2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEETUESDAY , FEBUUAKV 2. 1880. SPECIAL NOTICES , Advortl ctnrntsunder this head lOcentspcr line for the tlrst Insertion , 7 cent * for each * subsequent lc crtlonnnd * 1W h I no per month. Seven words vt'll bo counted to the line ; Our must run consecutively t nd must bo paid in d- Tfinco. All advertisements m ist be hnndo I In before 2 o'clock p. m. , nnd under no circum- ftnncca will they bo taken or discontinued br J'nttlcsndvortl'lnir In tlieso columns nnil Imv- InRtho nnsm-ri iiMlWca mcnro OtT.lR . llrF. will plcnso nsk for check to enable thorn to gok their Icttcro , nitnono will bo dclivcnxt except on pre cntntlon of check. All answer * to ndvor- llsfinciits should bo cnclosc ln envelopes. "TO fcOAH-KOHEY. yoo ( -l ! LOAN , It applied forlninipdlnte- $ 1 } ' , by tlnllou llio ? . , 317 8.13th St. JM bJ _ jlfONKV TO LOAN on liorsos , vvnitons. fur- i'L nlHtiowntchr < , without removal. Terms dnsy. C.J Ciuvrcll , Itoomin. Iron Hunk llulld- Inif , IStli imd rnrimti. . Tnko eluvntor. W)0-leb7 ) ir oidl ( ) lo lonn on city residence property $ ( Jco. 'V\ ' . Day , 15 i Kiuiuini. M rno LOAN Money innny nmount , J. ( in nil elas'os of security. Khorttimo lonns on real o tnto. Ixmpllnio lonns on real ustntu. Money to lonn on chnttoU. Money to lonn on collaterals. Money to lonn on nny good Bocurity. Toriiis onty , tlmatoMilt. Aiiply nt thoOmnlm Klnanclnl K.xchanffs , llnikcfH bnllcllnK. 3VV corner of Fifteenth und Knrnntn ets. . upsmlrs 704 TU LOAN on Impiovod nnil unlin- MONIJY pioved rlty propuiiy. Cunnlmjlmm & lrcnnun ) , 1511 Dodge strcct. _ Ml ONiY : ? or uvorytxJdyl You cnn borio\r \ inonoy on rnrnlluro , hoises , MQKOIIS , plnnos. fctock of nil ltlnd % OlaiuondB nnd line wntchoson jour own tlnio. I'njmciitsiicelvoa nt nny tlmo , iind Interest reduced pn > nitn. Property toll In your own possession. Icnns Ivu'iiathc lowest. Call nnd sou me. niifilnt-ss fxintldonllnl. No ndvantnifo Inucn. W. H. Cioft , lloom 4. Wlihticirs Now Uullt'liiif , Northeast cor ner 15th nnd Hni nuy. 7 3 ONIY TO LOAN o. K. n.\vis & Co. M EoUto uud Loan ntrcnts , 1503 Farnixin St. " ' ONKV 'TO LOAN5n ptxxl securities. A M Me'Juvock , room 7 llcdick Ulock , 1DJ'J ( rurnum Bt. TO LOAN-On rlmttols , Wooley * MONKV , room 0 , Oruiilm National b-inU 7'J-J bulldliiK. _ ONIIV TO LOAN On real estate nnd chat M tels. 1) . I * Thomas. tOO MMONKV MONKV TO LOAX In Bums of fMO nnd up wards on first-class teal cstntu security. Potter & Cobb , 1515 rnrnnm St. Kll . I.OANKO at C. K. Rccd & Co's. Loan MONP.Y ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wngons personal property of all kinds nnd all other ar ticles of value , without rnmovaU Over let Nnt'l Bank.corner 13lh and i'arnnm. All business strictly confldcntnl. WJ CHANGES ; TT'OIC HALK A llist-rln Boy torhoil80 , re'tiill- JL : runt nnd bnr , flltotl up in lirst-cln s stjlo. 1501 1'ainnm si. , Umnba , Nub. M. A. McNmnnrd. $ : tno.oo per month ciliary nnd commission to lompeiint business innniijzt'r In every city for o.\clnslvp nijeiioy ot our Nntlonnl Antomntio Gac-bnvlnir Goveinois. Avoinao ICJ per cent Bavlnir In ( fits bills. Increased Ilhunlnatloii nnd safely tiom lliv. Over 7 , < iOO In service. In dorsed by lilK'hcEt incrcnutiln and coipoinlo nulhoiltlcs. Addu-fs'Iho Union National Gits- Snviiifr Co. , 21 Cast llth St. , New Voik. 20S- ' DVIHY I'AKJI to tout ; B-room house , bam and other convenience . ] ) . C , 1'ntlcisoii , over Isl Nntlonnl Hank. 253-U f7 > OK iXCIIANi-A Sll.OOO hnrdwnro stock I.1 nnd n $ .1,000 boot and blmo block for M cn h , liHlnnvo nnlnoinnbcicd rcnl r lnto. Gibson , Aielior A Co. , Itoom 'J , VVIlhntll Ulock. 200 TTK > K SAM : A $ iiwo ( dock of iiothins : in JiOmnhn , Nob. , lor 25 per cenl illscounl troin cost. Gibson , Archer it Co. , Itoom \VItlincll I ) Ulock. | iiM _ _ WANTHO An cncrpetlc nmn with modor- nlo capllcl cnn ninko from $ "iU ( ) to 4 > lt.- ( OOOnjcarbj' boromlnir parlnor or purchnsor In an o < ! lnbll8lu ! < I manntacturlnir entorprlse. For tuuhcr piuuuulara nddrets , 11. b5 , lleo or- llco. 213 11 'IT'OK SAI.U Meat matknr , with buildings , 2 J1 vvnaons , a houcs ; eppd iQCiilioii. E. F. IHnger. H ifr. llith. _ l.i TTlOIt SALIJ Ono of tlio best stocis farms J. ' within ehiy icnrhof Omaha. 11 sold this month nonld tnko n house nnd lot nspaitpny- nionl. llallou Hros. , JI17S. l'Mst. \ . Hilfcbl "T71OK SAI.n Iteslnurnnt , n fi ' 'nt bnriiiilnS-XO. X1 Gibson As Aichtr , Itoom U , Wilhiicirillotk , TTlOlt SALK Or pxchanco The Jloichiints' JL' hotel , aflno new hotel In Chndtnn , Neb. Hen- tulicceipls now ? 00 per monlh. VVIlleellorov- chnmro lor rosldcnco n"nr biislricis part of Omaha. I'nrllos ecllliiR desire lo llvo in n larger city. Address , VV. A. Lnncvroilhy. Cliadron , Kpbrnska , , _ Dlllfcbs * FOlf 1XCHANCK-A : ! $7,500 stock ot dry Roods tor M cnsb ; bulnnco uulmcumbotod land or oed Omaha piopeity. Kor oAclmngo A f llKHlfilocU ) ( of dry Koodb lor M cash , bnlanco unlmcumbeicd land or Rood Oinnha property. Gibson , Aicbor iV Co. , llooui 3 , VVithnull Illocl : . . _ ! IIU "TTlOIt SAT.i : A pnjinff nonrspnpor liuslnnss In J- ' good Nrlirnsku town ; price , $02,000. Gibson &Aiclior. Itoom a. Wlthncll Ulock. feVI 77101 : SA 1,12 Milk Dnlry , nbont 2T > cows nnil JU oulllt. nml land to lease. 1) . I * Mbomns , lloom a , Croiffhton block. t > 01 " | 71OK SAI.i : HardwiirJ business In Omnhn. .L1 AddiessH. 45 lleo Ollicc 7. > Jrcbll SAM ! The Commercial lintel nt South FOlt Html , Neb. , prlco $ , ' ,000 : terms easy. Ad dress T. VV. K , lloxlS , South Uend , Niib. . U'l-foblO * T71OU SAIi-Or OAChango Twelve hundred. JL' and eighty aciosof Mo. , timber nnd ginss land , lorty miles oust ot Kansas City. As rich Eollns nny land in Iho Mate , will Ebll all or pan nt lifteen dollars per acio or will oxctmngo for peed Improved or unimproved Nebraskn land. liedioiU ; Sauer 155 Oll SAI.IV3 InK , ' In SHlng | Ilill. $ .150 ( inch. Also anrstnbli'iluMl banking business In No- liim-lkmonunty teat. Gibson ivArehor , Itoom UWItlmoll lllock Omnlin. 2SI LOST , LOST Pntimlny artcrnoon , four black ip.ith- ors in onopacK.ifte. Plonso leave at JJom- jioo's Co n siTvatoiy , IClh nnd Douglas. 2aM" . T.OST On Thursday , January ' . ' , a Pointer f 'XJ Uoir.whlto , with lour llvor-cnloied fcpots. r Cnmolothoi'ityriominy _ . . . . fuitn. M'lll pay , nit- nbluiovuud. IM > Ai P.VXTON , nt I'nxton ilotel. " 221 LOST A satchel nnnr Motiopolltnn hotel , v1th pupera and Jewelry tu it ; alro pocKcl- ImoU wild name Mrs. Win , Oinild. I'lndor pluaso rotuiu 10 tills oHlru nml loculvn lonnrd. rounu. TTlOlfNU An idmost tull-bloodrd brown nnd JL' while spoiled bull ilojr. Owner can have- eaniu by paiiir ! cliai-itos nnd for this nilvortlso- inont , liupilioat liltliniul Williams MS. 2. J-J ; * 7JOAHII in privnto family , near business con- J-Mor. Hcfoujicos loiiulicd. 411 N. liih. saw * T\7"ANTii : ) lly two youne men , board nnd VT tooin centrally located ; nccoinmodntlons must bo HrM-class ; Uc t ot roluiuncc-i. Address 1IUI. lltu Olljcu. _ R OOJI nnd board , ( ii per week ; vtiy best lo cation. 1UH Duvi-npottSt. lbtjrt > blli * PEIIBOHAX , . I , Ifou linvo imy niopeity < or snl-i list It-Hlllj ULO. 1 * . HemU , lilti nnd Dll. K. D. AUNI , | ) . ooulht nnd Auiht.ro- inovr.il to 1514 Doiuiiiis bltenl. bT.I * B13AI , ESVATB. " " $000 AM ) u ilaeie Impiovcd fnuns vvltlilii li iniiiis ol Onmhn ; fl\ per ucic ; ihcaii mo Gibson b Aiclii'r , ixiom \\lihncll bloc I. . MAHSIIVM. f : ] .OIIiMv : , l fill ostuto , hnvo n line lls-t of 1mproved and unimpiovod lots in Omahn ; acicsrcar thecily und hundicds cClboiiMindsof ncics or land lor sale ; couo- epondence pollcitixl. Maihhall , V Lubcck , 15i > 3 Jiuiiaiu stioet. OlllceopontlllUp.nl , W\ \ BTOVJ2 XIUPAIHO. d , JFIMiiv. : . C. MctuiorGtovallcpalrCo. . llfsoutli J-VUhSt. bctwuiin llodyo and IJouslas. * T * ' 11 MI8OC I'A coys- OltDI.'ll your Hour and focil by T'.li'phono 1"7 No.il i Coiuiul , 1113 llodio BI. : :7tf LAIIiS : m wnnt or good domestic help cnn bo supplied by culling on the Omaha lui- : jiloMiicni onice , UiHiui 4. Ill ) ; liinan's Ulock. Mrs. , U\V.Mcnr Mi iiniiu.tKn- . bt 5JOK \\innluinMnjcmmhinevnstrcu us. ni it | I'J' H.m Jifun i el. .Vt-U' Goouiamd lie r.i > lorn ilu ; i-ljsht App i l u : Ul-i'.iuirfij ' . ' ( ii ! s vi t- : in iinr.--coiu Plncc. i t' . b'-U bt. L'Jl i JTOIl SAT.B Pund nnd RtAVcl. Trnnk 3. Kns- 1 par , 14J2 South Uth M. -'reb27 l * TTlOlt SAli-nvilr < < iron1oy Hlnk Skntos In X1 good condition : al o lot of tool * nnd repairs cheap tor cash. W. F. 1'aluo , Sidney , Noli. 181-fcb33 "HlOIt wcnther strips storm sash nnd doors , go X1 toF. D. Mend 2U S. ICthst , 8I"0 " _ WANTKO 2 good waiters nnd ono womaii to do gcncrnl work nt Norris * retnurBnt , llith 8 roct , ne.ir Dodge. S7iW * lT'ANTEV' . \ goodglrl for kitchen work : np- ply 4iiti \\"n"V * Rt * ; Southcnst of U.I' . depot. " ' \\7"ANTKI > Two ( Jounnn "glrli , Jt pcTwook" . ' Apply GUI mull Kniployment Asoney , 410 12Ui 8t. * 2- > \\rANTii : > Nurw gitl. Mr . H. H. Mnihoff , V > stnscwnrdst. 871-3 * _ Girl for general housework. In- WANTlin qulio at 825 S. Eth ) St. S.\-3 WANTUD Competent dioimnker nhhrq sen In ? in families. Apply nl 113 S. 17th st. 210-1 * VV'ANTICO A Ilret-clnsa dining loom girl nt i i Arcade Hotel. 22tt-2 * WANTUll A ciinmbcrmnld n good , smart woman who undoistamH tlio business thoioughly swages J4 pei'wook : npply between tlio hotiiB ol 11 nnd 2 , tils Douglas St. 1WJ WANTKIJ A cnpnblo Forvnnt irlrl fornen- vral homework. Apply at 710 N. M at. WANTUI ) Good Blrl-s for ccncrnl house work. Itoom llluitiiiinii lilool.ICIh nnd UoiiRlns. 481 > Girl for general housework. In- qilh o ut 107 bouth Htli fit. Ml TifANTKD Girls for Bcnornl honsowoik : t > { food iilnces nnd ( road wiiscs : iilnccs itlvcn frco. Cnll nt itii Huh St. , Nobrnslm Kinploynient WAKTEE-IuALE HELP. UrANTUD A ffood oxporlcnccd tlerk of inoiicrhnblts.lorniy ifroeciy dopuitinunt. one who spenks Ocrm in prorerieU. U C. 1'no- vinld , head of St. Mm y's Av oiniu. CTK ) ANTiiA boy to do chores : cnllUS. lllli. Itobt. I'nnis. S't-S l7ANTiiHoHnhlQ : gnlpsmoii to fell lubrl- eating oils. K. r. llutenehsCovrland ) ! , O. WANTED Anunta to sell goods ou tlmo pay ments. 1U s. Hah bt. ' , /j-ti1 W ANTKO-A boy. 31U 8. lutll St. WANTi : A flist-ehs sidesman to rcprc- Enntn v\ell cstnbllshcd house to tlio ilru triulo , cither q\tluslvvlyor In coiineotlnn ullh foineotliurlJno. Addics ll. O. llo.v H * . N. V. City. ajio ; WANTI5U Iliicrgcllcmen In every ( own In Is'obnukii to sell thn Itoss clotncs rucks. Afronts mo mnkliiff from S5 to ? h per diiy. 1'or pnitlcnltira unit on or uddioM l' . 0. lJo\7 > 17 , Lincoln. C. 11. WHITMAN , llit ; K klicct. WANTI1U G clRnr mnloii , htud workers ; nonobut fli > t-class oikinen need npply. Address Geo. K.GodfreyFicmontNeb. UU-11S : Men nnd women to slnrt u now WANTID business nt .their homos ; cnn bu dona cvonlnsB nnd 1cmned In an hour ; nny uer.-tm nuiUina lo < > s thnn lUo to COa an hour bhnnlil Bond lOontoncofor Hpacknso of enmplos of goods , nnd " \voiltiiik'sninplcs ( fonniilas ) tncoinnionco on. Address Albany Supply Co. , Albany , N. V" . S07fI7 * SITUATIONS W'ANTIH ) fclluntlon by n v\ldow ns houso- keeper tor wldon or of peed reputation. Address M , 11 ti ; olllcu , Council Illuirs. WANTKD Hy a gontlenmn ell nciiunlntcd with ficncial incrcliaiulho or hnrd'vmo. n position ns malinger , or with such piu-poct. In cllhur bueliio s. Would piulor to e tubllsli u business in anew town lth inllruiid piosnect" . Would invest 51,000 by July 1st , wish none but icsponslbto coiicspoiulcntb. Address A. M. L.Oumlm lleo. L'-j ! * "T\7ANTii ) GlrU wishlnx fortcood places In > > pi ivnto lamlllcs , hotels or buiirdlntr hou- RCS , Inundilcs , ole , uun nlwnj-s Ibid them by ut tlio Oiimlia Employment Itiu-enu , 11 0 St. -11 MISCELLANEOUS WAHTS. WANTiu : A furnlshe.l house \\llhO Inige looms. IntiulreBoO 8.21st St. 27J-3' Fltl'NCH and Gcimnn lesions , eveningsby nn experienced teauhor in ciistcrn schools , modei nto or in exchange lor bonid. Ad- I , lice . * iu Itoom , by a young German toucher ; pa } In lessons. AddicssP. K.,511 Spruce St. 215-fobl * "T7IOII SAra : IJran.rJOc. pcrcwt. Schleslngor X' llto"cor. 13th and I.cavcnworth. . ' 5-5 * FOK KENT-HOUSES AITO LOTS. I71OU UINT : riom rob. 20. now house , llvo X vooniK , lurnlsliecl ; will sell tliu fmnllnio for $150. Slablo and carriage shed. Itcuson , do- p.uluro. Addicss ItbO , IkoOllice. 27-8 * 77 6U UiVI' : Coltago , Ttr'FTiinn'K ndd. , in L block ot LongSchool. . Apply 1217 rainam. 200 FOU HUNT Hoiiboof 2 looms and kllchen , cor mill nnd Hickory , f1' per month , i : . T. I'etcison & Co. , Kooin U , s. I ; , cor. 15th and Irvoil ItKNT HOIISO of li loom- . , pantry , 1 closets , etc. , Phil Sheridan nnd HullslH. , $20 per mould. V. T. Pclorson & Co. , Itoom U , S. K. cor. lit li nnd Douglas sis. 2U ( TTlOIl ItKNT Iloii u ot six looms atfU'.OO X' per monlh , on J7lh at. , near Capitol nv enuo. S. Luhmaii. 248 l/i on uiNT-stoic , C30 Noun 15th st. T71OK KIJNT C-room hoiiRO , CliuU sl.oppo- JU silo 2d ConKrejfnllonnl chinch , St. Miuy's iwo. i.l' ' . niiiKur. IlilN. IStlmt. ttiS Tf\on \ KiNT Seven-room house , Jfith and -L ? Mnilhii st5.15. A. 1' . Tukey.llOl rniimni. liil TjlOK HUNT Two oluifiuit houses 10 rooms JL1 each ; wntcr , tfns nnd nil modern coin on- icncc'.s : 2."ilh unit Douuias bt8. ; each $10 per moiitli. Hoggs A ; > lll. | . , lSlfcb3 TTIOll itKNT Two Stoio looms with nloo -L1 ( hvollliiH : rooms nbovo at Unovtold'ri now , hcnd of St. Mnry's nve. 175tobl , j 171 OK ICINT-K : : ucro tinck nuin , 2 need JJ Im usos. i : . g. Ulngor , U N. 15th. lit IINT : Sovoial nonsos In doslmblo locations FOK cations Irom $10 per month tu 50. Jlallini B. lolh Bt. JiiUfobl KliNT Thrcu room honso. ' KlINT-O-room eottiii'o , SMB. 21st st. _ llilU-bl * rnoft SALI ; An cslnbllsliod irmcory bnsini'ss Jv In Omaha duliiK f' . X ) ln lnc.ss n monlh ; capital u-unlrrd , J4i Ki. Also n i-touk nt dry jfoods ioiir ! ( Kood bn ! ic : 3i In Omnba. Cnpllal n-Miilivil , * , i iO. Gibson ichor & Co. , Itoom a , VVllliiioll llliiclc. _ _ FOKKIINT llou o nCSraomaSM nnd liar ney t. Inqulid ol Jlor.nt .v ( iiilllnllia.s nth Stront. _ _ jih- TTlOIt ItKNT-Uonto , 3 rooms. $7. G. B JLA Thompson , S. W. cor , llth nnd llinnoy. 7lU OK it KNTOK I.lCAMfiooni House on Howard ft , ; 10-acio gnnlen with li-room house ndotnhir ] clly ; HO-ucio tiuin , 17 mlluncst or Oi'iahu ; D liusiiiess Una ( m St. Mary's u\o. Api > ) y to K. H. Clmpmnn if Co. , lu'17 Howard t > t. TIOK IUNT : HiiFcincnt mid Lnko oven. John k , ct5 N.mha. _ " "IT * OK HUNT Tin co holies of 10 , 0 nnd"i J-1 rooms uuch. J , 1'iilppa llou , & > 5 Olt KINT-N-CIV ; housn at ISM JncUon st Apply nt Cuunliitflmiu .V Urcnnnn's , 1511 DodKu Si. _ iiU POK KIJNT House bolon Ing lo the CM nto of Judjro Chnd\ > i ( > L-bUJ 1'nik uvcnuo. WJ. Council. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ' "HVO IS It iNT : 'l wo now 8 nnd o roomea nnlisoiT J-1 fiu unco , bath loom nnd ull modern conven iences , ono block from rlioet cars. Inquire Jo. V.luuon , H gilli Bt. , or bmollinu Wor-s. 8W IfOK KKNT A sioro room wlili tree 1 collar 1 11WJ Hurt Etrcot. Apply to Julia Ujuinur , FOI : KlINT S bcorcH on Cln niH Ixiavciivroitli EIS. 1 etoro on Soulh Uihsu Ilotli llrst-chi luii-liitta Icciillous. AUo houccj lu rent. A. Jlo- ( iiivnck. CM TTIOK J. ' IlKNT 3 uufuruUlicd from looms nt 1llou laa st. 273 IOK Jil.M'-'Ir.vit neil ) COtlRfO oil L1 utt. CH J .vii'l ( h.3en % -j. ut r.tb ht. TTIon IllINT-rurnlMied front pnrlor. liny X1 window , brick , 603 N 17th St. .Wil * TJ1OII HUNT I'tirnlslTed room , 4oI7fTr.th | SL T71OII ItKXT I irffo front room , modem Im- X" provemcnts. Addtcssl'.O. box 303. 215 Foil IinNT-i'umlslied roomf 105 NT 31-8 * nU Furnished front rootn 4il North X ? 17t th Street. 100 _ _ TTlOIt ItKNT A finely furnished front room. X1 Inquire nt Hospo'g , 1113 Douglas. 177fobU "fTIOIl HUNT Newly furnished largo room , X1 largo closet , for ono or two gentlemen : prlv- ntc house ; pleasant homo ; nenr buslne s. 1015 dr. " , ! ! " ' avp , , lC5fei)3 Tmoii HUNT-Lugo nicely fuuilsliod front X1 room vvltli bom d. No. 714N. luth I.Mtclu ITIOU HUNT 1 small loom , fit 1 large room , .I1 $12 per month , nawly furnished , atl)7'4 ) N. 171 list. lifebS ; ! ) otUNToiieovithlOl-oomseit- nndgns. No. 01 North 2AI street. Inquire of I'.J ) . Cooper , 411 Ulh si. , CJly. _ Ift'i FOlt TtllNT I'tinilshed room. Inquliodiuu stoic , 10th nnd Douglas. 055 F OU HUNT Olllco nnd desk loom , Fromor Ulock , enst P. O. Inqiilro Uoom 1. H" FOU HUNT Lnrgo furnished front room with closet , nlso bncl room. 17LT Cnllfor- nln st. 7U2 _ _ . .JK KUNT-l'uriilsbed rooms. 22 N. 10th. KB FOU HUNT Furnished rooms , 1503 Hnrnoy 17 ; | SATS-HOUBE3-IOTa 1710It SALK-Paul on St Co. , 1513 FninainPt. X1 soncroi on Mllltnry Itoad , oppo lto John Sheylcj- vtth good new largo house , woll. cis tern , stublcs. ete. , nil fencnd , f II.OIU. This la an A Nu. 1 chance for pintles wishing to make money. 10ncic < ndjolnlnir 1'oit Omnlin to thonortli , S3.riOO. Splendid ground fur subdividing. plUnctca linllo vvcslof Stoek Ynrds. * 185 per ncro. I50ncres , fi miles from po lnlllcp. nt ? ! 2.Vpor ncio. Cnn bo subdivided. Do not fall to Inves tigate. " 10 ncros , 7 miles from postofllco , welt Im proved , pnrlly good timber land , nt i > V ) per acio. A bnrgnln. 150 ncio farm , well Improved , only 4 miles N. W. or Florence , nt S15 per acre. fcilncrcH. ? miles from P.O. , highly improved fnrm , 41,000. A into chance. 1110 ncro lnrm.1 mile S. K. ot Gllmoro Station , wttli Bplendld buildings , being nm tly bottom land , well adapted for stock larin , $1 .030. Sjilendld lot near I.oavenwortli , In W. A. Ited- Ick 8 add. , JMH ) ; and U lots In MUIIO nddltlon at $1,100 ; coiner lot In nine addition , ftSU. A Tew splendid lots lolt In I'uuljcn'n addition , onPtrcot car line , on Luke ftioet. -lots In Pollimn ndd , nt$5i > 0 oneh. A largo tno story new hoiibo on Ulh nonr Uodgo ; cnn bo tented lor $01 per mouth. ; $100 cn h : balaucoon weekly payments. Splendid lots In Clnik Placo. iWlench. 41 feet on S 10th St. , near Hovrnrd , with three houvos rcnllng lor $1- , per month ; ? 1 .000. Lf.t I5\155 , Wilcov ndcl , with house IK.V.fl , $750 ; halt cnsh , Imlnnco In monthly paj mcnts. Corner 17lh nnd Clark , D9.xl.tt , east Iront , vvltli ono 1 nnd two 4 room houses , lenvlng ll\BOlt. on cornet' ; $70CO. Pnulscu > - Co.,15H Fnrnnm Street. SSI TTIOII SAI.U lly Stockdnlo St Iluncher. 1511 X1 Dodge St. Cholco unimproved propeityln all dlicctlons. McCnmlllsh Plnco ? 2COO Dcnl-o'snddllion SSOOlot'OO E V. bml'li'suddltion 1,410 Park nvenuo " , ( K,0 Shcrmnn nvenue 1RK ) Klrkwood addition 600 Walnut Hill nddllion WW Phnn's2d ! addition COO Davenport street IIV ( ) Pelham Plico 150 Hoggs & Hill's Utaddltlon 1,1W ) Clark I'lnco ? 503totOO llowcry Hill KM Pni k I'lnco 1WO Cheap lols on monthly payments , OKfthoma addition. lloiocH and lol ? in all pnitsof tlio city nt pi Ices and un K.'iins which tire bound to meet your Ideas. 1511 Dodge St. , Arlington lllock , Itooms S nnd U , Slockdnlo .V Uiinchcr. "iw4i FOU SAI.U ( ,7.S'ixr 3 feet on N. 13. cor. 23d and Fainiun Hts. , with tvro line houses renting - ing lor $ l.r > uo per nnnum , flB.OUU , easy tonns. Maisliall & Lobcclc , 1500 Fain.un bt. 'MXi RAI.i : Corner on Sherman nvo. , two Foil blocks from 18th st. curs , fl.UM cn lt. "A word to the wise , " etc. Stockdale & llunchcr , 1511 Dodge st. 2U7-1 FOK SALE $1,008 cnsh will buy within ten dajs 110x12715 In Slilnn's2l. on coiner. This will muku tuo siilcndld DVloot lots that v\ ill sell before .viny 1st for ? 0'iO to $700 o-ich. Who lakes It ? Btotkdalo iV lluuclier , 1.111 UodgoSt. 20U-1 POK SAI.i : 240-acio farm near Weeping Wntf r , splendidly Improved , 1M ) acics under plow. Will undo for Omaha pioporty. W. H. Green , over 1st Nat. Hank. 14J JJjOKSAW : y W. G. Bhrlvcr , B and 10 ncro JJ lots on mllltnry load , pnrnoro . $ I2" > 2bOacroj Jolniu r Btookynrds , per ncro. . . lot Kino lot on I'arnnm street . ll > 00 2 lotHon Lcavenworth St. , corner , both. . . 1100 2 lots on Unit , Boulb front each . 10UO lleautltul Iotcabt liont , Georgia ave . 15V0 \'t \ lot on 10th near Hainoy . 750J 2 lots. Illmeb.iugh Place , facing- streets , { .IBTOund . " . IfiOO I'lill lot , Cnpilol nvo. , ncar20tli . WX-0 22 tt. tiont , VTith building , Uavcnpoit near - Hth . . . . . 1800 Full lot , Lcnvonvvorth bt. near liJtb , build- ingH lent for $1411 per month . 10,000 Nice coltiiRO 5 rooms , bum , cto.lotVO\ll)3 ) ft. , fiontlng 2 Bis . ' . . 3.VX ) Houses and lots in all parts ot the city , on ciiay terms. W. G. Shrlvcr , ojposl to P. O. Foil hAl.K Two lots in Pelham Placoono block from Etreot car track , Iniuiio2183. IJth stieet 3X > T71OK SAf.K 82 Icet Ironton Cnstollnr st. and JJ intli.n-inom Imnso , vvvll , clstrin and barn , S2C > CO. W. II. Given , over 1st National Hank. FOK SAM : s lota 25xHO,2 houses,7looms , each near IHIh. $ " > , < JOO. Lo' liOxl'ji ) . house 7 rooms , near 18th , S3.0CO , Lot ClKKIJ , houso'.l looina , Hurt st.S5OJ ) . Lot fdxl 12 , house B looms , Capitol avo. , { B.RfO. Lot 40xl5J , house 7 rooms , Aimstrong's ndd. , $ am Seveial houses and lots , Impiovoment Asso ciation , at hmvalns. Ix > t U0\13:2 : , house 7 rooms , Ilarncy St. , ? 4,000. 2 lotsHarnoy btnonr2Hlh , * . ; , > * . > ' ) . Dosir.iblo piopeity nenr high bchool lit bin- gnms. Lots In Mnrsh'B add.1,000 to $ , ' ,103. Iols in llawthorno , * 100 to 87 , " > 0. A line Fclpctlon of city nndsubuiban property nl vv u ) H on hand. 17,1 13. T. Itlngor , 110 N. 15th St. FOK SAM' House nnd full lol on S. Kith H. , $ . ' , GOJ.f. . 11. Green , over 1st Nntlonul Hank. INVKSTMS.VTION wilt convhieo yon that NewpoitH tlioneaiost and handsomest ncro piopoity foronly SlOO n lot ; Intuiest nt H per cent. beoNoMport nnd bo tonvimcd This Is tno time to buy nciii lots , spring price "ill bo higher. Ames. 1507 Fnrnnni. UIO 1J1OK SAI.i : Iluy u ot u Vcbt Cumlngmjdi- .1 ? tlon. t7b | T71OK hAli ; 'k ) ft on I/ard ; good hou-o , Darn , JL : oil , olc. , . ' , WJ. ) W. U. Green , over 1st Nn- Uonalllank. ] ! ! 5 " "I7IOK SAM : Hy Potter A , Coiib , I5in Tarnmn JJ hi , , I lot In West 12nd nnd at jm 2 lols In HIilnn'H ild ndd nt $725 each. A tow choice lots in Miush's nl JI.HlO'enoh. Lot lidxIJl on iatliU blocks fiom pavement , onlyglMJO. 1 ino acio In Cclso's ndd , S1BM. 2 ol Iho cheapest lotsin Plnlnvlovv , only f IV ) ench. 7JI $ 1.4t5 per ncro tor n choice poulon of hind In Centiid Chojoiino county , Sl.rr , per ncio , cash balance. Hycius tlmo , U percent tnleroat ; n line chituco I or Investment. W , r. Pnlno , Sidney , Nebinbkn. IB , " , leUI N IJVVI'OKT Nearest , best nero lots , reached over love ! road. The neaieat ticio lots over sold In thin market , 1'iicu , fVM per lot ; on easy leims ; H pcrtuni Intel est , The > olot4 will double in vuluu in nc.\t 1" montlia Amos , 1VJ7 1'ai mini , U17 ITAOU Cliilcoltar ( : niiisin real eslnlo , call nt the -L' ollico of Ihu Omaha Heal IMatu \ Ixian Co. , i corns i. nnd iJ VVitlmtll IluiiaintOmaha. . 7W IilOK SAIT-IIoits ( ! nnd lull lol on Dnvbn- ' poit.lict. y.ld and -Mth , ! fJWJ. | W. 11 , Green , over 1st National Hank. 13t 171OK S.\ri : A low choice lota In fxivru'B nd- 1dltion Irom $ : )7.r ) ) to $55) , Al = o lionso nnd lot lOSU , on uasy torniK. 1'otter & ; Cobb , 151" ) Cur- nam el , 7 M T-nOU SAI.K A. lew food lots In HtlUido No. -U ono on Davenport and C'lilcatro Ms. , chcim nt $7.VJ to f.'JJ ' enuli. 1'ottev tt Cobb , 1515 I'm- nam 6U 737 3/UMC SAI.i ; A number of line lots In Falri i mount I'lncc * ; will bell for small cash piiy mi nt , balaiiLo montUly. W , 11. Giocn , over let Nntlonid lliuik. 1st SAI.K Corner on rninnm.tno blocks x' Item court house , fti/Xto. ( iialuim.CrL'l tonlJIouU. VM BUI.VI.'lHUtK-A'dJoininb' the liurinoks on Uio nortli , Imsliiu iijvunla o onnluilqvcl drltimirt , luim.tilul locution , line views' nnd oviiri tlilmt < lats that foe * to msiku up u bpkmdld place lor n itJideiiixi. See llelvudciv. It U clicapjnopcilji , nnd mi inbcalu c. i : . Mils 110 , S. V.lutlota \ nml l'ui'uiUJ. . M - - " - I-1-rt" Ii OIl SAT.li AVooif corner lot on br t bust- 1 iio 'pnrtof I'liinlniiPtrcot , $ > ,500. Cunning ham $ tnontt 111 Imy niouonnd lot on South mil Direct. Cillinlilkhnih & llronnnn , IM1 Dodpo. TpOK i At.i : ChtcnpTiotsTtri'atrlcV > s7iddlt IcinT J-1 street car running1. ) Uunulngbnm & llron- nan. , "TOOK SALi : laii in Svvoo/y's nddltlon on J-1 California and Cn * streets , ? 2WM each. Cunnlnsrhatn & Hr iuao. $250 will buy n.lot in Cnnnlnshnm Sc Hron. inn's nddltfoni.Vcn li ; balnnco on monthly linymcnt . j | SKinvnjhltiBtort'fl'nL'ticforo ' nil the aero lots nrotoM ; 45 lofg'solll In three weeks. Cun- Ingliam & llronnmw 1311 lkidtc. HAVi : two real barpalns In hou < cs nnd f T lots near Cenkr ol the city. Call for rnr- tlcnltus. Ciinnliiaimin te "nc-fiUiMi , 'Ml ' Uodgo. FOlt I'AT.i : I its iii Uunnlnglmm * Ilren- nnn'a addition , $ i'iO , ' $ A ) cnsli , bnlnuco monthly pnj m cuts. \\rASlHNHf6N UlTl.l9 the chcnpcstncro > > properly. _ Foil HAti : A bargain tun house nnd lot ; Rood locnllty. Cimlilnglmm iV Uiennnn , Ifill Dodge. Foil SAM : Some cheap lots In llnnscom I'lnce. Tills U the time to buy heio. Cun- liliiglmin & Ilrrniuin , 15)1 ) lidro. ( _ Foil HAM : Two hou ra nnd lot , rents lor $53 n month : price. . . git.ui'O ; flist-cln < alocnllt > i now houses. Cunningham & Dronnan , 1511 Uodge. IT YOU HAVU property forsnlo list with us. CunnltiKhnnuV llreimnn , 1511 Dodiro. FOKSALK-Somo coml lols In llnwlliorno. Cuunlnwhnm & Ilrcniian , 1511 Doilvo. "ITIOIISAI , ! : AO-room house nnd lot ouNoitli X1 'd itreet , only 5'JWO. Ctinulnjrhain & llron- nan , 1511 Dodge , \YU HAVU a very pretty fott.i o and two lots for pale near lonlurot the elly ; fltfmo for nil. See this if j on want n chnimlntr homo ns well ns n wood investment. Cunningham .V : llionnnn , 1511 "iron SAI.i : Or will trndo for u liiini , n house X' nnd lot on South twth sliect. Cunningham & Ilrennnn , 1511 Uodgo. , ITIOKSArili On y. iMh fticet , ncnr Center J- house nnd lot very chenp. Cunntnghnni te Ihcnnnn. 1511 Dodge. TTlOIt HAI.U IlarBnliw iii all pints ot the cltv. X' lloiibuanml lots unlmpiovcd lols , buslno 6 pinpcity. Call nnduinlnuoiir list , Ciiiinlng- 1mm & Hi onnnn , 1511 Doil c. -'I'JnlO I ? Olt SAli-t : ; lots Iii Mnrlon Place , $1.00 each. J.1 W. H. Gieon , over Isl Xallomil Iinnk. 1U T71OllSAri : lno acres benutllul Innd , 4 miles X1 irom center ot llaiitioui 1'aik , only 4 o per acio. Cnn bo subdivided nnd closed out Inside Wdnysnt 5I"5 porncie. Coclnnn Jiros. it Co. , 15CU 1 in mini st. _ ijiKM I71OK .SAI.K At n unigaln. 1'ino business X1 pioperty on S. loth , b5\150 ft. tills cnn be bought lor.UK ) lesi than nctunl value It tiikon ntoncL1. If jouvvnnt an investment look ut till" . Coclirnn llro'B& Co. . 15Ui ) Kaina m St. 8 15 T7K > l SAIi-S10,000 : 10 per tcndlvIdoid X1 paylnp Flock. Gibson Jc Archer , Itoom \Vjtlmoll Uloek. _ [ iJfj _ IJATKIClC'.s addition on Snumtcrs street Is tlio cheapest pioicity ] In that part of the city. Sticct cars run thiough this addition. Schools nro convenient , business rcnehos it on two Rides for convenience nnd dcblinblo locnl- ity I'atilck's nddltlon lias many ndvantagos. Call nnd Invettlsate. Lols only ? 7UO to tW3 each. C. K. Jlnyue ngent , S.V. . cor. ] 5lh and 1'arnam. _ fit ) | 'J _ 5 VI jlonSAr.i : I.iirjje iiauso ami 0 nicely elova- X1 ted lot ? .11 bhlun's W ndd. f fl 'OO. Alsoflno S-ioomcd houho on Clarc sticct , ulccly i-lovntcd lot , i5UOO. Gibson & Ai-cher , Itoom a.WIlhncll Ulock. 441) roll SAI.K I have for snlo lit bi\rialns \ llvo or SLol the llhcst ttock Inrms In llio btiitc , running liom fiJO tqaJHJnc'oa encli Inipioveil , with running vvntoouiut liontlnK on luilroads. W. H. Giron , over 1st Jtnt. It-ink. HJ EOH SALK Chpico fiorlO ncro tract' , 4 miles souths estfromwintl house , li ! miles fiom junction of U. P. Hy. aiitf Uelt J.iuo , and 1 milo Irom Stock Ynrds. . ijjlt " ! ell : all Under cultiva tion. Can bo bought Irtl' $170 nnd fax ) per ncrc , it bold f.oon. ClionpoM' pioporty In vicinity. 1'ottor & Cobb. 1515 IftinMin st. TJj TmolTsALi : IBMJcioStfitrm , well Improved X1 house , bnrns..i'i fuiyl0' < . wind-nulls , line tfiovo and orchiirciUl , > 'wcivd under plow. Will trudu for Omnhn nrupurty , nsMimo moitgaao nnd pny bnlanco cutti.M < W. . JlGieun , over ltt , Nat. Dank. - , , ill Gltl5Txwoou ISonutltiil ncro nnd imlT ncr3 lots , line locution , fi' ' i miles fiom P. O. , only few moments walk fiom llauicom Park. Acio flOO. Hiilfuoressii ) , 1U percent cash , balance monthly payments. C. U Maync , S. W. cor. 15th nnd I'm num. 4 Tit FOU SALK A two story , ZivSO , frame build" ing , suitable for a btoro , no.tr 10 tu and Far- nnmSts. Applyat this ollloo. 'J17 TTVOll SAI.I : ( > i-ncii > fnrm , wel1 Impiovcdii-i ( J' miles liom Omahn , lenls lor JJ.5J per acre , SjJperaeio. W. U. Giceu , over let Xut. Dank. 14(1 ( BJiVii : > iun-Acrolots : at ? 20D to f.V ! ) . Each will ninko jou75 to 100 per cent prnflt bo- loio next Now Vein's day. u K. ilnyno , polo ngont. S. W. cor. nth nml rnrnnic. 55'J FOU SALII A gcnornl mcrctinndiso business In n rnpldly growing town not tar fiom Lin coln , llool triulo und locution In town. A tplon- did oppoitunity for n party wishing n good opening , nnd having fiom seven lo ten thousand dollars in cash. Will sell for cash onlyor part cash , bulnnco reid eaiato In Omaha. Address aiorchantJleo Ollleo. tCj FOU SAI.i : lHV-ncro farm , vvell Impiovcd , icnls tor SJ.50 per acir , O'i ' mlles from Omnlm , $ * > 0 per ncie. W. II , Giucn , over 1st Nat. Hank. iiw F Oil SAI.K Laigo nnd Binull BlocK rnnclics with or without block. Tor Sale ; ) lots in Sirlng | Hill , SIW each. 1'or Sale Katabllshed banking business In Nebiaskn , county seat. Gibson & Aicber , room U , Withneil Illock. Foi K\cliiiniro NebiasKa farms for Omaha propetty ; also lands to exchange lor stocks of goods. Wanted t business lots for cash within 4 blocks ot posiollice. For Kxclutngo lliO ncro Improved fnrm , Madi son county , Nob. , for 1101130 and lol In Omahn. 1'or Sale A fi-acro tract 4 miles of postolllco ; hoiiMJcost $ V.1XlorlliUO ) cash.OibsonfcAielior , itooiu a. Wilhnell IJlouk. aa I poll SAI.i : An elegant house , good bnin , ' IWJ It t-ontli Cinnt coinorlot.houbeienthlor i-i'i per month , fJM > . W. II. Green , over 1st National Hunk. ) M WUSTSIDi : Station on Lcnroiiwonli street will bo tlio junction ot tlioMo. . Pac. and licit Lino. Lots pnichnsul there now will ro- tuin u hiind.-onio piollt to the buyer Inn very pliort time. licit X McCnndlUh nnd U. K. Muynu , hole n gents. 655 TTKWSAI.tS House nnd lot SI3 SSOlli Btchcap ; X' and payments. AddiessC. 8. Clilpinun , Lin coln Neb. _ _ _ _ & 7l _ _ Foil hAM ! IlyUti > r L Thomn3 A ; llio. , loom 8 , Crulghtou block : SOU loet on Farnnm st. t.J,0" > 0 fi15U , n. vv. cor. 17lli nnd Center , MAIM , llanscom I'hicu.tTW ) 0 lots Mix 157 , on Hamilton and Chnilos sts , { COO to ? WKJ. Jl blocks vvo-t ol conv out. U146 , cor. Chniles nnd Mb sts. , 5700. ' ; ejil.rl , ultli housu nnd barn , near SOtli nnd Center , $1,150. Very cheap ; small payment ! balance monthly. M\145Ulhnnd Cluules , vilth house of & rooms , well , otu. , , . „ . Ulols , I.ouo'fl ndilitjonl ? ( W nnd fGJ'X ! ! lols , , W. A. Hcdfek'H ndd. , JI..MU. J.ot cor. ' 7lli nnd | ivi | poiltlr > Q' ) . Wo ihink nil iho.ahoAu baigains. Cull for tnrms. lo\ter L. ThomUs 4 Urn , , lloom B , Cielglilon Ulock. - _ 53 _ _ FOU SAI.i-N : ( > . | lpl-rrull lot In blk II , Hans- coin Place , ll'rHoin-'h'JUbo , new , ono-lmlf cash , balance to hull , &a7W. ; ( i * . U' , Poteii-on & Co. , Itoom II , B. K. our. ISfli nnd Dout'las. " B > .U FOUfiAI , ! : Vinrtlcoittjr lot. cnst nndbonlli Iront , Hnnscoui llJco. W , T. ( Jrahiim , Ciolghlon Ulock. 7U TTiOU DIG I'lill lot , smiill ( UiJisWWIIoox ndd. , $750. UIO Full lot on Le.rftiiw.ortli vt. , now house , all modern convuiiluiccs , $ trjU3. ) S13 Ixjtcm r < iiiuiitUiht > lii'iir U. > tli St. , house 0 looms , all modem impiovomonts , $7r u. 330 Two lots , tno houses , "Oth near Howard , $ U,5l . 2. ! Lot 'JJxl51South 0th st , good house , $ lB5a Monthly pnymenld. SO Lot lUJxSW , trontlntrtwo si roots , nice cot- tagu Inclng Hiiscom Pnrk , j-l.BJJ. 318 HundMinio lot , nice cottage 7 looms , Geor gia nvo. , $ .IMJ. 311 Lot WxU. . bth nnd Hnineyhouao7 rooms f 1.0UO. 293 Tliteo iicros , good house , fruit , etc. , Lenv- I'llHdl'tll bt.--,5XI. 290 Full lot. tvvocottu ( M , Shlnn'siidd. . ? . ' ' ) ) . Sii Hoiibo7 looms , ciijt liont , beautllul loca tion. Haiibtoni Place , fa,5JJ , 'Jil Klegant rcsidunco 1U looms , two lots , line location , every ppdalbio convonlencL' , fll.000. 195 Corner lot , nice coltniro 0 rooms , one block oil1 Stiuitduia ft. , fJ , M. IPS UuiidMimcfet vottUa'u in Omaha , 0 rpoms , bcuulilul lot , Georgia uvo. , M03. . 170 IxiM'OxHU , loU6U ; J rooms , bo nth Ulh ft. 100 GiJod house 0 IOOIIH , full lot. Hlckoiynnd Kith , $ l,7ud ; very c'henp. f. K. ilnyno , S. VV' , cor , l.ltli ami Farnuuu Ku TT'OUThoIco llniKidns In real o-lim > , ( iill nt ( ho X' olllceoftheOiiiaha Jtcal iMato i. Ixiuu Co. , rooms i-J and Z5 , VV libnelt lluliaing.Omabu. od T AND SKnur.UJI. ATTHNTION-For full XJ pnrtlculnra nbout free nnd cheap Innds In \\oslorn Nolirnskn nddroM Thou. C. 1'nttewon , UonlKstntoARont , North 1'liUto Nob. 3H ; A 51 1 : . 1 )7 ) rnrnnin si llcdlck's Grove . { ' "OO " Ainw Plncc . , . a'fl Oi\h rimtlmm . . . OHO 1'lalnvlew . . . . . . . . . . [ M Clarendon . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . osd Arlington . , , . w Mclrn olllll . m rnitfsMitwllvlslon . 050 Sjndlcatcl'lnco . 400 I.onvcnwortirrcirnco . 4M llnrkniow Plnco . . . . . 000 Newport . . . , . . . , , , , , . . . , . , JKM t'oto Hi illlnnto . , . . . 175 llydo Pnrk . . . IV ) I.yinan Plnco. . . . , lOJ C15 Ames 1M7 rnrnnin. MAGtSTKU OP l AUtY8TKUV AND CONDI- T1ONAL18T , U03 Tonlli Street , between Fnrnnm nnd llurnoy , will , with the nld of ffUardlnu fplrlts , obtntn for nnr one n pinnco In the pnst and present , nnd of certain condition1 * In iho future. Hoot * nnd mioos inAdo to order. Perfect satisfaction nuarantoo , ! . _ TWO ACRE LOTS Toll SALE. S.S. VAN BEUREN. 100-103 S. Uth SI. For Sale , California St , Mllovvost IGth Street , Lot A Young Biiffgy Horse tnkeu in part payment. S.S. VanBcuron , 100 S. 14th FRUITS andFLOWERS _ Those dnslrlnsr lo put out Fruit .or Ornntnen- InlTrou * , Shrubs , I'lunts and \'lnc . will llnd it L'icallv to their Inloirst to consult II. Ij. llninry , by teller or In poison , In ipjrnrd to Kind , nunllty nnil price , bctoic1 ordeilnir of nny ono. Oitk'is phonId bop-lvuncnily. Olllco l.UO llurnoy St. , icsldoneo.sX'Oorninnm St , E. L. EMERY. rroposrxls Tor S EAI-Cn proposals will bo received by the undersigned until 11 o'clock n. in. of Mondiiy , ihpfcthdny of rcbumiy , tb'H ) , lor the follow Ina : kinds of pnvhiB umtcriiil , vl/ : Sheet nsiilrdtnm ns pci-fpeeincatlons. Asphalt blocks as pcrspcelllcntloiH. Sioux 1'iills Kriinllu us per bpeclllcatlons. Coloindo Mindstono ns per bpccillc.UioiK. Any oilier stone ns per spcuillenllons. Mncddain as per specifications. Wooden blocks as per spocltluntioiit. Any bid lor paving in nddllion to bclnir no- coi-dlnpto speellluntions mny nlso bo nccuidlnsr to such sppclllcatlons , ns tlio bidder mny pro scribe , the same lobe tot foi th In detail and to nceoni puny bid. Kacli bid shall specify n i > ilco per square yard for Iho pavlnj * complete on the slicct. \Voi k lo bo done In nccoubinco vIlli plans nnd Epocillcalions on llloln the oillco of the bo.ud ot public woiks. lllds lo mu made on printed blnnl.s furnished by the board , nnd accompanied vItli n cei tilled chock In Iho Finn ol ono tliou nnd doll.iis , pay- nblo to tlio cltv of Omaha nsn Buarnnlco that the bidder \\11I wllliln thlity daya liom tlio opening ot thu bids plvo bond ? not exceeding tv\o thousand dollars us the inuyoror city coun cil may rcquliu that such bidder will outer Into contuiot for such jiavinff , ot the kind nnd ma- tnrlnla pccilled , ns may be ordeied durins Iho j our ISN ) . The board of public woiks reserves the rlirlit to reject nny or all bids , uud to walvo nny de fects. J. K. HOUSK , Uee2I Chairman Hoard ol I'ublio VVoiks. Special Oramauca No. 776. A NOnllnnnco luvylngr n special lav nnd assess- XX incut on certain lots and leal estnto In Hie city ol Omaha , to cover the one-half cost ot KiadliiK Grnco htreet , laom Clxlituanlh sticct to2Uthitreut. Wntiibvs , It hnvlm ? been nnd brlir , ' heicb- ndjudffccl , ( lolermined nnd established ( hat the several lots and pieces of icul estate hoi clnnftur i etoi red lo , bavo each been specially beiiclltcd to the lull nmount hcieln loviud und nsseseed HKiilnst cucli of bald lots nnd pieces of icnl eslnto , te-pectlvely , by reason ot thoerndlng of Hint p.irtuf Gintcstifct. Irom l th street to 20lhntiect , done under contract with Stuhl 4 , Hmncl. TiiKiiuroni : , for the puipo&o of paying Iho one-half coat of btich pindlnif : Ho it nidalnod by the city council of the cily of Omaha : Section 1. Tlint the ono-lmlf co t ol ( rrndlus ; that pni tel Ginco sticct , In tliu city ol Omaha , Item 1Mb Htreot to 20th ttrcct. said ono-lmlt ol Biildo.ist beliiB tlio sum ol f27j.rs , mid jrriidln ; ? DoliiK donu under couti. let with Sluhl A : ilnmel , bound the Mime Is hcicby lev Icd mid nsscabcd , nccordlng to bpuclnl benellts bviPUbon ol t-uhl Kindlnir. upon llio lollnv\ jug loU and icnl o tate iisshoun by the Bcni'rally rccosni/ed map of tlio city of Omaha , IhS-i , III luwr.iplud un-1 pub lished by GPO. I' . ItLinls , Mild cost bolng so levied on said lots and real estate , ruspuctlv ely , ns lotions , to-uit ! 11. JlcCoiinell , H I , bile 2 , K. V. Smith's add StO ! 14 do U B. blk 2 , " 2J 13 0. S. Chnso , It 0 , blk 2 , " \ 24 12 do It 7 , blU 2 , " 10 M VrnnclA K. 1 Lilly , It I , biK 3 , " 111 SI C. T. HnrMsou , It 3 , blk : ) . " 21 U Win. Houghlon , It I ) , blk b , " 21 12 do Jt 7 , UllE a. " 10 at Jnmes Perkins , It I , blK 1' . ' , " 21 ! - ' do It S , lilk 12 , " 10 yi J. A. Wlmlen , It 15 , blk 12 , " 10 Jl do U 10 , blk K , " 21 IJ Helen Gvvln , it I , blk i.l , " VI 12 John W. G win , It 2 , Ml : 13. " JO HI Dnvld Knox.lt 15 , lilk 1.1 . , ' 10,11 JnilicsCooiiuy , It 10 , ( ills 13 , " ; : i 12 Section 2. That the specnl laves mid assess ments luvlod and nssorfic'd an nloicanld , shnll bo duo lmmcdlalcl > upon the p.t Mi o and nppi oval of Ibis ordlnammc , nnd sli.ill bccoinu delin quent if not pnld ltlim ( illy ilajh tboicnlter ; uud thpieiipon.n pcnultj t ten per cent shall bo added , together with lntore-t lit tlieinioof onoporcfiu n month paynblo In advance liotn the llmobiiUl ln\os boroniUM ) dulinniionl. Socfion'I. Tlint this oidlminco Hliall InUo ol- feet nnd ho In loice liom nnd alter Hi passngo. J.Mbuil Jnnunry Ulli.lSsO. WM. ( ' . lli.cni : ! . , I'l evident Cily Council. .1. It. hiitnn vnn , C'll ) Cleik. > iuuiy J.'itli , .1 VMI.S 13. Ilovi ) , Mayor. Thonbovctiivosniu now duo and pnynblctu thn rlty ticasuu-i , anil will become aelliuiuunt on Ihusivlli din of Maich , la-J ! , ulicr which ( Into npenah } ol ton per crnr , together with interest nt the latool ono per com pcrmonlli payable In ndvmiiK\ ill bo nddul. jiln.ij.i3i TJIU.M.VN IlucK , Cily Ticnsuier. MERGELL & ROSE ZEWEIS Painters and Decorators WALL PAPER and WINDOW SIIADL'S , 1515 Douglas Street , O. P. DAVIS & CO. Nebraska Land Agency * Geneinl denlew in llcnl Eslnto nnd ItoalHstnta iloi tt'iiKOB J50j I'urnam it , , Omaha , Neb. OMMASAYDJGS BANK COIIMII : 1'Jth .vxn Donor , is Untcirrs. Oftpital Btocli . $150,000 Liability of Stockholders . . . . HOO.OOO Jin1 only iojfiil.il1 envliiifs b'inU In the stntc. 1'lvo per cent Jntiuust pu'd ' on iluost'i. | ) " " LOANS MADE"ON"REAL ESTATE , onc'iiK : ( ; jBinosl' , IJoyd , 1'iesidoiu : Win , A. 1'nxtcn.Vlco J'iceldcni ; It. JI , llumiclt , Mniiu iug1 IJi- icctiii : John i' . WJihui , Cnibloi. WM.A.l'.vvco.s.l'ics. 215 S , 13Ui St , , Omaha , Hob. LOANS MADE ON BEAL 335TATE , School , County anil Municipal Bonds Nogotiatud. ItOtlT. L. G Vltl I' IIS , l' . U J 111"OS , bctietuiy. / lVo.uurtr. DAILY COMMERCIAL REVIEW , Poatnrelossncss the Feature of Yesterday's Speculative Wheat Market. STRONG LOCAL SENTIMENT. FELT Tlio Onts Boom Dies n Premature Dcftlh I'l-ovlRlons Stiontfwith Heavy Deliveries of I'orlc Other Market Koporls. CHICAGO CHAIN MAUKI-VT. CHICAGO , Pelt. 1. [ Special Tolegrami Win : AT Wheat opcneil tlnu nt nliotil Satnr- day's closing prices Deliveries were heavy , nggiceatlin : in the neighborhood of 1,500,030 bushels by oomiiion estimate. It was merely sent out by Armour A Co. through Oir , Crll- leiulen & Comes , Ollbcit A Hlggins anil two other houses. Wheie It struck nobody seems to know. The frcodcllvcilcs did not weaken tlio market , how-over , ami May advanced fiom Me to SflJi'c , with good but not aggress ive buying by commission houses ami bro- Keis. There were no new Icatuics to the mnikct to-day. Statisticians liavo settled down to Iho bcllci' that the visible .supply will .show a decrease of MW.OW to 1,030,0X50 , bushels , and the temper of thu ciovvd appears qiilto bullhh. A largo num ber of lloor Iratlois and their friends have lakon on llttlo loads to hold for an advance , and that Is ono of the ica oiis given lor the strong local sentiment which Is felt Jotclbly just now In sustaining values. Heavy speculator aio seemingly out of the market at tills wilting. Shortly bcfoio noon the beil buyers left the Held. When the scalpers looked about lor somebody to M'll to , nobody wanted to buy , nnd the mar ket accordingly languished and prices sought lower levels. Mny dropped back until SVc was icachcd , nnd theio it icstcd at 1 o'clock. Tlio icport which was ciiculatcd caily to the effect tlint the wheat put out by Aimoni Imd gene back to him , nnd that he was btij ing moie , came lo be very generally dUcicdltcd , nnd any Inllucnccs that II may liavo liatl on the market were lost later. Uusliiess today was largely local In character , considoiablo rhanglngovei1 to moic icmotu months being icpoited. Jlixoit ( iitAixti Coin was quiet and gen ciallyllim , lliiylngol1 Fcbinary ami selling of Mny was tlio deal of many of the tiadois. Deliveries weie on a liberal scale. Tlio ex citement in oats has died out , and that ceteal hasiesitmed Its wonted dullness. PROVISIONS Provisions won1 stiong nnd modeiatciy active to-ilay. Deliveries of poik vvcio huge , but eonipntatlvcly little libs and laid passed mound. I'oik opened ' 1 % @ 10c bijrlicr than It closed Sattudav. , and 511.50 was paid foi May , an advance iiom the opening of 10c , Tlio pi ice subse quently receded tOsSll.COwlicie it clotcd. Laid was .steady. AKIKISNOO.V lioAitn Wheat tinned up on tlie afteinoon boaul and closed a shade above the opening. Piovisions vvcio easier , but poik icgained the little It lost. 2:1" : p. m. Puts on May wheat. &j } e ; calls , CHICAGO KIVK STOCK. CIIICAOO , Feb. 1. [ Special Telcgiam.J CATri.i : The tiesli louelpts ol cattle to day vvcio neatly 3,01)0 ) less than one week ago. aim oll'ciings did not include vciy many state cattle. Other maikets to-day wciu in latlicr encotnaging sliape. Tlio supply at New Yoik was light and pi lies strongci. Tlie LIvcipool cattle maikct , however , was weak nnil low or , Here buj ei ? vvcro out crtily and weie looking foi siood cattle , Offcilngs weie mainly in poor condition , but buyeis had to take borne cattle tiint did not Milt them , nnd so tlieiowas nn active movi'iucnt nt a stionsor late. Pi ices wcio about JOc liiglicr , mainly on merit ! dussed bef cattle , surh ns sold at about -I.OO@l.ro. ; New Yoik and Philadelphia buycia look a lew good to extia c.ntle as liigli as § 5.00(25.00 ( , but tlieio were no expoit oidein , ami some good judges Utomilit tlie best giaile.s of rattle weie not ns niurh advanced as diccsi-d beef qualities. Shipping sleons , i,3ju to l.lU01bs. , 4.0fSn.CO ( ; 1,210(0 ( I , : 01bs. , Sy.73f tl.75 ; Oil ) TO 1,200 lbs. . 8.60@lSO. lions Demand lair and pi ices a stiong fie higher all aionnd , with some lancy licavy soils sclliiiKr at Sl.tO@l.2o. J'ncl.ing nnd lilshtimjs , 2,50 to 150 pounds , $ 1.00@4.-10. FIN'ANOIA lj. New York. I'cb. 1. lloncv On call easy nt \ } < < < fi perccm. l > ii.vnMKitcANriii.Ki > ' . : : Ai'UK 4@.riper cent , KoilKIflN EXCKANOC UlM.S Quiet but steady at 3l.bO > u' tor sixty dayi , ami ? M.b3 lor demand. Hovnu.VMKVis Dull , but steady. SiofhS-'J'lioadvaiic ? in pi lees In blocks , which was tlio consjilcuous leatmo In ( leal- ings t > atmdaytnail luitlicr dccidrd headway today. Opening Jinnies tltit , morning weie ( joneially )4@-j ) ' jier cent hlirhci llian thu last piices Saluulav evening. The advances to night include l > aclavvnnnaS % , Moithvvcitein , Noitlit'rn Pncilic comnion 1J4' , Wcstein Union \ , Xew-Ieiscy Ccnttai 1'ij , Manhat tan Consolidated ! ' , Canada Soiithcin. St. Paul , and Jal > o Slions cadi Ijg , anil ollit'i- , less than 1 pci cent. BTOCKS ON VVAf.I , SrilUKf. Sc ) iit bonus. . . lOOJi'O. vViN. W NK'V ' U , ti. Uf's US. ' iirofeircd. . . VK'A New -1's- * 1'J I N. Y. 0 10.1 Pacilii ) C's ol ' 0j. ! ! ! Oieiron Trail. - ! ! 1 * Ccntial Pacific.H ' " ' " " C.&A HI K"i ; ) . &i ; y.7. . . Sicfeue i . . . . I'.P.O liU'f ' u. , u . iV w . . j 3 ; , , ( tuck Islanii . . . l-'iJs D. , L. & W J'JlSt. ; L. iV S. K. . . . yjil 1) . it It. ( i HI' ' ? pieforiL'd. . . 4&X Eric 2.tf 0M. . A St. P. . . u'i profetjcd v. r'ij ; , pmteiivd. . ) : : . ' . _ 14i4' ) ' t5l-t I * I. , U.it W . SO VI Kansas it Texas , ' llnlon Paclhc. . . ffi L. \ - . N -i iW. , st. r < . it p. . 1014 Mich. Ccntr.il. . . . 7i"il ! " pitifiiiied. . 10 Mo , Pacific1 1llU\Vesii ! > ni Union , 7-J' ' < Noilhoin Pac. . . 27' Now York , Fi'b. 1. Wi'CfitKi ' l.V-iK ) ; o.spoits5fiO ) ; sbot film r n < l shipper lioMing elf ; iiptliimoi'iu ] ) > ( l nltci wards inled Miungm , advanced : lHH/t'o , clili.iulc } . ( < ( c , clo.sing steadier with a 10- covcry o ) ' . .ftnntiimlud ; icd , b."XiiJiocNo. ; 2 cd. ' .f.'A'r allo.it ; Maich closing atiU c. Coin lliglifr , leaving oil hte.uly ) > eliits , HJ.OOO ; cxpmK : )7iXX ) ) ; uii-'iuU'il , l7CUiu ; No. a. 47w47 No. 'J , Wo In elu- vaiors " 03/o / ; allo'U ; Muu h closing at 4ic. ! Onts Shade lotver ; i < " 'elts | , ( il/XJj ; ox- , lo : : ; mixed wc.-.tein , m < " . ' , > n\ \ white , - . i'ntioU'iiin Steady ; nulled closful at t-'i' ' o. KrgsI'll in and ilunund f\li : ; recolpts , 1HX , ) i'Kages , wcotoin , - " - I'oik-Ouiet ; nieas , % JO.irvAll.Oi ) . J aid Higher , f.iiily aclivc ; cintiai-tfiado ( ; ot. fcfUViW UKi Mau-h , { l > .47-Ki. ( ts. IlutUir-l'lrm and lair iiKjniry ; wi-slcui , " /'ij ! Klgiii r'utnnu'ry , f5i. Cherso Quiet ; vvisu'in ! Iat , 7 < j'JJfc. ? Ctilu KOi 1'Vb , 1. inoiii ( Jmi't .mil nn- hangcdjvvlntci whu.il llour.Sl.'tUil.b.siutli. ; ( . ill , S ) . < > > . . 1.0V Wisconsin , A4..W ( el.7ri ; Mlchlg.iii srilt bjnlng wheat , $ ) .70..o < .OJ ; Mill- ni-.sola bakci.s' , W.K > tW ) : iwlents. M.tvx * ' ( .00 ; rjo Hour , t3.At : . ) In baiu-ih , 8 .10 J.10 in s.icl.s ; buckwheat Horn , fel.OOji-l.fiO ici ban el ; ft'J.Wn ) \ cvvt. in h.icK" . WhtMt Quiet iiinlMc.uy | ; opi-ned at .Sat- uduy'h close , adv.inucd Jjc. inllii , : quiet , owaulb cioso ii'Jcd wc.ikcr , closinj ; Uc under . Satniday ; W' W Kc for cash fco' ' . c or Kcbiu.iri ; tO > io lor .M.uch ; b.iX lv > A ° Co'in--'ltuIcd quiet but firur. . ' * ® . Ipr asli and Kebiuaiy . * ; o 0i""i ! " > i lei .Maiuh ; JO Ve lor May. Onts Wi'itl.er ; Ufftt''c under JJatmday : iltjiH * for i'.ii.h.s ; > i l f l % l > nmry and M.ucli ; take lor Mai. HaileIHdl . TLmoihvhlcady ai.d In in. pilmo. Sl.S. ) . V'la\sivd Al > i HI sltii'.l > ; V > . 1 , l.Vi' ' Cjj 'Poi'u -l-'lui'ir , su-tivc ar-d iiilMl iilflJCr ; 311.JO lor c.is't ; Ml.W'/u.U > j tor 1-cbm- nry ! $ ll.lQ'ti331.15 ' ( for March ; 3 for May. Laid Qiilol Iml fitm : advanced 2Ve and clo ed Mendy ; S < U2U < iJO.ii : for cash nnd 1'eb rimrySO.n ; > i < < < V0 tor Matcii : S0.27 ; , < < ? o.so for May. \Vhlsky-SUO. Hulk Meats-Shoulders , SaiV4.00 : short clear , S. > .MW .S5 ; short i HH. S.\rx\ ( { . " .ti.\ llntter ( Sootl extra creamery , dairy , l IQ'c. . Cliecso Kirm ; full cream Cheddars , OJfcMfats , l ) > tr < ilOc ; young Ameilcas , , luvJ lie ; skims , f < -ii'4c. ' . KeKs-lKrtls'.c ' Hides rneh.inecd ; part cuicd , S'i8\o ( ; preen , fc ; lip.vvy green salted , We ) light do , I'UC'iO'ic ' ' ; bull hides. DVcj dry sailed , 12)40 ; div Hint , IJiCdUo ; calf skins , lOQIBc , Tallow Unchamred' No. I country , I' ' c ; No.Scountry-to ; cake , r * . HecelpK Shipments. Kiom.bbls 11,000 110,000 Whoat.bu 10.000 is.iKW Coin , mi iwooo oo.fKX ) Onts. bit 127,000 W ,000 Kje.bit 1,000 . IJnrley.bn -1.000 20,000 St. Iiiuiift , Feb. 1. Whcal-Steadv nnd Oats-steady ; sr i' bid , cash ; Kebru- nry , 27 We ; Mav , ai e. ltyc-4 > l'C ' bid. J'oik-lliglieintSll.2.- . haul Steaily nt SO.OO. Unttei Quiet ; ci-eamcry , 2.'iJXo ( ! : ) ; daliy , Altrrnoon Hoaid Wheat We.ik nnd 'flft te lower. Corn Kasy and > < ® Vc lowei. Oats Steady nnd n sltade better. Kansas City , Feb. 1. Wheat Stiongcr ; cash , 74c ; Match , 74) ) cbtd , 75o asked ; Apill , 75'iff bid , 77c asked ; May. We. Corn Stiong ; cash , 27Vo bid , 27J.f calked ; Muvli,2dlfebl : l , ' .IV nsked ; May , aiie bid , ; it/e nsked. o.ils Nominal ; no quotations. Ijlvorpool , Feb. 1. Wheat Poor dp- mand ; now No. S winter nnd spring , 7s Id , steady. Coin Poor demand : old mixed. 4s 7l < t , dull ; now mixed , 4s 'Jd , steady ; l-'ebiuaiy , Maich mid Apill , 4s IH'U , linn. Flour Poor demand nt 8dull. . Toledo , Feb. 1. Wheat Steady ; cash , Coin Steady ; cash. Oats Dull and nominal ; cash , lilc bid. Now Orleans , kFeb. 1. Coin Quiet but steady. Oats Finn. t'oiiiinenl S3.30. Jloe Piodncts ( Juiet nud weak. Clncinimil , Feb. l. U'hcat Kaslcr ; No. 2 led , liire. ( ! Coin Steady ; No. 11 , mixed , .TiiQu'iOWc. Oals-Steadj ; No. 2 mixed , : wju. lye ! Hood demand ; No. 2 , 05e. Uailoy Finn ; extra No. : i spring , iTic. Pork l-'lnn and higher at SIKUA. Laid - Quiet at SfUO. Wliihky-Aellvonntl linn at § 1.10. Milwaukee , Feb. t. Wheat Finn ; cash , SOr ; Fobnmiy , bOc : .May , We. Coin Steady ; No. 2 , ; jOl4e. Oats Dull ; No. 2 , 2Sc. lye ! Dull ; No. 1 , CSc. IJailey-Qnlet : No. 2 , 51J4'c. 1'iovisions Iligliei ; mess poik , cash and Fein nary , 511.10 ; Match , 811.15. Minneapolis. I'cb. ' 1. Wheat Strong ; Jnmt.uy and Fcbiuaiv , SSe ; Marcli , Mic : April , VOW May. Ut'fc ' ; No. 1 lioitliein , .innnary , biJe ; Fcbinary , KJc ; Match , Sic ; ApillSlfMay } ! ; , SSe. Flour Flniierp.itcnls ; , SI. S05.00 ; bakers' , Jlecelpls-AVhpni , DO.OOO bit. Shipments Wheat , 7,000 bit ; Hour , 15,000 bbls. In stoio At Minneapolis , 3,83 VM2 ; at St. Paul , 1,150,000. , _ IilV13 STOCK. jir Feb. 1. The Dioveis' Journul icpoits : Cattlu-llccclptsr > , SOOli ; ) Isle nnd lOc higher : shipping stocis , S'.50 ! ( < (5.CO ( ; stoekeis and fcedeis , 82.50 4.2(1 ( ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , 81.7oitU.7r. ( ; bulk , S2.706j.l5. : ! Ilogb lcci'lpt.s. ! 20.0UO ; Ptionc and fie higher ; umjrli and mixed , 5'.OViil.8J ) { iiack- IIIB and shipping , SI.OO K.10 ; light , SJ.40@ uo , skips. s > i50@.6J. : : Slieep leceii ! > ts , 4,000 ; steady ; natives , ? 'U > olci.i.v ! > ; To.\.ins , S'J.OOgj.5o ( : ; la nibs , § 3.75 ( j5.75. The DIOVPIS .loninal's siPchilcabIeginin ) ! Irom l.ivcipool < | Uott'd a decline ot lu per II ) n pili-es ior cattle since lust week. li-st ! Anieilcnn stoeis me quoted at 12 > < e per Ib , Uesscd. Kt. Iionls. Feb. 1. Cntllo' Receipts , ,000 ; shipments ; slionger I or good cat- lo ; 'geneial quality jiuoi- : common to hoipo.shipping , & : J.fc5.0 ( ; mituhur steciw , : - , ' . ; ; and helfeis ' . ' . . fe:5-54.5 ! ? ; rows , § .33(23.05 ( ; slockeisnnd Icedcis , S.S.OO .IO. Hogs Kcccipts , 4K ( ( > ; slihmients , 1,100 ; iclive and 5 ( )10c ) idgliei ; choice , scaico : nitchpis nnd m-st heavy , § l.lOf 51.fi ! ; mixed tacking , gi.b"ji4.lO : ( ; light , S3.50iia.VO ( , clos- ng til in. Kansas Cly , Feb. 1. Cattle Itcccipts , 700 ; slilpments , nouo ; stionger and 10@ 5c hlghei ; expoitciM , SOUi' 5.00 ; coinnion o choice sliiiiing ) | , fci : ) > 0@.7ri } ; stockers and fci'dcis , SAOOi'tJUS ; cows , w.)0au ( { : ; : Hogs Receipts , 0,300 : shipments , 400 ; fnnici nnd Re higher ; irood to choice , $ > 8,00@ 1.10 ; eoiiimon to medium , 83.00@.bO. ) 031A 11A JilVK HTOCIC. MondayKvcnliiff , Feb. 1. Thp live stock maiket conlliiues steady ml icci-lplsaie light. Them is very llttlo loing in thucnttle maikct. Theio is n de- aandloi both choice coin-led Meeis nnd fat ows. Kloven linndied to 1'JOO Ib. Htceismo iuotpdnts:5.85@l.o0 : : J.'iOOlo l.iiOO HH. , S4.03 C/il.Irt ; I , to 1.50J Ibs. . Sl.fiOfan.OO ; Idills , S2.'rirrj.OO. Choice Imteliei stock is In de- uand. Choice cows , Si.2TiCJ ; < 5.flO ! coodcovvs , S5.i5@i.20 : ; eoiiimon cows , yJ.50@i,00. : Tlio hog iiMiket was strong and thn dp- mind active. iJveiytlilng lucnlved was losed out enily In thu day at good iirlcc.s. J'ho Mipplv continues to lall short ol the div- iinnd. ( Jiiolco to cxtia packing hogh sold at S'.SVjW.OOgood ; mixed. s-t.7"ii3.80 ( ; common ouu'li iwcHliig at tn.00 : ) .70. ( iond tat slicojiaioscaicc. ShcopwciKliIng Irom ICO to 1 1 lusniu quoted at S..0i@j.oj. ) ) Cnltle : , 100 IJ < i0'o l.-W nii'uisrN : : : i-ATivr. SAI.US. No. Av. J'r. No. Av. Pr. JM OKI ij.'I.U.'i ' fcO. . . .1,203 Sl.WJtf 10 MO. ' . UUt.L.9 , No. A v. Pr. 1 ITiO S'.MHOGS. HOGS. No Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr. W 211 SU'2J4 : ' Ot 2bli SH.80 r,7 : ; oi ) : wo bs , zy > : i.w ) bj nn y.7n in 201 n.b3' si 'J'Jt : ) .7-iK Oi : U4 a.saji < f 05 ma : i.7r > 40 : ui : ; , tu' ' < hcl 21. ' . : ! .75 57 ! XI7 S1.M UO 2l H.77K 'r - " ' 7 ; ; ; vi ; ! . ' ! .77 > 5 M , ! IIB ' ( W ' 251 ! I.M ) DS uiH U.OO' Ob ! i)0 ) ! l.bO IllOIII'.hl' AND I.OWKST. Showing llio liigliest and lovve-,1 pilces paid mi tills niaiket lor hogs ilmiliir thci p.mt wvHii il.ivs and for lliocoirct-pondlii ; ; pctiod last month : Jit'ccmhi'r. innuniy. ilnnilny ' . ,4 - Vcdnusdny H.W ) riniixlay ; ; .io ' , . 'iidiy ' ntunlny . 3'fift ( a' i > . \iiits' : i'U'Jt"ilASis. : Shnwliii ; tlin nuinlii'r of c.ittlo , Iioss end ? licop puii'liriicd by Iho inckcison the imir- Lot Ki-d.iy. ; ; . 11. Hammond v:0o. . . . , . , . , . . . 'Jl lions , Slirclov iV : Co . . . . , . SOU I. K. lloyil . , . . , . . . , . . . ' ' ! j7 ; } . II. lini.iiuoiiil ir Co. . . , . , , , . . . , - . -01 Koto All fialcs of Mock In this imuKct mo in.id percvvl. llvu vvclalit iinle othcivrlso ituloil. Di-ail IIOKS f > ell lit lo per ll > , for nil iv-L'lL'lit.s. "Skins , " orliogswelglilni , ' le"s Hum 100 Ibs no vnlnc. ricjjnimt sows ni ilocUed iul .stiir. ; , to Ib.i. [ > MAUAVHOIjKSAM3 JIAItlCKTS M oiidny Kvenlns.tb. . 1. Conornl iMiu-lciiltf. KcjfcS'J'liu ropcliitscoiitlnuo large mid tlifc vvcnknt I < jl7i % Iti i ii.it 1'iUcs tcmnln Mcntly. cholco i ol Inlilo butter niomiotoil at InlHo l , 1 Qjldc ; Inlciliir , Uiii LSIKnucy lull cienni olicddais. Oc * U > bir ; innUf , Hullit- ; > I'-'u ; JOUIIK Aiucrl ( ! , . inbtfju.ility hwl..s chcuAC , ICcj > ucuue