THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SATIJVDAYJANUARY 30 , 1886. would roaltzo far bolter lirlee . r ceii > tiutr > liberal on nil kltiiK Chlrkens nro plow and cliilci"-tock ( Is quoted at Cchilc fio/cii iiootlj ( lics-icil or Infiirlor stock only fell nt Ac , or c\on lower. 1'ancy stock ro- cpivetlby f\p.ts ntul tuirrozcn Ims &o'tl nbo\c fiiolatiotis | but In n snmllvny. . Tuilc\s nio slow nnd the demand light , rholpp 'tocK Is iiiotctl | nt Kfrf'Jcj ns tlicrc is an nbttiulatico In tliu ninikct , buj pfs arc iwr- tlcular nii.l in'orlor pooily drpswl stock will not sell , ( iecscanil ilttfUs It cliniep , W' (5.VMi-ltPcclt ( : | < < arc light nul tliurc Is very llttln irium : of any Kind on thoinatkct. Much of the game is out of season , but li sold lo sonic cxtunt. Deer , ank-Iopp , inalrio chick ens niul iitUleiu ] out of .season on .lannaiy ( gUOtinll : ; | iiei ( 81.7.VH-.UO ; jack rabbits per doi.1.00 ( " " & . ) : inullnnl ( fucks S'J.S5 ; ieal cltickK. SI.'JViM..V ) ; mixed ducks Sl.SXft small labblts Sl.ou ; geesei.OOC'&uO } ( ; brandUs bAi 1:1 : : KIIAVT Hen quality , 20..W pcrSO Hi band ; per bbl , S" .7it. I'lii.sKUMJr.t.t.iRS : mrv-I'lescivcs ; all Kinds , liO-Ib. palls per 11) . , 10''c : do 10 pall gal. . lOc ! aborted , 5-11) . pails per dos.OO , .lollies all lilmls lint grain ' , -0-lb. palls , per Hi. , v ; assorted , liist ui.ide , Mb iialls , JUT doV5.ix ) ; dolli ! ! palls , per do/ . , j5'-.75 ; tlo , 1-lb palls rer ease. 'J doz. , S-'J- " > ; do f-cliooncis pel do/ . , ; do , lumblets. per frtM1 , i doSI.40 , all Kinds , second ijraile , "Oll > . wIN. ] > er lb. fo\ Mince Meal , best Kindo ' 4 bbl. . pi-r lb. , To ; do , I1 * , j and OS lb pails pei lb , . 7'se ' ; do. 5-lb. palls per do/ . , iii.lO : appl" bulti'i , I'M i a line , > j bbl. . per lb. , 7c ; do io-lb palls per lb. , 7 > $ ; do. ft-lb nails , per do/ . , tc(0 ; peach and plum butler , 4(1 ( ID , , pails per ll > . . HJ i" , neai-li , plunt and ( ) ttincp butler , iivsiiitL'd. 5-lb. palls per do5 5 > 7,50 ( SiijdM's ) , luip-t niadp. ] icr case , B do ? . pliVtlwtlie'/'s'U'bf / iVm&u'imlislTi pint bottles' ' , pel doSl.oO. . Nr iN--MIcKoiy nuts.larvc . per bii. S1.10 ; ilo shell haiKs H.75 ; chestnuts , I'.V ; pecans lar e tiollMtud , lie ; pecans medium , Vc\ \ KiiKll \Mdiiut.s , lie : idiunnds , 'l'anai ; < ) na , COc ; do , l.iiiimteiioi' , I7e : Ki.i/lH , I''e. lllbeits : ile : peaii\iti \ < . baud picked , lutiuy Vhglnla , 7edo : li tasted IV. , I'IOR FKKT , ' 1 itii-n , AND I.AMIIS'TONOUP.S -rigs' feet per M bbl. , 54.75 ; do. , ' bbl. , F'J.IO : do. per Kit , fcl.OO. Lambs' tonpues , per ' bbl. , fcH.M ) ; do. per kit , { ? 2.7."i ; do. quart inrs pei dor. . ? . " > .M ; do. pint , lms per ease , ij doz. . ! 7.)0. ( ) l'i ipe , per J j bbl. , 54.r ? > 0 ; do. jier J bbl. 5'i. " * > ; do. ei kit. ' . liiolled made- erel. ne\v , per CUM' . Ml can , SO.oU. CII.MII MDMV : Caliloinia'JibfiameOO ! ! ) ? in ea-c per lb , . 15c ; extiacted , S lb. in cans 'J doIn iiM' : , per ease , SI.OO ; 10 lb. liamcrf , XebiasKa , IV. CriniMle1iliran : lefined , per bbl. , SO.CO ; do. halt bbl. . > J.X' ( ' . ViMc.\ii--\Vlilte : wine. lOc ; cider , l"JKc. " Coro\M is At SI.OOlal.r > 0. > 'iKint : AND DAII'.S Fiirs , bniyuia , 100 lo\es ) pei lb , llu ; l.uicy l'ci.sian.50 10 IIONPS , pci lb , lie. I'ainelles , 23 lb boxes , per lb , Ifcc. I Ifcc.MiMONb .New Messina , ' per box , S''fi ® 5.M ) . OitAXfics l.os Anttcli'S ate quoted at S-.O ) ( ay.7 : ; Ki\eiside , yi.W ) ; Navels feJ.OO. Kioii- SA 01 mines aic steady at .vl.r > ( ) pel boy. CiiANiii.iniii.s Cauo Cod , lancy datk , p er bbl. . S'J.OO ; Caiie Uud , laucy dink , f > bbl. lots. pet bbl. S8.W ) : jeisey Bell and Uimle , per bov , SJ.-IO ; Wis- coii.sln Hell and Cbriry , per bbl , 50.50Vis ; \ - cousin lielland Chetiy , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl , wCAi.iFOitxiAiuiuiT rcan , E.Ueuric and pound jiears. per box. § : ) .oo. Ai'i'Mi' Mini' } ' . .Newoik and lichlRan apples , pei bbl , SJ.7rxa3.00. ; lanoy New Yiuk ; mid Michigan apples , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. , W.CM ; fancy New Voile and Michigan apples , 10 bbl. lots , per bbl. , 82.50 ; Illinois apples , per bbl. S'-.75 ; Illinois apples , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. , P2.55 ; Illinois apples , 10 bbl. lots , per bbl. , S2.-10 ; .Mlsboml Cieiiitons , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. . f'J.ft'i : .Missonii Genitons 10 bbl. lots , per bbl. . SH no ; lancy eatlin ; . per bbl. , 83.2 > ; lancy Mifliiuan fiuit. SHWi-l.5. : ( ! < 5iA.i'KS : Malasa , per bbi , S7.00. PROVISIONS. Hani , lO C lle , breakfast hacon , bj. l'e ' : clear bide bacon , 7cdi ; > salted s Cc : Mionldeis. biigar cinocl , 5 'c ; pork per bb ! . . 61".U > : laid. < 10lb. c > aif < > . pcrlb , 7@7J < ; e ; 10. 5 ami ' > lb FahbanKs , 7Ji@Sc ; dried beet bams. I''c. OviiiMts I'rices have ad\aticed In the c.tstoii all si.utcandeasteiu sliipncis claim to be losing money oven at the aif\auce , ho that proipecls la\or a still luitliei advance. Thepicseut cold ne.itliei is veiyla\oiablelor O.vioxs halt J.ake .stock Is belling at SI.OO per bushel ; common liomu giown icds , 70 < g 750. Tbeio aio a few extia choice in the Market that are held at SI.OO per bush. I'o rA'i ois : None me romlntr , and piices iuv nominal at 5ritifiOa for choice btoclc. . llKANS Ditty stock is pleiitihd and \ory lioitl to dlspoiu olhilo choice clean be.ins meet with a icadv sale on anhal. Hand DlcKcd navv. S1.75 ( < i2.00 ; liana-picked inediiin : , $ l.50ul.75 ( ! : unod clean countiv. Sl.2oK51.-JO ; Interior. 75cO.l.)0. ( ) GIIAIX Tlio following aio the pievniiini ; piices paid lor wnjion loads on tne htieets and at file mills to-day : Coin , 2-Jc ; oati 2 : < ( § 25c ; wheat , No. 8 , OOe ; . Klexutor piices for car lots : Corn , 21 } e ; oats , iie,4lc ; barley , ISc. Kr.oint and Mir.r.sTurFS "tV inter \ \ Fii in : best quality patent at S3.00g3.SO. Second finality HWK : I.OO. Spring \vlieat-15est quality patent at 52.50 . Buckwheat Flour In barrels , S3.75 ; icady raised 3 lb packages , § 4,00 ; 0 lb packages , Bian 55c per cwt. Chopped Feed Pei 100 lbs.70c. Corn Meal White , bOo ; yellow , 7oc per cwt. Screening No. 1 , 7fic per cwt ; No. 2 , 50c. llomlnj S1.50 per cwt. Shorts -COc per cwt. ( iialiam S1.7.f > per cwt. llav Hales SO.oOiaiT.oo per ton. * uis : AND oinss I'rices on furs and skins au > steady. Mink , each , I0ffr ( 0c ; inuskiat , winter. 2@5c ; do. kits , 2e ; Otter , do. iSo , ! i , lOi.ii'i'ic : wolf , prairie. fiOgoTSc ; do. niountaln,8-VOO ( : J.OOwlltteatl.'i-JObea- ; ; er , bl.6tgi'.W ) ( ) per lb ; fox , each , Sl.40@1.50 : deerskin : , drv wintei , irxjijtbo per lb ; do. fall nnd summer SiKSuao lliUKH 1'iici'sarc weak as is usual at this season ot the year. Go'en buteneis' , < > H < ii c\ \ ' drv Hint. UK" Ho : dry " " tS\0-tllllllHplICO. ; imo white , 4c. LKATHKii An. 11'lttsburtr harness J. C. U ASoiiB , HOC ; No. 11'ittsburij , K. & S. 3Je ; No. Cincinnati. 880 : No. 1 laeo leather , COo ; nrlmo sl.inchterNolo leather , ywgii'Jc : prime oak solo leather. ff < diffJe. Upper leathei. per foot. iiO © S7c ; Heinklp.75@8.coakkipM@U5cl'1iejich ; ; ' klj ) . S1.OOM1.25 ; Hem calf. & 1.00il.lO. ( oak calf , S1.00 ( ! > lri , ; : hjcnclicalf , Sl.'iK'fl.bS : Mo rocco boot liv , .0@ttc ! : Moiocco oil pebble , jWc : ; topplncs and llniiiKS. SO.OOmlO.W per dor. I'oAi. Anihiaclto grate , SS50 ; CRR , SSW ; iniiKo , SS.75 : chestnut , S'J. ? . " > ; Iowa , S3.59 ; ' .Valntit block , gs.75 ; Illinois , W.OO ; Mis- soml. Sl.oo HEAVY HAUDWAKK lion , rates , S2.25 ; plow steel , special east , 4o ; ciueiblo steel , Oo ; cast tools do , lyfeclbc ; vimoii spokes , per set , H1.7r > OW.ol ( : hubs , ner set , 81/J5 , felloef , sawca diy , S1.40 , tongues , each , 7f > e , axles , each , 7Kc- Fqumemits , per Hi. , 7jllo ( ; roilchain per lb shoes. ? 5.M. Uarbed Who In car lots bl.OO j > er 100 ibs. Jion Nails-Kates , 10 to CO , Si.0i : Sliot-Sl.&O ; btickblint , gl.bft ; Oironta powder , kegs , S3.M > @ 4.oo : do , half kefsS'J.OO fto , uunrter kegs. * 1.W ) : blastinu' , Kegs , S3.85 lithe , iier ion leet. 59c. J.ead. Uar. S1.05. DJIY I'AiNTH White lead. Be ; French zinc l"c ; lampblack , ordlnarv , lOo : 1'iusblaii blue , 65c , , untramarine , ibc : vaiulykc. brown , Bo umber , burnt , -ic ; umber , raw , 4o ; sienna , burnt. 4c ; hUiiina raw. 4n : 1'arls creen. ireuu- ine , B5o : J'atis cit-fii , common , 2Uc : chroma gieen , N. "V.'Oo ; clir'nno ' urcen , K , 12c ; vermillion - million , Kuglisli. in oil asst IM ; raw and burnt umber 1 lb cans. lOc : raw ami uurnt filennn. 10oandyko : Drown , l c ; roUtud lampblack. 12c ; iach black and ivory bla-k 16c : diop black , iGc ; 1'iusslan blue , 40c : ul- trarunrlno blue. Ibc : chronio irreen , L , , M & JlGc ; blind and shutter gieen , U. M , < b D. Ifio ; 1'arls preou , Ibc ; Indian red , 15c ; Vene tian red. Vc : Tuscan led. 22o ; American ver- million. U A1) . , .HJc ; yellow ocnro. Uc : u M & 0. 1) . , Ibc ; toldcn oclue , lOo ; patent dryer bo ; grntnliut colors , llpht oak daik oak , wal nut. chestnut and asti lie. J'AINTS IN UtifVhlto lead , Omaha , 1 . P 7c ; wliil leat1 , Ht. J.ouls , puie 67. u ; Marsoll lea green , 1 to ft ll > cans , 2Cc ; French iluo green seat , ISc ; French line , led seal , lie ; French jlnc.ln vainUh asst , iwc ; French zino TSo ; vermlllicn. American , ISc ; Indian , red ICouoso pink. He : Venetian. ix'O. Cooksoii'6 2)c : Vonellan nvt. American , lji/c : red led ( JJ-ic ; cbniino y allow genuine , We ; cliioiuc yellow , K. We : ocnro tochelle ic ; ochrfl , Fiouch , sjfc ; ochre , Aiawican , So ; NVIntsr'a prm , . . , ix-r pao , . ; s , . . , icr ca.llon.OSc ; neatsfoot extra , pei pnlion , ; UCNO. 1 OSc : lubrieatintr. 7cro , perKallon , summer , Ihc : colden machine , No. 1 , per : allen Goo ; No. s 2.V ; ; sperm , ilpnnl , ixr/ral- ; / on 75c : tin pcntine , per gallon , lO'.cjnaptha. per Rallon. 74 < \ > Hariels per crallon : linn tuie. extra , 81. 10 ; fmnltuiorNo. l , Sl.oo ; xnch , extra fl.40 ; coach , No. 1. 31.20 ; Uamar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltnm , xtra , 85c ; shellac $3.00 : hara oil finish , hi'inirs Cologne sph Its , 1 % pioof , Sl.W ? do 101 pmof SI .13 ; Mililts second duality 101 proof. 81.12 : do. Is3 ptoof , Sl.ll. Alco hol. IbS pioof. & 2.K ) per wine rallon. Ifedls- lllletlhlskies Sl.OOidl.rx ) ; gin blended , ? 1.50ri2.tX ( ) ; Iventucky bourbons , S2.00.00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania r > cs , 5iX(4l.fiO ( ( ( } polden sheaf bourbon and ivuliiskles S1..10@30ii. Urandles-lmporlrd , S.VKXaaf ( > o ; domestic , 81.fiOCfM.00. Olns Impoi led , S4.M Gi.W ( ( ; domestic , Sl.iVVjJU.OO. Hums Im- potted , Fl.MK'ii.00 : New tfm < lanil , S2.00 4.00 ; doincstle , S1.WU3.0) . Champagnes 1m- poi ted. per case , S'.W.OXilfll.OO ; Ameiican , per ease , S10.UO&10.00 _ vimi. Suxnnins Domestic Holland herrings , kegs , Wo ; Httsslan aidlnestoe ; Ancho vies In glass , Ute Hull brand , per do/ . , S3.00 ; Anchovies In kegs. ' ole Hull brand , 4.00 ; spiced Hamburg heiiings , skins and heads on , jier pail , m w 4Q isia 10 Mtinti'8 S't No.l IVb oO 4 ( XI n OS 2 Oil 70 7)02 ) K , ib'cd rmioy.o mi : tan s. " > l so i WI.TS ri ro ! ili9Jl 'yl'i ' "o-i , so ; i a 1 70 1 co75 | M M M \CKrilUli. , , Cicoiges stiiiis , ijiffc : 1 lb lolls , 2 lb boxes. nc : piaiiic llos\er , 21bbrick,0c ; wild ioe , 2 lb bilck. r c. BMOKKD FISH Halibut , new , Tc ; now scaled heiiings , 2Jc ; maekeiel 12c ; salmon , IL'c : smoked htiuueon. He. Holland hcuiinr , now , per ke ? , 7."c ; new long split stoeklibh , lOc , new shoit split btockusli , Grocers lilst. SvisurStandaid O.'JIic , bbls ; Standard , do 4-j-allon Kegs , S1.15 ; New Orleans 3b < S4Uc per gallon ; Jlaplu Sj mi ) , yt baiiel. ] ' & O. stiictly puie , 7Uc per gallon : 1 gallon cans , S'J.2. ) per dogallon : cans , SS.25 IKH doz ; quai leans 63.0(1 ( Dmun KmnrvNo. . 1 ouai tor apples , 4) ) c ; evaporated , boxes , b .c : blackbeincs , boxes. U CnjlOc : peaches : Eastciu , tyiCtfaXc ; peaches , evapoiated , 15 > @ 17c.Salt ; Lake , nesv , t ( > * Kc : raspbeiiies. new.2.'c ! ; cui rants , new. 7X-ifro ( ; primes , new , OtgS'jc. buciAits oHrteied , tc ; cut loaf , fc ; gran ulated , 7i c : conteetioners' A. 7c : Stan dard extra C. O c ; extra C.0Ji5c ; medium yellow. OKc ; New Oi leans. 5flO ( ) < ; c. CANNED ( Joons Oysters , Standard per case. : strawberries 2-tb. , pur case. S2.SO ; laspbenics , 2-lb. , per case , $2.35 ; Califoinla peats , per case , S5.CO ; ainlcots , per case , Sl.'X ' ) ; peaches , per case , J4.75 ; white chei- ries , per case , 0.00 ; plums , per case , S4.00 ; vliortlebeiries , per case. 82.40 ; egg plums. 2-ii ) . , per case , S2.0 , green gages , 2-H > . . per case _ , S3.,0 ; pine apples , ! 2-lb. , per case , ' MATCHES Per caddie , Sic ; round , per case llic ; square cases , spl.70 ; Oslilcosli cases , gr. , Sl.-O : iinilu snuarc. S- > . SALT Uiav loads , per bbl , 81.55 ; Ash ton. In sacks , S3.H5 ; ) { sacks , Ashton , 'JOobbls dairv. sa oo ( < Ts.7r bi'iciiH ( Jiound Black pepper , boxes , l. @ -c ; allspice , 12@lte ; cinnamon 18@.5c ; cloves , 15M25c ; ginger , I5 ( < i25cj mustaid , 15(3 ( ! Wc. Wc.COFFKES Ordinary graaes. ! 'c ; fair , 9/f@ 10 > jc ; prime , HQl'J c ; choice. I2 > fwi : ; > ic ; lancy preen and yellow. luxirfUKc ; ofd cov rrnineiu.Java , 'JOOaoc ; Inteinr Ja\a , lOJ ® yoe ; Mocha , 22 < a'.Mc ; Arbucklo's loastud , i : ! < -Mcl.auglillii'a ; XXXX roasted , l.o ; lih ) > orth's 13Uc : Kcd Cioss , ISifc ; liluth's. ) . Aibucklo's and MeLaUKhlin's XXXX arc sold 50c per case off above prices n ! J-cise lots. TKAS litinpowfler , fair , 80037 ; good , 45 ® 5Sc : choice , fi < x < $7fic ; good Imperial , 40M43c ; .X > U , Ullt'lUU , U.JIW1.JU , UUI'llll , Lclll , te > 'V l''U , pood. KXjcrxj ; choice , 5575c ; Tea Dust , 15o ; TeaSlliTniiS. Ibc i'l.un TOIIACCO Climax , 44c per lb Ulorstv bhoo , l.'c ; Star , 4Jc ; Spcathead , 40o ; Gold Itoll , 4Pe ; 1'lper Heidslck. GOc : Punch. 3Sc ; loung Flit41c : Silver Tag , 40c ; JT.l. ! c. Koi'i : Sisal. K inch and larger , 8 > fc ; inch , # c : Hindi. 'Jie. CANDY Mixed. nf@l2 : stick. OK@"e. SODA In lb papers , 83.25 a cose ; salsoda keg per lb 82 2o VJNKOAII CinEK 13@18c ; white wine , 15 @ 2UC. Si'icis Giound Ulack pepper , boxes.l'io ; alspiee , I2@10c ; cinnamon , lhW2'o coves , 15 20c : ginger , 15 25c ; mustard. 1 sredlum In barrels , 87.00do ; In Iialf barrels. 84.00 ; small In bauds , SS.OO ; do In halt barrels gi.50 ; gherkins in barrels , 80.00 : do in half barrels S'ioo. CIIACKRKS darneau'a soda , butter and picnic , S5-fc : creams , 8 > e ; ginger snaps , 8 > fc ; Citv soda. 7Ke. CANIII.ES-UOXCS , 401b. Os ll > < c ; 8s , ll c ; boxes , 401b , 10 oCs , like ; hall box , 20B. , lUc " * "FINE CUT Hard to Heat , 70c ; Charm of the West , COc ; Fountain , 70c ; ( > olden Tlnead , G7e ; Favorite , COc : Uuds , 60c : HockyJfoun- tain , 5Uc : Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c : North Star , TOe : ( lood Luck. Sou ; Our es.t , o-y5'c. SOAPH Kirk's Savon imperial , S3.00 ; Kirk's satinet , 83.15 ; Kirk's standard. S3 M ; Kirk's WhiteHusslan. . 34.00 ; Kirk's White Cap. ; Dome. S4.35. bTAiicii Niagara gloss , 1 lb , O o ; Niagara gloss , 3 lb , Oo ; Niagara gloss , Olb , 7o ; Niagara Dry Oooils , I'niN'TS Steel Hlver , 4i/o ; Amerlean , 5J < ; Arnold's , Oc ; Coeheeo , Cc ; Manchester , 60 ; Lyiinn. 5o : Gloucester , SWc ; Dnnnell , Iao- quaid. Oo : Dtmnell , 5 o ; wliulsor. c ; 1'a- cllic , Co ; Harmony. 4)ic ) ; Anchor Slilitliii's , 7Ke .i/ . ; Morrinrack Shli tings , JJ < c ; licrwlok. CoitBir : JKAKS Kearsarge , 7c : Armory , 7c ; I'oppereii , 7o ; inaian Orchard , O c ; NauuiK'eair. 7c. UitowN COTION ha\\renco Lb , 5c ; Hhaw- mut LL.fa : Weaver Dam l.U 6c ; Atlantla MJ , 6c ; Indian Head , 7c : Waucliussft QHa : Crown XXJI. > Wo : tJlifton CCC , 6 > Jo Utica 0.4Ve : Atlfliitio I' . 5W < % FINK HHOWN COTTONS Pepperell ll , oc ; Poppeiell O. 5 > 4c. Alias , 0 , c ; s'tatuo ot Ul > crtv. Cc : Saranac ] { . OHe. DI.NI > IS Uea\er Cicek A A. He ; llcavoi oua brown , ' UufK-dinblcivcUedj Sor. Magnolia , 3 10 or. Magnolia , Eo : 6 oVest Point , 10 or. West 1'oiiit. l5k-c- Dt'CK ( eolorodl Ho ton 0 oz. brown and drab , U\Ko \ : Uoston U If brown and drab , Uo ; Jioston XX bro\\n nnd drab lOo : Boston XXX brown and drub. UJo ; Uoston OP blue , HlXo.V 'IVI'O { lap. .kean . ADA. 12)c ) ; Worn- dlkoOOO , 7 ? < cThoridlkofancyt' ; ' c'ork lo > ac ; Tork fancy , IS' c : Mlllbtiry , IV ci 1'carl Ulver , lljfc ; Hamilton. 13c ; Hwlft ltlvcrofc ; shctucKctb , skc ; Shetnckct SS ( ijfc : Mnntauk AA , 12cj Alontauk Bl , IO.KCJ ( .Kneea ACA , WH'o Oi.SfiilAMs iienlrow. " © lOkc ; Amoskca dress. PC : Am.oskc.i5. staple , 7 c ; Ivanho ( 'to ; Wamsuita. S c ! Nubian , o'i'c ; \\t\r \ wick , bHc : Wlilttcndon. PC : Hates , dress Sc ; I Hates , staple , bjfc ; Kandolph staple , , OH'o Lansdowne , 7c : Gloucester , 7'c. 1 CinvioTs Amoikea ; , ciiccksn ) < c : Amos i Kag , sttipes 8Kc ; Slater , .Mrlpes & ' Kdlu- burg , , y > VcMiUteiulnn , stripes. 8c : Glen- losePC ; Oils , checks , 0)ac ) ; Otis sliipcs , PC , Jtojal fijfc ; Amoskea ? , napped , 10'tfc ; Lit- ray , book fold , 13c ; Oberon , book fold , llj jj Ktidiirance , book fold 1 % . Dry titiiubor. DIMENSIONS AND TIMIIKHS 1)2 fill ft 10 ft 18 ft'eo ' ft'23 ' ft 24 ft 2x1 'liuio 13.00 IS 0) } 7w 17.00 18.00 10.00 . . . . . 10.00 15.0-I 15.011 tt.00 10X ( ) 17.00 20 OOBO.fiO 2x12. . . . . , . IA HO liVOO 1ft ( K ) It ! 00 17.00 10 W 20.00 4X4-RX8 15.00 I5.IK ) IS 00 10.00,17.00,18.00,19.00 rnii.T.vo Clear , Inch Yellow Pine 52WO Clear. < Inch Noixvav 11.00 2d Com. , M inch. Noi\\\v 13.00 KIMKIIIMI. Islanded Clear , \ } { Incli.s. 2s S-WOO IM and 2d Clear , 1 and a Inch , s 2 . . . . 60 00 " > d Clear , 1 ju inch , .s2s 48 00 3d Clear , l ! < and'J Inch , s 2s 4SOJ It Select , ! < / . IKand'Jlnch. s. 2s fiOOO Istand''d ' Cleat , l men , s. 2s WOO "d clear , 1 Inch , s 2s 14.53 A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s 4003 JISelect. 1 Indus. 2s 20W ) No. 1 boards , 12,14ft and lo.O ) No. 2boatds , 12,14 It and lfi.7 > No. 3 boaids , 12 , 14 ft and 13.7. > No. 4boatds , 12,14ft and 14.25 rr.No 1 No. 1 , 4 it fi Inch , 12 andir > .riO U feet , lough. . . No. 1 , 4 & flinch , ifi leet 14.W ) , rough I No. 2 , 4 it 0 Inch , 12 and 12.rOH leet , lough. , i No. 2 , 4 As o Inch. lOteet 10..10 , lough rAKTlTKIN. 1st Com. , "finch White Pine 830.00 2(1 Com. , { i Inch White Pine 23.50 Kt.001tI.MI. 1st Com. 0 Inch , white pine S-TO 00 2cl Com. 0 Inch , white pine 3 < K ) M Com. 0 inch , white pine ai oo D. Cinch , wlillo pine 20 ( X ) Corn-land r , Indi jollov pine 17.50 htnr 4 mid Cinch } cllowplno 21.00 1st and 2d clear yellow pine. 4-0 inch. . . 21.60 I 8IIII' LAP. No. 1 , Plain , S and 10 Inch 517.00 No. 2 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch ir .oo No. 1O. ( i 17.60 rosis. White Cedar , 0Inch , halves S H " " r > X " " andSiuq'is ! i " " 4 " loinid 11 Tennesseeied cedar , split 14) SK1CK HOMIIIS. A 12 Inch , 1H12 , 11 and 1(1 ( leet SW 00 II " " " " " " 41 00 C " " " sc , oo ] ) " " " " " " 23 00 No. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 , 11 and 10 It. . 17 50 No.l " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . IS 60 No.a " " " 12,14 and 10 ft. . 1550 l.IMK , 1/lC. Quincy white lime ( best ) , Me ; cement , AKionS1.7. ' , ; plaster , S2.30 ; hair , per bushel ! A. : s.isli , 60 jier cent oil list ; doois , blinds , mouldings , 50 per cent oil llsttairedlelt ; , per cwt. , & 1.75 : stnvw board. Sl.CO. . jMiiny cosmetics for the complexion have trom time to time been put-upon the. market. Hut noisli have stood the test as IMS Po/xonl's medicated complexion powder. It is an absolute curative lor blotches , diseolorsitions freckles , etc. For sale by drn ; * ; i ls tind sit depot 007 N. Sixth stieet. The Indian wife ot "Warm 'Spring Johnny , " si white man , who since his childhood lias lived with the Indians , died near Albany , Ore. , recently , of Inns fever. The husband , \vliosc real name is unknown , was well known in the early dsi3S ot Oregon as an Indian scout , nnd : dso served in the United States army diniiif'the war , Hu was captured when a cliild by the Indians , mid with them lias even lost his own name. Ilo ban lived lor many yearn with his Indian wife in a little cabin near the Calapoohi river. Woman's Face. "What furniture can give such finish to : v room , us a tender woman'.s ftieo , " asks George Kliott. Not any , we are happy to answer , provided the glow of health tempers the tender expression. The pale , anxious , bloodless faeo of the consump tive , or the evident sullerings of the dys peptic , induce feelings of sorrow and grief on our part and compel us to tell them of Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery. " the sovereign remedy for consumption and other diseases of the respiratory system ns well as dyspepsia and other digestive troubles. Sold eve rywhere. During the last ten yeais merchants in Australia and Now Zealand have sent nearly $5,000,000 , in sovereigns and gold to San Francisco to be coined into Ameri can money to pay obligations incurred in this country by London merchants' , thus saving exchange both ways. The Great Invention , For EASY WASHING , IN HARD OR SOFT , HOT OR COLD WATER Without Harm to FAItUIG or HANDS , and particularly adapted to ira rm climates. No family , rich or poor , should bo without It. Sold by all Grocers , but beware of vllo 1ml tatlons. I'JSAJIZZXE is manufacture only by JAMES PYLE. NEW YORK : QRTH- Oniiilia , Council Bluffs And Chicago _ The only road to toke fur DCS Molnos , Mari - . . - ; - " " - - * - - i .j utmiij if in | JUUUU Nfivadu.OrcKon , Wushlnirton and California It otr r j > upoj1or advantasos not possible by any Among a few of the numcious points of eupo- rlority c-njoyed by the patrons or this ioadbo- tweon Omiihn and Cliluaffo , arc Its two trains a day of DAY COACH US which are the finest that human art mid InKimultj- can create. ItsI'Alr- ACE SLEEPING CAHS. which uro models of comfort and elegance. ItB I'AULOlt DHAWINU HOOil CAHS. uusurnusBod by uiiy , and Its wide ly celobiatod PALATIAL D1NII56 CA118 , tno equal of n liloli cannot bo found elsewhere At CouncU llluHs the trains of the Union Pacv flo lly , connect In Union Depot with these of tbe CUIcat'O.t NorUiwcstern Ity , In Chicago tlio triilua of this line muko close conuection with these of nil eastern lines. Vor Detroit , Columhua. Indianapolis. Cmcin imtl. Niauurn Falls. Hutlulo , I'ittstiurt. . Toronto Montrr.dT. lioeton , Now York , fhiladulphla , llal- tluinr ; .Washington uml all points iu thu cast , ask the ticket agent for tickets via the , . . If you wlfh the best accominodatlons. All ticket agents soil tickets via this line. M. HUOIUTT. u g , , AI , , Qouoral Wauafc't'J ; , , , . , , , _ at > n- CllIOAuO , OMAHA KWFfiGTURERS , 'Billiard Tables. TUB rtnuX9\VtUK.HAl.KlXX > UKN'lUll .V Manufacturers 'of ' Billiard & Pool Tables , And Saloon. Offleo nnd Hank Fixture * . Market nnil Huron St . , Chicago , 111. Omaha ofllco , G3J S. 10th St. Book Binding , Etc , CO. , Printers , Book Binders , And Illank Hook Maiiufuctuior < < . No . 100 nnj 108 South HthStrcGt , Omiihn , Not ) . _ BridgesS'c ' m PjleDriving , _ UAYMUNl ) & CAMl' , KiiRlneers nnd Contractor" . Roof Trusses Steam Pile Bridges , , Driving Iiou Combination nml Hotto Tiui lltlilircs IMlliifr ninl Onk Timber. loth St. , near I'numin. Telephone No. i 4. 4.Butter Butter I libs , * " " * " " ' ' J. SKYMOUH , Manufacturer of Butter Tubs. co ft , ! Ku ; 40 n > , : MC : s. ' ) n > . sic ; so m. r.'ot ino t > flrk- ln , We , 18th and 1'lcico St' . , Oinnlm , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MIIYKH It CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Runs and Ammunition , sir to ESlPouth llth Sticct , IttiOto 11K1 1'atnmn Struct , Unuilin , Nub. CHI vu FACTOIIV. WEST ft rillTSCHKll , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Whole-win Dcalois In Lour Tobacco * . Nos. 108 and 110N. _ llth Stictt.Oninha , Neb. _ Cornices , Eagio Cornice Works , John KponoterPiomlctor. Manurni.turcr nt Onlvnnl/cd Iron and Coinlcu. IB3 Dodgu anil 101 and 105 Noith 10th Street , Umalm , Nob. nouru , Manufacturers of Oinnmcntal Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer \Vit'dcm , rinnHKtc.,3IOS. 12lhSt. Woilcdono _ InnnyiMitof tlio country- _ Western Cornice Works , lSPECIIT. . Proprietor. r.nlvanl7cd Iron Cm ntcpg , Kle. Ppecht's I'll- rioxid 1'ntuiit JlHnll'o ' Plcj light , COS and ClOH. lUliJjt. , Omaha , Ntb. _ Doois , Sash , Etc , ' Tiio Gate Cit Doors , Bnsh and Hllnds. Also all Itlmls of tuinlnir. Scroll and fctalr work of o\cry do- Ecilptlon. Manufacturer and Dealer In Doors Sasn Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Stulr Itnils n peolultv Telephone No. l. > th and Jlnrcy SI 8 , Omaha , Neb. Electrical Supplies , lTw. WOhFK & CO. , Electricians , Electrical Supplies , Masonic Block , Omaha. Inriliu' Alarm" ; , Iloll * , Kiio Alarms , Kloctilu Matting , Sneaking' Tubcu , Gold , Silver imd Nickel Mating , Etc. 'jron ' and Nails. OMAHA NAH. JIANUl'ACrUUlN'd'coV Cut Nails and Spikes , Flic Nnlls r. Specialty. Omaha , Nob. Omaha Iron rWorks Company , MnchiuciyCa > ) tlim4 , Steam Knjrino ! . , Boilers , Aiehltucttmillrpn Work. 1 1011 Jirldjwi , Jlliilng and Mill Machinery. "Olllco and > voi ) s , Union Pncillolt It. ITth mid 18th Streets. " & l7llJ , Foundry Works. Cor. 14th anil J ifiltsoii Sts. , prepared to do all kinds of Iron and llrnes Castings ; also , O , C. Hnnnl"tcr'a llockinz Orate lliirs inunutacturod Mattresses , E. M. Mattress Company , AfanufacturiiiK1 JIattreBscs , Ilcddln ? , re.ithcr PHIouri , Cots , Ktc. 1200 and 1203 Douglas Street , Oninhu. Neb. Overalls. CANVIEIJ ) MySTurACTUliTNO CO-f Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pants , Shirts , Etc. , 1103 andllUi Douglas Sticet , Omiilui , Nob. Safes. _ Omaiia Safe Works , G. ANDUEEN. Manufacturer of Fli o mid linriflnr Proof Snfcs , Vault Doom. Jnll Work. Sliuttors and Wlro Woik. Cor. 14th nnd Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Soap. P. J. QUEALEV , Soap Manufacturer , Office nnd Factory , near Ponder Magazine , Omaha Neb. V/agons and Carriages. GRATTON & DRUMMOND Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , 1315 and 1317 Hitmoy Mieot , Omahtt , Nob. Sola Ascutsin NcbinsKa for Jones' Celobiuted Split blial t Sulkies. Established ISIS. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , Holland 1411 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob. White Lead. _ OMAHA WHITE MUD COMPANY , Coirodcrs rnd Grlndcrsof Perfectly Pure White Lead , Omulm , Neb , Lnvl Outer , Pro * . ; C. W. Mead , Vice Pios. i 11.V. . Yutes , Hoc. and Tieas. OMAHA HOTEL DEREGTOItY. .The Hillard , 8. BhcniB , J. R. SJarkcThoB. ) Swobo , I'loprlctcrs Omaha , Nebraska. ? Hotel , JnmoB dmey , 1'ronrlctor , j215 and 1.17 Uoiife'lus Ht. , Umuha , Neb. irooCcoiumeiclal men iu > pnclfuUy solicited. They will.fhul this the best iJadey lioues west ai Chicago. ? ) anters House , G. E. lOyillfB , PUOPllIETOn. HatesLM per day , Street cam tiom U , P. -C-"t ! , Vi"1" ! onn block of house. Oornev Uodfo undlofU ( rci4s , Dmaba , NOD. i The Cozzens , P. Rurasoy * Co. , Proprietors. Rates $2.00 per day , no dark roonm. Omaha , Nib. Also inuiinfiura of Palace Hotel , Hantu To , New .Mexico. Canfleld House , Cor. Ninth end Furnnni BIB. The beet (2 per day hotel in Omuliu. Hoiiidtcleil. rrlurnUhed , roacooi attd ; one block f i om unuy headquarters , opposite Union Paolno heiulniuirtcis : street cum paes tbe door. Gcorno Canfleld & ( 'o. , proprlo- lorn. Also Union Stock Yards Hotel , South Omaha. Hotel de GOQS , P. QOO3 , Proprietor , European Plan. The only cunt rally located $3 a day bouse. Tliri'O doorb from lioyd's Opera Houeoand one-half block from the Postollieo nndtlio Court House. 1504. 1010 , l&ti I'ttruuia OMAHA JOBBSERSMJiREGTORY Agricultural Implements , _ " "LININOEU A.-MKTCAXF co , \Vholcsnlo Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Office , Corner Cth nnd rnclflcSt , Onmha , i'AllUN , OHKNOOHVP X MAUT1N , Wholcs.-.c Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons mid IHijrples , Omaha Neb. Wholesale Dcirler in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cair.'aecs and IUicgfr . .1 ( n St. , bet. t'th mid lJthUmn1inNcb Boots and Shoes , V " "K" V. v. Mousr. .v co. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1411 Karnam Street , Oninhn , Nob. Manufnctory , Suimnir Street , lloston. Carpets. "p. A. Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mnttlngu , Curtain Goods. I'.lc. , Ifi ) Fnrnani Street , Oimilm , Net' . Coal , Lime , Etc , JhFyV. . ItlM Coal , Coke , Linio and Stone. Office , 213 S. 14th < ) . , Omnlin , Neb. Yards , Bth mid Dr.'cnport fctiiets. _ _ COUTANT .V SQU1UKS Dealers in Ilard and Soft Coal. Ilcst Mirletlc ? . Olllco.-13 P. nth St. Telephone No. HO- ' , Omaha , Nib. r.iuiAtKA runt , co , Shippers of Coal and Coke , , .14S. 13tli St. , Omaha , Neb. , , < 5n > . CTowt.r , I'resldont. Cro.IHrrtiisox. Sco. nndTitas. J.H. Hi' 1\A. IHi.cii. Pinpilc'tor. Managor. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NT.HHAPICA. OtTlcc'IT S. Will Ptrect. Tcivplioiyi 19. _ GKO. 1 % LAII oit , l'ie = . P. T. ComiM W. V. Pics. j. A. 3UM > r.lir.\Mi fecc. nnilTii h' " . Omaha CoaJ , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbcisof himland loft loul.SOBS. Vlth bt. , Omaha , Neb. OMAHA COAL AND PUODl'Cn CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Exclusive dealers In Boulder Coloiado Coal. 217 Lmith llth sticct. Coffee and Spices , 'cLAiiici ; iiitos. & co. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Hills , Tea" , ColTooR , Spices , linking 1'owdei Mnvorlnji Kxtiactf. , I.aundry Hltio. Ink , etc. 1114-lb llai-- ntyfctrctt , Omaha , Neb. _ _ Commission ) Etc. _ _ w' " " ' 'BRANCH & , co. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 1121 Fiirnam Pt. , Omaha. Apples Our own | .ac- iiift l'lattACo.'s Tlift-r Iliand Oybtcifi , llutlcr , s , ( jamo , Poultry , Potatoes. JOHNl' . I'LACK , General Commission Herchant , Produce , 1'iovlsloim , Trulls , Hour and 1'ecd , 105 S. 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. Coiisiunmcnth bohcltcd. Kcturns inado piomptly. _ LOUIS HEILiit : , Jobber and Commission Merchant. CLCCFC , Fausnifc . Fruits , Utitcliors' TooH nnd viri : Jones St. , Uniulio , Nob. W. E. 1UDDELI , , General Commission Merchant. SPECIALTIES Cbfcfo. llutter. Efrirs , Poultiy and ( inino , 112 & 14th. , ( Jinahn , Neb. Telephone - phone No. 305. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , EJJJTS and Produce. A full lluo of Stono- vair. Consignments solicited. MH Dodge bt. , Onmbn. ' E. 5IORONY , General Commission Mercnant , llutter , 1'fKf , Cheese nud Countiy I'roilucofe'oii' eiully.oOOS. 12thSt. , Omaha , Nell. MrSHANE & SCIlltOEDElt , Duyers of Butter and Eggs. Hefrijrcrator and Packlnp House , 14th & L < nven- HorthBt. , on U. P. 11. li. Ti aclt , Omaha , Neb. ' Established 1870. HOllEKT PUHVIS , General Commission , S11S. 14th St. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties lljttor b , Poultiy and Uamo. PEYCKB nnos. , Commission Merchants , l'rut ! , Produce mid Piovisions , Omaha , Neb KinSCHHHAUN i. SONS , ( Siicecsioii to A. P. Hrtmck. ) Produce Commission Merchants. No. 213 South lUh Sticot , OmahaNeb. TiioxELu & WILLIAMS ; Storage and Commission Merchants. Fruits. Flour , Apples , Stonow ai c , Citlor.Vliiegar , llnips S-eodH. Iluttor and Kttga , ( il'J arid Ui5 South lUtb street , Omaha , Nobraslcu. WIEDEMAN & O Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , llutter , Game , riiiltsKlc. i20P. lith Ht. , Omaha , Ncbratka. A. rTjIETHGBJ Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits , Mcate , I.ard , Jellies , nutter , Ef-'KS , riiocso , Ktc. _ No. 30. ) B , U'th St. , Oinnlm , Neb. WESTEHFIELD HHOS. , General Commission Merchants , 1400DodfoStreit ( , Oinahn , Neb. ConslL'umeuta Solicited. it , MCDONALD. COMMISSION MERCHANT , 31D 12th Street , Omaha , Neb. Spcclnllies , ; Ihit- ter , KKS-J , and Chitltoii" , Crockery. ' " " * " " * " " " * * ' \v. L. WHIOMT" Agcm for the Manufacturers and Iinportors , Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , ChlmnoB , lite , Oflloo , : ) I7 South 13tU Slieet , Omiih , Ncb. Dry Goou's , " " * J. J. 1IHOWN 4. CO. , ' Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , 1323 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nub. L. GINSIIK11G .V CO , Wholesale Dealers In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Lincne , J.UTF : , Embioidoiy and White Goods. Ittio Doujrhib btnx't , Ouuilm , Neb ; Engines , " - & co. , The Baker Automaiiu EU GJ , Stationary and poi table engines , liolk-ra and flioct Iron woik , natrors , nriicultural implo- mints , punipa etc. IX'lJ-1215 Leuvenwortlitft. Leather , Hides , Etc , . . S w V W * 1 * * * - * * ' * l sw VV > I * C. HUNT1NGTON & SON , Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow. f 1111 Jackson Sheet , Ouir.ha , Nub. BLOMAN 1IHOS. , Wholesale Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Cftddlcry and hhoo Findliiirs. Uldci , Wool , 1'eltB.Gicasu.U'aUow , 15tc. , Omaha. jjut % _ Flour , Etc , V/K. PltESTON. UtO. WM. TIIE3TON & W. , Wholesale Flour , KS flO nd W 1'icroe Struct Oioola , Nth , OMAHA JOBBERS1 DIRECTORY nnt'NO TzsciircK , Jn. , Agent for J. C. Hollmnyr V Co. , Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour lly Holler and llunpii-inn Process. Warehouse , 1213 Jones Sdcct , Omulm , Nob. W. J. WEINMANS & CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturer * of W. J. WcUliniM & ' "o.'s Quick KnKliifrlluckwhpnt Hour nnd proprietors Omahix Clt ) Mlllj.cor. Stli and rarnam Strc < ts , Omalui. ' " f S'l , Lh , Euecr ors to Ickcn Plcm on ft Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of Voiclnn Vlsh.iro * . P11-3IT Jonci and U. P. TiackOm.ui , , N.ob. _ / , rurnitiiroi Etc. Wholesale Dealers in Furnltura , _ Farnoin Street , Omah.i , Nob. _ Groceries , " " " " " ALT.l'.N 1JUOS. . Wholesale Grocers , 1110 nnd Ilia Douglas Street , Oninhn , Nob. _ E. 11. CHAPMAN ft CO , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco and Smokers' Aitlclcs , 1.117 Howard St. MEYEH fc IlAAPKn Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Spices , Clgiu and Tobacco * . 111V and 131'J Dout- lasStiectOinuhaNcb. _ MCCOHD , llIIADYi : COM PAN VJ Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th and 1'nrnnm Sliccts , Omaha , Nob. " PAX ! ON , GALLAGHER .V CO , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 705 , 707 , 7H3 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. Hardware. W. J. UUOATCir , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Sprlmrs , WIIKOH Stock , llarduood Lumber , tie. l.VJ and 1J1I llainey Mircx , Omaha , Neb. _ EDNKY& GI11I10N , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Cnrrlap-o Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware , Etc. 1217 and 121'J Leiueimoita ttticot , Oaiaha , HlMlfllAUGH & TAYI.011 , Builders' ' Hardware , Mechanics' Tool and lluiruto Scales 1405 Dons- Ins Sticct , Omaha , Nub. LEE , FRIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinwaro , Sheet Iron , Etc. ARcnlsfor Ilowo Pcalcs and Miami Powder Co. , Omaha Neb. MILTON HOGEl'.S & SONS. Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , Mantlet , Gintcs , lluiss peed . 1321 and 13iJ Far- nam bticet. ItECTOU & W1LHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Hails , Emcison Htcel NalN. Cor. 10th and llainoy btitotr , Omalui , Ni'b. Harvesters. " " ' "wil.'DEElHNG & CO. , ClllCAGb , Manufacturer of the Deering.IJarvester Goods , Write to Win. M. Lorlmcr , ( IcneisU Agent , Omaha. Telephone ala Iron Pipe , Etc. " " " ' " ' COWING&CO , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , Jobbirdln lifln Pipe lion I ttinjrs , lion and Bnii-s Goods. Engineers' Suppllva. Htii and Dodge fcticets , Umalia , Neb. A. L. STltANG COMPANY Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Steam , Watci , Hallway and Milling Supplies , Etc. WO , ttSS mid KJ4 Fiuniun St. Omaha , Neb. CHUllCIIILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Water Supplies. Hcndquarteis fo Mast Foost Co.'s ( Joods. Ill ] Faruam btri'ct , Omaha , Ntb. Jewelry. EDIIOLM & EH1CKPON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In SnVciwiuc , Diamonds , Watches Clocks , Jowelois' Tools and-Materials Etp. , 101 nnd 10J , 16th Ptrcct , Cor. Dodge , Oinalm , Neb. _ _ J " Live Stoc ! ( , _ _ . Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha , No Yardage Chnurcd. l Close to U. P. llrlilife. Special nccommod.itlon nnd a Rood nimkct lor hojfs. 12. C. Cooper , Jlan- ugcr. Oihio , South 5th Slicut. II. 1JU11KE & SONS , Live Stock Commission Ge-o. Itiukc , JIanaifor , Union Stock Yaids , S. Omaha. Tolo.ihono 587 W. F. 1IKOWN ft CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Oflko Exchange Iluildmpr. ITnlon Stock Yaids , | i _ South Omaha , Neb. U'elcplionoNo.CCrf. ! MALLOHY. SON li CO. Live Stock Commission , Union Stork Yards , Clilcnjjo , 111. , mid Omnha , Nib. I'limkChillciHli'nMnnnorOnmliuUiiiiiLli. | Tclephnnu No. ; ! bJ. W. L. PATItlCII ft CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Address communications ] | to URiit Union fatocli i'anls , South Omulm..chimera mudu on stock. Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAIIA. , { limited. John F. Uoyd , Superintendent , HA VAOK it CUKUN" , Live Stock. Commission Merchants. Shipments of any uml allKmils of stock fcolicit id , Union hliclt raids , ( Jiimhii , Nob. Lumber , Etc , LOUS ! IlllADrOItD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Doois , Ktc. Yaids Cor. 7th and Douglas , Cor , Mh and DounlaO. BOI1N MANUFACTUIUNG CO , . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding1 ! , tilalr WoiU and Interior Hunt Wi.od finish. Jiibt opened , N. E. cor. fath andj.cixvon- wonli Streets , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO LUMJ1EK COMPANY , Wholesalu Lumber , Ml H. llth btrtet , Omaha , Nob. 1 ? . Colpet/cr , C. N. D1LTZ , Lumber , nib and California Street ; , Omaha , Neb. rilKD W. OUAY. Lumber , LlmC , Ce 2f.F Etc , , Etc , Cor. Cth uud Douglas Buecls , Omaha , X GF.O. A. HOAGLAND Y/holesalo / Dealer in Lumber , Oiiiahu , Ntbniikii. CHA8. 11. LEK , Hardwood Lumber , ixrcn Ftock , Fancy Woods. Ilildgo &c. , H. W. Cor , tali nud IJouflaa.Oiuiiliu , " G. F. LYMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , , Etc. South 13th Street , Om.iu.\ , Nebriinta. Nebraska Lumber Co I'ulJ III Capital Stock , fJOOOOQ. 't.uiill > llfi1tui < 'r3 and wholesale . ills MorrUl.Wi ? . V/liolo.-alu nnd roUui , OniuUa , NcU Ml B. UtU tit. JOBBERS' DIRECTOR OMAHA li Mill it CO , Dealers In All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale , If th Street nml I n o'U'a n Track. Omnht. \ Ot'.UMAX I.WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Mth amlllard Streets , Oiimhn , Nobi-nskn. j , A. , Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shinglas , tlulldlnfr Paper * . SnMi. DOOM , Illlnd' , Moiil * Inirs , l'lcke-t , l'oM , I.tnio , Planter , llftlr , Ccinciu. Nlnta aim Jonc' , Omnlm Neb. _ Millinery , iToitnitnn.nnu , 7mpoi (019 uml Jolibomot Millinery and Notions , 1J14 Harnoy Street , Oinntm , Musical Instruments , ' EUHOLM .V EH1CKSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Stclmiuy I'lnno * , M'obor , Decker. Ha liljic'il'iaiiin , Packard Oisiui , Chnso U iiiul lullttli street. Notions , Etc. J. T , . nilANDII'.S&FON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Ciiod ( , Kglliino , ( louts' I'4uriilsliln0ooili ' ( Hoods from Now York. Tindo sales daily. 601 nml WS South Uth St. , Omaha. _ " C. S. GOODUICH & CO. , French and German Fancy Goods , l > rupslsts' : and StalloneiV Sundries. 141 * > far * ii Omaha , Neb. < J , T. Robinson Notion Company , „ ' 4 ( mid 4M P. lOlh Ct.Omalia , Neb. . < Wholesale Dealois In Notions nnd tlcntV rur- nlshlni ? ( ioods. "Oils , Etc. 5 IT.nTANlC L1NF. CO , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gntollnc , Mien Axle Oioau' , Etc. A. H. Illshop , Manager , Omaha , Nob. , Pork Packing. " " " JAMES E. IIOVOT Pork Packer and Shipper , Omaha , Nebra Un. HAUUIS & F1SHEH , Packers and Provision Dealers , Office , Union Market , IM" Doilire Street. Packing boiiRo , II. P. It. ILTiacK , Omaha , Nob. Telephone - phone No. 157. Safes and Locks , v- uovr.U & CO. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' ' I'ii o nnd Ilui'Khir Pi oof Safes/l'lino loeU , VatiHj nnd Jail \\oil : . 10'U : rauiam sticut , Omaiia , Neb Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds , Api ( cultural. V'enotnblo. Odd FollowH1 Hall , N. W. Cor. llth and Dodfto Bt . , Omaha , Nob. _ Drugs , Etc. " 11. T. CLARICE DRUG COMPANY , Wholesale Druggists , Jobbers ofl'ulnts , OIK Whvluw ( ilnns Eto.llM llainey Stieul , Omaha , Neb. THE GOODMA.V D15UC ! CO Wholesale Druggist" , And Denier in I'nlnts , Oils and Window Glass , ' Onuilui , Neb. , _ t Wines and Liquors. _ , NIC DELLONI" & CO. . Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 1203 uml 1U'04 UotiKlus Ft. , Onuilin , Noli , toiles Nos. t and 'AMJid DM. N. Y. OEO. TV. DUNCAN , Successor to McN.\M\iiv ADii.sofIiuportaft and Wholesale Dcaleis in Y/ines / and , Liquors Cigars , 11 niul 210 B. llth St. , Omaha , Not ) . It. It. GHOTTE , Wines and Liquors. Wcstoin Afe'ciit.loR. Schlltlliowhiff Co , 71081 9th SticctOmulm. HCNUY HOHNIinilGElt , Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. I'L'l Douglas Struct , Omulm , Nob. 1JKU & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wiues Ami Liquors. Hole ummifiictuiorBof KcmiOily'fl Kutt India lllttcis. 11U llarncy Street , Oinahn , Neb. L. P. LARSON & CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies And rifuu.s and Uonuinl Aircnts for the Philip Hosts' Cclebiuted Milnaukco Deer , Omaliu , Neb Harness , Etc , WEf/TY it LANDHOCK , MimufactuiuiB andJnbbciiiof Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goods , UlnnkotH and Rolicc. H211'uiimin _ _ Sticot Oiimhi. Neb. Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul The Short Liiie and Best Iloute Froi Omaha to the East. TWOTHAINS IA11 < V IIIJTWnRN OMAHA AND , . . I'nul , Coilar liiilil ( | $ , Iliucuport Clinton. Iubuiiio | , KucMoiil , Hock Island , I'lcopoit , Jniiosflllo ' , J - liclolt , Wil'.on.i Andull oilier impoitimt | ) Outs | Katt , Xoitliuast andSiiuthcnst. Tlcl.ct onico nt Hill I'ninnm street , ( In Paxton llnti'li , and ai Union I'acllln Dupot. Pulhnim hleepoisiind the Fluofet DinliiK Cara in tliu Woild iiioimi on the main HIU-H of tliu CiliuaoMuw.irii.i'tir PAIJI , ItAli.W v.nnd c\ur.v intention Is p.ihl lo inisscnu't'H by couilu * ous employes of the company. It. M M.Ii.ll , ( Icnernl Mimiiiir. ! J. F. TUCKKII , APilstimt ficnci'.d Mauaitor. A. V , II , C'Aiii'iiNj'bii , ( lonci'd ' I'as'cn/dr an I TIckutAifont. Quo. 12. Ilr.Arroiiii , AsBlstuut Oen rtill'n di er and Ticket AKOHI. j " P. BOYER & CO. . 1 DHAII.UKIN , , and Ja § ! work. IOL'0 Kiirnuin fetrcul , Omaha Neb. ISflfiC QRiFFITII , Coniinisslon Merchant , ; And Wholosnlo Dealer In Country Produce , Fruits , Batter , E o. . r.oous ON cOiNaia : < MtNr : A srtciAiaf. 3P.O fj/ieth Si. , Gniaha , lleb. Itcforcnccs , by l > f > rinls < > lon- > First National Uank.Dubuiiuoi A , H. Llaui'lsoii , Cashier Mioux National lluuk.hliiux rity ; lo a National Hank Dos MnliLg ; 11. M.Kiuiuiiiu , Aeilstnut Cu lior 1'irit Nutionui : , , ( WANTED BY R. E. Lincoln Heb. . . nnfe , , . uCarkot Price Paid ,