THE DAILY BEE. COUNClTBLUFFS. MONDAY MORN1NU , FEM. 1. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARIj STREET. Delivered by cm-rlcr In nnypnrtof tlio city nt twciitj tint * per week. 11. W. TII.TON , TIII.UI'HONia : I IIU'tNECC OfHI K , No. 4) ) . NKIIIT I'.niToit. No. - ! . MINOR MISXTIOX. 1'niils to order , from ? 5 tip , nt HcHor's. Gntliuriti" of tliu nlilcrmcn In regular tcsslon to-iiiKlit. A tailor nnniptl Ainlcrpon fell lo\vn u Btnlrwuy Saturday nlfilitctilUntrlii < Jfic : I > ItiMwcral ilaee.s , from winch lie hied pro- V fn cl.y. Jn sliovclllng snow from roofs of Inisl- ncis blocks , It should bo roimmibunul that neilcstrlans below nro liable to hu covered. ( porco Wilson , who his : shown sneh n passion for other people's overcoats , has had his hearing postponed until to * morrow , before .Jud o Aylcswortli. Hov. Dr. Hal ht , of Chicago , preached nt the Hnptlst church yesterduy morning. In the evening thn pa-tor , Kev. Dr. Cooley gave the llrst of u series of lectures on poiular ) subjects. Died , in Keg Creek township , January 20 , at 10 o'clock ii. in. , of inlhutinmtioii of the bowulx , the oldest son of James Kir- by. nsotl 13 .vars. The funeral was hold at Silver City josturday afternoon. Mrs. Mary .lane Kingston died on Sat urday morning of heart disease at her homo on south Madison street. She leaves a son Henry. The funeral will take place this afternoon at a o'clock from ner latu residence. M. F. Hohrer , the never tiring worker for the New York Mutual , has moved Into his new ollice nt No. 10'i Main street , over the Counuil Hlulls National bank , and had an Informal opening Saturday , to which members ol the press aud others were invited. Mrs. Dr. Macrae , and the ladies who were associated with her , desire to thank Mayor Vanghan for the kind and polite manner in whioh he entrusted to them the several articles collected by him at the time of the charity ball. ' 1 hey were distributed to the very best advantage. Paul Hoquet , the Hroadway liveryman , had some trouble with some young fel lows who hired a rig of him Saturday night. This dKputu are = e over a whip which had been broken. Complaint vyns made against Mr. Hoquet , for disturbing the peace , and the matter will be heard this morning. There will be a mooting of the board of tradejn the Masonic hall to-morrow evening" to further consider the organi zation of the company for the encourag ing of manufacturing here. Kvcry eiti/.en who can bo present should respond promptly to the call , and bo prepared to subscribe to stock , to make the enterprise a success. Last evening at 0 o'clock Mr ? . Mary Smith died Maidenly of heart disease at the residence of her son , George Smith , Mo. 130 Bond street. She was aged 5 ! ) years and leaves three sons , George , Wil liam and Albert , and two daughters , Mrs. Hodila , of this city , and Mrs. Hunter , of Denver. The funeral services will beheld held at the rchidenco af her sou at S o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The Florences delighted a goodly sized audience at the opera house Saturday evening. There is more real merriment in "Our Governor" as thus presented , thjiii in any entertainment which has visited Council IJlull's this season. There is no rudeness , clownishness , but the keenest kind of genteel comedy , and those wiio attended laughed until laugh ter could no longer be indulged in. The Congregational church choir has been ro-orgam/.ed and promises to take rank ns one of tlio best in the city. Miss Fitch will continue as organist , a position which she Jills excellently. Mrs. ItofT has boon secured as leading soprano , and her sister. Miss Katie Edmircr , as con- tKito. They have very sweet voices and their voices harmoni/.o almost perfectly. Mr. Wesxcott.who has one of the linest oftener tenor voices , will continue to take part. Prof. McDermid will probably servo as bass. There seems to have arisen niisnndor- Btnndings and some feeling among those who have been intoroitcd m the chanty ball aud relief fund. Mrs. Dr. Macnro has resigned the presidency , and the other ladies who were so actively en gaged have followed suit. They seem to foci that the matter has been practically taken out of their hands b.y others after they had organized the work , and they do not cnro now to have the responsi bility of tlio management , as they have not had the charge or the handling of the funds , The tangle which has arisen among those engaged in so worthy a cause is to bo deplored , and it is to be hoped that it may be cleared up quickly. - The St. Paul Carnival. Tickets for tlio ice carnival at St. Paul are on sale by J. L. Dti'Uovoise , ticket ngont , No. 507 Hroadway. The train leaves on Wednesday evening via the Sioux City route. The tickets are good seven day ; the programme for the three iirst days is : February 4. Storming of palace by Fire King , Victory of lee King. Febiuary 5 , Mardi Gras procession ; "The Seasons" cost over $3,000. Mas querade ball. February 0. Indian games. Snow-shoe club exhibition in Carnival hall. In the Kviins neighborhood , four milrs northeast of Council UluH's , malig nant diphtheria has been raging. Whole families were prostrated with it. Kvury case was cured by Dr. Titos. Jell'erib1 never failing preventive and euro foi diphtheria , except onu.a little 5-yoar-olil boy of Jos. Kvans , who died botoro Dr , Jonerls' remedy wns used. All unite in iiraise to Dr. Ji-florig for saving theii iiomcs fiom desolation , Hoard From. The other day one of the llr.K represent ativi-s called at the ollice of the Krjuitabu Mutual Life and Kndowmoiu association , nnd during tliu course of conversation asked Mr. Handall how bin "ad. " in the JJKK MitMU'd him , if no received any replies plies , etc. . to which ho replied , "I'll ' sho\\ you , " and after showing a big piloof letters - tors , wrote tlio following testimonial saying , "Tuko that , if it will do you nnj ood" OJllce of SuperiiitiMidPiit of A \Ve \ > t cm DUMonof Kipiltahlo Miitiml Life ami JCiuloAwnt'iit Association , Corxrii. lli.i-j'i'R , .Inn. 21) ) , ISSrt. ThoHr.i : : 1 wMi towiy Hint In our ad vci Using the Jii ! : : takes the It-.ul. Hill' iilnety-nlno out of cu-iy limiilicti letter Klvo the HICK cmllt. Very Ti tily , WILLIAM UANDAI.I. , isupt. Agencies Diphtheria is prevalent in Couuci lilntls and vicinity. Kvorybody uses Dr Thomas Jeilbris' preventative and cure consequently no deaths from this mot terrible pestilence. Substantial abstracts of title and ira estate loans. J. W. & E. L , Squiio , 10 Pearl street , Council " Dr. T. Ji'lU-ris' remedies can only b obtained at Ids ollluo , No , . > , ) South Kight ! btrcet , Council Dlutls , or by express 01 receipt of piico , $ : ) , for diphtheria remedy If remedies have failed , l > i Sa ; o'h Cuiarih ; Kcmedy cures , OVER SUNDAY IS THE BlUFFS A Review of the Social Doings of the Week. DISAPPOINTED AT THE CARNIVAL TlicUily Klnntiocs llnil Horn In Jan uary Donisou's PoHtofllco KlRht IOiiootirn liH ; Maim fact ur- IIIR Crumbs IVom Carson. Social Delights. Strictly speaking , few social events have taken place in this city tlio past week , outside of the regular weekly en- tettainments of the card clubs and the fortnightly dance of the Imperial club. Several small informal parties have taken place at nhleli the o present enjoyed themselves b.y dancing , chatting , eto. Most of them were FO strictly informal Hint those Interested object to the Bin : giving wide publicity to the details. The Merry Thinkers had an enjoyable evening Monday , at the residence of W. W. Wallace , No. 37 HlulVstreet. A number , some twenty-live of Coun cil ItlunV society people wont over to Omaha on Tuesday evening to see Sal- vini in Othello nt the Uoyd. On Tuesday evening Mrs. F. A. Couo- vcr entertained a numbcrof old residents and friends at her residence. No. 811 Third avenue , in honor of Mrs. Judge Douglas , of Cleveland , who is an old res ident of this cit v aud is now a guest of friends hero. Progressive euchre form ed a share of the evening's entertain ment. The gentleman's lirst pri/.o was won by Judge W. ( J. Jaino-i , it being a smoking set , Mrs. 1) . J. Hoekwell be ing awarded the lady's pri/e , a gilt met al easel. There being u tie for the booby pri/.e between Mrs. A. W. Jackson and J ) . J. Kockwell , the lady winning the honors in the contest , wns awarded a hisipiii cat dressed , holding a parasol. Among those present wore Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rockwell , Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Loomis , Jlr. ami Mis. 11. C. Cory , Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Baldwin , Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jackson. Mr. ami Mrs. Horace Kverott , Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Avlcsworth , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hrown , Mr. and Mrs. Judge Coons , of Minneapolis ; Mrs. C. J5. Dailoy , ami Messrs. W. C. James and A. V. Larimer. On Wednesday evening two four-horse sleighs left the residence of J. N. liald- win , containing about forty of tlio mar ried Ladies' Progressive Euchre club , for the home of Airs. J. E. Myer. Greendale , where the club was highly entertained by Mrs. Myer and Mrs. D. W. Busluicll. The merry party was well supplied on their trip with musical instruments , furnished for th ' occasion by Airs. A. M. Jackson , who presented each one with a tin honi. On reaching the Myers residence the grounds in trout of the house were found to he handsomely decorated with Chinese lanterns , the reflection of winch , in contrast with the white snow , had a pleasing cll'ect. Progressive euchre was the order of the evening. Mrs. John N Baldwin was awarded the ladies lirat prize , an Tele gant pearl handled glove buttonor. The gouts' pri/.o was won by F. M. Gault , who only lost one game out of twenty- one. It was a handsome cribbage board , and is the third time Sir. Gault has come out lirst best. Mrs. Jennie McCounoll won the ladies booby a bent enclosing whist counters. George II. Champ took the cabbage head as the gents' booby prize , the cabbage containing a cigar ash holder. The fifth of the scries of dances by the Imperial club was hold on Tlmrsdav evening in their usual place , Masonic hall , and n very enjoyable event is re ported by all who were present. Miss Tracie McLoid was surprised by a number of friends on Friday evening at the residence of her sister , Mrs. S. T. Smith , No. 784 First avenue. COMING. The Whist club will meet this evening at the residence of W. W. Loomis , No. 812 First avenue. The Square Whist club will bo enter tained on Wednesday evening by Mrs. Harry Haworth. No : 1120 Fourtn avenue. The Diligent Dozen are to bo entertained on this coming Thursday evening at the residence of 1-rank Chamberlain , No. 207 Park avenue. The twelfth series of the M. L. P. E. club will bo entertained next Saturday evening by Mrs. J. Y. Fuller at her resi dence , No. 800 First avenue. The sixth dance of the Imperial takes place next week , the llth instant. For first class Missouri wood call on Glcason , athis coal office , 20 Pearl street. Correct Abstracts of Titjc and Real Es tate LoansntMcMahon & Co's , No , 4 Pearl street. UlutlltcH nt the Darii-lvul. Those fiom the 1)1 ) nil's who attended the coasting carnival In Omaha Saturday evening fool sadly disappointed over the anticipated enjoyment. Great prepara tions wore made hero , and a much larger crowd than was oven planned for went over , The jam hero was so great that there was delay in getting over , and the party did not reach Omaha until half- past 8 o'clock. There were 425 tickets sold at the dummy depot , so that tliu ears were filled to overflowing. On ar riving in Omaha there appeared to bo no distinel organisation , and by the time the traverses were unloaded and the groups belonging to each had begun to got together , some struck ofl' in one di rection and others in another. The Ba varian band wont down Tenth strcot at once on the arrival of the train , nnd there was a hunt among these still at the de pot for the music. In fact from the time the train started out until it started hack there seemed to be the greatest confusion of plans , Some blame the committee in Omaha. Others blame the bund. Others put the blame on to the hick of siillicionl orgnni/.ation hero. Some blame all , and all roar about moro or less. Whoever or whatever was at fault , the fact exist that the Dlunitos had u hard lime of it. There were over twenty traverses which wore taken over from hero. They wore excellent ones , and some ol them expensively fitted up. Only three or so got any chance to go down tfm hill. There was an immense crowd there when the Bullltcs arrived , ami little chance for them. Somoof them , after pulling their traverses n milo nnd a half by hand , had to wait and wait , and , getting thoroughly disgusted , quit. Tlwycamo homo , alter all their trouble , without having KVIMI one ride down the brilliantly lighted and speedy hill. There is a project on foot for having a coasting carnival hero at an early date , and tliosu who nro planning on it avow that they will invite Omaha to come ovci liero and see how such an entertainment should bo conducted. They proposu U have matters so carefully arranged am treat the Omahas so royally as to pui them to shaino. Such is the sweet re- vongu which is being talked of ami plan ned for. George W , Thompson tried to stop i traverse , but it "did him up" and barkci one ot his limb.- : . II. C. Cory wns morn successful am had his oycrcoat badly torn. John Larkins got an ankle sprained. W A. Ferris , > \ ho formerly was in tin employ of the Council Blullo Insurance company , hnd his spine hurt. Thrco Council Bluffs ladies wan dumped otl'u traverse ami received sligh injuries. The Omuha Republican says "The Fly ng Dutchman was the darling of the lift. " The Occidental took down nine. They < cpt a good grip nnd succeeded In all staying. " Flving Dutchman broke in half "amid ships" on the lirst round. Hnwkeyo came homo without a < miglo ride , and the party concluded they'd take one on the Willow nvonue hill about 3 o'clock Sunday morning. Clmrlio Rolloy had to purchase a pair of shoes in Omaha , having hnd onn of his rubber boots torn off wmlo riding the iligator. Neil Voorhts got tired on his return and undo nn attempt to throw his feet up whom his head belonged and trj' walking on his his hands in front of Jim Stephen- son's stables. Without doubt. Greendale , owned Ly Flios. Green , jr. , Harry lloll'inayr nnd A Dcrcshlm , of this city , was the prettiest mil most expensive traverse on the Dodge street hill. It is upholstered with rod silk plush cushion , a $20 headlight , hand rails and iron work that cost over s20 and has it break by which It can bo stopped in twice its length. The total : ostof it is about $81 , and wns admired jy many nt tliu top of the hill , that being as far asitgot The Alligator traverse is the "wicked' cst" one in tlio two cities. It weighs lonrjyfiOO pounds. .Saturday night was tlio lirst time it made its appearance this season. Parties hero are ready to put , up noney that it will outspeed any traverse either in this city or Omaha and give opponents Choice of track. Saturday light Lon Fisher , who was steering the Alligator , was thrown over the steering jar , but was caught in time to save being inrt. The traverse then went a zig/ag course to the end. It started with live > eoplo from this city and seven Omaha nen on the first trip down but six of the Omaha people bounced off before they readied bottom. Besides those who went over by dtim- ny train , there were many sleigh loads wlio crossed the river. Two largo sleighs vent over thus , one containing the crib- jago club , of ladies aud gentlemen , ' . 100 wont over In sleighs , mak- ng the total representation of Council Jluffn pcoplo between iiW ( and 000. Notice. Notice is hereby given that by mutual consent the firm of Kiseman. Roddn & Jo. is this day dissolved , and the new inn of Henry Eiscman & Co. , composed > f Henry Ei eman and Simon Eisonian , uis tnis day been formed , and the stock of the old company will be at once con solidated and placed in the rooms now occupied by the firm of Eiseimin , Rodda & Co. , Nos. 310 , 318 aud ; i > 0 Broadway , where the now firm of Henry Eiscman "As Jo. will continue to do business. Said lew firm assumes all the liabilities and will pay all the debts of the old concern , mil will collect and receive all claims lue the same. Mr. S. J. Rodda , though lot a member of the now firm , will con tinue in its employ. EIS.BMAX , RODUA & Co. Hr.NUV ElSEMAN A : CO. IlKNItV ElSUMAX. SIMON EISKMAN. S. J. RODDA. The City Finances. HON. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL or CITV OF COUNCIL BLLTFS , Iowa. Gentle men : I herewith submit the following report of city warrants issued for ordin ary city expenses during the month of January , 188J , as well as the total amount so issued during the present council year : General fund for Jnnuniy . S l.biC.fl.'i Total . 5T , < ibtUU Also report ot bills audited and allowed by council during same time : Tola ! to January. Unto. Streets and nllejs. . . . .8Hfj.44 § 1.1,072.07 ( JrailinK . 'J.'J7i.4l : ( Jeneral faml piopcr. . . 451. ! ) : ! 7,84--.00 Fire dcpaitmvnt . TbO.OO ! , ) ! Damages . l,710.fX ) CltyeiiKlncersdep.Vin't 80S. : 3ltiO.iO ( ias and oil lights . 55.1.15 3,4 w. ) 1'aiks . AIO.OO Printing. . . . . 'JOO.l'5 1,75 J.u > Police . uo.ia 10,421.70 Bridges . liGSl. ( ! Curbing . 45.0015.00 'Jotnl . .81.843.07 S51.510.12 Respectfully submitted , F. A. BUIIKI : , City Auditor. Best conl and wood m the city nt Glea- son's , 20 Pcnrl street. A. C. Larson , of the Council Bluffs steam laundry , is putting in four bath rooms with all conveniences. The Bluffs Wliolcnulo Houses. Council Bluffs is doing a larger whole sale business than is generally supposed. There nro hero wholesale houses in al most every line of business , and many of them strong ones , reaching out in all di rections. The numerous railways center ing hero make this a convenient point , and many other advantages exist hero , which make this city one of the best dis tributing points in the west. Council Bluffs has been quietly going along with out any great llourisli. or blow of trump ets , but lias been and is doing a largo wholesale business , and it is steadily surely increasing The Bir. : proposes to show to the world , by its extensive circu lation , what houses are alroadv located here , and in another column will be found a partial list. This is but a begin ning , and Hie directory will bo increased rapidly until It comprises all the leading , reliable wholesale houses hero. The di rectory will bo found a convenient one for merchants to refer to , and communi cation by mail will ho attended to as promptly nnd satisfactorily as though in person , Plokcd Up ll.v Police. The report of the chief of pollen for January shows it to have been n remark ably quiet mouth in police circles , the total number of arrests being about half us many as usual. The following is the showing in detail : Drunk , . 'J-J Valiancy . 4 Limvny . , , . S Wanted I'KtnUmic . -1 Dlstmbliii ; IHMCO . II Concealed \\iMpons . 1 Malicious mtsclduf . t Intorfeiinxlth olllror . 1 Ui IvIiiL' ocr siileu .die . 1 Total . 50 Apply foiSeedw. . Congressman Lyman desires to inform tlioto interested that the agricultural bureau liuvillottcil to him a quantity of seeds for the spring distribution. Ho will gladly receive applications , and will see that those writing him get what they want , so far ai his supply will go , LAMPS and CROCKERY AT BEDTJCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. 23 Main Street , Council lilnffc , In. UNION TICKET OFFICE J , L. De BBVOISE , Agent , No. W DroHdnar , CouucU Ulutti. JOBBING OIF COUNCIL BLUFFS. H'/iVKS AMI L DJK : _ & HKCIC , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , XadiOMaln . < > ' ( , , Oniiicll lUiiffr. ClIACKKItS. McCLUllG UKACKKll CO. , Mnnnfhotitrcra of Fine Crate , Biscuits and Cakes , Council ninflg , fouvl. or/s. COUNCIL BLUtTS OIL CO. , Wholesale DenVrs In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gasoline , . , E3TO. S.Thooitoro , Agent , Council UliilTs. lown. WHIT & DUQUlttTK , \Vlmlcsnlu Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. jUMniit , m.ixu , uw. A. OVKKTON & CO. , Hard Yfoad , Souther a Lumber , Piling , An I lirldpn Mnlciliil ? | n'clnltlf-9.\VliolcsiiloIUm- lur ) 01 H 1 Kliuls. tmiiiNo. . | , M Main St. , Council lllnll.s I'lu-n. JOHN LINDKU , Whok'Mjlu Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Airont lor St. Coltliain'H Ili-rti Dlltors. No. 1.1 .Mnliist. , council iiiuirs. (5KONKWKC5 ( & SCHOHiNTT(5HN\ ( Jobbers in Staple aid Fancy Groceries , N'os. 117 , 119 and Kl , Main St. , Council llliiffs. Icm.i. L. KiusniT & c'o. , Jobbers .of Staple and Fancy Groceries. A1-.0 . Wlio'o'iilo l.iiior | ] DtMlcra. No. 410 llroiul- wny. Council lllu'Is. KEKLINH & FKLT , Whole > nlo Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hirdware , And Wood Slock , Council Iluir ! , lown. HATS , CATS. KTC. MKTCALF UKOTIIKUS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Xo . : U3niuiiU : ItronJwuy , Con icll llluffs. COUNCIL IJLUFI'S 'CARPET CO. , Carpels , Curtains ; Windov/ / Shades , Oil Cloths. Cm tain I'Ktmos , lTphol-tPry Ooods , Lie. No. 403 llroiulwuy Council I JiAra. CHOCK III tY. MAUREIl & CKAIG , Importers & Jobbers of Crpckery.Glassware . r.ntnrs , 1'iiiit .luia , Cutlery , Htonowiiio , Hur Uoods , Kuiicy Goods , lite. Council IHulls , Joiviu 1 CIGAllS , TOBACCO , KTC. PERKGOY & MOORE , Wliok'Milo Jobbcis In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nos. ajMnlii mid : . " TcuilSts , Council lllulfs , Town AGIlirUliTUItAL IMPhKMKXTS. DEERE. WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Buggies , CiurliiKU.ito.itu. : : . Coimc.l lllutlV , lonn. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Saellers , Stalk Cutters , Disc Htiriows , Sec-del s , Corn Planloip , Feed Cut ters , itc. : Fnciory , Heel : Falls , Ills. Kos. l.-iOl.lTO , 1MinoTMiiln St. , Council niulTs. iroo// . D. ii. MoDANELU & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , 1'olts , Crt-nsoauJ 1'ura. Council Itluirs , Iowa. s , nro. BECKMAN & CO. , Mnniirnctnicis of and Wholesale Dealers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. fii'i Mnln St. , Council llluirs , Town. SNYUER & LEAMAN , Produce aud Fruit Commission Merchants No. Itl'em-I ht. , Council Illuirh. _ nnr noons. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notion * . Ctc. XOP. irJnml 114 Miilu St. , Nos. 113 iiinimi'cail St.Council lllullH , Iowa. HARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils. Paints , Glass , b'alMh' .Sundries , I'.U' . No , : ! J Muln St. , ami No. 811'em I .St. , Couno.'l Illnfrs. I'll tSK NliHl.v , Pi-fat . GK.o.W.H.UllilN , Sec- . ( IlKDII'OlllltMl , IPbl. ) Life and Endowment Association OF WATEHLOO , IOWA. WESTERN DEPT. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. OITICI : IN uuNO'a JIUILDING. ItOOIllS NOK 13 IIIUl 111. 2,500 in cttso ofDeafli. $1,000 Endowment ali tlio cntl of ten yours. i Average cost for year of assessment , first three yearn nt" organization , 15 to ! { 0 years , * < ! . .G7H ; to 50 years , * 1 < ) , Circular and Information on application. SupcilntLMdcil of Agencies. .Accnts Wanted. P. T. M 4VNB. A. 8. JlA/KUTO.N P. 2' . Mayne < tCo , Real Estate' Exchange No. 103 Pcail Btroct .Council llluffa , Iowa. Dealers in Iowa , Kunsiu tnid Nebraska J.andJ LOTS IN COUNCIL ULUFFS AND OMAHA A SPECIALTY , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SpeiliU advertisements , nucli ns Lost , Found , To Uinn For Sulo , To HontVixnt31 RoM-dlng , cto. < will bo Inserted In this column at tholoir rate of TUN OHM'S t'KU MSB for the flrftInsertion nd FIVK CKNT3 1'Kll LINE for cnch gubsoqucnt Insertion. Ixnro ddvprtlio * mcntsnt our offlso , No. U 1'oarl stroct , uoar Hrondwny , Council IllulTs. WANTS. WAM-in-Snmton : ! ! by widow ns IOO- keeper for widower of jrood reniitntlon. Atldn-ss > l , llr.K olllee , Council Itluirs. SVW > "T7IO11 HENT. House , 214 Tenth nroniip , llvo f-'rooms ' ' nil conveniences. Kininlio ol Arnd * Son , No. 710 .Main street. UJJ.VH Tolonnnt 0 per cent Interest on | it\Aft7 country or city propci ty , If tnUcn iliiilnir tlio next thrco weeks , Odoll Ai lay Council IllulTs. SA IiK Scaled bids will L'V. . IKxIoCcr up to I'clmmry a ) , isvi , on oliflity feet Twill , two story brick Mock , N < > . ST. . JU.-'i ! niui 28 I'cml street , bctu ecu IlroniUvay umi lirst iivcnno. fTloU ItKNT The tiiTco story"b7ickiiu lnc Jliou o formally oviiuiilo.l by Clronono/ Pchoeiitcen. Kniulioot McMulum A. Co. , No. 4 I'omlgtioct. SUN & WAi.KCit , NO. ; B Mnin sneci , ( under Citizen's lluiik ) , leal cslnto mm niur- clmmlljc uvclmiiKU brokers. Our books mo full of special Imiunlni , but It U Impolitic- pnli- IMi u iclinlilotlsl tt om the factor BO ninny ilnlly cluuiKes. Whiit wo n k Is ! It you want to sell ortrmlonnytlilmr In our line , \ \ rile in mid wo will pcml > ou a pllo of Imnrnins to polcct from. I.ittKla linptovotl or nnliiiprovu.l , city or town piopcity , slojks ol' Hoods of nny kliul In any liluu1. It Biich jou lumi or Biirli you \\iint U't us lionr from } on. Swim & \ViilUer , Council lllutrs * K1 * ) ( \ M" lu In HI 'Iny ' u huly n ciil ot the PJ.J "Ktlltnbli'r | ! AVownntslvnioro llui iiKent ! > , niiilo or lumnle. Applv In person or by loiter to Win. Itamlall , Supt. of agencies , Cotm- ell Uliills , lo\\n. I7AH.M KOH SAlK-Atii bnrjiilu if sulit noon. i. KM net oj , OK miles southwest of Onmlm. 0 room hoitgc , excellent well umi cistern , " burns. ono for eliflit horses , imo lor a ) eows : lion , ton ! niul wnffou houses : IOJ ncies In timothy : ilVU ) loicft trees , cotton \\ood.bluclc wnlnnt , nsh ami mnplc ; irooil orcluiii ] , tipples , cherries , plums , drapes ana smiill finlts. Never fnlllnir stock wmrr. H. 1' . UtHCini , 603 llromlwny , Council lllilllR. Iow . _ _ _ _ _ HOUSKSWJK'KKNT At McMiihon & Co's. , No. 4 Pearl stiect HUSSELL&Co Unnurncturcrsof all elzcsof AUTOMATIC ENGINES Especially Designed for liuniiln ? MILLS , GRAIN ELKVATOUS , AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. New ITnssillon T hrcsh crs. Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Mnssillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Blufls. SEND FOB , 1880 ANNUAL. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Our stock Is now complete In every dopnrt mentand contains nil the latest styles and effect InCARPETS CARPETS , CURTAINS , SHADES UPHOLSTERY GOODS , ETC. . ETC. -THE- Largest stock -AND- Lowest Prices. TIIU ONLY EXCLUSIVK CAUPtT 110U3B IN WUSTEltN IOWA. SAMl'I.KS furnl hod upon application to down town parties. FINE UPHOLSTERY WORK TO ORDER Council Bluffs Carpel Company 5 Broadway. E. R. Oadwell , Real Estate , Probate AND DIVORCE I/AWYER. No. 604 Broadway , : Council Bluffs 7DOS. OFflCBH. 1f < H. M. I'OSBT OFFICES , & PUSHY , BANKER COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Ebtubllehod Ibtf. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT lUNUCACTUllUlt AND IICALC1I IK HAIR GOODS No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Kcul i : tUc ! bought uuii sold. Z.T.LIND EY&CO. . . . , AND FELT BOOTS. nimense Stock , and Eastern Prices Duplicated , Write for Prices , Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St. Office 412 Broadway , PAID UP CAPITAL , $20,000 , AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , $100,000. SUCCESSORS TO J. 408 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. IMPOKTEUS Ol ? AND DKALKUS IN Musical Merchandise of Every Description Toys and Fancy Goods. We innkc the celebrated llanlmaa Pianos , and tlio Iloyal Whitney OigaiH , a specialty Every Instiiuncnt wnirnntcd Scud for catalogues. MUELLKll MUSIC CO. , Council Bluffs. w. MOVER AND RAISER iiliiufj .if . an ? kill rxUjl or mivol ixnl sUlsf.'i'jtlflii ' g-air.int931. I'MmeUo.HOi tnuvoil on Little Giant trucks the best In the world. SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street , Council JJlulTs. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOTJJSrOII-i Practices In State and Federal Com Is. Koonis 7 and 8 , tjlumart lilock. MERGrEN HOTEL , Main St. , Council muffs. NcarthuC. , U. &Q.C. ; , M. & St. P. . mid C. , It. 1. & 1 * . railway depots. Stieet f.irs puss tliu duor. Kvi'iytlihiK new nnd dass. I'lopilntor and Maiiagur. A.C.Duii.MlAM , Pros. I..W. TUM.KVS , Vice-I'rrs. JAMES N. line w.v , Cashier , 102 MAIN STREET , Capital . $100,000 Authorized Capital . 250,000 Stockholders Represent. . . . 1,000,000 Do a geni'i nl bunking l Accounts ii | liHukH , biinl.eis , HICK limit * , imin > u fuel u i cm M nd lndl\idiiils ( iccelviid on fiivma- bio tcruiH , Domcstlo und roiclgn cxi'liniiio , Tlio very host of intention irlu'ii to nil liiihl- ness rammlttcd lo our euro. N. SCHUKZ , , Justice of the Peace. Onico Over American Kxprcss Compnny. B. BICE , M. D. U or ntbcr tiinins icmovud u " thoknlfoordrawinif of blooj. CHRONIC DISEASES of nil kinds a scclallr. , Over thlity ymis' nract enl c.\porluioj. ; Ho. U IVail blicet , Count U lllulla. ( V CONbUUTATlIX ( I'll KB. THE GREGORY INCANDESCENT GAS LAMP 'Jlio iHilillunru Inloriuod tlitit piitcnt lius bien ullowud lo ( Jco. Jl.CJiu/oiy on Ills Innuov- cd ( ! iu l.iuiiiis , nnd niuiiufuclui.-il liy ur. .Mr , C. A.\Vlllliunh iiuur niitlioil/u iiKent lui'Coiinell lIHills iiiulOiiiHliH. Tno publlu uio ciiiuionet ot tn buy nny ol' tlu-so KIIS lumjij excep ruutdi Mr , WilliiuiiH , na nil ollifib uireicd lor ouiu Inffliuu nentj upon our lamp. O , a , .H'l'S ' iCo..Miuiutuq turorj ' iuildjl > l/o-i : REMOVED. I wish to lesppclfnlly cull tlio iilti > ntion of my pntrons and tliu pnblle In Konoinl , to my IOIHO- vnllioin tlio old Miiml Nos. 7 nnd , .Miiln .St. , to my now nnd rommoilloiis ijimrters , Ko , 226 Broadway , Wheio I will lie plcute.l to sen my maiij fileml ; . \Mlli uliu c , new and complete nsBoitmeiit or nil the very UTESTFabricsinSpringSTYLES And hcliiff located In Inr oriinulois I nm brtler tliiui nvor br-linujucpiiiol to to sei\o Ilio puli- J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 220 Broadway , Council Bluffs , E S E"X H o u s E " CoiiNKi : IJllVA.Nl1 ANI > VjXIJiSlS. Oppoelto City Ilulldliis , Council l Win in rooms and good hoard at iciisonalilo inlet ) . Northwestern Hotel Xe\\ly fitted and Cm nlslird. Opp. Hioadwrvy Diiiiiiny Dojiot. Sl.M ) per d.iy , SAMUKL TATK , L. JI. IJKHSHAUrMiiniier. ONLY HOTEL In Council Itluffa havlnir Fir © Esoa/p © And nil moaern Imin'ovcimoiiti , call bells , fir * ultrm bells , otu. , lalliu CREST ON HOUSE ! Ko.ai5S17 end 219 , MuInStiidt , MAX ttOHN , I'ropriotor. Chicago Lumber Co. - , Wliolesalo nnd Ilutnll Lumber , f/Ath , gush , Doois and Ulliuls. Kolo agents 1'ortho rclebrutod lluililchcad Coiicciitiated Wlilt * l.lmu. ti. 1 * . MACCO.NMI.I : , , M Tclcnliono No. 2H. ticel , Council