Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Advertisements under Oils head lOcontspor
line for the flitt Insertion , 7 contu for each
ubjcqucntii : ortlonni ] < l f 1.HC n 1 nn pfirmontb.
Gcvcnworda wjl tie counted to the line ; thtr
must tun consmitlfclr nnd must bo puldln ad-
Tauce. All Advertisements m t bo handed In
before 2 o'clock p. rn. , unit under no ciroum-
etnnccs will they bo taken or discontinued br
I'm-tlcsBdvcrtlMnir la thcjo columns and harIng -
Ing tlio answers addressed in cnro of Tin : HEE ,
will plcnso iu k for chock to onnblc them to get
their letters. B9 none will bo delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
$ aooo roil LOAN , If applied for Immediate
ly , by Halloii Hios. , 317 S. 13th t. Ifi'J ' fob !
ONKrooA on horsM , wnpon fur-
ulturr.tvntclir * . wllliont rnnovnl. Terms
cnsy. C. J. Cixsncll , Itoom in , Iron llnnk HiilM.
Ing , 12th nnd Turnim. . Tnko olevnlor. ( ifiO-tob7 *
$ inoooo to lonn on city rtsldenco piopcrty.
Ueo. W'.Hn } ' , If/JJ rnrnnm. iiB ;
rill ) r.OAX Money mnhy amount ,
JL On nil elacJCB of security.
Phorttinio IUIUI4 on ostnto.
Txing tlmo lonns on real c'tiito.
Monuyto lonn on olmttolg.
JloiH'y to lonn pn collnternl * .
Money to loan on any good security.
Tcniia ensy , tlmo to milt.
Apply nt thoOmntin rinnnclnl Kichanco ,
lliirkur'B bulldlnif , SU' corner of
nrtcenth mid rnrnnm ' stsLupsmlrs.j' ' _
( NKV T ) LOAN on'lmproved nnd tmlm-
piovcd elty propnrty. Cunningham &
llrcnnnn , 1511 Dodeo ptrcet. ' 'II
MONIJY for ovcrybodyl Volt can borrow
iiionoy on furnliuro , horses , wagons ,
pianos , stock of all kinds , diamonds and line
irnlchcsioii > our own tlmo. Payments received
t any time , and Interest reduced pro rnta.
Properly loft in your own possession. Terms
l w M the lowest. Call and POO mo. Iiuslness
conlldonllal. Noadvantage taken. W. 1U Croft ,
lloom 4. WlthnoH'R NowIlulli'JnK.Northcaatcor-
ncr 15th and Haincy. 715
1ONiV : TO f.OAN O. 1\ Davis &Co. lloal
M ICotnto and Loan ntfcnts , 1505 Farimm St
ONRV fo"LOAN On good securities. A
McdnvoeV , room 7 Itexllck Block , 1509 Fnrnam
Bt. 377
MONHV TO I.OAN-On chnttcls , Wooley &
Harrison , room 20 , Omnhn National bank
building. 7M
M ONKV TO T.o.VN On real estate nnd chat
tels. D. I * Thomas. KX )
MONIJY TO LOAN In sums of $200 and up
wards on'Ural-class real estate security.
Potter * Cobb , 1515 Farnnm St. 801
IONT.V l.OANKI ) atCF. Ileod & Co's. loan
olllto , on furnlturo , pianos , horses , wngons
pciBonal property oC all kinds nnd all other ar
ticles of vnluo , without removal. Over 1st Nal'l
llnnk , corner 13th and Farnam. All business
strictly conlldciitnl. btt !
" \T7"ANTiu , All onergntlc man with mnilor-
ate capital can mnko liom J.r.OJ ( to ? 10-
OOOajcarby becoming pattncr or purchaser
in an cstabllshrd lannuiticlurlng enterprise.
Forfiuthor paitlculars nddrets , 11. 80 , Hco of-
llco. 2I.-U )
Foil HA Li ; Mcnt market , with buildings , 2
wngons , 3 horses ; good location. K. r.
ltlngcr.110N.151h. 172
TTIOIt SAI.K One of the best stock larms
JL ! within easy icnchof Omaha. If sold this
mouth \\onldtakea house and lot as part pay-
meat. Ihilloii HioR..ai7S. lath Bt. lOlfobl
fjWIt SAI.K The best paj Inir butcher bushiest
. ' * ' JL ; In Oinahn ; line location. Addicss II Gl , llee
"i Odlce.
Tnoil HAI.U A dcsliablo business In farm
JL1 iiiacliinoi } , together with the InislncSB
liouso and lot in a good town In ccntial Nfbras-
Ita. Address , with stamp , U 28 , lieu , Omnhn.
BANK von .SAI.I : A ell established bank-
Ing business In I3n tcrn Nebraska , county
Beat town for Mile ; S12.UOO capital rcqulictl. Ad-
divsslC8 | , lice oiiico.
T71OH SAM ! llcstaurnnt , a grent bnrq-nlnS'3CO.
JU Gibson & Aiclior , Itoom a , Wltlmell Ulock ,
rriOK SAii : Or exchange The Jlorchnnta'
if. JL ; hotel , a line now bold In Clindion , Nob. llcn-
1nl receipts now 200 per montli. Will bell or ox-
chtuVro for rcsldcnoo p nr business part of
Utnnhn. J'urllo * olillg doslio ta llvo In n larger
oily. Addrcps , W. A. Langworlby , Clindron ,
_ ycbrn Un. . _ iililfcbs *
171 K.\01IANGi-A : f7,500 stock of dry
JJ goodgfor M cash ; balance unlinemnbcicU
'land or good Oinnlm property. For c\clinngo
A $10,000 stock of dry goods tor Hcndi , bnlnnco
unlmcumbcrod land or good Omnliii piopeity.
Gibson , Archer & Co. , Itoom 3 , Wltlmell lllock.
T71OK SA1.U A paying no.vPpapcrbuElncf in
JLJ good Nobrnska town ; price , J2.000. Oil ison
&An.her. lloom a , Wltlinell Hlook. MilFoil
Foil SAI.K A JC , X ) stock ol gcncinl mer-
chnndlso in n inpldly growing town con
taining 1HX ( ) Inbabltnnts and 2 iiiiiroadrt , situa
ted In ono or the lioM. farming and etoek coun
ties in Southern Nebinskn. Husincss \ tbo n d-
tst , location the bt'bl , and trade the laigcstol'
nny IIOIIPO In town. No better oppoitunlty can
bo found tor any , ono wishing to engnito In
nbovo business. Bnecial Indiiuoinonts offered
pniLhiiFur. Will sell or rent building lor lull
particulars addicts ( Joncral Merchant , Hco
Olllc , ( iniahii. KiT-U !
TflOUSAM : Milk Dairy , about 2.1 cows anil
JU otitllt , and hind to lensu. JJ. L. Tbonins ,
Itoom R , Ciclglilon block. BO !
TilOlt SAI.K Hnidwnrj business In Onuiliu.
JU _ Addrops II. l'i HcoOlllce. 7.)2fclll
FOIt SAI.K-TI10 Commercial Hotel at Boulh
Huiid. Neb. , pilco $2,000 ; terms oasj' . Ad-
dicssT. Vf. V. , llox 10 , Poulh Hend , Nrb.
( ij'J-lobin *
TjlOlt SAI.K-Or oxcbungo Twelve hnndicd.
JL1 nnd eighty ncicsof Mo. , timber nnd ginss
land , loity miles east ol Kanras City. As iluh
Kill n < < any land lu the flute , n 111 nil nil or ] > iu t
.at flltvcn dollarsiiorncioor i\HI exchange lor
podil ImproM'd or unimproved Kubiaska land.
llcdlordJc Pniicr 15T ,
OH BAM : 3 lots in Spring Hill. $ i,0carh.
AI o nu cstnbllsheil banking btiKlnoM In Ne-
brnFl.a. county eoat. ( ilbsoii VAicliLr , Itoom
'i niook Omaha. 2.- ;
LOST On Thursday , January : ! ! , a 1'olntor
lojr ) , whlto , with lour llver-o ilorod spots.
Ciiino to llio city from my liirm. Will pay milt-
nblo toward , wjr. A. I'AXTON , nt I'axton Hotel.
. _ _ _ _ _
/ J f ' ! ' '
* r OST Ono blue and whlto greyhound hltoh.
4-J Any liitoimillion leiullnjr to recovery of
, .Eatno will [ in suitably rewarded. Q. W. Koman ,
* 4iiS. ; lUth St. jilT-a ) *
IOnTllotweou Montana Bt. and Vf , It. lion-
J nott .V-Co.'BBtoro , ono lartfo oil tank from
, pwl.imodrlhery natron. Under ivlll eonfi'r
g a fnvorby loavinir woid at our store. W. It
, Ileuuet t & fo. 1 HI niul 113 N. litli St. 8H-ff )
"I OhT A Fiitfhcl near Metropolitan hotel ,
I-/ with papers and Jewelry In It ; nlno pooUct-
book t\lib ii.iino.Mivi. Win. ( 'ould. Kliulor plouso
roluin to Ill's c ftU'o and icrelyo rmrnnl. 0 > 11 *
TTlOt'NIJ An ajnioft full-blooiled hiowu ami
4 ? white spotted bull do . Owner can 1-avq
fcnino by paj ln charws and for this lulvcrllso-
Imiulio at 1'Jtii and Williams bts. a ' - ' '
muir lii ) liiossccn.
tcr. _ _ _ _
\\7 ANTHIl lly two > ouni ; men , board aud
? \ room i-iiiitriilly lOctitoil ; iiccommo'Jatlons
must bolh-M-olassj bi-stoncleioncos. Aildiosa
llbO , 1 ii > o 0 Ulco. _ 163-fclil *
i KOO3I mid lionr.A , $5 per wuoU ; very bcstlo ,
, cattoiu WU IJavcnt'oitBt. i&Jfvlilv *
PKKS ( N.\l.-TUo 1'ily looklntr foradlmior
tut will llnd In both dccorati-d iun |
white wiuo at the very lowest iirlws at Moody's
rhlim Hjorci : Kaiith t. SJT-'W
FJItsoXAt Notlco llio number of ttansfo-ti
tmulo in ioal oetiito during tlio winter
nioutha. thhiKS linn/ Unless it
lio' on account of the extra I'aicalas oirerclV
\ \ o lidllovo tins to iKM'VpluliiO'l nnd ran provu
iuio bu a tact , it jiu ( \\ill cull and look over our
list ot Oinaliii ( ' 'lly ' propm-ty of all l < ! iiils and ov-
cryiYhiuo , Wo IUUOEOUIU choice act opropuity
f Ju uud a numlior ol tpoilaldoiilti that wo can-
\jotadviutlsc , J. U Itlcii , IJ-'J 1'iiraaia , SIMM
PV3HHONA1. If ion liavo any proi'inty for
sale list U with Uoo. r. licmU , 15th and
- , \ \lt' r" Jt < - " "I'l * , Ocnlht and
, -v jL/moved 10 iblllJoiiiflasbti cot. fcta
a ? = = =
rlalm'ln lnili
( xiuty. : ThKIs Mdlity land , \ cry rich , and
-HHiorroi cd by n inlluia-l within two ) eaia.
0- aunclmr , 1511 Dodfc'o ft. fc40
iutiu ANU : iso acio Impiovcd taVrns within
P12 inllos of Umaha ; $21 per aero ; t IK-JO am
ImiKiims. Uilif cm & Aichcr , icoiu a Wltlincll
bloc-k. IUI
l.OMl'.CK , teal esiato ,
. lmpio\cd nnd 'iniinpnivo. )
lots in Oimilui ; urrc # iu < ur Ihceiiy and lii.ndiTcln
of tliouuiiulsof ncicaolhuld lor f.dtono ; ( -
f-Hniu'rncy tolli-lic.l. Marshall & l.ol'fcl ; , Ufa
Jburiitiw sticvt. Ulllto open till I ) p. in' . < 'Ji
miin W. a Mctrnor Stove llcpalr Co. . Ill South
X 14th St bf two n Uodpo and Douglas.
T AIIIKS in wnnt of RooiT domcptio help cun
JU bo FUppllcd by calling on the Omaha Km-
onico , Itoom 4 , Hushman'a lllock. Mrs.
Slovincnt proprietor. 7t
iron .SAI.1J Sand nnd Kra\oF Tranic J. Kas-
J' par , H33 South llth 8UIKfobyj *
T710II HAMJ-AlpalrsHonlcy Itlnk Skates , In
J1 good condition ; aKo lot of tools and repairs
cheap for cash , W. , 1'nluo , Sldnoy , Nob.
TTlOlt wcath/r strip * , dorm fash and doors , go
_ * ti fc U./lcad Wi 8. ICth st. S90
-s x/
" | -\7"ANTiD : fllrl for general homework.n >
V\ nllltn nt IFV" s. SOthrit. CA"I I
" \irANTiD : Compntoht droesmalcor wl hrs
sen Ing lu lumllles. Apply at 113 U lith
W ANTi : ! ) A flrat-cla 8 dlnliifj room girl at
Arcndo Hotel. 223-2
Girl f < ire general liousowork ;
( small family. W071)odK06U
WANTUti A chambermaid n ( rood , smart
\foinan who uiiderstnnda the buslnoss
thoroughly ; \vnppg tl per \\cclc ; apply hotMccn
the hours of 11 and ij ! l'12 ' Uonglas 8t , 1(0
A K'rl ' to do frcncial housework.
1IK1 Jacloon street. 170-J10 *
VY - at 1718 Cuss Et.
\\7ANTKii A good gill for gcnornl
> work In a family of two ; must know how
to cook ; wages $4 nor week ! iclerenccs re
quired , dill ut Kdliolm ti ICilcksou's , opp. P. O.
WANTI3O A neat ) oompolrnt gill to do
houscnotk for small family. Apply at
1WJ Cnss sti cot. Ili2-30
W ANTUIJ A capable sennnt gill tor iron *
oral housunork. Apply nt 710 N , 2M : pt.
\\7"ANTiii : Good girls for ironernl house-
V > work. Itoom lUualunnn liluok , 10th and
Douglns. 4Sn
W ANTii : ) ( lirl for general housework. In-
quiiont 107 South 14th st Kr
oirls for gonornl housowoik ;
i good places mid good wnges ; places given
free. Call at ll'J ' Hith st , Nebraska l.mploj mcnt
Agency , Ci ounce lllock. OS2
WANTii : > Agents to sell goods on tlmo pay-
incuts. 117 S. Kith . ' - *
) -A boy. ! )10 ) S. 15th tt.
WANTUD A flrsl-olafs salesman to repre
sent a well established house to the drug
trade , olthcr exclusively or In connection with
some other lino. AUdtcss P. O. llo.v 11X8 , N. Y.
Clly. SUn-30
WANT13I ) niicigctlcmeii III cvcty ton nln
NoliasKa to sell thu Hossclotncsiackb.
Agents nio niaklng liom'i to $8 per tiny. Tor
paillculars call on or addrc s P. O. I lux 737 ,
Lincoln. C. II. WiimtAN , 1124 1C btrcet.
WA > 'Tit > "i clgnr innkrrs , bnid workers ;
none but llrst-clnss woikmon need npply.
Addiras ( loo. U.dodfioy , I'rcmont.Nob. It < l-fl2
WANT13D MIMI naU women to start a new
business nt llnir homos ; can bo douo
evenings and learned In nu hour ; any person
making less than lOc to 50o nn hour should scud
lOo at oncofor n pncUagu of tnmplfs of gooils ,
nnd 21 wet Mug samples ( foimulos ) to commence
on. Address Albany Supply Co. , Albany , N. Y.
Girls wlshlmr for good places In
i i private families , hotels or boarding hou
ses , laimdiics , etc , can nlwnys llnd ( liem by
culling ut thu Omnha Employment Bureau , 1120
I'ninum St. 211
\\TANTXt ) From Feb. 1st , position to travel
> ( special line profoncd ) ; two years experi
ence in Nebraska , by jounp man ; A No. 1 lofor-
once. Addi ess 11 S3 , lioo Olllco.
"IX7"ANTJD To rent , a sinnllhotiso not more
> > than ton blocks from the postufllco. Ad
dress K. room IK , Omaha National Hunk Hulld-
Ing. 253-30 *
"t'l'ANTIIU To rent olllco loom in business
> center , wcttol 12th bticct Address U 3 ,
Hoc onico.
FIIIINCII nnd nennnn lessons , eveningsby
an experienced teacher in eastern bcliools.
Terms modoiato or in exchange for bonrd. Ad
dress n si , HPO onico. ISM *
WANTI3U Itoom , by n young Gorman
tencher ; pay In lessons. Address P. 11,614
Spruce St. 215-fobl *
FOKSAM3 Hrun,50c. per cwt. Schlcslnsor
llros. , cor. 13th and Loavcnworth. 225-3 *
T7Jlt \ lliNT Hous-o of siv rooms nt J12.00 ?
X per mouth , 01117th st , near Capitol uvenuu.
S. Lulunan. "IS
7,1011 HUNT Store , 300 North 15th Bt.
JL1 682-5 *
THOU IliNT ( l-room house. Clnik st. oppo-
Jj Blto 2d Congregational chmcli , St. Mary's
avo. 13. F. Itlueer , llflN. 15th st. 228
T71OK ItKNTNow lioiiRo with 0 lOoms.clsturn
JJ and well. Inquire nl UMt Oa\enport si. , In
baboment. u'I'J-JO '
FOK HUNT Sovon-ioom IIOUFO , and
Martha sts. , $15. A. P. Tuliey , 11)01 ) Kainnm.
P ) Il KiNT T\\o elegant houses , 10 rooms
cnUi ; water , gns nnd all moiluin cou\nii.
Ionics ; 25th unit Douglas stJs. ; each $19 per
mouth. HoffgsA : Hill. '
"ITIOII ItKNT Two stoio looms with nlco
-U dwclllnj ; rooms above at litiowold's now
block , huad of bt. Mnry's avo. 175lobl j
. OK HUNT liesliablo lojldonco moilcin
1 ponvciilaiuos. Ill fcoulh Iblli t. ( bctwoeu
Douulns and Dodge ) . . 17'-D ) !
| 71 OH ItUNTn5-acro truck t'nnn , 2 good
JL1 h. , usi < 3. 13. F. Hinaer , lin N. Ilith. 171
Foil ItllNT Snvcrnl noiifos In tlcslrahlo lo-
catioila Ii-oin JJO per month to $5(1. ( Iliillou
HI 'i3-iii7 : _ _
'T71O11 HI3NT Coltugo , 7 looms , barn , otc.
JU Cuba St. , near 23ih. 1' . T. Amlrcw.Ul : : N. imh
Street _ _ _ _ _ _
J71OII KUNT Tlu-co-r-'om house , llth & Dodge.
* _ _ 1 * 1
T710U imNX-41-rOOIil COttngO , fa" H. 2Ist s"t
JU ll'jfobl *
FOJt SAMAn : established grocery business
In Omaha doing $5U < K ) hmJimhs u month ;
capital required , $4 , ( ) .l. Also a BtocU of dry
guods doing good liiifliie.w in Omaha. Capital
ifiihcd | , ? ' , IAKJ. Cllbcou , Aichor to Co. , Ituoin 3 ,
Wltlmell Hlook ,
fTiOKllUNT llouso ofS roomsi'd and liar
JL1 noyat InouliuofMountUrilllnai3Bllth
Street. tw
TMOll ISKNT Honso , 3 rooms. $7. O. II
JJ U'hompson , 8. W. oor. llth BiiUUuraoy. _ 7 ! ' 1
Foil HUNT on I.IJASI : s-roum uouso on
Howard at. ; 10-acro ( 'ardua witli U-room
housu adjoining city ; S.i-ucto tana. 17 ntlles west
of Omnhn ; o bu iiipbs lots on St. Mnry'u avo.
Apply to 11 H. CUiipmau A ; Co. , 1217 How.iiil tit.
T71OH Ulivr Hnsoinentaiul buko o\i > n. John
JO Kruk , I11.-I N , ICthct. 75..fobll
oil fNT-Jriiiroo : oTuui" !
- houi-os of 10 ,
looms oauh. J. I'lilpps Hoc , { i55
"irioii ui.vr-Now house at 1520 Jaoksou st
i- ' Apply at Cumihiifliam.i : Hroumm's , 1511
Dodge bt. _ 102
POIt ItKNT Hqiiso belonging to the ostnto
of-ludgo Clmanick.WJ . PurU avonuu. W.J.
Coiinun. _ IBl
71tll ItKNTwo ( nowBnndo t-oonioa nouses ;
I'm mice , bath loomm.d all modurii COIIYDU-
, one block fium etri ot cars. InnuliuJo.
F. Haiton , 314 'Mil St. , or Smoltins Works. VS1
17KIU ItKNT Afctuio room with good collar
. ' IVtxIliuitBtrcat. Apply to Jotiu llau inor.
1 7\OU IIKNT 2 siori'R on Otn and lxavtmwortli
1 MR. 1 gtoio on South 13th it llolh Hrst-clabS
ImslurbSlccnUoas. Also houees to icnu A. Mo-
( luvot'k. tZU
TJlOll UlINT-niriiUhcd front parlor.lmy
JU1 w.'ndow , bi Id : , wi x nth HI. y\ '
,1U1N , , l-MUSt.
200-1 *
Inoil ItKNT IJUTSO front room , mpayrnlm-
. | a'ovt > ment8. Add > t < 6 P.O. boxliuS. 215
17011 ItKNT-VurulsUcdroonT. 103 N.Titb. "
71011 KI3NT VuroUlica ticnt loom 42LNorth
nth bticft , 1UO
FOIt HINT : With or without board , two
haiuli > iiict > furnished rooms ; moJoni eon-
\c > nk".cu.1T20 Capitol uvc.
furnished front room.
Tjion Itr.NT--A finely
JJ Inquire at Hospo'g , lBl ! ougla . _ _ pf ° M
UiNT : NowTy furnlshe < l largo room ,
Frm closet , for ono or two gentlemen ! prly-
Btohouso ! pleasant homo ; near business , lulo
Cnpltol a\o. ICftfolfl'
T71OII UKNT-Nlc'clr furnished rooms , E5
JJ Falrvlcw St. , org thN 8tiMsrysATO.nw-OTp ]
_ _ _ _ _ _
oil KKNTinrgT nicely furnlMiert front
room with tmanl. No. 7U N. llth ) l.Mfcbg
iTltm liiJN'T 1 Pinall room , $5 ; 1 largo room ,
JJ $12 per month , newly furnished , at tlJ7J ! N.
17th st. 139fcbS
rr\on \ HUNT Furnished rooms , ills Dodgo.
n niKW *
OIt HUNT House with I'l ' room , eity water
I * andgas. No.NMNoilh S3flMroet. Inquire
ofF. U. Coojier , 411 14th St. , City. 1OT _ _
OH itFiNT Nicely furnished looms flvo
blocks fiom postoinco. 6U7 S. ICth st.
'OH KENT Furnished room. Inquiredtug
store , 10th and Douglas. or n
ItnNT Offlco and desk room. Frcnzor
biiui 1 , cast 1' . O. Inquire Itoom 1. KIT
HHNT l.nrgo fiirnlshcd front room
FOU - . also back loom. 1713 Cnllfor-
nln St. 703
TTNOH itKNT Two siiltd ot 4 rooms ench ,
JL3 I'lcrco strtct between 19tli 'nnd BUthi Kn-
qulro llth nnd rnrnnm. F. JIoolilo. KiS
TJlOll UKNT-Furulshod rooms.XX \ N.o10th.
oitltKNT-Furnlshod rooms , 1609 Hnrnoy
1I7 !
\71Oll SAtiK 2ncro < ( ) farm ncnr TVccplnjf
J Vt'ntf-r. splendidly Improved , VO ncres under
plow. Will trmlo for Oranlm property. W. II.
Urcen. over 1st Nat. llnnk. 113
FOUSAI.K-Uy . O. Shrlvcr , 5 and 10-ncro
lots on mllltnry rondi > or ncre. , f ! - ' >
SSOncrcs joining stockjnrds , per ncro. . . 1UO
I'lno lot im Fnimim street 1000
Z lots on 1-civvonuortli st , . corner , both. . . 1100
2 lots on Hurt , foutli frontcnch 1000
lldnullfnllot.onst front , Georgia nvo 1 00
V5 lot on 10th near Hnrnoy 7603
" lots , Illmubnugli 1'hicu , fnolng" streets ,
$1550 nnd f ! 1COO
Full lot , Capitol avo. . ucarSOth COCO
i ft. Iront , with bultdlnir , Davenport nonr
1UI 1600
Full lot , Lcavcnworth st. ncnr 13th , build
ings runt for 8140 per month 10,000
Nlco cottiijro 5 rooms , barn , etc. , lot WxlOTi
it. , fronting : : sis i. . C500
Houses nnd lots In all parts ot the city , on
onsy terms.V. . G. Shrlvcr , opposl to P. O.
FOlt MAf.i : Two lots in PclhnmPlnco.ono
block fiom street car tinck , liiquhoSlSP.
13th street , K
T71OII SAX.K 82 feet fronton Cnstollnr ft. nnd
Jt ] 0th. 5-room house , well , clMoin nnd burn ,
f2,500.V. . 11. Oroon , oer 1st Nnt.'onnl Hunk.
fTIOKSALi : Ko-313-I.nrpo lot , 2 hoilPos , 2
Jstoiyuiich ; ICth street , ICount/o & Huth's
ndd$4tiOO ; ; nbitrgnln. E. T. Pctoison & Co. ,
rooml ! , Cor. K.tli nnd Douglns St. 200-30
FOIt SAT.K 2 lots E5vltO,2 houses , ? looms ,
cneh ncnr I8th , S" > . 00.
LoiDOxLV ) . hoii o 7 rooms , nenr 18th. ? 5.0CO.
lotWK13J , housoU rooms , Hurt Bt. , JOJi ) .
Lot C0vir 2 , house 8 looms , Capitol nvo. , f 5.PCO.
Lot 10x130 , house 7 rooms , Armstrong's udd. ,
$3.\X ) .
Soveinlhouses nnd lotsImpro\omcnt Asso-
edition , nt bnrgntns.
Lot GOxlSi , house 7 rooms , Hnrnoy St. , $1,000.
2 lots , Hnrnoy St. , nenr 2Mh , J2,8jO.
Desirable propctty near high school nt bnr-
Lots In Mnrsh'a add. . ? 1,000 to $2,100.
Lots In llnuthoino , $40U to $750.
A line Ecloctfon of city mid stfbuibnn pioporty
nln ay s on hand. .
173 n F. Ulnger , llfl N. 15th St.
FOK SAT.r 100 ncrcs bcnutlfiil land , 4 miles
fiom center of Hun coin Park , enl > Sto per
ncro. Gnu bo subdivided nnd closed out Inslilo
UOdnyB atS l ! ! per aero. Coohrnn Dios. .fc Co. ,
150'J 1'urnam st , 18330
FOR SAI.K House nnd full lot on S. 15th St. ,
SCOO.V. . II. Grocn , over 1st National Hank.
TTIOIt SALE No. IBS 2largoloHnnd5houso $ .
JJ routs tor S13. > per month ; $8,000 ; this Is
chcnp. K. T. Peter-on fc Co. . loom 1) ) , S. K. Cor.
Iflthnnd DouglusSt. 201-30
FOK SAia : Full lot , OSxiaj/Jcct , on lower
Fnrunm St. If sold soon , S2.0UO. Would
tuko ono-lmll In good Omaha property. Coohnui
llros. & Co. , 150'J rnrnnm st. 132-30
INViSTIOATION will convlnco you that
Nuwpoitls the nearest and handsomest uero
propoity lor only $ JOO 11 lot ; lalorcst nt S per
cent , hcoNewport nnd bo convinced This Is
tco tlmo to buy ncro lots , spring price will bo
higher. Ames , 1507 Fain am. U1G
F OK SAIii : Uuy n lot n West Cumlng addi
tion. B78
FOK SAtK 33 ft on l/nrd ; good house , bam ,
well , etc. , f2COU. w. n. Urccu , over ibt Na
tional llank. IM
Foil SALI2T-lly Potter to Coob , 1515 Fnrunm
ft. , 1 lot In West Lud and nt $1)00.
2 lota In Shlun'H 3d ndd nt $725 oauh.
A low choice lots in Maisk'a nt Jl.bOO cnoli.
Lot MxUt oniath.u blocks from pavement ,
Pine ncro In Clelfo's ndd , S1BOO.
Z nt the cheapest lotslu Plulnviow , only $1V )
each. 7J1
T71OU SAT.12 No , 3H Lnrgo lot. 4 room house
JU with liult tiocs , etc ; Parker's ndd : $1,750.
IJ. T. Potiusoii & Co. , loom 3 , S. K. Cor. 15th and
Douglas St. 20J-aO
l.'Jfi per iicio for a cliolco coctlon of land In
$ f'oi'ituil Cliejciimc county. 81.51 per ncro , cash
bal.incu 0 yeaiB time , U per cent Interest ; a line
cliunce lor Invchtmont.V. . i' . I'lilnu , Sldnoy ,
Nebraska. 1"
Nenrest , beft aero lots , reached
J. > over level road. The nearest aero lots oor
eold In this market. 1'rico. iOJ per lot ; on cn y
Iciina ; 8 percent Intoiost. These lots will double
in value in no.\tl2 months. Ames , 1W7 l''nrnam.
T7IOII Choice Hnrgalns in real ostnto , call at the
JJ olllcu of tliu Omaha Heal Kstato & Loan Co. ,
rooms 22 nnd 2.1 Wltlincll Hulldiug Omaha. TOS
TTIOK SALH-llouso nnd lull lot on Ia\cn.
.I1 poi t , bet. 23d and : . ' 4th , ? . ! , ) J. W. 11. ( Ircon ,
over iNl National Hank. I'M
TT1OK SAri-No. IKS 2 homes of Bond U rooms
-I. iMich In block 181 ( cornnr ; ; icnts lorfSOiipr
iiiimtb ; will sell clioapr 12. T. I'otuibou Ac Co. ,
Uoum : > , S. K. cor. 15th and Douglas105SJ
: IBOncrci buautlful land , 4 miles
liom center ol' llansiom 1'ark , only fiiiniT
acre. Cnn bo subdivided and cloeOd out iusldu
IKldaynat $ ! - " > per aero. Cochrnn llros A1 Co. ,
151 ; iU
Olt SALi : Kill ! lot , 01x132 fcot , oil lower
I'm mini at. If sold KOOII , S-X'.itOJ. Would
take oiio-lnlf : Ingood Omaha property. Cocbrnn
Hros. & Co. , I5J1I Kiirimin fit. 152 HO
"I71OK SAr.i ; A low clioleo lots In fxnro'a ad-
JJ dltlon from { U75 to ? .V > i > , A o liouso and lot
fcC-M ) , on easy terms. 1'ottor A ; Cobb , 151n rar
nam st , 7M !
JT\OU SAM ! No. SiO Largo lot mid a'housi's
JJ onont lit looniH and ono of U looms , 18th at. .
Iloilia'-h'H udd. , rents for (50 per month. i-j-VK : ) ,
Tlilrtis suiely a bargain. II. T. I'uterfOii.Vi. ( . .
Itoom ! 1 , S. I J. cor. 15th and Douglas bts. ! U5-uO
TTIOIl rT.\E)5-A tow good lota la Hlllsidu No.
JJ. ono on Davonjiort and ChleiiKO sti. , cheap
ut S yi to fJM each. 1'otter & Cobb , 1515 1'ar-
nam Bt. 7117
: A number of line lots in 1'alr-
mount I'laco ; ttlll sell for small cash pay
ment , lialanco monthly.V , II , Urccn. over 1st
Natlonul llank. 1W
ITTOK 8AI.I : Corner on raumm.two blocks
X1 1 rein court house , $1J/A)0. ) Uraluun , Crolgli-
ton lllock. ll-'O
TT\nil \ 8ATi-No. : KK1-2 laigo lots ,
JL' fiontlng on U streets , with 7-ioom house ,
barn , cto.tihull'sln add. , .1 00 , If told in a Ion-
days. This Is the bUrgeet bargain of all. K. T.
1'ctoi-Eon & Co. , Itoom U , b. U. tor , 15th and
T oil KAT.i : Full lot onxias foot on lower rur-
J ? niuii Bt. IfMld teen , fi-X ( l. Would take-
oiio-lmlf in good Omaha property. Cochran
llros. &Co.,15uOI'iiriianmt. _ 152-UO
ASIKS , loOTl'iu-naro 8t.
ltudli.-k'd drove . . . . fSOO
Ames 1'lueu . . . . . , . , 2.iO
Oak Chatham . 0 > )
I'lulnvIOH- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
Cluiondon . , . , . , ti--O
Aillnglon. . . , . , . . . . . . . . 501
MohoM } Hill . . . . : >
I'raU's sub-division . _ . : GV )
Kyiidlcntorineo . . . . . . . . 400
l.oin finvoi'tli Terrnco . , . , . , 4V )
Harkalow I'lnco . , . . . , . . , . u.x )
Nuuport . . . . . . . . , . . , iW )
Coin Hrilllnnto , . , . . . 175
Hjilo Turk . , . , . . . . . . . . . . 150
I.yniun 1'lacu. , . , . . . UK )
U15 Amea , 1507 rnrnain.
] , i\OH SAI.i : No. 310 full lot , 8- room house ,
1 all modern liiiproMiments , near Georgia
avo. , Ilaiibcoia I'lucu , M.3M , u bargain. K. T.
I'otbinon k Co. , Itoom 3. B , U. cor. 15th and
Uouns stg. auiKlQ
BKI.Viiiitl2-AclJoInlns : the barracks on
tlio north , has' the iidvuntugu on nice Jovol
drl > e a } , bdautlful location , line vlowaiuul
uvcrj tldiifr else that goes to maUc up uepleudlii
place for u rosidoncu. Hco lielvnduru. It Is
cht up property , nnd no inblaUu- . U. Mnyno ,
6. U'.cor 10th and Furunui. OoO
SAT.r A gcfna "corner lot on bf t hu | .
nessi part otfiiinmrMroot , f5,600. Cunning
1mm * llrcnnnn , 1-jt ) Uodgo.
$ lnoo will buy avtyujiy " ' " 1 lot on Pouth IDth
street. Cunningham A llrcnnan , 1511 Dodgo.
1.12 Cheaplots In t'alrick's addition !
streetcar ninillnt. Cunningham k Ilron-
linn. > >
Foil HAM'J-lxrts In Sweczy'g addition on
California and.l'asa streets , W.OOO oaeh.
Cunningham .V HrttrtnniiC
$9rtO will tmy n .lot Id Cunningham * llren-
nnn s addition ) . ! .M cash ; balance on monthly
payments. ' ! i . tjf
OKI. Uahlnglpn tlilooloro all the acre lots
\J are sold ; 4n lota sold In three weeks. Cun-
Ingham Ajlrontian13U [ Dodgo.
W' 'J JtAVi : two renl bargain's In houses nnd
lota ncnr center of the city. Call for par
ticulars. Cnnnlnglmm & llronnnn.lBll Dodgo.
[ .AI.K Ixjts In Ounnlngham & llron-
J ? nan's addition , J2C-0 ; $20 cash , balmico
monthly pajincnts.
17"ASIIIN TONIHM , is the cheapest aero
TTIOIt S A I , ! , A bnrgnln la a house nnd lot :
J' good locality. Cunningham * Utoiinnn , 1611
a..1Tiqil SAM , Porno ohonp lots In Ilanscom
a..1 .1 I'laco. This Is tlio tlmo to buy here. Cun-
lilnghniu & lit ennnn , 1311 Dodgo.
HAI.K TWO houses nnd lot , icnls for
J$50 n mont h ; nrlco , i.ooO ; Urst-classlocality )
new houses. Cunningham & Hronnnu , 1511
r YOU IIAVK property for snlo list with us.
Cunnlnghnm & Uronnnn , 1611 Dodge.
FOKSALK-Soino good lots In Hnwthoriio.
Cunnlnghnm & Hrunnnn , 1511 Dodgo.
TTIOHSAM : An-room house and lot on North
, - * . ' 2Sd street , only S3 , ' > CO. Cunningham i Hreu-
nnn , 1511 Dodgo.
V7'HAVK a verj- pretty cottngo aud two
T lots for sulo near center of the city ; 3,600
for oil. Sco this it you want a charming homo
ns well as a good investment. Cunningham jfc
lirennan , 1511 Dodgo.
Foil SAM , Or will Undo for n farm , a house
mid lot on South ! Wth direct. Cunningham
k llrcnnnn , lull Dodge. ,
ITIOllSAI.K-On S. 15th street , nenr Center
J- house anil lot very cheap. Cunnlnghnm A.
llronunn. 1511 Dodge.
Foil SAr.n-llnrgalns in nil pmts of the city.
Houses nud lots , unlmpio\ lots , lmsluo s
property. Call nuil examine our list. Cunning
ham & Krcnnnn , 1511 Dodgo. ' 249-3J
Foil RATK-3 lots In Marlon Place , $ BOO each.
W. II. Green , over 1st National Hank. 132
F OK SALK-No. 115-rull cor. lot and 2
houses , Phil Shoridnn St. . $1,000. K. T.
Poteison it Co. , lloom 8 , S. U. cor. 15th and
Douglas sts. 11)1-30 )
T71OIISAM : ICOnrrcs beautiful hind , 1 miles
-I-1 from center of Hiinsrom 1'ntk , only $85 per
aero. Cnn bo Mibdlvldod and closed out Inside
IH ) days at 5125 per aero. Cochrnn llros. & Co. ,
l&OU rarnam st. 163-30
"TTHH SAI.K At a bargain. Fine business
JL1 property on S. 13th , M\150 ft. This can bo
bought for J'-.UX ) less than uctinil value If taken
nt once. If you wnnt an investment look at
thls.Cocb.ran Hro'sA : Co. , IBOil Farnain St. 815
Foil SAI.K-No. IIP Corner lot 13th and Con-
tcr. small house , business propoity ; n bar
gain ; S1.3JO. 11 T. Pcteison i : Co. , loom 3 , S. 15.
Cor. 15th and Douglas St , 1U7-110
No. Ill-Lot 6',49 Ot)0 ) blocks noith-
aost of Park , new b-i coin house , w Ith
closets , batbroom > iinninlo , gmtcs , cel
lar , cistern and outhouses , oaij'torms S.lOO 00
No. 115 Lot nnd nllm-room house on
Capltol'IUH , with well , ciatorn , hhado
trees , etc 5,03000
No.U)0 ) 2 lots In'iTOrnlmrgriaco.lcrms
to suit , each . . . , < . . . . . .p 40000
No. 210 Lotlu Hurirett's'ndd 1,05000
No. 1U1 Lot 50.\15U9 " ' | Mojiscom Place ,
cheap 1,15000
No. 2a" > Lot on Virginia vo.onst front 1,100 00
No. 102 Lot east ot Park.easy terms. . 1,160 00
No.208 Corncr.lotifn Iliv4tlmin udd. . . KJO W
No. 302 5 acios In nonllMtl , per aero. . . . 200 00
2IlacrcsiioarBiidtcatoliillperacro. . . 200 OJ
Ixits In Walnut H111.1. ' . .ia $3Xto7000J )
Ixjts In West Cumlnsraddt t-T.-to500 00
Lots3 blocks northotu ( Wnlliut Hill on
licit line = 7. . , , $2T3 to $390 00
II' you are thinking fiH'cstlng.cnll and look
over our lists \vp.jy.UJUnko > ouout. Loy-
gron & WJldo. " ' Hootdntut r nlto lllock. 112-30
Foil SAM-10WxL ,0d i\or cent dividend
pnylnpr ( Stock , ( 'lbsi ion v tc Archer , Itoom
3 , NVithnoll lllock. 43U
PATKICK'S aiUlltion on Smindcrs street is
the cheapest property In that part of the
city. Stieotcars run through this addition.
Schools mo convenient , business reaches It on
t\\o sides lor convenience and desirable local
ity Patrick's addition has many ndvantiifTOS.
Call nnd investigate. Lots only $700 to JUJO
each. C. K. Muyno ugcut , 8. W. cor. 15th nnd
Farnain. 5'iB
Foil SAM : No. COCO Wo have vacant lots in
any part oC the city that wo will sell at a
discount. If sold In n tew days. 11 T. Peterson
& Co. , loom 3 , S. L' . Cor. 10th and Douglas St.
TTlOllSAl.i : Largo liouso nnd 3 nicely olovn-
Jted lot ? In Shlnn's 2d add , (0,200. Also line
8-roomed bouso on Claru stioet , nicely elovuted
lot , ? 5,000. Gilison A : Archer , lloom 3 , Wltlinoll
Hlock. 410
roll SAI.i : I Imvo for siilo at bargains Jlvo
or n.of tlio llncsl ttock larms In the htate ,
running from 5jO to i ) > M ncios each Improted ,
with riiiinlng water and fronting on railroads.
W. II. Oieon , over 1st Nut. Hunk. 143
EOK SAI.i : Choice "i or 10 ncro tracts , 4 miles
southwest from eouit house , lt $ miles fiom
junction of IT. P. lly. mid licit Line , and 1 mile
Iroai Stock Yards. Lies well : all under cultiva
tion. Can bo bought lor $17r > and $2UO per acio ,
it' sold soon. Cheapest property in vicinity.
Potter & Cohb , 1515 Farnam SU 7n
fjioil HAM-No3lT-Hou o of 0 rooms , lareo
X1 lot ; Just west of high school ; S3.500. 13. 'J' .
Peterson & Co * room 3 , S.U. Cor.lSth and Doug-
ias Slrci't. 204 3J
TTIOIl SAM-iqo-acro farm , well laipro voiP
-L. bouse , bains , grnmu-los , wind-mills , line
in eve and orchard , 75 acres under plow. Will
trailu lor Umaha jirojicrty , ns umo mortgaao
and pay balance caali.V. . 11Uiuuu , over 1st
Nut. Ilauk. . 141
GUiflJ.N VVOOlH-ikiTuitllul aero nnd hnlf aoiv
lots , flue locution , 3i mllus from P. O. , only
few momrnts walk liijm Ilanscom Park. Aero
$101) ) , Half acrcsSiij , 10 percent cash , balanoo
monthly payments. C. C. Muyno , S. W. cor. 1 JUi
and rainuin. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4"J
FOK SAM- two story , Zl\33. fraiao ijuitiT
Jng.BUltablu for u store , niur lutli anJ Rir-
nainSts. Applyat thla olllco. 'J17
No : ! 23-Fill | lot , Kount/o't ) 3d
-D add. ; good house and barn , fruit tieed , etc ,
$3,5)0. ) K.T. I'oliM-sou A ; Co. , room 3. S. 11 Cor ,
15th ami Douglas St. VM-ftS
T7UHI SAMJ 8 > acio farm , wcl lmpro\od , } j
J'- miles liom Omaha , runts lor $2.5J per acru ,
S-n pur ncro. W. II. Uieonover l t Nut. Hilnk.
BjrVii > iiti : : Acre lots at J2JO to MW. Each
will makoon 75 to 100 pur eont profit bo-
toiu next Now Venr's day. C. 13. Mayno , solo
agent. ! * . W. cor. 15th luid.Fanmm. KM
T71OK SAM' ; A general mcrumuidiso bnslitos
JU' in u rapidly growlmf town not far from Mil-
coin. Host trade and location in town. A splen
did opportunity for a party wishing a good
opening , and having- from seven to ten thousand
dollars in casli. Will soil for cauli only , or part
cash , bulaneo real .o irtcB in Umaha. Address
Slcrchant. HooUlllce. jj fca
T\K \ HAIi : No. | 0-T > fi ) iii liout-o , Binall lot ,
JJ 17lh , near Webstar fUf-MOO. Will trade-lor
vacant loin. H. T , 1'etei-Bon , Itoom ! 1 , B. K. cor.
15th and Douglas sts. Uo.'Kill ,
FOIt SAM : ica-iviroi.fprin , well improvodi
rents lor ? . ' . .w'YiCrlliifiofl'J ' ' miles Iroin
Omaha , $1 ( ) per acieU W > , II , Urucn , over 1st
Nat. llank. V ' .JiL , ! 'fi ' _
FOKHA1.K l.nruillniiilsmall etocK ranclius
with orwlthuut&tocx'.i
For Salo-a lots InSjrlnff Hill , $1)1 each.
For Bale Kstulilbliud biuiMug liuslnoss in
NobraRka. county BimV i , < ( lbson A ; Archer , 100111
I 1
a , Wltlmell Hlook. > > <
l-'oi Kxc'luiuyo Nniirftll"11 farms for Omaha
property ; also / ! for blocks of
goods. , , - ,
Wanted 3 buslnqigfa \ for cash within 1
blorKttof iiosiolllco.
For Kichango-lflOTicro liaprovod form , Jladl-
eon county , Nub. , lor house and lot in Omtilia.
For Sale A 6-acro t met 4 mile * of po tollleo ;
house cost } : ; mtorl , 10ciish.Olbson\'Archor ,
Itoom a. Wltlmell lllockj , ita
I poll SAMC An elegant hoiieo , good Lara ,
1 ISO It south fiont corner lot , hou&o rents lor
> 25 per month , fJbOJ. W. II. Oreun , over 1st
National llnnk. im
I,10 It SAM : No , 107 Full lot and 5-i-ooin
' houeo ; I'roapeet I'luco. monthly painent8 ,
f KHiO. U. T. I'otoibon i : Co. , lloom 3,8 .i : . cor.
15th and Douglas tie. ' 2JU-U )
: BliitlononLcavunuorth btrt-ot
bo the juuctldii of the Mo. Puo. mid
Holt Line. I/its purchased thtro now will 10-
tuinahandbomo pmtlt to the Imjor In u very
tliort time. Hell A. MtCuHilllsh and C. E. Jluyiu , ' , .
solu agents. 6Vi
Foil 8AI.12 House and lot 213 & 2lUh
tuui imjiuems. AddiusiC. S. Chipmau , Lin
coln Neb. - 571
l7i nca AT.T : "No. ItBr-rull'Uit InlilotTcT , Hans-
J- ' com Place.H-ioom lioum , pantry nnd rloset ,
$1.300. 13. T. Pctei-BOii Co. , Hooui 3 , S. 13. for.
15th uml Douglas bts > . '
TTion HATi-.Hy Dexter li Xhomos & llro.i
X1 room B , Crclghtonblock :
COO feet on Farnam St. . $ ? , rtOO
WW1SO , j. w. cor. 17th nnd Center , 2,0 * ) .
Mxl50 ) , Ilanscom Plnco , $700
9lota 00x157. on Hnmllton nnd Charles fits , $000
to SHtO , 3 blocks west of convent.
WijtllS , cor. Chnrles nnd Rth sts. , $700 , .
B3xl5l , with house and barn , nonr 20th and
Center , $1,150. Very cheap ; small payment :
nnlftiico monthly.
50x143,0th nnd Chnrles. with house of G rooms ,
well , eta , $1,000
2 lots , I/iwo' addition , $000 nnd $653.
2 lot * , W. A. Itcdlck's add. , $1,200.
Ixt cor. 27th nnd Davenport , $1,500.
Wo think nil the above bargains. Cnll for
torm1" . Doxtcr L. Thomas & llro. , Hoom S ,
Crclghlon Ulook. 62J
| 7\Oll \ SALU-No. 104-Full lot In blk 14 , linns-
JL' com rinco , 11-room Inuse , now. one-half
tnsh , bnlnncc to suit , W.700. 13. T. Pntcr on Ic
Co. , Uopni3 , g. 13. oor. 15llt nnd Douglas. 2 8-30
-lly C. U.
SMC Full lot , small house , Wllcox ndd. , $750.
UIO ttill lot on LOnvcnworth st , now house ,
I all modern conveniences , $8,500.
333 Lot on rarnam St. near 23th St. , house 0
rooms , nil modern Improvements , f T.VjO.
KM Two lots , two houses , Cflth ncnr llownnl ,
821-l.o'tml5lSouth 20th st , good house , $1,830.
Monthly paymonts.
320 Lot 100x220 , fronting two streets , nice cot
tage fncltig Ilnjcoin Park , $4,800.
818 Handsome lot , nlco cottage , rooms , Geor
gia nvo. , $3,000.
311 Lot MxlSi , 2Sth and Itarncy , house 7 rooms
209 Three acres , good house , fruit , etc. , Lcav-
enworth st. , $ J,500.
SttVl'ull lot. two cottages , Rhlnn's add. , $2 50.
223 House 7 rooms , cast front , bountiful loca
tion , Ilanscom Plncn , $3,600.
221 Klegnnt residence 10 rooms , two lot ? , flue
location , evoiy possible convenience ,
105 Corner lot , nlco cottngo 0 rooms , ono block
Olf Snundors St. , $300.
108 Handsomest cottngo in Omaha , 5 looms ,
bcnutUul lot , Georgia nvo. , S3.SOJ.
175 Lot COxllO , house 1 looms , South 13th St.
100 ( lood house 0 rooms , full lot. Hickory nnd
10th , $1,700 ; very chcnp. C. E. Muyno , 8.
W. cor , I5th nnd I'uriinin. 652
TTlOIlSAI.i : Fine cornsr lot. east nnd south
-I1 front , Hunscom Plnco. W. T. Urnliivm ,
Crolglitnn lllock. 712
particulars nbout free nnd ohonp hinds In
Western Nebraska nddross Thos. C. Patterson ,
ItenlUstato Agent , North Platte Nob. 3.13
Foil Choice llnrgnlns In real u > tatocnll at the
olllco of the Omnhn Keiil Ilstatu & Ixinti Co. ,
teems 22 nnd 23 , Wlthucll Hulldlnir.Omnhn. ' (
TIONAL1ST , B03 Tenth Street , between Fivrtmm
nnd Harnoy , will , with tlio nid of guardlnn
spirits , obtnln for any one n glnnco In tlio
pnst nnd present , nnd of certain conditions In
thotuturo. Hoots nnd shoos made to onlor.
Perfect satisfaction cruuntulood.
Br reiuon of It * ct ntral poflllon nnj tlo o relation to
nil principal lines Kiut nnil West , at Initial and ter
minal | xIiit . oonatltutoa tllc mom Imnortane miiT-
continental link In that K\gtem or thloiicli tr nfrinr.
tRllon wlijoli Invites nnd rni-IUtnlce llavtl nnd tranlc
Ijolwconcltltiior tlid Allnntlc nml r&cine Coants U
In nlso llui fnvoi llo mid bc > t i oute to and from points
rust , ixirthemt and Somliomt , and rorrcinonllnir
| ) olnts Wet , Noithwajt nna boiitli cit.
The Croat Rock Island Route
Guarantees jtj patron * tlint ecnso of pereonal jeni-
rltr aironled liy Kollil , lliorollclily balloitcd road.
licil. tnionth tiuoks of ronilmiunn utorl rail , cubitnn-
tlojlr bnlltciilrcrti , nnd lirlrtRci , rolling ilnrknn ni'ar
perfection an human ( .kill cnn innke It. the tiifcly
appliances or imtsnt buircnplatrorm niul air braLe/ ,
nlidthatoiacllilidljic'lpllnc nliltli corenii tlio prai
tjcal oporatlon of all UK tlnlnn Olhcr ipeclaltlf s of
; hli niut * nro Traiufern at nil ifonnoctlilif points In
union Denoti. and tliu
unimpaRFrd comfoita and
luxmtesotUsraBseiiKcr Kgiiliiiucnt.1"0'
The Fait Einrais Trains botw cn ChlMpo nnrt
Peer a. Council Bliinr. . Kan.ns Clly. UnTcnwuitli and
Atclilion fire compnsed of well Timtllntpd , flnr-ly up-
. .
arc also i im Ibo Celebrated KecllnliieChitr C r .
The Famous Albert Lea Route
I" the direct and fnrorlto Una between CMoafjoanil
Minneapolis and st 1'anl.wheio connertloninrnniarin
In Union Dfuotn for ull points In tlio Teirltoilcs and
lirltUh rrovlnees. Over tlili rouln r st Kiprns
1 rains are run to the wati-rlni ; | ilai , summer re-
bort" . plctnresquo locnlltkK , nncl liimtliiR anil llslilnu
Krounclaof Iowa nnd JMmieiota. It la ulio the moit
aehlrable route to the HcUnlioat lleldj and pisloial
lands of Interior DnUnta
Btlll anotlitr lillinur LINK , via Seneca and Kan-
kaU.'e , has been opensd between Clnelnnntl , InilHn-
niiolunnd Lafayelto. nnd CnnnHI Illutfp" . KanrasClty ,
Minneapolis nnilbt , I'nill and InUllneillalo point *
. * .or rtatalled Information eeo ilap * and 1'olde .
obtainable , a well as tickets , at all mlnclpal 'lliket
Olllcen In tuo United States and Uaiiaila ! or ty aj-
J'rej't & Ocu'l ' M'c'r , Oen'l T'kt < l' * s. Ae't ,
And Chicago
The only road lo take for DCS Molars , Mar-
sliulltown.CtKlaiItupliH , Clinton. Ohio. Chlcuq-o ,
Mlhvnukeu and nil polnti o.iht. To the proplo of
Ncbtiiskn , Coloindo , Wyoming , Utnli , Idaho
Noviuia.Orcson , Wii'liliigion and California It
olfnrsmiporlor advantagci not possible by any
other Hue
Among a few of the numerous points ol supo-
ilorlty enjoyed by the patrons of IhU lonilbu-
twoeii Omnhn nncl Chlcnjjo , nro Its two trains a
day of DAY COACH I5S ulilcli nro tlio flnvit tbiit
hiiinim nrtnnd Ingouully cnu create , llal'AIc
Ad ! BI.KRl'lNO OAHS , whlen nro models of
mmfnit nn.t olcjrnncn. Its I'AHLOH DltAWlNH
KOOM OAHS. unfiirnaMcvl by any , and Its wide
ly cclubiiUPd I'AI.ATIAI. DlNINft OAII3 , ino
equal ot wlileh cannot bo found cHowhuru ,
At Council llluffrt the tinlns ot the Union Paci
fic lly. conticet In Union Depot with these of thn
Chicago Nortlnvostorn lly. In Chicago the
trains of tills line make coso ! connection with
tluKonf ulJoastmn limn.
Tor Doti oil. Colunbus ; , Indianapolis. Cmcln
nntl , Nlngaiii rails. llulTalo , 1'ittf-Liuiv. Toronto
.Monti cal , Hoston , Now Vork , I'liiliidelphln , lint *
tlmorc.Wiisliliigtonnnd all points In the u.itul <
tholkketagont fortluKuH \ In thu
. , "
If you wish HID bnstacoominodations. Alltloket
Sf.TlOGlIimf H.8.HAIH ,
Ocnuial .Midiagpr. .fP
Tin : I'AVoitrrr. Washing L'oiupuiinii of
tlio 'lay ' is iiiKiticationably , IAMIvS
I'VLK'STKAIILINU. Jt tlispcnsuh uitli
tlio iipposiity for licnliiifj or rubbing llio
olthosu , ami docs not iiijiini llio ftibne.
The Hnrtfonl , Conn. , ftiilhorilit'o forbid
thu halo of Sunday uQivdj > ii ] > ur > > alter 10
u. in on Sunday ,
A Hiiro euro for lillml. HlcPdlns , Itcliln
and Ulconited Piles lias been dlscovi'icd by
Dr. Wllllaiiib , ( an Indian roincdyj , called Dr
Wllliiiuib' Indian i'llu Ointment. A sln Io
box has cuu'd the \voibt clnonlu c.ibps of 21 or
) years btandliiff. .No ono need dulTcr nye
minuti'3 after njinlyipK IWs wonilurfnl sooth
Ini ; medicine. Lotions and inbtninx-nts do
moio harm than good. Williams' Indian
I'llo Ointment absoib.stho tumois , allajs tlio
IntPiiso Itohlns , ' , ( paitlctilarly at nlcht after
getting , ' wann in bed ) , acts a a poultice , clyes
instant relief , and is iiu'jmrod only for I'l cs ,
itcliln'f ' inivato parts , and for nothing che.
"Dr. Fnizlor's Jlajrlo Ointment cures as by
mutrlc , I'lmjilc.s , JJI.ick J leads or ( irnbs ,
Hloldius niiilKinntloiiB on the face , Ipavlnj ;
thu .skin clear and uoautlf id. AUp cuici Itch ,
Kalt lUicuin , Sore Nlnplurf , Sere Lips , and
Sold by drujjijiats , or mailed on iccclpt of
' JU-'UUl'ed by Kuhn & Co. , and Schroder &
Beclit. At wholesale by C. ! ' . ( Jooduian.
Trading in Wliaat Slow and Listless , txncl
Prices Fairly Steadj.
The Close About the Satno ns Friday
Corn nnd Onts lu n Spurting
Condition 1'rovlslonn litvoly
nt nn Advance.
CIIICAOO. Jam 80. [ Spsclal Telegram. ]
WIIIJAT The leatnrc of to-day's market w as
Us fcatuiclessncss. It was very , \cry dull
There were so few outside orders tlmi
the whes got cold between times ,
and the local crowd manifested a great unwillingness -
willingness to put out any new lines will
v.hlchlogo over Sunday. So most ot the
time was given tip to that speculation which
costs nothing speculation on the visible
supply statement. A great many hat pools ,
In which a dozen fellows put In a tenner
apiece , and then mail ; down their guess on
the visible , the nearest guess to the olllclal
figures taking the pot , wcro made up among
tlio boys. The general average of opinion
seems to Incline to a decrease of nbout 7f > 0,000
bushels , and anything above or below that
vvlllbu rcgaidcdas favornblo to that side of
the fence on which It falls. Ltmlblom wns
JholuiKCsl seller to-day , Idling po of about
1,000,000 bushels ol May In the netghbothood
of 80o , but there were no other transactions
by ono poison or Him which amounted to
very much. Both of the bulls and bears an
pear somewhat afraid of each other , and
neither party at piescnt possesses the coin
age of Its convictions. Puts and calls on
May , good all next week , were to bo had to
day at So and -lo respectively , from SCc ,
Indicating a belief that no violent advance
or depression would capture quotations
for seven days at least. The irmthct
appeals to have stiuck a pivotal point at
about these llguics , and the calpeisaie rec
ognizing this by .selling above 8c ( ! and buy
ing below It. Puts and calls to-night sold nt
8. " > % c and SCJfc , thoctnbbclng nllttlestrongcr
Estimated lecclpts , " 3 cai * .
N' Corn picked up a little to-day , and
shows a willingness to do better upon any
encouragement. Jlutchlnson was a laigo
buyer ot May , getting most of his line at
W e. He says it Is cheap , aud ought to sell
before May comes at 42c or 4c. ! ! Theio wcio
no other fcahucs In the market. Jiceclpts
continue good. Fifteen loads were taken for
e.vpojt. Estimated receipts lor Monday , 230
cars.OA.TS Cash oats sold as hltih as cash corn
to-day , the clique putting the piico up to Sfic
and holding It theie to the close. There was
no use of squhmlng on the pnit of the shoits
and they had to take their medicine , though
the dose wasn't so bitter as It might have
been , for Jliocnginecis of the coiner could
lust as easily have bid the price up to n dollar
lar as left it at lifie.
I'novisioxs The provision pit was rather
lively and there was a good advance along
the whole line. Armour was again buying
all the ribs be could get hold of , Hiitcliliison
bought laid and put chose : ) of pork seemed tote
to glow on the tiees. Kvcn the elnonlc
bears wanted It , and It is thought the shoit
inteiestwas inntcitally loiluecd to-day. Un
less the exhibit ot stocks .shows an incieaso
far in excess of what Is looked for , Hie pros
pect tor a boom nc.xt month Is consideied by
the tiado to bo voiygooil. Estimated 10-
cclpts lor Monday , 30,000 ; for next week ,
New York. Jan. SO. Mownv Easy at
IJi'S" percent.
FonniON ExcuA.von Hir.i.s Dull but
steady at 81.87 lor sixty days , ami S-l.b'J for
< } ovinxjir.XTS : Dull , but steady.
STOCKS SlocK'h weie sttong but only mod-
eiatoly active. The opening was somewhat
hietrular and emotionally higher on small
transactions. Theio was n declilefl upwaid
movement IniMissouii I'acillc and It closed
with an advance ol U'j per cent , riiceslhis
evening- , compared with last Satmday , show
advances liom H to over 4 per cent ,
8f cent bonus. . . 100 ? 0. iSeA. W
U.S.-H < 's iia piet'eircd. . . 1:10 :
New 4V 121 X.Y.O .
1'acilic G's of "J' ) . I'-'O Oieson Tiati. . . ! UI ) „
Central 1'aclllu. . 1'acilluMail f.7 %
141 I' . , I ) . K 2il ( }
prof cried. . . . 1MJ j'.i'.o IHH ;
P.- Hock 1'jlaim. . . . 12S
J ) . , L. it W llHf ! iSt. L. t\oS. \ K.
. G liiefened. . . 44)
Krie ' . ' ! % 0. , M.
preferred. . . . 51 V.iu'fcncd. .
Illinois Central. . 110 St. V.
i. . u.v as ; prvlerrcii' . .
Kansas it'l'c.xas. Tovas 1'acilic. .
hakeSliore S-VipUnlon 1'acllic. . .
L.AsX -lllijW. , St. h. A-l * . .
Jllcb. Central. . . . 70 i prefencd. . .
-Mo. I'aellio HIM Western Union.
Noilbern 1'ao. . . ' . ' 'P , O. X W n *
pii'leiiod. . . . 5yjJI (
Cliluauo , Jan. . " ; 0. KIoui Unchanged ;
winter wheat Hour.MOvgMu ; .south
ern , Sl.00@l.ri ( ; Wisconsin , 84.50 ( 1.7,1 ;
Mh'higan solt sjiiing wheat , 8.70 : ! ( < HOJ ; Jiin-
nesota baker.- , ' , S..hO@i.50i : ! patents , fc4. < n ( j !
fi.OO ; rye Hour , S3.0 : ! ( < e0 : ! ( ! In bauds , 8'J.IO
( Trt.40 : in sack * : buckwheat Hour , Sl.OOivil.GO
poi baiiel ; ft-.iW perewt. In sack- ; .
Wheat Quiet , niled dull and easier , Im-
pioveil He , tell oil ? a@'jC , tided steady and
closed 3sc abo\e yeiteulay ; Hl ) Gi ! > ! i/fc ( or
cash ; tO c ( or .laiinary ; fcO'i ' ( hOJio lor
Febniaiy ; bO@btl u ( or May.
Corn fitionger but eaily a shade weaker ;
Impioved uand closed steady : Jiil'/o ' lor
cash , Januaiy ami Fobiuary ; lojj(2.-lUMu lor
Oats Unsettled ; January fc ! above yester
day ; cash 4j ( 3c above yesterday ; 'Myid no
lor cash ; 'We tor January ; . ' - "Jv ! for l-'ob-
nmryiU ; : < c for .May.
UniJev DullatCOe.
Timoihy I'l line , ? I.82@1.W.
Klaxheed Blow , easy and > si ! easier ; No. 1 ,
81.1 K.
] 'oi I ; Active and steady ; advaneed
but settled hack flUC'rtii ! and nileil sli-ady ;
Sll.oi ) lor cash ; sil.dX'Ul.l-M lor .lanimiy
and I'Vliruary ; U.'iOidll.'iJMlor May.
Laid-Klrmcr ; iidvanccd tytr ( > aS0.1n \ , J
for rahli , Jiinuniy anil J''pbniaryf0.2. ' ; ? " o.'i7 >
for May.
iiullc Meal- . Shoulders , Sa.O. l.OO ; shoit
clear , .WiCaWO ; aliint ribs. § , 'i.l7 ' > ; ( 'M.l50.
Hutlur Slow : eioaiiioiy , io d to tancy , " 0
( ft'Mis ; jjood to choice , K'aJJOp. '
( Jhee-,0 I'limiiml uiichaiiK'ed ; full ream
eheildair. , 'J. cjll.itH , UliS'-Mir ; yotniB Ameti-
CJ'l'ii , ' .s-JiiU'aiid ) woalc nt JS Wc.
Hides Unrhiiiib'Oil ; pail eined , SWS' ' o ;
KIPPU , hclip. ; vyi'ipoii altl dS 4/l ; ; lltfht do ,
lku ' . " -4lmll ; hides. OJfcilry ; h.illiid , Vi o ;
div Hint , l i < JHi ! ! ; call bltliir , , JOQUJf.
Ttillow Unelr.intred ; .No. 1 c'ninlryl c ;
No , Ucountiyits' cakii , fx ; ,
Keceinla. tjltiiiinonlw.
I'lour.bbls . U > X ) bKX ( )
Wheat , bit . 11.000 co.ow
Com , nn . liii.fJO I , ( KKI
Oats , bit . jjojxio
Hyt.bu . , . , 1,000 l.oou
Jlarltu'.bu . Or.OOO p-uo- >
tit. l ) iiit , Jiin.fn.-\VhMt-Slion'.iiid \ { 6i
o hlKhur ; cash , U.iC ) ! llc ; .laiiuaiy , yiu ? ;
Fel.nuuyt . Ui o ; May , W4tu Mi :
Corn Steady ; No. tJ mixed cash , ! ! . : ; < c ;
Janiiaty JJlcl Jl.tyTWv. ! | , . ,
Oats Finn ; No. U miii'iVeaih , iSc ; May ,
JlHc bid.
i aid l'"a > > j at . . - .
lintler Verj dull but slcady cioamciy ,
2.'K < iaou ; dahy , ir/s'JO.
. \ftflinnon UoaidVJic"t Vrtv'fe lowu > .
Coin A shadec.Hiei , Oatials \ and/je
ItaiijaaCKy , Jan.1. --Wlifut Tnsnttlod ;
cash , VJibid. . VJJ , e a'-Kul ' ; M.uoli , 71c bid ,
71-Jic asked ; .MiyT : . ' | V. ' ( ' . .
Coin Wt-al.-er ; easli. * > < ; bid , ! f < " imkcd ;
Ft' ' 'TJav ( ; ; Mainii , > > ; e in < l , i' ' < > j
asked ; ifajsi'e'e ' bid.
Oats-Souilnul' noi.uotiitloiH.
Now i-oi-k , Jan. SO. Wheat--Itocclnlb ,
10,0001 orporls , Sl.Ooij options Closixl pto
No. B ted. OOifc ; Fcbnmrj- closing at M ,
Corn Spot flnn ! 6ptloni ! moderately
nctlvo : rpcclpts , or.ooO ; expord , 113,000 ; tin-
craded.-lOC'flN' ; No. a , 40)fjZJtiJiciii elevator ;
February ; rlotlnR nt 4l Hc.
Onts lIlRlier ; receipts , 31,000 ; expoits.
.TO.ooO ; mixed western , : ir ( < Jf.toj white , 09K
1'otrolonm Closed at ftJ f.
KCTS Steady ; western , .vQTJc ,
Lanl-Hlchor ; Febniaiy , sn.41CTn.-t. ' > .
lluttor-nini ; westcin , iaifJ.1) ) F.lgln
creamery , We.
Cheese Quiet ; western flat , " ( JOjf.
Oliiolnnntl , Jan. 30. WheAt Stronci No.
2 led , l)10 ) H5o ,
Coin-Dull' No. n , mixed , rtttf@ ; , fc.
O.Us-Dull ; No. 3 mixed , iW c.
Hjp-MrmNo ; , 3 , fticjeav.
Untloy Finn ; cxtia No. 3
Pork- Quiet at $
haul-Steady ot . , . . .
Whisky-Finn at 81.10.
Milwaukee , Jan. SO. Wheat-Finn at
SOfro ; February , MJjfc ; May , tSiKc.
Coin Tame ; No. i ! , sofc.
Oats r\\ellcd ; No. 3 , HOc.
Hje-Dull ; No.'J , 5 c.
Dailey Steady ; No. 3 , MJfc.
Minneapolis , Jan. HO. Wheat Steady ;
No. 1 Imnl. 87 io for January and Febniaiy :
87Jfe for March : t Ke for May ; N . 1
northern , Kc ! for January and Fcbruaiy ; 81c
for March. .
Flour Firm ; patents , 5I.SOS5.00 ; bakers' ,
v itecelpts Wheat , 71,000 bu ; nonr , Ittbhls.
Shipments Wheat , ! iooo , bit ; Hour , 10,000
Toledo , Jan. "A Wheat Closed a-slmdo
easier ; cash , Ul > i'@n-il4'e.
Corn Inactive ; eash , 3Sfc.
Oats-Dull ; cash , : HC.
lilvcrponl , Jan. fiO. Wheat Fair de
mand ; now No.Uwinter , 7s Itfil , steady ; new
i\o. Uspilnp , 7s Hd , llriu.
Flour 1'oor demand and dull.
Coin Fair demand ; old mixed , -to Tjrfd ,
dull ; new mixed , January , Fcbiuary
and March , 4s l d. dull.
New Orleans , Jan. . * X- ) rein Qulol and
Commoal fS'S.'icii&iiO.
Jloe 1'iodiicts Steady and in good de
Clilonjjo , Jan. KO. The Drovers' Journal
Cattlo-Iloecliits , 1,700 ; steady ; _
steers , $ -t.UO ! ( ; stockers and leedern. s'J.n
( Sl.0 : ? ; rows bulls anil mixed , $ l.0g3.76 ( ;
bulk , ? -.fiOi.GO. ( ( : !
Hogs Kreulpls , 12,500 ; sliong ; rough
and mixed , s > .i.C'0. < : ) . ( r > ; packing and
shipping. sui.-(7:4.iO ; ( : ; ; light , S3. ; > OiM.CO ; skips ,
Sheep liecelpts , 2,000 ; sluing ; natives.
S2.UJVM.70 ; Texans , fc'J.OOfeJI.OJ ; lambs , 11.00
St. r/ottls. Jan. CO. Cattle Receipts ,
300 ; shipments , 100 ; common to cliolco
shipping , fr ! .7.5.5 ! ! ; eows and heifers ,
S'J.y. ( L.r.O : ) ; .stopkei.saud feeileis , Sll.OO .OO.
Hogs JtccelpU. y,000 ; shlpniPiilH , 1XX ( ) :
nctivo and a hliailo stioncer : biitcheis and
best heavy , SUO : ; mixed packing , 6'J.bO
( t-1.05 ; light , S3.0ii3.tO. (
City , Jan. SO. Cattle IJccclpIs ,
2.000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; slow , weak and 10@
ifio lower ; ox-potters , Sl.TiV&j.Ot ) ; common
to choice , St.'OiCI.7"i : ' ; stoekers and feeders ,
5'i. lsj3.75 ? ; cows , 52.00-.0i ) ) .
Ho , ? * Itecolpts , S.OJ-J ; shipment * , 1,100 ;
stionir and 5c higher ; good to choice , S ! ) . 0@
4.0.3 ; common to medium , $ :5.Vi@j.bu. :
Trade lloviow.
There has been very little activity ( Itninir
the past week in trade elides. As usual
theio K very little doing In January and the
past week has been no exception to the inle ,
though trade has been somnwlmt better than
it was a year ago ut this time. A great deal
of the Inactivity has been due lo the uncer
tainty of what a day may biing forth. So
long as theie is a snow blockade evciy other
day and veiy llttlu coilalnly ofieceivlng
shipments piouuitly , the niciuhant will not
oidcr any more than lie. is absolutely obliged
to. Besides , the same snow which intOileies
with Hie inuniiii : ol the. trains keeps the
fanner at home and cuts elf the countiy mer
chant's trado.
There have been light shipments
of grain , live stock , and all
kinds ol countiproduce. . The
ueueial piodiiconmikets have been unusually
dull , and piices have been loieed down lo
lied lock. It is hoped that a icactlon will
take nlaro immediately aitei the Hint ol the
mouth and Dial the demand will warrant an
aihance In pilccs. The demand forecgs has
been lair. No largo tiaiisaetlons noted within
the past week. Jinny aio storing eggs' In
hopes that the. went her will bteak and turn
wanner , and that theio will be afoiclgn de
mand siilllcicnt to clean up the market.
Pi lees lemaln steady. The poultry mar
ket has been inactive and the de
mand veiy light. Commission houses
ba\u haul \\oik In disposing of the
stock. Jnfeilor Mock has accumulated and
does not sell at any mice. Theio appeals to
boa ueueial antipathy against frozen stock
and it will not In Ing top pilccs. There Is
U'iy litti ! < demand for butter and veiy little
coming In nt present. The season for game
has neailv passed and not much Is coming In ,
though tlieio is a fail demand. A Irwpialrlo
chickens are being loculvcdnnd meet with
lair sale.
Tbo lerclpts of live slock hiivo not been
crpial to the demand , especially in bogM. The
packing houses have not he < > n able to pet
enough hogs to inn to their full capacity. The
semeity has loii-ed pi Ices un higher than
Miev have been this season. Theio has been
little doing in the cattle or sheep market.
Saturday Kvenlni ; , Jan. " 0.
The rattle maiki't was slow and Inactive ,
theio being veiy little slock In the yaids.
I'l ices leniain aboul hteady. Coin led Meets
auTiigliiK 1160 to 12 0 aio nuoted at 8 : > .7.V ( §
4.5 : those aveiuging WSO to 1500 at 54.5Q/ ? ( . >
5.00.Theie was some Innulry after cliolco butch
ers' slock. Clioico young cow's nio ci noted at
S'3.CO .y > ; common lough stock at W.Sifi ! (
' 'iiio hog maikcl opened filrong hut weak
ened sonmwliat. Light weights nut quoted
at ; i.40iMl.ri ( ( ; mixed , SiLDO iLTTi , and choice
heavy , yi.tM&il.bO.
; : nor.ii'TS.
Hogs , SOO
Sheep 100
nii'risiNTAi : : ivi : SAMJS.
No A\ . 1'r. No. Av. 1'r.
MI IMI gu.r. ' ; -in avi $ n.75
n.- , ! JJi .m on arj : i.7r >
Of ) a.'i7 limit fill ! iII ! i.75 !
in as-j ! i,7 i 71 en i : t.75
.oa aw H.7.1 no : .yj lus
Showing llio highest and lowest piIr-C.s paid
on this nmikel lor hogs diiiiiiir the past
seven dajs and for thoeoiresiionding period
last month :
.December , January.
Snluiday S.40 ! ! ( 'i II.SU
Monday .
Tue.'diiy 3.f)0 . .
WedncMlay 3.r.o ( ! /3.hO
ThtiiMl.ty 3.10 aifl
3.80 3.0-
( iCI.75 _
" "
Note All saleot stock In this niniket aio
mudo percwl. lUu weiiiht nnhvs olheiwlse
staled. Dead ho..s bell at lo pw ) b , lor all
weights. "Slliisl'orliog.elghlni'lew ; Ilian
100 Ibs , no value. 1'iegnant so\vs ate docked
lUlOsaiul sta Wllb.s.
batmday KMIIIIJ | : Jan. ! ' > C > .
Gdiioi-al .Murlots.
Kjfss Sliirtly cholcobtoek wonlilHcll fnlr-
Jy well id top pilcc'g. halei ol good stock
aio beinii made at 17c , but thu gieutor portion
tion at K'C.
lii.Ti nn Prices icmaln Hteady. Choice
uiades ot tabltt butler are iiuotcd at ] < r > C'lbc ;
lair to good , HdirJo ! Infeilor , 4Q < so.
l'inisi' : Fanoy lull cieam eheddarK. Oe-
tober make. Hit ; ( lain lac ; younp Ameilca.
ll } is ; tlrkt finality Swiss cheese , lOo ; WJCOIH !
quality , 1 Me ; bilck cheese , loo- ' ' '
I'OUI.TIIV Tlio luceipls are liberal on
all Idnilh. Chlekons me HO\Y ! and
i-holco stock Is ouoted at Co , whllo
Inuen , pooily ilicsicd or Infeilor stork only
sell at - c , oi o\en lower. Fancy stock 10- I 1
c-ciu'dby oxliu'M and .unfio/.en has bold
above quotation * , but In a small wny.
'l'iuio\s ; aio slow and the demand light ,
eholco MOCK is quoted at & ( u'e ! ' : us theie la an
abundaiicii in tin ) maike.1 , liiyi-ic.aioiiar- )
ticiiliir.iii.j Inleilor poorly dressed stock will
not sell. < iei-se and duckn , it choice , IVUOa.
. ( AMI I > cer , ant < 'loie ] , piaiie ( cjilck-
en aii'i 'lUall weu < out of season op'January
1. , i-ii'lr > oiv li-w aic coming In. Deur car
( Ms e , IKM I' ' , 07 ' , addlcn , lOjJlloj auto-