Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1886, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SATURDAY , JANUARY 30 , 1886 WlTiniUSIC , DANCE ASD PLAY A Brilliant Week in Society Circles- Several Notable Events , The Dazzling Mikado Pnrty Imst livening Several Pleasant Card Parties Personalities The nyinctiomctcr. The observant spectator at Light Guards' hall last nla-ht witnessed a sight seldom seen on nny ball-room floor. The occasion was llio Mikado ball given by the Home Circle club , and it is safe lo say that the party was tlio most brilliant and unique ever attempted by this popu lar organization. The scene was ono of bewildering color. " , gorgeous and fan tastic costumes of tlio oriental pattern. The Mikado , Oolong , Souchong , Pooh- Hah , Pish-Tush , Ko-Ko , Js'nnki-Poo , with arrays of nobles , courtiers , ladies , soldiers and peasants , were to bo scon waltzing and schottisohlng together to Gilbert & Sullivan's latest and brightest comic opera. Every thing passed oft' smoothly and gayly , and the parly broke up uftcrmidnight , each ono leaving llio hall with the memory of a royal oven- inp'rt pleasure. The costumes worn on the occasion \vero many of them bright , unlqltu and correct. The parts assumed by the special com mittee were as follows : The Mikado of Japan F. W. Plekcns Oolong. . . ( Basket Hied att'nil-S . II , Lntcy Souchong f ants of Mikado. | II. A. Copley Poo-BnhLoid High Everything Klsp , .T , II. Conrad j'Mi-Tush , a Nnblo Loul. Win. Blown Ko-Ko , Lord lllihExecutioner.W.Gaiinon ; ! JS'aukl-1'oo , a Wandering Minstrel B. F. Itedmnii Oo-Liiug , Chiel Tea Taster Lov. S. Mole Mi-Theie ! Cuaids of the Em-1 W. H. Nelson Sla-Theio j perorVPalace. ) F. K. Bailey The other members of the club ap peared as lords , soldiers , and peasants , while the ladies passed as Yum-Yums , Pitti-Smgs , etc. , etc. Ono of the best costume. * to bo seen was that of Mr. Harry Hascall , who appeared as a Japanese courtier , with tlio regulation lordly tuft of hair which 'oomcd up from the buck of his shaven head like a pulm tree in a desert. Mr. Piokons' dress as the Mikado was an exact counterpart of Carleton'3. J. W. Gannon ns Ko-Ko displayed a line costume , as did also Mr. B. F. Redman , the wandering min strel , Nanki-Poo. Among the gentlemen present in cos tume , in addition to the committee men tioned above were Messrs. Shrivcr , Young , Hascall. llowcll , Livesey , Chump- lin , Allen , Anderson , Merrium , Streitz , Kosters , Kouns , Fosbenuer , Merriam , Cummings , Tunica , Orr. Among the ladies present in costume were tlio Misses Pickcns , Worth , Uertic and Florence Birkliauser. Hascall , Smith , Hurlburt , Mrs. Brown , Mrs. Bailey , Miss Gcorgio and .losio liean , Mrs. George Shields , Misses IIowoll , Miss Latoy , Miss Hodges , Miss Rockonliold , Miss Collett , Miss Bamnunn , Mrs. Courtney , Misses Ko-itor.s , Miss Foreman , Miss Truckey. The hall Was very prettily decorated with fantastic Chinese and Japanese fans , banners , umbrellas , etc. The music especially prepared for the occasion , was linoly rendered by the Musical Union orchestra. Mrs. Gee , Canfield has gone to Penn sylvania to visit friends. The 127th anniversary of the birth of Scotland's bard was celebrated in a fitting manner by tlio Burns club on Mon day night. There was a fair attendance , and both concert and ball were most en joyable. The opening address was deliv ered by James Anderson , president of tlio Burns club , after which followed a solo by Miss Ida L. Gibson , a trio by. Messrs. Robertson , Slmud and Dunn , an address byJohn L. Kennedy , a song by Miss Muggio Moldrum , n duet by Miss Hello Gowinner and W. O. Saundcrs , and a song by 11. W. Dunn. Then followed the grand march , and a dancing programme of twenty-three numbers was joyously carried out. An elegant supper was served at the Gate City restaurant , after which tlio dancing was continued to u late hour. The managers of the charity ball pro ject are making excellent progress. The citizens of Omaha generally arc heartily responding to the call for funds , and though but little canvassing has yet been done , over $ ! ) ,000has been raised. There have been instances where prominent business men have came forward and asked permission to subscribe for liberal amounts. It is believed that the total mini raised will bo over $0.000 at loast. Though the ball will not take place until February 27 , the funds will bo distributed at once. The Los Angeles ( Cal. ) Times of the 10th contains this interesting paragraph ; "Last uvenlng Hon. Leo Love , ofYork , Nebraska , and Miss Georgio II. Mbr&e , of Lincoln , Nebraska , were married in this city at the residence of Hon. 11 , Thummol , 725 Fort street. The Rev , lircesu , D. D. , pronounced the words which made the two as ono. Mr. Love is well known iu Nebraska business circles and is president of tlio Loupe City bank , Miss Morse is an amiable and accom plished young lady witli a host of friends in Los Angeles.1 ' Mr. Love wont out on tlio Union Pacific excursion in Novumbei and Miss Morse who is a sister of Mrs A. Glen Kendall , followed on the Jan- uury oxcui > iou. Miss Kate Tummor and Miss Eva At' kinson , of Denver , who have boon visit ing Mrs. Andy Borden , returned home this week. Miss Laura Renikor , of Plaltsmouth , came up from Plattmnouth Wednesday evening to take in the party of the Apollo club , The Apollo Social Club hold the fifth ol its series of parties in Light Guard hall last evening , About forty couple wort in attendance , and the sifi'uir was fully up to the enjoyable standard of the pro vioiis parties. The reception committee AVIIS composed of the following youth ; mom G. J , Stornsilorf , H. J. Fucllor ami F , H. Kpe&tors. T.K.Jones , A.J.Katon , L K. Mooney and W , J. Ward served on the lloor commit ten. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs , J. 0 glutl r.iit 1114 Webster sU-coic ( < ? iebratci' ' Uio lonth anniversary of their marriage A largo number of f\ionds , with the usual tin gifts , were on hand. The nuptials of Miss Gertrude Toiizalh and Mr. NY , II. Clark , of Newton , Ivans , were solemnized on Wednesday morning at the residence of the bride' ; family , Twentieth and Chicagi streets. The affair was very quiet [ n accordance with the wishes o all concerned. The happy couple havi gone south on a short wedding trip , bu will bo at Newton , Kansas , after Febrit ary 10th. The "Thumlay Night" club held it second meeting on Thursday evening n the residence of Mr. and Airs. Bon Gulla gher. An attractive programme ineliul ing a three act , drama. "J'lio Lost Hand kerchief , " \\\s carried out , The oljicor of the organization are John A. McShi < n president , Mrs. Ben Gallagher boerctnrj and Mrs. John A. ( 'rcighlon Iruiisuror , The Union Star club entertained aboii fifty couples at its regular monthly paitj in Mttiropolltuu hall t'hiiisilay night. A iccftpUon Mill bu giruu on uus Wednesday evening atMotropolilanhall. Pleasant Progressho ctlphrq parties were given Ia t night at the residence of Hon. Kzrn Millard and that of Mr. Thomas Miller. Tlio SaUini performance on Tuesday ignt was quite a society event. Tlio udieneo was truly 0110 representative of Omaha's culture aud rclinomcnt. The musical and literary entertainment : lven by the Omaha Commercial college 'humlay evening was a pleasant and ncritoriotis aflalr. The features of the unsieal programme were a piano solo by liss Fannie K. Loomls , aud a vocal solo 'Mountain Maid" by Mrs. Gillian. Dr. IcCaguiVs lecture on tlio "Philosophy of iticcess" was warmly received. The Cbaulauqua'socicty held one of lid nest interesting sessions last evening in ho Y. M. C. A. rooms. Following is an jutlino programme of the evening's rt'ork : General subject Roman History. Second period Republican Rome. Topic For Ih-et one-half of circle : "Civil War or { evolutionary Kpoeh. " Second one-half > f circle , lopic : "Tlio Gracchi , Murius julhi , Pompov. " Discussion by unlit1' ilrclo : "Tho Character of Julius Casar'L ; ; 'Was Brutus a True Patriot ? " Leaders Mr. Dtmlup , Miss McDonald , Mrs. ' .onion , Miss Wood. General Leader liss Popplcton. A small but thoroughly enjoyable card > arty was given nt the resilience of the lion. .James K. Boyd las night. Seven ublos were lillod and the games were lolly contested. Among the guests were 'Ir. and Mrs. A. J. Hauscomc , Mr. and .Irs. Pritehett , ( Jen , and Mrs. Dandy , dipt , and Mr.s. McCaulov , Mr. and Mrs. G.I. Gilbert , Mr. and Mrs. 1) . O. Clark , Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barton , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barton , Mr. and Mr.s. Horbach , Mr. and Mrs. Coutant , I\ir. \ and Mr.s. W , V. , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parker , Mr. SmnmoiM , Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 'Minis Mrs. C. T. Taylor , Mr. Charles Jtiion , Mrs. E. S. Dundy , and Dr. and Mr.s. Coflman. The mo t successful parly given this season by the Purnoll Social club oc curred Wednesday night In Cunningham hall. About 150 peojilo were present , who passed a very enjopablo evening. RSMi'-s Maude Anthony , daughter of Col. 1) . R. Anthony of the Leuvcnworth Times , is visiting in tlio city as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colpotzcr. Tin : iiYMr.NOMtrrnii. The matrimonial market is dull ex ceedingly dull just at present , and evidently needs some stimulus. For four whole days not a single marriage license has been issued in the county court , and the clerk who has had charge of that branch of the business has gone to sleep , nml will not bo disturbed until there tire new developments. According to the hymcnomcter , however - over , there will bo something for him to lo in tlie not far distant future. The surface of the dial of the wonder ful instrument , the predictor of local matrimonial events , is already aglow with u dull , phosphorescent light. The index hands Hit nervously around , changing with lightninglikerapidity from ono quarter to another. They stop. Glancing at the dial , one notices that two names , dimly outlined , are pointed out by the hands. Ono is that of a gen tleman in the lithographing business on Fourteenth street , between Douglas and Dodge , the other that of a young lady employed in a largo dry goods store on the corner of 1'iftcenth and Douglas streets. The bride-to-be is a charming brunette , recently from Pennsylvania , and highly popular among her associates. The date of thu nuptials has not yet been fixed. Again tlio hands move around. This time they point to the name of a young man Am ployed by a hardware firm on Douglas , between Fourteenth and Fif teenth , south side , which is unmistak ably linked to llio name of a young and fascinating widow , whose residence is not so very tar from the corner of Twenty- fifth and Davenport streets. Tlie lady in question has many admirers , but the hymenometer has all the necessary facts at hand to enable it to state positively that the young man indicated is the preferred one. The scent of orange blossoms is plainly perceptible in the neighborhood. It is whispered that the happy event is to transpire next spring when the flowera first bloom and the birds all como forth to greet the world with tune ful lay " Another fortunate young man who is soon to leave the army ot bachelors for that of the benedicts according to tlio hymenomotcr , is the manager of a book linn on North Sixteenth street , south of Capitol avenue. Ho is soon to bo wedded to a young lady resident of Philadelphia. The ceremony , it is believed , will take place next fall. A Policeman Investigated. The trial of Martin Shields , who was suspended from the police force two woolen ago , was hold yesterday afternoon before the poliec committee ! of tlio city council. The charges against him were for being drunk and using profane and obscene language and for arresting Ed ward Wilson without provocation , The testimony against Shields was similar to that brought in the trial of the Wilson case in police court , which was reported in full nt the time. Mr. Jn'mc's Croighton apuoaroiLfor the prosecution , question ing the witnesses closely and winding up the proceedings in a forcible speech to the committee. The witnesses for Shidlds wcro Captain Cormiok and sev eral members of the police force , who testified that Shields was a good otliccr and that ho was not drunk on the night in question. Tlie question arose as to the condition a man must bo in to bo drunk , but it was not satisfactorily set tled , one ollicer testifying that ho would call a man drunk who wus entirely unable to walk. After a two hours session the commit too adjourned and will make their report to the city council next Tuesday evening. Among the few petitions against the election of members of parliament yet lodged , is ono against Air. Puleston. formerly a partner of Jay Cooke , and much mixed up in "Litllo Emma. " Mr. Puleston has been u "promoter" of com panies , Ho was formerly u banker in Wall street , and president of the St. David's society. IIo is a devout member of the Episcopal church , A Family Blessing. NotblnBraiMemoro to the security of Ifo , o liftplnc.'S3 ; and health , Hum u eufo and rollublo family moilielno. Simmons' Idvur Uoarulutor Una won for itself Ilia appellation of "tho favor- llohoino it'inoJy. " It Is mlnptod to a largo pro- poillouof the emergencies which occur In do mestic life. If the child uus thu cello , It Is a euro , safe unit pleasant remedy , If the father U ox- ImustcO , overworked , debilitated , U will restore his liilUni ; strength. If the vriCo suffers from dyspepsia , low spirits , lieadnche it will lvo liuf. If nuy momb cr of Ihelaiul.y has eatjii tmythlng hard of ( llifotllon , n bmall dose of the Itcgulutor will soon establish a { rood digestion. Ittfivce i of i of hint sleep even in oases wlioio nnrcotle huvo fulled. It U the r.rsr i > invr.Nitvc : MCiHCiKt : , and cafe to begin with , no uitittcr trhtittho uttauk ; and in almost every case ivill ufford iclief mid effect n speedy cum , without ( ho uld ot other iiio > llclno. No enor to bo fcarml In R'lnilnlstcrhiff ; no Injury from exposure after taking ; no change of diet required ;'o ot hub ! ! * ; no iieyltet of duties or V > ss of time- Simmoi'v Livnr Itegulntor Is entirely vegetable , ur.J Is the purest aivl licit family racdlclue com. poun'lctt. Prepared by 3. ) l. ZI5IUN & CO , Vlul3JUi > UIa.Pis , solo proprietors TO LAY LONG LINES OF RAILS The Railroads Preparing For Big Ex tensions in Nebraska This Year. CONTRACTS LET BY THE B. & M. What Uio Northwestern Proposes to Do this Season Tlio Coasting Cnrnlvnl < V Crookctl Transaction. The Huoni. From proiont appearances tlio coming your will witness tv large umount of rail road building in obrnska. Tlio Chicago , Hiirllngtoti < fe Qulncy , especially , pro poses to push Its llitrllnglon & Missouri sj'fctom in tliis stuto. Contracts on tlio following lilies were let yesterday : Allies Fiom Hastings to Anroia . 'M FIOIU Uniiitm to Asliluiul. . . " (1 FioiiiEilsartoUluc Jllll . US Total . M ) Other lines for which contracts have boon previously let arc tlio branches : Kiom ( Iraml Island to Northwest . UX ) 1'ioin Faliiniiiit south . 15 Ktom Tobias to Kclpir . ! H Kiom Kdtfiir to Superior . 20 Fiom Klttootl to the noitlnvcst . 41 ( Jrand total . 20 ? Work on thu Oinaha-Ashland branch will bo ) ) iishett rapidly , and thu line will bo ready for operation by early sninnior iu all probaliilily. This will greatly shorten tlio distance by rail from Omaha to Lincoln , so that tiie run can bo made in less than two hours. The Union I'acllic , Northwestern , St. Puitl and other roads will also contribute thi'iriioti ( | : of rail-laying , and it is esti mated that over 000 miles of new road will bo built in Nebraska this year. A prominent railroad man in discuss ing the plans of tlio Northwestern , said to n Siunv City Times reporter : "Tlio Pacific extension of tlio Klkhorn is under contract for 1I D miles \vest of Chadron. Tlio first sixty miles reaching to the Wyoming line , was lot to .C. 1' . Treat last fall and a good part of the grading is done. The remaining seventy-nine miles was let more recently to Treat , and no work is done on that part yet. This will take the end of the road to a jwint near Fort Fettermvn. The Black Hills branch will bo iinishcd to Ha pit ! City as early as possible. I do not think that the track will bo extended beyond Rapid City until some other company forces an exten sion. "The Northwestern has ono line to Omaha , and lias no use for a second one. The .survey has been made , and the line located , but it will not bo built unless it is to head oil' some other company. Hut the Northwestern will build next season to Lincoln. The line will cross the IMatte about , six' miles west of Fremont. The contract for the bridge over the Platte lias been let ; to Raymond Campbell. The bids for building the Lincoln line arc all in , and probably the contract is let by this time " "Then the Northwestern will build a good dea i of track west of the Missouri this year ! : " "i os besides the Pacific extension , the Black Hills branch and the Lincoln line , the company will build from Scrlbnor , on the Elkhorn line , west into Colfax county. A survey was made .late last season north from Wayne , but that is to keep out any other road that might want to come into what the Northwestern claims as its own territory. " MEUItY SPOUT. The Preparations i'or the Coasting Carnival Notes of the Event. Workmen commenced last night to put the Dodge street course in readiness for the coasting carnival to-night. The work will bo rushed through so that everything will be in readiness for tlio fun to commence at 8 o'clock in the evening. The slide will be eight feet in width , with snow banks on either side , so that tlio coaster can not very well run out of the course even if ho bo so inclined. The main track will be used for large traverses and sleds , and on the south side will be another smaller course for single sleds. Money is being liberally subscribed to make the event a success , and without doubt it will be tlio grandest an'air of the kind ever witnessed in Omaha. To make the oiled all tlio more brilliant , the street , on either side , is to be illuminated with Greek lire. Q Last night 1-10 traverses and 200 sleds were recorded at Collins , Gordon & Kays"to , take part in the carnival. Some oftliohc traverses accommodate twenty people. Council Blulls will send twelve travoi > cc , ono of which will hold thirty- two people. Kach owner of sled and traverse is given a lag which must be in sight. On account of the largo number of tickets issued for single sleds an extra track will bo opened houth on Twentieth street from Dodge to Farnnm street , for single sleds used by boys , and the Dodge street track will bo reserved entirely for girls. Hoys on single sleds will not bo allowed on Dodge street. The order ot precedence will bo : Traverses will start promptly at 8 o'clock with No. 1 trayerso in tlio load anil proceed in routine down the list. Any number not ready when called will lese its turn and come in at the end of the list. After the first call , traverses will bo blurted as soon after reporting to starter as there is an opening without regard to routine number. Vehicles traveling on Sixteenth street will have to pass down Capitol avenue to Fifteenth street and then to Douglas , etc. No vehicles or horaiis will bo allowed on or to cross Dodge street from Fifteenth to Twentieth streets. UN'DEU FAESB P11ETEXSE8. An Old Transaction Calls For n IMan'n Arrest. A warrant was issued in police court yesterday afternoon for the arrest of William A. McClure on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses , the complaint being sworn out by Jack Morrison , who runs the gambling rooms over liornborgcr's saloon , The transaction for which McClure Is wanted occurred iu Juno , 1881. At that thpe lie claiwytl to by the owner of a cer tain Iioula in Lincoln , And \YlsliQU to. tuf pose of it. Ho olun'cd the property to Morrison , and the latter , thinking it a goo'l bargain , purchased it for $305. Hut when ho went to take posses sion of his newly acquired house , Morri son found another claimant for tlio property who disputed his right to it. A suit was thereupon commenced and tlu ; fact wiw developed that McClure was not thu owner of the property. When this fact was brought to light MoClnro could not bo found , and so no criminal action wi < s commenced against him. Since then lie appeared at ono time in Omaha anil Morrison had n warrant issued for his arrest. Before it could bo served , how ever , McClure lott the town. Yesterday Morribon was informed tiiat McClure was again in tlio city and the warrant was ac cordingly issued and placed in the hands of the poliec for service. A Fight nt Durnoy Shannon's. The patrol wagon made a hasty trip to Tenth atrcct and Capitol avenue about 7 o'clock last evening , nml when It returned to the central police station it contained the persons of Barney Shannon , Larry Casey , M. , T. Kinney j > nd Archie McCoj- . The last two n'nnicd each had a lump on the back of their heads , and the other two looked rather pugnacious , Olllccr Done all accompanied tlio prisoners and statctl that ho had found them light ing in front of Bhi-hoy'fl saloon , Kinncy and McCoy being the "under dogs. " All four men were locked up and remained in custody lor lin hour or more , when they secured ball owl were released. The light was a short and decisive one. Kinncy and McCoy had taken n drink in Shannon's place , when some words passed between them ami the proprietor. As they left the place Shannon and C'.isoy rushed out after them and attacked thorn iu the rear. Both men fell to tlio walk , when Oih'ecr Donovan put in an appearance and placed all the parties under arrest. It was evident Iliat Shannon and Casey had the other two at n disadvantage , for Kin- ncy is a muscular fellow and can handle both men easily. THE nUCKlNGHAat 11OMK. Iteport of AVork Done During the Mon111 ol'iliimiary. . The ladles of the Women's Christian Temperance Union received their friends on New 1'car's day. Among the callers were Rev. and Mrs. McKaig , Rev. and Mrs. Graham , and Rev. Harris. Nine Chinamen under the direction of Mrs. A. 1 * . Wood , superintendent of the Chlne > o Sunday school , sang "Tell Me tlio Old , Old Sldry , " and "Come to Jesus Just Now , " wlilcli interested a room full of callers. A present of a largo bible from tlioY. M. C. A. was presented to the union by their worthy secretary , Mr. G. A. .Jopllu. Thirteen meetings have been held in tlio hall during the month , the pastors of the city leading the Tuesday evening ser vice in turn , aud laymen , generally con nected with tl.o Y. M C. A. , conducting tlio Sunday service. Thirty-ono persons wore _ ! ! ! attendance last 'Sabbath ove. The interest taken is so genuine that God's Word , tlio prayers and praise are listened to. with the greatest interest. A man who has been a gambler for two \cars-ono of tlio throe men vho came to our rooms about three weeks ago and asked to sign the pledge , and has attainted our meetings regularly over since , arose on last Sunday night and said : " 1 believe God forgave my sins last Sunday , and I shall serve Him from this time on. I hope you will pray for mo that I may re sist temptation. " He had read reports of the work being done at the Bucking ham , and ho thought of the union as friends of young men who were .in need of help. Wo thank God that men have found this out and arc coming every day and asking our help. As soon as these young men are converted they join the Y. M. C. A. , and the no.\t step is into the church. Ono of our boys will unite with tlio Dodge Street Presbyterian the first Sabbath in February and another has ex pressed a preference for the First Con gregational , and so flic good work goes on. on.Two j'ouiig girls connected with the lunch room tcstitjcd'thatGod ' had blessed them and they will dedicate their lives to Him. Food andjassistance was furnished a poor sick wonian , foiind in a miserable garret , until the ( superintendent of the poor farm could'proVidc her a homo. A a bright little girl of 5 years , belonging to a laiiiily in extreme poverty , was pro vided with a homo by a gentleman from the west who wanted to : idopt a child. A young wife who .was , determined to get a divorce from hVr luisbanJ , on account of his bad habits\TAs persuaded to try and reform him , tlttflaUies doing what tlioy could in his behalf. 'Girls wno have been led astray often appeal to us for a way of escape from their evil life , and just here I will state that the union has been offer ed ten acres on the Missouri bluff near Florence for a "homo for the unfortu nate. " Mrs. ( r. W. Clark , superinten dent of the Buckingham , is the state superintendent of work for fallen women , and if the worthy people of Omaha would signify their interest in "gather ing in the lost ones , for whom the Lord diddle , " a shelter could be provided for these girls in a few months. A man came to our Homo and asked our aid in reclaiming ids wife , who was addicted to drink. A good home was fund for a woman and her babe , tlio hardest class of women to provide with employment. A man with his wife and child , strangers in tlio city and very destitute , were supplied with food and ciothing. Two deserving yomiK men earnestly de- airo employment. [ Please send word to the Buckingham if cither men or women arc needed , as we could supply help r.l- most any time. ] Eight girls wefo sup plied with places during the month ; free inoals supplied. > > ' ' > . The Central Band of Hope meets every Thursday at 4 o'clock in the hall. Chil dren nro invited to como promptly and prepare for an entertainment in tlio near tuturc. Five Bibles and Testaments , have been given to young men who received them gladly , they wore most of them old but just as acceptable. Donations from our friends of partly worn copies of God's word will bo thankfully received. Donations of money for tlio expense of the Buckingham Homo during the winter months will bo given as accurately as possible and any mistake will bo cor- rcctcd'if reported. The following were received tins month : Mrs. J. W. Clark , $20.00 ; Mr. John I. Redick , $20.00 ; Hiinobaugh & Merriam , $12.00 ; Mr. II. T. Clarke , SIO.OO ; Mr. S. R. Callaway , $10.CO ; Dr. V. II. Collman , $10.00 : Rev. Willard Scott , $10.00 ; Mr. JohnT. Boll , $10.00Mr. ; E.S. Dundy , Jr. , $10.00 ; Mrs. A. J. Popploton , $5.00 ; Mrs. Kara Millard. $5 00 ; Mr. W. J. Council , $3,00 ; Mr. J. C. Cowin , $5.00 ; Mr. N. Kuhn , $2.00 ; Mr. Win. Flem ing , $3.00 ; Mr , Williams , § 1.00 ; donations of bedding from Mrs. Lovoioy , Mrs. D. C. Tyler , nml Mrs. J. W. Boll ; u receipted bill from Mr. Clinton Powel $1.75 , and monthly pledges ranging from twenty-five cents toi$2 , aggregate $05 55. Friends somutimes qbject to their names going in print , so a. full list cannot bo given , The uni'on arc deeply grateful , ' and nlcdgo thc'mFolfos to use all the money donated for the Buckingham , strictly for that pnrposo. Sumo of these donations Imvafaoma unsolicited , show ing how the puljlic yjow the investment of time and mon'oy. . Services held regu larly Sunday U\d Tuesday evenings , Ladies' prayerJ meeting Thursday ut 330 : ! p , in. S > ro. OF W. C. T. U. A Ma'iifileil I'latid. An employe of Ro.senborry's planing mill had tlio mis'forlnno to have his loft hand badly manglt-d in tlio machinery yesterday , breaking two of his fingers and lacerating thoii } , f > o badly that its a question if they pan bo saved , Thu injured member was dressed by Dr. Gal- bruitli , who will endeavor to preserve it intact. Drivers of Vehicles Take Notice. Uy a special order of the city council Dodge street and all streets crossing it from Fifteenth to Twentieth streets will bo closed on this ( Saturday ) evening. Janu ary ! JO , Irom 7:80 : p , m , until midnight , By order of CARNIVAL COMMITTEE. Approved ; THOMAS CUMMINOS , Marshal. Mr , Yereschughi , whoso pictures on scriptural subjects have brought him into biicli dire disgrace at Vienna , says that the rcceut nttouipt to destroy them with vitriol was ndl the individual act of a madman , but the result of a conspiracy , and that he has placed in the hands of the public prosecutor u letter which im plicated many distinguished people , Liquor Dealers Hnvn SoincthiuK to Sny Tlio IicnRtic's llcply. [ Editor of the ; HKt-The : ] following coninninlcation , signed "Several saloon keepers piling taxes bc/ides .paying $1,000 for license" has boon received and through your columns tlio league de sires to take public1 notice thereof ; "Totlio Law nml Order league ; Gentlemen Thinking , that yon , repre sentatives of the Law and Order league , an ; men of integrity , men of respecta bility , men of bound judgment , only guided by motives producing the highest welfare of the city of Omaha and its in habitants judging by the strenuous ef forts made by your organization to deal out justice to everyone , by enforcing laws to their lulleal extent , it undoubted ly must become- clear to the dullest mind , that your I/aw and Order league has ohoscii a banner on which 'Impartiality' is written , with golden letters. "Not long ago , aecoullng to n state ment of ono of your representatives , llio license question has been overhauled in one of your assemblages. It brought to light the very sound judgment , that 'a saloon keeper must have n coed moral character ( Slocumb law ) mid as them arc u good many men , now running saloons , who have no character at all , wo pro pose to stop them , " "Surely a commendable coursel "Stop them , slop every unmoral man from getting a license in April next , but gentlemen of the Law and Order League , 110 not forget , that after granting licences to peed moral men to run saloons tlint after taking the thousands of dollars from those men to carry on business Unit will enable them to provide forthcir families and make other thousands of dollars to pay their license with next year it becomes the .solemn duty of thu law , and of yon , gentlemen , to protect them , "Is it not the greatest insult lo justice to trouble , to worry , nay , to hunl down , the saloonkeeper , who is trying to make n living , lo carry on a business in a legit imate way , for which business ho. and only he , is forced to pay the exorbitant sum of § 1,000 per annum , instead of pro tecting his trade for Mich the law has established it by taking the greatest part of his profits and malcing liberal le nient allowances in his transgressions ? "How many dens of ill-fame , where wine , ardent spirits and beer arc .sold without any licence , institutions dofiinm- lory to tlio moral btnnding of this beau tiful city of Omaha , are leniently over looked and tolerated by the argus-eycd marshal and deputies1 ! Is it for the sake of lucre ? They do not pay $1,000 per annum ! "Do you think it just , that while one man is forced to pay $ lUOH\villi ( a moral character too ) tor running a saloon , another party 4may carry on the same business , only in u more extensive scale , without paying a mile save the United States licenses ? "Does not Marshal Gumming * know of such places ? Has not ho , have not his policemen partaken of tlio brown bever age called beer and sometimes something stronger in tlio cellar bar of the German ! ; ! ball ? "Nor is this the only association , which in direct violation against the Slocumb law , vends , sells or gives away no mat ter which carries on a nefarious liquor trade , that draws , nay , steals away trade belonging to the licensed moral saloon- keener. "Is it possible that in the face of those facth , open , broad daylight prostitution , open , broad daylight gambling houses , open , broad daylight transgressions of the Slocumb law , you gentlemen of tbo Law and Order loiiguo , start aftergame so low , start after the poor saloonkeeper , start for tlie ever granted immoral wretch that pays his § 1,000 per annum for not closing his saloon at precisely 13 o'clock midnight ? Is there no higher , no bettor game for you , than ho ? "With the lixed assurance and convic tion that yon will bo just in any and till of this matter , with the earnest , sincerest wish that yon will consider this matter widely , tbo proprie tors of saloons most cheerfully submit to n most thorough investigation into the moral character of license-seeking indi viduals , but bone that you will , before commencing to shine the well bucket tiie man whom you jjrant a chance of making a living by paying $1,000 to the law plcaiiho. but thoroughly cleanse that- well of pollution , namelj prostitution , gambling houses , illicit sale of spiritual liquors which is so stagnant that it pen etrates the moral nostrils of the growing generation. " THE HEPI.V. With sentiments so fairly and honestly expressed , the league can ihul no fault but , on the contrary , rejoice to find the organization so heartily supported in its purpose by the better class of men en gaged in this traflic. With these men wo have no light , but from the outset believed wo could count on their endorsement and assistance as soon as our work was fairly understood. As to prosecutions of liquor dealers who sell without liccnsu , it is certainly to the interest of those who do pay a license to aid us in procuring testimony sullieicnt to convict. Thus tar wo have been uni formly successful in court , carefully avoiding bringing suit when the proof was of a doubtfurcharacter , choosing to await future developments in many cases. The prosecution of keepers of houses of 111 repute where liquor wn's being sold in violation of law was undertaken by the police department several weeks ago , and before our order had begun ils work which prosecution was eminently suc cessful. Wo find an abundance of work and certainly the better element of Omaha cannot expect us to grapple with all the wrong-doors of our city at once , and we must bo allowed to exercise our best judgment as to tlio course to bo purMied. There 'can bo no doubt as to the results which will follow n careful Inspection of applications and bonds ollcrcd lor a re newal of licenses next April , and if a considerable ) number of irresponsible und law-defying dealers can thereby bo suppressed the millions of the foregoing document will certainly not bo the losers. LAW ANB OIIDCT. THE I'AUIjOU MATCH. Another HuccoBHl'iil Presentation of the Piece. There is little in the Parlor Match that theatre goers have not laughed at year out and year in for some time back. It was made to cause laughter. In this , however , it has not been an " unqualified success , The merriment" with which audiences greet its representation is duo almost entirely to the skill and discern ment of tlio actors. Even travesty maybe bo artistic. Such is tlio work of Mr , McCorkcr. It is an exaggera tion , though the details arc worked out by an artist , Less studious us to details is the Old Hess of Mr. Hooy. It is the part , however , which "takes" the multi tude , and , boi'ond question , stamps tlio piece with success , Without it , McCorkcr would bo a failure , Wi th it the Match is even more than its author dreamed of it. Minnie French's "Innocent Kidd" is an imitation a very good one of that of .Jennie Ycaman wno was tlio original in tlio part. But , like all imitations , she lacks the genius of the prototype , as also tlio face , form , vocal gifts and manner isms of her predecessor. There is no other character in the piece , yet songs , dances , cabinet manifestations and such while away the time while tlio umuvel- ing of the etory is taking place , Tlio singing was fairly rendered , aud the voice of tl o tenor is that of a youu.'C jiiwn , fresh aud proud of the exceptionally lino. , , . _ . . . . , VatJ.Ajto Ai aaJhAj in fflfcfr-iafc - y j fflf * a rf .igA.Jg-fc. voice which nature has given Him. Big laughs may bo onjoycu at the nmtlnco this afternoon ami also to-night. After Tobacco Dealers. The Law anil Order league arc about to begin a crusade against all dealers in tobacco who dispose qf their wares to minors. Mr. .lames , agent of the league , informed a reporter last evening that the league had resolved to put a stop to tlio sale of lobacco to small boys , and would proceed against nil dealers found guilty of that offense. Tuo crusade will bo begun l-'obruury 1 , no\l Monday. The law prohibits dealer * from selling , giv ing away or disposing of tobacco to minors , and for teach and every offense there is a penalty of $2. " > attached. An Exciting Ilumnvny. A double team attached to a double cutter dashing down Furnam street with out a driver caused considerable oxeilo- ment along the street about G o'clock last evening. All who saw tlio horses In their wild career anticipated a dreadful accident , but fortunately none occurred. The cutter unset , however , and was badly ilcmorall/.ed , while the horses con tinued in their flight to the lower end of Farnani street , where they became help lessly stuck in a snowdrift. Tlio rig was tlio property of James Stephens-oil , the liveryman. Tim horses wore compara tively uninjured. Uotilc. California K\cur.sionsl 1 Round trip tickets , good for si v months , $100. Finest scenery in the world. Slop at Denver and Salt Lake. Datns February U , 17 , and March ! l. Also popular cheap excursions every Wednesday. $15 pays oneway- Return when you pleu o. Rates coming back about the sumo. For further particulars write P. S. Eustls , General Passenger and Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. After n Gay Deceiver. An interesting bastardj' case will como up before Justice Anderson this morning , provided the ollicers of llio law can find tin ! man they are hunting fo'r. A warrant has been issued for Ins arrest , and although ho eluded his pursuers last night , it is expected thai ho will be in tlio clutches of the law this morning. Personal U. S. Drake and wife of Elmira , N. Y. , uro in tlio city , registered at the Millard. Among ( ho prominent state pcoiilo at the hotels lift night , were : O. P. Mason , Lincoln ; F. M. Gilmore , Fulloiton ; W. I' . Clark , Fremont , E. A. McDonald , Ox ford ; K. S. Newcomb , Lincoln ; S. K. Rounds and wife , Cortland ; J A.Bowen , Ashland ; K. E. Valentine and Miss Alice Bannister , West Point. Info ill Six Acts. DAISY. MAX1IOOP. SldiiiiR , ciyim ? , Cooint , ' , wooing , Night and dav ; Ftitmo wile : WiiikliiK , blinking , Uusliinc , blushing , Full of play. Tleit for life. nov. MiDDi.r. AOI. Fooling , schooling. Sli\iiiir : , cruvlmr , ( letting tall : Hoauliiitf wealth. ( J rowing , lowing , Diivinir , Mi h Ing , Playing ball. Jiiokeii health. YOUTH. oi.n Am : . Fussing , iiui'.iiiig Alllmr. falling O'er a tie ; Day by day. Linking , sparking The imdei taker On the sly. Knits the pl.iy. I Boston tilobe. Between the dog killer and the vivi- pcctionNt man's canine friend lias rather a hard time of it. It is pleasant to record , therefore , that M. Dubois , in his experi ments as to the hoalthfuhicss of vu&olino as ti substitute for lard in pastry , louiid that dog- , grow fat on it and really en joyed tlio article. In the report to the Socicto do Biologic , tlio experimenter concluded that dogs of medium weight could absorb an ounce and men four ounces of vaseline daily without injury St. Peter's Politeness. As Peter sat at heiu en's Kate , A nialden sought permission. Anil begged of him , 11 not too lute , To give her irou admission. "What elaim hast thou to outer heic ? ' ' lie cried In honest mien , 'Tfeane sir , " shu salil , 'twlxt hope and fear , "I'm only Just sixteen. " "Enough I" the hoary guardian said , Anil tlie gate wide open threw ; "That is the age when every maid Is glu and angel , too. " O , Why ? Say , why does the trundle bed spring ? And why does the saddle horse fly' . ' Orliat menu our made the idllowslipV And why do the so.ip holleis lye ? What made tlio monkey wionch ? Or why should the old mill dam ? And whom did thu shoemaker sttlke' . ' And why did the laspbuiry jam' . ' Winter's Joys. Now the little boy , With n smile of glee and joy. .Slyly hides aioiuid the corner while the stately man goes by ; And then tin ; snowball lilts , And the stately man It hits , And knock * his now Fedora right down upon hlseje. _ The distressing disease , Sail Rheum , IH readily cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla , the great blood purllicr. Sold by all drug- gists. A now style of thieving was bronchito notice recently in Springfield , Muss , , where a man engaged a cab to dike him to a certain street , "but as soon as the cab was under way the pretended passenger gathered up the vuluablo blanket placed in the carnage for his comfort and slip ped out without attracting the attention of the driver , PILES ! PlIjES ! PH-iKS A sure euro for Blind. Bleeding , Itchln and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian icmedy ) , called lr Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single box has ciued tlio worst chronic eases of as or HO years titnnding. No ono need miffer Jlvo minutes after applying this wonderful sooth Ing medicine. Lotions and Instruments do more harm limn good. Williams' Indian } 'lle Ointment iibsoibs llio Illinois , allays the itching , ( particularly at night ai Ur. Frazler'rt .Magio Ointment elites as by magic , Plmiiles , lilnok Heads or Uiubs , Blotches anil Eruptions on the face , leaving the skin t'lenraiul beautiful. Also eiiiesltch. Salt itheum , Snro .Nipples , Sere Lips , and Old Obsllnuto Ulcers. Kold by druggists , or mailed on iccelpt of CO cents. Retailed by Kuhn A Co. , and Soluouter & Becht , At wholesale by C. F. Goodman. Lord Derby received about Christmastide - tide u very distinguished intellectual parly ut Knowfcloy. It included thu French ambassador , Wadtlington , and wife ( neu King , of JowYorKMr. ) Fronde and Mr , Leoky. Tlio gue.sts at Knowfeloy now are of a very diffeiout hort to those in thu time of tlio old Homer and turf- loving prime minister tlio Rupert of do- bate. The present lord is only ut his great ancestral scat I'.boul four in tlio year. "RTiVJ J3 by was rick , pi > e iti CiiUrta ! , Wlten cLe w& & a CUlld , 'a cuc4 fr Wliea > b I'CCJiuc MU ( , tlie c'.i Wl a ! i ( IfciCUldriui , eU cm tlen Ci.aWila , TUTTS PILLS 05 YEARS IN USE. Tha Ortatut Medical Triumph of the AgoJ SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I-omornrprllte , I ho henil , with a Cull cntntlon In tli buck pnrt , 1'nln unr'er tbo lioul lcr blailci , Fullncia nftrr eating , with nillt Incllnntlnn to oxortlonnf boilr ortnlnil , Irrllntillltynrtcnipcr , I.otTupli-lu , with n fooling of bnvlnKnenlrcteil nomoduty , Wcnrlurm , Il77.1n , Fluttering nt the Hcnrtt Dottt tinlbtollin ofd Hondnclio over llio rlclit ojr , ItmtlcmnpM , with fitful drcnmft. Illnlilr colored Urlnci nnd CONSTIPATION. ' ' TOTT'S ntTS nro especially aiUptait to luch cntcs , ono iloeo olTucts fluoh a elmnRnoffoellnftixstonttonUlithoimiroror. They Inrrttilo t lift Api > rtlteftml cmue tha body to Tttlta on KltKli.thm tlie urMem I * nnitrliihriliiinil liy ( heir Tonic Action on Iho IHueMlveOrgrmii , Itrunlnr Stool" nr rroiliii'fil. 1'rlcf 'Jr r. * t gnii TUTT'S ' EXTRACT SARSAPflRILLA Itonovnte * Ilia IKK/ , makes healthy llctli , ttrcngtlicns I In- \ \ < N > k , tvpalrs Hie wastes or Uio system \vllli ( iiiro lilixnl niul hunl muscle ; tones HID norvoui system , liulporntrn tlio brain , niul Imparts the \lgor ot nmnhood. 1. Sol , I IJT tlrucitMH. 1 1 JUiirrtrSt. . Now York. HUMPHREYS' Manual of all Diseases , HJF. tmirimus , n. n. r.ICIlLT BOUXD IN CLOTH imcl a OLD Mailed Free. ctmrs. ttltCf. CrtlnaCollP.or'l ! " ' " ° ' .J Iron or Adulw , . . M i liVc'iifcry. Griping. Illllmii Colio. . . . , Ctiulrra niorbiif.yninitlna H Conslix. Cold , nronchltl" 2 \eiirnlaln. TooUmohe. 1 awnrlie. . V " llrndn "lies , Bickllcudiiclie , Vertigo. . .3 HOiVBEOPATHiO SPECIFICS. Bold l > y nrimslKtK , inslp lcl on it polpt ot ' . iua Ho su . . A FINE LINE OH Pianos and Organs AT WOODBRIDGE BROS1 MUSIC HOUSE OMAHA NEU11ASKA. Or Hie Liquor Ilalill , 1'osllUx-ly Cured by Ailiuliilileriu Dr. Halite * ' Golden Nlicvllie. It cim beKl\en In u eu | > ol coffen or ton without tlio Uuowlrdgi > of tlio pcrnon taking It , 13absolutely burmleu , unillll eflect a poniuuicm uiul npoi'ily cure , wliclliir Hip patient Is a modeiutt ! thinker ur an alooliollc wreck. It 1ms been given In tliou- cunds ot casp , nntl In every Instancou perfect cure liaifolloneil. II iifTcr rnllH , The syntem onoe linprogiialnl ulth ilio feppclHc , It becomes an utter Imposilblllty for tlio liquor uppcllto to exist. FOR SALIC nv ror.LowiNa DiiuaaisTS : KUHN & CO. , Cor. 55tli imd Uauclna , and IHili & Cunilua PIN. , Omnliti , Neb. * A. i > . rovrmt < fe into. . Council HIulTrt , foivn , . Call or writp for pamphlet containing bundreds r/U UtnoiiluNIiom the beat wouioii and men Irom Kit psruuftlic countrv. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital . $250.000 SuplusMay 1 , 1885 . 25,000 H. W. YATES. President. A. E. ToL'ZALm , Vice President W. H. 8. HUGHES , Cashier , , , , , , W. V. MOUSE , JOHN S. COLLINS , U.V. . YA.IT.S , LKWIS S. ltuii > , A. E. TOUXALIK , BANKING OFFIC& THE IRON BANK. Cor. UtU end Farnnm Streets. General HBiiMni ? Huslnuss Ti atnactod. DUEXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to J. G , Jacob ? , ) UNDERTAKERS , AND KMUALMEliy. At the old bliuid , 141)7 ) I'VunaraBt. Orders by tolotfiinili solicited mid promptly attended to. 1'ctopnono No."i HAMBURG - AMERICANA A DIHI5CT IvINB TOlt England France & , Germany. The stuiuiibhlps of thl $ well known line arc ull olirun , in iruiur tlfrht coinimrtinunu , nnJro- lurnlhliiul with everything tu nmku tliu imasutfu Imlh biifo nud Hifiooublo. They carry Hi * Unltod Htatos and Kiiioni'iui mulls , und leuviiNow Ynrli TlunbilnyB mid Suturdtiys for I'lyuiouth , ( LON DON ) , ChurlHiUff , ( I'AUIB mid 11 AMIIUHI ( ) . Kiuoa-l'irat vublii , ttW-SHW. Hteoruffu to Now Xoik , ilu. A STANDAKI ) MKPICAIi WORK , FOR YOUHG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN , ONJ.Y Ml IIV A1AI1 , , J'OSTl'Afll. \'i : HAMl'LIS L'KKK TO Ar.F , , A Oppnt Mcillonl Wovlc on Mnnliootl , Brlmuitoil Vitality , Nerrom , itii | PhT lc ] Debility Premature Decline In Miin , lrrr of Yontli , anil tha untold ml < Tlp > resultliiKirom Inlltcrotlon mid or * cetRt * . A book lor "rcry man , > oun , ntlildlo.aued anil old , ItcontuhiB \ ure rrl | > ! loni for nil ucuta n" j clitunU * nlwuto * , p.irhnuo ol wliltu U Inraliuible. ho ( omul bytlictiititliorwhoKe rxnnrlniicofnr VI yoirili Midi r,8 prolubly ncvnr l > | ere fell to tlio k't of nny l > hy lolur. : Wi.ijim. | linund In Vaullful Frencli lljv llu , cmboetcd covere , full > l to I'OHUnor woik In lively . literary and profoi. fiiinulthMinnr other work In tills country forti.H cr tlie money will liorofunit In nv ! ry lii isii \ I'-lco only II l > / mflll , postpaid. IHiiMrnlPtl M nipt a , til } . HI30UHOV. ( Jolil iHO'lnlnwonled ' Hie author ny tbo Kn ItoimlMuUluil Akiorlutlan. to tliu Jli.n. .l' . lIUji'll , ami sum i.ito omcnri of tlio I card thw render In c- ' . 'I'liuSdoniioiiI lJfjl worth laurntulUt ) y niiJJIe ncoJ uion of thl * rciioiiillon tluu all ihenold mines of Cullfnnd.'i uud tlio ellrormlnci of Nerutls comblnnl.- . r. niironli lo. 'J lie bclein'o of l.lfe points out llio loco und quick- sundb on truli it ttto lu'imltiitlun Mil lidjio * ut many a vuuiiKiuan luru been iHdiiJy wrocktuMuucliu ler ' Tbo Hdonca of Llfnlict ( .TC.i'.or Miluo lluniilltlio mmlkul work * puWishnJ Iu tuU country loitliupaU bil viurAtlantn CvnUltullmi. 'IhuKulonruuf j.tlott mimuil ) und m Htorlr tn > .i | . Uo on noii'iti * tint ) pliyslLXI tlublllly , IMtrolt l'rr > o "Mil en tlio l' < ube < lir MB'Uciil ! ni tltiit" . or IrV. . II. I'nrHcr , No. I ilnllilnc'a itreel , llattou , Mini. , who mar t > b connillcd o.i .ill dup > is < rmiulrlii , ; skill uml grpori * ctitu. i.l'io.ui , mil ubtti.iulo uiseiitcb tUal limo UiN tljil t'.ie UII nfiill olnur pUlluii * .1 spctlul'.y. Si.uli. titiA'.fit luufiifully at. 'i\3\i \ \ ft of Ulluic.