Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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    TffiS OMAHA DAILY BBB , SATURt > AY , JANtTABY 39,1880. . 7
Q RCEN I BOTTLES nro put up for the n
GtJcniiiiiu > anUon or till who dcslro n goo
unit low priced
Cough , Cold and GroupRemeity
Should secure Iholnmo tllmttloi. DlrQCtlon
accompniiylng unch bottlo.
Bold by all Medicine Doalors.
For seven years t sutrcrfal with n cimccr on
my Inco. BlKlit inonllis njfo ( i rrionct recommended -
commended thn ma or Swlffa Specific and I do-
tortnluod lo iniiVio nu rtlort to secure It , In Ihls
Iwiis succt BSntl , nml bcpimltsuso. Tlio Inlhi-
once of Uio mcOlcIno tit lirst was to pomuwliat
UKumviUe the Mjro : but soon the Inllnmntlmi
was nlloj cd mid I fapRftn to Improve nllor the
lirst fovr bottle * . My Kcncrnl hciilth tins Ktcntly
Improved. I am stronger , nml nblo to ilo nny
kind of work. Tliu cniiecr on tny fnco IicRnn to
dcoiouso nnd the ulcer to heel , until thcro Is not
n vertigo ot It loft only ullttlu ccnr tmirks tlio
plnco. Mus. .Imoul A MCDONALD.
AtlnutR , da. , August 11 , UB5.
I Imvo hail n cancer on my fixco for some
yours , extending1 from cine check uono ncioss
t ho nn < o to tlio other. It 1ms irlvcn mo n Rroat
duiilofimlu , lit times burning nnd Itchlnpr to
aucli tin extent that It wns almost unbearable. I
commenced lislnKSwirt'sBpcclllo In SIny , 188T ) ,
nud Imvo used clKht bottles. It IMS Riven tlio
trronteot icllcr by removing tlio liillnnmtlon nnd
rostorliitT my concrnl uciilth. Vf. JlAitNr.s.
Knoxvllto , Town , Sept 8 , lfS5 „ ,
Trontlsoon blood niul sldu diseases mwicu
The Swift Specino Co. , Draycr 3 Atlanta , Qa
N. V , 157V. . ibd street.
The Orlitlnnl and Only ftlriiulnc.
( Ufa ami lw jl netUble. lliwtre of wortlile.l Iralutlocl.
In4lipeni t > le to LADIES. Alb 7 ur Hrucelit Tor
"Ohlchenttr * * EmTulT'mud Uk BO other.or laddie ' ; .
( pLftmn. ) to m for ptttleulikrfl ft Itlttr bf return mall.
C'M h l CKrmlral Co. ,
" " " *
> hlladn.ia.
sSlVMiidl.onr qui.r , l ,
At Drazeliti. Trade mi'pllid ' tj Fuller A Fullcl
( Jo. . Cblcaco. 111. >
017 St. ClinrIcsSt.SI.I < enl ,3Io.
Ar > ( Dl > rr > ititl of tvo Utdlul Collcjn , htibotn long r
CDfie dlo th it > eUl trifclmtct of CUKflitir. NIRTOCB , BKIM
and Utooo DiHiiii ! b nmr other 1'bjUcltu last , L uli ,
aiellf pttxrf ihow and alt old reilJfnli loow.
Nervous Prostration , Doblllty , Menial and *
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec
tions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
Old SorCS and Ulcers , art treated nllh tmpanllelci
ineecil.onliltitielcnllOor'liielplei.Btfilr , rrlratelj.
Diseases Arising from. Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , vblch produce iom of ib
following eff.eli : nerroulbcia , debllltr , dlciDevi of iubl
anddiricllrtntmotr , plmplnouthe fit , phril ld < r <
arcralontotbt loeJcl/of f m l i , eoafuilos of Heat , etc. ,
rondorlnc Marrlaze Improper or unhappy , ui
prrmtDcDtljr tur d. rampbJelS6pBfOlonlbefcboTC ( ) , leol
Iniolcdtnrtlore , frecloonj nd'reu. ConiuIUIIonttof-
Ceior tr mill free , Inrlled and Itilctlj einDdtullal.
A Posltlvo Written Guarantee ( lien In nttjn.
ratio cue , M < dlclaefcotct rjt tcbjniallor ipr ii.
900 PAGES , FINE TLATEB , clccmt ctolh and Kilt
blndloff , italtd for 6Oo. Inpoiucaoroatrency. Orcr flnr
iroudcrful pea plotarei. true l II lo | arlle'oaon tba followlcg
nbjeclvl T ha may marry , who ual-i. by i manhood , vomac *
teed , pliraleal deear , elTeclfl oroellbaey am ] vxoeia , the rh7' .
loloxj of reproduction , and Diany more. Tboie mirtl J or
coateinitlatfuc marriage abould read It. Pnnvlar edltl4
Baoio. l > oi > or cover. SCO. Addrraianato 9 pt. Wbtltler.
! ! rer. A \ Ictlin ot youth.
I fill Imrrudoiieo causluir
11'rcniaturp Decay , Nei
- - - - - - -rJl vous DeWllty , io t Jinn-
hood , &e.hnvlnir , tried In Mdn every known remedy
lin rtlacovoroil n nlmpln Kolf.ciirow nlch bo will eua
I'HI'.K. tn bin toltnw-snlTerorii. Aililress
J. U. 11U1VLS. 43 CUaUxm-stroct. Now York GUI' .
Railway Time Table
Tin ) following is the time of nrrivnl nnil de
part mo or trains by Central Btnndnrd tlmo nt
the locnl depots. Trains of the C. , St. P. , M. &
O. nrrlvo unit ilopnrt from tholr depot , corner
ot 14th nnil Webster fitniots ; trains on the B. &
M. , C. . II. & Q. , nnil K. C. , St. J. & C. 11. from the
' 11. tc M. depot : nil othora from the Union PacIQo
d ° POt'
n * WIP leave U. 1' . depot nt 6J5 :
J17:3j : 8lBIO : : 6:50-inO:00-nOOa. : : m. . 1:00 :
1SU : 1:60 : II n00-a00-l00-5UO-5:3g-0:05 ; ; ; : : :
0:10 : 7:00 : 11:10 p.m.
Lcnro iransfor for Omaha a 7:12 : 1 > 8:15-0:30 : :
B3:4i : II I0a : > - 10:37 : lla" a. in. : 1:3 ? 2:1U-
- 2:3--a'JO-3:37 : : : 1:37 : 6:15 : 0:85 : 720-7:50- :
llWp. : m.
Arrival and clonnrtiiro of trains from the
transfer depot at Council Uluna :
0l.r : , A. M . Mull and lispress . 7:001 : * . M
K-AO r. M . Vccoinmodiitlou . 4:30 : j * . M
0Olr. ; u . i\pres33 . 'J:15A. : u
0:15 A. M . Mull and Kxprcs * . 7COr.M :
7:15 A. M . Accommodation . 6:30 : I .M
t 'O r. M . Express . 0:15 : A , M
OilOA.M . ilall mid Uxptcss . 7OOp.M :
5t'Ji : > .M . lixprcss . U:15A : , M
CIltOACO. lltUll.lMlTON & QUlNCr.
0.3.iA , M . Mail and Kxpross . BOrM :
0iui' : . M . . . .Kxpres.i . 'J:15A. : M
WA1IASII , BT. I.O018 It I'ACIflO.
A. M. I 1 % M. I 0. . II. Se Q. I A. M. I I1. M.
20 I flU : ) | . .VInPi _ ) tt inoutli. . . . | 0-M I 7 15
Will Icnvo U , P. UiMHit. Omiiha , nt 0:1D-8:3J- :
lCt5-lU5ii. : : m. ; S:4D : .1.fiO-fiSii. : ! ! in.
-avoStock Ymila t'orOmahii nt 7:55 : 10S3a. :
tn.l lii-Ol-l- : (0-nOT-n:10 ( : : p.m.
NOTK A trfiliiFiliilly ; H.ilully except Sutnlay ;
o , iliilly pirept 3aturJar ; 1) , dally cxcupt Mon
A Clear Skin
Is only a part of beauty ;
but it is n part. Every lady
itiay have it ; at least , what
looks like ir. Magnolia
Balm both freshens and
Two Assassins Hanged in 1878 the Onnfeo
of Nine Frightlnl Murders ,
Every Victim Proved to HAVO
Uclntort to Some One or the
Jurors in the Old Trial ,
NoTR The following sketch \ , founded
on fact. The nutliorKemvnrd Pliilp , a well
mown Now" York newspaper 111:111 : , says lie
ms altered the names of person i nnil locali
ties for obvlout reasons. Tor Urn enlighten
ment of the readers or the Hun however , wo
supply most of the real names. The scene Is
laid In Austin , Texas , where a series ot hor-
rllilo nml mysterious mnnlcrs 1ms been coin-
milted ilmlng timpani year , the last one bo-
luc committed only a few weeks ngo , since
vlnrti time arrests have been made which , It
is believed , will result In the conviction of
the pullty party. In Philp's story , thn name
of Motile anillli Mnnds tor Molllc Hroun ,
colored ; Llaalo llyron for Llzzlo Shelley ,
coloiod : vJnno Crescent for Irene Cioss ,
colored : Mnt'y ' Cnllon Tor Maty Halncy ; Mrs.
Oracle Ioornultrano.IclTci-Kon ) , for Grnoo
Ynnco anil OraiiKo Washington respectively ,
colored } .Tcnulc Pace for Alice Davis ,
colored. Tholinmcsof the two while mar
ried women murdered on Christmas eve ,
1SS5. were Mrs. 1'hlllips and Mrs. Hancock.
Phllp's theory Is that the murders were the
result of revenge on the part of the relatives
of the assassins , ' who were hanged In 1878 ,
having been convicted by n mixed jury ot
white and blacks , the murdered persons being -
ing mostly the relathcs ot the Jurors. ]
1. Ou Christmas ilay of 1831 , n IHUo
over twelve months' ngo , the body of
Molllo Brown , a colored servant in the
city of H , Sn Texas , was found hacked
lo pieces in the yard about a luuulred
feet from her house. Her numlor , which.
had been committed on n bright moon
light night , had been accompanied by
terrible outrage.
2. On May 7 , 1835 , Lizzie Byron , an
other colored domestic , was murdered
under precisely similar circumstances.
a. In the following month Jane Cres
cent , still another colored servant , was
foinul hacked and mutilated and dead in
her own 100111 ,
4. On August 00 little Mary Cnllen's
body , mutilated in the same way , was
found in a stable half a mile from her
mother's ' house , whither she had beun
dragged , bleeding all the way. The
chihTwas hut IS years of ago. Her
mother , who lay in bed with her on that
fatal night , was horribly wounded in the
head with an nxo but recovered ,
H , On September CD came the next.
Mrs. Gracie and Orange Joilbi'bon , col
ored , lived as man nnd wife in a cabin.
Lncliida Wilson and PaUy Dobbins , mu
latto girls , boarded witli them. The man
and woman slept in one apartment , the
trirls in another. On the date mentioned ,
at night. Jeflorson was hammered into
insensibility nnd died the next morning ;
Gracie Lee was taken from his side ,
pulled out of the window , and had her
mains beaten out with a stone ; the two
girls were beaten presumably with a
sand-bag , and when they recovered con
sciousness could lull nothing about the
nlYa.ii * .
0. , In October JenniePago , - another
colored domestic , was found dead in the
usual way and after having sullerod sim
ilar horrors.
7. On Christmas cvo , 1880 , just ono year
from the first murder , two white mar
ried. women were assassinated and
dragged from their beds to the grounds
outside their houses. The body of one
was found with a heavy log across it.
Both had been killed with an ax. The
husband of one of them was found wel
tering m blood from the blow of an ax
over tliu ear. Ho recovered. i
More , than four hundred persons havo/ /
been arrested in B - for these crimes ,
but none of them lias been held. North
ern mid southern detectives , the local po
lice , bloodhounds , and all the parapher
nalia ingenuity could devise have boon
used in the endeavor to discover the mur
derers , but to no purpose.
THE Tiinoitr.
Sitting in my room at midnight , read-
itg the details of this mess of horrors ,
'more frightful than Pee or Hugo or
Dumas over conjured up from romantic
brain bitting there with nothing else in
my room alive save my lamp 1 tried to
think this matter out. Three days after
I alighted to the railway station of B -
the Bcono of this remarkable series of
1 , Gorold' Shanly , a New York news
paper man , 'had ' a theory concerning
them. So strongly had the conviction
that it was the correct one grown upon
mo that I felt it'-to be my bounden duty
to test it.
My stops were first bent to the office of
the principal newspaper in the town.
where I asked to see Uio editor. I found
him accessible and ready to grant an in
terview to a northern confrere at a mo
ment's ' noticu. A young lady , however ,
sat at a desk in another part of the room ,
and , glancing at her , 1 suggested that pur
interview must bo private. The editor
looked inquiringly at mo. but gracefully
got rid of the young luily , nevertheless.
"I have como , Mr. Blank , " I said to
the editor , "to try and solve the mystery
of these terrible murders. "
It was plain at once that ho took me
for a crank ,
"AVcll. " he answered , "everybody in
B - lias been trying to do that for a
year past. "
" 1 know it ; but don't bo discouraged
because they have failed. " '
"Well , have you any clue ? "
"I think 1 have but let me ask you one
question. If tiio answer is negative my
theory tails at the outset , and I take the
next train for New York. "
"Do vou have mixed juries in your
town ? "
townVell \ , some of thorn ara vary mixed
occasionally , " ho answered , laughing.
' 'But you mean juries composed ot both
wliito nnd colored citizens ? "
"Yes. "
"Cortainly wo do. "
"For how long have you had thorn J"
"Why , over smco tliu prineinlu of ( ho
civil-rights bill was imbedded in the con
stitution of tliu state. "
"For more than live years ? "
"Yes. "
"Now , Mr. Blank , " I said , "I am thor
oughly in earnest in belief that these
ilumdtul mysteries can bo solved. You
can help mo If you will , by pretending to
employ mo as an out.Mtlo reporter on your
paper , t-o that I shall have apparent
reason for being lioro , and also can gain
access to olliciala , documents , etc. "
The editor thought the matter over.
"Why do you not go to the chief of po-
licoV" ho said , "or to the iletectivost"
For answer 1 asked him whether thn
police had not announced their belief that
tho.M * murders were the work of one
"Yes " " ho "nnd
, they "have. replied ,
upon the grounds of similarity of facts in
all the cases , andjhut every huspicious or
suspected person , in the town is under
close watch. Had there been moro than
one , discovery must have boon brought
about bi-foro this. "
"Is that your theory , tooi"
"Yes. "
"I shall have the honor of disproving
An hour later I had taken a neat room
near the olUuo , and had made the ac-
qninlanca of the reporters for the paper ,
who were very jolly uml hospitable to
their now colleague , aslthoy thought mo ,
Of. coureo wo could not taikllong with
out getting upon the subject of the miiri
dors. Vigilance committees had boon
formed , ward associations patrolled the
Mrcct.s at night , no woman ventured out
alter .sundown , tind every man in B -
slept with a loaded revolve * . * ready to his
hand.- Tim neyrqcs were in nn agony of
terror , ovary ono of tUeui wearing u. vou-
don chumi.
That night n paper said : "So there Is
no theory left but that Olio Inhuman mon
ster has sacrificed n Hfq every time ho
wiMi'cd to gratify n. glmstly passion. "
Thinking over the sentence in my now
quarters tlint night , I said lo myself ,
"Boshl Those murders are not commit
ted for the sake of theft , for no property
lias ever been disturbed in thti victim's
homes. Lust , strong ns it Is n ? n motive
to crime , is not powerful enough in these
cases .13 an incentive. Tncro is but ono
human passion dovclish enough to furn
ish the motive for this horrible scries of
crimes revenge.
"But can it bopos.slblo that ono man
can entertain equal feelings of revenge
against nine persons , living apart , sonic
white nnd some colored ? And is it not
still moro incredible that two persons ( if
my theory TJO correct , thai more than ono
was engaged in these murders ) should
Imvo precisely the same feelings of vengeance -
goanco against precisely the same per
sons and should lake precisely the same
moans of wreaking them. "
We shall sec.
1 put my revolver on the. table by my
side , turned down the lain } ) and went to
The editor had promised to nsslsl mo
in any way ho could. I was not slow to
n k lus assistance on the next morning.
The lirst favor 1 asked of him was a note
of Introduction to the coronor. From
what I had learned of him-from the re
porters 1 had determined to make him
my only confidant as to the real mission
I had como on. After telling him , there
fore , I asked whether I might be allowed
to see the records of the olllco for some
few years back. Ho willingly complied ,
giving mo a private room in which to in
vestigate them. Wlionvo wcro nlono 1
said :
"Doctor , did you conduct the inquest
in Uio case of an those murders ? "
" 1 did. "
"Eight victims out of the nine were
killed by Uio blow of an n'xo , wcr6 they
not ? "
"Yes. "
"Was the frontal bone crushed in in
each case ? "
"Yes. "
"Then the blow , no matter how sharp
the use , must have boon tv very heavy
one ? "
"Decidedly. "
"Now , doctor , please try and think
whether the incision made by the ax was
deeper at ono point than at another1 in
any or in all cases ? "
The doctor reflected. "Yes , it was. "
ho replied.
"Was it not deeper toward the lower
part of the face than toward the other ? "
"Yes , in all cases , If 1 remember aright.
But what does that prove ? " ho asked.
"It proves that the theory of the police
that these murders nre tlto work of ono
man is wrong. You'havo doubtless noti
ced that in striking a log of wood with
an ax the incision Is deepest at the point
whore the ax strikes lirst. While the
heel of the weapon comes away easily ,
the striker has often to wriggle the other
end of it two or thrco times before it
is released. Supposing a man to bo
standing up to wield the ax fas ho must
necessarily bo to strike a blow of such
force as to crush the frontal bone ) , the
incision would bo deepest at the point
farthest from him. If the deepest incision
in these cases had been at the lower part
of the face , therefore , the man who
wielded the ax inn-it have btruck while
standing behind the head of his vicuini.
This proves that two persons at least
wcro engaged in the murders ; the ono
holding Uio body while the other struck. "
"That seems to bo so , " said the doctor ,
"I say nothing , " continued I , "about
the impossibility of one man wielding a
sandbag upon two girls in one room and
murdering two full-crown porsons'in the
next room at tho-i satne' tiino without
creating sullieiont''noise"1'to'alarm the
neighbors. That is tv circumstance for
your police to reconcile with their ono-
man theory. No ; there wcro two men
engaged in this crusade of blood and out
rage. In my belief , one was a while
man , the other colored. Perhaps these
records will load us to determine who
they aro. "
An hour or so passed in searching and
the coroner again camu into the little
"Doctor , " I said , suspending the in
vestigation of the records for a moment ,
"the newspapers declare that immediate
ly after ono of these murders a suspect
ed man was traced ( these are the very
words ) from the stable across the city , to
where ho took a hack. The wheel marks
led us to an alley back of the cabin in
which the murder was committed. There
hack and man disappeared. Is that so ? "
"Yes. "
"Then there must have been some
body to drive the hack. This was the
fourth or fifth murder , and of course was
made pnb'hc the next day ? "
"Yes. "
"Wero the hackmon investigated , or
any friend of his , or any other haekman ,
was the person hired ? "
"Tho hackmen wcro investigated. All
proved it jmpossiblo that they could have
been implicated. Nobody came forward
to say a word as to his being hired. "
"Precisely. Do you know why. Sim
ply becausu this hack the suspected man
took was not a regular hack but his
own. The hack ot a while man , driven
by a negro ; each having his revenge to
wreak. Further , the nuwspurers again
say , and the police corroborate it , that on
another occasion a carriage was used ;
that its tracks wcro followed for some
miles from the scene of the murder , and
were found to load back precisely to the
scene of the crime. Is that so ? "
"Yes. "
"And that when bloodhounds wcro put
on the track they followed the trail for
Home distance , but suddenly were at
fault. "
"Does not that prove to your mind that
the old hluvo methods of confusing the
scent had boon adopted , and that in all
probability a colored man drove that
hack. "
The doctor admitted that it looked like
Turning to the records , I said :
"I hco hero that iihoul six years ngo
the body of n well-known haclcinan.Jolm
Smith , was found in the suburbs of your
town with a bullet in his head. Do you
remember the case ? "
"Oh , yes , perfectly ; although I was not
coroner at that time.1 '
"Had ho over been engaged in litiga
tion ? "
"No ; but ho was nn important witness
for tliu prosecution in a murder trial a
year or so before. "
"Who was the lawyer on his side ? "
"Mr. White Johnson , a Well known
member of the bar. "
"Your records here show that ( his
lawyer , after the hackman's murder , was
found on a suburban highway with his
head crushed in by a btouo as in the
case of Gracie Leo , last year , Is that so ? "
"Yes. "
"Ami that shortly afto'rwiird'hls father
was found murdered ? "
"Yes. "
"Anil then that his brother was found
murdered ? "
"Yes. "
"In this murder trial , Jn which the
murdered huckmun nppcurcd as an im
portant witness , and in which the
murdered lawyer was also a figure , what
was tliu verdict ) "
"Ouilty. "
"Was the sentence earned out ? "
"Yes. "
"Now , doctor , canyon toll mo by ypur
jury lists , so far haok , what was , tho.
composition of that jury ? "
"Not by the lists they aie not accessi
ble easily. But 1 .perfectly remember the
caso. It was a mixed jury some wltte | ,
some blaok. "
"What was the criminal ? "
"Them were two a" whitu man anu a
colored man , equally conoonio'l ' in the
crime the double ortruo of outrage and
murder , "
I shut the beak and the coroner and I
walked out Injjpthpr.
rtNow , doctor , " I said , offer n pause ,
"jou have ItvjM' all your llfo in thi town.
\ou know everybody in it. Will yon ,
without saying n word to anybody , get
the names of the persons who composed
that Jury about-six years ngo ? "
"Of what i-sc , my dear sir ? "
"I want 10,800 whether and person ,
White or blnpki who lias been a victim of
these Jicndf . miring the last year was in
any way rclfuerf lo any of these jurors. "
The ainiabloi doctor was thoroughly
Startled. ( . , , ,
"I sco no r qxactly what you are driv *
ing nt , " ho sa d , "il thcro should have
been upon the jury relatives of both col
ored and white victims of the recent
murders the motive is established. "
"Precisely. "
Two days passed nnd I did not ioo the
coronor. In the meantime I visited the
scenes of the different murders , butS
lined nothing new from my inquiries.
S n the 'third day I again wont to the cor
oner's office. 1 found him there , palu
and almost trembling.
Ho took mo silently into the inner room
and wo sat down.
"Yfou were right , " ho said , almost
breathlessly. In live cases , ! * ! all events ,
the persons who wcro murdered were re
lated in some degree lo those who served
on that jury. 1 have not had time to
investigate the others , but will do 30 nt
once. "
"Among those live cases there is'oho ' of
n wliito man ? "
"Yes. "
1 confess that the revelation startled
me , oven though I had expected it.
"The next question is , " I said , "who
are likely to find interest enough in this
vendetta to bo the instigators ot it ? Nat
urally tlto relatives or friends of the men
who were hanged. "
The doctor nodded assent.
"Do you know if any such exist ? "
No , ho did nok The trial hail occurred
a long time ngo , and ho could not say as
to that.
"Then wo must find out , " said I. "And
depend upon it , whim you have located"
them you-nru not far from the assassins
of thu past terrible year. "
Two days wcro spent in investigation ,
which Imil to bo conducted witli the ut
most caution , not only to prevent sus
picion on the part oi' these whom wo
were in search , but to bailie the police ,
who with their usual futuitychoso to con
sider mo a suspicions person , and dogged
my footsteps until 1 managed to elude
them , which was a comparatively easy
On the third day the doctor triumphed.
This second discovery scorned to para-
ly/.o him ,
"If what you suspect is true , my dear
sir , " lie said , breathlessly , "il is awful
torriblo. "
"You have found them. "
"No. Only one. "
"White or black ? "
"Whito. "
"Precisely. Ho is the man who wielded
Uio ax. Thcwjiilo , man dominated all
through. Uuiu'icolored man's cunning
ballled the llooi | ( hounds , the while man's
intolligencObofyggcd | the police. What
is his nuinor' '
"John Dq ? . ' * ; .
"Is ho in goon circumstances ? "
"Yes , a sorlqf gentleman farmer. "
"What relation was he lo the man who
was hangeqS" r
"Brother. ! , ' , i
"And who > o ) fi his place ? "
The doclcy : tqtd me it was at a distance
of some thr-aqnplcs. I buttoned m.\ coat
and prcpnrejCl tqtlunvc.
"You wilLnqL whisper a word of this , "
I asked , i'-untilinlUs.ready ? "
"Not a word but where nrn you
e °
"To Uio I'&lllchce ' of Mr. John Doe ? " *
"Man alrvoT" ' cried the good doctor ;
" j'ou m'usl'not ' ! ' Yon yill bo slaughtered !
Just think "a momeiHT You cannot bo so
rashl" "
" doctor " I "I not
"My good , replied , am
going tnore to tell Mr. Doe ho is discov
ered. Wo are to bo oven now on the
wrong scent unless two things arc cleared
up : First , does Mr. Dee keep a private
hack ? Second , has he in his employ a
confidential colored man ? I am going to
just casually find out thos.o two things. I
shall sco you in the morning. "
I was well aware , however , that the
mission was a dangerous one , for I had
now been in B - long enough to be
spotted by any ono who took an interest
in thu arrival of a stranger. But my old
reporting instincts camu to my aid , and I
set out to interview the farming people
within the radius of a mile on the pros
pects of the spring crop , eto. I went lo
thrco houses , made copious notes , was
kindly treated , and in all of them was
asked eagerly , the first thing , whuthcr
there was anything new in town about
the murders.
Armed with my notes , I unlatched the
front gate of John Doo's and walked up
the stoop.
The house stpod fully half n mile from
the next in cither direction and some dis
tance from the road. It was neither tidy
nor dirty evidently the homo of n bach-
clo * * .
The man who opened the door I know
for John Dee instantly. A stccly-gray-
oycd man of powerful build , sallow com
plexion , six feet in height , slow-spoken ,
with bushy , standing-out black eye
"Is this Mr. Doe ? " I asked.
"It is. "
I told him my alleged orrnnd and
showed him the notes I had taken at
other houses. -
Somewhat ungraciously ho pulled tliql
door aside and bade mo como in , '
1 confess 1 felt a tremor as I passed the
threshhold. Not another soul was about ,
and 1 was helpless in the presence of a
man whom 1 boliuvcul the murderer of
nine persons in ono year.
Now and then , as I was taking my
notes , I caught his cold , glittering eye
fixed in a very uncomforting way on mo.
But I got through all right. Ho did not
ask mo to drink. Ho said nothing about
anything but what I asked him and
precious l.iMJu about that.
And no ) , a word about the murder * } .
1 bade him goofl-aljiy , neither of us
proffering hit ) lland , and got out as non-
ehalonlly ajfo'lj/'poulil / , imt inexpressibly
relieved , i * n.
But HO far 'I had done nothing lo
further tlntf * rhVpstlgation. Como what
might , I dolrii\ne ) \ < l to find out what I
wanted to kiiovJ , ono way or the other ,
before 1 loffe * o I sauntered down the
side lane bjtlWhouijO , lighted a cigar ,
and kept aiyufphful eye over thn funce.
1 had goiu > 'lmt thirty or forty paces
when my lu'tfrPjitood btill , as itsecniud to
mo. { 'J * „ "
Itiglilbofocuiuo was a gigantic negro
washing tluflwlitails of a private carriage
with a inopjnVJlnlking } to himself nnd
to the wheoiv.uiternatoly.
In his uwnitvay ho was as villainous
looking as nj-vQiJii-tiir , Silently I turned
now Ihorqmmiy frightened at the con
firmation ot alii my suspicions to the
high road , artdAvas soon back in B .
No sleep that night. The next morn
ing , all being in readiness , the coroner
and I laid the whole matter betoro the
chief of police.
"But there id no direct evidence , " said
that olllcial ,
"No , " I bald , "there is not. But hero
is a paragraph concerning 0110 of the
murders , clipped from your own local
papers , which will give you directovl- ,
donco if you cliooso to scol ; it. "
I read the following ( which was printed
also in the Now York World ) ; "Tho
criminals did not try to remove evidence
against themselves , for ( Jraeio Leo's lifo-
fcs3 lingers had a death-clutch on a chain
attached to a watch with a broken crys
tal , the fragments of which wcro found
near her body. "
The coroner , the editor , and I suc
ceeded at last in convincing the chief of
police , that the proper thing , to do was to
make a raid on thu estate of Mr. John
Dee , nM h secure tlio persons ol him
nnd his colored servant.
It wtw done. Much to his surprise ,
Mr. Lee was arrested , nt the same time
that his poachmnn was overpowered in
the garden bcfoi-o ho could utlor n cry. A
Ipngnmi patient search resulted in the
( iiuuntr of tlio mutilated watch in the
barn where tlio negro had hidden it.
Upon tins he the colored man , 1ho
brother of the mnti who wns lumped in
company Doc's relative , confessed nil ;
and the secret of the U murders
which had paralyzed nn entire state was
out. ,
PisiU'liiiMiNT imors.
According to the Darwinian theory our
ancestors wcro all talc-bcarcrs.
Jumbo's widow. Alice , Is coming , to this
country , llcr trunk will bo admitted free of
Auovthcin mnn ran now start ft row In
live minutes In Flotilla by carrying a walrof
skates across tlio shoulders.
A Yankee has invented a machine that
saws ami splits wood In one tluio and two
motions. Jlu wilt not call It "Tlio Tram ) ) , "
tor obvious leasons.
She "You awkward biutot Yon Imvo
di < oppcd your bread nud butter on tlio llool * . "
lip "Thal'fl all right , my dear , Nobody
A ill get it. 1 tia\o my foot on it. "
uJs ducky dailluc stck ? What will he do ,
ducky',1" was bcaid Issuing tiom a Mceciint *
oar beith. "Try some quack medicine I"
came tlio unsolicited response from tlvr pairs
of strong lungs.
H Is proof of a man's good temper If the
man slips down on Ice and comes up Mulling.
If ho chases Ills hat down the Mnet gutter
without iisligprornnolant-ungo lie is saintly.
A loiter has been fo\iud \ that was limited
elglity-threo yearsjigo nt Cambridge , Mass. ,
ami has not yet reached Its destination.
This pioves that tlio immediate delivery sys
tem has been In vogue bomo time.
"Yls " ialil Pat "Ol've
, , signed Iwo pledges
and wan to the last and wan t o his honor. "
"It's a foluo man yo are Pat , " ipplled
lirldgct , "and doycz think yo'll knpo tlilmV"
"Bfgon-a , Ol'll tliryund knpo wan nv thliii. "
"O'er mo pour the stream ot J.clhe , " walls
ritlcspalilugpoet. That's just like n pool ,
nsklug for n thlni ; like that when every
stream In the country Is Irozen to the bet
tom. And oven 1C they were not jou can't
pour Letlio over a man like gravy over a
platu of potatoes. '
Tlicio are tlmes'whcn the most humble and
long suffering man may rebel ngnlnsl tlio
conjugal tyranny of , a too exacting wife , but
they don't roniu uroinid very hoon after ' ' ( ioil
IJlcss Our Home" motto IUH boon icsponilcil
to with twins , ami mateilaiulllcs gets strong
euouj-h ( o want to know if ho means to break
not heart alter all she lias done lor him.
A new poem In an unknown exchange
says : "winter is now licie. " When wo
liud our hydrants frozen and the llu > rmomu-
ter'JO below mo and a fantastic coating of
icu nn eighth of an inch thick on Hie oillce
window panes , we are constiaiuud to admit
that the poet Is not lar out ol the way. Any
one who mistakes this weather for August
deserves to have his cars Irozun six Inches
A Minncanolls congregation loft the church
one .Sunday because the minister took his
text from t. Paul.
In Portugal the ballot-box Is placed between
two saints , nml a man who knows how to
work the saints gels himself elected.
A Philadelphia ( declined lo "kiss the
book" before a Philadelphia nmglstinto , say
ing : "Tho witness who kissed It before mo
had soie lips and the one who came bel'oie
him chewed tobacco. 1 will not kiss the
book. "
Spiritualistic medium "You now behold
the spiiit of Algernon Snobblns. Do you
iccogntxehlnr ? " Visitor " 1 do. " Spiritua
listic medium "lie docs not seem to recog-
dlzuyou. " Visitor "O , that's because I te-
cciltfy failed in business. "
Husband ( returning from the funeral )
"I he minister , in his limera ! sciinon , seem
ed to bo much oveicouie. If 1 am not mistak
en ho was affected to tears. " Wife "Yos ;
the deceased , poor man , was worth over SI-
000C03.fiVw York Times.
"What did Eve do after she bit the apple'.1"
asked the Sunday-school teacher. "Sent It
to Pasteur in Paris , " lenlied the sm ait , bad
boy. J > . S. Ho got mad befoto the teacher
got through Inoculating nini with a skate-
strap , but ho wasn't sent to Paris tor tieat-
ment. [ Brooklyn Eagle
"How is this , Jones ? Your son made a
profession of religion last \\eok , and now
they bay he's In jull. Has ho become n stage
lobbci' " ' "Alas , my ft lend , it is worse than
stago-iobbiug , lor htage-iobbets seldom get
caught. " "Good gracious. What worse thing
did he do"Ho joined the salvation army. "
[ Newman Independent
"My dear ii lend " said
, a long-haired coun
tryman to the biographical expounder of a
dime museum , "is that iinluitunate being
ically a cannibal ? " and he Indicated a South
Sea Islander fiom Cork who was silting on
n ilivau. "Yes , sir ; that great living curios
ity was captured while in the actol loastinir
al'iesbvteilan missionary over a slow lite. "
' ( ireat heavens I" gasped tlm couutrvman :
"can't you convert him ? " "Convert him I"
( aid the bloaiaplier with disgust. "Do you
s'pose the great American public would pay
10 cents to * > eo a Christian ? "
The son of a prominent divine went out to
Dakota with the intention ot going Into
business , but returned in very low circum
stances financially , having walked about
half the distance. "Why , I am bin prised ,
my syu , " said his father ; " 1 thought there
wcie great opportunities for making money
In the ten itoiies. Didn't you strike a
chance ? " "Well , yes , In a meubuio ; Imt the
fact Is. father , 1 didn't hold the light kind of
a hand , It was good enough , so I bet all 1
had on it ; but the other fello.v's was tliu bet
ter and ho raked hi the pot. " Tim next Sun
day thu minister preached on "Thu Crying
Need of Missionaries In the U'est. "
It. .1. Biirdctto thus hits oif Philadelphia :
"It was one of the pastor's' best sermons , and
ho was describing heaven. It was a place of
marvelous beauty , matchless , tinusccnilont
beauty , he said. All the mansions weto ot
red brick , with solid white shutteis four
Inches thick , no cornlco , binss doorknobs ,
and white miublu steps , with angels continu
ally scrubbing them through thu countless
ages ot eternity. 'Eloquent preaehei , ' .said
the Ktrauger in thu do.icou's pew , at the COM ! >
of the service. 'PlilKukOplila man , ain't ho' . "
'Ah , ' said the deacon , 'somebody told you. ' "
Lady Benedict Is to bo maided again to a
man of forty years. She isoulj twenty-eight ,
and Sir Julius was bevenlylivohen lie
made her his wlto.
Mr. llowatd C'loie , nfPnrke county , Indi
ana , at thu age of 77 , has just 111:11 : lied Ills
lilililfc. . and Is already the father ot .six
teen children. Of course ho expects to see
tlut completion of the Panama canal , Doc.
ai , ibss.
When n Xulu ghl takes a shine ton young
man she goes at dusk and sits bufoie his hut ,
If ho likes her looks ho will Invite her In to
remain a week or so 'and it they ngrco ho
then goes ami makes : i bargain with her
patents and keeps her for las wile.
As an Indication of the danger fo which
attractive young ladies ant exposed In Da
kota , a Judy In lingo , who has an extensive
millinery establishment , stales thateverv girl
she has employed In tour years lias left TUT
In a slim t time to get man led , and slio pro-
po-cs to sell out and follow I heir oxamph * .
A report f i oni thu Syrian missions states
that n largo number of .Moslem fills , who
have been taught by mlsilonailes diiilug thu
past lil teen jeai's , have mariicd , and not 0110
ol them hits been divorced , nor have their
husbands been known to tuko other \\lvm.
These mlssionniies should bo called back at
01 ice to uxeit their excellent Iniluciii-u In
tliosu poitlous ol the homo vlnoyatd where
most do llomlsh. _
It was on the eve "of thu tweuly-liftli anniversary -
niversary of their marriage. .Sum she ; "I
do hope if anybody Is going to glvo us any
thing It will be In money , When wo were
mauled wo wcro Ignoiant , and wo didn't liud
out immediately that seven sugar spoons unit
tlih teen lee pitcheis were not essential U >
murltlul bliss ; but I think we have been mar
iicd long enough by thls.tlmo to know
enough to pick out'our own piesentr- . "
West Jiiooklleld , Mass. , hus six couples
who have e.spuilenceil moro thiin filly years
of wedded bliss , -jnd one ot the muulagcs
was Illly-s-nveii yeju * ago. Olio of the mm-
rlago certificates iicently Issued by Town
Clefk Hush wad to Ilov , W. H. Ktone , aged
8ovcnty-Ji\e yours , and In other of Mis. J < wy
Htono Hlaclnvelf. The Veteran groom'n
bride was .Miss ihirtli.i ItobliHon , aged M'v-
enty-onu jcurs , a sister ( , > f .Mr. Stone's
first and t > econd wlve-.s.and alio of ex-guv-
einor JUibliibon , ul Kansas.
Piiblip speakers and"smgnrs find B. II.
Dou las.s iV Sons' Capsicum Cough Drops
sure remedy for hourtetiuis.
" 370
O/0 oft/to Best and Jbat'ffest Stocks in the U8\ \
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb Elegant Passenger Elevator. !
01CO. llUHKB , Mann-tor ,
rKFKntNCKSt } MerchnntB And Farmers' Hunk , Ditvlt ! City , Noli. , Kearney Nnllonnl tlfthVK fcr '
ncyNeb.i Columbus Stnlo Hunt , Columbus , Ncb.t McDonald's IJank , North Platte , Nob. OmftUa
Will par customers' draft with bill ol laiUuff muehod , for tvo-UilrJi yftluo of stock.
SUCCCR4 or a H In ITU Hey , 3
The many friomls of tfhilcy Uurko will
bo glad lo learn that ho is prospering at
OrniiRe City. Ho Is a young man whoso
career lias boon watched by many here
with prldo as well as interest. As most
know , ho is a son of City Auditor IJurko ,
nnd lived hero from infancy ui | < ; riiluntjng
with honor from the I Hull's hipi
school , and later pursuing his law studies
successfully unuur Col. Daily and Col.
Kcatley , lie was admitted to the bar
here , and is now located in Ornnjro City ,
where he has lately bceoiui * associated In
the practice of law witli Air. Hewitt , a
young nmnof excellent attainments , who
lias been located at Ircton. The
Hawnrden Commercial , in noticing the
new firm , says : "There is no need of
words of praise for Mr. Uurko * his record
is established , and wo doubt if llioro is
another attorney in northwestern Iowa
wht > has had such universal success in
the cases in which ho lias been engaged.
The firm as now established is a strong
one , and worthy of unlimited confi
dence. "
From the Boo.
Yesterday one of the Bit : : representa
tives called at the oflleo of the Ivpiitablo
iMiilualLifo and Endowment association ,
and during the course of conversation
asked Mr. Hamlull how his "ad. " In the
UIE : satislicd him , if ho received any re
plies , etc. . lo which ho replied , "I'll ' show
you , " anil after showing a bhj ; pile of let
ters , wrote the following testimonial ,
saying , "Take that , if it will do you any
good/ '
Office of Superintendent of Agencies.Vcst -
eui Division ot Equitable Mutual Life and
.Endowment Association.
TlioBr.i : : I wish to say that in our ad-
voitlslng the BIK lakes the lead. Fully
nlnety-nlno out of every hundred letters
gives tlio Bui : credit. Very Tiuly ,
\Vir.i.iA5i KANUAT.T. ,
Supt. Agencies Kmiltablc.
The Career of tlio Crnzy Englishman ,
Wlio Pcrisliccl Xortli Platto.
The body of a crazy Englishman was
found fro/.eii stiff in a sod shanty near
North Platte last Sunday. It was sur
rounded by some fifteen or twenty dog.s
of all sixes and breeds , several of which
were so fierce that the coroner was com
pelled to shool them before he could get
near the body. Ono very largo and line
black dog laid close lo his muster's head ,
and refusing to let any one interfere
with the , body , was lassoed by the coroner
and led oil'a captive' [ Omaha lieu.
Thcro is no doubt of this being Josiah
Aslicroflt who tarried hero nearly two
years living in a hut made of brush nnd
straw , which was just big enough for
him and his drove of dog.s to crawl in.
At night lin would , retire on a pile of
straw in this hovel and his dogs would
Jay around him and on top of him , thus
keeping him warm. Ho passed two se
vere winters here in tliat way : but it
seems that the icy hand has laid hold
of him : \l \ last , and ho has gone , lo bn
remembered as ono of the strangest
mortals known to the people hero.
It was known horn that Josiah was at
North Platte , he hnrin-- ; been seen there
last summer hy Frank Ijiulwig.
A short history of this peculiar char
acter may be interesting. Mr. Vtillar
gives us some items which , as near as wo
can remember , are as follows :
He came to this country from Eng
land a convert to the Merman faith , a
good many years pgo , and went djrcct
10 Salt Lake , where ho stayed until the
mountain meadow massacre. Ho , with
tow others , refused to go and take a
hand in that horrible murder , and know
ing their destiny if they remained thcro
without obeying , they fled. Josiah , ac-
cojiipunied by one man , made the tedious
trip over mountain and plains tint ! ) ihoy
reached Council lilutl's , in which city ho
tarried several years.
While there , ho attended a Methodist
revival mooting and became "enligh
tened , " and then "enlightened" a Mor
mon elder. Hrigum Young hearing of
this , sent two elders from Utali to see
about the matter. Josiah thought they
intended to kill him and hid in a barn.
As ho slept on the hay he dreamed anil
11 was revealed to him that ho was ( o be
tie ! second Klijah. Ho shook the dust of-
Council mulls , oil' his feel and lias hinco
been a wanderer , Mopping at dili'orciit
points wliiii't ) thu people would tolerutn
him , and living in a .similar manner as at
tills place , though ho did not generally
stay a-i Jong in a plucu as liu did here.
lie arrived here two yuar ago this win-
lei * , bringing a few dogs with him , and
from them ho raised a largo number , sell
ing ono occasionally. ThoFo dogs were
greatly attached to him. When lie
would como Into town from his hut ,
whiim was about half a mile west of
town , about twelve or fifteen dogs of
dill'uront ages would ho ttt his heels. Ilo
would leave. Uio .young pups ami their
mother at tlio house , Tlio most , of tlio
tiino he kept about thirty , largo and
small , and would feed them well witii
meal which ho gathered up at the
slaughter Iiquscs. liu lived by what was
given to him principally , although liu
worked a considerable and generally had
a little money. He were cu * > l oil' clothes
that wcro given to him. As a rule ,
people hero worn very kind lo him ,
On sonic subjects Josluh seemed to bo
perfectly sanu , but gut him started on
tliu Bible or his mission , and his state
ments were wjld. He claimed that lie
would never die : that hn was the second
JClijah , sent by God to deliver lite people ;
thai ho would reign King , but U.ut his
tiino hud not yet como Ho could mioto
scripture by thu hour and would talk as
long a man would liiten lo hiu and
sometimes a gootl dual longer , borne
one told him Jai-t siimmor that ho would
cither have to kill his dogs or pay laNcs
on ( hem , and that is claimed to liu his
cause * , for leaving hero.
Wo do not uolievjj lin found a1 , k'r.d
people its he' luft , and perhaps his death
was cutt * > cd mort ! front want of food thuti
frjni froit.-7-l5)uir [ ) Hcpubjii-uu.
± A ± ' " -aii-i . - . . Jfr , tfari , i K ij fiKL. V , j > ato&ei ,
1 ickcts only $5. Slmrca la Proportion.
"Wo do hereby cortlty tlint * vo f > utiorvl 0 the
nrrnnKomonts far nil the Monthly nnd ijunrtorly
Drawings of Tbo Louisiana Stnto Iotlorr
Coitttmny. mid In person mnimrro nnd control
the iHmvfnffRthoinsolves , nnd Unit thoenmonvo
conducted with honoMy , Cnlniest aud In Rood
rnlth townt-d All Imrtles , nnd wo nuthorlro tup
Compnnjr to ujo this cortlllcnto , with fno-Rlmlli'S
of our signatures nttachsd In us ndvcrtlsmout
Wo , tlio undnrtlgned Hanks and Hankers , vrlll
| my nil Prizes drawn tii Tlio Lou 2 lima Stnto Lot
teries whloh may bo jnosontcd in our counters
Pres , Louisiana National Bank
Pres. State National Bank ,
Pres , New Orleans National Bank
Incorporated In 1808 for 23 years by the legls-
Intura tor I.MuciiHomil nnd Clmrltnhlo purposes
Ith u capital of $ looo.oou to whloli roBorvo
fund of over ( fiSU.UUO hns Blncu hocn added.
I'ynnovi'nvlH'IinliiK popular votu Its Irnnohlso
wngiimdonpiirtofthupro&iMU tnto oonatltUttoti
adopted IL comlor"d. A. 1) . 1879.
The only lotlorv over voted on nnd endorsed
by the people of nny stnto.
It uovor scales or postpones.
Its urniulHhiKlo number drawings talto pltxco
monthly , nnd the oxtrnordlnnry drawings roKU-
hirly every tlirco months Instoud ut soml-niinu-
ally us norotoforo , lioglnnliiif March , IKbfl.
2d Qrnnd Drawing. Cluss H , In the Aomtomyof
Music. Now Orleans , Tuesday , Fob. Uth , 1883
Ib'Jth Monthly Dru-rln-r.
100,001) ) Tlcltets nt Flvo Dollars Kiich. i'ruetlons
InKltths , InPioportlon.
oir I'liUF.s :
1 25,000
_ 1 10,000
1"fi 12.UOO
"fi 10,000
10 10,000
: : o 10,000
100 20,000
: ioa 80,000
1000 25,000
Arrnoxi.MATioN rut/us.
0 Approximation Prizes ol'$750 , . . 0,7W
V do do f > 00 4,500
0 do do 50 ,
MOT Prlzos nmountiner to . J-205.B03
Applleatlon for rates to clubs should bo made
onlv to the ollico or the company In Now Or
1'or f ui tlier information writa clonrlv , ( flvm.qr
fullnddies-s. POSTAL NOTES , Express itonoy
Orders , or Now Yuilc Kxchatifo in ordinary letter -
tor , currency by expresH ( all Bums of (5 and up *
winds lit our expense ) uddrc&scci ,
Washington , ! ) . 0.
Or M.O'iTUNS it CO. , IKWFarnnni st.,0mnun
Mnlio P. O. Jfonoy Orders payable and addrosa
registered I el Kirs to
N'ow Orleans , La.
MUilBf tonli frti l > lufM r.rv > w ' t * >
U1. * erl4. rtirr , l > ; fit | > itA. l > Urrl > t. lr , r Mi Afw. W. til
Ai. r4 > rf vf Ih * Mfr.ti * . ifrf * nf A ( c * ( ! ( [ * Impart dvlulM. fit * *
U n flM cf , b4 t til uin > * r drtnkl. Ill M.
r ( roii > urfrit , . A. % f.ur .roruni.l ftft
uuBurutuiidtirijn./ .
J. 77. V7UPPE2UA1W , COLH iOSll ? ,
a mu ) < ii > wj.v. K > jr. _ /
Asthma Oure.
Tills tnvaluuMo BpcrlDo roadlly and perma
nently cures nil kludb of ANtlimu. The most
obstinate and lon-f ftandlnfr cnsoi yield prompt
ly to Its wonderful ftirina properties. It Id
Known throughout the woild tor Its unrlmlod
J. J. . CA I.WV JILT , , city rtf Lincoln , Nob. , writes ,
.Inn. Vh , IfHl : Hlnco iislni ; Dr. Hair's Asthma
Uuro , lor moro Iliiin ono year , my wife1ms boon
1'iitlioly neil , nnd not oven u riyniptom of Uio
dlbcuso has niicnrod. | )
WIUJAM IIHNNUTJ1 , lllchhind. Iowa , wrltos.
Nov.iU , 18S1 : I Imvo been nlllleled with Hay
I'everiind Asthma ulneo liVJ. I fullonixl your
dlroetlons nud nm happy to my that Inovor.
elopl belter In my III" . I am sliid that I urn
iimntiK- the many who eun speak t > o favorably of
jour leiiid'HcH.
A valuablolU pngo trenllho rontntnlii ? slinllai
pidui from ovciy btalo In the U , & . , Canada anil
Orciit Ilrllaln.Mlll bo mailed upon npplioatlon
Any iliUfe't'Ul not liuvhif It in clock will pro-
euro It ,
* * A Qulcv. Ifnnu.
< 4 VA t V
Vj > I\3 E T . nunt .i-IIIIi ; Iff
muttttT noun i.y nun. M'AI.I'I * ritii : * . . . . .
Did you Sup
pose Mustang LSniracnLGnly good !
for horses ? It is for inflaroma-f
tion-of aUTlcsh.