Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1886, Image 1

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Mr. Powers Oalls Attention to Injustice in
Missouri Eivor Improvement.
Dakota Men Very Much Elated Van
AVyck Alms to Protect Honest
Settlcrn No Land Hlngs lit
Utah Capital Notes.
Balls Into the Commission.
WASIIINOTOX , Feb. I. [ Opcclal Tele-
gMiu.J To-.lay Kepresentatlve Murphy of
Iowa sent to the house committee on rivers
and haihors a letter from T. 0. Powers of
Chicago , formerly of Diibmiuc county ( Iowa ) ,
now general manager of the Fort Denton
Transportation company , calling attention tea
a matter of much Imporlaneo to stcamboat-
inen on the upper Missouri and the people of
Montana and Dakota that of Improving the
Missouri river from Sioux City to Fort Hen-
ton and asking appriprlatlons tlmrcfor. Mr.
Powers says that the Mlssouii river commis
sion , In Its estimates to the secretary of war ,
recommends an appropriation of 5100.000 for
the lower Missouri , 1,200 miles , and § 100,000
for lr0 miles , and he asks that the unfair
ness of the commission In making Us esti
mates ho brought before the committee
on rivers and harbors , and that when
making further appropriations for the
Missouri It bo stipulated that nt least
one-half shall oo expended on the upper portion
tion of the river , which exceeds the lower
both in distance and commerce , and at the
same time offering greater obstacles to navi
gation , there being rocky sections which he
says arc susceptible of permanent Improve
ment , and the necessity of larger appropria
tions am apparent. He asks that the engin
eer who Is to take charge ol the work be sta
tioned nt Hlsmarck , the engineer who has
nail control of It having heretofore been sta
tioned atSt , Paul , 450 miles distant.
In the senate to-day Mr. Allison presented
n petition from citizens of West Liberty
( Iowa ) for an amendment to the constitu
tion of t'.m United Stales so as to protect the
women ot all the states and territories in the
enjoyment of the right of suffrage on" equal
terms of men. llo also presented a petition ,
numerously signed by citl/.ens of Newton ,
Jasper county , ( Iowa ) , praying that the
coinage of silver he placed on equality with
the coinage of gold. etc.
Mr. Wilson presented a petition of M. S.
Snundcrs and 10. ) other cltl/.ens of Iowa ,
praylnsr fornn absolute ) forfeltutoof unearned
lands within the limits of tlio land grant to
the Sioux City & St. Paul railroad company.
Also , a petition of A. L. lluU'man and 210
other citizens of Iowa for the organization
ot tlio territory of Oklahoma and for the
spelling of the lands there to settlement.
In the house to-day Mr. Frederick offered a
"b\\\ \ \ \ repealing limitations in Iho payment of
arrearages of pensions.
Tlio other Iowa members introduced bills
ns follows :
lly Mr. Henderson To extend the benefits
of the act of March I ! , lS7i , and the act of
ilareh : ) , 1885 , to certain pensioners whoso
disabilities were caused by amputation , and
increasing tlio rate therefor.
By Mr. Fuller For the relief of Christian
15y Mr. Conger For the relief of Joseph
Howard. Aaron C. Johnson and Synlhia
By \Veavcr-For the relief of Joshua
By Mr. Holmes Restoring the name of
Mrs. E. L. Cooke to the pension rolls.
By Mr. Hepburn Increasing the pension
Of persons totally disabled to10 a month ,
ftnd granting a condemned cannon and car-
thigo to the Osccola ( i. A. It. post.
By Mr. Lyman For the relict of John A.
Duncan ; Increasing the pension to SSO n
month of soldiers and sailors totally dis
Senator van Wyck introduced a bill in the
Senate to-day that is of special Importanca tr
Cettlcis in the northwest. Commlsslonei
Sparks has ruled that timber culture entries
made upon lands upon which there is any
timber whatever are not legitimate and not
In accordance with the spirit of the culture
law. This ruling ho has declared to bo re
troactive. Senator Van Wyck proposes to
determined whatever dispute there may be
pending now by declaring those who have al
ready made entries in good faith , and can
snake good proof of having fulfilled the
quiremeiits of the law at tlio time the entry
was made , are entitled to patents.
Senator Van Wyck also Introduced a bil
In the .senate to-day for the erection of a pub
lie building at Beatrice , Xeb. , to cost no :
lews than § 100,000.
Representative Uorsey Introduced a bill ir
the lioiiM ) to-day to provide for holding
terms of United States district courts In Kc
biaska. It provides that there shall ho ai
least ono term of the United States dlstrlc
and circuit courts for the district of .Vebraski
held nt Omaha , Lincoln , Nebraska City ,
Hasting ! ; , Norfolk and Kearney In
cao year. and ono grand am
ono petit jury shall bo summonci
to serve In both cuuits at each term ; that tin
judge of the district court shall , on or befori
thu first ] day of January of each year , lix tin
data upon which the term of the district am
circuit courts will bo held during tlieeiisuin
year.A bill was introduced by Mr. Weaver
granting tlm consent of congress to thecrec
thin of bridges oter navigable- rivers upor
certain conditions , the K.IIUO being ( In
ticyuumr bill of last congress. Also , a bll
for the relief of Mary K. Carey , of Richard
Wii county , giving her 100 acres of land.
Surveyor General Dement , ot Utah , now ii
Washington , says the asscitions about acrca
ling in Utah were all "bosh. " There wer
land frauds In Utah , but there were worsi
frauds In other territories.
Commissioner tf parks also denies the stor ;
of tremendous alleged land fronds In Utali
as published In the Now York papers am
elsewhere , lie says tliero are some lain
frauds in all the territories , but that the stor ,
Is so great nn exaggeration as to render 1
I * * Senator Ingalls of Kansas , in an intervle\
this morning , renews the assertion alludei
to in thaw dispatches weeks ago , that In cas
of failure of the senate to confirm appointee ;
tlio siupsndud olllelals will resume tlio dutle
ot' their oDlee when the senate adjourn.1
This operation , In view ot the prospevtlv
Jeiid JocU between lliosouato and the pres !
dent , will interest u food many pcopl
throughout the country ,
Congressman ilurnhv end Colonel Will !
addrcssod the house committee on railway
biid canals to-day in favor of the Ilonnepl
cuiusL. Another meeting will tia held Thur
day. The bill \ \ 111 doubtless lw favo'rshly n
portvri , but us clianeei lu tiiO 1'ouso me ver
NeiiH ASKA rosxAi. rtuutor.s.
John I'ouvrrfo has been foiilssliiiir : :
U'jkty.-i < lcrst Eudlcott , Nel' , TucroMtulic
nt Laird , Fronllcr counly , ha1 ? been removed
five miles northwest of the old Bite.
The Dakota men who have been here for
some time working for the Dawes bill to
open a portion of the Sioux reservation to
settlement , are very much elated to-night
over the fact that the bill passed the senate
to-day without n dissenting vole , They say
that It will certainly pass the house with
almost equal facility , If It can over bo
reached , and this they expect at an early day.
rnosi'r.cT * or TAHIFF i.r.GI-imitox.
WASIIIXOTOX , Feb. t [ Special. ] "There
Isn't the least particle of doubt , " said a mem
ber of the house committee on ways and
means , "about there being n good deal of tar
iff discussion in congress during this session ,
A bill will bo reported to the house bcforo
March , and 11 will get Into the senate before
the appropriation bills como up for discus
sion. "
"Voit seem to take It for granted that the
bill will pass , " said I.
"Vcs , " replied the member , "It will pass
the house. 1 am not prepared to state the ex
act character of the bill , for , lobe frank , I do
not know just what It will be , as It has not
been madcpublle yet , but It will bu more rea
sonable than the last one. It will beef
of the horizontal variety , however.
Mr. Itniulall will not lead an organized host
azalnst It ns he did the other ono. ills
hardly probable that It will go
through the senate , though ; In fact
I think there Is no probability that It
will pass the upper branch of congress , and
there need bo no fear about It by the business
Interests of the country. It will fuliill the
its mission , however It will make a cam
paign test. "
"TUB DAKOTA ( junsriox
will undoubtedly become a national issue if
the Harrison bill dividing tlio territory and
admitting the southern half to statehood Is
defeated , " said Representative Strnble of
Iowa this afternoon. "You sec , the injustice
to those people would bo so palpable that it
would have an Influence everywhere against
he party committing it. To refuse admls-
ilon to statehood on purely political grounds
and it cannot bo on any other Is out
rageous. No territory ever came Into the
.inloii with anything like the qualifications
Dakota has. To my mind , wo don't want
in thing better for a national Ustic , If the
bill Is defeated , than the Dakota outrage. "
This government never committed such a
blunder as it did when It Insisted on Austria
accepting Kelley as our minister to its
court , " said an accomplished diplomat to
your correspondent. "Now , every ono knows
hat our diplomatic relations with all conn- '
ries are almost wholly sot'ial. When Kriley :
was refused by Italy ho ought to have been
set aside as far as tlio diplomatic 'service is
concerned. If a man Is sent to me to mingle
in my society and associate with mo for any
[ inrpose , who is offensive say , because
10 uses tobacco and 1 do uot
: ind I do not want to as
sociate with him and so Inform the source
rom whence lie came that ho Is offensive and
nsk that another man bs sent , that should
sufllce. 1 ought not be asked why I object to
ho man. It Is enough that I say ho is offen
sive and that I do not want to associate with
dm. But the state department wanted to
know why Austria objected to Kelley , and
contended for his reception. It wanted to
force him upon Austria , because it did not
want a prominent man of tlio paity relegated.
I should not wonder if , as reported , it will
ruin our commercial trade with that coun
try. "
WASIIIXOTOX , Feb. 1. [ Press. ] The fol
lowing is n recapitulation ot the debt fctate-
mcnt issued to-day : lutcnst bearing debt ,
principal $1,2CO,779,412 ! , interest S8SSStt9 ! ,
total l,300,003I343 ; debt on which interest
has ceased since maturity , principal and In
terest. 8r-ir : ! > , ( )34 ) : debt bearing no interest.
debt during the month , S8.0WS33 ; cash in
treasury , total available for reduction of
debt , $ 'H,4. ' > liVX , ) : reserve fund , held for re
demption of United States notes , acts of
January 4.1875 , and July 12,1882 , SlOO.OOO.OOa ,
unavailable for reduction ; total , 529,515- ,
Mi : certificates held as cash , S5S , 99,470 ; net
cash balance on hand , STD.OSU.bG'J ; total cash
In treasury , 'JS.OSO.SK.
The remains of Mrs. Bayard , who died
hero Sunday morning , were taken to Wil
mington , Del. , at 4 : ' . ! 0 this afternoon for in
terment. The body was accompanied by the
secretary and his two daughters , and Bryan.
private secretary to Bayard. The president
and Miss Cleveland , secretary and Mrs. Man
ning , secretary and Mrs. Whitney , and sec
retary and Mrs. Kudlcott , accompanied the
remains to the train. Secretary Bayard is
expected to return hero Tuesday evening.
At the meeting of the committee on labor
of the house this afternoon. : i committee from
the Letter Carriers association of tlio United
States was heard. What the carriers wanted
to know was whether tlio eight hour law ai > -
plled to them. It was explained that the bill
now pending before the committee , and upon
which a favorable report had been ordered ,
contemplates the extension of the eight hour
law to tno civil service , and would cover let
ter carriers.
The secretary of the Interior to-day trans
mitted to the senate the report ot W. Uallctt
Phelps , special agent to inquire Into the con
dition of the Yellowstone National Park. In
view of the fact that tliero is uo well aollned
legal authority In the park , ho recommends
the appointment of two commissioners to
administer justice within the park In cases
not Involving misdemeanor , with somewhat
of the same authority as was conferred upon
the commissioners in Alaska' . Attention Is
called to open violation of the regulation
prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors
within the park , llo Is decidedly opposed to
allowing thn railroads to enter the park , as
destructive of Its beauty and not called foi
by the public.CAPITAL
The supreme court of the United States , In
the Virginia coupon cases , reversed the de
cision of the court of appeals of Virginia ,
and decided that a tender of coupons In pay
ment ot taxes is legal.
It Is stated at the treasury department that
clchty-nliio national banks hold about SO-
140ouo of the ten million tlaeo per ecu I
bonds , which are included in tlio ono hun
dred and thlrtv-thlrd call issued on Friday ,
About $ G.5lXoX ) ; ) of the bonds embraced
in the one hundred and thirty-second call
which matured to-day , have alieady been re
ceived at the iieasmy department for re
dcmptlon. _
St. I'nnl't ) lee I'aluco Appropriately
Dedicated to "IJoiiiuiful" Sport. , ;
ST. PAW. , Feb. ! . Tlio most magnified !
street parade ever seen In the northwest ho1
just closed. It was preliminary to the for
mat dedication of the Ice palace for wntc ! <
carnivals. There were 4,000 uniformed mem
bcrs of Iho toboggan , snow shoo and skat ; up
clubs In line , with torches and trauspareficcs ,
The streets Vfcro lined with citizens and vis
I tort ; irom all of the prlncl
pal points In the United States , Can
ada and British Northwest. The street !
along the llrto of march weio exquisitely
decorated with triumphal arches at all the
principal points , lllumlnatou with transpar
encies , The dedicatory cxcicisos consisted ol
a formal transfer of tlio palace to this cits
by President rinch and a le-tiansfcr to th <
city by Mayor Itlcft , In fitting speeches inter
sperbiM with appropriate music. The greai
day of the carnival will bo Thursday am
evening , when tlio fire king will aulve am
assail the pulae defended by IhQfuo'.v king
Mora Than HulfWun/ / to Jain.
Pim.ADKM'uiA , I'd ) , l. Tlio oillccrs o
the Philadelphia railroad company say tlia
alrcadv-moro than half of the men In the sei
vice of the company havr applied lor the ben
t'litieUet' derailment.
The Hayes Impeachment Memorial Shelved
for the Present Session ,
AVItli a Prcdcllctlon for InvcstlcatliiK
Suspicions Mutters Connected
with Several State Institu
tions Other NOWB.
The lown Legislature.
Dis Moixns , Iowa , Feb. 1. [ Special Tele-
nun. ] The Hayes Impeachment matter
ainc up In the house to-day , on the rcsolu-
lon of Mr. Weaver to have a special com
mittee of nlno appointed to Investigate the
iharges against the Judge. The sentiment of
ho house didn't appear near as enthusiastic
'oran investigation as some had supposed It
rould be , for there seemed to bo a general
Isposltion to go slow on a matter of so
rave Importance as the Impeachment of a
udgc. When the speaker announced as a
ipcclal order the consideration of this qiics-
lon Mr. Holbrook ( dem. ) from Iowa
iounty moved that the whole matter bo
eferrcd to tlio judiciary committee Instead of
special committee. He urged that so far
here had been nothing shown In the mcmo-
ial against Hayes that could render him lla-
ilo to Impeachment , If true , unless It were
lie exerclso of certain discretionary powers
ivhich were vested In him as judge. Ho
herefore thought the judiciary committee the
.iiopcrono . to consider the matter.
Mr. Weaver replied that ttio judiciary com
mittee had already In Its regular business all
ho work that It could attend to , and ho
.bought that n question of so much import
ance to the state , and Judge Hayes as well ,
should bo considered as a special matter by
( self.
Mr. Kcatly ( dcm. ) of Pottawattomic , made
a vigorous speech , with some little parly feei
ng , in which ho claimed that unless It was
sought to make party capital out of this mat-
ler , it ought to go to ono of the regular stand-
ng committees of the house , which were not
nadcup with partisan ends in view.
It was plain to ho seen that all the demo
crats were going to make a party matter of it
and oppose any investigation , and it was
also apparent that many republicans would
not think that enough of a case could be made
o warrant a formal and expensive investi
gation , and so when Mr. Ball ( dem. ) of John-
.on . county moved to amend the resolution
by leaving the memorial of the Muscatino
citizens with the judiciary committee and let
hat committee report whether there was
anything in It worthy of consideration , the
amendment was adopted without a dissent
ing vote.
g&Thcro is where the Hayes matter Is now ,
and there Is where it will probably bo the
rest of tlio winter.
Tliis seems to be a very inquiring legisla
ture , in addition to the investigations al
ready ordered , two more were set on foot to-
[ lay. The senate ordered the commissioners
of the new Clarinda hospital to make
another and detailed report of the funds al
ready expended and the plans begun anil fur
ther"proposed. . There have been some re
ports that the work at Clarinda has not been
carried out just as the legislature ordered ,
and that the plans now proposed
would require severs ! millions
to complete , so tlio senate wants to know a
little more about It than the short and some
what indefinite report already made shows.
In the house a resolution was passed ordering
the legislative visiting committee to the deaf
and dumb asylum at Council Bluffs to go
backandmake a thorough investigation of
certain charges atTecting the management ,
which , it is reported , are supported by .strong
affidavits. It Is likely before the legislature
adjourns there will have been a good deal of
investigation done.
Elevator Burned at Carson.
CAIISON' , Iowa , Feb. 1. [ Special Tele
gram. J About 1 o'clock this morning J. L.
Caldwell & Co.'s steam elevator was discov
ered to be on fire. The town was aroused by
ringing the church bell , and in a few mo
ments most all of the citizens were around
the burning elevator , but It was too late to
save It. There was no wind and
the structure burned to the ground ,
with the llanics shooting directly heaven
ward. This no doubt saved the entire block
from being consumed , as Anderson's eleva
tor stood only fifty or seventy-five feet away.
The burning building being full of grain
madoa very warm lire. The loss Is about
S5.000 ; insurance § 3,200 , ' § 1,500 In the West
ern Homo ot Sioux City ( Iowa ) , and 51,750
in the Farmers of York ( Pa. ) Tl e lire origi
nated In tlio cob house , and is supposed
to be the work of nn Incendiary.
Fatal nridgo Full.
DKS MOINKS , Iowa , Feb. 1. [ Special Tele-
gram.l A span of tlio Iron bridge over the
DCS Mollies river at Pittsburg ( Iowa ) fell to
day , carrying down with it live men. One
was fatally injured , two seriously and two
escaped with slight bruises. The accident
was caused by the breaking of the derrick ,
which fell on the span with such force as to
carry It down to the Ice fifty-two feet below.
John Jamison received Injuries regarded
filtal >
A "Wreck and a llescuo.
NKWI-OHT , 11. I. , Feb. l.-Captain YVIcht-
inan , in charge ot the steamer Bolus when
she went ashore Saturday night , and Dag-
gagemaster Keith were driven some six
miles to the ferry landing , where they
chartered the Jamestown ferryboat to bring
them to Newport. On the Information ,
Superintendent Warren got the government
tug Cohassctt to po to the rescue. When the
tug arrived at the scene the passengers , nine
men , four women and one child , had been
got onto the island , and were
provided for at the farm houses.
For sometime the most intense excitement
prevailed , and as soon as It was known that
the Island was but a few fbot away anil could
bo easily reached all hands became brave.
The tug Cohassctt brought the passengers
from the Island to this city at 1 o'clock yes
terday. The vessel Is in an extremely bad
position , about four miles from Hockfprd
hnd eight miles from Newport , with her star
board side stove. The whole frame Avork Is
terribly sprung. When she struck she quick' '
ly filled sufficiently to extinguish all tires.
AH K.v-Coiivict's Happiness. , III. , Fob. 1. Hurt Coalman , i
cowboy convict serving a sentence of throe
ycais atthoJollet prison from Wyoming
was released tills afternoon , having servlc
ills term. When Coalman was brought intc
the clerk's olllro to bo discharged , the clert
handed him a package of bills , amounting tc
nearly 81,100 , and Informed him that SIOCX ,
of the money had been sent him as a Christ
mas piebcnt l > v one of the cattle kings o :
Ayyomlnir. The ex-convict was nearly nap
olyzcd with astonlshmeiit.and loft the prisoi
doors with a light heart.
' i
Adv'aneod Oiic-HuU'tlio Demand.
litwiN , Pa. , Feb. 1 , The Westmorelam
and Pennsylvania gas coal company hav <
advanced tlio wages of their employes i
cents per ton. Tno minors icccntly dc
manded an Increase of 10 cents per ton. bu
it Is understood will accept the operators
proposition. About 2,000 men aie cuiployei
by the two companies.
Loading Every Other tOity Except New
York in the PercenUgo of Increase Jn
the Last WeeVa Bank Clearings.
UdsTox , Mass. , lcb. 1. The following
able , compiled from special dispatches to the
'ost , from the leading'clearing houses of the
United States , showd the gross bank exchanges
changes nt each pointihe week ending Jan-
Elgin Dairy Market.
CHICAGO , Feb. 1. Elgin , (111. ( ) Inter-
Oecan special : The bnttermarkct to-day ruled
steady , witn regular sales of 17,280 Ibs , at 32M
@ 33Kc. Cheese waw'dull and quotable at 5c
lor skims toOc t'or fill lercams. Private sales
of 7i0 ! boxes of cheese and : w,784 Ibs of but
ter were reported. Total sales , § 22,018.
Both Sides Clbs l/aiid the Matter
Taken TJmcrlflviscmcnt. |
CHICAGO , Feb. 1. 'ijio ( testimony in the
Wllber F. Storey will ca'se was concluded be
fore Judge Ilogcrs this afternoon. Charles
] { . Dennett , formerly inanagiiig editor of the
Times , was tlio first witness called this morn
ing , and questioned by-Mr. Goudy , attorney
for Anson A. Storey , brother of the deceased )
said he entered into service on the Times In
1873. He was asked to state the mental con
dition of Mr. Storey during the last years of
his life , but objection was raised by Judge
Trnmbull and sustained Dy the court. Mr.
Dennett was then passed , and
Andre Mattcson , a writer on the
Times since 1S54 , was next called.
He was intimately associated with Mr. Storey
during his long period of service on the
paper , but failed to liave any intercourse
with him after 1680 or IbSl. To other ques
tions by Mr. Goufly as to the mental condi
tion of Mr. StoreV , objection was raised by
the counsel for Mrs. Storey and sustained by
the court.
The witness was then dismissed and Mr.
Ooudy timling it impossible to get in evi
dence of Mr. btorey'smentalcondltion under
the ruling of the court , stated that lie
had a dozen or two of witnesses by
whom ho expected to prove the
question , but if this testimony was barred lie
would not call them- and thereupon ho an
nounced ho had no further evidence to offer.
Mr. Dexter stated that Mrs. Storey's side of
the case was finished. .The case was at an
end , except the making out ot tlio arguments.
Judge Trumbull delivered the opening address -
dress forMr.i. Storey , ou lining tlio legal
course that had been gone over , and refer
ring to the points involved in tlio obligation.
Mr. Goudy said lie did not care to make an
argument. Mr. Dexter closed on behalf of
Mrs. Storey. The cas/j was taken under ad
visement. i
Diabolical to Overthrow the
Government of Guatemala.
PANAMA , Feb. 1. Al most diabolical plot
to overthrow the government has been
discovered In Guatemala. It was a scheme
to set fire to tlio Graiidlliotel and theatre at a
given time when there might bo expected to
bo a full house. In the panic that would cer
tainly ensue , the intention of the conspira
tors was to take possession of the barracks
without any great risk to themselves , then to
murder President Uarrillas and his family ,
next to attack all foreigners and finally to
sack the city.
Fortunately the plans of the conspirators
wore revealed In tlmq to prevent their con
summation. The discovery of Iho plan led to
the ai rest of about fifty persons , Including
some colonels In the army , and tuey arc now
undergoing trial tor their treasonable designs.
Tlio government commission , consisting of
Professor Itockstroek mill Mr. Walker , has
been sent from Guatemala to report upon
the probability of an'outbreak of the Pacaya
volcanoes. Tno. report of tlieso gentlemen
announce the total destruction of the village
of San Vlnceme PacaVft. Some forty-four
tile roofed houses completely collapsed , mak
ing such a cloud of duitaft to create the bo-
llet that anew crater- bad opened , and the
hot springs surrounding Lake Amatlllan
emit large volumes ol 'Nr.vtcr at a higher tem
perature than usiinl. The crater of Pacaya
remains imeMTjged , > yhiletliat ot Fuego has
been very lively.
i * , . -
The President BJ > 1 the Senate ,
NKW YOHK , Feb..l. ( Special Telegram. ]
According to the World's Washington cor
respondent , a prominent senator says : " 1
wish some ono wouldidlsabuso the public
ot the belief that thorp Is going to bo an >
trouble between the president and the sen
ate. The president Is absolutely master of
the situation. If he refuses the information
wo ask , that settles it. We can refuse to
confirm and put him to7 tlio trouble of writing
out another slip , at the end of thu session , 10
appolntlng his man and that's all. This talk.
about a dqadlock and a controversy Is ail the
veriest rot.1'
Defy the
CINCINNATI , Feb. 1. Thirty-three mem
hers of the companies 'which performed las
night at lleuck's two theatres appeared be
fore Justice Sanderson to-dav and pleader
guilty and were lined § 1 and costs pad ) . Afc
they were not arrested at tlie instance of tlit
Law and Order league , it was hinted the mat
ter was aiTansud beforehand , to pievcnt tin
eavier punishment.
Bill to Open the Sioux Reservation to Set
tlement Passes the Sen ' . ; ,
Iniibnck in the House Claims a Ques
tion of PrlvllCRO Ijlttiltattoii of
Pensions Kepcal Dill Pauses
the liowcr Doily.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 1. The clmlr laid be-
'ore the sennlon letter from the secretary oi
var , transmitting a report on the nilltlln of
ho United Stales. Also , a letter from the sec-
rctnrv of the Interior , transmitting a report
of W. Hallctt Phillips , relating to Yellow-
tone J'ark. Also , a letter from the secretary
of the treasury transmitting n copy of a coin-
ntinleatlon from the superintendent of the
coast and geodetic survey , with a draft of the
iroposcd bill to authorize the supplying of
tanclard weights nud measures In the terrl-
Mr. Call submitted a resolution , which , at
ils request , was laid over for the present ,
Uroctlng the committee on military all'alrs to
eport a bill providing that ex-nulon soldiers
shall not bo required to submit to the civil
service examination bcforo appointment to
any position embraced In thu civil service
The senate then went to the calendar and
ookupand passed the bill providing fora
division of part of the Sioux reservation In
Jakota , and rellnqnlshment of the Indian
tttlo to the remainder.
The next measure on the calendar was Mr.
Morgan's resolution relating to the appoint
ment of officers of the United States ( trustees
provided for by the recent Utah bill ) to par
ticipate witli the ollicers of the Mormon
church in the management of the affairs of
, hat church.
At 2 o'clock the electoral count hill dis
placed Mr. Morgan's resolution , which there
upon went over.
Sir. Hoar then moved his amendment hore-
: oforo published as intended to bo proposed
by him , and said that ho did not propose , to
; o over the argument In tills case for the
itindrcdth time. Of all the schemes over
suggested for dealing with the subject , Mr.
Hoar said , the scheme proposed by the sena
tor from the chair ( Mr. Sherman ) was the
worst. Mr. Hoar was disposed personally to
favor the ; selection of the senior judgeot the
United States supreme court as arbiter in
3aso of disagreement of the two houses , but
he supposed the consent of tills generation
would not be given to mingling the functions
of a judicial ollicowith the i'unction referred
Mr. Sherman would prefer to see the pro
vision requiring that the vote should lie
counted unless both houses agreed that It
.should not be counted under the amend
ment proposed by Mr. lloar , if oven the two
houses of congress agreed that the governor
of a state had certified Illegal returns , yet the
returns sinned by him would have to be ac
cepted and counted.
Mr. Hoar replied that the points involved
had been debated week after week and month
alter month during the sessions of congress
for twelve years past. The senate therefore
was prepared to deal with it now If It ever
could be.
Mr. Ingalls obtained the floor , but Messrs.
Hoar and Sherman continued 'their discus-
cusslon , and created some merriment bytho
cagerncss'\vith which each interposed a reply
to points made by the other before the points
nail been fully made. Mr. Ingalls expressed
his amazement at the suggestion that thin
bill was as perfect as the senate could make
it. IIo movrd Its recommendation to the
judiciary committee , and in doing so called
attention to the fact that the recently passed
presidential succession bill had hardly been
passed'when it was discovered to be detective.
Mr. Ingalls reprobated the declaration inade
by the presiding otliccr of the senate on
the occasion of the last presidential count , and
although 'there was practical abdication of
the power of the senate , Mr. Ingalls ad.mll-
tcd that the presiding ofllcor had the right to
make that declaration. No sovereign had
over laid down the scepter and crown more
absolutely and unnecessarily , or more In
violation of what Mr. Ingalls conceived to
bo the proper functions of a presiding ofllccr
on this subject than was done by the senator
from Vermont ( Mr. Edmunds ) on that occa
sion. In the great contests of the future , under the state of
the law on tiie subject , when it might be well
for us not to bu confronted with that perni
cious precedent , The senate had never re
nounced its authority to its presiding ofliccr
to count the vote that was in his possession.
Kefcrring to the constitutional provision
dealing with the "inability" of the president ,
Sir. Ingalls said under that provision ,
when James A. Garfield fell to the floor in a
railroad station , penetrated by the bullet of
an assassin , the powers and duties of the
presidency devolved upon C. A. Arthur.
Fortunately difficulty was averted. The com
posure of the American people then was
convincing proof of their capacity for
self government. Hut wo did not then have
a vice president who asserted any claim to
exerclso executive functions , and any at
tempt on Arthur's part to assert such a claim
while ii breath of life remained in Carlicld's
body would undoubtedly liavo precipitated a
convulsion in our polities that might have
been pregnant with disasters and peril to the
After reviewing the genesis and history of
the electoral college and the change effected
by the people In Its practical operation and
effect , Mr. Ingalls characterized the whole
affair as at present conducted as rubbish.
Mr. Kvarts obtained the tloor and the senate -
ate went into executive- session , and when
the doors reopened adjourned.
WASHINGTON ; Feb. 1. In his opening
prayer tho. chaplain said : " \Voeomniondto
thy infinite pity and tenderness Thy servant ,
till ) Bccrelay of Mate , who lts with his chil
dren In a lioiut ! desolate , because twlco
within a fortnight death hath filtered. In
this time , when earthly estate and human
sympathy availcth so little , may tlio spirit of
the living God como to cheer and comfort
him1' ;
Mr. .Hanback , rising to a question ot per
sonal privilege , sent to the clerk's desk to
have road an editorial from yesterday's New
York World , entitled , "Tho Telephone Scan
dal , " hut the rending was Immediately In
terrupted by Mr. Breckenridgo of Arkansas ,
willi a point of order that there was nothing
In the editorial which reflected upon the gen
tleman from Kansas In a representative ca
The speaker Inquired If there was any Il
lusion to the gentleman from Kansas in it.
Air , Hanhack shook his head.
Mr. Sr.e.iker Then the gentleman must
state what the qiifstlon of privilege Is.
Mr. Hanbark The house will understand
what the question is after reading the
Mr. Speaker lint unless the arlielo reflects
in some way on the gentleman from Kansas ,
in a lepio-cntallvo capacity , thcro can bo no
quPbtlon of privilege Involved.
Mr. Hanback Not at all. I claim that , but
I asked Unit the article be read.
Sir. Speaker The article docs not appear
to contain any reference to the gentleman
from Kansas.
Mr , Hanback The article to be lead , and
other aitides , reflect on the house , and on
that I claim that it is a question of the high-
A short ulscusslon ensued on the point of
order , In the course of which ; Mr. Dunn
maintained that the question of privilege
mint bo clearly shown before the records of
the house were made a vehicle to cart scan
dals before the country. ,
in order to get around the difficulty , Mr.
Hanback oll'eied thu following resolution :
Jtesoiyed ; That the committee on expcndi-
tines in the department of lustico be empow
ered to make lull iuuulrles Into any expendl-
tine on the part of the government relative
to the light of the Hell and. Pan-KIectric tele-
rhone companies , and for the purpose of
their investigation and to the end that the
people may bo fully advised , the committee is
granted the lixht to send for persons am
panel's , aJl expenses to bo audited , throwing
ntiy ouslnicllolt lit fhd.Wn'y 4r' the ftiJ/cj / ! fri-
VMtlcatloit wiilcli beflglnW to' gooafefttciw- '
nientQftlial/hlle / < Isifl ( sV .
After flirttlcmoro ttfatlftllntf on the sub
ject , Mr. MorrlWM ctlt Hio ? ? , ; - ' „ - , / „ iy ,
asking un jiiri-iw CoMcilf OTiio Molu-
mm ua Immediately considered.
Mr.Bcach showed a disposition to objectbut
was prevailed on by Mr. Uoberlson to give his
consent , and the resolution was adopted
without dissent.
After the call of states , Mr. Uland offered
'or reference to the coinage , weights and
measures committee a resolution calling on
the secretary of the treasury for Information
as to whether any arrangement was effected
> y the treasury department with the clearing
louse committee and If so what authority of
aw that department assumed to virtually sus
pend the coinage of silver by hoarding
noney In the treasury. It also calls for In
formation ns to the amount of silver dollars
n the trcasury.unrepresoiitcd by outstanding
ccrtllicatcs on the -1th of Match last , and
what Is the amount to-day. Also , what
imoutit of Interest bearing debt Is now sub
ject to call and what policy Is to be pursued
, H the payment of silver thereon and on
other dues.
Hero the house found that it had not yet
escaped from the subject bcforo Mr. Hanback
was again upon his loot with a question of
personal privilege , and was proceeding to
cad the World article when ho was again
nterruptcd by Mr. Hammond witha point of
n-dcr. that as there was nothing In the article
effecting on the gentleman , there was noth-
ns upon which to base question of per
sonal privilege.
Mr. Hanback , after stating while there was
nothing In the nrtlelu reflecting upon him
personally , that it did rolled upon the honor
uid Integrity of the house , tnailo several
futile attempts to read the editorial ,
Mr. Breckonrhlgc of Arkansas was In each
case upon his feet ready with objections , and
expressed his astonishment that the gentle
man should appropriate the article to himself.
The speaker finally decided that the gentle
man had shown no question of personal
"Mr. Speaker. " began Mr. Ilanlmck.
Mr. Speaker The chair has decided the
question. If the gentleman wishes to appeal
tic can do so.
Mr. Ilaiidall suggested that as the original
object of the gentleman , as staled by him.
had been accomplished , there was no use in
wasting any more time In this connection.
Mr. Speaker If the gentleman from Kan
sas desires to take an appeal , the chair will
put the question to the house.
Mr. Hanback did not appeal but continued
to address the speaker , amid loud calls for
Iho regular order.
The matter was finally dropped.
Under the call of states the following bills
were introduced and refeircd :
By Mr. King of Louisiana Appropriating
53.000,000 foreclosing gaps in the lovecs of the
Mississippi river , and strengthening and
jiving permanency to the same
When the call of the states was completed
several motions were made to adjourn on
the republican side , but they were all voted
down and Mr. Matson having the floor
moved to suspend the rules and put upon its
passage the bill increasing the pensions of
soldiers' widows from S3 to Sl'-J , with au
amendment providing that this act shall ap
ply only to widows who were married to de
ceased soldiers prior to Us passage , and to
those who may hereafter marry prior to or
during the service of a soldier.
Mr. Browne inquired whether the effect of
the passage of thu bill under suspension of
rules would bo to put to one side the amend
ment which was pending to the bill repeal
ing the limitation on arrears of pensions act ,
and on receiving an afllrmatlve reply moved
that the house adjourn.
The motion was lost.
Mr. Browne said if any one promlcc had
been crystallzcd in political speeches and
party platfoniiH , It had been the pledge to re
peal .tho limitation to' arrears of pen-
hions act , and. put all wounded
national convention , ' and but for ' ' ' 'Hum ,
Komaiilslm and Rebellion"-that party would
have been In the ascendancy to-day. The
measure now , however , has gone to the con
gressional cemetery , and we will liavo heard
the last of it when this bill is passed. A
motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill
was attrecd to yeas 108 , noes CO.
Adjourned ,
AH Iiulliumpolis Institution Goes
Under Suddenly.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Feb. 1. BlUingcr
Bros' bank , established in 1807 , which .done a
large business among Germans , did not open
its doors this morning. The proprietors ,
Frank L. and Augustus W. KItzlnccr made
an assignment to George B. Yandes. The
papers were executed after midnight this
morning. While there has been some talk
affecting the standing of the bank , It was not
: oncrally discussed , but rumors have been
widespread enough to atfect the bank's cus
tomers , causing a falling oft to such an extent
as to necessitate suspension of
business. The senior partner , when
asked the cause .of Iho assignment ,
tersely said the bank had boon talked to
death. As yet no statement of thn assets and
liabilities have been made , and will not until
the schedule Is completed. Ono of the attor
neys said that the assets amount to between
S00 : ; ooo and 5400,000 , but much of It Is in real
estate not easily convertible. Ho would ex
press no opinion as to the liabilities , but. they
amount to a great sum , it Is believed.
The suspension naturally caused much ex
citement , and some feeling among the tlepos-
positors , and great crowds surround the
So far there lias been no demonstration ,
although much bitter talk Is heard. A run
has begun on S. A , Fletcher & Go's bank ,
hut it Is hoped and believed they will bo able
to weather the storm. This bank is the old
est In the city and Is regarded the most sub
stantial. No effect has yet been felt by the
national banks
At 1 o'clock the run on Fletcher's bank had
preceptlbly decreased , and at no time had
there oeon any disorder. In anticipation of
this stato'ot affairs. Churchman , manager of
the hank , had provided dollar lor dollar in
cash for claims , and this fact being known ,
went a long ways towards restoring conli-
dence. Thu other banks also provided them
selves against possible demands , and It Is be
lieved uo\v that the flurry will die away before -
fore night. Failv lids morning G , 1' . Mar-
rott , in WlKiiigcr's bank , found A. W. Itltz-
Inger , junior partner , and excitedly thrust a
pistol into Ills face , threatening to kill him.
llo was taken away before lie done any
harm ,
INDIANAI' , Ind. , Feb. 1 , It Is stated
to-night that the liabilities of lleliilnger &
Co. are in round numbers : Deposits , S O- ,
000 ; other debts , SIOO.OOU ; assets , real estate
scheduled at WOO.OOO ; notes and other securi
ties are semi-assets and largely held as
security for money advanced , JJ107.000. When
the debts arc discharged for which thcsu are
held , they will probably by exhausted , leav
ing 5200,000 , of real estate to pay SWOOO : of
deposits. Under the present condition of
the real estate market , the probabilities are
that the depositors will not realize moio than
SG cents on the dollar ,
A Kultl on Pacific
Yon if , Feb. 1 , [ Special Telegram , ]
The Times Washington special says : The
experts who came to lloston to examine the
books of the Union Pacific railroad havn
returned with a report In which they find
that moneys hava been paid by that cor
poration to the Pacific .Mai ! on freight ac
count. These payments It is understood
they will Insist should bo stopped as being
made In violation of the agiccment with thu
It Is said by a member of the house com
mittee on railroad * that il Is becoming evi
dent that a "raid" mi all government rail
roads may bo expected before long , and that
it Is to bo made so vl oious as to run do-.vil
the entire linn of stocks of such roads.
AVontliw fur To-Pay.
MISSOURI VAM.BV Cloudy weather and
local snows' , except la northern portion ; fair
weather , winds , generally northerly , .cold
er weather In southern portion ; slowly rising
temperature in northern'portion. -
It you buy ' lumber anywhere , witliouj
fl'rsQ gutting 'lioiigluuite yriac'.s you will
lose money. . '
A Totccast of Gladstone's Probable Selena
lions for tlio Liberal Cabinet.
Xlis K.v-Prcmlor Ilcoolvcs n Personal
Command from the Qnocii to |
Komi n Now Government
General Foreign , i'
Gladstone's Proposed Cnblnot.
LONDON , Feb. 1. Gladstone has drafted *
cabinet , but several of the gentlemen ho has
named are not pleased with the positions assigned - =
signed to them , and 11 is therefore probable
that modifications will bo made , delaying tlio
publication of the olllclal list. The Press as
sociation gives the following as the latest
forecast of the new cabinet :
Gladstone , first lord of the treasury and
chancellor of the exchequer.
Sir l/arrar llorschi-l , lord high chancellor.
Sir William Veruon llarcouit , homo sccro *
Karl Granvllle , lord president of the coun
cil , s
H. 0.11. Chllder ? , secretary for war.
The remainder are liable to alteration , but
they will probably be as follows :
G. O. Trevcylan , president of the board ot
A. J. Mnndell , president of the local gov
ernment board.
Karl Snnncer , secretary for foreign affairs.
Karl Itosehiiry , secretary for colonies.
Karl Klmborly , secretary for Inilla.
.1. Chamberlain , first lord of the admiralty.
.1. Morley , chief secretary for Ireland.
It Is understood the queen objects to Morley -
ley , because ho is pledged to homo rule.
mutiny on n Prison Ship.'ooi. , Feb. 1. A mutiny occurred
to-day among the lads on the reformatory'
ship Clarence , lying In the Mersey. At a
preconcerted signal the lads In a body at
tacked the officers with belaying plus , fire
arms and other weapons. The ollicers drew
their revolvers and tired Into the mutinous
crowd and tried In vain to force them to lay
down their weapons and return to their
places. The boys continued the assault and
at last compelled the officers to seek
shelter in the cabin. The lads then
lowered the boats , Into which they crowded
and drifted down the stream with tlio tide.
The Clarence's ollicers , a.llcr the dcpaiture of
the boys , made signals to the authorities
ashore and soon several boats filled with
police , put out from the shore and called
upon the bovs to surrender. The youngsters
deeming resistance to be gave up and
were taken back to the ship. The ring lead *
crs were placed in irons. Kichtcen lads anil
two ollicers received wounds In the light.
Gladstone Sees the Queen.
LONDON , Feb.1 Gladstone left London
for Osborno in response to a command of the
queen this morning. At the railway station
ho was greeted with cheers by tlio pcoplo
gathered there , llo will return to London
Gladstone received an ovation at Ports
mouth , llo made a few remarks , thanking
the pcoplo for the kind reception and saying
the present uncertainty would bo short.
Gladstone arrived at Oshorno and received
a personal command from the queen to' , fornl
a cabinet. It is officially unuouiiecd this
afternoon that Gladstone kissed the hands
of her majesty on receiving her command.
Both houses of parliament adjourned tilt
Thursday , pending the formation of tlio no\y
French Treaty with 3Indazuscar.
PAIUS , Feb. 1. The text of the treaty be-
.ween Franco and Madagascar has been sub'-
111 itied to tiio chamber of deputies. Tlio doc
ument consists of nineteen articles ot agrco'-
inent. In addition to the privileges already
icscribcd In these dispatches , the treat &
leaves Frenchmen In Madagascar free from
native laws and subject to of Franco
only. Kcligions liberty Is guaranteed. Com *
plete amnesty is granted to the prisoners
taken on botli sides during the recent war.
The Temps states that France has not thus
far joined the other powers In coercing
The Expelled Gorman-Americans.
BUIIUX , Feb. 1. An American named
Thielemann has been re-admitted to 1'nis *
sian citizenship at Flensburg. The govern
ment , after reconsidering the case of the
German-Americans , Messrs. Jappcn Nicltelc
son and Hiewertz , who were ordered to leave
the Island of Foher , lias finally decided to re -
for their petition to bo allowed to remain
until the Will.
Parncllitc-I.iihcrnl Coalition.
DITIII.IX , Feb. 1. The Freeman's Journal
states It has reason to believe Gladstone
agreed with Parnell to join forces In parlia
ment for the passage of n bill which shall es
tablish a native parliament In Dublin to deal
with Irish alfalrs , tlio new legislature to bo so
constituted as to add to the present safeguards
of the integrity of the cmpiro and the rights
of the crown.
A French Commission Appointed.
PAIUS , Feb. 1. The government has ap
pointed a permanent commission to examine
into questions in relation to the monetary
standard at homo and abroad.
An Opportunity for Ono of the Omaha
Herald's Special Stufl' ArtlHtH.
KiAi.vivNeb. : ! : , Feb. ] . [ To the Editor. J
J. 0. Morgan , the postmaster at this
city , who has obtained widespread no
toriety by being not only the llrst
postmaster appointed utidcr tlio demo
cratic administration in Nebraska , but
also the first transgressor , returned Saturday
evening from Lincoln , whither he had been
to testify against Ills confidential cleric
( picked from the gutter ) , who was convicted
at the present term of the United States court
of purloining several registered letters. In
view of the fact that Mr. Heath , the clerk ,
will go to tlio pcnllcntiaryt and that our worthy -
thy distributor of Uncle Sam's precious mis-
slves Is exonerated , It Is In order ( or Dr ,
Miller to send out his "charcoal uitit" anil
present to the readers of the Herald alikeness -
ness of the chairman ol' our ivnuhlican
county central committee , Mr. A. G. Scott ,
who is HO htienuously endeavoring to have
his Ideal of a "bourbon" postmaster coW
tinned by the icpublican ccnnte lor "jevenuo
only. " _
Distasteful Postmaster Driven Away ,
LITTI.I : HOCK , Ar ) ; . , Feb. l. T , .1. Waters ,
postmaster at Qulimy , a small settlement in
Newton county , has been driven away by his
neighbors on account of grievances of a per
sonal nature , growlim out of a dislike of hig
manner of treating persons Imvliitr luiblnesH
in that olllcf. At last accounts Wutors anil
wife were at Juspur , the county seat , and his ;
son-in-law and a few frlonils w r In his
hoiiho , which was bc Iogeil , shots occasion
ally being exchanged between the parties.
Heard Noth ii IB of It.
Nr.w YOHK , Feb. 1. The Commercial Ad-
vertlscr's special from Washington says ;
The picsldant this morning had heard nolli *
ins of Hci'i'elary Hayard's reported Intention
of resigning , mnl should the resignation bo
olTnrcil ho would l > o iiio t htiongly tirgou by
Cleveland and the wlmto cabinet to withdraw
It. it is known that Uaynnl had the matter
uiid'T consideration bolero his wiles derail.
Minors Strike An'ims' ' Prices.
LINCOLN , III. , Feb. l.-Thls mpriiliit ; 084
miners employed by the two coal companies
of thl.j. ' ] > ! seu fctnii-l : for n reduelion in tbe ,
prices of Mtppli'M. They ilcnmn led -mine *
lion on the piiro-ul' iio'.iMi'r 1'iom 3 ptr lieu
to $ : . . ' ' ) , and on' oil Iru-'i Si per Alii > ! to-7J
' ( si I * . Tl pxoiijvu'e.s ! | ' 'i . ' ! v0 ' . 4 .s. C'to t
the lU'.ri.ainl.