Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1886, Image 1
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAH , OMAHA , FRIDAY MORNING , JANUARY 29. 1886. NUMBER 190. PAIN IN THE PACKING HOUSE Gutting Blows Inflicted by the Oleaver of the Slaughter House Grow. SURVEYOR GARDNER WONTGO. . .Startling Disclosures of Countless FrnmlM Perpetrated on the Gov ernment In Surveying I'ubllo Lands \eurnnka. . Gnrilncr Will Not He Itcmovcd. WASIINOTO.V , Jnn. 23. [ Special Trio- giam.J The effoits of n faction of Nebiaska democrats to sccutc the abolition of the onico of BUI vcj or general of Xobiaskaaud lown , located at I'lattsinoutli , ) mu occupied the at tention of Commissioner Sparks for sonic time. Tlio commissioner asserts positively thai Sunoyor General ( faultier will not bo lemovcd nor tha nfllccabolMicil , nnd that the Investigation of fraudulent Mitvcys In past ycais w 111 bo pushed by olllccr. Fiom data now at limul this investigation will prove piofltablc to the government. I'lildk ) Tlilovps. CinrAoo , Jan. ! 2& ( Special Telegram. ] The Times this morning , In n Washington dispatch , gives a startling disclosure of the land frauds pcipctuited upon the govein- niunt under the guise of biirvejlng public hinds. The Times says : "They have been partlcnlaily ilto In Nebraska , and the facts about them ate likely to come out in connec tion with the fight over the maintenance of thoolllcoof suncyor general in Nebiaslca. " The article then recites the history of the light for the oflico of biirvejorgeneial , how ( Jaulncr llnally secured the office and how the democratic and icpnbllcnn backers of Hogg united In an effort to get the ofllce iibolibhcd. The dispatch continuing says : "According to the usual couisc , the abolition of the oflico would bo followed by turning over of ( lie records to the secretary of state. subject to the neccssaiy icdeial and state legislation. Largo funds aie believed to liavo been committed In the alleged surveys , nnd if the lecouls of the onico mo tinned O\CT to the lepubllcau state government a full Investigation would bo almost Impossible. Commissioner Sparks bays the ofllcc of surveyor gcncial will not bo abolished. The pilnelpal icnson lor this Is that a large pait of the suneys for which the government has alicady paid lia\o ntiver been made. They liavo got to be made now nnd paid for a second time. The In- tcilor lines ( if townships In many cases weio never run In the field and the field notes aio uttuily fallacious and misleading , and any quantity of legislation Is In prospect because of the uncertain character of the boundaiy lines. Deeembci 31 , Sin vcyorGcncralCnrdncr wrote to Spaiks explaining the situation at length , and saying hoas in dally receipt of letters from county surveyors aud land own ers complaining tint no surveys weio made in many townships. Gaulnor encloses as an illustiation letters fiom J. O. IJent , of Wake- liold , paying ho has been engaged for yeais getting bottlers in northern Nebiaska and that no Intel lor Hiuve.y at all seems to have been made In portions of Cedai and Way no counties. J. Sterling Moiton has lecclvcd from Chief : Clcik Hlrklmiiser a long letter declaring that most stupendous frauds weie committed and that the whole land olllce In Nebraska was honeycombed with coauption. One man who had several smveylng contracts ad mitted that to get a contract It was necessary to divide with the land office and the leading icpubllcan politicians of the state , and they could not do good work for the amount of money left them after paying all these sub sidies. That out of about § 50,000 woitli of woik he did , only $3,000 went to him. James Slociim told Bhklmuscr that congressmen - received two thousand out of a cou- tiact.ind lor that lie was to suppoit - for re election to the senate. A number of other Instances are cited. Itottciincss lit Nebraska. The following is the telegram above 10- fened to , taken from the Chicago Times ot jesteulay moinlng , under the caption o norri.VN.iss : : IN Nr.miA&icA. WASIIINOTON , Jan. 27. [ Special. ] The enormous liauds that liavo been perputiated upon the goveinmcnt under the giriso of sin- voylng public lands have been explained In detail in these dispatches. They have been paitlciilaily rife in Nebraska , and the tacts nbout them aie likely to coma out In conncc- nectlon with a fight over the maintenance of the ollloe of suuoyor general of Nebiaska Under the last ndminlstiation the olllco wa held by a man named Stephenson. Whe the democratic administiatlon came in he re signed in favor of one Clegg. Stephenson Is n lilend of Coiigiessnmii Weaver , and Wea\cr was n paily to thlsaiiaiigomcnt. Clegg i nominally a demociat , but in the ln > . concessional election ho woiked for Weaver iiudugalnst Uiown , thedeinociatle candidate Clegg had some democratic backets , too , but J. F. ( iaidner was appointed. Xovv the republicans - publicans and democrats \\lio backed Cleg ; want to get the abolished , and to that end they say that all the woik of surveying has been accomplished and tlieie Is no mow use tor the ofllce. Caidneiils a man ol the highest Integilty and a civil engineer , while Clegg knows nothing about surveying. lie Is a .shoemaker by trade and a politician by occupation. The voiy men who wanted Cleirg appointed moilling to have the olllco abolished for the bake of getting rid of ( iaidner. Aeeoul- Ing to the usual , the abolition of the ollleo would ho followed by the tinning over of the iccoids of tno surveyor geneial's olllco to the secietary of btato of Nebraska , subject " "to the nocessaiy tecteral and state legislation. Large tiaiids aio believed to have been com mitted In the aliened surveys , and If the iccoidsoftho olllce aio tinned over to the lepiibllcan btato go\einment a lull Investiga tion will bo almost Impossible. Commissioner Sp.uks says the olllco of sur- will not bo abolished. Tlio principal icasou foi this is that a laigo pait of thosurvoys lor which the govuinment has uheady paid have never been made , They have got to be made now and uald for a bccond time. Intuilor lines of townships In many cases were never run In the field , and tint Held notes are utteily fallacious and mis leading , and any quantity oC litigation Is In prospect because of the uncertain chaiacter of the boundary lines. Under date of December 31 last Surveyor ( icncnil ( iaidner wioto to Commissioner Spaiks : I am In receipt almost daily of letters fiom rounty smvejois and hind owners complain ing about no sutvoys ] ia\lng been made , erne no maik of a smvoy being found In many townships of tlm state. It iippoais that the exteilor or township lines nru otten found In a tolorablu state of piescivatlon , whllo the Intel tor or subdivision lines am sometimes entirely u anting. 1 tlilnk It Is the belief of ninny county survejors that no Inteilor w oik was ever done In these townships , nnd that the Held note > In these eases are a fraud , us many topographical inniKs uio known to exist which mo not letcucd to In the Held notes which the law uiiulres the deputy to i ) notice. 1 uiuleistaiid that allldavits have been picpartd In bomo cases and tqiwaidod to membfis of uongioss on tliN subject. Know lug thU state of tacts to exist , In my mi nurd icj > oit I jcl'eued to the mailer to far as to ask thai rt restirvey mlglit bo ordered In this unsttrveycd region In order that some definite evidence might bo procured and might legally nnd properly como before the department. Mr. Gardner Incloses n letter from J. A. Hcnt , Wakctleld , ( Neb. ) , dated October 31 , IBS.1 ; , llowrites : 1 have been engaged for years In Retting scttlcis Into northeastern Nebraska , and ha\o been selling Uurlliigton & Missouri Kit or lallroad company lands. I have found gieat ( liniculty in lindlng lands In the following townships : Township as , ranges 1 , U nnd si , east , In ( Vdnrcounty ; township27 , range 2 , east , in Wnyno county. No Interior survey work seems to liavo been made in the said township. All the county sinvcjor.s aio unanimous in their opinion that no Interior section coiners were ever established , as they have never Ijeen able to lind any corners ex cept on the outside township lines. I was injbelf gicatly deceived by the Incorrect stir- veyots notes ns to the course of Maker creek in sections 1C. , S3 , 3 , east. By theh notes Etho creek cut thtough the sec tion , wheicltdocs not touch section 10 at all. nnd thuie Is no creek In that section. It would seem to bo an Injustice lor the govern ment to soil lands that liavo not been sin- M'j ed , as It will probably load to endless dis sensions as to wheie corners oueht to be. Dlllcient surveyors will bo apt todlsagiee , as they may commence at dllleient points on the outside , and the fractional lines on the west and noith sides an ? likely to bo vciy inaccuiutoly ulvcn In the icturns made of the united States sinvey. The following letter fiom the chief clerk In the olllco of thosuivcyor general In Plaits- mouth has been icceived by Hon. J. Sterling Moitoti , who Is now in Washington. The names of witnesses to the tiauds that liavo been committed me omitted because their testimony has not been taken under oath : As to trotting affidavits liom the men who divided the spoils of this otllco lor jeais , It will bo almost Impossible , as you yourself know that they aio all icpubllcans , and have In almost nil cases belonged to the ilng , and done the bidding of thoilnscmastcr. For In stance , Mr. had toveial sutvoying con tracts. Ho was In this ofllcc , and , tbelng ouevtlonedlniegaidlo this poor Miiveylng ( or , better , noiiburvoylng ) of lands , admitted that to got a contract It was necessary to ill- vldo with tlilgollico and the leading lepitbll- cin politicians of the state , and they could not do good work for the amount ofmonev left them after paying all these subsidies ; thatont of about § 50,000 W0ith of woik ho did only § 3,000 went to him , the icst for po litical Influence that ho had to liavo to get these contiacts. Mr. A. IJ. Smith , the Bur- llngton ibMlssomi surveyor , told mo that had to pay 510,000 foi a contract of 520,000. Prof. , who woiked under , said that thoyiuu lines within two or three miles of wheio they wanted to 6onncet and thun guessed the balance. Mr. James L. Slociim , loimerly In paitneiship with mo in shipping ginln , now president of the Iliclmidson county bank , told mo that Congressman icceived § 'J,000 out of a eontiacf , and for that was to suppoit lor re-election to the senate. I am pcisonallv acquainted with some of the assistants of Sum-yois Stephenson - son and Slociim , and they told me that much ot tliu suueying was done in the tents , and they lefused tobwcarto the Held notes , and nniau Slociim and Stcphcnhon pay them S,500 : ! per month , instead of 52,500 , as pre viously agieud on , in consideration of their kccninginuni. Air. , now allvciyman nt Stella , icpcatcd this tome a short time ago. 1 have jiskud Mr. [ the first peison quoted In this letter ] to malco atlldavlt to what ho bald , but ho said In presence ot sov- eial witnesses that it would eliminate him If he did. Alex. Slagle of lliovvn county bhowcd us a number of affidavits In reg.nd to these bad or non-surveyed lands , which ho says ho has forwaided to Senator Van Wyek. Wo have plats of. townships heio In this of lice that contain not a sign ot a lake or stieam , neither do the Held notes mention nny , yet thld tiiun .Single , a pinctlcnl sui vcv01 , tells mo that theio nio a number ot lakes In noino of these townships that ho pai- tially biirveycd at pilvate expense to bct- tlcis , that homo ot them are a mile long and full of fish ; that he can find no coiner on the Inside ot these townships , nor weio any ever established. In older to inn section lines ho has Invariably to go to the exterior lines , where sometimes ho can find a corner. Now it seems clear that the paitywhowas paid heie for making the government survey never was near these townships , or else these largo lakes would bo mentioned In the Held notes , as tliu law icquhcs. These arc only single instances ; we hear of numbers , as 1 said , almost dally. Vou can icadlly see that It would bo almost impossible to get these men who have shared In the public plunder to como forward and voluntarily swear their partners Into tlio penltcntlaiy. It requires that some legal authority be biought to bear on them to make them tcstlfv. Can this bo done ? When a icpubllcan clerk and inaislial select a jury , a lepiibllcan district attorney Is topioscculo thcsu men. I think it the govei nmuut would send out hciu an honest Inspector to look up these sin vey Ing frauds one who Is true blue we can put him on tlio track of tiauds com mitted by these men. Then let tliu govein mcnt piocccd against these deputies and their bondsmen foi non-performance of con tract in civil action , or criminally lor consplacy ; to defraud tlio gov einmcnt , or both. This will com pel , 1 think , those associates , and possibly the minclpals , to make a clean breast of the whole. m.Utei. You will bcothe necessity ol hav ing democrats appointed for marshal anil dlstii'-t attorney as soon ab posblble , and I hope that the president may soon give us honest , unprejudiced , uild capable men toi these positions. This ofhce , as yon well know , has f mulshed the corruption funds for vcaistotho lepiibllcan ling in this state. Wo have dclcated thoschemoof their turning this otlico over to ono of their democratic tools , andlhopcithotimo Is near by when we .shall bo able to piovo on them their rascality nnd place them befoio the public in their tiuo light. Yonis respectfully. C. P. W. II Gen. Hlmlop'H Case. Niw : YORK , Jan. 28. The Juiy In the couit of ojcr nnd termlner , befoio whlcl Gen. Alexander Shaler has been on trial for bilbeiy dining the past tvvo days , came ii this moi ning after being locked ( dl night In the jury loom. The juiy came In nt 11:2-1 : The loiemnn announced the jury had found 11 impossible to agice. Jmlgo Uanett son the juiy back to consider the case still fur ther. ther.Tho The Juiy In the Shaler brlbciy case came into comt afjuin at : . ' )0 and announced tha they weio still unahlo to agree. They weio dlschaigcd. II Is said they stood ten lor cou victlon and two tor acquittal. A Shower of Dust In Texas. AusriN , Texas , Jan. 23 Tuesday alter noon , tovvaids 4 o'clock , liom out of a clear sky a shower of veiy line dust began tailing. There w as no w hid at the tlmo. The 'shovvei increased tovvaids night and coiitinucc tlnough half the night. The dint had a pc culini oiled on the lungs and throat , causing irritation and hoarseness. A similar phe nomenon was witnessed huio eight ycais ago. An CHICAGO , Jan , 2S. A teleginm was re ceived this nttcinoon liom the clcik of th siipicmo couit , saying the court had declaiec tiui habitual cilmlnal net constitutional. A > ear ngo Joseph Kelly was convicted o bmglaiyln thociimlnal couit. Ho was in dieted uudcrjho habitual cilmlnal act. Tin jury was charged'to give him the lull c\tcn ot the penalty fomteen > cais as ho seivei a tcim pieviously tor lobbeiy. Kelly's at torney appealed on the ground that the pun Ishmeut was excessive. The higher com iiilcs it was not , and also declares the ac constitutional. Weather tor To-Day. Missoi'iu VAM.KI * Fair weatfler ; slowly Using temperature In noithern poitlon slightly colder weather in southern poitlon followed by slowlyilslng temperature _ winds becoming vailable , pieceded In touth eiu poition by northerly 'winds , An Opera llouso Uimied. Nia.i.v , I'a. , Jan. Si The- opera house block , valued at S185.000 , was entiiely con sumcd this inoiulng. Insurance , on build I iijr , sa.sooo. Ten Minis In the building htu I their stock destroyed. Loss not obtainable IT OOCHT TO SATISFY'BOTH , Senator Sherman Explains His Silver Bill Introduced Yesterday. T SUSPENDS SILVER COINAGE. V Flooil of Tjnbor Petitions to Or- ( tanizo Indian Territory Pros- pcetH of Sioux City's 1'unlio UulhlhiR Gleanings Senator Sherman's Silver mil. WASin.Nmox , Jan , 2t > . [ Special Tele- ram. J Senator John Shcrnian was seen to- light by j our coi respondent , and asked to ' \plaln the object ot Ilio bill Intiodiiced In 1m senate by him to-day. The senator re- Mlcd : "Its provisions arc simple. First , .ho suspension ot the coinage ; second , the ssuo of coin ceitlllc.itcs on silver bullion ; and last , tlm Issue of similar ccitlllcates upon ; old or silver coin , or gold bullion deposited with tlio trcasuier ns security. The bill niitlioil/c.s thopuiclmso of from tvvo to four nllliou tiay ounces of sliver bullion each month Instead of the puichaso of so many lollais woitli as now provided by law. By fixing the Htandaul of puichaso at ounces. I belicvo : i meic staple iiirangcmcnt Is made. " "Do you think jour bill will iccchotho iiippoit of the silver men , sciiatoiV'1 " 1 have mndo no effort to a ceitaln how the ) I1I w 111 bo received by any one. Ills a sub ject which needs a gicat deal of study. I "iavo thought over this bill for about a year.1 "Is It not in the natuic of a compromise ncasuro ? " "It ought to satisfy tlio silver men because t piovldes for the puichaso of ns much silver is is piovldcd by law now , and I sco no lea- son why itshbuld not satisfy the gold men , as it suspends the coinage of sliver. " "What Is to become of the silver bullion ? " "That will have to bo piovldeufor in the futuic. It the bill becomes a law , It will bo icld to secure the coin ceitllicatcs. " "You make no piovislon lor tlio ultimate coinage of this bullion in the bill ? " 'No ; that can bo attended to In the ftituio. " "Why Is It , Senator , that you do not make the coin ccrtllieates full legal teiidei'.1' ' "Tho bill makes them iccelv.iblo for taxes and customs duos. I do not know that we could make them lull legal tenders , and 1 loubt the piopiloty of attempting to do bo in .lines of pe.icp. " 1'irriTio.vs I'noji run i.Aiiomxn rr.Assr.s. Labor organisations aio Hooding congiess- mon from the west , 1101 ( Invest and south west with petitions , asking their active coop eration in seeming the passage of a bill to oigaiilzo a teriltoiial foi in of goveinmcnt over Indian tenitory , in opening all public nnd unoccupied lands In that tenitory to set tlement under the homestead laws , the allot ment ol lands in sevcialty to the Indians upon their present reservations , and the pur chase of tlio surplus of the lands of the icser- vatious by the United States and opening them to settlement , to the end that speculat- ois shall cease their contiol and occupancy of the lands , that no injustice bo done to tlio Indians , and that the laborer , the mechanic and the homeless may at once sccuie homes. A number ot these petitions , fiom Knights of Labor oiganizntions , wore to-day icceived by tlio Nebiaska , Minnesota and Iowa delega tions and intiodiiced in the house. BIOUX CITY'S pum.ic MUIMMMJ. To-day the bill appiopiiatlng 5100,000 for the pincliase of a site and the construction of a public building ( it Sioux City was reported favorably and without amendment to tlio senate from the committee on public buildings and giouuds. It Is believed tlio bill will bo passed within a fortnight. IJepiesentativo Stiublo is picpnrlng to address the house committee on public buildings aud grounds in support of his bill of like character and now befoio that committee. Ho will .submit his argument ns soon as ho hears from the postoHlce department In loply to a request tor statistics relative to postal matters at Sioux City. Mr. Strnble Is confident the bill will be passed and hopes to have a icpoit from the house committee by the tlmo the senate bill Is adopted , so the lattei may bo called up fiom the speaker's table and passed without taklnz tlio usual course of the cal endar , which would consiimo too much time. Ho would like a laigcr appropriation than 5100,000 , but If ho weio to ask it ho might bo defeated altogether. I'URSONAI , AND The distillers In all paits of tha countiy aio bombarding the committed on ways and means , asking delay in action on the bill taxing liactlonal paits of gallons of sphlts In packages. The mcmbeis ot the committee sav , however , that nothing fuither can bo done. In the committee , as the matter is now in the house. The Indications are that the bill will bu very piomptly passed In spltoof any protc > ts. The rumor that Public I'i inter Hounds is to resign at once is icviviul by tlio picscnco heio ot ox-Coimressmaii Itogcis of Now i'ork , who is understood to bo the picsldont's choice as his successor. The labor committee of the house Is inging Hound's irmoval. Sccietaiy Bayaid has sent n conimiinlca tlon to congiOAS in icfeiciico to olcomai gaiino , arguing In its favor.-und saying It will piovo a valuable aitlelo ot p.\poit a soon as the laboi Ing classes abroad become awaio of Its real qualities. William V. Halm was to-day commissioned postmaster nt Lovvden ( Iowa ) , and William llouck at Burr Oak. A'postoflico 1ms been established at Ureen , Custcr county , ( Neb ) and Kachel A. ( liecn appointed postmaster. Senntoi Van Wyek was at the white house for bomo tlmo to day in consultation with the president. WORK orHIE WASHINGTON , Jan. 28. fl'jcss.l The bunking nnd em rcucy committee of the house. to-day gnvo a healing to Messis. 1'aul Bowen - on , Lee Cinudall and others , icpiesentlni : the Knights ot Labor , in advocacy ot the bill proposed to bo Introduced in the house by Uitpicbcntatlve. Biumm , known ns the KnightbOf Labor cuuoncy bill , The bill as drafted piovide.s that any peison may deposit - posit gold or silver in the tm.isuiy and 10- cuivo tlieieloio leval tender United States notes at tlio rate of one dollar.fl'.S inalns of silver or 35.U grains ot gold. All United States notes aio to bo conveitiblo into coiner or bullion at the holders option. No mom old or bilver certificates or national § auk notes mo to bo Issued , but they aio to bo leplaced with United States notes , The house committee on public hinds held nn extended session nflni tlio adjournment of the house to-day , nnd finally ngioed upon U bill dechulng forfeited nil lands within the giant to tlio Atlantic & I'aclllc i ail way lying opposite the uncoiibtructed portions ot tlio ndlioad. Chairman Cobb was Instiucted to icpoit the bill back to the houto committee ns agieed to. A favorable lepoit was made on Mcliae's bill to p'otect settlers within railway limits. AlIKS EXPLAINS. In icply to various queMidns In icspcct to the ruling of the general land olllce , Commis sioner SpaiKs bus made public n letter In which ho bays : "My decision holding that a person who has made and perfected u pie- emption cutty cuunut afterwards commute a homestead , since that would bo equivalent to tvvopro-emptlona , is not expected , should it bo atlinned , ( It is now on appeal ) to cited cases finally settled under picvlous iiilings. Conveyance alter final entiy nnd befoio patent , am held to bo lepl and allowable ns between parties , but their cftcct as to claim against the Unitrd States depends upon the validity of the entiy. The only questions before this olllco in auv case nro whether entry was innde in good faith by n qualified party , ami it 'the ' law has been com plied with. " SINATK : nn.r ; * REPOIITII : ) . Mr. Mahonc , from thhcommittee on public buildings and grounds , icportcd fnvornbly bills appropriating thoToilovv Ing named sums for the eiectIon oL iniblio buildings : 1'ort- land , fUre.1. SliW.OOO ; Oshkosh , ( WIs. ) , 8100,000 : Vleksmng , ( Mis < . ) , § 100,001) ; Sioux City , ( lovva ) , § 100,000 ; and 1'ucblo , ( Col. ) , 8100,000. CAPITAL CII.IIAMNOS. The cabinet meeting to-day lasted about two hours , and was devoted almost entirely to the ( UscusMon of the question arising out of the recent Indian outbreaks in New Mciico. L-jttors were formulated In answer to the lequests of the bcnnto touching on the changes in the oflico of United States mar shal for the southern district of Alabama and In the office of collector of Internal revenue for the district of South Caiollna. The ex act language of the letters cannot bo Icauird , but It is known that they Inform the senate that It Is not deemed ndvlsabio to comply with the requests In their present foi in. it is undeistood that It Is the dcslro ot the nd- mlnlstiatlon to foico the senate to state Its position on tills question ? o that the matter may bobioui'ht to nn Issue and settled as soon as possible. A TUSSLH FOR BIjOOD. Sensational Mntoli Between tliu lap nnd Lewis. CHICAOO , Jan. 23. An exciting contest- , with Incidents bordeilng on tlio sensational , was witnessed to-nlglit by a largo audience at Cential Music Hall , In a wiestllng match between Mntsada Soraklchi , the Japanese athlete , and Kvnn Lewis of Madison OVis. ) The teims weio S230 a side and T.'i per cent of the gate receipts , best three In live falls , catch as catch can. Sorakichl was hardly a match for Lewis in point of strength , but as to quickness and ability there could ho no choice , aud in skill the Jap was a trlllo supplier. The Hist fall was won by Lewis In exactly two minutes nud a hplf. With a rush Lewis bccuicd a hold on his opponents legs and lifting him high In thoalrtliiowhiiiibqiiaicly on his back. In the second bout Lewis cot a tonlfie neck hold on the .Jap , nnd was choking him with a death like grip when the referee interfered , moment Inter Soiakichl , with a sudden leik. pitched Lewis head loiemostoffthe . . stage. The Jap piofusely apologized nnd Lewis and ho shook hands. Acaln tlio wrestleis giaspcd each others should ers. Quick as flash the form of Soraklchi went straight over the footlights and spiavvllng below on the reporters chahs. The iclercn without hesitation declared this action on the pait of Lewis wilful , and gave a tall to Koinklchi. Both wicstteis rush at each other wickedly , and In the third Lewis lost no time in getting his ' favorite neck hold and picssed the Jap's neck till ho was too leebltt1 to resist. Soraklchi at once declined to wrestle the lemaining bouts , declaiing tliu choking process unfair. Lewis otfeied to leave It out. Tlio Jap feared to trust the Wisconsin man nnd llrmly refused to pioceed. At 0:45 : p. m. Lew Is was declared the vlctoiv A SPOILS ! INSTITUTION. Cook County's Hospital Governed by Political Favorites. ) , 111. , Jan. 'JS. The state boaul of public charities in session to-day at Jacksonville , adopted a ( lengthy report ro- gaidlng their latcMiivesttgntuHi of the insane asylum of Cook cdnuy. { Tlieir deductions on the facts elicited ftpm the testimony nt the tlmo are brlet. freaking oC the manage ment of the establishment , the rejioit says : It was shown that political considerations very laigcly govern the election of olllccis by thoboaicl. and to a less extent the appoint ment of employes by the oillcoi.s ; theio is much Insubordination on the pait of em ployes : the discipline Is lax : supplies when needed cannot be immediately or easily pro cured , and the pationtt sutler various incon veniences in consequence. Not many case ? of positive abuse weio brought to our notice , though the attendants were sometimes very rough. It is suggested as a icmcdy for the existing abuses , that tlio county boaid give the com- mlttco on public charities contiol of the funds. Tlio committee should have power to make iidcs and lesulatlons for the govern- innnt ot the Institution , to appoint a single executive head who should bo u medical man , and to audit his accounts and repoit upon Ills oflicial conduct as superintendent. All ex ecutive power should bo vested In the supor- Intnndcnt , who should be required to appoint and discharge eveiy sttboidinato otllccr and employe , to make all needed puichases at his own discietlon , and to administer the affairs of the institution. The Now York Sub-Treasury. WASHINGTON , Jan. { 23. Tieasuicr Jordan leturncd to Washington this mom ing , Jor dan says Canda , the new assistant ticasmer of Mow York , was hwoin in last night and took formal possession of the olllce. The count of moneys and secuiitlcs began at once and will bo pushed to completion. It will take about tlneo weeks to complete the count. Amonc the bills Intiodiiced In the senate to-day was one by Shcimaii to discontinue the coinage of the silver dollar and piovido lor the puichaso ot bilver bullion In bai.s , not less than tvvo million ounces nor moio than four million ounces per month , nt the maikct pi Ice , and tor the Issue In payment theicot of coin ccitiflcatcs of not le-s denomination than S10 each. The bullion to icmaln In the tieasiny as .security tor the payment ot the cei tlficates. The Spirit of Coui.vinu.s Jan. 23. The conference com mittee on tlio part of 'icpublican and demo cratic f-enatois will meet at 10.TO : to continue their woik. A mutual undeibtanding has bcon airlvcd at that the joint senate will adjourn at 10 o'clock to give the coinmitteo tuithcr time. Ail is quiet , and thespiiitot compromKo Is iippcimo- t. The senate conference pominltteo to nr- rangoii eompiomlho bash had agreed upon no single point no to Lp. m. It Is not prob able that they will have mi } thing to icnortto the senate to-moiiow moinlng. Tiinio is now talk that tlio senate will to-moirow moinlng adjoin n over to Monday nud give the com mittee lull timu' for consideration. Congressman' Ilatikin'ii Funeral. Jan. 23. Immediately upon arilving here , ut'O o'clock last evening. the lemalns of" Congressman Itaiikln were taken to tlio Episcopal church , escorted by the congressional nnd , local delegations. The f uncial services , \yilph | were conducted by Hov. II , T. Bray , werii hold nt the church at lJo ( : ; ; this morning' , bpeclal tiaiiis biought hundreds of people from various quarteis of the state , and the attendance was so largo fiom Kankin's congressional ulsti let It was Impossible for lat corners to get within a block of the church ; The head ot the luncial procession had rearhoH the cometoiy , two miles fiom the church , before the foimntlon nt the chinch had bccu omplctcd. * A Long-Windcd Knit Settled. SAX FRANCISCO , Jan. S3. The state supreme court rendered a decision to-day in favor of the plaintiff in tlio ca&c of the city and county of San J'raucisco against Hal- laday. The action involved the title to Lafajctte bquaio , nnd also indiicctly tlio tltlo ton vast amount of proj > erty claimed by the city under tlm Pueblo grant. The entire value of the property widen by this decision will revert to tlio city is about 81,000.000. The case lias been In ( ho court almoit alnco San Kiunciscp became a city , A Terrible Kentucky Tragedy. LOUISVII.LI : , Jan. 23. A Courier Journal special says mcagio details of u tiiplo tragedy In Letchcr county ( Ky. ) , were re cclveil at Frankfort tolay. . Win. Wright , an old man , and V. Wright , his son , and Win. Wiight , coloied. weio killed by James , Samuel and Klljah Wright on Wednesday night. The muideiers have Lmi uuested , nnd the tiinl set tor Friday. DOING THE TIME UP BROWS , A Field Day in the Iowa Senate Over the AuclitOHhip Investigation. FACTION FRACAS OF HOT WORDS. Tlio Democrats Demand Provision for IlcprcRcntutton on the Commit tee nnd Succeed In Sconrlne Thrlr Covctcil Desire. The MOINKS , lown , Jan. 28. ( Special Telegram.J To-tiny was a Held day with the Urovvn matter In the senate. It had been sot for n special older at 3 p. m. , aud al that time Senator Johnson ( dem. ) called up his icsolution asking for a commlltoo of two from the senate nud three from Ilio hou e to Investigate on the Hues ol his resolution already printed. Ho stated that ho had drawn his icsolution of his own accord , nnd without consultation with his colleagues , but because ho believed the giavechaiges made through the public pi hits against Auditor Brown demanded an Investigation. Senator Woolson , who had been chosen by the republican caucus to look alter the matter for llmt Bldo of the house , said that ho was qttlto ns willing to have nn Investigation , hut > ho would go fuithcr than the democrats who for Inteicsted purposes pioposcd only n partial Inquiry , nud ho and his colleagues wnnted a. full ami complete Investigation pf nil the questions Involved In the In own controversy , lint ho could not consent lo hnvo the senate go on record as npptov ing all that was contained In Johnson's resolution. It contained unwairantcd rcllcctlons on slate officers , and made unsuppoilnd charges acalnst the executive , so ho would offer as a substitute a icsolution of larger scope nnd fairer Held. , Ho thereupon had read a substitute reciting bilelly the several Impoitant acts in the his tory I of Biown's removal and restoration , nnd I providing for n joint committee of three from i each house to sit as nn investigating committee , with full power to summon wit nesses and evomlno all Ilio books and papers Involved In the contioversy. This was opposed by Johnson , wlio tiled lo have Ilio icsolution go over and bo made the special order Monday afternoon. This was generally resisted by Ilio republicans , who urgca a : : Immediate consideration of tlio subject. Johnson said Ihal as Woolson's icsolullon did not state that dcmociats woic to be appointed to the committee , it sug gested that they weio liying to get up a whitewashing scheme , as had been intimated to him would be done. This brought Young ( icp. ) of Cass county to his feet , who made a splilted re ply , saying thai the senate was not in ses sion for the purpose of making political capi tal for anybody , and he challenged the democrat - crat to point to an instance where the ic- publican pnity of Iowa had ever sought to , whitewash any ofllcial or official acts. Ho was ready and willing to have the axe fall wherever justice demanded it should. Ho said ho was gieatly surptlsed to hear the mi nority pleading-tor mOio llmo in which to postttiemselyes.on this Brown matter , wjien befoio election they claimed to know nil there was about It , and ho himself had heard a distinguished democratic speaker devote the whole of his speech to the discussion ol those subjects during the campaign. Woolson then challenged the dcmociats of the senate to name an Instance wheie the mlnoiity , however small , had not been lepie- sentedou eveiy committee of the kind pro posed. The venerable senator , Cnsoy ( dem. ) , frori Leo county , got the floor and astonished his party associates by declailng that ho was op posed to any investigation whatever , Ho doubted tlio power of the senate to inqulic into the executive acts ol a coordinate blanch of the government , and did not think such a pioceedlng was either democratic or consti tutional. If ho weio goveinor , and n legisla tive committee should come to Inquire how ho had been conducting his otlicc , he said he should pay no attention to them. Ho did not think Ihal Ilio senate ought to constitute ! Itself an Inquisitorial body when It might be called upon to sit as a judicial body In ease of Impeachment. Johnson's motion to deter consideration was then lost , and the contest was icsuiucd on thooilglnal icsolntion. Senator iiolton ( dem. ) fiom Ilaulson county made a long speech , in which ho de clared that either Hiovvn , Shcimnn or Lai- rabcc had done something dicadfnl , and needed to be investigated , but ho wasn't pio- paied to say which II was , so ho wanted a ueneud investigation. Ho insisted tint the democrats ought lo bo ox-pi essly Included In tlio committee to Investigate , and so moved an amendment that thcio should ho at least ono domociatlc senator and one dcmociatic icp- icscntatlvo on the joint committee. This called out a lively debate , Woolsou saying that he intended and expected that the democials would have icpicsentatlvcs in Ilio Joint committee , but ho would not coifSenl that this Investigation should bo inadonpat- tlsaii matter. Ho Insisted that they should undeitako It , not ns icpubllcans or demo- ciats , bill as leprcsentatlvcs ot the state of Iowa , swoin to do their duty lalilyand Im partially. Tlio loll was called , showing 23 yeas and 23 noes , whcienpon the chnh voted with tlio ulllrniatlve , dcclaiing the amendment adopted. Then the debito wns resumed on the old lines , Senator Sulton opposing nny investi gation asincompetonl and beyond the power ofthosenntc , as the question Involved was simply n matter of judgment bolweeii tvvo goveuiors , both of whom piolubly acted fiom slnceio motives. Senator Knight ( dem. ) also opposed the In vestlgntlon , claiming that If anybody wns aggilovcd at the turn matins had taken , they had an ample and speedy lomcdy In the courts , nnd the senate should not stop Its woik to mix In any personal qunurls. Soycial unsuccessful attempts were made to lay tlio whole matter upon the table , and ufter wrangling over It for neatly tlneo houis , the senate adjouined , leaving It just where they found it , having accomplished nothing. The hoiibO wasinoieexpeditious , for theio the same substitute was Intiodiiced ns in the senate , bill after a little di-bato it passed by a vote of ttt to 10. The trouble in the senate seemed to bo that the icpubllcans did not hold together well and stand by their paity can cus. If they had they could have put their measiuo through at once. Kovv they will have to light It all over to-moiiovv or some subsequent time. Foul Play Suspected ST. Louis , Jan. iW. Johnston Mbnlson , a wealthy and well known contractor doing business at C13 Chestnut sheet , Is reported to the police as having disappeaied on Jan uary 25th , aud since has not been located by filends. Al the tlmo of his disappearance ho was supposed to have a largo amount of money on his peison and It is feaicd ho met with loul play. Great bargains in books nt N , B. Fal oncr'd Friday anil Sntuiday. i jM& ii THE TI jiijs rnoi KUTVi Surprising I'rocccdtugg In tlio Storey Will Contest. CHICAOO , Jnn. 2S. [ Special Tolegram.J There was no abatement of the Interest In the progicss of the Storey will case , which resulted at tlio close of the day's testimony In n surprise , the attorney for Mrs. Farrand , a sister of the deceased editor , and who had iskcdfortho appeal from the probnto court , asking to have the appeal dismissed on the question oC Insanity , which has been urged as the reason why the will of 18S1 should not jo probated. The nttoineys for Mis. Stoioy : o-dny ottered the testimony of Hon. Kllhu U. Washout n , Dr. Mo as Omni , J. II. Me- Vlcker , II. K. Sargent , Hon. James 11. Uoo- Ittlc , Elmer Wnshbmnc. Dr. Alcvnudor Joel ; , who lu addition to Judge Lucius U. Otis and Caller II. llniilson , who eslificd yostcitlay , nil joined In declaring that Mr. Storey was of sound mind nnd iicmoiy during ISbO nud 1831. This was teemed a veiy strong showing as nealnst .ho testimony of tluee vvltnoscs of the will , whom It had been charged were Inteicslcd icrsons , when the nltoinoy for Mrs. Fairaiid noved to dismiss the apical. Ho said ho md Informed his client that he was now con vinced thai the will could not bo probated. Judge Triunbull This action Is not en tirely n surpilso to us , your honor. The Couit Well , I must say It is to me. 1 cveiy day dismiss appeals. Mr. lleiilck Wo would like to bo heard mil produce authoilty on tills point. The Couit 11 looks to mo at this tlmo as hough the appellant has a right to dismiss he appeal. U is a novel and now ( jucstton lo me , and t would like toliear aigumont on [ ho subject. 1 will give you until to-motiow nornlng , gentlemen , to look the matter up. Judge Trinnhull Wo heard something nt : he stall of this case fiom the other bide about thimble rigging. Wo are now pic- paied toaiguc this ipiestlou , being prepared hrough our 1'oie thought to do so. Fiom the beginning It has been urged by- Mrs. Sloioy's counsel that Mis. F.uiand'H attorney is irally acting in tlio inteicst of Mr. CJotidy's clients , and that ho cauio Into the case In the disguise of a pioponctit of the will solely for their advantage. The very positive evidence of Mr. Storey's sanity ; iven by the gentlemen who occupied the stand , it Is mged , was not of a kind to dis courage any ono who wished the will pro- jatcd. It would be almost Impossible to re fuse probate without piovlng them unwoitliy of belief. PRO.U OTUKR UAN'US. The Iron Prince Spouks In u llcnmrk- nblo Manner. y , Jan. US. In the landstag to day Pi ince Bismarck made a icinaikable speech , wlieicin hocharactcilzed the Poles as dis loyal to the German crown , and said the Polish agitation In ( Germany always ap pealed to him an element of danger and had compelled him to keep a watch on llussia. "Hence. " continued tlio chancellor , "wo have determined to buy out all the real estate owned bv Polish natives In Piusslan-l'oland , and place Oeiman colonists on the piopcity hitlieilo occupied by the expelled people. In order to make the colonization iuuio peima- nontly to the benefit of tlio cmplie. the colonists nists will bo piohlbited from nun vlng Poles. The cost of tho'undeitaklng will bo about tlneo hundiod. million maik < ( S75.000,000) ) , but the state vyllLonJ ; IOSB about ten per centage of tins loss , made' ncccssaiy by the oxiglenclos of tlm case by buying out an alien class , and leseJlliig to tha. ( ici mans , while the gain to the I'lnpiui will be Immeasurable. " Tin ) chuncellor's speach was thupiincipal topic of conversation to-night. The Ministerial Muddle. Jan. 28. The queen has sum moned the Marquis of Sallsbiuy to confer with her ut Osborn. Ho will dlno with her majesty this evening nnd be her guest till to- niouow , whoa ho will letitrn to London. The Evening Xows snyd ithasauthoiity for stating that Lord Salisbury has advised the queen to summon Loul Haitington to lorm a cabinet. LONDON , Jnn. S3. It is icportcd In the lobby ot the house of commons this evening that the queen Is sounding Loul Hartlngton as to his willingness to undeitako the taskot forming a coalition ministry. The Standard this mornlne says the queen will unquestionably summon Gladstone to foi m a cabinet. _ The Greeted Itnuk Down. PAIIIS , Jni ) . 26. A tclcgiam received this afteinoon from Athens states the Uiuck cabinet has suddenly clianged. Despatches add that ycsteiday evening Hellenic minis-- teis Issued a decluiatlon that "Ureeco would comply with the wishes ol ISuiope. " "ViuxvA , Jan. 23. The Political Cones- poiulcnce says a Kuiopean flout will assemble in Sunda Hay. Ciete , to-moiiow or Suluiday. numbeilng about twenty men ot war , and tlio commnndeis have icceived tlio icqiilslto instinctloiis lor their guldaiico , LONDON , Jan. US. A dispatch fiom Beilin says the Ciicek minlstiy has ic.signcd. The Great Canal Dltiscr. LONDON , Jan. as. The Do Lcs = > eps party includes the unusual adjunct of a doctor. When leaving Pails , Do Lc.sscps t > ald : "I will bo luck in sixty days. I cannot die bclore. opening the canal. " A iaigo con- coin so witnessed the distinguished engineers dcpatturc. There was much enthusiasm , tlio ciovvd clipciingnnd shouting , "Vive Do Los- sops. " The party will at Southamp ton to-dny. Tui'Icoy and LONDON , Jan. ! i& Tlio Times con cspond- cnt at Constantinople , In a dispatch con- cuinltii ; the Ilio undcistaiidlng nulved nt bo- tvveen Tmkey nnd Itnlgniia , sajs : The Poito v111 bestow upon I'lincu Alexander the tltlo of miishli nnd govcunor general ot Knstoin Hotnnclla. The iiimorls cuiient heio that a sklimish between ( iieeks and Turks has taken place at Glnsseva , the liontlcr of Kpiius , _ TJSftUGllAIMI NOTKS. St. Paul nnd Kllundalc ( Dak. ) icpoit severe cold weather. A Hiodamaia'd the Albany ( X. V. ) Uievv- Ing company's malt house tii' , At the und of last night's play the bllllnid match stood Schacfcr l.WO , Vigiinux 1,75J. No\vbiuyiioit ( Jlus.s. ) was visited by n severe sleet ttoi m , causing gieat destitution to tiees and slnubbeiy. Mr. IJnin'H Xevv Gato. The olllco ofV. \ . II. Jjiuns , clerk of the district court , is divided into two parts by u counter which extends from Ilio easl to tlio western wall. To got into his the clerk has to walk from ono side to the end of the room to roach an open ing , unless hit should like to jump the counter , which hodocnii'l. The county commissioners are about to socnro Mr , Coots' borvices to cut another gate in the middle of llio barrier. Despite Vurmonl's stringent lish pro tective laws , some scalawag depopulated ono of her lakes the other day by explod ing a quantity of dynainito underneath tlio ice. Every fish apparently was killed. The most valuable iiostngo stamp known to collector is said to bo one issued by the postmaster of Itattlcboro , Vt. , in 1817 , which wqs1 suppressed iiftor a fovv weeks. A spuonncn is now worth six or eight numbed dollars' . Accordingly tho.1'iogrca Medical , a method of treating rabies by inoculation was discussed in n Leipslo medical journal as long ago as Itill ) , and tint doc tor recommending it was stated to bo Constantine liuriug of Philadelphia. A VAST CORRUPTION FUND , Republicans ShonlJ Go Slow in Aiding Schemes to Replenish It. A NAVAL REBUILDING STEAL , Meagre Chniico for the llcpenl of thri Iiliiiltntloii of Arrearages Mill The Crowd nt the Capital The Telephone Suit. Folly toAsslAf the Scheme. WASIII.NOTO.V , Jan. 23. [ Special. ] Many republicans here , whllo forecasting the fu- tttie , arc dtcldedly of the opinion that the republicans In cougicss should no slow In committing themselves to the scheme of the administration for appioprlatlng vast sums lor sea-coast defences , for rebuilding the navy , and for f mulshing vast stoics of heavy' i Hied oidnniiccs foi It Is believed that , judg ing from the past , these appropriations will foi m a vast cm motion fund for paityuscs/ nnd tills too , whether the money Is expended' tlnough private contiacts , or through the national navy yards. IfcoutiacNaroIet , * ihocontiactois will bo heavily assessed for"11 the use of the national tioasm v ot the dcino- : ratle patty , etc. , contractors being lecoupcd by being allowed latirosums In the way oC . "eqtias. " It the work Is done In the navy yards , these places will become what they1" ' were twenty-live and thirty ycais ago , demo- , ciatlc clubs In disguise , dojulnatliig by force nndfinudtho districts , If not the states , In which they are located. Thercfoio the moro judicious icpubllcans hcie think republican senators niuirepiosentatlvos should go very ; low In placing in the hands of the men now u power vast sums of money , i goodly percentage of which will bo used In debauching our elections after the Ohio and South Caiollna plan , anil thwaitlng the ical will of the people. 1C some means could bo devised whcicby the ichnbllttallon of our navy could bo secured under noii-paitlsan supervision , then it would bo well enough to enter upon the woik nt once. But with the Ohio oxnmplo staring In the face It would bo folly for iemibllcans _ to put a knlfo into the hands oC ; hcir foes with which to cut their own tluoats. And they will not do it If their votes icflect the will of their icpubllcan constituent' ! . MIAGRI : : rnAxcr. ron ITS itinAi. . It Is not thought piobabloby those who luivc watched the sentiment In congress closely during the past few days that the pioposltlon to repeal the limitation of ar- icaiagosof pensions can become a law not even the bill extending the limitation to January 1,1SSS , which would bo for a period < of not moro than eighteen months. While/ ' all lecognUo the jusllco of paying ariearagcs and acknowledge thai If It is right to pay a pension at all , it is right to pay it during all of the time theio was disability , the proposi tion to allow ancarages opens up too broad an cxpcndituio when It Is the Intention to icbulld the navy at a cost of. fiom S-t ,000,000 lo SCO.000,000. nud- ' make vaiious other Improvements wjiich , i must cut a laigo hole in the bottom ol the I treasury. The baino objection Is now offered to a universal pension bill-that is , n bill , - | pensioning all honorably discharged injloii soldicis and sailois. For years the people have/been / howling for a dlstilbutlon of the suiplus In the trcasuiy. Then , It boems , it' did not occur to conmcas to make the iIs- ] , . : tiibutlon to these who fought to prcseivc tfio J j union , and make this iircroaeo. .Now it i ' comes , it appeals , a 11 ttlolate. Other schemes lor expending the surplus have been turrced ] upon. - PACKED FUI.T. OF rrori.i : . ' j Thcic has not been so largo a ciovvd hero i as now since thoconsidciatlon o'f the taiiffi 3 bill in the lir-i session of tlio Forty-seventh congiess four years ago. Washington la \ packed full of peopla. Most of them are vlsitois. Dining the past fortnight there have been n number of conventions in bcs- ' hion , which liavo contributed largely to the ciovvd , but thcio ibn constant singing , swell ing mass that ovei flows the hotels and lijls , { the boaidlng houses. Just at this time there | Is veiv little to attract attention befoio con-1 giess. The debate : ; aie as tunicas the ses sions me biief. No measures aie pending to excite interested ciovvds , so that those who como must coino for pleasure , , not business. In piovious coiigiebC8 there' have been many measmcs afTecting tlio busi ness intoiests of the countiy , and men have Hocked heic to woik lor the passage or defeat I ; ot those measuios. It Is not likely that there * will bo any clamor on any nccount liom the ' outside woild In this congiess. Kvcn th6 ; jnepaiatlon of the liver and haibor hill , which Is of gioat intciest and usually attinets hiiiuliedsniid ellen thousands ol people , 1ms failed to i-Milto the slightest Inteiest. I.A5IAK A.VII OAlil.A.NM ) . The moio Secietaiy l/imar's action in ic- gaidto the Bell telephone cases is looked into the duiker does It bcum to tin ; general public. Attorney ( iuneial ( iailand , with Ills 51,500,000 , will ol course , when the cases leacli the United Stales com ts , do all In his powerlow.ud .seeming a voidlct will give substantial value to his blocks. Taking the raso nlton'etliei , it Is now looked upon as ono of tliu most Infamous that has como to the suilaco hem formally jears. Captain CranToid'n Murder. SAN KitAXf i-co , Jan. 2 . Major ( iencral Pope Htnte.s to-day that ho felt rcil.iln the Mexicans who attacked Captain Ci.uvford woui not legulai tioops. but icnegades who took the Ameiicnns lor liostile- > and attacked them In hopool ohtnlnlnir Ilio scalp iiionoy ( illeicd by tlio state ol Honuia tor UK : hos- tiles. A Card. The statement of Mr. Pn'lssinan vvltli to the "Jiito iinjlpisantiii\-s | : , " was based on the otlbrtH of his imagination , I did not tuko the goods from fhcMifo before - fore showiny my authority. I did not liven draw rovolvur ; but 1 did "ct what I was after , and "llioro's tlio rub. " .Mr. 1'niibsiiiiin may yet luarn that the only crinui that was committed was in rc.sisf- in an olliccr in the iioiionnanco ot his diiiy. _ _ _ J. J ) . Uusim I'otillonliiK for I'nrtltion. lloracii S. , Ili'lon , Mary S , anil Grorgo F. Nownian , minors , by their uanliui : , Horaeo U. Newman , tiled u petition in the district court yesterday asMn that the children of J'olor Forbes , deceased , bo compelled to puitition his real pstatc , giving to each plaintifV ono-twcntiuth u lliolr slmro of tliu prrtpurty. 1'orhi" ) dii'd in 187 , without leaving a will , and the property has never buou divided. A ftelit oopuiTod in a farmyard at S Inn- ley , ii. , inlay or tvvo aye between a inarit and a bull do . The mnro finally killed the c.intno by falling on it , but Had to bo killed lieisi'll afterward on account of the injurifj she had received during VjJ the encounter. A Hud Canon ( C'al. ) prospector gsith- crcd rabbit moat unotigh during the Jale storm todo him till Juno. Jlo cut down a lot of trocs , painted tliu ends bincK , ami the rabbits butted their bruins out iry.njc to jiiini ) into what they took lor liulca , Ho ol 110 tlm litst ni-U. , jMiWV