Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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lope , < ya7c ; saddles lO llo ; elk , 67c ; sail-
illcs , 10illcjpralrlc ( rhtekens , Krrtoz , $2.73
@T.OOquall ; per do/ . 81.7.W2.00 ; jack rabbits ,
per dor. S3.ooSi.r,3 ( : : uiallanl micks sa.jr ! :
Fcal ( Itickfi. Sl.'iVU.60 ? ; nilxcil diteks , Sl.ayJ ?
small rabWls , ; geese , 3.00irt3..W ; brnnills ,
HAUEtt KKAUT Best quality , CO..V ) pcrSO
Ib barrel ; per bbl. SS.75.
I'iiF.SF.nvF.8 , JKI.MRS , ETC. 1'rcscrvcs ;
nil kinds , 20-lb. palls per Ib. , 10 > fc : do 10 pall
KaL.lOc ; assorted G-lb. palls per doz. . $8.00.
schooners per do ? . , ? ; , tumblcis. per
rn'sc , 2 do/ . , Sl.W , nil kinds , second gtnilc.
no-lli. rails , per Ib. be. Jtlince Meat , best
Krade / < bbl. . per Ib. , 7c ; do. 18 , 38 nnd W n
palls , jKsr Ib. , 7i < c ; do. 5-lb. palls , perdoz. ,
SO.OO ; npple butter , extra line. ) f bbl. , ucrlb. ,
7c ; do 4 ( > lli palls per ln.,7 > l : do. 5-lb palls.
per doSO.CO ; peach ntul plum butter , 40 ID , ,
nails per Ib. , OUo ; peach , plum anil quince
butler , assorted , Mb. palls , per do/ . , S7..V )
catsup ( Snjdcr's ) , lincst inado , per case , 2
do/ Pint bottles. S5.00 ; horse ladlsli , pint
bottles , penloz. , Sl.W ) .
NUTS Illfkorv nuts , largo per bu. 81.-10 ;
ilo filicll barks , ftl.75cli ; , 12c ;
largo nollshcd , lies pecans , mcdlinn , DC ;
English walnuts , He : almonds , Tnrraijona ,
20c ; do , Langucnoc , He : lirnrlts , 1'J % filbert" ,
31c ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy Virginia ,
7c ! do toasted IV.
1'ios Fr.r.T , 1 itti'i' , Axnl.VMns Toxowns
-Pies' feet per H l > bl. , S4.r \ do. X bbl. ,
2.40 : ( lo. per kit , Sl.OO. I < niibs' tongues , per
X bbl. , tafiO ; do. per kit , S'J.75 ; do. quart
jars per doz. . S5.W ; do. pint Inrs per e.ise ,
a doz. . S7.00. Ti Ipc , per W bbl. , fe4.r. ( ) ; di . per
J bbl. S423 ; do. net kit. uv. Hiollcd mackerel -
erel , new. per ra e. fX ) cans , .f0.f > u.
COM n 1I ( CnlllornlaUibtraniuCOlbs
in cast ) per Ib. , ir.c ; extracted , a Ib. In cans , 2
doz. In cose , pef case , § 4.00 ; 10 Ib. framm ,
Nebraska , Ibe.
CniF.ri Mlchlpan rellnud , per bbl. , SO.W ;
do. luilfbbl. . SI.X ( ) .
VI.NKOAII Whlln wine. 10c ; elder. 12J& .
CoCOAMJTS-At S .OOif4.W ) .
Nr.w Fios AND IATIS : J'lgs , bmyinn , 100
Ib. kegs , per Ib , lie : layer , 8 , 13 nud 10 11) .
bo\ci , per Ib , KXjjllc ; layer , laiiuy , 4. Ib.
' - ' Ib.
1..KMOX8 Jlcsslnn , " per box , S1.3JJ >
! 5.CO.
wnOnAxnr.s Los Aiuolcs are quoted at $ ' .3.65
W.75 ; Klvcidldr , Si.f : > 0 ; Navi-ls , f 1.00. Floil-
[ a oiances niosti-ndy at porbov.
C'liAMiKiiiitr.s Cnpe Cod , liuicy datk ,
icr bbl. . 59.00 ; Capo Cod. fancy datk ,
I bbl. lots. per bbl. tS.W ) ; jor-cy
Boll and Hucfi- , PIT Irov , ? i.50 ; WIs-
co n si n Hell and Cherry , per bbl , 50. 0 ; Wis
consin Hell ; niU Cherry , 5 bbl. lotH , per bbl ,
( JAI.IFONMA i' ' nuiT 1'cais E. Hcurrc and
pound ) e.ii . per boSIS.OO. .
Ai'i' : 1'iincy New ioik nud Michigan
tipples , pei bbl , .752aoo. ! . ; Itincy New Yurk
nud llicliignn tipples r l > bl. lots , per bbl. ,
S2.fT > : fancy New vink nnil Michigan apples ,
10 bbl. lots , per bbl. , SJ.50 ; Illinois npplcs , per
bbl. S2.7r , ; Illinois apples , fi bbl. lots , per
bbl , , S3.5T ; Illinois apples , 10 bbl. lots , pur
bbl. , S2.-10 ; Allssnuil ( ieultoiis , 6 bbl. lots , per
bbl. . 9&S5 ; .Mlssimii Criiituns 10 bbl. lots ,
pet bbl. . SH.CO ; finicy eating , per bbl. , S3.i5 ;
inncy Mlcblirau fiult. Sti.tHK"'u' : . " " > .
. < ? UArr.s Wnlncn , pei bbl. J > 7.00.
I'novisioNS. Ham , lOKfifcllc , brcnkfasl
bacon , h > fid > icliai ; ; side bacon , 7cdiyviltcd
sides , Cc : iJioiililrrH. Mignr cured , 5 > fc ; nii-ss
pork per bb ! . . felJl.OO ; lard. 40 Ib. cans , perlb ,
7fe7Ko ; 10. : > mid a ) b Fairbanks , " H&
dried beet hams. l c.
O\sruits tjiiotntliuis lor lo-dtiy are : X. Y.
counts : , 4'5c ' ; oxli.x MkctsHie ; bulccts , ! J5c ;
Rtnndnnls. : : oo : mediums , ase.
ONIONS bnlt Lake stocH Is selling at 31.00
per bushel ; common homo gio\\n teds , 70 ®
75c. Them tuo n few extia cliolco in the
Mailed iiu ; bold nt Sl.OO DCI bnsb.
1'oiAior.s Nonottiu comiiitr. nnd prices
nro nominal at nSCiWOc forcholcu stock.
Ur.AJ.s-Dirty tock Is plentiful and \eiy
bnid to ( IKjioiu of. while cliolco rlenn
meet \\Ith a icadv sale on Hand
Dlckcd niivv. Sl.7r fJU.OO ; Iiaiut-pickcd
Js * mcdlmi : , Sl.no6Pl.7o : coort clean country.
ft ? Sl.iiViJWO ; inforior. 75cW1.00.
( iiiAix The following are the pievnuing
prices iald ) lot wagon loads on the street ;
and nt the mills to-day : Coin , 2-Jc ; oils.SifiS ; , No. 2 , fide ; rye , -inQS.V. Elevator
prices lor lots : Coin , ' < 2lJ.Cc ; oats
Wf2je : wheat , 04 fgOjc ( ; tje , 4-lc ; barley ,
ISc.Kr.otin nud iln.i.STiirKS Winter \ \ heat-
Firm ; best quality patent nt S8.00a3.30. (
Second > . : . .
mmlityS.50(2t.OO. (
Hpi Ing Best quality patent at S2.50
( a..00. )
Unrkwlicnt J 'lonr In banels , S" > .75 ; ready
rnlspdSlb packages. 64.00 ; 0 Ib packages ,
JJtau OTc per ewl.
Chopped KiTil Pel 100 lbs.70c.
Coin Meal White , bOo ; jcllow.Wcpercwt.
Sciceninj ; No. 1 , 75c per csU ; No. li. We.
llomlny per ewt
ShoitsOOc per ewt.
Hay H.iles.'so.oOdi7.00 ( nor ton.
1'uits ' AND OKINS I'nces on furs nnd
skins : ire steady. Mink , each , 10@oOc ;
inuhkrat. winter. 2@5c ; do. kits , 2c ; Otter ,
$2.MrtiG.X ) ( ) ; skunk , snoit striped , I5@i > c : do.
bioad'stimod. 10@15 ; badger , 25@.iO ; Hac-
coon , No. l laifio. To@SO ; do. No. 2 , 20i7aC' ( ' ;
do. No. 3 , lorn-Joe : well , prnliio S0@7.xi ;
do. mountain. SJ.OOa3.00 ( ; wildcat , irxgJOjbi-a-
ver , S1.50@.5i ( pot Ib ; fox. each , S1.-10@1.50 :
ducrslcin : . div\\intcr , 15 ( lbo perlbdo. ; fall
nml bumini'r Wa''ac
. > . ( ! .feu butchers , O'itUKV' ; preen
cured , 'lyjdi i ; drv Hint. iWc : : dty
salt , ! iH'c ; daimigCf.1 hides two-tliiuls price
Tallow lc. ( iionsc , prime white , 4c. Sheet )
J elts-iX' ! 75c.
hicATiiKit Mo. 1 1'lHhtiurg harness J. C. L
&Sons , SOc ; No. 1 IMUhburg , K. & S. S c ; No
Cincinnati , : : > : No. 1 l.ico leather , r < 0o ; in line
sl.iuclitersoli ) leather , 2SC.l c ; nrlnio oak solo
leather. ofiMWe. Upper leather , per foot. SO ®
I 2So ; lleiiiklp,7r > (2.S.ooakklpb.@i)5oFioncT ( ; ) ;
kip. Sl.OOriM.tVi ; Hem
cnlf. Sl.WK l.ii ) ; i'lench ' cnlf , 81.2.- . ( < ; Alo-
jocco boot leir , SO@'I2o : Jloiocco oil iwbbio
yb 'Ho ; toppinzs nnd linlnss , S0.00ff io.0 (
per do/ ,
COAL Anthtacltogiatc , 88,60 : egg , v58.)0 )
rnnge , Ss.75 ; chi'stnut , S .7fi ; Iowa , ; l. . ' > 0
Walnut block. W.T5 : juinois , W.OO ; Alls
Knurl. Sl.ou
UKAVV JlAiimvAitu lion , rates , J2/5
plow steel , special east , 4c ; eiuciDio bteel , Co
bms.O ; Imitow teeth , 4e ; sining steel , Tt Sc
Jiurden's horse .sliocs S4.'o ; liuiden'b nnil
shoes , t5.5. liaibpd Who In ear lots , SI.OO
per 100 n > s. hon Nails Itntcs , 10 to U ) , fctf.W
Bliut 81.GO ; btirkbhot. 81.M ; Orienta
powder , kegs Sa..iOffi4.0i ) : do. half legsSJ.oo :
ili ) , quai ter kegs. S1.50 : blastini ; . Ungs , 8"y5
tun ) , ver 10(1 ( lent. fiUo. Lend Unr. til.O'j.
Jnv I'AI.N rfiVhllu \ lead. Be ; Krencli zinc ,
I''c-.l'aris wltUlnu'.U'iu : whiting gildei.s.l c
wliiiliii.M'oin'l. I'je : liiniublack.dcrininitoun
1'v'c ' ; Inmpbliek , , lOc ; Prussian blue
Wo , , untinnmrine , Ibc ; Vandyke , broun. 80
niuber , iiiunt , 4o ; umber , ; sientm ,
biunt. ie : sienna utw. 4n : I'arls ureun. conu-
I in1los 1'ans en-en , coininon , Uo ) : clnoinu
treen , N. Y.sjOo ; chr iniigiceii , K , l"eor ; -
intllion , i'.nglish. ' In oil asst lt > araw \ and
bin nt umber lib cans. H'u ; raw nnu niirnt
hicniui , KIC : vundvko uioun , luc ; ic'Unut
Innipblaek. r.'e ; coach blaek mill noiy blu-k
ICc ; dinp black , 10o ; I'liiisiaii blue. 40e : ill-
traninrluo blue. ) So : rluouio cicen , Jj. . J\i \ it
llfio ) ; bllnil mid sluitlcr L'H'i'ii , I , . . M. & U ,
Ific ; 1'ailh gm'n , It-o ; Indian red , We ; Vene
tian led. I'o ' : Tiihcnn rod. itc ; American \er-
inllllon. li. A : ! . , ' uo ; jeliow OPIUC. Do : i * . M
iVO. D. , If-o ; golden ocltru , io , : patent dryer
Hj ; iralnlni : toloi , light oak datk oak , wal
nut. rht-Mnut and asii lbi > ,
I'AIM.S ix On , Whlto lead , Omaha , P. I
Tc ; white lead , ht. I.ouls.pmu 57.u : ; ; Matsell
les green , I to 5 Hi cans , liCc ; French 7.lno
itreen seal , 12o ; Flench 'tine , red seal , lie ;
Fii'iicli zini'.ln lainlshasbt , ) o ; Frenehzino
7rnieiinlllton. ; . American , ISu ; Indian , red
lOoiroMj pink. Ho : Venetittn , ml t'ooksnn's
2fo ; Venetian red , Ameiiean , l fo : red lead
7jo ; chioiiio yellow I'enulne. aoc ; ehromo
jeliow , K , 1'Jo : ocino toolielli ) ! 'c : oehrn ,
Fieneli , 2fc ; ochre , Ainetlcan , 2o ; Winter's
mineral.'Kc : hchlirh brown. 2Jsc ; Spanisn
brown. ii > ( o ; PnnrnsnilueialSo
DII.S llUcarbun. per gallon , llcilMi bead
ght , per cnllon , i : ' ; 17fio beadllglit , perKal-
ion , lto ! ; looa \\ati'r\\liltc , i&c ; linseud bunl
pe r gillon , 44u ; linrecU , boiled , IKT gallon ,
37c : lanl. wlnlcr sti'i ) , pi'i e.illo'i , 5 c ; No.
1 , 41'c ' ; No. S. H'o ; castor XXX , per rallon ,
Sl.MiNci. . ! , tl,4J : > wei-t. ner jmllon , Si.OO ;
Bpetiti.V. . ! . , i er rnlion , Sl.W ; libh , \ \ . H. ,
iur ( 'fll'un.fiSo ' ; ncatsfoot extra , per gallon ,
we , No , 1 O'o ; luluVatliiir. 7Cio , per cnllon ,
iuuer. 1 i : to'den marlilne , No. 1. per
tollon : V : So.lj i"n ; spcrin , slKnul , pcrKol-
Ion Ve tut i entlnc , prrsnllou , lfiHenapttw ; ,
per Ballon. 7 ,
\ AjiNi'i' < i-'r niro , ] Hir ealloui rurn
tine. o\t a , ; turallmx. " No. 1 , Sl.OOj
coach , eslw Sl.-IO ; co < v.h , No. 1 , S1.20 ;
Dainur , extra , frl.Vi ; .Inpan , 70o ; asphaltum ,
extra , toe ; hlirJha * S"Harj * ) ; oil finish ,
do VJl I'luoi ' SIrl. , -p ilt-1. &tcuml iiu.Ulty
101 puml. 61 li ! : it-i 1 I'tJUl ' , ! ; | .l ( , Arr.0-
bol , ibi pnwi' , J.MJ PC ; \ \ inn a.'Ui.
Illcd whiskies , 1.00ffl.rjO ; gin blended ,
3l.WKg2.00 ; Kentuckytbourbons , J2.0t > g0.03 ;
Centucky nnd I'ennsylvnnln ryes. 52.00wfi.rx ) ;
Jnlilen Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies' ,
m.WXan.00. llrnndles linportrd , ? 5.00a8.6o ( :
lotnestle , Sl.KOtt3.00. Ins-lmportc < l , 54.50
00.00 ; dotnestle , S1.3Vz.t.oo. Rums Im
ported , S4.MX3,3.00 ; Nowlineland , Sl.Vigyxoo ;
Uoinestle , SI.2.Vfr.S.OO. Champagncs Inr
) orted , ner e.i e. ! 5JS.OJ ( < XSJ.OO ; Anietican , per
case , Slo,00 ( ic.0o
SusnniK ? Domestic Holland herrings ,
krgs , fiOc ; Russian sardines , 45c ; Ancho
vies In glass , OiO.Uitll branit. per do * . ,
83.00 ; Anchovies In kegs , 'f Ole Hull brand.
S4.00 ; spiced Hamburg herrings , skins and
icads on" , per pall , Sl.Oo.
n tiiuiNos.
tnir . Tin's"HT II IS O r 111)13 ) I'll KIS
FISH. j 200 100 w "Jig < 0 15 12 j0
Munn'B S t Nq.l L'b 7 (10 ( 4 00 3 ( ft 2 051 70 W f J
Ji'Kor ' ' - rnncy , < i no n no 3 a'i 1 w i no,7r , M M
1/KO i ll'il fab'io I-cylfl W ) : i 53 3 S3 1 70 1 60,75 , M M
M \cimit t. .
MW * VAT HblHlllfllbla O'rllbls.I'allsor kits
200 100 IH ) 60 40 15 12 10
llloocl UoJ I
AlasKii. . . 13 00.7 00 0 05 3 55 S 00 08
Dloixl Ucil
Cal , 11 OOJ7 00.0:3,113 C51 00 OS
Sounds JBJX8 ) | OJJ7 2'i4 | Ol'.T ' 30 1 10
M.W "ll19 , HirniiUO'r llbls I'nll or kits
IJO ri0 < Q ] n , „
KKK Ilcr'ltiifs 1,1 00,7 OJfl aVn 638 90 . . . .
Nornojrlatt I I I I
KIC lien ing : ; . 12 COB nor non yea 70
8 on 4 W 1 00 2 30 t 01
CoDnsn AMV l.ueo bank coilto ;
.sea king , ( icorees cliunk , ( i\c : closer leaf ,
Oeorges stiips. 0 > c ; 1 Ib lolls.S Ih bo\e .
ci P11'0 ' ' "owerJib brlck.Gc ; wild lose , U
Ibbiick , 5c.
SMOKKD FISH Halibut , now. PC ; now
scaled herrings , ii.'c ; inacUeiel I'Jo ; ' salmon ,
I''c : smoked > tuigeuii. U'c.
Holland heiilns , now. rer kc , 7 c ; now
long biillt stocklish , 1new ( ; shott split
BlOCKfi&ll ,
Groccra Ijlst.
SviH'i Slandatd C iite , bbls ; Standard ,
do 4-gallon kegs , si.K ; NevvOileaiK. WIOo
per gallon ; MnpleS.Miip , ' bauel. JJ & ( \ .
Miietly pnii' , TOcpcr u'lillon ; 1 gallon cans ,
SU.2.1 per doy gallon cai , S-VJ.5 per del / ;
l > nir.D FIIUITSNo. . 1 ouai ter apples , 4Vc ;
evaporated , bo\cs. 855 c : blackberries
tine. iiiri'j > 4c ; choice. J2.ff ( > i3 > .io ;
fancy croi n tttid > i-llow. li > , ( i/14Kc ; old cov
eminent Java SiKiSMe ; Interior .lava , V'M
We : Mocha , 2i.Vif.sic : Arbuckle's loastcil ,
p.'c ; Mol.aimhlln'n XXXX roasted , 15 < 4o ;
Diluoi til's liiitfe : Keil Cioss. IS c ;
Dilwoilh's : md .MrLatiKhlln's XXXX are
sold50e per case oil abo\e uilcc3 in 3-cabe
ots.tjuaAits owdprcd , fcc ; cut loaf , fc ; gran
ulated , 7'e ' : conicctioncis' A. 7c : Mini-
dnrd extra C , l > Xe ; e\tia C. 0'ac ; mciliuin
jeliow. ( H < V : New Oilcans. . )5i' ( < 2fiic. |
CANNED Uoons O\sters , Standard jwr
case. § : : strawbciiios , 2-lb. , | ) i > rcise. $2. U ;
raspberries , 2-lb. , per rase , : ; Califoinla
pears. icr case , S"i.GO ; aiulcots , per case ,
! > 4.XJ ( ; peaches , per case , 5r4.7. > ; hito cher
ries , per case , SG.OO ; plums , per case , S-4.00 ;
whorllcbcriles , per case. S'J.40 ; cgp plums.
B-2 > . . per case , S2. 0 , preen gases , 2-lb. . per
case , if2/)0 ; pine apples , 2-lb. , per case , S3.203
5.50.MAI CUES 1'er caddie , 35c ; lound , prr case
45c : square cases , tl.70 ; Obhlcosli cases , ur. ,
S1.20 : innlo hintare. 1.'J\
SALT Drav loads , per bbl , 81.53 ; A.rhton.
In sacks , : ( . : ; sacks , Ashton , iWo1 bbls
dairy. a.00as.75 (
bricits ( iiouud IJIack pepper , boxes , lj
CW c ; allspice , I'-OlL'c : cinnamon lS ( g.fic ;
cloves , ! 5J5c ; gingot , 15J5c ; mubtaid , 15 ®
SJ5C.TEAH Gunpowder , fnlr , no1) " ; good , 4 * > @
55c ; choice , OOcjJ''ic ; good Inipeml , 40 4'c ! ;
clioice , C0i)70c ) ; ; Youu lly-jon. good,30 )4x3 ) ;
choice , 50de70c : Oolong , good , SiXglOc ; Oo
long , choice , 40ft > : coe : Knglisli UieaUlast , good.
JOfeMOc ; choice. SQjtOSc : tjoucliong , good , JJO ®
S5c ; clioice , 8. ® l5c ; Japans , fair , Sijas'xs ;
pood. : i5@45c : choice. 550B73o ; Tea Dust , ISc ;
Ten Slltinis. Ibc
1'i.uu 'IOIIACCO Climax , 4icpnrlbllono- :
shoe , 4.'c ; Star , 47c : Spearhead , 46e ; tiold
Uoll , 4Cc : Viper Hoidsick. COc : Vuneh , JV'c ;
fining Krltz , 4le : SiherTas,40c : .IT.J. : ilc.
Horn Sisal. M Inch and larger , 6 c ; Inch ,
OKc ; K Inch. 'Jic.
OANDV Mixed.n ; @ 12o : stick. 9'flaille.
SODA In Ib papers , S3.VU a case ; salsoda
keg per Ib. S2.2S.
VINKGAII ClDKK 13@18c ; WllltO W1I10 , lo
1'ioKi.r.s Medium in barrels , S7.00do ; In
halt barrels. $1.00 ; small in barrels , * .00 ; do
In half barrels , S-i.W ; ghciklns in bariols ,
S9.00 : do in half ban els. S500.
CIIACKKRS liarni'au'ii soda , butter and
picnic , 5 c : cieams , s tfc ; ginger snaps , r '
CHv soda , "Kc.
CANDLKS Hoses. 401b. Os HKe ; a ? , L
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , us , lliic ; hall box ,
FINK CUT Hard to Beat , 70c ; Charm of the
West , COo ; Kountain , 70c : Golden Thicad ,
07c ; Favorite , COo ; linds , 60c ; itocky Moun
tain , 50c ; Kancy , 4rx : Ualsy , 40c ; North Star ;
70c : Good l.uck. Me ; Our .Best. J > . ; c.
SOAPS Kiik's iSa\on inntcnal , S3.00 ;
Kiik's satinet , 63.15 ; Kirk's standard. W 50 ;
Kiik'sWhllo Itusslan. § 4.00 ; Kiik's Whlto
Cap. S0.50 ; Domo. t4.3'i.
brAHOH Niagara gloss , 1 lb.0l ' < a ; Niagara
- " " " - - -
coin , ! . . . . .
RW fil
Dry Good * .
Pjii.VTs-Steol Utvcr , 4Uc ; Amoiican , 5 } : ,
Ainold's , Co : Cocheco , OP : .Manchpstci , 6c ;
J/ 'f.- : ( lloucestcr , .We ; Dtiuncll Jnc-
fjuaid.oc : Dtinncll , f.Jfc ; Windsor , fie ; i'n-
i-ille , w ; llnimony , 4vjc ; Anchor Slilrtiuss ,
7JJo ; Meuimack Shillings , 4 } o ; Uciwick ,
Ilr.r.AciiKi ) Coi IONS. FatniPis' pholop ,
Olfc ; Cabot. 05 0 ; Hope , 7e : 111 ! ) 4-4 , 7JCc ;
Hill 7d ,03fo ; LoiiFiUilo , 3Kmlt ; , S.'jcjam ' -
sutta. lojjc.
Coiwir : JIANS Kcatsargp , 7p ; Armory.
7C ; 1'ci.ipiTPii , 7 40 ; luman Orchard , 6'to ;
* *
lliO\\NCoi"iox' ! l.awu'iice hL , Co ; Shaw-
mut LI. , Co : IJc.Mer Dam Jjl/ , 5c ; Atlantic
Uj , Oo ; Indian Jlead , 7o : Wat'chus'sct HVc ;
L'toMii XXX.c : Clltton CCC , fiJ4'c
' 0.4 ic : Atlantic " " - -
TIM : HuowxCoriu.Vb 1'i'ppcrcll It.n'fc ' ;
. 1'eppi-roll O. 14C. Atlas , C cjStatuo of Lib-
urtv. Oc : .Sai-aiiau li , OJit' .
I Jr.MM8 Ilc.uor Clock AA. lie ; Heaver
Ciook , Jljl. 10o ; Hcavi'r Cn'Pk CO , Oc ; Jallioy
XX , Iloallipy ; XXX , Wo ; JulHoy 1) * T ,
12 > .fo ; Columbian , 12)fo ) ; York , 13o ; Yoik ,
Inner. 13 } c : Ku'rett , lJo ; Haymaker's blue
nua broii , 7kc.
luncUnbleticlicd ( ) 6o& Mairnolla , ;
10 01. Magnolia , 12o : boz. West 1'olnt , :
10 o/ . West 1'olnt. 1'JKc
UUOK ( coloiedl lioston 0 oz. bro\vn and
drab , iaK"i Boston O H brown and drab , Do ;
HoUnn XX brown and drab 10o : Un tou
XXX blown and diab.llHe ; lioston 0 P bhu : ,
ll' o : Wnnen Tricot , ! . ' .
TJCKINOS Amo-Keae AOA 12 > < c : Thorn-
ke OOO. 7fo : Thorndlkotancy , u > 5o ; iorl :
10)fc ; JTork fnnpy , I'JJfo : Jllllbury , 12) ) o ;
1'earl Itlvcr , llh'o ; Hamilton. 12c : bwift
itlver , Cj/p ; ahetucket t > , bUc ; Bhetuckot 8.S
0e : Jlontaiik AA. I''e ; Montaukllll , 10 < o ;
Omcira ACA. l ' . { n
UINOHAMS KiMitrew. OQiOUc ; Amoskea
dress. 9c ; Araoskoasr , staple , 7 o : Ivauho
OKo ; Wamsutti. bKo ; Nubian. bfo ; AVftr
wick. 8 } < o : Whittendon. Oo : Bates , dress he ;
Kates. , staple , t > Ko ; Kindoluli staple , , fi > io
Lausdoune , 7o : ( Jlouccter , 7Ke.
C'lasviois Amoskca' , dieeks,0)tfc ) : Amos
Ksajf , stripes. b > io ( : Slater , striped , HO : Kdku-
buri , ' , u > fc : wliltuindon , stripes. Be : Glen *
rose , Oc ; Otis , checks , O.i < o ; Otis , stripes. 'Jc.
lto > al C > fc : Amoskeasf , napppd , 10fo ; Lu-
ray. book fold , 12c ; Olioron , book fold , U > o ;
Kuanrauce , book fold l o.
Dry liumber.
' ' ' ' ' ' !
t'u n'ifl ft'is n'o n'e
12 f ? 34 a
Sx4 li.OQ 15.W15.IM 1000 17.00 1S.0019.00
Jl 14.50 11.50 14 50 15 M 1B.K ) ia.60JO.50
SlS. . . . , 15.00 Ui U ) 1S.10 10 00 17.00 1B.UO 19.00
y . ' . 15.00 15.0J 10,00 17.CO 'MM 3X50
i)5.00 ) 15 Wlo.UJH 00 17.0
, tlS.ti > JU , 10.00 J7.U
Clear < Inch Yellow Vine . | 3.00
Clear. V Inch Norway . 14.0O
2 < l Com. , ; Y Inch , Norway > , , , , , , , , . 13.00
1st and Cd Clear , l f incli.s. 23 . $ MOO
inandSil Clear , l } and a inch , s2s. . . . WOO
3d Clear , IV Inch.sUs . 4800
Sd Clear , 1 < < ( indainch. s 2s . 4800
Select , 1ST , 1 } and 2 inch. s. 2s . 8000
1st Hlul'Jd Clear , 1 incli , s. 'Js . . . . 5000
Pd clear. 1 Inch , s 2s . 4450
A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s . 4000
J3 Select , l Inch. a. 2s . ! S > 50
11OA 111)0.
Nalboards , 12,14ft . nml 15.00
No.2boards , 12,14ft . nnd 10.75
No. Sboanls , 12 , 14t . and 1H.75
No. 4 boards , 12 , 14 ft . and 14.25
No. 1 , 4 it ft Inch , 12 nndSlfl.'iO U feet , rough. .
No. 1,4 & n Inch , 10 feet 14.50 , rough .
No. , 4 .fc 0 inch , 12 and 12.50 14 feet , rough. .
No. 3 , 4 & 0 Inch. 10 leet 10.,0 , lough .
1st Com. , } { Inch White Tine . SJIO.OO
2d Com , , ( i Inch White Pine . 23.60
1st Com. 0 Inch , w hlte pine . S * . 00
Sd Com. 0 Inch , white pine . 3400
M Com. r , inch , white pine . 2900
1) . C Inch , whlto pine . 2000
Com 4 and n Inch yellow pine . 17.50
Star 4 auiin Inch jeliow pine. . . . 21.00
1st and 2d clear jeliow pine. 4-0 Inch. . . 23.50
No. 1 , 1'laln , 8 and 10 Inch . S17.00
No. U , IMaln , band 10 Inch . 15.00
No. 1 , O. G . 17.50
White Ccdai , n Inch , hahes . S 11
" " ' " " '
" " 4 " round . U
Tennessee red cedar , split . 14 }
A 12 Inch , Is 12 , 14 mid it ) feet . SIOOO
11 " " " " " " . 4100
0 " " " " " " . 30 00
1) " " " ' " " . 2 ! ! 00
No. 1 Com. 13 in. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . 17 50
No. 1 " " " 10 , IS nnd 20 ft. . 1850
No. a " " " 12. Hand 10 ft. . 1550
I.TMI : , r.ic.
Qulney white lime ( best ) , 85c ; cpineut ,
Akion , Sl.7. " < ; plaster , S2.iti : ; hair , per bushel
WJi , ; sash , to percent oil list ; doois , blinds ,
mouldiiiEs , 60 per cent elf list ; tailed lelt , per
ewt. , SI. 75 : straw board. SI.OO.
Stock Yard Itcini.
A load of dead hogs that weio suiotheied
atCoitlandt , iluiltm tin ; locent stonu , have
been consigned to the jniiK
Some \eiy line Ice Is being cut on "the
lake" at the uxids.
A paity ol live stock men nnanged to take
pait In the sleighing canihal. Mr. Ttibbs
was followed by W. K. Hi own and Kiank
Yates. .loltn Doe was to bo stationed In the to pick up the dead and cripples.
Thiiiucli ' oiiio nilstindeistanding as to time ,
they wcie not present.
Their Wealth Store Imaginary Tlinn
Itcnl uiulTlielf Hills.Not Kv-
i'ittsburff Chronieli ) : "Look licrc !
Why don't yon newspaper fellows i\\'u ' \
the ( ilnniburs a re-it , und turn tln > buttlo
of j our Iceblu , worn-out jokes on 01110
other eli'- < ! of tinilesnien for a Benson ? "
The limn who tired oll'this question
\vtiH ti "jour" plinnbor , on his knees at a
sink in the corner of a dark kitchen ,
with a smudge of black across his face
and surrounded by the tools anil implf-
incuts of his profession , engufteil in ehii > -
ping awsiy tlie ieo preiwr.itory to cob-
bjin tip : i burst water mpu. He was iu-
viteu to enlarpo further on the gricv
aueoot hisgiiilil ii iinit tlu un' iiii } of
ili/Uion anil progress , the free tnul enlightened -
lightened press , and proceeded :
"Hasp ball mule and
, , nipther-iii-hiw ,
other block subjects for journalistic quibs
and cranks and alleged jokes ; but wo
poor devils eateli it all tiie jear lotiiul
all times and seasons are thine , ' O
plumber ! In winter the plumber is lay
ing up boodlu to build him a palace or
take him to Europe to niarrv his daughter
or sou to a title where wealth is a con
sideration greater than birth ; in glimmer
thn plumber is said lo bo astonishing
everybody by bis lavish display ot wealth
at the seaside , mountain and like resoits.
The plumber's bills are likened to
eternity , because they are without end.
We catch it in pro o , and are lashed to
inadncss in doggerel in its most awful
forms. Tliis has been going on for
yearH , and , now that they have got to
putting plumber jokes Into medical
almnnaes , I think the wbat-d'yc-call-'cms ,
the paragraphers of the newspapers ,
ought to give us a rest.
"No other hot of artisans are called
upon to do such dirty and disagreeable
work as arc the plumbers , and we fre
quently run as much risk to life and limb
as do any other class of workmen. Out-
fiide the littingup of new buildings , there
is very little of what can be callifd agree
able work In our bitMiiess. AH repair
ing is more or less lilthy , and some of it
is perfectly awful , and the charges ought
to be much higher than they are. In
putting in hydrants wo have to work in
the mud anil water , and so we do also in
opening up old or putting in new pipe
sewers or conncRtions. And wo are ex
posed n great deal to the weather , and
suffer as much from cold as any one.
Just look at mo. i had my cheeks , nose
and cars frost-bitten while doing repairs
during the recent cold weather , and the
whole job , which took me more than half
a day , only came to $2.75. Do you con
sider that an exorbitant price with all
those frost-bites thrown in ? I don't. The
fact is , plumber ' charges are not as a
rule unreasonable when you come to in
vestigate them. Time is the chief ele
ment in nearly all our charges. For in
stance , your hydrant needs a washer. In
stead of getting ti piece of leather , cut
ting a washer and putting it in yourself ,
you .say you haven't time and stop at my
shop and leave word for mo to do it.
That means n walk of several squares
going nnd returning , to do ten
minutes' woilc. I eliargo you 25
cents , and > ou think it outrageously high
just for putting in n bit of leather. I Jut
when you count up all the time consumed
the charge is not high. The same thing
is true in a great measure of nearly all
small jobs , \Ve luu o to go about lugging
great loads of tools and solder and lead
pipe and other materials , und are en
titled lo pay for doing it. It is a part of
our business , and not a pleasant part
either. Don't you fear. I'm not goiug
to charge up in your bill for fixing thm
pipe tno time I've used up in talking to
you. Hut I wanted to put in my protest
against the nuwhpapois making the
plumbers the butts for nil their chest
nuts. "
'W MM iq u asiui
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $250.000
SuplusHay 1 , 1885 25,000
H. W. YAIXS , President.
A. E. TOOZAUN , Vice Prcsitlcnt
W. H. S. HUGHES , Cashier.
. - . , , . BiltECioua ;
Cor. 12th and Ferunm Streets.
General Hauling Uusluc s Traimctocl
L . . . - - .fc- .
'Billiard Tables.
, _ _
Tii K nnUiNs w R'K.n A we K-coi.ii7N niTiiX col
Manufacturers of Billiard & Fool Tables ,
And Saloon. Oflloo anil llnnk TlJtnrc * . Market
and Huron Sis. , Chicago , III. Umnlm offleo , 503
? . lOthjSt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Book Binding , Etc ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And iJlnnk Hook Manufacturers. No's. 108 nnd
_ lOSSouthlUHmrcet. Omaha , Neb. _
_ Bridge Jj Ste-m Pile Driving.
KiiRlnrois nnd Contractor" .
Roof Trusses Steam Pile
Bridges , , Driving
li-on Combination nnd Ilrmo Tnisi IlrMcc ? ,
I'lllnjr nnd Onk Timber. 1Mb 81. , near I'ninnm.
Tclepliono No. 7.14.
Duller I ubs.
.1. SRVMOUIl ,
Manufacturer of Butter Tubs.
BO ft. Kc ; 40 H > , HOoj ffii B > . iMol H ) ft , So ! Wl ft Ilrk.
ins , UOc. 18th nnd l > luci > St'Omnlm , Not ) .
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nnd Ainmiinltion. " 15 to SKI Pout It 11th
Street , VXSOto ! 1 rurnain Street , Omaha , Nob.
\VKST .v ruiTsonnit ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wlmlpsnlu Dcnlcrs In I.caf Tobacco * . Nos.
_ _ lOSnndllON. 14th Mitel , Oinahn , Nob.
Eagle Cornice Works.
JoliM Kpcnotcr , Vroptlctor. Mnmifni turcr or
(1 iih an Imll roil nndCoiulco. IC1 DodRe mill 101
mid 105 North Utli Sti cut , Omnlin , Neb.
Mnnti fnctuiora of Ornamental
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , rimilo , itc.ailS. : ) 12th fit. Workdono
In nn > p m of thocoiintry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SrnCHT , Proprietor.
Gnhnnlrcd lion Cornleus , Etc. Spcplil's I'll-
proved Patent Mi'tiuTuPkjIlh'ut. COM 510S.
k'lhbt. , Uinnlui , NcK
Doors , Sash. Etc.
ThoGatothyPlfnVgS ,
Doors , Rn h nnd HllmK Al o nil html * of
tuinlntr. bcroll nndStnlr work of o\eiy do-
Manufacturer nml Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stair JtnlU a specialty Telephone No. 8-
IStU ami Matey fit. , Omaha , Neb.
Electrical .
_ .
" ' "
L"\vTwo'LKE & "CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnsonlc Block , Qnmlia. HnrRlar Alarms , Hells ,
Khc Alunn-i , Klqetriu .MiUtliu , Speaking Tubas ,
Gold , Silver iind.Nlckul , Phitlny , Kte. _
Iron and Nails.
' '
Cut'Nail's and Spikes ,
Tire Nails r. Specialty. Omahn , Neb.
Omalm Iron 'Works Company ,
Machinery , rnstlnjrs , Steam Eniflncs , Bailers ,
Arclilttctuiul Iron Work , Iron IliIilRcs , Mlnliiff
nml Mill Machinery. Ofllco and norKs , Union
I'nciBo U. H. 17th anil ISth Hliccts.
Foundry Works.
Cor. 14th nnd Jackson Sts. , prepared to do all
kinds of Iron and Hraos rastlnirs ; also , O , O.
llunnlttor's Hoclilnz Orate 1) ) irs manufactured
Mattresses ,
r. M.
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Mattresses , llcddliif ? , Feather
1'lllow B , OitB , ntc. 1200 anil 1208 Dou lus Street ,
Onmlui , Null.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeuns Pants , Bhlrts , Etc. , 1102 and 1101 Douglas
blifet , Uiualia , Nob.
Omaiia Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Kirn and Burglar Proof Safcd ,
Vault Doors , Jail Work. Slmttrrs nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. Hth nnil Jackson Sts. , Omaha , NcU
Soap ,
P. 0. QUKALFA' ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Dfflco and Factory , near Ponder Magazlpo.
Oinaliu Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
1315and 1317 Hartley street , Omnhii , Nob. 8ola
Aecntfi In Ncbrnsku lor Jones' CcltbratcilcJplIt
bhaft Sulkies.
Fstalillshcd ISji ) .
Tne Leading Carriage Factory ,
HCUnnil Ull Dodge Sti cct , Omuha , Nob.
While Lead.
Corrodcrd nnil Qtlndoraof
Perfectly Pure Whlto Lead ,
Ouinlm.Neb. J , vl Carter , Prce.j C.V. . MooJ ,
Vlco Prrs. : li. W , YutcB , fccc. unilTrcua.
'ine ' HUlard ,
B. Bheara , J. B. MnrKcl.Tlme. fiwobo , Pronrlotcra
Oinulia , Nebraska.
ircade Hotel ,
.Tnnips C.Wpy , Projirlctor ,
j2ir nnd 1217 DoiiKtua Kt. , Uniiilm , Neb.
Tliopiui'oiiutroof coininprctul men rcHnuotfully
Kilkltcd. They will mid this tliu beet $ - ' a Ur.y
boueu M ctt ot
Planters House ,
Hntcs , < ) iier ilny , btnet earn trom U. P.
\\lthm onij block of IIOIIHC. Cornc
nd 10th BtreCts , Oiuabu , .
The Cozzens ,
P. Itumsoy & u ) . , Proprietors.
lUtce 2.00 per day , no daik rooinp. Omaha ,
Neb. Alee proiirictors of Palace HotelBuiitu
Fo , New Mexico.
Canfleld House ,
Cor. Ninib and Kiirnnm fits. The best (3 per
day hotel In Oinulm. Itcinodeltil , tcluriilslicU ,
rcUetvi utod ; ono block from army neudquurtci rf ,
op ) > o ltu Union Pudtlo hcudquuiieis ; Hi cut caia
pued the door. Oeorno Cunncl < l & Co , propilo-
tore. Also Union Block Yurda Hotel , South
Hotel de Gees ,
P. GOOS. Proprietor.
European 1'lun. The only centrally located $3
aUayhouBo. 'Ihrco doors from llojil'8 Opera
llout-o and uno-lmlf block ftutn the 1'ostoillco
ftiidtho Court HoUbC. 15) ) ! ) . 1510 , 1DU "
Agricultural Implements ,
_ _ . _
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Office , Corner Cth nnd ratlfloSt" , Omahn ,
AVliolcia.0 Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnil llURgli'S , Omah.t Nob.
ClllUtClULIj 1'AHKKK ,
Wholesale Dealer in
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carriages and Itninrlc' . .lc HM St. , bet. Oth nnd
Boots nnd Shops ,
W. V. MOt'SU ft CO.i
Jobbers of Boots and Shoos ,
Ull rarnam Street , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory ,
Summer Htrwt , HoMon.
Carpels. _ _
"V/A. OUCHAim ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mailings , Cnrtnln Goods. Kit1. . 1423 rarnnni
Sttect , Omaha , Nob.
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Omec , 213S. 14lh IH. , Omaha , Nob. Yards , Dili
nnd Oronport Streets.
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Best varieties. Olliec.2138. Kith St. Telephone
No. 14ttl , Umnlm , Nob.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
EM S. loth St. , Oinnhn , Neb.
UFO. C , Tow I.K , ProsMonh
Gro. IHrrrniON' , Soo. iitidTiens.
0.11. lltn.iu.UT. F.A. IHicii.
Propili tor. Manager.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OMAHA , NllllltASKA.
Onice , ! M7 S. lath Sti eet. Telephone 13.
Oto. F. J.uiAim , Pros. C. I\ CJoonM , V. Pics.
.1. A. SlTM > Hii.tM > Sec. iitid Trvns.
Omaha Coai , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbcisof haul nnd < oft eoal.i'OOS. Utli St. ,
Oiiuihu , Neb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
F.icluslve dealers In IJouldor Colorado Coal , 217
; ontli Uth htrcot.
_ Coffee and Spites ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tens. Colfres , Splcri. IlnUlnff Po dcr Vlnvorlnf ?
Kxtincts , I.aunifry Illno. Ink , cto. 11U-1U Har
tley Street , Omaha , Neb. _
Commission , Etc. _ _
' *
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 rnrtinm St. , Omaha. Apples Our own i-aek-
liiff-1'lattiro.'BTlBcr Ittnnil O/Steis , Uuttor ,
s , tininc , Poultry , Potatoes.
JOHN 1'LAClv ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Pto\ l lens , Trults , Flour and Food , 105
P. 14th St. , Omaha , Net ) . Consignments solicited.
llctiiriu nuulo pioinplly. _
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
ChitRc , Fansnrc'i. ; Triilts , Ihitchers * Tool * and
Supplies. Wi Jones St.Oiintlia , Neb.
V. 13. ItlDDRLL ,
General Commission Merchant.
SpKciALTits C hoei-o , llutter. KKITS , Poultry
nnd Ciiiino , lia S. llth. , Omaha , Neb. Tclo-
pliono No. 39 , ' ) .
D. A. : tUULBY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , Kres nnil 1'iodiico. A full line of dtono-
'Mile. CoiiBlgnments ollcltod. 1114 , UodffO St. ,
13. MOnO.N'V ,
General Commission Merchant ,
lluttcr , Kifffc1 , Cheese and C'ountty Produce h'oii-
orally , WO S. 12th St. , Onmha , Nob.
McsiiANi : & SCUHOIDEK : ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Hefrlpcintor anil Paclcln-r House , Hth & . Leaven-
vortb St. , on U. 1' . It. li. TrackOinulio , Nob.
EstablisliPd 1870.
General Commission ,
Z116. 14th St.Omulm , Neb. Specialties nuttor
lSf ( f i I'oultty and Game.
Commission Merchants ,
Vrultj , Produeo and Piovlsions , Omaha , Neb
nAUN .v SONS ,
( Suc ; < js on * to A. P. Scliack. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 213 Soulli l.'th Street , Omaha , Nob.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
I'm Itfi.Flour. Apples , Stoiiminto. rider.Vlnc.'fRr ,
Ciaes Ser-dH. lluttor nnd Kf-/ri , Ul > mid ills South
Uth fitrcct , Omulitt , Nebiaeha.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , llutter , Omni ! , FiultH.Ktc. 220S. 14th
St. , Omaha , Nebraelm.
Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits ,
Meats , Lard , Jellies , llutter , V. KS. C'liuoso , Etc.
No. 305 S. 12th St. , Onmlui , Nob.
WESTEltriELl ) 11H08. ,
General Commission Merchants ,
KCCIjodKoSticct , Omahn , Neb. ComlgnmunlN
015 1-1 li Street , Omalm , Nob. Speclaltioa : Hut.
ter , DmfH , andl.'hlLlEuiih ,
" " *
AV. L. wiuauT ,
Agent for the Manufueturerj nnd fmpurlcrs ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chimneys , \'Ae. \ OIIUo , UlT South Uth
btictt , Omaha , Neb.
j. J. HUOWN & C ( .r
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
1J ) Doiulas Sti cut , Oinaliu , Neb.
L. filNSIIIJIta & CO. ,
Wholceale Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , Laces , Kinbioldery iuul Whlto Coeds ,
_ 1020Dnutflus Street , Oiuulin , Neb.
. . Engines ,
" J " "
Tlio Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary nnd portable onulnts , boilers r.ud
fluct Iron \\ark , unions , lurrlcnltnrul Inuilo-
nicnts , pumps etc. l U-1 ' 15 l.eavonwortliS : .
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
" " " " " " ' ' "
jI"crjilJNflNGTON A- bON ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool und Tallow.
1111 Jucksou Btrcct , Omaha , Nub.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Saddlery and Shoo Findings , llliles , Wool , I'ur ,
Pclfg , ( Jioute , Tallow , Etc. , Onmlui Ncl.
Flour , Etc ,
_ _ _
\V : . I'JitsioN. OEO. KICKuiugbi :
Wholesale Flour ,
(08.IO aud t > K Pi'trco Street Quialm , Neb.
Agent for J , C. HofTmajr A Co. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
By Holler and Hunfttrlnn Process. Warehouse ,
_ 1213 Jones Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. J. Wt > Uhnni XCo.'s Quick
HalfItiBlluckvslipnt Hour and proprietors Omahn
City Mill * , cor. 8th and Fnrnnra Streets , Omaha.
FlVl , Ltc ,
" "
ca" -
Surepvors to Ickeu Slcmsscn X Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Foreign FlshNo . Oil-in Joncl
- * . Sti cot nnd t' . P. Tmek , Omaha , Nob. ft
Furniture , Etc , . .
' " " - - y.-
DKWl'.V * STON13 ,
Wholesale Dealers In Furnitura ,
Fiitnnm Street , Onmlm , Neb.
Groceries ,
AM.KN' 111103. .
Wholesale Grocers ,
_ J110iindim Doiifflnt Stifcl , Omahn , Neb.
13. 11. CHAPMAN & CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco and Smokers' .Arttries , 1J17 Howard St
M13YI3U .V 11AAFKI3 |
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , i
Splcts , Cigars and Tnlmeco * . 1,117 nud 1319 Doujf-
las Stt cet , Oninhn , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th und Fninnm Stteets , Ojunha , Neb.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. W. , 707,709 mid 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Eprlnj ? , Wnooii Slock , Himlwood Lumber , etc.
I'M ) nnd l-'ll llnrney etrecx , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Can Intro AVood Stock , Hciivy lltirdwaro ,
Ltc. 1 1" nnd 1210 l.ciucnuoitli Stiect , Om.ilm ,
llI.M13llAaOH &TAYI.OK ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mcchnnlcb'TooUnnd llutliilo Scales. 140 ; " , Doug
las bli cot , Omaha , Nub.
L13C , riHKD * CO ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , L'tc. AKcnts for Howe Scales nnil
Miami I'owdcr Co. , Omaha Neb.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Jlnntles , Orates , llmss imodi. 13J1 nnd IJ U Tar-
mini Stieut.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emeison Stenl Nulls. Cor. 10th and llatnoy
Stteets , Omaha , Nob. _
' "
wSl."lE13UING & CO. , CHICAGO ,
Manufacturer of the-
Deerfng , Harvester Goods ,
Write to Wm. M. Ixirliuor. Gonoinl Agent ,
Omaha. Tclepliono 010. _
Iron Pipe , Etc.
" " " " " ' " " ' "
CO W I NO & CO ,
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbusin Iron Plpu lion I tthifrs , lion nnd
Drass Goods. 13iiKlneois' buppllos. Htu und
Dodge Sti ccts , Omaha , Neb.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Etcnm , Water , llallw ay and Jt Illlng Supplies , Ktc ,
! ) , 0.-J und Wl Fmnuni St. Omuha , Neb.
_ _
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Supplies. Hcndciuartots fo
Mast J-'oost Co.'o Goods. 1111 Ftuiiam Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Jewelers ,
Dealers in SIhonvnio , Diamonds , Wntcha ?
Clocks , Jewi-JeiV Tools and Jlnterials , Ltc. , 101
nnd 1U1,15th Street , Cor. Dodge , Omaha , Nob. _ .
Live Slock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Ynrdngo Chained.
t Close to U. P. Uridtfo. Dpeclal ncconiinodntlon
nnd n Kood market lor hosa. 13. C. Cooper , Mmi-
ugor. Omco , South Dth Street.
M. nOllKK i. SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Geo. Iluiko , Manager.
Union Stoek Yards , S. Omatia. Tolo > hone r > & 3
\r. r. nuowN & co. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Onico I3\charisro lliilldinr. ; Union Stock Ynids ,
houtli Omaha , Nob. TolophonoNo.iWt.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yaids , Chlciuro , 111. , nnil Omaha ,
Ni-l ) . 1't link rlilltfmlcnMuimterOiinilm ; ill anoh.
Ti-lupliono No. i'KJ. llotablWieil iwu.
W. 1 1'ATJtlCIC A , CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
. ' .ddii'BS all communications to us ill Union Slock
> in da , bouth Omaha. Advances mailu on Btorlc.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
01' OMAHA.
, Limited. John 1lluyd , SiipciJnleiidont.
BAVA < iK As ( JKKKK ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
8hJj incuts of any nnd idl kinds of fctoclc bollclt
, ed. Union bt ck YunU , OiiKili.i , Ncli.
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
gnth , Doois , Kto. Y.udi for. 7th and Douglas ,
Cor , tub and Dongl.ij.
110HN MANUrAC'nJltl.N'H CO , .
Manufacturers of Sash , Dcors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , fitalrVorl. . nnd Jntoilrir Html Wood
J'lnhlu Jiistoprm-d. > , ' , H. cor. tth and lU\cu-
Mortli Httccts , Om.ihu , Nob.
Wholesale Lumber ,
en S , 14tu Sliuft , Omaha , Nob. 1' . Colpouur ,
C. N. Dini'A
Lumber ,
37th dad Caliroiulu Ctivcl' , Oiunha , Null.
nun : w. GHAY ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Cor. Cth und Douglas SlrcUf , Omaha , NYh.
Wholesale Deaiei1 in Lumber ,
Ouiah.i , : Tiiliir kn.
" " " "
CIIAP. 11. LEK ,
Hardwood Lumoer ,
Wnrcn Slock , I' 'Vooils , Urld 'o Timbers ,
ten. , 3. W. Cor , Ml : ai ! > j Ju\i0-l s , Omaha , Neb.
0. I1. rVMAN , ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , HoEJwSfA
ap r , Kts. South Uih fitrtot , CuaiK ,
Keuraska Lumber Co ,
Paid fti Capital Stock , { -JoO , < yjO. ,
rs.munuffc tuiou und wliolcbule ucul
Millsu . Won Jl , WIs. Wholosula and rat
Ou ha. .NoL. OUti. Vth.SU
OMAHA I. ' Mni'al CO ,
OMlorlln AllKlmliot
Bnilding Material at Wholesale.
3ftb Strcotnnd i n on 1'itc fl Track , Oinnhft
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
roth and Irani Streets , Omnhn , Ncbroskv
J. A. WAKKrir.t.I ) ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
llulldln ? Papers. Sash , Doors , Illlnds , MouM j
IURS , Pickets , Potts , Llnii' , Planter , Halr.1
Cement. Nlntn nun Jonoi > , Omnhu Neb.
Millinery ,
* * *
Importers nnd JobboHot
Millinery and Notions ,
dl21t llnmey Street , Omnhn , Neb.
Musical Instruments ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Stelnway Pianos , Wrber , Decker. HaliicsmnlJ
IlrlgRH I'ninos , Packard Organs , Clmso OrgAus.
101 and ll nth street.
* Notions , Etc , _
J. L. nilAMUIKS & RON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry flood * , Notions , ( louts' rurnl < hlng Good * . . .
Hoods from Now Yoik. Tiado sales daily. Ml
and 03 South Uth bt. , Omaha.
French and German Fancy Goods ,
IhUfKlsta' nud Pint loners' Sundries. 1(15 ( Tur-
iiam , Omahn , Neb.
J , T. Robinson Notion Company ,
m\ \ and W , S. 10th St.Onuiha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealers In Notions nnd Gouts' Kur
nlihlnir ( ioods.
Oils , Etc.
"coxsoMTUT-r.n TANK LINK co
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
GrtFollne , Mien A\lo ( iirn'-o.llto. A. H.
[ , Onmlui , Neb.
Pork Packing.
" JAMUS 13. llOYlC"
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omaha , NcbiniKa ,
IIAUK13 . riSIIlIll ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Omce , Union Market. 1517 Dodire Sticet. Packing
hoiiko , U. P. It It. Tinck , Omaha , Neb. Tele
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
Tito and Huielar Proof Satcs.Timo UeKFYaults
and Jail \\oik. MM raiimm Btrcct , Omaha , Nell
V "
J. 13VANS ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
Agricultural. Vegetable. 13lc. Odd rellowa * Hall ,
N. W. Cor. llth uuil Dodge M . , Omuha , Nob.
Drugs , Etc.
" " " " "
Wholesale Druggists , .
Jobbers ofl'alntP , OIK Wlnl w UUsa Ktc. , llll
lliuuvy faticot , Umulm , Noli.
Lt. . ,
Tt t
TI1K ( iOOOMAN IlUG ) ! CO .
Wholesale Druggists , ; , |
And Dealer In 1'alnts Oils and Wiudoir Gltiss"i
Omaha , Neb ,
Wines and Liquors. _ | i
DI3LLONI3 i , CO. . ,
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars' ,
12CC nnd I'Ml Douglas St. , Omaha , Nob. TttO ;
toiIes-Nos. 1 nnd Wl.Ud Dht. N. Y. - * . $
Sutccbsor to McNiMtrtt iliTM\N , Importort
and Wholesale Dculois In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
214 and Kin S. llth St. , Omaha , Nob.
Wines and Liquors.
Wcstoin AifontJ-js. Fchllt * lliowlna Co. 7199. )
Oth Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
1K1 Douglas btrcct , Omaha , Nob.
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Liquors. Role manufacturers of ICc'iinoJy'i
Kust India Hitters. 1113 Harney Street , Omaha ,
Neb. . . _ -
L. P. LARSON i CO. , ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And UMIIIS , nnd ( "Jomuiil Agouti lor the Philip
lit'sU' Cclobiatcd Mlluunkoo llcer , Omaha , Neb
Harness , E'.c. '
WKI.TY & . t.ANOllOCK ,
Muiiul act ui ci H mid Jobbers oC
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , ,
Tuif Ooodd , Illunkols and Itnbu . JU1
btiect Omaha. Neb.
Milwaukee & 9 , Paul
The Short Line
and Best Route
From Omaha to the East.
Chlcaeo , Mlniii > ai > ill . Mllwuilkop ,
hi. Paul , Cedar Ituplds , Oavtnporr ,
( 'Union. ] ) ubniiio | , Uockliird ,
Itocklnlitiid , Ticupoit , .limcsi'lllo ,
KiKln. Jliullvin , l.aCrofto ,
Ilcloli , Wlnniia
Audallotlior Inipoiiuut | > ojnls r.ut , Northeast
und tSoutliuitJt.
TluKct onico nt HOI Vnriiain slioot , ( In I'nxton
Iloti'l ) . and at Union Piiclllu Dijiol. ,
Piillnian BliopcMuiiiul the I'liicst Dlnlntt C.ira
In tliii Wuihi urn inn on the nuiln Unco ot t' '
. iitKiitloii Ih pnlil lo pnsjungou by tout teens
ons cn\iloj \ | I-H lit1 1 IKI eompany.
It , Mil. ' , i. n , ticneial Mamigor.
J , K. TiKFit. . APsUtiuit ( Jeiii'Ml Maimfcr ,
A. V. II. OMii-RNTCit , Onniial Passniigcr on !
Tltktt Agont.
( Jio. i : . lli.AiKOiu ) , ASBle'.nnl Gun"i.iH'af > i > u
cr und Ticket Auvnt , _
" " "
and Jail Work.
10G rarnuiu iSlreut , Onmlm , Neb ,
Coraiuission Merchant ,
And Wholesale Dealer In
Country Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc ,
320 U , ( Ofh St. , Omaha , Neb ,
Ilufurenccs , by 1'onnlss.lon-rirst National1'
Dunk , Dubiuiuo ; A. B. ( luiiutbun. Cashier Hloiu
National Hunk , floux City ; ltnit National Di.nk
DCS Molnts ; II. M.KIiiKnmn , Attlstunt Cushtr '
Flrit National HunkCliicujro.
It * H. KnnvQ , Lincoln ,
, tt. ' 'c ± p.-iw PaW.