of ex porting "frames" of lean young stock U Prance to bo there fattened by the Frcncl farmers. This has at times been quite i trade with Scotland. Mores says ho car land the stock in Franco for $50 a head tvnd that when fattened they will bi worth $130. Tin : Cincinnati Graphic of Jammrj CO has a spirited sketch entitled "Inri tatlng the Empress of Austria Omahf Girls Enjoying a Horseback Ride. " Tin Graphic makes the following comment "Omaha is celebrated for the darinj horsemanship of itsyonngladics , and tin artist has made a spirited picture o ; three ballus enjoying a morning ride. " A SINGULAH discovery has just bcei made in DCS Moinos. A prominent citi zen who is honestly entitled to the title1 of colonel and judge ha& during bis rcsi donee of several years in that city nevci boon called anything but plain "Mr. * Tliis is the only authenticated case of tin kind on record. That gentleman is cnti tied to tlio prize As the most modest mar in the United States , if not in the world OMAHA ranks fourteenth in last week's report of the thirty-one clearing bouse cities. Her clearances amounted t ( $3,058,880. Her increase over the corresponding pending week of last year was 433-K per cent. Now York , Omaha and Bostor lead the country in the percentage of in crease. ' Omaha is sandwiched in between twoon the t\vo great financial centers o : the country. Omaha is doing quito well SiwiXG : machines are receiving greal attention from inventors of late. One kind is hold in tlio hand. Another ir Germany has a musical attachment which plays several tunes to the dolighl of the operator. This leads an esteemed contemporary to remark "that it is quite within tlio possibilities that they wil ! eventually have thorn with bath rooms attached and perhaps , bay windows ami a ball room. " MOXTKEAI. is now nearly free from the small-pox plague , wbloh has paralyzes that city for bimonths. . The number ol deaths is equal to the per centago oi cholera deaths. Besides the numerous fatalities , business has been completely ruined , and the result is that many houses have failed , whllo others are trembling ill the balance. All this is the result oi the suporstltious opposition to vaccina tlem on the part of the French Canadians , To prevent a repetition of the plague every effort should bo made to convince the French Canadians of the foolishness of their superstition , and to induce them to become vaccinated. Tun Chicago Tribune lias opened c lively warfare upon the telephone ser vice in that eity , The evil of the bob tail telephone service , as the Tribum calh , it , consists in the tact that it im poses the most posilblo labor upon the and the least possible upon the umploycs of the company. This u iSqually true of the service In Omaha as ll to of that In Chicago , and the following applies nearly as much here as it doe * thcro ; One lequest fora connection should sunico The cleiks ot the company should then per fouu the labor ( often very dying fo tin nerves and temper ) of putting the peisous who wKh to speak In communication will each other. If this vvcio done , Itwoulellesi ficauently happen that the vvioiifjconnec lion would bo made , ami when made UK nilstnko could bo Instantly collected. Now when the vv rene poison Is called up , It is r mutter of live or ten minutes toattiacttlu attention ot the telephone exchange , so thai the ciioueous connection may bo biokeii uethei light one inaele. * * * It tlio Dob-tall piiuelplo weio eauleel oul iu other utr.ilrs ; is it is In the telephone busl aes * . wo bhould e.\cct ! lo MM a man blncli < mo of hh own boutvvhlle a boj bhivkeul the ; otliei ; or r.iu > in nis on u simp while the * &r- vautnuved tml ! i\l. irhohl his e-nb horse . l y Uio i-iMij vvhilo llietlrhori'llinbeelilovvii fioinln'ii'iil. IMict i dii-tlrodt the telephone feuivUi111.11 M.I-.I. o-i' . d-i not get vv'ml ' thc > i > : i MIT. 'IHu-.v In 1U i iiu the telephone wnthei ; uiiti\o | I.iii , witli the linpoitaul ttUUm i u that , \\hii : ihfj I'.o'iliiifjesliaiool ' tUj' 4\oi , Ou-.v tli i. > t s1 f > of the dvl' | tleuiU. A BlAStcil CnmpnlRii. The shrlokcrs for the dcmonc.tiz.itlon of silver in the cast ate receiving pooi con elation so far from congress. The antl-siheritcs make a poor showing whoii sot against the advocates of n double standard. There Is not the shadow of a shade of n possibility that cither senate or house will pass any measure , looking towards the dishonoring of a portion oi our national currency. The temporary suspension ot the coinage , which before congress mot was considered probable , is now very doubtful. The only effect of the howling crtisndo of the banker ami broker brigade haa been to solidify the opposition to any change in the coinage law. Senators like John Sherman ami William M. Evarts , who wore contidentlj counted upon to champion the attack which was to drive silver from our cur rency , decline the duty. On tlio con trary , Mr. Sherman comes to the front with a measure whoso avowed aim and object is to maintain both metals in cir culation , and to furnish n monthly mar ket of from $2,000,000 to ? 4,000,000 for the pioducts of our mines , that amount of bar bullion to bo exchanged for certi ficates redeemable In coin at the market rate of silver on the day of redemption In every elobato raised by the Introduc tion of this silver question in congress , the monometallism have boon at a dis advantage. Expressions ot opinion in Europe lately furnish new arguments lor the advocates of tlio maintenance of a double standard , At a recent mooting of the International Bimotalllst association in London whore not only the bank of England but several of the greatest private banking houses of the city were represented , the meeting expressed a strong hope that silver would bo restored to the coinage of civili/.ed Europe. It is expected that the forth coming reports of the royal commission on the causes of the present depression of business will specify the demoraliza tion of silver in England as ono of the most efficient onuses. The Gorman min ister of finance , too , has expressed him self very strongly in favor of a reconsid eration of the course taken by Germany , Incidents such as those elo not bear oul the assertions of the Wall street literary bureau that a singlu standard and pros perity go hand in hand ami that a return to a double standard in England and Germany is no longer discussed as ono of the possibilities of the future. On the other hand they bulwark the proposition of the bimetallism in this country who demand the maintenance of a double standard side by side with the coinage of an honest dollar. A Poor Policy. Omaha has reached a point in her ele- vclopment where experimenting ought to bo a thing of the past. She has boon fortunate int suffering less in this way than most of her rivals. In her pave ments and sewerage she has profited from the mistakes of others anel lias secured - cured the best at the very outset. The Farnam street macadam was the only experiment in this line , anel that mistake was remedied at comparatively little cost. But there has always been more or less trifling with the matter of grades , owing to the short sighleel opposition of property owners who could not look beyond immediate damage to future advantages. Grades have been established in the tirst place as matters of compromise after much struggling on the part of interested lot owners only to be found entirely in adequate to the changed conditions of trade and traffic in this rapidly advanc ing metropolis. The light over the Far nam street grade resulted In a comprom ise which , while materially improving that thoroughfare , eloes not fully cover the requirements. The same contest Is in progress over Loavonworth street. The grade on Sixteenth street is now being - ing assailed and mi eleventh hour move ment made to make it what it should bo from Harnoy street to the point whore tlio viaduct is to begin. The Bnc cannot too strongly urge upon property owners and the council to unite in demanding that the linlf-wny policy of tlio past bo abandoned and that future improvements shall bo inaugurated and carried out with a view to their assured permanency. The question of Farnam street is settled by the court hou o loca tion , but on the other streets men tioned no such barrier is in the way of a radical and lasting solution of the prob lem of proper grade establishment. To cut the dog's tail off. by inches is painful to the unlinal and unsatisfactory to the operator. But this Is just what Omaha has boon doing for years in grading and rojrniding her principal streets. Itis high time that it should slop. THE coke operators in Pennsylvania , according to the Philadelphia Times , are gelling some very unpleasant experience witli cheap labor. Some time ago , in or der to break tlio backbone of a strike for higher wages , some of the leading coke burners imported a lot of Hungarian miners. By this means thoysuccceded in driving out tlio old miners and boasted that they were masters of the situation. But it soon turned out that the Hungari ans wanted higher wages , and now the question is pressing , who is to drive out the Ilungaiians ? While the old miners went out peaceably , the Hungarians propose - pose to fight before they go , and promise to give no end of trouble before the strug gle is ended. And tills leads the Times to remark that "cheap labor is often dear , The lesson to the coke operators , however , is that u peaccablo , law-abiding mining population is cheaper in the long run , oven at a higher rate of wnges , than a half-olvillyed horde of foreign workmen , who soon learn to strike for higher wngcs and accompany tlioir strike with all manner \lolonco. . The importu- lion of cheap foreign labor for tlio pur- poao of carrying a point against native strikers doesn't pan out well In the end , as the coke operators are learning to their cost , " Tin ; attacks of the organs of tiio Bell telephone company upon Secretary Lamar - mar and Attorney General Garland have finally made themselves felt in congress by the passage of a resolution of inquiry into the charges which are supposed to affect unfavorably the olllcml integrity of thcso two members of Mr. Cleveland's cabinet. The charges , briolly stated , uro that Attorney General Garland is a largo stock holder in the P.iu Electric Telephone - phone , a rival of the Bell company , and that his personal Interest in that organiz ation was the guiding oaus pf the suit recently ordered to bo begun in thu name of tuo government to v - cato the patents of the Bell bonanza Mr , Garland , it scorns , purchased liii stock long befoto lie became attorney gonoral. Thcra is no evidence to shov that ho has used his ofllclnl inllucnco te advance its value. On the contrary , in emphatically declined to institute proceed Ings to test the validity of tlio Bell pat cuts , and claims to bo In no way rospon flible for Secretary Lainnr'a decision tipor the recent hearing. But it Is unfortunate for appearance sake if nothing else , thai the attorney general did not promptly dispose of his interest in the company the moment that it became apparen that the success of the enter prise was in any way depeniten upon the attitude of the gom'iiniont By his failure to do so ho laid himscl open to attack from a powerful corpora lion , who nro certain to defend their as sailed franchises by every available means , fair or foul. The assault on Secretary rotary Lamar is entirely uncalled for Hls decision that n suit should bo cnleree against the Boll company in tlio name ol tlio government was arrived at after r laborious hearing of nil sides of the case Now evidence was adduced which fur nished strong presumption that Iho pat cut ofllco was used to defraud Gray of hi : rights lo a patent. Upon this presump lion Mr. Lamar acted , and very properly directed legal investigation by suit. Wunx Proctor Knott made his famous funny speech about the glorious possibili ties of Dtiluth , "the oily of the unsalteel seas , " ho little thought that it would ovei attain the growth and importance which it has acquired during tlio hist live years. Utr Ing this period Dultith has increased its population 080 per cent , and its receipts and shipments of grain 700 per cent , As a grain center it now stands next to Chicago , and it will continue to main tain that position. Numerous immense elevators have been built there , and the number Is being increased every year , Largo flouring mills nro being con structed , and wo have every reason to believe that in n very few years D ninth will outrank Minneapolis as n Hour manufacturing city. Coal can bo transported as cheaply lethe the Superior iron and copper mines aa the ores can bo oarricil to the coal , anel hence the people of Dulutli see no ob stacles in the way of turning out iron and copper for themselves and the entire northwest. In all probability it will soon become a good iron and copper manufacturing place , anel this great in dustry will adil many thousands to its population. Dulutli certainly has bright prospects , and is destined to become ono thqgreat cities of the northwest. CIIANGI : s in fourth-class postmasters are. not being made so rapidly as they were at first. When the machine was in good working order over * 000 changes a etay were made , but the number has been reduced to 100 a day. Since March 4th about 15,000 fourth-class postmaster have been appointed. The number of offices of this class , which includes nil postofiiees where the compensation is under $1,000 per year , is about 50,000 , and there are a great many changes made necessary , in dependent of the will of the department. Then there are some 2,000 now offices es tablished each 3 car , and a largo number are discontinued. The work of making changes simply for change's sake is about over , anel tlio future move'inont will bo to fill the vacancies caused by resignation , and lo supply now offices with postnuislors. OUH thrifty neighbor , Fremont , is jubi lating over the certainty of a straighten ing out of Iho Elkhorn Valley line so as to encircle the city , anel the extension of that road to Lincoln , giving Fremont now avenues for trade. Fremont is one of the prettiest anel liveliest of Nebraska cities of the second class , and is increasing rapidly in population ami importance. OMAHA is not tlio only city in which councilmen have boon charged with bribery. Nineteen members of the Pitts- burg city council have been charged with bribery and corruption. Why the charge did not include the other member is what puzzles us at this distance. 820-J 11 immigrants on tercel the United States last year. This is a de crease of 19 per cent since the 3 oar be fore. While times continue as hard over Iho country , always excepting Nebraska , wo can stand Ibis falling off without com plaining. Heavy immigration means in- creuseel competition in the labor market. EIOIIT senators are anxious that execu tive sessions shall no longer bo holel with closed eloors , Their rapid conversion is said to bo eluo to a deslro to discuss the president's nominations before the pub lic , and not on account of any feeling that secret sessions are useless and anti- quatcel relics of the past. IT was pretty small business in the son- atacommittco donjlng Gen. Howard the right to accept the decoration of the French Legion of Honor. Gen. Howard's principal elecoration is an empty sleeve given him by a confederate cannon ball at Fair Oaks. THK Cincinnati /oological gardens are encumbered with a debt of § 183,000 , and it is announced that they must bo sold unless the mortgage is promptly raised. This shows how a zoological garden can dwindle down into a white elephant. GEXKIIAI , HAZUN is in hot water once more. This time the charge ) made is that ho has recklessly squandered government money in the signal service , contrary to law. It begins to look as if Harcn was reaching the end of his tether. Tin ; horrible discovery of the Herald that Pre-sidont Bcchol has sold or is about to sell his house and lot , will send a thrill of laughter througn the city. Mr. Bechel should now follow Tom Cummings -and go. Dn. MIT.UCK has tripped east lo prove to the heads of the departments at Wash ington that ho is quito out of politics. Ho will have a few remarks to make on be half of the packing-house democracy. Two days have paused and no paper wails have been lircel ul the slaughter house democrats. Is Dr. Miller's gun out of order ? ' L will not accept a seat in the English cabinet. Ho knows batter than to hamper his influence by an enforced endorsement of any ministerial policy , Another " The Herald has made'another "slat- ling discovery" of a genuine marc's no ! in tlio ca o of President of the Counc Bcchcl. According { o Its' editor there ai strong grounds for believing that Mi Bechel has sold his Omaha real estate which , it assumes , at once dl quallllc him for holdingollicuin the city coiinci Tins announcement wotilel bo startling I true. Unfortunately fen * our spnsmodl contemporary it is lint borne out by reasonable constructlbn of the law. Th city charter requires ns ono of the nondi tlons of eligibility to the ofllco of council man that the candidate shall bo a res estate owner. The object oi this pro1 , i. lo is to raise the character of the bodyb provieling that none but tax-payers slml levy taxes on citizens. But the law nc where says that couuollnion must retail the pieces of propoity which the , owned when they entered ofllco. If i did , in nine eases out of ton thcro coul bo no transfers of real estate by council men during their incumbency. Ever , councilman who happened to own enl , a single lot would bo debarred from real izing on it oven if ho purchased unothc with the proceeds within Iwolvo hour after the sale. Such a construction of th law is foolish and absurd. It would re quire a daily inspection of the real estat transfers to determine whether the conn ell was properly constituted. Wo are no informed whether President Bcohol ha or has not sold his Omaha real estate But we apprehend that it makes llttl difference. Such an inquiry will be i proper ono when ho comes up forro-clec lion in April. At the close of his term o ofllco it has no interest to the public n large. Foil may years past the Ponnsylvauii railroad company has controlled the legislature islaturo of Now Jersey , boely and soul Us ownership seems to bo as strong a ever , judging from the recent protest o thai boely against the briilging of thi Arthur Kill lo Staten Island by the Balti more and Ohio , which hopes in lliis waj lo secure an independent entrance int < Now York. The legislature , primed b ; the Pennsylvania lobby , warns congres : not to authorize thu bridjjo on the grotme that it wotilel be an infringement of stall rights. This is shpcr nonsense. Tin righl of congress lo bridge navigable waters is unquestioned , ami arises fron its power over Interstate commerce. Ne ono ever disputed its righl to grant the charier to tlio St. Louis bridge company the Omaha bridge and n half do/.oi others. SKXATOH LOGAN has [ been prcsenlce with a live American ! eagle by admiring fricnels in East Tennessee. Ho will cm the caglo loose in 18SS > . " CANDIDATES for governor keep bob bing up all over the statet , There is n < lack of gubornationartimb'cr , such as it is THAT LiUJHIj SUIT. St. Edwards Star : Ju'&t how , the suit has o : will terminate , wo have noti learned , but ate willing lo modlct thattllolfman's damagci' chninctor will not be repaired live ) cents wort ! by this suit. c i Nance County Journal':11'ho : ' fust step ii tlio great libel suit otJ.l7ifilton | , Hoflnmi against theeditor ot tlieBuu is the taklnc o : tiie deposition of the man who in 1878 lenl Hoffman a lioiso and never saw the hoisc at tenvard. It is veiy damaging testimony tiom which It appeals tlio plaintiff wai not seriously misrepi evented by the Ur.r Wo advise him to withdraw the suit or pu down the damages to correspond with tlio ac ttinl market value ot his character. Weeping Water Republican : Ilosowatei'i libel suit has been commenced in Linrolr and now the public who like to hear people's characters aired will bo giatified. Mr. Holt man thought ho would di.ig the case along but the defense , lepreseinted by Mason iV Whi'celon , had the first deposition taken be loic a notary. Itosowatcr is bound to see the thing out. ToikTiines : Rosewaterseems tobefallj as eager for tlio light ns eloes Hoffman ; if lie has to pay § 30,000 ho wants to pay It anil have it oil his mind. Instead of indulglm ; in dilntoiy motions and domurers , to whicl we iimlcistand the pleadings of theplaintlil were einito susceptible , the defendant ha1 gone right in and is foiciug tlio light outc llie > plaintiff. It is about the liveliest de-fence wo ever read about , and Hoffman will soon be soiryif lieisnotnliondy , that liostluoel up the hen net's nest. Alioaely the evidence of the witness lias been taken and is published in lull. It is thcro testified thai llollmnn wasairested In Mi.-Moiui for hte.U ing a Iiorso in Lincoln , and though released without piospcution , it Is evident that the tiaasactlon was not stlalghf. The &ult wai biought at this late day tor political puipode'- only , and It was supposed by the prosecution that it would hang lira until fitter tlio scun- toilal election and then It would doubtless have been dismissed. Hoiowatcr has he.uled off that scheme , however , and the action will be a boomerang to the plaintiff. PItOMlNKNT PKltSOXS. Piesidont Clovclanel's iavoilto tune If "Tho Mocking Uliel. " Theodore Roosevelt denies that ho has a pecuniary Inteiest In Iho imigiulno Outing. General Butler In his mink overcoat ol multitudinous folds looks llko Him la ClaiH , Roscoe Colliding , In a iccent speech at n dinner , called Drover Clo\eland a "second Abiah.nn Lincoln. " liovcinor Hill does not caio much for so clal orgnnUiitions , but ho is 4 ndinhci of Indian clubs. t < Donald O. Mitchell ( ftf Mntvcl ) is to glvo a series of lectures on F'ngllsh llteiatino ul New Haven this winter.1 ' Richaul Smith , of the Ciunlnnatl Cummer cial Ga/etlc , observes tlpttho | / nownpapor Is generally of a higher l&ne than the leaders demand. " , i ( Mrs. James K. Polk , foldeVw of President Polk , states thioiiisli the Nashville papoit that shu Is not a enneliel.ito t'oV state librarian of Tennessee. ' In appearance OoneiaVWseley / Issalel to bo decidedly effeminate , r Hujs disposed gen erally to bo quite sociable buiils not popular with the rank and lilo. i Hon. N. 0. Monk of Albany. New York , has ono of tholincst pilvato llliraiios In the United Statew. It contains'"J.OOO \olume ! ) , oj which 10,000 are valuable law books. Miss Cleveland by her coidlnl manner anel and Inteicstlng coincisation has made hci weekly receptions very agreeable , ami they have been lamely attended. Mrs. Chief Justice Wnlto's jecoptlons in Washington arc always Urgcly attended. tSho Is a charming hostess and seems ever to have tlio right word to say to tlio light peison. Pi luce Bismarck's decoiatlon of tlio Order of Christ In a linely w01 keel cross soveial inches long , with a largo purediamond In thu center and smaller diamonds radiating fiom it. it.D. D. 1) . Smith , a Norrlstown dentist , has fallen heir to about 82,000,000 , bequeathed ( o liliubvhls grandfather , lie will now bo nblc to get n ptill In pol'ttcs ' without taVluj the stump. Mrs. Fiances Anne Keiuhlo attributes lie attainment e > f seventy-fifth year In ful health and \Igor to her life-long pcrslsteiie In out-elooroxeiclso. especially on horseback In nil soils of weather. Mine. Pnttl nt Viennaiccclvcel on the stasji n Christinas gift In tlio form of a tieo , thi blanches of which weie inteilaecil with i golden chain , each link of which boio In din nionds the name of nil opera iti which th prlinn donna had appeared. Of Picsldelit Cleveland a Washington cor lesponelcnt wiltcs : "Ills whole face nue manner bear the impicss of n lofty soul , In spired by an earnest puiposc , and no inoii noble and Impressive llgmo over woio tin liomnn toga In the elajs when hoi009 o loyal mould llveel and moveet on cailh. " Spark's C/ifMlflo / Ktift. Ill dealing with Iho land question , Com mlssioiierSpaiks appears to appreciate tin Inct that the term "Innocent purchaser' covers n multltiulo of slnncis. The Mont Popular Hobby. J'.1) ' " " H Tituci. HosownteT snjs the railroad commission li "a roailng fnrce ami must go. " Dr. Mlllc MIJS Gttidncr Is a membei of the slaughter house faction , and consequently "must get. ' The Times U willing foi ( inidner to go wlici Ills ofllco Isnbollshcdby law , and Is niixlou' to sco the inilre > ael commission bounced bj the next icglslatuio. Hosew.Ucr Is ildlng tin most popular hobby , and Ills candidate foi "uolng" will distance the doctot's much gloomed rncci. A IlnrilVorel to Tackle. ir jii(7 ( ll'dlcr Itepiilillcan , The Lincoln .Journal says the evidence llusewntcr Is attempting lobilug ngalus Hoffman in the elaiii.isrosalt Is diaphanous That is a very luid woul or a countiy edtlo i to tackle mid we suggest that In the fiitmo tin Journal will say "clear , " IIlll bo easier foi Ihc typo and lesson Iho number of lunatics. A Case ofljibcl. PhllaiMltlita Via" . "Hcic , Pettifog , the Til-\Vcekly \ Clniion has denounced mo as a fraud and a swindler , and I want lo site It for libel. " "Well aio Iho charges true'.1" "Suppose they mo what has that got to elo with the matter' . ' " "Hut how ore you going to piove innllce in the publication'.1" "Sir , I'd ha\e you understand that hi mj case the liuth Is always malicious. " Juelgmcnt for plaintiff. Ijot the Sharks Suffer the TJOSS. Wiciitnu Water HcptiMtcan. Heio Is another chance for our western scnatois , nndnll eyes will be turned to\said Van Wyck as a loader In nucstlng fiaud upon tlio people. It Is nothing less than an attempt on the pait of the money sharks of New York to get a law passed by congiess to icdcem the trade dollar at 109 cents. Those same shaiksfnvoied their coinage for the purpose o shipping west and the payment of Chinese labor , The cost to lliem was but OOcenlsanel the wcstein people and Celes tials took them for 103 cents. They aio now woith 75 cents , and If they can get the govcinment to buy them for a full dollar it would be quito a scheme. Wo have confi dence enough in our le'prcsciitatiycs to be lieve they will sit down on any such move ment. Lot those who have made enough on this fraudulent coinage suffet the loss visited on themselves by their own actions. Spnrks Is Doing Ills Duty , 77. H. iriMhbiirne In the Chteatin Trtlninc. Tlio general land office , for the last fifteen or twenty years , has , nccoidlnsjto my Jnelc- mont , been the most corrupt depnitmeiit that ever existed in any government on the face of tlio earth. 1'or yeais and ycnis the land jobbers and Uio land giabhcis seemed to have had tull sway theie , and it is ( mitu time they were rooted out. And I am glad to find that an Illinois man like Mr. Sparks lias had the coinage to attack these stupendous abuses and to attempt to recover for the beneiit of the people at large some portion of the public lands which had been obtained fiom the government bv the railroad companies. I hope that his hands may bo slicngthoncel and that ho will continue in the couisu which ho has laid out for himself. Komo say that a prcssuio has been made upon the picsident and upon the sccietary of the Interior , Mr. Laniar , and that it will bo necessary tor him to bo lemovcd. It is impossible to bciiovo that such can bo the case ; that an honest , faithful and incoiinntible public otllcer should bo hounded out of his place by the men whoso action ho has exposed , and who is making such laudable offoits , as I think ho is , to get back for the government hundieds ot millions of ncies of public lands which have been literally lilchcd fiom Itby the land- giant lailio ads. Frlonels Olel ami Now. Make new fi lends , but keep the old ; Those aio silver , these aiogold. New-made fiiendshins , like new wine , Ago will mellow nnel lolino. Fiiendships that have stood the tests- Time and eliamto aie siucly best. Uiovv may wiinklc , hall giowgray , Fiicndshlp nevoi knows deouv. For'mid old fi lends , tiled and tine. Once moio wo our youth renew , lint old friends , alas , must die , Now friends must their place supply. Cheiish iiiemdshlp in yoiu bieast , J < ew Is good , but olel Is best , Make now friends , but keep the old , Those aio silver , thcso are gold. The Silver Problem. CMmyo Tribune , Another interesting phase of the silver problem is piosented by ( ho "gold con tracts , " now so popular in Now Yorkanel Boston. Of whatnso vvoulel it bo for con gress to provide bimetallism or silver monometallism if Uio capitalists who con trol the money in the country have it nominated in the bond that payment must bo made in golel ? It has become epiito thu fashion in the east to inuliulo such a provision in notes , contracts and bonels , and it is already an inteie'sling , and may become an important eiiostloii | whether such agreements are valid. Sen ator Van Wyck has introduced u bill in congress declaring all "golel contract * " void on Iho ground that tluiy are opposed to public polioy anel intondcet to establish a different legal fonder from that pro- vieled by law , Under the constitution congress not only hus power to coin money , but to "regulate the val ue thereof , " anel to make all laws which shall bo necessary and proper for rarryintr into execution" Us legitimate authority , Now the pur pose of Iho "golel contracts" is to destroy the value of silver money and prevent congress "logulating the value thurcof" mid carrying its constitutional powers into execution. Congroas has no spoe-ial authority to interfere with the freedom of contract between inelivieltmls , but it aught to bo equally clear that cHI/.ons liavo no right to muko ngreommits op posed to public policy and calculated to nullify the execution of the laws The right of the individual cuds whom the imblio interest begins. Senator Van Wyck's bill may bo routtldoroel "start ing" or even "monstrous" anel yet in : ho couroo of a fovv years lind its way on the statute book. Wall street has al ways been slow In euHiipnihcmling thn ; > owonj of cougross over the national iurremoy , and it may becomes necessary o furnish tliu imities to the "gold con tracts" some fuitlier enlightenment on mints of constitutional law. I'or beauty , forcomloit. lor linpiovcment of the tiUii , usu only Poizlui's ponder , BRIDGE BURNERS BAGGED Olio of the B. & M , Fire Bugs Discovero anel Arrested. They nro.Jatnci niiel Chni-lcH 'Iho hatter Makes a Complete Confession of the AVholo AtTnlr. Republican City ( Neb. ) Democrat Tostcel in the elcpots of the It. & M. rail way is a flaring advertisement of whicl the following is n copy : * . . # j $ t,000 llKWAUl ) . : A reward of OIIP Thousand : Dollnis will bo paid by the : Burlington > V Mbiouil ll\cr ! I Unllway Company for the ar- : lost ami coin ictlon of any one : nlncliiK obsli actions on Its : hack or attempting tovierk : ti.ilus by Intci Icdnit with : track , eV e ) , nonunion , I Ass't. ( len'l. Minuiger. * . . hast October a dastardly attempt wni made to wreck a passenger train on thi Obcrlin branch by attempting to bun the bridge near the state Hue. The faets ns near us can bo uutht'red at this time ) are as follows ; No. 70 , Iho NIGHT I'ASSKNe'.UIl T1IA1N leaving this city at 0:15 , in charge 01 Conductor BinUell , was proceeding down tiiu branch at the usual rate o ; speed when near the state line the engineer Buddonly diseovcrcel llama1 arising from the track a short distance ahead , At the se-eno of the conflagration the train was stopped and with tlio ussls lunco of passengers the trainmen mil oul a fire which was rapidly consuming the woodwork of a bridge structure looateel on the farm of James ( trlines. 1111 : n.AMis : wore cxtinguiHlied before material damage - age ? hail been elonc. The train proceeded on its way and to all appearances the o.X' eilomcnt was over. The report that reached this city did not carry witli it llic impression thai anything of a serious na ture had occurred or thai n dark , daring crime had been committed. What little ; comment tlio all'air cau'-eel was soon ended , and , apparently , tlio fact that the brielffo had ever been lireel was entirely unknown by a largo portion of the people in Ibis vicinity until the announcement , Tuesday , that ono of the bridge burners had been arrested , caused some commo tion and fresh inquiries to be made aboul Iho matter. It is evident to those who put out Iho fire that it WAS the work of an incendiary , from the fumes of HL'ltNINU OILS , HTC. , witli which the woodwork hue ! been salu- ruled , and as it now appears Iho scheme of catching Iho brielgo burners was short ly put in motion , with what success may bo scon from the following : Tuesday morning a boyish looking young follow , 18 or 19 years of ago , was brought iu on the brunch and taken to McCook. This was Charles Grimes , a nephew of the man James , who owns the hind adjoining the state line , where the bridge was fired. At McOoolc , young G limes was taken to Superintendent Campbell's ollico where he maelo a COMI'I.KIK CONPHSSION ( o his participation in tlio crime anel im plicated his irfielo as the instigator of the deed. The story he lulls is very plausi ble. Ho says that his nnclc paid him $25 to apply the match , after Grime- ) , the el der , had pom-eel the oils upon the bridge and sccrcte > el himself in tlio brush. After starling the lire he also scaled the feMico and concealed himself in the brush. 1'rom their hiding place : the villainous pair wit- nossoel tlio arrival ol the pai-enyor train and the rcsctio of the bridgo. Shortly after the residence of James Grimes wa's nuuNuu 'io TIII : a HOUND. There was a largo amount of insurance on tiio building , and the young fellow now states that ho was instigated to burn tli at also , receiving for the job a double-barreled shot-gun. Wiiofhor the uncle got his insiiranco'moncy or not is unknown , as yet , but no has hied him self away lo other parU. The young fellow presses much feeling over the matter and to case his conscience had already told I he story of his crimes to a. Mr. Stevens before tuo authorities seeureil him. The location of the bridge is just over tlio line in Norton county , Kansas , about ten miles from this city , so that it is oxpceteel lie will bo taken there for tiial to-day. There will bo several applicants for THK m\VAiti : ) of $1,000 , we understand , prominent unong whom is John Davvton , attorney , of Alma. _ MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL. How tlu * TjiuN Ivalioi : { linking Btcnin KiiKincs , ToolM , and Articles of Woodwork. Chicago News : The Chic.igo manual raining school gave its first annual re- "option Friday afternoon and evening , Jltisics were at work in the wooel-work- ng , molding , forging , and machine shops. The lorging department or black smith-shop la situated in the basement. J'lio resounding iln of the anvils and Iho lying sparks that filled the air as a Beoro or so of young i smiths plied their ham- nors lustily on bits ot'redhot lion Hhovfcd that real work was going on. Young fltneli'iits are apt to hit their ingcr once in awhile instead of the iron , unel others luiyo Ino.uitlously picked up ) ieocs of uncooled metal , but ono or two lUch experiences are generally enough to nltiata Ihom. Tlmy wear the regular naehinist'.s garb , the conventional oathorn apron of the smith being dis- ) < msoil with , anel each boy hits his own 'oigo , which is furnished with a fitcnin blast. All the smoke s carrieel oft' by exhaust fans , so that the atmoHphcro in the opin is uniformly good , The work in Ids eluparlmcnt ix preparatory to that lone in Iho maohino shop. The student s ilr-it given simple ovorclM s in pound- ng load , and these ) are tolleiwoel by lo.s- Honsin drawiiiic , uplifting , nnel bonding oiiiid the hon. As the student acquires > n > liiumioy 1m IH put upon more elillicult vork , such i\t Iho makin/r / o opon-eiyos , ; ato-hooKs , staples , nails , drawn anel ipsot bolts , wedding tongs , and drawn corners , They also imiko largo numbers of hoxugo-lionelud cap-sciow.i anel bolts ised in the construction of engines and niH'lnS ; , liosidos these they make all heir own tools , such as blaoksmUliN' ongs , chisels , punches , latho-touls , shov- nlfi , and hamme'ivi , Kuch joung artisan vorks from a drawing , giving simply the orni ami dimensions , and Iho nature of > ach piee-o ii , thoroughly explained in a cetuni before work upon it is begun. Having spent a year in this kind of vork Iho student is ready for the machine hop , which is ( litiuiteid just nbovo tlio jluuksmith shop , Thii room is equipped vith snven IMneli I'rmitiss lathes , one 0-inch Hlaldsoll lathe , tvvnspi'od lathes , JUG shaper , and ono drill. The present loss K t'lig.iged In the construction of Ix steam engines of six horio power ach. Ono ot these has already boe-n omploled , and it ! now miming Aatis- actoilly in the ulisroom. : . II is ox- ) coteel that the rest will bu finished nnel I'ttdy fen' tiidet in about six weokd. The ough castings lor those engines are jou"hl at u foundry. Atljolning thi ) mae-hlno shop is a tool * 00111. Kaoh boy is mimburcd , anel by ucans of a oYatbin ot checks Im may ob- ain a tool whe'ii ho wants to IHO it , lion s ulno turned by hnulcojinto : ! studs inel bolts. JuM back of thfv mnulnno-shop Is ( hej Holding-loom , fn it tlu-ro are ) twenty- 'our molding troughs , two furnaces , and our crucibles , together with ummcra , spikes and patterns. At first only sim plex patterns are attempted , but gradually more lUflloult work is Introduced , such as cheek-valves , safoty-valvos , anel drawer-handles. J'lio molding-sand used is brought from Albany , N. 1. Horc Is a bov making ono of these molds for n cast ing. Ho lakes the novvcl , or lower part of the square iron llask , and puts it on the molding board , just under which is the trough lillcet with sand. Then ho lays tlio pattern on the board in- sielo the flask and sift.s fine sanel ever it until tlio novvel is full , After ramming the elirt down around the pattern with : i rammer hn scrapes oft'as much of it as may be necessary to leave the novvcl evenly full. Then ho turns It over and oxpoM's to view the raised surface of the pattern which is imbi'ilelcd on the other Milo in the sand. Then ho screws the cope , or second half of the ilask , onto the novvel and also tills that with sand , ramming it down around thepattoin ns before. Having done this ho take * thu Husk apart nneljou see on the ) uovvel the pattern as before , and on the cope an impression of e > f such pait of the pattern ii9ste > e > d above the surface of the nowe-l when the cope wat screwed onto It. Then , after mak ing a little "eutovvuj " in the sand from Iho i'dgo of the pattern , to the side of the llask in which to pour tlio moHon metal , hn caraiully withdraws tlio pattern , Hcrows un the lhi k , iind pours In the zinc , brass or lead , of whUjli the casting is elo- ( signed to bo mado. When brass castings am made thr mold is spiinkled with line Hour in oielor to givei a .smooth liniuli to Iho casting. In the wooel-vvorking elepaitmcnl , which is on the second floor , thoru are twenty-four cabinet lu'iu'hos , each one of which is furnished with u lathe , besides pianos , chisels , and other ne-cessary tools. At llrst moitlcopunchi and tenons are made for practice , and then umbrella stanelSj picture ) frames desks and ladders are finished up. Above this department is the drawing room , in whie-h every student In the school is reeiulrcd to sponel an hour a day. Hero all the drawings used In the various departments are maelo. There Is also a library connected with the school belonging to the American Electrical society. The books treat main ly of subjects 9onncctcd with electricity , phvslcs , chemistry and kindred subjects. The school will graduate its first class next June. AN EDITOR'S ROMANCE. Why a North Carolina Jotirnnligt Hit ) Name. A Halcigh ( N. O. ) telegram to the Richmond ( Va. ) States says : For some time past the Wadoboro' papers , the Times and the Intelligencer , have been at eluggeis' points. A statement was maelo by the former that S. W. Henley , editor of the latter , was sailing under false colors : that his real mime was not Henley , and Unit ho was in hiding. Jn to-day's issue of the Times aftiduvits are published to the oft'ect that Henley's name is really Sperry W. llcarn , ami that he eiimo from Tappalunnejok , Va. , In to-day's issue of the tnteligoneor , Editor Henley relates his whole history , ami acknowledges thai Sperry . He-am 13 his proper namo. The story ho lolls Is u slrango ono. Fifteen years ngo llenloy ( or llcarn ns he must now bo called ) was a printer at Tapijulmnnook , in the employment of the Essex Ga/ette. There ho tell in love vvith a pretty school-girl , and from this simple beginning all his future troubles elated. Ho claims that in 18M n dark cloud came ? between the girl unel himself , and ho attempted to commit suicide. Ho had a rival in an ex-union ollioor , and sought to force him info a eluel or oven a street light. For two months ho kept the town in a state of turmoil. This aroused the indignation of the people , and all his friends save one , elecoitrd him. He became disgusted at hi own folly and decided to leave the place for ever. In October , 1871 , ho lolt Tuppn- bannock for Baltimore , and there as sumed the name S.V Henley , which until now he has borne. Since that time the people of Tnppahannock have not known aught of Ins whereabouts. For years they thought him dead. In eon- alusion lie says : "I have now had my nay. I have en- ilcavored to toll the whole and eutiro Irutli , and I have liltlo tear ( hut the pco- Dies of Anson county will think less of me now that they know the secret of my life than they elid when they know mo simply as S. Av . Henley , but knew noth ing ot my anticedonts. Having saiel this much , I am done forever. Abjuring the name of S. W. Henley , and thus laying : isdo ! the mask under which for nearly twelve years 1 have hid my folly , I sub- scribu myself , as I desire in future to bo called , Sperry W. llearri. " tY.Iv.-it Completely Dihlnto ratcil by a Current of Hloolrlulty. Philadelphia News : The complete Usintegriitlon of a rnt by electricity so that I retained all of its natural appearance. jut crumbled to dust as soon as toiiuheu jy metal , is vouched for by Air. llonry J. 1 olberl , now visiting Philadelphia ul- hough electricians connected vvith thu sleotrio light plants in this city remain athor incredulous. The story was told i Nows-ftiitheiror yesterday. The eity of Heading Is furnished u por- ion of its light by a company which pro- luces the electric current by means of ho Brush machine' ' * . Mr. Tolboitsays hat ho visited the Plant of the Heading iompaiiy , and while looking at the Hushes gathering the sparks of Iho fluid i rat came rnnninc over the floor. To iscapo hi.s human enemies , ho jumpud lireetly to the floor on to one of thu jrushos and was thrown baek to the froiind. Ho lay motionless , apparently mil certainly dead , but without even a mil * turned. One of the employs was cut with a shovel to gather L up , but IIH eon as tlio shovel touched It the rat lull o dust , with a littlu cloud of particles Ising from the place where its body had eommgly Iain. There was no vosllgo of lair , flesh or bones remaining. TOST PERFECT MADS rnrestnml btronscst Natural Fruit Flavors Vanilla , I/umon , Oranno. Almond. Hose , etc. , lit or n * delicately and naturally as thv fruit , PIUCK BAKINQ POWDCF1 CO. , : niCAao. ST. LOOI3. Cure without mult L POSITIVE ftlut ) . J'utunted Oio . 18TU. einu box wlil cure lie most obtlnntocuso la fourdft/H orleni. ' ( > IlllllOCOUS llOSOS Ot . . . . . _ . , . . . mclulv.T.oit tlutl ro < cilulii to uroJuui ily ( i'i * la lifdiMtroiluir tiiu iullu.r ur Itio slanmu'i , rlcoil.SO. Boll hi-nil u-u visll. w innlli ) < l til. ctclpt of | > ilui. Iw Outlier iiiirllfuliii8 s ua ? rcircular. I' . O. lit\ ! I'.JI. ' 3" . C. . .XjIjlSr OC. , CURE. St. , N"w 1'o'X.