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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SATURDAY , JANUARY 30 , 1886. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCfTBLUFFS , SATURDAY' MORNING , JAN. 80. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered liy carrier In nny pnrt of Ilicellynt IH ( nt y tents fer wick. II. W.TII.TOX , - - - Mnuaj-rr. llrflisnssOrnrn , No. 4.1. NIOMT r.niTOii , No. Z ) . MINOR MUXTIO.V. 1'nnti to order , from $5 u , nt Heller's. 11. Van do Uognrt is now tlio driver of " 1'at , " the veteran lire horse of No.I. . i'j RSpceml sties of plumes to-dny nt Illi s' . 1-lilincs , * UO , $1.75 , if'.OO , $ , . . ' , will bo Mdd for $1.00. Your choice. Clmrles No ft" , a switclnnnn nt the trans fer yards , ot his fcot ciutf-ht in froj ; yesterday morning and badly crushed. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs M. L. PnvN , ii 'd about eight month. * , died Thursday night , and was bulled yester day afternoon , | ( Services in the Congregational church to-morrow. In the morning the Rev. C. ( t. Haldwln of DCS Monies will preach. Pleaching in the evening by the pastor. Henry Klllot Had the distinction of be ing the only one brought before the police court yesterday. Ho was a plain drunk , but was not charged extra on account of Ids being alone before the bar. The city council Is to meet Monday night In regular session. Those who have claims against the city should re member the rule and tile tiicir bills to day.The The Florences are to appear at the opera house this evening in "Our ( ! oy- ernor. " Thev certainly lake the lead in really refined comedy , mingling much merriment without aiiyclownHiness. Another meeting of the committees of the late charity ball is called for this afternoon at It o'clock , at No. o Pearl utreet. The treasurer's report will be reaily , and It is necessary to elcctanother secietary to lilt the vacancy caused by the resignation of Spencer Smith. Rev. William Iliiijrh. 1) . 1) . , of Chicago , having been detained by the storm last week will preach in the Baptist , church Sunday morning. The pastor will begin Sunday evening a series of .sermons on popular subjects. First sermon , "Tho ISIodel Hearer. " Scats free. All invited. Rev. 11. Gilbert will preach at the Christian Home , No. 71J ! Avenue 1) , Sun day at ! o'clock p. m. After the sermon there will bo scriptural recitations , and other exercises by the children , which will tiive an interesting opportunity for all who de.siro to note the progress and training of the c in the Home. C. II. Oblingcr now prays for matrimonial menial freedom from Fanny Oblingcr , to whom ho was married in December , 1881. lie claims that his wife has been untrue to him , centering her all'ections on ono James O'Urien , and that she has deserted homo in order to have the inoro oppor tunity of indulging in companionship with her lover. Sanders , whose boys have won such a notoriety for the family , was arrested yesterday on suspicion of having stolen a Tiarncss. There was not sullicient evi dence to warrant holding him , and he was released with an invitation to call later , about Monday , and see if there was not more against him by that time. During the past week there have been over thirty poor fellows who have been given lodging , having no money. The total assets ot the crowd was si.x pocket knives , one ra/.or and ono husking peg. Nearly all wore young , hearty fellows. Only lour were over thirty and only one over lorty. Such figures arc suggestive. M. Drohlich was mentioned in the iiii : : as having bought a stolen overcoat for $1 , the coat beiu valued at twenty times that amount. In justice to him it .should bo stated that the coat was brought into his plac'o of business during his absence , ami that he immediately reported it to police headquarters , thus .securing the thief , and saving the coat for the owner. The new half year of the public schools opens Monday. It is dciired that the little folks , who enter the school for the time , will be on hand prompilv Monday morning , as new clashes will then bo formed and the schools reorgan ized. The semi-annual examinations closed yesterday , and the changes in the classes will now follow. Prof. II. A. Uallinger lias been secured as principal of the high school , in place of Prof. Cash , who has gone to Wells- villo.N. Y. Prof. Uallinger has been superintendent of the public schools at Prairie City , Iowa , anil comes hero very highly recommended. Ho is -.on-in-law of Rev. Mr. Thickstun , formerly pastor of the Baptist church here. The poll lists were yesterday placed upon the outer walls , and voters should examine the same and prepare to report any omissions or errors to the registry board when it moots. The lists are made from hist year's charter tor election , and not from last fall's election , so that some who voted at .tho latter election have not their names en rolled for the coming ono. Arrangements are made for n special train from hero to Omaha this evening to accommodate those who desire to attend the coasting carnival there. The train will leave the liroadwav dummy depot at 7:10 : , and returning will leave Omaha at midnight. It is expected that there will be a largo number from the Ulull's to enjoy the sport. The investigation into the needs of the city called forth by iho attempt to relieve the poor , shows that Council liluO's should have a city hospital nt once. Thcro is no such institution hero , and in case of accident to a stranger or sick ness there Is no place to take such a pcr on where proper euro can bo given. It is to be hoped that the talk .so long in dulged in may soon result in some pi ac- tlcal move in this direction. The tirenion , injured in the recent burning of No. I's hoiiso , are belli } * well cared tor now , and It is expected that they will soon be able for duty again. The boys have had a hard time , and are not only anxious to got relief from pain but'to bo able to get out and about am ! prove to the satisfaction of the public that they wore not neglectful of their duties , and in no way responsible for tiio burning of the house. Dr. Soybort Is at tending to their iiijni'ies , and it is under' stood that the city , by its lire committee , will see to it that the men do not want for anything , Notion. Notice Is hereby given that by mutual consent the firm of Kiscman , Rodda & Co. is this day dissolved , and the now linn of Henry Kiseman it Co. , composed of Henry Kiseman and Simon Kiscmnn , has tnis day bee'i formed , nnd tlio stock of tlio old company will bo at once con Kolidatcd and placed in the rooms now occupied by tlio firm of Kisoman , Rodda & Co. , Nos , ail ) , CIS and 390 Hroadwaj' , where the now firm of Henry KUumiiu & Co. will continue to do business. Suid now firm assumes all the liabilities and will pay all the debts of the old concern , nnd will collect and receive all claims due the fcinue , Mr. S. J. Rodda , though not u member of the new firm , will con tinue in its employ. II.SIMAN. ] : ROUDA & Co. Hr.NKV KlSL'MAN it CO , Hixiiv : KISKMAN. SIMON KISKMAX. S. . J. KOUIM , For first class Missouri wood enll on Glcneon , iithls coal ollico , SO Pearl Street. LEGAL TIES THAT BIND , Many Attachments Hold the Stock of a Dry Goods Hoiuc. OMAHA'S ' COASTING CARNIVAL n\li \ Money Ilnlsrit for A Clint AVltli Slouv City's Mnjrni * Uce AclvertlHlni : llcnril Troiii Suuoess of a Itlurrs Hoy. A Slionor of AttnchmctitN. The dry goods linn of Cocko & Mor gan has had another chapter added to ho scnsutional history of its bu iiie s. . 'redtors ! began to close in on them yes- erday , and attachment followed upon attachment until it seemed that every- hing must bo more than covered. In he eagerness not to ho left out in the icilii one creditor , by his attorney , crowd- id on the heels of another , and writs of Attachment were dropping on Sherin" { cel'n ileik so thickly that lie rubbed his sves to .see if lie was not in a snow storm , to did not have time to read them , but as hey were placed before him ho numbered Item consecutively , 1 , , ! , 4 and so on , igreelng to servo them in their order. The store ami stock were at once taken sossioii of. Then there was a little uoro time for breathinir and looking ihoitt. The attachments thus far liluu : ; nil were to .secure the following claims : KtwlS. Plnlseid S 151 00 ' . V. l-'arwoll A : Co. . Chlca'zoKM 80 I. S. SlmplolL'h , IMillnilelphhi VUl i : > .StrlliL'licltl. Klnstclll v\Cn HIM 78 M. K. Smith Co. . Coiiuell HlulVs. . . 8vTi ! 10 A. FriedInnder it Co. . Now Voi k. . . . TOO ( X ) 11.1) ) . Clallllii it Co. , New Ymk lioj ; ( v. .S. .leiriey iV Co. . New Yoik -t.Y ! M Council lllutls Savings 1,00000 Total . SO.m.TJ It is predicted that other attachments , vill swell the amount to $10,000 , and that jther indebtedness exists to tlio amount of $2,000 more in small amounts. The assets it is feared , will not be suf ficient to meet the claims and leave the inn anything , for there is always such a shrinkage in loreing assets into cash , ami there is no shrinkage in the expenses of such a going out" ot business. The linn took an inventory , which was completed on the ltli ! ) , showing the stock to amount to $10,000. There are thotignt to be from $1,500 to $ ' 2,000 in bills receivable. If this "s a correct showjng of the assets , ami .hey could bo roali/.cd in cash , the linn ivoiiht be able to more than meet the lia bilities. Some of the e holding claims yesterday nformcd the Bin : that they wore not dis posed to push their claims , and that they : hqugh ( the linn would have boon able to swing out all right , lint when ono creditor .started in the others had to follow as self protection. To thus force the pay ment of all liabilities , witli the consequent shrinkage of assets- , would bo apt to leave ut little from the wreck. A few days ago there was a small ( ire in the More , tiie damage being mostly by water. It was claimed that the damage when adjusted would amount to perhaps : is much as the insurance , which was ibout $13,000. Such .statements seemed wild to the Bii : ; , and now that the loss has been adjusted , it shows that the los was but a little over § 1,000. This insur- imeo money was yesterday gsirnishced , nnd locked up with the rest ot the assets. Cocko & Morjran started in business hero in May , 18S1. It was supposed that they had small capital , but they showed ; v good deal of enterprise , and soon had : in apparently prosperous trade. They moved into larger nuarters , kept incrcas- ng their stock , and seemed , to be on the boom. The mercantile agencies have been giving them credit for wiving from ? 3,000 to $5,000 capital , but lately these figures wore dropped to from $ -J,000 to $3,000. It was generally supposed that the original capital was about $1,500. The Irish Lion and Interviewing Mrs. Pratt at Masonic hall , Thursday , Febru ary 4. Remember the date. Admission 25 cents. - For hardware and hou < e furnishings ; ct prices of Cooper & McUcc , No. 41 Main street. Ready For tlio Carnival. An "extra" will bo run between this city and Omaha this evening to accom modate those who desire to attend tlio coasting carnival on Dodge street , Omaha. The train will leave the Broad way depot at 7:10 : o'clock sharp , and will leave Omaha on the return at 13 o'clock after tlio carnival is all over. Mr. Olds , the agent at the Broadway depot , thinks , from all indications , that between 150 and 200 Council Binds people ple will go cither as participants or .spec tators of the coasting. All sleighs and traverses will bo trans ported in a careful manner free of charge. The faro for the round trip , in case over a hundred go over , will bo twenty live cents each , Kacli traverse from this city will bo fur nished witli a bndgu which will entitle them to coast. There is some talk of taking a band of musio along. A largo nnmbor met last evening in the city building and .signified their in tention of going , and if the weather proves favorable , fully 200 will cross to see the fun. It is thought that about eighteen trav erses will go , and the following are the list as certain : Tlio "Grccndalo , " owned by A. Bore- shim , Thos. Green. Jr. , and Harry J. HolVmayer. This traverse will make a good snowing alone , the upholstering costing $20.00 , and the headlight $20.00. "L'uiitan , " owned by W. A. P. J. Stein- kopp. W. C. Estop , and Ed. F. Cogloy. The ' 'Puritan" ' carries the same colors as those of the Now York Yacht club. "Flying Dutchman , " owned by Lyman Sluigart. "Dude , " owned by Charles Bray and Miles Scoliold. "Micky Dee , " owned by Leonard Kir gchel , II. Buerdorf and John Meyer. "Druggist , " owned by Charles Haas and Harry Atkins. "Length } ' , " owned by Claude Tor- wiligcr and Frank Vandonburg , "Occidental , " ovvnod by Will Hunting. ton. ton."Dennis "Dennis , " owned by Dennis Harmcr , "Alligator , " owned by Sop. Biorwin , "Old IIoss , " owned by C. A. Snook and Julius Cochran. " , " owned by Meyers "Bluir City , " owned by City Marsha : F. 11. Gunnollo ami B. T , Connor. "Blue Racer , " owned by Charles Mat thai. "Hawkcyo , " owned by U. W. Bixby and Fred Montgomery. "Printers' Duvil , " owned by John Oliver & Co. Those who intend to go to Omaha this evening to participate in tlio coasting car nival will mcnt at the Ogden house at 0:1)0 : ) and from there proceed to the dum my depot. The Bavarian band will ac company the party. Best coal nnd wood in the city at Glca- son'u , 20 Pearl street. K with $10OUOO. The plan for organizing a company for the encounitfing of manufacturing in Council BlulUj , is fast getting into prac tical shape. Articles of Incorporation have been drawn upland it scorns a .set tled fact that within u bhorttlmo this city will have an active company \\ith flOO- 000 capital , rca'dy to take hold of any Iccitimate manufacturing enterprises which may conclude to locate here. The stock is to consist of 1,000 shares of $100 each. This stock shall be paid in on call of the board of directors , but no call fqr or fHse-irtcnt on the stock subscribed shall be for more than 10 per cent thereon nt anyone time. The first call will bo duo on ten days notice , and all subsequent calls are not to be ofteuor than one in thirty days. The board of directors shall not have power to subscribe stock , or furnish aid to any one company or enterprise , to any amount in excess of 10 per cent of the capital stock of this corporation , except by a two-thirds vote of tlio stockholders , each share being en titled to ono vote. The directors shall not have power to .subscribe stock or furnish aid to anj one company or enter prise for a greater amount than one- third of the capital of .such company or enterprise , There seems no reason why this stock will not be taken quickly , and it should prove profitable in many ways. Dircr.tly It .should bo reasonably rcmuuerative , while indirectly it cannot but prove more so. If by this 'investment of $100.000 this city can secure $300,000 of manufacturing here , it will give the city a boom which will he.p every kind of business here , unit increase the value of real estate. It is to bo hoped that all these expecta tions will be more than realized. A. C. Larson , of the Council Bliill's steam laundry , is putting in four bath rooms with all conveniences. The HoostetIlcucptlon. . MACKDOXIA , Iowa , Jan. Si ) . Probably no time in the history of Macedonia has there been as largo a gathering as to-day. The town has been on the qiii vivo since early dawn , for it is the day of the recep tion. About noon the people began to uotir in from the country in sleigh ami sled loads , and by 2 o'clock our little town presented the appearance of a holi- May , for the Ilooiiers especially , for no matter what state a person is from , ho or she will take pride in any entertainment that is made . -for their benefit , and though this was called and made a lloosicr recepliciij. ) 'et the friends of the p.irties were invjtod from all sections , no matter from what .statu lie hailed. By 3 o'clock Dye's hall was full to overflowing by friends of Mr. Clayton and wife , and by 2:10 : sharp the first set were sent to the hotel and so well , was the crowd divided up by Messrs. O. Kno.v , Syl Dreyor and Dan BorulV that there was not a single break in the whole proceedings in the parlors of the Macedonia house. Mr. Clayton and lady received all their guests and in troduced each and every one to Governor Cumback , who stood up and assisted at the reception. As fast as introductions and congratulations were exchanged they were ushered into tlio spacious din ing room , whore overthing that is pleas ing to the eye and tickling to the palate was spread before them in abundance. Free will , good fellowship and love for your neighbor was the watchword of the hour , antl we will assert without fear of contradiction that never in the history of Pottuwattamie county has there been a reunion where so much good fellowship and kind regard for our neighbor was shown as here. All men are created cnual and have in alienable rights , and as long as they be have themselves have equal privileges , and arc worthy of the regard of their 'ollowman. So it was at the reception , 10 matter whether the gue t was rich or l > oor. they were welcomed in a manner .hat left no doubt in thcirminds but what their welcome was pure ami heartfelt. The dinner over the people divided up , some returning to the hall , many remain ing in the hotel parlors until 750 : ! p. m. when they all assembled at the hall to hear Governor ( Jtimback's second lecture , The Model Husband , and hero allow us to digress for one moment and say , that all ot the model husbands , such as Jim Patton , Will Bradley , Doe Cook , Will Dye ami ye editor , were careful to get in the front pew. Jim Patton will not take a front ppw again until he gets some elixir for his head , as it was a terrible give away on him , as a model husband. Like the night before , the governor held his audi ence spell bound tor about an hour and twenty minutes , at the conclusion of which came the happiest part of the pro gramme , vi/ : the cancingof Ben Clayton. As soon as the governor had closed J. M. Kelley took the floor and statctl to the audience that he had a few remarks to make , but would confine and address them to Mr. Clayton , and after referring feelingly to the changes that bad trans pired Din the recipient's life , said you will readily perceive that by looking at this stall' , that in pursuing the ordinary course of life , you arc to hold to this end , using the other for the purpose of driving dogs out of your path. This order must never bo reversed excepting in imminent danger or when it may become necessary to force obstacles from the highroad of honesty and integrity which you follow. I also express the wish of the donors , that you keep this cane so tluit in ago you can lean uuon it and . enjoy tlio happy reflections consequent upon an active life well spent in a proper dis charge of your duties to God , your neighbors , and yourself. For once in lii.s life Bon wr.s all broke up. The cane , a handsome , gold-headed one , bought and presented by his neigh bors as1an acknowledgment of their ap preciation of his services , both as a neighbor and citi/.cn , was more of an en dorsement than ho was expecting , and as words could notcxpress his appreciation , ho was virtually stumped. To see Ben go down in his pockets trying to find something to say was comical , though everyone could plainly sec that tlio heart was full , but would not give utterance , mil ho linally rallied enough to tender his heartfelt thanks for the gift , and express press his gratefulness for his neighbors' appreciation. Gov. Crnmback was then called for , and responding to the call , delivered an eloquent eulogy upon the Christian spirit shown by the peoph ) of Macedonia in their ellbrtfi to prove their appreciation of ono ol their neighbors. Thus closed ono of the most successful reunions ever held In western 1'owa. Sioux City's Mayor. Mayor 1) . A , Magee of Sionx City passed through hero yesterday on his way homo from the meeting of anti-pro hibition mayors at DCS Moincs. Mayoi Magco seems a whole-souled , hearty energetic business man , talking right out what ho has to say , and the BEK gladly improved the opportunity of applying the pumping process to him. It was sug gested to the Sioux City mayor that there had been u good deal of fun poked at the meeting of 'liberty-lovers , " the attendance anco being so small , "Yes , I know it , but wo had fully as many as wo expected. The fact was tha it was only intended that the executive committee should meet. The public got a different idea from the proclamation issued by Mayor Vaughan. Ho reallj had no right to issue any such document I do not know as it did any harm , but i didn't do any good particularly. All that was intended was to have the executive committee get together and got the bills nnd memorials in shape to introduce. I do not want any notoriety in connectloi with the matter , but some of them seen to want that more than anvthingclso. " "You do not expect to get the bills tlironglt , do you ? " "Well , we can hardly liopo much , am i ot things look butler than tlio.v lnl be- ore. You. can't toll , you know , wliat can bo tlono till .you tr < K The tonnnittoo vUl meet no.xt TdurWfiy to eo'iM ' < i"r several bills. It is IJftM 'Work to say what Iioy' will do , but T siniposo they will con i < k r nil the blll . "What do you think of tlio Stilton Oh , I think thrtt is just presented to show tlio im > ) iil > Uioiii < ls wliat sort of I'jlisliition will be1 necessary to really Miforcu the law. It would of course bu Irst necessary to declare in eonio way hat tlio state is In tlio hands of a mob and that martial Itiw' ' is necessary. Jt scents that Stilton inu t in fuel bu a local option man , who takes this way of showing tlic foolishness of attempting to enforce tliu present law against the siihti * nent of some localities. " "How are the saloons running hi Sioux City ? " "They're running about seventy-five strong. They are not pacing any license , inil haven't since last May" 1 don't ' bu iuvo in any licence coiuproinising the inthorities. They simply run because to one scoini to Mart a light to cloe them up. There are about a bun- Ired ] > rohilihionists in Sioux City , and .ho sentiment in fav'or of the saloons .hcroforc. permits thorn to run. I am no saloon man , and have not a cent's interest in them. I HIM a high liceiiMi man , and am in favor of giving localities ihu privilege of deciding tor themselves. If there is some good Methodist commu nity , which doesn't want a saloon , why , ( Sod bless their dear hum Is , don't force a saloon on them. 1 believe in high license , and local option , as a ine.ins ot suppress ing intemperance , and not to encourage the saloons. The most annoying feature. In the present attempt to get .such a law , is that a lot of saloon men follow in the wake , and this gives tlio idea that they are working for the saloons. The fact is the saloon men do not want a high license , that i , a good many of them < io not , hut they see that they arc in a straight , ami rather than yield to prohi bition , they tag on behind us. I don't train with saloon men mid am not work ing in their interest. " nllow much does it lessen the revenue of Sioux City not to have saloon licenses ? ' "About 810,000. " "How docs this loss afl'ect the city finances ? " "Our warrants are about as high as be fore , and I do not think that tlio loss of this revenue is going to have any but : i temporary ellect. tl don't amount to anything. Thedon't force that sort of MulVilown my throat worth a cent. If 1 thought that the prosperity of Sioux City depended on having saloons , and getting license from them , much as 1 think of the town , 1 would sell out , and go .some where else. Kit has got so that a town lias got to have a beer keg at one end , and a whisky barrel at Iho other in order to keep from being ruined , I would want to get out of such a town. I don't believe the lifo of Sioux City depends on any one thing like that. We have proved that wo can got along without the saloon licenses , so lar as that is concerned. That is settled. 1 want license , and high license , because 1 believe it is the only way to regulate and control the business. " ' After chatting in : i like vein on other details of tlio contest4 the mayor re marked : "Now , you an ) a reporter. I've talked along freely' ' . All 1 ask is that you show mercy. Treat me gently , and if you can let mo alone entirely It will suit me best , for 1 don't' ' want any more advertisement in connection with this. 1 simply want to getst high license bill , and not to gain any notoriety. " c The Hnrcliimii Hard to Bent. OMAHA , Jan. ' , ' 0 , 18861 Mueller Music Company , Councill 151ufls ) ( jontlumen I feel as though 1 miist write and toll yon liow much more than pleased I am with our upright Hardnum piano. For style , beautiful iinish and purity of tone , I am sure it is as gooil as the very best and for a great deal less money. Yours very truly , E. L. EATON , Photographer , 1820 Farnum St. To-Iny Several hundred line French hats will be sold at half value to close out tlio lot. J. J. Buss. Personal I'lirngrnphs. Miss Bennett of Lincoln is visiting her aunt , Mr.s. A. M. Ueardsloy , in this city. II. N.McOrew of Donlson was in the city yesterday , swapping lies and vork- ing insurance. M. A. Gregory , one of the employes of the postptllcu under Phil Armour , has been ( 'rite ill with erysipelas and was yesterday reported as in a critical con- ( lilion. Correct Abstracts of Title and Real Es tate Loatib at McMahon & Co's , No. 4 Pearl street. Money to loan on chattels , by Forrcs Smith , 130 Main htrcet. LAMPS and GROCKERY AT REDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , Xo. 2U Jlain Street. Council IJInfTs , la. UNION TICKET OFFICE J , L. De BEVOISE , Agent. No. COT llroadTrnr. Council Bluffs. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL 11LUFFS. Tlio following la the llmo of arrival and departure of lialns by central elnndiird time , at the local depots. Trains Icuvo linnsfci-dopot ion minutes oarllur and arrivu ten minutes Inter : 0:3) : ) A. M . Mall ana Express . OiMr , M. 12:40r. : M . Accommodation . 4:5Ui : . M. U601' . M . Uxpiws . U:05A. : si. C1IIGAC1O ft HOCK IRI.ANU. ' 9:2) : A. M . Mallandpiu : H . 0:50 . M. T15A. ; M. . . . . . . .Accommodation . ,5.T > i > , M. CiEOl' . M . Kxprcia.1. . UdiA. : SI , C11ICAUO. MlLWAUKl'B & faT. I'AUI. 0:20 : A. M . JlullanJ'Dvjiieas . 0Mi : : M. OitXJl'.ti . . . Kxpreis . 'J:05A.M. : CHICAUO. UUItl.INOrON & QUI.NCV. 0:40 : A. H . MiillmidK'iirLss . Iiri0l : > . U50r.M ; . liipresa.i . :05 : WAIUSII.KT. LOUISA PACIFIC. ; lf > r. M. Local St. Louts ixpro : a Local . U:00 : 1'.H.TranslorSt. Ixjuls Kx. Transfer. ; ! : : iO r. M KANSAS C1TV , bT , JOE k COUNCIL llUIFItl 10:10 : A.M. . . . . . . Mall and , J.xprcss . 6iOi' : : . M. U:05i'M. : . Express . Binux cwr. t PACIFIC. 7:15A.M : . . .Sioux City Mall . 8TOv. : M. lUaOl' . II . Ht.l'aul lixprods . 8L'oA.ii. UNION rAcmc. J0:35 : A , M . Deliver tfxpross. , . 5:45 : P. M. iia : P.M. . .Lincoln I'lift ! , Oft. It It. V.:05 v. u. 7WP. : u . Ovcrlnud Kxpruss . 8:15 : A. M. DUMMY TilAIMiTO OMAHA. Lcavo Council HlufTs 7 : < 8:0.i:8010nO : : - llrtiO a. m. : iao-a:30-aJO-4w-55-fl:30 : : : : : ! : 11:45 : p. m. Siindays-T:05-UW-ll-JU- : : ! : . m ; SUe : 'j0 : : ! 5i"f-0'JU : : 11:45 : p.m. Leave Omaha 0:15 7:33 : 8:60 : 10:00-11:00 : a. in : 1:00 : 2:00- : 00-4OJ : 5 :00 : : 0:05 : 11:10 : p. m. Sundays U:3.5 : W-ll:0) : a. m.aOU-aUO-6:00-flOJ-lllOp.m : : : : : : I1. T. M AVNE. A. B. HAZELTON P. 2' & Co . . May ne , Real Estate Exchange No. 103 Pearl Street .Council Dluffi , Iowa. Dealers In Iowa , Kmisaa and Nebraska Land ) LOTS IN COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAijA A SPECIALTY. SPECIAL _ NOTIOES. NOTICK Specfal iKlvortljomonK such 1x9 tx > it , Found , To I/oim Ko- Sale , To Hont , "Vnuti i lonrdlnff , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column At liolow rnto of TKM Cli.XTO t'KIt MNB for the flrstInsertion nd F1VU CUNTS 1'lllt UNK for each subsequent insertion. . Lenro advortl o * nontsat our office , No. U 1'oarl struct , ucar ( roadway , Council Hlntr-i. WANTS. "TJ10U HUNT. House , : JI4 Tenth IMPIIIIG , llvo J' rooms nil comohienc.cs. Ilmiuiio of ArnU V Son , No. 7l'.l ' Mnlii street . | M 0 Afl To loan nt 0 per cent Intercut on l 'vfu eonntry orcliy ptopoity , If taken lurliitt the tioxt tluco ocks , Oilell it liny Council liiulK [ 71011 SA M * SwiioTbMs wUI t > o i-eecl- fby7 J1V. . lloilofcr up to IVbruary SO , 18 < 0 , on elRlityfect ft out , t HO story brlrk block , N'o . as , 4 , t > ami.s : I'eatlMrco bctuccii lltoaduny iitul 'l t nvcn nc. miTllTlUNT Tlio | lnoelory lirlck liuflncss L' hou < o forineily ouciipluil liy ( Iiona efr& chotMitKon. llnnilrool .MoMalion & Co.o. . 4 'eiirlslieut. _ ; TwAX Jt \ VAI.ICiito. : . ; H Main stioet , J ( nailer ritl/.cm * 4 Hank ) , renl estate iina incr- hnnilUo oxuliiinifu brokers. Our books nro lull > l | ieulnl barualns lint II I * Impossible to pub- IMi u rollalilo list 1 1 oin tlmfact oi BO iniuiy inilly chantres. Wlmt ttoiisk Is : 11 you wmil to soil irtmdoiui ) thlntf in unr line , write us unit wo i 111 send > on u pile of bargains to select lYom. Improu'cl or unlinpiiivu I , oily or town importy , 8toKs of poods of any kind III nny thico. II Bitch joii MUM ) or such yon waul let its loarrrom jou. S\tnu \ & Wulker , Council Illults J ! 1 ttMinio In III clays by a laily aqcnt ol' the T > 1V "liiultnlilu. Wo wuiit - < Iv ntoro Iho ts , nuitoor liMtialo. Applv In person or bv otlor to Win. Itiiiuhill , Stipt. of agencies , Conn- It llliiirs , IOHII. J7AHM rim HALT.Ala bargain if wild boon. JL ItiJiicrci , ( ) ' , { miles s'liiltiuost ot ° Oinnhii. (1 ( room honoo , ovcollent well and clstotn. " . ) tto tor c'lvlit hnr ' . ono for 'M cows ; lion , tool nnd wmron IIOIISCK ; 10J neios In tlinolliy : D > , UJJ ( iicst Hoes , cotton utiodblau ! < walnut , nsh nnd tinplo ; Kooil oicliard , upploi , ehcrrliH , plnmi , Kraprs and siniill rrtilH. Never fullltiir Block water. It. I1. Ud'iciat , 5' ' Ilitrulfliiy , Council Hulls , liiwu. _ _ _ _ _ HUtJ8i:8 : 1-Xlt ) linMT At JIcMiihon le Co's. , No. 4 I'earl ltcct RUSSELL&Co Mnnufncturcrsof nil sizes ot AUTOMATIC ENGINES Especially Designed for Kunnlnir MILLS , GHA1N ELKVATORS , AND ELKCTK10 LIGHTS , Tubular nnd Locomotive Boilers. New Miissillou Threshers. Carey mid Woodbury Ilorso Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. SEND FOR 1880 ANNUAL. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Our stock \B \ now complete In every ilcpnrt mont iinU coiuiiins all thu latest styles and effect InCARPETS CARPETS , CURTAINS , SHADES UPHOLSTERY GOODS , ETC. . ETC. - run- Largest Stock -AND- Lowest Prices. THE ONLY KXCI.U8IVB CARPET UOUSB IN WESTKUN IOWA. SAMPLES fmmslica upon implication to clown town parties. FINE UPHOLSTERY WORK TO ORDER Council Bluffs Carpet Company 08 Broadway. E. B. Oadwell , Real Estate , Probate AND DIVORCE LAV/YER. No , 504 Broadway , ; Council Bluffs i BOS. omcEn. w. n. u. ru r OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Established IfetfS. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT AND DJULKU m HAIR GOODS No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. " , Kbtute bought andsolti. Z.T. LINDSEY&CO. . . . , CO H I E-H IS CO CO c/dT & -H PQ AND FELT BOOTS. mmeose Slock , and Eastero Prices Duplicated , Write for Prices , Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 H. Main St , Office 4(2 ( Broadway , PAID UP CAPITAL , $20,000 , , AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , $100,000. , STJCCE1SSOK.S TO J. 408 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , I A. IMl'OUTEUS OF AND DMAUCUS IX Musical Merchandise of Every Description Toys and Fancy G-oods. We make the rolcnatcd ! Hanluuui I'iiuio ? , nn 1 fie Whitney Organs , a specialty ? Every instrument wair.uitcci Send lor catalogue" . MUELLKll MUSIC CO. , Council HlulIY W. IP. HOUSE iOVER AND ; ER Drl.'i ; li'ilMlnjr * nCnnyklnl riUil or rmrul mil aitUfoctlon f aur.uito J. Frame UOUROS moved oil Ultlu Ciiunt trucks the best In tbo world. 808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street , Council Blufl's. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOTJTNOIIj Practices in State and Federal Courts. KUOIUS 7 utul S , bhunait JSlonk. MERGEN HOTEL , Main St. , Council Hinds. Near the C. , U. A Q. ; C. , M. & Kt , I' . , ninl C. , K. J. & P. railway ilepot.s. Street ears pass tliu door. Everything new and " - ' " - - class. . . ( 1'ioprlktor and Manager. A.C.lluilNlUM , I'ros. I..W. Tni.l.KYiS Vlce-1'icB. JAMIS : N. HIIOW.S , Cashier. 102 MAIN STREET , Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 360,000 Stockholders Boprcsent 1,000,000 no a ( 'oneial banking buslii"sil. Accounts of banUd , bankers , inoi'jlmnls.mnn- ufacturoraaml Individuals received on I'a\oia- blo terms. Domestic ) and loioljjn oxcliango. Tlio very best of attention t'ht-n to all biul- ncitf ( .ominiltad I" < " t > uJ _ ST. BCHUBZ , Justice of tbe Peace. Office Over American Express Company. B/BIOE , M. D. rUHPRPI ° r olhi'r luiiMifl rrmnvui ) wlihout linlluGiliu tliu linlfo or diawin : ; of ulouj. CHROMIC DISEASES of all kluJ8 a special. . , . Over thirty years' pract.ral oxponunua. No. 111'uarl Street , Coiini II ISIutTi. TUEGREGORYIKCAJIDESCE' V MHP 'Jho imblloate hifoimod hi.i' > 't.i-t btcn allowed lo Geo. 11. < > nvo J " ' , IUIMJ - ctUias l.aaiio , and inaimluuiiiiwi i > uMr c. A , Wlllluiiis H oui'uutluu i/.o iiKt'lit lor Council lllnlU antl Omaha.The jmbliu am eanilonu.l ot lu h < iy unv of thesu ias liiuip except 'j.ioiifli . Ir. Williams , as all oilier * ollered lor r'eaio Infpliutenients upon otir lump. ( \ , \ \ . k , , H\'ii ACo.Manillao : turors and h'ole We si j ) ciile , No. VI JJcarlojiiSlt'lilcato. i'n REMOVED. I wish to roFpoelfully eall Km intention ot my pations and the publlo in Koneial , { o my U'liuj- valfiom tlio old mand Nos. 7 and ! , Malu tit. . to my now ami commodious ijnaitern , No. 226 Broadway , \Vlicru 1 will be pleased to Fen my many frlrmV. With a lai-KO . , new and eompluto iittuituiont of all Iho very LATEST fabrics in SpringSHES Anil lielnff located In Jnnnxiimi'tL'is | nin I huii ever lie-Coin piupuioU lo to benii ll.o pub- llo. Jttispoulliilly , J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 220 Broadway , Council Bluffs. "ESSEX HOUSE7 Con.vun UitrANr AND Vixn.Sr ? . Opposite City ItulMliiss , Council Illmie. Wnim rooms nnd KOOI ! board in ml os. wl Newly lilted and fuinislird. Opp. Jiioatlway Dummy Depot. S1.M per day , SAMUKh TATU , 1'iop. L. Hf BEIlSllAW , Mumiger. ONLY HOTEL _ In Council Uluffs lmvnr ! ; Fir © EJsoa/p © And nil modern Improvement ) , call btlif , lii * ularm bells , tic. , Is iho CRESTON HOUSE ! Nog. lilD , Si ; nud 219 , Main sti cet , MAX MOJJN , 1'rojirlotf.r. Chicago Lumber Co. Wliolub.ilo miO Itutull Lumber , Lutb , Sliln/lc Sail ) , Doors nnd IHInOs. Solo live-ills for tbo cclehrutfd Mmblelicud Concentrated Will : * l.lmo. s. I * . MACCO.NMXL , Muungur. Telephone No. "S. I\'u , TIC .Miilu rill ci4 , Council Ulutln.