Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1886, Image 1

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Citizens of Obcycnno County Petition Tor
a New Laud Office.
The Move Not a Desirability But an
Absolute Necessity ArRUincn Is
by Authors General WuHh-
ItiRtou News ,
Iiand Ofllcc for WcBtcrn Nebraska.
WASHINGTON , Jon. 20. [ Special Telc-
giam. ] Today Itcprccentatl\e Doiscy pre-
bcntcd In the house a petition signed by
nlncty-livo cltl/ens of Cliejenno county ,
asking for the creation of a now laud district
In the western part of Iho btate , with Sidney
as Its place of location. The document Is
accompanied by a letter from Lea * , lit Hum-
1mm , land commissioner of the Union Pacific
railway , Omaha , In which ho sa > s : "Tho unparalleled -
paralleled occupation and development of
this section of Nebraska and the west makes
the establishment of such a dlstilct no longer
a mere desirability but a necessity , and
without which this .section of countiy
cannot make the advance to uhlch
by Its inpilts It Is entitled. "
The petltlonois lepicscnt that the North
finite dish let as now existing compilses
vltliiu Its boundaries the whole of Chejenno
county ; that a largo proportion of the coun
try Is being taken up by actual scttlcis as
homesteads and pre-emptions ; that the Noith
1'latto laud ofllcc , where they must now go ,
is situated 200 miles from a laigc poitlon of
lands In Cheyenne county , and 12.1 miles
from Sidney , scat of the county , making it
\ery Inconvenient and expensive for scttleis
to transact their land business. They there-
lore ask that Chovenno county may bo
treated Into a land dlstuct by Itself , or with
euch other adjoining tetrltory as to the de
partment may deem pi open The petition
was referred to the committee on public
lands , and the Nebraska delegation will
work for Its success.
llcpicsentutlvo Ficdeiick of Iowa -was
nmong President Cleveland's callers to-day.
1) . II. Solomon of Council Blults Is at the
Mrs. Rcpiescntatho Lyman of Iowa re
ceived to-day with Mis. Senator Vooihees ,
mil was attired In a stilklngly handsome
toilet of fawn colored Iilsh popltn'gainshod !
at the corsage with golden berries , with shoit
slcoscs and long tan gloves.
NniniASKA I'osTMA&rr.ns ArroiXTr.D.
„ William C. Pickaid 1ms been appointed
i postmaster at Pickaiil , anew ofliee In Keith
county. Commissions lei Nebraska post
masters \\cie Issued as follo\\s to-day : Jacob
Whlto. Deei Creek ; Haiiy K. O'Neill , De
light ; John O'Connor , Wood River.
WAsni.voroy , Jan. 'i ! . [ Piess. ] At the
bearing given to-day by the semite commit
tee on patents topublishcis and others Intei-
istod hi the subject of the Intel national copy-
Sight , Caidner Hubbaul addiessed therein-
iiiittee In opposition to the passage of any
copyright bill. James Russell Lowell spoke
at some length in favor of the passage of an
iinternational copj right Dill. In icply to
, Hiibbard ho said nobody would maintain
* theio wnspropoity In an Idea. Thopiopcity
right was In the fashion ot presenting an
idea. The constitution recognized this In
granting patents. Patents weio nothingbut
ideas fashioned in a ceitaln way. For In
stance , the Bell Telephone was pieclsely a
parallel case. With books ho declaied theie
was ono kind of books better than cheap
books , and those w ci o books honestly como
by. Ho took a moral view of the question.
Many aigumcnts used by Ilubbaid might bo
used In defense of pocket-picking. One
could live much easier If ho could live upon
the labor of other people , but itas not con
sidered honest \\hcn ho \ \ as young. Lou ell
bpoko for an hour chiefly In icplyto Inquiries
addressed him by the members ol the com
James Welsh , representing the typograph
ical unions of the whole countiy , addressed
the committee , and presented a memorial In
support of the Chase bill and in opposition
The liouso committee on labor to-day In-
stiuctfd Rcprosentatho James to lepoit
favorably Iho bill Intioduccd by him making
It unlawful for any ofllcer , agent or sonant
ot the government of the United States to
contract with any pcison or corporation , or
penult any official ot any state pilson wheio
cilmlnals of the United States may bo incai-
eeratcd , to hlro or eontiact out the labor of
Bald cilmluals , and Imposing a line of fioin
? 500 to Sl,000 , or Imprisonment from ono to
three years lor violation of the act. The sub
committee having chaigo of the convict labor
question repoited tavmably the bill piohiblt-
ingthouseof matciial ma < lo by convicts In
ihoronRtiuctlon of Ki > \ ernmentmks. . The
bill Is a long one. The committee adjourned
before concluding It.s consideration.
Brown InvofitlKixtliifj Ooiiiinittoo Ap
pointed Jl ayes' Impeachment.
lis iloixr.s , Iowa , Jan.21. ) . fSjiccIalTelc-
giam. ] The icimbllcans In the senate held a
caucus this moinlng ana decided that strict
paity discipline must bo maintained. It was
the general conclusion that unless the demo
cratic mlnoiity was to have Its own way with
thn Ihown matter , the republicans must
stand by the party caucus. So when the
house concuiient resolution for an investiga
tion \\as called up this afternoon
the icimbllcans put it thinugh without
discussion or delay. Picsldont Hull ap
pointed us the senate committee Senators
Cliib-s. Buidlck. und Whiting. The fust
t\\o aio law j cis and the latter Is a
block grower and was the late democratic
candidate for governor , The committee Is
theicfoie strong and thoroughly lepicscnta-
the of both parties , and can bo expected to
nmUo an Impaitlal Investigation.
The lln > es Impeaehment matter will come
up In the house ue.xt Monday , and a commit
tco will bo appointed to hear the charges
made by the Musratliifl Tcmpcianco alli
ance. It H not thought that the house will
consider the clmigcs of sulllclent giav-
Ity to return articles of Impeach'
went for the bcniite to pass
upon , and the whole matter \\lll piobablybi
dropped after the house Imiuliy. It wouhl
lequlro a o-thhds vote of tin * senate to im
pi-aeh , nnd the democnits would make It r
p.uty measmc , so that U the cluuges vu'H
biibmltted , Hayes probably could not liolm
peached , If the lepublicans thought ho onu'li
to bo. as tin1) ' lack two votoi of Inn In ; ; the le
iUbllyt\\o-ihirds. )
ATonltlo SiiiiiMhup Without Fatal
SAxnt'suv , Jon. 20. The Chicago express
on the B'Utlnoiu & Ohio mlhoad ran Into tin of a freight tmln a mile cast of
Junction this moinlug. It Is icportcd tha
the engineer and lliuman of the expiess , aiu
the comluftor of the liclght wore killed. Tin
track" N blocked. Tlnouuii trains pas'
through this elty reaching tlie Chicago dlvU
Inn o\er the Indlauapolib , Bloomingtou < ! t
Wcstein ,
The shock was tcirlllc. The cnglno of tin
jiusscnger train , baggage oar , two pasv-ngo :
i-oachcf , f i I'l lit caboose , and about a dozei
fielght curs weio wieckltl and liuiled Inti
one masr , Nona of the juvsai-nsi I'Scii
killed. The accident \\as the fault of tin
r'.Mid'.icloi ' ot the ficlglit train , who ncglcctfi
to place danger blgnals on ty : learof tin
.Udltl wn-l ailed I ho lust Italia *
< il' < ri i-tcr suutf la ii'.tstor. on A put \ is ; ;
Hit ! lit1 ! s stilt ! 'Jtil.v4 ; ! vi ttu h .c.'u
WASHINOTOX. Jan , 2t ) . In the senate to
day Mr. Walthal presented the credentials of
the reelection of ,1. 7 . George as senator from
Mississippi. The credentials were road and
Mr. Ingalls. from the committee on Judi
ciary , reported favorably the bill relieving
from political disabilities ( lOoigo S. Storrs ,
of Texas , aud on Mt. Ingall's motion the bill
Among the bills Introduced was one by
Mr. Call , at the iccpicst of the governor of
Florida , to authorl/o the secretary of the
lio.isury to settle and pay the claims of the
Htatoofrjorlda , on account of expenditures
in suppressing the Indians. Mi. Call said a
similar bill had been before the house of the
Forty-eighth congress , but at the teqiiestof
the governor ot Florida It was allowed to re
main unacted upon because a Washington
claim agent claimed a commission amount-
liufto SO'i.OOO "lor seivices" In connection
u llh It. As the amount allowed by conmess
was only & ! > 2,000 , thcio would be llfllo money
left after jnylng the commission. The
money should not bo paid for
soi vices never reudeicd In connection
with legislation , while the soldiers who icn-
dered hard PCI vice to the state , and the
widows and oiphaus of such soldleis , went
unpaid and unpinIdcd for. Under any
ciruitmstaiicc ho log.iided It as a public scan
dal that such - > ast sums should be paid law
yers or pii'tended lawjers or agents lor votes
to be Risen In congiesMr. . Call desired
from his place In ( lie senate to give public
condemnation * to such claims. Theie weio
no sci vices' ( o be lenduicd hi connection
with such bllK The question liuohed was
DUO which will be settled by the hlstoiy of
the countiy. Ho believed the govcinmcht
of the United States should pay the interest
on the claims of those who pi even ted further
Indian vvais.
Mi. Logan said If his ( Mr. Logan's ) propo
sition ten juais no In this sonata had been
agreed to , thine would have been no Indian
wins aftci that time. The proposition then
was to make It a penal olfenso foi am body
to sell a gun , pow der or bullet to the Indians.
That was what was the trouble In our Indian
all alts.
Mr. Platt submitted a resolution for refer
ence to the committee on i tiles , and It was so
retericd , providing that executive nomina
tions would have to bo consldeied In open
sea-ilon. Mr. I'latt said he would notcaioto
speak on the involution If 11 should bo
laxoiably icpmted on by the committee on
rules , but would piobably do soil adveisely
rcpoitcd on.
A lesolutlon was ottered by Mr.'Edmunds
anilagieed to , dhectlng the secietaiyof the
navy to tiansmlt to the senate copies of the
diawlngs and report ot the iccent survevot
the Nicaragua canal louto made by Chief
Knglnccr Menoeol.
Pioeeedlng to the calendar the senate ic-
sumed consideration ot the bill to divide the
Sioux Indian lescivatlou In Dakota.
At-Mr. Vest took the llooi on the Dakota
bill. He disclaimed any hostility , personal
or political , to the people of Dakota , and
claimed himself to bo a vvestein man and
pioud of the weitern countiv and Its mag-
nllicent development of the United States.
Mi. Vest could show that many biave ex-
union veterans who were now icslding in
Dakota , were earnestly opposed to the meas-
ino lepoited fiom the senate committee on
tcintoiles. He Insisted congiess was the
only power that could bay when states should
como Into the union , and took the broad
ground that no oidlnance or tieaty whatever
could hamper or bind congress In the matter
ol so lundainental a characloras this. In
conclusion Mr. Vest said ho would hereafter
submit a pioposltlon to divide the teiritoiy
by a line running north and south on the
one hundred andlirst paiallcl ot longitude.
Mr. Logan then took the floor but gave
way lei a motion to adjourn , and the senate
adjouincd until Monday.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 29. After a few
private measiues had bcun icportcd by com
mittees , tlie house at 1:30 : went Into commit
tee ot the whole on the private calendar.
The house evening session passed about
fifty pension bills.
Adjourned until Monday.
Suits Against the Pacific Koails to be
Instituted by the Government.
NEW YOUK , Jan. 21) ) . fSpcclal Tclegram.J
The Times'Washington bpecialsays ; In
teresting minors of lawsuits to bo begun by
the government against the Pacific railroads ,
have been circulated with new avidity with
in the last week or two. It has not been
known outsldo ot government circles that
aggressive plans weio lecently mapped out to
secure to the goNCinment lull and lelhible
Information us to ccitain matters Intimately
connected with the management of the Pa
cific loads. If the Infoimatinn from on of
ficial Eouico is worth anything the lawsuits
arc to bo begun very boon and piessed ener
getically to recover moneys of which the gov-
eiument has been piactlcally defrauded by
the Pacific road magnates. It is known that
\vltldn the past fortnight the olllces of the
Union Pacific company In New York ana
liobton have been invaded by the government
lepiesentatlves : iulliorl/eil to examine fully
the account books , vouchcis and all the clues
to the expenditure , which those ofllcois
have in their possession. It Is upon the 10-
poit which has been made ( though It Is said
not yet officially filed ) that the actions at
law aio likely to bo based.
The Ohio Senate.
COMIMUUR , Jan. S9. The joint pension
met at 10 o'clock and without transacting any
business adjourned till to-monow nioiiiliig
by piovions agicement of the two factions.
The pioposltlon ot thoconfeicnro committee
which has char o of the arrangement of
compiomlso measiues were submitted to the
democratic raucus this moinlng and ratified.
It vv as also agreed to by the icpubllcan cau
cus. The pioposltlon Is that a special com
mittee of six membeifl , of equal number po
litically , shall make an Investigation of the
Hamilton county case and report specific
findings to the tenate.
Thoconleituice committee resumed busi
ness ut 10 : tO o'clock and expect to have some
thing 1 uither to icport to the respective cau
cuses this cv enlng. The light 1 n the committee
lb now on the ono main Issue , the rules
which bhall prevail In tne contest cases and
vvhethei in disposing ot the icpoit to bo made
by the Investigating committee tinea Hamil
ton county members shall have a vote on the
fouith. The dilleieuce Is ho gieat between
the sides nn this point that It may result In
killing all compioimsomeasures which have
buoii pioposeil.
Gullliif ; the Grangers ,
ST. LoriH , Jan. SO. For three weeks mail
has boon accumulating in the postollico of
this city , addressed to E. H. Cailton ft Co. ,
804 1'ouitli sheet. Thcio being no such num
ber on this street , nnd no biich hrm In this
city , the suspicions of the postofllco authori
ties weio aioused , and upon Investigation It
was found that the alleged company had
been swlndllni : inert-Hunts In Kansas and
Nobiaska , byoflcilnglaigiullscounls on all
rash payments forchlldion's and ladles' fui-
iiibhli'K goods. Detectives aio at woik on
the case but made no an I'st.s.
The Scarcity of Coko.
PiTTTaimn , Jau. 29. The Lucy furnace ,
employing 800 men , closed dow u to-day on
acfount of the scarcity ot coke. Other fur
naces w 111 bo loiced to suspend operations in
a few days unless theie U a bctilement of the
I'll tsiuuio , Jan. 20. All deputies doing
diitvln the cotro unions except nnlfounid
police finm this citj , wcic iHtfliuigrd by the
sheriff lhi < moinlng , them lieiag no further
neevl of them.
lluvilncbs 1'julnrcs.
NKVV Vouif , Juu , CO. The total number of
busliuss l.i hueu > r the la i teu'ii dajs
Iluouj-Ucy.1 Cuinda au4 llso. United Kut.cs
Benkleman a Phco of Beauty After Six
Months of Thriving Growth ,
A Section Where the Fattening Steer
Is Giving AVny to the More Val
uable Jlmnaii Bottler Tele
grams From the State.
Dumly's Thriving County Scat.
Bnwtu'MAX , Neb. , Jan. ! . [ Special. ]
iVmong the now towns of Xebiaska , Benkle-
11.111 Is the present \\ondcr. Six months
luce scarcely ten houses stood where now Is
i town of 500 people , with fifty business
buildings , line icsidcnces and all the require-
neuts of a first-class to\\n. It Is the county
lent of Dandy county , and not only com
mands the tiado of the county , but the
rclghlcrs of three states como here for sup
Bcnklemnn Is situated at the forks of the
lepubllcaii liver , the Junction of the natural
ends of the icglon , and has been the supply
[ ) olnt for the neighboring cattle ranches for
is. The cattle are now being di I veil out
of the section , and "pottlcis more vnlunblb
.hnn steers aio occupying every habitable
'orncr ' of the county. Already there are
, GOO people In the county , where , a jcar
since , v\eio \ only 200. .Experiments la
raising crops ha\o pro\cn the
'crtility of the soil , beyond quest'lou. Sod
lorn has yielded thhty bushels , wheat and
gialns me a sure ciou , while \ecctablcs grow
o enormous sl/e. The surface of .the county
s undulating , occasionally .sandy , and is
.Ircady covered with claim shanties In c\cry
The coming season will sco a rush of settlers
hat will icpeat the history of castein settle
ments and drive the American desert into
: he footliillsof the Hockles. Three successho
seasons ha\o been bountiful in rainfall , mid
his winter has given us an ample snow and
rainfall to Insure ciops again. There are
numerous new towns spilnglng into exist
ence and - , \ 111 become full fledged towns wltli-
n a few months. Government lands icinaln
n occasional areas , but just over the Colorado
rado line are counties oC the finest agilcul-
ural land still unused to settlement.
Mungcr&Cope , at Ueiiklenian , will answer
liquifies about the govcinmcnt land and
other real estate matters. In the near future
southwestern Nebraska and eastern Colorado
will be filled with towns anil coered with
'arms. It Is truer than c\cr that the young
man should go Nest , for the time approaches
Alien the govcinmcnt lands that are tillable
\\ill all bo occupied.
llaiuler and Max are two towns la Dundy
ounty that expect to contain 000 people
each before the next winter's close. They
ate well located and will only follow the ex
ample of the past if they fulfill their hopes.
Under the Hummer for Tavcs.
NEIIUASKA.CITY , Jan. 29. [ Special Tele-
eiam.J The Grand Cential hotel v\as sold
to-day lor StO.OOO by Klmer S. Dundy , jr. ,
special United States commissioner , under a
judgment In the United States district court ,
in favor of Otoo county , for taxes.
The prior claims -\eio held by .Jfessis.
liottnian , BartHng , Kodcnback and Tie ) .
They \\ill fix it up in liist class style ,
and without doubt Joe Opcltwill bo land-
loul *
The Mixture Proved Fatal.
nATiHCK , ! Neb. , Jan. 29. | Special Tele
gram. ] John Smith , a saloon keeper of
Holmesvllle , died at Blue Springs thib moiu-
Ing. Uc went Into a saloon at Blue Springs
Wednesday evening , called for a glass of
beer , but before drinking It poured poison in
the class. The beer and poison ptoved fatal.
He formerly lived heio and leaves a wife and
one child. Ilo as80yeaisold.
Ncllgh's Opera House Burned.
NCI.IOH , Neb. , Jan. 29. [ Special Tele
gram. ] Coo's opcia house burned about 10
o'clock last night. It Is not known how the
ihc eliminated , but it is biinpo < ed to bo In
cendiary by many. Loss , S4.000 ; insuiancc ,
53,000. _ _ _ _ _
Helping the Poor.
BIATIUCI : , Neb. , Jan. 29. [ Special Tole-
t'lain. ] The chailty conceit to-nleht foi the
icllefotthe poor of the city was largely at
tended and \Mib a success as a musical event
The net proceeds were about § 150.
Ylgiiaitx LicaclR Bchucrcr nt the Con
clusion of Ijast Night's Game.
Nuw YOIIK , Jan. 20. The fourth night's
play In the balk Hue bllllnul match , between
bchaeter and Vlgnaux , attracted a laifco
audience. Schacfcr led off with the balls
placed In the position which they occupied
at the termination of last nights game , but
did iiotcount. Vignaumadii 15. Sclmeler
scored nought for the second time. Vlgnaux
did not t-coie , and Schacfcr made 10 by
caicful play. Then Ylguaux made a run
vfilchas , ( ho teatureof the evening , mak
ing thobcoiolortlid thhd Inning : Vigimiix
Iffi , faclmelet 10. Schaeter seemed nei\ous.
However , ho made 17 on his seventh Inning ,
slipping tip on an easy shot. Ho left the
balls close together , and Viguaux scoicd 50
buttons. Schaufer looked clum and made
two duck eggs In succession. Schacler's
bad luck continued to puisne him. Ho had
made GO In ten Innings , or a total ol lww
points. Ylguaux mndo 'Ji on his tenth , and
his bcoio was " > ' > lor the night or a total of
2,101. behaeier madn a i un of 07 without up-
paient effort.Mgnaux In the ilftecnth liming
bcoiudb-j. Kcliacfer meanwhile inn-U and
US , and In his eighteenth made the run of the
evening and of the match IbO. Thcreatter
the game \vas not paitlcularly Inteiesting ,
and thofouith evening's play closed with u
total score of Ylgnaux 2,400 , and Sclmoter
a , : * ! ? .
Sclmcfer lias ncccjited n challenge from
Ylgmmx to play another game of il.OUO or
0,000 points for SiSOO a sldo at the conclusion
of the piesent match.
AVeathor lor To-Day.
Missoum VAI.I.KV Cloudy weather , and
in the northern portion local snows ; warmer
in the southern poillon ; rlbiui follov\cd by
falling temperature In the northciu poillon :
winds generally shifting to wcstoily ; rising
Imiometcr In the northern lioitloli ; falling
In the southein portion.
Slio Shnokod the Divine.
A prominent divine was the invited
guest of Mr. B. and family. Miss Alice ,
tlie charming daughter of the host , was
cracing the festivity , and said impulsive-
"Oh , mother , I've been roasting up in
my room all afternoon , . It'a hotter
than "
"Alice ! " said the father sternly.
"I bay it's hotter than "
Alicol" Bald her mother excitedly , and
the divine looked at her in alarm.
" 1 say it's hotter than 1 over saw it be
fore , "continued the young lady coolly ,
"and I just tat there without a thing
"Oh , Alice ! " said her fatlier m alarm.
Thi.s time the divine was thoroughly
f lightened
"J iust Silt there without a thing on "
"Oli , Alice1' ! ' said the mother almost
crying ,
"J fay 1 just hat thoro. " continued the
; : irl , not noticing the interruptions , " 1
just sat there without a thing on o.xcepi
my very lighteEt summer clothin , am
lead my .Bible all the afternoon.Vil
you li't-re some more eoup , doctor * " . . .
The Urcach Between the Senate and
the Executive "VVldcnlnc-
WASHINGTON ! Jnn * 1 29. [ Speclnl. ] "It
begins to look , " ? nld ft republican senator to-
lay , "ns If t'hcrc Mould 1W a largo number of
the nominations unconftjmcd when the sen
ate adjourns next. summer. "
"Why do you think feof ' I nsked.
"Because , " saiil he , "wo do not Intend to
confirm nominations where wo are refused
nformution necessary to nn Intelligent con
sideration of the case and pilnclplcs Involved.
And wo do not propose to stand by
and suck our thumbs while peed oillcors
are removed under a ban of sus-
ilclon and disgrace whin vo , know , morally ,
hat they are only guilty of being republicans.
\ Velll not submit to adding Insult to In
jury , kicks to curses. This Is purely a busi
ness inattcrand as such It mustbeconsidcicd.
If the administration wants to pot ugly , \ery
well. It occurs to meccan tlnow as many
stones ns others can tluow handfuls of mud.
We will let the offices become \ acaut ne.xt
summer. "
WASHINGTON , Jan. C9. [ I'ress.J The at-
.ornoy general has sent n letter to the senate
in answer to the resolution calling "for all
documents and papers in lolallnn to the man
agement and conduct of the United States
marshal for the southern district of Ala
bama , " In which , after acknowledging the re
ceipt of the lesolutlon In question , ho says :
"In response to said resolution In question ,
: ho picbldcnt of the United States directs mete
to say the pancrs which \\cto In this do-
rcutmcnt lolatlng to tha tituess of J. 1) .
Dennett , lecently nominated to said ofllcc ,
laving been alicady scut to the
judiciary committee of the senate ,
uul the papers and documents
A filch are mentioned in said resolution and
still remaining In the custody of tills depart
ment ha\o cxclusho reference to the suspen
sion uy the president , ot Geotge Dustln , late
incumueutof the olllco of district attorney
for tlicsoutlu'iii district of Alabama. Ills
not considered that public Intcicst would bo
piomotcd by compliance with bald resolution
aim tiansmisston of the document and pa
pers therein to the Ronate in executl\ebes-
blou. Veiy lespcctfillly ,
A. 11. GAUI.AND ,
_ Attorney General.
' * Murder and Tlouhcry.
OAT.VKSTON , Jan. 29. A special to the
News from .Matamoras , Mox. , says an old Al
satian Jew and merchant , Antonio Black ,
while closing his stoio last night at 9 o'clock ,
was almost beheaded by a blow from behind
him w 1th nn axe. The murderer then illled
the sate ot nearly § 11,000 and escaped. Three
mon who have been been with Black lm\o
been arrested on suspicion.
Heavy Plro at St. Paul.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Jan. 29. A severe llio
occuiicd to-night In the heart of the business
portion of the city. For a time. It was be-
lio\ed that property yalucd at halt a million
dollais would be destroyed. Assistance was
vent for fiom Minneapolis , and so\enil en
gines came on a special train. After hard
woik the th emeu subdued the flames. The
file was confined to the Ryan Ding com
pany's building , and entailed a loss of
MorrlBoii Turns Up.
ST. Louis , Jan. . Moirlson , the con
tractor who disappeared sOme time ago , re-
tinned to his homo in this city. He states
he has been "Msltlng a' sister at Ashlov , 111. ,
and loft a note in lUsollice before ho lett In-
foimlng his family 'ol his Intention. They
failed to get the notaA. i
1 * -
1ry -
Death' In .1 now _ . Drift.
CinoAoo , Jam 29i The body of a small
boy was found lying under the snow in a lot
intlieiear of No. 22 Mcridan sticet , this
mninlng , fro/en stiff , lint how the little
fellow came to meet Mich a death isamj.s-
tery at piesent. The coroner will investi
gate. _
Emma Nevada Is singing in Cincinnati. "
The Now York Bijou management ahe.uly
announce the COOth night of "Adonis" to oc-
ur on April 10.
Mr. Mapleson is arranging for a season of
Italian opeia at Her Majesty's theatie , in
London , at cheap prices.
According to London advices Mme. Nils-
sou has signed a contract \\lth Stiakosch for
a tour of America , beginning In October.
Montague , Foicpaugh's famous § 10,030
pii/.e beauty , has made a marked hit as Y urn
Yum In the Boston pi eduction ot "Mikado. "
MailoJauseu has boon engaged by liudolph
Aronson lor the Now Yoilc Casino. She Is
to make her appearance there In September
next ,
Kato Castleton has made a great hit In
"Cra y 1'atch" at the St.ind.ud thaatie , New
York , \\herc she is packing the house at eveiy
perfoi maucc.
Louis Aldrlch Is having a most successful
season with "My I'aitncr , " and the play
seems to liavo lost none of Its hold on the
la\oi of the public.
Among those booked to appear at the Bald
win theater In San Kianclsco this t-eason aie
Mme. Saiah Bernhardt.Miss Mary Audeiion ,
Slgnorbalvlnl , Edwin Booth and Lawrence
A Seattle , W. T. , man has organized a
dramatic company which ha will take to
Jimeau , Alaska , on the ne\t steamer. This
Is the first attempt to satisfy Alaska dramatic
Mr. HIchard Mansfield seems to have made
decided hit "Ku-Ko" " "
a as - In "Tho Mikado"
performance at the llollis sticet theater In
Boston , though ho iccently wiote , before
taking tbe _ p.ut , that hu thought ho would be
lunnlor as "Hamlet. "
Mme. Pattl at Vienna iccelvod on the stage
aClnislmas gift In the loimof atreo. the
branches ol Avhlclieio inleilacud with a
gjldon chain , each link of which bore In diamonds
mends the name of an oncra In which the
pi him donna laid appealed.
The now play wilttoa by Chailes Coghlan
for Mrs. LiuiKtiy Is called "Encmleb. " It
will bo presented In London on February 1
at the 1'ilnco'b theatre , \\Ith the author and
Mr.s. Laugtiy In the principal jiaits.
The production of WHdi'rbiucU'n now play ,
"Das Nuuo Uebot. " has been forbidden at
Berlin. The plot deals \\lth the struggle ot
the peiiod of the Reformation , and tlie leason
L'hen bv the autliorities lor prohibiting the
performance of tlie play is that It would bo
ollenshc to the Catholic chinch.
Mr. Abbey has guaranteed Sarah Born-
hardtaii incomoot 5700 tier nlcht for an
Ameilcan tour , oxctM lvo of all Ineldentol e\-
pcnscs for hcibclf imd thieo others. Mme.
Bcinhaidt will salt for Ameilca on Aiml
15. M. 1'lerro Bcrton Avjll bo her leading
man , at u salary of 91,0 , 0 per month.
John W. Mackay , of ' Oollfoinla , will , It is
said , give at least fc5.GO : toward the proposed
monument to John Met ultou h , which Is to
stand In Falrmoinltl arlf at Philadelphia ,
Elliott , the sculptor , tui almost completed in
clay the bust of the tragedian as Ylrglnlus
which Is to bo the chief figure in the memo-
ilal. , ,
Jaiiauschek has jiAt closed one of the most
successful engagements flho has eVer played
In New York , durlny frhich the Orauu ojiera
house was comploteli' tillea at every per-
foi manc . Next season she will add "Meg
Merrllles" to her repeitorv , and will close
her Imeucll tourof tills country at the Union
Square theatre la May. 1W.
The smoke of hell In the rcifortnanccs of
"Orpheus" at the New i ork Academy of
MUMC Is said to bo very "natural , " In other
\\ouls , It is much likothe Hmoke of that other
populous citj" , London. This stage smoke Is
produced by a new method. Electric lights
are set behind colored glasses of dltfeient
hues , and us these glaises are moved there
appear to liso eixbanglnic clouds , green ,
blue and black by turns , or variously mingled.
The jieiformaneo f an original English
play on a classical subject , anil In classical
term , entitled ' 'Heleiia of Troas , " by Air.
Todhuntcr , Is to take place In London early
In the coming season for the beneht of the
British School of. Afclueolojjy nt Athens.
.Mib. Langti v has com > tntctl to take the part
of Helen of Tioy.and Nrn-Beeibohm Tree and
Mr , Hci maiiii Vciln \ \ : il also take prominent
pa us. and luiiriiiiiental muslo has
been specially composed for the jilay by .Mr ,
Luaid Selby , who will ut as conductor.
Northwestern Line Surveyors in Lincoln
Locating Depot Grounds ,
The Muddled Midland Bond Matter
The Capital's New Grnml Army
I'ost Minor Happening' ' and
State Arrivals.
A imrly of line surveyors , who have
been at work on the Northwestern rail
way extension from Fremont to Lincoln ,
arrived hero last night. Chief Kngineor
Ulark is expected to-day , when the work
of staking out depot grounds and locat
ing yards , etc. , will bo commenced. The
line from Fremont to Wahoo is practi
cally decided upon , and after the job
now in hand is completed , the exact
route from Wahoo to Lincoln will bo
determined. This , it is safe to say , will
bo about as given in the BIE : last month.
The entrance into the city will bo from
the northeast , the Burlington tracks
being crossed about live miles out anil
parallelled from that point until the Mis
souri Pacilio right of way is reached ,
when a detour to the west will be made.
No available ) depot grounds can bo had
below Seventeenth street , and it is very
probable the yard will bo in that neigh
In his speech to the temperance work
ers of this city Thursday evening ex-
Governor St. John of Kansas was par
ticularly severe on the high license law of
Nebraska , which ho branded as a fraud ,
u cheat , a swindln , and a disgrace. "Like
the old slavery question , " he said , "it is
only a compromise with the devil , a
league with hell , and God Almighty isn't
going to let the men of Nebraska carry
it on. If the liquor tratlic is right U
should bo made equal with every other
business. If wrong it should bo clinked
to death. The republicans of Nebraska
ought to be ashamed of themselves.
They are only playing second fiddle to
the inossbuck bourbons of other states.
Whenever prohibition is being agitated
the democrats march nlong&houting high
license , and the republicans cry 'me too. '
Italwccn these alleged parties there is no
difference. In no point does the platform
of ono negative the other ; there
is no issue beloro cither. The democratic
party is represented by what one sees in
the back yard of a homo in spring time.
It is nothing but old hoop skirts , old
boots and shoes , biokcn broom slicks
and all sorts of plunder. There is noth
ing better in the republican ranks.
Whisky is to-day the only live issue be
fore the people. Ono great party , com
posed of democrats and republicans ,
stand by it , and confronting thorn is the
prohibition party. There is no third
party. Both the old organizations de
clare in favor of protecting iron , .salt and
lumber , Jjt.it1 MIC- prohibition * party is in
favor of nrotccting the homes of the people -
plo and the boys in them. "
St. Johii was primed with figures , and
made the somewhat startling statement
that Kansas has gained 800,000 in popula
tion , her wealth has increased $100.000-
000 , and her railroad mileage to 4,000 ,
since prohibition was enacted , and yet
not a saloon keeper or distiller had como
to live vvith them. People who cry down
prohibition as a failure don't know what
they arc talking about. Kansas lias
eighty-four counties , and in eighty of
them prohibition is more strictly enforced
than the Slocumb law is in Nebraska at
The withdrawal of Messrs. Harwood ,
Ames and Kglly from the Lancaster
county bond case lias brought on another
"battle of the types" between tlioho
worthy citizens , J. R. Webster and 11. K.
Mooro. The former has published an
open letter in which ho virtually charges
that Moore is responsible for the failure
in the litigation uy having induced the
county commissioners to embark in the
rotten cratt of repudiationor , as the min
strel man says , words to that effect.
Moore , in reply , denies that he ever sug
gested , encouraged , or compelled tlie
county board to any such course , and as
sorts boldly that Webster's real cau e of
grievance lies in the legal stops taken by
Moore to resist payment of his bill of
if 14,753 against the county. All this lends
up again to the old bond controversy ,
the details of which must bo published
at every rcfeiencc to ihcm in order that
people may know what the row is about.
The story in brief is , that in 1870 Lancas
ter county issued § 150,000 in bonds to aid
the Midland Pacific , and in 1871 $100,000
more for the same purpose.
bonds bore 10 per cent interest , and were
supposed to lie "straight" twenty-year
securities. In 18S3 Mr. J. U. Webster re
ported to the county board that ho dis
covered that , by pursuing ccitain legal
form , the bonds could bo paid oil'at the
pleasure of the commissioners , lie
pointed out what a saving it would be to
refund at ( I per cent , and offered to carry
on the deal for a stipulated sum. The
county fathers consented , and a contract
with Webster was made. Before much
work was done , other legal gentlemen
discovered that the bonds wore of the
common "optional" variety , and could
bo refunded at the pleasure of the people
without the aid of the courts. An in
junction to restrain the commissioner. }
from carrying out their contract with
Webster followed , and the latter put in a
bill for $14,755 for "services rendered , "
to date , a claim which the supreme point
is now debating. Then , like a lightning
Hash came the report that the bond were
bad , but of conrao nobody has over
thought of connecting the disappointed
lawyer with the repudiation suhemo.
The new Grand Army post recently
organized by Lincoln gentlemen , was
mustered in by Department Commander
Cole Thursday evening under the name
of Appomattox , No. 214. The cere
mony took place at Knights of Pythias
hall , and was largely attended. The
following members au&wercd to roll
call : T. M. Marnuett. II. A. Hal-pock ,
W. C. Heddlcson , C. W. Pierre , G. II.
Gere'R. P. Koggcn , N , G. Franklin ,
B. P. Cook , Mendenhall , 8. J.
Alexander , B. II. Goulding , J3. S. Dud
ley , Wm. M. Gillespie , M. B. Cheney ,
J. O. Carter. L , E. Hicks , II. 11. Nichol'
son , A. II. Edgreu , G. K. Barker , Thom
as Sewoll , W7W. W. Jones , M. Howe.
David U. Lillii'bridjro. The object of
the founders of the post is quite tcuti-
menial. They say that the time must
come when Grand Army posts will begin
to die from want of new members. As
this happens surviving members will bo
certified to other posts and the process of
condensation continued until of neces
sity all living veterans of the war will be
enrolled in one. This ono , they hope ,
will bo Appomallpx Post , No. 214 , and
in this connection the unmn is very ap
propriate , The ofliccrs chosen to HI a the
post during 188U are :
Commander Edgar S. Dudley.
Senior Vice. H. A. Babcook ,
Junior Vice W. W. W. Jones.
Quartermaster-- I ( . I.illiebrjiljje. .
Surgeon I ) . 0. Carter.
Chnplniu-L. B. Hicks.
OfllccroftlioDay N. ( J. Franklin.
Ollicer of Guard E. P. Hoggen.
Quartermaster S. J. Alexander ,
feeargcant Major C. II. Gere.
Adjutant Hratl Cook.
Councilman Dailoy's family has been
enlarged by the addition of a boy.
Dailcy's political opponents are fearful
that if this thing continues the worthy
James will have a good working majority
of voters in his own family.
Miss Kato Connors got i id of a needle
yesterday that she had been carrying
around in her body for fifteen years.
John 1'ullrlder , of Lancaster county ,
has boon adjudged insane and will betaken
taken to Iho asvliim.
The Law and Order league and disliict
attorney have prepared a largo number
of complaint- ' , mostly for violation-
the excise law , and warrants will bo
served on many unsuspecting parties in
a * few day.
J. W. 1) . Pierce alleges in the district
court that , as counsel lor plaintiff in the
case of Wallin vs Walllu , ho is entitled
to one-half of the judgment recovered ,
and $500 in addition.
Owing to the absence of Judge Mason ,
the defendant's counsel , Hie examination
of Gits Saundcrs in the contempt pro
ceedings has been postponed until Tues
day next.
The "Topics" man was unusually good
nalured yesterday , owing , it is said , to
the arrival of a young journalist at his
Lincoln residence.
Herpolshcimcr's store was visited by
would-bo hurglar.s early yesterday morn
ing , but they were flightened away be
fore they secured anything.
A. M. Walling and wife , Leigh ; A. F.
Hust , Omaha ; A. C. Crawford , Auiora ;
J. W. Bennett , York ; C. E. Smith , Falls
City ; Charles W. Drtiry , John Campbell ,
W. L. Hitter ; Omaha ; A. S. McKay ,
Friend ; James AV.Lusk , A. W. Patterson ,
Omaha ; J. O. Chase , Faimount
Prisoners Turned Into the Cold World
Diseased ntid I'ciinllcss.
Thcic appeared before the county com
missioners .yesterday nfturnoon a dllapi-
dated individual named Thomas Man
ning who requested that ho bo furnished
with transportation to Kansas City. Ho
were a disreputable looking suit of
clothes mil his face was pale and hag-
gatd. When asked the grounds on whicli
lie demanded free transiioitation ho said
that he had just been released from the
"pen" at Lincoln , was without money
and friends , and as his lungs were badly
all'ectcd he wanted logo where ho could
receive free hospital ticatmcnt.
Manning's story proved to be correct
and ho was given the desired transporta
tion. He had just finished a five years'
term in tlio penitentiary where lie was
sent from Greenwood lor committing an
assault vvith attempt to kill. When lie
entered Iho prison ho was in robust
health , but he left with his constitution
destroyed by lung trouble.
' 'There must be something the matter
with the sanitary condition ol the peni
tentiary , " remarked ono of the
commissioners to a reporter. "Every
man wiluiaWt > VYjia > 4 comas > . to "Niri
from there has trouble vvith his lungs ,
which iiMinli.v runs into consumption , if
that dreaded disease lias not already
secured a firm foothold on his system.
Then again , the men are .sent out with
practically nothing to begin life anew.
Take the man who just left hero , for in-
stance. Ho was given $ ti when ho loft
Iho penitentiary and that old suit of
clothes , and shipped to Omaha. Once
here , without money , it is no wonder
that un ex-convict is almost compelled to
again become a criminal. Wo are often
compelled to furnish transportation to
got the poor devils out of the
city to some place where they cither
have friends or can secure places in hos
pitals. Something ought to bo done to
remedy this state of afl'air.s , and 1 hope
the next legislature will sco the matter
in the same light and pass laws which
will remedy the present condition of
things. "
Personal I'arastraphq.
Treasurer Bolln has returned from
Simon Calm , with M. Hcllman & Co. ,
is happy over the ai rival ot u now twelve
pound 003' .
J. B. Cooley , St. Joe ; M. C. Wild , Tor
onto ; J. M. Stcelo , St. .Too ; J. I ) . Wood-
ruir , Fort Washakic , Wyo. , arc at the
John Hush is now in the employ of tho.
Loan and Ti list company of this city , of
which Mr. A. U. W.yman , ex-United
States treasurer , is president.
Col. J. H. Hunter , formerly of this
city , moro recently of West Point , has
returned to Omaha to icsido , and has , '
with his family , taken apartments at the
W. S. Clymcr , St. Louis ; C. C. Mitchell ,
Ohicngo ; George Thompson and wile ,
"St. Paul ice palace ; " J. J. Molntosh ,
Sidney ; Earnest B. Zois , Boston , are at
the Paxlon.
A nioiiiinciit graduateoC Yale has Riven
SiCOO tott.ud the erection of a now frymmisl-
11111)01 ) college and two other iilimini
have offcied to pay all tno iiichltect's bills.
In the Philadelphia public schools 23,000
Kill pupils icci'lvo t\\o lessons weekly in
hewing , cultuiic ami itarnln-r. They ( hoi-
oiiRhly enjoy the instiuction , too , and their
licit hngeib uio made helpful to their patents.
Since the establishment of the solilleis' or
phans' schools in l'eims > Ivania 12,807 pupils
have lieen admitted , at an expense of np\\ aid
ol eight million ilollais to the state , 01 about
six htindied and twenty-Jivedollaibf01 each
The Misses Dro\el. who Inlimited from
their fatlier , the late K A. Dioxul , of Phila
delphia , u lortmitt of 812,000,000 , ! ia\o lust
puichascd 200ucic3 ot laud near Bristol , Pa. ,
on which they will establish au Industilal
school and home for orphan boys ,
Dr. JJuiolmulof Iho three H'H has lieon reelected -
elected picildcnt ol Kutgci'b "female" col
lege , XIHV York city , but not without borne
opposition , which was only quieted by the
understanding that lie would only hold the
position until the end of the pioscntbcliool
twin , next Juno.
It really Is bomcthing &ltani.'e mid almost
Incredible that Hal\aid. with nil it * > boasted
service and lout ; array of alumni , furnishes
( inly one United Sluies senator , Yale docs
better , having thrcti senator.- lepre-iuiit her ,
while 1'iliieetoii and Hamilton have t\\o
each , and liowdolu and Williams ono each.
The LomlmvcoHt t > i > auili'nco ot Science an-
noimccH that Iho old jnibllo t > cliools In Eng
land art ) iciiivliig their stilcl adhcienco to
Hie classics. "Itugby , " hosays , "is about to
Institute a modem bide , aim changes In the
barnodliecfion arc being gradually iulioduce > l
lit Kalpn , hoi gieat ilval , Harrow having JOLJJ
had tOmethln ; ? ot the kind. '
Yale eollosro has , long been iccelvImr 87,100
ayrariiom the state us a bonus lor main-
tainini'an am ( cultural course in the scien
tific .school. But us only six students have
been in ailuatcd , from that courio In twenty-
onejcaid thcio Is a public demand that the
stipend bo Iran si erred to the state school ot
ii ricultuieheio practical IiutiuUloii Is
given and a laiKciuimbt'i of pupils attend .
In connection with tile umioied project to
establish u ( Jeunaii university in Sehenee-
tadv , N. V , , vvhlch the ( ieiiiian govi'inmcnt
\\lll be nslcd to endow vvith the modest hum
ol 1,000,000 markB , the Berlin Taellcho Ilund-
ftclmupeilineutlyusKjJ : "Should Cifimaiiy
liot Inko a much Etcater liileie t | u ;
thcQciraan-Amcrkans como over in tniJ-ii
their atudiM at our own uuWersitltbV" .
IT " tri" vajK i flAnxMI. T
Commissioner Sparks' ' Rulings nnd Thelf
Effect on Bottlers.
A Correspondent Who Claims the
Commissioner lias Arbitrarily Hua
ponded the Law In Itefusliiu
to Issue Patents.
NOUTU Pi.ATn.Nob. : , Jan. 23. To the
Editor. In jour valuable paper of the
27th then ) appeared a special tele
gram dated Washington , January 50 , in
which an interview with Uonimisslono * ?
Sparks is Riven in which Sparks says :
"A pci ou loaning money upon the Inml
olllco icoelpt and tnlclmr a inoitgnKo Is i > i < r-
fectly bcciiio If the cntiy Is made In good faith.
* * In loaning money It Is vv Ise to luccr- '
tain that tin * bnriowrr has made a pioper
loMdeiicaaud othoiwlso observed the law In
good faith. "
Tno law provides that before a final
receipt is issued Iho settler must publish
a notice in sonic weekly newspaper ofj <
general chculation in the neighborhood
of the land , giving a description of Iho
land , the time and place where ho
proposes to make his proof aud the
names of his witnesses. Tins is a notice
to all the world to show cause , if any ,
why final receipt should not be issued to
Iho settler. Then ho is required to nniko
pioof to the sati-faotlon of the register
and receiver. If the settler compiles
with these requirements the law directs
that a linal receipt shall bo issued to him.
and a patent follow in the course or
The issue of the Ilnal receipt should
bo conclusive. By issuing it the gov-
eminent says , through the register anil
receiver , that the settler has complied
with the law and a patent should
issue. What Iho settlers complain
of , is that Sparks lias arbitrarily
suspended the law and refuses to issue
anj' patents to settlcis in what he is
pleased to term the "infected district , "
which includes the western half of Ne
braska and Kansas. Again Sparks says :
Hcgaiding the statement that patents .110
being withheld to au unusual extent , I cart
a sert that they mo being issued faster by
500 to 1,000 per mouth than evci before In the
hlstoiy of tills eouutiy.
In view of the fuel that the issue of pat
ents to bottlers in this land district has
been entiii'ly suspended .since Sparks
went into ollice , and which we believe'ia
true as regards the rest of the "infected
district , " it looks as though Sparks wad
attf'mpting to deceive tlie people , if
lie is correctly reported in this
interview. It may be , and probably is
true , that in Florida , Alabama , Arkansas
and other points outside the "in-t
fected districts" the work of issuing
patents is going nieriily on. Probably
Sparks didnot deem it safe to tha
displeasure of his masters by suspending
the law in those localities.
In the "infected district" patents are ,
being withheld from all settlers , honest
or dishonest. And still Sparks insists Hint i
ho is doing nothing to injure the honest
settlor. Is it no Injury to withhold hia
patent indelinitcly when he has fuly )
complied with the" law , and by Ed
doing throw a cloud on his title ?
It is the poor and honest settler that is
the greatest sufferer by Sparks' cruel de
cisions and orders. It is safe to assume
that nine out of ten men who take up
land under the pre-emption law are pool !
men who by tbo time they have livcil
on their land the required time , and Im
proved it , have exhausted their mean's ,
and must cither borrow money to pay for
their land or lose all their labor besides .
losing the land. Until Sparks suspended
the issue of patents there was no trouble
to sccuio the money. But now it is dif
ferent. Parties who make a business of
loaning money refuse to loan money on
land when the question of their becurity
depends on the will of ono man with no
statute of limitation. Right hero is
where tlie land shark gets
in his work. The settler being unable to
get the money to make his proof is obliged ,
to sell his land to the speculator for what
he can get. Thus Sparks is working into
the hanils of the very parties lie pietend * )
to be fighting.
If Sparks is desirous of protecting tlio
government and the honest bottler , why
don't ho provide that an inquiry bo in
stituted on behalf of the government ; .
When a settler gives notice of his inten
tion to make proof and payment , the
time between giving notice and making
proof is from six to eight vvceka , afford
ing the government ample time to
thoroughly investigate tlie matter. Then
if the bottler has not complied with the
law , refuse to issue a final receipt , but if
ho has complied vvith the law. for ( Sod
sake , give him a final receipt that is final.
J italic1) ) : .
The drawing of Kaufman Brothers. '
cigar ami tobacco pi i/os will take place
on no.xt Monday night.
The members of thn First Congrega
tional church have turned the Casino
link into a tabernacle of worship , mak
ing it comfortable and frci ; to all. They
especially invite htrangers or any without
church homo to como in.
> KOVOllltilHllHlS IjVCOUtCll.
WAIISAVV , Jan. 2'i. Two men , ii'cently
condemned to death lor belonging to a
Polish lovolutloiittiy association , weio ex
ecuted to day.
A Sensation Kxploilcd.
Sr , PnniisiiiJKO : , Jan. ! Xi. The Joinnal
d'St. Pi'li'ibbing icpo"1 * the published dls-
covi-iy of a nlhlllstloplol to ho a falule.itlon
of the coiu'spondantri ot the Berlin and
" \ ioiina papern.
Rheumatism i
\fo doubt If there Is , or can bo , a spcclflt
timilyfor rlieumntlma ; lint thaiiMiuls who
lave sufffieii Un pjlns have been gir.illy l-rn.
rfitcd by Hood'a B.irsaparllla , H ) oii ] iavo
tailed to Onil relief , tiy tlili great leincdy ,
" 1 uas unilcicd v.llh rhciiiii.itUm tucntj
years. J'revloiij to 103.11 foiuul no rtllcf , but
Kreiv v , , and at ono thnoVHS almost help-
less. Hood's HarsapnrllU ilIU mo morocood
than ill tlio other nicillrhio 1 nvc : * "
II. T. JHMIOJI , Shlrloy Village , JIais. I
, "Ii.\d7hctimatlm } tljrco jcais.and n"t no
tclltJ till I took Jfocd'a .Sarsajiaillla. It has
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