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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1886)
2 THE OMAHA DAILY BSE , SATURDAY , JANUAK Y 30. 1880. SPECIAL KOTIOES. Adirrtlsements under this bead lOccntspo ? line for the fust insertion , 7 cents for each subsequent lcetrtlonand f LOC a 1 nc per month. Oovenwords will lo counted to the llnoi they must tun consecutively nnd must bo paid In ad- ranee. All advertisements tn ist bo handed in before 2 o'clock p. m. , nnd under no circum stances will they be taken or discontinued br telephone. Tnrtlcs advertising In these columns nnd hav ing the answers nddrc * cd in care of Tun BEE , will plcneo ask for check to enable them to get theit lettirs. ns none will be delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to advcr tlsenit iits should be enclosed In envelopes. STO I.OAlT-MOHEr , $2non I'Olt LOAN , If applied forlmmc llntc- ly , by Unllotl llros. , 817 8.18th si. 15'J fobl MOSHY TO LOAN nn horses , wagons , fur- nilUlr , wntcla-o , without removnl. Terms cnsy. l.J Cnsncll , Knom 19 , Iron llnnk Iliilld- lug , lth nnd I'm nan. , Tnko olcvntor. cco-leb7 * $ iroonoto loan on city residence property. Cc-o. W. Day , 1500 I'miiani. 233 MlO LOAN Money many ntnuiint , JL On all elastrs of security , rMiorttuno loans on rent cMata. Ixing tlmo loans on real estate. Money lo loan on tlmttcK Money to loan on collaterals. Money to loan on any good security. Tot mi cnsy , time to suit. Apply at tboOmnhn Financial KJ Iliu ker's building , SW corner of riltecntli uud I'm nam sts. , upstairs 701 " ONttY T 7 LOAX ou Improved and unlm- prove < l city property. Cunningham & llrcnnnn , IBIl DoJgo slrccl. Oil ONI5Y for everybody I \ou can borrow innney on furnlluro , horses , waironn , Iilnnoa , stock of all kinds , diamonds nnd flno watchmen your own tlmo. Payments received t any time , and Interest reduced pro ruta. Vroporly lolt In jour own possession. Tcims Uwufttho lowest. Call and POO me. Huslnoss ronildcntlal. No ndvantngo tnkcn. W. It. Croft , Room 4 , Wllhneirs NowllulldJng , Northenr.t ear lier 15th nnd Hntney. 715 ONI'.Y TO T.OAN-O. r. Davis i Co. Heal EstRta and Loan agents , 1505 Furunm St ' ONRY TO LOAN-On good ficcurltlcs. A McOavock , room71lcdlck lllock , 1509Farnam Bt 377 MONKT TO LOAN-On clmttrK Wooloy * Harrison , room 0 , Omaha National bank t > uIIdlng. _ 701) ) M ONKV TO T.OAN-OII leal estate nnd chnt- tcs. ! D. L. Thomas. EOO M ONIY TO IOAN-In sums of $200 nndluT wards on nrst-rlass real estate Bccurhy. Totter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam St. Hl ) MONKV I.OANii ) ntC. F. Uccd & Go's. Lonn ollloo , on furniture , plnnoi , lioiscs , wagons personal piopcrty of all kinds and all oilier ar ticles o aluo , without removal. Over 1st Nat'l Dankcorner 13th and Farnam. All business BtrlLtly confldcntal. WJ CHANCES. WANTHU An energetic nmn with modor * iitocnpltnlcnn inako limn $ -u'OJ tn $10- pOOajcarby becoming pnitnoror purchaser In an established mnnuinclurlnp enterprise. For turtbor paitlculars address , n. fu , lloo of- ( leu. 2iMl ; | ' OU SALU-Mcat market , with buildings , J' wagons , 3 hoisos ; good locution. H. r. lllngcr , ll N. 15th. 172 FOU SAI.i : Ono of the best Block iiirms within easy reach of Omiihn. If sold I Ills month would tiiko u house nnd lot aspartpuy- mont. Unllou II i OB. , U17 S. llltli st. Ifilfobl TIlOItSAI.i : The bust paying butcher business JInOmnUu ; One location. Address 11KI , IJeo Olllee. TJ1OII SAn-A deslrnblo business In farm Jmnchlnory , together with the business house and lot In n good town in control Nebras ka. Address , with stump , 11 U8 , Uoo , Oinnlm. _ _ _ _ _ _ 143-SO * BANK FOU SAI.K-A well rstabllshcd bank- luff business in Eastein Nobr.iskii , county peat ton n for saloj $12,000 capital roqulied. Address - dross H f > 3 , llco Olllco. ir.5-30 _ TTlt > K SALi : Hestnurnnt , n grout bmgnln.t-'CO. JD Gibson 4 : Archer. Hoom U , WlthncU lllock , , _ ; _ ; _ \m TTtOIl SALK Or oxchnngo The Jlorchnnts' J- hotel , n line now hotel In Qhadron , Neb. Iton- 1dl receipts now fi'ftlpol' month. Will sell or ov- chan o lor icslilcnco ii"ar business part of Onuiliu. 1'nrtlcs Hclllngdoslrc to Il\o In n Iniger cliy. Address , \V * . A. Langwortby , Chadron , Nebraska. pToit iXCHAN : 112 A 17,500 stock of dry X' goods for ' 5 cash ; baliiuco unlmeumbeicd iMiidorgood Omnha property. I'or o\cliungo A * 10OOOstOcK of dry goods lor K cash , bnluiico iinlinuiinibprod Inud or good Onuilmpropoity. Gibson , Ai-uhcr & Co. , Itoom 3 , Wlthnull llloct. _ ; _ 010 T71OU SAr.i : A paying nbn'spnpar business In J ? good Nebraska town j tirlcu , fx',001) ) . Otbson & Archer , Hoom ! l , WlthncU llloek. 891 Foil SAM3 A JO.OOO stock of goneial raor- clinndlso In n i npldly Krowing town con taining 1,000 Inhabitants nnd U rallioiuls , sltuit- ted lu ono of the best funning mid flock coun ties In Southern Ncluuskn. llnslnosslsthoo d- cst , location the best , and trudo the largest of any bonso In town. No bettor oppoitunlty can bo found for nny ono wishing to engage In nbovo business ) . Special Indiicomonts ollered purubaber. AVIII sell or rent building for full jmrticulnig nddicss General Moicliant. Uco ' unico. Omahn. _ 857-Sll TTAO.'t SAI,13-JIIlk Dairy , about ST. cows and JL ; ontllt. nnd land to leaso. D. L. Tbomas , KooniB , Ciclghton block. Ml TTioit SAI.i : lliudwnrj business In Omaha. JL ? Addicssll , 4'i 1100 Oillce. 7J2fobll FOU SAlin ThoCoinmrrclal Hotel at South llcnd. Nob. , pilco li.OiX ) : terms onsy. AU- arcss'J'Y. . F. , llox 15' , South Uond , Nob. Ci'l-foblO * hmou HALIJ-Or e.\chnngo Twelve hundred. 4nnil eighty neic.sot'Mo. , timber und grass land , lorty miles eiiBt of Kunsas City. As rich EOiliis any laud In the Mute , will htll all or pint nt III leen dolliiiB per ncro or will oxchangn for good lmpro\e < l or unimproved Ncbnukii land , jledfoi-d &J < u er 15.5 FOU SALK-n lots in Spring lllll , $4F 0 each. Also nu ( stiibllDhod banking business in No- brnskii , t-ounly seat. 0 Ibt on &Aichor , Hoom U Wltunell lllock Omaha. 223 LOST , OST Ou Thuibdny , Junuiiiy 88n Pointer Dogwhite , with tour llvor-oilon'd spolc. ' f' C'nmo to the city fiom my fiu in , Will pay Milt- nbloioniud. Wit. A. 1'AXTON , utPiLxton Hotel. i t T O.ST Ono blue und white greyhound bitch- 4-J Any infoimntlon lending to lecovory of tame will bo suitably rewmded. Q , W. Hoinmi , 1 ' < I3S. 13th st. 217-TiQ' LOST Ilotw oen Monlnmi St. nnd W. H. llnu- nutt A. CO.'N etore , ono luigo oil tank fiom our IJIKO delivery wiigon. Under will canlor j us n ln\or by leaving word nt our stoie. W. H. llonnoll A : Co. 113miij 115N. lllll St. 214-iM 4 1 OST A biitt-hol nonr Metropolitan hotel , L ; with papers and jewelry In It ; nNo ] > oekct- booli u lib inimo Mis. Win , ( iould , i'iiidor jiloaso ' ' ' rottiiii to thisollUo nud lecclvoreward , 2011 < * . BOAnniHo. * TtXTANTlll ) lly two young men , board and VT room centrally located ; iiccoiimiodutlons must bu Ilit-t-cti ) = fi ; be t ol leleieucos. .Mlilic.s.s II80 , lloo Olllco. lOS-leb ) ' T3OO.lI and board , $5 per week ; very bostlo- JLk cation. 1BH DavcnpottSt. lUiebl'J * PEEBONAI. . IJKItSONAL Notice the number of transfer ? niuilo in leal estute during thu winter montlis. Why nio these llilugs tlius'i1 Unless it oil account of thouvtiu baigahiR olliired ? Webiillove this to tie cxphilne.l und eunpro\o it to bi a liu-t. If j ou will cull nnd look over our Ibt ol Omubu CHy pioieily ) of all Kinds und ov- orywliiiie. Wo hue some olioleoiieio propei ty left and a number of peelul ih-.ils thut we ciin- nut ti.heitlfo. J. TJ. lllce , 12J2 I'm nnm. 218 10 I ) luso : > AL See Hot of special bnrgnlns in n iopi-opeityelty ; lots nnd improu-d ICMI- deuce propei ly , by J. L. Hlee , 1222 I'm mini St. , beloit ) putchilsiinsr ehewheie. 117.2U P ilf jou have any mopcrt ) lor bule list it with Uoo. 1 > . lIciniB , isth uud BU. 1 U. AHNOM ) . Oculht and Aurlstr ( > nioveil to lilt Donulns eticet. b"J KEAL ESTATE. lli)0 ) AND : r0nc.iy lmpio\ed itirnis wilhln $ 12 miles of Omnha ; f-Jfi per acre ; tliet-o uio \liarKalus. Olbsou i ; Archer , i-oom U Wlthucll M hAUS1IALL .Vs I.OUKt'K , it-nl estate huviia Iliuilbtof impioMil nnd unimproved lots lu Omaha ; uciub nt-ur tlieclly nnd hundicils jot thousands of iieies of land lor mlo ; coiui- fimiiUenco Hiliclted. Jluiohnll & l.obeck , 15Cd , Vnrnimi hliect. Olllco open till U p. 111. _ Ct | STOVE HEPAI113. . : W. C. Me tznorfitovo HcpalrCo. . 11) ) South miiBt. beUcen Dod o und IJouglHS. MIBCELLANEOUaT ' will be it-cclvcd foi-bulldiuj uix-h 21 ft , Imiff wl'le , 10 li'irh tin center ot'urth > trlflc or cut siocc. Address L , , box U > 1. LAIJins m irant of good domestic help can bo ruppllcd by calling on the Omnha Kra- plojmrntODlco , Hoom 4. DUshmnn's Ulock. Mrs. J. w. Morrison proprietor. li74 TOR SAIE-MISCEII.ANEOTJS. " _ _ ] roil SALK-Snnd nud grnvcl. 1'rnnk J. Kns- * par , 1422 South lltli st. iMfebST' T71OH SAM -C8 pairs Henley Hlnk Sknto , In J.1 good condition ; nlso lot of tools nnd repfilrs cheap for cash. W. F. 1'alno , Sidney , Nob. "T71OH weather f ti Ips. storm easb nnd doors , go JL1 to r. 1) . Mend U1 * S. 10th Bt. BOO TOOK sATi : Auction solo of tlftccn bed' , JU tweho hctitliifT Btotcs , two cook so\cs ! , carpets , wnih'tnmn , burenu , dMips , etc , nnd other nrtlcles too numoious to mention. Ucry - tiling to be sold without roccrva on Snturdny , tie ; uth < lny of Jiiinmry , at 10 o'clock , shnrp , on the S. 1 % corner of Uth nnd Capitol nvonuo. A. W. Cow nn & Co. , Auctioneers. 15J-20 IJMH HALK-4 lie h cow , 10th and Cnpltol 1 nve. Stock Ynnls. 141-SD * "IjlOUSAI.i : Two lots in rollinra 1'lncc.ono JU block from -street cat track , Inquire 213 P. 13th street. 535 HELP. WANTKl ) A girl for general housework Inaulio nfS42l llownt\l , bet. 1'lcnstnt nnd ' ' * WANTJUD A chambermnld a good , smart \v6mnn who iindcrMnnds the buslnovj thoroughlj- ; ages 14 pcrMoek ; apply between the houi-s ol 11 nnd 2 , "la Pnughu St , IPO W I ) A girl to do pciicinThomcwoik ANTKU-UIrl at 1718 Cass St. 170-30 \\MNTKIJ-A ooi > girl for ( tcncrnl honso- ? > work In nlumliyof two ; must Know how to cook : vnne < S4 iier week : references re quired. Cull nt Kdliolm & Krlckton's , opn. P. 0. 10T-3U WASTKU A nent , competent ghl to do bouscwotk lor smnll fnmlly. Apply nt llXWCnisstioot. WANTKO An experienced , cnpnblo nnd nent young womnn to nt lst In taking cnio of children and Oo second work. Call nt brick icslduncc , coiner of llth und Plorco. Mis. I ) . S. llnrrlgcr. nro-211 W ANTin A capnblo penant glil for gen eral housework. Apply nt 7IU N. 'd st. WANTKO Rood girls for crhcral houso- \\otk. Hoom IBusUmau lllock , ICIli nnd Douglas. 489 W IANTUU Olrlfor Rencrat bousowork. In- iiulro nt 107 South 14th st. 833 "l\7A > "Tii : > Olrls for general housework ; > > good places and Rood witgoss nlnces given ftco. Cull tit 11U luth st , Ncbiaslia Employment Agcney , Ciounco lllock. OSJ WAMTED-MALE HELP. ANTIfO linciffctlo men In cxory tounln W Nobriiskn to sell the llo s elolnesracks. Accnl * nro making trom K to ? 8 per day. I'or pnillc\iliirs \ call on or addre s V. O. Iiox7'17 , Lincoln. C. II. WHITMAN , 11 4 K elrect. WANTJI : > 5 cl nr imtknre , baid woikcw ; none but flrst-clno woiknicn need uii > ly. AdihcBs Gco. U.Oodficy.l'iemont.Neb. Iftl-tlS Vh-st cla s barber to go to work inimedlatelj'jbtondy work lor right man ; Inquliathis o\unlug between U and 7 , at lin N. llth Street. 8IS23 WANTUU Men nnd women to stnrt a now business nt llioir homes ; can bo done evenings and learned In im hour ; nny ncr.-on mnklng lo s than 10o to Mo nil hour should send lOont once for upnokngo of samples of goods , nnd'Jl uorklng samples ( formulns ) tocommenco on. Address Albany Supply Co. , Albany. N. V. Sfi7117 * SITUATIONS VTAITTZJD. ' \\7ANTin : fllrls wishing forgood places in > ' prlvnto families , botqls or bonullng liou- 8 sInundiics , cto.cau nlunys llnd thorn by calling at the Omaha Kniployiiient Hiucnu , 11"0 rainiim St. 'Jll ° \VANTii > Kinm Tub. Ut. position to travel ( speoliil line ] > iofeited ) ; t o roars oxporl- once in Nobrnsku , byjouug man ; A No. 1 rolcr- enco. Address 1) fc3 , llco Ollicu. H KiOa W , VNTKD An > uxpoiteuoed ) cook wants a position In aliotel or tostaUrant. Address UI3CEI.rANEOU3 WANTS. ItfANTKU Jlonrd in pilvnto family , near ? business center. Helercucea lecjiilrcd. 411 N. 17th. \T7"ANTnO To lent clllco room in business i > confer , west of 12th * treet. Addro s II . ! , I5oc Omco. 1MK,0 * FRENCH and German lessonseveningsby an OYpotloticed tcachor In eastern schools. Tuiius modui nto or In cxcluiujfo for boiud. Ad- diess 1) 84 , Ucu Olllco. 1SM " | X7"w\NTKD Hoom , by u young German T > toucher ; pay lu lessons. Addicss P. II. , 514 Spruce St. 210-lobl * Hy young man of expeilcnco , n position to post books < j\L'iiiKS | , urdo writIng - Ing nl uny Kind n few liuurs ouch evening. Ad- di u = s 1 * . A JL , Lock llox , 1507 city. 15.1-'ifl * ron UENi-nousEs AJTD LOTS. "IT1OU HUNT Now liouso with 6 looins.chtern - - anil well. Itiquheat iaU Uiuonport rt.ln basement. 21l'-30 TTIOU HUNT Seven-room house , 1Mb and JL1 Mailhaf-t8.$15. A. 1' . TukuylUOtrnrn in. 181 " 71OU RKXT Two elegant houses , 10 looms JJ cnch ; water , gns and nil modern con\on- fence's ; > th and Douglas BIS. ; cnoh $10 per month. Hoggs & 1I1U. 18Jlub3 TTlOIt UKNl' Two stoio IOOIIH with nlco JJ duelling looms iibavo ut Lnowold's now block , head ot St. Clary's nvo. ITOfobl it ItKNT Deslrnblo rosidcnco modem conveniences , 111 fcoiilh 18th bt. ( between Douglas nnd Doilgo ) . JTV-3U I7IOH ltiNT 35-ncro truck furm , 2 good J3 houses. K. P. Hlnjfor , lit ) N. 15th. 174 FOU HUNT Several nouses In desirable lo cutions 1'ioin f to per month to 5U. llallou Hi os. , 317 S. Ulth bt. lOOfubl " 171OU UINT : Cottngo. 7 looms , burn. etc. Jt ? Cass St. , near 20th. 1' . T. Andrew , U12 N. luth Stioot. JKNT Throo-rooni house , Oth & Dodge. IJ1OU HiNT 0-roomcottage , 830S , 21htBt. U ll'Jlebt ' * TTiOH SAI.i : An established grocery business Jv , lu Omaha doing $5,000 biiblnoss n month ; capital io < iufrcd. ( I.OOJ. Also n block of dry goods doing good business in Omaha. Capital icqulrtd , SU'.IM ) . OibbOii , Aicher It Co. , Hoom 3 , Withnell lilock. TfOU ItKNT Stoio , 3U3 North 13th Bt. ( House oraioomsS'd and liar rOHHKNT neytJU liuiulrool Jlount i ; Uilllln213 S 14th Slieot. USS TjlOU UUNT-Hoiibo , U rooms , $7. Q. K JJ Thompson , S. W. eor. llth mid Huiney. VW Foil itKNT 01 : r.iCAsn s room uou o on Howard St. ; 10-acro gaideu ulth 0-ioom liouso lulJolnliiK' city jSO-acio I aim , 17 miles est of Omaha ; 0 business lots on St. Maij's nvu. Apply to K. 1) ) . Chupinun & . Co. , 1217 ilonurd 8t. F I OK KENT llnscmcnt and bake oven. John Erck.OISN. IGtlibt. 7Kfnbll E-OH ItKNT Tinc-o Mouses ot 10 , 0 unit 4 1 looms each. J. Pnlpps Hoc. K5 OU ltrNT-Npw house nt ICiA ) Jackson st Apply nt Cunnliightun It Urouuun's , 1511 edge St. 1U2 ItKNT House belonging to the estate - of Judge Clindwit-k.WW 1'utk avenue. W.J , Council. _ an TOOK ItKNT Two iiu iv 6 mull ) roomed liousos ; J. furnace , balh loomuud all inudern conven iences , one block fioui etrcet cars , inquire Jo. 1Hurton , 314 25th St. , or BmoltlnuWoiksi. . b'S ) "IT'OH KKNT A floro room with good uolltir X1 IIWO Hurt etiout , Apply to Juan Uaa mar , KKNT " stores nn IHn and Leavonwoith 1JAO11 . 1 etore on boutu latliut. Hoth llrst-clasi InislneaS Iccutioni Also houses to rent. A. Mu ll avock. CM fOK KEST-KOOMB. 110H UCNT-l-unilsliod front lopm 4JlNoilh 17th Stieot. 10J TmoilKNT With 'or without board , two J. liniulsoint'ly f mulshed looms ; uiolerneon- \cnlcnco' . 17AJ Capitol live. lKb-30 * Felt UUM'-ruinisTied room , mulipdjiort. 178icbl7 _ jTou HtlNT-A llncly furnished "fiwitrooinT . Uospo'e. 151) Douglas. ITiteUl TOOK HiNT Newly furul > hotl huge room , X' large closet , for 6110 or two gunllemen ; prh - nto him so ; pleasant homo ; near buslnuss. 1015 Ciipltol uve. ll 5fel > 3 TTIOH HJNT : NjuTy fuuiUho'd uioiuS. 5i3 J2 Fnlrvluw St. , or25lti N Bt. Mary's A\o. IWKWp KKNT-Largo nlefly furnlahcd fiOnt room lib bomd. No , 711 N. IStU 1511t-b2 fjioit nr.NT-1 smalt room , f.nj JL1 f 12 per month , newly furnished , nt B3. ' 4 N. Utht. NT-rurnlshcd rooms , > OH ItKNT House with 10 rooms , city < vatcr J7 nnd gas , No. Kl ) North SCd street , Innulro ofl' . D. Cooper , 411 14lhgt..Clty. 105 OU HKNT Nicely furnished rooms five blocks ftom postofflco. 697 B. 1Mb 6L TT'OK ItKNT-nirnlshcd room. Inqiiliodrug 4. Btotc , lOth and Douglas , < * * ItENT omco nnd dtsk loom. I'renror POIl , cast P. O. Inquire Hoom 1. 6" rum HiXT : Largo furnished front room I 1 with closet , also back room. 1713 tail for ma st. 7U3 TOOK HUNT Two Bulls of 4room1 - ; each , JL ! Pierce street between IPth nud 2Ulh. Kit- qulro llth und rarnam. r. Moehlo. 533 ItKXT-Kurulshcd rooms. SZt N' . inth. "ouTtKNT-rurnlshod iwwilnrnoy F - rooms * i.ii ron SALS-HOUSES . . 2 house * S - - - . lot , , story cnclijlCtli street , Kountro & Hutu's add ; T4'j ' < X > ; nbnignln. K. T. , Peterson A Co. , , Cor. IBth and Douglas St. SOP-30 T7 OIl SAI.K 2 lots 6x110,2 houses,7 rooms , J : onclincnr IStb.f .iiOO. I/o'jiOxloW. liouso , rooms , near 18th , f S.ncO. Lot GOviiJ ; , lidusoV rooms , Dint St. , $ . ' > ,0i. Lot OOxltsbouseS loomsCnpltol n\e.5PCO. Lot 4Uili.i , liouso 7 rooms , Aiinstroiig s iW. , $3,700. Seveial houses nnd lots , Improvement \sso- cintlon , nl bnririilns. _ Ixitaiixlit ! , liouso" rooms , Hnrney sl.t4,000. 2 lot , llniney st. , near Sdtli. f 2,8r > i ) . Dcslrnblo piopoity neiir blah tclioolat bar- K'Vos ' ? In Marsh's add. , $1,009 to * 2,100. Lots In llnntliorno , (4Xl ( to S7f > o. A line selrctlon of cliy and suburban pioporty ulnu\8 on liunJ. 1"J K. r. Illngor , 119 N. 15th St. FOli SALK-lCOncics beautiful land , 4 miles from center of Hnnscom 1'nrk , only ? > per aero. Cnn bo subdivided nnd closed out Inldo SO days at$125 per acre. Cochtau llio" . iVCo. , 1500 rnrnnm st. irvao IjlOll SALT : Xo. ! TO 2lnrR-olot''nnil51iouf03. J rents tor $ l.r per month ; $8WO ( ; this Is clicap. IX T. I'etc-rtoa & Co. . loom a , S. 11 Cor. 15th nnd Douglas St. SOI-ao SALtf 1'nll lot , Cfi.\13J feet , on lover FOK rarnam st. II sold soon , UOUO. Would tnlto ono-linlf In good Onmlm invpurty. Coolirnn llros. k Co. , 1500 I'lUniini 81. lu.MO iNVJ TIOATION will COIlVlllCO you tlmt Jt Newport Is thoncflicstaiidlinndsomcst aero piopoity foronly fawn lot ; Intcicst nt 8 per cent , bee Newport nnd bo convinced Tills Is too tlmo to buy aero lots , spiing price villbo higher. Ames , 13U7 I'm num. l'IB ' I S.VLU-Uuy n lot n West Cutnl'.n addi tion. S78 FOKSAT.I : Uyi'oiter&Coob , 1515 rninum St. , 1 lot InVest Und nnd at $800. K lots lu Shlnn's 3d add nt $725 cnch. A towcholte lots In Mat-Mi's at Sl.bOO cnch. Lot GBvltflon Uth,3 blocks from im\emout , onlvflNX ) . Fine acioiii GclsosnddflCOO. -'ol the cheapest lots in 1'laluvlow , onlySIM ouch. TJ1 771OU SATi-No , 3U-Lnrgo lot.i room house JJ with fiult tices. etc ; I'mker'n adds $ l,7oO. U. T. Peterson X Co. , loom 3 , S. U Cor. 15th nnd Douglas bt SOKW d 4.a5 pcrnciolor uchoice eoctton of land in tpContuil Chejennu countj' . il.u porncro , cash balance 0 yciu s tlmo , U per cent interest ; a line clmncx lor liivetlmouU W. F. 1'nlne , Sidney , Ncbi-nslia. N HWI'OIST Nearest , best ncio lots , ivuclied over loel road. Tliu nuni est ncro lots ocr sold in this inaiUet. Piloo. MM ) per lot ; on easy tcnns ; 8jerecnt interest. These lots will double in value lu next III months Ames , 1507 I'm nam. PI" TTlOIl Choice lliirgalns in real estate , call at the JL ? oillco ut thu Omaha Heal I tatu & Loan Co. , looms - ' nnd'J Withnell llulldiug Oinnhtu 7GS TTiOK SALE-No. \ 2 houses of Band fl rooms JJ uach lu block 1SI ( uotiier ) ; rents for $30 per month ; will bell cheap. U , T. I'etoiion i Co. , Hoom U , S. K. cur. 15th and Douglas * 1U5-30 7 011 SALU-160ncies bdauttllil lotid.i'mllcs ' -17 fixjm center of Hnnscom 1'nVk , only $ " " per acre. Can bo bubdlvldod and'olOJoJ out Inside UOda siit $125 per aero. Cdchran'llros. ' & Co. , 1509 I'-urmun st , 153 ) T71OU 8ALi : Full lot , C3\1JU feet , on lower JP rainain st. H fcold soon , J.-J.OOO. Would tiiko one-half InuoodOmnbu property. Cochran Bros. & Co. , 15JU Fnrnnm st , IK-JJO F | ; SALi : Alow choice lots In Lotto's ad- L ! dltlon f loin $375 to $550 , Abe houbo nnd lot $050 , on onsy terms. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Tar- nnm St. 731 FOU SALU-No. 329-Larjo lot and 2 liousos ono ot 13 looms and one of 3 looms , IMh St. . Horl > ach's add. .rents for $50 per month , $3 , " > 00 , This is suiely a bnrguln. K. T , I'etvrson Ar Co. , Hoom 3 , S. U. cor. lOlli nnd Douglas sts. 19S-30 FOU SAI.E-A te ROOd lots In Hillside NoT ono on Davenport und Chicago st1) . . cheap at,50 to J950 oacu. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fur- nnm Bt. T37 FOUSAT.K Corner on I'ttrnnm. two blocks lioin court house , $12,50J. GiuhnuiCielgh- ton Ulock. ' /JO FOU SATfNo7l0.52 iUBO ! ioTsT"OOxlSJ , liontlng on 3 sticcls , with 7-i oem house , barn , vie. , Shull'b 1st add. , SJ00 , II sold in n few diiy * . This Is Ilioblsgest bin sain of all. K. T. Peterson & Co. , Hoom 3 , S. U. cor. ICth aud Douglas tig. 1D.1-30 _ 17 OU SAM : Full lot OUtUS feet on lower Tar- JL' nam at. If bold soon , S-.OiK ) . Would take oiio-hiill in good Omaha piopoity. Cot-bran Hi os. & Co. . 1MJ Farnnm st. 15MU _ A3IKS , 1507 Farnam St. Lots In HcdIeU's Orovo . $800 Ames 1'lneo . 250 Oak Chatham . OX ) 1'liilnvlow . f > 50 Claiciidon . l' .V ) Aillngton . M ) .Moii-uao nut . : M > Pjutl'ssuli-dlvlsloa . 050 rtjndlcaiol'liien . 400 lionvenworlli Tvi race . 4'l ( Ilnrkiilow I'laco . Oil ) Newpoil . 'Ml Cotollillllunto . 171 Hyde I'ark . IV ) Lymnn 1'lnco . , . tiUJ _ til5 _ _ Amos , 15U7 I'm num. JTIOU HALK No. 311) ) 1'ull lot , 8-ioom hon o , JL1 nil modern linprovoments , ncnr Ocoiplu a\o. , Iliuibfoni PJiu'o , $3.350 , n baigaln. 1-T. 1'eteiPun & Co. , Hoom 3 , S. . cor. intli und Douglas sts. 20'-30 ) BKl.VHDHKK-AdJolmng the barracks on the not th , Ims the ndvuntugu on nlco level dilvcwuy , bcuutltul locution , Hue views , mid ovcrylhfiig else that goes lo mnko up u splendid place lor u residence , fee llelvixlorc. It Is clipap propei ty , und no mistake' C. U. .Mnyno , B. W.t-or 15thand l-'ainum. 6CU Tioit " HAM : oit TitADK-Spccini iiuignln 5" : - ' / . let 51'i.\iu ' ; , Heed'at i'iiht nda. , on CRpliol Hill , together with ll-ioom voiy good burn , or w III tiudo for ueio propei ty. J. L. Hlco , 12 ± i I'arniini st. 14V3H Ijum SAI.i-No. 115 Full oor. lot und 2 1 houses , IMill hhurlduu bt. , $1,00. ) . K. T. I'otciMin A : Co. , Itoom 3,8. K. cor. 15tb aud Douglas sts. HU-UO TTlOKSALi : imncies beautllul Innil , 1 mles | J. lioni center ot Hiui < < com 1'nik , only (05 per ncio , Cun bo subdivided ami cloned out inslilu no days nt $125 per ucio. Coeln an llros. & Co. , 1,7/j I'ariiuni ht. IKNIO 17\OH \ KALI : At n bargain. Fine business -1 } piopcityonS. iJtli , WxIBJ ft. This can bu bought lor f2tOO ld s tlmiiactunl viiluoif taken nt once. If you want un in\estmetit look ut this. Cochraii Hro'b & Co. , 15W ( Furnmn St. H45 FOK SAI.i : No. IIS Corner lot i.itb nnd Cen ter. Miiull house , buslnubs property ; u bur- Kiilii ; 1'JXJ. 11 T. I'eleraun i ; Co. , loom 3 , S. K. Cor. 15th and Douglas bt , 197-JO T ov < sm-.v * WILIU : JJ No. ill-Lot 6wI15,3 blocLs north- neat of 1'nrk , now8-1 oem house , with , closets , butluoom , niunllo , giatcseel- lifr. eUteinuiidoutliousCb , tuo'teuns.$3nOO 00 No. 115 IjOt und nine room house on Cnpltol lllll , with will. cUtorn , hliude trio utc 4 5,0)000 No.20J 2 loU iiiThornburgl'luco.terms to biilt , each 4DO 00 No. BID Lot in llnrtlett's mid 1.05J ( JO No. 101 l < ot MilJ"J HUU&COIII I'laue , , cheap , I.IWOO No. 20r > Lot on Virginia nva.eut > t front l.ltw U ) No. 102 ltit eutt of Turk , easy terms. . Jli0 00 No.20.l.'oruer lot In HuwtUoiu add. . . t&l U ) No. 3o2 5 ueies In llouliclil. j > cr acru. . . . 260 It ) "J ucros near Byndlcnia Hill , per aero. . . 210 0. ) rxits In Wnlnnt Hill , , I to 7 ( u ixjlhin West Ciimlngudd 275totyOUO JxiU J blookb north of Walnut Hill ou Hell line fSM to * 303 00 If you me thinking of luvuxtlnir.CJll uud Inok .o\orour lists and MU Mill luke jouimt. Ixiv- t/ien < V WiUu Hoom 10 , Gramto lllock. 112-uo TT OH SAM : Choice lots in Suunders and 1 Illiuebaugh'g , Pullmm Plate , Heed's 1st , WiuniiUIIU , Chuk 1'fui-o ! Iluntco'in Pluco , S. H. ' lUvt'r's , llottery Hill , OAalionnt , uUo in thu old ell ) proper , In fuel , everywherelit ptlccs'iitid on K'lina that nio bound lo ploasa 3011. Conio In and prdvo it. Stoc-Ldalu fi lllimlior. 1511 DouuebU FOR SALn-HO.OOO id per cent dividend pnilnpr Mock Gibson * Archer , lloora 3 , Wltunell Hloclti if 439 PATRICK'S. nndilloti on SnumTen street Is the cheapest mopprtr In tunt part of llio cur * Street carii ruii through this Addition. School * nro convenient , business reaches It on two sides for coittcnlenco nnd Jcslrnlilo local ity Patrick's Rililltlon lins many advantages. Cnl nnil Investigate. Lots only f700 to $ X ) each. C. E. Slnj-no agent , S. W. cor. 15th and Kornnm. [ _ &yi FOH SALK-Np. OOCO-Wo Imvo vncnnt lota In nnjr part of tlm city tlmt we will sell nt n discount , it soM Iq n fuw days. i : . T. 1'eterson * Co. , room 3 , S. E ; Cort. 16th und Douglas St. i 03-30 _ TTIOHSAM ; iarV'o house and 3 nicely clovn- Jted lot * in Slilnn'B 2d add , Watt Also flno f-ronincil lion o oil Clni K street , nicely clovnted lot , 5,000. Gibson & Archer , Itoom 3 , Withnell lllock. 4to T7IOH SAi.n-Choleofi orlO ncro trncts , 4 miles southwest fromcotut house , IH miles from JunetlonofU.lMiy , nnd Holt Line , and 1 tnllo from Stock Yimls. Lies well : nil \mdcr culllvn- tlon. Cnn bo bought lor $175 nnd $ .100 per ncro , If sow Boon. Cheapest property In vicinity. 1'ottiT & Cobb , 1515 Hnrnnm St. 735 TO.OK SAM-No3ll-irouso : of C rooms , lareo ' -L' lot ; Just west of high school : S3.GOO. K. T. Peterson & Co , room 8 , § .U. Cor.lBth nnd Uiug- Ins StrcrU 204-3J j Gttki.HTVOOlicautinu nero nnd hnlt ncr j lots , line locntlon , 3 < 4 mlles from I' . O. , only few _ moments walk from Hnuscom 1'nrk. Aero f W. HiiirncrcsJ25,10 percent cash , bnlHnco monthly payments. C. E. Mnyno , S. W. cor. 15th nnd rammn. 4TJ TJ10KSALB-A two story , SJxS ! ) , frame buuT J-1 ln , siiltab oforn store , near 10th ami Far- namSta. Applyattuls ottloe M7 -No 3-a Pull lot , Kountzo's 3J JU nda. : peed IIOIKO awl tmin , fmlt ticos , etc. M.SOO. K. T. I'etcr on 4 Co. , loom . S. U Oor. loth nnd Douglas St. 1WKW BKM KDUUK-Acro lots nt f3W to $350. Knell -will make yon 75 to 100 per cent pront be fore next Now Year's day. C. E. Mnyno , solo ngcnt.a W. cor. 1,1th nnd.rnrnnm. 639 TjlOU BALK A general incrcnandiso business , " ' n , l'l < lly growing town not far from Lin- coin. Host trndo nnd locntlon In town. A splen did opportunity lor n party wishing a. good opening , nnd having from sovcn to ten thousand dollars in cosh. Will soil for cosh only.or part cash , bniimco rent estate in Oranhn. Address Merchant , Uoo Olllco. K5 ! T71OK SAMS-No. 101 .Vroom . house , small lot , - * - ' 17th , near Webster st , $2,400. Will tindo for vacant lots , R.T. I'etoibon , Itoom 8 , S. 13. cor. luth nnd Douglas sts. 2o.VW : IpoitbAl.K l.mgoaim small stock ruuohcs 1 with or without stock. Tor Snlo-3 lots In Spring Hill , $150 each. lor Snlo Kstabllshed banking business In Ncbinskn , county scut. Gibson & Archer , loom 8 , Wlthncll Ulock. I'oi ENclmngo Nebraska fnrnis for Omaha piopcrly ; also lands to oxebnngo for stocks ot goods. Wnntod ,1 business lots for cash within 4 blocks ot postolllco. Tor K\olimiBU lco ncro Improved fnrm.Mndl- son county , Nub. , for house and lot In Omaha. lorbalo AB-aoro triiut 4 mile" of postolllco : house cost f. UOfor $ 1,500 onsh.Glbson&Archcr , Itoom ! 1 , Wltlincll lllock. Uii If on MALK-Xo. 107-Full lot nnd 5-room 1 liouso , I'rospcct I'lnco. monthly payments , 51.600. K. T. Peterson If to. , lloomU.S .11 cor. 15th and Douglas s.ts. ) ( i-30 W1.bTSI R-Stntlonon Lcnvcnuorth street will bo the junction ol the Mo. Pnc. nnd licit Lino. Lots pnich ed theio now will 10- turnn handsome prollt to the buyer In a very Blioit time. Hull ApJlcCanJIIsh uua C. E. Mnyno , solo ntronts. tQi ul 555 FOKSALK-HouVontUllot2l3 S2IHU st.oheap ; nnd nnymonls/ ' Address C. S. Chlpmuu , Lin coln Neb. ' ' * 571 ; -No. lO--d'-ull lot in block 1 , Hnns- com 1'iuco , il-room Houo , pantry nnd closet , $1,300. 13. T. Pctorson L Co. , Itoom U , H. 11 cor. 15tliund Douglas sts , 207-30 J710K 8ALK IlyClK Vlor Jj Thomns & ! Uio. , JL' loom 8 , CrolRhtoii bluolc : 200 foot on rnrnnm 6t.SOM W\150 ! , B , w. cor. A7th uud Center , SS.OM. 50\150. IlaiiscomfPlaceV S7CXJ 9lots C0xl37 , on Hiunlllpii nnd Charles 8ts , fCOO to StOO , U blocks wqt ofponvont , , KU14S , cor. Clmilos nna fcth sts. , $700. S3\15I , ulth house nnd Var/i , jiiear 20th nnd Center , $1,150. Very cheap ; sm.ill payment ; balance monthly. / ; a .r > 0\l4'i , nth nnd Charles , ivlth house of 3 looms , well , eto. , 5liKX ) Wo think nil thonboio larK.ilns. Cell for torms. Dexter L. Thomas & Uro. , Itoom 8 , Crolghton mock. ' fiJJ -poit SAL.U liy C. E. Mayuo. : i40 riill lot , smnll house , Wllcox add. , $750. aio 1'ull lot on Lcavennoith St. , now house , nil modern conveniences , JH.WO. 33 ! ! l t on KuriniiH Ht. nonr 25th St. , house 9 rooms , nil modern impiMVcmcnts , $7r)00. 330 T o lots , two houses , 20th ncnr Howard , 321-l.o't U'xl3lSouth 20th st , good house , $1,553. Monthly payments. 320 Lot HMxSM , fiontlnptwo ptrccts , nlco cotta - ta o tiiclng Ila com Parl ; , $4,8X ) . 310 Handsome lot , nlco cottngo 7 it > ems , Geor- piR avo.M,000. 314 Lot liOxlJ , ' , igth nnd Harnoy , liouso 7 rooms f 4,000. 99 Three ncros , peed house , fruit , etc. , Lcav- nnworth fct. , f J.riOO. 200 Full lot , t\\ocottiijfO % Shlnn's add. , $2 50. JSJ6 House 7 rooms , east Iront , beautiful loca tion , Hnnscom Place. fJ,50J. 221 Klopnnt residence 10 rooms , two lots , flno locution , every posslblo conionlence , $11,000. 19V-Corner lot , nlco cottnpo fi rooms , one block oil Suundcre St. , f , ) , OU. 193 Hnndsomcst cottapo Jn Omahn , 5 rooms , bcautllul lot , Georgia mo. , Jil.SW. 173 Lot UUxl40 , house 4 rooms , South 13th Ft. 53,200. 160 Good liouso 6 rooms , full lot. Ulckoiynnd 10th , $1,700 ; very chenp. C. E. Wayne , S. W. cor , 15th and r-'iiriinui , BW FOUSALi : Flno cornjr lot , cast nn < l south Iront , Ilanseoui I'-uco. W. T. ( jiuhiiin , Crolgliton lIock. 712 T AND SKIKIKS : : , ATTINTIO.V For full J-Jpirtloulnrs about free and cheap lauds In Western Nebraska address Thos. C. Patterson , it. North I'latto Nob. 3:15 : oil Cholco Imrpnlns In ioal at the ollloo of the Omaha Itenl K-tnto & Uiun Co. , oems J nnd 2 ; ) , Withncll llulldlng.Omuhu. 7W FOU SAM : A full corner lot on Ciimfng Btieot and fl room house ; splendid hiKlnots piopeity. Cunningham A : llieiiiian , 1511 Dodjio. ' n-A full lot in Mlllard I'lnco , cn t -U front. Will bo sold cheap. Cunlnplmm & Hrennan , 1511 Dodge. "I71OU .SAM- : ; ) lots In Hoyd's uddltlon , J.MO -U oath. Cunningham i ; Iliciiiian , 1511 Dodge. FOH L'AI.i : Its in Ciinnfnghnm fc Ilien- mill'snddlllon , W50 ; $ JOensh , liulant-o f 10 u month , Cunningham it llreniinn.lMl Dodge. AS I nMJTON 111 LI. is the best mid cheap- e tneio property. Cnmilnglmm & , Hieu- nun , 1511 Dodge. 'jno will buy u lot' In Cunningham & llren $ nan's uddltlan ; monthly pu ni'lits , & Hrenuun'H ndd SKKtholotslnCiinnlnglmm nml compnio pike nii'l ' loo.itIon with tlmt of uuy other addition. A CItU LOTS lu Wilbhniltou ( Hill. i ] FOU HALK A aod ainer lot mid 2 honsos. 20tli uud Chnkn. bar nlu. Cuniilnghnin k Hreiinnn. . ) KUEHL , MA01STEH OF KAL lV9TBUV AND CONDI TION ALIBT , aoSTeWUi Srreot , between Farnam nnd Harnoy , wIU.(1 ( vilII,1Sho uld of guardian spirits , obtain for"iny * ( one a ghmco in the past nnd present , and of-cortnln conditions In tholuture. Hoots and i-'ioo.s mada to order , 1'crfect s tlsfuctloiijjuiyJntuo.l. ( . TWO ACUEJ S. S. VAN BEUREN. 106-108 S , 14lh St. FRUITS andFLOWERS _ Thooo desiring110 putout IVult or OrimiiH-ii- tnl'lrcoj , Miriihs , I'iunU ami Vines , will Uud it groutlv to theJrlntciestto consult 1 ! . L. 1'inory , by letter or in pureon , U teguril to Kind , ( juallly utidpiU-o , lieloiooiilernnrot uu > one. Uiders should hu given carl ) . Oilito UjO Ilurney ct. , icsldence , XU J'urimm fct. / E. L. EMERY. Change ot Time. Commencing Novejiifacr Si , Hurllnglon IlouUt C. , H. &Q. H. H , ) train for Clpcugo and St. Louii leaves Omaha depot 'H. 4sM , H. H.ut ) 0 p. m ' Through ekopcrs , couches und diuliiir car. No transfer. . HAHHV DL'UCU 1 Ticket Ageut , 1321 Fuiuaiuyt. . LIST. List of loiters remaining uncalled foi at the postofllco for the weekending Jan unry S9 , 1880 ; GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Moyers Mis J L McDonald Mi M Moon ) MlnsX MomltT-MisE Milli'rMiss.lB MeadyMisll W Manning .Mi G M.illnnnfl \T ' - * MUuloi'kMi.sJ Mnu-.iv Mis A McCt-uMisS McCiiuiyMlssMA McCoiiiii'lly Miss It x * t i M IiT i1 Kiiiiiiin Mrs G . .MIS OstiniuU'i'Mi-sWMU ( ) ! ( " .oi ) Miss Ij Peilty ill JM I't'IsOII It MlbS IVnyMipDJl Pod Miss L J'tlcwMlssMK Pc-etMbs B MisJ Itl htliaur.\IrsN ItclcliailMibS M Jlub cll Mis.l a aiiniifon M Scott Miss M IM. * . . . "M. . XT' hhc-Ucu Mis F iSmocI ; Mi It Smith Mis fctipill Miss J fa'ai-kett Miss U J Ta > lorG-'J Teiun * Walvoitiiu Mi LL U'omlti Jilis ! ' Wallvi-rMlssM Khllo JIi.sV \ Wi-bbMlh-.E \V \ on Mm M A ' A S MATTEIt. It A M aihh G Faiih ' ( E l'i-iry-2 WTBrnbililKO TRADE FACTS ASD FIGURES The Support Given Wheat Scattering and Unorganized. SCALPERS RUN THE MARKET A Corner hi Onts Semis the 1'rlcc Up 2o I'rcnlslon * Ucpai'tcil But Moil- crntcly Aotlvo-lilvo Stock nntl Qcucrnl Iteports. CHICAGO OKA1X MAltKET. CHICAGO , Jan. K . [ Special TcloRiam ] WIIIIAT Wheat Mas lower to-day , nud the preponderance of talk was bearish. Cables vtcro dull. Millers nud Hour merchants 10- ported an absence of orders nnd n glut In the sea boaid nnd Intel lor markets. Local statU > tcnus ! do not anticipate nny dccrcn o In the \ Islblo supply this \\cck to exceed 760,000 bushels , for the icason that the advance checked tlio outgoing movement to n con siderable c.\tunt , The gossips have It that the local professionals "woilipd" the long sldo of the maiUct for a turn have sold out on the ciowd and are waiting for some lueak of magnitude before taking hold again. The support given the wheat maikct wns scnttcilng Local business was Held , nnd the inn of outsldo ordcis not being heavy quiet settled down , the scalpers running things to suit themselves. Wheat opened 'fc , soltl down * ( c , rallied ? e , dropped We , advanced ? e nud closed nt 10 o'clock & @Kc lower than yesterday. Mi.N'oit GnAiN'S Corn was Inactive but firm. Scalpels did a light business within the nairowcst possible HmlU. Shortly be fore 1 o'clock the bell tapped and n great Sputlcitng attracted attention to the localitj assigned traders In oats , and In a very shoit time a ciowdliad gathered about thu place. It Nvas soon tlmt Lamson Bios. , had "u coiner In oats. " They bid tlio nrlco of Januaiy oats fiomSOJ.fc to 32Kc , where It tested all o'clock. Pnovisioxs The hog product wns moder ately actUe and slightly lower. Cash Hade Is only lair , and speculative business Is not cnllicly satlslaclory In volume. Ai'ir.n.vooxUoAnn-Wheatwasratliercas- ler on the nftei noon board , but only a shade lo\\cr. Coin was Him , and January oats ad vanced Kc , closing at We. 1'iovlslons weto Him , and a shade better pilces weio obtain able. able.W W p. m. Puts on May wheat , So c ; calls , CHICAGO ijIVM STOCK. CIIICAOO , Jan. 20. [ Special Telcgiam.J CA.Tri.n-So far as prlmo steers were con cerned there was llttlo or no chango. There were only a few loads of such , nnd but few \\anted. Good and useful steers weio lu fair demand and weie making about the same ptlces as ycstciday. Medium and common cattle weie In heavy supply , and aboutevery salesman Intel viewed reported a dull maikct , and lOglSc lower than for any day this w cck. This class of stock continues to lose irom § 1.00 to S1.25 per car. Nice tidy Xcbiaska steers have the mefcicnco with bnycia for llio dicsbcd beef tiado. .Such will command a piemium of nnywhcio from ICc to IScnor bundled over castciu Iowa or Illinois steeis of the same averages. Low grades of can ning stock weio quoted n shade lower , but fair lo good cows aud hclf- cis are yet selling equally as well * s at nny time dining the week. Light llttlo stockers are accumulating In the hands of speculators , and'there aio no buyers heio this week for that class of stock. Ship ping stccis , 1U50 to ir > 00 Ibs. S4.75@5.75 ; 120D to ir : > i ) JbJ , S3.T5-3.00 ; 030 to 1SOO Ibs , S3.a7@ 4.K. 4.K.Hons Hens With the fresh anivals there weio mound about 5,000 on sale , the great bulk of which \\ciecoinmon and mudluui light , nnd neaily all light and common medium sold a liig 5c ofl , and In some cases JOc. The quality In a general way is poor. Prime heavy bold nt S-l. > @I.'Ttlio same ns yesterday. Good packing borts sold at S1.10 , nnd common pack- § 3.05. Hough odds and ends sold at FINANCIAL ! . Now York. Jan. 80. MONEY I- } per cent , Foiir.ioN EXCUA.NOIC BILLS Dull but steady at S tsT for .sixty days , ami 54,80 lor dcmniiu. ( iOvnitXMi.VTS : Dull , but steady. ij-iocics Stocks weri ! a llttlo uioro active. While tlio movcnii'iitns boineuhiit iiiegu- lar thu maikct continued to ox hi bit abtiong nnduitonu. News dm Ing the day was of an impoitant chaincler , unit the maikct closed comp.natively steady. STOCKS ON WALT. STJIRUT. Wccnt bonus. . . 100 > iC. iVsiN. W U. S.-il s 112 ! * ) moron-oil. . ISO New 4'sllMJfi.V. . V. 0 lO'.ij 1'acilicO'hof ' 00. I'-'ti OrcKou Tmn. Central I'acilic. . 1'aei lie Mull P. , I ) . piefcircd. . . . C. , Itock Islnnn. . . 1) . , L. & W L. JvH. K. . . fcll. G pick'iicd. Eric mj'jC.M. i\sSt. \ P. . . Dljj pieleiied. . . . .12 > JI piufur Illinois Central. . 110f St. P. & O I. . 11. &W 2'iM picferieu. . . ifeTexas. 2 ! ) Texas Pacilic. . . b-W Union P.icihc. . . j r t ' ' W. , St. I , , te I" . . NHcli/Gonfral. ! . . prcfeued. . . 1 ! ) Mo. Pacilic Westeiu Union. 70 Northciu 1'ao. . . 2 O. N 101 pii'fened. . . . Clilcajo , Jan. 2i. ! Flour Quiet nnd unchanged ; winter wheat Hour. fr4.40.l.b5 ; Routhctn , 8-.UOi ) ( i.U.5 ; Wi.scoiihlii , S4.Vti.7.'i ) ( | ; Michigan soil spiing , S'f."OC'41.03 ; Mln- iesot.i bakeib' , si.M : ) ( ' * . &u : patents , & 4.ii.y.7 > 5.0U ; lye iloitr , S3.iO : ( ! .CO in b.iiiels , @ : MO in sacks ; buclavheat Hour , SUW l.GO icr baiid ; K.OO per u1. 1. in hacks. Wheat Lew nctho and WIMKCI * ; opened MGcMa lower , inled linner , declined 5fc , allied ; 'sf , paseiloll'aud lliictnaled within n small ningi1 , finally bt'camo Him , nnd closed < a lower ; fcO fbl o tor rash ; bO'ftf/ibO'ic ' or Januai-j1 ; NJj4o for Fcbiuary ; WKQibOo Coin Weaker and Miphtlv lo > vnr ; closed { o lower lor May. and K < 3tfo ! lower lor leaier dollvi-ile-i ; : ljrfc for cusli ; U'lXe ' fur Junnaiy ; JSO'&CJ ' 'fo I"1 J'cbiuaiy ; 4U , ' @ OWeloi May. " Oats-Dull" ; May declined J e ; 31 ( < ! ! ! 2fl for cash ; : M > o lor January ; " 'Jj lor Tubuiaty ; Jle lor .May. Ityo Quiet at f.Sc. JJ.nlev DullatiiOc. Timothy Steady and not mateilally changed ; pilmo , 81.81. Klavseed ( Jnotiibly otcady nt yestcidny'js n Ices ; No. l.l.ia > tf. Whisky Si.I" . 1'oik Steady ; declined 5@10o onhoio ange , nnd closed roiupaiativply stt-aily ; 510.7V < flONJ lor caih ; &lu.i x fO.Mj $ lor innimry and 1-Vbruary ; Sll.O'xail.or , lor i.aid Easier ; declined S'jg.'ic , and closed quiet ; 50.07Ww .l ( ) lor casn , Januaiy ami 1 cbi nary ; SiLitt ) < itfl.'Si \ or May. Bulk > leats-S'liouldeib , 5.rx ! < M.OO ; fcliort clear , S5.o.i.rr.7 ( . ( > ; uhoit ilbss.'WT'jWVuO. { ' . Uullci Weaker ; good to oxtni cic.uueiy , 20C < < : Kc ; good tolancy dairy , l-r > Q4-Jiic , Clieese Finn and steady ; lull en-am died- dnib. O'/c ' ; ilutri , UJ4@9 ( i ; young Amuilc.M , KirKs-bull , weak and lo\\cr at 15 ? HUlo * Unchanged ; pait cuu'd , No.'J country-lc ; cako-Sc. HecotuU Shipments. Flour , huh WK . 7uw Vheat.lm , . 11.000 21.000 Com , mi , . . , . . , i'W.00. . ) iT.ooa ) at.lU Wm ( ! noop tje.bti , . . , . , . 2.00J l.oo'J Sl',000 ' St. ljouiuJnn.20.-\Vheat-Dull iiud'4' i e JovcrsNo. . a'ltnl. cat.h , Die ; . Januaiy , Ulc Coin Ku'sy and a bhado'fov\cV * f "ilife , . . . . . . . , January ; 83Yc , Fcbru- r&ats-Qu'let4andeasy ; No. 0 mixed , cash 2c ; May , HPii&ttl Oi Hyp tiOe bill. Whlsky-SUO. Poik-SteadyatSll.OX Lard Easy nt § 5.40. Butter Unchanged ; creamery , dairy , IfifiJ'JI , Afternoon Hoard Wheat -VcflVc lower. Corn A shade easier. Oats \ \ cnfc nnd J < o lower. Toledo , Jan. OS. Wheat Closed a shade easier ; cash , OUfQWiVc , Coin lnnctl\e ; cash , 83) ) 0 , Oats-Dull ; cash , 31c. Liverpool , Jan. 20. Wheat Fair it. ninnd ; new No.2winter , 7s IJJdsteady ; ncC Ao. 2 spiing , 7s2d , liim. Flour Poor demand nnd dull. Coin Fair demand ; old mixed , -is 7 tfd , dull ; now mixed , January , Febiuary nnd . .MarchIs l > sd. dull. Now Orleans , Jan. 2R Corn Quiet nnil steady. Oats-Qulct. Gornmeal S3.2.y 3. ! > o. Hog Pi oducts Steady nnd In good de mand. KmiHniGlty , Jan.29. Wheat Unsettled ; cash , 72 bid , T-J 'c asked ; Match , 7-lc bid , 74\casked ; May. 7SC.WKC. Coin Weakei : rash. STo bid , 27e asked ; Fobtnaiv.27lt'Mfc , ! : ! ; March , SJSJtfc bid , 29o nsked ; May , ; il\c bid. Oats Nominal : no quotations. Now York. Jan. 20. Wheat-Hecclnls , 1,700 ; exports 40,009 ; spot closed steady ; No. 8 rod. ( B'ftcniloat ; Fcbrtmiy closing nl Mfc. Corn Lower , closing steadier : receipts , 9,000 ; exports : a > ,000 ; ungraded. 47@- t > c ; No. 2 , 4 < .u.Slojc [ lu elevator ; Febiuary closing at 40 c , Oats Receipts , 23,000 ; expoiK 100 ; mixed western , OTQirttWMe ; wlillo western. 42He. Petroleum United clos-cd at sajfc. Kgvs Dull ; vmstein.2lUc. Pork Firm ; uiesn , 9lOii10.7.'i. ! Laid Lower ; western steam , spot , SO.-IO ® D , 15. Butter Firm. Cheese Quiet. CincinnatiJnu. 20. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 ml , 4@Wc. Coin-Dull ; No. .1. mixed , -WSJ Oats Dull ; No. 2 mixed. 3-i < j Ityo I1 Inn ; No. 2 , OlrVC ( ( , ' Barley Finn ; extra No. 3 spiing , 5 ! @ C3c Pork-Quiet at 511.00. Laul-Stendy at $0.10 (5.13'tf. ( Whisky Flim at Sl.lO. Alllwankpo , Jan. 2' ) . Wheat Finn ; cah , 81 ' 0 ; February , SOJ c ; May , t > 0Vc- C Corn Easy at 'W.Vc. Oats-Firm ; No'JROe. K > o Finn ; No. l , Me , Bailey Steady at fiO'fc. Piovislous Firmer ; mess pork , cash nnd February. StO.S'i ; Mutch , ? lo.ii. " > , nilimonponq , Jan. 20. Wheat Steady ; No. 1 haul. STfc for January and Fcbnmry ; 87e lor March : liji u for May ; NV. 1 noilhern ( , Sic. for.Inuiiiiiv and Febiuaiy ; Sin forMaich. Flour Finn ; patents , { H.SO o.oo ; bakers' , 5t.bOS4.00. ! ( Keceljits-Whoat , 71,000 bn ; Hour , 125bhls. Shipments U'hoat , aoot ) bit ; Hour , 10,000 bbls. _ UIVK STOOIC. Clilcaso , Jan. 29. The Drovers' Jomnal lejioi Is : Cattle Heceints , 7,400 ; dull ; medium cattle J5c lower ; shipping sk-cis , ga.75Q6.7S ; stoekciSaud feedeis , t2.f)0 ( . . 4.0 : ; ; rows , bulls nnd mixed , Sl.SO iUS ; bulk , 52.75 3.20. Jlogs Koceipts , 2'.i,000 ; slo\v ami nffliOc Io\\ei ; loiiKhaiul niKud , W.COg.'J.tX ) ; p.icklni' and shipping. 5 : i.lW@4.i5 : ; light , 8.W@i.tO : ) : ; skins , S0.lo@ : > . : r . SlieC ] > Kecelpts 3,400 ; film ; 'natives ' S2.00vjM..Cestein ; , .00@l,00 ; Tcxans 52.00j.7S : ; lambs , § 4. r > ( Ti > r > . " > . St. IjotiiH. Jnu. 20. Cattle I 000 ; slilpincnl.i , ! M)0 ; common to choice .shl ) > iilng , Sa.7SQ.VJ5 ; rows and imllers , § 2.i'Kj ! ; .M ; .slockei.s and feudeis , S Hogs lii-celnts , f.,000 ; shipments , 1.500 ; bittdieis and oust heavy , S4.iKfi4.U ) ! ; ml.xcd packing , 53.SO ( 4.00 ; light , S.JJO : ! ( < ja.GO. ICansas City , Jan. 21) ) . Cattle Kcceipls , U.OOO ; shipment' ! , 1,000 ; slow , weak and to ® ICc lower ; expoitcis , $ l.7r > ( jrgS.Xl ( ; common lo choice , 5'tiOQ4.75 : ( ; stockuis and lecders , 52.COS.7.r ( : ! > ; CO\\S , 52.00 .00. Hogs ItccelplA , b.ouo ; t.liijments . , 1,400 ; stimitt nnd : > o liitilier ; good to choice , S3.00 ® 4.03 ; common to medium , gy.5jgJ.ty. OMAHA TjlVJB STOCK. Fiidnv Evening , Jan. 20. The light receipts continued and by reason of it tlio uuiiket Is not voiy acti\e. The dumnnd lor choice corn-ted steers con- tin lies good nnd prices steady at former quota tion * . Steers avcraclnir 11SO to 1230 aio quoted at S.7. ! ! < X&I.2. > ; those avei-asiug 1IJ50 to 1000 at 41.50 ( 5.00. Butchers stock Is slow nnd thcio Is no in- qnlii toi nuythinK except the best and choic- cat giades. Good choice yomiK cows will .sell at tJi.OOiTt : ; . ' ; . Common mixed stock la ijuolcd at ii..iXS'J.bO. Tliu Hog maiKet opened stiong , but lalor In Ihetlayeal.cued sumcwlial by icason of n icpoitcd declinu In custom maikcts. At piuL'iit tlieic is a demand lorcll ialtcil medium weight boss \\liich sell ascll as heavy. HOKS nvciaglng 170 to 210Il > s. . aio quott-d at So.40@i.r. : ( ; those averaging 3X ) to 2001IH , at $ ! i.riO@.7.'j : { ' ; chulcu IIPUVV Imss av- eiaging bctueen .TOO aud 400 Ibs , nt fr3.05@ : j.83 ; mixed , $ ! } .50&i.7.- : > . KCCKIPTS. Cattle : : oo Hogs { WO llii'UiSl'.N : : FATIVK SALU3. NATivK STIIIIS : : , No. Av. J'r. No. Av. Pr. 20 1115 5 : .W ) 10..Vi08 54.15 . .HJO : 3.75 3.75COWS. COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr. 17 10.11 1.20 1 . , . . WO No. Av. Pi.y.oo No. Av. IT. 1. . . ,1-JSO y.oo y.oonoos. noos. No Av. Pr. Nn. Av. Pr. bS. . . .2J4 8U55 ! OJ. . ( 71. . . .2:11 : 7 ; ! . . 71. . . . ; jor 41. . . n.w .279 Ot. . . S.65 73. . . AND I.OWKST. HID liigliust anil locust prices paid on tliis maikct tor Iio s dm hit' thu past sc\eii days aud tor tliocoircspomliMg period abt inoutli : Occoiubcr. ilaniiaiy. Friday SD.20 < ji : i. 10 Satmday : i.2Ti ( tf'1.40 a.40i.bO : .Monday 3.17j < ' ( 'l.42' a.40 ftaa-i Tuesday a.SBK © ' . I5 51.50 @ : i.80 Wedni'Mlay | t.W ) : TlniiMlny 0.10 Fild.iy. . . . . . . . . . a.iw //Ji U1 I'ACKIIIIS1 I'UHCIIAfll'.u , Showlnc tliu nmiiber of cattle , hogs nud sheep pincluiscd by tlio packets ou thu mar ket to-day. Ian Is KiHlicr . W ) ! . 11. Iliuninond A ; Co . 23' ! 0 1 1 1 ( i rs . 80 HUOS. SliocId.Vit Co . , . 217 I. K. Uoytl . , . 44(1 ( i. II. Hammond iV Co . , . no UllllilH . ! Note All bali'i of Hloclc In this iimikct am itadu purcwt. lt\o weight uulo.s.s otliciwiso 6tntcd. Dead lies tell at Jo per Hi , for all I vclKhts. " .Skins , " or ImjiawclBliliDJli'ss limn 00 Ibs no value. I'rcgimntfaowHnio doclcd ; 40 Ibs and st-urs bO Ibt. . O31A1IA MAUKKTH. Kilday Ji\enliiL' > Jiih. ' " > . KgL's Itcciiljithfontliiuuto lie liberal nud J hu dciiiniid Jiclil. Tim Jinicil , piclik-d or old : { ( ) ( ) ( ! hn\ubct-ii jmt In tlio inar- < et nnd luiu lunl u ( iL-inoiiilI/.llif , ' cllcct. It is inposslblu lo K-11 hticli e s at uuy piicc , if iiu luijcr is u\vaiu ot ulnit liu [ s ottliihr. Sttlctly cliolco block \\ould sell ( aitly well ut op puces. Sales of good block are being iiiulunt 17c , but thu KI eater poitionut l'c. ' ! llrnnit 'I'liit ( li'iiiand Is light , especially 01 infciiorgiadi'ri. Choice butlerwlls lalrly \ell , but it must bu tlilctly ciioice and ncsli o biiiitf top 1'ilw.s. ' 'J'heiecelptK ; io not bo , ( nit ubott ) < ' < | "al to the deinund. Vrlces umnln steadj , Clioicngiiiden of tauli ; but- cr nio ( iiioli'd at tlCsilt-c ; tail to irooJ , 10 ® 'c : Inlcilor , AfuSv. Luic : qimntltli's ot the uitter iccelvcd aie packed In Midi a poor hand as to ( 'icntly tlcieiioiiitu tioiu Its value- CiuihSK J'nucy lull cream clieddniij , ( ) c- obt-r make. He ; lints lUo ; jouug America. l o ; In * ! mudity fawibs chuobe , ICe ; second juallty , 1-tf 1 lc : biicU cheese , ICc ; Lliubuiuur , lie. I'oL'i.Tiiv ITIcesoiiallklndH of Poultry le vciyu > aU and the mail.el dull. 'I Jieui is n iiccumulation ( < l pool stink on the mat Let \ Inch N haid to ilUjrfisu nl ut any jirlce. K liosoho ditv poultiyould ttiko moio nilns nud notl > ( Mld tin tiKlii uil' , but dry