Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    * < M
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& f > & 4K BM BA
palls lor 11) . , dl r ; pencil. ilum ) nnd qtiinrp
liiiltPi , noiiL'l. ( . Mb. palK WT do/ . , 37..VJ
ratMip. ( Snjdcr's ) , luii'St inailp , IRT ( . ! ( % 2
do/- pint liottlo1 * . S5.00 ; horse raUlsli , pint
bottles , pel dot , Sl.fiO.
Nt ts nirKoiy nuts lartp ? per 1m. S1.-JO ;
do shell linrk , $ lT.jcli ; ( > stntits 12p ; pecans
lartfp nolNlicd , lie ; pi-pain. medium , S"c " ;
KtiKllsh vnlmiti , 14p : nltnonils , Tarragona ,
! 20c ; do , l.niignciioc , I'P : lirn/lls l'liloert ,
: ) lci : > caiiuK iiniul picked , fan.irglnl.V ,
7et i do - _ rnaslctl . Jv * >
Jars per doS5.W ; do. iilnt Inri per cave ,
J tlo ? , . S7.X ) . Tilpc , IMT J * ' libl. , J54..V ) ; do. per
Hbbl. S2.'Jo ; do. DCI kit. UV lltollcd inack-
vii , new , | icr ease , rx ) cans . O..Vt.
COMII llosT.i ( . 'alilonihi'J ibfrainuOOlbs
In case per Ih. , liir ; extracted , a lb. In ran * , 3
dn ? . In ease , pet caws , 81.00 ; 10 Ib. frames ,
Nebraska. IN- .
OiDKit-Mlohlcaii luflned , per bbl. , 80.CO ;
do. half bbl. . & UK ) .
VI.NKOAU While wine , ICc ; elder , 12'i/c. ' /
CoroANI is At S4.00SM.W ) .
Nr.w 1 KIS AM > lAiis : Kltfs , hniyinn. 100
lb. kens , per Ib , He : layer , 8 , U mid lit lb.
boxes , per Ib , KKiMTc ; Injer , fancy. 45 Hi.
tioxes , pei lb , ! iV : la\ci , tancy , 'J lb. cartoons
teens per Ib , Hie. Dates , f.incj laid , U Ib
boxes , pel Ib , He ; fnnry Persian , Ml Ib boxes ,
per lb , lie. Pinnellc : * , ! Ti lb boxes , per Ib ,
itsio.S8 ! : .Now Messina , " per boxSl.'iVii )
OitAMins I.os Aneelrsnto onolcd at l.S >
< if'\ \ ltl\ershle , SI.W ) ; XnvcN , s-1.00. Klorl-
d.i oianires me steady nt "I.WI per box.
CitANtii.nnii.sCapo Cod , lancy dark ,
P ier bbL SD.uo ; Cape Cod. fancy ( talk ,
-i > bbl. loK pei bbl. is.M ) : Jeispy
Hell nnd Uncle , 1 > cr box. fiNlVls ; -
tonslii IJell mid Cherry , per bbl , 50.50 ; Wis
consin Ik'llnnd Chuiiy. 6 Mil. lots , per bbl ,
S0.ift. !
C'Ai.iroitMA 1'IUMT 1'eais K.15ciiuo nntl
] Hiind ) jeais. per bov. . ' 1.00.
Ai'i't.r.s I'niipy . .Newoik anil Michigan
apples , per bbl , CJ.T.Vic.l.ix ) , : Inncy New Voile
nml Ulchlpan apples , 5 bbl. lots , pur bbl. ,
M.Vi ( : laney New Voik nnd Michigan apples ,
U ) bbl , lots , per bbl. , S'--'iO ; Illlnids tipples , per
hhl. fS'J.75 ; Illinois apples , fi bbl. lots , per
bbl. , M.i" . ; lllllltils apples , 10 bbl. lots , per
bhl. , S-J.-W ; .MKMiiui ( icnitoiis , t > bbl. lots , per
hhl.AlKsoiiil ! ! ! ! ; Cenlliins K ) bbl. lots ,
| ier bbl. . ji.,0 : ( ; lancy eatliiL' , pel bbl. , S.l.'JV
laney Mlchltrini Hull. Sl.tKk 'l.'A\
( litApr.s Slalacn. per bbl , S7.00.
I'ltovisioNs. Ham , ( ) ' ( , lle. breakfast
bacon , h Mile b.icoll. 1udiy : halted
hlili-s , ( i : MiniildcH. tilled , "Oie : mess
pork per bbl. . Slil.W ) ; laid. ) ( ) lb. cans , per lb ,
TC'(7i-.e ( : lo. < iniuii : lb Kalib.tnks , T iiibc ;
dried heel hams , I''e.
' lianihniii'ed In the
OVMI r.ns I'neus \ ( ;
eist on nil guides' anil ciNem t-blpiiei-s claim
to bo loMiiK money e\en at the lulvanee , so
that piosjiccts laver n still linther adMineo.
Tinspii'MMitcdldMMtherIs \erj li\oiablc lor
tliolmndliiiKol tlio djslor tnule. ( Juolatious
lot lo-dnynie : M. Y. eoniits. J" - : extra selects ,
Kle : selects. r.-t ; : ttmlnids.V ! ( : iiH-dlunis. 'J."c.
UNIONS ball I .also stock IsFclllnicnt Sl.oo
iM'i bitsliel ; eiiuiiuon liomo L'lovui rod- ; , TOW
ific. 'I'lieio me n few extra , ulioluu In tlio
.Mniket tlmt nru held ntSl.OU nor bush.
I' oils Now nits t'oinlmr. and ptlces
are noinliml at MfntXX ; foreboicofcloclc.
llr.ANR Dlity slock Is iilKiitilnl and very
bind to dlsposontliilcchoicc clean be.ins
meet \\ltli n icadv sale on nrihal. Hand
picked navv. SI.T.'KS..OO ; immt-pickcd
mediinii , Sl.riOiJM.To : cootl clean conntrv.
si.AViiuo ; iiifciior. 7r.ov.oo. (
( iit.M.N Tlio lollowlm ; aio the iiiuvnllniK
piices paid loraRon loads on tlie stieets
and at tliu mills to day : Corn. VJJc ; oals ' , ' . ; ( < ?
' - ' . ! ; , > io. * - ' , fiOc ; rye , 4r > f < i > ' ) c. ICIev.itor
inices for car lots : Coin , Ul-Vc ; oats ,
ai feheat ; , lilJ G'x ! ; rje.De ; bailey ,
Ki.otMiaml.Mu.t.sTUrrs " > \ inteiVhcat
Kll in ; best quality patent nt So.OOQM.CO.
.Second nnnllty Sei.oo. ) ? : .
Hprinc Wheat Ut-st ( iimllty patt-nt atS J. W
( < ? : i.K ( ) .
Klonr In bands , S.1.7.1 ; ; icady
ral ed tllb pacKages. fel.OO ; 0 lb packages ,
sM.lH ) .
Ilran 53c iier cwt.
( Jhoppod Feed I'er 100 Ibs.TOc.
Corn Ic.U Wlilte. Klc ; .vllow,7 cpcrc\\t.
Hcieenlns No. l , 7. " > c per cut ; Xo. , 50c.
Hominy sfl.WJ perc\\t.
Slioits fiOcpei c\\t.
( iialmm Sl.7r > ] icrct. t.
llnv Hales , fC.X ( ) ( . < i7.00 pel ton.
I'Ults AND OKISS I'rieui on fins and
hkins me stendy. .Mink , each , JOCTSOc ;
ninskrnt , winter , 'J0tr c ; do. kits. 2c : Otter ,
do. < 7W.OOwildcat ; , ! . , .
MT , per lb ; lox. each , S1.40@1.50 :
deerskin : , drv winter , llXtflSc iwrlb ; do. Jail
nnd siiinini'rOWJSc.
lliur.s I'licesnii'Meakasisusual at tilth
. eason ot the year , tiieen btitencis' , ( l i'c :
ereen . . . . , cined , , . b@HKc : drsr Hint , iK'tllc : diy
\\\tii \ \ \ t\\o-thlids price.
jnlino white , 4c.
LEATiir.n .No.'i rittsbure iminess .1. C. lj.
ArSons , ! o ; No. 11'lttsbuiv , K. it S. 31o ; Xo.
Cincinnati , : i5c ; No. 1 lace leather , OOc ; nrlino
Hl.inchter.solc le.ither. UbC'tffite ; prhno oak solo
p ,
calf. Sl.lXXai-rj"l'ieiich ealt , Sl/rxdl.Mi : Alo-
locco boot Icjr , SO@Wc ; ; Morocco oil pebble ,
lbaWc ! ( : ; tupuliiirs and linlims , SO.OOMio.OO
per do ? .
COAL Anthrncltoernto , ? ! UiO : egs , S8.50 ;
lance , SS.W ; chestnut , SS.75 ; Iowa. Sriino ;
' .Vnlnut bloel. % sa.75 : Jllinois , 55.00 ; Alis-
JlKAVV JlAIlDWAltE llOll. TOtCS , S2.25 ;
plow steel , special cast , Jc ; crneiblo steel , fie ;
cast tools do. l'@lbcanon ! ; spokes , pur set.
fcl.7r vt.1.00 : hubs. cr het , S1.U3 , lelloes. .s.uxeil
dry , fel.-io , tonniuls , each , 75c , uvles , each , 75c ;
hqimru nuts , per lb , , 7'flic ; collclmln per ti > ,
( Xal'Jc ; inaleable , J ; lion \\euges , tc : erow-
liain.0 ; Imiiow teeth , 4c : spriiiK Meel , 7ubc ( ;
JJimlcn'H hoiso hhoes S4.'J5 ; Unnleii'.s iniilu
hlioes , S5.5. Haibed Wire In car lots , 84.00
ti ; ) iir 100 B > s. iron Nails Kates , 10 to CO , S.I.IK ) .
3hot 81.50 ; buckshot. Sl.M ;
iion der , keps SJ.fOC'tM.OOdo : , halt 1 : 8,52.00 ;
lo , mmrter ke s. 81.50 ; blasting , kegrf , ;
luse , iioi 10(1 ( Icet. .We. Lead. Uar.
Jitv J'AINT.S U'hlto lead , be ; * iench 7inc ,
I''cParis x\bltlnc,2Kc : whltlnpBililersiic ;'l , lclainubluclc.iornmntown. !
l"c ; lampblack , oidlnary , lOa : Prussian blue ,
K > c , , untrninarlno. Ibc : vantlyke , brown. Be
Umber , bin nt.ic ; umber , raw , 4o ; Bienna ,
burnt. 4c : hienna raw , 4n : Paila crecii. ccnu-
Jne , U5c : fans creen , cniiiuion , ' Oc : chrome
Kiecn , N. \ . iOc ; chr nio tiiccn , K , l''o ; ver-
iiilllion , hncllsb. In oil asst ino ; raw and
burnt umber lib cans , lee ; raw and umnt
hienna. lOc : vandvko bro\Mi , l c ; rouiuil
Inmpblacl : . VJc ; roach black and Uory bl.vlc
ICc : dinp black , 10c ; 1'ius.shin blue. 40c : ul-
trnniarlnoblue. Ibes : cliiomo creeii , lj. , .M it
l,10c ; blind and Hhtitter BICOII , U. M. A : I > .
Ifio ; Pails j-ieen , Ibc ; Indian red , inc ; Veno-
tlan led. Oo : Tuscan led , ' iu ; American \er-
inlllldiii. \ . A : \ ) . , auc ; > cliow ocnie. Iks : ti. Jl
iV 0.1) . , lsc ; Kolden ochre , ific : patent dryer
bu ; gralnlnu' i-olois , llcht oak daik oak , wal
nut , chestnut and asii Ibc.
J'AI.MH I.N On. \ \ hito lead , Omaha , P. P
7c ; whltulead , St. Louts , pinu S7/JU ; Marsell
let , preen , 1 to ft lb cans , -ic ) ; French vine
preen seal , I'-ic ; Flench zinc , red M-a ) . lie ;
a i-mii ylne.ln varnish asst'Oc ; Kieiiolizino
750eniilllloii. : . Ameiican , INs ; liullaii. ml
10crs : } pliilc. He : Venetian , ml Cookson-s
" ? /o : Venetian led , Aineiiciin , " ; led ip.ul
7Ko ; chioini ) yellow genuine. , ; ehioino
xi'ilow , K , I''c : ochru rodiollo . e : ochrn.
rreiieh. y c ; oelne , Ameiican , 'Jc ; \ \ liner's
inliuTtil. "Si'- l.t'lilt-'h biiuMi.'Jo ' ; Sp.uiha
OILS liocartion , perc.u on. lie ; ! ' * : bead
JlRbt , per cation , Uc ; 17fto headllK.iMiur gal
lon , Ilio ; IMjo water \\blte , 1V : linseed hard
MIOIIII.V. . i . , ] K > r calion , St.ou ; llsh , \ > . U. ,
iier gallon , ( iVs ; nrntsfont uxtia , per callon ,
Ue.No. 1,0 > k ; ; Jubrlcatlnc. rero. ptTK.illon ,
summer , Ihc : golden machine. No. 1 , pur
callon , : ; oo ; .No. y MO ; sperm , blttnal , pertral-
Ion 75otiupuiitlnei : > crgallon,40ic ; naptha.
per piallon. 7le. „ .
\ AISNMKUKS llarrels , per pallon : tuin
tuic. oxtnt , fci.10 ; fiiinltine , No. 1 , Sl.oo ;
coach , extra 81.40 ; coach , No. 1. S1.20 ;
Damar , extra , 1.73 ; Japan , 70o ; asuhaltum ,
extra , b5o ; ehellac , hara oil IJnlsli ,
bi-tiiiis Cologne sphlts , JS3 proof , SI. W ;
do 101 pioof 81 ,1U ; bpliiu , second ouallty
101 proof. 51.12 ; do. Itfc proof , 81.11. Alco
hol. IbS proof , 42.10 per wliui gallon. HedU-
tilled whiskies , Sl.Xcil.50 ( ) ; gin blended ,
Sl.500l'.0J ( ; KcntucUy bombons , SiiKX OO ;
Kentucky nnd I'cnnsyhanla rjes , SiOOcu . & 0 ;
golden bhcnt bom lion nnd rye whiskies
gl.50 ( < ia.X ( . Uramlles-lmporled , S5.00jS.50 ( :
Uomestle , Sl.OKuU.oo. ( ! im > Imported , 554.60
di0.w. domestic , Sl.ttXci.i.00. Jtums 1m-
ported. 51.5K < fb.OO ; Now England , -.00 S < vM 00 ;
domestic , 51.r-Ow3.OJ. Champagnes 1m-
joi ) ted. nor case , $ ' . ' 3.0331.00 ; Ameiican , per
case , ,
Su.vnniES Uomcatlo Holland herrings ,
kegs , . ' < 0c ; lUibslan t-ardlne.s , 45c ; Ancho
vies In glass , Oiu Hull bianu. j > er diii. ,
23.00 ; Anchovies in kegs , > { Old Hull brand ,
4.00 ; bplml Hnmbuig beirings , skins and
heads ou , per pull , SUtf.
til's H'f II Fs o rllbTs I'M Kti
. .yy 100 9)JJQ 40 ] r , ,2 M
Mimn'ff 8't No.l 1/b 7 00 4 013 ( VS frt 1 70 7ft ? ! V ,
I/BO oib't-ii rnnej n nn 3 no a i * > i o i no 75 nn so
i/go H'd sn'ro rcyo , ( jo a fyi : i sviro _ i no 7f. vi no
I111'1" lMt "I'ls.O'r nbls' '
Nrw n n . , „
J F.W n. >
iw w
JW v 10 05
? S CO H 00 10 2-'i 0 05 7 3J 1 ftl
ttx. NO. isirr. . . : * oo u mn ajnjios 101
No. IPhoiu
Med. No. 1 Shore. . .
" Hay . . .
Largo ratnily. . . . .
' "
No.l White rish. . 10,1 , n w
rntnllr : i ray 153 tni 70 r.s . i cr ,
No. 1 Trout. . . 4 ftM ( )2 HTiU 10 74 Ki
No. 1 1'ltkcrol. 4 oi ) : i M j : w i IKI ) oa , to
I'llM.rtl Sll MO\ .
iriT "llbls MlrilbNo'illhlsl'alNor llts
' I .MO ! 100 JiO b ) li U 10
llblillirllliNO'rllbU kill
Palis-or .
KKK iicr'ings n co' " ooo aVn " > s no. US K
Noijvtvliin i I I I I
KK iioiihin. is 008 nor , txiii wao . " P3 M
s''l.'irS iioi ho'i i Ts : wI I'M ! "i r < ut
in : > ew larao lianlc cod , 4e ;
seaklnir , ( Jeoiees chunksOWe ; elnvei leal ,
( ieorces stilus , r.'j'c : 1 lb Kills,2 lb boxes ,
re : nralilo llowei , 'Jib brlclc.Ou ; x\lld ioe , 'J
Ibbifek , flc.
SMOKII : ) KISII Halibut , now. ( c ; now
scaled herrings , ' 'e ; m.u'Kcicl I''c ' ; Minion ,
r.'c : snuiked Minucun. H'u.
Holland beninir , now , jerkei ; , 7. " * ; new
loim snllt vtockliih , 10e , now shott bpllt
btocklhh , ! i } v.
Groocra IjlHf.
Sviiff litjuidaid 0 .JV , bbls ; Stamlard ,
do 4-nallon keu's , 51.15 ; NewOileans. > s ( < f We
per nallon ; Maple .SjiuiiJi b.iuel. P it ( ! ,
stilctly piuti , 70c pei ptilon : 1 pillon e.iiis (
fli.'A'i PHI loy : J ] gallon cans , SV-.1 per do/ ;
tjuait cansM.OO
rant.s. ne\\.7 jC".t > e ; pi lines , new , fi
bUdAiis o\\dned , te ; cut loal. sc ; gran
nlated , 7'4c ; coiuectioneis' A. 7u : . ttuv
daid I'Ntr.i C , iiXc : extia C , n'ie ' ; mediuni
yellow.OUe ; Xew Urlenns. M/OMI p.
CAN-XII : ) tJoons Oysteis , tjtnndatd pei
case. fei. : 0 : Mra\vbeilies , y-lb. , percase. S0 ;
] asbenies ] ) , U-lti. , per ease , S'J.tH ; Calltorniii
pnrs. per case , W.OO ; niirlcots , per case ,
c4.wi ; pcacliesicr \ rase , & 4.7i ; white cher
ries , per case. $0.00 ; piuiiis , tier case , S4.00 ;
\\lioulebciiic1 ? , per case. S'J.40 ; egg plums ,
B-Ui. . percase. Si. 0 , gieen cagei , 'J-lt > . , pei
case , S'-Vu ; pine apples , 'J-lb. , percase , S-L'JOS
J.iH/ .
J.iHMAI runs J'ci caddie , .15ci ; ound , per case
45csiiuaie : eases , Sl.'O ; Uslikosh cases , gr. , : mule sutmie. 51.'i\
SALT Di ar loads , pur bbl , Sl.M ; Asliton
In packs , & : > . : ! . " > ; if sacks , Ashton , two' bbh
dairy. W.COa-J.75 (
bricr.H ttionnd Hlnck pepper , boxes , M
® --'c ; allspice , l'J@H'c ; cinnamon IS' iCc ;
cloven , I5&i ! c ; einger , l5Ki > c ; mustard , 15ft.i
SSc.COFFKKS Ordinary graaes. l e ; fair , .no (
10'jc ; irime. ) llfgl-Uc ; choice , I'J' C'ullJMc :
lancy meen and jellow. H 5(0.14)10 ( ) ; old gov
oriinicnt Java , -"OO'JOc ; Inteu-ir .Ia\a. W A ®
'JOe ; iMoclia , KJr < fJ4c : Aibuckle's loasted ,
rncMeLauchlin'a ; XXXX loasted , W4o ;
Uilwoith's lilWc : Ited Cioss. l.'J'fc ' ;
Diluoith's. Arbucklo's iiiid Mcljanghlln's
XXXX. are.sold oOe pei case otr above prices
n : > -caso lots.
long , choice , 40 ( COc : Kuirlloh Hreaktast , good ,
: O ( MOC ; choice. 50(05c ( ( : Souchong , good , HO ®
o5e ; choice , M ( < 54 > c ; .lnjans ) , fair , ii'i ( ! " > o ;
peed , 3. " > ® 45c ; choice , 35a7oc ( ; Tea Dust , Kio ;
Tea SiltliiLS. ISs
I'MTO 'j'oiiAcco Climax , < 4cperU > : llorsc-
shoo , -J.'c ; Htar , - Jc : KpoailiemlICc ; Hold
lioll , ICc ; t'iper Heldsick. COc : Puneh , : ; tc ? ;
ioung Kilt41c : Silver Tair.-lOc ; .IT.J. ilic.
IJoi'i : Sisal. Yi Inch and larger , 8 c ; Inch ,
0c ; tflncli. U'jc. '
CANiiy Mixed. ! J @ 12c : stick. 0 @llc.
SODA In lb papers , S3.'i5 a case ; salsoda
keg per lb. S2.2.J.
VIJTUOAU CIBEK 13@18c ; whlto wine , IS
@ 20c.
Si'icus ( iroiind lllack pepper ,
( u'j.c ; nlspice , l @ 10o ; cinnamon , ISC'i-V ;
clo\es , 15 - : : ginger , 13 23o ; mustard , 1
@ 2.KJ
1'icKLr.s Medium In barrels , S7.00do ; In
half bauels. 34.00 ; small In banels , S8.00 : do
in half barrels , S4.50 ; gherkins In bauels ,
fcy.oo : do in half barrels , § 500.
OUACKEKS liariiean's soda , butter and
picnic , fi' c : cieanis , y < c ; ginger snaps , 8) 0 ;
Citv soda. 7Kc.
OANni.KS Boxes , 40Ib.Os llj/c ; Ss , lljfc ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Cs , UJic ; halt bo.x , 'Mti > ,
K CUT Haul to Beat , 70c ; Charm of the
West , OOc ; Fountain , 70o ; Uoldcn Tlncad ,
C7c ; Favorite , COc ; Buds , 60c ; llocky Moun
tain , 50c : Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , -lOc : Noitb Star ,
70c : ( ! oed Luck. Me ; Our Hest , m } c.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon impcnal , S3.00 ;
Kirk's satinet , S' ; Kirk's standard. BM . ' .0 ;
Kirk's White Uussiau , S4.CO ; Kiik's White
Caii. SO.W : Dome. 54. ; .
bTAitcii Niagara gloss , l lb , ) < c ; Niagara
gloss , a lb , Cc ; Niagara gloss , nib , 7e ; Niagara
Dry Goods.
Pitixrs Steel Uher , We ; American , 5J < :
Ainold's , fie : Cocheco , OP ; Manchester , Oo ;
Lynau , 5c ; Gloucester , ft ) e ; Dunnell Jac-
quaid. Co : Dunupll , fijoVlndsur. ; . Cc ; Pa-
cllic , Oc : Ilnimony.4lic ; Anchor Shiitiii''s ,
7Kc ; Meninmck Shiitlngs , 4 , c ; Berwick ,
UMAnun : COTTONS. I'm mers' ehoiep.
0c > ; Cabot , re ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4-4. 7Ke ;
lull % , ojc ; Lonsdalo , 8 ; Fniit , 8'4c ; am-
sutla , I0 > ic.
COIISUT JKAXS Keaisargc , 7e ; Annory ,
7c ; Peijpeien , 7)ic ; Indian Oiclmrd , 04o ;
Nnuinkeai. . 7c.
wx CorrovLawivnee LL , 5c ; Shaw-
unit JjL , fie : Beaver Dam LI , 5o ; Atlantic
LL.5c ; Indian Head , 7c : Waiiclmsset ,
Crown XMX. si c : Clliton CCC , 0 05
Utica C. 4Kc : Atlantic P. 5kc.
Fixr. Bnowx COTTONS Peppeicll It , fi' c ;
Pepppifll O. 5'4e. ' Atlas , O c ; Staluo of Lib-
crtv. Cc : Saranat ! li. CHe.
DINIMS : Beaver l/ieek AA. lie ; Beaver
und blown ,
DuoK-Unblenched-So7. ( ) Masnolia ,
10 oMagnolia. . l'c ! ; 8 o/ . West Point ,
10 ot. West Point. KJtfe
DUCK ( colmed ) Boston U oz. brown nnd
drab , iiUc : : Boston O II blown uud drab , 'Jo ;
Boston XX btown and diab lOo : Boston
XXXbioNMiand drab.llis'c ; Boston O P blue ,
lljfo : WairenTiicot , lt > c.
TICKINOS Amo-keas ACA 12) ) < Jc : Thorn-
dike OOO. 7Jfo : 'I'liorndlko Inney , Uj c ; i oik
I0 > e ; V'ork Inney , 1'JJfu ; Mlllbury , 1'JJiic ;
Pearl lUver , ll c ; Hamilton. 12u : Swilt
ither. n/c ; bhctnckct h , h c ; Shctucket. SS
Kc : Montauk AA. l''c ; Montauk 1JB. lo'c ;
( jmeira ACA , Hi' n . , _ ,
iii.voiiAsis-Hentrew. ti@10Uc ; Amoskea
diess. Iki ; Amoskeag , stmilc , 7 , e ; Ivanlio
I'Vi ' ; Wamsiiiia. o.'ie ; Nubian , b'jo ' ; Wai-
wickb'ae : Whlttendon. Do : Bates , dress te ;
Bates , staple , tijie ; Bnndoluli staple , , Cfo }
J ansdowne , 7c : ( iloucester. 7jc.
CniivioTu Amoskeas , ' , clicks , 0 > fe : Amo
Kag , stilpes , 8ju ; Slater , stripes , KJ : IMlii'
burg , > $ e : Whlttcndoii , stripes , Be ; ( ilen-
rose , Oc ; Otis , checks , 0 > o ; Otis , stripes , DC ,
J loyal CJic ; Amoskeag , napped , lo'fe ' : Lu-
ray , book fold , 1'Jc ; Oberon , book fold , llj o ;
Kuunrance , book fold 1'Jc.
rmir.x&iox's AND TiMiinns.
' ' J. '
J12 ft'l ft'lfl ft 18 ft'sO ft S ft 24 ft
2i4. . , . . , . . . . 'oo ' isoa in.o ) 1000 17.00 i&m io.m !
Sxt ) . . 11.51) ) 14.0) H.W llJil ) It ) SO H.60 SO.K
2l8 . , . IS.OJ 15 Ml 15.11)10 ) UI1T.U ) 18.00 19.1H
- xlU. . , , .116.1X1.15.00 1&.U ) 10.1)0 17.00 20.110 SUC
Si 12 . 15.00 15.iO 15 tU 17.00 19.00 20.0(1 (
* H-fci8 . 115.00 15 00 15 00 10.1W 17.00 18.00 19.0C
Clear , Inch Yellow Pine . E92.0C
Clear , 9 Inch Noiway . . . . 14.01
u Com. , Af Inch , Norway . , . . 1S.OC
1st and 2J Clear , IIndus. . 2s . $ MOt
1st nnd 2d Clear , l > f and S Incu , stis. . . . MO.
3d Clear , ll > iuch.stis . , . 480C
3d Clear , 1V ami a Inch , a 2s . 48
U Select. I1IH und S inch , s. 2s . BOnc
1st and -Jd Clear , l men , a. 'Ja . 60 OC
Sdelear. Hlich. s''i . . . , . 44 K
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s . 40 ( X
II Select. 1 Inch. s. ' - ' . ' . > 9M
li.VTTKXSVK1.I. . Tt'lll-NO , nCKr.T .
D. 0. . Halts , 2' , inch. . . , . 5W ! ) 70
' i ixn. sis . 0040
S Inch Wei Tubing , 1) . & M , nnd I3cv. 20 50
No. Iboards , 12 , 14 and 1C fl . SHWO
No.2boards 12 , 14 nnd K , II . 14.M
No. 8 boards , 12 , 14 ind 10 ft . 12.M
No , 4boards , J2HnudWft
Ko. 1 , lifert Inch , lannd fcct , rough. . $10.00
No. 1 4 iV0 Inch , 10 feet , rough . Ip.
Ko. a , 4 & 0 Inch , 13 and 14 feet , rough. . 13-'r'
Ko. , 4 & 0 Inch , 10 fpct , "u'Kh ' . 14.25
1M Com.'lnrh While Pine , , . tt > .00
BdCoin. , h Inch Whllo Pine . 23.50
UlCom. 0 Inch , white pine . SIM 00
JdCom.O Inch , vhito pliie . M " 0
: w Com. 0 Inch whlto piuu . K"W
1) . o Inch , whlto pine ; . W)00
Com land Inch jellow pine . 17.50
.Star 4 nnd flinch } cllow Pine . 21.00
1st nnd 2d clear yellow pine. 4-C Inch. . . 2:1.50 :
Ko. 1 , Plain , S nnd 10 Inch . $17.00
No. U , I'lnln , 8 nnd 10 Inch . 1.00
No. 1 , O. U . 17.50
I'OPI.AH l.fMlllMt.
Clem Poplar Box Bds , Km , s 'Js . S-Tl 00
" Sin , panel stk wide , 2s. 27 ( X )
" Cmrmiated Celling , } . . . . ' MJ 00
* A * Standard . . . S3 00
ft Inch , clear , Sl.W ) ; 0 Inch , clear . 1 00
No 1 . 1 10
hath . S'J'JJ
Whllo Cedar , Olnch , hah'es . S 11
" " " '
fpJi nniiuinq'rs
" " 4 " round . 11
Tennessee red cedar , split . 14)4
A 12 Inch , Is 12 , Hand 10 ftet . S40 00
B " " " t ? " " . 41 00
(3 ( " " " . 30 00
1) " " " " . BJ 03
No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 S 12 , II nnd 10 tt. . 17 .V )
No.l " " " 10 , lb anil 30 ft. . 18 . "lO
Ko.'J " 4t " 12 , 14 and 10 tt , . 1550
I.IMI : , i.rr.
Qulncy white lime ( best ) , S5o ; eemont
Akioii l.7f , ; plaster , $2.x : > ; hair , per bushel
! ( X. ; Nisb , 50 pel cent elf list ; doois , blinds ,
monldliiirs , W per cent off list ; tm red felt , p'-r
c\\t. , -tl.75 : htiaw board. Sl.tX ) .
A S'JLVNDAl ! ! ) JIBD1CAL WOlllv.
ONLY l IIV .MAI1 , , I'Osri'AII ) .
ii.itjsxit.VTJVi : b.VMi'i.i ; i'iiii : TO
A Ovont MiMllonl "Work niMnnlinort. .
Kslmmtpil Vltnllty.N'crrom nii'l PhvMcil nobility
I remnturo Herllno In Mnn. Hrrors of Youthnnil Ilia
imtnlil mlsirlci resulting f mm ImllvrPtlon nml OT <
CPHC * . A book lor pvprr mini , voting , mlilillp'ngort
unit old. Itfontnlrn lA > proorlptlon Tor 'ill nputo nn 1
clironlP ll onPOK. rirhnno ol which H InMilituhln. < * n
found liy tlio tmthorwhoi P oxoprlonrp for 21 yoirMi
Midi n prnlmtily ncvpr beforp fell to Ilio lot of uny
phy'TO : pimps , bnmiil In bountiful Krpnch mnv
llnPnbo"eil covers full cllt. nil inmlocil to bo n finer
work In pvory pn i niocliiinloil lltcritynil tirifov
floiril tluinnnv otbcr work In I'lU ' country for.1 ! ! ,
orlho niotipy will bo rofnnil In ovpry IMMIIMOP. Prl"i )
only fl by mull , po'limlil. llhi tntpit niniDlo. * il\
HentlnoTT. ( loM mortnl nwnnloil thonutliorliy the Nv
tlonul Mt-illrnl At nclitlnn. ti > the lion A ) lnpl ]
nnil nn i > clno ( ontcprs of the loinl the reader Is re/
Pt ctfullr roforrpil.
ThnSclO'i'-onf l.lfJ l north rnnro tnlho MinnKnnil
inliltlli' uuc I nion ot till' KCtieintlon tliui all thcitolil
nilnpn firrillfnrnln .mil tliu diverinlnpt of Ncvndn
lomMnen. s. K. Clironlcle.
Tlie Sclonco of Life polnt out tlio rocks.Hid quick-
sanrt'Min ivlili'h Iho rdiictlliillon anil liopp * of ninny
younttmiin IIIUP been fitliilly wieckoil. Mnnchcstcr
Tim Srlonco of l.lfp I'Of RrPatcr vnliic tlinn ull the
miHllcnl workx publlstiod In this country fur the past
( fljo irv Atluntn Comtltullon.
Thp sclonco of J.lfc N n superb nnd mT tPrly trout-
Moon ncnuus mul physical ilcblllty. Detroit 1'reo
ArtdrpMthe Ppnboilr Mndlcnl Institute , or Ir W. II.
Parker. No. 4 llullflncli street , lloston , Mnes . who mar
t > o consulted on ull discuses requiring skill nnil experl *
Pun1 , c IminlCHml oUHtliiulu iilscubes lm\u Luf.
lluil thp'klll of nil other ph > lclnn8ii uperlalty. Midi
trcutpil Kticcpxefnlly wltuout nn Instance ot tnllurc.
Mention Omiihii
Ketoaska National Bank
Paid up Capital $250,000
SuplusMay 1 , 1885 25,000
H. W. YATIS : , President.
A. E. TOIUALIN , Vice President.
W. H. S. liuouns , Cashier.
uiiiceriOiis :
\V. V. JloitsE , JOHN S. COLLINS ,
U. W. YA-IKS , LEWIS S. llur.D ,
Cor. 12th nnd Farnam Streets.
General HanUnir liuslueaa TrausactoJ.
Orreaionof IlKcontral po-lllon RIII ! clonn relation to
nil princltKil llnr * hast nnd We t , at Inltlnl unit ten.
initial point * , rouitltutut the mum Imrorlunt ml *
roiltlncntnl Hull hi that \ ti.m ot throiicli trinrnor.
tntlun wlilcli linlt i nml rnrmtatrn trarri anil Irnltia
liet Ft > nclllpaor tlio Atlmitli : nnd 1'Aclflo ( 'onnti It
IH alsnUioraroillu nml lirnt inutu toanil fioin I'olulo
Ktitt. Nnrtlieii't niiil Houtlifnst. ml corrcbponaing
| > ol t Weft , Norltnvcst mid HotlthvrcEt. ,
The Great Rook Island Route
Oiiirantroi Iti jmtroin tint finea of nprtonal MCII-
rlty nlloideil by a hull.I , thoroiiKhly liallnitnl rniil-
J > eil.iiinoojliir ckii of contlnuoiu n l roll. niUtun-
ttslly hulll cnlvei u nml In lilites , iolllnr Clock an nrar
piTfi'i'tloii ui liuinali rLIII inn nmko It. the ittrtj
PIilliincM of pnlcnt butler , i > lntfni tut nnd air bmlei ,
alidtliatFinclllicdIii-lpllne liloli the -
coTenm | irm--
tlcaluMialloiinritlllUlialn | OlKi-r tieolnltlfii | nf
.hll route are rrali > f.'ra lit all ronnectlni ; nolnti In
union Penou , and tliu iuiMnia fia comtutti anil
luiurlesof id r 5fnger > iulpiueiit ) ,
, ' * ! > . ? ' "t , TJV" . " , Tr"ln ltwwn riilroco nl
rcorla.Coinioll Illnira , Ken < ItjU.mtnv.orlli and
Atriiliau i coniio ed of vfcll vrntllUrd , Hnoljup. .
nolslori-d lny Concliiw Unirninpfnt I'ullinnn l' laie
SIvoinTmif tlie latent ilnlKii , anil nuniiitiioui lltnlne
L r .lii liltlirlfiliuintol > ionkeil liirnlicii.I Umelr
rjifii. llrrvti > riiCilr ) iii anil KaniairilyniidAlihUou
are nUu inn the OlOiratwt Hn-llnlng Ulmlr CMU.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
If Ilia rthect and faTorlU llnu betnrcn Chloacoand
Jllnnetipo'liandHt , 1'nnl.wlii'in ronnutloniiaifinitdH
m I'nlon ' lruit | > rur all pulnti in the VnllurlM and frorlnrei. Oter this rnnte Ko.t Pipniw
Tialui mo rim lo the watering plarc . minnifr 10.
toiti , plitiirmrue loi-alltlM , and liunilnir and iltlilnz
irromidjor Ion 11 nnd > llnnr > ola H U itllo the mult
ili > > liufal , raul lo the Hill wliiat tltlila and paltoral
MllilinC Intolloi Ihiknta
Ktlll nnollifr lilliLOf LINK. TlaRrnmianil Kan-
kalre , ha < i bpen op. n d UUten ( liiilnimtl , Inillnu.
Hliolla and Lalaimir. unit Council Illult * . KaliHuflly ,
iluineapolli ami bt. 1'aul mil InlFriiiedlate imlnlH
I or itttnlltd Informatluu no Jl.ina and ( nHpra.
plitalni .le.a. ell , . . tlekoti , at all principalTlrUt
( ) .Ui.u. In tlio Uuiua State * und Canada i ui by * d-
. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN ,
I'l ( fi. oeu'l ll's'r , Gcn'l T'.t ) 4 l'a
: . B. BrlSDON ,
General Insurance Agent
Plicfiilx Insurance Co. , IxniUon , Cueh
Abscta , S.'i,8CI,000
WutttlioMer. N. V. , Amelb 1,000,000
( ilCIIS I'llUg , AfcfOtH , l 'd.OU )
( ilrnnl I'ho , Plillmlrhihia , Abscts 1A,0X ( )
Nowllanjusl.ho CasliAKsL'ta 1,010,000
Saunders Street Market
I'rosli , fc'ult ana Finoliod Meats , Sausnve , Paul- ,
try , ett. 11)10 ) fauuniltTS btruut , Tott'H PJac-e ,
" 'cleiihonu Mil.
Te'eplione 10.
Plumbers , Steam and Gas Fitters
EsthnatCburnUluxl , or Mill call personally.
Agents for tUuluiperiul UiisMiichluu. y\r--r'
' 'le S.lCth sU. Omauu Xeli.
* *
JR t
1 Billiard Tables , _ _ _
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
Anil Pnloon. Office and Hnnk FKtnreo. Mnrkct
nnd Huron fits. , Chicago , 111. Omalm omec,513
S. 10th St.
Book Binding , Etc ,
" " " .
Printers , Book Binders ,
And IllMik Ilodk M.iiiufuctiirer * . No . 1W ( nnd
_ li South H li Stieet OmnlmJcb' _ _ "
Brid es-S'e ' m Pile Driving.
TtAYMONl ) & CAMl'liEl./ ' ! ,
nnd ContiaUor * .
Bridges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination and HOMO Tru s nililcc ,
I'lllnr nnd Onk Timber , loth St. , near 1'i.iiiiini.
Telephone No. 734
Butter lubs ,
Manufacturer of Butter Tubs.
hip , Iwu. MsthnnilVlere'o'Vl''omiihn' , Xcli.
Cigars and Tobacco. _
MAX Mr.vr.K & co. , " 7
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nuns nml Ammunition. SMI to SKI Couth llth
Street , 10.11 to 11K4 rnrnnui fctrtet , Unmhn , Xob.
Hannfacturcrs of Pine Cigars ,
AninVltoli' nli ( Dealers In I.etxf Totmeeos. Xos.
10 ! < anil 110X. Hlh Sliecl , Oinnhti , Xcl ) . _
. Cornices.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kpenolci , Proprietor. Mmiilliu Hirer of
Cnhnnl/eil lion tintl Coinleo. IUI Hoilre mill 1'Jl
nnd 103 North 10th Street , Omnlm , Neb.
"Mnnufnetuiersof Oiimmentnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Window 8 , Finals Etc. , all ) S. Uth St. AVorkdono
in any pint of thoeountry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPKCIIT. Proprietor.
( inlvnnlrcd Iron Cornlcoi , Etc. Spccht'slm.
proMd Patent Mctnll'cSltyllBht. ' 60S and 610 S.
JX'th St. , Onmlm , Neb.
Doors , Sash. Etc ,
Doors , Sarh nnd llllnds. Also all Kinds of
tuinliiif. Seioll nnd Stair > \oik of oxery do-
script Ion.
Manufacturer nnd Dealer In
Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc.
Stair llalli n specialty Telephone No. P2
luth nnd Mnrey St 8. , Omaha , Nob.
Electrical Supplies.
L. W. WOLFE & CO. , Electricians ,
Ejectrjcal Supplies ,
? lnsonlo Block , Omnlm. llurglnr Alnrms Ilclls ,
Kiro Alarms , Klocti Jo Mnttln , bpeaUInu Tubes
GoldSllvcr and NluUel 1'lathifc' , Etc.
Iron and Nails.
5 _ _ "
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Fire Nails n Specialty. Omnlm , Neb.
Oinalia Irofa Works Company i
Machlnciy , C asthies , Stcinn Knelncs , Boilers ,
Atvhltcctinul ron Work. Iron Hi lilacs. Mining
anil Mill Machlnciy. Odlco ami ivoiks , Union
1'acillc It. It. 17th anil Ibth Sticots.
BUO. .
Foundry Works.
Cor. 14tli nml Jnclispn Sta. , prcimrcd to do nil
kinds of lion nnd llra s CntmirH ; also , O , C.
llannlstor's ltocl < hi Uiato liars iiKunil'.ictnicd
Mattresses ,
E. M. HULSi : ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnnufacturhitf "iittrcssos , "Holiiln ? , Fonthor
1'illows , Tots , Ktc. 1200 and U'03 Uouirlas Street ,
Omnlm. Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'unts , Shirts , Ktc. , 1103 mid 1101 Douglas
Stieet , Omaha , Neb.
" '
Omalia Safe Works" ,
Manufacturer of I'iro nml Hnrirlnr Proof Safes ,
Vault Doors , Jnll Work. HintUrR and Who
Work. _ Cor. lltli amlJacksonSts. _ , Omaha , Nob.
_ _
1' . J. QUKALKY ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
OOlco nnd Factory , near Powder Magszlco ,
Omaha Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
1 Manufacturers of Fine Carriages.
iniOiuid 11117 Hainoy street , Onmlm , Neb. Solo
AircntKjii Nchmsku lor Jones' Celebrated built
blmtt Hullvlcs.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
14C9nud 1411 Dodso Street , Omului , Xob.
White Lead.
_ r
Conodcis and GihutoiBof
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Omnlm , Neb. l.ovl Caller , Pit-f , ; C.V. .
VLO | 1'ios. : II. W. Yate , tiec. nnd Trcas.
- The Hlllard ,
i , i
K. Hhcm t , J. I ! . Mai kel-Tlioa. Sn obe , Proprietors
Omulm , Nubias kii.
Arcade Hotel ,
.IniiHisCjisi'y , I'mjiil
, : i : > and 117 DpiiKlus Ht. , O .
Tiimliomn'oiil ) | eommciclal men icbiiwi
Miliilttd. Tlmy ullltlnd this the be t ( 'adi.y
? lantcrs House ,
v. r. . ITItftlS , I'HOPItlKTOn.
Itntes , * 1.M ) pur ility. Mii'i't inrs liom U. P.
depot , wllinii oiio hloel < ot liouxe. Come.
Dodgu unil liltli tlrc'ots , Omalm , Neb. ,
The Cozzens ,
P. Ilumsoy & Co. , Proprietors.
Itotcs HIM per iluy , no ilark looine. Omnlm ,
Kill. AW ) pitipiii nun lit Palace JloliI , buum
t'o , XoiV Muxicu.
Caulleld House ,
Cor. Klnih nml ranmm Sts. The best $3 per
dayhotu in Oinuha. Itemodiled , icluniisho-J ,
rtili'ooi atrU ; ono block 1 1 om ui my heudquui tere.
opixi ltu Union Pauitlohcadqimru'ia ; fctii'ft curs
puss till ) door. OIXJIKO ranneld & Co. , propilo-
tore. Also Union hiocl. Vurila Hotel , South
Hotel de Gees ,
P. GOOS , Proprieto
Europcnn Piun. The only eenlrully located $3
aduyhoubc. bico doors from llujd'u Uicru |
lloubohiul oiio-lmlt block front tlio I'o'tolllco
und tlio Court House , IWts. 1D10 , Kli Fiu-uam
> ' DIR !
mm JOBS ,
* . . . , , ' "writs ,
Agricultural impu „ -
' *
Wholesale )
Dealers in Agricultural Implements. . ,
Offleo , Corner Cth nnd rnclflcSt" , Onmlm ,
Aliolcs .o Dealer ? lit '
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
mul Hug lc ! Qinnli.Neb. . _
1 citii'uciiiLir'iunKi'H ,
\Vhoks.ilo IKirfer in
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cnrr'nses mul IInirHle . . ! ( iy ? fct. , bet. rth nnd
10th , Omaha , Nil ) . _ _ _ _ _
Boots and Shoes. ' * _ _
MOUSI : & ro. ,
Jobbers ot Boots and Shoes ,
1411 Fnrnnm Street , Oinnhn , N li. Manufactory ,
Summer Street , noston.
Carpets ,
s. A. OUCIIAltD.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mnttlnpi , Curtnln ( JoodP , I't } ' . H Kartmin
Slitct , Onmlin , J ol' . _
Coal , Lime , Elc.
ii'.rK w. HII
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
C13S. llth t.Omaha'Nib. Yards , Oth
niut Jlt'ttiiipoitStiot'ts.
Dealers in Hard and Soft Goal.
Host \arlctlis. Ofilec.snP. 1'lth St. Telephone
Ko. lUC.Omali'iNub.
XKiutASKA ITII. co. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
S14 S. nth PI. , Omnlm , Neb.
( lit ) . CTowi.i : , PreslJnat.
Oro.PATTKr.8OS.Stc. ainlTreits.
J. II. Hfi.tir.iiT. ! ' A.un ,
PinpilMor. Mniir
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Olllee , U17 ! ; . Wth btrtet. Telephone 43.
C o. r. T\mnnPic . C. V. riooiiMAN.V.Pios.
.1. A. Si'Mii.ui.\sn See. nnd Ti ens.
Omaha Coa , , Coke and Lime Company ,
Joblicts of hniil nml < ofl loal , afflS. Uth St. ,
Oninliti , Null.
Hard anil Soft Coal.
Exclubivo dealers In lloiililer Coloiado Coal17
tenth 14thblicet.
Coffee and Spites. _
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tcn . Coltees , Spiers. lltiKInc Po ilcr riavorlnK
i\tinets : , l.nnniiiy lllno. Ink , cle. 14H-1U Urn-
ney Street , Onnihn , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
'HKANCII & co. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 rurnam St. , Omaha. Apples Our cm n pack-
Ins PlnttAtCo'sTlgi-r llinml Oy&teis , llnttcr ,
Kfc'S ? . Game , I'oullrj , I'ol.ttoca.
General Commission Merchant ,
rrodncoPiovlslon , rrull1 ? , I'lonr anil 1'eoil , 105
P. 14th ht. , Onmlm , Neb. Conslgnnientu bolicllod.
Itetnins imitlc piomptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Cheese , SnueaKcs. Trulls , IliituhoiVTooU nnJ
SiiMilles. I'M Jones St. , Omulm , Nob.
\V. K. ItlDDELliT
General Commission Merchant.
SPECIAI.TICR-CIIOCPC , lluttcr , nags , Ponltiy
nnil Cinmp , lia S. 14th. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone -
phone Xo. 3'JJ. '
I ) . A. MUHLKY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Buttci , Ht'ffs and Produce. A full line of Stono-
wme. Consi niiitMils Eollcltud. 1114 Dodijo St. ,
E. > I01K.VV ) ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Dutlcr , KfKf , riicc o nnd Counti y I'loduto ijcn-
einlly , WJ S. 12th St. , Omaha , Neb.
JIcSlIANlf&SCiniOr.DKll ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Hefrlcerntor nnd Packinp HOIIPO , 14th A. Li nvcn-
_ i01 th St. , on U. 1' . It. li. TincK , Onmlm , Ncli.
E tnbllshPd 1870.
General Commission ,
SUP. HthSt.OimiunNcu. Fpocliiltlcs-Ilutti'r
llfftfs , I'oultiy mid Game.
Commission Merchants ,
Viu't3 , Pioduco nml Proxlsions , Oiimlm , Nb
( BucpOKMir * to A. 1 > . PclrneU. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No.ID South Ulli Stictl , Omulm.Ncb.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Trillin. Dour , A p | > lps,8tonun mo. CidGr.Vlmwnr ,
( iiiit-n Cecils , lliiitor and T.FKS. ! U I and UiS South
] 3th fctrtct , Omuh'i , NebnisKu.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , llutlci , ( iiinio , I'tuits , Ktc. SMS. 14th
M. , Oimih.i , Ntlna Ka.
A. r.J
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
McHtB , l.'iid , .lellit. , , llntteiiirffs. : Cheese , JUc.
No. aoj H. 12th St. , Oiimliu , Nth.
General Commission Merchants ,
3 < OOTodfoStieet , Onmlm , Neb. Consignments
S16 12th Ktuct. Omulmch. . KiieuIultiPS : Hut-
icr , t'.HKS , and Chlelivns ,
" " "
w > Iit WH10HT ,
for Ilio Mnnufncturcrs and Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , ChhnnejB , itc : , Olllic , iilT f-ouili ] "th
fcti < tt , Omaha , Neb.
Dry Goou's.
a , j. IIHOWN & co. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
1J3J Doujflab Street , Oinuha , .Vtb ,
L. ( ilNSIIEUd A. CO ,
\Vliolesalo Ucnlerti In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Liccne , LIICLS , r.nibioliU'iy and \Vliilu Uouds ,
jliO DouKlus btrcLt , Onmlm , Nob. _
" *
unowNr.LL .v co. ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Etntloimry nnd poitublo engines , bollors nnd
Fhect Jion > toik , IUIKOIIS , auileultuial Implu-
nicntt , pumps etc. I.'JJ-IUI , ' ) Len\en\toithbt.
Leatlier , Hides , Etc ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1114 JnckEon Stitet , Oiunhu , Ntb.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Enfldlcry unrt Mioo 1'indln } . ' ' ' . Hides , Wool , I'urr ,
1'elU , Clicaeo , Tallow , lUo. , Oamhu Net.
Flour , Ctc.
Vj . PliLSTOK. ' -I ( > JtlUUltUfeOK
\vjt. pur.STON' u > .
Wholesale Flour ,
tCS , ' 10 and D1J I'iij-to Strict Oinalm , Keb
nnujfo Tzsciiucic , jrt ,
Aficnt for J. C. HolTiMjrr A Co. ,
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
Ilj Holler anil lltinpttlan Proecss. Warehouse ,
. 121J Jones Street. Onmlm , Neb.
\T" lesaIe FJour , Feed and Grain ,
" . nurnctiirc ! " , . 1 ° r wWolilmin A. Co.1 * Quick
i % tionrnnil proprietorOnmlm
llnUlnu.UCKW" . ' ; - ' Karnam streetsOmalm.
City Mills , cot' " nth. _ _ . _
f's\l\S \ ,
Y/liolcsalo / Fish Dealers ,
Import w 01 rorclirn Vish , No . Pll-nn Jonci
. Stit't't and U. P.TincW , Omiili.i. .Nub."j
Furniture. Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in
rmnam Street , Onmlm , Net ) . _ _ _ _
Groceries. _ _ p
" ' " " ' "
AMIN : niios. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
lllOnnd 1113 llouglns Street , Onmlm , N ( > b. _ _
E. 11. CHAPMAN .V CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobnccoaml SmoKcrs * Article ? , 1217 llmMUilSt.
Mr.vr.u te UAAPICI :
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
i-plcts , Cleiim nnd Tobacco' ) , 1JI7 nnd 1313 Douif-
lnsStieetOiimltnNeb. _
MtCOHl ) , llllADY & . COMl'AN1- ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnd I'aiimin Streets , Omnlm , Neb.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. ,05 , 707 , 71)0 ) unil 711 S. 10th St. , Oinnlii , Neb.
_ " _
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
FprlnpsVapnn Stock , Iluuhiond l.umlii'r , tie.
_ lu-uannd 1211 llnriicy ! , tieeOnmlm , Nob. _
EDXUY& G111110N ,
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cnnlnpo AVood Stock , llcnvy Haidwnro ,
Etc. 1217 and 12 ID Lviivumt oitli Street , Omulm ,
il & TAYLOlt ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mrtlmnlcs'TooKand UiilTulo Scnlos.
lusbticut , Omaha , Nob.
LKnmiED& CO ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
fchcet Iron , Etc. Apents for Ilown Scales nnd
Miami 1'ouder Co.Onmlm Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , Gi.itcs , Hinss trooil . 1IJ21 and 1J23 Tar-
imnt Sticot.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emcrsun Steel Nnlls. Cor. 10th nnd llnincy
, Onmlm , Nub.
WM.'DL'nitlNO & CO. ,
Mnnufncturor of tlio
Deerin Harvester Goods ,
\Vrlto to Win. al. I.oi liner. Genet id Agent ,
Onmlm. Telephone 010.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
" " " " " '
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbers In lion Pipe Iron I ttlnird , Iron and
Ilrass Hoods. nnjrlticeiV 8upplles7 lltu nnd
UodKO Streets , Omnlm , Neb.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Steam , Water , Hallnay nndMllllnirSnpplle'Etc.
KM , l'"i mid SKI Tai n.uu St. Omulm , Neb.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stcnm and Water Supplies. Hemliiimrtcrs fo > -
Mast 1'oost Co.'s Good 1111 1'iur.iun Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Sllverwnic , UliimondP , Watches
Docks , Ji'ucloiH' Tools nnd MntcrlnH , Etc. , 101
nnd mi , 15th Street , Cor. Dodcc , Omaha , Neb.
. _ Live Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , OmahaT
1 No Yardafo Chained.
Close to U. 1 > . Hi jdjjo. Dpecial accommodation
nnd a food inuilict lor h sn. i : . C. Cooper , Mun- Ollicu. South 5th Stieel.
M. UUHKi : & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Gro. Itinko , Mnmufw.
t nlon Stoclt Yurds , S. Omuln. Tolo.ihono 583
w. r. imowN k co. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ofllce i\clumKO : Dnildlnir. Union Stock Yards ,
js - South Onmlm , Neb. Telephone No. off ! .
P Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , III. , nnd Onmlm ,
Neb. l'i link rhltiendoa , Mminsm-Onmlmlir.uich.
Teleplionu No. 28.1. Eitabllfched JM ! . ' .
1 W. I * PATKICK & CO ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Addi rts all i oniiniiiilcntlnna to us at Union htock
aids , f'Oiilli Oni.ilia. Aduincci niudu on stock.
I Union Stock Yards Company ,
| Limited. John 1' . Hovd , bupcrintcndcnl. " i
, SA S ACK As OllKn.V ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
ShlpmcntH of an > and iilll.iiiiUiif Mock
t ed. Union Si tU Yaidn Unmlm.Ncb.
Lumbcr ( Etc.
ons iiitAnroitn ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Both , Doois , Klc , Vmds for. * th and IJoujjlas ,
L'or , I'th ' and Doujla ; .
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moiildlnifg , f-tulr Work and Intt'ilor Hind Wood
I'lnlhh. Jm.loponud. N. I' , toi. bth nuU'ii-
voitU btrcclb , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
Fli E. llth Sttttt , Omnlm , Nub. r. Colpctzcr ,
C , N , DIETS ,
Lumber ,
13th nnd Cullfornl.l Htitc'l' , Omnlm , Nub.
I'ltlJD W. GHAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor , Cth und Douglas Stiuetb , Omulm , .Ntb.
Yiholcsalo Dealer in Lumber ,
Oamhu , Ntbiatltiu
" "
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnr'cn Flotk , 1' WoodJ. Ilildgc Timbers ,
ic. , & W. Co i. Wli und JJoucuOmulm , AUi.
O. r. LYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
liulldlntr I'upcr , Etc. South Utli btrevt , Ouiulm ,
Nebraska Lumber Co.
J'uld In Capital Stocl. , JW.OM.
.uuun fin an ITS and uholcaulo neaJ
. Mill , ut Men Ul , WK Wholi-aloimd
lrjb tlu. } aid , Oumlm , Xtb. .11 & 'JlU St.
OMAHA t , CO ,
Dealers In All KlmK ot
Building Material at Wholesale ,
1Mb tn ctniul l n nn Pue flJ'JTrack , Omnlm ,
Ol'.llMAN-D.WYATT , ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
roth ami Iznnl Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. 'I
.7. A. WAKIII rKU ) , i |
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , , ,
llnlldlnir Paper ? . Sali , Doors , llllnds , Mould *
Inirs , Picket * . POM . Mine , 1'iaMcr , Halr j
Liinvnt. Mm n ana.tones , Omaha Neb.
, , . Millinery ,
j. oiiKiiKii.Diit : : ,
Importers anil Johbeisof
Millinery and Notions ,
UUltai.:0 ' 1
Musical Instruments.
lUWQI.M & r.ll . ,
Wholesalers ot Musical Instruments , j :
Strluway I'lniinVlicr , DecKor. Halncsnnil I
111 IKK Pmm . Pin-Kiwi OIKIUK , Clmso OilfrtllS.- !
ll'lnnd ' 111) ) 1Mb dlK-el.
Notions , Etc.
j. u intANuir.s.v sox ,
k Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry OooiK Notions tU'nln' rnrnlshlnir Oool , I
Cotuli lioni Now Yoik. Ti.ulo fairs daily. 63 } < l
and M > South 1 b St. , Omaha.
_ _ - - '
ciOODHlClt A : c5T ,
French and German Fancy Goods , )
lutlnrUt-i' und StillItinciV Stiniltles. 1415 FAN
mini , Omalia , Nt-b. I
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , ?
tm mul 4rt ( S. tilth St.Oinalm , Neb. 1
Wlioli-Milc De.iler * In Notions niul ttents1 Inir.
tiMihitf ClooiK '
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils , * '
( Insollne , Mien A\to ( lrciiM > , Hie. A. 11. Illshop ,
Maiinirer , Oiiiaba , Neh. ,
Pork Packing. _
" " * * *
.IAMIS : i : . IIOYD ,
Pork Tacker and Shipper ,
Onniha , NcbnuUa , I
ii.uinis x ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Omcc , Union Market , I'll" Doiliro Street. Prtcklnff
hoiibc , II. P. 11. It. Tiaelc , Uiniilui , Neb. Telephone -
phone Xo. l. > 7.
Safes and Locks.
" " - - >
Agents for Hall's ' Safe SL Lock Co.s1
I'ho mul IlnriflarPioof SiifeH.TInio Ixick , Vaults
onil .lulljxoiU. IffJO Puimim MI out , Oniulin , Noh
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
AjTiliMiltuuil. Vosetablo , Ute. Odd l'ello s' I lull ,
K.V. . Cor. llth and Doilgu St . , Omulm , Neb. ,
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Druggists ,
Jobbers of I'ulnts ) ll . Wlml w Olims Ktc. , Ill
lliunej Stieel , Omulm , Neb.
Wholesale Druggist3 ,
And Healer in Paints Oils nnd Window GtnsV
Omulm , Neb. , {
Wines and Liquors. ,
FRANK DELT.ONI : & . ca ?
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
1203 and IMI : Dou St. , Onmlm , NoK 1'no-
toiles Nos. 4 and 'iai , ! ! d DKt. N. Y. . . , , j
" GEO. W. Dl'NCAN ,
Successor to MoN \MAII v te Iu.c\x , ImpKtort
ami Wholesale Dealois In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
214 and ! M ( ! S. 14th St. , Omnlm , Nob.
It. It. OHOTTE ,
Y/ines / and Liquors.
WoEtom Atfonl.I'jB. Sclillts. llio Inif Co. 7I03L
ttth StreetOiimlm.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
iy.'l Douglas bticft , OnmlmNeb.
I LEU & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Lliiunii. Solo iimmiliietiiiorH of KciinoJy's
Liibtlndl.illltteis. Ilia llainey Sticct , Omaha ,
L. I' . LAUSON k CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
, and ( lonniul Audits for tliu Philip
lli"-tb'CeleliatcdMllMnuKeu Hear , Onmlm , Neb
Harness , Etc.
Mamifueturcts nnd .lolihers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Tuif ( Joutb , lilunkots mul Itobo ? . HJ1 fitrnam
feticet Omali-i. Nch.
' .ee & St , Paul
The Short
and Best Route i
From Omaha to the East. I
( 'hlrn o , Mliini niilN. | ( Mlluiinkoo ,
HI. Paul , Ceditr llttpld ] ) Dittenpori ,
( 'Iliitoii. Diibininu , Itovkfoul ,
Knelt Island , 1'iLupott , Jani'sflllo ,
KlKln , MiidlMin , l.ul.'io'-to ,
lleloll , Wliitmu
Anil ull other Impoiluut pnhitH East , Noillioust
Ticket otlleo nt Hf/l / I'm mini gtieotln ( Paxlou
lliiti'li. und nl Union Pm-lllu Depot.
Pullmuiihluepeiiiund Ilio I'liient DhlliiK Cara ;
in Ilio Woild aio inn on llm imiln llnei of the
CiiiOAno.Mu.wAiiKKi : .vSr iMi'i. HAH.'VAV.unJ
tiM'ry nlti iillon IH paid In luiHaciiKora by coutlu-
ous riniilciyi'S of tlio ( ' 'iiiipiiuy.
It , , ( Jc'iii'ral .MumiKcr.
.1,1' . Tt'UKi u , AifMaiitli ( > iicriil Mnnaitor.
A. V. H. CAiii'h.MKii , Uential Passun-for nnl i
Ticket Agent.
Ore , i : . HnAFrOiiii , AbbUtanl Gen
< ir nnd Ticket AKunt.
and Jaii Work.
lO' O Fiiniiuu Street. , Ouiuliu Nub.
[ SMC mmm ,
Commission Merchant ,
id Wholcsalo Dtalcr In
Country Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc.
3 ! > 0 II. fGih Si. , Omaha , Htb.
Ittfciincei , by Pei mission I'lrst Xntlonal
IIiinK , Dnbtuinu ; A. S ( linicit > oii , Cashier hloux
National llunk.iiloiu Cili ; loouNatlonill Hunk
DeM Jlolnts ; Jl. M.KIniiiinin , Assistant " '
Tint Niilloniilltiinj.-lileitfi ( ) .
R. E. fttonve , Lincoln ,
iRlies. * ilarlct Price Paid.