Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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lie.1'ot'f.TnY Tlio innrkct hnd n moio healthy
one to-day. Strictly choice nml fancy stock
Is in n little bettor clcninnil , though Inferior
stock ilocs not sell. Choice chickens nrc
quoted at Cc , \ \ ith a few sales of fancy stock
even higher ; Inferior stock , 4U3c. ( Tin keys
arc slow at 0@lOc. Gec e nnd dneks , 9ff10 < %
OAMI : Deer , antelope , prnlilo cliick-
ens and quail wore out of season on .lanuaiy
} jcnl il'tickir 8iiiiXfi. ) ; "mT.xrii"iliick" , '
Binnll rabbits. Sl.OO ; gccsc , : ( .OOaj.ftO : ; brandl ? ,
Best quality , 50.50 per CO
) b barrel ; per libl.S5.T3.
I' , ) r.tUK . r.rr. Picsprves :
nil kinds , 80-10. palU per l -i 10Kc : lo 10 pall
fjnl . . lOc ; assorted 5-lb. palls per doz. . ? .00.
. elllcB , nil kliKh , first grade , 80 ! b. palls , per
Ib. , Be ; nssorted. lirst ( ? radc , Mb palls , per
do55.00 ; do , S-lb path , per tloz. , Si76 ; do ,
Mb palls wr case. 2 < loz , . SJ.'i'i ! do
Bchooncrs per doS2.35 , ; do , tnmblPis. per
en < se , 2 doz , , S1.40 , nil kinds second grade ,
no-ll . palls , per Ib , bi\ Mince Meat , best
Krnclo ) ( bbl. . per Ib. , 7c ; do , 18 , BS and r S Ib
pnlN , per Ib. , TJ s'c ; do. 5-lb. palls , per do ? . ,
J-0.00 ; npiilo butler , exttn line. ' 1'bl. , per Ib. ,
7c ; dn 40-lb palls per Ib. , 1do. \ . Mb pnlK
) icr dofn.OO ; iieacb nnd plnin butter , -10 it ) , ,
jialls i > cr Ib. , Oj e ; pencil , plum nnd quince
Initter , n. sorted , Mb. p.ills , per doz. , S7.50
rntsnp ( Hnyder's ) , lineal iimde , per ca-se , 2
doz. tilnt bottles. S5.00 ; hone radish , pint
bottles , per do81.M ) .
Ntns Hickory imts. larRC per bit. S1.40 ;
do shell barks , 81.75 ; clicstnutf , 12c ; pecans ,
largo iiollshed , lie : pecans , inedluin , l c ;
KtiKllsh walnuts , He : almonds , TiiiraKonn ,
20c ; do , l.nngncnoc , 17c : Hnulis , PJc , lllbeit" ,
: tle ; pcanuK Imnd picked , fancy Virginia ,
7c : do ronstcd I'c. '
jars per doz. , S5.6do. ( ) ; pint Jnrs per case ,
6 tloz. . S7.00. Tilpe , per ) v'libl. , § 4.50 ; do. per
Jdbbl. 52.2,5 ; do. uci kit. lV. ) lltolled mack-
ITPI , new , per case. GO cans , nM.
COMII Ilo.vnv Cnlllornla'JibfianiuCOlbs
In case per Ib. , 15c ; extracted , ! i Ib. in can" , 2
do ? . In case , per case , SM.OO ; 10 Ib. ft tunes ,
Nebraska , l c.
Ciontt Mlchlpan icllncd , per bbl. . S0.50 ;
do. balf bbl. . S4.00.
VixKOAii White wine , Ifio ; cider , Ktfc.
Ftos AN'n DATIS : 1'liM. hmjina , 100
, , . ,
boxes , pet Ib , 14e ; laney I' , M Ib boson ,
per Ib , lie. riuiicllcH , 25 Ib boxes , pei Ib ,
iJr.Moxs New Messina , per box , SJ.51.
OIIA\OI : < S I.os Aiutih s mo quoted nt S2.i. ( >
© ti.T.\Flotldaoianuus nrosteutly at SJ.10 per
bo\ .
( 'jiANiir.ium : * Cape Cod , fancy daik ,
per bbl. . 9.00 ; Capo Cod , fancy dark ,
f > bbl.lots. . per bbl. M.50 : Jersey
Hell and Uncle , per box. S'.50 ; Wis
consin Bell and Cherry , per bbl , SO.W ; AVIs-
cousin liellnnd Chenv , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl ,
H. " " ) .
CAI.IFOHNIA IT.UIT 1'cars K.Ueuiio and
pound pears , per boSJJ.OO. .
Ari' I'nncv New \oilc nnd Michigan
npples , per bbl , S-.75 ( : ! .00. ; lancy New Yorlc
and Aliolilgan njiples , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. ,
& 2.G5 ; fnney New Voik and Michlgnn nples ) ) ,
10 bbl. lots , ppi bbl. , S2.)0 ) ; Illinois apples , per
bbl. S2.75 ; Illinois : iiples ) , 5 bbl. IOK pei
bbl. , VJ.S5 ; Illinois apples , 10 bbl. lots , pci
bbl. , S2.-10 ; lAtissonil ( ifiiitons , 5 bbl. lots , per
bbl. . V-V > ; Mlssonil lienilons , 10 bbl. lots ,
jiei bbl. , S.00 ! ! ; lancy eatlns , per bbl. , SJ.25 ;
laney Mlchlirnn Unit. 8 OtVa VJT , .
i ( iiiAi'F.s Malnca. per bbl , S7.00.
ritovisto.vs. Hani , I0) , llc , breakfast
bacon , H > iC'i'o ! ' : clear side bacon , 7cdiysalted ;
Bides , Oc : slionldeis. biiKar cnied , 5ifc ; mess
pork pei bb ! . . S1.CO ! ! : laid. 40 Ib. cans , iiei Ib ,
7Vt7'a10. ( ; . 5 and a Ib Faiibanks , 7 @ 8c ;
dried beef hams. 1'Jc.
UNIONS halt hake stockIs belling nt Sl.OO
Jier bushel ; common home gio\Mi icds , 70@
< 5c. Theio are n lew evtia choice in the
Maiket that mo held at Sl.OO pei bush.
l'orA'iois : None aio coiuiiiL' , and pi ices
me nominal at .VMitGOc lor choice stoclc.
Jlr.AXa Dlity stoek ib plentiful and \eiy
haul to dispose of , while choice clean beans
meet with n icadv sale on niiival. Hand
Dlt'ked ' now. S1.75@-MX ) ; imnd-picked
inediiini , 5fl.W ) < S1.75 : irood clean countiv.
8l.avai.40 : Infeiioi. 75c.oo.
( JitAiN The tollowlnp aio the iiie\ainns
piices paid lor wncon loads on the Miccts
nnd at the mills to-day : Coi n.'JJij ; oats 2-ffi ! (
Me ; w heat , NTo. 2. OOe ; r j c. 45 Ji57e. Kiev ntor
iiiices for car lots : Coin , 21J.C : oats ,
2Ji(23jc ( ; wheat , lye , 44e ; b.tilej ,
Fr.oun and Mn.i.siUFrs \ \ inter \V heat
Fli m ; best quality patent at ? : ) (
Second nnallty-S'.ftOfen.OO.
Spi IIIK Wheat Best quality patent at 52.00
Buckwheat Flour In banels , S5.75 ; icady
raised a Ib packages , S4.00 ; 0 Ib packages ,
5ri.UO. : .Vic per cwt.
Chopped Feed Per 100 lbs.70c.
Corn Meal White , SOc ; > . 5cpcrcwt.
Screening No. 1 , 7flc per cwt ; No. - ' , 50c.
Hominy Sl.OO per cwt ,
Shoits TXhipei ewt.
( iiaimm 61.75 pel cwt.
Hay Bales , S6.oOift7.00 per ton.
OTi iiis : Quotations lor to-day are : N. Y.
counts : , 4 % ; uxti.i selects , 4Uc ; selects , U5e ;
btalidards. : ; 0c ; incdinnm , 25c.
btalidards.AND OKINS I'rues on fins and
mo hteaily. Mink , each , lOffiKOc ;
innskia winter. 3@5o ; do. kil.s , 2e : Otter ,
2.60itO.OO ; skunk , shoit htriped , 15@25c : do.
broad"stilped , 10 ( 15 ; b. arxjiOO ; llac-
teen , No. 1 large. 40(350 ( ; do. No. a ,
do. No. it , iMaflc ; wolf , pialrle r > o < )7r ) c ;
do. mountain. VJ.OOit3.oO ( ; wildcat , 15040 ; bea
ver , Sl.fiO@3.f)0 ) pei Hi ; fox , each , S1.40@1.60 :
dcei.skln : . drv winter , 15i ( < ! lbc pei Ib ; do. tall
nndsunnniT HQdSf&e.
HIIMH : Uieun buteheis. fidTOKc ; pieen
- " - ' t. 12@l"e ; dry
two-thirds piice.
' " - 4c. Sheen
U No. 1 1'lttsbnrR hainess .1. C. 1- .
ArSons , > c ; No. 1 1'lttsbmjr , K. & S. aJc ; No.
Cincinnati , itfe : No. 1 lace leather , GOo ; prime
bl.iuclttcrsolu luithor. 2 > C'f t c ; prlino oak sole
. - . toppfncs and linings.
JUT do/ .
COAL AnllirncItoRintc , S8.50 ; egg ,
ranee , 58.75 ; chPHliuit , SW ; low.i.
Walnut block , 3.75 ; Illinois , a5.W ) ; Mis-
M > url. Sl.OO
UKAVV HAIIDWAIIU lion , rates. S3. 5j
JiJow Mi-ol , siicclal cnsl , 4o ; crucihlu btccl , Cc ;
tnM tools do , l"jlS3aumi ( ! : spokes , jiet BC ! ,
f 1.7.VHJ1.IX ) ; hubs , ucr "ft. 81.'i" > . Iclloc" , bawpq
dry , fel.-io , tongtii's , e.icli , 75c , n\U's , e.ich , 75C ;
Mjuaro nuts , per Hi , , 7@llc ; collolmln jior Ib ,
fii/r-'o ( ; muluiblc , bo : lion \\cilges , uc ; now-
bills. f > ! liairow tPt'tli , 4c ; bpilm ; btci'l , 7Qbc ;
lluidon's luiif-p shoes ! ; Ullltlt'll's mule
v\ \ tOioi's , j.Vir ) , UaibPil Who in car lots , S-I.OQ
iK'i UK ) Bis. Jron Nulls Itati's. 10 to CO , ss.m ) .
hol-Sl.fjO ; IntcKshot. , Jjl-K-i ; Oilpiitul
j'ONMler ' , Kt-gs , sy.50 4oa : do. hull Kogs.SJ.oo ;
do , qimiterkcgs. SI.50 ; blnstlii ! ; , kpgx , sa.a ;
IIIKU , ILM lOOivot.Min. J.ead Bar Jjl.O1) .
DIIV 1'AiMS Whlto lend , be ; 1'icnuli ' mie ,
U'ctl'mlshltlns,2 > e ; whitingphlei-slic ;
whllin .com'l. I'iC'.himpblaclc.tJerinantowii ,
12o ; Inmpblnck. oidlnary , lOc ; I'uih-.ian bine ,
65c , , untinniailnc , lic * : Vandyke , brown. He
ninber. burnt , -r ; umber , raw , 4o ; sienna ,
burnt. 4o : hienna raw. 4 < r. 1'ai is itreen. trenu-
Ine-V. I'uus uroen , common , 'Mo : chrome
preen , N. i. SOo ; rhr mo Kreen , K , 12c ; ver.
million , I'.ngllNli. In oil asbt i-xi ; raw nnd
bin ut umber lib cans. DM ; raw nnd Durnl
hlcnna. lOc : MindjKo biown , Ibo ; rebtuil
Inmpblnck. Viocoacli \ black and Ivory bla-k
10o ; diop black. K'KJ : 1'nis.slan blue. lOc : id
tramnrlno bluo. Ibc : clnome crocn , U , M < S
llfic ; blind nnd bhtitter green , 1 , . . .M. it D.
lOc ; 1'ails n\cei\t \ \ is * ; Indian red , 15c ; Vcno
tlan rod. Uo ; Tuscan ii'd. &a ; Aiuerltun ver
million. 1 . it 1) . , 2oc ; > eliow ociuo. Vo : u il
it ( t. D. , itfc ; colden ochre , lOc : patent dryet
iSe ; gralnlm : coloi * . light oak daik oak , wal
nut , chestnut and asli lt > e
J'AINTH IN On. Vhltt ) lead , Omaha. P. T
7Se : veimtlllon.'rican , It c ; Indian ,
10crosoiink. : Ho : Venetian , red Cookson'a
2J c : Venetian red. American , lered \ lead
7 > o ; chromw yellow Konnlno , iS > o ; cluonu
jellow , K , 12c : ocnro lochultu i'e ; ochrn
Frciu-h , D c ; oi-lire , American , 2c ; \ \ Intcr'i
niineral. 2Kc : l.ehlili In own. 2 ,0 , ; S
tnmii. ) ' < ! > * e ; Pnncti'bininnialU ! ,
On * HUcaroon , pore.ii on. lie ; 150 : head
llpht.jier irallon , lje ; 17 ? o headiig n.pei gixl
Ion. )0o ) : 150o nter white. Lie : Hnswii Intn
per gallon , 41o ; linseed , boiled , per gullon
57c : lard , winter str'il. pvi eallon. 0 eSe ;
1il'c ; N'o. 2. iff. castor XX \ , per ( .allon
jll.ftS : tin. 3. fcl.44 : sweet , n r pnllon , Sl.oo
sperm..U. . , per Knllon. 8I. ) ; hah , vu U.
i > cr gallon , UV ? ; neatsfoot e\m , , per gallon
7W , No. I. Obo ; Jubtk-atlnir. zero , uer gallon
cumi ! > er , Ibc ; roldrn machine , No. l , ve :
pallon SOc ; No. 2,25c ; sjierm , signal , per gal
lon 75 : turpentine , per gallon , 40'Vc ' ; napth.i.
IJamar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphallum ,
extra , 85c ; shellac 83.50 ; ham oil finish ,
" briitiTS Cologne silrits ) , 183 proof , Si.Ul ;
do 101 proof St.13 ; spirits , Fccond Quality
101 proof. S1.13 ; do , 1 8 proof , Alco
hol. 18S proof , S2.10 per w Ine gallon. Itedis-
tilled whiskies , S1.00ff1.50 ; gin blended ,
Sl.WXffi-iOO ; Kentucky boinbons , S2.00fi.0j ( ;
Kentucky nnd I'cnnsjlvniila r > cs. S2.OOMfl.50 ;
( Inldcn Sheaf bourbon and rie whiskies ,
81.50ffia.oo. Bmndlcs-lmported , So.OOtgSf/ ) ;
domestln , Sl.30fjrin.oo. tJins Impoited , S1.50
r TO.OO ; domestic , PI.2Vi4i.OO. : Ittuns Impelled -
polled , S-4.50'i ( .00 : Iceland,81.75 2.00 ;
domestic , Sl.'iV 3.03. Champagnes Im
ported , per c. e. kHOO@31.00 ; Ametican , pet
case , 510.00(310.00 (
Suxnuin ? Uomcsllc Holland herrings ,
kpgs , 50c ; Ittisslan ardlncs , 450 ; Ancho
vies in glass , Ole Hull brand , per rte * . ,
S3.00 ; Anchovies in kegs , f Ole Bull brand.
S4.00 ; spiced Hamburg herrings , skins and
heads on" , per pall. Sl.uU.
nriiniNOs. _
. . _ _ . . „ . „ . j ill's H'r ins Q r libTTl'U Kti
HSW sn. sue 100 SK ) , 50 40 15 12 10
Munn's 8't No.l 1/b 7 00 4 00n M 3 0 > 1 70 7.1 (12 IT ,
I/BO oib'pii Kancj .0 no : i m.1 a'i i M i fiO.71 M no
I.'KQ u'd sh'io Furid oo a ro ; i gj 1701 M,7f , > M M
MACIC KI 111. .
llbls. Half llhlslP'rUhla' '
NEW nsn. 200 1 11W 00 50 40 iS't
ItlontcrMcfs an on is oo in r , n a7 . nj i o-
Kx. No. ISh'r S4 00 U Mil UOG 305 ll ) , | 40
No. IRhoit ! , 18 00 U 50 , M 1104 Nl ) ; W 1 10
Mcd. No. 1 Shore. , , 11 00 , 7 00 0 3.VJ 53 2 OJ R'i
" liny . . . . 11 on o oo 6 4r.i ' or , s no 75
T.nrgo ramily tl ( HI , 0 0 } 4 r > Vj M 2 10 (15 (
Fat " , 7 UOl 4 W 3 OS'S ' 031 | 70 55
Il'f llhls.O'rllhls P'lsKts
srw 100 IH ) | 60 40 | K I 10
No. 1 Whlto Fish. . 7 OKI ! ! i')3 ) Ml ! 10 1 C4 IK )
Fainlly 3503 I530V1 70. G2 I 55
No. Trout. 4 M ) 4 00 2 Ki'2 ' 10 74 i 03
No. ll'ickciel 1 K)3 ) 00230,1 , DO 08 ' CO
1'ICKI.r.ll R\IM < ) \ .
J nW . ' , ,' I t u i ii\i
I * UU 1 1UU 40 I 15 11 10
Ulood Hcd
AlllSKII . . . 13 00,7 00 fl 33 3 55 2 ! K > 08 83
Blood Hod I
Cnl 13 00 7 00 0:3.5 J 55 2 10 OS 83
Tonifuos & ' 83OT
Sounds ir , 008 0)r. . I 003 GO 1 10 OT
NLW FISH . Hbls'lllI llbls O'rllbls.l'nlls . orklls
nyy jo , ) uu I 50 4U 13 K 10
Nonvorlnn I
KKK Hm'lngs 13 007 030 353 M2 00 " 08 83
Noieglan , . . Pi" I"
KK lleiilnjfs. U 000 BOTi fOU ! J03 70 . . . .
llllsllliurs | 8 ( X1'4 504 OOJJ 'Ml I)0 ) | . . . IH |
CODFISH ACW laico banlc cod , 4c ;
soaking , ( Jeor.'cs chunks , 0'vTc ' ; clover Je.if ,
Georges strips. 0a'cl ; Ib lolls'J Ib boxes ,
Cc : praliio llo\\pi , Ulb briuk.Co ; wild lose , a
Ib brick. 5c.
SMOKKD FISH Halibut , now , fc ; now
scaled lierrinss , U c ; mackeiel lUc ; salmon ,
l'-'c : smoked --tumeoii. Kc.
Holland hPiiltiff , now. rpr kc ? , 75o ; IIPW
long split stockiibli , lOc , new sboit split
stockfish , OJjTe. J
Grocers List.
Svnur Standard C 'Jle , bbls ; Standard ,
quart cans S.i.OO
new , t@bKc ; raspberiies. new. - ' @ 2 e ; cur
rants , new.7J4'C' e ; pinnes. new. isW52.
COKFKKS Ordinary graaes. ' . c : fair , 'J } ( @
10' ' c ; prime , 11 ( 12 0 ; choice. lSJi
Dihvoith's is : > Jc : Hcd Cioss.
Uil\\01 Hi's MM ! AleLaitglilin's XXXX aio
sold50c per case off above piices In ! > cisu
ots.hUOAiis owdeicd , Sc : cut loaf , be ; gran
ulated , 7'4'c ' : conlcetiDiieis' A. 7c : Stan
dard extra C. oxc ; extra C , 0'ic ; medium
yellow.O'/e ' : New ( ) ileans. : ) < Rtt c.
CANNID : ( Joons Oysters , btandard per
case. SiS.'O : strawbcirlvs , 'J-tb. , pci case. SisO ;
Jas > pbejiics , 2-lb. , pei case , S2.H5 ; Caltfoinla
iieais. per case , t > " > .00 ; apricots , per case ,
S4.I.O ; peaches , per case , 5M.75 ; white cher
ries , per case , 50.00 ; plums , per case , S4.00 ;
whcrllebenies , per case. S'J.IO ; egg plums.
2-11) . , per ease. S2. 0 , gieon gages , S-lli. , per
case , $ a. 0 ; pine npples , 2-lb. , per case , S3.20S
MATCHES Per caddie , .T5c ; lonnd , per case
45e ; bqiiarc cases , S1.70 ; Oblikosh cases , gr. ,
81.20 : mule Fouaie , 81.2" .
SALT Diav loads , per bbl , S1.55 ; Ashton.
in sacks , $3.35 ; % sacks , Ashton , WXsbbls
daitv. S'J 00(32.75 (
si'iCKS Uionud Ulael ; pepper , boxes , 15
@ 2-'c ; nlif-iico ) , 12@lHc : cinnamon ISf . c ;
cloves , 15 ( .25c ; clnger , 15@25c : mustard , 15 ®
U5c.TKAS tiunpowdcr , fair , ro@37 ; ; good , 45@
Me : choice , OOyJWc ; good Impelial , 40 04ic ;
choice , C0ri70c ( ; ; Young 11son , good , : ! 0 ( M5c ;
choice , 50fJ70e ( : Oolong , good , S5 < ( WOc ; O ( -
pood. ,
Tea blltlnis. Ibo
1' 'lOIJACCO Climax , 44c per Ib ; Hoiso-
hhoe , 4.'c ; Star , 42c ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; ( iold
Itollire ; Piper Hoidsick. COc : riineli , : JSo ;
lounc Fritz. 41e : SlherTas. 40c : .ITJ , ac. !
KOPE Sisal. Jtf Inch and larger , 8c ; Inch ,
OKc ; i lnch , OjjC
CANDT Mixed. 9K@l2o : stlcic. offline.
SODA In Ib papers , 83.-J5 a case ; salsoda
keg per Ib. S2.2o.
viNcoAn Cior.K 13@18c ; wulto wine , 15
< 32uc.
1'icKi.KS Medium In barrels , S7.00do ; In
halt banels. S4.00 ; small In banels , $8.00 ; do
In half barrels , 84.50 ; gherkins in barrels ,
59.00 : do in half barrels , 55 00.
CJIACKEIIS barnean'a soda , butter nnd
picnic , 5Kc : creams , SJ c ; ginger snaps , S ) o ;
Cltv soda,7Kc.
OANDT.KS Hoxcs. 401b.Cs ll > < c ; 8s , ll c ;
lioxes,401b , 10 oz , Os , llj-ic ; hall box , 'JOtb ,
llic.FINB CUT Haul to Heat , 70c ; Charm of the
West , bOc ; Fountain , 70c : Golden Thread ,
67e ; Favorite , ( iOc ; Hmls. r 0c ; Itoeky Alonn-
lain , 50c ; Fancy , I5e ; l.iUy , 40e ; NoithStar ,
70c : Ciood laick. Kic ; Our bust , C-JJa'p.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial , 53.00 ;
Klik's satinet , S1U5 ; Klik'.s standnid. * .t BO ;
Kirk's White Husblan. m.GO ; Kirk's White
Cap. 50.50 : Dome. S4.Hi.
bTAitcti iNiaKara gloss , l ] b , 0,1 0 ; Niagara
ploss , it Ib , Cc ; Niagara ploss , 0 Ib , 7c ; Niagara
corn , III ) , tl ) < o ; Klnnstord'H cornl Ib , fc ;
Kingsloid's gloss , l Ib , So ; Klngsfoid's Rloss
0 Jb. nyc : Klngsroid's puie , U Ib OVo ; Kings-
ford'b bulk. 4c.
Ury Uootla.
PJUNTS Qlpol KI\er , } / ; Amorii'im , r > ' :
Ainolil'H , Co ; Cochpro , ijc ; Alanche-iler , Oo ;
i jraan , 5e : ( ! > r , f > V-fe ; DmmoH , Jae-
quatd , Cc : Diinni * ! ! , SJfeVliulhor. ; \ . tto ; Pa-
Lilie , lie ; Ihmiionv. 4'o ' ; Anchor Shlilliu'- , ,
7H'c ; JleiiliiiiiU ( Sliii'tlnKS 4/io ; liemiuk ,
lH.iAriui : ) ConoN" . rainiPis * diolpp ,
C'/c ; Cabot. oo ; Hope 7c ; Hill 4-J. 7J'e ;
Hill Js .o c ; Lonsdalu , 8 ; Fruit , s'scjVam ' -
sntta. 10 > c.
CoHai > . JKAXS Kpaisargo , 7c ; Armory ,
7p ; I'ppiiwpii , 7 c ; liiUmu Orchard , O. c ;
Unow.v"Cotvroxi.nwionco KK , % ; Shaw-
mnt KK..V : Iteau-r Dam Ki , , 5o ; Atlantlo
KK , Co ; Indian He.ul , 7o : Wa lulmsbPt fiWo ;
Ciown XXX. > jo : Clifton CCC , 6)lo\ \
Utica C. 4 > 4'e : Atlanttu 1fi ! o.
FINK lluowxCorroNs IVppeiell II , o'/c ' ;
rcppmc'llO. 5" < ie. Atlas , Glfo ; ntatne o : Kiu-
citv , Co : Saranao K , 0u.
Ji.Ni : is Heaver Cipek AA. lie ; Heaver
mm lirown , 7 ! < ; c.
iucic-Unbleaphed-So/.Magnolia ( ) , lOkc ;
10 oz. Magnolia , VJc : B o * . West Point. lOKu ;
10 o/ : . West Point. 1'iKe
Dune ( coloied ) Hoston 0 oz. brown and
drab , r.i ) < c ; lioston O 11 brown and drab , 9a ;
Jtoston XX brown and drab lOo ; liostou
XXXbio\\iHiivl drab.lU'oj Jioston01'blue ,
likeN : nnen Tilcot. l&c.
10 ; ,
JtlU'i , Cie"hUefuc'KPt ; t > , bko ; Shettu-'ket na
I y > c : . .MoiitauAA ! , llic ; Montauk HU , I0 ; < c ;
( Jmi'L'a ACA. Win , ,
tiiNoiiAMS-lti-ntrow. ' , ilO > 5c ; Amoskoa
tires1 , . s > c ; Amoskeabtapie , 71 0 : Iv.miio
U > c ; Wumsnlt.u tc ! Nubian , sifj ; War
wick , ikeVliltti3iidoii.iic : \ : H.Ut'-i : dros bc ;
liatus Etapjt * . ii ic ; UanitolDli Mtipic. , 'U ' o
Kansdowne. 7o : Uluuccbtcr. 7 . '
CHBVJOTS , cJiecks.Sijo : Amoa
Ksajf , stripes , bko ; Slater , .Urijxis , w Kdin-
bnrtc , y' o : WhltteiHton , Mripcs , 80 : ( Jlcn-
rute.Oc : Otis , checks , U c ; Otis , stripes. Uc ,
Itoyal O'j'c ; Amoakcasuapixxl , I0 > tc ; Ku- fold , 12c foldtjCTOn ; , book fold ,
Endurance , book fold
Dry Immbor.
1 I I I
12 ft H ft 18 ft 13 ft 20 ft 23 f t'24 ft
1x4. . . . . . . . . . . lloo IRW 1MW 1800 1700 UKK ) 1000
2x8 . 1450 1I.M 14 CO 151JO IfifiO 10 GO 20'V )
2x8 . r on ir. oo 15 oo in oo iww 1000
2x10 . . 15.01) ) IS 00 15 00 IB 00 17.00 20 00 SO.fiO
2x12. , , . . | ir > ooi. > ooifioo in oo IT 001000:000
4x4-8x8 . ' 15 00 15 00 15 03,10.09,17 , 00,1S.OO18.00 |
Cleir , § < Inch Yellow 1'inc . $32.00
Clear , Xi inch Noiwny . 14.00
Cd Com. , ; 'a Inch. Norway . . . . . 13.00
1st and Cd Clear , IJf Incli.s. 5t . J500U
1st niul 2 < i Clear , l' { nml a Inch , s as. . . . CO oo
SdClear , 1 Inch , s'J-i. . . . . 4SOO
Stl Clear , 1 > and a Incli.s 2s . 4800
U Select , li1M amis Inch , s. 2s . S5 < io
1st and 2(1 Clear , l men , s. as . M ) oeM
: M clear , 1 Inch , sS ? . . . . 4450
A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s . 4000
it Select. 1 Indus. 2s . 29 W )
no AUKS.
No. Iboanli , 12 , 14 ft . nml W.OD
No. 2boardt , 12 , 14 ft . mid 10.75
No. Sboanls , 12 , 14 ft . ind 1.75 ! !
No. 4boards , 12,14ft . nnd 14.25
1st Coin. , ? / Inch White Pine SHO.OO
Sd Com. , Jf Inch While Pine l3.50 !
1st Com. 0 inch , whltu pine $ " < " 00
SdCom.f. inch , white plno M IK )
MCoin.C Inch , \\hlto pinu 2900
D. Oinchhlte plno 'M 00
Com 4 nnd tlincli jellow pine 17.BO
Star 4 nml C. Inch > pllowplne 21.00
Island Sd clear jellow pine. 4-0 inch. . . 23.50
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch 517.00
No.'J , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch in.OO
No. 1O. G 17.60
White Cedar , Olneli , li.xhes S 11
" " ' " " '
C'f" andSlnq're
" " 4 " round 11
Tennessee red cedar , split 14tf }
STOCK noAitns.
A 12inch , Is 12 , Hand ill Icct 84000
jj " " " -it oo
0 " " " " " " SO 00
l ) " " " ' .y oo
No. 1 Coin. 12 in. 8.1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft. . 17 50
No. I " " " 10,18 nnd 20 ft. . 1850
No. 2 " " " 12.14 mid 10 ft. . 1550
LIMP. , l.TO.
Qnlncy white Iline ( best ) , S5c ; cement ,
Akion , 61.7. . ; plaster , S2.0 : ! ; hair , per bushel
3Cc ; sash , 50 per cent oil list ; doois , blinds ,
mouldings , 50 per cent oil list ; tailed lull , per
c\st. , 81.73 : hti.xw board. Sl.GO.
Ir renion of Itn central iioiltlou nml LORB lolatlonlo
nil principal lineT < l t nnd West , at lultlnl niul Irr.
mliint points , con-atltntos the lucist jittportont inlf
rontlnuitM link In that HVBtoin of tliruutrh tlancpor-
tatlon nhloh Invite * nn < ] fu , llttntoii trnrit iiml trafl a
bot\ocn citfea of llio Allnntfc nnd raclrtr C'oaM * It
H aluothafavurlta und lieht route tonndfloni polnta
Kiutt. Noitliea.Ht nnd boutlirnKt , nnd rorrc. I > undlnr
points West , Nuithnest nnd Bouthwcflt.
The Croat Rock Island Route
Oiiar nt cc Its pntronn tint feme of porsonnl seen ,
rlly nfTordcd liy a n > lld , thuroiiKlilr l > nllii ted road
bed , smooth trnckx or riintlnuoiit hterl rnll MiliHtim-
llnlly Imllt cnlTprtu nnd hridttpi. i olliiirutotk a near
IwiTratlim i liuiunn klll ran make It , the mfttv
npll | nccs or intent hutUi . | ilnlfi > i nis nnd air brnUg
nnilthitrjncllnctllelyllnL' uhlih Roieini the Clui.-
tlcal opnratlon of nil its tratni oilier i-pfrlnlllf of
his route arc Tiuntifprri nt nil connecting : liohitH In
Union Depots end the un liini < scU conifoits and
Imurlcs of Iti PnnieniMLiilinicnt. | .
The Fnst Ejpip a Tialns Iii > twocn clilcniro anil
Pnor u. Council IllmrB. Knn - > 9 City , Ia\cnnorth ami
Atchuon nre composed ofell tentllnted. flnelv UD.
lioltleiml Day Coaches. Haenlflrcnt I'ullmnn I'Slaio
Nl tpei > or the latwt deslKn. and runintuoUK Dlnlnc
Cur In which elaborately cooked nitnlnnrelelimrclr
eaten HutwennChlcipo und KonBasCllvnud Atiblsoli
are also inn the Ccl'brnteil llecllnlne thnlr Cars.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
lathe dlrrot and favoilte line betnern Clilcacoand
MlmieapolliandSt. I'aul.\vhelo coimeoltoiiHaronmilo
In Union llrpots foi nil points 111 the leirltoiles anU
IlrltlKh I'ro\lnce9. Over this lento F kt hup ret , a
Trains aie run to the wateilntr ( ilacrB. mminir ro-
rorl * . plctuiesitio locnlltlci. niul hitntlncr and llslilntr
groumliot lima and Minnesota. It In olfo the most
i il ruble lontn to the ikll xvlnat llelds and raetoral
lands or Intcrloi n Uota
Still Motlici UlllLi r I.TVK , Tin Senecn and K n.
kQlipe , han been opeilBil bi tivren I'lnclnnatl , Indian-
; poll and Ijifajette , ami Council Dluira. Kun asCltr ,
Mlnneapollii and .St. Paul and Intermedlatu points.
For d ( > talluil Infonnatlon pea Ilups KolJcru ,
ontalnable. us veil n * ticket * , at all principal llckec
oniix-i In the United Etatua and Canada ; or by ad.
Pi es't & Qeu'l M'B'r. Oen'l T'Jtt 4.1'nea
( Successors to J. O. Jacobs , )
At the old Btnml , 1407 FainamSt. Orders l > y
teleffinpliMjllcltcd nnd promptly attcndoj to.
Telonnono Mn. ! "i
add " Council"
V mMAps
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only road to tnko DCS Mollies , Mar-
tliiilllown , Cedar Hiipiils , Clinton , Divlc. Chic-two ,
Mllniuikeo nnd nil points oast. To the people of
Nebraska , Colorado , WjomliiK , Utnh , Iilnhn
NovudaOii > KOii , Wnshlnsfton nnd ( 'nllfotnialt
offers Riipci lor iKlvanttwoa not noESlhlo by any
other line
Ainontr n foiv of the numoious points ot supo-
rlority enjinetl by the patrons ot this ronabe-
IwtoiiOnniliii iiiui Clilc.i o , mo its two tinins a
dny of 1)AV UOAU'IlliS which nro the llne-t that
hmniui urtiinil liiffomilty cnn cictito. ltsl'AI < -
ACK PI.HKI'INa OAHS , whloti nro models of
inmloit und oloKlinco. Its PAHI.OK DHAW1NG
ItOOM OAKS , unsui nassud by iiuy. and Its wiilo-
ly colohrutod PALATIAL IMNIN6 CA113 , tno
tquul of which cannot bo found elsowlioio.
At Council Illutls the trains of the Union Pact-
flu Ity. count ct In Union Depot with these of tlm
Chlciuroi- Northwestern Hy. In Chicago the
trains of this line nmka close connection with
these of all oastcin lines.
For Dotiolt , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cmcln
iinti.NlnKiun Fulls. DulTulo , Pittsbiu . Toronto
Montreal , lioston , Now York. Phlhulolpbhi , Hal-
tlmorcWnshlmrton and allpolntsin the east , usk
the ticket iife'ent for tlekots via the
If you w ish the bobt nccommodatlons. All ticket
IIRC nls boll tlolccts via this lino.
M. iiuamrr. w. s. HAW ,
Ucnuntl Mu"ll rer' , ° CUl 1 > USS <
Tlie Orifflnnl and Only drnuliie.
R fj ul lw j llclUblc Rrwtrtof wgrtblrw lulutloni.
ln < lliMu > U < lo LADIES. Ail. . " r Irucirl > t I
* * Cblehr trr' ritclUnftaa take BO vthcrior ( UCIOBC 4e.
dump. ) lo u. fur | arlUuUri in ftlttr bf rrturn lunll.
NAME PAPEft. tMch ter Cfcrml'l l ,
SiBia UadUuii bquiirv , i'hlUdu. , I'a.
At nrtiKKUU. Tradtt iupUci b ; fuller 4. iullct
Co. . Cklraco. 111.
Ollltc , Cot1. Uth and rnrnum Sti cots , Itooml , $
dfcoitw : Uuiiu.suuot iiUF , Jl. Kills.
_ J. I-
Billiard Tables ,
Manufacturers of Billiard # Pool Tables ,
And Pnloon , Offlco nml Hank Klxturo . Market
nnd Huron Sts. , Chicago , III. Omnlm office , 603
S. 10th St. _
_ _
Book Binding , Etc ,
lints DINTING co r
Printers , Book Binders ,
And lllnnk Hook Manufacturer ? . No . 108 ami
108 South.ltlll . Street. Omnhn , Neb. _
Bridges Ste m Pile Driving ,
, v
Knplnccrs nnd Contractor" .
Roof Trusses Steam Pile
Bridges , , Driving
Iron Combination nnd llowo Trim IlrMtros ,
Piling nnd Oak Timber , l.'illi St. , ncni' rarnnm.
Tclcpliono No. 7tM.
Butler I ubs ,
Manufacturer of Butter Tubs ,
w , & , iKcs < o n > , aw : zib \ , wo 20 n > , 'o ! icw n
in , we. irth nnd I'loico Sti. , Omitlm , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX M n Y 1:11 it ca ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
0 > ms nnd Ammunition. 215 to 2T1 South lltli
Street , 10SO to 1021 ruriuilii Street , Omalm , Nel ) .
Manufacturers of Pine Cigars ,
And Whnlonlo Dentals In Leaf Tobaccos. Nos.
_ IDS niul 11(1 ( N. 14th Sti cet , Oinnlia , Neb.
Eagle Cornice Works.
Jobn I3pcnotcr , Pioprlctor. Miinufni Hirer of
nnlviml/'d Iron and Cornice. OSJ lodio ; iiiul 101
nml lOo Nortb 10th Street , Oninhn , Neb.
ItUKMl'IXQ & 1J01.T13 ,
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , I'lnali , Etc. , ! ! 10 S. Uth St. TVoiktlono
In uny part oCtlioeoun try.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. Sl'ECHT , Proprietor.
Gnlvnnbod Iron Coinlces , Hte. Pncclil's Inv
imixctl I'litentMetnU'cSk ' } light. COS nnd BIOS.
1-th fet. , Omttlm , NuK
Doors , Sash. Etc.
ThTcate City Plenlcg'iii
Doors , Pnsh nnd IlllmH Al o nil kinds of
Stioll and btalruin \ of o\cry do-
A. HOSr.N'llKUY ,
Mnnufacturer and Denier In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stulr KnlU n Bpt'clulty Tolenhono No. 02
15th and Mnroj bts , Omnliii , Nob.
Electrical Supplies ,
L. 'W. WOLl'K & CO. ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Block. Omaha. Burglar Alarms. Hells ,
Flio Alarms , r.lwtriyMattlnr , Spcnkliitf Tubes ,
( ! oU ! , Silver nnd NIclAjl Platlnj , JUc. _
Iron and Nails.
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
* 1'iro Nails n Specialty. Omnlm , Neb.
Omaha ron Works Company ,
Mliitioiy , Castiiicrff , Ste.un Kiiirlm" < , Bollcis
Aifhltc'ctiirnl Irqn Woil : . lion lliid es , Jllnliiff
mid 31111 Mnchlnory. OIHio mid uoiks , Union
1'iicillu It. It. 17tli iui < 4 Ihth Sticets.
Foundry Works.
Cor. Uth nnd Jnck on Sts. , prepared to do nil
liltuls of Iron nml llruia Cafillngs ; nlso.O , C.
llunnlotur's IlocLlmr Oruto lima inixnufiicturod
E. M. 1IULSE ,
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Jluttiesses , Iloililln ? , Feather
Pillow s , Cots , Kto. law nnd l OS lyouiflas Street ,
Omahu , Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans 1'ants , Shiits , Etc. , 1102 nnd 1101 Douglas
Stiect , Oimilm , Nob.
Omaia Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Fit o nnd nuriInr Proof Safes.
Vault Doom , .lali Work. Shutters nnd Wire
Woik. Cor. 14th nnd JncksonJSts. , Umahn , Nob.
Soap Mannfactnrer ,
Dfllco nnd Tuctory , near Powder Magazlpo ,
Omaha Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
] 315 nnd 1317 Hurm-y stieot , Oimilm , Noli. Golu
ABcntsin Nohtnskii for Jones' Celebrated Split
bluitt .SulMos.
nstuhlishcd 1818.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
HtUnnd Ull Dodge Street , Oinaliu , Neb
White Lead ,
Conodois nnd Grlndcraof
Perfectly Pwe White Lead ,
Omnlm , Nch. Ie\i Cnrtcr. Prcf.j C. W. Mead ,
Vlto PI I ( ! . : li , W. Yutts , bcc. nndTicas.
fThe Hillard ,
B. Ehenic , J.E. MnrklThos. Bwobo , Proprietors
Opaha , NebrtiBka.
' facade Hotel ,
James Cntoy , Pioprictor.
* 2ir. nnd 1JI7 DoiiKlus Kt , , Omulm , Noli.
hoputioiiUKOorfonimoicIal mon icbpectf
t-ohdtod. 'Ihoy will JlndthU the bcbt $ 'ndc.y
housa Mctt of Chicago.
? lanters House ,
Hates , Sl.liO per Uaj % Kticct tnra trom U , P.
depot , Mlthln lonoi block of house , Conic. '
liodfo und lothtticcts , Ouiabu , Mob.
The Cozzens ,
P. lUnnsey & Co. , Proprietor * .
Hates t-M jcr day , no dark looms. Omnlm ,
Ncb.tAluo iiiojiriLiorsof Palace Hotel bantu
Canfleld House ,
Cor.Niiuh nnd Fnriiam Sts. The beet $2 per
day hotel In Ouiuhu. Jfuuodclod , rrlurnibho I ,
rc4lto.n tiled ; onu block 11 om m my huudqinu tors ,
opK | > i-ito Union Pucltlahoadqiiuitciii ; stictt earn
tints llu ) door. Gtoi O ranncld & ( ' > . , piopilo-
tors. Also Union ttock VaiUs Hotel , tkiuth
Hotel de Gees ,
P. GOOS , Proprietor.
European Plan , Uliu only cc-ntrully located f J
Hday house , tlhrto doora from liojd'B O | > cut
Houbound ono-lialf block from thtr l'o tulUco
Court House , U& 1510 , I'j '
Agricultural Implcmcnls.
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
ec , Corner Cth nnd Pacific Sts , Omnlm , NO'
Wholes .o Dcalera In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnd llugtrlc1 * , Omalm Neb.
1'AllKKH ,
'Wholcsnlo DciHeiIn
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
lliifrnle . ,1i ncs Pt. , bet. 1Mb. and
Uth , Omnlm , Neb.
Boots and Shoes ,
* - -
\V. V. MOPT. i CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
J411 rnrnnm Pticct , Oinnbn , Neb. Manufactory ,
SnmmerStiett , llo'ton. _
Carpets ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Curtnln Goods , Ktc. . HIJ Fnrnam
Stiect , Ommm , Neb.
Coal , Lime , Etc.
ji i-y W. Uiil-01Mt. :
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Office , SMS. ! 4tli rt.,0mnlm , Neb. Ynrdf , Oth
niul Di''enport Street * .
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Pest vni let led. Onice , 2H R. inth St. Telephone
_ , No. Htt.On.nhnNcb. _
Ni3iiitARi\ rrr.L ro ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
KHS. 13th Pt , Omnlm , Nob.
GUI. UTO\\I.F , President.
CEO. lUrrrusoN , See. und Trens. _
3.H. Hui.nniT. r.A.lHicn.
Piopiietor. Manager.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OMAHA , Nr.llltASKA.
_ Office , IM7 S. UthSticct. Tclcpliono n. _
Gio. K.IinRtt , 1'rcs. C.r.GoomuN.V.l'ics.
J. A. Bl'MiMiMM ) bee. and Tna .
Omaha Co\ , ; , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbcisof Imnl nnd rt coal , -TO S. Uth fet. ,
Omaha , Hub. _
Hard and Soft Coal.
Eiclubiv o dealers In Boulder Colorado Conl.SIT
Loutli Utbsticcl.
Coffee and Spkes.
" "
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tc.vCoirccs , Spices , llnklnc Ponder 1 ln\orlnir
Kxtincts , Luumliy lliun. Inlc , tto. 1411-ltl Hur-
ncy Street , Omulm , Neb.
Commission , Etc ,
" * "
Wholesale Frnitb , Produce , Oysters ,
3121 rnrnnm St. , Omnh a. Apples On r on n 'i > ack.
ins PlnttXCo.'s TiRor Hinnd Ojstcis , lluttor ,
+ , dame , 1'oultt j , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Vim lsion , Fiults , Vlour nnd 1'ted , 105
B. 1 ith bt. , Omnlm , Neb. Consifc'nmentb tollclted.
Itcturns made promptly. _
Jobher and Commission Merchant.
Clitcsc , Sausages. 1'iulls , Ilutcbcrs' Tools , and
Sutipllcs. 121'i.loiics Ht. , Oniuhn , Neb. _
W. 13. 1UD1H3LL ,
General Commission Merchant.
Si'ECiALairs-Cheefr , IJuttcr. Krps ( , 1'onltry
nnd ( Jnnio , lia S. 14th. , Omaha , Nob. Tolo-
. .
D. A. HUHL13Y ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
.Butter , KBITS and Produce. A full line or Stono-
waie. C'jiihlgnmcnts solicited. 14U Uodgo bt. ,
Oimihu. „ _ _ _ _
13. MORONY ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , llnKf , Chccso nnd Countiy Produce gen-
01 ally , aoa 3. 12th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
lief rlijerntor nnd Pncklnir Hciiisc , 14th Ltnven- -
north St. , on U. 1' . U. li. Tmck , Onuihu , Neb.
General Commission ,
Sll S. lltli St. , Omnlm , Nob. .Specialties lluttor
Kifgh , Poultry and ( Jnme.
Commission Merchants ,
VruitJ , Produce and Provisions , Omahn , Neb
( Sucvessois to A. P. Schack. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 21J South Uth Rlieet , Omnlm , Nob.
" " " TIlOXKLti 4 , WII.MAMS7
Storage and Commission Merchants.
rrnlts , rionr. Apples , Slonon ni n.fldcr.Vini'tfnr ,
( lnibs SecilH. llutter and I KS , : JU ! und UB South
13th btiect , Oinuhu , Nebintl.ii.
WIKDEMAN i'co. ,
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Butter , Game , rrultp , Hie. S20P. 14th
St. , Omaha , Nebraska.
A7F. Jlin-HOE ,
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
JIcatB , J.iird , Jollies , Butter , EITRII , ( "hcesu , Etc.
_ No. 305 8. Uth St. , Om aim. Neb. "
General Commission Merchants ,
MOCCocluoStieet , Omalm , Neb. ContlKiiniciila
_ Solicited. _
315 12th Street , Omaha , Neb. Specialties , But-
tcr , CgKS , and ChlcKuns ,
L wiaoii
Agent for the Manufacturers nnd Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lumps , ChlmnejK , lite. OHIee , 1117 South 13th
bti tot , Omaha , Neb.
Dry Goods.
" *
J. J. BHOWN & CO. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions.
1 ! 3 JtaUKlnn Street , Omulm , Neb.
L. GINSIlI3IIfi & CO ,
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Lir.cnP , liieos , Knibioldcry and AVhltu C ooos.
Kt'ODout'laahlrtLt , Omulm , Neb. _ _ _
Engines ,
_ _ _ _
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Etntlomuy nnd portable enelncb , boilers r.nd
f licit lion nork , va ons , utrilcultuial im lc-
intnts , pumps itc. I.'U-K'IO Lcavcnnorllifa' : .
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1114 Jnckboii Btiect , Omaha , Neb.
" "
SLOMAN iwoa ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
liii nnd MiocrindlnjK , Ill'lci.Wonl 1 u r ,
1'tltp , ( Src..ff , Tallow , IJta , Omt.l'n Jd. !
Flour , Etc.
V'iC. 1'IH.OTOS. Ol O. 1 H IIAI. JiClT
WM. pinsTON : i. ca
Wholesale Flour ,
( OS , )10bud MUl'icicu Street Omulm , Nib.
Agrontfor J. C.Hoffmnyr * 0o , ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
llj Holler nnd Iltinpulnii rroce s. Wnrehouso ,
12IJ Jones Street. Oiimhn , Neb. _ _
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Mnnufnctnrorsof W. J. WclMinns A. Co.'s Quick
Half Im ; HncXn hr-nt Hour nnd proprietors Oninhn
City Mills , lor.Stb nnd rnrnnm Streets , Omnlin.
Pis' ! , LtC ,
nsifco. " - , ,
nis to Slcmsicn & , Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
importers of 1'orclRii 1'Mi , N'o . 911-911 Jonci
> . fclrcct nnd t' . I'.Tintk , Omnlm , Nob. s.
furniture. Etc.
"v" " " " "
DKWKvsroxn ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
_ rnrnnm Pticet , Omaba.Ncl ) .
Groceries ,
AI.l.KN IlllOS ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110Rndlll2 Doilplns StU'ctOnmhn , Neb. _
K. 11. CHAPMAN & CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tolmcco nnd Smokers' Ai tides , 1217 Howard St.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spins , Clgius nnd Tobaccos , 1III7 nnd 13K > Done-
Ins Pti ect , Omaha , Neb.
McCOltl ) , 1IHADY 4. COMPANY ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Coinei 10th nnd rnrmim Sticcts.Omnhn , Neb.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 05 , 707 , 7119 nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Omnlm , Nob.
" " *
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Springs , Wngim Stoik , llnrd uod l.umbpr , etc.
1200 nnd l-'ll Hnrncy fcticcx , Omnlm , Nib.
EDNI2Y& 011I110N ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Carrlnpro Wood Stoclc , Heavy Hnrdwiuo ,
itc. : 3217 and 1210 lea\om\oith Micct , Oninhn ,
HlMiniAUOH iTAYuiltT
Builders' Hardware ,
Meilinnles' Tools and Hnffalo Scnlcs. H05 DOUR-
t ) OmuiaNuh. )
1.1313 , riUED .V CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Slicct Iron , Kto. AtrcntRfai HOIMI Scalcb ami
Miami Powder Co. , Omnlm Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , Guiles , llu spoode. 1J21 and U.'J Tar-
imin MI cet.
iucroit : & wiuir.hMv co. ,
Wholesale Hardware and Kails ,
Emerson Steel Nnll-i. Cor. 10th and Hninoy
Mri'etij , Omalm , Nnb.
AVM."iiiitiNo : : A , co.rHicAOo ,
Manufacturer of the
Deerii Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. M. J.oilmei. ( icnoiid Agent ,
Omaha. Telrphono 010.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
" " " " * "
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Johbua in Iron 1'ipo linn r ttlnsrs. lion and
ririiss Goods. KiiKlnccis' Supplies , lltn und
Dodgobtircts , Omalm , Nob.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Eteam , Water , Hallw ay and Milling Supplies , Utc.
_ IKO , P22 und U21 Tainum bt. Omahu , Nib.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stcnni und Water Supplies. Huadiiuartuis fo
Mast Toost Co.'b Good * . 1111 Taiiinm btrrot , , Nob.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Silverware , Diamond ? , Watches
Clocks , Jewi'leiti' Tools nnd Materials , iiu. ; , 101
nnd 1XI ( , 15th Struct , Cor. Doil e , Omalm , Neb. .
Live Slock ,
B'ridge Stock Yards , Omaha ! "
> ClosotoU. V. Hildse. fpeilnl accommodation
nnd n good marKct lor IIOKIH. 13. 0. Coojioi , Him-
HBCr. Olhiu , South ( Jth Sticcl.
Live Stock Commission
Gio. Iluikc , Manager.
Union Stock Ynids , S. Omahu. Tolo.hono 563
W. F. 1IHOWN A. CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ofllco Kxulmnca Jlnlldliifr. Union Stock Ynids ,
, foutb Omaha , Nob. Telephone No. COX
1 Live Stock Commission ,
Union Slock Yiutls , Chicago , III. , and Omnlm ,
N ( 1) . Finnk Chlttendcn.MunnKorOinahu Uiuncb.
Ttk-phoiio No. 2SI. J3stabli6bed Wtti
AV. L. 1'ATItICK A : CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
.IddicER nil communications to us at IIilon ) Stock
I'lmls , . outli Omaha. Advances minlo on Mock.
I Union Stock Yards Company ,
t Limited. John I' , llojd , h'nperlnlcndcnt ,
F SA vTvti K A : < i I ! K I : N ,
I Live Stock Commission Merchants.
bhipmentH of nny and all kinds or i-toik bollclt
t cd. Union bti ik Yards , Oiiiubu , Neb.
Lumber , Etc ,
iiiAiioiti ) ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bush , Doors , Ktc. Ynids Cur. 7th nnd DoucJns ,
Cor. Oth and Uout'lun.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding. Ftnlr Work and Iniciiur Hnid Wood
1'jnlHh. Juhtopoiii'd. N. II. iui , till uuJ I.ciucn-
\\orth Stiett ! , , Omnh.i , Nob.
Wholesale Lumber ,
tit B. lltb Etiixt , Oimilin , Ixtb , f , Coljict/cr ,
C. N. DJKl'A
Lumber ,
13th nnd California Streets , Omaha , Neb ,
w , QUAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor , Cth and Douglas blrectb , Omnlm , Nob.
or.o. A. :
Wholesale Dealer in Luinbsr ,
Oiiuilm , NcbriiiUo.
" "
CHAS. it. un. :
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wn n Rock , 1'nncy Woods , llilduo 'Jimliorg.
Ac > . \ \ . Cor. ' . 'ill mid Uou l it-i.imului b.
o. p. LY ;
Dealer in Sash , Moors , Blinds , ,
Uuild 113 I'npor , Utc. South 13th Hlrco.1 ' * >
Nebraska Lumber Co.
fnid In Cu | > ital Stock , i2V,0 > M.
i Lookerstuiinutui turuis and wholu nlo dcil
' < re.MllUilt Mt'.nlJI , WIs. Wholcffllo and HitUil
I dlbtributintfjuid.Ouuibu.NcU. iU&yUiM.
OMAHA li Mlir.ll CO ,
Dwlera In All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale ,
Ifth Street nnd i n on i'no ft 'Track. Omaha
OnitMAN 1 > . WYATT ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
tOth nndlzardStrecto , Omntin , Nobrnskn.
J. A. WAKr.rtKU ) ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , ;
IlnllillnK Papers. Pnsh , Doors , IIIImN , .Mould , i
IIIKS , Pickets , roMi , I.lino , l'la tnr. llftlr , *
Ciuicnu Nlntn nnaJoiu-i , Oinnhix Neb.
Millinery ,
" "
1. oilKltri5I.DK ,
Importers nnd Jobhcuot
Millinery and Notions ,
_ _ linnrid 1.M4 Itnincy StreetOinnbn , NoK
Musical Instruments ,
iiHOI.M : . 13U1CKSON ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , t
Stelnwny Plnnoo , Weber , Decker , Hnnonn4 !
HrlpRR I'liimis , Pttckiu-il OIKUIH , Clmso
101 and 103 1Mb street.
NoliotiSj Etc.
J. t. . HUANOtlJS & SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Good * , Notions , dents' I'uniWilii ? fooO ! ,
tioods Horn Now Yoilt. Tindo billet daily. 603
nnd Mb South Uth St. , Omnlm.
" "
c. p. tiooniticii \ co ,
French and German Fancy Goods ,
DrUBKlsts' mid Stm loners' Sundries. 1413 Tar-
mini , Oninhn , Neb.
J , T. Robinson Notion Company ,
4H ( nml 4M S. lOlh St.Omnhn , Neb. H
Wholcsiile Dculcia In Notions mid Gents'Fur >
iiMilnir lioods. j
Oils , Etc.
" " " " *
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Caroline , Mien Axle Clrc-n'-o , Ktc. A. II. Ilisbop ,
" r , Onutlia , Neb. .
Pork Packing.
. . „ "
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omulm , '
HAiinis & risnnit ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Office , Union Jlnrkot , 1H17 Dodso Street. IM
lioiinIt. . 1 > . H. H.1'i nclt , Oimilm , Xub. Tolo-
libonc' No. 1 57.
Safes and Locks.
r. itovini & , co.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
riioiuul Ilunrlnr I'lotil Snroi.'rimo l.oel > 1VniiH *
nnd Jail iu > ik. Kt-'O ruiinun sttevt , Unmlri , Neb
_ " _ -
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Airilciiltuiul.VvRUtnblu. Ulc. Oilil rullo V Hull ,
N. W. Cor. Uth iiml Doiltio St . , Omnlm , Nob.
Drugs , Etc. .
ii. T. cLAitici : nituo COMIVANV , i
Wholesale Druggists ,
Jobbers of I'niiilfc.OiU.WlPiliitt Glins Ktc. , Mil
lliunuy btieut , Omnlm , Neb.
Wholesale Druggists
And DtMer in Paints Oils mid Window Glnsa , '
Omaha , Neb , j
Wines and Liquors. I
RUNC & co-
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , ' I
KO" nnd 1.01 Doniflns St. , Om ihn , Noli. Fao
toric-6-\os. 1 and 30.1 , M DM. N. V.
Successor to MU/A\HIH & ,\N , luiportorf
and Wholc&nlo Dealcid in
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
2H imdilflS. nth St. , Omalm , Nub
11. It. GIIOTTB ,
Wines and Liquors.
WcEtcin Apt-lit .109. Schlltlliowintr Co. 7103.
Uth blieotOmalm.
HKNllY HOHNnnRnElt ,
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
ICUJoutfhis StreetOmalmNob.
mm & co. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And l.lqiiois. f-olo nmnulitUmois of Kuimoily'i
KaM liutla Dilteis. 11U' lituney Sttcct , Omaha ,
I * P. I.AltSON & CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
Ami Cljriuu , and ( Icnctnl Atronts lor the 1'lilllp
llt'btb' Cclelnntcd llccr , Omaha , Neb
Harness , Etc.
WKLTY & 1.AND110CK ,
tlanufnctuieis nnd Jobheraot
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Tiiif Hoods , Illiiultots and Hobos. H.'l I'm mini
Stiect Oniiilin. Nrh.
Chicago , Milwaukee & SI , Paul
The Shorlfliiiie
and Best Route
From Omaha to the East.
V iinrwnus OMAHA AND
Minneapolis. MlhrmiKeo ,
M. 1'uul , ( Vilnr liiilds. ( | DaM'tiporr ,
Clinton. Dubiniuo , lloikloirt.
Hook Islmi'l , Kit'oimit , .limrsrllle ,
KlKln , MndlMin , l.ti Ciovio ,
Hi-loll , Winnim
Anil ull other iinpoilimi polnta IvtuI , XnnlicaU
itiiil Konllieast ,
TlclvPt ofllco nt 1101 rniimm sticol.dn I'r.xton
Ilo'C'l' ' . und nt Union I'ndlli ! liopol.
J'ullniun rili-opoiaund the 1'iiiibl ninln Cais
In the World uioiun on the miiln Ihirs of the
C iuuAioMunAUKir.&M ( : < IMiir. IHn.u' v.nnd
CM i y niteiitlon Is ] ini > l to imsaun oia ! > > ' coin to-
oiiHiinililoji.sor lliu com puny ,
K , Miiiiii : , ( JenciallniuiKor. .
J , I' . 'J'rcKi n. As lii.nit | ( JoneiMl Mnn.icr.
A. V , II. LMiipr.MKii , ( loiuinl l'n- > ir'or nnl
Cio i : . iiuAH'onn , Assitiunt GUI 'IU'IHMII ! |
vr nmlTIfkot
JUAl.iUHl ) :
Hal I'sSaf ' eSjUaulSsJime ! ocks
and Jail &Tork.
1020 rarnaiu StrocOinnlui ; Neb ,
Commission Merchant
And Wholesale Dealer In
Country Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc ,
3.0 N. EOih Si , , Omaha , Keb.
lUfuuinccs , by Permission I'lrbt National 1
Hunk , DubiKiuti ; A. H. dm K li > oii , Ciihhler Hloiix
Nntlonul ll.inkhloii.Ciiy ; loniiNiitlonul Hank
Dot Mi. Inn ; J | . M.KIiinnmn , AbflutuiU Cuslitr
i'Jrtl .Smlointl Hank ,
B. E. * K've , IJnci
ec Haricot "Pt'VJ Paid.