Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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The tJnltcd States Body Trying the Western
Nebraska Land Swindlers.
A. Queer Couple In the Police Court
Tlio Imwypr'n Mistake Now
tforpornllons NCWH In
llrlcf Stnti ! ArrlvnlH.
Into1 rnr. nr.r.'s ttr.rot.s nunnvu.l
The United States court is just now en
gaged in trying thu somewhat noted case
of the United State-1 vs William A.
Arnold , K , 11. Moore , Sylvester Yanilt ,
Frank I * . Swindler , rt al Ono of the
defendants , Yniult. was Hied nnd con-
vieled til the Omaha term , and Is now
ixwalting sonlt'iieo. Of tlio others the
government htis boon able to reach only
two , Swindler and Wells who appeared
voluntarily for trial and tire now in courl
awaiting the result of the present pro
ceedings. Ainold , the kirn : boo in the
nllegeu conspiracy and his lieutenant ,
Moore , have skipped. The doft'iidanls ,
who are nil residents of Denver , tire
chained in two indictments with haying
banded them olvrs together to defraud
the United States by making fraudulent
ontrlus of government lands in Hie North
Pintle und MoCook districts in this
state. Swindler , who is a surveyor ,
claims that the connection of
himself and Wells wilh tlm job , was : m
1'iilirely innocent one , they being engaged
by Arnold lo go into Nebraska and survey
ui'itaiii lands for him without , being taken
into his confidence. District Attorney
Laniborison introduced , yesterday after
noon , lion over , letteti Iron : Arnold to
.John I ) . Seiinuin , written while the latter
wiib receiver tit the North Platlo land
ollico , tending to show thut Swindler had
Minus Knowledge- what was going on ,
Had Al nold's plans been allowed to
mature ho would have robbed the people
of thousands of acres of valuable land.
His transactions were on a wholesale
Miiilc , do/ens of entries under tlio home
stead and pre-emption acls being made
at a time , by ono board of hired men , who
weie kopldiifting about from ono land
ollieo to another , swearing to proofs , etc. ,
in any name that might bo required , for
the sum of § . " > per swear.
Arthur S. Potter , receiver of thu West
Point Butter ami Cheeso.a'-soeiution , tiled
his report yesterday. Since September
C , the day ho took possession , Mr.
Potter lias received | K > 3,8Jil.lll : ) and paid
out ! j'J0.01)0.27 ) , leaving the concern in
debt to him ? > . ' , -l70.08. This includes his
fees of GOO.Gl.
In the cases of Rowcna Young vs C.
M. Luighton and the Lincoln Driving
Park association , the depositions ol
Samuel W. Lyttle , taken at Los Angeles ,
and showing his connection witli the
title to the land in dispute , have been
John G. Deshlor v Ycasoy Suitor ,
general denial.
JamosN. liarncs vs James S. Giflbrd ,
general denial.
Frank Ebenhack vs Union Pacilio.
Phdntill'asks that defendant's motion I'oi
a lieu trial bo overruled.
Mr. Lambert-ion upset even the dignity
of the court. Wednesday , when in jus
speech to the jury against Heath ho said ,
in icferonce to Counsel Webster : "Every
time a brass uand plays 'See the Con
quering Hero Comes , ' my friend Web
filer , arrayed in his red necktie , stops t <
the sidewalk to acknowledge the compli
mont. supposing he is the man intended ,
and the worst ot it is ho has never found
out his mistake. "
A QUIIU : : coui'Li : .
Stella Outhonl , aged 15 , and John
Smith , a rusty-looking old chap of U" >
were gathered in by the police yostciday
on a charge of unlawhil cohabitation
The girl said she came to Lincoln some
weeks ago from Falls City looking lot
employment , and fell in with Smith who
induced her to go and live
witli him in a shanty in the alle.- ,
between E and D .streets 01
Fourteenth. Smith , while apparently
a pauper , exhibited a big roll or bills to
Stella , and gave her a regular wcokl
allowance , saying that ho expected to
receive $ ! J.OOl ) baek pension in a shor
time when no would build a comfortable ,
house. The district attorney dccidei
that the curiously mated pair could nebo
bo successfully prosecuted , and Iho ;
were allowed to depart in peace for the !
bower of love in the alloy.
i in : LuVWYKit'st MISTAKE.
In June , 188 ; ) , Robert C. Ihr/.lett ,
farmer in Lancaster county , obtained
divorce from his wife Mary Leo IJartrnll
A stipulation was made by which certaii
property was to bo settled on the wife fo
the bcnelit of the chihiren. Ycstordaj
Ha/lelt obtained an injunction from tin
district court restraining Mrs. Ha/.lott
now Mrs. Vandorpool , Irom disposing o
the property , Ila/.lett in his petition
alleging that by a mistake of the attorney
it was convoyed to her absolutely at the
lime of .settlement instead of in trust for
the children , and that ho has good reason
to believe she is about to sell the farm
and turn the proceeds into her private
The COK Chemical company , of Oma
ha , tiled its papers of incorporation yes
terday. The promoter * ) tire Iltirrisom
Cox , Michael C , Moaghor and Frank
Kittell , and their purpose is to manufac
ture and soil baking powder and oilier
ohemical compounds. The capital stock
is 5,000 , and liabilities for debt limited
to § 15,000.
The Herald Publishing company , of
Custor , Neb. , is another now organisation.
The incorporators are William K. Carl-
ion , C. F. White. George P. Strain , K. K.
Urainard , O. L. Drown and S. L. Wright.
nuiir : MENTION.
Miss Jessie Lansing celebrated the
llfth anniversary ot her birth Wednesday
by givpig a neat little party to her young
friends , followed by a sleigh ride about
thu city ,
Mrs. Wcstorland of Gothenburg has
boon taken to the insane hospital.
Landlord Kitchen of the Commercial
has begun active work on the alterations
in thoTiotol , and a monlh'ti time will
show great changes in the old hostelry.
Maislml Beach's caninu death roll foots
up IS * * , and the nncolltired pups are still
dropping oil'at the rate of icn a day.
Tito contract for sinking the test well
in the salt basin will bo submitted to the
board of public lands for approval Mon
day next.
The masquerade ball af More-limits
1'oso ' company given at Temple hall
Wednesday evening was ono of the most
pleasing parties of the kind overgi\en
in Lincoln ,
A number of compositors in the News
ollico were made seriously sick yesterday
bj drinking a strong decoction of tobac
co , some rascal having dropped a lingo
plug of tobacco in the chapel colVuu pots.
Maud Uigulow. aged 15. eldest daughter
of Mr. amlMrs. George E. Uigolow , died
Into Wednesday night of typhoid furor.
A 3 onng man named Tcotsiw , was
brought in from Kennard , Neb. , yester
day by Marshal Hierbower , charged with
stealing a registered Jotter from tlie post-
cilice at that place.
Korber , Jho man who was so badly
fro/en January U , through the alleged
brutality of his brother-in-law , George
Piruer , had ono ol his legs taken oil'by
the surgeons yesterday ,
Frederick Ithuinhart is asking the dis
trict court to burr one Daniel McDonald
from betting up title to lot 1 , block 144 ,
cltrof Lincoln , which HlieinUurt claims
to have bought and paid for ,
E. J. Hainos. Aurora ; J , Krcrson ,
Jvoarnoy ; U , E Spauglor , Omaha ; Win.
M mil" , irtviuiiiiii , * iiii tin . . ivf , u , . . . .
crton ; John M. Kagan , Hastings ; Chas.
Jackson. SI PaulJ. . W. John on , Sut-
Ion ; A. S. Cook. Omaha ; L. U. Cottivll ,
Scward ; L. H. Holt , Heatrico : 0. H. Ca -
lie , Ulna Springs , Dr. ( ii-adily. Omaha ;
Orlando Tcfll. Avoca ; Frank Dinninny ,
TccUmsch ; Ellis IJicrbower , Omnhn ; Jo-
M-ph A.C'onnor. PlattsmouthjEdCiowcll ,
Omaha ; W. L. Hitter , Omaha.
ITrsonnl Paragraphs.
Edgar L. Uloom , repicscnUng the Ada-
laido Moore company , is in the city.
Mr. nnd Mr. C. V Stephens entertained
James II. Thompson , ot Chicago , yester
Judge Hawcs htw gone to Knnluck.y
nnd will not return till the 10th of lob-
A. W. McClure and M P. Kiuoald , two
prominent clti/ens ol O'Neill , Neb. , are
in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J McConncll left last
night for the cabt , wheto they will visit
H. N. Iltibbard , of Jackson , Mirh. , sec
retary of the Travelling Men's Associa
tion , is at the Cox/ens.
Hans HrekPiifeld , a well known young
( icrmnii , has gone upon the road in tlio
interest of the "Post-Telegraph "
Henry Coon and E. Haxlctl , of Wheel
ing , Va. , arc gue ts at tlio Co//.ens , and
ha\o como here to establish in the coal
Miss ( ipiiovo Tngpr&oll , of this city , who
is now traveling with the AdelaidoMooro
company , will bo hero witli that troupe
next week.
W. 11. Day , a prominent stockman of
Kimball , this slate , has been in town for
a. few days back as a guest at the Lot-
/.ens , and has left for home.
Abe Nowbcrger , Now York : J. P.
Campbell , Kansas City ; O. U. Mlakoly ,
Sidney ; Charles ICohler , jr. , San 1-ran-
cisco , and A. J. Schad , New York , are
at the Paxton.
Frank Hull , who has been laboring
nndor the cfl'eots of rheumatism , is ag.iin
able to smile on his friends from his ac
customed place behind the connU'r ot
the Pa\ton.
Oanville R. Leo , of Portland , Mo. , has
been spending a few days in the pity ,
visiting his old Iriciid , Win. Ctowoll , of
the Canlicld hope. Ilo left for his home
in Maine hist night.
Charley Ross , for several years back
night clerk at the CORPUS , has been ap
pointed day clerk at the Paxton , vice
Heiishaw. Ho has many friends among
the traveling fraternity.
rotary , L. S. Reed.
Among the prominent state people
rcgistoted at hotels last evening were W.
11. Smith , Red Cloud ; W. T. Enbank ,
Sidney ; I. D. Clarke , Papillion : E.
Travers Leprohon. Nebraska City E. S.
Merrill and wife , Wahoo : C. Larson ,
Friend ; W. A. T. Campbell and wife ,
Fitllerton.I. ; O. West , Grand Island ; M.
E. Mcllwain , Nebraska Citv.
Ijocal Ilrcvltlcs.
Dr. Benson is making arrangements
for a children's ball to be held shortly.
The Montana Copper company's mines
are to bo closed on account of the low
price of copper.
Next Wednesday night there will be a
reception given to Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Calm at the Metropolitan club hall.
The regular monthly business meeting
of the Hebrew Ladies' Sowing society
will bo hold to-day at 3 o'clock at the
"Rabbi I5en on lectures to-night upon
the subject of "Religious Extremes. "
Divine services commence at the syno-
goguo at 7 o'clock.
Joseph Lois commenced suit in tlie
county court yesterday to reco\cr
$ S7.J'i ( paving taxes paid to the city , as
plaintiff alleges , illegally.
Anderson Lewis , barlcndcr in Sam
King's saloon , Eleventh street and Capitol
tel avenue , was arrested last night on
complaint of his employer for "knocking
down" $20. Both parties are colored.
To-day , January 29th , was the day
originally lixed for tlie execution of
Thomas Ihillard , convicted of the murder
of Henry Vcrpoorton. Mallard's attor
neys , however , having secured fiom tlto
supreme court an indefinite stay of e\e-
cution , it is probable that he will not hang
for many moons yet.
Teetotalers Sing anil Play.
An interesting entertainment was
given in the Parish hall , corner
Ninth and Howard streets , by the mem
bers and friends of St. Pliilomona's loin-
pcranco boeiply. The programme con
sisted of readings , recitations , and in
strumental music , and contained the
following features :
Piano tolo Miss Webb
Mediation "LadUhuo" ( Jlias. Tajijjail
Duett "Ilo Culls"
Miss Xoia Flannery and Mr. li.iei. > -"Tiino" 1' . L. Somd
Xllhrrduett Piol. Illn/.aml A. V. Oowan
A'ocal Sola "Danny Takes Alter Mo" . . .
Mr. Miner.
Mediation Mr. IJ.irr
Piano solo Miss Wcbu
These features afforded a pleasant
evening to the auditors. In connection
with the society is a dramatic club , which
has already produced ono play this year.
This club is now about to undoilako tlie
presentation of the drama , "Above the
Clouds , " which they will present on
February 21th.
Tlio Olinutnuiiiia Clro lo.
The C. L. S. C. will hold ono of its
most interesting sessions this ( Fiiday )
evening in the parlors of G Iho Y.
M. C. A. , or if the p.xrlors are too small
in the general hall. The friends of
Chuutanquans and those really interested
in tlds work are invited to bo present.
IMlOOltAMMi : .
Gcncial Subject 'Roman ' lllstoiy.
Second IVrloil Ueniililli'an Itoine.
Topic .for Hist one-halt ot elide : "Civil
War 01 Revolutionary Knoch. "
( Second one-halt of ( Hide , topic : "Tho
Gracchi , Mailus , Sulla , Pompcv. "
Discussion by entile I'liclu : "Tho Charac
ter ol Julius " "WasUiutus n Tuie
Leaders Mr. Dtinlai ) , Miss McDonald ,
Mis , Lemon , Miss Wood. Leader Mhs Popplcton.
Golilcn Kleceo Iliitorliiiiimont.
The next programmo of this populai
society of tlio St. Mary's avenue Congre
gational church , will include piano solce
tious by Miss Fannie E. Loomis , of llos
ton , Mass , ; violin solos by Mr. Herbert
Rogers ; a short comedy by Mr. Will II ,
Scott and Dr. Hunchctt , and the novel
Sun-Flower chorus pf nine voices , sing
ing popular college songs.
The entertainment will bo held ne\l
Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the res |
deuce ot Mrs if H. Wilbur , O'Jt Pleasant
street. Admission 25 emits , The soeioti
takes great pleasure in announcing Mis.-
Loomis and invites a full house.
Firemen Coasters.
The lire boys of No. a cart are making
a travis of prodigious size and robustness
which they propo-o to send Hyiiig dowi
the hill at the coasting carnival.
In the nbsonco of Tioasurpr Holln
Deputy Troabiirer JohnGtoves is holding
duwti the books of the county treasury.
Colored Oitiiens of Washington Oomplain
of Discrimina'tions.
The Soutli Carolina Senator Opposes
Ailinlsslon AVIIson oTloua Suii >
ports the Steasttre IConllno
AVork In the Mouse.
v\ _
U'AsiuxoTo.v , Jan. 2S. Mr. Intalls pre
sented n petition from Ficdortck Douglas nnd
other leading coloicd citizens of tjio
Distilct of Columbia , complaining agnliist
dKctlmlnallons ajtalnst them at theatres
Mid other places of public eiltei-
talumeilt In thb city ot Washington ,
and jimjlni ; that the license lawsot the
Dlstuctof Columbia be to amended as to
prcuMil such dlscilmlnatlon. The petition ,
Mr. Ingalls'-ald , was accompanied byalllda-
% lts In sunpott ot Its a\eiment3. It was ap-
ptoiulatclj rcteu pd.
The Minnie then uctit to the ealcndarnnd
lesmnedconMdeialloii'ol the bill to dhhlo
the blons. icseuation In Dakota Intoscparato
icsenutlons nnd H-ctiie lellnqulshment of
the Indian title to the same.
Altet debate ( he bill at ! ) o'clock was dis-
pla < I'd bv tlm bill piovldlng for tlie admission
ol Dakota.
Mr. lliitlerssiibstllute for the committee's
bill was lead. It is mi "enabling net , " iJtovid-
ing lot the ailing-ion ot the teirltoiy ot Da
kota ns n w hole , as a state ol the union , w lieu
election : shall him * been held under this act
aiidncoiistltutlon.ieptibllcan Inattfoini , .shall
have been ndoplcd by the people ol uoh
lenlloiy , 'I'liu sttbstlttito nlso pte cilbes In
ill-tail tlie conditions to bo ob ei veil by the
piopbied Mate , as to public land , schools ,
Mr. Hntlcr then took the lloor lu sttppoit of
his. substitute , lie insisted that tlie action of
.south Dakota had been ultra \lius and \old.
lieildes , he had iccclxed Intimation of traild
in the Pioceedine takpu theieof , elimination ,
icciimluationnnd ilngl m. Much division
ot opinion pipvailed in the toiritoiyas to
division on the line of the loity-sKth parallel.
Why not hae u tnir licaiing on nil tlie ques
tions invohed , so that when countess should
meet again it should have lei intel
ligent action' . ' Mr. Uutler could baldly con-
coiu'lhat any personal dlscouilesy could been by lallioadlng thiough
the cominittco on tgiritoilct ) an adveiso
icporton the lesolutionsolfeicd by Mr. Vest
and hlniselt lelating to Dakota. Tliey had
been \eisely passed upon at the \oiy Hist
meeting ot the committee after their relei-
cnceby tlio senate , without notice or oppot-
tnnlty , Mr. llntler.said , to him to bo picsent
at their consldei.itlon. Ilo Inqttlied whether
this haste was because ot a lear Hint if n full
ronsldeiation had been KiM'ii to those i eve
lutions the weakness ot the case now made
tor Dakota would be made manliest , or that
the motlse behind the elloits of the "state
e\cciiti\o committee" would be exposed. If
Dakota wcie admitted under tlie constitu
tional action aheady taken we might
as well abolish all paili.imontaiy
pioceedings and judicial foims. "When Da
kota shall come hole , " .said Mr. Butler in
conclusion , "movided with thopioper coun
tersign , 11 it smill bo my duty to be gnaid , 1
with pleasure will pass her on to the health
ot the citadel of the nation. "
Mr. Wilson ol Iowa contended that tlie
.senators who should Insist that o\eiv step
for the toimation ot new states hhotthf be in
accoidanco with their own views ot loim ,
displayed but little knowledge ot the pro
cess by which states had been made. Some
ot the most lojal and patriotic
Mates hail laid tlielr loundatlons
iniolation ol congressional action.
Ourhaidy pioneers had canicd civili/ation
jeaily laither woslwaid and planted states
as tlie milestones to mark the onwaid pio-
L'ic s of their journey. It had taken the
United States go\einment a long time to tin-
deistand the moxement of tlioso ploncci.s.
Tlio action of the people of Dakota , Wilson
Insisted , was in every .sense proper , peaceful
and constitutional , and no narrow paitisan-
shlp or political bias should be permitted to
iiitrilcro vilh-tho inniily anil lionoraDIo de-
maiidb ot its people to admission as a state.
The population ot south Dakota , was
sullicient to entitle it to two icprescntathes
in congiesi. Mr. Wilson compaied south
Dakota witli the wealth , population , nnd
ipsoiuces ol many other states at the time ot
theli admission , and atgiicd that the new
applicant lor statehood ptcscnted a case that
challenged criticism. Her methods had been
oiileily , conseivatl\e , and ciedltablc. Wo
should welcome her to tlie sisteihood of
The debate then closed , and the bill went
over till 'J o clock to-mono w , at which hour
Mr. Vest will htuc the Hoot.
A message liom the house of teprcsenta-
thes announced the death of lion. Uetiben
Ellwood , a late member of that body fioni
the state of Illinois.
Mi. Cullom lit moving coneiirionco in the
house icsolutlon otsoriow , .sketched biiellv
the lite and public seivices ot tlie deceased" ,
whoso heait , lie said , had alwavs beat In
haimony with Hint of the woiklng masses
Ilo hnd been a good citizen , an honest man
and a pine patriot. He reeogni/ed no innli
among men except that based on integilly ,
intelligence and fnilusliy. In tlio estimation
ol Mr. Ellwooil , a man who toiled torhisdaily
biead and ll\cdnn upiight lite , canicd tlie
stamp ol manhood 011 his biow , and was the
peer of every man.
Mr. Logan chaiactprl cd the deceased ns . .
man well equipped for the positions ot trust
lo which Ids constituents had called him ; a
man of high honor nnd unblemished integ <
rity , who by unremitting eneigy and indus
try had amassed a fortune which he knew
how toulili/e In bene\olcncc and chailty.
QJAdjomncd. _
W.VSIIIXOTOX , Jan. 28. The speaker laid
beloie the house a letter ttointhoseeietaryo :
btate , glUn ? a Hit ot the employes of tin
htatodepaitnii'iit , and setting foith that tin
senlcciol nonoof them can bo dispensed
with. Also , n communication from the sain
ofllcer transmlttinir implies liom United
States consuls to the dopaitment clicnlar
asking lor inhumation as to cattle nnd daily
tanning In their icspcctlvo dlbtiicts.
Mr Weaxcr ot Iowa intioiluced a bill to
piovldo lei tliooifrani/ation of the teiiltoty
of Oklahoma , tor allotments of homesteads
to Indians In soveialty , nnd open up the un
occupied hinds to nciua ! sett loi. s. Ilofoncd.
Mi. Itobcitson olfeied a isolation iccltlng
that section a,078 , icvlsed btatntes , prohibits
the dl\eibion of npptopiiatioiis , und icpio-
sciitittlons have been mailu thattlns .section
haI I ice n violated In tills , ttmt certain mono\s
njppioiiilatcilby congtess torcanylng on Ino
ulgnal hPivico 1 an can have been misapplied ,
and directing the committee on expenditures
in the war di'imi ! incut to Inquire If the stat
ute is being ousei\ed , nnd whether or not
It has heietoloio been \lolated , and icport
Mich nip.ismt'sas will secino itn enloiccmunt.
Mr. IVtei.s objected to the picsent consider
ation ot the i csolution , and It was retorted to
the committee on cxpendltuies in tlie war
Mi. ( ilbson , fiom the committee on ox-
pendituiei In the dcpaitmcnt ot justice ,
ii'poited a icsolntlon calling on the secretary
ot the tioasiuy lorn icpoit of all balances
duo to and liom the United .States ns shown
by the Looks ot the olllccs of the register and
sixth auditor ot the tmiiiiiy from the ! . " . ! 1 1 to
the uOth ot June , IbW. The secietaiy ol war
nnd postmaster geneial aio also called on for
iihtiilc-mont ot balances as bhown by the
booki ol tlu'Ir dejiaitniL'id. Adopted.
.Mr. Whci'hir fiom the committee on mill-
taiy allalrs , icpoited a bill autliori/.ing the
pic'sldcnt to losioro ofllceis to the aimy in
reitaln cases. The bill refers to the caseot
1'IU John Poitcr , and it was placed upon the
public c.dcnriai. It may bo called up lor
action any time dutlng the morning hours ,
an ad\antago which Is not enjoyed by the
fepecltio Flu John Poiterblll. which Is upon
the p > ivate calendar.
In the moining hour the house went Into
committee ot tlio whole , on motion ot Mr.
Dlngley , on the bill lepoilcd by thu shipping
committee to abnlUh certain fees tor ei vices
to A'jiPiiean ' vessels.
Mr. Dingloy stated that the committee was
unanimous in loportlng the bill , nnd no fees
w cio interfered with except those which nil
the members ot the committee were ngtccd
photild be aboltslied.
Pending nctlon.tho hour of 1 o'clock an Ived ,
and the house piocwled to tlio coiibldciatlon
of nj > iiioprl.ito ttisolutions touching the death
ot lU'ubln Ellwood ot Illinois.
Poll From the Jfo 1'alace.
Sr. PAL-I. , Jan. ! iS.-Androw Pavlitzki fell
cfghty teet from the main tower of the Ice
lulace Hilsutlumuoii. bteaUiug Ids jaw and
libs , llu will die.
Short Intcrvlewi Rathcrcd In tlio
lloiol Itotiindas.
.U r. KinlwiS , 'd'Xcill , Xcl > . : "Tlicre
Is no special ollhrt now being nmdo to
remove the land oflfoo from Niobrara to
O'Neill , but I think , nevertheless , that it
will bo but ft mutter of a short tune before
the removal will bo made. O'Neill ! s in
the center of tliiit fast developing north
western country , M\ty miles east of Nio
brara , and Is by the very natntc of
things better stiHcd , . for the land olllce
that Is Niobrara. , Onr is sv flourishing ,
growing town , on the line of the v
( 'ity iV ; T'aellic There is some talk of the
Union Paeilic extending n jino front Al
bion to our place , but whether it will bo
done in the near fntnro I don't know. U
would certainly prove an advantageous1
inovo for that road. "
John Mitnson , Kan Claire , Wisconsin :
"A Hairs up In the lumber dlsliicts of the
Kan Claire arc booming ami all indica
tions at present are that the lop cut on
that river anil the Chlppowu will bo very
heavy this season , 1 think at least GO-
000,000 or ( Tj.OOO.OOD feet at least. Then
again , there will bo a largo number of
old logs that wljl bo ratted to tlio saw
mills when the spring freshets come in
probablyi00,00,000 ! ( ) teet. I think this
year will witness quiet but steady rise
in the price of lumber "
John Miinn , ltitj\ilo \ Gap : "Sinco the
old town has been moved up to the now
town , wo hnvo in our place about two
hundred houses. 1 don't know how
many residents wo have. They'ro nil
men wo have only two women. No , it
isn't so very tottgli a place. Wo haven't
started our graveyard yet , although there
has been a lilllu scrimmage now and
then and and a man or two have bis
killed. Yes , sir , business is rushing up
there. Why , last week the road was over
two hundred and sixty-live ears behind.
Nearly all the business is witli Chicago
cage , and that's 100 miles or more further
from Onnha. Hut it's Omaha'- , own
"ault if she doesn't catch our trade. She
ught to work lor it.
Col. Frank I' . Ireland , Xcbrttska Cily :
'Our packing house is killing 2,000 hogs
laily. We get them from all parts of the
talc. There are three linns down there
, vho have men on the road buying up
logs wherever they can get thorn. These
logs the linns turn over to the packing
liouse. No , our distillery is not doing
[ inch now. In fact it's closed up.
There's some trouble about it the own-
31-0 being mixed up in a misunderstand
ing. Ground lias been boujrht for the
new public building. It cost .f5,000 The
plans for the latter have already been
: lrawn by Supervising Architect Hell , and
I can tell you they go to show that we
are to have the prettiest federal building
! n the state , tliat is , prettier than any
thing of the kind in' Lincoln or Omaha. "
A. Cow Uoy "npn ! < yun , " But He AVill
Not "Peach. "
Jim Dunn wAs a badly used up bull-
nmcher yesterday afternoon when ho
walked into police i court. His loft eye
was nearly cldsed'and one side of his
heck looked Iil > p ra\v steak. Dunn had
just witnessed tlie incarceration of Stove
Maloncy , who i was arrested as his sup
posed a ° sailaut.r '
I tell you judljf , I don't know thut
feller in thar , " > 'said Dunn. "lie never
struck mo. Ityas .feomobody cl e and I
wont testify against him so you might as
well let him go. "
Tlio judge , however , did not look nt
ho case in that light , and as Dunn told
half a dozen difl'crent stories , ho was re
quired to deposit fOO for his appearance
this morning to testify again Maloncy.
Dunn's injuries were received Wednes
day night \vliilo he was intoxicated. In
company with a man named Harrison he
was about to enter Fannie Hamilton's
house of ill-fame on Ninth street when
two men came out and assaulted him.
Both Dunn and his companion were
knocked senseless , and when they re
covered found themselves in the Hamil
ton woman's house. The police wore
intormed of the all'air and learned from
tlie woman that Steve and Jack Maloney
were the men who committed the assault.
Slovo was arrested during the afternoon
and a warrant is out lor Jack.
The police were of the opinion that
Dunn's denial of the identity of his assail
ants was because they had settled the
matter with him and had paid him to
keep his mouth .shut. Dunn avers that
ho was not robbed and says that the
assault was unprovoked. Ilo is a new
arrival from Hapid City , and has been
drinking witli new found friends in
Omaha lor two days.
The Carnival.
The coast ! us carnival scheme boorieth.
A largo number of young men have noli-
fled tlie committee of their intention to bo
present with their sleds and best girls.
A big delegation from the Ulufl's is also
ex'pceted. Without doubt the ovpnt will
bo the finest of the kind ever witnessed
in Omaha. There will be about 500 Jap
anese lanterns strung along the sides and
a largo bonfire at tlie top of the hill. In
order to secure perfect harmony the com
mittee. have issued the following rules :
Fhst All sleds and traverses mu t bo lu
good older.
Second Every coaster must stait liora
Twentieth .strret , and under dliectlon ol the
stai tor.
Thlid E\ery one i mining a sled must be
provided with a badge , and must report to
tlio btaitcr upon reaching the top of the
Fotiith Tiaveises must go down the main
tincknnd letmn on tlieiunth side , nnd sin
gle sleds go down tlm south track and ictnrn
on the south side. When a led light Is dis
played In the track nt any crossing , nil
coasters must check speed and come to a lull
stop , not piocceiling'untll the danger signal
These rules will bo rigidly enforced.
The committed lust night also adopted
the following : I
The traverses imtbt Iw captained and steeici
by a man or n boyovcr 10 > OUH ; old.
All poisons whq have traverses or blcds.
whodcslioto pailjcipato In thorainlval , wll
biiiegistt'red and get tickets and numbei.s at
Collins , ( ! oi don it Kay's after 10 o'clock to
day. All people must ha\o tickets to be ml
milted. Thu biibsrription Is entirely volun
taiy. ,
The Union Paoiiio will especially nr
range to bring overfall traverses fron
tlio i'liitl's , anil all visitors' are requestei
to bring over thu Minio. Missouri Valloj
and PlattninoutliAvill also bom ) deloga
lions The Union IVipilio bund will give
a concert from 7io ; to , 11:30 : at diU'crent
points on the hill.
Mr. CYdlins , of the Omaha Gas com
pany , will place an arch of light- > across
Dodge at Sixteenth street.
Electric lights will bo placed at Twon
ticth , Nineteenth , Eighteenth , Seven
leenth and Fifteenth streets.
The committee are still in need o
funds , as the carnival has developed into
larger proportions than at lirst expected
Evoi'i'body .should bo snro to get tliuii
name and residence inserted in the now
oity directory to bo issued in a few weeks
J. M. Worn ; A ; Co. , ISO S. Hth st.
A lienut'ful Store.
The finest and most complete Art Store
west ot Chicago LsIIospo's , 1C13 Douglas
Prof. W.I' . Janileaon , of Minnesota
will giyo two literary lectures free , morn
ing and afternoon , .Sunday , Jan. Ulst n
the opera house.
Unmistakable Signs that the Windsor En
gineer Will Have Hydrophobia.
St. .John Talk * Tciiipornnco
to Tilncolnltes A I'nriullso flir
Cattlemen I'omul Dead lu
n llnjstnck.
LINCOLN' , Xcb. . .Inn. US. [ Special Tele-
ijrniH.J The filemlsof Domlm , thcengliieer
it llio Wiiiilsor hotel , who Is now cntoti tcto
'arls lo bo trcatcil bj Dr. l\iMcm for hjiho-
iliobln , aio\ciydcsiioiitciit ( over nu Incident
hat oconricil lieio jcstotilay. Tlio do > :
\hlch bit Dotulim two \\colcs nto nmun ed
o blto n ntunbur of. oilier dogs befoie II \\\s
dllod. One of ( hcso dogs \s.m soctuod by Dr.
riiiiin.iH unit coinfoitnbly housed anil foil.
'ildny ho bognn to K > W dumpish. Saturday
ic was tultiiblo nnd would snap viciously nt
mnglnmy foe . Next canto n fioihlni ; nl
ho niotith , nnd .Mutuluv pntalysis set In ,
'ollowod by n violent death icsteidny.
I'liico docton have watclird tlio case fiont
hubtntt , nnd It U not | trob.iblo that a butter
ir cloM > r htndy of i.tbles was c\er nmilo.
Ihey nil ngreo that the case was 0110 of
cleatly dexcloped hydtoiihobla. If the dls-
a < -o shows ns rapidly in Doititna ho will bo
lead befoio I'a-itettr can get his woik In.
Decided AKiilnst. tlio IMiilntlrr.
. .i.Ncot.NXcb. . , Jnn. 2S. ISpcelal Tclr-
; r.un. ] The jury In the case of lolh ! vs the
Mlnncnpoll1 ? < Omaha inlluayeto dis
charged by Judge Dnndy jcstciday , the
"oicman leportlng that It was Impossible for
, hi'iu to ngrco upon a vi'ittlct. Thi'y had
been out slnco Monday , and their la > t vote
vas the same as the Hist , \ I/ . : eight to fem
n favor of the plaintiff. Itoth sued to to-
co\erSli > .ooo for the lossot a log whllo 0111-
ilojed in the conipanj'.s yatil at Oinalm.
i'ho question upon \shlch the Jniy ithldcd
vas whether the company w.isgulllj ot con-
ilbutory uugllgeiico or not. The plalntilf's
estlmony , showing the train was moving
\eiy .ilow at the thno of the accident , scented
o absolve the defendants fioin ic ponsi *
blllty. _
A Cattle TlirivhiK Country.
lUssr.rr , Neb. , .Jan. 27. [ Special. ] Until
his moiningwo have had no snow to speak
of , nnd comparatively no cold weather.
Stock lias ll\cd and tlnlved out ot doot.s In
act n sooil liaiooi : the cattle in most of the
nany small hetds In this part of thecounhy
aio good beeves. It must be admitted that
: hls is a paradise for cattle. 1'Jenty of good
my and timber to build Hhods and corn
Minngh ( mostly .sod coin ) raised to supply
liu home wants , and no cattle diseases have
disturbed the heulsas jet. If a man Beta
tail in stock , and is industrious , ho is bound
o become a cattle king , gteat or small. Si\
nchcs ol snow fell this moinlng , and ills
still snowing but without wind , and the
thermometer nbo\o free/Ing point.
A Cold Water Talk.
Livcor.x , Neb. , .fan. 28. [ Special Tele-
lam.J KK-Cioveinor St. John ot Kansas
made a political temperance speech to a
monster audience In tills city to-nipht. IIo
uhanccil the argument that the only vital
lUtotlon befoio the paoplo hinges on the
llquoi tunic , and its only silo .solution is
in the entoicemcnt of absolule piohlbltton ,
which can bo seemed thiough the ballot
when women aio allowed to vote , as tliuy
should be. St. John insists that the republi
can and demociatlo political oiganl/ations
are one in lad and puiposc , and that theio
ate only two ical paities in the United
States , vU : Thcpiohibitiouist and tlielr op
ponents. _
Peail In a Haystack. .
SCHLVLIII : , Neb. , Jan. 'JS. [ Special Tole-
giam. ] This moining as Mr. Smith of Hen-
ton , eight miles west of hcie , went to jri't hay
liom a stack near that place , the body of nil
unknown man was foil nil under about ten
tons of hay that had fallen hum the stack.
Thu body had laid theio a long while , piob-
ably tlncc months.
Howard Stricken.
SnwAiti ) , Neb. , Jan. 23. [ Special. ] Diph-
theila has broken out lioie again. Mi. Ilobei Is
lias lost tv > oof his children. One died Mon
day moining and one this moinlng. It socnis
that once it gets started the doetois can not
do anything to stop it.
An Early Morning Fire.
At 2 o'clock this morning u small
dwelling occupied by a family immcd
\Voodrun" , located on Eleventh street
near Twelfth avenue , was burned to the
ground ,
Considerable excitement was created
by a report which gained circulation that
two children bleeping in the building
were burned. This proved untrtio , us it
was al'torwards learned tlio children were
away from homo during the night , and
consequently could not have been victims
of the bla/.c.
llcol Kstnto TraiiHfers.
The following transfers wore filed Jan.
37 , with the county olork , and reported
for the IJr.c by Ames' Estate
Theoiloro R. Sylvanus ( single ) to Mithael
Castello , lots' ± J anil ii ! , hlodcUO , ilansfoiu
Place , Omaha , w d § 1,100.
George i ; . Miller and wile to Omaha
North Platlo R. M. Co. , ICO feel of center line
upon s yt ot sec , ll-'JI-l' ' , Douglas county ,
light of w ny D-S1.
licoigo 11. Miller and wlfn to 0. R. Perkins ,
usteepait of s \ < ot nee. U-14-10 , Douglas
untv , w d sWtir..rM. :
AVilllain O.Vhlto and wife to C. C. Unices.
11 yt of t-o l ( of sec. li-i-lii-K ) , w ofKlklioiii
ilvor. 110 acios , Douglas county , w d b'.WO ,
C. U , Hakes lo.las. \ \ ' . AKCO , nfolfo ) $
sec es-10-10 , w ot ElUhoin ilvoi , Douglas
county , q e Sll'3. '
Gideon Ma > no and wile to Pftcr Ilansen
lot 1 , hlocK 5 , KounUo's 1th add , Omaha , w
John A' . Wolcott and wlfo to Laiinon P.
Pruyn , w SI lei-t of o 05 feet o lot UK , Mil-
Innl .tCaldwell's add , Omaha , w d Sl.rW.
Thomas llidinan ( biimlo ) to .lerivRyau ,
lot 'il , Cunningham's it 1'iciinan's mid , Oma
ha , w d : i"'J.
Dennis Cunningham anil wlfo to Jeiry
Ryan , lot 31 , Cunningham's 1'icnnaii'Hiiild
Omaha , w d-Sm
Lticlnda Kandolpli to cilv of Omaha , s 1
feet of lot 5 , and all ol lot II , block lt > T ; ,
Omaha , w d "jil.UsO.
Union Stock Vaids to John H. Smiley ami
otheis , w Yi ot so } j , sec. iM-VlU , Dousi.ia
county , n o SI.
Da\d ! Jauiison and wife to Clilton K.
Mayne , nw ' , no ' { , M-C. atMS-ri , < i o Jj5t0.
A. i : . Ton/alln to Floia C. MacLeod , lot S ,
hlooU h , Hlllslilo add , w il S .
( ice. L. Miller and wlto to Omaha Holt R'y
Co. . pait ol n Ki fcec. 11-1M3 , w d "i 15,11.
Clilton K. Mayno and wife to Omaha Holt
R'y Co. , part ot nw # , no } { of sec. 1-H-l1' , w
John A , frolchton and wife to Omaha licit
R'y Co , , pait of seo.'s 8 , and 17-15-lCcoxt'g , w
I ) . L. Thomas and wlfo to 0. II. Mayno ,
lots 20 und ' . ' 7 , Tuttle's subdi\is < > on , w d
SU f > 00
i ) . C , Robinson and wlfo to Laimim 1' .
I'uiyii , w-tili'et ot e Ifti Ifot. lot llf ) , Millard -
lard it Cahl well's add , w d-Sl.V * .
S. II. II. Claik and wife to Clifton K.
Mayue , nail ot no , soc. 17-1.1-13. and part ol
it , nw # , sec. 17151y ! d-61ooo.
KonnUc and will ) to K. M. Sten-
berp , lot 10 in block IS ol Kount/o'a ikt add , w
Augustus KotinUo and wlfo toE M. Stcn-
liciu- , lot U In block 15 of KounUu's oil add , w
K. K. French , c-xccutor , to Asa P. Fiench
lot W in block K ot Mdnn'i add , cj c-fe'-'OAOj
C. T. TAYLOlt ,
Oeneinl Agent
OnicoTor. 14th ninl Dotiglni Pt ? .
l sno Onllniity Mlc , I'litlowment , Limited
Jndoument , Tiro. War DlUiU'iid I'lnn nnd tlio
'opulnr Xon-Korfeltlng fontoiio Policies. AS-
SCU oxer * frU,00)l ) 00.
Flro Insurance ,
'fU'ri'LK&Al. .
Jll South Tlilitcciuh Sticot , Telephone No 531
Not them A iiraiico Co , liomlon. l'.tiihin < l.
Orient ln uimica Co. . Iluittord , Conn.
Union liiMiunicc Co. , San '
Kiitlomil I'lio linurimto I'o. , llnrtroui.t onn.
rircnmn's I'liiul ln . Co. , Smi rinnol co , Cnl.
Ai < innluniXi.iTiii nli ) , Out.
A * . 11 ir.nrumi ,
Upni'vnl Appnt
Provident Savings Ltfo Assurance Co.
ot Now Yoik.
107 South I' btroot , Omnlia.
CllPHC8t. | ) IllbllllllllO D\or OlflTOll It ) ' 111 ! Olll
nu" cointmiiy. Aittinl morniro jcarly to t
.urltiff Hioi'iiU'iHlni'SCMKlSS ? , ISil nml IbN > , nt
igc ID , lorilOVW' , tn SS.1.U7.
Dry Goods ,
Tltp elegant btlck cnniprMoio.Xtil nnil Cum-
InjrMieets , hiHjuM been opened with iiKonural
Moik ol staple nnd liiiuviUy ( roods , boots.'Oiot'i
nut * , cap * , ulovc * . Moiklnir I'loUnM. ami u full
line ot mulct clothlmr. Tliu best quality naJ thu
o I'M jn Ices Cull amico. .
AtS'JNIGIh t. , I * lining n tlnlxliiff lu lns * In
millinery itml laney jroods unit alM > Keepa mini
iH-i olunpUjcc'lmsVonhullc' ' < nllsiiiiilK'neiiil
itrefsmnkltiRrnshlniniblo iiiul uli-h nmmrnti
cnn lui Iiiul at Mis KlKlit's lor aeij low llvoire.
A tilal oulor satisfies all anil teenies pntiomiKC.
Millinery Goods ,
For nnj thins In tlio millinery nnd fancy p-ooiU
jlno jon cnnnot do bottortlmn to pntmnlro Mrs.
M.M. letupainCumliiffSI. 'lholnlo t ( .l.\lu .tlio
must bcnutllul woik anil tliocry lowest prices.
Is the plnco for HIP people or V irthwu t Oinnlm
totnulu liccnuso It It Lcnli-.illy lointul. nt tlio
corner ot Cumlntr anil Siiuiuli'i SMS. Tli
Is tlio best nnd tliu pilccssiscliciip nsiiny ,
Grocers ,
Thlsnim cnnlcs a cliolon stock and does
a business on tlio smallest profits , and hi'ino
It 1ms a bltr trinlo. liny jour trtoeeilos near
homo nnil not n mile or ttto a\ury. No Yi"j Cum-
ing sti cot.
11KN11Y UOLLN & CO. ,
Dealers In
Staple & Fancy Groceries
riclJ ami Qnnlon Seeds. Soulhwost corner
ICtli and Califotnlu streets.
Groceries , Fruit , Feed.
Special dealer In pouHiynndnll Itfnils nttrnma
Oy-tein In M'tisnn. ( ! oiuldelUoioil Iroo nt fill
liontb. S. Golilateiu , ' 01 So. IJth otieet.
liEAL dcllEHRUXS ,
fancy Groceries , Flour , feed , Etc.
I'oultiy , 1'icsli llutter nnil 1'w u Rjioclulty
Thlbtlrm 1m- toil ) ; been noted IIH tlio leiuliii- ) ono
In t bull- line for thu ' 1 hint win il tiiulii. Ahuiyfirn-
ti'ipilsinir und up to tbe times with plenty ot i'V-
ci.uhlnir that Is peed Icopt constantly In block.
bW cor 10th nnd DocUo btioots.
P. Jf. BACK & CO.
G-eneral Store.
This house tnrnlslips your goods ncnr liomc ,
If you Iho In South Oitmlni. so tlmt when jou
Kct n w rnng sko In u lump vnlninov or u btronK
pound of butter , jon wont bo lorcod to walk H
inllniniil ( rot run i MM-by thocnrH to get It ox-
chunked. 1120,11JJ nnd ll 'l d. 7th bt.
Books and Stationery ,
J17N. loth street ,
Itelltrlous books a Epnclulty.
PrescriptionsPerfumery ,
02 SUtcunth St. , corner btoin , iti onlo Kail
"W.M. ( i
Cor. Dodge and 12th Sttoets ,
Drugs , Medicines and Chemicals
rnnoyaml toilet mtlclos , BPOIIKPS , Ilrnshos ,
I'ei I iiim-i } , < > tc. 1'liyFlolniis piesuiiptionsoaio-
Inlly L'oinpoundcil , und onlerH uiiBwcunl with
umu nnd ilUputch , Our htock of nioillclno U
tonuileto , wui united t'ciuilno mid of tlio beat
auiillty.WJi WHITEHOlISE , "
Drnt'S , I'alntH , OIU nnd Stationery. Knrulca rile
Ointment CMIIUS every time. I'Uco la cunts. 1'v
en \Viniuntod. .
Livery Stable ,
No. 2101 Cinnliur struct. Tlio Icadliw feature o :
this excellent Btiil'lo H its IHoiy , hut a kptolu
( tcpmlmom lo uhluh cii'itt nun IsffUim Is the
lioiiidliiK'ot liurfoD. A blot K of limtos lorb'ilo
or ( i.\clianii > iIII ! > o licjit on li.inJ. Don't torjet
lui place , CuinliKT sticet , Xo. ' 103.
_ _ _ _ _ _ LIQUORS. _ _
Dealer In
Wines , Liquors & Cigars
M-J South 13th St.
JOHN KANE In utiondanco ,
15KKUS , CLAWSON " & InilTusi
IT ' St. Maiy's Avc. , Cor. iStli Ht ,
promptly attrmlud to.
bulUt'autlon guuruutobd.
ferinfrti ? - T
J. L. BOY & Co. ,
At 507 S. ICIh St. , carry a largo stock of
, , ,
Silverware , Musical Instruments , 5) )
Ami over } tlilnpr lit their lino.
Small profits nml quick fwles U their motto j |
nml lower pi Ices mo iniulo tliau any otlior hou f
u the city.
Of nil Unil'ilone In ttio moM skillful mnnnof\ , * jl
I'ngimhigr e\ecutOil to order. ? !
* n
iuis : : PHINTINU co.
Successors to Srtimii'l Itcos.
Printers , Book Binders
And Illntik book MnmiCnrtiinr * . N'o4 , 101 nml
ICSS. Mill stieet.Dimilia Xcli. K. I'lirllo , Super-
ntoiulont lllndor ) . 'lYIt-phimo No. Uo3. .Miiini- '
liu'tUM'M of utliiior . lmnp * . _ _ _
.lohn ItoslcUv , IMHor nnd I'lilillflipr.Onicc
Illiuml 112 S , l-UhStieot. The lomlltiir llolioinliin
Joinnnl In the United Stales. I'llnthttr In thu
Bohemian Language
for niUuitUeis punnptly nnd clieaply
The Ihst uf Wort : at Itcinuticrallvc I
l.nlcst stjles t
Artistic Job Printing ,
IMS Kmimni Slicct , Hoom C , Omnhn , Nob.
Champion Mills ,
Vloui. roeilnndMi'Hl , 10IDN Kith ktrcot. llliok.
> \ heat nml i j o lion r a speelally. Tlil now mill li
lepmciltotitinlHiinny iimoiint ol KocxU In Its
.lie on phoit notice nml thu most fu\ornllo
pi k es the nml kct n 111 iillow.
A. W. COWAN A : CO. ,
Auction and Commission
polli'lli-d ; rnrnlttiro tioiiRlitnnil
Fold. Sales of ll\u Flock mul Iiou < eho1d furnl-
till u nt prluito rcslilcncc-f IM u specialty with tl < < .
llcnieiliber the jlneo ) , West & I'rltbchur's block
NHtlist , No 110.
Iniiortcrand ) Dealer In
Teas , Fancy Crockery ,
SpIcei.Jupnneso nnd Chlno p Fmipy Qoods. No-
Ions , etc. IleiiutllulOnmmeiits , 1IJS lUthst.
Photographers ,
Voi the boM , tlio chonpost , nnd the most vn
ili'd 8t.\les ol mtlPtlp poiliult work In ernyon ,
piisti'l , nnd all kinds * ol photos , fro to Tollninn &
iMnjimiiVH Riillfuy , Tf ( ! mid 704 N. lUth St. Firmer
or SI pordo/on.
rractlcnl bonce , sign nnil Tifsco pnlntcrg. 1'ixpor
iuliilriif , luilsoinlnlng- .
Awnings ,
403 So. lllh Sheet.
Wiltcfor I'r Ices.
New England Bakery
No. 221 North 10th Street.
Glvc the Inrerst mid best fie loaf of lirnnd In
the city. CnUes , pies nnd win m lolls dully , llomo-
miirtebrcHilnfipecliilty. Jinny Indies hnvo quit
Iwkliuf torlbemselvoB fclnco they can trot this
miiku ol homo-iniide brcud.
Tlirro line better mnkcrnr Hoots nnd Shoos
In thlHclty thiin IhOHorUman tibovu named.
ItcimliJnt ; nenllj done. SatlHfuctlon and per
fect lit me liiMiieil uypatronUlntr mi nccom-
pll&hed workman.
bhopnt No. 1U S. ICtU St. , between Douglas
OKU. J. ARMimUST , f
Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery ,
Etc. AlsoTIn llooflnc , aiittciJntr.Spoutlnpnnil
Oenoriil JoliTnmiiiK. Tlio bust of work and roil
honubloclmiKCri.tlllk L-IIIIS nnil ether thiwiuo
In stock. ! X UtCiiiuliirSl.Oiiiuliit ( , Noli.
10,000 Different Stoves ,
At Nottlii'iist coiner l th iiiiilWoliBtxir , la rtolnjc
u lil : biisliii-M In lopluolnjr lii-okun or diuiiugCKl
pailH ofHtoM'S , 'J'lio M'ttlnu up , ptl'sliliitr mid
icpnlrliiK' ol hto\cs Is IxHt iloiio by ono who
'miilius ' bin lnib'iii".a ' u specialty. Htovus , tin win o
und cutloiy nro kept In Monk.
\V. UOE11L ,
Improved iiwnliiK' ' < . ' > liiand bell hanvliur ,
. AKIIHI lor Mi > nicr'b patent piciiilinn beer
eelsunilhtandiinl uuluriiU".Miii ! inaiipi. N\V
r , 15th und Unwind bts , ( imalm , Nub ,
Practical Horseshoer
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