THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. /Ill I ) AY MOKNING , JAX. SO. orriCEt Ko , 13 Pearl Street. JHlhcicilbycmrler In any pnrt of tlio city at twenty cents per week. JI , W , TJLTO.V , Manager. HUSINF S OITICK , No. 43. NIOIIT nuiTOK , No. 1. MINOR MKXT10N. Pants to order , from $ , " ) up , at Kcitcr's. h'oiiiu Jliit-f broke Into the stable of 11. 1' . Kuinpur , the Hroathvay groeorymiui , Wednesday night innj yotaway with two sots of harness , onu .singlo , the other double. llonry Arnold was fined yesterday for biiin ( fnuik , Jtsucms tliil : ho 1ms been hauling Ice. and tin ; tuani being left in his charge , ho left the horses standing on thu street while liu wandered oil'on his tlnmk. Mrfli Anniu Gruell now wants to bo set free from Charles ( Irucll , to whom she was married at St. losuph in October , 188 , ' . She claims tiiat in the following jSlnrch liu was sent to the penitentiary for t'vo years fet larceny. 'J'hu alarm of 11 ru yw > terday was paused by the overheating of : t .stove in thu dining room in the Weslei n house , which ignited the carpel in a room above. Tlio damage was very small , and no water was thrown by the tire department. ( { rent pieparations arc being made by fomo of the traverse owners tor attend ing tlio coasting carnival in Omaha on Saturdaj evening. It is reported that many ladies ot tins city are preparing coasting eostnmes for thu occasion. All desirous of attending the coasting carnival in Omaha on .Saturday evening no.\t \\ill confer ti favor by leaving their names before 0 o'clock Fridav evening at thu ollico of the Uity ll''llVi' Ulim M ) l'1U ' transportation can 00 SOtiUVClli On Wednesday evening tlicro was n liltlo gathering of friends , strictly informal mal , at the residence of Air. .Samuel II'iiis. on SiMli htreet. An oipoilunity ] was thus given thu triends to meet the lUis.-cs Minnie and Pauline Wadliiigh and JUVs Mniiiit ) Gage , who are guests of Miss Mary llaas. Koiuul trip tickets for tlic ice carnival at St. Paul will bo placed on > alu at the union ticket ollice , J. L. DelJevoiso , agent , at > follows : On February 1 and ! ) . good until Fi'bntary 8 ; on thu 8th anil Dili , good until thu loth ; on this 1.1th and 10th , good until the 12''d , on thu 22(1 ( and 2d ! ] , good until March Int. Thieved scorn determined to have the .saloons kept open. Some of them Wednesday night , ( hiding the saloon of Oliver Lower closed , corner of Jlain btreet and Eleventh avenuu , proceeded to open it by forcing open tlio door on Klevonlli avenue. They helped them- bclves to all the cigars in the casu and some bottles of whisky. As will be seen by notice elsewhere , JJiseman , Hodda & Co. Inivu dissolved , and the People's store will hereafter bo conducted by Mii r.s. Henry and Simon Kihonisiu. Air. Hodda , who retires from the linn will continue in its employ. The People's store lias proved u great success and its popularity will not be le-sened. The comical play entitled "The Irish Lion" will bo presented by a well-drilled amateur dramatic club at Temple Hull , Thursday evening , February 4 , to bo fol lowed by the side-splitting larco "Inter viewing Mrs. Pratt , " an episode of Alor- mon lite. Admission has been reduced to twenty-live cents , and a full house should encourage homo talent. The late grand jury have not got their feathers down .since Judge Loofbonrow HO milled them by his parting scolding. They now propose to see if the Nonpareil can prove the assertion it made , that a policeman , who was being investigated , was allowed to remain in tnu room while they balloted on his ease. They now de mand proof or retraction. The uro also preparing n statement about other mat ters. ters.A A fellow named Cole , who lives on Pierce street , gave the police a pointer. It has cosl him dear. Ho whispered to them that a fellow was trying to pass a counterfeit $100 bill , and put the boys in blue on his track. He is said then to have slipped around to the fellow and told him that the police were on to him. It was learned that tlio bill instead of being a counterfeit was a genuine one , but of no account , it heing one of the old state bank bills , from Missouri , u relio of former days The fellow nad simply been nourishing it about , witli no idea of passing it. On learning these facts the police arrested their intormant , Cole , and lodged him in jail as a vagrant. For hardware and house furnishings get prices of Cooper & AlcGee , No. 41 Alain street. Substantial abstracts of title and real citato loans. J. W. , & K. L , Squire , 101 Pearl street. Persona ! I'nrnuraplis. N. . Sanford of Avoca was in tlio city yesterday. .Samuel Hnus lias returned homo from a business trip. Airs. Samuel Clark is recovering from her berloiis illness. Jerry Alyers lias returned from his visit to Pennsylvania. Hob Flynn of Des Aloincs was at the Ogden yesterday. K. J ) . F. Fisher bus returned from a western business trip. Rev. W. T. Smith , the presiding older , yesterday went to Hlanclmrd on u short Vihlt. Vihlt.G. G. Washington Froneh , traveling freight agent ot tlio Louisville & Nashville - villo road , was in the city yesterday. A. A. Swearinger of Alendota , 111. , who lias made many acquaintances here by his pool ( Celling during the races , is in the city.Aliss Aliss Alay Stone of Chicago is expected to arrive in this city to-day. She will bo the guest of Aliss Alary Haas , No. 12-1 Sivtli street. Alis < o . Alinnie and P.miine Wadleigh of Clinton , Iowa , and .Miss Aliunlu Gage of Lyons , Iowa , are in tlio city , the guests of Aliss Alary llaii . Not loo. Notice is hereby given that by mutual consent the linn of Kiseman. Hodda & Co. is tills day dissolved , and the new linn of Henry Kiseman & Co , , composed of Henry Kiseman and Simon Kiseman , lias tnis day been formed , nml tlio stock of the old company will bo at once con solidated and placed in the rooms now occupied by tlio linn of Kiseman. Hodda & Co. , Nos. ! )10 ) , W8 and a0 ? Hroadway , where the new linn of Henry Kiseman & Co. will continue to do business. Said now linn assumes all the liabilities and will pay nil the debts of the old concern , and will collect and receive all claims due the same. Air. S. J. liodda , though not a member of the new linn , will con tinue in its iploy. ) IMSKMAX , HOPDA & Co. HKNUV KisKMAN & Co. Hr.xnv KISEMAN , Suiox KISKMAK. S. J. HODDA , For hardware and house furnishing get prices of Cooper & AIcGco , No. 41 Alain btreet. For first class Missouri wood call on Gleason , at his coal ofllce , SO Pearl street. kfyuttiit ( * > t'nii&AMilu/ifttit\ / > f < iiin ' " t i " " " ' tfr"J ! JT'B Ics"BH PLANNING FOR THE PARKS , Council Bluffs Frostily Boasts of Leading the State in Summer Beauty. OWNERS OF SALOON BUILDINGS. A VOUIIR Mnn With n Weakness For Otcrconts A 1'niicr Thief NnMictl Other GntlirrliijjH of News In and About tlio City. ACIty ofl'nrkB. Tliis is not tlm most suitable sort of weather to indulge in much sitlontion to parks , but tlio time draws ncnr for sir- anging for tlio appropriation for this u'ir , nml lieneo the park commissioners .ml . nltlcrincn are looking over the prob- bio needs. Council Hind's is the only own city which really has any parks , onio of the cities huvo si square , and onio of thorn call such places parks , but his eitv really has parks. The parks are lot only so extensive , but they possess ueh natural beauty that by the oxpendi- uro of a llttlo money each year Council Mull's would soon be known far and nearer or the beauty and extent of its parks , if or nothing else. The citizens them- olvi'S , at lea t many of them , do not eallze what a wealth of parks Council Mull's posiosses. There are between 000 nil 700 acres of parks belonging to this ity.Most Most are familiar with Uayliss pirk : , hat being in the center of the city , it is i little beatitv. but it needs some ini- irovements. Tlicro should bo some llll- ng iloni' , sind new walks laid. A foun- tun should bo added lo tlieattraclivi-ness f the place. Such arn some of the im- ) ro'emetits being considered by the com- nissioncrs. Lake View park is one which is by Hig * tiku. It is proposed to find the mean- Icrod lines , anil si plan is being talked over of condemning land for u road , 150 \'it ; widu , connecting with Cherry street. J'sih'iiiomil park is onu of which this city isis reason to bo promt , it being , the inui'k"jt ' natural park in tin's part ot H'9 otintry It seenis necessary to define liu east and west sides by fence , as hero has been more or less cutting away of the blulVs , and tlicro may be some en- H'Oiichnictit upon the park grounds mi- ess some such precaution is taken. There s also being considered the advisability of opening a drivowayfrom Park avenue. Vnothor driveway , entering the park "nun the south , is also being considered , t is desired that fountains ho placed in ho park this year , as there is an sibund- nil water supply. Many citi/.ens are not aware that the ity has a small park inCialesburg siddi- .ion , near Fo-jter's greenhouse. There sa block there , which is valuable , and vith some slight care will ho ono of Uie m-Uiest parks in the city , it needs to be rimmed up and fenced. Little attention has boon paid to Island ; > ! irk since tlm citizens had an excursion .here hist year. Jn order to make Iho > ark roallv available it is nece.xsary to ) iiy about twenty acres more. Then 'here would be a drive clear around Jarr's lake , and beautiful picnic grounds , t is proposed to grade around the lake inil rsii > o the water some. J'ho sippropnation of last year inioiinlcd to about $3iOO. ( The present evy will not bring in any money until ii'\t fall , so that this ifiJ.fiOO really has to cover lust year's expenses and this sum- ner's outlay , unless the commissioners anticipate tlio coming in of the cash. The o mailers are being considered carefully , and there will bo no hasty noves made. It seems desirable that onto marked improvements should be mule , however , each year , and this can ) e clone without any great burden on the .axpuvers. Council iSliill's has a chnnee .o iiuiku itself known all over the country jy its jiarks , and at liu ; same linii ! its citizens can have much enjoyment Irom them. Correct Abstracts of Title and Heal Es tate Loans at AIcMahon & Co'.s , No. 4 1'carl street. ftlonoy to loan on chattels , by Forrcs Smith , loU Main street. Owners or Saloon Tlici injunction lights under the pro hibitory law have been mainly centered about the business itself , and the active saloon men , rather than the owners of the buildings in which such saloons are located. In DCS Aloines petitions have been tiled to secure injunctions against the property owners. The main point in issue was whether they were liable. Their attorney argued before Judge ( liven of the supreme court tliat as they had leased lor no illegal ! purpose , their allirmativo section must be given for the transaction of tlm illegal business , before they could bo held. The prosecution on the other hand claimed that they had been given ample notilication , both by sci/.urcs and other lawful process , and miistconrtcqucntly ho held. .Judge Given decided that the property owners had been sulllciontly notilied , and were subject to injunctions with the saloon keepers. In deciding this point the court says : Itonlyiciiulns to determine , theicfoie , Lo- hane's liability to injunction. In his atll- tlavlt ot Jmiuniy 3-1 he le tllies Unit the IHCIU- l.scs weie li'.iM-il by him upon tlio expicxs ngtccmciit that they .should not bo used lor any unlawful puriioic , and that it the siiino are so used , with icipcct to which he had no peisonul knowledge , It was without his con sent or approval. It Is claimed on behalf of defendant that heennnot bohelil to have permitted the mi- lavilul biislncxA unless he bus had aetunl knowledge theicut' and hasanscnti'dtheieto by some alliimntho act. On the other hand It is el.ilined by the plnintllf that us owner he U chiuged will ) the duty ot seeing thai Ids Hioperty Is not iwrt lor unlawful purposes , ami is Imblo to Injiuii'ilon when Irom MIPIO limutlon heiloes not knowtlmtlilrh the law makes It his duty in know. In tlio Stale v.s Hallliitdl : , ) In. , pasii 17. the eomt held ihatto uluupt an < m nor with DIM mining nn unlawful business it must bu shown that alter he became awaio of the Illegal use of hlrf house b > the le.sheo hodltl some net or homo declaration atllunliiKly at-scntim ; thoicto , Tlio laat jinnigr.inh of section 15H ot' the code imikliiK ccitain proofs picstimpuioiis evi dence is omitted In the le-onactmonts of the Ivtentluth pmeial assembly. We hold that to imiko the owner of prop erty leaseil lor lawful purposes guilty ot n nuisance in pcimlttlm ; the same to bo used in violation of law , It must appear that helms knowledge thcicof ami has assented thereto , Thlsbilnu'sus to determine whether from the moots tlio ilufeiiilnnt , Lelmne , Is shown to have had such knowledge and to have Hlvcn such assent. The unlawful business Is sbown to havobccn can led on In his buUiIIng liom May U , IteS , lo January U , 1K6II , nearly a moutli alter the lillngot the petition ami a number ol days later than the tiling ot his answer. liu was notlllcd thereof by wiltten notice served January lit , Ibsd , ami airain by this pioecetllm ; lortempoiHry Injunction. Ills aMUlavit ot January U.J , that ho had no iioihoiial knowledge theieof. can only bo jus tified by Its giiaidcil phraseology and the con clusion that ho ilhl not believe the Informa tion which ho thciotofoio hud. It Is not clear how alter all these searches and scl/iircs , at some of which Lelmne was likely near , and the charges and notices of which lut did luuo Information , It can bo said that ho did not know his place was beinu used lor the unlawful sale ot liquors. Smell If ho acted as men usually do he must have known it. The lellcf asked Is not to punish for the imst but to imueut violations of the law In ihofutuio. The nuisancii bolus shown to have existed , thecouit U to enjoin lls furthei iiialntciiniuM ) or not , just In accoiduneoM whether its fmtlier maintenance Is piob.ible if not restrained. Concede that up to the lic-arint , ' , January S ) , Lulmno dhl not believe and hence did upt know or assent to the nn lawful business , hens then advised by Ju dlclnl determination that sncli unlawful busi ness wns belnp carried on In bis liouse and In \iolatlon of his lease , as made It ft nuisance , yet notwithstanding such Information he proposes nothing toward Its abatement but stands before the court denying the rliht of the court to ( mil Hint lie Is permitting the miisanceortosay to him by Injunction that he .slmll not permit It In the future because m the pecuniary consequences Hint will result lo him In Hie loss of rents under his lease. Mm tin vs Ulalncr , 25 N. Vf. Hep. 131 seems . to bo here quite hi point It does not clearly npiH'.irwhether ( helease In that cn ownsfor u lawful purpose or not , hut lliu court nys of Clbbs , tlio owner , thai his refusing to exercise his right nml nuthoilly tofoibid the tinfllc nml oust the violator < > [ tliclau troni Ids laud he becomes nn aider nmlnbcttorof the violator of the law. Ami Ids nbuttlm ? of Iho crime becomes active when he comes into n court of justice nml contends w ilh the other violators of the law for Its defeat.V nio of the opinion that ho Is n proper pally to the action , nml t lie com t rightly icstrmucd him from pcimittlng tlio unlawful tialllc which ho was doim ; by falling lo declare his lcn o void nml lo oust \endorof iu- to\lcatliiR liquors from the possession of the piopcrty. " It Is lilted that Lclinue has no other reined y for terminating the tmlnwful business thnii nny other cltl/cn except by declaring his lease tcrmlnntcd , nml that he should not beheld held to do so inasmuch ns It Is for n term of yc.ns , pnit of which Is iiucxiilrcd , and as thereby ho would lose his rent tor the uue.x- plrcdtcrin. We think If because of this un lawful use he should chose to dcclnie Its lease tin initiated that his lemedy Ismuplo for the violation tlicivof nicalnst his tenant , and that whatever he inluht lose In icnts would be iccovciable In damages. Tlie temporary Injunction Is gianted as prayed agnlust the dt'lcudniits , Conradl and Luhaue. upon tlio iilaintlll'.sglvlng bund. Tlio bond Is conditioned for Hie payment of all daimuri's which may bo adjudged against the petitioner by reason of such injunction. Cod i' , sec. > ' S Xi. As the Injunction only restrains the parties enjoined Irom dolnir that which they mny not rluhtfully do under any circumstanced , the damages nrc mainly. If. not cutlicly , limited to the expenses ot defending against the. Injunction. So far as we can now see SlOOlHsullieleiit to cover such expense. If future developments shall show uthei\vlso. a motion to luetea'-o thu amount of tlio bond will be entertained. Cottage ranges , Garland stoves Ra diant Homes and Hub Heaters of the very latest pattei us at bed rock prices , at Cooper ! c McGeo's , No. 41 Mnin btreet. Host coal and wood in the city al Glen- son's , aoTearl street. Stop Thief. There has been si gruslt deal of annoy ance caused of late by sneaks stealing newspapers from subscribers. The morning papers being delivered by car rier boys sit so early an hour when there are few on the strccls , gives an oxcolk'iit chance for such thieves to lake a paper without being observed. They have been improving this opportunity , and as a consequence subscribers have been disappointed , carriers have often boon blamed for missing , aud then * has bcca a great deal of nervous strain and irrita tion all around. The BITK has had its share of this trouble , and has lately been on the lookout for such fellows. Yester day morning C'apt. Anderson , manager of the merchants' uolicc , caught one of these fellows , and brought him to the front. Ho was a boy about seventeen years of a < ; e , named Charles Ilollings- worlh. Ho had just helped himself to a , paiier from a box nt the residence of D. J. Rockwell , No. 811) ) Third avenue , when the officer nabbed him. He admitted to have taken the several times before. Jn police court yesterday morning he pleaded guilty lo laraeny , and was lined $3 and costs. " The judge suspended the .sentence to give the boy a chance to behave - have himself hereafter , and revuestcd that his name be not made public on ac count of the excellent standing of the family. The BEK has no malice against the boy and regrets that any of his friends should stiller on account ot his acts. Hut it is time that an example was made of this class of sneak-thieves , for while the value of a single nupcr is not great , yet the trouble caused by taking so small a thing is considerable. The publicity is given to the matter us a warning to others who may feel dUposod to indulge in this sort of pilfering. The BEK , as well as the Nonpareil and other papers has decided to keep up tv watchfulness , and let no guilty man or boy escape. The pilfering of newspapers is too great an annoyance to bu allowed to bo kept up , and when ever an.\ one is caught committing such an acl llie papers will give him the full beiielit ot advertising in the courts and in the columns. The Irish Lion anil Interviewing Airs. Pratt at Ahisonie hall , ThursdayTebru- ary < l. Remember the date. Admission 25 cents. * The Evans & Hooy company in "A Parlor Alateli" in ' was greeted Dohany's opera house last evening with an extra ordinary large and appreciate audience. The Overcoat WcuknesH. George Wilson was lately sent to jail for sneaking a lint from the Tremont house. His time was up Wednesday , but he hud not been out of jail more than two hours before the oflicers had him again , charged with a like ollcnso. It appears that he proceeded straight from the jail to the Creston house and lucre hclned himself to an overcoat belonging to William Aliddleton , one of the boarders. He took the coat to Drolich's second hand store , on Hroadway , and sold it for $1 , although the coat was one thai cosl ever $ ' . ? 0. The ollicors soon after arrested him. When taken in he WUH found to have on another overcoal , uliich il is said was stolen from one of the colored boys at the Pacific : , and under inV coat liulnul a lady's Jersey , so that ilseomo ho plied his busi ness actively during his short spell of freedom , ( Jn being brought before Judge Aylosworth yesterday morning ho listened to thu information charging him witli larceny from a building in thu daytime - time , and asked the judge it lie couldn't make it potty larceny. He did not believe - liove the overcoat was worth $20 , biit'tho judge informed himitmadonodiUVrence. as there would bo another charge lileii against him lor stealim' another overcoat from another hotel. This rather weak ened his hopes , and ho asked for n few days to see what he wanted to do about it , His examination was therefore set for Saturday. Grertt Day for Maocilonia. AlACEUONiA , Iowa , Jan. 28. Ex-Gov ernor Will Cumbaok of Indiana was wel comed by a full house lasl nighl at Dye's hall. U. F. Clayton , csq , , introduced the speaker by n few appropriate remarks , giving a brief synopsis of the speaker's early history , from entering con gress at the ago of 20 up lethe the present time. Ho dwelt brielly upon the progress made by the three western states , vi/.j Towi. , Nebraska and Kansas , made since tlio ' ; cturcr first entered con gress. Ac that time the slates mentioned wore very smajtors in America's his tory , but to-dui they rank among the foremost states at the union. Cutting his remarks oil * as .short as pos sible ho introduced Air. Cumback. We would like to give the readers of the Kr.K tlio full lecture , so that those who have neyer been privileged to listen to it might get the benefit , but we suppose that would ra.hpr bo infringing on the patent. Air. Cmnbaek hold tlio audience for about one hour and twenty minutes , and wo presume no audience was over better entertained by a public1 lecturer * The lecture , "Tho Invisible Some People ple , " is founded upon the inconsistencies of the world n't lar c , and is very cm- phatlc Jii its ilonnnciation of those Mho are ever anxious to roll the ball of scan dal , mul prove their assertions by the theory that "somo people say. " II paints in glowing , colors the general . cusscdness of hvporrites , liars , back biters , ami scaivfsl mongers , and con demns them to a hereafter , where they will probably cry pub ; in their agony , for some one to come and lay a ton or two of ice on their parched tongues , They arc all handled wltluhtt 'gloves ' , and justly , too , the whole Interspersed with laughu- bio anecdotes , that arc not only interest ing bill bear directly upon the subject. Alr.Cumbaek has a good and well trained delivery , while his enunciation is as clear ami distinct as though he were but thirty years old. All who iicard him wore well pleased , and we hoard many expressions of regret that such treats were so far be tween. * _ s # Last evening u birthday party was given Aliss Anna Kradbury at her home , the Ksscx house. AN ACROBATIC FAMILY. The Hnnloii llr.uhcrs mill Their Kc- mnrknhlo Kseaties Krom Death. Philadelphia Times : In Alanohoster in ISo'J ' , while the elder brothers were play ing in "The Two l-Tyiug Alen of the Air , " William fell from a trapeze and broke two of his ribs , onu of his arms , and out his head. Ho was laid up for a year and nhalf. Alfred fell oneo in 1805 in Huf- falo while turning a somersault from a trape/e and attempting to catch u rope. He broke two of his ribs and cut his headtopen. Kdward , onu of the brothers , now in Vienna , while performing on a long ladder in the Academy of Alusie in Now Orleans under David llidwell's management , in 1800 , fell head downward into the parquet His shoulder struck a soldier , who had to bo taken lo the hospital , while Kdward was comparatively unhurt. Thomas , the brother who committed suicide , had three falls at different limes. This last fall resulted in his going craxv. His lirst fall was in tiic Coliseum in Liverpool , while performing on what is ealleil the perilous ladder. Ho fell into the orches tra and smashed the bass viol , but did not hurt himself. His second fall was at JJiblo'sgarden , in New York , under the management of James L. Nixon. Ho tried to make too long a leap to catch * , a rope that was being held ill uie wings by his brothers , William and Gcorgo. Jlc only caught the rope with one hand unit fell on his brothers , so that they had lo be carried to their beds. His last fajl was at Pike's opera house , in Cincinnati , in 1801. It was in summer and his hands wore wet witli perspiration. His grip slipped and lie fell on the stage , his head striking tlio footlights , and one of the gas burners penetrated his skull. Three years after Thomas fell at Pike's opera house he was arrested in Harrisburg - burg , while acting in a demented way about Ihc streets. Ho was taken to jail. His brothers at the time were searching all over the country for him , and one day Edward received a telegram from the mayor of Harrisburg saying Unit an insane man , who claimed to bo one of the Hanlon brothers , had been arrested. During a lucid interval Thomas asked why ho was in jail , ami the keeper tried to quiet him. 'I hero was part of u lot of steam heating pipes in his cell , and the cock was on tlm end ofi the pipes in his coll. He conceived the idea to kill him self by turning ilialf somorsaujts so that his head would strike each time on Ihe cock. He turned fifteen half-somer saults in this way anil beat his brains out. Six men tried to overpower him , but he broke one man's arm and another man's nose. Ho was a small man aud a sciuntilic hover. 'After ho had almost crushed his skull In he linally became ex haustcd anil was taken.out of his cell on a stretcher. Ho lived until the next day , and shortly beforo'hc ' died drank a cup ot coffee and ate some eggs. His brother Kdward arrived at tlio jail jusl as the demonlod man was breathing his last. Their mother beoamo insane on hearing of her son's death , but recovered her reason afterward. Just prior to tlio time Thomas fell at Pike's opera house the brothers , who were Hie originators of a theater under canvas , followed the army witli the lirst theater canvas. At Alouilo the soldiers fought to get in anil the Hanlons reaped a harvest It was when they reached Cincinnati that they abandoned their canvas theater and went to play at Pike's opera house. Heat Goods arc 1'ut in Smallest Pnr- celB. The old proverb is certainly true in the case of Dr. Pierce's "Pleasanl Purgative Pellets , " which are little , sugar-wrapped parcels , scarcely larger than mustard seeds , containing as much cathartic pow er as is done up in the biggest , most re pulsive-looking pill. Unlike tlio big pills , however , they uro mild and pleasant in their operation do not produce griping pains , nor render tlio bowels costive after using. LAMPS and CROCKERY AT REDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. 2. ) Main Street. Council Bluffs , la. UNION TICKET OFFICE J. L. De BEYOISE , Agent. No. COT Jlroadwar. Council 111 tiffs. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL IlLUPl'S. The folloulng- tlio tliuo of arrival nnj ilepurturo of tiulns by contrul stumluril time , tit Iho luciil depots. Trains luuvo tmiutcrdopot tun minutes earlier anil arrivu ten minutes liner : nBIAMT-CHIOAOO I. WIITUWBItKax/111" 1 0:2) : ) A. U Mull mid Express OiMiMI , l-MOr. u Accimjinodittlon 4Mi : > , M. 0(0l > . u Kxpiess , UI : A.M. CHICAGO ft HOCK IRI.AM ) . g20A.u ; Mull mid KvprcbS 0:5. : ' ) p. u. 7:15 : A. M AcoimmuUnllon.C:4Ai : > , M. 0tOJ : % M Exprus * U:05A. : M. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & 6T. I'AUI. 0:20 : A. M Mull mul Kxprcjs. . . flSOi : > . u. 0Wi' : . M Kxrri'H3 U:05A.M. : CHICAGO. iiuitu.MiroN & yui.vcv. Di40A.M MnlUiidlixpnt-d OMv. U:60r.M : Uxprui * :05 : WADASII , bTP LOUJflft I'ACIHC. 21G ; r. M.Ixcul lit. Louis Kx ) > robu Ix > ciil UCO : IM.Trmisforbt. . Ixjula Kx. Tuinefor.aM : p. M KANSAS CITV , KT , JDK i COUNCIL. ULtlFFX 10:1UA.M : Mull and KiprchS fi : : ) P. M. ll)6r ) ; ) , u Kspn-SH 0:2oA.-V. : blOUX CITV L PACING. 7:15A.M : . . .Hloux l.'lty Mull 8:30p : , M. 0oO : P.M. , . , . fit , I'aul ! Uiii's3 | 8 : JA.M. UNION I'AIJIKIC. 10:35AM : Duller Hxpress 6:45P.M. : 2:1 : : ) p. M..Lincoln ] > aM.Om. & U. Y..2:05 : p. u. 7:651" . M Uvoilunil JicprcBS 8:15 : A. M. nil.MUV TltAJNSTO DJIAHA. Leave Council llluirs-7U : > hlis : 9:30-10:30 : : 11BO : u. in. ; lao-i'UO-3ao-4:3J-5JS- : : : : : : ! 11:45 11. m. Swiduyi.-7Q5-0:30-U:30 : : : > " ! S:30 : UiO : : 6-4iUO : : 11:45 : p.m. I ouvo Onmbu - :3S-7:35-8:00-iOOa-UliO : : : : a. in : 1:00-UOU- : : OO-l-.UJ 5 ; 03 : 0:115-11:10 : p. m. HiimlnyK-U:3u : 60-11OJ . m.aW-3:00-o00-0:05-U:10p.m ; : ( : ; : : P , T. MAYNE. A. 8. HA/EI.TON P. T.Mayne & Co , Real Estate Exchange No. 103 Pearl Street , Council DluCTs , Iowa. Dealers In Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska Lund * LOTS IN COUNCIL DLUPFS AND . OMAHA A SPECIALTY. Keu ] KbUito bought uud sold , 'SPECIAL ' ' NOTICES NOTICE. iiilvorllsetrtonM , such ns i test , Pound , To Loan Ko-S. lp , To llont , Wnnti , llonrdlnff , ota , will bo Insert ml in this column nt tliDlowrato of TUN CK.VT3 1'Rll ItNK for the Ortt Insertion and FIVE CK.Vrs 1'Kll LINK for each siibaotiucnt la ertlon. Lenvo mlvcrtlso- mcntflftt our olllo , No. 11 1'o.irl strpot , near llromiwftjr , Council Ilium. WANTS. "I(1OH mNT.--llon : ? e , T-14 Tcnlli nvrntio , fhn frooms , all convenience * . Knqulro of Arnil 19 Miiiu Mrout. To lon nt PIT ecntlntPirgTon country orclty itioparty. If taken during tlio next thrco weeks , OJoll tt l\y Council llluITs. iroil SAIlf-ScnicTT"lTl7\ bo rccolvoTbF'.f Jw. . itodcfciup lo 1'obrimt-y 'M , 18 < 0 , on clirlity feet trout , two story lirluk block. No * . S ! , lM , : > fl nml 23 1'cail struct , between llitinilwny ana rirM inenue. iNT : .TiuT fliieo-story t > ricl < liulnc - - homo formerly nceiittlo I by ( honcnea-.fc Schountircn. Ktnutlieol MoMnhon & Co. , No. 1 l'oai I street , WAN & WAI.KIHt , No. ! W Mfllll StlCOt , ( u nilur ( "Ill/oil's Iliinki , tunl estate aim inur- i lmmll o cvuhiuiKo broker . Our books are full < il gicunl | ! bargains , but It H iinni ) > 9lblo to pull. IMi a reliable list from the Inct of so ninny ilally clianKos. What uoaok Is : If you want to soil or tnulo tut ) thin ? lo our line , nriln us mid \\o will fond you u iillo ol Iminnlns to select fYotn. liuniveil | or imlmprovotl , city or town property i stoc-ks of goods of nnv klmt In imy such you linvuor such you wmt lot us hour from > on. Sunn & Wulkcr , Council Illuirs lnV3 by ix huly n t-nt ol the P L -lliiultnlilo.1 Wu wniil six inoro llvo 11(10111" ( , muloor iciimlp. Ajiplv In person or by lollcrto Win. Hnmlnll , Sum. of ngunclc , Coun cil lllulH , "JT'Alt.M rott SAI.BAt Imrirnlii if sold fooit. A 1W ( iicros , 0J ! miles sotithwc * ! of UnitiliM. 0 room liotiso , orcullcnl wi-ll mul cistern , 'J biu-tii. 0110 lor pliflit horse * , ono for ) cows : hen , tool nml wnjron hou os : IOJ ticica In timothy : VUJ1 loiest trees , cotton wood , bluu'c wiilnut , n h iinJ intiplo ; food orchmtl , upplcM , clicn-lc , | ) lums , Krapps mul snmll frullH. Never falllnjr stock wntciIt. . l > . omcua , C03 lltomlway , Council lsi , Iow . HOUSIJSTOU HUNT At JloMtlhon No. 4 1'cnrl sticct HUSSBLL&Go , Mnnufncturcrsor i\ll \ sl/.c3 of AUTOMATIC ENGINES Especially Designed for Itunnlatr MILLS , GRAIN ELEVATORS , AND ELECTRIC LH311TS , Tubulnr nud Locomotive Boilers. Now Mussillon Threshers. Carey and Woodbury Horac Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. SEND FOE , 1886 ANNUAL. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Our Block la now complete In every depart , montnnd contains all Iho luteslstvlcsundoffcct InCARPETS CARPETS , CURTAINS , UPHOLSTERY GOODS , ETC. . ETC. -THE- Largest Stock -AND- Lowest Prices. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE CAIU'ET llOIJoB IN WKSTUIW IOWA. SAMl'LRU furnished upon nppllcitlon to dowu town imrtlca. FINE UPIIOLSTERY WORK TO ORDER Council Bluffs Carpet Company Broctdivay. E. B. Cadwell , Real Estate , Probate AND DIVORCE LAWYER. No , 604 Broadway , : Council Bluffs TIIOS. orncin. w. n. M. PUSBT OPFICEH , & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Httilbllelu-U 1865. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT UANUKACTUUEU AND DEtLUIt IK HAIR GOODS No. 837 Broadway , Council Bluffs. , 2.T. LINDSEY&CO. , * _ CLP CO PQ a AMD FELT BOOTS. Immense Stock , and Eastern Prices Duplicated , Write for Prices , Storehouse and Salesroom , 41II Main St , Office 412 Broadway , OoTjincil PAID UP CAPITAL$20,000. , , AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , $100,000 , SXJOCE3SSOK.S TO J. MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA IMPOKTEKS Ol < AND DEALERS IN i Musical Merchandise of Every Description Toys and Fancy G-oods. We innko the ieloVrate < l llnrdnun Pianos , nn 1 fie itoyat Whitney Organs , a spcclnlty Every Insti'uinunt wan.intccl Send lor dialogues. MUELLER MUSIC CO. , Council Jlrls't ' bull HIM of nnv iclal r.ilnl or mi79l nnl silUtaotljn jon - . Frtme liousos on J.IIlloCIiuql trucks Uie best In Iho worlJ. 803 Eighth Avenue and Ei htli Street , Cotuieil liluH's. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW 1'ractlces In tjtati ) anil Kcili'ial Cotirt.i. 7 mill b , SniiK.irt MERGEN MOTEL , Main St. , Council Blnffe. Near the < ; . , U. .t ( } . ; < ' . , M. V HI. I' . , ami J 0lt. I.A-1' . inllwav ilepoK KtH-et i-ars jussthe dnoi. Kvi'olhiui ; new nml lirst class. Ojicucd lice. Nl. l'ronietir | and Manager. A.C.Iluii.Mi IM , l'ro < . I..W. TUI.MIH : , Viuu-l'icf. JVMIS : N , Iliiow.v , Ciishler. tlational Baok 102 MAIN SXBEET , Capital . $100,000 Authorized Capital . 850,000 Stockholders Represent. . . . 1,000,000 Do u Kunmil bnnkin ? luisln ss. ice : > ints ol' bunkbanket ; H , muiuliiinto.iiuin. iiliiutiircrsiinil liullvldiiiila received on IIIHHII- blu teiins. Dunii'sllo mid forol n oxcbnngo. Tlio very bust ol nitration giicn lo all hin-l- nesi riiniinlttoil to onrcuic. N. SCIIUH.2 , Justice of the Peace. ODlce Over American Express Com jinny. B. BICE , M. D. /ilUfinpQ or othur tum > ira removed whlioul llAUvDIlO the knlfo or dtiiivlni ; uf Mood. CHRONIC DISEASES of BU kinds n epccIaUy. Over tblrty yea is' prictioal cYporlunus. No. 11 1'turl aiiect , Couiu II llluUa. | 9r"CO.NBUI.TATION KllUl' . THEGRECORY INCANDESCElfFcAS LAMP The public uro liilonneil Unit u i > ai-iit | 1ms bevnallowod to Oeo , H.liio ury , on hh linprov- oil ( im l.ainp-i , mill inmiuliietiniiJ by us. Mr. I. ' . A. U'UUums bomiuitlioii0 iik'enl Jor IJonnoll llltiirmiiiU Onmlm. Thu jmblio uro cantlnneil not to buy nnv ot Ilieso K\\ \ * lamp , except IbioiiKli > \VlllluiiiH , M till ollieri oilered lor falo arc irileliiKi'iiientH UOn | our lamp. ( J. II , DurriiK A. ( j..Miinulactiirfr und Solo West Agents , No. 13 UeurLoin bl. , Cliltuuo. UJJ REMOVED. I wKh lo icspm Ifiitly eall tlio attention ot my , , patrons und tliu public In Keneial , lo my re mol - ' ' \ l 11 oin ihu old hlniiil Kos. 7 and y , Miln : HI. , ' to my nun anil commo'tluub i ' fto. 226 Broadway , Wliniu I will bi > ploustM to ten my iintnj . . . Witli a lurid ) , nuiv anil voinplolo meoruiicntof all tlm very UTESTFafeinSpringSmES Anil bnlnff loiMloil In lurjrn qnarloia 1 inn teller than over liefoio'l ' lo to HUMS tlm | iul > - | lc. Itespetllally , J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 226 Brondwny , Council Bluffs. " ' "ESSEX HOUSE , t'OIIXKIS HllYANr A.VI > VlMI.Slrt. Opposite C'ilj Ilullilnus.C'onnoll lilntlH. Wnrm room ? nml KOO. | boaiil al i a I e.t. e.t.Nortliwestern Hotel. Newly Idled nml furnished. Opp. Hroadway , Utmiuiy Depot. Sl.M JMSI day. ' SAMUKI * TATi ; , Prop. L. H. UKHSll.VW , Mnim''cr. ONLY HOTEL In Council llluffs bnvinir Anil nil moaern liniirovemouts , call build , Ur alarm bella , eta , Isllio CREST ON JIOU8EI KOI. V10 , I'll nd 219 , Mulu Stt-cvt , , MAX MOHN , 1'roprlotor. v-1 Chicago Lumber Co. Wholesale mil liulull Uimbor , i.'Uli , Blilnglos fiahli , Doors nnil ( IllnJi. Solo u imts fur tb it'li'lirutiil Miiililcln-iul CoiKOiitntlcilVlilto l.liiui. if. 1' . M UfONMU i. , 'I'l'lt'plllMKI NO. ' , ' " > . N0. TIU.Mmiif ic ' , Co < iu'.l Ulu